Jacques Camatte
The KAPD and the Proletarian Movement – Jacques Camatte 1987 Preface By republishing texts from Invariance, Series II, No. 1, on the KAPD and the proletarian movement, and from Series I, Nos. 7 and 8 on other topics, we do not only intend to serve an immediate purpose, by making them available to interested readers, but a more far- reaching one: it is our purpose to make these texts serve as a means of bringing our understanding of the question of the long revolutionary process up to date, a task that we shall undertake in the future. The year 1989 will mark the bicentennial of the French Revolution, as well as the centennial of the birth of such persons as Bordiga, Hitler and Wittgenstein. It will also mark the fortieth year since the communists seized power in China. In mentioning these anniversaries we do not intend to give the impression that we confer any special importance to them in and of themselves, but rather that we want to use them as points of reference to provide a context for our claim that the revolutionary process has definitely come to an end. The other studies of the proletarian movement are:1 . “Les caractères du mouvement ouvrier”, Series I, No. 10 . “Bref historique du mouvement de la classe prolétarienne dans l’aire euro- nordaméricaine des origines à nos jours”, Series I, No. 6 . “Le mouvement prolétarien dans les autres aires: les révolutions coloniales”, Series I, No. 6 . “Le gauche communiste d’Italie et le parti communiste international”, Series I, No. 9 . “Prolétariat et révolution”, Series II, No.
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