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2015 NJCL CERTAMEN INTERMEDIATE DIVISION ROUND ONE Version 2 2015 NJCL CERTAMEN INTERMEDIATE DIVISION ROUND ONE Version 2 1. What use of the genitive case can be found in the following sentence? “Numquam odium librōrum habēbō.” OBJECTIVE GENITIVE B1: What use of the genitive case can be found in the following sentence? “quid novī, Pūblī?” PARTITIVE / OF THE WHOLE B2: What use of the genitive case can be found in the following sentence? “Pūblius est vir summae virtūtis.” DESCRIPTION / QUALITY 2. What son of Zeus turned Battus into stone, invented the lyre, and stole Apollo’s cattle, all on the day he was born? HERMES B1: Who was Hermes’ mother? MAIA B2: What perspicacious servant of Hera did Hermes kill to rescue Io? ARGUS (PANOPTES) 3. What did the Romans call modern-day Lyon in France? LUGDUNUM / LUGUDUNUM B1: What did the Romans call modern-day Cartagena in Spain? CARTHAGO NOVA B2: What did the Romans call modern-day Cologne in Germany? COLONIA AGRIPPINENSIS / AGRIPPINENSIUM // OPPIDUM UBIORUM 4. Translate the following sentence into English: “Mārcus, saxō vulnerātus, ad medicum festīnāvit.” MARCUS, (HAVING BEEN) WOUNDED BY THE ROCK, HURRIED TO THE DOCTOR B1: Translate the following sentence into English: “Medicō labōrante, ancillae auxiliō Mārcō arcessītae sunt.” WHILE/AS THE DOCTOR WAS WORKING / WITH THE DOCTOR WORKING, SLAVE- GIRLS / SLAVE-WOMEN WERE / HAVE BEEN SUMMONED AS HELP TO MARCUS / TO HELP MARCUS B2: Translate the following sentence into English: “Vulnere sānātō, Mārcus domum rediit ut quiēsceret.” WITH THE WOUND (HAVING BEEN) HEALED / AFTER THE WOUND WAS HEALED / AFTER THE WOUND HAD BEEN HEALED, MARCUS RETURNED HOME TO REST 5. Give the Latin motto and its English meaning for Idaho. ESTŌ PERPETUA – LET / MAY IT / HER BE PERPETUAL / FOREVER B1: What European city shares this Latin motto? VENICE B2: Give the Latin motto for the city that the Romans called “Lūtētia”. FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR 6. Dēscrībāmus nunc propriētātēs dictiōnum in hāc sententiā: “arma virumque canō”. Cūius dēclīnātiōnis est “arma”? SECUNDAE B1: Cūius generis est “virum”? MASCULĪNĪ B2: Quae pars ōrātiōnis est “-que”? CONIŪNCTIŌ INTERMEDIATE ROUND I – PAGE 1 7. Who, upon seeing his brother Deiphobus, turned to fight Achilles, who was determined to avenge his friend Patroclus? HECTOR B1: What deity impersonated Deiphobus in order to trick Hector into fighting? ATHENA / MINERVA B2: Before dying, Hector predicts Achilles’ death. What brother of Hector killed Achilles? PARIS 8. What Roman general had his revenge against Sulla cut short when he died suddenly in 86 BC, the year of his seventh and last consulship? (C.) MARIUS (PLEASE HAND OUT THE VISUAL) B1: Identify the letter corresponding to the bust of Marius. B B2: Now identify the letter corresponding to the bust of Sulla. A 9. Give an antonym of salūs. PERĪCULUM / ĪNSĀNITĀS / ĪNFIRMITĀS / AEGRITŪDŌ B1: Give an antonym of nāscor. MORIOR / PEREŌ B2: Give an antonym of plēnus. INĀNIS / VACUUS 10. Which of the following tenses does not apply to Latin infinitives: perfect, imperfect, present, future? IMPERFECT B1: Which of the following terms does not belong because of some point of Latin grammar: indicative, imperative, gerundive, subjunctive? GERUNDIVE B2: Which of the following terms does not belong because of some point of Latin grammar: adverbial purpose clause, result clause, indirect statement, fearing clause? INDIRECT STATEMENT 11. Who accidentally killed the pet stag of Tyrrhus and in so doing started a war between the Latins, led by Latinus, and the Trojans, led by his father, Aeneas? ASCANIUS / IULUS B1: What Fury did Juno send to incite the war? ALLECTO B2: What Latin queen was especially adamant that the Latins make war on the Trojans? AMATA 12. What governor of Panonnia Superior, proclaimed emperor at Carnuntum twelve days after the murder of Pertinax, was recognized by the Senate and was allowed to enter Rome unopposed in 193 AD? (SEPTIMIUS) SEVERUS B1: Who briefly held the imperial throne immediately after the death of Pertinax thanks to his huge wealth that let him bribe the Praetorian Guard for support? DIDIUS JULIANUS B2: Name the governor of Britain who initially supported Severus’s claim to the throne after Severus named him Caesar, but who later revolted. (CLODIUS SEPTIMIUS) ALBINUS 13: Change the phrase quīdam āthlēta to the accusative singular. QUENDAM ĀTHLĒTAM B1: Change quendam āthlētam to the genitive. CŪIUSDAM ĀTHLĒTAE B2: Change cūiusdam āthlētae to the plural. QUŌRUNDAM ĀTHLĒTĀRUM 14: Give the Latin adjective and its English meaning at the root of “obdurate”. DŪRUS – HARD, HARSH B1: Give the Latin word and its English meaning at the root of “corsage”. CORPUS - BODY B2: Give the Latin word and its English meaning at the root of “sample”. EMŌ – TO BUY INTERMEDIATE ROUND I – PAGE 2 15: Who killed Leodes, Eurymachus, Antinoüs, and many others after they invaded his home, slaughtered his herds for their meals, and tried to marry his wife, Penelope? ODYSSEUS / ULYSSES / ULIXES B1: Who was Odysseus’ son who helped him slaughter Penelope’s suitors? TELEMACHUS B2: Name one of the faithful herdsmen who also took Odysseus’ side in the massacre? EUMAEUS / PHILOETIUS 16: What Latin term for a category of clothing, literally meaning “put on”, includes tunicae? INDŪTUS B1: What is the distinguishing feature for tunics called tunicae talārēs? THEY REACHED THE FEET / ANKLES B2: What is the distinguishing feature for tunics called tunicae manicātae? SLEEVES REACHING TO THE WRISTS 17: Using the verb eō, say in Latin, “We are about to go to Rome.” (NŌS) RŌMAM ITŪRĪ SUMUS B1: Using the verb discēdō, say in Latin, “They were intending to leave Pompeii.” (EĪ / ILLĪ / HĪ) POMPĒIĪS DISCESSŪRĪ ERANT / IN ANIMŌ HABĒBANT DISCĒDERE B2: Say in Latin using the verb necō: The enemies had been killed with swiftness by the Roman soldiers. HOSTĒS CUM CELERITĀTE/CELERITER Ā/AB RŌMĀNĪS MĪLITIBUS NECĀTĪ ERANT 18: Listen to the following passage, which I shall read twice, then answer the question that follows in Latin: Postrīdiē Caesar, ut solēbat, ē bīnīs castrīs cōpiās suās ēdūxit paulumque progressus aciem prope maiōra castra īnstrūxit. Hostēs diū exspectābat. Quod tamen illī nōn exiērunt ut pugnārent, circum merīdiem exercitum in castra redūxit. (repeat) The question: Ubi Caesar aciem īnstrūxit? PROPE MAIŌRA CASTRA B1: Quandō Caesar cōpiās ad castra redūxit? AD / PROPE / CIRCUM MERĪDIEM // MERĪDIĒ B2: Cūr Caesar exercitum redūxit? QUOD (HOSTĒS) NŌN EXIĒRUNT / QUOD (HOSTĒS) NŌN PUGNĀVĒRUNT 19: During the reign of which emperor did Trajan march from Spain toward Upper Germany in an attempt to suppress the rebellion of Lucius Antonius Saturninus in 89 AD? DOMITIAN B1: What king of the Dacians surrendered all captives and accepted a role as client of Rome in that same year? DECEBALUS B2: During the reign of which emperor did Decebalus revolt against Rome once more? TRAJAN 20: Who manipulated the flows of the Alpheius and Peneius rivers to help him clean Augeias’ stables, his fifth labor? HERAKLES / HERCULES B1: Why did Herakles later return to Elis to depose and kill Augeias? AUGEIAS REFUSED TO PAY HIM (AS THEY HAD AGREED) B2: What son of Augeias, who had urged his father to pay Herakles, did Herakles place on the throne of Elis? PHYLEUS INTERMEDIATE ROUND I – PAGE 3 2015 NJCL CERTAMEN INTERMEDIATE DIVISION ROUND TWO Version 2 1: The Roman navy underwent a dramatic and crucial transformation after what Roman consul captured a Carthaginian quinquereme as he crossed into Sicily in 264 BC to start the First Punic War? APPIUS CLAUDIUS (CAUDEX) B1: Who took advantage of the newly developed Roman navy to achieve a major victory at Mylae in 260 BC? (C.) DUILIUS B2: At what battle did Publius Claudius Pulcher, brother of Appius Claudius Caudex and consul of 249 BC, face a crushing naval defeat after supposedly failing to respect inauspicious portents on his ship? DREPANA 2: Quid Anglicē significat “agmen”? COLUMN (OF PEOPLE) / MOVING / MARCH / LINE / ARMY / A TRAIN / FLEET B1: Quid Anglicē significat “discrīmen”? SEPARATION / DIVIDING LINE / DECISION / CRISIS / DANGER / CRITICAL CONDITION / MOMENT (OF DECISION) / DISCRIMINATION B2: Quid Anglicē significat “facinus”? (MIS)DEED / CRIME / GUILT / CRIMINAL CONDUCT 3: Who supplanted Medus, the son of Medea, as the heir to the throne of Athens when he came to the court of his father, Aegeus, bearing the sword and sandals that Aegeus had left for him under a rock in Troezen? THESEUS B1: What did Medea attempt to do to prevent Theseus from taking her son’s birthright? POISON THESEUS B2: How did Theseus avoid death from Medea’s poison? AEGEUS RECOGNIZED THE SWORD AND KEPT HIM FROM INGESTING THE POISON 4: Complete this analogy: portō : portātus esse :: mittō : _____. MISSUS ESSE B1: Change missus esse to the active. MĪSISSE B2: Change missus esse to the future. MISSUM ĪRĪ 5: What Roman king is described in this excerpt from Livy? “He prepared to found anew, by laws and customs, that city that had so recently been founded by force of arms. He built the temple of Janus at the foot of the Argiletum as an index of peace and war. Further, he strove to inculcate in the minds of his subjects the fear of the gods.” NUMA (POMPILIUS) B1: What supernatural being is described in this excerpt from Livy? “Numa pretended to have nocturnal interviews with her, saying it was on her advice that he was instituting the ritual most acceptable to the gods.” EGERIA B2: Livy states that the doors to the Temple of Janus were shut for the third and last time after what battle of the first century BC? ACTIUM INTERMEDIATE ROUND II – PAGE 1 6: Say in Latin, “Let’s run!” CURRĀMUS! B1: Using the verb interficiō and the jussive subjunctive, say in Latin “Let him not be killed!” NĒ INTERFICIĀTUR! / NĒ INTERFECTUS SIT! B2: Using the verb maneō, say in Latin “Let them stay here for three hours!” HĪC TRĒS HŌRĀS MANEANT! 7: Who gathered feathers and used string and wax to tie them together to build functional wings with which he and his son could escape imprisonment in Crete? DAEDALUS B1: What information had Daedalus divulged to earn imprisonment? A WAY TO ESCAPE THE LABYRINTH B2: Who was Daedalus’ son, who did not survive their flight? ICARUS 8: Give the Latin phrase and its meaning for the abbreviation b.i.d.
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