Energy Security Initiative at BROOKINGS Human Resource Development in New Nuclear Energy States: Case Studies from the Middle East John Banks Kevin Massy Charles Ebinger (Ed.) NOVEMBER 2012 Policy Brief 12-02 About ThE bRookings Energy Security Initiative he Energy Security Initiative (ESI) is a cross-program effort by the Brookings Institution designed to Tfoster multidisciplinary research and dialogue on all aspects of energy security today. ESI recognizes that public and private choices related to energy production and use will shape the global economic, environmental and strategic landscape in profound ways and that achieving a more secure future will therefore require a determined effort to understand the likely consequences of these choices and their implications for sound policymaking. The ESI Policy Brief Series is intended to showcase serious and focused scholarship on topical issues in one or more of these broad research areas, with an emphasis on targeted policy recommendations. Contact for the Energy Security Initiative: Govinda Avasarala Senior Research Assistant (202) 797-6231
[email protected] ENERGY SECURITY INITIATIVE Human ResouRce Development in new nucleaR eneR gy states: CASE STUDIES FR om tHe miDDle EAST i About ThE Authors John Banks Charles Ebinger (Ed.) John P. Banks is a nonresident fellow at the Energy Charles Ebinger is a senior fellow and director of Security Initiative at Brookings. He specializes in the Energy Security Initiative at Brookings. He working with governments, companies and regu- has more than 35 years of experience specializ- lators in establishing and strengthening policies, ing in international and domestic energy markets institutions and regulatory frameworks that pro- (oil, gas, coal, and nuclear) and the geopolitics of mote sustainable energy sectors, with a particular energy, and has served as an energy policy advi- focus on emerging markets and electricity.