Rep. Blumenauar Remarks (E1198)

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Rep. Blumenauar Remarks (E1198) E1198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 24, 2011 collection is essential if we are going to im- duced mowing and replacing invasive plant Dan grew up in Sunnyvale, CA, and is a prove our citizens’ trust and confidence in species with native forbs and grasses. This graduate of Arizona State University. While he election results. EAC develops and fosters the kind of roadside vegetation management pro- is a Sun Devil by pedigree, it is difficult to training and organization of our nation’s more vides much-needed habitat for pollinators and think of a more devoted and true Oregon Duck than 8,000 election administrators. other small nesting animals. than Dan. He has spent untold hours pro- Terminating EAC is not only an invitation to The Association of American State Highway moting the University and the alumni associa- repeat the embarrassment of the 2000 presi- and Transportation Officials Vegetation Man- tion. He has also dedicated himself to the Uni- dential election, but it breaks faith with those agement Guidelines released in March ad- versity’s hometown community of Eugene, Or- who labored long and risked much to secure vances integrated vegetation management egon, where he has served on the Eugene the right to vote for all Americans, particularly principles and recommendations consistent Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the African Americans and other minority groups. with the objectives of this legislation. A num- Rotary Club, and in several capacities with the Mr. Speaker, if you believe every vote ber of states, including Minnesota, are already American Lung Association of Oregon. counts—and every vote should be counted— doing this and reporting maintenance cost Dan has served four University presidents, then we must preserve the EAC and oppose savings of 20 to 25 percent from reduced seven athletic directors, and acted as a men- this legislation. mowing alone. tor to hundreds of UO students teaching the It is also important to note that abolishing Mr. Speaker, there are around 17 million importance of leadership and volunteerism as the EAC would simply shift costs to the Fed- acres of land where significant reductions in part of campus life. He leaves a team of 12 eral Election Commission and local govern- mowing and maintenance can reduce costs for employees and a board of directors who will ments, not save taxpayer money. The FEC is cash-strapped states. The millions of acres of miss his devotion and dedication to the asso- not an agency that can make decisions in a agriculture and wildlife ecosystems adjacent to ciation and the university it serves. timely and responsive fashion due to its par- these roadways will benefit from the increased On the occasion of his last day at the Uni- tisan divisions. Consequently, transferring the pollinator habitat resulting from integrated versity of Oregon, I wish to personally thank functions performed by the EAC to the FEC is vegetation management practices. Mr. Rodriguez for his service. He will certainly inconsistent with the national interest in ensur- To understand how worried we should be be missed. Go Ducks! ing election integrity, improving voter access about declining pollinator populations, consider f that rising global food prices are the primary to the polls, and enhancing the quality of elec- AMERICA INVENTS ACT tion systems. topic of discussion at the G–20 meetings in Paris right now. This is the first time that agri- For these reasons, I strongly oppose H.R. SPEECH OF 672 and I would urge my colleagues to join culture has had the top spot at a meeting and me in defeating this misguided and reckless is indicative of how serious the issue is. Food HON. EARL BLUMENAUER legislation that puts the integrity of our election prices have already led to global riots over- OF OREGON systems—public confidence in election out- seas and a declining pollinator population will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES comes—at risk. only make the situation worse. Seventy-five Wednesday, June 22, 2011 percent of all flowering plant species rely on f The House in Committee of the Whole creatures like birds, bats, bees and butterflies House on the State of the Union had under PERSONAL EXPLANATION for fertilization. One out of every three bites of consideration the bill (H.R. 1249) to amend food that we eat, as well as $20 billion of title 35, United States Code, to provide for HON. TOM COLE products in the United States alone, derive patent reform: OF OKLAHOMA from pollinators. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Chair, I rise in If we don’t solve these problems soon, we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support of H.R. 1249, which will help America won’t have any bees. Without bees, we won’t maintain its distinction as the most innovative Friday, June 24, 2011 have any food. The benefit to cost balance in country in the world. For too long, independent Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably the case of this bill, Mr. Speaker, is an easy inventors, small businesses, and America’s detained and missed rollcall vote No. 478. choice. leading universities and technology companies Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ f have been mired in a convoluted patent proc- f HONORING DANIEL RODRIGUEZ ess that has stifled innovation and job cre- ation. H.R. 1249 streamlines and clarifies the HIGHWAYS BETTERING THE ECON- patent process, giving inventors and investors OMY AND ENVIRONMENT ACT OF HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO the certainty they need to expand their busi- OF OREGON 2011 nesses and grow the economy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This legislation also gives the United States HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Friday, June 24, 2011 Patent and Trademark Office the tools it OF FLORIDA Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to needs to process the hundreds of thousands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Mr. Daniel Rodriguez on the occasion of of applications it receives every year, increas- ing their ability to adjust its fees to reflect the Friday, June 24, 2011 his retirement after 26 years of service as ex- ecutive director for the University of Oregon actual costs of the services it provides, to fast- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Alumni Association. track patent applications, and to expand op- rise today to introduce the Highways Bettering The University of Oregon is a world class in- portunities for post-grant review of patents. I the Economy and Environment Act with my stitution renowned for its groundbreaking re- remain deeply concerned that, under the man- Co-Chairman of the Congressional Pollinator search, and is an important keystone that ager’s amendment, the Patent and Trademark Protection Caucus, Representative TIM JOHN- unites Oregonians both at home and through- Office will have fewer resources to pursue SON. This bi-partisan bill provides much-need- out the world. these objectives, a change which risks squan- ed aid for the birds, bats, bees and butterflies Since coming to the University of Oregon in dering the very opportunities created by the that pollinate our food. 1988, Dan Rodriguez has played a pivotal role remainder of the legislation. The Highways BEE Act seeks no new mon- in the rebirth of the alumni association. He Innovative stakeholders in my district have ies and involves a limited federal role. It has created the alumni membership program that voiced concerns that the legislation’s expan- received widespread endorsement from a di- has topped 20,000 members worldwide and sion of the defense of ‘‘prior user rights’’ will verse group of scientists, researchers and worked diligently to put the association on weaken their ability to protect their patentable members of the business and environmental sound financial footing. He also led the effort innovations and give rise to widespread trade communities including the National Audubon to increase the number of active alumni chap- secret litigation, particularly for those areas of Society, Lafarge Construction, National Farm- ters to 22 across the country. research the blend federal investment and pri- ers Union, the Isaac Walton League, American But perhaps Dan’s greatest accomplishment vate investment. I look forward to working with Farmland Trust, Waste Management, and De- is the construction of the new Ford Alumni my colleagues to ensure these concerns are fenders of Wildlife. Center. While Dan will be the first to say this addressed, so that America’s finest univer- This bill provides for existing authorities and Center came about due to the tireless effort of sities and research centers can continue their funding sources to incorporate integrated many committed individuals, there is no ques- role as global leaders of innovation. vegetation management practices along Amer- tion he has been a driving force for the project H.R. 1249 is a strong step toward protecting ica’s highways, which includes things like re- since its inception. the administration of our system of intellectual VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jun 25, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JN8.001 E24JNPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS June 24, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1199 property rights. This is a worthy bipartisan ac- IN RECOGNITION OF CLEVELAND bama Journal in Montgomery. During his re- complishment. I am concerned that some of ARTS PRIZE WINNER MARSHA porting days, he chronicled the segregationist my colleagues have championed this bill as DOBRZYNSKI movement of the 1960’s and frequently the ultimate job-creator and that once it profiled state and national politics, which later passes, they will forget about the millions of HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE led to stints as a stringer for the New York Americans that are still struggling to find work.
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