Ars Libri Ltd Modernart
MODERNART ARS LIBRI LT D 149 C ATALOGUE 159 MODERN ART ars libri ltd ARS LIBRI LTD 500 Harrison Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02118 U.S.A. tel: 617.357.5212 fax: 617.338.5763 email: All items are in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise described. All prices are net. Massachusetts residents should add 6.25% sales tax. Reserved items will be held for two weeks pending receipt of payment or formal orders. Orders from individuals unknown to us must be accompanied by pay- ment or by satisfactory references. All items may be returned, if returned within two weeks in the same con- dition as sent, and if packed, shipped and insured as received. When ordering from this catalogue please refer to Catalogue Number One Hundred and Fifty-Nine and indicate the item number(s). Overseas clients must remit in U.S. dollar funds, payable on a U.S. bank, or transfer the amount due directly to the account of Ars Libri Ltd., Cambridge Trust Company, 1336 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02238, Account No. 39-665-6-01. Mastercard, Visa and American Express accepted. June 2011 avant-garde 5 1 AL PUBLICO DE LA AMERICA LATINA, y del mondo entero, principalmente a los escritores, artistas y hombres de ciencia, hacemos la siguiente declaración.... Broadside poster, printed in black on lightweight pale peach-pink translucent stock (verso blank). 447 x 322 mm. (17 5/8 x 12 3/4 inches). Manifesto, dated México, sábado 18 de junio de 1938, subscribed by 36 signers, including Manuel Alvárez Bravo, Luis Barragán, Carlos Chávez, Anto- nio Hidalgo, Frieda [sic] Kahlo, Carlos Mérida, César Moro, Carlos Pellicer, Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo, Frances Toor, and Javier Villarrutia.
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