PUBUSHBD BY THE GOVT. OF MADHYA PRADESH 1974 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS, MADHYA PRADESH (All the Census Publications of this State will bear series No. 10)

PART I Census General Report including (in Sub-Parts) Subsidiary Tables.

PART II·A Census Tables on population.

PART II·B Economic Tables. (in Sub-Parts)

PART H-C Social and Cultural Tables. (in Sub-Parts)

PART III-A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables. , PART III·B Establishment Tables.

PART IV Housing Report and Tables.

PARTV Special Tables & Ethnographic Notes on (in Sub-Parts) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes.

PART VI-A Tow~ Directory.

PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected Towns.

PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected Villages.

PART-VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel.

PART VIU-A Administration Report-Enumeration.

PART VIII-B Admi1li$(mtion Report-Tabulation.

PART IX Census Atlas

PART IX-A Administrative Atlas.,


PART X-A Village and, Town Directory. PARTX-B Village add Town Pr~mary Census Abstracts.

pART~·C Analytical Report a nd Administrative statements & District Census Tables.

(District Census Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A, B & C for each of the 43 dl8tricts in the State., Parts..4 tl1Ili B ITe published in one volume). CONTENTS Pages 1. Prefad! i-ii 2. List of Abbreviations 1 3. Alphabetical List of Villages 3-20 ( i ) , Tahsil 3-5 I (ii) '. Tahsil 5-8 ( iii) ~ urwai Ta hsil 8-11 (iv) Basoda Tahsil 11-16 ( v ). Vipisba Tahsil 16-20 PART A 1. Explanato., Note 23-31 2. Village Directory (~DJeDities and Land use) 32-99 ( i) Lateti Tahsil ' 32-39

(ii ), SirOIU Tahsil I 40-51 (iii) Tahsil 52-61 ( i v ) Basoda Tahsi1 62-81 (v) Vidisha T.~hsil 82-99 3. Appendix to Village Directory 100-101 4. Town Directory" 162-105 ( i) Status,. Growth History and Functional 102 Category of Towns ( ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 102 ( iii ) Civic Finance 103 ( iv ) Civic and other Amenities 103 ( v) Medical, Educational, Rf>.Creational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 104 ( vi ) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 104 (vii) Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Towns 105 5. Appendix to Tow. Directory PART B 1. Explanatory Note 109-11-6 2. Figures at a Glance 111 3. Primary Census Abltract 112-227 Vidisba District Abstract 112-1] 5 Lateri Tahsil 116-131 (Rural) 116-131 (Urban) Sironj Tahsil 132-151 (Rural) 132-147 (Urban) ... 148-151 Kurwai Tahsil 152-165 (Rural) 152-163 (Urban) 164-165 Basoda Tahsil 166-197 (Rural) 166-195 (Urban) 194-197 Vidisha Tahsil 198-227 (Rural) 198-223 (Urban) 222-227 PREFAcE

Prior to the 1951 Census, there was .no .regular separate publication at the district level regarding the data collected, although the seeds of the Dlstnct Census Handbooks can be traced to the 'Village Lists brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistics' of every district published in 1911 and 1941. No. definite answer is forthcoming as to why such publications, giving village-wise information of occupied houses, break-up of population into males/females and literates, were not brought out in 1921 and 1931 The reason could be transfer from 1921 of certain charges on Census previously met from the provincia. rev~nt;es to the Cent~al revenues a~d .the Gover?~e~! ofIndia may not have considered it necessary to publish statlSllCS up to the vIllage level. VIllage StatIstlc3 III 1941 were brought out by the Central Provinces & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govern­ ment bas since been continuing.

2. The scope of the district-wise publications, noW called the District Census Handbooks, has been under­ going change with each successive Census from 1951. In 1951, the District Census Handbooks only contained the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separate publication for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by including non-Cen~us data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introductory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately, the desire to make district-wise Census publications very comprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, this time the District Census Handbooks have been divided into three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofinter-Censal decennium. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Abstract and Part C various administrative statistics with a chapter titled "Introducing the district". It may be mentioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of economy.

3. Much of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961 Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note in the head office. Separation of administrative statistics as Part C of the District Census Handbook and the kind Co­ operation of the State Government, permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade towrite the chapter on "Introducing the District," is likely to go a long way in early publication of all the parts of the District Census Handbooks. Another favourable factor this time is the early decision of the State Government to permit printing in private presses as and when the work-load on the State Government Presses is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing out of the District Census Handbook of any district. It would not be out cJ place to point out here that the work-load in connection with the Di:.;trict Census Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the decision to bring out the District Census Handbooks in as well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non-Census data and itis hoped that the combined volume of Parts A and B of all the 43 districts would be out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would be a definite improvement on the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

4. In his Preface to the 1961 District Census Handbooks, my predecessor, Shri G. Jagathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not possible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.". It has not been possible to adopt the development block as the basic unit for operation and presentation in this Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Development Officer was abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of the Block Development Assistant from 2-10-69 had not taken firm roots up to the time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were finalised. Secondly, the tahsil as a unit of field arrangements has many more advantages, the most significant being the ready availability of that legendary functionary-the patwari-without whose active co-operation it would be a formidable task to determine whether a habited structure in a cultivated field is part of village X or Y. Even, otherwise, sir.ce village­ wise figures are available, it should not be difficult for those in need of data for intermediate units between the village and the tahsil, like the development block or patwari halka, to compile it by adding figures of concerned villages. The tahsil has for long been a fixed unit of administration and, to my mind, should be retained in preference to the development block whose jurisdiction may undergo a change in accordance with the pace of future development. 5. tn conclusion, t would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having so kindly agreed to undertake the publication of the Handbooks in hindi as well as english to the various government and semi-government offices for un-hesitatingly making available the non-Census statistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for armnging early printing in the Govern­ ment and private Presses.

BHOPAL: A. K. PANDYA 15 th August, 1972.

GGl'B-169-18-9-73-10,OOO. 1


Hospital H I Civic Administration 32 33 T.B. Clinic TBC C Corporation 34 Maternity & Child Welfare Centre MCW M 2 Municipality 35 AyurVedic Dispensary AD Notified Area Committee NAC 3 36 Nursing Home NH 4 Cantonment Board CB 37 Family Planning Centre FC 5 Non-Municipal; Non-Town Committee; 38 Veterinary Hospital VH Non-Panchayat NM 6 Gram Panchayat P V Electricity E II Other Amenities (Sewerage & Drainage) 39 Electricity 40 Electricity for Irrigation EI 7 Open Surface Drains OSD 41 Electricity for Industry EIN 8 Box Surface Drains BSD 9 Sewerage S VI Drinking Water Supply 10 Head Loads HL 42 Tap Water T 11 Wheel Barrow WB 43 River Water R 12 Bullock Cart BC NW 44 Nala Water 13 Tractor jTruck TRjT 45 Tubewell Water TW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 46 Well Water W TK UI Educational 47 Tank Water 48 Fountain Water F 15 Primary School PR 49 Canal C 16 Middle School Mid.S 50 Over Head Tank OHT 17 Secondary High School Sec. S SR 18 Higher Secondary School 51 Service Reservoir J PT 19 Arts College A 52 Pressure Tank 20 Science College S VII Communications 21 Commerce College C PR 22 Arts, Science & Commerce College ASC 53 Pucca Road KR 23 Basic Primary School BPR 54 Kutcha Road R 24 Basic Women Sewing Centre BWSC 55 Railway 25 Shorthand & Typing Training Institute Sh. Type VIII Post and Telegraph 26 Vocational Training Institute V PO 27 University U 56 Post Office TO 28 Home Science College RM 57 Telegraph Office Phone 58 Telephone IV Medical IX Others 29 Primary Health Centre PRC NA 30 Health Centre He 59 Information not available 0 31 Dispensary D 60 Others



~-~~-""" -- -_-----_- S, No, Name of village L,C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

t 2 3 t 2 3 --~----

Lateri Tahsil 25/1 Lateri Tahsil-Contd. A 48 Champa Khedi 17 49 104 I Agara Pathar 139 Champatpuf 50 80 2 Ahamadnagar (Motipur) 47 Chandarpur 51 12 3 Ahamadpur Kalan 156 Chandbad 52 Chanderi 131 4 Aliganj 65 53 Chandpur 96 5 Aligarh 14 54 Chhirari 177 6 Aligarh Kotara 158 55 Chopada 142 7 Alinagar 98 8 Amahi 56 Chopnanoabad 36 3 D 9 Amarai 117 10 Ameenpur 75 57 Dabakan 140 11 Aminpur Mukta Kheda 9 58 Damkheda 149 12 Amirganj 15 59 Danwas 175 13 Amkheda 112 60 Daulatpura 167 14 Anandpur 51 61 Daurala 45 15 Arino Abad 129 62 Deharipama 153 B 63 Dharga no 16 Babacha 49 64 Dhirgarh 138 17 Badagaon 165 65 DondKheda 56 18 Bahadurpur Lalchiya 114 66 Dond Khedi 119 19 Bahadurpur Sunkher 85 67 Dugrawani 11 20 Bahedabaui 184 21 Bairagarh 137 E 22 Bajna 68 Esagarh 23 Balrampur 68 103 69 Esarwas (,7 24 Barnan Khedi 93 25 Barnori 10 F 26 Banarsi 30 27 Bandarsena 136 70 Fatehgarh 132 28 Bandipur 42 71 Faujpur 155 29 Barkheda Dev 21 72 Firojganj 186 30 Barkhera Dhannu 185 31 Barkhera Gh03i 188 G 32 Basilgarh 127 73 33 Bastu 178 Gaon Sindha 148 74 34 Beeju Khedi 157 Golakheda Kalan 38 75 35 Belaradi 147 Golakheda Khurd 170 76 Gopalpur 36 Bhatoli 72 171 77 Goshnagar 37 Bheelakhedi Kalan 87 97 38 Bhila Babdi 8 H 39 Bhilakhedi Khurd 161 40 Bhugai Kalan 69 78 Hafijpur Khona 154 41 Bhugai Khurd 120 79 Haripur 31 42 Booda Kbeda Gawadoo 74 80 Hedarpur 28 43 Budhakheda Mangal Khan 71 81 Hinotiya U.s 82 Husaingarh C 124 83 Husainpur 159 44 Chainpura 169 I 45 Chak Nahar Khedi 59 46 Chamar Umariya 29 84 Ibrahimganj 47 Chamda Kundal 193 1.13 R5 Islarnnagar 106 4

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES DISTRICT VIDISHA s. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Lnteri TahsiJ-Contd. Lateri Tahsil-Contd. J 129 Mandkho 166 130 Masoodi 100 86 Jagatpur 108 131 Mina UmariYll; 33 87 Jajam Khedi 91 132 Mohabbatpur 122 88 Jalpur 176 133 Mohammadgarh 194 89 Jamoniya Kalan 183 134 Mohanpur Khurd 63 90 Jamoniya Khurd 141 135 Mubarakpur 83 91 Jarsena 19 136 Mundela 160 92 Jawati 60 137 Mundra Ratansi 6 93 Jheetri 13 138 Mundra Sagar 121 94 Jhoojla Kheda 86 139 Munimpur 27 95 Jhukar Jogi 179 140 Murariya 116 96 ,},6 Jhukar Umariya 141 Murwas 102 97 Jorawar Khedi 95 142 Muskara 151

K N 98 Kachhi Kheda 88 182 99 Kakaraj 152 143 Nagori Narayan Kheda 22 100 Kala Dev 23 144 Narayanpur Kalan 20 101 Kareelpur 82 145 146 Narsinghpur 150 102 Khairkhedi Kalan 43 147 Nayanagar 64 103 Khalilpur 105 148 Nenwas Kalan 187 104 Kham Kheda 18 149 Nenwas Khurd 66 105 Kherkhet:li Khurd 173 150 Newali 79 106 Kherkhedi Nograwan 180 151 Nisobarri 57 107 Khiriya Kheda 24 108 Khurmabad 4 0 109 KHan Khedi 32 110 Kokangarh 125 152 Okhlikheda 41 111 Kolapura 54 P 112 Koloo Khedi 55 113 Kolua Noabad 164 153 Parwariya 53 114 Kolua Pathar 135 154 Pathera Chandu 2 115 Kundan Khedi 58 155 Poriya 146

L R 116 Lakhamipur 111 156 Raghogarh 7 117 Lalatora 40 157 Raghunathpu( 90 118 Lalchiya 113 158 Raipura 134 119 Lateri 118 159 Rampur Nouabad 189 120 Lodha Khedi 92 160 Ramtek Kotra 61 161 Ratangarh 107 M 162 Rengna 76 163 Roosalli Chhoti 94 121 Madan Khedi 115 164 Roosalli Sahoo 99 122 Madawata 62 165 Roosiya 101 123 Mahaban 128 S 124 Mahmudganj 48 37 125 Mahoti 25 166 Sadawata 109 126 Majhera 163 167 Sagada 190 127 70 168 SaharKheda Malaniya Mohammadpur 39 128 Mamkhedi 174 169 Saidnagar 5


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Lateri Tahsil-Concld. Sironj Tahsil-Contd.

170 Salra 34 13 Anuppur 73 171 Satpada 52 14 Asadkhedi 131 172 Sawan Khedi 16 15 Athaikheda 188 173 Semara Bhoot 191 16 Azizpur 201 174 Semara Meghnath 168 175 Semari Ahu ]44 B 176 Semari Baseer 78 17 168 177 Semari Sikandarabad 77 Babulkhedi 18 Bachakhedi 59 178 Shahpur 50 32 179 Sharifpur 172 19 Bagrod 20 Bagroda 181 180 Shergarh 35 88 181 Sirajnagar 44 21 Bakena 22 Bamankhedi 219 182 Sojana 192 283 183 Sojani Kheda 126 23 Bamankhedi Bamankhedi 124 184 Sunkher 81 24 25 Bamori Hoj 36 Bamori Shala 210 T 26 27 Bamuliya Tal 225 179 185 Tajpura 130 28 Bamuliya Uda 285 186 143 29 Baniyadhana Thana Viran 47 187 Tiloni 181 30 Banskhedi 118 188 Tinsiya 123 31 Banskhedi Aspal 154 189 Titarbarri 46 32 Banskhedi Gugal 205 190 Tonka 162 33 Banskhedi Katansi 233 191 Tonkara 195 34 Barej 35 Barenda 80 39 U 36 Barghai 37 Barkheda Hargan 145 176 89 38 Barkheda Kedar 192 Ulakhedi 199 193 Unarsi Kalan 5 39 Barkhedanagat 40 Barkheda Sajan 4 V 41 Barkheda Tal 278 42 Barkhedi 7 194 Veerpur Kalan 73 43 Baroda Tal 230 195 Vikrampur Barkhedi 84 44 Barrikheda 117 45 Beerpur 40 46 Beerpur 249 Sironj Tahsil 25/2 47 Berkhedi 273 48 Bhagwantpur 105 A 49 Bharwas 268 50 Bhatoli 247 1 Aouadhana 125 51 Bhaukhedi 251 2 Achanwada 187 52 Bhiyakhedi 133 3 Aftabnagar 67 53 Bhojukhedi 90 4 Ahamdabad 153 54 Bhonra no 5 Ahirkhedi 281 55 Bhonriya 157 6 Ajamnagar 21'19 56 Bhukari 139 7 Ajimabad 148 57 Birchhakhedi 236 8 Akbarpur 198 58 Bishanpur 78 155 9 Amadhana 25 59 Bi~hanpur 10 Amirgarh 142 60 Bishepur 27 11 Amkheda 167 61 Bishrampur 100 12 Andharela 115 62 Budhena 206 6


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No. 3 1 2 3 1 2

Sironj Tahsil-Contd. Sironj Tahsil-Contd.

C 105 Harganakhedi 107 228 63 Chakchanda Dhana 284 106 Harganakhedi 107 Har;pur 60 64 Chandadhana 287 30 12 108 Harukhedi 65 Chandrahai 245 66 Chatholi 183 109 Hasampur 110 Hasanpur 158 67 Chaurakhedi 42 103 68 48 111 Hinotiya Chhapu 143 69 112 Hinotiya Bajimagar Chhipikheda 182 104 70 113 Hirapur Chitawar 6 192 71 Chitora 266 114 Hullakhedi 72 Chopana Kalan 119 I 73 Chuniya Kho 19 115 Ibrahimpur 101 D 116 Iklod 263 74 Darnkheda 252 117 Ikodiya 288 75 Darnkheda Jagthar 216 118 Imamnagar 35 76 Darnodarkhedi 189 119 Imlani 18 77 Dehri Madho 272 J 78 Dengra 213 79 Deopur 79 120 Jagthar 2'7 54 80 Devitoci 121 Jahurpur 63 81 170 Dhamukhedi 122 Jaitpur 76 82 Dhanoda 66 62 123 Jalalpur 83 22 . Dharampur Jamalrur 46 227 124 84 Dhimroli Jasrathkhedi 81 85 191 125 Dignakheda Jhagar 221 86 Dipnakheda 204 126 Jhanduwa 130 87 Durang 75 127 128 Jhukar Hoj 58 108 F 129 Jubernagar 88 Faridpur 209 K 89 Fazalpur 43 130 Kachnariya 174 G 161 13l Kadarpur 235 90 259 132 Kajari Barkheda Gadakhedl 262 91 Gangakhedi 44 133 Kajari Mandwasa 68 92 Garentha 146 134 Kajikhedi 9 93 Gehunkhedi 72 135 Kakarkhedi Kalan 20 94 Ghatwar 260 136 Kakarkhedi Khurd 64 95 Ghosua Tal 271 137 Kalyanpur 34 96 Ghudiyakhedi 113 138 Kamariya 135 97 Ghutua 2 139 Kanchanpur 14 98 Gopalnagar 185 140 Kanera 122 99 Gopalpur 150 141 Kansi 99 100 Gu]abganj 253 142 Karaikheda Kalan 264 101 Guwari 11 143 Karaikheda Khurd 144 Karaiyahat 214 H 145 Karera Madagan 200 ]46 Karimabad 69 ]02 Hafiznagar 5 178 147 Karrakhedi . 103 Haiwatganj 138 234 104 Hardorkhedi 91 148 Kasba Tal 7


DISTRICT VIDISHA s. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Sironj TabsH-Contd. Sironj Tabsil-Contd. 149 Kathotiya 26 196 Mundra Bagal 31 150 Khamkheda )6 197 Mundra Dharmu 127 151 Khanakhedi 82 198 Mundraghat 93 152 Khanpur 51 199 Muradpur 53 153 Khanpur 121 200 Muridpur 242 154 Khanpur 257 N 155 Kbejada 45 156 Khejada HaJj Gopai ' 97 201 Narayanpur 172 157 Khejada Uda 98 202 Narkheda Jagir 96 158 Khondupur 160 203 Narkheda Tal 232 140 159 Khubpura 223 204 Naukheda 270 160 Kishanpura 173 205 Neemkhedi 13 161 Korwai 92 206 Nekan 286 162 Korwasa 156 207 Noorpur Kachhpura 163 Kudka Ahamdabad 195 164 Kuja 239 0 165 163 Kuluakheda Noabad 222 208 Okhlikheda Khurd 166 S Kuluwa Mahuwakheda 237 209 Orakhedi 167 261 Kundai 85 210 Osanhai 168 Kundankhedi 116 p 169 Kundanpur 193 Pachmarhi L 211 86 212 Pagrani 141 170 Lakhnakheda 226 213 Paikoli 70 171 Lalatori 175 Pamakhedi 214 147 172 Lalitpur 207 Pardha 215 282 173 Lidhora 17 Parsora 216 33 Parwatpur 217 61 M Patan 218 \11 Pathera 174 Madagan 21 219 244 Pathriya 175 Mahadeokhedi 255 220 128 Pipaliya 176 Maharajkhedi 74 221 56 222 Pipaikheda 177 Mahu 52 196 Pirakhar 178 Mahuakheda Bilochi 164 223 220 224 Pyarakhedi 179 Mahuakheda Pirthiraj 87 109 Pyasi 180 Mahuakheda Ustad 10 225 181 Mahua Kheda Kuluwa 238 R 182 Maliyakhedi 95 279 183 Malsipur 41 226 Raikhedi J14 184 Manakhedi 83 227 Rajakhedi 280 185 Manirampura 180 228 Rajakhedi 240 186 Mazidpur 171 229 Rajpur 190 187 Mehmoodpur 24 230 Ramnagac 166 188 Mithepur 265 231 Ramnagar 159 ]89 Mohammadnagar 194 232 Ramnagar 169 ]90 '.1ohankhedi 233 Rampur 106 248 191 Mohanpur 212 234 Rapsol 37 192 Motigarh 15 235 Rasulpur 89 19~ Mubarak;mr Ratanbarri 184 236 267 194 Mugalsarai 237 Rataniyakhedi 116 50 195 Mujaffargarh 149 238 Reechhan 8


S.No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3 '-----._------Sironj Tahsil-Contd. Sironj Tahsil-Concld.

239 Riniya 215 285 Umariya 274 240 Rupdakhedi 94 286 Umarkhedi 29 241 Rusalla Abhiraj 71 287 Unarsi Tal 275 242 Rusalli Dama 254 288 Usmanpur 120 243 Rusallighat 197 289 Usufpur Alias Bazirpur 28 244 Rusalli Hat 224 S Kurwai Tabsil 25/3 245 Safdalpur 129 A 246 Safdarpur Bhatatora 250 247 Safdarpur Tal 269 1 Adalpur 248 Sahankhedi 50 49 2 Agasod 249 Saistabad 143 186 3 Akhai 250 Sakhlon 120 23 4 Andeli 251 Salpur Kalan 123 211 5 Andhiya Bawadi 252 Salpul' Khurd 199 162 6 Awakhedi 141 253 SaJri 132 :254 Samankhedi 229 255 Sankala Haweli 126 B !256 Sankla Jagthar 218 257 Sanoti 202 7 Babai Kalan 189 258 Santoshpur 134 8 Babai Khurd 173 259 Sarekho 165 9 Badoh 203 260 Sarwarpur 84 10 Bagoda 186 261 Sedpura 123 11 Bajirabad 83 262 SemaJkhedi 65 12 Bakwara 86 263 Shahpur 246 13 Bamori 12 264 Siddiqueganj 5S 14 Band ora 117 265 Siddiquepur 152 15 Bandrawatha 178 266 Siraswas 137 16 Bandroli 177 17 Banoh 267 Siyalpur 243 172 18 Baretha 268 Sona 256 98 19 Barethi 269 Sugana Khedi 3 97 20 Barkheda 270 Suganhai 144 115 21 Barkheda 271 Sultanpur 258 41 22 Barkheda 272 Sumer 102 200 23 Barodiya 273 Sumerpur 57 3 24 Barri 274 Surajnagar 77 22 25 Bacual 275 Surantal 151 140 26 Barwai 38 T 27 Basoda 122 276 28 Belai 147 Tahirpur 177 277 29 Berkhedi 63 Tahvariya 208 278 30 Berkhedi 131 Tarwariya 38 279 Taukhedi 31 Bhagoda 112 280 277 32 Bhal Bamora 163 Tehwanagar 231 281 Thanarpur 33 Bharri 92 241 282 Tindua 34 Bhatoli 114 112 283 Tribhuwanpur 35 Bheswaya 218 203 36 Bhonrasa 51 U 37 Bhugawali 99 38 Bilakhedi 284 Udairampur 180 276 39 Bilgona 179 9



S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No,

2 3 2 3

Kurwai Tabsil-Contd. Kurwai Tahsil-Contd.

40 Biloda 13 H 41 Birpur 61 91 42 Bishanpur 82 Harsadu Khedi 72 208 43 83 Hasampur Bisloni 192 135 44 Bisraha 223 84 Hinota 45 Bisrai 222 I 46 Bothi 118 47 Botbi 76 85 Ikoda 109 48 Bukhara 136 86 Imliya 24 87 Isakhedi 79 C J 49 Chandanpur 207 205 50 Chanduli 211 88 Jajpon 55 51 Chhapara 194 89 Jamnapur 206 52 Chhirkheda 90 Jamuniya 14 130 53 Chhitapur 73 91 Jargawan 116 54 Chil Pahadi 187 92 Jarha 195 55 Chopada 224 93 Jaroli 94 Jartoli 161 D 95 Jhagar 25 96 Jhagariya 52 56 Dadurar 5 102 57 Dangi Kumhariya 8 97 Jonakhedi Junaiya Khedi 37 58 Dankhedi 184 98 59 Datera 157 K 60 DaudKhedi 155 61 Dawari 159 99 Kachhi Kumhariya 36 62 Deoli 216 100 Kachhowa 119 56 63 Dhamonipura 183 101 Kachhpura 106 64 Dharu Khedi 10 102 Kakarua 169 65 Dhuwa 15 103 Kakrawali 35 66 Dudhawari 166 104 Kaiaryai 67 Dunatar 107 105 Kankai Khedi 211 106 Kankar 47 F 107 Kankron 181 108 Karai Berkhedi 17 68 Fatanpur 69 109 Karaiya 11 69 Fatehpur 30 110 Karampur 49 70 Futera 156 111 Karmedi 66 124 G 112 Karmorliya 113 Katangi 174 71 Gadru 71 114 Kesarganj 128 72 Galfara Khedi 82 115 Keshopur 142 73 Gambhiriya 148 116 Kethora 134 74 Gammoo Khedi 89 117 Khadakhedi 209 145 75 Ghosua 1 118 Khajrod 76 Ghurawali 59 119 Khajuriya 190 77 Girwasa 6 120 Khajuriya Jagir 20 78 Gitola 90 121 Khem Khedi 80 79 Gond Khedi 221 122 Khiriya 113 80 Gudawal 149 123 Khiriya 48 81 Guwari 32 124 Khwaja Khedi 153 10


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

----1 2 3 1 2 3

Kurwai Tahsil-Contd. Kurwai Tahsil-Contd. 125 Koluwa 84 169 Paira Khedi 54 126 Konsi 150 170 Pairaj Khedi 95 127 Kotha JOS 171 Palita 158 128 KuJhan 70 172 Panawar DR 129 Kurhai 23 173 Para sari 33 130 Kurwai Kasba 225 174 Pa~ewara J(J L 175 Parsora 188 13I Lachawara 110 176 Parsoriya 126 132 177 Pathari Layra 127 202 133 Letani 85 178 Pathari 4 134 Loharra 151 179 Patra 214 180 Piklon 215 M 181 Pipariya 196 182 Pirotba 108 135 Madaiya 29 183 Pirotha 210 136 Madal 121 184 Pitholi 68 137 Madau Khedi 31 185 Punakhedi' 193 138 Maddukbedi 88 139 Madhi Jagir 19 R 140 Madiya 100 141 186 Raimudara 9 Mahuakheda 182 142 IR7 Rajpur 132 Mainkhedi 62 143 188 Ramgarh 191 Mala 65 144 189 Ramkhiriya 171 Mala Pathari 175 145 190 Rasulpur Manju:khedi 64 Manesha 185 146 191 Rehan Kalan 77 Mankyai 176 147 192 Rewara 42 Mlltbrapllr 198 148 193 Roshan Pipariya 75 Mehluwa 74 149 194 Rusalla 160 Mitholi 129 150 195 Rusiya 78 Mitthapur 57 151 Modan Khedi 87 S 152 Mohaniya Khedi 94 153 Mudari 4S 196 Sadela 81 154 Muliya Kheda 125 197 SafaH 154 N 198 Sakoli 60 155 Nagwasa 199 Saletara 53 10~ Sankrod 156 Nah 200 217 219 201 Sarkhandi 157 Nahi 34 139 202 Satoh 158 Najafganj 167 ]64 203 Sedpur ]59 Najafpur 204 133 204 SemarKbedi 160 Naukund 201 46 205 Senira Jagir 161 Nawara 18 103 206 Semra Shahpur 39 162 Neh Pjpariya 26 207 Shaharwasa ]52 163 Nehra 27 208 Sbahpur 164 Nipaniya 58 21 209 Shahpur 137 p 210 Shekh Pipariya 28 211 Shekhpur 2 165 Padamyai 213 212 Sherpur 197 166 Padariya 7 213 Shyampur Gudawal 162 167 Padochha 111 214 Sihora 144 168 Padraj 168 215 Sikandarpur 44 11




S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Kurwai Tahsil-Concld. Basoda Tahsil-Conla. 215 Simarghan 170 34 Bankagarh ]68 2]7 Sirawada 67 35 Banwa 272 218 Sirawali 101 36 Banwasa 219 219 Sirnota 96 37 Bardha 73 220 Suneti 220 38 Bareth 243 92 T 39 Barkbeda Adawar 221 Talapar 146 40 Barkheda Basoda 323 12 222 Tamoiya 40 41 Barkheda Jagir 223 Tekoo 43 42 Barkheda Jat 62 43 Barkheda Makhu 71 U 44 Barmadi 432 224 Ukawad 165 45 Barod 414 225 Umarchha 93 46 Baroda 39 47 Barodiya 35 Basoda Tabsil 25/4 48 'Barodiya 355 49 Barodiya Bagrod 452 A 164 Abupur 415 50 Barri 9 2 Achanda 147 51 Barua Khar 3 Agasod 52 Barwati 310 206 321 4 Agra Jagir 2 53 Basariya 359 5 Ajeejpur Bhaderu 254 54 Basoda Daud 248 6 Akadoda 340 55 Battisa 354 7 Amari 400 56 BawaH 269 8 Amarpur 72 57 Bedan Khedi 444 9 Amarpura 89 58 Bedkachora 263 10 Amba Nagar 202 59 Behlot l:ll 11 Amkheda Kalu 133 60 Behta 435 12 Amkbeda Sukha 139 61 Belai 466 13 Amoda 159 62 Berkhedi 203 14 Anawai 434 63 Berkhedi 351 15 Arnoth 214 64 Berkhedi 84 16 Atas 162 65 Beckhedi Ghat 51 17 Atasemar 308 66 Berkhedi Kirar 67 Berkhedi Teonda 417 33 8 68 BhagWanpur 276 18 Babachiya 69 Bharachha 142 59 19 Bader 70 Bharna Kheda 56 286 20 Badher Mali 71 Bhasuda 358 249 21 Badrawali 72 Bhatni 375 398 22 Badwasa 73 Bhawan Khedi 230 305 23 Baghrru 74 Bherogarh 246 ISS 24 Bagroda 75 Bheronbag 378 -428 25 Bakchi 76 Bhidwasan 327 408 26 Bakena 77 Bhilay 172 32 27 Balra Kalan 78 BhiyaKhedi 333 24(] 28 Balra Kburd 79 Bhuwara 334 234 29 Balrampur 80 Bhuwara Jagir 179 80 30 Bamori 81 Bichhiya 42 207 31 Bamori Hasanpur 306 82 Biharipur 401 32 Bamuriya 83 Bijori 182 22] 33 Banjariya 416 84 Bijrotba 12


--_ -- S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

1 2 3 2 3

Basoda Tahsil-Contd. Basoda Tahsil-Confd. 85 Biladhana 174 131 Fatehpur Shamshi 188 86 Bil Khedi 11 132 Fufer 181 87 Bilwah 212 G 88 Binjh Jagir 90 89 Bisadha 451 133 Gadhayala 317 90 Bishanpar 454 134 Gajanai 320 91 Biskawali 244 135 Gajanyai 119 92 Bisoniya 15 136 Gamakar 275 93 Boodhor 120 137 Gambhiri 422 94 Boodi Bagrod 455 138 Ganj 265 95 Bothi Jagir 198 139 Garhi 46 96 Bucha Khedi 256 140 Ghatera 426 C 141 Ghat Khedi 34 142 Ghatmahi 109 97 Chak Madhopur Kalan 298 143 Ghinauchi 127 98 Chak Masudpur 210 144 Ghoghara 156 99 Cbamarha 102 145 Girahani 205 100 Champa Khedi 185 146 Gobachi 217 101 Chbewla 381 147 Gokalpur 57 102 Chhipani 345 Golna 103 Cborawar 148 65 271 149 Gond Khedi Mar 104 Chlllheta 457 228 150 Gond Khedi Pathar 462 D 151 Goriya 18 152 Gouriya Kheda 87 lOS Dabar 163 153 Gudawal 383 106 Dafaryai Faridplll' 324 154 GujarKhedi 104 107 Dafaryai Kalan 75 108 Dafaryai Khurd 146 155 Gulawari 314 109 Dala Patai 16 156 Gurod 190 110 Dangarwara 49 H 111 Danmadi 445 lI2 Daulatpura 21 157 Hada 54 113 Dawar 325 158 Hameedpur 406 114 Deeghora 412 159 Hansua 390 tI5 Dela Khedi 313 160 HarduKhedi 295 116 Delwara 409 161 Hargana Khedi 173 117 Derkhi 301 162 Hargana Khedi 218 118 Devipuf 352 163 Hasanpur Alias Jathoda 194 119 Dhadhon 138 164 Hatoda 260 120 Dhansinghpur 433 165 Hatwaha 387 121 Dhobi Kheda 82 166 Higli Jagir 3 122 Dhol Baj 460 167 Hinota 382 ]23 Didhoni 115 168 Hinotiya Mali 60 ]24 Dimroli 239 169 Hirapur 68 ]25 DindoIi 338 170 Himoda 304 126 DudanKhedi 464 127 I Dunatar 469 F 171 Ikodiya 150 172 Imaliya Jagir 91 128 Faridpur 173 Imliya 224 129 300 Fatehpur 250 174 Inayatpur 439 130 Fatehpur ]9 175 Itaiya 392 13


S. No. Name ofviflage L.e.No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Basoda Tahsil-Contd. Basoda Tahsil-Contd. J 224 Kbajuri Samshabad 83 225 KhataKhedi 50 176 Jafrawad Pipariya 241 226 Kham Kheda 379 177 Jamanyai 45 227 Khartari 208 178 Jaminpur ] 53 228 Khejada Kashiram 113 1/9 Jarod WI 229 Khejada Tila 116 180 JasiKheda 336 230 Khejara 135 181 Jatpura 26 231 Kherai 128 182 JeeraplIr 67 232 Kberoda Bagrod 461 183 Jhilipur 238 233 Kheroda Tyonda 377 184 lhiri 55 234 Kherua 266 185 Jhiriya 441 235 Khiriya 227 186 Jiwajipur 296 236 Khiriya Teonda 450 187 Jodhpur 31 237 Khoha 28 188 Jogi Kirroda 192 238 Khurseni 344 189 Johad 117 239 Khushalpura 465 190 Jonasi 335 240 KirarKhedi 363 191 ]ul!yai 245 241 Kirwaya 221 242 Kishanpur 463 K 243 Kisnoda 232 244 Kohana 470 192 Kabulpur 311 245 Kolua 22 193 Kacbhi Kheda 47 246 Koolha 282 194 Kachrod 255 247 Kulhar 229 195 Kadarpur 283 248 Kurawad 204 196 Kaji Kirroda 231 197 Kajtai 394 L 198 Kakarua Modan 2]6 ]99 Kakrawada 331 249 Lagdha <446 200 KalaKhedi 332 250 Lahdara 356 201 Kalana Khedi ] 87 ?51 Lahrawada 367 202 Kalapatha 319 252 Lakhl Khedi 158 203 Kamalpur 289 253 Lakbar 145 204 Kani l



S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Basoda Tahsil-Contd. Basoda Tahsil-Con/d.

27! Mahu 155 321 Nanakpur 141 272 Mahua Dongari 79 322 Nandupura 200 273 Mahua Kheda 397 323 Nanu Khedi 309 274 Mahu Kheda 189 324 Narayanpur 14 275 Mahutha 24 325 Narkhedaghat 111 276 Mahuwa Kheda 137 326 Narkheda Khadya 130 277 Majhera 467 327 Naroda 233 278 Malakpur 167 328 Nasaratgarh 41 279 Mali Khedi 177 329 Naseedpur 267 280 Mana Khedi 10 330 Nateran 107 281 Maniya Barkheda 70 331 Nauraj Khedi 114 282 Maser 312 332 Nayagaon 442 283 Masoodpur 211 333 Negama Pipariya 346 284 Matayai 388 334 Newali 191 285 Matena 364 335 Nibodiya 197 286 Mehamuda 161 336 l'ichron 180 287 Mehara 171 337 Nipaniya 132 288 Mehara Basoda 292 338 Noghai 277 1289 Menwada 384 339 Noorpur 410 290 Mewali 297 340 Norja 447 291 Mirgawali 235 292 Miya Khedi 108 0 293 Mohaniya Khedi 193 294 Mohanpur 43 341 Orangpur 353 295 Mohanpur &grod 456 296 Mohi 76 P 297 Moman Khedi 298 157 Moroda 326 342 Pachpipara 389 299 Motipur 13 343 Padaria Jagir 118 300 Motipura 86 344 Padhar 407 301 Mudara Pitambar 125 345 Padriya 176 302 Mudari Teonda 346 Pairi 195 303 411 Mudena 371 347 Palalakpur 140 304 MUdra 44~ 348 Pali 40 305 Mudra Basoda 3~O 349 Panchma 273 306 Mudra Khalil 350 Pa.1wariya 131 307 279 Mudra Khirni 106 351 Parasari 369 508 Mudra Sherpur 352 Parsaura Basoda 262 309 95 Muhansa 353 Parsaura Jagir 284 310 413 Mukandpur 354 Parsora 405 311 458 Muradpur 355 Pathari 270 312 343 Murahar 356 302 313 Murli Huri 362 20 357 Pawai Kurwai 165 314 Murtajanagar 358 Pegyai 53 315 Mutarra 349 222 359 Perwasa 152 360 Perwasa Teonda 436 N 316 Nadiya 361 Pipaldhar 85 63 Pipar Hunta 317 Nagaur 362 278 318 Nagdha 123 363 Pipari 98 122 Piplliiya Daulat 319 Nagtara 364 396 Pipariya Ghat 320 Naharyai 96 365 209 468 366 Pipariya Jajon 215 15


S No. Na.ne of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Basoda Tahsil-Col/rd. Easoda Tahsil-Contd. 367 Pipariya Jameedar 437 415 Sarsi 44 368 Pipariya Samshabad 136 416 Sarwaha 242 369 Pipraha 453 417 Satisi 134 370 Piproda 30 418 Satpada Hat 66 :m Pura Jagir 1 419 Satpara Kalan 438 372 Purwai 247 420 Sattakhedi Jajon 360 421 Semara Basoda 294 R 422 Semaca Teonda 391 274 373 Rabaryai 253 423 Semari 129 374 Raghunathpur 339 424 Semar Khedi 374 375 Ragru 36 425 Serwasa 101 376 Rahmanpur 395 426 Seu 259 377 Rai Khedi 154 427 Shahjahanpur alias Behta 186 378 Rai Khedi 385 428 Shahpur 23 379 Raipur 126 429 Shah pur 61 3RO Raj Kheda 220 430 Shahpura 7 381 Rajoda 151 431 Shahpur Jagir 25 382 Rajoda 268 432 ShalaKhedi 440 383 Rajp.. ua 38 433 Shekhpuf 175 384 Ramnagar 420 434 Shivrampur 29 385 435 Sigrampur Rampura 386 411) 386 Rampura Jagir 436 Silarpur 6 4 387 Rampura Kalan ]43 437 Sil Kheda 110 388 Rampura Khurd 78 438 Silway Khajuri 307 389 Rasoolpur 402 439 Singa Khedi 257 390 Ratan Khedi 316 440 Sirawada Kurwai 425 391 Ratanpur Chakk 441 Sirnota 124 94 392 Ratwa 442 Sirsi 8 184 393 RauKhedi 443 Somwara 261 431 394 Ravan 444 Sonsera 97 315 395 Richhai 445 Sonthiya 421 361 396 Riniya 446 Suja 93 366 397 Rithari 447 Sumer Dangi 423 370 398 Rojaru 448 Sumer Kachhi 213 449 399 Rupeti 449 SumerKasam 380 251 400 Rusalli 74 450 Sunari 451 Suneti 373 S 452 Swarup Nagar 291 347 401 453 Syari Sadher 5R 252 402 Sagar 454 Syawada Kurwai 5 T 403 Sago.li 418 404 Sahaba 350 455 Tabbakka1pur 341 405 Sakatpur 77 456 Tajkhajuri 112 406 Sakrai 178 457 Tarawali 448 407 Sakroli ]96 458 Teonda 391 408 Saloi 280 459 Thana 52 409 Samadpur 237 460 Thanwah 169 410 Samshabad 27 461 Tharraka 225 41l Sanai Rampur 329 462 Tikod 226 412 Sanawal 285 463 Tilatili 183 413 Sandalpur 328 464 Tinsyai tll 414 Sangul 69 465 TofaKhedi ]44 16


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Nam~ of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Basoda Tahsil-Concld. Vidisha Tahsil-Contd. U 37 Barkheda 240 38 Barkheda 466 Udaipur 348 425 39 Barkheda Ahmadpur 256 467 Uhar 160 40 Barkhedi 468 Ukayala 170 305 41 Barkhedi Jetu 469 Ukayala 368 222 42 Barri Dhamnod 356 470 Umariya 17 43 Barri Kasba 123 44 Barro 23 45 Basadehi 360 Vidisha Tahsil 25/5 46 Basia Gajar 400 47 Basia Kalan 378 A 48 BasiyaKhas 384 49 Basuriya 362 50 Beharyai 1 Abidganj 435 388 51 Behata 434 2 Abela 268 3 Adampur 52 Behlot 36R 245 53 Berkhedi 4 Abmada Nagar 199 10 Berkhedi 5 Ahmadganj urf Khoi 54 428 338 55 Berkhedi Ahmadpur 267 6 Ahmadpur Tappa (Kham Kheda) 70 7 Airan 56 Berkhedl Bujurg 81 130 Berkhedi Kasba 8 Amachhawar 57 58 190 Berkhedi (Manora) 9 Amarpur 58 329 390 59 Bhadar Badagaon 289 10 AmauKhedi 106 11 Ambar 60 Bhadora 277 299 61 Bhairo Khedi 2n 12 Amkheda 198 13 Amkheda 62 Bhaironpur 443 430 63 Bhat Khedi 19 14 Amoda 41 64 Bhatni 247 15 Amrohi Padrayat 441 16 Andiya Ahmadpur 65 Bhauriya 227 251 66 Bhawan Khiriya 345 ]7 Andiya Kalan 122 67 Bhila Khedi 18 18 Andiya Khurd 115 68 Bhiya Khedi 53 19 Arwaria 71 69 Bhoot Para"i 33 20 Atari Khejada .310 70 Bid Sarkar 85 B 71 Bighan 193 72 BiJori 69 Bilrai 21 Babliya 73 312 423 74 Boria Khamkheda 22 Badanpur 73 68 Boria Khamkheda 23 Bagei 75 32 94 Bori Rampur 24 Bais 76 419 191 Budha Basoda 25 Bala Barkheda 77 348 37 78 Byonchi 11 26 Balla Khedi 26 27 Baman Kheda 75 C 28 Baman Kheda 93 79 Chaki Pipar 250 29 Bamora 39 80 Chak Madhi 158 30 Bamuriya 63 81 Chakpiya 116 31 Ban 170 82 Chatholi 155 32 Bandwa 418 83 Chhap Kheda 102 33 Banjariya 303 84 Chhir Kheda 86 34 Bankhedi 84 85 Chidoriya 238 35 Bara Kheda 233 86 Chikli 340 36 Barbai 399 87 Chirawata 322 17


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No. --_------~- 2 2 3 -~---T---~

Vidisha Tahsil-Contd. Vidisha Tahsil-Contd. 88 Chirodia Munjapta 214 139 Gondipru 369 89 Chironda 343 140 Gopalpur 398 90 Cbiroriya 9 141 Gonya Khamkheda 22 91 Cbitrayan 143 142 Goriya Tappa Manora 414 92 Choki 334 143 Gulabganj 135 93 Chopada 337 144 Gular Khedi 134 D 94 Dagarwada 263 145 Gunjari 373 394 95 Daiyarpur 358 146 Gunnotha 154 96 Dalla Khedi 24 147 Gunua 97 Dargawan 431 148 Gurariya Haweli 213 67 98 Dasipur 371 149 Gur.. riya Lashkarpur 246 99 Daudpura 204 150 Guwarhela 332 100 Daulatpur 382 151 Daulatpura H 101 205 152 Haidargarh Basoda 403 102 Dawar 228 153 Hansua 218 103 Dehri 279 154 Harhar Khedi 359 104 Deilavada 318 155 HarjaKhedi 160 105 Deokhajuri 105 156 Haru Khedi 97 106 Deorajpur 219 157 Hasanpur 50 107 Derkhi 372 158 Hasnabad 231 108 Dharnnod 367 159 Hatamgarh 395 109 Dharnnoda 36 160 Hatiya Kheda 165 110 Dhaniya Khedi 168 161 Hat Kheda 316 111 Dhanora Chobisa 167 162 Hat Kheda 140 112 Dhanora Haweli 221 163 Himmatpur 436 113 DharuKhedi 232 164 Hinotiya 445 114 Dhaturiya Chobisa 128 165 Hinotiya Gunua 146 115 Dhaturiya Haweli 235 166 Hinotiya Kolinja 111 116 Dhokbeda 408 167 Hirapur 424 117 Dho! Khedi 184 168 Hirnai 293 118 Dhurera 324 169 Hirnoda 187 119 Dighora 313 I 120 DitaKhedi 104 170 Ikodiya Chobisa 121 121 Diya Kheda 306 171 Ikodiya Lashkatpur 179 122 Dulhai 103 172 Ikwalganj 341 123 Dupariya 7 173 Imaliya Jagir 174 124 Durjanpura 192 174 Imaliya Lashkarpur 92 E 175 Imaliya Parasi 80 125 Elachha 393 314 F 176 Imlawada 126 Furtala 330 177 Indatwas 321 G 178 Isarawar 327 127 Gadha!a 119 J 128 Gajar 182 179 Jafar Kbedi 89 129 Gaji Khedi 244 180 Jahidganj 392 130 Gambhiriya 413 181 Jaitpura 243 131 Ganeshpur 162 182 Jalhari 269 132 Gangarwada 51 183 Jamaldi 181 133 GehunKhedi 211 184 Jambar 95 134 Ghatera 420 185 Jbadponiya 366 135 Ghat Khedi 259 186 Jhimiya 429 136 Ghonsua 147 ]87 Jhimiya 254 137 Ghudiya Khedi 226 188 Jiwajipur 189 138 Gburda 156 189 Jotpllr 397 18


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3 -~.------

Vidisha Tahsil-Con/d. Vidisha Tahsil-Contd.

K 241 Kothichar Kalan 8 190 Kabula 28 242 Kothichar Khurd 100 243 Kotra (Lashkarpur) 191 Kachanariya 57 60 192 Kachhawa 224 244 Krimchi Bandhera 171 193 Kachhi Kheda 76 245 Kuwakhedi Usnapur 173 194 Kagpur 118 L ]95 Kakarua 409 196 Kakruwa Chobisa 120 246 Laharpur 440 197 Kanari 117 247 Lakhangar 145 198 Kanjela 302 248 Lakhuli 432 199 Kankar Khedi 255 249 Lala Khedi 274 200 Kaph 283 250 Lashkarpur 98 201 Karahi 65 251 Lodha Khedi 52 202 Karaiya Hat 74 252 Loharri 380 203 Karaiya Haweli 196 M 204 Kant Khedi 229 205 Karariya Chobisa 129 253 Madanai 377 206 Karariya Ahmadpur 257 254 Madan Kheda 206 207 Karariya Tappa Lashkarpur 66 255 Madan Khedi 223 208 Karela 46 256 Madhi Chobisa 157 209 Karhaiya 298 257 Madhipur 311 210 Karhaiya Ahmadpllr 260 258 Madhiya Daroi 391 211 Karodiya Bagod 45 259 Madhiya Dhamnod 350 212 Kasba Ahmadpur 266 260 Madhiya Indarwa;; 323 213 Katsara 220 261 Madhiya Jaman 412 214 Khai Kheda 239 262 Madhiya Kalan 56 215 Khajuri Tappa Barri 131 263 Madhiya Khurd 77 216 Khajuri Thaner 25 264 Madhopur 444 217 KhamKheda 126 265 Mahendar 136 218 Kham Kheda Kasba 47 266 Mahuwa Kheda 407 219 Khamkheda Tappa Lashkarpur 180 267 Mahuwa Kheda 281 220 Khammu Khedi 178 268 Mahuwa Kheda (Khamkheda) 34 221 Khamtala 83 269 Mala 144 222 Khapar Kheda 290 270 Mankapur 421 223 Khari 291 271 Mannupura 309 224 Kharwai 225 272 Manora :126 225 Khejada Ahroadpur 261 273 Manpur 124 226 Khejada Bagrod 354 274 Mardanpur 342 227 Khejada Barri 166 275 Meharkhedi Padrat 236 228 Khejada Kheda 112 276 Mehdon 308 229 Khejada Padrat 280 277 Mehru Khedi 161 230 Khejada Sultan 48 278 Mirgawali 315 231 Kherua 426 279 Mirzapur 234 232 Kherua Lashkarpur 177 280 Mohammadgarh 233 Khiriya 339 ]50 281 Mudari 142 234 Khiriya 12 282 Mudjhiri 235 Khiriya Jagir 438 344 283 Mudra Abela 287 236 Khujarhar 137 284 Mudra Ahmadpur 237 265 Kolinja 107 285 Mudra DUrjansar 238 181 Ko)uwa 349 286 Mudra Gunwa 239 159 Ko)uwa Jagir 387 287 Mudra Harisingh 240 Kota 176 29 li8 Mugwara 139 19



S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

------.. --.~~-- ._------2 3 2 3 ------_-- . __ . Vidlsba Tahsil-Contd. Vidisha Tahsil-Contd. 289 Muhana 284 334 Pipal Hutba 271 290 Mundra Surai 114 335 Pipaliya Ajeet 38 291 Mungod 241 336 Piraliya Lakhuli 442 292 Murwara 209 337 Pipaliya Mota 72 338 Pipalkheda "Kalan 13 N 339 Pipalkheda KhJrd 101 293 Nababganj 383 340 Pipalkhedi Tappa Manora 328 294 Nador 301 341 Pipariya Ghat 96 295 Nama Khedi 59 342 Pipariya Gunua 138 296 Narot 286 343 Pipariya Jagir 410 297 Naryabal 357 344 Pipariya Nag 91 298 Nathanpur 1 345 Pipariya Parasar 351 299 Nallias 282 346 Pohara 335 300 Neem Kheda 78 347 Poniya 439 301 Nimkhiriya 90 348 Poru Khedi 49 302 Nipaniya 163 349 Potala 437 303 Nitarri 276 350 Powa Nala 31 304 Nolai 325 351 Pura Gusai 416 305 Norja 379 352 Pureniya 55 0 R

306 OJinja 333 353 Raees Nagar 406 354 Raghunathpur 133 p 355 Rakoli 125 356 Ramgarh 300 307 Pachpediya 376 357 Ramgarh 275 308 Padrat 237 358 Ramnagar 415 309 Padriya 375 359 Ra:npl:ra 248 310 Padriya 99 360 Rampura 346 311 Padriya Mafi 200 361 Rampur Bandhlya 2 312 Paho 185 362 Rampur Chak 152 313 Palki ~g5 363 Rampur Chak Patni 296 314 Paloh J88 364 Rangai 197 315 P:lmariya 361 365 Ratan Khadan 16 316 Panjh .172 366 Roda 253 317 Paras 108 367 Rusalla 230 318 Parasi Gujar 79 368 Rusalli Chobisa 127 319 Parasi Khurd 44 369 Rusalli Khamkheda 5 320 Parasi Tundara 217 321 Pardhi 30 S 322 Parsora 109 370 Sagoda 42 323 Parsora Dhamnod 374 371 Sagoni 386 324 Parsora Haweli 216 372 Sagoriya 363 325 Parsu Khedi 272 Sajan Khedi 326 Pathari Haweli 373 365 210 374 Sakarda 327 Pathariya 422 43 375 Salai Khedi 328 Pathrai 21 319 376 Saiaiya 329 Patni 20 297 377 San 330 Patti Gambhiriya 288 411 378 Sangai 331 Patti Loharra 249 381 379 Sanga Khedi 332 Patwari Khedi 242 149 380 Sankalkheda Kalan 333 Perwara 61 186 381 Sankalkheda Khurd 54 20


S. No. Name of village L.C. No. S. No. Name of village L.C. No.

2 3 2 3

Vidlsha Tahsil-Contd. Vldisha Tahsil-Cone/d.

382 Sanoti 17 417 Sultaniya 14 383 Santapur 132 418 Sumerbarri 164 384 Sardarpur 402 419 Sumel Dhamnod 405 385 Satiya Khedi 264 420 Sumer Jagir 347 386 Satpada Ahmadpur 258 421 Sumerpur 307 387 Satpada Johari 352 422 Sunpura 195 388 Satpada Kalan 3 423 Sueod 262 389 Saurai 175 390 Sayar 40 T 391 Sehja Khedi 4 424 Tal Bahed 401 392 Semra 278 393 425 Tamoriya 203 Semra Ishtamurar 355 426 Tacavaji Munjapta 394 215 SemtaKheda 113 427 Tarawali 395 317 Semra Lashkarpur 64 428 Tewadi 151 396 Semra Padrat 294 397 429 Thaner 15 SemraSukha 62 430 Tharr 398 273 Semra Tappa Dharnnod 364 431 Tigra 399 88 Shahpura 433 432 Tilak 270 400 Sherpur Kasba 6 Tila Khedi 401 433 212 Sherpur Munjapta 207 434 Tori 87 402 Sihod 417 435 Tumaina 148 403 Silpari 35 404 Simarhar 295 lJ 405 Sinduriya 370 436 Udaigiri 194 406 Sirnota 110 437 Udla Khedi 27 407 Sirsawali 320 438 UharKotca 331 408 Siyasi 304 439 Ulakheda 427 409 Sojana 169 440 Usar Bohata 396 410 Sonthar 252 441 Usmaniya 385 411 Sonthiya 208 442 Usufganj 389 412 Suakhedi 201 443 Utrna Khedi 141 413 Suakhedi 153 V 414 SugnaKhedi 82 415 Sujat.88JU 404 444 Vidisha 202 416 Sujwaha 336 44S Vijaypur 353 '0 -....o 0", ....


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LOCATION CODE NUMElER ___1 !_2 ___ _ STATE HIGHWAV;METALLED ROADS " " ~; __ UN~ETALLED ROADS ===:::; s ;;IVERS I STREAMS ~ " , TOWN, , I ' .,. , . . ' ILLAGES, ~ . LE ~~?SO 50•TO0 1TO000• r ~: ;~~ 99' un






History : dential houses, number of households, total population Prior to 1951 there were no seperate Census publi­ and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste and Schedu­ cations for every district. But at the time of prepara­ led Tribe population, literate population and working tory arrangements for the first Census of Independent population by nine broad categories. India, it was felt that Census statistics should be made (c) Part C will mainly incorporate the administra­ available for smaller territorial units basic to the needs tive statistics pertaining to the district in all the fields of an administration wedded to welfare of the masses. of development, The other Census tables pertaining Accordingly, the scheme of District Census Handbooks to the district regarding language, religion, migration, was conceived and implemented. In view of the useful­ etc., will also be reproduced. There will be a write-up ness of separate publications for each district, further indicating the changes in the socio-economic and improvement was made at the time of 1961 Census by demographic characteristics of the dIstrict in the last including non-Census data like climate, agriculture, decade. co-operation, industry, banking, education, health etc. ViI1age Directory : An introductory note was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately the desire to This is in the form of one statement. Important make districtwise Census publication very comprehen­ statistics for each village have been given under the sive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. main head-Amenities and Land Use Data. Other Therefore, the OIganisers of the 1971 Centenary Census information regarding nearest town with distance, decided in favour of splitting the District Census market, staple food and places of religious, historical Handbooks into three parts and thereby release maxi­ or archaeological interest have also been given in mum data, as and when available, so that the publi­ separate columns. The information regarding "Ameni­ cation may have a useful life of seven to eight years of ties" cover items like educational and medical institu­ inter-censal decennium. tions, power supply, drinking water, communications and post and telegraph. Under' 'Land use", the break-uP Scope: of the total area of the village has been indicated under (a) Part A of the book is the Village and Town sub-heads forest, irrigated, unirrigated cultivable waste Directory. The Village Directory contains for each not available for cultivation. village particulars of amenities available in the field of (a) There are 1,624 villages in the five tahsils education, medicine power supply, drinking water supp­ of the district and the number of villages, tahsil·wise, in ly, post and telegraph facilities and communications. In 1961 and 1971 is as under:-

addition, data relating to particulars of land use, -.~-~~_ weekly market, places of religious, historical or Tahsil 1961 1971 Difference archaeological interest in the vilJage has also been (1) (2) (3) (4) iIlCluded. The Town Directory gives for each town -----.. ~-- 1115 Nil in the district in the form of suitable statements the 1. Lateri 195 2. Sironj 290 289 -1 or;gin and the status of the town administration, growth 3. Kurwai 225 225 Nil of population, functional category of the town, physi­ 4. Basoda 470 470 Nil cal aspects and location, latest municipal financial 5. Vidisha 443 445 +2 .. -~ statements, civic and other amenities, medical, educa­ Total 1,623 1,624 + J tional and cultural facilities, trade, industry, commerce ._-_ and banking facilities, population by religion and It may be seen that there has been a decrease of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The abbre­ one village in Sironj tahsil and an increase of two viations used in the Directory have been explained villages in Vidisha tahsil. Thus there has been an separately. increase of one village in the district. The reasons for (b) Part B contains for each village and town, the the difference are :- primary census data incorporating area, occupied resi· 1. Sironj Tabsil.--Village Chakchitawar, having 24

location code number 279 in 1961 Census, has been ted at a distance of 32 kms. from the nearest town, merged with village Chitawar' (Location Code No. 6 Vidisha while village Lateri (1. C. No. 25/1/118) in of 1971) by settlement. Lateri tahsil has the largest area of 12,702.47 acres in the district and is located at a distance of 32 kms. 2. Vidisha tahsil.-The revenue area of Vidisha from the nearest town, Sironj. This Village, Lateri, town has been treated as a separate village (L. C. No. is the headquarters of the tahsil. Out of 1,624 villa­ 202). ges, 1, 172 viii ages are in the range of 501-2,000 acres. VilJage Sherpur Munjapta (1. C. No. 207), which Maximum villages in all the tahsils come within the was included in Non-Municipal urban area of Vidisha area range of 501-1,000 acres as will be seen from the town in 1961, has been treated as a separate village. following table containing tahsil-wise data :----- The distribution of the villages with reference to Area in acres Lateri Sirooj Kurwai Basoda Vidisha Total their area in acres is as shown in the inset table below:------~----- ~------~~ 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

-~~--~ Area (in acres) No. of villages Below 50 acres 51 to 100 5 5 (1) (2) 101 to 200 2 1 5 2 12 22 201 to 500 37 39 52 57 62 247 50 acres or less 501 to 1,000 69 144 96 181 177 667 51 to 100 5 1,001 to 2,000 57 80 57 J69 142 505 ]01 to 200 22 2,001 to 5,000 27 24 15 60 47 173 201 to 500 247 5,001 & above 3 1 1 S 501 to 1,000 667 Area not available ... J ,001 to 2.000 50S 2.001 to 5,000 173 Total: 19~ 289 225 470 44S 1,624 S,001 acres and above 5 Total:- 1,624 (b) Educational Amenities:-The total number of villages having various educational facilities within Village Ratankhadan (L.C. No. 2515/16) in Vidisha various distance tanges from the nearest town are as tahsil has the smallest area of 68.30 acres and is loca- indi::ated in the inset table below :- Distance from Total No. of Number of villages having

nearest town villages ,------~---, Primary School Middle School High or Higher College Others Secondary School - _--- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 5 kms. or less 125 36 2 6 to 10 kms. 193 68 2 11 to 15 kms. 287 87 4 16 to 25 kms. 523 164 22 3 26 to 50 kms. 478 129 17 3 51 to]OO kms. ]8 101 to 200 kms. 201 kms. and above

---~~--~ ---~-~~----~- To'al 1,624 48S 48 6 Maximum number of villages (523) lie within the this range. The number of educational institu­ distance range 16-25 kms. and maximum number of tions in the vil1ages of different tahsils is given villages having educational facilities also lie within below:- Tahsil Number of Educational Institutions

Higher Secondaryj Middle Primary Others High School School School -_---_---_-_ - --~ ---_ ---- ~----.-~---- ~-~------(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ----1 Lateri 8 30 Sironj 3 67 Kurwai 6 88 Basoda 4 13 153 Vidisha 1 19 153 Total 6 49 491 25

Two vilJages have four primary schools each, while villages with.~ d1stances from the ¢arest town are / one village has two middle schools. The area of these indicated below

SI. No. Name of Tahsil L. C. No. Area of the Distance from Educational village vifiage in the nearest institutions acres towns in Kms. & number (if with name more than one)

Primary Middle

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 Lateri Lateri 25/1/118 12,702.47 Sironj 32 kms. 4 2 2 Vidisha Vidisha 25/5/202 4,970.00 VidishaO km. 4 Total 8 2

(c) Medical facilities.-The availability of medical from the nearest town are as indicated in the inset facilities, per 100 sq. kms. and tahsil-wise, is as given table below :- in the following inset table :-

~---.-~-----.------Distance from the Total No. of No. of villages with Tahsil Total area No. of medical institutions of any kind nearest town villages electric power supply (in sq. kms.) per 100 sq. kms. (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) 5 kms. or less 125 5 Lateri 986.43 0.6 6 to 10 kms. 193 6 Sironj 1.224.24 0.3 11 to 15 kms. 287 8 16 to 25 kms. 523 8 Kurwai 831.93 0.7 26 to 50 kms. 478 8 Basoda 2,311.83 0.6 51 to 100 kms. 18 Vidisha 1,937.68 1.5 101 to 200 kms.

------~ ~ --- 201 luns. & above

The above table will show that the villages of Total 1,624 3S Vidisha tahsil have, comparatively, greater medical facilities per 100 sq. kms. The number of medical It would be seen from the above that only about institutions, tahsil-wise, is as indicated below :- 2 percent of the total number of villages have ele~tri­

.~-----.-~-~~---~- ci'ty and all of them are in the distance range up to Tahsil No. of Medical InstitutioilS 50 kms. The number of villages having electric power (1) (2) supply, tahsil-wise, is as below :-

Lateri 6 Tahsil Total No. of Villages having Percentage or' Sironj 4 villages electric power villages covered supply by electricity Kurwai 6 Basoda 14 (4) Vidisha 29 (1) (2) (3)

Totd 59 Lateri 195 0.51 0.35 About 49 percent of the medical institutions in the Sironj 289 Kurwai 225 4 1. 78 rural areas of the district are in the villages of Vidisha Basoda 470 14 2.97 tahsil. Vidisha 445 15 3.37 (d) Power supp/y.-The number of villages having 2.1S electric power supply within various distance ranges Total 1,624 35


It may be noticed that about one fourth of the area under crops during the years 1960-61 and 1968-69 rural area of Lateri tahsil is under forest, while in comes to 0.22 and 0.47, respectively. The area under Kurwai tahsil, Jess than one percent area is under irrigation during this period increased by 165.25 forest. percent. (ii) The net cropped area in the year 1969 in­ (iii) The following inset table shows the average creased by 21.43 percent as compared to the area in percentage of cultivable waste per village in different 1960-61. The percentage of area under irrigation to distance ranges from the nearest town :--- Distance Number of Total Average Total Average Percentage of average cultivable waste villages cultivated cultivated cultivable cultivable per village to average cultivated land land land per waste waste per per village village village - _.-- - -- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 5 kms. or less 125 73,956.29 591.65 22,201.49 177 .61 30.02 6 to 10 kms. 193 126,853.46 657.27 29,067.07 150.61 22.91 11 to 15 kms. 287 200,647.53 699.12 42,895.02 149.46 21.38 16 to 25 kms. 523 395,076.17 755.40 91,293.89 174.56 23.11 26 to 50 kms. 478 34J,827.04 729.76 92,881.37 194.31 26.63 51 to 100 kms. 18 8,586.63 477.04 2,932.49 162.92 34.15 101 to 200 kms. 201 Kms. & above Total 1,624 1,153,947.12 281,271.33

Ordinarily, the nearer a village to an urban area, (a) Definition oftown.-A "town" in the 1961 the lesser is the proportion of cultivable waste but the Census was either-(i) a Municipality, Cantonment or above inset table will show that there is some devi­ Corporation; or (ii) a habitation with a population ation in the distance ranges upto 11-15 kms. of at least 5,000, with atleast three-fourths of the adult male population engaged in non-agricultural In the whole district, 281,271 acres(in round figures) pursuits. of land has been classified as cultivable waste which constitutes 15.61 percent of the total area of the Accordingly there were 219 towns in the State. villages in the district, The percentage of cultivable However, seven towns did not satisfy either the mini­ waste in each tahsil is as indicated below :- mum popUlation criterion or the one relating to ratio of non-agricultural adult males being 75% or more. But the list already finalised was not changed subse­ Name of tahsil Percentage of cultivable waste quently ; the reason for not disturbing the original list of towns was that asmany as 14 habitations which (I) (2) did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria laid ------_ down earlier managed to get included in the list of towns Lateri 14.33 as municipalities and inclusion of seven more such Sironj 22.01 Kurwai 15.07 towns was not supposed to introduce greater demo­ Basoda 17.06 graphic distortion than what was already present. Vidisha 10.72 In the 1971 Census there was no material change in the concept of town and a list of 247 towns was pre­ This table would show that comparatively, mare pared originally. Three more towns were added in cultivable waste is located in Sironj tahsil and it the list due to the fact that two places were comes to slightly more than one fifth of the total area declared as municipal and the third fulfilled the neces­ of the villages III this tahsil. sary criterion to qualify a place as urban and ulti­ mately 250 towns were recognised in the State. All T own Directory areas which are not towns have been included in the list of villages. This is in the form of seven statements. But before discussing the information collected in the (b) Urban Agglomeration.--The concept of Urban seven statements, it would be better to first under­ Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971 Census stand certain concepts which determines urban areas. with the intention to present the population data in 28 the District Census Handbook in respect of urban annual rainfall, temperature, distance from the areas in such a manner that "de-facto urban agglo­ nearest city with population of 1 lac or more and meration" is a recognisable entity, data pertaining State, District and tahsil headquarters. Distances to which will be the sum of the data of not only the from Railway Station and Bus route have also de-jure (within Municipal(other statutory limits) urban been indicated. area but also of its outgrowths in different directions which are obviously urban in character and form a (iii) Statement No. IIl.-The statement contains in­ continuous urban spread. This has been considered formation regarding receipt and expenditure of necessary so that future comparisons or studies of the local bodies under different main heads indicat­ particular urban agglomeration is factual and not ing the indebtedness and general financial vitiated by the time differential which C'xists between position and expenditure on public utility works. The information has been furnished for the the delineation of municipal boundaries and the actual growth of the urban area. years 1968-69, 1969-70 and 1970-71 in order to have an idea whether the concerned urban body (c) Standard Urban Area.-This new concept is improving financially or not. has been developed for the 1971 Census and the essentials of a Standard Urban Area are :- (iv) Statement No. IV.-This statement contains in­ formation regarding amenities, e.g., road length, (i) It should have a core town of a minimum sewerage system, types of latrines, water supply, population size of 50,000. fire-fighting service etc. in the different towns. (ii) The contiguous areas made up of other urban as well as rural administrative units should have (v) Statement No. V.-This statement contains in­ close socio-economic links with the core town, and formation regarding various important facilities (iii) The probabilities are that this entire area available in the town viz., medical, educational, will get fully urbanilled in a period of two to three recreational and cultural. decades. This concept has been develooed to provide comparable data for a definite area of urbanisation (vi) Statement No. VI.--This statement throws light continuously for three decades which would give a on the business and credit facilities commanded meaningful picture. by the towns and contains information regarding trade, commerce, industry and banking. The Seven Statements Very useful data regarding the towns have been given in the (vii) Statement No. VII.-This statement contains statements and they have been collected and data re~arding population by religion and compiled from various agencies and official publica­ Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/ tions. The source and period of the information has female break-up for the year 1971. This is the been indicated below each Statement. It would not only statement based on 1971 Census figures. be out of place to mention here that analysis of data collected from diverse sources has its own limitations, There are five tahsils and four towns in Vidisha mostly due to sketchy and incomplete information. All the same, the data compiled and presented throws district as indicated below :- sufficient light on the present stage of progress in each town. SI.No. Tahsil Town L.C.No. Class (i) Statement No. I.-This statement presents the (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) basic data relating to popUlation of the towns for each decennium from 1901 to 1971 and the civic administration status in 1970. The civic 1 Lateri Sironj Sironj III administration status of the town indicates the 2 25/1 3 Kurwai Kurwai 25/II V authority incharge of its administration. Thus 4 Basoda Basoda 25/I1I IV a town could have a Municipal Corporation, 5 Vidisha Vidisha 25/IV III a Municipality, a Cantonment Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified Area Committee etc. All the tahsil headquarters, except Lateri, are (ii) Statement No. 11.-This statement contains in­ towns. Vidisha town is also the headquarters of the formation regarding location (latitude/longitude), district. Out of the above four towns, only two 29

towns" namely Vidisha and Sironj, continue to be The population of the towns have, by and large, recognised as a town since 190 I. The other two shown constant increase every decade after their towns were recognised for the first time in the years recognition as towns except during the period men­ indicated below ;- tioned above.

1. Basoda 1931 , (ii) Column 14 of the the statement shows the 2. Kurwai 1961 functional classification of the towns in 1961 as indicated in the following inset table :- No town has ever been derecognised. There is no Total No. of towns town in the district having population of over 50,000 Functional category and, therefore, there is no standard urban area. Only (1) (2) Basoda town has the foU?wing urban outgrowths :- Industry-cum-Services 1 Services-cum-Primary activities 1 Services-cum-Industry-cum­ 1 Town Outgrowth Particulars Location (Name of Village) (Wholly JPartly) Code No. Primary activities Services-cum-Industry-cum­ Trade & Commerce (1) (2) (3) (4) Total 4 Basoda l. Behlot Partly 25/4J263 The method adopted for the functional classifica­ 2. Swaroopnagar Partly 25/4/291 tion is elucidated below :- The nine industrial categories were grouped Statement 1.- (i) The category of town adminis~ into the following five functional characteristics :- tration in 1970 has been indicated in column 5 of (i) Primary Activities (Comprising Category I the statement. All the four towns have municipality. Cultivation, II-Agricultural Labourer and The population of Sironj fell only during the decade III-Mining and Quarrying. Fishing, Live­ 1911-1921 as indicated below :- stock, Hunting, etc). (ii) Industrial (Comprising Category IV-House­ SI. No. Name or'Town Decade Population Reduction in year Population hold Industry, V-Manufacturing other than Household Industry and VI-Construction). 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (iii) Commercial (Comprising Category VII-Trade and Commerce). 1. Sironj 1911 12,091 (iv) Transport (Comprising Category VIII-Trans­ 1921 11 ,760 -331 port, Storage and Communications). (v) Services (Comprising Category IX-other Ser­ Incidentally, it may be indicated here that Sironj vices). Sub-Division of Kotah District of , consis­ The percentage of total workers under the above ting of two tahsils-Sironj and Lateri, was merged five functional characteristics were calculated for each with district vidisha as a result of the reorganisation town and the predominant function(s) of each town of the States on the 1st November, 1956.* The fall was/were determined. If one functional characteris­ in population of Sironj during this decade, when tic of a town absorbed more than 40 percent of the it was part of Tonk, a princely state in Rajputana, total workers the town was designated by that func­ was mainly due to influenza epidemic. The extent of tion. In case no single characteristic claimed 40 adverse effects caused by this epidemic could be judg­ percent of the workers, two predominant characteris­ ed from the following relevant extract from the Part I tics together claiming a percentage of 60 or above Report (Census of India 1921) of Rajputana and were taken to represent the town. If these two failed Ajmer-Merwara, at page 16 :- to account for 60 percent of the total workers, the " ...... the most critical, trying and terrifying was first three characteristics were taken to represent the the appearance of the world-wide voracious town. disease "Influenza" in 1918, which shook the Statement U-The physical and Iocational aspects entire Province and wrought havoc surpassing as in 1969 have been covered. The district is situated all previous records" in the central zone of the State and in the north ... District Census Handbook-Census of India 1961-Vidisha District Page XI 30 eastern tip of the fertile pleteau of . The Statement m.-On the basis of population of climate of the district is temperate with pleasent 1971, the towns of the district have been categorised winters. The nights are generally pleasant even in as under:- summer. The towns get annual rainfall of about S1.No. Name of Town Population in 1971 Class 901 mm. to 1159 mm. The temperature of the towns (4) is not available hence the temperature of the nearest d) (2) (3) towns, which have more or less similar temperature, 1. Kurwai 6,811 V III have been indicated as those of towns of the district 2. Vidisha 43,212 Basoda 18,573 IV in the statement. The range of maximum and mini­ 3. 4. Sironj 22,413 III mum temperature of the towns is indicated as 31.4"C and 18.5'C. All the towns are on bus routes. Railway The statement would show that the total expendi­ facility is available in two towns only. is the ture is within the total receipts of the local bodies nearest city by road from the towns of the district. except in the following cases :- -- SI.No. Local body in Year of excess Total Receipt Total Expenditure Amount by which Percentage of excess the town of expenditure the expenditure is expenditure to total more than receipt receipt (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. KU'wai 1969-70 89,000 128,000 39,000 43.82 2. Vidisha 1969-70 759,100 778,100 19,000 2.50 3. Basoda 1969-70 597,000 608,800 11 ,800 1.98 4. Sironj 1969-70 317,000 463,100 146,100 46.09 1970-71 342,400 370,900 28,500 8.32 Column 7 of the above table would show tbat during these years except in the following cases ;- the percentage of excess expenditure to total receipts Local body in the Year Extent of shortfall in of the local bodies of Sironj and Kurwai is more than town of receipts through 40 for the years indicated in the table. The total taxes etc, receipts of the local bodies have, by and large, shown (1) (2) (3) an upward trend. The total receipts of local bodies of 1. Kurwai 1969-70 16,800 Basoda and Sironj, however, reveal a fall during the 2. Sironj 1969-70 56,700 years 1970-71 and 1969-70, respectively. This is mainly due to faU in the receipts through taxes etc. The above table would show that the shortfalls are of the local body of Sironj while in the case of the substantial as against the total receipts of these local local body of Basoda, the short fall in the total receipts bodies. No local body, except that of Basoda, took in 1970·71 as compared to the previous year is due loan. Government grant has also supplemented the to the fact that in 1969-70 only, the local body recei­ receipts of the local bodies. The per capita receipt ved substantial amount as loan. Receipts through and expenditure under broad heads is indicated in taxes have also shown, by and large, an upward trend the inset table below :- PER CAPITA (in rupees) .~~------~ Expenditure No. of Year Receipt Class of town town ~ ~------~ __ ------A .------~ Total Receipt Receipt from Total Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Receipt through all other expenditure on Public Oil Public on all other taxes sources Health Institutions aspects etc. Conveniences (8) (9) (10) (1) (2) (.3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Class I 1,00,000 & over Class lJ 50,000-99,999 0.01 12.78 Class III 2 1968-69 14.76 11.94 2.82 14.21 1.42 3.40 18.91 0.37 18.54 20,000-49,999 1969-70 16.40 13.00 19.55 1970-71 20.38 17.16 3.22 19.90 0.35 5.01 25.14 2.12 0.01 23.01 Class IV 1968-69 25.26 20.25 30.85 10,000-19,999 1969.70 32.14 20.48 11.66 32.78 1.76 0.17 6.01 26.58 5.88 0.10 20.60 1970-71 30.24 24.23 6.60 Class V 1968-69 9.06 7.43 1.63 7.73 1.13 5.88 18.79 2.58 16.21 5,000-9,999 1969-70 13.07 7.19 10.98 1970-71 14.04 9.12 4.92 13.87 2.89 Class VI Below 5,000 31

The above inset table would show that the total ( iii) Recreational and cultural facilities .-All the per capita receipt matches fairly well with the total towns, except Kurwai, have cinema houses. Public per capita expenditure. The per capita expenditure libraries and reading rooms are available in all the On public health and conveniences as against per towns. capita receipt through taxes etc. is comparatively, Statement VI.-All the towns have bank facility. encouraging for class V local body and class IV local Agricultural credit societies are available in all the body (for the year 1970-71). The expenditure of the towns, except Basoda, while Non~Agricultural credit local bodies shown in column 15 of statement societies are available in all the towns except No. III under head "Others", constitutes quite a Kurwai. high percentage of the total expenditure. Statement IV.-All the towns have electricity and Cloth, Sugar, Cement, Oil, Yarn and Iron are electric connections have also been given for indus­ the main items of import in all the towns. No nial purpose. Street lights have also been provided article is exported from or manufactured in Kurwai in all the towns. Water tap facility is available in while for other towns, the main items of export are Vidisha, Fire brigade is not available in any town. wheat, gram, "Jowar" and ground nut oil. Soap, shoes, card-board, ground nut oil and "hidi" are the Statement V.-Medic.alfacilities.(i) Hospital facility important items of local manufacture. is available at Vidisha and Basoda, while Sironj and Kurwai have only health centres. In addition to the Statement VIJ.-About 47 percent of the urban above, Vidisha has a Family Planning Clinic and a population is in Vidisha town and it is followed by Tu:oerculosis eli nic. The number of beds per 1,000 popu- Sironj, Basoda and Kurwai where the percentage of 1aton has been indicated in the inset table be(ow:- urban population is about 25, 20 and 7, respectively.

Total No. of beds in No. of beds per Majority of the urban popUlation follow hindu Medical Institutions thousands Population religion; next come followers of islam religion, except (I) (2) in Basoda Vi here the percentage of people following 108 1.18 Jain religion (I 1.81) is higher than the percentage of people following islam religion (l0.19). Town-wise (if) Educational facilities.-Every town, except percentage of the population following hindu and KUIWfli, has an arts College. Vidisha has also an engi­ islam religions is as indicated below :- neering College and Polytechnic. Higher Secondary/ High Schools are located in all the towns. S!.No. Towns Percentage in round figures.. The number of Higher Secondary/High Schools, Hindu Islam Middle Schools and Primary Schools per thousand (1) (2) (3) (4) Population is shown in the following inset table. For 1. Kurwai 56 37 a more realistic appreciation, the population in the 2. Vidisha 81 10 age-group 0-14 has been considered for primary and 3. Basoda 78 10 middle schools, while population in the age-group 4. Sironj 55 41 15~ 19 has been considered for higher secondary/hIgh schools :- The percentage of people following other religions is not very significant except that about 6, 9, 12 and 4 Name of Number per 1,000 population percent people of Kurwai, Vidisha, Basoda and the town r- ._------.., Higher secondary Middle Junior secondary,' Sironj, respectively, follow Jain religion. There is or secondary Primary no population following Boudh religion in Basoda (I) (2) 0) (4) and Sironj. In Sironj, there is no population follow~ jng Sikh religion. Schedcled Caste population in Kurwai 1.9 5.7 0.6 Vidisha 0.7 2.4 1.6 Kurwai and Basoda is more than 15 percent while in Basoda 1.0 3.0 1.0 other towns, it is between 11 and 13 percent. The Sironj 1.1 2.2 1.1 percentage of Scheduled Tribes is insignificant. 32 VILLAGE Amenities LATER I

Amenities available within the villages Location Name of village Total area of Code No. the village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and (in acres) Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Bajna 705.90 W 2 Pathera Chandu 1,144.59 W 3 Amahi 1,057.25 W 4 Khurmabad 276.06 W 5 Unarsi Kalan 3,166.22 PR (1) W PO 6 Mundra Ratansi 957.35 W 7 Raghogarh 573.84 W 8 Bhila Babdi' 411.03 0 9 Aminpur Mukta Kheda 657.72 W 10 Bamori 775.62 W 11 Dugrawani 841.25 W 12 Chandbad 1,262.47 PR (1) W,R 13 Jheetri 437.83 W 14 Aligarh 422.68 W 15 Amirganj 469.37 W 16 SawanKhedi 909.96 W 17 Champa Khedi 401.03 W 18 Kham Kheda 317.53 W 19 Jarsena 740.00 W 20 Narayanpur Kalan 865.78 W 21 Barkheda Dev 1,158.19 W 22 Narayan Kheda 549.12 W 23 KalaDev 1,795.12 PR (I) W 24 Khiriya Kheda 292.41 W 25 Mahoti 996'19 PR (1) W PO 26 Jhukar Umariya 914.82 W 27 Munimpur 733.84 W 28 Hedarpur 329.50 R.O 29 Chamar Umariya 229.57 PR (1) W 30 Banarsi 714.89 W 31 Haripur 880.06 W 32 Kilan Khedi 477.16 W 33 Mina Umariya 587.38 W 34 Salra 612.31 W 35 Shergarh 697.11 W 36 Chopnanoabad 395.00 W 37 Sadawata 419.66 W 38 Golakheda Kalan 860.47 W,R 39 Saidnagar 910.46 40 LaTatora 871.00 W, R 41 Okhlikheda 2,841.50 PR (1) W KR 42 Bandipur 1,050.50 W,R KR 43 Khairkhedi Kalan 1,172,56 PR (I) W. R KR 44 Sirajnagar 464.53 W KR 45 Daurala 1,558.97 W 46 Titarbarri 1,155.28 W 47 Ahamadnagar (Motipur) 1,718.97 PR (1) W 48 Mehmudganj 641.71 W 49 Babacha 1,553.19 PR (1) W 50 Shah pur 762.44 W 33 DIRECTORY and Land Use TAHSIL

Staple Food Land use (;.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. -, distance in Kms_ weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market,if place of waste (i.e. available any, held religious, pasture and for culti- in village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- • etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

~ -~ -~------Wheat, lowar 553.38 132.25 20.27 Rajgarh 19.2 1 Wheat, lowar .'". 683.51 265.50 195.58 Rajgarh 19.2 2 Wheat, lowar 215.63 450.68 353.45 37.49 Rajgarh 19.2 3 Wheat, lowar 170.15 98.01 7.90 Rajgarh 19.2 4 Wheat, lowar 4.42 2,580.22 418.73 162.85 Rajgarh 19.2 5 Wheat, Jowar 586.41 161. 81 209.13 Rajgarh 19.2 6 Wheat, Jowar 2.66 336.13 194.18 40.87 Rajgarh 12.8 7 Wheat, Jowar 338.72 65.69 6.62 Rajgarh 12.8 8 Wheat, lowar ,.. 376.71 244.12 36.89 Rajgarh 19.2 9 Wheat, Jowar 575.71 ]76.91 23.00 Rajgarh 19.2 10 Wheat, Jowar 185.66 336.75 288,66 30.18 Rajgarh 12.8 11 Wheat, lowai 0.69 929.84 279.44 5~.50 Rajgarh 20.8 12 Wheat, Jowar 176.19 108.63 131.84 21.17 Rajgarh 14.4 13 Wheat, Jowar 358.(16 59.18 5.44 Rajgarh 16.0 14 Wheat, Jowar 22.90 256.88 172.87 16.72 Rajgarh 16.0 15 Wheat, Jowar 0'31 683.68 183.63 42.34 Rajgarh 19.2 16 Wheat, lowal" 0.12 277.38 97.13 26.40 Rajgarh 20.8 17 Wheat, Jowar 58.97 170.72 74.34 13.50 Rajgarh 12.8 18 Wheat, lowar 368.68 271.17 80.84 19.31 Rajgarh 12.8 19 Wheat, Jowar 0.46 571.06 212.60 81.66 Rajgarh 14.4 20 Wheat, Jowar 697.29 407.32 53.58 Rajgarh 14.4 21 Wheat, Jowar 3.52 367.27 148.78 29.55 Rajgarh 16.0 22 Wheat, lowar 1,354.01 347.81 93.30 Rajgarh 16.0 23 Wheat, lowar 231.54 48.28 12.59 Rajgarh 17.6 24 Wheat, Jowar 5.21 850.45 92.97 47.56 Rajgarh 17.6 Tuesday 25 Wheat, lowar 269.22 447.32 178.39 19.89 Rajgarh 16.0 26 Wheat, Jowar 1.31 651.32 64.18 17.03 Rajgarh 19.2 27 Wheat, lowar 278.75 44.41 6.34 Sironj 38.4 28 Wheat, lowar 199.30 25.99 4.28 Rajgarh 16.0 29 Wheat, lowar 2.44 7.26 594.98 80.21 30.00 Rajgarh 24.0 30 Wheat, lowar 493.84 299.24 64.91 22.07 Sironj 36.8 31 Wheat, Iowar 0.37 363.97 93.20 19.62 Sironj 35.2 32 Wheat, lowar 2.38 487.75 77.90 ]9.35 Siconj 40.0 33 Wheat, Jowar 0.34 l.93 485.78 91.90 32.36 Sironj 35.2 34 Wheat, lowar 564.37 106.91 25.83 Raghogarh 22.4 35 Wheat, Jowai l.34 337.94 39.32 16.40 Sironj 35.2 36 Wheat, Jowar 4.75 317.50 70.68 26.73 Sironj 35.2 37 Wheat, Jowa... · 678.73 126.40 55.34 Sironj 33.6 38 Wheat, Jowar 566.35 290.15 53.96 Sironj 49.0 39 Wheat, Jowar 0.12 626.04 196.72 48.12 Sironj 32.0 40 Wheat, J owar 0.87 2,007.73 703.06 129.84 Sironj 3:>.4 41 Wheat, Jowar 3.37 688.66 308.55 49.92 Si,'onj 28.8 42 Wheat. Jowar 0.09 836.28 277.35 58.84 Sironj 32.0 43 Wheat, Jowar 392.65 62.56 9.32 S:lOnj 28.8 44 Wheat, Jowar 0.75 1,140.30 300.59 117.33 Sironj 35.8 45 Wheat, Jowar 2.27 769.69 329.43 53.89 SiIonj 36.8 46 Wheat, Jowar 1,380.45 249.71 88.81 Sironj 36.8 47 Wheat, Jowar 439.37 157.42 44.92 Sironj 36.8 48 Wheat, Jowa; 0.31 1,256.56 220.37 75.95 Sironj 36.8 49 Wheat, Jowar 536.69 191. 81 33.94 Sironj 32.0 50 34


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village.-- ______.A------. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 ·7 8 9

51 Anandpur 1,772.68 Mid.S. (1) D(I) W KR PO 52 Satpada 1,754.22 W 53 Parwariya 1,999.46 W 54 Kolapura 594.42 W 55 Koloo Khedi 336.10 W 5-5 Dond Kheda 592.86 W 57 Nisobarri 868.57 PR (1) W 58 Kundan Khedi 711.04 W 59 Chak Nahar Khedi 230.85 60 Jawati 2,778.15 Mid.S. (1) DO) W 61 Ramtek Kotra 2,153.84 0 62 Madawata 1,302.05 W 63 Mohanpur Khurd 1,008.12 W 64 Nayanagar 1,434.10 0 65 Aliganj 172.94 0 66 Nenwas Khurd 741.31 W,O 67 Esarwas 1,486.09 PR (1) W 68 Esagarh 605.28 W 69 Bhugai Kalan 780.78 W 70 Malaniya Mohammadpur 1,136.15 PR (1) W 71 Budhakheda Mangalkhan 1,073.75 W 72 Bhatoli 1,180.35 W 73 Veerpur Kalan 1,432.59 W 74 Booda Kheda Gawadoo 274.75 W 75 Ameenpur 299.96 W 76 Rengna 552.75 W 77 Semri Sikandarabad 444.69 0 78 Semari Baseer 292.06 0 79 Newali 1,608.65 W 80 Chandarpur 655.19 W 81 Sunkher 2,097.03 PR (1) W KR 82 Kareelpur 550.84 W 83 MubarakpuT ],017.31 W 84 Vikrampur Barkh~di 595.25 W 85 Bahadurpur Sunkher 625.09 W 86 Jhoojla Kheda 255.56 W 87 Bheelakhedi Kalan 721.84 W 88 Kachhi Kheda 1,834.81 PR (1) W 89 Ulakhedi 764.59 W 90 Raghunathpur 304.72 W 91 Jajam Khedi 616.81 W 92 Lodha Khedi 744.65 W 93 Baman Khedi 1,102.16 W 94 Roosalli Chhoti 1,375.28 PR (1) W 95 Jorawar Khedi 1,476.41 W 96 Chandpur 627.90 W 97 Gosbnagar 838.38 98 Alinagar 952.81 W 99 Roosalli Sahoo 3,297.53 Mid.S. (1) W PO 100 Masoodi 751.09 PR (1) W 35


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated CulturaDle Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any.held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc. ) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 III 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 1,500.54 106.04 166.10 Sironj 30.4 Monday 51 Wheat, Jowar 1,490.59 187.82 75.81 Sironj 28.8 52 Wheat, Jowar 1,846.21 58.89 94.36 Sironj 28.8 53 Wheat, Jowar 2.09 501.94 57.35 33.04 Sironj 32.0 54 Wheat, Jowar 225.04 91.47 19.59 Sironj 32.0 55 Wheat, Jowar 6.13 480.35 78.53 27.85 Sironj 33.6 56 Wheat, Jowar 20.58 645.51 161.19 41.29 Sironj 35.2 57 Wheat, Jowar ... 564.53 109.91 36.60 Sironj 32.0 58 Wheat, Jowar ,.. 179.29 47.31 4.25 Sironj 11.0 59 Wheat, Jowar 22.17 2,301.58 336.04 118.36 Sironj 32.0 60 Wheat, Jowar 897.90 1,255.94 Sironj 61.0 61 Wheat, Jowar 413.84 466.55 399.94 21.72 Sironj 18.0 62 Wheat, Jowar 551.25 229.71 216.01 11.15 Sironj 44.0 63 Wheat, Jowar 1,30.96 8.94 63.20 Sironj 61.0 64 Wheat, Jowar 172.59 0.35 Sironj 40.0 65 Wheat, Jowar 104.07 3.97 411.53 203.68 18.06 Sironj 45.0 66 Wheat, Jowar 86.96 4.53 915.21 417.08 62.31 Sironj 40.0 67 Wheat, Jowar 1.68 1.18 105.99 473.99 22.44 Sironj 38.0 68 Wheat, Jowar 167.66 343.07 250.59 19.46 Sironj 42.0 69 Wheat, Jowar 130.71 744.67 203.71 57.06 Sironj 40.0 70 Wheat, Jowar 446.28 257.81 163.30 206.36 Sironj 44.0 71 Wheat, Jowar 906.37 35.63 206.96 31.39 Sironj 48.0 72 Wheat, Jowar 479.46 0.62 753.49 148.03 50.99 Sironj 42.0 73 Wheat, Jowar 233.59 31.69 9.47 Sironj 40.0 74 Wheat, Jowar 261.41 30.68 7.87 Sironj 39.0 75 Wheat, Jowar 472.20 65.83 14.72 Sironj 40.0 76 Wheat, Jowar 80.25 188.96 131.87 43.61 Sironj 45.0 77 Wheat, Jowar 150.39 138.68 2.99 Sironj 45.0 78 Wheat, Jowar 320.03 995.23 214.72 78.67 Sironj 39.0 79 Wheat, Jowar 558.72 87.47 9.00 Sironj 32.0 80 Wheat 1.12 1,766.84 231.63 97.44 Sironj 29.0 81 Wheat 0.87 502.06 28.72 19.19 Sironj 28.0 82 Wheat 1.12 882.50 107.19 26.50 Sironj 25.0 83 Wheat 502.50 44.16 48.59 Sironj 28.0 84 Wheat 492.85 106.31 25.93 Sironj 28.0 85 Wheat 233.47 9.72 12.37 Sironj 31.0 86 Wheat 671.85 14.59 35.40 Sironj 30.0 87 Wheat 1,515.22 235.25 84.34 Sironj 23.0 88 Wheat 5.31 639.63 74.09 45.56 Sironj 23.0 89 Wheat 1.59 265.06 34.47 3.60 Sironj 23.0 90 Wheat 529.53 48.72 38.56 Sironj 23.0 91 Wheat 615.25 16.06 113.34 Sironj 24.0 92 Wheat 976.53 83.69 41.94 Sironj 24.0 93 Wheat 1,269.75 64.62 40.91 Sironj 240 94 Wheat 1,390.76 17.15 68.50 Sironj 18.0 95 Wheat 509.34 65.84 52.72 Sironj 18.0 96 741.87 48.97 47.54 Sironj 18.0 97 Wheat 748.07 131.84 72.90 Sironj 16.0 98 Wheat 2,791.56 306.34 199.63 Sironj 18.0 Tuesday 99 Wheat 1.28 505.74 204.96 39.11 Sironj 14.0 100 36


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. Post and Supply water cation Telegrapb

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

101 Roosiya 2,'150.79 PR (1) W PR 102 Murwas 2,418.63 Mid.S. (1) W PR PO 103 Balrampur 1,092.94 Mid.S. (I) W PR 104 Champatpur 422.65 105 Khalilpuf 666.47 W PR 106 Islamnagar 1,006.97 W PR 107 Ratangarh 1,125.75 W 108 Jagatpur 488.87 W 109 Sagada 706.96 W 110 Dharga 479.79 W III Lakhamipur 609.22 W 112 Amkheda 399.13 W 113 Lalchiya 1,824.38 PR (1) W 114 Bahadurpur Lalchiya 549. S9 W 115 Madan Khedi 641.16 W PR 116 Murariya 5,397.81 Mid.S. (1) AD(I) w PO 117 Amarai 1,007.25 W 118 Lateri 12,702.47 PR(4), Mid.S(2), PHC(l) , EI,E,EIN W PR, KR po, TO, Sec. S. (1) FC(l),MCW(l) Phone 119 Dond Khedi 672.00 PR (1) W PR, KR 120 Bhugai Khurd 305.20 121 Mundra Sagar 691.56 PR (1) W PR 122 Mohabbatpur 1,055.41 PR (1) W PR 123 Tinsiya 2,024.69 W 124 Husaingarh 480.56 R 125 Kokangarh 1,937.66 0 126 Sojani Kheda 1,288.94 W 127 Basilgarh 2,389.72 W 128 Mahaban 1,920.25 W KR 129 Arino Abad 2,997.59 W KR 130 Tajpura 1,234.84 W KR 131 Chanderi 916.53 W KR 132 Fatehgarh 507.22 W KR 133 Chamda Kundal 3,825.31 W 134 Raipura 2,319.91 W 135 Kolua Pathar 2,143.03 W 136 Bandarsena 1,735.25 PR (I) W 137 Bairagarh 2,630.48 W 138 Dhitgarh 2,796.70 TK 139 Agara Pathar 2,958.65 W 140 Dabakan 1,404.85 W 141 Jamoniya Khurd 2,934.67 0 142 Chopada 1,078.03 W 143 Thana Viran 1,426.86 0 144 Semari Ahir 3,212.80 TW,O 145 Hinotiya 1,779.83 W 146 Poriya 1,848.70 W 147 Belaladi 182.27 148 Gaon Sindha 648.02 W 149 Damkheda l,061.14 0 37 LATERI TAHSIL

Staple Food Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly cluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable \ Area not market,'f place of waste(i.e. available any. held in religious. pasture and' for culti· village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1


Wheat 24.91 2,100.28 580.97 144.63 Sironj 13.0 101 Wheat, Jowar 367.04 31.56 1,250.97 580.99 188.07 Sironj 17.0 102 Wheat, Jowar 205.12 36.47 535.50 209.11 106.74 Sironj 15.0 Wednesday 103 Wheat, Jowar 298.35 52.41 60.06 11.83 Sironj 15.0 104 Wheat, Jowar 189.97 4.25 318.62 112.74 40.89 Sironj 15.0 105 Wheat, Jowar 342.97 9.54 358.03 243.80 52.63 Sironj 17.0 106 Wheat. Jowar 386.34, 8.37 395.69 288.05 47.30 Sironj 20.0 107 Wheat, Jowar 162.00 0.44 171.00 110.79 44.64 Sironj 24.0 108 Wheat, Jowar 308.81 3.69 166.09 176.24 52.13 Sironj 19.0 109 Wheat, Jowar 113.44 42.27 219.59 57.44 47.05 Sironj 17.0 110 151.09 6.09 227 .62 143.66 80.76 Sironj 17.0 111 Wheat, Jowar 140.28 5.82 167.04 60.03 25.96 Sironj 19.0 112 Wheat 1.72 1,644.28 94.85 83.53 Sitonj 25.0 113 Wheat 472.34 56.78 20.47 Sironj 24.0 114 Wheat 499.28 121.88 20.00 Sironj 24.0 115 Wheat 930.72 22.22 2,849.94 1,047.21 547.72 Siron.i 24.0 Saturday 116 Wheat 329.59 474.19 162.91 40.56 Sironj 25.0 117 Wheat, Jowar 1,058.78 36.28 8,282.09 2,507.97 817.35 Sironj 32.0 118

Wheat, Jowar 622.72 10.06 39.22 Sironj 25.0 119 Wheat, Jowar 293.12 5.91 6.17 Sironj 24.0 120 Wheat, Jowar 0.78 . 625.50 31.19 34.09 Sironj 23.0 121 Wheat, Jowar 3.41 939.12 66.19 46.69 Sironj 23.0 122 Gram, Jowar 446.72 1,182.47 303.37 92.13 Sironj 45.0 123 Wheat, Gram 20.47 395.31 64.78 Sironj 45.0 124 Wheat, Gram 1,543.94 113.09 236.91 43.72 Sironj 40.0 125 Gram, Jowar 337.44 726.41 23.53 201.56 Sironj 45.0 126 Gram. Jowar 930.72 95.41 318.84 1,044.75 Sironj 42.0 127 Gram, Jowar 1,245.75 373.65 255.78 45.07 Sitonj 37.0 128 Gram, Jowar 1,048.60 232.72 318.15 l,398.l2 Sironj 38.0 129 Gram, Jowar 4.25 0.50 305.37 118.94 805.78 Sironj 42.0 130 Wheat, Jowar 195.06 2.97 436'28 194.94 87.28 Sironj 45.0 131 Gram, Jowar 211.81 188.72 87.00 19.69 Sironj 45.0 132 Wheat, Gram 912.81 2,5lO.85 369.22 32.43 Sironj 38.0 133 Wheat, Gram 1,667.44 1.03 301.65 232.48 117.31 Sironj 38.0 134 Wheat, Gram 1,605.00 252.00 236.78 49.25 Sironj 32.0 135 Wheat, Gram 930.29 493.37 242.25 69.34 Sironj 35.0 136 Jowar, Maize 1,402.33 5.12 822.19 229.59 171.25 S;ronj 50.0 137 Jowar, Maize 1,606.28 1.47 810.43 252.33 126.19 Sironj 50.0 138 Wheat, Maize 2,435.80 309.13 186.85 26.87 Sironj 45.0 139 lowar, Maize 344.76 694.32 329.12 36.65 Sironj 48.0 140 Wheat, Maize 2,719.58 171.44 27.75 15.90 Sironj 47.0 141 Wheat, Maize 845.78 153.59 68.88 9.78 Sironj 48.0 142 Wheat, Maize 1,252.84 120.99 40.34 12.69 Sironj 45.0 143 Wheat, Maize 2,192.93 742.66 221.21 56.00 Sironj 45.0 144 Wheat, Maize 1,398.46 311.93 39.63 29.81 Sironj 45.0 145 Wheat, Maize 1,599.89 210.87 ]9.35 18.59 Sironj 44.0 146 Wheat, Gram 182.27 Sironj 42.0 147 Wheat, Maize 382.01 165.90 90.37 9.74 Siconj 47.0 148 Wheat, Maize 431.67 399.35 182.59 47.53 Simnj 47.0 149 38


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village ------~------~ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ISO Narsinghapur 727.48 0 151 Muskara 3,008.17 0 152 Kakaraj 2,400.00 W 153 Deharipama 1,566.00 W,O 154 Hafijpur Khona 982.00 W 155 Faujpur 1,009.00 0 156 Ahamadpur Kalan 849.00 W 157 Beeju Khedi 1,792.00 W 158 Aligarh Kotara 3,798.00 W PO 159 Husainpur 350.00 W 160 Mundela 2,458.00 0 161 Bhilakhedi Khurd 669.00 0 162 Tonka 946.00 163 Majhera 256.00 W,R 164 Kolua Noabad 786.58 0 165 Badagaon 1,286.96 0 166 Mandkho 532.43 0 167 Daulatpura 827.47 R 168 Semara Meghnath 906.75 W 169 Chainpura 462.46 170 Golakheda Khurd 790.47 W 171 Gopalpur 738.56 W 172 Sharifpur 549.56 R 173 Kherkhedi Khurd 1,456.44 R 174 Mamkhedi 771.80 R,W 175 Danwas 1,139.53 NA 176 Jalpur 806.50 W 177 Chhirari 2,311.41 178 Bastl! 438.06 W,R,O 179 Jhukar Jogi 6,266.75 PR (1) 0 180 Kherkhedi Nograwan 974.91 W 181 Tiloni 3,387.65 0 182 Nagori 565.72 W 183 Jamoniya Kalan 1,629.15 W 184 Bahedabarri 1,380.15 W 185 Barkhera Dhannu 1,175.78 W 186 Firojganj 262,42 187 Nenawas Kalan 3,770.00 PR (1) W 188 Barkhera Ghosi 1,073.00 W 189 Rampur Nouabad 442.00 W 190 Sabar Kheda 2,753.00 PR (1) W 191 Semara Bhoot 326.00 192 Sojana 1,363.00 W 193 IbIahimganj 427.00 W 194 Mohammadgarh 422.00 W 195 Tonkara 1,554.00 W PR (27) D. (4) W (156) PR (10) PO (8) TOTAL 243,748.86 Mid.S (7) 1 0(28) KR(ll) TO (1) Sec. S (1) O. (2) o (l) Source:- (1) Cobmns (I) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Lateri. (2) Column (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, JabaJpur. 39


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Inigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Maize 364.27 253.40 103.79 6.02 Sironj 47.0 150 Wheat, Maize 2,183.30 724.25 70.56 30.06 Sironj 45.0 151 Wheat, Jowar 1,743.00 4.00 572.00 19.00 62.00 Sironj 45.0 152 Wheat, Jowar 735.00 583.00 200.00 48.00 Sironj 40.0 153 Wheat, Jowar 779.00 169.00 1.00 33.00 Sironj 46.0 154 Wheat, Jowar 659.00 204.00 130.00 16.00 Sironj 38.0 155 Wheat, Jowar 485.00 1.00 216.00 103.00 44.00 Sironj 46.0 156 Wheat, Jowar 690.00 7.00 775.00 123.00 197.00 Sironj 48.0 157 Wheat, Jowar 2,625.00 9.00 907.00 166.00 91.00 Sironj 45.0 158 Wheat, Jowar 101.00 204.00 45.00 Sironj 46.0 159 Wheat, Jowar 1,400'00 8.00 896.00 60.00 94.00 Sironj 48.0 160 Wheat, Jowar 279.00 246.00 90.00 54.00 Sironj 46.0 161 Wheat, Jowar 693.00 150.00 70.00 33.00 Sironj 46.0 162 Wheat, Jowar 126.00 74.00 27.00 29.00 Sironj 46.0 163 Jowar, Maize 381.12 0.32 280.49 92.59 3.<..06 Sironj 32.0 164 Jowar, Maize 638.88 431.31 182.12 34.65 Sironj 31.0 165 Jowar, Maize 315.81 117.94 78.18 20.50 Sironj 30.0 166 Jowar, Maize 323.97 312.72 132.75 58.03 Sironj 32.0 167 Jowar, Maize 310.07 409.78 150.53 36.37 Sironj 38.0 168 Jowar, Maize 152.94 225.06 69.93 14.53 Sironj 31.0 169 Jowar, Maize 521.05 220.74 46.56 2.12 Sironj 24.0 170 Jowar, Maize 144.29 3.53 466.41 92.43 31.90 Sironj 26.0 171 Jowar, Maize 324.75 179.06 29.31 16.44 Sironj 30.0 172 Jowar, Maize 1,018.12 327.58 61.31 49.43 Sironj 36.0 173 Jowar, Maize 407.19 172.43 153.78 38.40 Sironj 32.0 174 Jowar, Maize 39.00 4.43 669.05 334.46 92.59 Sironj 36.0 175 Jowar, Maize 359.40 0.94 270.25 122.97 52.94 Sironj 35.0 176 Jowar, Maize 926.82 0.62 893.34 367.66 122.97 Sironj 35.0 177 438.06 Sironj 35.0 178 Wheat, Jowar 2,639.34 4.38 2,527.30 313.76 781.97 Sironj 38.0 179 Wheat, Jowar 700.91 158.22 95.88 19.90 Sironj 38.0 180 Wheat, Jowar 2,188.69 916.04 175.06 107.86 Sironj 48.0 181 Wheat, Jowar 263.63 211.29 64.19 26.61 Sironj 42.0 182 Wheat, Jowar 1,003.03 2.13 507.44 5.56 110.99 Sironj 45.0 183 Wheat, Jowac· 646.31 109.57 598.07 26.20 Sironj 45.0 184 Wheat, Jowar 0.34 575.82 423.13 176.49 Sironj 50.0 185 Wheat, Jowar 25.44 188.47 37.43 11.08 Sironj 40.0 186 Maize, Jowar 1,500.00 1,225.00 979.00 66.00 Sironj 31.0 187 Jowar, Maize, 22.00 5.00 289.00 297.00 460.00 Sironj 29.0 188 Jowar, Maize 2.00 291.00 88.00 61.00 Sironj 32.0 189 lowar, Maize 194.00 6.00 918.00 449.00 1,186.00 Sironj 32.0 190 lowar, Maize 45.00 126.00 41.00 114.00 Si~onj 49.0 191 Jowar, Maize 193.00 543.00 584.00 43.00 Sironj 28.0 192 Jowar, Maize 9.00 2.00 237.00 81.00 98.00 Sironj 26.0 193 Jowar, Maize 101.00 209.00 97.00 15.00 Sironj 41.0 194 lowar, Maize 504.00 6.00 926.00 118.00 Sironj 42.0 195

69,830.86 422.89 120,572.36 34,920.44 18,002.31 40


Location Name of village Totalthe village aera of ,...--______Amenities availiable within-Jo- ______the villages --. Code No. (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Pachmarhi 475.00 W 2 Ghutua 2,502.00 PR (1) W 3 Sugana Khedi 677.00 W 4 Barkheda Sajan 842.00 W 5 Hafiznagar 676.00 W 6 Chitawar 2,344.00 PR (1) W 7 Barkhedi 914.00 W KR 8 Orakhedi 729.00 W KR 9 Kakarkhedi Kalan 762.00 W KR 10 Mahuakheda Ustad 609.00 W 11 Guwari 1,204.00 W,R 12 ChandTahai 1,311.00 W 13 Nekan 2,665.00 W 14 Kanera 704.00 W 15 Motigarh 957.00 W 16 Khamkheda 1,488.00 W 17 Lidhora 1,870.00 PR (1) W 18 Imlani 2,681.00 PR (1) W PO 19 Chuniya Kho 1,827.00 W 20 Kakarkhedi Khurd 1,172.00 W 21 Madagan 1,185.00 W 22 Dharampur 1,440.00 W 23 Sakhlon 2,719.00 W 24 Mehmoodpur 630.00 W 25 Amadhana 831.00 W PR 26 Kathotiya 425.00 W 27 Bishepur 671.00 W 28 Usufpur Alais Bazirpur 341.00 W 29 Umarkhedi 839.00 W 30 Harukhedi 1,471.00 W 31 Mundra Bagal 837.00 W 32 Bagrod 1,532.00 W PR 33 Parwatpur 248.00 W,R PR 34 Kamariya 487.00 W 35 Imamnagar 610.00 W 36 BamoriHoj 917.00 W 37 Rasulpur 583.00 W 38 Tarwariya 525.00 PR (1) W 39 Barghai 661.00 N,W 40 Beerpur 457.00 W 41 Malsipur 1,012.00 W,O 42 Chaurakhed i 1,401.00 N,W KR 43 Fazalptlr 418.00 W 44 Gangakhedi 672.00 W 45 Khejada Gopal 1,058.00 PR (1) W 46 Jamalpur 954,00 W 47 Banskhedi 1,387.00 W 48 Chhapu 1,668.00 W W 49 Sahankhedi 657.00 W 50 Reechhan 912.00 41


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of;land use )in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market,if place of waste (ie. available any ,held in religious, pa5ture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation arehaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 211.00 1.00 134.00 25.00 104.00 Sironj 25.6 1 Jowar, Wheat 927.00 3.00 1,030.00 392.00 150.00 Sironj 24.0 2 Jowar, Wheat 78.00 21.00 281.00 132.00 165.00 Sironj 22.4 3 Jowar, Wheat 88.00 197.00 192.00 365.00 Sironj 22.4 4 Jowar, Wheat 238.00 278.00 138.00 22.00 Sironj 17.6 5 Jowar, Wheat 802.00 290.00 1,252.00 Sironj 19.2 6 Jowar, Wheat 155.00 390.00 352.00 17.00 Sironj 11.2 7 Jowar, Wheat 316.00 142.00 136.00 135.00 Sironj 14.4 8 Jowar, Wheat 183.00 91.00 488.00 Sironj 17.6 9 Jowar, Wheat 10.00 316.00 136.00 147.00 Sironj 9.6 10 Jowar, Wheat 467.00 324.00 388.00 25.00 Sironj 11.2 11 Jowar, Wheat 604.00 402.00 266.00 39.00 Sironj 12.8 12 Jowar, Wheat 1,784.00 288.00 473 .. 0 120.00 Sironj 17.6 13 Jowar, Wheat 234.00 104.00 318.00 48.00 Sironj 20.8 14 Jowar. Wheat 487.00 272.00 186.00 12.00 Sironj 19.2 15 Jowar, Wheat 716.00 391.00 365.00 16.00 Sironj 16.0 16 Jowar, Wheat 657.00 601.00 612.00 Sironj 12.8 17 Wheat, Maize 1.00 1,498.00 537.00 645.00 Sironj 17.6 18 Wheat, Maize 5S0.OO 509.00 653.00 75.00 Sironj 17.6 19 Wheat, Maize 448.00 709.00 15.00 Sironj 19.2 20 Wheat, Maize 122.00 1,023.00 40.00 Sironj 8.0 21 Wheat, Maize 2.00 498.00 557.00 383.00 Sironj 1.6 22 Wheat, Maize 609.00 1,464.00 646.00 Sironj 4.8 23 Wheat, Maize 1.00 474.00 133.00 22.00 Sironj 1.6 24 Wheat, Maize 2.00 627.00 140.00 62'00 Sironj 6.4 25 Wheat, Maize 3.00 331.00 75.00 16.00 Sironj 8.0 26 Wheat, Jowar 1'00 559.00 68.00 43.00 Sironj 8.0 27 Wheat, Jowar 244.00 18.00 79.00 Sironj 8.0 28 Wheat, Jowar 418.00 255.00 166.00 Sironj 9.6 29 Wheat, Jowar 908.00 521.00 42.00 Sironj 8.0 30 Wheat, Jowar 566.00 200.00 71.00 Sironj 9.6 31 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1,0tO.00 465.00 48.00 Sironi 9.6 32 Wheat, Jowar 55.00 52.00 133.00 8.00 Sironj 6.4 33 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 221.00 143.00 114.00 Sironj 6.4 34 Wheat, Jowar 246.00 183.00 181.00 Sironj 8.0 35 Wheat, Jowar 355.00 503.00 59.00 Sironj 8.0 36 Wheat, Jowar 344.00 136.00 103.00 Sironj 8.0 37 Wheat, Jowar 85.00 9.00 222.00 123.00 86.00 Sironj 8.0 38 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 288.00 178.00 194·00 Sironj 4.8 39 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 348.00 90.00 Sironj 3.2 40 Wheat, Jowar 90.00 202.00 668.00 52.00 Sironj 1.6 41 Wheat, Jowar 94.00 723.00 435.00 149.00 Sironj 4.8 42 Wheat, Jowar 259.00 149.00 10.00 Sironj 9.6 43 Wheat, Jowar 408.00 251.00 13.00 Sironj 12.8 44 Wheat, Jowar 608.00 424.00 26.00 Sironj IS.0 45 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 106.00 829.00 18.00 Sironj 19.2 46 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 442.00 551.00 390.00 Sironj 17.6 47 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 620.00 868.00 178.00 Sironj 22.4 48 Wheat, Jowar 315.00 325.00 17.00 Sironj 16.0 49 Wheat, Jowai" 19.00 309.00 549.00 35.00 Sironj 16.0 50 42


Location Nmne of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village ,------__-J.______~ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Comrnuni- Post and Supply water cation Telegrapb

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

51 Khanpur 796.00 W 52 Mahu 822.00 W 53 Muradpur 482.00 W 54 Devitori 802.00 PR (I) W PR 55 Siddiqueganj 514.00 W 56 Pipalkheda 891.00 W 57 Sumerpul 690.00 W 58 Jhukar Hoj 1,050.00 PR (1) W KR 59 Bachakhedi 957.00 W KR 60 Haripur 606.00 W KR 61 Patan 609.00 R,O PR 62 Jalalpur 558.00 W PR 63 Jahurpur 617.00 W 64 Kalyanpur 1,228.00 NW,W 65 Semalkhedi 4,773.00 PR (1) W 66 Dhanoda 1,615.00 PR (1) W 67 Aftabnagar 726.00 W 68 Kajikhedi 1,177.00 W 69 Karimawad 422.00 W KR 70 Pamakhedi 2,179.00 W KR 71 RusaIIa Abhiraj 1,007.00 PR (1) W KR 72 Gehunkhedi 2,168.00 PR (1) W 73 Anuppur 1,756.00 PR (1) W KR 74 Maharajkhedi 715.00 W KR .J. 75 Durang 1,073.00 NW 76 Jaitpur 1,274.00 PR (1) W KR 77 Surajnagar 646.00 KR 78 Bishanpur 661.00 W KR 79 Doopur 963.00 W KR 80 Barenda 1,437.00 W KR 81 Jasrathkhedi 600.00 W 82 Khanakhedi 273.00 W 83 Manakhedi 1,274.00 PR (1) W 84 Sarwarpur 724.00 W 85 Kundai 661,00 W 86 Pagrani 2,055.00 PR (I) W 87 Mahuakheda Prithiraj 2,8:!0.00 PR (I) W 88 Bakena 739.00 W 89 Ratanbarri 993.00 PR (1) W KR 90 Bhojukhedi 587.00 W 91 Hardorkhedi 806.00 0 92 Korwai 1,205.00 W 93 Mundraghat 1,430.00 W 94 Rupdakhedi 412.00 R 95 MaIiyakhedi 621.00 PR (1) W KR 96 Narkheda Jagir 2,523.00 PRO) W 97 Khejada Hali 1,361.00 PR (1) W 98 Khejada Uda 1.048.00 W 99 Karaikheda Kalan 785.37 W KR 100 Bishrampur 982.93 W KR 43 SIRONJ TAHSIL

Staple Food Landuse (i.e. area under different type of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. --, distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti· village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Jowar 337.00 433.00 26.00 Sironj 14.4 51 Wheat, JowaT 347.00 393.00 82'00 Sironj 12.8 52 Wheat, Jowar 154.00 321.00 7.00 Sironj 6.4 53 Wheat, Jowar 517.00 131.00 154.00 Sironj 9.6 54 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 341.00 143.00 29.00 Sironj 9.6 55 Wheat, Jowar 415.00 329.00 147.00 Sironj 9.6 56 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 471.00 137.00 78.00 Sironj 11.2 57 Whear, Jowar 48.00 581.00 375.00 46.00 Sironj 9.6 58 Wheat, Jowar 728.00 195.00 34.00 S:ronj 9.6 59 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 59.00 540.00 6.00 Sironj 11.2 60 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 223.00 282.00 85.00 Sironj 6.4 61 Wheat, Jowar 282.00 224.00 52.00 Sironj 4.8 62 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 579.00 29.00 Sironj 3.2 63 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 82.00 507.00 630.00 Sironj 1.6 64 Wheat, Jowar 2,067.00 1,875.00 620.00 211.00 Sironj 6'4 65 Wheat, Jowar 1,210.00 300.00 105.00 Sironj 9.6 66 Wheat, Jowar 518.00 170.00 38.00 Sironj 6.4 67 Wheat, Jowar 210.00 1.00 329.00 563.00 74.00 Sironj 4.8 68 Wheat, Jowar 177.00 197.00 48'00 Sironj 1.6 69 Wheat, Jowar 1,591.00 461.00 127.00 Sironj 3.2 70 Wheat, Jowar 803.00 156.00- 48.00 Sironj 22.4 71 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,382.00 689.00 96.00 Sironj 20.8 72 Wheat, Jowar 73.00 5.00 1,022.00 589.00· 67.00 Sironj 19.2 73 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 632.00 51.00 31.00 Sironj 19.2 74 Wheat, Jowar 691.00 162.00 185.00 35.00 Sironj 22.4 75 Wheat, Jowar 78.00 3.00 856.00 278.00· 59.00 Sironj 19.2 76 Wheat, Jowar 253.00 209.00 149.00· 35.00 Sironj 17.6 77 Wheat, Jowar 299.00 74.00 262.00 26.00 S;ronj 1t.2 78 Wheat, Jowar 265.00 118.00 452.00 128.00 Sironj 12.8 79 Wheat, Jowar 24.00 4.00 420.00 953.00 36.00 Sironj 9.6 80 Wheat. Jowar 549.00 35.00 16.00 Sironj 16.0 81 Wheat, Jowar 252.00 3.00 18.00 Sironj 14.4 82 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,195.00 26·00 52.00 Sironj 16'0 83 Wheat, Jowar 697.00 3.00 24.00 Sironj 14.4 84 Wheat, Jowar 632.00 29.00 Sironj 14.4 85 Wheat, Jowar 1,937.00 32.00 86.00 Sironj 14.4 86 Wheat 1.00 2,450.00 241.00 128.00 Sironj 19.2 87 Wheat 64100 63,00 35.00 Sironj 20.8 88 Wheat 792.00 152.00 49.00 Sironj 25.6 89 Wheat 469.00 101.00 17.00 Sironj 24.0 90 Wheat, Jowar 684.00 102.00 20.00 Sironj 25.6 91 Wheat 1,000.00 129.00 76.00 SJronj 24.0 92 Wheat 1,179.00 146.00 105.00 Sironj 24.0 93 Wheat 290.00 89.00 33.00 Sironj 19.2 94 Wheat 527.00 65.00 29.00 Sironj 20.8 95 Wheat 4.00 2,046.00 310.00 163.00 Sironj 28.8 Tuesday 96 Wheat 1,191.00 109.00 61.00 Sironj 16.0 97 Wheat 928.00 75,00 45.00 Sironj 16.0 98 Wheat, Maize 4.15 608.19 136.10 36.93 Sironj 40.0 99 Wheat, Maize 38.55 659.28 233.57 51.53 Sironj 38.4 100 44


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the viIlage (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

101 IbrahLmpur 749.12 W KR 102 Surner 660.62 W KR 103 Hinotiya 418.78 KR 104 Hirapur 624.06 KR 105 Bhagwantpur 735.65 Mid.S. (1) WR KR 106 Mohankhedi 962.06 W KR 107 Harganakhedi 544.21 W KR 108 Jubernagar 780.00 KR 109 Pyasi 757.00 PR 0) W 110 Bhonra 831.00 PR (1) W 111 Patbera 823.00 W 112 Tindua 476.00 W 113 Ghudiyakhedi 325.00 W KR 114 Rajakhedi 329.00 W KR 115 Andharela 899.00 W 116 Kundankhedi 612.00 W 117 Barrikheda 487.00 118 Banskhedi Aspal 969.00 PR (1) W PO 119 Chopana Kalan 639.00 W 120 Usmanpur 527.00 121 Khanpur 622.00 W 122 Kansi 929.00 W 123 Sedpura 454.44 W 124 Bamankhedi 604.61 W 125 Abuadhana 846.11 W 126 Sankala Haweli 800.93 W 127 Mundra Dharmu 708.93 W 128 Pipaliya 1,186.38 W 129 Safdalpur 551.52 W 130 Jhanduwa 1,809.32 PR (1) W PO 131 Asadkhedi 565.75 W 132 Salri 824.52 W 133 Bhiyakbedi 778.87 W 134 Santoshpur 1,543.68 PR (1) W 135 Kanchanpur 676.31 W 136 Mugalsarai 2,972.00 PR (1) PHC (1) W PO 137 Siraswas 1,116.00 W 138 Haiwatganj 623,00 W 139 Bhukari 970.00 W 140 Naukheda 1,880.00 W 141 Paikoli 1,084·00 PR (1) W 142 Amirgarh 5,730.00 PR (1) W 143 Hinotiya Bajimagar 1,515.43 W 144 Suganhai 1,083.06 W 145 Barkheda Hargan 508.33 W PO 146 Garentha 2,693.84 PR (1) PHC (1) W 147 Pardha 2,824.90 PR (1) W 148 Ajimabad 1,131.83 W 149 Mujaffargarh 1,048.11 W 150 Gopalpur 1,285.60 W 45


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of l~d use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms., weekly cludingany No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated CuJturabJe Area not market, if place of waste (i.ti> available any,held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal in terest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Maize 3.38 589.29 117.15 39.30 Sironj 36.8 101 Wheat, Maize 2.68 507.00 108.48 42.46 Sironj 35.2 102 Wheat, Maize 0.28 224.74 139.59 54.17 Sironj 35.2 lQ3 Wheat, Maize 392.06 72.12 159.88 Sironj 33.6 104 Wheat, Jowar 0.83 517.30 154.00 63.52 Sironj 35.2 105 Wheat, Jowar 1.08 6.25 600.06 246'15 108.52 Sironj 36.8 106 Wheat, Jowar 392.00 127.72 24.49 Sironj 36.8 107 Wheat 751.00 6.00 23.00 Sironj 28.8 108 Wheat 6.00 655.00 74.00 22.00 Sironj 33.6 109 Wheat 10.00 671.00 108.00 42.00 Sironj 30.4 Wednesday 110 Wheat 721.00 66.00 36.00 Sironj 32.0 III Wheat 442.00 19.00 15.00 Sironj 28.8 112 Wheat 295.00 22.00 8.00 Sironj 30.4 113 Wheat 1.00 268.00 38.00 22.00 Sironj 30.4 114 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 663.00 187.00 44.00 Sironj 22.4 115 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 394.00 185.00 32.00 Sironj 19.2 116 Wheat, Jowar 460.00 5.00 22.00 Sironj 19.2 117 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 886.00 7.00 75.00 Sironj 19.2 Saturday 118 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 585.00 17.00 32.00 Sironj 19.2 119 Wheat, Jowar 506.00 10.00 11.00 Sironj 22.4 120 Wheat, Jowar 549.00 49.00 24.00 Sironj 19.2 121 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 869.00 20.00 39.00 Sironj 19.2 122 Wheat, Jowar 385.41 41.78 27.25 Sironj 25.6 123 Wheat, Jowar 1. 78 478.62 84,75 39.46 Sironj 25.6 124 Wheat, Jowar 1.06 736.37 72.91 35.77 Sironj 24.0 125 Wheat, Jowar 646.18 120.53 34.22 Sironj 24.0 126 Wheat, Jowar 3.59 651.44 23.06 30.84 Sitonj 24.0 127 Wheat, Jowar 0.94 957.82 150.28 77.34 Sironj 22.4 Monday 128 Wheat, Jowar 5.84 448.53 43.68 53.47 Sironj 20.8 129 Wheat, Maize 2.90 1,466.36 222.16 117.90 Sironj 33.6 Thursday 130 Wheat, Maize 0.09 508.34 41.23 16.09 Sironj 33.6 131 Wheat, Maize 9.49 692.09 93.16 29.78 Sironj 32.0 132 Wheat, Maize 630.35 98.24 50.28 Sironj 27.2 133 Wheat, Maize 547.22 779.66 179.47 37.33 Sironj 30.4 134 Wheat, Maize 251.85 315.88 85.87 22.71 Sironj 27.2 135 Wheat, Maize 294.00 2.00 1,591.00 845.00 240.00 Sironj 28.8 Friday 136 Wheat, Maize 346.00 336.00 218.00 216.00 Sironj 32.0 137 Wheat, Maize, 230.00 189,00 181.00 23.00 Sironj 38.2 138 Wheat, Maize 327.00 220.00 366.00 57.00 Sironj 38.4 139 Wheat, Jowar 124.00 168.00 1,540.00 48.00 Sironj 40.0 140 Wheat, Jowar 361.00 2.00 274.00 357.00 90.00 Sironj 35.2 141 Wheat, Jowar 1,978.00 3.00 1,737.00 1,442,00 570.00 Sironj 36.8 142 Wheat, Jowar 565.15 409.91 540.37 Sironj 25.6 143 Wheat, Jowar 530.01 139.43 413.62 Sironj 22.4 144 Wheat, Jowar 338.24 63.81 106.28 Sironj 20.8 145 Wheat, Jowar 2,116.28 335.56 242.00 Sironj 19.2 Monday 146 Wheat, Jowar 1,297.47 472.28 1,055.15 Sironj 24.0 147 Wheat, Maize 666.87 3.12 202.49 238.11 21.24 Sironj 22.4 148 Wheat, Maize 405.62 116.24 526.25 Sironj 20.S 149 Wheat, Maize 655.87 309.99 125.00 193.74 Sironj 19.2 150 46


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r------..A------"""\ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

151 Surantal 842.38 W 152 Siddiquepur 1,068.65 W 153 Ahamdabad 1,155.11 W ]54 Banskhedi Gugal 1,630.60 W 155 Bishanpur 553.74 W 156 Korwasa 1,601.24 W 157 Bhonriya 1,318.13 PR (1) W PO 158 Hasanpur 478.75 W 159 Ramnagar 676.24 W 160 Khond!.lpur 658.13 W 161 Kadarpur 1,428.74 W 162 Salpur Khurd 430.01 W 163 Okhalikheda Khurd 735.62 W 164 Mahuakheda Bilochi 1,088.75 W 165 Sarekho 978.50 W 166 Ramnagar 749.69 W 167 Amkheda 1,428.15 W 168 Babulkhedi 802.51 W 169 Rampur 1,732.86 W 170 Dhamaukhedi 1,838.65 W 171 Mazidpur 1,247.12 R 172 Narayanpur 993.34 W 173 Kishanpura 298.06 W 174 Kachnariya 931.81 W 175 Lalatori 401.93 W 176 Barkheda Kedar 498.00 W 177 Tahirpur 431.00 R 178 Karrakhedi 703.00 W 179 Bamuliya Uda 1,754.00 PR (1) W 180 Manirampura 798.00 W PR 181 Bagroda 2,984.00 PR (1) W PR 182 Chhipikheda 496.00 W PR 183 Chatholi 4,014.00 PR (1) E W 184 Mubarakpur 512.00 R 185 Gopalnagar 199.00 PR (1) W 186 Saistabad 684.00 W 187 Achanwada 1,504.00 PR (1) W 188 Athaikheda 1,027.00 PR (I) W 189 Damodarkhedi 930.62 W 190 Raqmagar 737.50 191 Dignakheda 613.12 PR (I) W 192 Hullakhedi 689.37 W 193 Kundanpur 785.00 R 194 Mohammadnagar 555.62 R 195 Kudka Ahamdabad 1,484.37 W 196 Pirakhar 532.50 W 197 RusaJlighat 651.25 W 198 Akbarpu~ 698.12 R,W 199 Barkhedanagar 1,212.00 W 200 Karera Madagan 782.00 W 47


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Dayo( Remarks in- L. C. ., distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No • Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if placce of waste (i.e. available any, held religious, pasture and for culti- in village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Maize 106.87 251.15 291.24 193.12 Sironj 16.0 151 Wheat, Maize 375.13 107.87 585.65 Sironj 14.4 152 Jowar, Maize 180.62 8.55 701.45 171.99 92.50 Sironj 16.0 153 Jowac, Maize 555.62 2.50 893.12 132.49 46.87 Sironj 19.2 154 Jowar, Maize 0.62 468.13 72.50 12.49 Sironj 19.2 155 Jowal, Maize 9.37 1,293.76 2ll.24 86.87 Sironj 17.6 156 Jowar, Maize 1,128.76 150.00 39.37 Sironj 12.8 157 Jowar, Maize 334.37 105.63 38.75 Sironj 12.8 158 Jowar, Maize 553.75 79.37 43.12 Sironj 12.8 159 Wheat, Jowar 520.63 106.25 31.25 Sironj 12.8 160 Wheat, Jowar 1,171.87 225.00 31.87 Sironj 12.8 161 Wheat, Jowar 354.37 45.13 30.51 Sironj 22.4 162 Wheat, Jowar 569.37 136.25 30.00 Sironj 22.4 163 Wheat, Jowar 884.38 163.12 41.25 Sironj 12.8 164 Wheat, Jowar 594.72 348.01 35.77 Sironj 19.2 165 Wheat, Jowar 271.60 111.62 366.47 Sironj 19.2 166 Wheat, Jowar 655.79 0.71 487.34 246.12 38.19 Sironj 19.2 167 Wheat, Jowar 302.31 312.79 187.41 Sironj 16.0 168 Wheat, Jowar 1.259.97 215.97 224.41 32.51 Sironj 17.6 169 Wheat, Jowar 5.50 491.50 1,308.65 33.00 Sironj 14.4 170 Wheat, Jowar 88.06 386.87 772.19 Sironj 9.6 171 Wheat, Jowar 454.31 137.09 401.94 Sironj 11.2 172 Wheat, Jowar 1.93 192.22 70.75 33.16 Sironj 12.8 173 Wheat, Jowar ' 636.96 127.03 167.82 Sironj 11.2 174 Wheat, Jowar" 332.43 40.88 28.62 Sironj 12.8 175 Wheat, Jowar 309.00 176.00 13.00 Sironj 9.6 176 Wheat, Jowar 271.00 121.00 39.00 Sironj 4.8 177 Wheat, Jowar 538.00 125.00 40.00 Sironj 8.0 178 Wheat, Jowar 1,334.00 347.00 73.00 Sironj 9.6 179 Wheat, Jowar 732.00 29.00 37.00 Sironj 6.4 180 Wheat, Jowar 2,364.00 477.00 143,00 Sironj 6.4 181 Wheat, Jowar 367.JO 109.00 20.00 Sironj 6.4 182 Wheat, Jowar 3,238.00 553.00 223.00 Sironj 12.8 183 Wheat, Jowar 366.00 ll8.oo 28.00 Sironj 14.4 184 Wheat, Jowar 106.00 66.00 27.00 Sironj 16.0 185 Wheat, Jowar 492.00 140.00 52.00 S:ronj 144 186 Wheat, Jowar 1,296.00 121.00 87.00 Sironj 14.4 187 Wheat, Jowar 859.00 93.00 75.00 Sironj 14.4 188 Wheat, Jowar 669.37 210.63 50.62 Sironj 16.0 189 Wheat, Jowar 576.25 137.50 23.75 Sironj 14.5 190 Wheat, Jowsr 516.25 68.12 28.75 Sironj 16.0 191 Wheat, Jowsr 517.50 134.37 37.50 Sironj 19.0 192 Wheat, Jowar 633.75 105.00 46.25 Sironj 15.0 193 Wheat, Jowsr 445.63 71.87 38.12 SilOnj 16.0 194 Wheat, Jowar 1,031.25 384.37 68.75 Sironj 16.0 195 Wheat, Jowsr 345.00 157.50 30.00 Sironj 18.0 196 Wheat, Jowar 406.25 215.63 29.37 Sironj 16.0 197 Wheat, Jowar 573.75 86.25 38.12 Sironj 16.0 198 Wheat, Jowar 431.00 276·00 505.00 Sironj 28.8 199 Wheat, Jowar 97.00 211.00 474.00 Sironj 27.2 200 48


location NameofviIJage Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r------..A------~ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

201 Azizpur 991.00 W 202 Sanoti 1.569.00 W 203 Tribhuwanpur 439.00 PR(I) W 204 Dipnakheda 2,058.00 Mid.S.(l) W PO 205 Banskhedi Karan.i 476.00 W 206 Blldhena 943.75 PRO) W 207 Lalitpllr 1,697.19 W 208 Tahvariya 730.44 W 209 Faridpur 307.19 NW 210 Bamod Shala 3,298.06 PR(l).Mid.S.(I) D(I) w 211 Salpur Kalan 1,114.13 W 212 Mohanpur 557.06 W 213 Dengra 1,416.44 PR(I) W 214 Karaiyahat ] ,474.53 PR(I) W 215 Riniya 1,203.12 W 216 Damkheda Jagthar 672.50 W 217 Jagthar 965.00 W 218 Sankla Jagthar 714.37 W 219 Bamankhcdi 743.75 NW 220 pyarakhedi 1,228.75 PR(I) W 221 Jhagar 1,116.25 W 222 Kulua Kheda Noabad 565.00 R 223 Khubpura 603.75 W 224 Rusalli Hat 733.75 W 225 Bamuliya Tal 1,035.59 PR(l) W 226 Lakhnakheda 710.12 R 227 Dhirnroli 931.47 W 228 Harganakhedi 1,071.18 W 229 Samankhedi 747.15 R 230 Baroda Tal 1,081.31 W 231 Tehwanagar 462.96 232 Narkheda Tal 1,887.11 PR(l) W 233 Barej 1,809.00 PR(l) W 234 Kasba Tal 2,585.00 PR(I) W PO 235 Kajari Barkheda 842.00 W 236 Birchhakhedi 759.00 W 237 Kuluwa Mahuwakheda 1,089.00 W 238 Mahuwa Kheda Kuluwa 1,098.00 W 239 Kuja 614.00 PR(l) W 240 Rajpur 1,323.00 PR(l) W 241 Thanarpur 822.00 W PR 242 Muridpur 288.00 W PR 243 Siyalpur 2,761.00 PR(l) W PR 244 Pathriya 449.00 W PR 245 Hasampur 253.00 W PR 246 Shahpur 663.00 PR(l) VH(l) w PR 247 Bhatoli 1.014.00 W PR 248 Rapsol 875.00 W PR 249 Beerpur 666.00 W PR 250 Safdarpur Bhatatora 839.00 W PR 49 SIRONJ TAHSD..

Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.Co distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market ,if place of waste (i e. , available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Jowar 463.00 286.00 242.00 Sironj 24.0 201 Wheat, Jowar 1,096.00 415.00 58.00 Sironj 20.8 202 Wheat, Jowar 365.00 58.00 16.00 Sironj 20.8 203 Wheat, Jowar 1,528.00 393.00 137.00 Sironj 20.0 Tuesday 204 Wheat, Jowar 400.00 60.00 16.00 Sironj 22.4 205 Wheat, Jowar 351.45 198.15 394.15 Sironj 28.8 206 Wheat, Jowar 0.03 696.97 352.38 647.81 Sironj 32.0 207 Wheat, Jowar 0.31 99.28 351.16 279.69 Sironj 25.0 208 Wheat, Jowar 205.15 98.16 3.88 Sironj 25.0 209 Wheat, Jowar 42.35 8.41 2,131.14 733.50 382.66 Sironj 28.8 Thursday 210 Wheat, Jowar 1,023.57 54.59 35.97 Sironj 27.2 211 Wheat, Jowar 493.68 41.32 22.06 Sironj 25.0 212 Wheat, Jowar 1,283.38 94.28 38.78 Sironj 28.8 213 Wheat, Jowar 1,280.23 149.34 44.96 Sironj 25.6 Tuesday 214 Wheat, Jowar 146.30 954.41 102.41 Sironj 27.2 215 Wheat, Jowar 611.87 38.75 21.88 Sironj 25.6 216 Wheat, Jowar 770.63 131.87 62.50 Sironj 24.0 217 Wheat, Jowar 638.75 32.50 43.12 Sironj 24,0 218 Wheat, Jowar 650.00 65.00 28.75 Sironj 24.0 219 Wheat, Jowar 988.12 188.75 51.88 Sironj 24.0 220 Wheat, Jowar 886.83 180.00 . 49.37 Sironj 24.0 221 Wheat, Jowar 468.12 71.88 25.00 Sironj 24.0 222 Wheat, Iowar 523.75 59.38 20.62 Sironj 25.6 223 Wheat, Iowar 600.00 85.00 48.75 Sironj 25.6 224 Wheat, Iowar 924.72 40.84 70.03 Sironj 20.8 Saturday 225 Wheat, Jowar 618.24 59.17 32.71 Sironj 16.0 226 Wheat, Iowar 639.72 256.12 35.63 Sironj 22.4 227 Wheat, Jowar 888.55 134.39 48.24 Sironj 25.6 228 Wheat, Jowar 631.53 81.64 33.98 Sironj 24.0 229 Wheat, Jowar 941.99 117.13 22.19 Sironj 20.8 230 Wheat, Jowar 444.21 10.78 7.97 Sironj 20.8 231 Wheat, Jowar 1,613.65 22.91 250.55 Sironj 22.4 232 Wheat, Maize 1,338.00 395.00 76.00 Sironj 19.2 213 Wheat, Maize 2,234.00 219.00 132.00 Sironj 19.2 Monday 234 Wheat, Maize 721.00 80.00 41.00 Sironj 20.8 235 Wheat, Maize 619.00 123.00 17.00 Sironj 24.0 236 Wheat, Maize 697.00 342.00 50.00 Sironj 20.8 237 Wheat, Maize 608.00 397.00 93.00 Sironj 20.8 238 Wheat, Maize 2.00 495.00 66.00 51.00 Sironj 25.6 239 Wheat, Maize 1.00 1,064.00 176.20 82.00 Slronj 19.2 240 Wheat, Maize 530.0J 231.00 61.00 Sironj 20.8 241 Wheat, Maize 224.00 54.00 10.00 Sironj 20.8 242 Wheat, Maize 4.00 2,004.00 648.00 105.00 Sironj 14.4 243 230.00 193.00 26.00 Sironj 14.4 244 2e .. 00 36.00 16.00 Sironj 16.0 245 1.00 430.00 187.00 45.00 Sironj 19.2 246 Wheat, Maize 821,00 131.00 56.0U Sironj 9.6 247 700,00 134.00 41.00 Sironj 11.2 248 Wheat, Maize 449,00 166.00 51.00 Sironj 11.2 249 Wheat, Maize 70d.00 113.00 18.00 Sironj 11.2 250 50


Location Name of village Total aera of Amenities availiable within the villages Code No. the village (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water' cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

251 Bhaukhedi 771.00 W PR 252 Damkheda 820.00 W PR 253 Gulabganj 713.00 PR(l) W PO, TO 254 RusalIi Dama 1,585.00 PR(l) W PR 255 Mahadeokhedi 1,083.00 PR(1) W PR 256 Sona 889.00 PR(1) W PR 257 Khanpur 331.00 W PR 258 Sultanpur 805.00 PR(1) W 259 Gadakhedi 289.00 W 260 Ghatwar 3,540,00 PR(1) W PR 261 Osanhai 473.00 W 262 Kajari Mandwasa 1,095.00 W 263 IkIod 2,443.00 PR(1) W 264 Karaikheda Khurd 701.00 W PR 265 Mithepur 329.00 PR(l) W PR 2U6 Chitora 1,037.00 W 267 Rataniyakhedi 679.00 W 268 Bharwas 1,222.00 W 269 Safdarpur Tal 637.00 PR(l) W 270 Neemkhedi 362.00 W 271 Ghosua Tal 758.00 W 272 Dehri Madho 2,042.00 PR(1) W PR PO 273 Berkhedi 2,565.00 PR(I) W 274 Umariya 629.00 W PR 275 Unarsi Tal 785.00 PR(I) W PO 276 Udairampur 950.00 W 277 Taukhedi 234.00 W 278 Barkheda Tal 838.00 W 279 Raikhedi 535.00 R 280 Rajakhedi 884.00 W 281 Ahirkhedi 721.00 W PR 282 Panora 1,281.00 PR(1) W PR 283 Bamankhedi 821.00 W PR 284 Chakchanda Dhana 238.00 W PR 285 Baniyadhana 900.00 W PR 286 Noorpur Kachhpura 858.00 287 Chandadhana 870.00 W 288 Ikodiya 1,147.00 PR(1) PR 289 Ajamnagar 1,426.00 TOTAL 302,512.37 PR(67) D(3) I W(26I) PR(35) PO(12) Mld.S.(3) 0(1) 0(16) KR(30) TO(I) Source: Columns (1) to (5) and (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Sironj. Column (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, JabaJpur. 51


Staple Food Land use (I. e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in KIns. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste(i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for eulti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

.--.-~-~~ Wheat, Maize 560.00 186.00 25.00 Sironj 11.2 251 Wheat, Maize 671.00 110.00 39.00 Sironj 12.8 252 Wheat, Maize 491.00 175.00 47.00 Sironj 11.2 253 Wheat, Maize 1,421.00 101.00 63.00 Sironj 12.8 254 Wheat, Maize 780.00 250.00 53.00 Sironi 20.8 255 Wheat, Maize 671.00 147.00 71.00 Sironj 22.4 Tuesday 256 Wheat, Maize 230.00 80.00 21.00 Sironj 20.8 257 Whea t, Maize 563.00 163.00 79.00 Sironj 22.4 258 Wheat, Maize 172.00 103.00 14.00 Sironj 22.4 259 Wheat, Maize 2,508.00 870.00 162.00 Sironj 24.0 260 Wheat, Maize 375.00 76.00 22.00 Sironj 24.0 261 Wheat, Maize 2.00 636.00 398.00 59.00 Sironj 25.6 262 Wheat, Maize 5.00 1,830.00 510.00 98.00 Sironj 1.6 263 Wheat, Maize 625.00 43.00 33.00 Sironj 19.2 264 Wheat, Maize 196.00 105.00 28.00 Sironj 19.2 265 Wheat, Maize 1.00 725.00 239.00 72.00 Sironj 22.4 266 Wheat, Maize 1.00 572.00 74.00 32.00 Sironj 20.8 267 Wheat, Maize 1,007.00 141.00 74.00 Sironj 20.8 268 Wheat, Maize 488.00 105.00 44.00 Sironj 25.6 269 Wheat, Maize 297.00 53.00 12.00 Sironj 19.2 270 Wheat, Maize 625.00 83.00 50.00 Sironj 32.0 271 Wheat, Jowar 1,433.00 253.00 356.00 Sironj 11.2 272 Wheat, Jowar 1,954.00 490.00 121.00 Sironj 14.4 273 Wheat, lowar 457.00 153.00 19.00 Sironj 16.0 274 Wheat, Jowar 643.00 101.00 41.00 Sironj 17.6 Tuesday 275 Wheat, lowar 783.00 136,00 31.00 Sironj 16.0 276 Wheat, Jowar 167.00 60.00 7.00 Sironj 22.4 277 Wheat, Jowar 686.00 113.00 39.00 Sironj 17.6 278 Wheat, lowar 438.00 79.00 18.00 Sironj 24.4 279 Wheat, Jowar 707.00 136.00 41.00 Sironj 28.8 280 Wheat, Jowar 533.00 157.00 31.00 Sironj 8.0 281 Wheat, Jowar 1,054.00 169.00 58.00 Sironj 8.0 282 Wheat, Jowar 774.00 26.00 21.00 Sironj 8.0 283 Wheat, lowar 197.00 36.00 5.00 Sironj 9.6 284 Wheat, Jowar 708.00 157.00 35.00 Sironj 11.2 285 Wheat, Jowar 782.00 41.00 35.00 Sironj 16.0 286 Wheat, Jowar 661.00 179.00 30.00 Sironj 11.2 287 1,004.00 92.00 51.00 Sironj 11.2 288 1,210.00 155.00 61.00 Sironj 11.2 289 19,913,59 248.38 186,490.76 66,597.28 29,262.36 52


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Teleiraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Ghosua 2,029.00 PR (1) W KR 2 Shekhpur 1,246.00 PR (1) W KR 3 Barodiya 578.00 W KR 4 Pathari 508.00 R,W KR 5 Dadurar 1,118.00 PR (1) W KR 6 Girwasa 1,44] .00 PR (1) W KR 7 Padadya 862.00 PR (1) W KR 8 Dangi Kumhariya 858.00 PR (1) W KR 9 Raimudara 1,334.00 W PR 10 Dharukhedi 1,068.00 W PR 11 Karaiya 1,:ZOS.00 PR (1) W KR 12 Bamori 752.00 W KR 13 Biloda 1,009.00 R.W KR 14 Chhirkheda 2,422.00 PR (1) W KR 15 Dhuwa 461.00 PR (I) W PR 16 Parewara 785.00 PR (1) W KR 17 Karai Berkhedi 2,239.00 PR (1) W KR 18 Semra Jagir 337.00 PR (1) W KR 19 Madhi Jagir 930.00 PR (1) W KR 20 Khajuriya Jagir 1,585.00 PR (1) W KR 21 Nipaniya 686.00 W PR 22 Barri 702.00 W PR 23 Kurhai 660.00 W KR 24 Imliya 1,623.0:> PR (1) W KR 25 Jhagar 469.00 PR (1) W KR 26 Neh pipariya 1,200,00 PR (I) W PR 27 Nehra 1,386.00 PR (I) W KR 28 Shekh Pipariya 615.00 W KR 29 Madaiya 663.00 W KR 30 Fatehpur 1,717.00 PR (I) W KR 31 MadauKbedi 952.00 PR (1) W,R PR 32 Guwari 566.00 33 Para sari 505.00 PR (1) W,R KR 34 Sar khandi 666.00 W,R KR 35 Kalaryai 330.00 W,R KR 36 Kachhi Kumhariya 338.00 PR (1) W,R KR 37 Junaiya Khedi 798.00 W PR 38 Barwai 1,655.00 Mid.S. (1) D(1) W PR PO 39 Semra Shahpur 587.00 40 Tamoiya 965.00 PR (1) W KR 41 Barkheda 90.00 W KR 42 Rewara 772.00 W KR 43 Tekoo 1,287.00 PR (1) PHC (1) W KR 44 Sikandarpur 347.00 W KR 45 Mudari 494.00 W KR 46 Naukund 1,515.00 PR (1) W KR PO 47 Kankar 1,056.00 PR (I) W KR 48 Khiriya 1,196.00 R KR 49 Karampur 425.00 50 Adalpur 912.00 53 KURWAI TAHSIL

Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types, of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste '(i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for calti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 It1 17 18 1

Wheat 1,304,00 509.00 216.00 Kurwai 16.0 1 Wheat 1,086.00 119.00 41.00 Kurwai 15.0 2 Wheat 427.00 110.00 41.00 Kurwai 15.0 3 Wheat 320.00 90.00 98.00 Kurwai 18.0 4 Wheat 747.00 230.00 141.00 Kurwai 16.0 5 Wheat 1,052.00 232.00 157.00 Kurwai 15.0 6 Wheat 689.00 140.00 33.00 Kurwai 15.0 7 Wheat 640.00 164.00 54.00 Kurwai 15.0 8 Wheat 1,090.00 176.00 68.00 Kurwai 17.0 9 Wheat 895.00 125.00 48.00 Kurwai 15.0 10 Wheat 999.00 161.00 45.00 Kurwai 15.0 Saturday 11 Wheat 585.00 134.00 33.00 Kurwai 15.0 12 Wheat 681.00 260.00 68.00 Kurwai 17.0 13 Wheat 1,593.00 235.00 594.00 Kurwai 15.0 14 Wheat 383.00 56.00 22.00 Kurwai 23.0 15 Wheat 660.00 88.00 37.00 Kurwai 16.0 16 Wheat 1,842.00 360.00 37.00 Kurwai 26.0 17 Wheat 264.00 60.00 13.00 Kurwai 15.0 18 Wheat 541.00 134.00 255.00 Kurwai 16.0 19 Wheat 1,402.00 94.00 89.00 Kurwai 16.0 20 Wheat 522.00 103.00 61.00 Kurwai 18.0 21 Wheat 542.00 88.00 72.00 Kurwai 16.0 22 Wheat 1.00 400.00 215.00 44.00 Kurwai 20.0 23 Wheat 1,270.00 93.00 260.00 K.lrwai 19.0 24 Wheat 430.00 19.00 20.00 Kurwai 20.0 25 Wheat 866.00 277.00 57.00 Kurwai 15.0 26 Wheat 1,160.00 175.00 51.00 Kurwai 18.0 27 Wheat 1.00 493.00 96.00 25.00 Kurwai 20.0 28 Wheat 2.00 550.00 71.00 40.00 Kurwai 18.0 29 Wheat 1,349.00 214.00 154.00 Kurwai 15.0 30 5.00 826.00 56.00 65.00 Kurwai 15.0 31 Wheat 474.00 72.00 20.00 Basoda 12.0 32 Wheat 2.00 414.00 65.00 24.00 Kurwai 5.0 33 Wheat 467.00 83.00 116.00 Basoda 10.0 34 Wheat 270.00 36.00 24.00 Kurwai 5.0 35 Wheat 1.00 268.00 50.00 19.00 Kurwai 4.0 36 Wheat 1.00 695.00 64.00 38.00 Kurwai 8.0 37 Wheat 1,382.00 192.00 81.00 Kurwai 21.0 Sunday 38 438.00 97.00 52.00 Basoda 16.0 39 Wheat 764.00 141.00 60.00 Kurwai 6.0 40 Wheat 643.00 88.00 232.00 Kurwai S.O 41 Wheat 593.00 149.00 30.00 Kurwai 10.0 42 Wheat 997.00 244.00 46.00 Kurwai 7.0 43 Wheat 276.00 61.00 10.00 Kurwai 7.0 44 Wheat 418.00 53.00 23.00 Kurwai 7.0 45 Wheat 1,081.00 173.00 261.00 Kurwai 7.0 46 Wheat 664.00 307.00 85.00 Kurwai 5.0 47 Wheat 637.00 274.00 285.00 Kurwai 6.0 48 256.00 37.00 132.00 Basoda 7.0 49 495.00 68.00 349.00 Basoda 7.0 SO 54


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. th! village r------A.------. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

------~~-~- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

51 Bhonrasa 2,488.00 PR (1) R PR PO 52 Jhagariya 424.00 R KR 53 Sa1etara 695.00 PR (1) W KR 54 Paira Khedi 839.00 PR (1) W KR 55 Jamnapur 206.00 56 Kachhpura 282.00 57 Mitthapur 105.00 58 Shahpur 427.00 W KR 59 Ghurawali 859.00 W KR 60 Sakoli 674.00 W KR 61 Birpur 1,905.00 PR (1) W KR 62 Mainkhedi 1,145.00 W PR 63 Berkhedi 603.00 W PR 64 Rasulpur Manjurkhedi 360.00 W KR 65 Mala 1,120.00 PR (1) W KR 66 Karmedi 1,407.00 W.,R KR 67 Sirawada 1,327.00 PR (1) W KR 68 Pitholi 1,161.00 PR (1) W KR 69 Fatanpur 767.00 W KR 70 Kulhan 2,585.00 PR (1) W KR 71 Gadru 1,234.00 PR (1) W KR 72 Bishanpur 2,192.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W,R PR 73 Chhitapur 36Q.00 74 Mehluwa 1,800.00 PR (1) E W,R PR 75 Roshan Pipariya 2,296.00 PR (I) E,EI,EIN W,R PR 76 Bothi 958.00 PR (1) W KR 77 Rehan Kalan 1,076.00 W PR 78 Rusiya 1,709.00 PR (I) W KR 79 Isakhedi 646.00 W KR 80 KhemKhedi 985.00 PR (I) W KR 81 Sadera 788.00 PR (I) W KR 82 Galfara Khedi 338.00 W KR 83 Bajirabad 855.00 PR (I) W KR 84 Koluwa 1,023.00 W KR 85 Letani 1,824.00 PR (I) W KR 86 Bakwara 880.00 T,TW,R KR 87 Modan Khedi 375.00 R KR 88 Maddukhedi 506.00 R KR 89 Gammoo Khedi 565.00 W KR 90 Gitola 990.00 PR (1) W KR 91 Harsadu Khedi 361.00 W KR 92 Bharri 967.00 W R 93 Umarchha 812.00 PR (1) W R 94 Mohaniya Kherli 424.00 W KR 95 Pairaj Khedi 374.00 W KR 96 Sirnota 909.00 PR (I) W KR 97 Barethi 472.00 R 98 Baretha 1,190.00 PR (1) W PR 99 Bhugawali 522.00 W 100 Madiya 297.00 W 55 KURWAI TAHSIL

Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day or Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for culti- Village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

----"------~ ------"~--- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

------~ ---_-- --~------_ Wheat 1,545.00 288.00 655.00 Kurwai 7.0 51 Wheat 372.00 32.00 20.00 Kurwai 6.0 52 Wheat 522.00 144.00 29.00 Kurwai 6.0 53 Wheat 548.00 192.00 99.00 Kurwai 5.0 54 166.00 35.00 5.00 Basoda 7.0 55 152.00 115.00 15.00 Basoda 7.0 56 80.00 17.00 8.00 Basoda 6.0 57 Wheat 290.00 115.00 22.00 Kurwai 5.0 S8 Wheat 508.00 187.00 164.00 Kurwai 5.0 59 Wheat 567.00 92.00 15.00 Kurwai n.o 60 Wheat 1,591.00 214.00 100.00 Kurwai 10.0 61 Wheat 927.00 157.00 61.00 Kurwai 10.0 62 Wheat 502.00 73.00 28.00 Kurwai 10.0 6J Wheat 5.00 293.00 48.00 14.00 Kurwai 22.0 64 Wheat 876.00 203.00 41.00 Kurwai 14.0 Thursday 65 Wheat 989.00 214.00 204.00 Kurwai 16.0 66 Wheat 1.00 1,060.00 189.00 77.00 Kurwai 18.0 67 Wheat 849.00 217.00 95.00 Kurwai 24.0 68 Wheat 545.00 98.00 124.00 Kurwai 13.0 69 Wheat 1,892.00 502.00 191.00 Kurwai 12.0 70 Wheat 996.00 188.00 50.00 Kurwai 20.0 71 Wheat 1.00 1,758.00 268.00 165.00 Kurwai 15.0 72 Wheat 318.00 47.00 4.00 Basoda 19.0 73 4.00 1,444.00 251.00 101.00 Basoda 11.0 Tuesday 74 Wheat 6.00 1,740.00 356.00 194.00 Kurwai 14.0 7S Wheat 757.00 148.00 53.00 Kurwai 13.0 76 Wheat 898.00 146.00 32.00 Kurwai 5.0 77 Wheat 1,110.00 103.00 496.00 Kurwai 4.0 78 Wheat 487.00 72.00 87.00 Kurwai 5.0 79 Wheat 717.00 103.()() 165.00 Kurwai 6.0 80 Wheat 564.00 54.00 170.00 Kurwai 8.0 81 Wheat 242.00 71.00 25.00 Kurwai 8.0 82 Wheat 655.00 130.00 70.00 Kurwai 16.0 83 Wheat 799.00 140.00 84.00 Kurwai 18.0 84 Wheat 1,372.00 207.00 245.00 Kurwai 20.0 85 Wheat 642.00 111.00 127.00 Kurwai 20.0 86 Wheat 219.00 71.00 85.00 Kurwai 14.0 87 Wheat 325.00 93.00 88.00 Kurnai 15.0 88 Wheat 417.00 116.00 32.00 Kur\\ai 29.0 89 Wheat 891.00 44.00 55.00 Kurwai 15.0 90 Wheat 282.00 63.00 16.00 Kurwai 15.0 91 Wheat 763.00 115.00 89.00 Kurwai 12.0 92 Wheat 644.00 99.00 69.00 Kurwai 17.0 93 Wheat 338.00 62.00 24.00 Kurwai 18.0 94 Wheat 298.00 51.00 25.00 Kurwai 19.0 95 Wheat 769.00 73.00 67.00 Kurwai 17.0 96 Wheat 14.00 329.00 56.00 73.00 Kurwai 3.0 97 Wheat 1.00 929.00 139.00 121.00 Kurwai 3.0 98 Wheat 421.00 66.00 35.00 Kurwai 3,0 99 Wheat 202.00 34.00 61.00 Kurwai 3.0 100 56


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

101 Sirawali 799.00 PR(I) W 102 Jonakhedi 429.00 W 103 Nawara 491.00 W 104 Nagwasa 623.00 PR(I) W 105 Kotha 467.00 W 106 Kakarua 603.00 W 107 Dunatar 143.00 R 108 Pirotha 991.00 R 109 Ikoda 733.00 PR(I) W,R PR 110 Lachawara 1,293.00 PR(I) R 111 Padochha 1,501.00 PR(I) R 112 Bhagoda 497.00 W 113 Khiriya 491.00 W,R 114 Bhatoli 651.00 W 115 Barkheda 693.00 W 116 Jarha 563.00 PR(I) W 117 Bandora 346.00 W 118 Bothi 783.00 W 119 Kachhowa 286.00 W 120 Akhai 587.00 PR(I) W 121 Madal 936.00 W 122 Basoda 1,350.00 W 123 ADdeli 317.00 W 124 Karmodiya 924.00 PR(l) W 125 Muliya Kheda 544.00 PR(I) W KR 126 Parsoriya 541.00 W KR 127 Layra 2,470.00 Mid.S.(I) D(l) W,R KR 128 Kesarganj 369.00 W KR 129 Mitholi 513.00 R 130 Jargawan 2,048.00 PR(l) W 131 Berkhedi 799.00 W,R 132 Rajpul' 959.00 PR(1) KR 133 Najafpur 179.30 134 Kethora 1,530.00 PR(I) W R 135 Hinota 634.00 PR(I) W KR 136 Bukhara 409.00 W 137 Shahpur 528.00 W 138 Panawar 910.00 PR(I) W 139 Nahi 774.00 PR(I) W R 140 Barual 1,752.00 PR(1) W R 141 Awakhedi 274.00 W 142 Keshopur 534.00 W 143 Agasod 501.00 W 144 Sihora 671.00 Mid.S.(l) E,EI,EIN W KR 145 Khajrod 643.00 W 146 Talapar 467.00 W 147 Belai 627.00 W 148 Gambhiriya 843.00 PRt1) W 149 Gudawal 1,239.00 PR(I) W KR 150 KODsi 1,229.00 PR(I) W KR 57 KURWAI TAHSIL

---~--"------~---- .---- -_---_.__ ----_---_------.---~------_-_- Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different type of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Kemarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 570.00 132.00 97.00 Kurwai 4.0 101 Wheat 234.00 114.00 81.00 Kurwai 4.0 102 Wheat 405.00 60.00 26.00 Kurwai 4.0 103 Wheat 530.00 49.00 44.00 Kurwai 4.0 104 Wheat 338.00 76.00 53.00 Kurwai 4.0 105 Wheat 373.00 64.00 166.00 Kurwai 5.0 106 Wheat 34.00 51.00 58.00 Kurwai 4.0 107 Wheat 592.00 309.00 90.00 Kurwai 3.0 108 Wheat 467.00 202.00 64.00 Kurwai 3.0 109 Wheat 972.00 212.00 109.00 Kurwai 6.0 110 Wheat 1.00 1,092.00 292.00 116.00 Kurwai 4.0 111 Wheat 402.00 43.00 52.00 Kurwai 4.0 112 Wheat 408.00 47.00 36.00 Kurwai, 4.0 113 Wheat 503.00 118.00 30.00 Kurwai 5·0 114 Wheat 632.00 51.00 10.00 Basoda 5.0 115 Wheat 398.00 108.00 57.00 Basoda 8.0 116 Wheat 267.00 63.00 16.00 Kurwai 8.0 117 Wheat 492.00 168.00 123.00 Basoda 8.0 118 Wheat 221.00 56.00 9.00 Kurwai 8.0 119 Wheat 452.00 106.00 29.00 Kurwai 8.0 120 Wheat 746.00 58.00 132.00 Kurwai 8.0 121 Wheat 1,023.00 241.00 86.00 Kurwai 8.0 122 Wheat 258.00 53.00 6.00 Kurwai 8.0 123 Wheat 758.00 114.00 52.00 Bina (Etawa) 8.0 124 Wheat 466.00 58.00 20.00 Bina (Etawa) 5.0 125 Wheat 429.00 65.00 47.00 Bina (Etawa) 5.0 126 Wheat 2,001.00 151. 00 318.00 Kurwai 5.0 Saturday 127 Wheat 254.00 69.00 46.00 Kurwai 5.0 128 Wheat 353.00 117.00 43.00 Kurwai 5.0 129 Wheat 1,773.00 191.00 84.00 Kurwai 2.0 130 Wheat 567.00 164.00 68.00 Kurwai 5.0 131 Wheat 819.00 82.00 58.00 Kurwai 4.0 132 Wheat 105.00 54.00 20.00 KUfwai 5.0 133 Wheat 904.00 426.00 200.00 Kurwai 5.0 134 Wheat 1.00 547.00 45.00 41.00 Kurwai 2.0 135 Wheat 295.00 62.00 52.00 Kurwai 1.0 136 Wheat 439.00 41.00 48.00 Kurwai 2.0 137 Wheat 769.00 .92.00 49.00 Kurwai 3.0 138 Wheat 626.00 86.00 62.00 Kurwai 4.0 139 Wheat 1,~3.00 246.00 103.00 Kurwai 5.0 140 Wheat 226.00 32.00 16.00 Kurwai 5.0 141 Wheat 439.00 72.00 23.00 Kurwai 4.0 142 Wheat 417.00 65.00 19.00 Kurwai 4.0 143 Wheat 2.00 546.00 63.00 60.00 Kurwai 5.0 144 Wheat 1.00 522.00 43.00 77.00 Kurwai 5.0 145 Wheat 415.00 38.00 14.00 Kurwai 6.0 146 Wheat 510.00 55.00 62.00 Kurwai 5.0 147 Wheat 697.00 105.00 41.00 Kurwai 6.0 148 Wheat 1.00 1,135.00 19.00 84.00 Kt:rwai 8.0 149 Wheat 1.00 1,161.00 22.00 45.00 Kurwai 10.0 150 58


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


151 Loharra 513.00 W KR 152 Shaharwasa 2,OS2.00 PR(I) W KR PO 153 Kbwaja Khedi 24S.00 W 154 Safali 519.00 W 155 Daud Khcdi 370.00 W 156 Futcra 450.00 W 157 Datera 1,10S.00 }>R(1) W 158 Palita 1,173.00 PR(I) W KR ]59 Dawari 133.00 W 160 Rusalla 900.00 W 161 Jartoli 1,049.00 PR(1) W 162 Shyampur Gudawal J ,OSS.OO W 163 BhaIBamora 2,758.60 Mid.S.(l) W KR PO 164 Najafganj 403.00 W 165 Ukawad 679.00 W 166 Dudhawari J ,704.00 PRO) W 167 Satoh 1,530.00 W ]68 Padraj 344.00 W 169 Kakrawali 841.00 W 170 Simarghan 1,148.00 PRO) W 171 Ramkhiriya 599.00 W 172 Banoh 766.00 W 173 Babai Khurd 842.00 W 174 Katangi 329.00 W 175 Mala Pathari 492.00 PR(1) W 176 Mankyai 247.00 177 Bandroli 536.00 178 Bandrawatha 1,255.00 PRfl) W 179 Bilgona 1,322.00 W,R ISO Bilakhedi 773.00 W 181 Kankron 661.00 W 182 Mahua Khcda 532.00 W 183 Dhamonipura 910.00 PR(1) W 184 Dankhedi 611.00 W 185 Manesha 1,175.00 PRO) W 186 Bagoda 780.00 W 187 Chil Pahadi 474.00 W 188 Parsora 520.0[) W 189 Babai Kalan 671.00 W 190 Khajuriya 867,00 W 191 Ramgarh 883.00 W 192 Bi"loni 835.00 W 193 Punakhedi 839.00 PRO) W 194 Chhapara 3,526.00 PRd) W 195 laroli 484.00 W 196 Pipariya 324.00 ]97 Sherpur 122.00 W 198 Mathrapur 892.00 PRO) W 199 Amthiya Bawadi 225.00 W 200 Barkheda Pathari 1,009.00 W 59 KURWAI TAHSIL

--~-----~-- Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks i&- L.C. distance ID KIDs. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious. pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

---~-----~ ---_ ._---". ------.------~ --~----- .. ------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

.-----_---- .. ----~-.-- --~.------Wheat 496.00 8.00 9.00 Kurwai 9.0 151 Wheat 1,936.00 56.00 90.00 Kurwai 11.0 152 Wheat 215.00 29.00 4.00 Kurwai 13.0 153 Wheat 439.00 67.00 13.00 Kurwai 13.0 154 Wheat 300.00 56.00 14.00 Kurwai 12.0 155 Wheat 391.00 46.00 13.00 Kurwai 11.0 156 Wheat 987.00 84.00 37.00 Kurwai 11.0 157 Wheat 850.00 157.00 166.00 Kurwai 12.0 158 Wheat 123.00 7.00 3.00 Kurwai 13.0 159 Wheat 1.00 820.00 61.00 18.00 Kurwai 13.0 HiO Wheat 1.00 923.00 87.00 38.00 Kurwai 11.0 161 Wheat 995.00 49.00 44.00 Kurwai 11.0 162 Wheat 6.00 1,792.00 32.00 928.00 Kurwai 13.0 Friday 163 Wheat 385.00 4.00 14.00 Kurwai 14.0 164 Wheat 595.00 61.00 23.00 Kurwai 14.0 165 Wheat 1,341.00 229.00 134.00 Kurwai 12.0 166 Wheat 858.00 270.00 402.00 Kurwai 12.0 167 Wheat 159.00 87.00 98.00 Kurwai 50.0 168 Wheat 6.00 636.00 151.00 48.00 Kurwai 10.0 169 Wheat 964.00 139.00 45.00 Khurai 7.0 170 Wheat 529.00 46.00 24.00 Khurai 10.0 171 Wheat 531.00 124.00 111.00 Khuiai 8.0 172 Wheat 632.00 145.00 65.00 Khurai 7.0 173 Wheat 1.00 177.00 71.00 80.00 Khurai 7.0 174 Wheat 3.00 431.00 22.00 36.00 Khurai 10.0 175 Wheat 215.00 19;00 13.00 Khurai 5.0 176 Wheat 331.00 154.00 51.00 Khurai 5.0 177 Wheat 877.00 251.00 127.00 Khurai 8.0 173 Wheat 4.00 539.00 426.00 353.00 Khurai 6.0 179 . Wheat 594.00 153.00 26.00 Khllrai 3.0 180 Wheat 190.00 193.00 278.00 Khurai 3.0 181 Wheat 367.00 93.00 72.00 Khurai 5.0 182 Wheat 667.00 160.00 83.00 Khurai 6.0 183 Wheat 282.00 123.00 206.00 Khurai 4.0 184 Wheat 1.00 950.00 180.00 44.00 Khurai 8.0 185 Wheat 430.00 128.00 222.00 Khurai 6.0 186 Wheat 352.00 87.00 35.00 Khurai 8.0 187 Wheat 34l.oo 102.00 77.00 Khurai 7.0 188 Wheat 223.00 137.00 311.00 Khurai 6.0 }89 Wheat 1.00 560.00 278.00 28.00 Khurai 5.0 190 Wheat 305.00 722.00 356.0J Khurai 6.0 191 Wheat 310.00 245.00 280.00 Khurai 7.0 192 Wheat 1.00 594.00 156.00 88.00 Khurai 12.0 193 Wheat 6.00 2,120.00 885.00 515.00 Khurai 9.0 194 Wheat 267.00 176.00 41.00 Khurai 10.0 195 Wheat 263.00 43.00 18.00 Khurai 9.0 196 Wheat 92.00 24.00 6.00 Khurai 10.0 197 Wheat 669.00 174.00 49.00 Khurai 8.0 198 Wheat 190.00 27.00 8.00 Khurai 9.0 199 Wheat 266.00 415.00 l'J.OO 138.00 Khurai 10.0 200 60


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r------"-,------'-. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

201 SemarKhedi 618.00 W 202 Pathari 2,15:!.00 Mid.S. (1) D (1) W KR PO 203 Badoh 1,965.00 PR (1) W 204 Sedpur 494.00 W 205 Jajpon 970.00 W 206 Jamuniya 376.00 PR (1) 207 Chandanpur 311.00 W 208 Hasampur 452.00 W 209 Khadakhedi 592.00 W 210 Pirotha 290.00 W 211 Chanduli 237.00 W 212 Kankal Khedi 1.036.00 W 213 Padamyai 646.00 W 214 Patra 545.00 W 215 Piklon 3,268.00 Mid.S.(l) AD(l), VH(l) W KR PO 216 Deoli 1,199.00 PR (1) R,W KR 217 Sankrod 1,087.00 PR (1) W 218 Bheswaya 1,091.00 PR (1) W 219 Nah 1,560.00 PR (1) W 220 Suneti 832.00 W 221 Gond Khedi 1,128.00 W 222 Bisrai 413.00 W 223 Bisraha 1,327.00 PR (1) W 224 Chopada 1,686.00 W 225 Kurwai Kasba 4,341.00 0 PR TOTAL 205,574.00 PR(88) D(4) T(l) PR(19) Mid.S.(6) 0(2) 4 W(l99) KR(86) PO(7) 0(12) R (5) Source: Columns (1) to (5) and (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Kurwai. Column 6 : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, . 61


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types o~ land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. - --. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Cultucable Area not market, if placce of waste (i.e. available any, held religious, pasture and for culti- in village historical or grazing land vat ion archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 466.00 93.00 59.00 Khurai 9.0 201 Wheat 9.00 1,480.00 137.00 526.00 Khurai 10.0 Wednesday 202 21.00 1,093.00 235.00 616.00 Basoda 33.0 203 228.00 178.00 88.00 Ba,oda 38.0 204 296.00 311.00 363.00 Basoda 36.0 205 188.00 98.00 90.00 Basoda 35.0 206 131.00 125.00 55.00 Basoda 33.0 207 207.00 203.00 42.00 Basoda 33.0 208 422.00 116.00 54.00 Basoda 37.0 209 Wheat 219.00 43.00 28.00 Khurai 14.0 210 210.00 10.00 17.00 Basoda 37.0 211 717.00 199.00 120.00 Basoda 40.0 212 Wheat 539.00 72.00 35.00 Khurai 14.0 213 339.00 122.00 84.00 Basoda 38.0 214 Wheat 2.00 2,765.00 298.00 203.00 Khurai 16.0 Monday 215 Wheat 908.00 93.00 198.00 Khurai 18.0 216 Wheat 1.00 930.00 121.00 35.00 Khurai 10.0 217 Wheat 1.00 926.00 89.00 75.00 Khurai 11.0 218 Wheat 1,343.00 167.00 50.00 Khurai 12.0 219 753.00 47.00 32.00 Basoda 13.0 220 Wheat 5.00 575.00 313.00 235.00 Khurai 6.0 221 203.00 149.00 61.00 Basoda 35.0 222 473.00 428.00 426.00 Basoda 35.0 223 1.00 555.00 895.00 235.00 Basoda 39.0 224 Wheat Gram 164.00 2,902.00 644.00 631.00 Khurai 1.5 225


266.00 287.00 150,851.00 30,987.00 23,183.00



Location Name of village theTotal village area of ,,--______Amenities available within..A..- the______villages ....., Code No. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

--~--- ..- 1 Pura Jagir 875.00 W 2 Agra Jagir 1,301.00 PR(I) W PO 3 HigH Jagir 960.00 PR(I) W 4 Sil Kheda 1,106.00 F' W 5 Sagar 113.00 6 Rampura Jagir 1,771.00 PR(1) W 7 Shahpur Jagir 409.00 S Ratwa 1,402.00 PR(I) W 9 Barna Khar 1,199.00 PR(I) W 10 Mana Khedi 678.00 0 11 BilKhedi 2,398.00 PR(t) W 12 Barkheda Jagir 4,010.00 Mid.S.(l) W 13 Motipur 885.00 14 Narayanpur 543.00 15 Bisoniya 667.00 W 16 Dala Patai 1,204.00 W 17 Umariya 1,338.00 W 18 Goriya 692.00 W 19 Fatehpur 761.00 W 20 Murli Huri 234.00 W 21 Daulatpura 430.00 W KR 22 Kolua 2,795.00 W KR 23 Shahpur 1,286.CO W KR 24 Mahutha 1,959.00 W KR 25 Shala Khedi 1,416.00 W KR 26 Jatpura 997.00 W KR 27 Samshabad 1,177.00 PR(1) H(1) El W PR PO Mid.S.(l) VH(J) Sec.S.(l) D(1) 28 Khoha 377.00 W 29 Sigrampur 3,066.00 R,W 30 Piproda 1,591.00 [ PR(l) W 31 Jodhpur 772.00 W 32 Bhiya Khedi 1,137.00 PR(I) W 33 Bhagwanpur 1,158.00 W 34 Ghat Khedi 452.00 W 35 Barodiya 2,137.00 PRO) W 36 Ragru 760.00 R 37 Karahiya 2,853.00 PR(I) W KR 38 Rajpura 377.00 R 39 Baroda 1,641.00 W 40 Pali 1,203.00 W 41 Nasaratgarh 659.00 W PR 42 Bamori 572.00 W PR 43 Mohanpur 712.00 W PR 44 Sarsi 670.00 W PR 45 Jamanyai 1,113.00 W KR 46 Garhi 1,114.00 W KR 47 Kachhi Kheda 1,070.00 W KR 48 Lawa Khedi 1,112.00 W KR 63


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market. if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 4.00 529.00 80.00 262.00 Sironj 19.2 1 Jowar 2.00 416.00 132.00 751.00 Sironj 22.4 2 Jowar 20.00 548.00 108.00 284.00 Sironj 24.0 3 Jowar 1.00 522.00 23.00 560.00 Sironj 24.0 4 25.00 5.00 49.00 12.00 22.00 Sironj 24.0 5 Jowar 14.(;0 884.00 250.00 623.00 Sironj 24.0 6 Wheat 352.00 56.00 1.00 Sironj 19.2 7 Wheat 9.00 607.00 750.00 36.00 Sironj 19.2 8 Wheat 16.00 6'23.00 493.00 67.00 Sironj 22.4 9 Wheat 376.00 281.00 21.00 Sironj 17.6 10 Jowar 6.00 36.00 1,407.00 424.00 525.00 Sironj 22.0 11 Jowar 1,552.00 70.00 1,228.00 69~.OO 467.00 Sironj 51.0 12 710.00 168.00 7.00 Sironj 52.8 13 27.00 378.00 125.00 13.00 Sironj 52.8 14 Jowar 251.00 216.00 119.00 81.00 Sironj 5-L4 15 Jowar 383.00 4.00 542.00 128.00 147.00 Sironj 28.8 16 Jowar 455.00 364.00 371.00 148.00 Sironj 32.0 17 Jowar 312.00 240.00 61.00 79.00 Sironj 30.4 18 Jowar 466.00 196.00 14.00 85.00 Sironj 54.4 1<) JO'l\ar 67.00 70.00 48.00 49.00 Sironj 35.2 20 Wheat, Jowar 136.00 184.00 73.00 37.00 Sironj 35.6 21 Wheat 1,734.00 667.00 142.00 252.00 Sironj 25.6 22 Wheat 981.00 187.00 7.00 111.00 Sironj 25.6 23 Wheat 951.00 151.00 857.00 Sironj 25.6 24 Wheat 458.00 2.00 661.00 35.00 260.00 Sironj 25.6 25 Wheat 245.00 2.00 446.00 111.00 193.00 Sironj 25.6 26 Wheat 451.00 7.00 353.00 189.00 177.00 Sironj 25.6 Saturday 27

Wheat 136.00 1.00 178.00 35.00 27.00 16.0 28 Wheat 1,922.00 821.00 255.00 68.00 Btrasia 16.0 29 Wheat 979.00 2.00 475.00 90.00 45.00 Berasia 12.8 30 Wheat 450.00 2.00 205.00 50.00 65.00 Berasia 12.8 31 Jov.ar, Wheat 118.00 8.00 525.00 225.00 261.00 Berasia 19.2 32 Wheat, Jowar 432.00 2.00 355.00 200.00 169.00 Berasia 19.2 33 Jowar, Wheat 20.00 138.00 208.00 86.00 Berasia 17.6 34 Wheat, Jowar 1,009.00 537.00 232.00 359.00 Bel asia 19.2 35 Wheat, Jowar 215.00 265.00 157.00 123.00 Berasia 16.0 36 Wheat 1,181.00 1.00 1,186.00 385.00 100,00 Betasia 22.4 37 Wheat 218.00 1.00 55.00 91.00 12.00 Berasia 22.4 38 Wheat 132.00 3.00 532.00 576.00 398.00 Vidisha 32.0 39 Wheat 18.00 857.00 287.00 41.00 Vidisha 51.2 40 Wheat 325.00 276.00 58.00 Vidisha 48.0 41 Wheat 5.00 394.00 135,00 38.00 Vid:sha 44.8 42 Wheat 4.00 424.00 118.00 166.00 Vidisha 51.2 43 Wheat 2.00 344.00 160.00 164.00 Vidisha 43.2 44 Wheat 467.00 36.00 405.00 74.00 191.00 Vidisha 27.2 45 Wheat 259.00 299.00 207.00 349.00 Sironj 16.0 46 Wheat 420.00 ].00 407.00 143.00 99.00 Sironj 28.8 47 Wheat 118.00 7.00 524.00 144.00 319.00 Sironj 28.8 48 64


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village .------'------''--.------, -, (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

~-~.-~ .. --

49 Dangarwara 1,114.00 PR(I) W KR 50 Khata Khedi 787.00 W KR 51 Berkhedi Kirar 705.00 W KR 52 Thana 3,724.00 PR(1) W 53 Pegyai 2,168.00 W 54 Hada 1,130.00 W 55 Jhiri 1,439.00 W 56 Bader 2,702.00 PR(l) W 57 Gokalpur 1,939.00 W 58 Sadher 2,900.00 PR(I) W 59 Bharna Kheda 1,194.00 PR(l) W 60 Hinotiya Mali 2.222.00 PR(I) W 61 Shahpura 1,164.00 W 62 Barkheda Jat 2,585.00 W 63 Nadiya 1,392.00 PR(I) W 64 Karmedi 2,652.00 PRO) W 65 Golna 1,498.00 lNW 66 Satpada Hat 3,123.00 Mid.S. (1) W 0 67 Jeerapur 1,944.00 PR(I) W 68 Hirapur 2,333.00 PR(l) W 69 Sangul 4,168.00 PR(I) W 70 Maniya Barkheda 1,048.00 PR(l) W 71 Barkheda Makhu 2,032.00 PR(l) W 72 Amarpur 1,056.00 W 73 Bardha 4,828.00 PR(I) H(l) E,EJ,EIN w PO 74 Rusalli 1,885.00 PR(1) W PR 75 Dafaryai Kalan 1,399.00 W PR 76 Mohi 2,517.00 W KR 77 Sakatpur 909.00 W KR 78 Rampura Khurd 524.00 KR 79 Mahua Dongari 631.00 R KR 80 Bichhiya 3,270.00 Mid.S.(I) W KR PO SI Tinsyai 854.00 W PR 82 Dhobi Kheda 1,872.00 W 83 Khajuri Samshabad 1,399.00 W 84 Berkhedi Ghat 720,00 W 85 Pipaldhar 5,361.00 PRO) AD(l) w PR PO 86 Motipura 962.00 W PR 87 Gouriya Kheda 1,358.00 W 88 Bheronbag 809.00 W 89 Amarpura 700.00 'W PR 90 Binjh Jagir 2,756.00 PR(I) W 91 Imaliya Jagir 1,143.00 PR(l) W 92 Barkheda Adawar 1,144.00 W 93 Riniya 1,315.00 PR(l) W 94 Sirsi 605.00 W 95 Mudra Sherpur 1,326.00 1"R(l) W 96 Nagtara 924.00 W 97 Ravan 3,266.00 PR(l) W 98 Pipari 518.00 W 65


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Cufturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any ,held in religious, pasture and for culti- Village historical or grazing land valion archaeologi- etc. ) cal interest

-~---.----'------.------~---~- -- --_-_ ---~-- -- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

------_------_ --- -~. -_-... _---_ Wheat 43.00 739.00 115.00 217.00 Sironj 25.6 49 Wheat 62.00 21.00 517.00 48.00 139.00 Sironj 28.8 50 Wheat 43.00 2.00 472.00 45.00 143.00 Sironj 28.8 51 Jowar 1.,660.00 20.00 934.00 618.00 492.00 Sironj 22.4 52 Jowar 779.00 883.00 401.00 105.00 Sironj 19.2 53 Jowar 462.00 5.00 423.00 132.00 108.00 Sironj 24.0 54 Jowar 411.00 738.00 175.00 115.00 Sironj 64.0 55 Jowar 20.00 1,278.00 824.00 580.00 Sironj 16.0 56 Jowar 666.00 6.00 615.00 374.00 278.00 Sironj 16.0 57 Jowar 377.00 3.00 1,102.00 988.00 430.00 Sironj 19.2 58 Jowar 375.00 16.00 576.00 173.00 54.00 Sironj 17.6 59 .Towar 572.00 2.00 1,107.00 434.00 107.00 Sironj 19.2 60 Jowar 743.00 337.00 84.00 Sironj 19.2 61 Jowar 1,229.00 3.00 754.00 496.00 103.00 Sironj 19.2 62 Jowar 372.00 648.00 323.00 49.00 Sironj 19.2 63 Jowar 523.00 23.00 1,308.00 544.00 254.00 Sironj 19.2 64 Jowai" 436.00 481.00 375.00 206.00 Sironj 19.2 65 Jowar 62.00 2,116.00 468.00 477.00 Sironj 16.0 Monday 66 Jowar 624.00 908.00 244.00 168.00 Sironj 19.2 67 Wheat 2.00 1,155.00 977.00 199.00 Basoda 28.8 68 Wheat 90.00 7.00 2,072.00 575.00 1,424.00 Basoda 32.0 69 Wheat 199.00 8.00 556.00 156.00 129.00 Basoda 16.0 70 Wheat 3.00 1,665.00 182.00 182.00 Basoda 20.4 71 Wheat 6.00 541.00 378.00 131.00 Basoda 30.4 72 Wheat 1.622.00 82.00 2,504.00 466.00 154.00 Basoda 32.0 Sunday 73 Wheat 13.00 1,220.00 459.00 193.00 Vidisha 48.0 74 Wheat 61.00 3.00 717.0D 472.00 14j.00 Vidisha 46.4 75 Wheat 726.00 7.00 1,202.00 534.00 48.00 Vidisha 43.2 76 Wheat 317.00 8.00 348.00 206.00 30.00 Vid:sha 76.8 77 307.00 167.00 50.00 Vidi~ha 76.8 78 Wheat 383.00 131.00 98.00 19.00 Vidisha 76.8 79 Wl)eat 192.00 8.00 1,821.00 97'8.00 271.00 Vidisha 48.0 Friday 80 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 520.00 227.0,) 99.00 Vidisha 36.8 81 Wheat, Jowar 1,480.00 354.00 38.00 Vidisha 32.0 82 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,028.00 270.00 100.00 Vidisha 32.0 83 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 527.00 102.00 89.00 Vidisah 32.0 84 Wheat, Jowar 271.00 13.00 3,669.00 983.00 425.00 Vidisha 32.0 Wedn!sday 85 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 812.00 110.00 36.00 Vidisha 51.2 86 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,203.00 78.00 73.00 Vidisha 38.4 87 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 644.00 129.00 35.00 Vidisha 38.4 88 Wheat, .Towar 5.00 573.00 105.00 17.00 Vidisha 36.8 89 Wheat. Jowar 7.00 2,107.00 308.00 334.00 Vidisha 43.2 90 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,079.00 29.00 29.00 Vidisha 43.2 91 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 928.00 186.00 27.00 Basoda 35.0 92 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,015.00 257.00 39.00 Basoda 33.0 93 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 482.00 93.00 26.00 Basoda 33.0 94 Wheat, Jowar 1,117.00 157.00 52.00 Basoda 35.0 95 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 591.00 58.00 274.00 Vidisha 30.0 96 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 2,569.00 342.00 351.00 Vidisha 27.0 97 Wheat, Jowar 371.00 64.00 83.00 Vidisha 30.0 98 66


Location Name of village Total aera of the village ,...... --______Amenities availiable within.A ______the villages ---, Code No. (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

----~--~------~------..~------.--~- --.---~--.-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

------99 Kasba Khedi 866.00 W 100 Kashipur 1,128·00 W 101 Seu 4,786.00 Mid.S (1) AD(l) E,EI,ElN W PO 102 Chamarha 1,177.00 W ]03 Khai Kheda 765.00 W 104 Gujar Khedi 259.CO R 105 Khajuri Das 879.00 PR (1) W PR 106 Mudra Khirni 745.00 W 107 Natean 3,093.00 PR (1) PHC(l) E,EI,EIN W Mid.S 0) 108 Miya Khedi 779.00 PR (1) 109 Ghatmahi 1,225.00 EI,EIN W PR 110 Silway Khajuri 3,348.00 PR (1) W PR 111 Narkhedaghat 3,048.00 W 112 Tajkhajuri 2,413.00 PR (1) W PR 113 Khejada Kashiram 983.00 W PR 114 Nauraj Khedi 418.00 W 115 Didhoni 1,516.00 PR (1) W PR 116 Khejada Tila 904.00 PR (1) R,TW PR 117 Johad 3,569.00 PR (1) E1 W PR PO 118 Padaria Jagir 2,378.00 PR (1) W 119 Gajanyai 606.00 W 120 Boodhor 1,782.00 PR (1) W 121 Behta 570.00 W 122 Nagdha 803.00 W 123 Nagaur 2,189.00 PR (I) W 124 Ratanpur Chakk 598.00 W 125 Mudara Pitambar 988.00 PR (I) W 126 Raipur 1,761.00 W PR 127 Ghinauchi 775.00 W PR 128 Kherai 1,410.00 PR (1) W PR 129 SemarKhedi 355.00 130 Nar Kheda Khadya 919.00 PR (I) W PR 131 Panwariya 2,951.00 PR (I) W PR 132 Nipaniya 888.00 W 133 Amkheda Kalu 2,967.00 PR (I) E,ET,EIN W 134 Satisi 1,038.00 W 135 Khejara 610.00 W 136 Pipariya Samshabad 2,639.00 PR (I) W 137 Mahuwa Kheda 1,143.00 PR (1) W 138 Dhadhon 1,473.00 W 139 Amkheda Sukha 3,024.00 PR (I) W 140 Palalakpur 1,113,00 W 141 Nanakpur 2,070.00 PR (I) W 142 Babachiya 1,734.00 W 143 Rampura Kalan 1,356.00 PR (1) W 144 Tofa Khedi 658.00 W 145 Lakhar 1,061.00 PR (I) W 146 Dafaryai Khurd 499.00 W 147 Achanda 2,891.00 PR (I) W 67


~~'"--.------Staple Food Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market,if place of waste (i e. available anY,held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 1


Wheat, ]owar 608.00 59.00 199.00 Vidisha 27.0 99 Wheat, ]owar 14.00 836.00 115.00 163.00 Basoda 33.0 100 Wheat, ]owar 14.00 13.00 3,839.00 219.00 701.00 Basoda 32.0 Tuesday 101 Wheat, ] owar 8.00 856.00 243.00 70.00 Basoda 32.0 102 Wheat, ]owar 2.00 607.00 122.00 34.00 Basoda 35.2 103 Wheat, ]owar 201.00 36.00 22.00 Vidisha 30.4 104 Wheat, Jowar 632.00 185.00 62.00 Vidisha 32.0 105 Wheat, ]owar 1.00 617.00 106.00 21'00 Basoda 35.2 106 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 2,356.00 487.00 244.00 Basoda 35.2 107

Wheat, ]owar 3.00 570.00 85.00 121.00 Basoda 32.0 108 Wheat, ]owar 783.00 369.00 73.00 Basoda 25.6 109 Wheat, ]owar 6.00 2,382.00 731.00 229.00 Basoda 25.6 110 Wheat, Jowar 1,(95.00 921.00 231.00 Basoda 12.8 111 Wheat, Jowar 1,814.00 465.00 134.00 Basoda 28.8 112 Wheat, Jowar 736.00 169.00 78.00 Basoda 28.8 113 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 339.00 56'00 21.00 Basvda 14.4 114 Wheat, Jowar 1,246.00 200.00 70.00 Basoda 12.8 l1S Wheat, Jowar 642.00 216.00 46.00 Basoda 9.6 116 Wheat, Jowar 2,707.00 542.00 320.00 Basoda 8.0 117 Wheat, Jowar 3,00 1,721.00 537.00 117.00 Basoda 22.4 118 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 445.00 120.00 40.00 Basoda 19.2 119 Wheat, Jowar 1,239.00 414.00 129.00 Basoda 25.6 Thursday 120 Wheat, Jowar 370.00 142.00 58.00 Basoda 17.6 121 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 631.00 140.00 30.00 Basoda 20.8 122 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,654.00 444.00 90.00 Br.soda 20.8 123 Wheat, Jowar 476.00 89.00 33.00 Basoda 13.2 124 Wheat ,Jowar 3.00 770.00 174.00 41.00 Basoda 28.8 125 Wheat, Jowar 1,276.00 383.00 102.00 Basoda 25.6 126 Wheat, Iowar 586.00 152.00 37.00 Basoda 25.6 127 Wheat, Iowar 2.00 1,205.00 2.00 201.00 Basoda 28.8 128 266.00 73.00 16.00 129 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 702.00 175.00 40.00 Basoda 32.0 130 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 2,144.00 691.00 107.00 Bl:soda 35.2 131 Wheat, Jowar 715.00 153.00 20.00 Basoda 33.6 132 Wheat, Iowar 304.00 25.00 1,723.00 797.00 118.00 Basoda 25.6 133 Wheat, Jowar 747.00 245.00 46.00 Basoda 24.0 134 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 350.00 219.00 28.00 Basoda 24.0 135 Wheat, Jowar 468.00 3.00 1,174.00 630.00 364.00 Basoda 28.8 136 Wheat, Jowar 760.00 339.00 44.00 Basoda 28.8 137 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,016.00 360.00 95.00 Basoda 27.2 138 Wheat, Jowar 31.00 1,941.00 858.00 194.00 Basoda.25 .6 139 Wheat, Jowar 869.00 224.00 20.00 Basoda 24.0 140 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,484.00 470.00 115.00 Basoda 22.4 141 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,402.00 46.00 283.00 Basoda 35.2 142 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,058.00 196.00 99.00 Basoda 33.6 143 Wheat, Jowar 389.00 121.00 148.00 Basoda 33.6 144 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 742.00 98.00 201.00 Basoda 30.4 145 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 328.00 109.00 60.00 Basoda 32.0 146 Wheat, Iowar 10.00 2,205.00 521.00 155.00 Basoda 30.4 147 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Amenities available within the villages Location Name of village Total area of .---______~L______~ Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

--~--.~--,.-- ~ -~ ----~--~------.------_--- -_ -----_.----_-- '------"-~ .. ------~- ~.-- -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

_--_.---_-_ ------

148 Khader 4,159.00 Mid,S. (1) AD (1) W KR PO 149 Maholi Basoda 1,156.00 W KR 150 Ikodiya 559.00 W KR ]51 Rajoda 1,678.00 PR (1) W KR 152 Perwasa 1,897.00 PR (1) VB (1) W KR 153 Jaminpur 1,728.00 W KR 154 Rai Khedi 726.00 PR (1) W KR 155 Mahu 3,374.00 PR (1) W KR 156 Ghoghara 1,352.00 W KR 157 Moman Khedi 900.00 W KR 158 Lakha Khedi 917.00 W KR 159 Amoda 1,145.00 W KR 160 Uhar 2,476.00 PR (1) W PR 161 Mehamuda 1,395.00 PR (1) W KR 162 Atas 1,387.00 W KR 163 Dabar 445.00 W KR 164 Bard 1.506.00 W KR 165 Pawai Kurwai 1,098.00 W KR 166 Karaiya Jagir 1,409.00 PR (1) W KR 167 Malakpur 1,242.00 W KR 168 Bankagarh 1,512.00 W KR 169 Thanwah 1,971.00 PR (1) W KR 170 Ukayala 1,751.00 PR (1) W KR 171 Mehara 1,520.00 W KR 172 Bakena 203.00 KR 173 Hargana Khedi 2,144.00 PR (1) W KR 174 Biladhana 1,812.00 PR (1) W PR PO 175 Shivrampur 1,810.00 W KR 176 Padriya 1,192.00 PR (1) W KR 177 Mali Khedi 595.00 W KR 178 Sakrai 1,224.00 W KR 179 Balrampur 900.00 W KR 180 Nichron 649.00 W KR 181 Fufel 3,052.00 Mid.S. (1) W KR PO 182 Bamuriya 1,047.00 W KR 183 Tilatili 698.00 PR (1) W KR 184 Somwara 1,447.00 PR (1) W KR 185 Champa Khedi 1,270.00 W KR 186 Shahpur 507.00 W KR 187 Kalana Khedi 603.00 W KR 188 Fatehpur Shamshi 1,054.00 R KR 189 Mahu Kheda 2,481.00 PR (1) W KR 190 Gurod 1,745.00 PR (1) E,EI W PR 191 Newali 1,592.00 W 192 Jogi Kirroda 1,610.00 PR (1) W 193 Mohaniya Khedi 411.00 W 194 Hasanpur alias lathoda 953.03 PR 0) W 195 Pairi 1,168.00 W 196 Sakroli 1,427.00 PR (1) W PR 197 Nibodiya 856.00 PR (1) EI R,W PR 69


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in aeres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation arehaeologi- etc. ) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 III 17 18 1

Wheat 11.00 3,270.00 683.00 195.00 Basoda 36.8 148 Wheat 1.00 8;2.00 256.00 47.00 Basoda 32,0 149 Wheat 1.00 406.00 121.00 31.00 Basoda 27.2 150 Wheat 6.00 1,344.00 278.00 50.00 Basoda 35.2 151 Wheat 8.00 1,552.00 268.00 69.00 Basoda 32.0 152 Wheat 1,003.00 701.00 24.00 Bas3da 28.8 153 Wheat 4.00 549.00 136.00 37.00 Basoda 28.8 154 Wheat 10.0J 2,402.00 87.00 875.00 Sironj 28.8 155 Wheat 4.00 810.00 279.00 259.00 Sironj 24.0 156 Wheat 5.00 563.00 281.00 51 .00 Sironj 24.0 157 Wheat 4.00 728.00 128.00 57.00 Sirnnj 30.4 158 Wheat 5.00 678.00 444.00 18.00 Sironj 17.6 159 Wheat 3.00 1,314.00 835.00 324.00 Sironj 16'0 160 Wheat 973.00 356.00 66.00 Sironj 19.2 161 Wheat 1,110.00 224.00 53.00 Sironj 22.4 162 Wheat 277.00 156.00 12.00 Sironj 24.0 163 Wheat 1,108.00 313.00 85.00 Sironj 17.6 164 Wheat, Jowar 883.00 161.00 54.00 Sironj 19.2 165 Wheat, Jowar 1,168.00 170.00 71.00 Sironj 20.8 166 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 988.00 202.00 49.00 Sironj 19.2 167 Wheat 1,031.00 150.00 331.CO Basoda 20.8 168 Wheat 2.00 1,434.00 123.00 412.00 Basoda 19.2 169 Wheat 3.00 1,438.00 198.00 112.00 Basoda 19.2 170 Wheat 1,160.00 309.00 51.00 Basoda 16.0 171 Wheat 160.00 34.00 9.00 Basoda 16.0 172 Wheat 1.00 1,675.00 351.00 117.00 Basoda 16.0 173 Wheat 4.00 1,554.00 172.00 82.00 Basoda 14.4 174 Wheat, Jowar 1,238.00 370.00 202.00 Basoda~16.0 175 Wheat, Jowar 914.00 59.00 219.00 Basoda 16.0 176 Wheat, Jowar 440.00 45.00 110.00 Basoda 12.0 177 Wheat 906.00 269.00 49.00 Basoda 24.0 178 Wheat 2.00 729.00 128.00 41.00 Basoda 19.2 179 Wheat 494.00 70.00 85.00 Basoda 16.0 180 Wheat 5.00 1,826.00 600.00 621.00 Basoda 17.6 Saturday 18t Wheat 876.00 134.00 37.00 Basoda 27.2 182 Wheat 543.00 122.00 33.00 Basoda 25.6 183 Wheat 1.00 971.00 337.00 138.00 Basoda 32.0 184 Wheat 854.00 284.00 132.00 Basoda 36.8 185 Wheat 371.00 107.00 29.00 Ba<;oda 28.8 186 Wheat 488.00 90.00 25.00 Basoda 28.8 187 Wheat 803.00 207.00 44.00 Basoda 16.0 188 Wheat 1,SSS.00 45S.OO 155.00 Basoda 14.4 189 Wheat 1,36S.OO 23S.OO 139.00 Basoda 11.2 190 Wheat 79.00 1,222.00 229.00 62.00 Basoda 17.6 191 Wheat 21.00 l,~8S.oo 219.00 S2.00 Basoda 32.0 192 Wheat 121.00 149.00 120.00 21-00 Basoda 17.6 193 Wheat 22.00 786.00 1:JO.00 45.00 BaSOM 19.2 194 Wheat 955.00 161.00 52.00 Basoda 16.0 195 Wheat 1,106.00 247.00 74.00 Basoda 12.S 196 Wheat 13.00 544.00 176.00 123.00 Basoda 4.8 197 70


------~---~------Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r------~------~ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _"._--_._""

198 Bothi Jagir 464.00 R,W PR 199 Magrod 1,142.00 W PR 200 Nandllpura 559.00 El W,R PR 201 Jarod 666.00 PR (1) W KR 202 Amba Nagar 2,093.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 203 Berkhedi 464.00 R KR 204 Kurawad 590.00 W KR 205 Girahani 1,2H2.00 PR 0) W KR 206 Agasod 1,225.00 PR (1) W KR 207 Biharipur 505.00 R KR 208 Khartari 853.00 W KR 209 Pipariya Ghat 400.00 R KR 210 Chak Masudpur 1,694.00 W PR 211 Masoodpur 961.00 Sec. S. (1) H (1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 212 Bilwah 575.00 W PR 213 Rojaru 1,145.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 214 Arnoth 2,197.00 PR (1) W KR 215 Pipariya Jajon 946.00 PR (1) W,NW KR 216 Kakarua Modan 657.00 0 KR 217 Gohachi 807.00 R KR 218 Hargana Khedi 534.00 R KR 219 Banwasa 732.00 W KR 220 Raj Kheda 676.00 R KR 221 Kirwaya 3,283.00 Mid. s. 0), W KR PO PR (1) 222 Mutarra 913.00 W KR 223 Bijrotha 587.00 W KR 224 Imliya 522.00 R KR 225 Tharraka 796.00 W KR 226 Tikod 877.00 W KR 227 Khiriya 392.00 W KR 228 Chulheta 1,016.00 W KR 229 Kulhar 4,226.00 PR (1) AD (1) W,TW R PO 230 Badwasa 1,549.00 PR (1) W PR 231 Kaji Kirroda ] ,311.00 W KR 232 Kisnoda 738.00 W KR 233 Naroda 597.00 W PR 234 Bhuwara Jagir 669.00 \\' KR 235 Mirgawali 325.00 W KR 236 Khada Khedi 732.00 W KR 237 Samadpur 618.00 W KR 238 Jhilipur 1,846.00 PR (1) W KR 239 Dimroli 391.00 W KR 240 Bhuwara 365.00 W KR 241 Jafrawad Pipariya 713.00 W 242 Sarwaha 1,394.00 W KR 243 Bareth 626.00 W KR \ 244 Biskawali 622.00 KR 245 Jugyai 523.00 W KR 246 Baghrru 619.00 Mid. S. (1) PHC (1) W PR,R PO 247 Purwai 1,388.00 PR (1) W KR 71


Staple Food Land use (i. e. area under different types' of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. ,- ....., distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No • Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market ,if place of waste(j.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

-. ----~---- 10 11 }2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

~.-. ----~---

Wheat 295.00 123.00 46.00 Basoda 17.6 198 Wheat 769.00 269.00 104.00 Basoda 19.2 199 Wheat 372.00 108.00 79.00 Basoda 20.8 200 Wheat 531.00 101.00 34.00 Basoda 12.8 201 Wheat 1,362.00 451.00 280.00 Basoda 11.2 202 Wheat 339.00 89.00 36.00 Basoda 12.8 203 Wheat 377.00 168.00 45.00 Basoda 11.2 204 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 I,OS4.00 136.00 60.00 Basoda 12.8 205 Wheat, lowar 1.00 1,051.00 135.00 38.00 Basoda 12.8 206 Wheat, lowar 1.00 382.00 22.00 100.00 Basoda 12.8 207 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 540.00 67.00 242.00 Basoda 11.2 208 Wheat, lowar 320.00 22.00 58.00 Basoda 9.6 209 Wheat 2.00 1,508.00 141.00 43.00 Basoda 20.8 210 Wheat 3.00 751.00 151.00 56.00 Basoda 20,8 211 Wheat 489.00 53.00 33.00 Basoda 17.6 212 Wheat 3.00 973.00 118.00 51.00 Basoda 16.0 Friday 213 Wheat 7.00 1,:92.00 533.00 65.00 Basoda 25.6 214 Wheat 1.00 837.00 79.00 29.00 Basoda 24.0 215 Wheat 453.00 178.00 26.00 Basoda 25.6 216 Wheat 537.00 180.00 90.00 Basoda 28.8 217 Wheat 367.00 67.00 100.00 Basoda 20.8 218 Wheat 500.00 131.00 101.00 Basoda 20.~ 219 Wheat 3.00 510.00 29.00 134.00 Basoda 20.8 220 Wheat 1.00 2,697.00 297.00 288.00 Basoda 20.8 Wednesday 221

Wheat 2.00 696.00 74.00 141.00 Basoda 20.8 222 Wheat 406.00 28.00 153.00 Basoda 16.0 223 Wheat 339.00 126.00 57.00 Basoda 20.8 224 Wheat 685.00 64.00 47.00 Basoda 20.8 225 Wheat 559.00 182.00 136.00 Basoda 20.8 226 Wheat 296.00 64.00 32.00 Basoda 16.0 227 Wheat 748.00 164.00 104.00 Basoda 17.6 228 Wheat 4.00 3,037.00 839.00 346.00 Basoda 19.2 Wednesday 229 Wheat 1,327.00 46.00 176.00 Basoda 24.0 230 Wheat 1,106.00 62.00 143.00 BasoJa 22.4 231 Wheat 658.00 12.00 68.00 Basoda 24.0 232 Wh:at 433.00 35.00 129.00 Basoda 20.8 233 Wheat 446.00 37.00 186.00 Basoda 22.4 234 Wheat 250.00 25.00 50.00 Basoda 20.8 235 Wheat 435.00 135.00 162.00 Basoda 19.2 236 Wheat 472.00 104.00 42.00 Basoda 19.2 237 Wheat 4.00 1,103.00 541.00 198.00 Basoda 19.2 238 Wheat 3.00 289.00 76.00 23.00 Basoda 19.2 239 Wheat 231.00 68.00 66.00 Basoda 19.2 240 Wheat 219.00 248.00 246.00 Basoda 19.2 241 Wheat 1,166.00 112.00 116.00 Basoda 14.4 242 Wheat 448.00 118.00 60.00 Basoda 12.8 243 Wheat 430.00 41.00 151.00 Basoda 9.6 244 Wheat 339.00 66.00 118.00 Basoda 9.6 245 Wheat 307.00 75.00 237.00 Basoda 11.2 Tuesday 246 Wheat 1,176.00 28.00 184.00 Basoda 14.4 247 72 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village ,,--______,.-.A.-- ---______--. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

---~- -"._-----_-- 248 Battisa 903.00 W KR 249 Bhatni 2,515.00 PR (1) W PR,R 250 Fatehpur 1,002.00 PR (1) W PR,R 251 Sunari 1,120.00 PR (1) W 252 Syawada Kurwai 701.00 W PR 253 Rabaryai 752.00 W PR 254 Ajeejpur Bhaderu 1,240.00 W 255 Kachrod 1,259.00 W 256 Bllcha Khedi 409.00 R 257 Sirawada Kurwai 317.00 W 258 Kanjana 794.00 R PR 259 Shahjahanpur Alias Behta 981.00 PR (1) W 260 Hatoda 1,212.00 PR (1) W PR 261 Rau Khedi 272.00 W PR 262 Parsaura Basoda 623.00 W PR,R 263 Behlot 1,484.00 PR (1) W PR,R 264 Madiya Poniya 881.00 W PR 265 Ganj 621.00 PR (1) W PR 266 Kherua 334.00 W PR 267 Naseedpur 204.00 W PR,R 268 Rajoda 1,321.00 EI W PR,R 269 Bedan Khedi 240.00 W PR,R 270 Pathari 1,781.00 R,W PR,R 271 Chorawar 1,441.00 R,W 272 Banwa 479.00 273 Panchma 2,130.00 PR (1) W 274 Semari 770.00 PR (1) W 275 Gamakar 4,778.00 PR (1) W 276 Bharachha 413.00 277 Noghai 2,342.00 PR (1) W 278 Pipar Hunta 807.00 W 279 Mudra Khalil 506.00 W 280 Saloi 1,519.00 PR ~1) W 281 Laloi 1,392.00 W 282 Koocha 1,215.00 PR (1) W 283 Kadarpur 534.00 W 284 Parsaura Jagir 1,123.00 W 285 Sanawal 814.00 PR (1) W 286 Bhasuda 450.00 W 287 KaniKhedi 1,462.00 W 288 Madia Khurd 386.00 W R 289 Kamalpur 566.00 PR (1) W R 290 Madiya Semara 1,140.00 PR 0) W R PO 291 Swarup Nagar 1,005.00 PR (1) W PR,R 292 Mehara Basoda 681.00 PR,R 293 Mahagor 1,631.00 PR (1) W PR,R 294 Semara Basoda 1,254.00 W PR,R 295 Hardu Khedi 785.00 W PR,R 296 Jiwajipur 525.00 W PR,R 297 Mewali 966.00 W PR 73


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C.

~ distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-lrrigated CultiIrable Area not market ,if place of waste (i e. available any,held in religions, pa5ture and for culti- village historical or graz;ng land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal in terest

- --,------_--- _.- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

- ~------~------~-----. _. ------Wheat 639.00 91.00 173.00 Basoda 14.4 248 Wheat 3.00 1,988.00 350.00 174.00 Basoda 8.0 249 Wheat 693.00 210.00 99.00 Basoda 8.0 250 Wheat 1.00 876.00 180.00 63.00 Basoda 8.0 251 Wheat 1.00 282.00 314.00 104.00 Basoda 4.8 252 Wheat 474.00 144.00 134.00 Basoda 5.6 253 Wheat 1,006.00 195.00 39.00 Basoda 4.8 254 Wheat 1,106.00 118.00 35.00 Basoda 5.6 255 Wheat 1.00 327.00 48.00 33,00 Basoda 8.0 256 Wheat 256.00 32.00 29.00 Basoda 8.0 257 Wheat 338.00 2.65.00 191.00 Basoda 11.2 258 Wheat 4.00 710.00 85.00 182.00 Basoda 9.6 259 Wheat 980.00 165.00 67.00 Basoda 3.2 260 Wheat 194.00 47.00 31.00 Basoda 3.2 261 Wheat 2.00 484.00 26.00 111.00 Basoda 1.6 262 Wheat 8.00 792.00 398.00 286.00 Basoda 1.6 263 Wheat, lowar 609.00 123.00 149.00 Ba~oda 8.0 264 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 449.00 81.00 90.00 Basoda 4.11 265 Wheat, Jowar 239.00 78.00 17.00 Basoda 3.2 266 Wheat, Jowar 157.00 36.00 11.00 Basoda 2.4 267 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 641.00 445.00 231.00 Basoda 2.4 268 Wheat, lowar 14.00 145.00 32.00 49.00 Basoda 2.4 269 Wheat 3.(,0 589.00 935.00 254.00 Basoda 3.2 270 Wheat 630.00 387.00 424.00 Basoda 4.0 271 Wheat 367.00 71.00 41.00 Basoda 1.6 272 Wheat 9.00 1,831.00 210.00 80.00 Basoda 3.2 273 Wheat 636.00 82,00 52.00 Basoda 4.8 274 Wheat 4.00 3,042.00 997.00 735.00 Basoda 8.0 275 Wheat, lowar 366.00 43.00 4.00 Basoda 8.0 276 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,676.00 460.00 204.00 Basoda 8.0 277 Wh.!at 675.00 87.00 45.00 Basoda 12.8 278 Wheal, JONar 269.00 220.00 17.00 Basoda 8.0 279 Wheat 1.00 1,200.00 267.00 51.00 Basoda 9.6 280 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,023.00 323.00 41.00 Basoda 9.6 281 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 899.00 249.00 63.00 Basoda 11.2 281 Wheat, lowar 387.00 138.00 9.00 Basoda 9.6 283 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 876.00 162.00 82.00 Basoda 11,2 284 Wheat, Jowar 652.00 128.00 34.00 Basoda 12.8 285 Wheat 1.00 388.00 2.00 59.00 Basoda 4.8 286 Wheat 1,125.00 49.')0 288.00 Basoda 6.4 287 Wheat 336.00 15.00 35.00 Basoda 8.0 288 Wheat 3.00 465.00 40.00 58.00 Basoda 9.6 289 Wheat 4.00 934.00 4.00 198.00 Basoda 9.6 Thursday 290 Wheat 24.00 564.00 137.00 280.00 Basoda 1.6 191 Wheat 514.00 144,00 23.00 Basoda 1.6 292 Wheat 1,240.00 271.00 120.00 Basoda 1.6 293 Wheat 1,064.00 143.00 47.00 Basoda 4.8 294 Wheat 11.00 597.00 143.00 34.00 Basoda 1.6 295 Wheat 378.00 133.00 14.00 Basoda 1.6 296 Wheat 516.00 413.00 37.00 Basoda 1.6 297 74


Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Location the village ,.- ______. ___ ,.A. ______-, Code No. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

.----~ 298 Chak Madhopur Kalan 1,157.00 W 299 Madiya Dakhali 510.00 W 300 Faridpur 1,786.00 PR (1) W 301 Derkhi 1,385.00 PR (I) W 302 Pawai 1,553.00 PR (1) W R 303 Magrai 683.00 304 Himoda 858.00 W 305 Bherogarh 692.00 306 Bamori Hasanpur 804.00 W 307 Singa Khedi 329.00 W 308 Atasemar 2,117.00 PR (1) W 309 NanuKhedi 1.144.00 W 310 Barwati 396.00 W 311 Kabulpur 1,556.00 W 312 Maser 580.00 W 313 Dela Khed: 1,005.00 PR (1) W 314 Gulawari 1,740.00 PR (1) W 315 Sonthiya 995.00 W 316 Ratan Khedi 648.00 W 317 Gadhayala 795.00 W 318 Karonda Kalan 1,704.00 PR (1) W 319 Kalapatha 648.00 W,R 320 Gajanai 1,104.00 W 321 Basariya 637.00 W 322 Madhopur Khurd 702.00 W 323 Barkheda Basoda 1,026.00 PR (1) W 324 Dafaryai Faridpur 994.00 W 325 Dawar 702.00 PR (1) W PR 326 Moroda 1,234.00 PR (1) W FR 327 Bakchi 802.00 W PR 328 Sandalpur 640.00 329 Sanai Rampur 952.00 PR (1) W PR 330 Mudra Basoda 586.00 PR (1) W 331 Kakrawada 1,928.00 PR (1) W PR 332 Kala Khedi 269.00 W PR 333 Balra Kalan 596.00 W 334 Balra Khurd 372.00 PR (1) W 335 Jonasi 516.00 W 336 Jasi Kheda 415.00 W 337 Maholi Udaipur 530.00 W,R 338 Dindoli 971.00 W 339 Raghunathpur 513.00 W 340 Akadoda 5M.OO W,R 341 Tabbakkalpur 1,529.00 PR (1) W 342 Kathari 693.00 W 343 Muradpur 1,263.00 344 Khurseni 678.00 345 Chhipani 901.00 346 Negama Pipariya 1,547.00 PR (I) 347 Syari 1,383.00 PR (1) 75


. ------Staple Food Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market.if place of waste (i e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- villagt: historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest -----. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

------_------~- Wheat, Jowar 2.00 983.00 129.00 43.00 Basoda 11.2 298 Wheat, Jowar 400.00 77.00 33.00 Basoda 9.6 299 Wheat, .Jowar 1,516.00 186.00 84.00 Basoda 9.6 300 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,196.00 137.00 49.00 Basoda 11.2 301 Wheat, Gram 1,171.00 112.00 270.00 Basoda 11.2 302 560.00 30.00 93.00 Basoda 14.0 303 Wheat, Jowar 707.00 54.00 97.00 Basoda 16.0 304 502.00 176.00 14.00 Basoda 13.0 305 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 571.00 118.00 111.00 Basoda 16.0 306 Wheat 233.00 44.00 52.00 Basoda 19.2 307 Wheat 2.00 1,642.00 327.00 146.00 Basoda 19.2 308 Wheat 842.00 174.00 128.00 Ba~oda 20.8 309 Wheat 261.0() 77.00 58.00 Basoda 22.4 310 Wheat 960.00 294.00 302.00 Basoda 16.0 311 Wheat 414.00 94.00 72.00 Basoda 35'2 Saturday 312 Wheat 808.00 136.00 61.00 Basoda 22.4 313 \\ heat 1,511.00 157.00 72.00 Basoda 33.6 314 Wheat 799.00 158.00 38.00 Basoda 12.8 315 Wheat 1.00 529.00 91.00 27.00 Basoda 12.8 316 Wheat 603.00 142.00 50,00 Basoda 14.3 317 Wheat 1,321.00 305.00 78.00 Basoda 14.4 318 Wheat 1.00 467.00 130.00 50.00 Basoda 16.0 319 Wheat 940.00 107.00 57.00 Basoda 12.8 320 Wheat 514.00 84.00 39.00 Basoda 12.8 321 Wheat 557.00 110.00 35.00 Basoda 12.8 322 Wheat 863.00 91.00 72.00 Basoda 16.0 323 Wheat 713.00 209.00 72.00 Basoda 19.2 324 Wheat 572.00 40.00 90.00 Basoda 12.8 325 Wheat 1,016.00 121.00 97.00 Basoda 14.4 326 Wheat 605.07 72.00 125.00 Basoda l7.6 327 377.00 5.00 258.00 Basoda 12.0 328 Wheat 791.00 21.00 140.00 Basoda 16.0 329 Wheat, Jowar 477.00 85.00 24.00 Basoda 4.8 330 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,525.00 261.00 141.00 Basoda 8.0 331 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 228.00 31.00 9.00 Bawda 8.0 332 Wheat, Jowar 418.00 152.00 26.00 Basoda 9.6 333 Wheat, Jowar 284.00 67.00 21.00 Basoda 9.6 334 Wheat, Jowar 396.00 86.00 34.00 Basoda 12.8 335 Wheat, Jowar 308.00 84.00 23.00 Basoda 11.2 336 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 362.00 100.00 67.00 Basoda 11.2 337 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 574.00 296.00 92.00 Basoda 8.0 338 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 227.00 119.00 166.00 Basoda 11.2 339 Wheat, Jowar 459.00 41.00 68.00 Bascda 9.6 340 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,012.00 188.00 326.00 Basoda 8.0 341 Wheat, Jowar 525.00 89.00 79.00 Basoda 11.2 342 Wheat, Jowar 338'00 8.00 578.00 285.00 54.00 Basoda 12.8 343 Wheat, Jowar 247.00 360.00 64.00 7.00 Basoda 12.8 344 Wheat, Jowar 242.00 512.00 108.00 39.00 Basoda 11.2 345 Wheat, Jowar 343.00 869.00 255.00 80.00 Basoda 11.2 346 Wheat, Jowar 1,098.00 195.00 90.00 Basoda 9.6 347 76


Location Name of village Totalthl) village aera of ,--______Amenitie$ availiable within. .A.- ______the villages ____ Code No. (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

-.-----~----~-~-----~------~------~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

348 Udaipur 4,85700 PR(1) H ~1) W PR PO Sec.S. (I) 349 Murtajoagar 366.00 W PR 350 Sahaba 1,285.00 W 351 Berkhedi 388.00 W 352 Devipur 547.00 W 353 Oraogpur 489.00 354 Bawali 2,544.00 PR (I) 355 Barodiya 657.00 356 Lahdara ],123.00 357 Lamaniya 936.00 358 Badher Mali 468.00 R 359 Basoda Daud 2,021.00 PR (1) W 360 Sattakhedi Jajon 1,600.00 W KR 361 Suja 2,174.00 W 362 Murahar 1,779.00 PR (1) W 363 Kirar Khedi 340.00 PR (I) W 364 Matena 884.00 W 365 Karhi Khurd 406.00 W 366 Sumer dangi 831.00 W 367 Lahrawada 6.L1.oo W 368 Ukayala 1,383.00 PR (1) W 369 Parasari 319.00 W 370 Sumer Kachbi 424.00 W 371 Mudena 791.00 W 372 Mad Dewara 680.00 W 373 Suneti 661.00 W 374 Serwasa 1,557.00 W 375 Badrawali 658.00 W 376 Karai Kalan 627.00 W 377 Kheroda Tyonda 759.00 W 378 Bagroda 669.00 PR (1) W 379 Kham Kheda 1,958.00 PR (1) W 380 Rupeti 452.00 W 381 Chhewla 203.00 W 382 Hinota :t.05.oo W 383 Gudawal 1,351.00 PR (I) W 384 Menwada 1,546.00 PR (1) W 385 Rai Khedi 571.00 W 386 Rampura 376.00 W 387 Hatwaha 228.00 W 3118 Matayai 859.00 W 389 Pachp:para 659.00 PR (1) W 390 Hansua 854.00 391 Semara Teonda 1,447.00 392 ltaiya 331.00 393 Teonda 3,377.00 Sec.S. (I) W PR PO 394 Kajrai 527.00 W KR 395 Rahmanpur 715.00 W KR 396 Pipariya Daulat 414.00 Mid.S. (1) w KR 77


---- _. ~------~------Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different type of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Kemarks in- L.C. .-- -, distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No . Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc. ) cal interest

~ --.~.--- - .. - .. -----~------~-_.- )0 Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

-_._----_.. _------_._------~------.---.~---.--.~-- .-~------.- ---- Wheat, Jowar 2,174.00 1,487.00 666.00 530.00 Basoda 17.6 Monday 348

Wheat, Jowar 69.00 214.00 73.00 10.00 Basoda 14.4 349 \Vheat, Jowar 260.00 365.00 589.00 71'00 Basoda 20.8 35

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the vi1lag~ ,--- (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

397 Mahua Kheda 733.00 W KR 398 Bhawan Khedi ~78.00 W 399 Karimpur 803.00 W 400 Amari 1,237.00 PR (I) W 401 Bijori 369.00 W 402 Ra~oolpur 2,816.00 College (I) H (I) W PR PR (I, A03 Madanayai 429.00 W 404 Mal-oli 1.605.00 W 405 Parsora 1,045.00 W 406 Hameedpur 1,756.00 PR (I) W 407 Padhar 724.00 W 408 Bhilay 2,971.00 W 409 Delwara 1,370.00 PR (I) W 410 Noorpur 959.00 W 411 Mudari Teonda 736.00 W 412 Deeghora 1,117'00 W 413 Muhansa 1,769.00 W 414 Barod 1,094.00 PR (I) W 415 Abupur 1,906.00 W 416 Banjariya 518.00 W KR 417 Berkhedi Teonda 692.00 W KR 418 Sagoni 830.00 W 419 Silarpur 566.00 W 420 Ramnagar 501.00 W 421 Ricbhai 1,999.00 PR (1) W 422 Gambhire 358.00 W 423 Rithari 513.00 W 424 Karonda Khurd 1,581.00 PR (I) W 425 Simota 1,761.00 Mid.S. (1) W PR PO 426 Ghatera 1,330.00 PR (I) W PR 427 Kethora 503.00 W 428 Bh;dwasan . 1,791.00 PR (1) W 429 Madiya Karonda 596.00 W 430 Karari 1,969.00 PR (I) W 431 Sonsera 1,283.00 Mid.S. (1) W 432 Barmadi 961.00 PR (I) W KR 433 Dhansinghpur 1,859.00 PR (1) W KR 434 Anawai ],118.00 PR (I) W KR 435 Belai 393.00 W 436 Perwa~a Teonda ] ,441.00 PR (I) W 437 Pipar!ya Jameedar 1,477.00 PR (I) W 438 Sat para Kalan ] ,639.00 PR (1) W 439 Inayatpur 672.00 W 440 Shekhpur 1,751.00 W 441 Jhiriya 965.00 442 Nayagaon 680.00 W PR 443 Mudra 358.00 W PR 444 Bedkachora 680.00 W 445 Danmadi 1,553.0J W 79


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. r ------, distance In Kms. weekly c1udingany No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

--~--- --~------~------~-,---- -_-- --~-~- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

------_-_"_-_ ------_-_.. _-_-_ Wheat, lowar 588.00 136.00 9.00 Basoda 32.0 397 Wheat 394.00 177.00 380.00 27.00 Ba,oda 35.2 398 'Nheat 317.00 201.00 285.00 Basoda 35.2 399 Wheat 983.00 198.00 56.00 Basol1a 35.2 400 Wheat 256.00 <)5.00 18.0) Basoda 35.2 401 434.00 7.00 1,515.00 546.00 ~14.oo Basoda 35.2 Friday 402

Wheat, Jowar 1.00 321. 1)0 93.00 14.00 Basoda 28.8 403 Wheat, Jowar 899.00 2.00 551.00 127.00 26.00 Basoda 28.8 404 Wheat, Jowar 473.00 .1.00 365.00 190.00 16.00 Basoda 28.8 40S Wheat, Jowar 200.00 1,142.00 340.00 74.00 Basoda 28.8 406 Wheat, Jowar 449.00 1.00 125.00 129.00 20.00 Basoda 28.8 407 Wheat, Jowar 752.00 ],163.00 710.00 346.00 Basoda 25.6 408 Wheat, Jowar 833.00 343.00 135.00 59.00 Basoda 24.0 409 Wheat, Jowar 403.00 1.00 313.00 180.00 62.00 Basoda 24.0 410 Wheat, Jowar 138.00 452.00 95.00 51.00 Basoda 24.0 411 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 907.vU 152.00 57.00 Basoda 16.0 412 Wheat, Jowar 878.00 782.00 85.00 24.00 Baqoda 17.6 413 Wheat, Jowar 136.00 3.00 760.00 159.CO 36.00 Basoda 17.6 414 Wheat, Jowar 830.00 67).00 337.00 60.00 Basoda 20.8 415 Wheat, Jov-ar 20.00 3111.00 168.00 12.00 Basoda 24.0 416 Wheat, Jowar 153.00 238.00 283.00 18.00 Basoda 25.6 417 Wheat, Jowar 544.00 199.00 82.00 5.00 Basoda 25.6 418 Wheat, Jowar 218.00 173.00 103.00 72.00 Basoda 24.0 419 Wheal, Jowar 401.00 83.00 17.00 Basoda 22.4 420 Wheat, Jowar 669.00 6.00 1,050.00 229.00 45.00 Basoda 24.0 421 Wheat, Jowar 293.00 38.00 27.00 Basoda 16.0 422 Wheat 425.00 70.00 18.00 Basoda 19.2 423 Wheat 3.00 1,268'00 237.00 73.00 Basoda 20.8 424 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,392.00 215.00 151.00 Basoda ]7.6 Th

LOCation Na lle of village "Fotal area of Amenities avail:lble within the villages Code No. t1>le'vi!iilge r- ~------, (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

------~-~------~-~--- - -. ------~--- ._--~'-". 1 2 (if 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

---~~~-.. ------.-

446 Lagdha 1;147.00 PR (I) W PR 447 Norja 374.00 W 448 Tarawali 465.00 W 449 Sumer Kasam :lsss .00 W 450 Khlriya Teonda )89.00 W 451 Bisadha ~~03 .00 W 452 Barodiya Bagrod 927.00 W 453 Pipraha 3,693.00 PR (1) W PR 454 Bishanpar 1·;;~86.00 PR (I) W KR 455 Boodi Bagrod f;:S85.00 PR (1) W PR f 456 Mohanpur Bagrod 'l-. 176.00 W PR 457 Gond Khedi Mar ~86.00 W KR 453 Mukandpur ~15.00 W KR '1 459 Kasba Bagrod ,668.00 PR (1) 0 PR 460 Dhol Baj \165.00 W KR 461 Kheroda Bagrod '?r~b76. 00 W KR 462 Gond Khedi Pathar 1,018.00 W KR 463 Kishanpur 1,663.00 W 464 Dudan Khedi 605.00 W 465 Khushalpura 646.00 R 466 Berkhedi 912.00 R KR 467 Majhera 1,025.00 R,W 468 Naharyai 908.00 R KR 469 Dunatar 869.00 R KR 470 Kohana 587.00 PR (153) D. (6) VI' (416) PR (82) PO (19) TOTAL 571,265.00 Mid. S.(13) H. (6) 14 0(24) KR (117) Sec.S. (4) O. (2) _-----_ ------Sourct!:- Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Basoda. Column (6): Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpuc 81


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market.if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 5.00 802.00 278.00 62.00 Basoda 32.0 446 Wheat, Jowar 268.00 89.00 17.00 Basoda 33.6 447 Wheat, Jowar 350.00 107.00 8.00 Basoda 35.2 448 Wheat, Jowar 483.00 47.00 25.00 Basoda 32.0 449 Wheat, Jowar 655.00 102.00 32.00 Basoda 33.6 450 Wheat, Jowar 661.03 113.00 29.00 Basoda 32.0 451 Wheat, Jowar I··· 741.00 160.00 26.00 Basoda 33.6 452 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 2,450.00 548.00 93.00 Rahatgarh 17.6 453 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,091.00 113.00 81.00 Rahatgarh 22.4 454 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,235.00 147.00 201.00 Rahatgarh 22.4 455 Wheat, Jowar 138.00 17.00 21.00 Rahatgarh 22.4 456 Wheat, Jowar 422.09 322.00 42.00 Rahatgarh 27.2 457 Wheat, Jowar 322.00 138.00 155.00 Rahatgarh 25.6 458 Wheat, Jowar 1,394.00 791.00 483.00 Rahatgarh 22.4 45() Wheat, Jowar 508.00 223.00 104.00 30.00 Rahatgarh 28.8 460 Wheat, Jowar 658.00 379.00 39.00 Rahatgafh 27.2 461 Wheat, Jowar 302.00 454.00 143.00 119.00 Rahatgarh 30.4 462 Jowar 1,253.00 228.00 75.00 107.00 Basoda 16.0 463 Wheat, Jowar 484.00 2.00 50.00 44.00 25.00 Besasia 12.8 464 Wheat, Jowar 347.00 130.00 105.00 64.00 Berasia 16.0 465 Wheat 409.00 258.00 174.00 71.00 Berasia 16.0 466 Jowar 420.00 317.00 183'00 105.00 Berasia 22.4 467 Jowar 257.00 210'00 183.00 258.00 Berasia 22.4 468 Jowar 339.0. 240.00 203.00 87.00 Berasia 22.4 469 Wheat, Jowar 540.00 34.00 12.00 1.00 Basoda 25.6 470

54,628.00 2,415.00 359,'590.00 97,433.00 57,199.00 82

VILLAGE DIRECTORY ------Location Name of village Total aera of Amenities availiable within the villages Code No. the village ,...------"------, (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

------9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PR 1 Nathanpur 1,019.61 PR (1) W,R 2 Rampur Bandhiya 696.26 W PR 3 Satpada Kalan 2,163.18 PR (I) W,R PR 4 Sehja Khedi 2,743.74 PR (1) W,R PR 5 Rusalli Kham kheda 1,211.71 PR (1) W 6 Sherpur Kasba 1,252.35 W PR 7 Dupariya 2,736.31 PR (1) W PR PO 8 Kothichar Kalan 1,883.65 Mid. S. (1) W PR 9 Chitoriya 2,536.09 PR {I) W 10 Ahmada Nagar 2,846.65 Mid.S. (1) W 11 Byonchi 1,450.25 PR (1) W PR 12 Khiriya 541.38 PO 13 Pipalkheda Kalan 3,039.25 Mid.S. (1) H(1) W 14 SUltaniya 1,819.92 PR 0) W PR 15 Thaner 2,595.55 PR (1) W 16 Ratan Khadan 68.30 17 Sanoti 2,246.00 PR (1) W 18 Bhila Khedi 824.61 W PR 19 BhatKhedi 802.67 PRe!) w 20 Salaiya 2,912.83 PR (I) W PR 21 Salai Khedi 1,117.76 W 22 Goriya Khamkheda ],030.10 W PO 23 Barro 1,853.28 Mid.S. (1) D(I) W 24 Dalla Khedi 615.80 W 25 Khajuri Thaner 584.48 W 26 Balla Khedi 664.36 PR (1) W 27 Udla Khedi 1,017.03 W W 28 Kabula 854.83 P~ 0) 29 Kota 1.341.41 W 30 Pardhi 845.02 W 31 PowaNala 1,046.99 PR (1) W 32 Boria Khamkheda 705.04 W 33 Bhoot Parasi 308.36 PR (I) W 34 Mahuwa Kheda (Khamkheda) 536.66 W 35 Silpari 340.38 W 36 Dhamnoda 3,114.55 PR (1) W PO 37 Bala Barkheda 3,154.94 l'R (1) W 38 Pipaliya Ajeet 1,399.09 W 39 Bamora 2,442.86 PR (1) W 40 Sayar 3,779.88 PR (I) W,R 41 Amoda 1,473.41 W 42 Sagoda 704.83 W 43 Pathariya 696.00 W 44 Paasi Khurd 368.31 PR (I) W 45 Karodiya Bagod 1,240.17 W 46 Karela 1,923.44 PR (1) W 47 Kham Kheda Kasba 3,631.05 PR (I) W PR 48 Khejada Sultan 1,043.89 PR (I) W 49 Poru Khedi 486.56 W 50 Hasanpur 363.63 83


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types ~f1and use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.e. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste(j.e. available any, held in re\igiou'>, pasture and for culti- village historical ~r grazing land vation archaeologJ- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

'-.-~------~- -.~------__-- _-_- -.-~.~-- Wheat, Jowar 13.94 670.95 136.88 197.84 Vidisha 24.0 Wheat, Jowar 0.51 540.29 49.58 105.88 Vidisha 27.0 2 Wheat, Jowar 1.03 1,711.25 134.29 316.61 Vidisha 24.0 3 Wheat, Jowar 0.51 1,907.49 545.96 289.78 Vidisha 27.0 4 Wheat, Jowar 882.94 45.72 283.05 Vidisha 27.0 5 Wheat, Jowar 957.41 106.42 188.52 Vidisha 24.0 6 Wheat, JowaI 2,214.77 240.58 280.96 Vidisha 21.0 7 Wheat 1,655.31 78.19 150.15 Vidisha 15.0 R Wheat 2,321.81 44.50 169.78 Vidisha 21.0 9 Wheat 22.21 2,493.51 100.15 230.78 Vidisha 27.0 10 Wheat 14.71 1,118.44 91.73 225.37 Vidisha 22.0 11 Wheat 478.30 38.00 25.08 Vidisha 17.0 12 Wheat 21.25 2,709.89 262.02 46.09 Vidisha 21.0 13 Wheat 12.37 1,566.31 183.93 57.31 Vidisha 20.0 ]4 Wheat, Jowar 10.32 2,096.11 274.23 214.89 Vidisha 32.0 ]5 67.14 0.67 0.49 Vidisha 32.0 16 Wheat, Jowar 2.21 1,917.49 199.24 127.06 Vidisha 33.0 17 Wheat, JowaI 0.36 660.03 104.45 59.77 Vidisha 33.0 18 Wheat, Jowar 2.06 602.79 141.01 56.81 Vidisha 27.0 19 Wheat, Jowar 437.34 1,975.24 323.70 176.55 Vidisha 27.0 20 Wheat, Jowal 849.70 207.12 60.94 Vidisha 24.0 21 Wheat 431. 50 1.95 460.23 64.63 71.79 Vidisha 30.0 22 Whr:at 25.07 1,570.76 75.01 182.44 Vidisha 28.0 23 Wheat 3.33 489.58 96.27 26.62 Vidisha 24.0 24 Wheat 2.63 480.13 73.21 28.51 Vidisha 27.0 25 Wheat 5.01 541.38 91.20 26.77 Vidisha 24.0 26 Wheat 814.55 107.94 71.26 23.28 Vidisha 38.0 27 Wheat 1.00 639.96 152.78 61.09 Vidisha 39.0 28 Wheat 774.26 1.00 358.98 70.76 136.41 Vidisha 39.0 29 Wheat 257.74 1.55 394.11 81.09 110.53 Vidisha 38.0 30 Wheat 335.22 2.. 06 414.25 158.04 137.42 Vidisha 37.0 31 Wheat 395.66 185.94 39.77 83.67 Vidisha 38.0 32 Wheat 11.36 225.72 55.26 16.02 Vidisha 38.0 33 Wheat 278.70 197.30 46.48 14.18 Vidisha 38.0 34 Wheat 218.49 38.74 83.15 Vidisha 38.0 3S Wheat, Jowar 854.84 4.65 1,S-01.33 208.67 145.06 Vidisha 28.0 35 Wheat, Jowar 1,497.92 1.03 1,410.64 31.51 213.84 Vidisha 26.0 37 Wheat, Jowar 544.41 708.66 28.97 117.05 Vidisha 24.0 3~ Wheat, Jowar 1,491.84 5.01 691. 92 118.48 135.61 Vidisha 27.0 39 Wheat, Jowar 1,505.90 2.49 1,536.88 473.01 261.60 Vidisha 27.C 40 Wheat, Jowar 968.40 431.75 37.22 36.04 Vidisha 27.0 41 Wheat, Jowar 547.25 85.82 71.76 Vidisha 29.0 42 Wheat. Jowar 456.84 133.78 105.38 Vidisha 27.0 43 Wheat, Jowar 1.2; 285.24 59.58 22.28 Vidisha 27.0 44 Wheat, Jowar 290.43 1.82 771.22 150.03 26.67 Vidisha 29.0 45 Wheat, Jowar 885.47 3.66 858.53 80.15 95.63 Vidisha 29.0 4fo Wheat 3,085.64 311.18 234.23 Vidisha 21.0 47 Wheat 9.82 868.85 113.55 51.67 Vidisha 24.0 4R Wheat 442.14 13 .42 31.00 Vidisha 27.0 4') Wheat 324.87 25.21 13.55 Vidisha 27.0 50 84


Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r------"-,------, (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

51 Gangarwada 3,057.84 PR (1) W 52 Lodha Khedi 575.92 W 53 Bhiya Khedi 858.97 W 54 Sankalkheda Khurd 1,499.10 PR (1) W PR 55 Pureniya 1,433.72 PR O} W 56 Madhiya Kalan 1,110.13 W 57 Kachanariya 752.03 W 58 Berkhedi Kasba 1,736.45 PR 0) W 59 Nama Khedi 834.80 W PR 60 Kotra (Lashkarput) 1,071.06 PR (1) W PR 61 Sankalkheda Kalan 2,492.96 PR (1) E,B W PR 62 Semra Sukha 1,089.78 PR (1) W PR 63 Bamuriya 1,528.85 PR (1) W PR 64 Semra Lashkarpur 632.08 PR (I, PR 65 Karahi 690.96 '"W PR 66 Karariya Tappa Lashkarpur 1,547.92 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 67 Gurariya Lashkarpur 1,106.24 PR (1) W PR 68 Badanpur 1,175.65 PR (1) W 69 Bilori 1,648.95 W PR 70 Ahmadpur Tappa (Kham Kheda) 1,361.98 PR (1) W 71 Arwaria 883.04 PR (1) W 72 Pipaliya Mota 613.47 W 73 Boria Khamkheda 609.92 PR (1) W 74 Karaiya Hat 1,377.87 PR (1) W PO 75 BamanKheda 685.10 W '76 Kachhi Kheda 536.22 W 77 Madhiya Khurd 227.05 W 78 Neem Kheda 1,915.28 W 79 Parasi Gujar 1,]95.75 PR (1) W 80 Imaliya Parasi 461.75 W 81 Berkhedi Bujurg 694.71 PR (1) W 81 Sugna Khedi 796.06 W R3 Khamtala 899.36 PR (1) W PR 84 Bankhedi 631.40 W PR 85 Bid Sarkar 286.69 W PR 86 Chhir Kheda 1,178.70 PR (1) W 87 Tori 481.39 W PR 88 Tigra 451.42 W 89 JafarKhedi 868.83 W 90 Nimkhiriya 593.76 PR l1) W 91 Pipariya Nag 523.75 W PR 92 Imaliya Lashkarpur 822.30 PR (1) H (1) W PR 93 Baman Kheda 479.33 W PR 94 Bagri 1,155.98 Mid.S. (1) W PR 95 Jambar 682.31 W 96 Pipariya Ghat 438.00 W,R 97 Haru Khedi 778.16 W 98 Lashkarpur 2,561.45 Mid.S. (1) FC (1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 99 Padriya 682.85 W 100 Kothi Charkhurd 1,460.41 PR (1) W 85


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use)in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable A~ea not market, if place of waste (i e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat 0.51 2,066.11 467.97 523.25 Vidisha 25.0 51 Wheat 430.15 59.40 86.37 Vidisha 23.0 52 Wheat 552.16 188.01 118.80 Vidisha 23.0 53 Wheat 1,268.92 95. ]6 135.02 Vidisha 17.0 ... 54 Wheat 1,213.87 49.83 165.02 Vidisha IS.0 55 Wheat 996.69 35.62 77.82 Vidisha 18.0 56 Wheat 689.46 40.77 21.80 Vidisha 14.0 57 Wheat 2.24 1,455.33 204.49 74.39 Vidisha 12.0 58 Wheat 1. 74 684.92 102.57 45.57 Vidisha 10.0 59 Wheat 0.43 955.45 59.00 56.18 Vidisha ]0.0 60 Wheat 8.50 2,h5.90 176.]5 142.41 Vidisha 16.0 6t Wheat 962.02 38.80 88.96 Vidisha 14.0 62 Wheat 1.23 1,337.95 44.34 145.33 Vidisha 12.0 63 Wheat 526.60 10.S3 94.65 Vidisha 12.0 64 Wheat 581.63 47.27 62.06 Vidisha lO.O 65 Wheat 99.07 1,305.79 69.37 73.69 Vidisha 10.0 66 Wheat 987.73 23.20 95.31 Vidisha 12.0 67 Wheat 1,030.55 34.15 110.95 Vidi~ha 17.0 68 Wheat 1,416.64 49.99 182.32 Vidisha 13.0 69 Wheat 748.18 179.86 433.94 Vidisha 14.0 70 Wheat 5.16 738.48 28.23 111.17 Vidisha 13.0 71 Wheat 511. 72 25.25 76.50 Vidisha 16.0 n Wheat 479.83 12.90 117.19 Vidisha 17.0 73 Wheat 0.89 1,174.62 129.07 73.29 Vidisha 17.0 Sunday 74 Wheat 574.23 4.24- 106.63 Vidisha 18.0 75 Wheat 425.16 18.82 92.24 Vidisha 18.0 76 Wheat 169.09 6.57 51.39 Vidisha 18.0 77 Wheat 3.61 1,402.89 120.40 388.38 Vidisha 14.0 78 Whtat, Jowar 0.51 ] ,008.28 82.12 104.84 Vidisha 19.0 79 Wheat, Jowar 4.65 323.86 4.11 129.13 Vidisha 20.0 80 Wheat, Jowar 517.55 64.55 112.61 Vidisha 22.0 81 Wheat, Jowar 599.27 147.20 49.59 Vidisha 22.0 112 Wheat 771.65 127.71 Vidisha 14.0 83 Wheat 536.76 94.64 Vidisha 14.0 84 Wheat 286.69 Vidis)1a 16.0 85 Wheal 11.12 971.00 196.58 Vidisha 12.0 86 Wheat 17.89 272.15 0.84 190.51 Vidisha 10.0 87 Wheat 1.61 250.67 199. ]4 Vidisha 10.0 88 'Wheat 297.33 571.50 Vidisha 9.0 89 Wheat 32.66 384.51 176.59 Vidisha 7.0 90 Wheat 474.68 3.61 45.46 Vidisha 13.0 91 Wheat 745.34 7.23 69.73 Vidisha 10.0 92 Wheat 418.90 22.72 37.71 Vidisha 9.0 93 Wheat 49.07 916.35 8.29 182.27 Vidisha 10.0 94 Wheat 94.51 299.58 51.14 237.08 Vidi~ha 13.0 95 Wheat 18.08 340.90 23.24 55.78 Vidisha 9.0 96 Wheat O.st 640.99 87.81 48.85 Vidisha 13.0 97 Wheat 3.09 2,268.06 144.13 146.17 Vidisha 10.0 98 Wheat 572.84 60.94 49.07 Vidisha 8.0 99 Whe:?! 1,288.73 79.03 92.65 Vidisha 14.0 100 86 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village ,------"---.------, (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

101 Pipal Kheda Khurd 828.07 W PR 102 Chhap Kheda 903.52 PR 0) W 103 Dulha 690.65 W 104 Dita Khedi 1,128.60 E,EI,EIN W 105 Deo Khajuri 2,361.56 Mid.S. (1) D(l) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 106 Arnau Khedi 517.38 PR (1) W 107 Kolinja 1,487.93 PR (1) W 108 Paras 673.23 W,R 109 Parsora 831.13 PR (1) W,R 110 Sirnota 631.00 R 111 Hinotiya Kolinja 2,359.41 PR (1) W,R PR 112 Khej ada Kheda 394.06 113 Semra Kheda 493.79 ... ' 114 Mundra Surai 639.08 PR (1) R,W 115 Andiya Khurd 830.29 W 116 Chakpiya 120.67 R 117 Kanari 1,440.59 W 118 Kagpur 2,095.15 PR (1) W PR 119 Gadhala 1,520.42 PR (l),M;d.S.(I) W PR 120 K akruwa Chobisa 1,443.79 PR (1) W,R 121 Ikodiya Chohisa 1,600.17 PR (I) W ]22 Andiya Kalan 2,239.08 Mid.S. (1) w PO 123 Barri Kasba 1,974.68 PR (1) w ]24 Manpur 1,376.01 W ]25 Rakoli 1,101.22 W ]26 Kham Kheda 1,003.08 W ]27 Rusalli Chobisa ] ,067.14 W 128 Dhaturiya Chobisa 1,177.67 W ]29 Karariya Chobisa 933.35 PR (I) W 130 Airan 1,217.45 PR (1) W 131 Khajuri Tappa Barri 822.30 W 132 Santapur 1,298.08 PR (1) W R 133 Raghunathpur 2,064.74 W 134 Gular Khedi 375.63 Sec.S. (1) H(I),FC(l) w R PO, TO, Phone 135 Gulabganj 1,066.52 PR (1) E,EJ,ElN w R 136 Mahendar 806.42 PR (1) W R 137 Khujarhar 1,219.19 PR (1) W 138 Pipariya Gunua 885.25 W 139 Mugwara 3,004.21 PR (1) W 140 Hat Kheda 328.51 W 141 UtmaKhedi 877.05 W 142 Mudari 428.56 W 143 Chitrayan 525.97 W 144 Mala 1,160.00 W 145 Lakhangar 1,523.00 PR 0) W 146 Hinotiya Gunua 853.00 PR (I) W 147 Ghonsua 1,571.27 PR (1) W 148 Tumaioa 1,243.27 PR (1) W 149 Patwari Khedi 488.00 PR (1) W ISO Khiriya 644.00 W 87


Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres" Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for eulti- village historica I or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

.------~-~------_----"-_------._------_-_--_._ ~----~---- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

-.----~-~------.---~----- Wheat 2.06 700.37 77.48 48.16 Vidisha 12.0 101 Wheat 681.81 129.17 92.54 Vidisha 15.0 102 Wheat 1.55 612.65 41.32 35.13 Vidisha 15.0 103 Wheat 8.26 1,004.14 68.17 48.03 Vidisha 18.0 104 Wheat 23.24 2,121.37 80.08 136.87 Vidisha 19.0 105 Wheat 0.51 426.65 46.48 43.74 Vidisha 25.0 106 Wheat 4.13 1,333.66 87.29 62.85 Vidisha 26.0 107 Wheat 545.96 49.58 77.69 Vidisha 29.0 J08 Wheat 612.07 114.66 104.40 Vidisha 29.0 109 Wheat 472.10 72.31 86.59 Vidisha 30.0 110 Wheat 2,021.18 176.65 161.58 Vidisha 26.0 111 Wheat 380.16 10.30 3.60 Vidisha 26.0 112 Wheat 470.54 17.06 6.19 Vidisha 26.0 113 Wheat 578.37 30.20 30.51 Vidisha 26.0 114 Wheat 752.06 25.04 53.19 Vidisha 26.0 115 Wheat 70.15 4.80 45.72 Vidisha 32.0 116 Wheat 1.00 1,036.44 191.88 211.27 Vidisha 30.0 117 Wheat 1.00 1,439.55 313.44 341.16 Vidisha 27.0 118 Wheat 1,170.72 81.14 268.56 Vidisha 29.0 119 Wheat 1.03 1,193.28 94.53 154.95 Vidisha 32.0 120 Wheat 4.13 1,301.11 219.52 75.41 Vidisha 27.0 121 Wheat 0.51 1,866.69 263.94 107.94 Vidisha 25.0 122 Wheat 5.16 1,583.18 170.44 215.90 Vidisha 14.0 123 Wheat 1,217.44 63.02 95.55 Vidisha 21.0 124 Wheat 814.56 229.33 57.33 Vidisha 16.0 125 Wheat 0.51 879.14 64.04 59.39 Vidisha 14.0 126 Wheat 850.19 139.98 76.97 Vidisha 31.0 127 Wheat 0.51 993.78 113.64 69.74 Vidisha 28.0 128 Wheat 787.69 110.53 35.13 Vidisha 28.0 129 Wheat 1,056.29 111.57 49.59 Vidisha 25.0 130 Wheat 714.34 69.73 38.23 Vidisha 22.0 131 Wheat 952.98 219.59 125.51 Vidisha 21.0 132 Wheat 1.03 1,722.30 278.40 63.01 Vidisha 22.0 133 Wheat 3.10 256.19 47.55 68.79 Vidisha 21.0 B4 Wheat 959.61 62.49 44.42 Vidisha 18.0 135 Wheat 1.03 635.98 83.16 86.25 Vidi,ha 18.0 136 Wheat 7.26 1,008.45 107.95 95.53 Vidisha 20.0 137 Wheat 3.61 583.66 271.12 26.86 Vidisha 28.0 138 Wheat 3.61 2,501.02 377.07 122.51 Vidisha 28.0 139 Wheat 251.03 53.21 24.27 Vidisha 28.0 140 Wheat 721.39 105.79 49.87 Vi disha 21.0 141 Wheat 328.02 90.20 10.34 Vidisha 21.0 142 Wheat 0.51 355.88 157.70 11.88 Vidisha 21.0 143 Wheat 5.00 1,033.00 65.00 57.00 Vidisha 37.0 144 Wheat 1,273.00 174.00 76.00 Vidisha 36.0 145 Wheat 4.00 766.00 33.00 50.00 Vidisha 33.0 146 Wheat 0.51 1,230.36 278.93 61.47 Vidisha 30.0 147 Wheat 2.06 1,084.70 112.09 44.42 Vidisha 35.0 148 Wheat 419.93 43.90 24.17 Vidisha 26.0 149 Wheat 598.55 25.83 19.62 Vidisha 26.0 150 88 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village "..-______.A. -. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

151 Tewadi 593.45 W 152 RampurChak 1,279.43 W 153 Suakhedi 1,386.00 PR (1) E1 W 154 Gunua 1,669.92 PR (1) W 155 Chatholi 2,293.38 PR (1) W 156 Ghurda 833.00 W ]57 Madhi Chobisa 1,059.00 PR (1) W 158 Chak Madhi 847.00 W 159 Mudra Gunwa 393.00 PR !1) W 160 Harja Khedi 589.08 W 161 MehruKhedi 1,{)54.30 W 162 Ganeshpur 807.16 W 163 Nipaniya 649.50 PR (1) W 164 Sumerbarri 1,524.78 W R 165 Hatiya Kheda 825.82 W 166 Khejada Barri 599.96 W 167 Dhanora Chobisa 733.95 W 168 Dhaniya Khedi 1,113.23 PR (1) W,R 169 Sojana 1,748.16 PR (1) W 170 Ban 1.642.08 PR (I) W,R 171 Krimchi Bandhera 2,415.79 PR (1) \",R 172 Panjh 1,183.87 PR (1) \-'\l,R KR 173 Kuwakhedi Usnapur 988.52 PR (1) W,R PR 174 Jmaliya Jagir 573.02 W 175 Saurai 1,571.65 W 176 Mudra Harising 1,804.75 PR (1) W 177 Kherua Lashkarpur 1,698.80 PR (I) E, EI.EIN W 178 Khammu Khedi 688.12 E, EI,EIN W 179 Tkodiya Lashkarpnr 836.70 W 180 Khamkheda Tappa Lashkarpur 682.78 W 181 Jamaldi 523.70 W 182 Gajar 622.63 Mid.S.(I) W 183 Mudra Durajansar 703.13 W 184 DhoI Khedi 1,255.69 PR (1) W PR 185 Pabo 782.53 W 186 Perwara 1,191.11 PR (1) W IS7 Himoda 703.52 W PR 188 PaIoh 856.39 PR 0) W 189 Jiwajipur 1,663.21 PR (1) EI W 190 Amachhawar 1,224.67 W,R ]91 Bais 1,418.90 W,R PR 192 Durjanpura 75.41 R PR 193 Bighan 287.28 W 194 Udaigiri 501.56 W PR ]95 Sunpura 883.63 PR (1) EI W PR ]96 Karaiya Haweli 578.91 PR 0) W 197 Rangai 452.49 PR (1) EI W PR 198 Amkheda 321.86 W PR 199 Berkhedi 487.99 EI W,R PR 200 Padriya Mafi 252.96 89 VIDISHA TAHSIL

Day of Remarks in- L.C. Land use (i.e. area under different types of lan~ use) in acres Nearest town & Staple Food distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. market, if place of Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not available any.held in religious, waste (i.e. village historical or pasture and for Clilti- archaeologi- grazing land vation cal interest etc.)

10 17 18 1 10 11 12 13 14 15

151 58.87 30.99 Vidisha 26.0 Wheat 1.03 502.56 152 174.59 41.84 Vidisha 22.0 Wheat 1,063.00 153 271.17 93.16 V;disha 28.0 Wheat 1.03 1,020.64 154 105.88 82.65 Vidisha 26.0 Wheat 2.58 1,478.81 155 118.29 Vidisha 28.0 Wheat 5.67 1,995.88 173.54 156 67.00 57.00 Vidisha 28.0 Wheat 1.00 708.00 157 81.00 Vidisha 23.0 Wheat 1.00 891.00 86.00 158 30.00 Vidisha 21.0 Wheat 775.00 42.00 159 18.00 Vidisha 28.0 Wheat 1.00 342.00 32.00 160 49.32 Vidisha 21.0 Wheat 520.65 19.11 161 49.68 Vidisha 23.0 Wheat 0.51 795.44 208.67 162 22.06 Vidisha 29.0 Wheat 704.01 81.09 163 33.62 Vidisha 22.0 Wheat 522.91 92.97 164 206.61 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 1,272.20 45.97 165 57.84 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 705.56 62.42 166 58.33 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 434.40 107.23 167 101.74 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 610.00 22.21 168 102.82 Vidisha 16.0 Wheat 944.30 66.11 169 130.92 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 1.,)3 1,560.43 55.78 170 103.87 Vidisha 14.0 Wheat 4.13 1,434.40 99.68 171 377 .06 Vidisha 11.0 Wheat 2.06 1,694.20 342.47 172 91.93 Vldisha 9.0 Wheat 894.61 197.33 173 102.21 Vidisha 10.0 Wheat 765.45 120.86 174 51.13 Vidisha 5.0 Wheat 435.63 86.26 175 229.33 Vidisha 5.0 Wheat 1,328.38 13.94 176 176.65 Vidisha 5.0 Wheat 1.55 1.432.86 193.69 177 141. 26 Vidlsha 15.0 Wheat 1.55 1,404.95 151.04 178 80.15 Vidisha 15.0 Wheat 0.51 510.32 97.14 179 74.34 Vidisha 15.0 Whtat 0.51 572.30 189.55 180 34.09 Vidisha 13.0 Wheat 586.24 62.45 181 37.15 Vidisha 12.0 Wheat 429.21 57.34 182 67.88 Vidisha 11.0 Wheat 478.82 75.93 183 64.24 Vidisha 11.0 Wheat 580.56 58.33 184 103.35 Vidisha 5.0 Wheat 2.58 1,108.44 41.32 185 30.47 Vldisha 8.0 Wheat 681.82 70.24 186 78.51 Vidisha 8.0 Wheat 1.55 1,053.21 57.84 187 48.55 Vidisha 6.0 Wheat 605.90 49.07 J88 51.14 Vidisha 8.0 Wheat 762.38 4.2.87 189 156.51 Vidisha 6.0 Wheat 1,376.03 130.67 190 127.06 Vidisha 6·0 Wheat 5.68 911.67 180.26 191 274.80 Vidisha 3.0 Wheat 1.03 1,006.19 136.88 192 17.04 Vidisha 1.5 Wheat 33.06 25.31 193 43.83 Vidisha 7.5 Wheat 234.07 9.38 194 146.20 Vidisha 6.0 Wheat 1.03 306.81 47.52 195 116.10 Vidisha 6.0 Wheat 0.51 643.06 123.96 196 62.40 Vidisha 7.5 Wheat 484.49 32.02 197 128.87 Vidisha 4.5 Wheat 4.13 282.95 36.54 198 108.99 Vidbha 4.5 Wheat 3.09 144.19 65.59 Vidisha 6.0 199 Wheat 1.03 333.82 40.98 112.16 Vidisha 6.0 200 Wheat 3.09 212.80 9.29 27.78 90 VILLAGE DIRECfORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

201 Suakhedi 543.81 W 202 Vidisha 4,970.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W,R,TW,T PR 203 Tamoriya 271.69 PR 204 Daudpura 130.67 KR 205 Daulatpura 446.79 KR 206 Madan Kheda 104.33 KR 207 Sherpur Munapta 881.70 KR 208 Sonthiya 1,530.66 W 209 Murwara 724.85 W 210 Pathari Haweli 982.60 PR (I) W 211 Gehun Khedi 851.80 W 212 Tila Khedi 496.35 W 213 Gurariya Haweli 886.59 PR (1) W 214 ChhodiYa Munjapta 698.45 PR (1) W 215 Taravaji Munjapta 310.27 216 Parsora Haweli 837.27 W 217 Parasi Tundara 525.30 PR (1) W 218 Hansua 1,167.85 PR (1) W 219 Deorajpur 577.99 W 220 Katsara 518.58 W 221 Dhanora HaweIi 1,438.53 PR (I) W 222 llarkhedi Jetu 904.43 W 223 Madan Kbedi 649.00 W 224 Kacbhawa 1,008.00 W 225 Kharwai 1,104.00 W 226 Ghudiya Khedi 540.00 W 2"" Bhauriya 667.00 PR (I) W 228 Dawar 1,642.04 PR (1) W PR 229 Kara Khedi 1,374.98 PR (1) W PR 230 Rusalla 973.13 PR (1) VH (I) W 231 Hasnabad 286.15 W PR 232 Dharu Khedi 771.18 W 233 Bara Kheda 634.74 PR (1) W R 234 Mirzapur 744.20 W PR 235 DhatUiiya Haweli 1,869.46 PR (1) W PR 236 Meharkhedi Padcat 285.10 VH (1) W,R PR 237 Padrat 1,514.03 PR (1) W 238 Chidoriya 541.93 W 239 Khai Kheda 978.63 W 240 Barkhe(la 1,951.42 W 241 Mungod 1,260.52 W,R 242 Sanga Khedi 518.60 W,R 243 Jaitpura 1,584.60 PR (1) VH (1) W 244 Gaji Khedi 630.86 W 245 Adampur 1,130.00 W 246 Guwarhela 1,566.00 PR (1) W ... 247 Bhatni 1,001.00 W 248 Rampura 254.00 W,TW 249 Sangai 820.00 R 250 Chaki Pipar 266.00 91 VIDISHA TAHSIL --_- Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different type of lilUd use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Kemarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any, held in religious, pasture and for culti- village historical or grazing land "ation archaeo\ogi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 1

Wheat 1.03 352.26 148.75 41.77 Vidisha 6.0 201 Wheat 228.00 3,026.00 688.00 1,028.00 Vidisha 202 Wheat 224.19 4D.79 6.71 Vidisha 2.0 203 Wheat 86.77 28.41 15.49 Vidisha 2.0 204 Wheat 297.51 114.16 35.12 Vidisha 1.0 205 Wheat 65.59 28.91 9.83 Vidisha 206 Wheat 506.70 225.74 149.26 Vidisha 207 Wheat 4.13 992.23 171.47 362.83 Vidislla 3.0 208 Wheat ]7.56 182.32 53.20 471.77 Vidisha 6.0 209 Wheat 84.19 668.79 229.62 Vidisha 6.0 210 Wheat 502.09 116.21 233.50 Vidisha 6.0 211 Wheat 311.97 91.42 92.96 Vidisha 1.5 212 Wheat 1.03 663.22 101. 75 120.59 Vidisha 3.0 213 Wheat 23.76 526.85 104.85 42.99 Vidisha 3.0 214 Wheat 262.39 40.28 7.60 Vidisha 4.5 215 Wheat 720.54 101.24 15.49 Vidisha 6.0 216 Wheat 471.59 39.25 14.46 Vidisha 7.5 217 Wheat 5.16 1,046.99 74.38 41.32 Vidisha 9.0 218 Wheat 483.46 47.52 47.01 Vidisha 9.0 21'l Wheat 349.68 75.41 93.49 Vidisha 9.0 220 Wheat 621.36 229.34 587.83 Vidisha 9.0 221 Wheat 2.58 750.52 131.19 20.14 Vidisha 7.5 222 Wheat 542.00 77.00 30.00 Vidisha 9.0 223 Wheat 814.00 152.00 42.00 Vidisha 9.0 224 Wheat 880.00 170.00 54.00 Vidisha 12.0 225 Wheat 479.00 51.00 10.00 Vidisha 7.5 226 Wheat 551.00 90.00 26.00 Vidisha 6.0 227 Wheat 0.51 J ,376.54 174.07 90.92 Vidisha 4.5 228 Wheat 1,089.35 222.62 63.01 Vidisha 7.5 229 Wheat 0.51 862.08 59.40 51.14 Vidisha 7.5 230 Wheat 260.84 15.49 9.82 Vidisha 2.0 231 Wheat 612.60 130.17 28.41 Vidisha 7.5 232 Wheat 530.98 35.64 68.12 Vidisha 4.5 233 Wheat 5.16 604.84 61.98 72.22 Vidisha 4.5 234 Wheat 1.54 1,573.86 134.29 159.77 Vidisha 7.5 235 Wheat 188.55 22.24 74.31 Vidisha 9.0 236 Wheat 1,310.84 84.16 119.03 Vidisha 9.0 237 Wheat 487.63 25.46 28.84 Vidisha 9.0 238 Wheat 851.25 58.77 68.61 Vidisha 10.0 239 Wheat 1,656.81 183.18 111.43 Vidisba 12.0 240 Wheat 1,139.08 79.89 41.55 Vidisha 12.0 24t Wheat 11.20 440.73 37.42 29.25 Vidisha 15.0 242 Wheat 0.53 1,424.90 94.31 64.86 Vidisha 12.0 243 Wheat 485.31 111.59 33.96 Vidisha 150 244 Wheat 1.00 888.00 197.00 44.00 Vidisha 15.0 245 Wheat 6.00 1.331.00 176.00 53.00 Vidisha 15.0 246 Wheat 713.00 243.00 45.00 Vidisha 15.0 247 Wheat 166.00 63,00 25.00 Vidisha 15.0 248 Wheat 598.00 154.00 68.00 Vidisha 27.0 249 Wheat 245.00 12.00 9.00 Vidisha 27.0 250 92 VILLAGE DIRECI'ORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village r-___------A.------~ (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegrapb

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

-~-'------_.. ------.------

251 Andiya Ahmadpur 516.00 W,R 252 Sonthar 1,617.00 PR (1) VH (1) W 253 Roda 870.00 W 254 Jhimiya 563.00 W 255 Kankar Khedi 836.25 W 256 Barkheda Ahmadpur 592.96 PR (1) W 257 Karaiya Ahmadpur 577.47 W 258 Satpada Ahmadpur 665.39 W 259 Ghat Khedi 976.23 W 260 Karhaiya Ahmadpur' 1,580.56 PR (1) W 261 Khejada Ahmadpur 652.33 W 262 Surod 544.35 PR (I) W 263 Dagarwada 1,860.36 W 264 Satiya Khedi 602.96 W 265 Mudra Ahmadpur 705.56 W 266 Kasba Ahmadpur 2,924.11 PR (I), Mid.S,(l) H (1) W 267 Berkhedi Ahmadpur 666.83 W 268 Abela 560.43 W 269 Jalhari 640.48 W 270 Tilak 970.54 W 271 Pipal Hutha 1,334.18 PR (I) W 272 Parsu Khedi 1,633.25 PR (I) W PO 273 Tharr 4,338.00 PR(I),Mid.S.(l) D,MCW,VH EI W (1 ) (1) (1) 274 Lala Khedi 555.27 W 275 Ramgarh 559.46 W 276 Nitarri 1,558.36 PR (1) W W 277 Bhadora 1,098.64 PR (1) W 278 Semra 435.95 W 279 Dehri 1,272.21 PR (1) W 280 Kl1ejada Padrat 1,837.79 Mid. S (1) W 281 Mahuwa Kheda 1,295.44 PR (1) W 282 Naulas 3,158.05 Mid. S (1) W KR 283 Kaph 742.24 W 284 Muhana 1,495.93 W 285 Palki J ,072.15 PR (1) W 286 Narot 546.24 W 287 Mudra Abela 1,911.58 W 288 San 829.53 PR (1) W Kit 289 Bhadar Badagaon 986.04 W KR 290 Khapar Kheda 661.14 W KR PO Khari 1,350.71 291 W 292 Bhairo Khedi 680.00 VH (I) W KR 293 Himai 692.14 1,186.00 PR (1) W 294 Semra Padrat KR 3,018.00 W 295 Simarhlir W KR Rampur Chak Patni 562.00 296 W Patni 325.00 297 W KR Karhaiya 1,021.00 298 W KR Ambar 2,292.00 PR (1) VH (I) 299 W KR 300 Ramgarh 1,448.00 93



Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres ~earest tovvn ~ Day of Remarks in- L.C. -, distance in Kms. vveekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if placce of vvaste (i.e. available any, held religious, pasture and for culti- in village historical or grazing land vat ion archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat 474.00 17.00 25.00 Vidisha 27.0 251 Wheat 1,321.00 213.00 83.00 Vidisha 27.0 252 Wheat 770.00 79.00 21.00 Vidisha 27.0 253 Wheat 501.00 39.00 23.00 Vidisha 27.0 254 Wheat 669.92 103.84 62.49 Vidisha 27.0 255 Wheat 431. 79 88.87 72.30 Vidhha 27.0 256 Wheat 438.52 71.31 67.64 Vidisha 27.0 257 Wheat 565.39 58.88 41.12 Vidisha 27.0 258 Wheat 790.79 J 10.05 75.39 Vidisha 27.0 259 Wheat 1,196.78 236.44 147.34 Vidisha 27.0 260 Wheat 579.02 30.48 42.83 Vidisha 18.0 261 Wheat 9.30 445.24 44.43 45.38 Vidisha 20.0 262 Wheat 1,610.52 158.07 91.77 Vidisha 21.0 263 Wheat 485.00 79.87 38.09 'idisha 21.0 264 Wheat 638.41 31.51 35.64 Vidisha 21.0 265 Wheat 2,623.00 129.12 171.99 Vidisha 21.0 266 Wheat 5.16 542.87 69.22 49.58 Vidisha 21.0 267 Wheat 458.71 56.29 45.43 Vidisha 18.0 268 Wheat 488.63 117.76 34.09 Vidisha 18.0 269 Wheat 796.99 129.65 43.90 Vidisha 21.0 270 Wheat 1,025.31 217.45 91.42 Vidisha 18.0 271 Wheat 1,412.71 71.79 148.75 Vidisha 18.0 272 Wheat 2.00 3,705.00 318.00 313.00 Vidisha 18.0 273

Wheat 463.84 56.30 35.13 Vidisha 12.0 274 Wheat 473.14 48.55 37.77 Vidisha 15.0 275 Wheat 1,203.49 300.10 54.77 Vidisha 24.0 276 Wheat 864.64 188.52 45.48 Vidisha 25.0 277 Wheat 361.05 49.59 25.31 Vldisha 27.0 278 Wheat 974.68 207.12 90.41 Vidisha 27.0 279 Wheat 1.55 1,504.12 227.27 104.85 Vidisha 20.0 280 Wheat 1,095.05 122.92 77.47 Vidisha 24.0 281 Wheat 0.52 2,624.99 333.69 198.85 Vidisha 25.0 282 Wheat 542.35 147.21 52.68 Vidisha 16.0 283 Wheat 1,178.19 236.05 81.69 Vidisha 18.0 284 Wheat 2.58 934.39 63.01 72.17 Vidisha 15.0 285 Wheat 0.51 395.66 89.36 60.71 Vidisha 15.0 286 Wheat 4.65 1,633.25 193.18 80.50 Vidisha 21.0 287 Wheat 674.00 73.00 82.53 Vidisha 13.0 288 Wheat 834.70 70.76 80.58 Vidisha 15.0 289 Wheat 605.88 39.77 15.49 Vi dish a 15.0 290 Wheat 1,195.25 86.77 68.69 Vidisha 16.0 291 Wheat 570.50 43.91 65.59 Vidisha 14.0 292 Wheat 11.88 590.47 40.29 49.50 Vidisha 15.0 Thursday 293 Wheat 1,033.00 91.00 62.00 Vidisha 21.0 :t94 Wheat 2,613.00 237.00 168.00 Vidisha 21.0 295 Wheat 473.00 60.00 29.00 Vidisha 21.0 296 Wheat 269.00 38.00 18.00 Vidisha 21.0 297 Wheat 818.00 167.00 36.00 Vidisha 27.2 298 Wheat 1,864.00 330.00 98.00 Vidisha 27.2 299 Wheat 1.00 1,025.00 357.00 65.00 Vidisha 28.8 300 94 VILLAGE DIRECI'ORY ------Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply watef cation Telegraph

------_._--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

---~------,-_. ---.. ---_._ 301 Nador 1,207.00 W KR 302 Kanjela 902.00 PR (1) W 303 Banjariya 1,417.00 PR (1) W 304 Siyasi 1,413.00 W 305 Barkhedi 255.00 W 306 Diya Kheda 529.00 W 307 Sumerpur 551.00 W 308 Mehdon 998.00 W 309 Mannupura 1,291.00 W 310 Atari Khejada 2,339.00 Mid.S. (1) W PR PO 311 Madhipur 1,272.00 PR (I) W PR 312 Bilrai 1,320.00 PR (1) W PR .313 Dighora 1,376.00 PR (1) W PR 314 Irnlawada 2,161.00 PR (1) W 315 Mirgawali 943.00 W 316 Hat Kheda 419.00 W 317 Tarawali 624.00 PR (I) W 318 Deilavada 1,091.00 W 319 Pathrai 951.00 PR (1) W 320 Sirsawali 668.00 W 321 Indarwas 2,505.00 PR (I) W 322 Chirawata 1,347.00 PR 0) W 323 Madhiya Indarwas 81.00 324 Dhurera 566.11 W 325 Nolai 594.51 W 326 Manora 4,520.13 Mid.S. (1) W PR PO 327 Isarawar 528.40 W 328 Pipalkhedi Tappa Manora 444.73 \V 329 Berkhedi (Manora) 1, i66.31 \V 330 Furtala 645.00 W 331 Uhar Kotrn 2,245.00 PR (I) \V 332 Gyaraspur 4,138.00 PR (1),Mid.S. (1) FC(1),VHO) W KR PO 333 Olinja 2,256'00 W 334 Choki 523.00 NW ~35 Pohara 1,198.00 336 Sujwaha 1,540.00 W 337 Chopada 625.00 338 Ahrnadganj Urf Khoi 1,073.00 W 339 Mohammadgarh 658.00 Mid.S. (1) H(l) W PO 340 Chikli 625.00 W 341 Ikwalganj 242.00 W 342 Mardanpur 89.00 343 Chironda 869.00 W 344 Khiriya Jagir 828.00 W 345 Bhawan Khiriya 261.00 W 346 Rampura 1,205.00 W 317 Surner Jagir 156.00 348 Budha Basoda 389.00 W 349 Koluwa 1,536.66 PR (1) W 350 Madhiya Dhamnod 457.13 PR (1) W 95


Staple Food Land use (i. e. area under different types of land l;'se) in acres Nearest town & Day or Remarks in- L.C. distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if place of waste (i.e. available any,held in religious, pasture and for culti- vIllage historical or grazing land vation archaeologi- etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 983.00 148.00 76.00 Vidisha 25.6 301 Whaet 715.00 133.00 54.00 Vidisha 24.0 302 Wheat 429.00 785.00 169.00 34.00 Vidisha 25.6 303 Wheat 2.00 1.262.00 96.00 53.00 Vidisha 22.4 304 Wheat 235.00 9.00 11.00 Vidisha 28.8 305 Wheat 492.00 18.00 19.00 Vidisha 28.8 306 Wheat 470.00 60.00 21.00 Vidisha 28.8 307 Wheat 541.00 276.00 159.00 22.00 Vidisha 28.8 308 Wheat '777.00 452.00 31.00 31.00 Vidisha 28.8 309 Wheat 1,898.00 341.00 ]00.00 Vidisha 24.0 Sunday 310 Wheat ] ,081.00 132.00 59.00 Vidisha 22.0 311 Wheat 1,153.00 128.00 39.00 Vidisha 24.0 312 Wheat 1.025.00 300.00 51.00 Vidisha 20.0 313 Wheat 1,875.00 185.00 101.00 Vidisha 24.0 314 Wheat 764.00 ]40.00 39.00 Vidisha 26.0 315 Wheat 327.00 58.00 34.00 Vidisha 27.0 316 Wheat 552.00 45.00 27.00 Vidisha 26.0 317 Wheat 897.00 114.00 80.00 Vidisha 25.0 318 Wheat 794.00 111.00 46.00 Vidisha 4].6 319 Wheat 558.00 70.00 40.00 Vidisha 32.0 320 Wheat 4.00 1,966.00 276.00 259.00 Vidisha 40.0 321 Wheat 2.00 ],154.00 100.00 91.00 Vidisha 30.4 322 Wheat 59.00 ]7.00 5.00 Vidisha 30.4 323 Wheat 428.73 53.7] 83.67 Vidisha 32.0 324 Wheat 490.70 70.75 33.06 Vidisha 30.0 325 Wheat 759.80 2,846.08 421.49 492.76 Vidisha 32.0 326 Wheat ]00.72 271.69 ]32.23 23.76 Vidisha 30.4 327 Wheat 353.31 64.56 26.86 Vidisha 32.0 328 Wheat 600.74 323.85 189.56 52.16 Vidisha 30.4 329 Wheat 484.00 116.00 45.00 Vidisha 54.4 330 Wheat 496.00 9.00 1,256.00 356.00 128.00 Vidisha 51.2 331 Wheat 1,906.00 20.00 1,559.00 392.00 261.00 Vidisha 49.6 Friday 332 Wheat 913.00 8.00 897.00 316.00 122.00 Vidisha 46.4 333 Wheat 114.00 127.00 262.00 16'0 334 586.00 48.00 509.00 55.00 Begamganj 12.9 335 Wheat 1,138.00 10.00 282.00 96.00 14.00 Begamganj 16.0 336 83.00 72'00 470.00 Begamganj 9.6 337 130.00 164.00 202.00 577.00 Begamganj 11.2 338 Wheat 366.00 9.00 25.00 201.00 57.00 Begamganj 16.0 Monday :nlJ Wheat 545.00 34.00 46.00 Begamganj 16.0 340 Wheat 24.00 136.00 78.00 4.00 Begamganj 8.0 341 89.00 Vidisha 40.0 342 Wheat 301.00 488.00 60.00 20.00 Begamganj 17.6 343 Wheat 86.00 602.00 72.00 68.00 Begamganj 14.4 344 Wheat 239.00 5.00 17.00 Begamganj 14.4 345 Wheat 7.00 868.00 242.00 88.00 Begamganj 17.8 346 69.00 71.00 7.00 9.00 Vidisha 45.0 347 Wheat 291.00 69.00 29.00 Begamganj 12.8 348 Wheat 752.06 456.09 299.59 28.92 Begamganj 17.6 349 Wheat 27.89 4.13 236.57 148.23 40.31 Begamganj 16.0 350 96 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within the villages Code No. the village (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------351 Pipariya Parasar 1,005.67 W 352 Satpada Johari 573.85 W 353 Vijaypur 407.54 W 354 Khejada Bagrod 568.68 W 355 Semra Ishtamurar 405.99 W 356 Barn Dhamnod 492.76 W,R 357 Naryabal 817.14 358 Daiyarpur 1,802.00 PR (1) W 359 Harhar Khedi 784.00 W 360 Basadehi 770.00 PR (1) W 361 Pamariya 844.00 W 362 Basuriya 576.00 W 363 Sagoriya 615.00 W 364 SemTa Tappa Dhamnod 1,5"-1.00 W 365 Sajan Khedi 422.00 W 366 Jhadponiya 571.00 W 367 Dhamnod 2,660.00 PR (1) W 368 Behlot 1,088.00 PR (1) W 369 Gondipur 1,444.00 W 370 Sinduriya 329.00 W 371 Dasipuf 1,077.00 W 372 Derkhi 248.00 W 373 Gunjari 658.00 W 374 Parsora Dhamnod 550.00 PR (1) W 375 Padriya 670.00 W 376 Pachpediya 1,217.00 W 377 Madanai 375.00 W 378 Basia Kalan 350.00 W 379 Norja 593.00 W 380 Loharri 419.00 W 381 Patti Loharra 526.00 W 382 DauJatpur 654.00 R,W 383 Nababganj 528.00 W 384 BasiyaKhas 1,304.00 W 385 Usmaniya 454.00 W 386 Sagoni 198.00 W 387 Koluwa Jagir 1,013.00 PR (1) W 388 Abidganj 416.00 W 389 Usufganj 644.00 '" W 390 Amarpur 771.00 ... W 391 Madhiya Daloi 1,234.00 W 392 Jahidganj 1,032.00 W 393 Elachha 416.00 W 394 Gunnotha 2,566.00 PR (I) W 395 Hatarngarh 1,554.00 W 396 Usar Bohata 401.00 397 Jotpur 1,175.00 W 398 GopaJpur 203.51 399 Barhai 2,027.26 PR (1) W 400 Basia Gaja! 416.32 W 97 vmlSHA TAHSIL _.- .------

Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different type of lan~ use) in acres Nearest town & Davof Kem1rks in- L.e. --, distance in Krns. weekly eluding any N". Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable Area not market, if plac{' of waste (i.e. available any, held in religiou., pasture and for culti- village hi

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat 5.13.94 4.65 350.73 116.22 20.13 Begamganj 16.0 351 Wheat 23.24 6.20 414.77 101.76 27.88 Begamganj 14.4 352 Wheat 287.20 95.03 25.31 Begamganj 14.4 353 Wheat 387.41 149.76 31.51 Begamganj 12.8 354 Wheat 0.51 263.44 111.05 30.99 Begamganj 12.8 355 Wheat 0.51 298.56 137.92 55.77 Begamganj 11.2 356 113.12 332.12 145.15 226.75 Vidis!Ja 50.0 357 Wheat 1,420.00 272.00 110.00 Begamganj 9.6 358 Wheat 5.00 449.00 291.00 39.00 BegamJanj 11.2 359 Wheat 617.00 72.00 81.00 Begamganj 11. 2 360 Wh~at 696.00 98.00 50.00 Begamganj 14.4 361 Wheat 289.00 228.00 43.00 16.03 Begamganj 12.8 362 Wheat 180.00 200.00 199.00 36.00 Begamganj II. 2 363 Wheat 471.00 799.00 198.00 53.00 Begamganj 11.2 364 Wheat 345.00 53.00 24.00 Begamganj 12.8 365 Wheat 171.00 351.00 23.00 26.00 Begamganj 11.2 366 Wheat 321.00 5.00 1,768.00 444.00 122.00 Begamganj 12.8 367 Wheat 308.00 1.00 561.00 175.00 43.00 Begamganj 12.8 368 Wheat 5'28.00 436.00 426.00 54.00 Begamgani 11.2 369 Wheat 269.00 42.00 18.00 Begamganj 11.2 370 Wheat 382.CO 548.00 112.40 35.00 Begamganj 16.0 371 Wheat 183.00 49.00 16.00 Begamganj 16.0 372 Wheat 402.00 207.00 59.00 Begamganj 16.0 373 Wheat 402.00 113.00 35.00 Begamganj 16.0 374 Wheat 433.00 202.00 35.00 Begamganj 14.4 375 Wheat 231.00 764.00 174.00 48.00 Begamganj t 4.4 376 Wheat 285.00 66.00 24.00 Begamganj 14.4 317 Wheat 261. 0) 77.00 12.00 Begarnganj 16.0 378 Wheat ~1,9.00 42.00 42.00 Begamganj 14.4 379 Wheat 324.0) 60.00 35.00 Begarnganj 14.4 380 Wheat 229.00 183.00 109.00 5.00 Begamganj 14.4 381 Wheat 184.00 2 9.00 223.00 18.00 Begamganj 12.8 38l Wheat 256.00 142.00 123.00 7.00 Begamganj 14.4 383 Wheat 563.00 549.00 170.00 22.00 Begamganj 14.4 384 Wheat 105.00 327.0) 14.00 8.0J Begamgan,i 16.0 385 Wheat 170.00 20.0) ~.O() Begamganj 14.4 386 Wheat 227.00 486.00 215.00 85.00 Bega'11ganj 16.0 387 Wheat 228.00 134.00 39.00 15.00 Degamganj 16.0 388 Wheat 169.00 269.00 185.00 21.0) Begamganj 16.0 389 Wheat 357.00 14.00 316.00 63.00 21.00 Begamganj 16.0 390 Wheat 229.00 566.00 391.00 48.00 Begamganj 16.0 391 Wheat 555.00 :~ 1.00 122.00 14.00 Begamganj 16.0 392 Wheat 294.00 111.00 11.00 Begamganj 16.0 393 Wheat 851.00 1,492.00 90.00 133.00 Begamganj 12.8 394 Wheat 1,107.00 276.00 151.00 20.00 Begamganj 14.4 395 185.00 212.00 4.00 Begamganj 35.0 396 Wheat 803.00 2~6.oo 9~.00 41.00 Begamganj 17.6 397 181.81 17.57 4.13 Vidisha 50.0 398 Wheat 798. 5 ~ 6.72 1,109.61. 193,.82 , 8.51 Begamganj 17.6 39!) Wheat (4.(H 244.87 86.25 "1.16 Begamganj 19.2 400 ·VR..I.:A'GE DIRECTORV

Location Name of village Total area of Amenities available within tbe villages Code No. the village ~---- .A.,______----. (in acres) EducatioDal Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post and Supply water cation Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

401 Tal Bahed 199.37 W 402 Sardarpur ]80.26 403 Haidargarh Basoda 1,458.15 PR(1 ),Mid.s.(l) PHC(I) W PO 404 Sujatganj 188.01 W 405 Sumer Dhamnod 154.95 W 406 Raees Nagar 687.00 W 407 Mahuwa Kbeda 95.00 W 408 Dhokheda 4.379.00 PR (1) W 409 Kakarua 108.00 W 410 Pipariya Jagir 682.00 W 411 Patti Gambhiriya 182.00 412 Madhiya jaman 425.00 W 413 Gambhiriya 613.00 W 414 GOliya Tappa Manora 633.00 W 415 Ramnagar 590.00 W 416 Pura Gusai 4,523.00 W 417 Sihod 2,070.00 W 418 Bandwa 1,029.00 W 419 Sori RampUl' 977.00 W 420 Ghatera 2,409.00 W 421 Mankapur 758.00 W 422 Sakarda 535.00 W 423 BabIiya 401.00 PR (1) W 424 Hirapur 731.00 W 425 Bafkheda 1,118.00 W 426 Kherua 1,026.00 W 427 Ulakheda 880.00 PR (1) W 428 Be1"khedi 426,00 PR (I) W 429 Jhirniya 339.00 W 430 Amkheda 393.00 W 431 Dargawan 1,432.00 W 432 LakhJli 2,417.00 W 433 Shahpura 370.00 W 434 Behata 2,750.00 W 435 Beharyai 701.00 436 Himmatpur 530.98 R 437 Potala 1,924.26 ~,W 438 Mudjhiri 1,463.00 W 439 Poniya 1,309.00 W 440 Laharpur 585.00 W 441 Amrohi Padrayat 1,389.00 W 442 Pipaliya Lakhl1li 982.00 W 443 Bbaironpur 1,149.00 W 444 Madhopur 694.71 445 Hino(iya 908.56 W -_.. _- PR (150) 0(4) 15 T . (1) PR (59) PO (16) TOTAL 478,809.17 Mid. S. (19) H (3) W(.} KR (17) TO (l) Sec. S. (1) 0(12) q '(8) 0 (1) Source: Col~mns (I) to (5)& (7) to{l8): Tahsildar, Vidisha. . Column '6 : Madhya Pradesh Electticjty .B~4. fabaJpur. • VIDISHA TAHSIL

Staple Food Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Nearest town & Day of Remarks in- L.C. r------J~-----:'---- -, distance in Kms. weekly eluding any No. Forest Irrigated Un-Irrigated Culturable A"ea not market, if place of waste (i e. available any, held in religious. pasture and for culti· village historical or grazilJ&.land vatioD archaeologi­ etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 31.50 75.43 41.84 50.60 Begamganj 17.6 401 55.78 25.33 90.38 8.77 Vidisha 5-LO 402 Wheat 491.21 ]4.46 625.91 192.15 134.42 Begamganj 16.0 Wednesday 403 142.56 34.61 ]0.84 Vidisha 52.0 404 82.64 60.43 11.88 Begamgan,i 16.0 405 Wheat 398.00 153.00 67.00 69.00 Begamganj 16.0 406 Wheat 23.00 30.00 38.00 4.00 Begamganj 16.0 407 Wheat 2,898.00 924.00 400.00 157.00 Begamganj 16.0 408 12.00 75.00 ]6.00 5.00 Vidisha 38.0 409 Wheat 296.00 i98.oo 96.00 92.00 Begamganj 14.4 410 142.00 20.00 20.00 Vidisha 38.0 411 Wheal 335.00 44.00 46.00 Begamganj 12.8 412 Wheat 295.00 253.00 17.00 48.00 Begamganj 14.4 413 Wheat 128.00 428.00 58.00 19.00 Vidisha 32.0 414 Wheat 75.00 381.00 115.00 19.00 Vidi~ha 32.0 415 Wheat 3,101.00 439.00 513.00 371.00 99.00 Vidisha 35.2 416 \\ heat u: .OJ 1,613.00 211.00 114.00 Vidisha 35.2 417 V. heat 75.00 672.00 262.00 20.00 Vidisha 25.6 418- 41.00 Vidisha 35.2 419 " teat 194.00 88.00 574.00 80.00 ¥. hat 1,774.00 92.00 346.00 131.00 66.00 Vidisha 35.2 420 Wheat 389.00 308.00 43.00 18.00 Vidisha 3'.8 421 Wheat 327.00 162.00 42.00 4.00 Vidisha 35.8 422 Wheat 335.00 39.00 27.00 Vidisha 22.4 423 Wheat 638.00 76.00 17.00 Vidisha 22.4 424 Wheat 113.00 800.00 141.00 64.00 Vidisha 24.0 425 Vidlsha 22.4 Wheat 731.00 258.00 37.00 426 Wheat 735.00 97.00 48.00 Vidisha 22.4 427 Wheat 7.00 339.00 48.00 32.00 Vidisha 22.4 428 Vidisha 24.0 Wheat 269.00 49.00 21.00 429 Vidisha 24.0 Wheat 3.00 324.00 52.00 14.00 430 Vidisha 20.8 Wheat 897.00 419.00 68.00 48.00 43J Vidisha 19.2 Wheat 1.928.00 393.0() 76.00 20.00 43l Vidisha 19.2 433 Wheat 108.00 224.00 28.00 10.00 Vidisha 19.2 434 \;\N:at 2,jj)l.OO 333.00 63.00 15.00 Vidisha 35.0 435 Wheat 175.00 56.00 246.00 224.00 40.28 Begamgan,i 12.0 436 Wheat 209.19 76.96 204.55 49.58 Begamganj 11.0 437 Wheat 1,388.61 264.46 221.61 45.00 217.00 Begamganj 13.0 438 Wheat 1,063.00 138.00 99.00 505.00 Begamganj 13.0 439 Wheat 580.00 125.00 192.00 5.00 Vidisha 12.0 440 Wheat 237.00 151.00 68.00 8.00 Vidisha 32.0 441 Wheat 1,289.00 24.00 337.00 15.00 Vidisha 14.0 442 Wheat 573.00 57.00 229.00 13.00 Vidisha 14.0 443 Wheat 633.00 274.00 244.31 17.04 Vidisha 37.0 444 Wheat 408.05 25.31 200.40 3l.02 Vidisha 36.0 445 Wheat 648.74 28.40 ------~------~------55,394.71 2,061.2.7 331,008.46 51.333.61 39,OIl.12 tOO APPEN Tahsilwise Abstract of VIDISHA


Sl. Name of Educational Medical No. Tahsil r- .A. , ,- -.., Prirrary Middle Higher SeNmdary College Others Dispensary Hospital Otters S(.·hrul School School r---..A.----. ,---"---, r---.A.----., r----"---, ,...-----''--" ~ ,-----A---. ,----.A----. :>. en ... c::'" eo toO :- 0 '"c: C ,_c:::- :::l c .5 ':; "8.c ';; 0 ;;. 0 '"0 ':; '> >.'"= '" fIl til 0 til .r.: 0 til ~u:; ,~ ;; .c en ..c; 2~ u .c .cc: I:'" .c .c .;a t:: ~ tIl .2 '" 0 ~ ~ en en '~ ;:20 .5'" - .. .:::t ~ ~ V> ~ ..'l! :::'0 := '" ;> ~,g c:'" c >-0.c ~ >-0 ~ >-c: ._::r: 8 .... ;>'" is ;; ~ ~ '" ...... 0 ...... c ...... t.o....U ...... '- ...... a til 0 00 a og 0 0 '0 0::1 0 'O.~ 0 0", 0 0 0 ... tIl ... tIl - ... "0 ... Cl)...... t;~ Cl) G)Cl) ., .... !J~ .,0... '" t oL.4 Cl) 0"'" ... <1>5- ~ .0- ":'0 ,oC:: ] ] .oro .0 E"O .0 .00 .0 .0 .... .0 .0 O'_ .0 sa E E :>Eo _O E~ E Eo E Eli S E a :::s - :> ~~ ~~ ::l0 :::s ::S"<:: ::; ::L~ :::s :> z:l: z Z::2 Z'" z::: zrll Zu z Zo Z ZO ~ ~~ Z" Z Z

1 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 Lateri 27 30 7 8 4 4 1 2 2 Sironj 67 67 .3 3 3 3 1 1 3 Kurwai &8 88 6 6 4 4 2 2 4 Basoda 153 153 13 13 4 4 6 6 6 6 2 2 S Vidisha 150 153 19 19 1 4 4 3 3 12 14

TOTAL 485 491 48 49 6 6 21 21 9 9 18 21 101 DIX Educational, Medical and other amenities DISTRICf


Power Supply Drinking Water Communications_. Postal & Telegraph Others ,..--- , '"' , , Number of Villages where Number of Villages Number of Vmages Post Telegraph power supply is having having Office Office _. .A , l ,...-----"--, r--~r= \

00 00 s:: 8 ,~ ';;:

.-~- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 194 156 28 10 11 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 288 261 16 35 30 12 12 1 1 4 221 1 199 12 19 86 7 7 14 456 416 24 82 117 19 19 15 430 1 409 8 59 17 16 16 1 1 1 1

35 1,589 2 1,441 88 205 261 61 62 3 3 2 2 102



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I. General: centage of about 22, In 1961 also, the literacy per­ In Part A, the picture of the district as revealed centage of the district 13.51 was lower than the State by non-Census data has been discussed. In this note, percen tage of 17.13. The district has made some pro­ the progress made by the district in the 1961-71 gress to increase the rate of Jiteracy during the decade 1961·71 decade would be dealt with on the basis of informa­ tion collected in the individual slip that was canvassed 2. The literacy percentage among the males in the 1971 Census. Broadlv speaking, the changes in the district (27'48) is lower than the State that have come about in the matter of total popula. percentage of about 33. Among females also, the tion, its growth-rate and density, sex·ratio, literacy, literacy percentage in the district (8.38) is lower than Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, working the State percentage of about 11. population, occupied residential houses and number of households h1V~ been discussed. 3. Among the tahsils, Vidisha tahsil has the n. Popula tion : highest literacy percentage of about 24, while Lateri tahsil has the lowest percentage of about 10. The population of Vidisha district is 658,427 while the populatIOn of Madhya Pradesh is 41,654,119. 4. The same pattern is seen in male and female The population of Vidisha district, thus comes literacy in the tahsils. Among males, Vidisha tahsil is to 1.58 percent of the State population. The rural at the top (about 34 percent), while Lateri Tahsil popUlation is about 86 percent of the district popu­ with about 17 percent comes last. Among females lation, whereas the urban population is 14.11 percent also, Vidisha tahsil leads in literacy (about 12 as against the State percentange of 16.29. In other percent), while Lateri tahsil with 2'66 percent comes words, the district is rural in character. Highest per· last. centage of the district population is found in Vidisha IV. Workers: tahsil (about 31 percent) and one of the reasons for this is that the popUlation of the district headquarter In the district, about 34 percent of population town, Vidisha, is included in this tahsil. comes under the category of workers (main activity) against the State percentage of about 37. The per~ Vidisha district ranks 34th among the 43 districts centage of female workers to total female population of the State in popUlation. During the decade 1961- (about 11) is less than the State percentage (about 71, the district population-growth rate has been 34.59 19). Within the district, comparatively greater against the State growth-rate of 28.67. The area of percentage of workers (males and females) have the district is 7,433 sq. km. In other words, it has been returned from Kurwai tahsil. Sironj tahsil 1.68 percent of the State area and ranks 28th in has returned the lowest percentage of workers area among the district of the State. The density of 33'06. Among female workers, Kurwai tahsil population per sq. km. of the district is 89 against with 16.83 percent leads other tahsils of the district , the State density of 94 and the district ranks 25th in while Sironj tahsil with 6.37 percent comes Jast. density in the State. Among the workers in th~ district, about 47 and 37 The sex-ratio, number of females per 1,000 percent are cultivators and agricultural labourers, males, of the district and the state is 882 and 941 respectively, as against the State percentage of about . ' respectIvely. Tahsil Kurwai, Vidisha and Sironj have 53 and 27. Under the category "Other workers", the got sex-ratio higher, while Basoda and Lateri tahsils district percentage (about 17) is legs than the State have a lower sex-ratio. percentage of 20.58. Among females the district percentage of agricultural lab urers (about 79), III. Literacy: and other workers 10S7 is higher than the 1. The percentage of literacy in the district State percentage of about 49 and 10.21, respectively, comes to about 19 as against the State literacy per- while for cultivators the distri::.:t percentage (about 110

I I) is less than the State percentage (about 41). change in the percentage during the decade. The Comparatively, highest percentage of cultivators number of hOU5eholds and persons per occupied (about 64) has been returned from Lateri tahsil while residential Census house in 1961 and 1971 are indi­ Kurwai tahsil has returned highest percentange of cated below- agricultural labourers. Lo\\est percentage of cultiva­ Year No. of No. of No. of No. of tors (about 35) have been returned from Vidisha residential households households persons per tahsil , while the same for agricultural labourers has Census per occupi. residential house ed residen- Census been returned from Lateri tahsil. tial Census house house V. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The percentage of Scheduled Castes to total po­ State 1961 6,230,854 6,615,580 1,06 5.2 pulation of the district (about 22) is higher than the District 1961 96,016 99,295 0.97 5.1 State percentage (about 13). The percentage of State 1971 6,822,767 7,740,289 1.13 6.1 District 1971 100,579 119,805 0.85 6.5 Scheduled Tribes to total population of the district (4.68) is, however, much less than the State percentage It would thus be seen that the pressure on occu­ (about 20). Highest percentage (23.56) of Scheduled pied residential Census houses has increased during Castes is in Kurwai tahsil, "hile lowest percentage the decade in the district as well as in the State. (20.69) is in Lateri tahsil in the district. As regards Comparatively, Basoda tahsil (with about 33 percent) population at Scheduled Tribes, Sironj tahsil (about claims the highest percentage of occupied residential 17 percent) leads the other tahsils, while Vidisha tahsil Census houses in the district. (3.89 percent) comes last. VII. Villages and Towns: VI. Occupied Residential Census Houses : There are 1,624 villages in Vidisha district which The district has 100,579 occupied residential Cen­ comes to 2.11 percent of total villages in the State. sus houses against the State figure of 6,822,767 The percentage of inhabited village to total village which comes to 1.47 percent. During 1961, there were in the district is 92.98 against the State percentage 96,016 occupied residential Census houses in the of about 92. There are 250 towns in the State out of district against the State figure of 6,230,854 which which the district claims four; Sironj, Kurwai, Basoda came to 1.54 percent. There has been very slight and Vidisha. 111 FIGURES AT A GLANCE

Particulars Madhya Pradesh Vidisha District

Population Total Persons 41,654,119 658,427 Males 21,455,334 349,767 Females 20,198,785 308,660

Rural Persons 34,869,352 565,551 Males 17,823,411 299,875 Females 17,045,941 265,676 erban Perf'ons 6,784,767 92,876 Males 3,631,923 49.892 Females 3,152,844 42,984

Percentage of urban population to total population 16.29 14.11 Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 28.67 34.59 Area in Sq. Km. 442,841 7,433 Density of population per Sq. Km. 94 B9 Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1,000 males) 941 882 Total literate and educated persons with literacy percentage. Persons 9,223,081 (22.14) 121,984 (/8.53) Males 7,016,649 (32.70) 96,115 (27.48) Females 2,206,432 (10.92) 25,869 (8.38) Total No. of workers (Main activity) with percentage of workers to total population shown within brackets. Persons 15,295,663 (36.72) 226,749 (34.44) Males 11 ,529,092 (53.74) 192,928 (55.16) Females 3,766,571 (18.65) 33,821 (10.96) Break-up of workers wi!h percentage

( i) Cultivators Persons 8,084,743 (52.86) 105,933 (46.72) Males 6,537,112 (56.70) 102,327 (53.04) Females 1,547,631 (41.09) 3,606 (10.66)

(ii) Agricultural labourers Persons 4,062,338 (26.56) 83,2]] (36.70) Males 2,228,064 (19.33) 56,570 (29.32) Females 1,834.274 (48.70) 26,641 (78.77)

(iii) Other workers Persons 3,148,582 (20.58) 37,605 (16.58) Males 2,763,916 (23.97) 34,031 (17.64) Females 384,666 (10.21) 3,574 (10,57)

Scheduled Castes WIth percentage to total population Persons 5,453,690 (13.09) 141,741 (21.53) Males 2,810,175 (13.10) 74,127 (21.19) Females 2,643,515 (13 .09) 67,614 (21.91)

Scheduled Tribes with percentage to total population P:>rsons 8,387,403 (20.14) 30,842 (4.68) Males 4,198,509 (19.57) 15,833 (4.53) Females 4,188,894 (20.74) 15,009 (4.86) No. of occupied residential Census houses 6,822,767 100,579

No. of Villages Total 77,090 1,624 Inhabited 71,059* 1,510 Uninhabited 6,031** 114t No. of Towns 250 4

• Includes 176 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban outgrowths of nearby city/town. ** Includes 67 vHlages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. t Includes 6 viliages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. 112


Location District/Tahsil/Townl Area in Occu- Total Code No. Town Agglo. Km2 pied No. of Total population reSl- house- (Including institutional dential holds and Scheduled Scheduled houses houseless population) Castes Tribes ------. ,..---"---, ,---'''----1 P M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

25 Vidisha District Total 7,433.0 100,579 119,805 658,427 349,767 308,660 74,127 67,61415,83315,009 Rural 7,424.9 87 ,;~6!1 102.057 565,551 299,875 265,676 67,902 61,998 15,626 14,850 Urban 8.1 13,311 17,748 92,876 49,892 42,984 6,225 5,616 207 159

1 Lateri Tahsil Total 986.3 8,537 9,633 55,755 29,8~6 25,859 6,091 5,446 2,262 2,040 Rural 986.3 8,537 9,633 55,755 29,896 25,859 6,091 5,446 2,262 2,040 Urban

2 Sironj Tahsil Total 1,254.5 16,814 19,239 106,969 56,806 50,163 12,107 11,262 930 883 Rural 1,253.6 13,187 15,281 84,556 44,961 39,595 10,640 9,889 909 878 Urban 0.9 3,627 3,958 22,413 11,845 10,568 1,467 1,373 21 5

Sironj (M) Urban 0.91 3,627 3,958 22,413 11 ,845 10,568 1,467 1,373 21 5

3 Kurwai Tahsil Total 831.4 12,459 14,088 85,140 44,636 40,504 10,471 9,585 4,382 4,336 Rural 831.0 11 ,428 12,867 78,329 41,086 37,243 9,894 9,069 4,357 4,311 Urban 0.4 1,031 1,221 6,811 3,550 3,261 577 516 25 25

*Kurwai(M) Urban 0.39 1,031 1,221 6,811 3,550 3,161 577 516 25 25

4 Basoda Tahsil Total 2,292.4 33,246 37,688 203,752 ]08,630 95,122 23,002 20,621 4,114 3,845 Rural 2,291.4 29,333 33,649 183,312 97,648 85.664 21,351 19,186 4,104 3,835 Urban 1.0 3,913 4,039 20,440 10,982 9,458 1,651 1,435 10 10

Basoda CU.A.) Urban NA 3,913 4,039 20,440 10,982 9,458 1,651 1,435 10 10 (i) Basoda (M) Urban 0.88 3,511 3,630 18,573 9,976 8,597 1,541 1,351 9 10 (ii) Behlot1 (0. G.) Urban 0.C8 360 367 1,631 889 742 98 72 1 (iii) Swaroopnagar2 COG) Urban NA 42 42 236 117 119 12 12

5 Vidisha Tahsil Total 1,937.4 29,523 39,157 206,811 109,799 97,012 22,456 20,700 4,145 3,905 Rural 1,931.6 24,783 30,627 163.599 86,284 77,315 19,926 18,408 3,994 3,786 Urban 5.8 4,74) 8,530 43,212 23,515 19,697 2,530 2,292 151 119

Vidisha (M) Urban 5.83 4,740 8,530 43,212 23,515 19,697 2,530 2,292 151 119 113


WORKERS ( I-IX) I II III Livestock, forestry District/Tahsil/Townl Location fishing, hunting Town Agglo. CadeNo. & plantations, Literate and Agricultural orchards and educated persons Total Workers Cultivators Labourers allied activities ,-_____.IL_____--.., .Jl...--.-.--, ,..------"------, ,..------JL_____--.., ~ M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 1

------~----,,~ ... --.--

96,115 25,869 192,928 33,821 102,327 3,606 56,570 26,641 2,123 89 Total Vidisba District 25 68,394 11 ,024 170,851 31,671 99,877 3,522 55,572 26,330 1,709 48 Rural 27,721 14,845 22,077 2,150 2.450 84 998 311 414 41 Urban

4,947 687 17,296 2,581 12,208 446 3,576 1,952 241 11 Total Lateri Tahsil 1 4,947 687 17,296 2,581 12,208 446 3,576 1,952 241 11 Rural Urban

12,800 3,806 32,170 3,194 19,389 405 6,240 2,235 577 7 Total Sironj Tahsil 2 7,758 981 26,618 2,718 18,475 377 6,004 2,168 426 1 Rural 5,042 2,825 5,552 476 914 28 236 67 151 6 Urban

5,042 2,825 5,552 476 914 28 236 67 151 6 Urban Sironj (M)

12,974 3,151 24,130 6,818 12,913 618 8,260 5,637 231 18 Total Kurwai Tahsil 3 11 ,216 2,338 22,569 6,528 12,724 610 8,005 5,527 196 14 Rural 1,758 813 1,561 290 189 8 255 110 35 4 Urban

1,758 813 1,561 290 189 8 255 110 35 4 Urban $Kurwai (M)

28,557 6,414 59,576 8,896 33,013 1,103 17,263 6,909 603 17 Total Basoda Tahsil 4 22,237 3,188 54,916 8,462 32,577 1,090 17,104 6,861 538 9 Rural 6,320 3,226 4,660 434 436 13 159 48 65 8 Urban

6,320 3,226 4,660 434 436 13 159 48 65 8 Urban Basoda (U.A.) 5,771 3,007 4,244 403 391 13 148 48 52 8 Urban (i) Basoda (M) 491 192 368 31 39 11 13 Urban (ii) Behlotl (OG) 58 27 48 6 Urban (iii) Swaroopnagar2 (OG)

36,837 11 ,811 59,756 12,332 24,804 1,034 21,231 9,908 471 36 Total Vidisha Tahsil 5 22,236 3,830 49,452 11,382 23,893 999 20,383 9,822 308 13 Rural 14,601 7,981 10,304 950 911 35 348 86 163 23 Urban

14,601 7,981 10,304 950 ')fi 35 348 86 163 23 Urban Vidisha (M)



WORKERS IV V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing & Repairs r- Location District/Tahsil/Townl V (a) V (b) Code No. Town Agglo. Mining and quarrying Household Industry Other than Household Construction Industry ,..__lI,____-. "---" .J , IL.._,.., M F M F M F M F

2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

25 Vidisha District Total 315 14 4,703 739 3,430 300 1,895 262 Rural 281 24 3,407 530 1,000 106 859 130 Urban 34 1,296 209 2,430 194 1.036 132

1 Lateri Tahsil Total 320 48 70 3 68 11 Rural 320 48 70 3 6S 11 Urban

2 Sironj Tahsil Total 7 890 104 943 93 292 44 Rural 3 466 53 126 3 89 22 Urban 4 424 51 i17 90 203 22

Sironj (M) Urban 4 424 51 817 90 203 22

3 Kurwai Tahsil Total 27 18 530 100 186 69 204 60 Rural 27 18 405 79 76 25 113 38 Urban 125 21 110 44 91 22

*Kurwai(M) Urban 125 21 110 44 91 12

4 Basoda Tahsil Total 219 6 1,298 245 822 44 469 60 Rural 213 6 1,065 196 269 16 311 45 Urban 6 233 49 553 28 158 15

Basoda CU .A.) Urban 6 233 49 553 28 158 15 (i) Basoda (M) U.-ban 6 222 49 508 26 134 13 (ii) Behlot1 (OG) Urban 9 43 2 24 2 (iii) Swaroopnagar2 (OG) Urban 2 2

5 Vidisha Tahsil Total 62 1,665 242 1,409 91 862 87 Rural 38 1,151 154 459 59 278 14 Urban 24 514 88 950 32 584 73

Vidisha (M) Urban 24 514 88 950 32 584 73

Note! (1) U.A.= Urban Agglomeration M. = Municipality O. G. = Urban Outgrowth (2) Urban Outgrowth! 1 Village Behlot, L.C. 263 of Tahsil Basoda is partly included. 2 Village Swaroopnagar. L.C. 291 of Tahsil Basoda is partly included. 115



District/Tahsil/Town/ Location Town Agglo. Code No. Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services Non-workers and Communications r--~ _JI,___-, ,---__j -, -, M F M F M F M F

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

7,524 250 2,033 13 12,008 1,897 156,839 274,839 Total Vidisha District 25 2,361 110 409 2 5,376 869 129,024 234,005 Rural 5,163 140 1,624 11 6,632 1,028 27~815 40,834 Ulban

210 8 16 587 102 12,600 23,278 Total Lateri Tahsil 1 210 8 16 587 102 12,600 23,278 Rural Urban

1,492 35 236 2 2,104 269 24,636 46,969 Total Sironj Tahsil 2 297 14 10 722 80 18,343 36,877 Rural 1,195 21 226 2 1,382 189 6,293 10.092 Urban

1,195 21 226 2 1,382 189 6,293 10,092 Urban Sironj (M)

549 37 130 1,100 261 20,506 33,686 Total Kurwai Tahsil '3 291 25 59 673 192 18,517 30,715 Rural 258 12 71 427 69 1,989 2,971 Urban

258 12 71 427 69 1,989 2,971 Urban *Kurwai (M)

2,169 63 574 2 3,146 447 49,054 86,226 Total Basoda Tahsil 4 879 38 187 1 1,773 200 42,732 77,202 Rural 1,290 25 387 1 1,373 247 6,322 9,024 Urban

1;290 25 387 1 1,373 247 6,322 9,024 Urban Basoda (U.A.) 1,253 24 250 1 1,280 221 5,732 8,194 Urban (i) Basoda (M) 37 1 102 90 26 521 711 Urban (i') Behlotl (OG) 35 3 69 119 Urban (iii) Swaroopnagar2 (OG)

3,104 107 1,077 9 5,071 818 50,043 84,680 Total Vidisha Tahsil 5 684 25 137 1 1,621 295 36,832 65,933 Rural 2,420 82 940 8 3.450 523 13,211 18,747 Urban

2,420 82 940 8 3,450 523 13,211 18,747 Urban Vidisha (M)

(3) Town treated as such for the first time in 1961 Census which continues as town in 1971 CensLls is shoWll with asterisk (*) on its left. (4) The total area figure given for the district is provisional 'Geographical Alea' as supplied by the Surveyor General of India. (5) The urban area figures have been supplied by the local bodies. (6) The rural area of the district has been derived by subtracting the urban area figures supplied by local bodies from the total area figure of the district. (7) Total area figures of tahsils are according to village papers as supplied by the Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. Gwalier. Il6


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educ:lted Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code WardfUrban of townfward residential house- J..-----, ,..--"-,- r--A--, ,.--"--, ,.....-"-, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

25/1 Lateri Tabsil (Rural) 986.3 9,633 29,896 6,091 2,262 4,947 17,296 8,537 55,755 25,8';9 5.446 2,040 687 2,581 1 Bajna 705.90 61 61 357 178 179 50 40 2 103 1 Bajna 34 34 202 108 94 50 40 2 67 1 Khesaon ke Tapre 27 27 155 70 85 36 2 Pathera chandu 1,144.59 51 51 290 165 125 30 29 19 20 5 91 2 Pathera Chandu 29 29 177 104 73 24 27 3 61 1 Tapra khesaon 18 18 102 52 50 19 20 24 1 Tapra Bohra 4 4 11 9 2 6 2 2 6 3 Amahi 1,057.25 29 29 208 114 94 6 5 8 71 4 Khurmabad 276.06 1 1 13 4 9 4 Khurmabad Uninhabited Tapra Astha; I3 4 9 4 5 Unarsi Kalan 3,166.22 198 198 1,097 571 526 132 127 108 7 326 17 Unars; Kalan 195 195 1,049 548 501 132 127 106 7 309 10 Agra Kheda 3 3 4'3 23 25 2 17 7 6 Mundra Ratansi 957.35 50 50 316 173 143 43 34 5 84 Mundra Ratans; 47 47 295 164 13[ 43 34 5 79 Tapra Banjareke 3 3 21 9 12 5 1 7 Raghogarh 573.84 41 41 207 112 95 31 26 19 62 1 8 Bhila Babdi 411.03 3 3 20 15 5 1 6 9 Aminpur Mukta Kheda 657.72 28 28 158 91 67 4 5 1 1 10 51 5 10 Bamori 775.62 34 34 ]72 95 77 26 22 19 52 4 11 Dugrawani 841.25 17 17 101 61 40 9 9 3 27 1 12 Chand bad 1,262.47 63 63 434 223 211 43 53 28 29 41 3 129 1 13 Jheetri 437.83 14 14 75 43 32 8 7 22 14 Aligarh 422.68 5 5 25 13 12 8 15 Ami! ganj 469.37 17 17 147 81 66 38 31 10 49 12 16 Sawan Khedi 909.96 51 51 354 197 157 32 34 9 6 9 114 15 Sawan Khedi 35 35 205 110 95 32 34 2 65 Chak Sawan Khedi 16 16 149 87 62 9 6 7 49 15 17 Cha,npa Kh-edi 401.03 20 20 147 70 77 58 61 43 18 Kham Kheda 317.53 32 32 190 105 85 16 20 13 16 19 65 2 19 Jarsena 740.00 44 44 223 120 108 16 13 2 74 Jar~ena 13 13 48 25 23 15 Balljarapura 24 24 150 78 72 52 Chamarpura 7 7 30 17 13 16 13 1 7 20 Narayanpur Kalan 865.78 60 66 313 180 133 4 2 59 47 3 76 Narayanpur Kalan 15 18 78 45 3.~ 4 2 1 22 Sura; Tapre 11 14 28 15 13 2 9 Behra Kheda 1 1 7 5 2 Bheelo ke Tapre 19 19 106 59 47 59 47 23 Untwari 14 14 94 56 38 21 21. Barkheda Dev 1,158.19 54 54 245 134 111 14 17 19 16 10 1 78 11 Barkheda Dev 50 50 231 128 103 8 9 19 16 10 1 74 10 Barkhedi 4 14 6 8 6 8 4 1 22. Narayan Kheda 549.12 32" 32 178 91 87 24 20 4 ~8 2 23. Kala Dev 1,795.12 108 108 666 359 307 107 95 61 9 ;Z21 15 KalaDev 104 104 654 352 302 107 95 61 9 218 14 Gujaro ke Tapre 2 2 9 5 4 1 1 Pooron ke Tapre 2 2 3 2 1 2

" 117



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,..--"-, ,..--"-, ,..--"-, ,....-'-, ,,--J'-, ,..--"--, ~--. ..---"-, ..---"-, ,-.-J'-, ,-''---. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

12,208 3,576 241 320 70 68 210 16 587 12,600 25/1 446 1,952 11 48 3 11 8 102 23,278 85 1 18 75 t78 67 1 41 93 18 18 34 85 70 21 1 1 74 123 2 61 1 43 72 8 16 28 49 1 5 3 2 70 1 43 94 3 4 9 4 Uninhabited 4 9 258 3 50 14 4 2 1 11 245 509 S 254 3 37 7 4 2 1 11 239 491 4 13 7 6 18 80 3 1 1 89 142 6 78 1 85 131 2 3 1 4 11 55 4 1 1 2 50 94 7 4 2 9 5 8 48 3 3 2 40 62 9 50 4 2 43 73 10 18 1 9 34 39 11 112 13 1 2 94 210 12 11 11 21 32 13 5 3 5 12 14 18 31 12 32 54 15 50 62 15 1 1 83 142 16 35 28 1 1 45 95 15 34 15 38 47 42 1 27 77 17 57 7 2 1 40 83 18 39 35 46 108 19 13 2 10 23 23 29 26 72 3 4 10 13 71 5 104 133 20 21 1 23 33 9 6 13 1 4 2 19 4 36 47 21 35 38 46 2 31 9 1 56 100 21 42 1 31 9 1 54 93 4 1 2 7 46 1 10 2 33 85 22 194 4 17 11 7 3 138 292 23 191 3 17 11 7 3 134 288 1 1 4 3 2 1 118


Total Population Literate r---­ Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,...---....._-- ...... --"--. ....--"---. ..---"-- , ,---"---. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16

24 Khiriya Kheda 292.41 19 19 104 58 46 14 18 34 Khiriya Kheda 11 11 63 31 32 14 18 19 1 Banjaro ke Tapre 8 8 41 27 14 15 25 Mahoti 996.19 99 99 559 272 287 65 66 4 58 8 158 9 26 Jhukar Umariya 914.82 20 20 94 55 39 u 9 6 32 27 Munimpur 733.84 25 25 167 103 64 5 62 2 Munimpur 4 4 36 19 17 4 10 Majra Bhadau 2/ 21 131 84 47 1 52 2 28 Hedarpur 329.50 24 24 121 67 54 2 4 42 3 29 Chamar Umariya 229.57 52 52 263 137 126 129 122 18 72 S 30 Banarsi 714.89 44 44 267 137 130 13 18 4 2 30 79 31 Haripur 880.06 ]1 11 66 31 35 1 425 2 20 Haripur 6 6 34 16 18 1 4 2 5 2 9 Banshiwari 5 5 32 15 17 11 32 Kilan Khedl 477.16 13 13 73 38 35 3 2 35 33 22 5 KiianKhedi 12 12 67 35 32 3 2 32 30 19 5 Babua ka Tapra I 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 33 Mina Umariya 587.38 28 28 167 91 76 69 51 13 55 7 Mina Umariya 27 27 149 85 64 66 49 11 51 2 Mishri ka Tapra J 1 18 6 12 3 2 2 4 5 34 Salta 612.31 18 18 114 62 52 13 10 8 1 36 1 Salra 17 17 108 59 49 12 9 8 J 31 Miyanjan ka Tapra 1 J 6 331 1 2 1 35 Shergarh 697.11 20 20 148 74 74 3 3 4 9 1 50 14 Shergarh 12 12 92 45 47 4 9 J 31 11 Banjaro ke Tapre 8 8 56 29 27 3 3 19 3 36 Chopnanoabad 395.00 22 22 142 82 60 15 10 33 18 14 48 4 Chaupna 9 9 75 43 32 15 6 12 24 Nau Abad Tapra 13 13 67 39 28 15 10 18 12 2 24 4- 37 Sadawata 419.66 20 20 99 52 47 31 31 4 30 2 38 Golakheda Kalan 860.47 49 49 257 137 120 68 53 2 79 Golakheda Kalan 33 33 194 105 89 68 53 1 59 Dhannawada 16 16 63 32 31 20 39 Saidnagar 910.46 Uninhabited 40 Lalatora 871.00 15 17 131 74 57 14 7 24 39 4 41 Okhali Kheda 2,841.50 156 159 845' 426 420 103 III 13 9 105 7 247 32 Okhali Kheda 155 158 839 423 416 103 111 13 9 102 7 244 32 Mosali Kheda 1 1 7 3 4 3 3 42 Bandipur 1,050.50 54 54 333 189 144 87 70 23 123 9 43 Khairkhedi Kalan 1,172.56 51 53 250 129 121 45 44 25 1 94 2 44 Sirajnagar 464.53 35 35 189 99 9') 32 26 1 58 1 4S Daurala 1,558.97 73 73 349 189 160 69 60 34 3 114 3 Daurala 48 48 242 127 115 23 28 33 2 77 3 Tapra Chan.ar J8 18 78 46 32 46 32 1 1 28 Tapra Banjara 7 7 29 16 13 9 46 Ti tarbarri 1,155.28 81 81 473 252 221 100 96 12 137 1 Titarbarri 45 45 276 143 133 69 66 11 18 1 Munni ka Tapra 4 4 22 11 Jl 6 Chak Banjara 31 32 17.5 98 77 31 30 1 53 119



II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~-. ~ r-"--. r-"--. r-"--. ,----"--. ,....--A--. r--"----. r-"-., ,...--"-, r-"-"""'I L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------_-"------_---_- - -- -.~- .------,----~--~--- " 34 t 24 45 24 19 1 12 31 15 12 14 119 22 7 8 2 4 2 3 114 278 25 31 23 39 26 39 23 2 41 62 27 7 3 9 17 31 10 2 32 45 33 7 2 2 25 51 28 56 8 8 4 3 65 118 29 69 5 1 2 2 58 129 30 17 3 11 35 31 8 1 7 18 9 2 4 17 18 4 5 16 30 32 15 4 5 16 17 3 3 45 10 7 36 69 33 44 7 2 34 62 1 3 5 2 7 28 8 1 26 51 34 27 7 25 49 1 1 1 1 2 33 17 14 24 60 35 20 11 11 14 36 13 () 3 10 24 42 6 4 34 56 36 13 1 19 32 19 5 4 15 24 26 2 4 22 45 37 77 1 58 120 38 57 1 46 89 10 12 31 Uni,habited 39 23 16 4 35 53 40 157 2 56 15 3 1 16 2 5 10 2 179 388 41 154 2 56 25 3 1 16 2 5 10 2 179 384 3 4 100 1 21 8 2 66 135 42 79 7 2 3 1 4 35 119 43 57 1 1 1 41 89 44 91 21 2 1 1 75 157 45 611 1 7 2 1 1 50 112 14 14 18 32 9 1 13 116 19 1 1 115 220 46 62 14 1 1 1 65 132 6 5 11 48 5 45 77 120


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total location Village/Town/ aCres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..------J-..----, r--A--. r--A---. r--A--. ,..-A--., No. Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

47 Ahamadnagar (Motipur) 1,718.97 78 78 430 231 199 145 129 42 2 123 4 Motipur 64 64 352 186 166 10] 96 42 2 97 4 Kunda/pur 14 14 78 45 33 44 .13 26 48 Mehmudganj 641. 71 14 14 101 60 41 12 5 4 34 1 Mehmudganj II 11 82 .51 31 12 5 4 28 1 Bhunpur 3 3 19 9 10 6 49 Babacha 1,553.19 78 80 471 265 206 79 65 16 9 31 3 178 22 Babacha 77 79 466 262 204 76 63 16 9 31 3 177 22 Tapra l1mrao Uninhabited Tapra Inder Singh J 1 5 3 2 3 2 1 50 Shah pur 762.44 34 34 193 107 86 26 16 8 60 51 Anandpur 1,772.68 288 329 2,161 1,137 1,024 253 241 61 61 394 83 662 298 52 Satpada 1,754.22 72 72 475 258 217 88 76 89 5 152 8 Satpada 71 71 468 256 212 88 76 89 5 150 8 Banjaro ke Tapre 1 1 7 2 5 2 53 Parwariya 1,999.46 86 86 629 326 303 131 }23 87 11 203 53 .54 KQlapura 594.42 28 28 196· 95 101 28 31 59 59 7 S9 9 Kolapura 23 23 172 82 90 28 31 50 52 7 49 9 Chironji ka Tupra 5 5 24 13 11 9 7 10 5S Kolookhedi 336.10 8 8 75 43 32 2 5 41 27 22 9 S6 DondKheda 592.86 32 32 242 119 123 107 107 2 71 9 DondKheda 28 28 215 107 108 99 97 2 63 8 Nathuram pura 3 .~ 18 8 10 8 10 6 Ram/al ka Tapra 1 1 9 4 5 2 1 57 Nisobarri 868.57 75 75 667 336 331 75 72 82 93 59 207 72 Nisobarri 59 59 562 286 276 75 72 7J 84 49 176 66 Patharpura 16 16 105 50 55 11 9 10 1 31 6 58 KUJ1dan Khedi 711,04 10 10 93. 50 43 8 15 9 30 11 59 Chak Nahar Khedi 230.85 Uninhabited 60 Jawati 2,778.15 282 282 1,635. 863 772 133 132 124 139 212 34 501 110 Jawati 252 282 1,635 863 772 133 132 124 139 212 34 501 llO Ghamandi ka Tapra Un nhabited Sahriyo ke Tapre Un nhabited 61 Ramtek Kotra 2,153.84 Un nhabited 62 Madawata 1,302.05 30 36 209 114 95 65 51 3 60 6 Madawata 23 28 }57 83 74 36 31 42 5 Bljanipuro 7 8 52 31 21 29 20 3 18 1 63 Mohanpur Khurd 1,008.12 20 21 111 57 54 57 54 31 3 64 Nayanagar 1,434.10 12 15 93 52 41 29 65 Aliganj 172.94 19 19 93 53 40 50 38 4 29 66 Nenwas Khurd 741.31 21 29 184 103 81 8 8 1 1 17 3 54 3 67 Esarwas 1,486.09 59 63 387. 210 177 41 48 49 41 16 126 10 Esarwas 48 50 310 168 142 41 48 7 6 14 102 S Ka/yanpur 5 6 35 17 18 17 18 8 Bhu/nipura 6 7 42 25 17 25 17 2 16 5 68 Esagarh 605.28 32 39 242· 116 126 31 25 30 50 13 3 75 1 Esagarh 16 20 145 75 70 27 23 13 3 49 Chakka View }6 19 97 41 56 4 2 30 50 26 1 69 Bhugai Kalan 780.78 7 7 39 20 19 10 121 LA TERI TAHSIL

Workers I II III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r--A--, r--"--. r--"--. ,.--.A--. ....--"--. ,.--.A--. ....--"--. ....-A--. ~ ....---"'--. ,-~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

1(18 2 13 2 2 108 195 47 85 2 10 2 2 89 162 23 3 19 33 31 3 26 40 48 25 3 J 23 30 6 3 10 110 6S 22 3 87 184 49 109 65 12 3 85 182 Uninhabited J 2 2 43 15 2 47 86 50 358 4 181 275 8 2 19 6 17 3 28 11 3 2 38 5 475 726 51 99 43 8 3 1 6 106 209 52 97 43 8 3 J 6 106 204 2 5 89 1 98 51 1 3 1 12 123 250 S3 4S 11 9 2 1 36 92 S4 39 9 9 1 33 81 6 2 2 3 11 15 7 9 21 23 55 62 6 9 3 48 114 S6 54 6 8 3 44 100 6 2 10 2 2 4 110 1 83 70 6 2 6 129 259 57 90 1 73 65 5 2 6 110 210 20 10 5 1 1 19 49 24 6 11 20 32 58 Uninhabited S9 334 39 110 68 10 2 17 3 8 19 1 362 662 60 334 39 110 68 10 2 17 J 8 19 1 362 662 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 61 52 8 6 54 89 62 36 6 5 41 69 16 2 1 13 20 26 4 3 1 26 51 63 29 23 41 64 29 24 40 65 43 8 3 3 49 78 66 90 10 9 17 3 I 3 2 84 167 67 72 1 7 4 14 3 1 3 2 66 1J7 6 1 1 9 18 12 2 5 2 9 12 63 1 10 2 41 125 68 39 8 2 26 70 24 1 2 15 55 10 10 19 69 122


--- -~--~------_----- ~----~---_-

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r- ,----"--, ,---A-....., ,--"-....., ,--"-....., No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

70 Malaniya Moharrunadpur 1,136.15 129 163 1,140 594 546 115 101 21 15 72 12 331 47 Malaniya 119 148 1,077 557 520 98 87 21 15 62 11 308 46 Varvatpura 10 15 63 37 26 17 14 10 1 24 1 71 Budhakheda Mangalkhan 1,073.75 I 9 4 5 3 72 Bhatoli 1,180.35 14 14 95 45 50 6 28 73 VeerpurKalan 1,432.59 33 42 287 160 127 40 24 5 79 Veerpur Kalan 27 36 250 137 113 40 24 4 69 lhanakpur 6 6 37 23 14 1 10 74 Booda Kheda Gawadoo 274.75 3 4 25 13 12 13 12 1 9 75 Ameenpur 299.96 2 4 83 43 40 33 35 25 lti 1,375.28 54 71 438 224 214 105 94 47 48 51 4 134 36 95 Jorawar Khedi 1,476.41 1 3 2 1 96 Chandpur 627.90 25 25 J30 72 58 20 42 3 97 Goshnagar 838.38 Uninhabited 98 Alinagar 952.81 37 37 244 144 lOG 23 17 12 91 3 99 RoosaIli Sahoo 3;297.53 236 277 1,498 809 689 271 223 23 32 228 29 483 101 100 Masoodi 751.09 83 84 479 251 228 60 43 46 155 26 101 Roosiya 2,850.79 92 128 820 434 386 100 93 13 14 77 24 252 118 102 Murwas 2.418.63 251 332 2,232 1.159 1,073 208 202 245 26 668 111 103 Balrampur 1,092.94 86 114 635 330 305 69 75 72 3 180 44 104 Champatpur 422.65 Uninhabited 105 Khalilpur 666.47 14 19 95 50 45 5 3 11 35 106 Islamnagar 1,006.97 32 52 334 173 161 19 17 18 102 51 107 Ratangarh 1,125.75 4 4 13,' 8 5 3 4 108 Jagatpur 488.87 25 38 193 96 97 35 32 3 56 4 123


Workers -, I II ill IV V (a) Vi (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,..--JI---, ~-, ,---~-, ,--'\----., ,-J'--, ,----"--, ,...--'--, ,--"--, ,--"--, ,...... -"--, ,...... -"--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

194 128 47 1 2 7 262 499 70 187 114 46 1 1 5 249 474 7 14 1 1 2 13 25 3 1 5 71 28 17 49 72 78 1 81 127 73 68 I 68 113 10 13 14 9 4 12 74 4 21 19 18 21 75 42 4 32 92 76 1 5 10 13 77 21 1 18 30 78 102 3 26 29 3 2 96 161 79 84 2 23 25 3 2 71 126 7 1 3 7 7 11 1 2 1 18 28 2 2 80 162 81 83 16 1 137 263 81 14 10 10 13 27 82 23 24 19 44 67 83 Uninhabited 84 29 14 7 43 56 85 24 10 17 1 23 43 86 20 17 9 2 40 50 87 140 6 78 54 4 1 2 4 189 348 88 124 5 76 53 4 1 2 4 175 319 16 I 2 1 14 29 37 55 11 1 3 56 94 89 26 42 8 1 3 48 77 11 13 3 8 17 18 12 3 19 41 90 36 21 7 2 1 24 58 91 21 1 16 5 2 1 1 2 29 54 92 100 18 35 44 2 2 1 55 92 93 99 20 23 15 2 3 7 90 178 94 I 1 1 9S 32 6 3 3 30 55 96 Uninhabited 97 73 2 3 1 13 1 53 97 98 292 2 112 86 :22 15 5 6 36 8 326 588 99 114 2 29 23 3 3 2 4 1 96 202 100 148 2 51 83 5 7 14 2 10 6 5 24 13 182 268 101 367 2 194 68 10 22 2 7 9 2 11 3 45 36 491 962 102 121 5 44 37 5 1 4 5 1 150 261 103 Uninhabited 104 33 2 15 45 105 41 56 50 4 71 110 106 2 2 4 5 107 49 2 5 2 1 40 93 108 124



Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled edu..:ated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes peT'l"ns Workers Code WardlUrban of town/ward residential house- r--"-, r--"-, r--"--., r--"-, N(). Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

109 Sagada 706.96 16 19 109 61 48 11 9 3 33 110 Dharga 479.79 42 52 323 173 150 43 31 32 99 10 HI Lakhamipur 609.22 Uninhabited 1'12 Amkheda 399.13 17 25 145 81 64 19 12 7 47 11 113 Lalchiya 1,824.38 53 69 441 244 197 92 92 46 4 143 13 114 Bahadurpur Lalchiya 549.59 14 24 125 60 65 26 21 7 2 36 6 115 Madan Khedi 641.16 6 14 91 44 47 17 19 5 2 29 4 116 Murariya 5,397.81 202 259 1494- 803 691 66 70 7 6 222 70 440 44 Murariya 155 208 1,195 643 552 66 70 18S 66 354 40 Bheela 24 28 175 93 82 7 6 10 44 4 AiamplIT 23 23 124 67 57 24 4 42 :t17 Amami 1,007.25 20 24 166 86 80 11 15 15 2 46 4 U8 Lateri 12,702.47 848 1,040 5,293 2,892 2,401 419 336 39 28 957 256 1,517 114 Laleri 627 748 3,667 2,007 1,660 290 241 811 255 1,0ll 43 MohanpuT 28 32 175 97 78 7 5 32 25 11 56 Madanpur 4 4 18 10 8 4 3 6 1 Wltstu 12 13 73 44 29 21 WansKheda 21 26 122 67 55 22 17 11 46 1 MauKheda 41 52 250 139 111 20 80 2 Gopitalai 76 107 562 313 249 63 40 7 3 82 1 183 37 Dau Tal 39 58 426 215 211 33 40 22 114 30 Rampura Uninhabited U9 DondKhedi 672.00 38 49 288 149 139 55 49 38 5 81 26 120 Bhugai Khucd 305.20 Uninhabited 121 Mundara Sagar 691.56 45 51 307 166 141 47 43 9 1 89 24 122 Mohabbatpur 1,055.41 125 142 668 331 337 95 88 67 9 199 20 123 Tinsiya 2,024.69 15 18 102 60 42 18 11 42 32 124 Husaingarh 480.56 Uninhabited 125 Kokangarh 1,937.66 8 9 47 27 20 6 4 2 1 21 13 126 Sojani Kheda 1,288.94 9 12 56 32 24 32 24 22 20 127 Basilgarh 2,389.72 14 15 59 40 19 40 19 31 7 128 Mahaban 1,920.25 21 34 165 88 77 3 1 59 50 129 Arino Abad 2,997.59 19 21 120 64 56 62 S6 1 27 130 TajpLlra 1,234.84 30 39 206 114 92 2 2 107 86 1 57 131 Chanderi 916.53 15 25 113 68 45 15 12 34 25 7 34 4 132 Fateh garh 507.22 22 29 155 82 73 82 73 39 2 133 Chamda Kundal 3,825,31 20 20 128 68 60 4 3 49 47 134 Raipura 2,319.91 37 39 22~"·, 129 100 121 95 1 1 60 135 KoluaPathar 2,143.03 39 50 285 168 117 13 12 19 95 4 136 Bandarsena 1,735.25 31 41 219 122 97 29 20 26 2 78 3 137 Bairagarh 2,630.48 77 80 405 215 190 34 27 48 49 20 145 40 Bairagarh 34 36 173 91 82 31 26 9 56 30 Raigarh 16 16 106 56 50 8 45 Goriyapuru 23 24 103 53 50 3 1 48 49 2 33 10 Bijapura 4 4 23 15 8 1 ]J 138 Dhirgarh 2,796.70 59 59 354 191 163 11 11 71 54 3 128 1 Dhi/'garh 11 11 63 35 28 22 Rampur 27 27 169 90 79 10 10 16 9 3 58 1 Bhagwanpur 21 21 122 66 56 1 1 55 45 48 139 Aiara Pathar 2,958.65 29 29 176 103 73 7 4 69 125 LATERI TAHSIL

Workers -, I II III IV V (a) V'(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-"---, .;---"---, ;---"--"""1 ;---"---, ;---,,--, ;---"---, ;---"---, ;---"---, ,..-"--, ,---"--, ;---"---, L.C . M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

21 10 28 48 109 72 25 9 74 140 110 Uninhabited 111 37 8 10 2 34 53 112 102 1 32 12 2 4 3 101 184 113 21 10 6 5 24 59 114 18 11 4 15 43 115 303 3 84 37 4 3 13 14 1 2 17 3 363 647 116 226 3 77 33 4 3 13 14 1 2 15 3 289 512 37 5 4 2 49 78 40 2 25 57 37 7 4 1 40 76 117 744 10 356 77 81 4 48 3 14 12 ~J 4 165 20 1,3752,287 118 359 5 249 15 80 4 42 14 10 93 4 160 19 996 1,617 53 1 1 1 41 78 4 2 1 4 7 17 4 23 29 38 8 1 21 54 78 2 2 1 59 109 123 2 51 31 1 5 3 1 2 I 130 212 72 1 39 29 2 101 181 Uninhabited 46 32 26 3 68 113 119 Uninhabited 120 52 33 24 3 77 117 121 154 5 40 15 4 1 132 317 122 40 32 2 18 10 123 Uninhabited 124 20 12 1 6 7 125 20 18 2 2 10 4 126 31 7 9 12 127 56 47 2 2 29 27 128 27 37 56 129 54 ] ... 57 92 130 14 2 8 3 34 41 131 36 2 1 43 71 132 49 47 19 13 133 55 2 1.1!: ... 2 69 100 134 87 3 1 3 2 1 1 73 113 135 65 5 3 5 1 2 44 94 136 105 28 34 9 5 1 2 70 150 137 26 21 25 7 5 2 35 52 41 2 2 11 50 28 1 4 9 1 20 40 10 1 4 8 112 16 63 162 138 22 13 28 47 11 32 78 43 5 18 56 68 34 73 139 126


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Vi1!age/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house. r A.. ~ ~ ...... ,..-J'-~ No. Block in Kmll houses holds P M F M F M F ~ M F

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

140 Dabakan 1,404.85 38 39 236 137 99 52 42 5 94 8 Dabakan 28 29 186 109 77 24 20 5 76 6 Magara Chamarpura 10 10 50 28 22 28 22 18 2 141 Jamoniya Khurd 2,934.67 26 26 147 82 65 59 Jllmoniya Khurd 10 10 68 40 28 24 Koulipura 6 6 22 15 7 14 Karaiya 10 10 57 27 30 21 142 Chopada 1,078.03 19 19 94 45 49 4 5 24 2 143 Thana Viran 1,426.86 12 12 72' 42 30 24 Thana Vlrall 10 10 58 32 26 17 Baruapura 2 2 14 10 4 7 144 Semari Ahir 3,212.80 42 57 305 177 128 54 43 2 1 112 1 145 Hinotiya 1,779.83 34 34 170 95 75 16 15 60 7 Hinoltya 8 8 39 24 15 16 3 Bhoriya 21 21 105 54 51 16 15 35 4 Dho Kheda 5 5 26 17 9 9 146 Poriya 1.848.70 12 13 101 51 50 7 6 38 1 147 Belaradi 182.27 Uninhabited 148 Gaon Sindha 648.02 8 8 61 37 24 10 5 23 149 Damkheda' 1,061.14 25 25 163 88 75 7 8 4 34 I 150 NarsinghapU! 727.48 18 18 118 65 53 10 11 43 I Narsinghapur 14 14 84 50 34 10 Jl 32 I Pura Munshi/al 4 4 34 15 19 11 151 Muskara 3,008.17 44 48 272 149 123 15 6 10 102 Muskara 14 16 69 42 27 11 4 2 28 Gangakhedi 7 8 65 37 28 4 2 6 26 Tirth Barri 23 24 138 70 68 2 48 152 Kakarj 2,400.00 30 30 170 107 63 9 6 55 Kolar} 23 23 127 78 49 9 6 45 Barllapura 7 7 43 29 14 10 153 Deharipama 1,566.00 14 14 109 62 47 3i Dehriparna 9 9 78 44 34 26 Baruakheda 5 5 31 18 13 11 154 Hafijpur Khona 982.00 11 11 68 37 31 31 155 Fa uj pur 1,009.00 9 9 51 23 28 3 15 156 Ahamadpur Kalan 849.00 19 19 96 51 45 3 28 157 Beeju Khedi 1,792.00 66 67 306 187 119 55 34 5 101 12 158 AJigarh Kotara 3,798.00 65 65 390· 196 194 40 45 19 1 107 33 Aliga-h Kotara 53 53 331 164 167 40 45 19 1 89 19 Beejupura 4 4 25 15 10 7 5 Sernal Khedi a 8 34 17 17 11 9 159 Husainpur 350.00 13 13 83 49 34 24 7 160 Mundela 2,458.00 68 72 41~ 223 195 32 24 24 29 30 1 124 52 Mundela 41 42 239 123 116 27 22 17 20 25 1 68 3~ Baruapura 15 16 95 55 40 4 7 2 27 8 Jhiriyapura 5 5 30 18 12 5 2 1 11 Dalyaganj 7 9 54 27 27 3 2 2 18 12 161 Bhilakhedi Khurd 669.00 19 20 124 - 68 56 39 162 Tonka 946.00 16 16 95 48 47 31 1 163 Majhera 256.00 Uninhabited 127


Workers I II III IV V (a) V'(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r-'\-, ,..--A---, ,...-"--, r-'\-, ,..--A-, ,...-"--., ,..--A--., r-~ ,..-A-, ,..-A-, r-'\-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------~-- --~--. ------"'--'~- 88 2 5 6 1 43 91 140 73 1 3 5 33 71 15 1 2 1 1 10 20 58 1 23 65 141 24 16 28 13 1 1 7 '11 6 30 24 2 21 47 142 22 18 30 143 15 1 1 15 26 7 3 4 101 9 1 65 127 144 51 9 6 35 68 145 J3 1 3 1 8 12 31 4 4 19 47 7 2 8 9 33 5 13 49 146 Uninhabited 147 23 14 24 148 31 3 54 74 149 42 1 22 52 150 32 18 33 10 1 4 19 89 13 47 123 151 23 5 14 27 18 8 11 28 48 22 68 37 18 52 63 152 30 15 33 49 7 3 19 14 28 10 24 47 153 19 7 18 34 9 3 6 13 26 5 6 31 154 11 4 8 28 155 19 3 6 23 45 156 65 28 12 8 86 107 157 60 39 32 2 1 5 89 161 158 52 29 18 2 1 5 75 148 4 3 5 8 5 4 7 9 6 8 21 3 7 25 27 159 81 34 52 1 4 4 99 143 160 41 20 32 1 3 3 55 84 19 7 8 1 28 32 6 5 7 12 15 2 12 1 9 15 36 3 29 56 161 23 8 17 46 162 Uninhabited 163 128


Total Population Literate ,.....- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houscless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- -"------, ,--"-...... ,--"-...... ,--"-...... ,--"--...... No. Block in Kmll houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16

~- __-----_-. -- --_--_-----_- 164 Koluwa Noabad 786.58 29 32 188 99 89 37 40 8 63 27 165 Badagaon 1,286.96 24 36 176 99 77 5 6 3 71 37 Badllgaon 19 30 148 85 63 5 6 3 63 34 Tapra Babu 5 6 28 14 14 8 3 166 Mandkho 532.43 9 9 49 26 23 15 7 167 Daulatpura 827.47 26 35 209 119 90 15 18 4 48 2 168 Semara Meghnath 906.75 48 60 333 175 158 32 28 19 18 7 90 5 Semara Meghnath 13 25 119 71 48 32 28 3 37 5 Tapra Vijaysingh 8 8 50 23 27 3 10 Tapra Khairbao 6 . 6 37 19 18 19 18 7 Tapra Banjaro 17 17 106 55 51 30 Tapra Bhanjpura 4 4 21 7 14 1 6 169 Chainpura 462.46 22 24 133 69 64 2 2 5 38 170 Golakheda Khurd 790.47 Uninhabited 171 Gopalpur 738.56 31 39 234 120 114 8 13 1 4 11 69 3 172 Sharifpur 549.56 12 12 78 42 36 4 22 173 Kheckhedi Khurd 1,456.44 8 8 48 20 28 1 13 Kherkhedi Khurd 8 8 48 20 28 1 13 Dukar Kapura Uninhabited 174 Mamkhedi 771.80 15 17 97 44 53 26 175 Danwas 1,139.53 59 64 336 182 154 39 19 48 41 3 99 2 Danwas 42 47 247 134 113 39 19 3 70 2 Tapra Nanno() 8 8 38 20 18 20 18 11 Tapra Parsadi 9 9 51 28 23 28 23 18 176 Jalpur 806.50 6 6 21 14 7 14 7 7 177 Chhiraci 2,311 ,41 63 76 353 193 160 28 21 3 3 43 9 115 2 Chhirar; 58 71 328 183 145 28 21 3 3 40 5 109 2 Rampur 5 5 25 JO 15 3 4 6 178 Bastu 438.06 Uninhabited 179 Jhukar Jogi 6,266.75 250 250 1,374 725 649 138 117 146 10 416 112 Jhukar Jogi 201 201 1,094 579 515 123 106 138 10 330 97 Dhumgarh 22 22 119 68 51 4 46 8 Khelni 11 11 59 28 31 1 17 Barkheda 16 16 102 50 52 15 11 3 23 7 180 Kherkhedi Nograwan 974.91 Uninhabited 181 Tiloni 3,387.65 67 71 461 242 219 4 4 22 147 4 Tiloni 20 20 138 71 67 4 4 17 38 1 Miri 9 10 61 32 29 1 20 Ranidhar 3 3 26 15 11 8 Karra Bar'; 26 28 170 89 81 3 53 1 Kolawai 9 10 66 35 31 1 28 2 182 Nagori 565.72 12 16 125 71 54 2 5 6 48 183 Jamoniya Kalan 1,629.15 40 40 289 165 124 55 45 2 102 1 184 Bahedabarri 1,380.15 8 9 61 36 25 4 23 185 Barkhera Dhannu 1,175.78 47 47 268 166 102 51 33 7 97 Barkhera Dhannu 21 21 127 80 47 33 23 2 48 Dhau Khera 10 10 71 41 30 11 6 5 24 Nayagaon 16 16 70 45 25 7 4 25 Fif(ljganj 186 262.42 5 5 30 15 15 5 12 129 LATERI TAHSIL .---_- Workers ...., II III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--.... _-., ,..--"-, ,..--"--. ~, ....-"--, L.C. ~-., ,....--JL-, r-A--., ~...., ~, ,--"-, No. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

-~---- - __--- 60 25 3 2 36 62 164 165 69 3 2 34 28 40 63 3 31 22 29 6 2 3 6 11 166 15 7 11 16 167 41 6 71 88 168 72 18 4 85 153 33 1 4 4 34 43 9 1 13 27 6 1 12 18 18 12 25 51 6 1 14 38 31 64 169 Uninhabited 170 111 171 63 5 2 51 172 22 20 36 173 ]2 7 28 12 1 7 28 Uninhabited 53 174 22 3 1 18 175 68 24 2 3 1 3 83 152 52 13 2 3 1 1 64 III 18 9 2 9 7 9 2 10 23 7 176 5 2 7 177 99 7 2 3 2 4 78 158 94 6 2 3 2 4 74 143 15 5 J 4 Uninhabited 178 179 339 75 70 36 4 1 1 1 309 537 249 418 254 60 .59 36 1 4 1 1 1 22 43 46 8 17 11 31 27 45 22 7 1 Uninhabited 180 215 181 98 22 1 23 2 4 95 33 66 30 2 1 2 4 12 29 12 3 5 7 11 4 2 2 37 80 34 10 9 1 7 29 18 1 5 5 1 23 54 182 29 9 10 63 123 183 55 39 7 13 25 184 15 1 7 69 102 185 83 13 32 47 41 6 17 30 20 4 20 25 22 3 3 ]5 ]86 11 1 130 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Srheduled educated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r--"-, ,....--A-~ ,..--A--, r-"'-...... No. Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

187 Nenawas Kalan 3,770.00 54 83 558 298 260 115 103 58 2 149 4 Nainwaskalan 42 70 485 256 229 88 84 53 2 128 4 Mojra Mandkho 4 5 27 15 12 8 Chhotapura 8 8 46 27 19 27 19 13 188 Barkhera Ghosi 1,073.00 49 53 299 153 146 90 59 10 96 189 Rampur Nouabad 442.00 Uninhabited 190 Sahar Kheda 2,753.00 90 116 595 325 270 30 31 7 14 62 3 181 2.l 191 Semara Bhoot 326.00 Uninhabited 192 Sojana 1,363.00 63 63 329 175 154 34 29 30 1 105 2 193 Ibrahimganj 427.00 4 4 31 16 15 4 2 4 6 1 194 Mohammadgarh 422.00 7 13 39 23 16 3 3 14 195 Tonkara 1,554.00 112 112 587 345 242 44 28 69 4 207 4 Tonkara 73 73 439 256 183 43 28 67 2 165 3 Dehri 22 22 42 27 15 1 2 2 12 Dimroli 17 .7 106 62 44 30 1 131


Workers --. I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII vm IX X Non- Workers r---A... .. ~ ,..--"-, .-"--., .-"-, ,....-"--, ,...--A-, ~ ~ r-"-, ~ r-"-...... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

122 2 23 2 1 3 149 256 187 106 2 18 2 1 3 128 225 6 2 7 12 10 3 14 19 93 3 57 146 188 Uninhabited 189 136 17 18 2 14 3 1 1 10 1 144 248 190 Uninhabited 191 75 21 2 4 5 70 152 192 5 1 1 10 14 193 11 3 9 16 194 152 2 18 1 2 2 3 4 26 1 138 238 195 118 1 10 1 2 2 3 4 26 1 91 180 12 15 15 22 1 8 32 41 132


Total Population Literate Art'a of (Including and O-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town{ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- .,.._--"------. ,---J'--, r--A--, ,---J'-- \ ,---J'--, No. Biock in Km:.. houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

25/2 Sironj Tahsil (Rural) 1,253.6 15,281 44,961 10,640 909 7,758 26,618 13,187 84,556 39,595 9,889 878 981 2,718 1 Pachmarhi 475.00 1 1 8 5 3 3 2 Ghutwa 2,502.00 91 91 424 232 192 47 40 6 146 17 Ghutwa 50 50 224 122 102 15 13 4 78 10 Kalldrakhedi 41 41 200 110 90 32 27 2 68 7 3 Sugana Khedi 677.00 98 98 407 212 195 45 46 14 131 7 Sugana Khedi 57 57 311 166 145 45 46 9 107 3 Kachhipura 41 41 96 46 50 5 24 4 4 Barkheda Sajan 842.00 Uninhabited 5 Hafiznagac 676.00 Uninhabited 6 Chitawar 2,344.00 115 115 554 290 264 45 41 68 8 185 4 7 Backhedi 914.00 28 28 154 93 61 13 9 61 3 Barkhedi 23 23 127 77 50 54 Imam Nagar 5 5 27 16 11 13 9 J 7 3 8 Orakhedi 729.00 23 23 113 64 49 4 1 49 9 Kakarkhedi Kalan 762.00 23 23 120 62 58 28 28 2 33 1 10 Mahuakheda Us tad 609.00 19 25 158 89 69 3 2 1 61 11 Guwaci 1,204.00 20 29 188 112 76 3 74 1 12 Chandcahai 1,311.00 31 35 215 135 80 4 1 3 93 2 Chandrahai 26 30 183 116 67 4 1 3 83 2 Shyampura 5 5 32 19 13 10 13 Nekan 2,665.00 43 45 242 125 117 25 23 5 88 2 Nekan 15 15 69 37 32 3 2 27 I Banjarapura 28 30 173 88 85 22 21 5 61 I 14 Kanera 704.00 10 10 60 38 22 7 6 1 20 J5 Motigarh 957.00 22 27 158 86 72 4 54 2 16 Khamkheda 1,488.00 21 29 168 97 71 29 19 2 65 17 Vdhora 1,870.00 62 77 385 218 167 39 36 30 3 127 7 18 Imlani 2,681.00 102 134 723 392 331 130 118 104 8 247 73 19 Chuniya Kho 1,827.00 24 26 146 77 69 26 24 2 47 14 Chuniya Kho /3 14 67 36 31 12 12 1 23 6 Ka/loopura 11 12 79 41 38 14 12 / 24 8 20 Kakarkhedi Khurd 1,172.00 37 43 236 141 95 5 103 19 21 Madagan 1,185.00 4 4 17 11 621 7 4 22 Dharampur 1,440.00 3 3 25 13 12 13 12 11 7 23 Sakhlon 2,719.00 61 64 326 176 150 42 40 5 123 15 24 Mehmoodpur 630.00 Uninhabited 25 Amadhana 831.00 30 37 164 . 92 72 44 33 18 4 65 24 26 Kathotiya 425.00 15 16 97' 50 47 20 20 2 2 8 1 35 10 27 Bishepul 671.00 56 67 339 183 156 38 30 23 1 110 23 28 Usufpur Alias Bazirpur 341.00 67 72 423 233 190 215 178 4 157 36 29 Umarkhedi 839.00 26 28 146 86 60 9 4 62 2 30 Harukhedi 1,471.00 33 35 182 96 86 72 67 3 3 13 69 9 31 Mundra Bagal 837.00 80 8t 397 204 193 94 93 27 144 21 32 Bagrod 1,532.00 61 77 394 198 196 13 16 22 112 3 33 Parwatpur 248.00 4 5 29 16 13 2 12 34 Kamariya 487.00 31 38 235 141 94 2 73 Kamariya 20 27 180 112 68 57 Nayapura 2 2 9 5 4 1 5 Waretapura 9 9 46 24 22 1 11 133 SIRONJ TAHSIL

Workers I -. II III IV V (a) V (b) VI Vll V111 IX X Non- Workers r-"-"""\ ,..-"-., ,..-A--. ,.....-A-., M F ,.....-A-. ,..-A--. r--"--. ~-. ,.-J--. ,--"--. ,--J.--. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

18.475 6.004 426 3 466 126 89 297 10 722 18,343 25/1 377 2.168 1 53 3 22 14 80 36,877 3 2 3 1 123 17 17 3 3 86 175 2 66 8 10 1 3 44 92 57 9 7 2 42 83 115 2 15 5 1 81 188 3 96 I 10 2 1 59 142 19 1 5 3 22 46 Uninhabited 4 5 158 Uninhabited 5 3 2 4 4 2 10 105 260 6 59 2 3 32 58 7 54 23 50 5 2 3 9 8 48 1 15 49 8 21 8 2 1 1 29 57 9 55 1 4 1 28 69 10 74 38 75 11 93 2 42 78 12 83 2 33 65 10 9 13 80 2 8 37 I1S 13 26 J J 10 31 54 1 7 27 84 17 3 18 21 14 53 2 I 32 70 15 60 S 32 71 16 116 2 5 2 3 3 2 91 160 17 195 56 41 17 3 2 6 145 258 18 37 9 10 5 30 5S 19 16 3 7 3 13 25 2/ 6 3 2 17 30 118 13 15 6 38 76 20 2 5 4 4 2 21 11 7 2 S 22 89 33 15 53 135 23 Uninhabited 24 24 37 24 2 1 27 48 25 12 21 10 2 15 37 26 6S 2 35 21 1~ ... 3 5 73 133 27 66 91 36 76 154 28 S6 1 4 1 2 24 58 29 45 20 9 2 1 1 27 77 30 84 47 18 3 4 4 1 1 60 172 31 100 8 2 1 2 86 193 32 10 2 4 13 33 37 34 2 68 94 34 23 33 1 55 68 5 4 9 1 1 13 22 134


---_. . ~-.-_------~- -_-- _-__

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of house less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- , ,..-J'--, ,..-A-, ,..-A-, ,.--A---, No. Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

35 Imamnagar 610.00 Uninhabited 36 Bamori Hoj 917.00 22 38 225 121 104 25 24 18 64 6 37 Rasu!pur 583.00 Uninhabited 38 Tarwariya 525.00 48 77 441 255 186 43 30 35 143 3 39 Barghai 661.00 2 2 19 12 7 4 3 2 5 2 40 Beerpur 457.00 Uninhabited 41 Malsipur 1,012.00 4 4 21 15 6 12 6 8 42 Chaurakhedi 1,401.00 21 25 142 75 67 47 43 4 41 3 Chaura Khedi 5 7 50 26 24 1 15 Chamarpura 16 18 92 49 43 47 43 3 26 3 43 FazaJpur 418.00 15 15 92 53 39 4 33 11 44 Gangakhedi 672.00 22 28 123 68 55 3 40 1 Ganga Khedi 8 11 48 24 24 ] 15 Kachhipura 14 17 75 44 31 2 25 45 Khejada Gopal 1,058.00 49 57 289 159 130 65 55 7 108 Khejada Gopal 27 31 160 86 74 33 36 4 60 Thakurpura 22 26 129 73 56 32 19 3 48 46 JamaJpur 954.00 15 17 85 49 36 31 47 Bans Khedi 1.387.00 20 31 159 90 69 7 6 20 1 53 4 48 Chhapu 1,668.00 65 80 489 277 212 26 23 40 2 145 10 Chhapu 24 28 196 104 92 17 17 35 2 54 4 Kherwapura 34 44 243 143 ]00 5 76 6 Thakurpura 7 8 50 30 20 9 6 15 49 Sahankhedi 657.00 18 18 115 61 54 44 39 35 4 50 Reechhan 912.00 24 44 234 124 110 27 23 9 36 72 2 Reechllanpura 9 26 124 66 58 23 20 9 36 37 1 Kachhipura 15 18 110 58 52 4 3 35 1 51 Khanpur 796.00 ]4 16 77 39 38 2 24 1 52 Mahu 822.00 39 52 286 143 143 19 22 8 2 78 3 Mahu 26 38 206 ]04 102 7 6 7 2 54 1 Chakmahu 13 14 80 39 41 12 16 1 24 2 53 Muradpur 482.00 13 16 76 37 39 21 21 1 22 1 54 Devitori 802.00 61 61 344 189 155 59 49 29 4 100 55 Siddiqueganj 514.00 29 29 164 90 74 62 50 4 47 56 Pipalkheda 891.00 43 43 199 111 88 19 16 4 71 57 Sumerpur 690.00 27 27 130 75 55 I 41 58 Jhukar Hoj 1,050.00 66 78 441 240 201 32 45 53 148 16 Jhukar Hoj 60 60 343 190 153 9 12 48 122 1 Tapra 6 18 98 50 48 23 33 5 26 15 59 Bachakhedi 957.00 41 41 246 132 114 34 28 22 1 80 Bacha Khedi 39 39 240 127 113 31 27 21 1 77 Siddik Nagar 2 2 6 5 1 3 1 J 3 60 Haripur 606.00 11 11 74 40 34 2 2 5 1 23 61 Patan 609.00 24 24 142 75 67 4 3 6 40 Patan 15 15 81 43 38 4 3 5 23 Dehripura 9 9 61 32 29 1 17 62 JalaJpur 558.00 10 10 62 32 30 4 24 63 Jahurpur 617.00 Uninhabited 64 KaJyanpur 1,228.00 8 8 33 20 13 19 13 1 10 135 SIRONJ TAHSIL


I II III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~--, ,--A-- r-"---, ,--A-....., ,...--A-....., ,--A-....., ,--A---, ,--A---, ,...... ,.._--, ,...... ,.._--, ,--A---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

.1. Uninhabited 35 46 14 6 3 57 98 36 Uninhabited 37 107 20 1 1 1 4 2 7 1 112 183 38 3 1 1 2 7 5 39 Uninhabited 40 5 ) 1 1 7 6 41 27 8 3 1 4 34 64 42 12 2 1 11 24 15 6 3 4 23 40 28 5 11 20 28 43 33 6 1 1 28 54 44 .12 2 1 9 24 21 4 1 19 30 56 51 51 130 45 26 33 1 26 74 30 18 25 56 16 15 18 36 46 43 6 2 3 2 1 37 65 41 97 2 47 8 1 132 202 48 48 2 6 2 50 88 42 34 67 94 7 7 " 1 15 20 21 4 14 26 50 49 66 5 1 1 52 108 50 35 2 29 57 31 3 1 1 23 51 23 1 1 15 37 51 64 2 12 1 1 1 65 140 52 46 J 7 1 50 101 18 1 5 J J 15 39 17 4 1 15 38 S3 70 27 3 89 154 S4 26 16 4 43 74 S5 70 1 40 87 S6 41 34 5S 57 132 12 15 3 1 92 185 58 119 2 J 1 68 152 J3 10 15 3 24 33 49 24 1 3 3 52 114 59 4~ 22 1 3 3 SO 113 1 2 2 1 11 8 1 3 17 34 60 40 35 67 61 23 20 38 17 15 29 24 8 30 62 Uninhabited 63 7 3 10 13 64 136


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,...-A-~ ,...-A--, ,...-"--, ,...-"--, No. Block in Kmz houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

65 Semalkhedi 4,7;3.00 164 943 943 489 454 187 197 60 7 309 5 Semalkhedi 79 79 458 243 215 42 46 34 2 160 1 Bhojpur 45 45 234 118 116 1I8 116 20 72 1 Jhagar 15 15 82 43 39 2 5 25 1 Chakna 25 25 169 85 84 27 35 4 52 2 66 Dhanoda 1,615.00 166 167 861 453 408 137 123 44 283 Dhanoda 83 84 403 216 187 104 96 29 130 Samadpur 83 83 458 237 221 33 27 15 153 67 Aftabnagar 726.00 44 44 228 121 107 26 23 20 79 68 Kajikhedi 1,177.00 66 66 338 171 167 109 93 14 3 105 1 69 Karimawad 422.00 32 32 168 92 76 41 39 27 2 49 2 70 Pamakhedi 2,179.00 98 98 563 306 257 63 55 66 11 169 2 71 Rusalla Abhiraj 1,007.00 57 59 290 164 126 88 75 23 6 107 15 72 Gehunkhedi 2,168.00 94 94 523 269 254 45 49 58 1 181 1 73 An Llppur 1,756.00 91 104 524 274 250 60 59 10 10 70 11 172 30 74 Maharajkhedi 715.00 23 24 137 77 60 14 11 16 1 38 5 75 Durang 1,073.00 17 17 96 48 48 11 8 1 29 5 76 Jaitpur 1,274.00 77 84 459 250 209 42 34 49 10 152 21 77 Surajnagar 646.00 1 1 8 3 5 3 5 2 78 Bishanpur 661.00 12 12 88 47 41 4 29 1 79 Deopur 963.00 59 79 400 220 180 42 44 32 4 135 28 80 Barenda 1,437.00 35 36 211 125 86 13 74 Barenda 23 23 125 75 50 5 47 Sarangpur 12 13 86 50 36 8 27 81 Jasrathkhedi 600.00 23 33 194 105 89 22 24 3 3 26 1 60 16 82 Khanakhedi 273.00 25 32 166 82 84 35 36 10 18 6 55 12 83 Manakhedi 1,274.00 63 69 350 180 170 31 32 41 4 114 28 84 Salwarpur 724.00 18 35 225 116 109 7 4 14 63 18 85 Kundai 661.00 20 51 183 93 90 5 6 16 16 8 1 64 1 86 Pagrani 2,055.00 131 207 934 496 438 124 110 12 13 73 6 283 3 87 Mahuakheda Prithiraj 2,820.00 123 147 828 451 377 160 139 71 3 273 60 88 Bakena 739.00 32 39 260 146 114 11 6 7 6 26 83 5 89 Ratanbarri 993.00 58 61 296 150 146 59 60 5 3 44 6 101 6 90 Bhojt.lkhedi 587.00 26 37 188 96 92 19 26 15 61 9 91 Hardol"khedi 806.00 25 25 III 54 57 25 26 8 42 4 92 Korwai 1,205.00 59 59 306 168 138 56 40 10 98 9 Korwai 48 48 250 136 114 27 18 9 1 82 5 Fazalpur 11 11 56 32 24 29 22 1 16 4 93 Mundraghat ] ,430.00 69 69 426 212 214 18 24 14 4 119 7 MundraGhat 34 34 222 118 104 4 6 10 4 59 1 Ber Khedi 12 12 64 26 38 11 15 2 19 ' 5 Am Kheda 23 23 140 68 72 3 3 2 41 1 94 Rupdakhcdi 412.00 18 18 113 62 51 9 33 1 95 Maliyakhedi 621.00 36 36 194 96 98 17 17 28 2 60 I 96 Narkheda Jagir 2,523.00 184 184 958 525 433 112 94 48 50 176 29 281 36 Narkheda Jagir 140 140 723 400 323 102 88 157 29 217 14 Semra 29 29 137 77 60 10 6 18 41 Sehriyo ke Tapre 15 15 98 48 50 48 50 1 23 22 97 Khejada Hali 1,361.00 94 94 493 255 238 76 83 35 1 138 9 98 Khejada Uda 1,048.00 55 55 245 133 112 78 71 3 71 1 ., 137


Workers ~ I II III IV V (a) V (1,) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.....-A-~ r-..JI--., ,-~ ~--. ~-., ~, ...--'-, ,.....-A-, ,...--A-, ,...--A-, ,...--A-, L.C. M F M F M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

252 2 46 2 3 1 7 1 180 449 65 130 1 24 3 1 2 83 214 66 5 1 1 46 115 18 4 3 18 38 38 1 13 1 1 1 33 82 166 95 3 11 3 4 170 408 66 53 60 2 8 3 4 86 187 113 35 1 3 1 84 221 57 19 2 42 107 67 68 13 11 :; 6 66 166 68 38 5 3 1 1 43 74 69 98 1 50 10 2 9 137 255 70 90 2 14 13 3 57 111 71 147 1 21 1 8 1 1 2 88 253 72 127 1 29 28 3 4 2 2 5 102 220 73 32 3 5 1 2 39 55 74 19 7 5 3 19 43 75 108 2 18 17 8 5 2 6 7 98 188 76 I 1 1 5 77 25 4 18 40 78 62 12 2 7 4 21 13 7 22 12 85 152 79 70 2 1 1 51 86 80 45 1 1 28 50 25 1 1 23 36 35 14 15 4 6 1 45 73 81 30 14 12 7 2 2 27 72 82 75 4 26 23 5 5 1 1 66 142 83 40 17 18 4 1 53 91 84 29 31 2 1 2 29 89 85 156 1 70 I 34 9 2 3 1 9 213 435 86 154 105 56 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 178 317 87 49 2 9 10 2 1 11 2 1 1 63 109 88 61 18 4 10 2 2 8 1 49 140 89 36 11 9 6 3 1 4 35 83 90 74 6 3 10 2 12 53 91 23 15 8 4 3 1 1 70 129 92 64 1 9 4 4 3 1 1 54 109 10 6 4 16 20 94 1 15 6 4 2 3 1 93 207 93 49 1 5 2 2 1 59 103 11 6 5 2 7 33 34 4 1 2 1 27 71 33 1 29 50 94 44 9 2 1 1 3 36 97 95 212 30 29 8 10 4 6 7 1 8 2 244 397 96 166 13 7 8 9 4 6 7 1 8 2 183 309 37 3 1 36 60 9 14 22 25 28 120 13 9 2 2 117 229 97 55 1S 1 62 111 98 138


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- .A---, ,.---A-, ~, ,---A--, r--"-, No. Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

99 Karaikheda Kalan 785.37 50 50 250 138 112 31 28 5 74 i 100 Bish.-ampur 982.93 40 40 225 120 105 36 30 5 1 68 1 101 Ibtahimpur 749.12 30 30 206 112 94 32 22 14 69 2 102 Sumer 660.6L 34 34 193 112 81 20 24 29 1 55 1 103 Hinotiya 418.78 Uninhabited 104 Hirapur 624.06 Uninhabited 105 Bhagwantpur 735.65 181 193 889 464 425 83 83 15 13 125 20 253 29 106 Mohankhedi 962.06 36 36 206 107 99 46 51 3 60 12 107 Harganakhedi 544.21 7 7 54 28 26 24 22 1 17 3 108 Jubemagar 780.00 Uninhabited 109 Pyasi 757.00 62 72 358 184 174 30 35 25 24 63 1 107 110 Bhonra 831.00 107 140 702 369 333 94 82 41 32 91 12 211 3 111 Pathera 823.00 46 48 257 144 113 81 66 15 94 1 112 Tindua 476.00 41 45 241 135 106 47 35 17 1 84 113 Ghudiyakhedi 325.00 27 27 121 63 58 18 1 39 114 Rajakhedi 329.00 22 23 94 57 37 25 18 9 36 115 Andharela 899.00 43 50 247 133 114 59 54 27 1 86 6 116 Kundankhedi 612.00 23 25 138 71 67 41 33 4 1 39 2 117 Barrikheda 487.00 Uninhabited 118 Banskhedi Aspal 969.00 78 93 552 286 266 61 68 4 2 73 4 180 7 119 Chopana Kalan 639.00 51 64 311 174 137 66 45 30 103 4 120 Usmanpur 527.00 Uninhabited 121 Khanpur 622.00 7 10 77 46 31 15 10 2 23 122 Kansi 929.00 45 56 348 179 169 55 54 16 112 4 123 Sedpura 454.44 29 30 184 98 86 16 10 1 50 2 124 Bamankhedi 604.61 20 20 137, 72 65 20 17 8 41 4 125 Abuadhana 846.11 33 33 176 97 79 9 11 25 2 64 1 126 Sankala Haweli 800.93 32 32 234 127 107 32 29 22 21 14 74 3 127 Mundra Dharmu 708.93 38 38 216 112 104 27 28 7 59 6 128 Pipaliya 1,186.38 79 80 394 198 196 62 65 29 3 121 12 129 Safdalpur 551.52 51 51 340 172 168 25 22 36 95 1 130 Jhanduwa 1,809.32 146 148 865 468 397 102 101 113 7 272 85 131 Asadkhedi 565.75 27 27 171 102 69 43 33 16 62 5 132 Salri 824.52 49 49 280 143 137 15 12 7 95 9 Salri 40 40 234 125 109 14 11 6 87 7 Gurki 9 9 46 18 28 1 1 1 1 8 2 133 Bhiyakhcdi 778.87 48 48 285 148 137 41 48 24 3 92 8 134 Santoshpur 1,543.68 75 75 445 235 210 152 141 54 7 138 14 Santoshpur 43 43 231 124 107 41 38 38 6 79 7 Noorpur 32 32 214 III 103 III 103 16 1 59 7 135 Kanchanpur 676.31 37 37 20F 118 89 14 9 10 1 74 4 136 Mugalsarai 2,972.00 120 195 1,154 617 537 167 151 136 44 351 50 137 Siraswas 1,116.00 35 35 172 89 83 6 58 138 Haiwatganj 623.00 Uninhabited 139 Bhukari 970.00 49 49 253 133 120 23 25 38 25 2 83 15 140 Naukheda J ,880.00 17 23 113 65 48 2 42 2 141 Paikoli 1,084.00 65 65 364 203 161 2- 52 1 116 142 Amirgarh 5,730.00 126 128 769 416 353 45 39 12 10 67 275 Amirgarh 93 95 563 30/ 262 45 39 12 10 65 203 Mirjapur 12 12 99 54 45 2 34 Patheru 21 21 107 61 46 38 139



IJ III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r-"--. ,..--"--- ,--"--""'\ .--"'--. .--"'--. ,-_J,_-. ,--"--""'\ ,..-1'-""'\ ,..-1'-...... ,..-1'-...... ,....JI...."",\ L.C • M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 t

60 12 2 64 111 99 54 8 1 4 1 52 104 100 64 4 1 1 43 92 101 31 19 2 2 57 80 102 Uninhabited 103 Uninhabited 104 109 1 ]04 27 10 5 19 6 211 396 105 51 7 8 5 1 47 87 106 14 3 3 11 23 107 Uninhabited 108 92 7 3 5 77 174 109 154 11 1 8 9 2 6 21 158 330 110 59 18 1 10 3 4 50 112 111 58 23 1 1 51 106 112 31- 7 1 24 57 113 26 7 1 2 21 37 114 77 5 4 2 2 1 47 108 115 32 2 5 2 32 65 116 Uninhabited 117 114 1 43 6 12 5 3 3 106 259 118 68 1 29 3 .2 1 3 71 133 119 Uninhabited 120 22 23 31 121 77 31 4 1 2 67 165 122 42 5 2 3 48 84 123 36 3 3 2 31 61 124 58 3 1 3 33 78 125 71 3 2 53 104 126 53 2 5 4 1 53 98 127 90 23 12 2 2 4 77 184 128 89 5 I 77 167 129 196 2 37 80 1 9 2 3 8 1 17 196 312 130 52 8 5 1 1 40 64 131 76 14 7 4 48 128 132 72 10 7 4 38 102 4 1 4 1 10 26 83 2 6 5 2 1 1 56 129 133 105 2. 27 11 2 3 1 97 196 134 55 1 18 6 1 2 3 45 JOO 50 1 9 5 1 52 96 60 1 11 3 3 44 85 135 202 3 100 39 11 6 11 2 19 6 266 487 136 58 31 83 137 Uninhabited 138 73 1 10 14 50 105 139 42 2 23 46 140 81 26 2 7 87 161 141 231 40 2 2 141 353 142 172 27 2 2 98 262 34 20 45 25 13 23 46 140


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and O-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location ViIlal'eiTown/ acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons WorkctS Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-~----, .---A-...., ,...... -...., ,....-..JI-...., ,..-"-...., No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

143 Hinotiya Bajirnagar 1,515.43 33 36 24& 146 102 5 2 16 102 144 SUganhai 1,083.06 38 47 277 140 137 16 14 8 8 20 91 Suganhai 29 38 209 1/5 94 /6 14 8 8 16 77 Chak Sugan Hoi 9 9 68 25 43 4 14 145 Barkheda Hargan 508.33 5 5 23 13 10 6 146 Garentha 2,693.84 203 244 1,349 701 648 209 195 178 46 363 12 147 pardha 2,824.90 104 113 606 3Jl 295 48 43 57 6 194 5 148 Ajimabad 1,131.83 4 4 19 10 9 4 3 1 10 149 Mujafi"argarh 1,048.11 17 17 79 39 40 21 1 150 Gopalpur 1,285.60 32 32 188 101 87 28 17 25 20 10 56 46 151 Surantal 842.38 15 15 83 47 36 3 24 16 152 Siddiquepur 1,068.65 49 49 215 108 107 48 40 II 64 23 153 Ahamdabad 1,155.11 75 75 427 224 203 103 103 34 1 118 16 154 Banskhedi Gugal 1,630.60 104 104 527 282 245 56 56 69 4 154 3 155 Bishanpur 553.74 19 19 97 53 44 20 21 8 32 8 156 Korwasa 1,601.24 112 112 701 384 317 104 70 63 4 216 24 Korwasa 95 95 592 322 270 72 46 57 4 177 9 Dharmpur 17 17 109 62 47 32 24 6 39 15 157 Bhonriya 1,318.13 138 139 806 420 386 103 99 140 27 244 10 158 Hasanpur 478.75 25 25 114 62 52 59 47 3 32 5 159 Ramnagar 676.24 23 23 122 70 52 30 28 40 24 39 3 160 Khondupur 658.13 48 49 319 162 157 53 54 5 87 4 161 Kadarpur 1,428.74 48 48 295 160 135 19 20 5 3 43 18 92 1 162 Sal pur Khurd 430.01 22 29 147 81 66 24 23 11 53 7 163 Okhalikheda Khurd 735.62 28 28 143 77 66 17 17 16 B 6 45 2 164 Mahuakheda Bjlochi 1,088.75 38 43 236 118 118 21 23 .." 2 20 5 67 10 165 Sarekho 978.50 33 33 189 104 85 3Q 27 7 60 166 Ramnagar 749.69 30 30 166 100 66 10 6 10 49 Ramnagar 18 18 /01 62 .19 5 2 9 30 Banjarapura 11 12 65 38 27 5 4 1 19 167 Amkheda 1,428.15 51 51 261 144 117 27 19 24 2 68 2 Am Kheda 36 36 183 100 83 27 19 20 2 54 1 Kachhipura 15 15 78 44 34 4 14 / 168 Babulkhedi 802.51 30 30 176 92 84 92 84 14 7 53 169 Rampur 1,732.86 55 55 278 146 02 12 12 48 43 15 79 27 Rampur 26 26 126 63 63 11 39 10 Chour Talaiya 29 29 152 83 0;; /2 12 48 43 4 40 17 170 Dhamaukhedi 1,838.65 61 61 346 192 1:4 17 20 15 117 5 171 Majidpur 1,247.12 4 4 14 6 8 1 1 5 172 Narayanpur 993.34 36 36 222 118 104 19 14 37 3 67 6 173 Kishanpura 298.06 51 51 265 154 111 22 13 22 85 6 174 Kachnariya 931.81 38 38 236 129 107 31 39 17 80 175 Lalatori 401.93 18 18 lit 64 47 8 5 10 32 3 176 Barkheda Kedar 498.00 5 7 61 36 25 3 24 5 177 Tahirpur 431.00 17 18 88 50 38 24 15 28 '11 178 Karrakhedi 703.00 66 92 523 287 236 72 61 76 2 190 1I 179 Bamuliya Uda 1,754.00 41 62 405 205 200 37 49 2 72 11 133 24 180 Manirampura 798.00 17 28 118 62 56 38 34 6 3 48 4 Manirampura 7 18 77 41 36 18 16 6 1 29 1 Padko ke Tapre 10 10 41 21 20 20 18 19 3 141


Workers I n III IV V (a) V Cb) VI VII vm IX X Non- Workers r--'---. ~ r--"----l r--"----l r-"----. ,---"-...... --A-...... r-~ ,.-A--, ,.-A--, ...--"-...... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------~---- , .... _------102 44 102 143 77 13 49 137 144 71 4 1 38 94 5 9 11 43 6 7 10 145 258 3 66 9 9 7 11 11 338 636 146 lJ9 67 4 6 2 117 290 147 6 4 9 148 14 3 1 2 2 18 39 149 38 12 18 34 45 41 ISO 18 1 6 15 23 20 151 33 29 23 1 44 84 152 84 16 33 1 106 187 153 133 1 15 2 3 2 128 242 154 18 7 8 1 1 5 21 36 155 160 36 23 3 9 3 5 1 168 293 156 133 28 8 2 7 2 5 1 145 261 27 8 15 1 2 I 23 32 126 2 66 3 12 9 4 2 1 10 15 4 176 376 157 22 1 9 4 1 30 47 158 30 7 3 2 31 49 159 69 12 4 3 1 2 75 153 160 77 8 2 3 2 68 134 161 25 24 7 3 1 28 59 162 37 1 1 1 3 2 1 32 64 163 45 20 10 2 51 108 164 57 2 1 44 85 165 40 7 2 51 66 166 28 1 1 32 39 12 6 1 19 27 52 11 1 1 3 76 115 167 39 10 1 1 1 3 46 82 13 J 1 30 33 52 39 84 168 50 29 27 67 105 169 25 14 10 24 53 25 15 17 43 52 84 31 5 2 75 149 170 5 1 8 171 58 8 6 I 51 '18 172 48 :H 6 3 2 69 lOS 173 65 10 3 2 49 107 174 14 2 13 I 3 2 32 44 175 20 3 5 12 20 176 25 I 3 10 22 27 177 161 2 3 7 16 2 2 2 5 97 225 178 105 13 20 2 1 1 6 1 6 2 72 176 179 12 34 4 1 14 52 180 12 16 1 1 12 35 18 3 1 2 17 142


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code' Ward/Urban of town!ward residential house- ----"----., r--"--., ,..-J<-., ,..-J<-., ~ No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

181 Bagroda 2,984.00 135 169 938 489 449 142 154 9 9 97 5 273 12 182 Chhipikheda 496.00 10 15 64 34 30 10 9 4 27 2 183 Chatholi 4,014.00 227 293 1,695 904 791 224 208 2 2 213 37 540 3 Chatholi 192 249 1,427 768 659 188 163 2 2 193 37 455 3 Habibganj 35 44 268 136 132 36 45 20 85 184 Mubarakpur 512.00 27 35 188 92 96 24 34 11 53 Mubarakpur 17 25 134 67 67 24 34 11 38 Umar Khedi JO 10 54 25 29 15 185 Gopal Nagar 199.00 79 92 488 246 242 63 61 2 92 7 152 1 186 Saistabad 684.00 54 63 361 183 178 39 46 30 27 14 102 1 Saistabod 32 40 249 123 126 39 46 3 3 9 73 I Shankarpur 22 23 112 60 52 27 24 5 29 187 Achanwada 1,504.00 58 64 391 212 179 50 36 4 2 47 8 127 3 Achanwada 50 54 343 184 159 50 36 45 8 111 3 Jhanpou I} 8 42 24 18 2 12 Hayatganj 226 4 2 4 2 4 188 Athaikheda 1,027.00 60 81 457 236 221 11 11 56 6 142 2 Athoikheda 42 49 274 140 13.4 7 8 37 5 84 2 Wahigarh 18 32 183 96 87 4 3 19 1 58 189 Damodar khedi 930.62 24 24 252 131 121 30 34 11 90 190 Ramnagar 737.50 Uninhabited 191 Dignakheda 613.12 85 87 474 247 227 23 31 89 9 140 3 192 Hullakhedi 689.37 51 51 297 158 139 53 46 22 26 29 4 89 3 Hullakhedi 27 27 163 90 73 23 22 20 49 2 Sindhi Nagar 24 24 134 68 66 30 24 22 26 9 4 40 I 193 Kundanpur 785.00 22 22 129 75 54 2 4 13 14 11 1 42 194 Mohammadnagar 555.62 30 34 177 90 87 5 5 2 56 195 Kudka Ahamdabad 1,484.37 64 66 371 196 175 87 88 5 5 22 3 112 Kudka Ahamdabad 21 21 117 66 51 7 1 38 Kheda 43 45 254 130 124 87 88 5 5 15 2 74 196 Pirakhar 532.50 17 20 142 74 68 24 26 27 47 197 Rusallighat 651.25 33 36 264 136 128 37 33 15 83 1 198 Akbarpur 698'12 30 35 216 i05 111 1 1 13 3 71 1 199 Barkhedanagar 1,212.00 29 42 249 145 104 41 28 6 98 ] 200 Karera Madagan 782.00 6 9 68 41 27 16 8 4 26 4 201 Azizpur 991.00 Uninhabited 202 Sanoti 1,569.00 48 54 333 180 153 13 8 40 8 110 5 203 Tribhuwanpur 439.00 71 94 496 260 236 40 29 47 1 148 4 204 Dipnakheda 2,058.00 262 296 1,339 695 644 115 123 159 25 412 91 205 Banskhedi Karansi 476.00 Uninhabited 206 Budhena 943.75 12 13 93 44 49 8 8 13 2 20 207 Lalitpur 1,697.19 4~ 59 332 170 162 38 38 10 9 10 109 208 Tahvariya 730.44 9 9 50 23 27 4 2 14 209 Faridpur 307.19 8 8 3~ 20 19 16 18 1 12 210 Bam(lci Shala 3,298.06 278 336 1,683 883 800 131 120 2 2 235 43 483 52 Bamori Shala 218 266 1,384 727 657 87 79 2 2 223 43 395 26 Salaiyapura 39 44 176 92 84 11 9 3 57 13 Gadhipur 21 26 123 (j4 59 33 32 9 31 13 211 Salpur Kalan 1,114.13 50 59 355 185 170 71 65 47 4 103 212 Mohanpur 557.06 22 25 122 70 52 60 44 2 2 4 41 143


Workers I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI vn VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--A...-, ,..-J'---, ,.--A--, ,..-A--, ...--"---, ,....:--"--, ~ ..--"---, ..--"---, ,..---1'--, ..--"---. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

45 III 10 3 6 1 7 2 216 437 181 20 6 2 ... 1 7 28 182 355 1 146 2 19 8 12 364 788 183 297 1 123 2 16 8 11 313 656 58 23 3 1 51 132 40 13 39 96 184 27 11 29 67 13 2 IO 29 90 1 47 10 2 3 94 241 185 78 1 24 81 177 186 6/ 1 12 50 125 17 12 31 52 106 3 16 3 2 85 176 187 90 3 16 3 2 73 156 12 12 18 4 2 120 2 10 6 2 4 94 219 188 73 2 4 1 2 4 56 132 47 6 5 38 87 65 24 1 41 121 189 Uninhabited 190 95 37 2 5 1 107 224 191 70 18 3 1 69 136 192 42 6 2 I 41 71 28 12 1 28 65 36 6 33 54 193 53 3 34 87 194 88 8 1 15 84 174 195 29 7 2 28 51 59 1 1 1 13 56 123 46 1 27 68 196 151 29 3 53 127 197 65 6 34 110 198 96 2 47 103 199 19 7 3 15 23 200 Uninhabited 201 95 12 5 2 70 148 202 129 16 4 1 2 112 232 203 176 6 170 81 17 3 4 18 27 1 283 553 204 Uninhabited 205 14 5 1 24 49 206 95 11 2 1 61 161 207 12 2 9 27 208 4 8 8 19 209 27S 3 90 43 9 35 2 11 31 2 3 26 2 400 748 210 240 2 49 18 1 35 2 10 31 2 3 26 2 332 631 24 1 25 12 8 35 71 14 16 13 1 33 46 92 10 82 170 211 36 5 29 51 212 144


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Totai Location Village/Townl acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-,....--J----~ ~~ r--A-~ ,...--A-~ ,...--A-"'"'I No. Block in Km2 houses bolds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

213 Dengra 1,416.44 57 73 433 232 201 41 46 80 4 122 1 214 Karaiyahat 1,474.53 111 139 767 403 364 111 80 36 31 124 12 229 42 Kara;yahat 106 134 742 390 352 111 80 30 25 120 12 220 39 Chok Hallu j j 25 13 12 6 6 4 9 3 215 Riniya 1,203.12 45 55 322 168 154 98 94 3 2 25 97 36 216 Damkheda Jagthar 672.50 10 13 58 32 26 9 6 20 18 15 217 Jagthar 965.00 56 78 404 220 184 28 34 27 149 5 218 Sankla Jagthar 714.37 56 66 417 206 211 78 78 9 127 4 Sankla Jagthar 38 48 307 151 155 24 22 8 1 94 3 Harijan Tapra 18 18 no 54 56 54 56 1 33 1 219 Bamankhedi 743.75 5 5 30 13 17 2 7 220 Pyarakhedi 1,228.75 97 111 610 312 298 63 58 1 47 1 170 3 Pyara Khedi 87 101 578 298 280 61 55 47 1 160 2 Tapra Rawat 10 10 32 14 18 2 3 1 1 TO I 221 Jhagar 1,116.25 40 54 360 188 172 17 19 5 II 34 5 110 6 222 Kulua Kheda Noabad 565.00 26 26 136 71 65 1 2 5 6 4 3 42 4 223 Khubpura 603.75 11 18 109 61 48 6 5 17 35 2 224 Rusalli Hat 733.75 23 32 208 101 ]07 10 10 33 30 21 4 60 10 225 Bamuliya Tal 1,035.59 104 104 616 335 281 42 41 46 2 185 30 226 Lakhnakheda 710.12 4 4 18 8 10 7 1 227 Dhimroli 931.47 25 25 178 88 90 29 25 8 54 20 228 Harganakhedi 1,071.18 40 40 291 158 133 10 8 5 6 39 2 104 78 Hargana Khedi 29 29 2)9 109 100 10 8 5 6 39 2 75 57 Tapra Kachhi 11 11 82 49 33 29 21 229 Samankhedi 747.15 21 21 181 91 90 43 45 6 4 52 25 230 Baroda Tal 1,081.31 80 80 457 241 216 49 40 36 35 SI 6 136 38 231 Tehwanagar 462.96 Uninhabited 232 Narkheda Tal 1,887.11 91 91 581 309 272 81 70 50 52 80 12 188 58 Narkhfda Tal 76 76 5/2 272 240 44 38 50 51 68 9 164 40 NalO ke Tapre 15 15 69 37 32 37 32 12 3 24 18 233 Barej 1,809.00 81 107 603 319 284 70 69 110 23 175 50 234 Kasba Tal 2,585.00 175 264 1,935 983 952 123 132 133 12 567 ISO 235 Kajari Barkheda 842.00 32 46 261 136 125 62 57 22 7 77 9 236 Birchhakhedi 759.00 7 8 36 17 19 5 5 5 11 4 237 Kuluwa Mahuwakheda 1,089.00 26 27 170 95 75 12 12 P 58 3 238 Mahua Kheda Kuluwa 1,098.00 32 37 143 80 63 39 32 16 42 9 Mahuakheda Kuluwa 16 19 7? 36 37 IS 19 4 19 5 Poniya Kheda 16 18 70 44 26 2f 13 12 2J 4 239 Kuja 614.00 96 104 510 281 229 21 25 69 28 150 1 240 Rajpur 1,323.00 62 100 579 296 283 132 120 I 155 7 241 Thanarpur 822.00 25 33 17Q,/ 88 82 36 37 <) 2 64 2 242 Muridpur 288.00 7 13 70 35 35 6 I 19 243 Siyalpur 2,761.00 124 2Ql 1,115 579 536 80 79 115 16 338 23 2... Pathriya 449.00 29 49 267 126 141 29 41 34 5 73 2.4$ Hasampur 253.00 5 6 34 17 17 10 8 3 2 13 2>46 Shahpur 663.00 26 37 223 107 116 16 22 38 5 65 247 Bbatoli 1,014.00 45 49 261 138 123 37 29 9 12 24 2 93 10 248 Rapsol 875.00 43 44 270 138 132 17 17 34 2 81 7 .249 Beerpur 666.00 47 47 227 127 100 20 15 14 81 7 250 Safdarpur Bhatatora 839.00 21 34 228 t 121 107 36 30 4 5 10 74 11 145


Workers I n III IV V (a) V (b) VI vn VIII IX X Non- Workers ~--. ~ ~ r--'---. ...--"-....., ~....., ,....-A---. ~ ~'""'I r-~ ~--. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

---.------~------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

110 1 10 2 110 200 213 117 1 71 37 2 15 2 2 2 20 2 174 322 214 III 1 68 34 2 15 2 2 ... 2 20 2 170 313 6 3 3 4 9 61 1 29 32 2 1 2 2 2 1 71 118 215 3 12 17 26 216 J20 2 21 3 3 3 71 179 217 116 1 5 1 5 2 1 79 207 218 85 1 3 5 2 1 58 152 31 2 1 21 55 4 3 6 17 219 123 39 4 2 4 142 295 220 123 30 1 3 4 138 278 9 1 1 4 17 87 14 6 5 2 2 78 166 221 34 2 4 2 4 29 61 222 29 6 2 26 46 223 47 7 9 4 1 1 1 41 97 224 122 6 50 21 2 2 3 5 4 150 251 225 4 3 1 1 9 226 33 9 2i 11 34 70 227 61 46 42 32 1 54 55 228 33 26 41 Jj J 34 43 28 20 1 I 20 12 43 ] 8 24 39 65 229 96 5 30 33 8 2 105 178 230 Uninhabited 231 99 4 80 54 6 3 121 214 232 96 I 59 39 6 3 108 2()() 3 .3 21 15 13 14 106 38 45 16 4 5 5 2 3 144 234 233 276 9 252 17:) 2 3 2 6 13 1 12 416 772 234 55 4 18 4 1 2 59 i16 235 6 3 5 1 6 15 236 50 7 3 37 72 237 33 9 9 38 54 238 15 4 5 17 32 18 5 4 21 22 89 22 11 3 15 10 131 228 239 121 5 27 2 2 2 3 141 276 240 47 2 15 2 24 80 241 17 1 1 16 35 242 235 6 62 11 2 7 3 7 1 22 5 241 513 243 52 13 3 5 53 141 244 12 1 4 17 245 47 11 3 3 42 116 246 45 46 10 1 45 113 247 55 25 7 1 57 125 248 48 32 7 1 46 93 249 44 16 7 12 3 2 4 96 250 146


Total Population Literate Area of- (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Towni acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward resilkntial house- ~ ,...-1'--. ,..-"--. ,..-"--. No, Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F .------, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

-_._. ._---_.. ------. - --.------~------.~------.------__ ------"------. - __ __ -~~----. 251 Bhaukhedi 771.00 21 25 145 87 58 21 16 15 49 7 252 Damkheda 820.00 Uninhabited 253 Gulabganj 713.00 59 73 396 213 ]83 65 64 11 10 41 3 119 41 254 Rusalli Dama 1,585.00 69 81 682 355 327 64 63 1 101 35 188 32 255 Mahadeokhedi 1,083.00 57 68 466 255 211 79 81 83 20 163 5 256 Sona 889.00 62 87 490 274 216 53 44 53 17 148 24 257 Khanpur 331.00 5 16 68 35 33 3 27 258 Sultanpur 805.00 48 75 423 219 204 22 23 2 3 50 128 9 259 Gadakhedi 289.00 Uninhabited 260 Ghatwar 3,540.00 77 112 774 405 369 110 99 30 27 118 16 268 3 261 Osanhai 473.00 36 52 271 137 134 42 99 34 6 76 8 262 Kajari Mandwasa 1,095.00 31 39 198 109 89 15 19 II 61 5 263 Iklod 2,443.00 151 174 862 472 390 103 95 100 6 263 47 264 Karaikheda Khurd 701.00 42 46 240 140 100 25 24 24 3 91 ] 265 Mithepur 329.00 26 33 196 115 81 35 25 5 5 20 2 72 19 266 Chitora 1,037.00 42 58 335 166 169 34 29 42 103 18 267 Rataniyakhedi 679.00 27 34 ]77 92 85 39 47 12 49 7 268 Bharwas 1,222.00 43 54 334 178 156 68 44 30 8 107 26 269 Safdarpur Tal 637.00 43 48 251 135 116 38 34 24 7 78 24 270 Neemkhedi 362.00 Uninhabited 271 Ghosua Tal 758.00 36 43 266 127 139 36 32 4 9 19 71 18 272 Dehri Madho 2,042.00 171 228 1,347 705 642 36 38 46 41 82 15 403 '39 273 Berkhedi 2,565.00 109 109 556 286 270 40 28 50 6 167 12 274 Umariya 629.00 2 2 13 5 8 2 3 275 Unarsi Tal 785.00 95 95 497 267 230 61 61 58 10 155 3 276 Udairampur 950.00 69 69 329 174 155 8 6 3 4 2 104 5 277 Taukhedi 234.00 Uninhabited 278 Barkheda Tal 838.00 60 60 285 140 145 82 84 8 8 8 98 13 279 R,aikhedi 535.00 II 11 73 40 33 5 2 22 280 ·.Rajakhedi 884.00 57 57 366 181 185 41 73 12 104 12 281 Ahirkhedi 721.00 Uninhabited 282 Parsora 1,281.00 61 100 466 248 2]8 92 84 54 17 150 6 283 Bamankhedi 821.00 11 11 63 35 28 4 22 284 Chakchanda Dhana 238.00 Uninhabited 28S Baniyadhana 900.00 S9 61 296 150 146 68 56 3 92 22 286 Noorpur Kachhpura 858.00 34 54 260 ]44 116 28 24 ]0 70 1 287 Chandadhana 870.00 69 82 347 196 ]51 89 71 17 ]]6 33 288 Ikodiya 1.147.00 66 100 567 307 260 32 21 65 68 55 9 ]69 72 289 Ajamnagar 1,426.00 18 46 220 114 ]06 70 71 4 70 11 147


Workers II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~ r--'"--- ,.-"---, ,_...,._, ~, ,.-"---, ~, ~, ~ ~, ~, L.C. M F M f M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

--.------~--~- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------~-- -- _------.~ 40 1 9 6 38 51 251 Uninhabited 252 51 62 40 3 2 1 94 142 253 124 56 31 2 4 167 295 254 110 45 4 1 2 3 2 92 206 255 84 3 51 20 3 1 9 1 126 192 256 11 14 1 8 33 257 94 ]4 3 4 1 10 8 91 195 258 :,,' Uninhabited 259 153 94 2 5 2 1 2 12 137 366 260 60 4 3 8 8 61 126 261 40 1 10 4 7 1 2 48 84 262 137 2 84 42 25 9 3 2 6 209 343 263 73 15 3 49 99 264 21 43 19 5 1 2 43 62 265 58 35 17 1 5 4 1 63 151 266 35 3 13 4 1 43 78 267 64 2 39 24 1 3 71 130 268 45 31 24 2 57 S2 269 Uninhabited 270 55 15 18 1 56 121 271 211 3 175 34 10 2 5 1 302 603 272 114 2 43 10 3 2 2 3 119 258 273 3 2 8 274 . 97 2 38 1 4 2 13 112 227 275 . 91 7 4 2 2 2 70 150 276 Uninhabited 277 56 2 33 9 6 1 2 2 42 132 278 16 5 1 18 32 279 67 3 31 9 4 77 173 280 Uninhabited 281 74 64 6 5 3 4 98 212 282 10 12 13 28 283 Uninhabited 284 45 37 15 3 5 1 6 58 124 285 43 23 4 74 115 286 65 48 32 1 1 80 118 287 63 9n 70 :2 4 3 1 138 188 288 26 41 11 1 2 44 95 2&9 148


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Townl acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,----.A.-__... ,...--A-... ,...--A-... ,...--A-... ,.-J'--, No. Block inKm2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -_. _------_---- SIRONJ

25/1 Sirooj (M.) 0.91 3,627 22,413 10,:568 1,373 5 1,815 476 3,958 1J ,8~5 1,467 21 5,042 5,~2

2J/l/J Ward No. 1 280 284 1,608 864 744 50 36 356 138 458 31 Block No.1 99 103 597 323 274 19 11 102 29 176 21 Block No.2 70 70 355 192 163 137 74 94 7 Block No.3 111 111 656 349 307 31 25 117 35 188 3

25/1/2 Ward No. 2 253 253 1,516 806 710 233 221 270 127 422 12 Block No. 4 123 123 692 354 338 124 130 132 58 181 11 Block No. S 130 130 824 452 372 109 91 138 69 241 11

25/1/3 Ward No. 3 251 283 1,7()() 941 759 55 54 535 276 366 33 Block No. 6 90 90 533 290 243 47 44 ]25 76 133 14 Block No. 7 93 96 584 328 256 1 a 187 108 139 9 Block No.8 68 97 583 323 260 J 2 223 92 94 10

25/1/4 Ward No. 4 289 289 1,669 861 808 560 340 379 15 Block No.9 ~OO 100 581 292 289 165 98 138 4 Block No. 10 57 57 302 163 139 130 64 70 1 Block No. 11 132 132 786 406 380 265 178 171 10

25/115 Ward No. 5 241 345 1,940 1,000 940 123 114 1 588 379 468 16 Block No. 12 73 138 847 441 406 1 294 203 200 8 Block No. 13 143 153 769 400 369 99 89 186 87 199 8 Block No. 14 25 54 324 159 165 24 25 108 89 69

25/1/6 Ward No. 6 257 257 1,377 735 642 97 111 354 197 350 74 Block No. 15 III III 572 295 277 218 157 126 3 Block No. 16 146 146 805 440 365 97 111 136 40 224 71

25/1/7 Ward No. 7 328 328 1,738 947 791 60 52 427 169 445 10 Block No. 17 113 In 526 285 241 2 ] 190 56 128 2 Block No. 18 115 lIS 652 361 291 9 6 56 20 181 Block No. 19 100 1(0 560 301 259 49 45 181 93 136 8

25{t/8 Ward No. 8 144 255 1,533 797 736 72 68 334 142 359 23 Block No. 20 98 98 520 259 261 39 40 122 74 128 8 Block No. 21 71 84 480 259 221 49 8 132 14 Block No. 22 75 73 533 279 254 33 28 163 60 99

25/1/9 Ward No.9 190 234 1,366 731 635 196 203 19 2 205 59 355 47 Block No. 23 97 121 737 392 345 124 125 125 46 199 44 Block No. 24 93 113 629 339 290 72 78 19 2 80 13 156 3

25/1/10 Ward No. 10 238 243 1,400 731 669 157 ]48 203 70 368 36 Block No. 25 130 130 709 372 337 15 15 49 9 196 15 Block No. 26 108 113 691 359 332 142 133 154 61 172 21 149



I II III IV V (a) V(b) VI . VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--A-~ ,....-J'---. L.C. M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1


28 67 6 'n 90 22 21 2 189 10,092 25/1 914 236 151 4 424 817 203 1,H~ 226 1,381 6,293

113 3 34 3 20 38 3 33 10 15 4 79 38 88 8 406 713 25/~1 45 2 21 3 7 13 3 18 8 6 4 22 20 24 1 147 253 1 7 1 2 2 2 2 40 5 35 5 93 156 2 61 13 12 23 13 7 17 13 29 2 161 304 3

54 I 24 3 12 2 76 3 69 2 7 2 65 I 31 81 10 384 688 25/1/2 43 I 11 8 18 10 3 2 37 1 6 45 6 173 327 4 11 13 3 4 2 58 3 59 4 29 25 36 4 211 361 5

20 1 12 10 13 13 3 66 3 32 4 50 36 1 124 11 575 726 25/1/3 10 12 10 8 5 3 11 1 20 17 12 38 157 229 6 8 3 8 36 1 9 4 17 13 1 45 2 189 247 7 2 2 19 1 3 16 11 41 9 229 250 8

28 1 1 17 2 17 36 5 12 122 22 124 7 482 793 25/1/4 4 2 10 23 3 7 42 15 34 1 154 285 9 10 2 6 4 1 2 23 1 22 93 138 10 14 13 2 1 9 1 3 57 6 68 6 235 370 11

26 I 7 1 12 69 2 27 3 208 2 8 110 8 532 924 25/1/5 1 2 1 31 3 101 1 3 59 5 241 398 12 9 4 9 36 23 3 76 1 3 39 3 201 361 13 17 3 2 31 2 12 9J 165 14

44 8 11 7 1 42 3 48 12 5 85 7 104 43 385 568 25/1/6 6 2 23 10 2 57 26 3 169 274 15 38 4 S 11 5 19 3 38 12 3 28 7 78 40 216 294 16

118 I 61 1 8 45 1 84 3 3 56 1 9 6/ 3 502 781 25/1/7 26 2 1 5 5 47 13 2 27 1 157 239 17 84 58 9 9 7 14 180 291 18 8 1 3 31 28 3 2 36 7 20 2 165 251 19

106 22 6 8 2 17 50 :; 13 77 3 12 54 10 438 713 25/1/8 22 1 3 I 2 38 7 24 C) 22 6 131 253 20 39 9 5 5 1 14 8 6 19 3 3 29 4 127 207 21 45 12 1 1 4 34 3 180 253 22

166 54 32 6 41 25 12 8 24 2 29 3 376 588 25! 1/9 104 30 31 3 23 22 12 3 6 8 I 193 301 23 62 24 1 3 18 3 5 18 2 21 2 183 287 24

35 5 4 2 14 6 73 10 12 1 98 5 120 19 363 633 25/1/10 13 2 31 4 4 1 86 3 53 10 176 322 25 22 3 3 12 6 42 6 8 12 2 67 9 187 311 26 ISO


Total Population LiteraTe r--- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of townlward residential house- ,--- , ,..-A-, ,..-A--" ~, r-"-. No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2511111 Ward No.1J 241 278 1,644 861 783 108 101 241 401 390 36 Block No. 27 127 127 816 431 385 35 34 123 293 181 10 Block No. 28 100 136 741 3R4 357 73 67 95 96 186 25 Block No. 29 14 15 R7 46 41 23 12 23

25/1/12 Ward No. 12 271 271 1,504 793 711 196 167 275 149 360 51 Block No. 30 85 85 418 226 192 93 73 51 5 113 23 Block No. 31 102 102 549 291 258 81 73 52 26 139 21 Block No. 32 84 84 537 276 261 22 21 172 118 108 7

25/1/13 Ward No. 13 275 369 1,881 978 903 25 15 3 398 213 442 40 Block No. 33 12 49 182 98 84 37 49 48 2 Block No. 34 125 157 781 405 376 5 4 1 3 155 71 178 15 Block No. 35 138 163 918 475 443 20 11 206 93 216 23

25/1/14 Ward No. 14 269 269 1,537 800 737 95 83 296 165 390 42 Block No. 36 104 104 669 352 317 135 77 182 6 Block No. 37 104 104 572 290 282 9 7 131 77 122 17 Block No. 38 61 61 296 158 138 86 76 30 11 86 19 151


----"------~ -_-_---" --~ .. Workers , U III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,._- '---~ r-"-, ~ ~ ~ ,-J'--. ~ ~ ,.--J'-, ,..-J'-, ,..-J'-~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No • ._---_ .--_._---_---_ .. _" 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

... _--_------_--

29 S 2 14 39 S 74 3 /S 97 S 13 107 18 471 747 2SIIIll 10 2 13 34 5 30 7 39 2 5 41 3 250 375 27 19 5 5 41 3 8 41 3 8 63 14 198 332 28 3 17 3 1 23 40 29

6S 2 4 1 6 34 11 54 13 20 3 95 5 8 74 16 433 660 2511/12 49 1 1 3 23 7 14 5 8 1 7 4 1 8 4 113 169 30 14 1 3 10 4 27 4 6 1 24 1 1 S4 10 152 237 31 2 4 13 4 6 1 64 6 12 2 168 254 32

37 4 1 25 9 2 69 5 15 3 83 3 11 192 23 536 863 25/1/13 2 23 1 1 22 1 50 82 33 16 1 1 30 1 1 41 2 4 83 12 227 361 34 19 4 24 8 2 39 5 ]4 2 19 6 87 10 259 420 35

73 15 7 4 27 14 67 8 19 2 55 1 24 1 114 10 410 695 2511114 31 1 1 34 4 5 30 13 67 2 170 311 36 24 6 3 1 22 3 8 1 19 1 8 37 6 168 265 37 18 3 2 27 14 11 1 6 1 6 3 1 10 2 72 119 38 152


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and. Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- .---~------. r-"--. ,.--"-, ,.--"-- \ ,.--"-...., No. Block in Kmll houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

25/3 Kurwai TahsB (Rural) 831.00 11 ,428 78,329 37,243 9,069 4,311 2,338 6,528 12,867 41,086 9,894 4,357 11,216 22,569 1 Ghosua 2,029.00 75 100 653 357 296 119 103 46 4 194 14 Ghosua 29 37 247 135 112 66 67 27 3 78 1 Tehar Barri 34 48 296 167 129 53 36 19 1 87 1 Rawati Ka Chak 12 15 llO 55 55 29 12 2 Shekhpur 1,246.00 M 84 458 251 207 39 43 52 3 140 33 Shekhpur 6() 78 430 236 194 39 43 48 3 133 32 Chak Shekhpur 4 6 28 15 13 4 7 1 3 Barodiya 578.00 25 25 135 76 59 6 3 14 14 14 41 6 4 Pathari 508.00 27 27 107 52 55 40 49 6 29 19 5 Dadurar 1,118.00 54 54 408 207 201 64 70 5 4 38 123 52 6 Girwasa 1,441.00 55 5S 414 221 193 66 57 25 25 27 4 128 17 7 Padariya 862.00 45 45 379 188 191 33 32 39 39 24 3 102 29 8 Dangi Kumhariya 858.00 74 74 388 191 197 55 51 25 34 38 6] 17 12 9 Raimudara 1,334.00 60 77 636 321 315 9,~ 95 92 115 43 3 173 31 Raimudara 43 52 513 256 257 61 62 86 1(,6 33 3 142 29 Raimudara Bandi 17 25 123 65 58 37 33 6 9 10 31 2 10 Dharukhedi 1,068.00 57 71 446 232 214 48 45 106 95 44 4 147 30 11 Karaiya 1,205.00 81 101 459 251 208 57 52 22 17 34 141 2 12 Bamori 752.00 28 28 156 78 78 9 9 ]4 44 13 Biloda 1,009.00 53 56 272 134 138 4S 43 24 25 20 1 81 41 14 Chhirkheda 2,422.00 113 129 687 357 330 122 104 36 37 78 13 209 124 15 Dhuwa 461.00 33 41 227 131 96 55 43 18 13 ]8 3 70 9 16 Parewara 785.00 52 52 355 189 166 34 41 5 2 50 4 ]10 13 17 Karai Berkhedi 2,239.00 81 108 777 413 364 108 94 11 11 59 2 231 4 18 Semra Jagir 337.00 7 9 37 22 15 5 15 3 19 Madhi Jagir 930.00 32 57 311 171 140 43 41 80 4 88 22 20 Khajuriya Jagir 1,585.00 65 110 593 316 277 57 40 8 ]4 175 14 191 73 21 Nipaniya 686.00 30 30 217 113 104 18 15 21 16 22 64 10 22 Barri 702.00 33 33 ]59 84 75 31 42 23 Kurhai 660.00 31 31 ]81 99 82 14 16 27 48 24 Imliya 1,623.00 87 87 503 267 236 102 88 49 15 137 20 25 Jhagar 469.00 76 76 486 256 230 26 24 40 38 72 10 ]25 31 26 Neh Pipariya 1,200.00 66 66 327 181 146 35 38 61 4 81 3 27 Nehra 1,386.00 79 81 487 2f2 225 6) 50 71 13 133 13 28 Shekh Pipariya 615.00 58 61 320 173 147 17 5 53 2 88 2 29 Madaiya 663.00 77 78 387 193 194 85 75 48 1] 99 5 30 Fatehpur 1,717.00 112 119 669 362 307 99 73 34 30 157 23 208 32 Fatehpur 78 85 421 230 191 71 50 70 23 127 5 Parhar 34 34 248 132 116 28 23 34 30 87 81 27 31 MadauKhedi 952.00 60 60 450 246 204 67 59 40 30 56 17 ]29 35 32 Guwari 566.00 Uninhabited 33 Parasari 505.00 38 38 169 93 76 16 10 23 2 48 11 34 Sal'khandi 666.00 49 49 241 124 117 41 42 24 19 25 2 69 23 35 Kalaryai 330.00 19 25 141 74 67 19 16 32 24 10 40 19 36 Kachhi Kumhariya 338.00 45 62 298 159 139 54 43 53 47 18 2 89 45 37 Junaiya Khedi 798.00 35 35 2]6 105 III ]9 17 23 3 62 12 38 Barwai 1,655.00 71 75 1,093 581 512 129 106 188 54 312 118 39 Semra Shahpur 587.00 Uninhabited 153


Workers I II III IV V (8) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~ ...... ~- ~ ...... ~ ...... ,-A-...... ~ ...... ,--"----, .....--"--. ,-A--. ,-A-...... ,.--J\-...... L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 t


12,724 8,005 196 27 405 76 113 291 59 673 18,517 25/3 610 5,527 14 18 79 25 38 25 192 30,71'; 155 1 37 13 2 163 282 1 71 6 1 1 57 111 72 1 14 1 80 128 12 17 12 26 43 103 30 31 4 2 3 111 174 2 99 27 30 4 2 3 103 162 4 3 1 8 12 36 5 6 35 53 3 11 ) 16 2 18 - 23 36 4 8Q 2 19 19 24 31 84 149 5 106 21 ]7 1 93 176 6 69 9 1 24 28 86 162 7 77 1 31 1 1 7 10 74 185 8 100 1 68 30 5 148 284 9 84 1 54 28 4 114 228 16 14 2 1 34 56 77 1 68 29 2 85 184 10 104 I 36 1 1 110 206 11 40 4 34 78 12 44 2 34 39 1 1 1 53 97 13 94 2 101 121 7 1 2 4 148 206 14 51 1 15 8 1 1 61 87 15 67 32 12 1 5 1 1 4 79 153 16 159 58 4 4 5 1 4 182 360 17 10 5 3 7 12 18 68 16 21 1 1 2 83 118 19 103 1 71 72 7 1 1 6 2 125 204 20 35 27 10 2 49 94 21 35 7 42 75 22 26 1 22 51 81 23 87 3 44 17 2 4 130 216 24 77 3 44 28 2 2 131 199 25 54 3 22 2 3 100 143 26 83 1 42 9 2 2 2 1 3 129 212 27 78 7 2 1 1 85 145 28 70 4 26 1 2 94 189 29 141 48 25 7 2 1 2 2 ] 6 4 154 275 3.0 89 30 3 1 1 4 4 1Q3 186 52 18 25 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 51 89 70 5 53 30 1 4 117 169 31 Uninhabited 32 37 1 9 9 2 45 65 33 33 4 33 ]7 2 1 -1 55 94 34 19 21 19 34 48 3S 29 59 45 1 70 94 36 44 3 15 9 1 2 43 99 37 130 135 108 9 4 2 2 15 2 1 18 4 269 394 38 Uninhabited 39 .154


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Townl acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,.-----" 1 ,.....-"---, ,---A--, ,---A--, ,---A--, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

40 Tamoiya 965.00 80 81 443 231 212 50 52 76 2 125 7 41 Barkheda 963.00 42 42 289 138 151 60 55 16 85 18 42 Rewara 772.00 32 38 234 Jl6 118 30 31 8 7 87 77 61 19 43 Tekoo 1,287.00 80 80 404 220 184 75 71 62 16 135 43 44 Sikandarpur 347.00 28 28 141 68 73 44 58 2 4 6 42 6 45 Mudari 494.00 9 9 104 53 51 12 11 22 17 8 4 33 19 46 Naukund 1,515.00 96 96 598 338 260 57 49 89 6 171 63 47 Kankar 1,056.00 64 64 456 233 223 60 58 59 ]4 134 59 48 Khiriya 1,]96.00 37 37 253 131 122 2 2 20 72 4 49 Karampur 425.00 Uninhabited 50 Adalpur 9]2.00 Uninhabited 51 Bhonrasa 2,488.00 204 228 1,423 737 686 115 91 8 12 322 81 330 68 52 Jhagariya 424.00 48 49 279 137 ]42 37 36 120 71 6 53 Saletara 695.00 4-~ 44 256 136 120 11 12 49 2 72 16 54 Paira Khedi 839.00 69 71 416 213 203 48 41 39 2 117 39 55 Jamnapur 206.00 Uninhabited 56 Kachhpura 282.00 Uninhabited 57 Mitthapur 105.00 Uninhabited 58 Shahpur 427.00 ]4 14 79 43 36 13 13 3 28 5 59 Ghurawali 859.00 46 46 270 142 128 35 28 20 70 14 60 Sakoli 674.00 23 29 166 83 83 22 25 28 31 22 49 20 61 Birpur 1,905.00 99 110 667 354 313 50 53 29 27 126 15 208 114 62 Mainkhedi 1,145.00 47 62 455 253 202 22 18 80 77 48 1 159 67 63 Berkhedi 603.00 19 31 179 88 91 26 22 23 47 13 64 Rasulpur Manjurkhedi 360.00 42 55 328 174 154 13 7 15 92 19 65 Mala 1,]20.00 93 116 673 ~ 359 314 128 ]19 16 11 ]06 ]8 209 20 66 Karmedi 1,407.00 46 62 339~ 166 173 ]4 10 18 24 47 5 102 12 Karmedi 31 47 270 136 J.?4 14 10 5 '5 43 5 81 5 Chak Karmedi 15 15 69 30 39 13 18 4 21 7 67 Sirawada 1,327.00 90 103 560 303 257 50 39 61 51 74 7 166 57 Sirawada 75 87 463 246 217 41 31 61 51 62 7 137 46 Padariya /5 16 97 57 40 9 8 12 29 11 68 Pitholi 1,161.00 87 117 608 3]4 294 70 72 I 1 73 21 166 55 69 Fatanpur 767.00 22 31 ]62 84 78 16 17 9 7 19 44 20 Fatanpur 14 22 128 65 63 12 14 3 3 16 32 16 Chak Fatanpur 8 9 34 19 15 4 ] 6 4 . 3 11 4 70 Kulhan ~,585.00 ]51 154 839 447 392 146 119 62 61 135 17 238 42 Kulhan 139 139 721 381 340 130 108 50 54 125 16 211 29 Khirya Kheda 12 15 JJ8 66 5] 16 Il ]2 7 10 1 27 13 71 Gadru ] ,234.00 59 59 507 265 242 7~ 64 66 58 54 15 159 49 Gadru 59 59 507 265 242 74 64 66 58 54 15 159 49 T.T.Nagar Uninhabited 72 Bishanpur 2,]92.00 176 196 ] ,259 617 642 168 155 161 180 173 68 346 261 Bishanpur 168 187 1,151 568 583 168 155 138 155 170 68 319 226 Mudra Kheda 8 9 J08 49 59 23 25 3 27 3S 73 Chhitaput 369.00 Uninhabited 74 Mehluwa 1,800.00 115 130 689 356 333 98 90 3 4 102 12 213 96 Mehluwa 110 125 677 347 330 98 90 3 4 94 11 20;; 96 Chauraha 5 5 12 9 3 8 1 7 155 KURWAI TAHSIL

Workers ------~~------~ I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r-A--, ,--A--, ,---A-~ L.C. M F M F M F No.

~~~.. --~~------~~~~~--~~---~~~~----- 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

83 37 6 2 2 106 205 40 56 1 28 17 1 53 133 41 52 3 9 16 55 99 42 88 2 41 40 5 1 1 85 141 43 13 "28 6 26 67 44 9 2 24 17 20 32 4S 126 9 37 49 2 4 I 1 3 1 167 197 46 80 47 55 2 1 3 3 99 164 47 69 212 1 59 118 48 Uninhabited 49 Uninhabited 50 121 122 60 9 12 124 27 2 2 31 3 407 618 51 63 284 66 136 52 52 19 15 1 64 104 53 65 27 16 1 17 18 3 3 3 96 164 54 Uninhabited 55 Uninhabited 56 Uninhabited 57 28 1 4 15 31 58 58 3 9 10 2 1 72 114 59 33 1 15 19 1 34 63 60 121 8 82 103 1 2 4 146 199 61 76 6 71 61 5 7 94 135 62 36 11 13 41 78 63 76 2 14 17 1 82 135 64 144 3 32 12 25 3 2 2 2 3 1 150 294 65 82 19 11 64 161 66 70 10 5 1 55 129 12 1 9 6 9 32 83 63 49 11 2 3 6 3 3 137 200 67 73 47 39 10 1 2 6 2 3 109 171 10 16 10 1 1 1 28 29 118 18 39 35 6 1 2 2 148 239 68 17 5 22 14 2 1 1 1 40 58 69 14 5 16 10 1 1 1 33 47 3 6 4 2 1711 143 3 75 39 2 5 3 4 6 209 350 70 1.30 ;] 62 27 1 5 3 4 6 170 311 13 13 12 1 39 39 b2 86 - 49 3 2 2 4 106 193 71 62 86 49 3 2 2 4 106 193 Uninhabited 164 64 156 189 2 8 2 3 1 4 2 7 5 271 381 72 158 63 136 155 2 8 221 4 2 7 5 249 357 6 J 20 34 1 22 24 Uninhabited 73 120 2 82 93 212 5 2 143 237 74 119 1 82 93 2 1 1 2 141 234 1 1 5 2 3 156


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town} acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,---- ,...--A--~ ,..--"-~ ..---A-~ ~ No. Block in K.ro2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

75 Roshan Pipariya 2,296.00 141 220 970 484 486 98 114 55 62 114 37 267 64 Roshan Pipariya 96 146 633 312 321 94 112 28 33 78 30 175 26 Chak Khiriya 12 21 Il3 57 56 4 2 27 29 14 5 26 12 Chak Rampur 33 53 224 115 109 22 2 66 26 76 Bothi 95S.00 51 62 394 200 194 47 46 31 29 62 8 112 56 Bothi 39 49 328 168 160 42 41 31 29 57 8 93 42 Chak Adiwasi 12 13 66 32 34 5 5 5 19 14 77 Rehan Kalan 1,076.00 53 62 346 190 156 47 36 35 34 44 3 102 33 78 Rusiya I,709.OJ 107 119 741 375 366 126 125 79 85 83 8 197 132 79 Isakhedi 646.00 38 38 356 184 172 33 33 45 3 94 66 80 KhemKhedi 985.00 48 48 263 141 122 38 41 31 3 83 7 81 Sadera 788.00 48 48 276 154 122 25 25 33 32 36 2 79 3 82 Galfara Khedi 338.00 20 20 100 55 45 8 9 26 13 4 35 83 Baiirabad 855.00 53 62 328 177 151 29 19 16 16 58 9 97 27 84 Koluwa J ,023.00 52 62 321 170 151 13 13 28 26 35 7 91 27 Koluwa 39 40 224 122 102 2 18 17 26 j 64 13 Chak Ko/uwa 13 22 97 48 49 11 13 10 9 9 27 14 85 Letani 1.824.00 80 102 591 300 291 88 87 45 52 80 "7 168 84 86 Bakwara 880.00 35 58 248 127 121 19 19 47 50 17 6 74 40 Bakwara 31 43 197 100 97 2 2 47 50 12 2 60 30 Chak Bakwora 4 15 51 27 24 17 17 5 4 14 10 87 ModanKhedi 375.00 31 31 143 70 73 12 12 8 8 8 42 7 88 Maddukhedi 506.00 18 26 129 65 64 16 16 31 34 4 37 20 Madtlukhedi 3 4 17 10 7 3 4 I 7 2 Chak MaddMkhetli 15 22 112 55 57 13 12 31 34 3 30 18 89 GammoO Khedi 565.00 Uninhabited 90 Gitola 990.00 55 56 435 214 221 65 72 54 63 51 8 125 69 91 Harsadu Khedi 36].00 7 7 60 29 31 9 9 2 4 4 1 20 7 92 Bharri 867.00 52 54 461 244 217 58 51 73 53 40 13 137 95 Bharr; 40 42 36& 194 174 46 37 45 31 38 13 109 69 Chak Bharri 12 12 93 50 43 Jl 14 28 22 2 28 26 93 Umarchha 812.00 80 81 604 301 303 65 77 44 56 80 3 163 87 94 Mohaniya Khedi 424.00 33 34 246 127 119 21 23 23 16 31 2 71 28 95 Pa iraj Khedi 374.0G 9 9 66 31 35 14 13 4 19 2 96 SirnOla 909.0.1 51 54 337 168 169 55 38 70 87 28 15 101 61 97 Barethi 472.00 1 I 5 4 1 1 98 Baretha 1,190.00 93 93 640 332 308 103 89 39 36 76 14 192 3 99 Bhugawali 522.0) 55 55 336 173 163 73 77 43 38 17 93 100 Madiya 297.00 4 4 21 11 10 1 6 1 101 Sirawali 799.00 45 46 375 197 178 47 39 32 12 113 53 102 Jonakhedi 429.00 26 26 150 81 69 33 2 39 23 103 Nawara 491.00 32 33 191 116 75 10 5 33 6 61 40 104 Nagwasa 623.00 37 37 285 160 125 57 43 19 23 46 13 95 49 105 Kotha 467.00 28 28 143 85 58 20 9 41 42 20 106 Kakarua 603.00 20 20 136 73 63 6 13 33 42 5 107 Dunatar 143.00 2 2 8 5 3 4 3 2 108 Pirotha 991.00 36 36 193 96 97 50 44 18 15 8 61 7 109 Ikoda 733.00 19 31 173 94 79 10 12 25 21 22 4 45 18 110 Lachawara 1,293.00 84 101 499' 260 239 17 24 20 20 158 10 145 61 III Padocbha 1,501.00 70 7S 530' 281 249 34 36 65 63 89 5 141 83 157


Workers -. I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,....-"--. ';--J'o-._, ,..--'--, ,....-"--. ,....-"--. ,....-"--. r--'--. ,--A--. ,--A--. ~ ~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

118 4 124 57 4 6 4 11 3 217 422 75 77 4 78 19 3 6 3 8 3 137 295 8 15 12 1 2 31 44 33 31 26 1 1 49 83 55 54 55 1 2 88 138 76 53 1 37 41 1 2 75 118 2 17 14 13 20 65 36 33 1 88 123 77 60 8 135 124 2 178 234 78 54 39 66 90 106 79 59 19 6 2 3 58 115 80 48 19 8 2 3 75 119 81 18 12 5 20 45 82 47 3 44 24 2 4 80 124 83 52 1 33 24 4 2 1 1 79 124 84 37 1 21 10 4 2 1 1 58 89 15 12 14 21 35 94 2 67 82 3 1 3 132 207 85 35 3 38 37 1 53 81 86 27 3 32 27 1 40 67 8 6 10 13 14 33 8 7 1 28 66 87 12 25 20 28 44 88 I 6 2 3 5 Jl 19 18 25 39 Uninhabitecl 89 56 1 53 67 8 4 4 89 J52 90 10 6 7 4 9 24 91 40 95 94 2 107 122 92 39 1 68 68 2 85 105 1 27 26 22 17 87 2 57 85 6 4 8 138 216 93 35 1 34 27 1 1 56 91 94 18 1 1 1 12 33 95 23 6 77 55 1 67 108 96 1 3 1 97 107 81 2 2 1 140 305 98 50 41 2 80 163 99 2 1 4 5 9 100 50 2 60 51 1 84 125 101 32 7 23 42 46 102 45 15 40 1 55 35 103 46 45 49 2 1 6S 76 104 33 9 20 43 38 105 34 8 4 31 58 106 1 1 3 3 107 50 11 7 35 90 W8 18 27 18 49 61 109 83 25 49 34 8 1 3 2 115 178 110 97 37 37 44 1 ... 5 2 1 140 166 111 158


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acees and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,...--A-r- r--"-...... ,..---A-...... r--A-...... No. Block in K.ro2 houses boles P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

-----~--.. ---- 112 Bhagoda 497.00 32 33 200 107 93 13 12 18 19 32 6 52 11 113 Khiriya 491.00 33 36 211 118 93 22 22 32 27 18 3 63 8 114 Bhatoli 651.00 41 63 328 158 170 29 26 59 67 29 3 89 51 115 Barkbeda 693.00 77 90 445 232 213 38 32 15 J6 30 127 30 116 Jarha 563.00 30 43 213 98 115 7 11 12 19 47 9 63 6 117 Bandora 346.00 22 27 135 67 68 15 22 13 1 45 10 118 Bothi 783.00 43 47 295 152 143 39 37 41 36 26 85 25 119 Kachhowa 286.00 ]8 18 93 45 48 4 5 23 25 5 26 11 120 Akhai 587.00 53 53 264 137 127 27 27 38 10 99 2 121 Madal 936.00 45 45 223 117 106 19 15 7 8 44 7 77 7 122 Basoda 1,350.00 77 77 557 293 264 74 78 93 81 61 6 163 55 123 Andeli 317.00 Uninhabited 124 Karmodiya 924.00 62 77 544 278 266 115 110 83 II 163 30 125 Muliya Kheda 544.00 20 22 169 96 73 84 67 2 33 4 49 2 Muliya Kheda 19 21 I~l 84 67 84 67 28 4 44 2 Chak MuJiya Kheda J j 18 12 6 2 5 5 126 Pacsoriya 541.00 23 25 147 76 71 7 9 28 5 43 4 127 Layra 2.470.00 223 228 1,440 762 678 206 ]88 27 35 215 59 427 57 128 KesargruU 369.00 16 16 93 48 45 1 1 7 29 2 129 Mitholi 513.00 13 13 71 47 24 4 1 9 7 1 25 16 130 Jargawan 2,048.00 94 108 653 340 313 123 114 45 42 53 181 102 131 Berkhedi 799.00 44 44 234 130 104 56 40 14 70 34 Berkhedi 29 29 167 92 75 22 16 14 50 17 Berkhedi Farm 15 15 67 38 29 34 24 20 17 132 Rajpur 959.00 73 79 446 222 224 67 76 44 54 61 6 118 70 133 Nlljafpur 179.00 Uninhabited 134 Kethora ],530.00 94 97 462 256 206 48 35 35 31 160 87 128 37 Kethora 56 5f! 30? 167 J35 J7 20 35 31 117 71 84 33 Sakharabad 26 27 117 64 53 5 5 34 16 30 4 Chayadhara 12 J2 43 25 18 16 10 9 14 135 Hinota 634.0,) 47 47 354 187 167 56 43 74 72 39 4 95 61 136 Bukhara 409.00 31 31 149 77 72 17 12 17 14 62 43 45- 20 137 Shahpur 528,00 16 16 100 52 48 22 26 16 35 26 138 Panawar 91O.0G 60 60 432 222 210 18 25 17 18 53 14 122 76 139 Nahi 774 00 67 71 464 256 208 87 85 52 45 75 8 133 72 140 Barual 1,752.00 117 117 861 447 414 151 143 54 46 122 27 240 95 141 Awakhedi 2H,00 6 67 30 37 14 17 5 19 15 142 Keshopur 534.00 23 33 208 108 100 23 19 24 4 59 16 143 Agasod 501.00 17 21 201 109 92 8 8 48 41 16 1 65 38 144 Sihorll 671.00 168 250 1,451 781 676 102 81 363 165 372 55 Sihora 78 135 697 369 328 34 33 220 114 161 39 FreeganJ 90 115 760 412 348 68 48 143 51 211 16 145 Khajrod 643.00 33 315 215 113 102 25 22 28 1 58 20 146 Talapar 467.00 32 42 315 161 154 84 87 23 3 86 29 147 Belai 627.00 25 33 227 119 108 47 42 40 9 60 9 148 Gambhiriya 843.03 58 60 327 180 147 81- 63 6 6 83 19 97 15 149 Gudawal 1,239.00 72 100 906 476 430 84 67 61 64 134 41 260 76 150 Konsi 1,229.00 60 65 634 315 319 107 99 54 67 227 19 177 91 151 Loharra 513.00 8 11 80 40 40 14 10 3 6 8 1 26 15 152 Shaharwasa 2,082.00 124 166 1,208 604 604 174 162 63 70 248 74 334 148 ,.7: 159



II III N V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...--A--. ,--"'--, r-"--, ,-"--, ,--"'--, ,....--A--, ~ ,.-J\--, ,...-A-""",\ ,.-J\-""",\ r---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

"_----_."------~----.. --. ------__--.--- 37 2 15 9 55 82 112 43 20 8 55 85 113 46 42 50 69 119 114 93 3 30 27 3 105 183 115 47 14 6 2 35 109 116 31 ]4 9 22 58 117 5] 28 25 2 4 67 118 118 7 ]8 11 19 37 119 66 33 38 125 120 64 6 13 40 99 121 72 91 55 130 209 122 Uninhabited 123 ]02 41 5 6 10 2 1 3 21 115 236 124 31 15 2 2 1 47 71 125 27 14 2 2 1 40 65 4 1 ., 6 17 14 1 2 6 2 1 4 33 67 126 216 4 143 51 3 14 1 3 26 1 21 1 335 621 127 21 2 7 1 19 43 128 11 14 5 11 22 8 129 86 3 92 81 8 9 1 1 1 159 211 130 27 2 41 32 2 60 70 131 27 2 23 15 42 58 18 17 2 18 12 38 77 66 2 1 4 104 154 132 Uninhabited 133 53 3 38 33 2 1 10 4 17 3 128 169 134 40 2 36 31 2 1 1 3 1 83 102 13 1 2 2 3 1 10 2 34 49 10 4 11 18 38 56 61 92 106 135 28 4 17 16 32 52 136 16 14 18 12 17 22 137 61 21 49 54 4 1 1 7 100 134 138 59 n 70 1 2 123 136 139 133 6 90 89 4 3 2 2 6 207 319 140 14 15 5 11 22 141 30 21 16 8 49 84 142 27 38 38 44 54 143 124 6 120 35 9 15 4 16 5 27 2 13 43 7 409 621 144 13 3 32 22 9 11 4 14 5 22 2 13 32 7 208 289 101 3 88 13 4 2 5 11 201 332 31 15 20 1 7 2 2 55 82 145 44 32 29 4 3 :2 75 125 146 37 ~ 20 7 3 59 99 147 66 7 24 8 5 2 83 132 148 166 59 44 29 32 3 2 216 354 149 66 4 104 87 3 4 138 228 150 5 21 15 14 25 151 186 16 123 128 11 2 2 11 2 270 456 152 160


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- _---"-----.. ,--A'-~ ~ ,..--A-~ ,..-A--., No. Block in Kmll houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

153 Khwaja Khedi 248.00 10 10 43 15 28 5 7 11 ]5 154 SafaH 519.00 21 25 315 159 156 66 69 41 86 42 155 Daud Khedi 370.00 31 31 162 80 82 13 16 11 12 27 2 43 13 156 Futera 450.00 22 22 187 97 90 47 44 18 1 46 14 157 Datera 1,108.00 68 77 477 250 227 84 86 4 7 52 5 140 58 158 Palita 1,173.00 41 57 333 179 154 66 61 37 118 30 159 Dawari 133.00 3 5 85 40 45 2] 17 2 10 8 2 32 8 160 Rusalla 900.00 54 54 341 169 172 46 44 33 39 32 2 97 39 Rusal/a 48 48 245 125 120 40 42 25 1 70 18 Chak RusQl/a 6 6 96 44 52 6 2 33 39 7 1 27 21 161 JartoJi 1,049.00 65 82 527 270 257 114 119 4 3 68 14 1'55 83 162 Shyampur Gudawal J,088.00 87 89 644 336 308 73 62~ 83 78 80 18 197 55 163 Bhal Bamora 2,758.00 243 246 1,382 719 663 88 94 223 47 410 31 164 Najafganj 403.00 12 13 62 36 26 24 16 7 22 10 165 Ukawad 679.00 38 50 227 114 l13 44 55 8 10 ]5 1 71 5 166 Dudhawari 1.704.00 131 147 791 424 367 124 108 89 77 108 21 225 5 Dudhawari 107 107 573 311 262 102 86 70 65 76 15 154 3 Chak Dudhawllri 12 J3 82 42 40 2 3 3 4 17 1 26 2 Chak Beejari 12 27 136 71 65 20 19 16 8 15 5 45 167 Satoh 1,530.00 60 93 423 220 203 19 22 5 2 36 3 130 11 Sotoh 57 89 414 216 J98 15 J7 5 2 36 3 127 11 Singhpur 3 4 9 4 5 4 5 3 168 Padraj 344.00 7 9 55 30 25 13 8 10 1 20 9 169 Kakrawali 841.00 11 13 94 45 49 15 22 20 21 39 23 170 Simarghan 1.148.00 65 76 54&:") 285 257 54 49 11 11 204 15 163 53 171 Ramkhiriya 599.00 28 35 215 116 99 63 58 38 2 66 7 172 Banoh 766.00 36 48 260 129 131 17 22 45 52 29 6 76 19 173 Babai Khurd 842.00 55 72 36D 204 156 41 34 18 12 55 6 107 6 174 Katangi 329.00 Uninhabited 175 Mala Pathari 492.00 35 42 262 136 126 37 39 25 2 81 34 176 Mankyai 247.00 Uninhabited 177 Bandroli 536.00 Uninhabited 178 Bandrawatha 1,255.00 117 117 709 367 342 185 167 40 38 77 8 219 20 179 Bilgona 1,322.00 24 24 170 88 82 10 8 4 5 19 54 5 180 Bilakhedi 773.00 23 23 164 82 82 4 5 ]7 44 181 Kankron 661.00 13 13 84 48 36 33 24 4 24 2 182 Mahua Kheda 532.00 30 30 192 lOI 91 15 18 15 7 52 3 183 Dhamonipura 910.00 40 40 297 156 141 37 30 16 20 47 7 96 11 184 Dankhedi 611.00 19 19 103 54 49 29 21 14 14 3 34 185 Manesha 1,175.00 53 66 460 247 213 68 53 57 61 71 3 138 33 Manesha 51 64 421 222 199 68 53 57 61 63 3 J29 33 Chak MaJ.Ji)'u KhedQ 2 2 39 25 14 8 9 'l86 Bagoda 780.00 40 49 271 143 128 64 50 14 17 35 4 84 12 187 Chi! Pabadi 474.00 Uninhabited 188 Parsora 520.00 33 37 26:) 128 132 44 50 28 39 34 82 35 189 Babai Kalan 671.00 16 ]6 119 62 57 17 ]4 13 30 190 Khajuriya 867.00 40 40 231 125 106 48 36 3 4 19 64 5 191 Ramgarh 883.00 21 21 104 59 45 27 20 17 12 33 192 Bislooi 835.00 29 29 155 91 64 22 10 21 14 10 44 193 Punakhedi 839.00 47 49 347 172 175 29 34 68 15 89 7 161


---- Workers I II III IV V (a) V (b)' VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~-., ~, ~ ~ ,...-JL-, ,..---A--., ,..---A--., r~ ,..---A--., ,..---A--., ,..---A-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

----.-.--~------_ ------11 IS' 4 13 153 41 45 42 73 114 154 24 16 13 2 37 69 ISS 25 20 13 51 76 156 73 51 56 1 7 1 6 2 110 169 157 77 37 29 2 2 61 124 158 29 3 7 8 37 159 48 47 39 2 72 133 160 44 24 18 2 55 102 4 23 21 17 31 71 1 77 81 3 4 115 174 161 96 3 92 52 3 2 4 139 253 162 136 5 208 23 9 15 8 8 10 2 14 309 632 163 7 15 10 14 16 164 50 21 5 43 108 165 140 1 63 3 2 5 2 12 199 362 166 S5 1 50 2 1 2 4 2 10 157 259 21 3 1 2 1 16 38 34 10 1 26 65 70 1 50 10 2 4 I 3 90 192 167 69 1 50 10 4 1 3 89 187 1 2 1 5 8 1 12 8 10 16 168 9 30 23 6 26 169 83 75 51 3 122 204 170 55 10 7 50 92 171 39 35 19 2 53 112 172 76 28 5 2 97 150 173 Uninhabited 174 44 30 30 3 3 4 55 92 175 Uninhabited 176 Uninhabited 177 172 2 36 18 4 7 148 322 178 48 1 5 4 34 77 179 32 12 38 82 180 9 2 14 24 34 181 22 3 30 49 88 182 68 23 11 3 2 60 130 183 28 6 20 49 184 75 2 55 31 4 1 3 109 180 185 66 2 55 31 4 1 3 93 166 9 16 14 39 1 41 11 2 2 59 116 186 Uninhabited 187 36 1 45 33 1 1 46 97 188 30 32 57 189 51 2 13 3 61 101 190 31 2 26 45 191 41 3 47 64 192 72 1 13 6 2 2 83 168 193 162


Total Population Literate r-- (Including and (I-IX) Area of educated Total village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled Name of 'Iribes per'1>on'1> Wotke{!> Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of house\ess population) Castes Code of town/ward residential house- ,..-A--. ~-. ,--"--. ....-"-"'""' Ward/Urban ,-----A..----. M F M F M F No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F

12 13 14 15 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------61 132 22 318 132 J94 Chhapara 3,526.00 144 144 1,077 583 494 198 164 74 52 43 131 22 300 123 Chhapara 137 137 1,016 549 467 198 164 22 18 1 18 9 Kishanpur 7 7 61 34 27 20 26 3 71 9 195 JaToli 484.00 30 40 239 126 113 24 196 324.01 Uninhabited Pipariya 1 197 Sherpur 122.00 1 1 4 3 1 31 67 8 198 Mathrapur 892.00 33 33 223 129 94 58 39 199 Andhiya Bawadi 225.00 Uninhabited 8 8 47 2 137 4 200 Barkheda Pathari 1,009.00 79 87 479 251 228 19 22 60 3 36 36 208 110 98 10 15 8 8 2J 2 Barkheda Pathari 24 77 1 Suja Chak 43 51 271 141 130 9 7 3 4 3 28 201 Sernar Khedi 618.00 15 15 103 46 57 591 225 647 155 202 Pathari 2,152.00 384 418 2,559 1,420 1,139 239 185 69 58 84 24 249 29 203 Badoh 1,965.00 163 163 847 440 407 92 99 9 2 49 2 204 Sedpur 494.00 24 30 160 89 71 37 30 29 1 47 5 205 Jajpon 970.00 26 29 183 87 96 20 24 16 3 33 1 206 Jarnllniya 376.00 12 14 100 51 49 28 26 207 Chandan pur 311.00 Uninhabited 13 4 24 1 208 Hasarnpur 452.00 13 14 92 46 46 9 12 25 2 53 3 209 Khadakhedi 592.00 44 51 199 95 104 40 50 32 8 11 24 2 43 3 Khadakhedi 35 42 163 78 85 24 1 1 1 10 Chafnarpura 9 9 36 17 19 16 18 11 12 1 210 Pirotha 290.00 () 10 56 32 24 3 2 11 17 5 211 Chanduli 237.00 13 ]3 53 32 21 10 12 30 3 104 11 212 Kankal Khedi 1,036.00 71 7l 384 201 183 84 79 8 15 1 21 2 Kankal Khedi 19 19 106 60 46 5 4 10 2 58 5 Chamarpura 45 45 200 101 99 75 69 5 25 4 Rawatpura 7 7 78 40 38 9 10 5 12 2 58 4 213 Padarnyai 646.00 27 27 182 99 8~ 49 41 19 34 5 51 4 214 Patra 545.00 49 49 234 127 107 17 14 22 33 34 no 287 475 140 215 PlkJon 3,268.00 282 301 1,613 878 735 158 149 27 46 19 185 36 216 Deoli 1,199.00 101 114 683 362 321 30 58 47 43 68 19 134 50 217 Sankrod 1,087.00 75 93 433 237 196 65 57 97 107 91 15 205 120 218 Bheswaya 1,091.00 84 126 662 332 330 48 67 60 53 49 6 153 88 219 Nah 1,560.00 84 104 579 301 278 75 38 5 5 67 1 123 50 220 Suneti 832.00 48 70 486 235 251 40 14 4 59 221 Gond Khedi 1,128.00 29 29 195 107 88 14 13 1 31 6 64 7 222 Bisrai 413.00 47 47 236 119 117 12 16 14 36 8 73 18 223 1,327.00 49 49 256 132 124 23 18 Bisraha 31 3 120 4 1,686.00 60 60 394 226 168 41 32 3 2 224 Chopada 101 68 225 Kurwai Kasba 4,341.0:> 58 58 319 165 154 165 154

"'.} 163



I II III IV V (a) V'(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.--"-, r-"-, r-"-, ,--A-, r-"-, ,..--A-, ,....-A-, ,....-A-, ,..--A-, ,..--A-, ,----"-, L C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

135 5 175 127 4 1 3 265 362 194 127 5 165 118 4 1 3 249 344 8 10 9 16 18 54 2 13 7 3 55 104 195 Uninhabited 196 1 2 1 197 :0 16 7 62 86 198 Uninhabited 199 119 4 12 2 3 114 224 200 56 3 2 2 50 95 63 1 10 1 3 64 129 16 12 18 57 201 198 44 134 60 17 2 7 62 22 4 9 90 6 7 119 21 773 984 202 119 101 23 1 10 3 2 13 5 191 378 203

41 8 2 ••• .e. ••• 40 69 204 34 11 5 2 40 91 205 31 2 18 48 206 Uninhabited 207 18 6 22 45 208 33 18 3 1 1 42 101 209 30 11 3 1 1 35 82 3 7 7 19 12 20 23 210 17 5 15 16 211 80 9 19 2 4 97 172 212 15 2 4 2 39 44 49 5 6 1 2 43 94 16 2 9 2 15 34 38 3 18 2 41 79 213 37 4 12 2 76 103 214 238 8 164 128 13 19 3 8 2 28 3 403 595 215 139 8 44 28 1 1 177 285 216 59 3 60 47 1 10 3 103 146 217 79 2 118 118 3 5 127 210 218 81 2 66 86 5 1 148 190 219 72 1 43 47 3 2 1 4 112 201 220 56 3 48 88 221 58 3 4 4 2 55 110 222 42 3 28 15 1 2 59 106 223 112 2 7 2 1 106 164 224 35 4 66 64 64 86 225 164


Total Population Literate (I-IX) Area of (Including and Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code of town/ward residential house- ,.--"-""""\ ,..--"-""""\ .--A--.. r-"'-""""\ Ward/Urban M F No. Block in Km 2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


1,561 25/11 Kurnal (M) 0.39 1,031 6,811 3,261 516 25 1,758 1,221 3,550 577 25 813 290

25!II/l Ward No.1 179 193 1,060 557 503 105 103 259 128 217 41 Block No.1 64 78 516 272 244 26 27 100 35 102 4 Block No.2 115 115 544 285 259 79 76 159 93 115 37

2j/II/2 Ward No.2 154 218 1,171 602 569 72 81 400 256 271 43 Block No. 3 73 117 639 322 317 241 181 136 16 Block No. 4 81 101 532 280 252 72 81 159 75 135 27

25/TI/3 Ward No.3 153 181 963 512 451 179 139 189 66 242 68 Block No. 5 75 94 498 252 246 54 46 81 31 127 36 Block No.6 78 87 465 260 205 125 93 108 35 115 32

25JlIJ4 Ward No.4 223 232 1,444 767 677 97 76 357 172 360 72 Block No. 7 103 112 681 347 334 41 32 178 95 163 3R Block No.8 120 120 763 420 343 56 44 179 77 197 34

25//1/5 Ward No.5 149 194 1,054 542 512 8 5 10 6 339 88 227 33 Block No.9 79 96 551 293 264 7 4 193 125 10 Block No. 10 70 98 497 249 248 1 1 10 6 146 88 102 23

25////6 Ward No.6 173 203 I,IJ9 570 549 116 112 15 19 214 103 244 33 Block No. 11 74 105 587 286 301 10 13 15 19 124 67 115 5 Block No. 12 99 98 532 284 248 106 99 90 36 129 28 165


Workers ------~,------~------, I II ITI IV V (a) V (0) VI VII VIlI IX X Non- Workers ,---''---, ~ ~-. L.C. M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1


189 255 35 125 110 91 258 71 427 t ,989 25/11 8 110 4 21 44 22 12 69 2,'i)71

14 1 10 8 1 32 16 24 27 3 58 5 6 46 7 340 46225/11/1 13 5 7 10 11 4 28 24 4 170 240 1 1 5 1 22 5 24 23 3 30 5 6 22 3 170 222 2

16 3 6 381 21 7 29 9 13 86 3 7 85 17 331 526 25/11/1 )0 3 1 1 2 943 1 60 2 5 44 6 186 301 3 6 5 2 6 12 7 25 6 12 26 1 2 41 11 145 225 4

21 25 9 2 19 11 39 8 21 16 44 1 14 57 22 270 383 25/11/3 9 16 6 14 10 11 5 10 5 25 5 37 10 125 210 5 12 9 3 2 5 1 28 3 II II 19 9 20 12 145 173 6

38 1 99 55 13 2 32 3 11 2 24 2 37 2 19 87 5 407 605 25/11/4 21 51 28 4 2 21 6 2 3 19 2 5 33 3 184 296 7 17 48 27 9 11 3 5 21 2 18 14 54 2 223 309 8

56 1 38 18 2 12 10 1 5 25 1 9 70 12 315 479 25/11/5 29 28 8 1 3 5 1 16 7 35 1 168 254 9 27 10 10 1 9 5 4 9 2 35 11 147 225 10

44 1 77 25 2 9 5 118 16 82 6 326 516 25/II/6 25 9 7 5 4 8 57 5 171 296 11 19 1 68 25 2 2 114 8 25 1 155 220 12 166


------Literate Total Population (I-IX) Area of (Including and Scheduled Srheduled educated Total Name of village in Total institutional and Workers acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons ~ocation Village/Townf ,..--"-...... , of towofward residential house- ,.-____...A-- _____"" ,..--"--. ,..--"-...... , Code Ward/Urban M F M F ~ No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F

13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12

4,104 22,237 54,916 2!5/4 Basoda Tahsil (Rural) 2,291.04 33,649 97,648 21,351 29,333 183,312 85,(M)4 19,186 3,835 3,188 8,462 25 19 22 4 74 1 Pura Jagir 875.00 41 48 213 109 104 10 8 47 11 53 1 2 Agra Jagir 1,301.00 43 45 221 107 114 8 14 39 ]09 2 3 HigJi Jagir 960.00 50 60 361 185 176 22 17 8 12 12 39 109 2 Higli Jagir 47 57 356 i85 171 22 17 8 Khemwa Pura Majora 335 5 39 4 Sil Kheda 1,106.00 17 17 114 69 45 Sil Kheda Uninhabited 25 Majal"Q Haripur 9 9 68 41 27 14 Nahpura 8 8 46 28 18 5 Sagar 113.00 Uninhabited 28 174 6 Rampura Jagir 1,771.00 116 116 552 299 253 38 39 7 Shah pur Jagir 409,00 Uninhabited 41 6 130 38 8 Ratwa 1,402.00 67 84 438 223 215 56 47 30 140 24 9 Barua Khar 1,199.00 77 147 409 232 177 47 35 3 39 11 10 Mana Khedi 678.00 9 13 92 59 33 95 ]4 173 3 11 Bil Khedi 2,398.00 119 119 631 331 300 49 40 16 177 9 414 ]7 12 Barkheda Jagir 4,010.00 233 280 1.354 731 623 125 100 20 95 13 174 9 390 15 Barkheda Jagir 220 262 1,261 678 583 120 18 40 5 _; 2 3 .5 24 2 Barkhedi }3 18 93 51 13 Motipur 885.00 Uninhabited 14 Narayanpur 543.00 Uninhabited 37 15 Bisoniya 667.00 23 23 138 69 69 1 2 144 22 18 15 82 16 Dala Patai 1,204.00 38 61 303 159 4 48 17 Umariya 1,338,00 14 26 178 96 82 4 39 Umariya 8 19 133 70 63 9 Umariya Banjarapura 6 7 45 26 19 14 16 3 35 18 Goriya 692.00 13 20 120 54 66 761.00 8 22 105 62 43 3 41 19 Fatehpur 19 20 Murli Huri 234.00 8 10 69 37 32 7 24 21 Daulatpura 430.00 13 14 73 40 33 131 23 21 25 1 93 14 22 Kolua 2,795.00 47 48 287 156 20 1 74 14 Kolua 39 40 236 129 107 23 21 5 19 Nathpura 8 8 51 27 24 3 24 22 7 2 26 23 Shahpur 1,286.00 14 16 95 47 48 2 307 52 54 16 14 43 1 193 9 24 Mahutha 1,959.00 90 122 669 362 152 43 49 16 14 41 98 7 Mahutha 43 68 347 195 37 J Ha,yalpur 13 20 119 54 65 4 5 2 1 58 1 Sanagan 34 34 203 113 90 5 152 19 18 58 57 50 86 44 25 Shala Khedi 1,416.00 44 50 312 160 18 43 43 42 66 34 Shala Khedi 35 38 233 120 113 19 15 14 8 20 10 Khodapuri 9 12 79 40 39 59 7 6 2 3 17 39 7 26 Jatpura 997.00 20 22 126 67 6 12 31 5 Jatpura 16 18 105 55 50 7 9 2 3 5 8 2 Kharera 4 4 21 12 549 2,M40 1,530 1,310 103 106 47 33 683 335 677 88 27 Samshabad 1,177.00 301 88 6 2 3 74 2 28 Khoha 377.00 26 31 203 115 29 2 29 Khoha 6 7 69 40 59 6 2 1 45 2 Handa Khoha 20 24 134 75 167 BASODA TAHSIL


II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--J--, L.C ...... --...... r-"--, ,-"---, "..-k-, ,-"---, ,.--A--, r--"'--. ~...... , ,.-A---. r--"'--. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

--;------~------,- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

31,S77 17,104 538 213 1,065 269 311 879 187 1,773 42,7:i2 25/4 1,090 6,861 9 6 ]96 16 4S 38 1 200 77,202 51 23 35 104 1 21 13 1 3 2 9 5 54 113 2 88 1 18 1 1 2 76 174 3 88 1 18 1 I 2 76 169 5 38 30 45 4 Uninhabited 25 16 27 13 1 14 18 Uninhabited 5 )0 4 2 4 125 252 6 Uninhabited 7 83 2 45 36 2 93 177 8 118 17 23 2 2 92 153 9 18 21 11 20 22 10 128 29 3 9 4 3 158 297 11 606 12 285 5 74 12 25 I 1 17 11 317 568 265 5 70 10 25 1 1 17 11 288 20 4 2 29 38 Uninhabited 13 Uninhabited 14 36 1 32 69 15 66 13 77 144 16 48 48 82 11 3" 31 63 9 17 19 29 6 19 66 18 39 2 21 43 19 18 1 18 32 20 20 3 16 33 21 71 13 10 5 3 3 63 117 22 54 1 13 10 3 3 3 1 55 93 17 2 8 24 17 6 3 1 21 41 23 136 22 7 11 2 3 19 2 169 298 24 68 14 7 2 3 11 97 145 30 6 1 1 17 64 38 8 5 7 1 55 89 44 38 44 1 3 74 108 25 31 31 34 1 3 54 79 13 7 10 20 29 30 8 7 28 52 26 25 6 5 24 45 5 2 2 I 4 7 88 5 59 29 10 70 29 37 4 167 4 28 214 20 853 1,222 27 68 6 2 41 86 28 28 1 Jl 29 40 5 2 30 57 168


Total Population Literate Art"a of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location VillagelTownl acrell and O~upied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ....---."'------.. ,...-J'-"""'I ,...-J'-"""'I ~\ ~ No. Block in Krn2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

29 Sigrampur 3,066.00 28 49 272 146 126 48 43 52 46 16 1 91 1 30 Piproda 1,591.00 31 49 239 139 100 48 34 15 11 23 2 73 1 31 Jodhpur 772.00 20 20 160 86 74 14 9 17 1 45 Jodhpur 12 12 112 59 53 14 9 16 1 27 Jodhpur Banjarapura 8 8 48 27 21 1 18 32 Bhiya Khedi 1,137.00 41 62 290 153 137 21 19 23 29 5! 4 93 34 33 Bhagwanpur 1,158.00 30 48 273 143 130 40 45 12 11 43 4 72 12 34 Ghat Khedi 452.00 I 2 8 6 2 3 4 35 Barodiya 2,137.00 60 76 448 226 222 35 37 62 64 31 119 Barodiya 23 27 162 79 83 3 3 27 1 39 Dundtya 11 14 66 32 34 32 34 19 Choudiyai 10 19 94 53 41 2 25 Kheruwapura 16 16 126 62 64 62 64 2 36 36 Ragru 760.00 27 29 150 89 61 37 27 7 50 16 37 Karahiya 2,853.00 92 103 573 312 261 27 29 72 7 183 1 Karahiya 61 64 342 182 160 14 17 61 7 107 1 Balrampur 12 17 101 55 46 2 4 10 35 Chak Karahiya 8 11 68 36 32 10 6 1 22 Munni/al Tapra 11 11 62 39 23 1 2 19 38 Rajpura 377.00 6 6 39 19 20 433 8 39 Baroda 1,641.00 12 23 128 72 56 11 37 18 Baroda Barbarpura 3 6 36 23 13 9 8 3 Jhagri 9 17 92 49 43 2 29 15 40 Pali 1,203.00 71 83 449 248 201 33 39 18 165 83 41 Nasaratgarh 659.00 17 17 98 55 43 5 3 46 37 3 35 12 42 Barnori 572.00 54 62 328 178 150 50 36 35 103 1 43 Mohanpur 712.00 33 35 220 129 91 10 8 12 77 1 44 Sarsi 670.f)() 28 34 175 107 68 23 14 2 2 20 59 45 Jarnanyai 1,173.00 67 73 402 209 193 21 18 35 2 138 20 46 Garhi 1,114.00 23 23 157 88 69 57 47 Kachhi Kheda 1,070.00 28 29 168 87 81 24 21 3 3 8 60 3 48 Lawa Khedi 1,112.00 19 25 91 49 42 5 3 4 25 2 49 Dangarwara 1,114.00 109 117 706 382 324 44 35 63 5 213 27 50 Khata Khedi 787.00 45 59 240 130 110 19 16 6 1 81 6 51 Berkhedi Kirar 705.00 49 64 315 168 147 52 49 19 102 7 52 Thana 3,724.00 137 150 702 386 316 68 57 59 2 212 Thana 96 98 447 253 194 63 53 47 2 141 Sihar Khcdi 41 52 255 133 122 5 4 12 71 53 Pegyai 2,168.00 63 68 354 189 165 31 23 28 3 109 2 54 Hada 1,130.00 52 52 294 )65 129 33 31 )0 6 29 5 98 63 55 Jhiri 1,439.00 70 70 401 210 191 21 16 30 32 27 138 ll5 Jhiri 38 38 215 114 101 23 81 66 Chak Jihri 32 32 186 96 90 21 16 30 32 4 57 49 56 Bade: 2,702.00 119 130 712 380 332 55 35 5 5 109 10 206 11 Bader 77 87 499 259 240 36 22 5 5 96 9 143 8 Shankarpur 12 12 48 27 21 19 13 1 1 13 Kachhipura 30 31 165 94 71 12 50 3 57 Gokalpur 1,939.00 47 71 259 152 107 23 19 14 96 1 169 BASODA TAHSIL

Workers I II III IV Yea) Y (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...-A.-...... ,...... -A--, ~--, ..--'---. f--A--, ,..--A--, ,...... -A---, ,--A--.., ,_.JI---, ,...... -A--, r--"--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

74 13 3 55 ]25 29 40 27 4 66 99 30 40 5 41 74 31 22 5 32 53 18 9 21 63 19 34 7 60 103 32 48 20 11 2 71 118 33 4 2 2 34 73 4] 3 I 1 107 222 35 33 4 1 1 40 83 13 6 13 34 17 5 3 28 41 10 26 26 64 39 8 16 2 39 45 36 141 36 1 2 4 129 260 37 73 28 2 4 75 159 34 1 20 46 17 5 14 32 17 2 20 23 6 2 11 20 38 32 4 18 35 38 39

7 3 1 15 10 25 4 15 20 28 123 35 82 1 4 1 83 118 40 18 17 12 20 31 41 68 1 17 5 3 10 75 149 42 57 1 9 11 52 90 43 26 12 16 4 48 68 44 93 7 31 11 3 3 2 6 71 173 45 57 31 69 46 S3 1 6 2 1 27 78 47 18 5 2 24 40 48 135 I 57 25 14 6 169 297 49 73 3 5 3 3 49 104 50 91 5 11 2 66 140 51 117 84 8 1 2 174 316 52 68 63 7 1 2 112 194 49 21 1 62 122 85 2 20 3 80 163 53 79 47 17 16 2 67 66 54 115 99 22 16 72 76 S5 81 66 33 35 34 33 22 16 1 39 41 128 48 8 5 1 6 17 2 174 321 56 94 32 5 1 2 1 5 8 2 116 232 9 4 14 21 25 12 3 3 1 9 44 68 64 30 2 56 106 57 170


Total population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- -. ...--"--. ~ ...--"--. ,--A--"'\ No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

58 Sadher 2,900.00 113 157 64&. 1'" 347 301 37 32 128 116 41 194 Sadher 40 49 218 120 98 13 10 29 65 Ramgarh 28 34 146 76 70 21 19 9 1 44 Banjarapura 45 74 284 151 133 3 3 128 IJ6 3 85 59 Bharna Kheda 1,194.00 106 106 565 318 247 44 32 60 3 152 8 Bharna Kheda 83 83 419 231 Ifill 44 32 36 2 188 8 Chhota Bhama Kheda 23 23 146 87 59 24 1 34 60 Hinotiya Mali 2,222.00 104 1 IO 576 300 276 37 38 79 70 71 6 169 16 Hinotiya Mali 81 87 427 221 206 37 38 69 6 126 9 Majara Hinotiya 23 23 149 79 70 79 70 2 43 7 61 Shahpura 1,164.00 18 67 342 191 151 123 110 4 2 104 2 Shahpura 5 27 128 79 49 11 8 3 2 51 1 Shahpur Banjarapura 13 40 214 112 102 112 102 1 53 1 62 Barkheda Jat 2,585.00 29 50 296 162 134 43 35 14 5 28 97 42 63 Nadiya 1,392.00 91 92 496 273 223 51 44 38 148 2 64 Karmedi 2,652.00 138 156 887 472 415 49 50 20 279 66 Karmedi 66 75 456 234 222 49 50 16 135 46 Chhota Kheda 20 24 131 76 55 1 38 9 Bada Kheda 46 46 241 128 /13 3 84 7 Sherpura 6 11 59 34 25 22 4 65 Golna 1,498.00 37 40 213 119 94 28 21 10 65 66 Satpada Hat 3,123.00 231 233 1,201 633 568 169 147 84 85 161 25 355 9 Satapda Hat 205 207 1,055 551 504 110 99 84 85 151 25 316 5 Nuohriya 26 26 146 82 64 59 48 10 39 4 67 Jeerapur 1,944.00 105 105 603 320 283 128 114 75 72 33 161 43 Jeerapur 87 87 485 261 224 128 114 18 15 33 135 21 Dabripur 18 18 118 59 59 57 57 26 22 68 Hirapur 2,333.00 69 73 399 200 199 55 54 30 29 47 2 104 8 69 Sangul 4,168.00 187 195 1,060 568 492 108 89 27 31 115 13 333 56 70 Maniya Barkheda 1,048.00 50 54 315 179 136 9 9 22 102 34 71 Barkheda Makhu 2,032.00 141 156 826 454 372 160 137 111 10 223 45 Barkheda Makhu 109 122 626 345 281 Jl8 93 83 6 166 37 Koripura 18 20 92 46 46 38 42 8 3 23 8 Piru Khedi 14 14 108 63 45 4 2 20 1 34 72 Amarpur 1,056.00 12 12 61 34 27 28 24 16 9 73 Bardha 4,828.00 376 387 2,045 1,108 937 170 149 287 48 623 133 Bardha 288 299 1,582 850 732 122 123 259 47 477 102 Duret; 24 24 123 69 54 10 38 5 Prafappur 36 36 185 109 76 48 36 10 1 61 18 Badshahpur 28 28 155 80 75 8 47 8 74 Rusalli 1,885.00 83 87 518 265 253 69 60 35 2 142 60 75 Dafaryai Kalan 1,399.00 62 62 352 197 155 26 26 17 115 3 Dafaryai Kalan 37 37 212 /18 94 26 2'5 10 71 2 Kheda 25 25 140 79 61 7 44 1 76 Mohi 2,517.00 76 76 340 172 163 17 19 26 29 48 4 110 77 Sakatpur 909.00 42 58 332 177 155 47 39 26 2 94 22 78 Rlmpura Khurd 524.00 Uninhabited 79 Mahua Dongari 631.00 9 12 57 30 27 17 171


Workers -. I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI vlI VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...---'--""", r--A--. r-"'--. r---"--. r--A--. r---"--.. r---"---. ,...-''--. r---"--.. r---"--.. ..---''--. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

99 88 3 3 153 301 58 39 19 3 1 3 55 98 30 14 32 70 30 55 66 133 111 25 8 2 13 166 239 59 81 22 8 2 1 12 113 180 30 3 1 53 59 113 40 15 2 6 2 6 131 260 60 85 25 8 2 6 2 1 6 95 197 28 15 7 36 63 77 27 87 149 61 50 1 1 28 48 27 26 1 59 101 58 39 42 65 92 62 138 8 2 2 125 221 63 205 6 60 57 4 4 2 6 193 349 64 68 4 53 39 4 4 2 1 6 99 176 36 1 2 8 38 46 82 1 2 6 44 106 19 3 4 12 21 59 6 54 94 65 225 2 64 4 9 21 2 1 15 17 2 278 559 66 200 1 59 3 8 20 2 1 11 15 1 235 499 25 I 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 43 60 85 58 40 8 1 8 2 159 240 67 85 34 19 7 1 8 2 126 203 24 21 1 1 1 33 37 54 3 33 3 7 5 1 1 5 96 191 68 205 3 102 52 4 9 1 3 9 235 436 69 78 22 13 9 5 2 2 3 77 102 70 149 1 57 41 6 1 1 10 2 231 327 71 107 J 42 33 6 1 I 10 2 179 244 12 lJ 8 23 38 30 4 29 45 8 8 9 18 18 72 368 55 172 75 15 3 16 11 38 3 485 804 73 277 40 122 59 13 3 14 11 37 3 373 630 22 14 5 1 1 31 49 45 13 16 5 48 58 24 2 20 6 2 1 33 67 66 69 60 4 2 123 193 74 54 1 57 2 82 152 75 30 1 37 1 1 1 1 47 92 24 20 1 35 60 59 48 1 2 62 168 76 53 32 18 4 2 5 2 83 133 77 Uninhabited 78 14 3 13 26 79 172


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I.IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house· ,--.A..---, ,-A-, ,--''-, ,-A-, ,..--"-, No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

80 Bichhiya 3,270.00 277 361 1,613 857 756 87 101 239 30 451 18 Bichhiya 275 359 1,593 849 749 85 97 239 30 446 18 Ran Chhat 2 2 15 8 7 2 4 5 81 Tinsyai 854.00 31 31 220 118 102 2 2 22 59 10 82 Dhobi Kheda 1,872.00 63 71 378 208 170 48 18 30 1 113 67 83 Khajuri Samshabad 1,399.00 86 110 466 232 234 56 55 43 2 130 10 84 Berkhedi Ghat 720.00 39 45 225 115 110 9 11 33 59 1 85 Pipaldhar 5,361.00 366 411 :!,080 1,116 964 202 190 4 246 26 670 190 Pipaldhar 201 214 1,082 583 499 92 90 4 135 16 354 129 Adpur 64 64 315 181 134 35 25 4 1 116 30 Pattan 101 133 (;83 352 331 75 75 107 9 200 31 86 Motipura 962.00 49 55 293 150 143 33 33 117 110 34 2 90 17 87 Gouriya Kheda 1,358.00 66 66 3D 164 149 22 19 1 3 23 4 96 9 88 Bheronbag 809.00 40 40 214 111 103 7 7 30 59 5 89 Amarpura 700.00 43 48 210 115 95 20 24 28 68 15 90 Binjh Jagir 2,756.00 136 162 823 438 385 106 108 95 5 269 170 91 ImaIiya Jagir 1,143.00 71 89 464 248 216 49 53 77 16 140 67 92 Barkheda Adawar 1,144.00 44 53 248 135 113 44 34 17 77 2 93 Riniya 1,315.00 86 89 482 270 212 80 62 52 7 161 4 94 Sirsi 605.00 35 41 204 113 91 32 24 l3 3 71 21 95 Mudra Sherpur 1,326.00 97 111 520 286 234 63 54 84 26 176 76 96 Nagtara 924.00 78 78 368 201 167 36 29 26 3 98 15 97 Ravan 3,266.00 237 238 1,257 675 582 169 155 176 21 365 45 Ravan 159 160 811 423 388 130 107 Jl8 20 234 20 Bamori 78 78 446 252 194 39 48 58 131 25 98 Pi pari 518.00 15 15 89 51 38 11 26 99 Kasba Khedi 866.00 72 72 396 207 189 82 77 18 2 121 51 Kasba Khedi 61 61 338 181 157 56 45 18 2 104 31 Majara Amanpur 11 11 58 26 32 26 32 17 20 100 Kashipur 1,128.00 11 14 87 43 44 24 101 Seu 4,786.00 342 439 1,809 947 862 150 136 251 55 523 35 Seu 311 408 1.677 881 796 143 133 250 54 481 28 Shyampur 31 31 132 66 66 7 3 1 1 42 7 102 Chamarha 1,177,00 11 13 95 51 44 3 1 11 2 23 103 Khai Kheda 765.00 33 49 377 200 177 16 21 20 20 55 9 100 :l Khai Khedu 76 38 306 160 146 fi 8 20 20 48 9 80 5 Chamarpura 3 3 28 13 15 10 13 2 6 Kirarpura 4 8 43 27 16 5 14 104 Gujar Khedi 259.00 19 22 107 58 49 36 31 2 1 32 12 GujarKhedi 6 6 40 22 18 1 1 9 2 Sehariyapura 13 16 67 36 31 36 31 1 23 If) 105 Khajuri Das 879.00 64 90 533 283 250 48 48 11 5 101 14 147 8 106 Mudra Khlrni 745.00 32 44 231 122 109 57 56 10 69 16 107 Nateran 3,093.00 350 452 2,208 1,206 1,002 176 141 389 70 683 134 108 Miya Khedi 779.00 53 68 383 205 178 187 161 43 1 109 4 109 Ghatmahi 1,225.00 33 35 221 114 107 18 18 41 3 69 3 110 Silway Khajuri 3,348.00 89 101 620 312 308 57 43 76 9 191 13 Silway 61 67 442 214 228 60 7 121 4 Khajuri 28 34 178 98 80 57 43 16 2 70 9 III N arkhedagha t 3,048.00 54 57 344 177 167 28 25 44 58 6 2 102 1 173



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.....--A-, ~ r--A-, r-"-, ,..-JI-, ,..--A-, ~ ,....-A-.. ,.-"--. ,---A-, ,---"-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

254 3 125 12 22 1 2 27 2 21 406 738 80 250 3 124 12 22 1 2 27 2 21 403 731 4 1 3 7 39 3 14 6 4 2 1 59 92 81 70 38 67 3 2 95 103 82 97 5 28 5 1 4 102 224 83 55 1 4 56 109 84 410 6 204 181 7 1 5 7 15 1 21 1 446 774 85 214 3 99 124 3 1 5 6" 13 1 13 1 229 370 71 1 45 29 65 104 125 2 60 28 4 I 2 1 8 152 300 65 18 14 1 5 2 60 126 86 80 3 15 6 1 68 140 87 49 2 9 3 1 52 98 88 45 18 14 1 1 3 1 47 80 89 120 53 137 115 6 2 3 3 169 215 90 80 1 55 66 1 2 108 149 91 48 2 29 58 111 92 89 1 61 3 3 5 2 109 208 93 26 2 40 19 5 42 70 94 64 98 73 5 3 6 2 110 158 95 62 34 14 103 152 96 199 2 119 43 3 1 13 2 2 16 310 537 97 116 90 20 3 1 7 2 2 13 /89 368 83 2 39 23 6 3 121 169 21 4 1 25 38 98 67 3 50 48 1 1 2 86 138 99 65 3 35 28 1 1 2 77 126 2 15 20 9 12 23 1 19 44 100 276 163 32 27 2 32 23 3 424 827 101 270 130 25 27 1 30 23 3 400 768 6 33 7 2 24 59 11 12 28 44 102 54 40 5 2 1 3 100 172 103 43 32 .5 2 1 2 80 141 1 .5 7 1.5 10 3 1 13 16 11 21 12 26 37 104 8 1 2 13 16 3 20 10 13 21 63 71 7 5 2 5 136 242 105 46 10 20 6 3 53 93 106 343 180 lOS 12 17 27 13 3 16 4 29 2 54 11 523 868 107 54 47 3 2 2 3 1 96 174 108 58 10 2 1 45 104 109 131 3 49 10 5 2 3 121 295 110 91 3 20 1 .5 1 2 2 93 224 40 29 9 1 28 71 40 56 2 2 2 75 166 111 174 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total • l.ocation Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,----"--. ,..--A-. ,....-A-. ,.--"-. ~--, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M'F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

112 Tajkhajuri 2,413.00 85 85 468 253 215 130 118 41 129 113 Kbejada Kashiram 983.00 40 40 205 108 97 78 71 13 53 114 Nauraj Khedi 418.00 15 31 179 94 85 31 26 21 48 5 115 Didhoni 1,516.00 84 lIS 590 321 269 139 113 75 ]6 166 20 Didhoni 57 86 429 214 185 82 53 65 16 126 15 Chak Devipur 8 10 58 29 29 9 7 7 11 2 Tapra Didhoni 19 19 101 48 55 48 53 3 29 3 ] 16 Khejada Tila 904.00 60 76 412 229 183 23 14 86 75 44 6 ]22 30 Khejada Tila 36 49 293 168 125 23 14 25 17 42 6 85 14 Tapra 24 27 119 61 58 61 58 2 37 16 117 Johad 3,569.00 89 99 1,208 630 578 204 174 43 52 ]48 21 347 105 Johad 60 60 986 519 467 167 143 144 21 293 75 Karaiya Khera 9 15 72 19 33 37 31 4 18 5 Chak Manjara /] 12 78 37 35 15 18 15 14 Tapra Johad 9 12 78 35 43 28 34 21 11 118 Padaria Jagir 2,378.00 119 124 697 392 305 95 86 18 13 70 9 213 51 119 Gajanyai 606.00 45 46 231 128 103 36 27 11 8 5 2 67 18 120 Boodhor 1, 782.00 113 119 6<;1 345 346 74 74 45 62 62 2 181 63 Boodhor 82 86 467 216 241 44 48 40 54 38 1 128 44 Chak Boodhor 18 19 108 61 47 16 9 7 27 7 Jindpura 13 14 116 58 58 14 17 5 8 17 1 26 12 ]21 Behta 570.00 28 29 173 101 72 20 16 4 4 4 53 10 122 Nagdha 803.00 34 34 ]76 89 87 17 16 25 48 2 ]23 Nagaur 2,]89.00 175 ]83 998 549 449 179 161 114 2 291 5 Nagaur 121 128 694 383 3/1 ](}7 109 101 2 201 5 Kisanpur 54 55 304 166 n8 72 52 13 90 124 Ratanpur Chakk 598.00 21 21 116 62 54 62 54 11 1 35 7 ]25 Mudara Pitambar 988.00 83 87 507 283 224 51 41 112 14 169 32 126 Raipur 1,761.00 73 73 367 183 184 85 88 35 4 119 31 127 Ghinauchi 775.00 45 47 273 145 128 80 74 34 ] 85 ]7 128 Kherai 1,410.00 103 127 545 300 245 131 73 58 9 173 25 Kherai 82 104 421 225 196 86 47 48 9 134 25 Be/anara 21 23 124 75 49 45 26 10 39 129 Semar Khedi 355.00 Uninhabited 130 Nar Kheda Khadya 919.00 126 126 624 346 278 120 104 65 2 200 54 131 Panwariya 2,951.00 183 185 875 450 425 126 120 133 ]8 277 69 132 Nipaniya 888.00 67 67 323 168 155 72 62 20 1 99 26 ]33 Amkheda Kalu 2,967.00 180 ]88 837 440 397 104 106 94 4 288 38 Amkheda Kalu 167 175 778 410 368 92 93 88 4 268 33 Singhadhana 13 13 59 3(} ?9 12 13 6 20 5 134 Satisi 1,038.00 30 38 180 90 90 14 17 13 58 ]35 Khejara 610.00 51 59 285 149 136 16 10 10 93 3 136 Pipariya Samshabad 2,639.00 146 146 80S 425 380 91 90 130 11 260 59 137 Mahuwa Kheda 1,143.00 89 89 448 2~1 197 66 47 36 2 131 5 138 Dhadhon 1,473.00 78 78 388 208 180 58 64 24 136 2 139 Amkheda Sukha 3,024.00 197 197 1.089 586 503 219 197 7 12 113 17 343 ]56 Amkheda Sukha 148 148 718 386 332 J08 95 7 12 94 16 230 108 Bose Khedi 49 49 371 200 171 111 102 19 1 113 48 ]40 Palalakpur 1,113.00 32 32 133 65 68 8 15 23 1 43 9 175



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r--'--, ,.---A---., r-A--, ,.---A---., ,.---A---., r--'---., r-A--, ,..--A---., ,..--A---., ,..--A-, ,_.Jo-, L. C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

86 37· 1 2 124 215 112 28 23 1 55 97 113 37 11 4 46 80 114 ]02 4 54 14 4 2 3 2 155 249 115 78 4 40 9 2 1 2 3 2 1/8 170 7 3 2 J 18 27 17 11 3 I /9 52 52 40 16 1 I 2 15 13 3 8 1 107 153 116 44 12 1 2 15 13 3 8 1 83 111 8 28 16 1 24 42 215 5 108 93 4 2 2 3 1 5 3 10 1 283 473 117 ]84 3 85 65 4 2 2 3 1 5 3 10 1 226 392 12 6 5 21 28 7 2 8 12 22 21 12 9 Jl 14 32 ]13 4 79 46 6 7 7 1 179 254 118 43 4 20 14 2 2 61 85 119 102 4 66 58 4 4 4 164 283 120 73 3 44 41 4 3 4 98 197 17 1 10 6 34 40 12 12 ] I 32 46 38 12 9 2 48 62 121 40 S 1 41 85 122 174 90 2 4 2 7 5 9 258 444 123 125 1 55 2 3 216 3 7 1 182 306 49 35 1 2 2 76 138 31 I 4 6 27 47 124 ] 13 3 53 28 3 114 192 125 72 37 31 2 3 4 64 153 126 48 36 17 60 111 127 113 1 53 23 2 ] ] 4 127 220 128 93 1 34 23 211 4 91 171 20 19 36 49 Uninhabited 129 94 3 79 41 4 10 452 3 2 5 2 146 224 130 ]59 15 9] 45 10 6 3 2 13 173 356 131 59 38 25 2 69 129 132 191 8 68 25 17 3 3 8 2 152 359 133 178 7 61 22 17 3 3 8 142 335 13 1 7 3 10 24 46 7 2 2 32 90 134 63 18 3 4 2 5 56 133 135 163 3 78 56 7 2 9 165 321 136 96 2 25 2 4 2 4 120 192 137 102 24 2 2 5 2 72 178 138 ]59 149 143 18 7 ] 5 1 9 5 243 347 139 107 92 95 1 14 7 1 1 5 1 9 5 156 224 52 57 48 4 87 123 26 3 1.5 6 2 22 59 140 176


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers ,...... -"--, Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,--__. .A-- __---., ~,­ ,...-"--, ~, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F. M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

141 Nanakpur 2,070.00 105 127 658 345 313 35 36 88 76 48 2 215 66 Nanakpur 28 30 174 92 82 3 6 7 53 3 17 18 Neempura 11 11 52 26 26 26 26 Nanhi Saray 12 12 58 33 25 33 25 19 15 Sarah 42 62 320 165 155 32 30 41 2 108 20 Jhinllopura 12 12 54 29 '15 29 25 18 10 142 Babachiya 1,734.00 51 85 496 257 239 9 8 6 3 34 4 125 25 Babachiya 46 72 435 226 209 9 8 32 4 110 23 Kheda Motikhan 1 5 25 13 12 7 1 Kheda Amwala 4 8 36 18 18 632 8 1 143 Rampura Kalan 1,356.00 76 83 421 233 188 101 75 49 3 134 3 Rampura Kalan 61 68 353 193 160 61 47 48 3 109 3 Mahuwa Khe:la 15 15 68 40 28 40 28 1 25 144 Tofa Khedi 658.00 28 43 199 114 85 23 16 30 58 14 145 Lakhal" l,06l.00 120 122 623 325 298 47 44 9 4 80 12 181 3 146 Dafaryai Khurd 499.00 16 16 107 53 54 6 3 2 1 21 147 Achanda 2,891.00 121 140 855 474 381 63 51 12 6 145 14 225 35 148 Khader 4,159.00 289 289 1446 781 665 189 188 170 19 473 30 149 Maholi Basoda 1,156.00 72 72 362 192 170 100 89 13 112 10 150 Ikodiya 559.00 25 25 149 75 74 43 44 3 42 4 151 Rajoda 1,678.00 101 104 660 335 325 123 126 85 10 185 4 Rajoda 94 97 604 304 300 123 126 85 10 172 4 Ballfarapura 7 7 56 31 25 13 152 Perwasa 1,897.00 184 190 1063 564 499 66 69 77 7 318 18 Perwasa 110 113 619 322 297 48 47 40 6 183 5 Khusor 74 77 444 242 202 18 22 37 1 135 13 153 Jaminpur 1,728.00 27 28 140 73 67 20 23 12 43 Jaminpur 16 17 89 48 41 10 8 7 28 Kachhipura 8 8 35 18 J7 3 6 5 10 Harijanpura 3 3 16 7 9 7 9 5 154 Rai Khedi 726.00 102 106 543 290 253 98 96 50 6 180 21 Rai Khedi 67 71 366 190 176 56 61 40 6 115 13 Gudan Khedi 35 35 177 100 77 42 35 10 65 8 155 Mahu 3,374.00 174 199 1066 577 489 115 99 99 7 332 37 Mahu 99 118 596 326 270 62 52 84 5 192 20 Chak Narayanpur 27 33 192 92 JOO 53 47 10 2 51 16 Banjaro Ka Pura 26 26 156 91 65 51 1 Kachhi Ka Chak 22 22 122 68 54 5 38 156 Ghoghara 1,352.00 74 90 449 227 222 22 27 11 141 3 Ghoghara 35 49 241 114 127 19 26 10 72 1 Manpur 39 41 208 1f3 95 3 1 1 69 2 157 Moman Khedi 900.00 41 45 268 144 124 24 16 21 1 89 3 158 Lakha Khedi 917.00 33 38 206 109 97 28 26 16 1 65 11 159 Amoda 1,145.00 32 38 186 98 88 15 11 20 1 57 3 160 Uhar 2,476.00 126 138 660 353 307 90 91 83 3 178 21 161 Mehamuda 1,395.0() 96 100 506 264 242 76 48 46 31 45 11 135 8 162 Atas 1,387.00 40 66 322 177 145 30 19 39 2 93 26 163 Dabar 445.00 16 18 96 45 51 29 26 5 3 28 10 ]64 Barri 1,506.00 46 55 285 169 116 15 9 26 21 23 94 14 165 Pawai Kurwai 1,098.00 55 68 410 215 195 108 88 43 2 136 12 177


Workers ------~----_.------~ I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X NOD­ Workers ~~ ,....-'--'"""1 r--'L-'"""I L.C. M F M F M F No.

17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

102 3 95 62 5 3 8 130 247 141 37 2 7 J 3 1 5 39 79 17 18 9 8 19 15 14 10 61 1 38 18 2 2 1 1 3 57 135 4 14 10 11 15 83 5 27 12 1 2 10 6 2 132 214 142 71 4 24 12 1 1 2 10 6 2 116 186 6 1 6 11 6 2 1 10 17 76 1 45 2 6 2 5 99 185 143 69 1 28 2 6 2 4 84 157 7 17 1 15 28 ... 3R .. 18 12 2 56 71 144 134 40 3 3 4 144 295 145 18 3 32 54 146 140 62 32 6 2 2 2 13 249 346 147 256 3 189 25 6 13 8 308 635 148 100 8 11 2 1 80 160 149 40 4 2 33 70 150 124 1 55 3 2 3 150 321 151 111 1 55 3 2 1 3 132 296 13 18 25 234 2 64 16 2 3 14 246 481 152 132 1 37 4 2 J 1 10 139 292 102 1 27 12 2 4 107 189 39 4 30 67 153 27 1 20 41 7 3 8 17 5 2 9 118 4 53 16 3 'I I 4 llO 232 154 67 2 39 10 311 1 4 75 163 51 2 14 6 35 69 212 7 72 29 24 12 2 9 245 452 155 Jl J 2 107 7 46 11 17 8 1 134 250 29 18 16 3 1 41 '14 39 8 4 40 64 37 1 30 54 1:1 14 2 4 2 1 86 219 ]56 62 6 2 2 1 42 126 59 8 2 2 44 93 81 4 2 1 2 55 121 157 47 13 11 2 44 86 158 39 18 3 41 85 159 110 5 56 12 8 3 3 175 286 160 2 106 3 24 5 2 12'l 234 ]61 53 38 25 84 J 19 Ui2 5 23 10 17 41 163 58 4 31 ]0 2 2 75 102 164 1 100 2 33 10 79 183 165 178


Total Population Literate Area of ([ncluding and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r----"------, ...---"--. ,...... -A---., ...---"--. ,..-A--. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

166 Karaiya Jagir ] ,409.00 80 92 547 278 269 92 100 83 13 162 38 167 Malakpur 1,242.00 55 69 385 206 179 21 25 44 2 114 12 168 Bankagarh 1,512.00 61 61 318 180 138 19 16 2 2 5 107 169 Thanwah 1,971.00 101 109 619 332 287 70 68 3 3 ]01 8 192 17 170 Ukayala 1,751.00 82 101 590 306 284 71 62 27 32 77 7 192 51 171 Mehara 1,520.00 71 79 426 209 217 140 142 38 4 118 7 172 Bakena 203.00 Uninhabited 173 Hargana Khedi 2,144.00 93 110 692 347 345 179 159 53 10 191 84 174 Biladhana 1,&12.00 152 175 982 491 491 90 86 132 24 257 73 175 Shivrampur 1,810.00 38 46 306- 153 ]53 66 73 5 4 39 4 87 53 Shivrampur 29 36 245 124 121 46 51 5 4 31 73 44 Chak Shivrampur 9 10 61 2J 32 20 22 8 4 14 9 176 Padriya 1,192.00 107 134 786 417 369 79 68 6 5 147 4 258 107 177 Mali Khedi 595.00 27 36 180 89 91 40 46 20 55 28 178 Sakrai 1,224.00 71 71 467 251 216 115 85 30 3 131 8 179 Balrampur 900.00 33 33 199 101 98 18 54 2 180 Nichron 649.00 25 25 145 74 71 9 12 17 35 5 181 Fufer 3,052.00 207 208 99? 561 431 140 100 160 24 305 46 Fufer 196 197 925 522 403 132 97 154 24 284 42 Chak Gulabganj 11 11 67 39 28 8 3 6 21 4 182 Bamuriya 1,047.00 59 59 325 160 ]65 31 25 38 2 84 4 183 Tilatili 698.00 71 76 469 248 221 47 40 20 22 73 13 141 7 184 Somwara 1,447.00 128 141 748 409 339 91 77 2 68 6 237 ]7 185 Champa Khedi 1,270.00 37 43 203 120 83 35 24 9 74 2 186 Shahpur 507.00 14 18 78 39 39 27 31 3 23 187 Kalana Khedi 603.00 7 9 50 32 18 7 4 9 16 188 Fatehp.Jr Shamshi 1,054.00 29 29 165 97 68 8 6 4 53 10 189 Mahu Kheda 2,481.00 166 196 1072 572 500 130 117 200 27 334 79 190 Gurod 1,745.00 135 139 748 394 354 73 66 15 24 146 23 217 45 Gurod 119 123 660 342 318 73 66 10 11 144 23 /85 41 Madiya 16 16 88 52 36 5 13 2 32 4 191 Newali 1,592.00 68 77 438 238 200 124 102 61 3 128 192 J ogi Kirroda 1,610.00 141 141 665 354 311 70 73 122 8 216 42 Jogi Kirroda 133 133 615 329 286 64 61 116 8 199 39 LaIKuwan 8 8 50 25 25 6 12 6 17 3 193 Mohaniya Khedi 411.00 8 8 35 16 19 6 I 10 3 194 Hasanpur alias Jathoda 953.00 106 106 565 313 252 90 73 96 12 164 28 195 Pairi 1,168.00 77 80 374 196 178 77 62 44 114 9 196 Sakroli 1,427.00 102 ]05 543 284 259 86 88 '19 7 171 23 Sakroli 84 85 433 229 204 86 88 70 7 133 17 Chak Kumhariya 18 20 110 55 55 9 38 6 197 Nibodiya 856.00 66 72 374 199 175 29 27 41 1 103 22 Nibodiya 37 40 195 105 90 14 15 24 1 50 5 Gopal Gaushala 20 23 133 72 61 15 12 15 38 12 Afajara Adiwasi 9 9 46 22 24 2 15 5 198 Bothi Jagir 464.00 16 16 109 64 45 8 7 15 34 1 199 Magrod 1,142.00 62 86 391 208 183 77 67 32 5 120 24 Magrod 53 76 342 18(1 162 54 47 30 5 106 22 Chak Magrod 9 10 49 28 21 23 20 2 14 2 200 Nandupura 559.00 43 43 270 127 143 28 19 11 62 11 179


~-~--~-~---... -.----- _.. -- ---_ .. ------.. --~----... - . _.------,--_----- Workers ., II III IV V (a) VO?) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-_.... -...... ,...-A-...... ,....-"--, ,..-"--, ,--"--.:, ,--"-...... ,--"--, ,--"'---, ,--"--, ,.--''-., ,-"-...... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

104 5 56 33 1 116 231 166 89 1 22 11 1 2 92 167 167 64 26 12 1 1 3 73 138 168 113 1 52 16 15 6 1 2 3 140 270 169 59 104 50 20 3 1 2 1 3 114 233 170 87 2 29 5 1 91 210 171 Uninhabited 172 102 9 84 74 1 2 2 156 261 173 120 1 114 69 10 2 5 1 7 234 418 174 69 44 16 9 2 66 100 175 59 36 12 8 2 51 77 10 8 4 1 15 23 152 39 99 68 2 2 3 159 262 176 37 14 18 14 34 63 177 72 4 23 21 3 4 8 4 120 208 178 48 2 5 1 47 96 179 28 2 6 3 1 39 66 180 ]52 5 126 40 ]2 1 4 2 7 256 385 181 144 5 113 36 12 1 4 2 7 238 361 8 13 4 18 24 55 2 29 2 76 161 182 101 1 37 6 1 2 107 214 183 116 2 88 14 16 10 4 3 172 322 184 41 27 2 6 46 81 185 19 1 4 16 38 186 12 4 16 18 187 37 ]5 10 44 58 188 139 8 161 67 11 3 2 6 15 238 421 189 118 7 85 38 5 2 7 177 309 190 90 7 81 34 5 2 7 157 277 28 4 4 20 32 87 30 3 5 110 200 191 145 23 57 17 4 1 5 4 138 269 192 129 20 56 17 4 I J 5 4 1 130 247 16 3 1 8 22 9 2 1 1 6 16 193 108 54 28 2 149 224 194 43 69 9 82 169 195 87 6 74 17 4 6 113 236 196 75 6 49 11 3 6 96 187 12 25 6 1 17 49 56 13 44 9 96 153 197 36 1 13 4 55 85 12 12 24 34 49 8 7 5 7 19 24 10 1 3J 44 198 50 2 62 22 8 88 159 199 45 2 53 20 8 74 140 5 9 2 14 19 34 27 11 1 65 132 200 180


Total Population Literate Area of (Induding and (I-IX) Name of village i.n Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of houselcss population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r- 'L...__ _ r--A-, .-----.-. ,..--A-, ,..-A-, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F ----._--_.. _--_._--_------2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ------201 Jarod 666.00 67 97 520 291 229 36 44 110 26 163 20 202 Amba Nagar 2,093.00 104 132 653 363 290 219 177 42 3 188 34 Ambo Nagar 44 55 251 138 ]]3 78 69 39 :2 80 15 larodi Kheda 14 25 128 67 61 2 1 31 1 Pura 46 52 274 158 116 141 108 1 77 18 203 Berkhedi 464.00 22 27 135 75 60 5 8 13 2 40 3 204 Kurawad 590.00 41 46 238 125 113 IS 13 56 57 20 1 76 40 205 Girahani ],282.00 89 93 494 273 221 105 95 77 23 144 6 206 Agasod 1,225.00 62 134 614 334 2~O 79 59 5 5 70 13 215 114 Agasod 49 88 418 130 188 71 55 5 5 57 9 139 70 Kanjaryai 13 46 196 104 92 8 4 13 4 76 44 207 Biharipur 505.00 21 44 250 131 119 40 30 4 3 30 79 31 208 Khartari 853.00 48 48 242 129 113 29 29 11 11 33 10 70 30 Khartari 26 26 113 59 54 6 7 11 11 7 36 13 Chandrapur 22 22 129 70 59 23 22 26 10 34 17 209 Pipariya Ghat 400.00 40 41 218 119 99 18 21 22 2 69 1 210 Chak Masudpur 1,694.00 Uninhabited 211 Masoodpur 961.00 210 267 1,417 758 659 176 175 61 61 245 79 396 40 Masoodpur 163 178 957 500 457 142 138 50 50 168 71 251 2H Pipariya 47 89 460 258 202 34 37 11 11 77 8 145 12 212 Bilwah 575.00 35 58 205 116 89 15 14 30 1 65 6 213 Rojaru 1,145.00 128 171 797 425 372 89 71 87 35 210 18 214 Amoth 2,197.00 126 167 752 391 361 70 60 40 36 91 13 231 21 215 Pipariya Jajon 946.00 62 90 450 236 214 67 54 26 25 98 28 138 27 216 Kakarua Modan 657.00 23 30 173 90 83 45 47 6 6 25 2 53 11 217 Gohachi 807.00 36 36 21i 109 102 25 30 8 11 26 2 64 6 218 Hargana Khedi 534.00 21 21 99 51 48 16 11 10 3 28 4 219 Banwasa 732.00 61 61 318 167 151 28 21 11 11 34 101 2 220 Raj Kheda 676.00 16 16 9S 45 50 16 17 1 3 9 23 221 Kirwaya 3,283.00 269 327 1,670 880 790 275 245 30 28 275 88 481 134 222 Mutarra 913.00 57 57 321 ]61 160 43 37 ]0 3 38 4 91 23 223 Bijrotha 587.00 22 22 141 76 65 14 19 1 1 21 41 8 224 Imliya 522.00 33 33 182 92 90 I 3 14 13 15 60 2 225 Tharraka 796.00 69 69 348 183 165 19 17 50 1 110 4 226 Tikod 877.00 46 46 266 150 116 46 28 16 18 17 1 83 3 227 Khiriya 392.00 17 17 84 42 42 3 7 10 9 to 26 223 Chulheta 1,016.00 67 67 385- 193 192 25 29 31 31 52 9 102 3 229 Kulhar 4,226.00 366 366 2,005 1,060 945 206 180 28 20 324 59 522 28 Ku/har 279 279 1,550 816 734 17] 138 243 43 401 23 Mirjapur 28 28 180 98 82 7 5 28 20 16 53 Ghoghara 59 59 275 146 129 28 37 55 16 68 5 230 Badwasa 1,549.00 79 136 630 340 290 66 64 26 24 93 11 203 35 231 Kaji Kirroda 1,311.00 50 85 503 258 245 65 67 49 38 80 5 155 55 232 Kisnoda 738.00 33 76 422 223 199 51 47 43 48 33 5 13l 24 233 Naroda 597.00 23 27 170 93 77 27 21 12 8 20 4 59 17 234 Bhuwara Jagir 669.00 32 44 219 124 95 24 17 30 27 23 76 19 235 Mirgawali 325.00 14 16 71 45 26 1 W 25 236 KhadaKhedi 732.00 55 56 297 146 151 36 32 2.9 85 50 237 Samadpur 618.00 53 54 307 177 130 40 30 6 3 56 3 90 16 238 Jhilipur 1,846.00 111 114 613 332 281 99 94 21 12 88 8 187 58 181


Workers ------~.----,------, II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-..J'-, ,---''--, ,--'L-, ,---"-, ,-__J,-, ,..--"--, ,----A-, ,....--"---, ,---''---, ,-_)'-.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

127 2 25 18 5 5 128 209 201 127 II 52 23 3 1 3 2 175 256 202 57 5 18 10 3 2 58 98 24 7 1 36 6f) 46 6 27 12 3 I 8/ 98 30 182 2 35 57 203 33 6 43 34 49 73 204 ]04 4 31 2 3 6 129 215 205 79 6 109 107 20 2 4 119 166 206 61 3 72 66 2 I 3 I 91 118 18 3 37 41 20 1 28 48 31 47 31 1 52 88 207 42 2 23 28 4 59 83 208 24 2 8 11 4 23 41 18 15 17 1 36 42 39 25 5 50 98 209 Uninhab'ted 210 ]0 163 1 184 35 7 I 2 31 1 362 619 211 ll5 1 110 23 5 1 9 2 1 J] 1 249 429 48 74 12 2 I 20 ]]3 190 45 3 20 3 51 83 212 J24 3 74 ]5 5 3 3 215 354 213 ]27 4 95 17 4 3 160 340 214 (9 3 60 24 3 4 98 187 215 24 28 11 37 72 216 49 2 15 4 45 96 217 15 2 13 2 23 44 218 61 1 39 1 66 149 219 14 8 1 22 50 220 14 2 11 ]71 4 268 ]28 3 11 399 656 221 44 1 45 22 2 70 137 222 34 7 8 35 57 223 I 50 9 1 32 88 224 4 I 67 2 32 6 2 73 161 225 57 25 2 67 113 226 12 1 12 16 42 227 68 33 3 91 189 228 3 11 (, 62 248 171 25 20 2 538 917 229 ]96 153 21 2 11 5 15 18 2 415 71/ 3~ 15 45 82 I 14 3 4 1 I 47 2 78 124 4 106 2 86 33 4 137 255 230 70 54 1 81 3 103 19') 23i 33 23 24 1 67 92 175 232 31 2 27 15 1 34 60 233 26 18 46 3 48 76 234 14 9 2 20 26 3 235 28 55 46 61 101 236 1 24 15 I 3 :2 56 4 87 114 237 3 1 2 97 3 81 53 4 145 223 238 182


Total Population Literate ,--­ Area of (Including and (I. IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house· ,--- r--"-,­ ,..--"--, ,..--"-....., ,..--"--. No. Block in Km2 houses holes P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

239 Dimroli 391.00 45 45 261 144 117 40 38 45 2 79 17 240 Bhuwara 365.00 9 )0 51 30 2: 6 2 6 17 1 241 Jafrawad Pipariya 713.00 9 9 82 42 40 7 14 8 22 6 242 Sarwaha 1,394.00 47 58 497 257 240 48 46 43 145 52 243 Bareth 626.00 2 5 67 32 35 I 2 7 20 15 244 Biskawali 622.00 53 63 366 201 165 114 92 15 118 21 245 Jugy!li 523.00 1 31 18 13 5 6 3 2 8 4 12 4 246 Baghrru 619.00 196 234 1278 693 585 48 49 138 117 315 111 327 102 Baghrru 147 169 890 483 407 17 20 138 117 230 88 215 70 Station Bareth 49 65 388 210 178 31 29 85 23 112 32 247 Purwai 1,388.00 99 117 700 366 334 110 89 48 49 103 21 213 78 Purwai 85 102 498 264 234 46 27 27 28 95 18 153 37 Chak Purwai 14 15 202 102 100 64 62 21 21 8 3 60 41 248 Battisa 903.00 36 36 243 133 110 17 14 29 26 20 72 20 249 Bhatni 2,515.00 201 206 1070 573 497 83 74 18 25 194 7 341 6 Bhalni 101 104 538 297 241 71 59 114 1 186 2 Naka Marda Khedi 52 52 269 151 118 5 5 56 5 82 2 Chhaighara 18 20 124 56 68 18 I 30 Pura Sahariya 30 30 139 69 70 7 10 18 25 6 43 2 250 Fatehpur 1,002.00 71 72 392 231' 161 64 55 13 5 58 8 143 29 251 Sunari 1,120.00 92 98 557 287 270 92 84 48 46 75 4 159 36 252 Syawada Kurwai 701.00 30 32 195 100 95 28 29 9 52 253 Rnbaryai 752.00 15 27 116 68 48 1 1 8 29 254 Ajeejpur Bhaderu 1,240.00 47 71 372 194 178 46 55 4 2 12 111 255 Kachrod 1,259.00 74 86 436 226 210 70 67 18 128 256 Bucha Khedi 409.00 4 4 40 23 17 23 17 11 257 Sirawada Kurwai 317.00 29 29 146 86 60 31 29 7 45 258 Kanjana 794.00 56 5f 271 148 123 13 9 10 86 5 259 Shahjahanpur alias Behta 981.00 39 39 255 133 122 13 17 29 74 2 260 Hatoda 1,112.00 61 96 473 245 228 37 32 8 10 82 7 145 25 261 Rau Khedi 272.00 6 9 45 23 22 6 2 13 262 Parsaura Basoda 623.00 24 31 122 66 56 11 9 15 2 40 3 263 Behlot 1,484.00 20 23 127 64 63 16 17 4 9 36 3 264 Madiya Poniya 881.00 36 39 221 107 114 11 15 20 20 14 2 68 2 Madiya 25 28 149 74 75 6 6 20 20 2 43 2 Poniya J/ II 72 33 39 5 9 12 2 25 265 Ganj 621.00 66 67 373 204 169 38 34 10 7 65 5 95 4 Ganj 58 59 338 181 157 31 30 8 5 55 5 85 4 NalKe Tapra 8 8 35 23 12 7 4 2 2 10 10 266 Kherua 334.00 19 19 131 68 63 38 42 16 12 25 2 267 Naseedpur 204.00 26 26 120 63 57 48 38 21 2 34 7 268 Rajoda 1,321.00 36 37 218 ...~ 126 92 116 84 31 1 56 8 269 B.:dan Khedi 240.00 59 63 300 163 137 15 8 62 15 90 15 270 Pathaci 1,781.00 3 5 10 10 8 8 271 Chorawar 1,441.00 45 45 288 150 138 48 47 20 6 68 3 272 Banwa 479.00 Uninhabited 273 Panchma 2,130.00 165 165 908 504 404 39 33 25 22 132 16 282 78 274 Semari 770.00 70 70 432 220 212 33 38 3 1 45 7 130 14 275 Gamakar 4,778.00 155 230 1438 752 686 178 154 52 60 209 18 447 119 Gamakar 136 211 1331 704 627 178 154 12 11 207 18 418 103 Chak Gamoli 19 19 /07 48 59 40 49 2 29 16 183


Workers -, I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...-A-, ,...... -A-, ,---'-, ,-'L-, ,...-A--, ~-, ,---"--, ,--A--, ~, ,.---A-, ,-'L-, L.C. M F M F M F M F r-.:t F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

-----~~-.. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

--~-- - --~~~~-.. ------_.. _.

42 28 16 5 2 65 100 239 9 4 1 2 2 13 20 240 15 2 7 4 20 34 241 54 88 50 2 2 112 188 242 4 15 15 1 12 20 243 . 18 88 1 23 2 3 83 144 244 6 6 4 6 9 245 66 3 117 87 18 2 7 35 1 36 18 30 9 366 483 246 46 3 73 61 5 7 28 1 20 17 19 5 268 337 20 44 26 13 2 7 16 1 11 4 98 146 102 3 107 74 2 1 2 153 256 247 96 3 53 33 2 1 2 1/1 197 6 54 41 42 59 45 1 25 19 2 61 90 248 236 2 60 3 3 13 20 2 6 1 232 491 249 175 2 10 1 lli 239 36 16 1 1 10 1 11 2 6 69 116 20 3 7 26 68 5 31 2 2 2 2 1 26 68 75 67 28 88 132 250 34 3 92 2 60 3 128 234 251 32 1 20 48 94 252 24 5 39 48 253 3 62 46 83 177 254 91 37 98 209 255 11 12 17 256 37 8 41 60 257 60 26 5 62 1I8 258 2 67 7 59 120 259 22 6 3 90 35 9 100 203 260 1 9 2 10 22 261 2 3 6 14 1 16 26 53 262 1 1 2 18 1 8 7 28 60 263 35 2 30 2 39 112 264 22 2 20 1 31 73 13 ]0 1 1 8 39 2 8 3 1 7 40 2 32 2 109 165 265 40 2 32 2 8 3 1 96 153 7 2 13 12 J1 2 11 43 61 266 13 6 1 2 3 6 9 29 50 267 14 8 2 6 3 31 70 84 268 9 7 [.: 7 4 20 41 8 73 122 269 3 4 2 2 2 270 35 1 24 3 82 135 Uninhabited 271 97 60 10 4 2 1 3 272 156 16 10 222 326 37 14 2 273 87 4 90 198 226 113 3 3 4 274 209 6 2 305 567 275 212 97 3 3 4 194 6 2 286 524 16 15 14 19 43 184


Total Population Literare ,--- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houscless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,.---..A..-__-, ,--J'--, ,--A-, ,--A-, r-__.I"'_~ No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

276 Bharachha 413.00 3 3 70 50 20 1 44 277 Noghai 2,342.00 102 150 832 444 388 68 68 47 45 110 10 243 19 Noghai 90 ]37 740 397 343 68 68 ]10 ]0 214 14 Tapra Sahariya 12 13 92 47 45 47 45 29 5 273 Pipar Hunta 807.00 31 39 327 158 169 23 29 36 92 1 279 Mudra Khalil 506.00 27 34 216 ]04 112 25 36 29 67 18 280 Saloi 1,519.00 90 97 645 344 301 83 79 5 4 128 26 193 74 281 Laloi 1,392.00 63 63 438 222 216 58 53 8 10 89 13 135 38 282 Koocha 1,215.00 93 93 545 289 256 76 68 88 1J 178 16 283 Kadarpur 534.00 Uninhabited 284 Parsaura Jagir 1,123.00 41 45 269 139 130 13 16 38 4 82 2 285 Sanawal 814.00 49 84 440 255 185 51 34 14 17 78 15 153 42 286 Bhasuda 450.00 31 37 219 112 107 67 62 24 2 57 287 Kani Khedi 1,462.00 55 75 541 275 266 159 156 2 3 50 ]53 8 Kal1i Khedi 33 44 266 139 127 68 56 2 3 22 76 7 Bhadawasa 22 31 275 136 139 91 100 28 77 1 288 Madia Khurd 386.00 15 21 128 73 55 19 12 7 33 3 289 Kamalpur 566.00 27 37 212 106 106 40 49 29 7 57 290 Mad;ya Semara 1,140.00 93 136 688 371 317 131 118 5 5 145 32 195 8 .rvfudiya Semara 50 58 337 184 153 80 68 5 56 4 100 2 Chak Madan Mohan 2 2 25 II 14 1 1 4 37] Pawai Station 41 75 326 176 150 50 49 85 25 88 5 291 Swarup Nagar 1,005.00 79 79 453 248 205 41 37 2 82 8 116 6 292 Mehara Basoda 681.00 Uninhabited 293 Mahagor 1,631.00 52 52 390 215 175 31 34 71 13 ]11 3 Mahagor 40 40 340 188 152 24 28 66 11 94 2 Chak Mahagor 12 12 50 27 23 7 6 5 2 17 1 294 Semara Basoda 1,254.0::> 63 63 320 171 149 40 36 36 ]09 1 295 Hardu Khedi 785.00 44 45 225 113 ]12 .11 15 18 3 68 2 296 Jiwajipur 525.00 24 27 140 78 62 3 3 1 46 297 Mewali %6.00 31 40 323 178 145 42 29 4 33 102 298 Chak Madhopur Kalan 1,157.00 37 45 305 165 140 42 43 23 6 98 8 299 Madiya Dakhali 510.00 15 18 80 44 36 9 11 10 23 5 300 Faridpur 1,786.00 102 126 745 389 356 93 105 4 3 88 ]2 220 29 301 Derkhi 1,385.00 49 i8 601 310 291 139 130 89 27 189 49 302 Pawai 1,553.00 153 202 1,301 667 634 120 141 166 24 405 100 303 Magrai 683.00 Uninhabited 3(14 Himoda 858.00 29 36 366 189 177 27 26 11 22 53 4 109 6 Hlrnoda 21 28 317 ]61 156 20 25 II 22 48 4 93 5 Chak Devipur 8 8 49 28 21 7 1 5 ]6 305 Bherogarh 692.00 Uninhabited 306 Bamori Haranpur 804.00 35 50 301 151 150 53 48 32 5 88 6 307 Singa Khedi 329.00 17 20 129 66 63 21 27 15 32 4 308 Atasemar 2,117.00 130 132 764 393 371 97 91 2 86 8 241 37 309 Nanu Khedi 1,144.00 51 51 374 194 180 26 29 22 27 41 4 115 28 Nanu Khedi 25 25 2]5 115 100 14 ]2 22 27 ]5 76 28 Vinayak Khedi 26 26 159 79 80 12 17 26 4 39 310 Barwati 396.00 ]0 10 65 31 34 3 19 7 311 Kabulpur 1. 556.00 38 48 370 196 174 26 19 .18 10 20 115 62 Kahu/pur 33 40 316 16'3 148 17 ]0 ]8 ]0 ]6 94 54 Klu,l'gawali 5 ? 54 28 26 9 9 4 21 8 185 BASODA TAHSIL


II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~-, ~_ ~-, ~.~. ~.~. ~. ~-.., ..-JL-...... ,-"--.., L.C. M F M F M F M F· M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

44 6 20 276 139 88 ]9 5 1 9 201 369 277 130 68 14 511 9 183 329 9 20 5 18 40 53 35 1 2 2 66 168 278 43 23 17 37 94 279 77 2 101 71 3 5 3 4 15t 227 280 76 55 38 3 1 1 87 178 281 ]11 62 14 2 1 2 1 111 240 282 Uninhabited 283 49 31 2 1 57 128 234 81 70 42 2 102 143 285 .:12 ]4 55 107 286 79 6 68 2 3 2 122 258 287 47 5 28 1263120 n 1 40 1 2 2 59 138 ]7 3 16 40 52 288 24 27 6 49 106 289 51 3 79 3 4 27 10 16 8 176 309 290 41 2 56 1 2 84 151 1 5 1 1 4 13 9 1 18 2 2 27 10 1 16 1 6 88 145 56 2 31 4 1 9 5 2 4 7 132 199 291 Uninhabited 292 73 1 32 2 1 2 2 104 172 293 62 28 2 2 2 94 150 1 11 1 4 1 10 22 100 9 62 148 294 44 21 2 2 45 ]]0 295 29 17 32 61 296 46 53 2 76 144 297 51 34 6 ]0 2 ] 67 132 298 ]5 7 3 ] 2 21 31 299 145 6 48 ]4 8 9 5 2 6 4 169 327 300 90 2 86 44 5 1 2 4 3 121 242 301 2 12 3 232 22 132 55 6 6 14 16 262 534 302 Uninhabited 303 2 69 36 3 2 80 171 304 2 58 31 3 1 2 68 151 12 20 11 1 5 Uninhabited 305 54 5 27 6 63 144 306 ]9 13 4 34 59 307 852 5 159 3 65 29 152 334 308 2 I 79 152 309 66 1 46 27 4& 1 27 27 1 39 72 2 40 80 18 19 12 27 310 17 2 7 49 2 66 60 81 112 311 74 94 38 1 56 53 7 18 11 10 7 186 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI'

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ...... r-"-...... ~ ...... ,..-''-...... r-"-...... No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

------~~ 312 Maser 580.00 67 71 355 188 167 53 48 31 3 102 24 Maser 30 32 173 88 85 2' 21 20 2 45 14 Gula 37 39 182 100 82 33 27 11 1 57 19 3D Dela Khedl 1,005,00 95 95 494 254 240 62 69 32 2 158 25 Dela Khedi 80 80 407 212 195 36 41 27 2 129 17 Duseri 15 15 87 42 45 26 28 5 29 8 314 Gulawati 1,740.00 96 112 536 296 240 62 42 21 19 23 171 32 Gulawari 86 92 443 248 195 38 21 11 7 20 140 14 Chak Guiall'ari 10 20 93 48 45 24 21 10 12 3 31 18 315 Sonthiya 995.00 72 72 34S 190 156 50 43 35 2 103 2 316 Ratan Khedi 648.00 51 51 367 189 178 46 39 43 4 117 1 3]7 Gadhayala 795.00 27 27 236 133 103 37 26 40 7 79 318 Karonda Kalan 1,704.00 86 86 581 312 269 43 30 127 25 188 319 Kalapatha 648.00 62 62 348 176 172 32 27 44 6 99 320 Gajanai ] ,104.00 53 55 425 228 197 68 73 44 2 142 54 Gajanai 15 16 95 54 41 11 14 17 1 30 11 padrai 38 39 330 174 156 57 59 27 1 112 43 321 Basariya 637.00 87 100 649 342 307 83 77 25 6 103 7 218 49 322 Mlldhopur Khurd 702.00 11 11 51 23 28 16 24 1 16 7 323 Barkheda Basoda 1,026.00 66 67 499 251 248 91 90 51 10 163 61 324 Dafaryai Faridpur 994.00 50 52 303 163 140 41 40 22 24 17 111 24 325 Dawar 702.00 76 fl4 604 313 29] 60 56 39 49 70 7 177 51 326 Morod" 1,234.09 98 103 573 294 279 68 67 62 6 172 28 327 Bakchi 802.00 50 56 291 ]62 129 33 24 30 1 88 10 328 Sandal pur 640.00 Uninhabited 329 Sanai Rampur 952.00 95 108 6O! 326 275 107 101 4 4 54 4 182 27 330 Mudra Basoda 586.00 65 68 400 219 ]81 50 44 74 39 127 23 331 Kakrawada 1,928.00 129 149 910 454 456 107 99 14 15 166 22 268 23 332 Kala Khedi 269.00 13 14 122 66 56 17 16 13 44 3 333 Balra Kalan 596.00 34 37 223 120 103 20 17 13 5 33 1 78 5 334 Balra Khurd 372.00 36 39 173 93 80 24 20 13 4 53 3 335 Jonasi 516.00 3 3 20 10 10 2 5 336 ~Jasi Kheda 415.00 ]6 16 99 48 51 6 6 2 2 9 33 6 337 Maholi Udaipur 530.00 14 14 82 40 42 4 6 17 26 ... 338 Dindoli 971.00 71 71 385 193 192 32 32 18 115 64 339 Raghunathpur 513.00 3 24 74 37 37 19 22 3 28 3 340 Akadoda 568.00 42 56 305 162 143 42 35 44 2 97 41 341 Tabbakkalpur 1,529.00 96 96 460 238 222 28 21 82 12 153 2 342 Kathari 693.00 53 53 247 137 110 14 15 17 1 86 15 343 Muradpur 1,263.00 78 108 473 233 240 32 41 52 10 137 30 344 Khurseni 678.00 13 20 97 41 56 14 22 4 24 10 345 Chhipani 901.00 37 54 432 228 204 110 115 3 2 28 2 132 96 346 Negama Pipariya 1,547.00 88 98 502 268 234 47 65 56 162 10 347 Syari 1,383.00 94 98 543 295 248 82 76 87 9 174 16 348 Udaipur 4,857.00 ~67 381 2,02) 1,072 953 254 228 23 22 426 122 549 91 349 Murtaja Nagar 366.00 21 21 82 44 38 2 3 10 10 14 1 29 1 350 Sahaba 1,285.00 69 69 324 170 154 40 33 49 53 22 2 95 3 351 Berkhedi 388.00 23 23 162 84 78 42 29 33 10 51 6 352 Devipur 547.00 40 40 253 137 116 46 54 24 1 84 20 353 Orangpur 489.00 40 40 209 117 92 16 ]0 28 2 67 13 187


.~------. _. ___--~------_-_ .._- Workers

II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---A--, ,---A--,,---A--,,--JL--,.--"--,,....--A--,.--"--,.--"-...... ,--"--, .--"-...... ,--"-...... L.C. M F M ' F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

65 33 23 86 143 312 30 1 15 13 43 71 35 18 10 1 1 j I 43 72 121 2 32 21 4 2 96 215 3i3 103 2 21 13 4 2 1 83 178 18 11 8 13 37 118 I 46 30 3 3 125 208 314 103 1 30 11 311 3 108 181 15 16 18 i7 27 68 2 26 4 4 8.r 154 315 t<3 28 1 2 3 72 177 316 52 15 1 4 4 3 54 103 317 130 44 1 3 8 124 268 318 54 38 2 2 3 77 172 319 51 83 52 2 5 86 143 320 15 14 Jl 1 24 30 36 1 69 41 1 5 1 62 113 99 111 47 2 2 2 2 124 258 321 4 12 7 7 21 322 69 90 61 3 88 187 323 64 40 :!4 5 2 52 116 324 87 5 76 45 5 2 3 2 2 136 240 325 96 4 60 21 3 124 1 7 122 251 326 48 2 25 6 4 5 4 2 2 74 119 327 Un;nhabited 328 96 2 50 23 22 5 111 2 6 144 248 329 69 2 55 21 3 92 158 330 140 3 q4 14 8 6 5 3 2 6 8 186 433 331 28 13 3 1 22 53 332 40 38 5 42 98 333 16 34 3 3 40 77 334 3 2 5 10 335 22 10 5 15 45 336 9 15 1 14 42 337 59 24 54 39 2 78 128 338 2 1 26 2 9 34 :1]9 49 8 45 33 3 65 102 340 53 93 1 2 4 85 220 341 57 2 27 13 2 51 95 342 2 64 2 56 27 5 3 3 4 96 210 343 15 1 6 9 2 17 46 344 45 85 96 2 96 108 345 127 32 9 1 2 106 224 346 105 63 15 3 2 121 232 3~7 60 2 29 30 20 2 11 50 199 4 85 38 13 3 79 14 523 862 348 1 14 5 1 8 1 15 37 349 3 48 2 23 10 4 6 75 151 350 27 I 22 5 33 72 351 51 :2 31 18 2 53 96 352 3 3~ :2 23 ]0 2 50 79 353 188


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,---..A------.. ~-. ,....--A--, ~-, ,--"'--. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

354 Bawali 2,544.00 .145 146 819 453 366 125 101 165 20 242 25 IkIwali 107 108 612 337 275 49 47 145 ]9 182 16 Gutheila 21 21 114 62 52 22 ]5 1 5 1 34 6 Saiya ]7 17 93 54 39 54 39 15 26 3 355 Barodiya 657.00 20 26 166 94 72 4 2 23 56 6 356 Lahdara 1,123.00 40 58 304 152 152 47 49 2 86 27 Lahdara 21 37 184 95 89 45 45 2 52 21 Shankargarll 14 16 84 40 44 2 4 23 6 Badahar 5 5 36 17 19 11 357 Lamaniya 936.00 20 23 145 84 61 19 13 20 2 40 10 358 Badher Mafi 468.00 7 13 98 54 44 6 1 2S 3 359 Basoda Daud 2,021.00 96 102 650 321 329 57 57 59 4 173 60 Basoda Daud 70 75 436 219 217 30 32 53 4 114 9 Majara 26 27 214 102 112 27 25 6 59 51 360 Sattakhedi Jajon 1,600.00 60 75 364 190 174 25 25 51 4 104 24 Sattakhedi Jajon 17 26 lOS 57 51 3 3 8 36 12 Majara 43 49 256 133 123 22 22 43 4 68 12 361 Suja 2,174.00 22 24 160 88 72 8 8 67 S6 S 1 43 12 Suja Uninhabited Majra 22 24 160 88 72 8 8 67 56 5 1 43 12 362 Murahar 1,779.00 99 109 583 307 276 57 59 21 15 10 3 186 3 363 KirarKh~di 340.00 31 49 268 136 132 21 19 52 46 25 5 75 6 364 Malena 884.00 14 39 237 114 123 8 4 11 8 18 2 73 365 Karhi Khurd 406.1)(} 28 29 112 58 54 1 12 36 366 Sumerdangi 831.00 41 44 278 153 125 45 29 37 3 80 7 367 Lahrawada 621.00 28 28 153 89 64 8 6 12 8 2S 45 368 Ukayala 1,383.00 68 68 388 222 166 38 24 72 13 112 7 Ukayala 48 48 251 143 108 38 24 67 13 73 7 Dhuawrad 20 20 137 79 58 5 39 369 Parasari 319.00 Uninhabited 370 Sumer Kachhi 424.00 29 29 162 93 69 8 4 13 52 371 Mudena 791.00 30 30 206 109 97 2 2 11 13 6 60 10 372 Mad Dewara 680.00 50 50 297 155 142 27 36 18 18 41 4 74 16 373 suneti 661.00 47 47 296 145 151 23 28 19 19 34 2 78 2 374 Serwasa 1,557.00 59 74 400 207 193 20 21 11 11 75 4 113 9 375 BadrawaJi 658.00 21 38 193 120 73 29 19 22 17 34 6 51 7 376 Kaiai Kalan 627.00 46 50 257 139 118 29 22 30 4 77 4 377 Kheroda Tyonda 759.00 57 57 330 f' 160 170 45 35 44 6 86 20 378 Bagroda 669.00 31 39 270 145 125 17 12 26 33 39 11 80 26 379 Kham Kheda 1,958.00 48 67 591 297 294 84 87 76 74 5S 6 179 82 380 Rupeti 452·00 15 24 162 80 82 16 12 4 3 29 5 43 381 Chhewla 203.00 ,11 13 71 36 35 2 9 20 9 382 Hinota 205.00 6 7 60 35 25 10 16 383 Gudawal 1,351.00 44 58 386 210 176 41 34 25 16 54 6 109 23 384 Menwada 1,546.00 73 90 550 289 261 61 60 13 10 119 7 131 4 385 Raj Khedi 571.00 Uninhabited 386 Rampura 376.00 15 17 92 46 46 16 14 15 10 28 387 Hatwaha 228.00 16 22 101 58 43 29 23 14 3 30 388 Matayai 859.00 63 70 361 188 173 75 63 39 2 102 2 389 Pachpipara 659.00 33 43 313 171 142 50 45 53 5 99 17 189 BASOD.I\ TAHSIL -_-_ .. _----- Workers I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VO VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...-A-....., ,...-A--. r--"--. r-A--. ,..--"---, .---"-...... r--"--. r-A--. r-A--. ,..-A--. ".--A-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

-_-_ ------.~---- .. --.. ----~------~----.---- - .. ------]7 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

... _ .. .. -_ _-- -_ ------.. ~ 185 8 33 15 6 5 2 11 2 211 341 354 141 6 25 10 3 3 1 9 155 259 21 7 5 2 1 1 2 J 28 46 23 2 J 1 I 1 28 36 48 2 5 4 2 38 66 355 46 38 16 2 66 125 356 23 1 27 20 2 43 68 12 11 6 17 38 11 6 19 24 1 16 9 44 51 357 21 4 3 29 41 358 77 93 60 2 1 148 269 359 67 44 9 2 1 105 208 10 49 51 43 61 81 23 24 86 150 360 20 16 12 21 39 61 7 12 65 111 39 4 12 45 60 361 Uninhabited 39 4 12 45 60 148 3 37 121 213 362 28 44 6 3 61 126 363 52 19 2 41 123 364 34 1 2 22 53 365 45 33 7 2 73 118 366 39 4 2 44 64 367 78 28 5 2 4 2 110 159 368 51 16 5 2 4 2 70 101 27 11 40 58 Uninhabited 369 52 41 69 370 45 15 9 49 87 371 53 2 IS 12 2 2 4 2 81 126 372 58 1 9 1 1 8 67 ]49 373 92 1 17 8 4 94 184 374 22 2 28 5 1 69 66 375 59 15 2 2 1 62 114 376 64 21 20 1 74 150 377 38 36 26 5 65 99 378 75 90 77 1 12 5 118 212 379 34 8 37 82 380 11 8 7 16 26 381 14 2 19 25 382 61 1 34 19 4 2 ] 3 101 153 383 88 2 24 2 4 3 3 5 4 158 257 384 Uninhabited 385 19 1 7 2 18 45 386 II 18 1 28 43 387 61 32 2 2 86 111 388 75 23 17 72 125 3811 190



Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- .A. ___, ,..--"-, ,..--"-, ,..--''-, ,--"-, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

390 Hansua 854.00 31 42 249 ]27 122 47 41 26 4 74 15 391 Semara Teonda ] ,447.00 48 62 361 196 165 62 62 40 4 115 23 392 Itaiya 331.00 S 5 35 17 ]8 1 1 14 1 393 Teonda 3,377.00 232 233 1,105 619 486 82 76 3 2 238 91 328 48 394 Kajrai 527.00 28 43 216 118 98 42 21 31 2 63 9 395 Rahmanpur 715.00 11 18 113 56 57 ]7 21 20 32 9 396 Pipariya Daulat 414.00 55 7] 336 174 162 59 61 26 98 18 397 Mahua Kheda 733.00 5 7 64 31 31 9 11 9 19 7 398 Bhawan Khedi 978.00 13 13 70 39 31 30 28 3 20 1 399 Karimpur 803.00 3] 34 226 123 103 26 1 I 48 56 4 59 35 400 Amari 1,237.00 62 74 400 222 178 45 38 45 3 129 10 401 Bijori 369.00 Uninhabited 402 RasooJpur 2,816.00 202 226 1,196 645 551 100 84 6 2 145 38 299 21 403 Madanayai 429.00 21 33 209 110 99 28 27 1 45 2 58 404 Maholi 1,605.00 63 67 378 200 178 100 80 20 112 16 40S Parsora 1,045.00 7 8 40 18 22 11 1 406 Hameedpur ].756.00 117 144 657 344 313 30 24 15 14 100 24 203 13 407 Padhar 724.00 38 38 195 107 88 26 16 50 51 8 62 1 Padhar 11 1I 54 32 22 3 3 6 20 Nagariya 27 27 ]41 75 66 23 ]3 50 51 2 42 ] 408 Bh'lay 2,971.00 84 88 490 268 222 47 35 55 53 65 6 136 5 Bhilu.l' 62 63 373 202 ]71 39 33 55 53 54 6 98 5 Jamaniya 22 25 117 66 5} 8 2 11 38 409 Delwara ],370.00 81 85 388 214 174 33 30 93 79 26 115 2 Delwara 34 38 180 }04 76 19 15 25 49 1 Khushipura 9 9 42 23 ]9 ]1 8 12 ]/ ] 13 1 Majara Khajurj 38 38 ]66 87 79 3 7 81 68 53 410 Noorpur 959.00 20 25 III 60 51 5 3 39 32 3 33 Noorpur 2 7 21 ]3 8 5 3 8 5 9 Tapariya ]8 ]8 90 47 43 31 27 3 24 411 Mudari Teonda 736.00 118 125 617 355 262 98 57 34 27 94 6 226 6 412 Deeghora 1,117.00 43 43 258 131 127 5 5 10 63 2 413 Muhansa 1,769.00 72 72 416 230 186 22 24 6 133 414 Barod 1,094.00 57 57 458 244 214 41 30 20 2 131 415 Abupur 1,906.00 36 37 3Sl 191 160 59 50 6 5 107 1 Abupur 28 28 305 ]68 137 56 45 6 5 96 1 Chak Sasori 8 , 46 23 23 3 5 11 416 Banjariya 518.00 18 26 160 81 79 20 27 22 2 41 417 Berkhedi Teonda 692.00 12 12 75 39 36 2 1 17 2 Berkhpdi Teonda ]2 12 75 39 36 2 1 17 2 Gift; Khadan Uninhabited 418 Sagoni 830.00 17 19 62 31 31 4 18 419 Silarpur 566.00 7 8 51 28 23 5 10 420 Ramnaga r 501.00 19 25 ]90 97 Q3 30 29 22 12 43 I 421 Richhai 1,999.00 81 110 616 334 282 20 26 26 19 82 6 185 6 422 Gambhiri 358.00 24 24 114 57 57 15 15 7 39 2 423 Rithari 513.00 39 39 262 154 108 48 28 30 1 85 4 424 Karonda Khurd 1,581.00 63 63 384 193 191 57 62 15 17 30 5 117 6 191


- ~------~~------~------~------Workers J,_ -, I II ITI IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--'--, ,.-A--, ,.-A--, ,.-A--., ,.-A--., ,.-A--, ,.-A--, ,.-A--, ~-, ,---A--, ,---A--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------61 2 12 13 1 53 107 390 61 43 23 2 81 142 391 12 I 2 3 17 392 106 2 98 40 20 4 9 28 2 61 5 291 438 393 46 8 15 :2 1 55 89 394 15 16 9 24 48 395 55 42 18 76 144 396 9 10 7 12 26 397 17 3 19 30 398 22 36 34 64 68 399 100 4 22 4 5 2 93 168 400 Uninhabited 401 196 4 30 9 6 21 5 5 1 27 12 3 346 530 402 44 14 52 99 403 84 5 27 10 81l 162 404 10 1 7 21 405 160 3 37 10 3 2 141 300 406 37 25 1 ... 45 87 407 10 10 12 22 27 15 1 33 65 71 1 53 3 2 2 2 6 132 217 408 47 1 39 3 2 2 2 6 1 104 166 24 14 28 51 77 2 34 2 1 1 99 172 409 36 1 10 1 1 1 55 75 8 1 5 10 18 33 19 1 34 79 13 11 9 27 51 410 9 4 8 13 11 23 43 79 3 49 83 3 5 7 129 256 411 42 19 2 2 68 125 412 111 16 6 97 186 413 82 37 10 2 113 213 414 57 50 84 159 415 46 50 72 136 1/ 12 23 30 7 4 40 79 416 17 2 22 34 417 17 2 22 34 Uninhabited 17 13 30 418 10 18 23 419 20 21 1 1 54 92 420 } 127 38 4 1 2 4 10 2 149 276 421 28 8 2 1 18 55 422 45 1 34 3 5 69 104 423 67 2 47 4 2 76 185 424 192


Total Population Literate Are'8 of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- _-~.A--__ ~ ,--A--.. r-A-- \ r--A-...., No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H IS 16

------~ 425 Simota 1,761.00 202 203 1,105 550 555 82 83 30 33 151 43 284 6 Sirnola 162 163 826 423 403 82 83 148 43 211 6 Chak Chainsillgh 7 7 39 19 20 3 4 1 10 Chak Mohammad KIl


-_- - --~-~----- .~--~---.------~-.-----~~~--- .. -~-----.. ------~.------.-----. -~------Workers , I ,II III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.....-A---, ,.--A--. ,--A--. ,--A--. ,...-"-, ,.--''-, ,...-"-, ,....-"-, ,.--''-, ,....-J'-, ,....-"-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

---~----. _------~.------132 2 71 14 14 4 29 20 2 266 549 425 86 2 45 1 14 13 / .4 29 20 2 212 397 7 2 1 9 20 22 13 25 82 1 9 6 14 16 2 14 36 117 5 35 21 2 34 13 4 1 12 2 18 15 207 349 426 31 1 19 39 73 427 101 3 129 70 4 3 7 188 327 428 41 13 3 18 76 429 162 5 73 6 4 151 356 430 124 4 47 5 4 118 268 38 1 26 I 33 88 125 8 57 2 4 126 248 431 J09 8 37 1 1 4 91 183 15 20 1 35 65 78 2 28 83 150 432 53 4 2 42 91 433 165 77 50 4 8 4 149 298 434 18 1 19 26 435 50 5 63 2 6 7 105 204 436 68 4 62 1 1 129 250 437 99 1 49 13 2 4 128 217 438 25 15 37 65 439 7 15 23 47 18 14 18 73 6 2 56 97 440 Uninhabited 441 67 2 10 66 126 442 61 22 4 6 68 153 443 31 17 4 21 69 444 43 1 26 g 52 90 445 103 1 10 2 7 125 230 446 93 I 6 2 1 I .,. 6 107 206 10 4 I 18 24 29 23 I 61 85 447 23 6 28 1 51 79 448 47 1 28 1 38 111 449 32 12 23 47 450 68 10 3 2 43 108 451 61 4 9 3 4 3 2 55 112 452 211 5 152 29 20 5 2 9 11 324 594 453 77 45 4 I 91 180 454 85 5 74 40 2 3 9 144 239 455 Uninhabited 456 46 17 58 96 457 24 10 31 61 458 79 2 80 12 7 1 1 9 2 5 1 161 278 459 59 1 65 12 6 1 1 9 2 5 1 127 229 20 1 15 34 49 194


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-rx) Name of village in T ota I institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Worken; Code: Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,-._.-. .A.. ..•. __-.., ,--JL--.., ,--JL--.., Block ,.----"--.., ,..-J---, No. in Km~ houses holds P M F Ivl F M F M F M F

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

460 Dhol Baj 865.00 20 21 97 57 40 3 2 4 40 461 Kheroda Bagrod 1,076.00 37 46 278 140 138 14 11 7 11 44 5 81 462 Gond Khedi Pathar 1,018.00 3D 31 162 85 77 4 4 4 14 2 59 463 Kishanpur 1,663.00 21 29 162 94 68 3 2 59 464 Dudan Khedi 605.00 J3 15 102 59 43 2 30 465 Khushalpura 646.00 10 11 62 36 26 1 22 Khllshalpura 6 7 34 20 14 1 15 Kanchanpllr 4 4 28 16 12 7 466 Berkhedi 912.00 17 20 109 56 53 33 467 Majhera 1,025.00 28 31 164 92 72 35 26 8 57 Majhera 15 17 93 49 44 28 23 J 31 MadaiY

----~~ ------.--~~--~------BASODA URBAN ._-_._-----. ------_._---_ Basoda (U .,~.) N.A. 4,1139 10,982 1,651 10 6,320 4660 3,913 20,440 9,438 t,4~5 10 3,226 434 25/lIl Basoda (M) 0.88 3,630 9,976 ] ,541 9 '3,77. 4,244 3,51] 18,573 S,597 1,351 10 3,007 403

369 25/11111 Ward No.1 405 1,737 938 799 133 ]{13 376 178 434 47 Block No.1 116 116 540 288 152 37 27 120 40 137 31 Block No.2 1:'0 130 560 307 253 21 20 J 10 75 134 15 Block No.3 In 159 637 343 294 75 56 146 63 163 1 269 25/1/1/2 Ward No.2 269 1,JS4 742 041 3()6 261 442 240 314 10 Block No.4 III 1:1.1 739 380 359 123 98 231 171 168 9 Block No. :5 130 645 362 283 1113 163 211 69 146 25/111/3 Ward No.3 PI 1.785 996 789 ';52 401 517 20/ 427 63 Block No.6 114 114 527 ]11 21A -+ J .232 9x 104 8 Block No.7 1.:7 (,.11 Ij" 341 3(;0 274 241 117 31 154 29 Block No.8 1)0 IlO 617 344 273 174 156 InK n 169 26 25/1I1/4 Ward No.4 2.339 1,295 1,044 40 744 350 565 33 Block No.9 712 402 310 283 133 170 2 Block No. 10 623 336 287 5 2 195 98 136 6 Block No. 11 556 311 245 34 20 187 94 135 20 Block No. 11 77 448 246 202 1 79 25 124 5 25jlll/5 Ward No.5 2(,0 250 1,375 715 660 156 140 367 206 330 26 Block No. 13 134 134 732 381 351 19 10 299 179 151 10 Block No. 14 C6 126 643 334 309 137 130 68 27 179 16 195


Workers ------~,------~------, II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers f-'--~ ,..--"----. .--"-, L.C. M F M F M F No.

17 1M 19 20 21 22 23 24 2::; 26 27 28 29 30 .H 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

37 3 17 39 460 70 6 59 137 461 49 8 26 77 462 50 9 35 67 463 28 2 29 43 464 22 14 26 465 15 5 14 7 9 12 33 23 53 466 48 9 35 72 467 ,28 3 18 44 Uninhabited 20 6 17 28 34 5 33 56 468 26 8 22 47 469 17 3 7 21 9 5 15 26 Uninhabitt!d 470 ------._--- AGGLOMERATION

436 159 65 6 233 553 158 1,290 387 1,373 6,322 13 48 s 49 28 J5 25 1 247 9,024 391 148 52 6 222 508 134 1 ,253 250 1,280 5,732 25!III 13 48 8 4) 26 13 24 1 221 8,194

21 3 25 13 4 24 1 54 3 8 120 2 46 132 2-1 504 75225/111/1 2 1 6 G 14 3 3 48 2 25 40 18 151 221 1 7 10 7 3 13 9 5 43 11 33 5 173 238 2 14 14 1 5 31 29 10 59 1 180 293 3

25 2 2 3 1 42 37 1 99 27 77 6 428 63225111I!2 8 3 2 17 16 77 10 37 6 212 350 4 17 2 25 21 22 17 40 216 282 5

_,_,> 4 4() 1 7'i 11) 11 3 1 22 oJ 5 45 1 174 41 5/59 72625111113 7 5 Ii I 40 5 32 6 207 208 6 12 3 4 19 4 12 19 3 II 5 23 50 10 187 271 7 8 17 2 25 17 91 25 175 247 8

60 9 2 1I2 6 8 181 4 47 1-16 21 7301,OlJ15.111/4 10 7 44 71 10 27 2 232 308 9 4 35 2 2 38 15 40 3 '200 2S1 10 13 14 4 48 2 7 52 13 176 225 11 1') 5 33 23 15 3 122 197 12

9 18 9 40 1 5 2 6 1 114 1 14 115 21 3~5 634 25iIlI/5 :2 13 8 '} 5 2 2 92 20 8 230 341 13 5 1 22 35 3 6 7 5 95 13 155 293 14 196


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Sl.'heduled educated Total Location ViIIagelTownl acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code WardlUrban of town/ward residential house- ,..--J'--, ,..--A-....., ,..--A--, ,.--A--, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


2JIJIII6 Ward No. 6 272 272 1,451 806 645 102 89 484 210 347 45 Block No. 15 94 94 498 278 220 5 8 210 113 104 6 Block No. 16 178 178 953 528 425 97 81 274 97 243 39

25111l/7 Ward No. 7 249 275 1,507 804 703 108 91 2 7 460 250 368 40 Block No. 17 93 105 521 273 248 62 46 2 4 141 90 131 22 Block No. 18 87 97 589 314 275 10 8 3 204 113 136 10 Block No. 19 69 73 397 217 180 36 37 115 47 101 8

1511Il/8 Ward No.8 222 236 1,387 ~99 688 138 147 377 230 310 41 Block No. 20 86 86 408 219 189 33 30 70 28 106 23 Block No. 21 136 150 979 480 499 105 117 307 202 204 18

25//11/9 Ward No.9 228 228 1,246 646 600 3 2 434 325 258 31 Block No. 22 127 127 635 330 305 226 174 131 7 Block No. 23 101 101 611 316 295 3 2 208 151 127 24

25111I/I0 Ward Nv. 10 282 282 1,547 813 734 10 6 539 296 326 13 Block No. 24 131 131 751 401 350 10 6 281 166 170 4 Block No. 25 151 151 796 412 384 258 130 156 9

25/JII/ll Ward No. 11 231 231 1,209 663 546 19 23 5 1 455 235 257 19 Block No. 26 105 105 585 311 274 19 23 5 237 126 124 9 Block No. 27 ]26 126 624 352 272 218 109 133 10

2511I1112 Ward No. 12 321 325 1,606 859 747 74 66 2 2 576 286 308 35 Block No. 28 101 105 504 272 232 23 19 193 120 93 10 Block No. 29 107 107 604 314 290 22 9 221 114 123 8 Block No. 30 113 113 498 273 225 29 38 2 2 162 52 92 17

25/III/- Urban Outgrowth N.A. 41)2 409 1,867 1,006 861 110 84 549 219 416 31

Behloi 0.08 360 367 1,631 889 742 98 72 1 491 192 368 31 Block No. 31 143 150 716 371 345 56 44 149 48 169 15 Block No. 32 203 203 859 487 372 42 28 322 131 187 15 Block No. 34 14 14 56 31 25 20 13 12 1

Swaroop Nagar N.A. 41 42 236 117 119 12 12 58 27 48 Block No. 33 42 42 236 117 119 12 12 51 27 48 197


Workers I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VII1 IX X Non­ Workers ..-A-...... , ,.-A--,.-A-...... , r--A--,,.-A-...... ,,.-A-...... ,,..-JI--, ,.-A--, ,.-J'--.. ,--"-...... , ,--A--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

------_------~-~- 30 1 1 16 2 3 24 16 67 13 5 68 4 20 105 16 459 600 25/Ill/6 5 3 7 1 20 3 35 2 4 27 3 174 214 15 25 ]6 2 17 15 47 10 5 33 2 16 78 13 285 386 16

38 3 16 9 1 23 3 35 2 5 136 2 11 103 21 436 663151Illl7 9 1 6 5 16 3 17 1 3 37 1 3 40 11 142 226 17 15 2 6 2 5 7 63 1 4 36 4 178 265 18 14 4 2 2 H 2 36 4 27 6 116 172 19

40 1 40 2 4- 1 33 14 13 7 1 89 8 75 23 389 64725IJIl/8 29 21 3 23 14 2 5 1 7 4 11 5 113 166 20 11 ]9 10 11 :2 82 4 64 18 276 481 21

21 5 J 1 13 31 J/ 2 103 2 6 75 16 388 569 2SIIlI(9 13 111 12 11 50 2 3 39 4 199 298 22 9 4 1 20 11 53 3 36 12 189 271 23

42 2 14 2 3 37 3 36 6 86 2 4 98 4 487 72125//11110 17 11 2 7 26 1 63 1 2 42 1 231 346 24 25 2 3 2 30 10 5 23 1 2 56 3 256 375 25

24 4 1 2 14 3 33 5 96 1 4 75 14 406 527 25jIlI! 11 17 2 2 2 16 3 46 1 2 36 6 187 365 26 7 4 12 17 2 50 2 39 8 219 262 27

30 1 2a 16 1 10 1 27 12 2 85 1 18 105 14 551 71225jIllj12 3 10 6 2 34 4 36 6 179 222 28 12 4 II 3 37 9 47 7 191 282 29 15 20 16 6 6 3 14 5 22 lSI 208 30

45 11 13 11 45 2 24 2 37 1 137 93 26 590 830 25/lIIi-

39 11 13 9 43 2 24 2 37 1 ]02 90 26 521 711 lO 4 12 1 11 2 12 1 9 86 24 12 202 330 31 28 6 8 32 11 27 16 58 13 ]00 357 32 1 1 1 I 8 1 19 24 34

6 2 2 35 3 69 119 6 2 2 35 3 69 119 33 198


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- .A.-__., ,..-A----.., ~., ,--A-- , ,..-A-., No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M f M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

25/5 Vidisba Tahsil (Rural) ] ,931.6 30.627 86,284 19,926 3,994 22,236 49,452 24,78:3 1,63,599 77,315 18,408 3,786 3,830 11,382 Nathanpur 1,019.61 70 76 389 199 190 121 105 20 1 123 1 Nathanpllr 46 47 235 118 117 89 80 13 1 71 J CllOllglldi 24 29 154 8/ 73 32 15 7 52 2 Rampur Bandhiya 696.26 46 48 270 139 131 35 37 37 89 2 Rampllr BandhEya 36 38 2J8 113 105 30 34 18 I 74 1 Nadipllra 10 10 5] 26 26 5 3 19 15 1 3 Satpada Kalan 2,163.18 145 157 823 427 396 96 89 .10 <) 159 28 234 10 Satpada 115 125 658 }46 312 6] 55 10 9 130 25 184 10 Chal 30 32 165 81 84 34 34 29 3 50 4 Sehja Khcdi 2,743.74112 125 741 393 148 69 70 101 9 241 17 Sahja Khedi 13 18 122 67 55 29 6 36 I Ramgarh 17 19 126 66 60 18 15 2J 1 41 1 Haripllra 4 4 11 1/ 10 I 2 9 Khejda 58 62 353 184 169 45 50 40 2 112 14 Kari Khedi 20 22 119 65 54 5 4 10 40 1 5 Rusalli Kham Kheda 1,2Jl .71 79 114 591 317 274 62 47 67 56 87 4 181 28 6 Sherpur Kasba 1,252.~5 65 106 578 306 272 45 44 50 16 164 22 7 Dupariya 2,736.31 137 186 1,026 535 491 41 42 20 16 169 17 318 69 8 Kothichar Kalan 1,883.65 202 350 1,631 8117 744 219 199 60 59 224 I 505 123 9 Chitoriya 2,536.09 92 112 954 502 452 lOS 107 124 19 311 110 10 Ahmada Nagar 2,846.65 186 232 1.222 637 585 J 56 123 4 3 206 46 161 118 11 Byonchi 1,450.25 109 109 519 272 247 4J 39 3 5 104 8 153 35 12 Khiriya 541.38 Uninhabited 13 Pipalkheda Kalan 3,039.25 260 302 1,550 798 752 118 115 10 5 295 85 426 102 14 SUltaniya 1,819.92 107 145 848 437 411 159 128 138 20 241 14 15 Thaner 2,595.55 174 174 925 481 444 134 140 161 19 271 43 16 Ratan Khadan 68.30 Uninhabited 17 Sanoti 2,246.00 155 155 848 452 396 103 98 12 13 116 6 246 43 Sanoti 126 126 683 364 319 84 77 115 6 197 39 Rllsalli 29 29 165 88 77 19 21 12 13 1 49 4 18 Bhila Khedi 824.61 46 47 248 125 123 58 53 29 69 17 19 Bhat Khedi 802.67 68 68 332 175 157 46 48 64 14 99 16 20 Salaiya 2,912.83 187 187 987 500 487 66 70 168 22 282 159 21 Salai Khedi 1,117.76 75 89 394 219 175 33 29 68 9 131 36 22 Goriya Khamkheda 1,030.10 40 40 205 109 96 11 11 5 7 32 57 2 23 Barro 1,853.28 198 199 925 483 442 95 82 176 45 275 22 24 Dalla Khedi 615.80 25 25 146 75 71 10 8 2 :2 25 1 41 2 25 Khajuri Thaner 584.48 21 22 136 71 65 11 9 9 34 2 26 Balla Khcdi 664.36 64 89 461 227 234 53 57 17 30 58 5 131 12 27 Udla Khedi 1,017.03 17 17 103 45 58 10 7 35 51 26 28 Kabula 854.83 46 46 288 }53 135 30 38 11 3 91 29 Kota 1,341.41 39 39 218 107 111 36 37 6 1 61 10 30 Pardhi 845.02 46 46 247 130 117 4 6 19 68 31 Powa Nala 1,046.99 68 68 383 205 178 42 32 62 58 34 7 103 32 Boria Khamkheda 705.04 17 17 118 54 64 14 19 13 3 28 33 Bhoot Paras; 308.36 32 32 182 101 81 35 24 22 52 Mahuwa Kheda 536.66 17 17 124 69 55 4 3 :2 37 (Khamkhcda) 35 Silpari 340.38 IS 18 82 43 39 25 25 24 3 199


Workers ------~~------, II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,--"-, ,.---''-, ,....-...... L.C. M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

23,893 20,883 308 38 1,151 459 278 684 137 1,621 36,832 999 9,822 13 154 59 ]-1 25 1 295 65,933 25/5 98 1 17 5 3 76 189 1 62 1 6 1 2 47 116 36 11 4 1 29 73 67 2 21 1 50 129 2 54 1 19 1 39 104 13 2 11 25 121 5 81 5 5 2 .' 22 193 386 3 94 5 58 5 5 2 3 22 162 302 27 23 31 84 133 12 90 4 6 3 7 152 331 4 21 1 JJ ! 3 31 54 17 21 6 22 59 2 6 1 2 10 56 10 50 4 J 1 2 2 72 155 37 1 2 1 25 53 93 3 82 24 2 4 136 246 5 101 4 49 J8 9 2 1 2 142 250 6 165 4 128 65 1 9 4 10 217 422 7 248 3 186 79 23 12 7 10 29 27 382 621 8 ]65 5 142 105 2 1 191 342 9 160 10 146 102 3 10 12 I~ 17 6 276 467 10 82 57 34 7 4 2 J19 212 11 Uninhabit.:d 12 176 21 125 66 14 21 2 6 18 24 2 41 II 37:. 650 13 126 I 91 13 4 8 I 5 6 196 397 14 148 101 43 6 3 5 8 210 401 15 Uninhabitc:u 16 154 4 67 39 5 14 1 1 4 206 353 17 116 3 59 36 5 11 1 4 167 280 38 8 3 3 39 73 41 19 17 2 4 2 56 106 18 64 29 15 2 3 76 141 19 172 85 74 70 7, ... 14 4 3 5 7 218 328 20 74 4 44 30 3 :2 :2 6 88 139 21 35 2 20 2 52 94 22 101 3 102 J5 2 4 21 7 29 2 208 420 23 29 12 2 34 69 24 24 7 1 3 37 63 25 67 54 10 2 3 5 96 222 26 18 8 19 57 27 60 30 62 135 28 39 20 10 2 46 101 29 65 3 62 117 30 74 20 2 5 102 177 31 11 17 26 63 32 42 10 49 81 33 25 4 32 54 34

4 1') 36 35 200


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Totat Location Village/Townl acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..---."'------.. r--"-r­ ,..-J-...... ,--A--. ,....--A--. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

36 Dhamnoda 3,114.55 141 141 774 428 346 56 43 20 17 79 4 246 78 Dhamnoda 34 34 175 183 72 25 20 7 6 32 3 54 13 Dupariya 29 29 147 86 61 28 1 46 8 Granl 30 30 154 84 70 20 13 7 48 14 Farampura 22 22 141 74 67 2 2 8 47 20 Jamuniya Kheda 13 13 83 43 40 983 31 15 Ora Tarai 6 6 26 14 12 13 11 7 6 Pura 7 7 48 24 24 1 13 2 37 Bata Barkheda 3,154.94 172 172 811 432 379 87 61 19 19 169 25 247 45 38 Pipaliia Ajeet 1,399.09 75 75 389 217 172 29 24 42 35 17 2 120 26 39 Bamora 2,442.86 105 105 517 282 235 59 54 7 3 88 10 165 58 40 Sayar 3,779.88 154 156 748 408 340 38 36 56 49 57 5 237 30 Sayar 49 50 236 131 105 10 6 9 9 34 2 69 10 Gml(va Uninhabited Sehu Khedi 54 54 254 139 115 3 2 19 3 85 4 Ghat Khedi 27 28 140 74 66 22 21 47 40 1 43 14 Kosa Khedi 24 24 118 64 54 3 7 3 40 2 41 Amoda 1.473.41 17 17 112 62 50 4 7 11 32 1 42 Sagoda 704.83 17 22 133 73 60 15 7 38 4 43 Pathariya 696.00 31 40 203 108 95 19 22 33 5 55 13 44 Parasi Khurd 368.31 44 52 248 137 111 14 9 49 2 74 9 45 KaTodiya Bagod 1,240.17 25 34 150 82 68 12 II 22 4 44 8 46 Karela ],923.44 79 88 4]7 230 187 21 17 68 3 128 23 47 Kham Kheda Ka!\ba 3,631.05 177 278 1,248 682 566 125 118 3 7 135 20 384 112 48 Khejada Sultan 1,043.89 71 105 527 2R1 246 80 73 28 24 62 5 155 2 49 PoruKhedi 486.56 32 32 217 122 95 11 10 32 72 2 50 Hasanpur 363.63 Uninhabited 51 GangaTwada 3,057.84 66 159 722 3~3 329 124 108 17 13 54 5 255 124 52 Lodha Khedi 575.92 46 49 272 135 137 21 19 44 84 7 53 BhiyaKnedi 858.97 33 42 232 113 119 27 35 4 7 24 73 21 54 Sankalkheda Khurd 1,499.10 97 99 648 359 2R9 129 111 7 7 113 9 199 20 55 Pureniya 1,433.72 87 87 607 304 303 126 143 14 17 60 '} 190 12 56 Madhiya Kalan 1,110.13 26 28 212 112 100 28 31 17 65 3 57 Kachanariya 752.03 26 31 143 73 70 7 6 15 47 II S8 Berkhedi Kasba 1,736.45 91 101 561 292 269 77 65 101 20 175 26 59 Nama Khedi R34.80 50 68 327 182 145 78 59 44 2 104 29 60 KotTa (LashkarpUf) 1,071.06 68 R8 469 253 216 110 91 54 7 143 32 61 Sankalkheda Kalan 2,492.96 ]51 151 1,054 555 499 193 186 126 17 319 106 Sankal Kheda Kalan 143 143 1,009 529 480 188 185 113 17 309 105 Binauri Kheda 8 8 45 25 19 5 1 13 10 I 62 Semra Sukha 1,089.78 54 73 462 258 204 82 83 8 10 73 10 140 17 63 Bamuriya 1.528.85 73 95 562 295 273 131 136 4 3 89 22 185 6 64 Semra Lashkarpur 632.08 41 61 359 196 163 47 41 53 4 104 30 65 Karahi 690.96 25 37 177 96 81 17 14 5 3 11 1 58 21 66 Karariya Tappa 1,547.92 141 190 997 544 453 125 98 186 16 312 29 Laskarpur 67 Gurariya Laskarpur 1,106.24 66 133 544 293 251 64 50 81 29 163 55 68 Badanpur 1,175.65 55 78 391 205 186 35 31 32 27 55 12 129 31 69 Bilori 1,648.95 55 71 375 192 183 50 47 63 11 104 31 70 Ahmadpur Tappa 1,361.9l! 82 93 40.5 219 186 86 82 83 7 149 52 (Khamkheda) 201


Workers ------~------, II III IV V (a) V (bj VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,.-A-, L.C. M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

153 2 89 76 2 182 268 36 36 16 13 1 1 49 59 32 1 13 7 1 40 53 31 J 16 13 1 36 56 23 24 20 27 47 18 13 15 12 25 6 1 6 7 6 7 6 2 11 22 121 4 85 37 14 10 2 1 13 2 185 334 37 59 57 26 3 97 146 38 71 77 57 2 8 5 117 177 39 170 57 29 2 1 2 5 171 310 40 47 17 10 2 1 2 62 95 uninhabited 71 1 10 3 1 1 2 54 111 23 20 14 31 52 29 10 2 1 24 52 25 7 1 30 49 41 22 15 4 35 56 42 33 16 12 2 3 53 82 43 53 2 18 7 2 63 102 44 30 13 8 38 60 45 75 40 22 3 6 2 2 102 164 46 203 4 141 105 7 8 2 2 11 11 298 454 47 90 61 2 1 2 126 244 48 53 18 2 1 50 93 49 Uninhabited 50 35 206 124 4 6 4 138 205 51 59 2 22 5 51 130 52 36 37 20 40 98 53 66 5 ]04 II II 6 2 5 5 2 160 269 54 87 2 92 10 3 1 .. 3 114 291 55 29 33 3 2 47 97 56 33 14 10 26 59 57 67 91 24 .. 4 8 117 243 58 41 57 2<) 5 78 ll6 59 74 3 61 29 5 I 2 110 184 60 114 1 198 105 1 3 3 236 393 61 ]]0 J 192 104 1 3 3 220 375 4 6 16 18 81 54 16 2 2 118 187 62 fO 86 4 9 6 4 110 267 63 72 29 30 3 92 133 64 23 2 35 19 38 60 65 177 2 114 26 5 5 10 232 424 66

67 .. 88 51 7 130 196 67 73 48 28 2 3 76 155 68 4S 55 31 2 2 88 152 69 81 60 50 2 2 5 70 134 70 2.02


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..----"------. ,..-A--, ..---''-~ ,..--A--, ,--J'-~ No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

------~ .. --.--- ._-_.-. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16

.... --~ ..--. _._------71 Arwaria 883.04 95 148 651 333 318 65 70 134 21 175 52 72 Pipaliya Mota 613.47 16 23 136 73 63 J 5 16 16 7 6 39 73 Boria Khamkheda 609.92 91 101 602 321 281 73 71 10 7 83 6 185 65 74 Karaiya Hat 1,377.87 97 103 528 277 251 74 75 12 11 106 15 175 38 75 Baman Kheda 685.10 54 54 319 171 148 58 42 28 1 93 6 76 Kachhi Kheda 536.22 7 9 59 33 26 :1 3 17 21 2 77 Madhiya Khurd 227.05 13 13 68 37 31 8 12 7 6 12 24 4 78 Neem Kheda 1,915.28 69 84 511 262 249 99 84 11 6 60 12 156 23 NeemKheda 61 74 436 225 211 96 77 6 4 52 ]J ]36 20 Berkhedi 6 6 47 23 24 4 13 Vmar Khedi 2 4 28 14 14 3 7 5 2 4 1 7 3 79 Parasi Gujar ],195.75 53 68 345 188 157 35 27 9 6 39 4 117 38 80 Imaliya Parasi 461.75 21 30 193 98 95 19 22 5 2 35 2 55 6 81 Berkhedi Bujurg 69L71 53 65 320 177 143 29 22 100 24 98 27 82 Sugna Khedi 796.06 48 50 375 201 174 30 26 7 8 86 8 120 46 83 Khamtala 899.36 41 67 299 155 144 48 56 63 14 88 41 84 Bankhedi 631.40 40 41 220 113 107 19 28 37 7 57 3 85 BId Sarkar 286.69 Uninhabited 86 Chhir Kheda 1,178.70 167 187 929 483 446 138 138 131 98 118 19 273 48 87 Tori 481.39 42 42 225 112 113 3 2 30 60 5 88 Tigra 451.42 Uninhabited 89 Jafar Khedi 868.83 34 34 227 120 107 3 4 55 6 66 5 90 Nimkhiriya 593.76 38 38 167 97 70 10 9 8 2 33 2 51 10 91 Pipariya Nag 523.75 18 30 153 70 83 26 30 30 3 43 15 92 IJ1laliya Lashkarpur 822.30 44 64 330 180 150 47 41 67 18 94 8 93 Baman Kheda 479.33 13 32 167 83 84 22 19 31 55 10 BamanKheda /:I 25 134 69 65 ]8 16 26 45 10 Mukandpur 5 7 33 14 19 4 3 5 10 94 Bagri 1,155.98 126 134 623 320 303 77 76 39 41 51 4 190 33 95 Jambar 682.31 55 64 317 169 148 21 22 27 21 30 3 99 8 96 Pipariya Ghat 438.00 26 46 232 125 107 37 29 2 1 13 2 60 12 97 Haru Khedi 778.16 42 75 352 176 176 81 80 4 40 8 106 47 98 Lashkarpur 2,561.45 154 243 1,242 659 583 218 200 23 18 193 36 344 110 99 Padriya 682.85 40 86 377 190 187 43 43 4 6 45 4 111 61 100 Kothi Charkhurd 1,460.41 90 116 568 295 273 133 ]26 55 7 160 45 Kothi ( har Khurd 70 96 445 227 2/8 97 92 42 I) 127 33 Chak Fundaji 20 20 123 68 55 36 34 13 I 33 12 101 Pipal Kheda Khurd 828.07 45 69 302 162 140 68 57 43 5 97 47 102 Chhap Kheda 903.52 58 81 400 218 182 48 32 48 8 138 55 103 Dulhai 690.65 57 76 388 194 1'J4 58 80 37 Ii 117 57 Dulhai 40 40 198 109 89 17 17 34 5 56 12 Bediya Tapra 17 36 190 85 105 41 63 3 6 61 45 104 Dita Kh.!di 1,128.60 59 77 421 228 193 40 29 97 4 110 16 105 Deo Khajuri 2,361.56 153 197 1,176 601 575 133 117 199 17 339 102 Deo Khajuri 136 175 1,074 543 531 125 110 182 6 308 96 Nakaiya Go/pur 17 22 102 58 44 8 7 17 11 31 6 106 Amau Khedi 517.38 74 74 566 291 275 54 37 3 1 76 10 176 80 107 Kolinja 1,487.93 91 126 605 324 281 62 54 10 8 90 11 213 61 Kolinja 75 110 5/3 276 237 49 45 10 8 76 8 178 55 Pltra 11 11 48 24 24 5 3 6 2 21 2 Chak 5 5 44 24 20 8 6 8 ] 14 4 203


Workers ------,~--~------~ II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-A--, ,-A--,,-A--, .--''-. ,.--''--, ,...--"'----, .--"-. .--"-, ,----"-, ,.--"-, ,---"-, L. C . M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

93 4 62 42 3 3 6 4 158 266 71 16 21 2 34 63 72 74 4 95 60 7 4 5 136 216 73 76 3 76 35 13 3 5 102 213 74 43 2 45 4 5 78 142 75 20 2 12 24 76 9 14 4 13 27 77 73 4 79 19 3 106 226 78 58 3 74 17 3 89 191 13 10 2-1 2 1 5 2 7 11 45 66 38 4 2 71 119 79 42 12 6 1 43 89 80 55 33 24 2 3 6 79 116 81 69 46 45 3 I 81 128 82 34 45 40 1 7 67 103 83 42 14 1 56 104 84 Uninhabited 85 ]15 137 48 631 11 210 398 86 56 5 3 1 52 108 87 Uninhabited 88 51 13 4 2 54 102 89 20 30 10 46 60 90 24 19 15 27 68 91 68 3 24 5 86 142 92 37 18 10 28 74 93 32 13 10 24 55 5 5 4 19 96 4 52 9 2 26 20 3 4 6 130 270 94 76 22 8 1 70 140 95 41 17 12 65 95 96 59 45 47 2 70 129 97 162 8 ]51 100 8 4 ]6 2 315 473 98 57 1 51 60 2 79 126 99 101 7 55 38 3 135 228 100 84 7 40 26 2 100 185 17 15 12 1 35 43 36 2 60 45 65 93 101 30 5 96 50 2 4 80 127 102 37 6 79 38 1 13 77 137 103 34 6 21 6 I 53 77 3 58 32 13 24 60 37 72 16 118 177 104 123 6 61 19 24 13 6 3 3 14 95 73 262 473 10; 121 6 51 18 19 13 1 4 3 1 9 90 68 235 435 2 10 1 5 2 2 5 5 5 27 38 63 95 79 6 2 2 8 115 195 1 6 77 129 61 3 4 111 220 107 70 102 55 2 4 98 182 2 18 2 3 22 5 9 4 10 Ip 204


Total Population Literate Area of ancluding and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- '-----, ~, ~ ,..-A-, ,..-A--, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M P M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 ]4 15 16

108 Paras 673.23 50 71 352 174 178 57 64 27 29 39 5 III 44 109 Parsora 831.13 39 39 216 119 97 45 32 37 7 69 8 110 Simota 631.00 Uninhabited 111 Hinotiya Kolinja 2,359.41 150 150 991 520 471 61 62 185 38 278 32 112 Khejada Kheda 394.06 Uninhab;ted 113 Semra Kheda 493.79 Uninhab(ted 114 Mundra Surai 639.08 100 100 620 338 282 71 63 77 5 188 67 115 Andiya Khurd 830.29 64 64 344 165 ]79 56 71 44 6 107 17 116 Chakpiya 120.67 7 7 25 11 14 5 7 117 Kanari 1,440.59 80 80 397 213 184 28 12 41 39 43 124 6 Kanar; 60 60 300 164 136 28 12 43 94 4 Seriya Ke Tapre 17 17 84 43 41 41 39 27 2 Purana Kheda 3 3 13 6 7 3 118 Kagpur 2,095.15 157 170 816 438 378 165 137 254 22 257 50 119 Gadh:::la 1,520.42 84 176 728 386 342 79 80 43 25 70 IS 230 37 120 Kakruwa Chobisa 1,443.79 63 77 492 269 223 91 88 17 9 60 9 135 5 121 lkodiya Chobisa l.6oo.17 102 129 897 472 425 137 ]19 64 67 93 9 262 6 lkodiya Chobisa 57 72 555 297 258 90 73 51 51 63 8 168 4 Khajuriya Kheda 45 57 342 175 167 47 46 13 16 30 1 94 2 122 Andyia Kalan 2,239.08 126 151 1,128 599 529 148 144 131 38 292 119 123 Barri Kasba 1,974.68 129 129 634 347 287 88 85 10 9 69 8 222 95 124 Manpur 1,376.01 88 88 501 254 247 93 76 45 5 154 71 125 Rakoli 1,101.22 41 41 342 174 168 44 48 9 14 54 9 101 30 126 Kham Kheda 1,003.08 87 87 399 210 189 97 89 38 ]32 50 127 Rusalli Chobisa 1,067.14 50 50 232 132 100 33 30 3 74 21 128 Dhaturiya Chobis:t 1,177.67 60 84 405 218 187 37 36 18 22 36 3 144 81 129 Karariya Chobisa 933.35 46 46 270 145 125 41 35 41 2 88 47 130 Airan 1,217.45 78 78 616 339 277 63 71 2 2 82 12 210 97 Airan 66 66 531 286 245 57 65 2 2 64 8 185 96 Chak Aeran 12 12 85 53 32 6 6 18 4 25 I 131 Khajuri Tappa Barri 822.30 67 74 406 216 190 98 84 -l6 3 134 44 132 Santapur 1,298.08 62 80 418 224 194 20 17 80 4 124 8 Santapur 41 56 280 149 131 13 13 60 4 90 6 Chak Santapur 4 5 32 20 12 7 4 7 9 Kachhipura 17 19 106 55 51 l3 25 2 133 Raghunathpur 2,064.74 41 47 410 217 193 88 88 41 116 32 Raghunathpur 38 43 331 172 159 68 70 31 96 22 Dhobi Ka Chak 3 4 79 45 34 20 18 10 20 10 134 Gular Khedi 375.63 4(;2 481 2,293 1,227 1,066 188 181 14 9 643 348 531 49 Gular Khedi 462 481 2.293 1,227 1,066 188 181 14 9 643 348 531 49 Kachhipur Uninhabited 135 Gulabganj J ,066.52 100 124 628 344 284 94 85 51 38 68 II 179 6 136 Mahendar 806.42 38 38 237 131 106 47 41 54 14 64 5 137 Khujarhar 1,214.19 100 107 611 307 304 94 91 17 17 97 20 168 28 Khl{;arhar 90 90 540 26'/ 272 73 75 17 17 87 17 144 26 Chak Khujarhar 10 17 71 39 32 21 16 10 3 24 2 138 Pipariya Gunua 885.25 36 36 255 124 131 23 15 2 4 25 1 82 27 139 Mugwara 3,004.21 149 158 902 447 455 112 116 10 9 114 27 264 64 140 Hat Kheda 328.51 52 66 350 190 160 50 43 57 5 108 38 141 Utma Khedi 877.05 36 48 230 123 107 21 15 41 5 79 19 205



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX• X Non­ Workers ,--A-. ,--A--.. r--"'--.. r--'-, ,..--J'--, ,.--''--, ,--"---, r--"'-, r--"'-. ,-''-, ,-A-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

31 74 44 3 63 134 108 32 37 8 50 89 109 Uninhabited 110 150 123 32 5 242 439 111 Uninhabited 112 Uninhabited 113 72 103 65 4 1 1 1 6 150 215 114 64 1 40 16 1 2 58 162 115 3 1 2 5 6 7 116 74 4 35 8 1 5 2 89 178 117 50 4 34 5 J 4 70 132 21 1 3 1 2 16 39 3 3 7 78 94 36 7 17 5 3 11 15 11 18 9 181 328 118 139 6 42 27 10 5 4 4 2 24 3 156 305 119 62 58 3 7 2 8 134 218 120 148 3 92 3 9 12 210 419 121 97 2 54 2 8 8 129 254 51 J 38 I I 4 Sf 165 80 1 172 116 3 'J 7 4 16 2 307 410 122 91 117 95 4 9 125 192 123 77 18 76 53 100 176 124 56 45 30 73 138 125 65 9 67 41 78 139 126 43 27 21 2 2 58 79 127 53 85 81 2 4 74 106 128 44 5 40 39 2 2 2 57 78 129 74 8 117 86 9 2 2 8 1 129 180 130 60 S 108 86 8 2 7 1 101 149 14 9 J 28 3/ 55 3 76 41 2 82 146 131 71 3 46 4 2 3 1 100 186 132 50 33 4 2 3 J 59 125 8 1 11 12 13 2 12 30 49 48 64 32 3 101 161 133 42 51 2:! 2 1 76 137 6 13 10 1 25 24 56 4 75 14 3 43 7 23 46 134 4 62 89 20 696 1,017 04 56 4 75 14 3 43 7 23 46 134 4 62 89 20 696 1,017 Uninhabited 83 3 74 3 7 I 3 4 6 165 278 135 31 3 25 2 7 1 67 101 136 85 5 72 22 6 3 2 139 276 137 83 5 55 20 3 2 J J 124 246 2 17 2 3 1 1 15 30 38 44 27 42 104 138 108 5 144 59 5 2 3 2 183 391 139 57 46 38 4 1 82 122 140 2~ 43 18 5 1 44 89 141 266


------_- _------

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ~--. r--A--. r--A-... ~ ,..--J'--. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

142 Mudari 428.56 15 15 175 86 89 38 36 3 20 53 12 143 Chitrayan 525.97 25 28 144 73 71 30 27 8 5 16 2 46 4 144 Mala 1,160.00 56 63 393 209 184 91 75 44 5 100 22 145 bkhangar 1,523.00 59 83 524 273 251 77 77 20 12 78 8 155 )2 146 Hinotiya Gunua 853.00 56 65 343 189 154 71 58 48 2 99 27 147 Ghonsua 1,571.27 91 104 617 326 291 103 124 7 4 90 9 189 31 148 Tumaina 1,243.27 76 82 470 255 215 82 76 2 3 81 12 143 37 149 Patwari Khedi 488.00 24 43 199 102 97 23 30 1 I 34 7 60 11 150 Khiriya 644.00 19 20 150 79 71 43 36 4 6 20 3 40 10 151 Tewadi 593.45 52 67 392 200 192 29 28 43 132 32 152 RampurChak 1,279.43 7 9 55 25 30 5 3 2 4 17 8 153 Suakhedi 1,386.00 110 140 805 433 372 91 87 23 32 117 17 266 76 Suakhedi 106 131 761 414 34~ 9/ 87 23 32 116 8 261 64 Chak Sua Khedi 4 9 43 19 24 1 9 5 12 154 Gunua 1,669.92 129 154 834 457 377 193 162 22 21 107 38 284 65 Gunua 60 85 681 371 310 120 104 19 18 94 37 237 65 Chak Gunllu 69 69 153 116 67 73 58 3 3 13 I 47 155 Chatholi 2,293.38 143 143 674 360 314 44 36 126 12 201 23 156 Ghurda 833.00 33 56 270 140 130 35 39 32 4 84 4 157 Madhi Chobisa 1,059.00 99 121 745 404 341 91 <;5 28 25 136 15 218 30 158 Chak Madhi 847.00 Uninhabited 159 Mudra Gunwa 393.00 50 65 383 203 180 125 131 58 4 124 7 ]60 Hurja Kredi 589.08 13 16 190 106 84 8 18 4 52 6 Harja Khedi 13 J6 NO J06 84 8 8 18 4 52 6 C hak H(lrja Khedi Uninhabited 161 Mehru Khedi 1,054.30 63 68 426 217 209 70 57 58 6 118 10 Mehru Khedi 30 32 238 lIB 120 15 13 39 5 65 8 Chac Mehru Khedi 33 36 188 99 8') 55 44 19 1 53 2 ]62 Ganeshpur 807.16 15 15 121 55 66 12 11 18 14 4 1 28 I 163 Nipaniya 649.50 32 35 323 177 146 35 32 1 40 5 86 11 164 Sumerbarri 1,524.78 99 132 516 289 227 63 58 26 31 110 21 177 4) Sumerbarri 36 48 229 127 101 38 29 4 6 53 11 79 14 Sume/" Station 63 84 287 162 125 25 29 22 25 57 10 98 29 165 Hatiya Kheda 825.82 44 83 401 214 187 34 27 23 25 46 8 121 58 166 Khejada Barri 599.96 43 50 260 144 116 25 11 54 13 79 21 Khejada Barri 30 36 188 99 89 13 6 37 1] 54 18 Ckak Kkeda 13 14 72 45 27 12 6 17 25 J 167 Dhanora Chobisa 733.95 15 2l 124 62 62 14 14 21 32 15 168 Dhaniya Khedi 1,113.23 78 97 440 234 206 90 93 79 8 141 17 169 Sojana 1,748.16 112 154 637 321 316 152 151 36 36 85 20 '.96 53 Sojana 112 154 637 321 316 152 151 36 36 85 20 196 53 Anapur Uninhabited 170 Ban 1,642.08 73 107 681 363 318 93 88 3 95 16 210 61 ]71 Krimchi Bandhera 2,4]5.79 143 145 964 502 462 199 190 8 11 112 21 307 151 Kirmchi 20 21 118 59 59 29 27 17 5 42 ill Bandhera 45 45 274 142 132 40 40 8 II 38 5 82 37 Belot 41 41 252 142 110 24 13 15 84 30 Rusulli 37 38 320 159 161 106 llO 42 11 99 66 172 Panjh 1,183.87 44 121 530 281 249 100 10 28 27 76 19 159 49 207


Workers ., II m IV V (b) VI VII VIIJ IX X Non- Workers ,--"---., ,....-''--, ,....-"-., ,....-"-., ,....-''-., ,....-"-., ,....-"-., ,....A-..-., ,.-A-. ...-"--, L.C. M F M FMFM }'M FM FM FM FM F M F No.

17 ]S .19 20 21 2~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 7 14 5 33 77 142 16 28 4 27 67 143 62 1 36 21 :2 109 162 144 81 4 66 45 3 2 2 2 118 199 145 61 4 38 23 90 127 146 122 4 57 26 2 7 137 260 147 88 1 44 35 5 6 112 178 148 24 ,35 11 42 86 149 13 22 9 2 39 61 150 101 3 28 29 2 68 160 151 11 6 8 8 22 152 159 21 70 42 23 II 12 167 296 153 159 12 65 39 1 1 23 II 12 1 15.~ 284 953 14 12 70 2 204 63 4 5 173 312 1;4 54 2 174 63 4 4 134 '245 16 30 39 67 116 1 65 22 8 6 6 159 291 155 60 2 23 2 56 126 156 63 4 04 26 9 8 186 311 157 Uninhabited 158 88 31 6 3 79 173 159 2() 25 6 " J 54 78 160 26 25 6 1 54 78 Uninhabited 64 7 52 2 99 199 Hil 36 6 29 2 53 1J2 28 1 23 1 2 46 87 18 1 9 27 65 162 38 3 43 8 l •.. 4 91 135 163 51 69 42 4 20 3 23 5 112 184 164 37 1 3j 13 3 4 48 88 14 34 29 1 1 1 20 3 23 1 64 96 42 77 57 2 93 129 165 34 33 20 3 5 3 65 95 166 18 26 17 3 3 1 3 45 71 16 7 3 2 20 24 14 4 17 11 30 47 167 75 52 17 3 5 5 93 189 168 '5 82 49 5 6 1 1 2 4 125 263 169 95 82 49 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 125 263 Uninhabited 80 3 123 58 2 4 153 257 170 169 2 122 146 10 3 6 195 311 171 17 24 18 1 17 41 49 1 30 34 3 2 60 95 49 1 30 28 5 1 58 80 54 38 66 2 5 60 95 67 81 48 -4 2 2 121 200 172 208


Total Population LiteraTe ,... Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r---..A.---. .-J'--. ,....-"--. ,.---"--. r--l'--. No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F -----.--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 ]3 14 15 16 .. _------_--- 173 Kuwakhedi Usnapur 988.52 93 127 601 322 279 77 63 113 16 176 15 Kuwa Khedi 57 80 372 203 169 53 42 78 14 llO 14 Usmapur 36 47 229 119 110 24 21 35 2 66 1 174 Imaliya Jagir 573.02 24 24 122 71 51 2 9 5 23 37 175 Saurai 1,571.65 98 106 549 289 260 86 86 102 29 ]67 ]6 Saurai 80 88 492 253 239 76 80 85 23 147 16 Chak Sauraj 18 18 57 36 21 10 6 17 6 20 ]76 Mudra Harisingh 1,804.75 131 173 854 440 414 141 130 3 9 118 27 255 53 Mudra Harisingh 104 146 685 354 331 138 128 1 I 96 24 214 53 Chuk Kekrua 27 27 .169 86 83 3 2 2 8 22 3 41 ]77 Kherua Lashkapur 1.698.80 ]36 164 .877 443 434 128 ]23 18 20 163 33 270 38 178 Khammu Khedi 688.12 19 20 . 94 52 42 8 13 6 29 4 179 Ikodiya Lashkarpur 836.70 31 46 246 132 114 46 33 4 25 7 77 20 180 Khamkheda Tappa 682.78 33 52 227 129 98 53 41 26 68 n Lashkarpur Khamkheda 28 47 205 116 89 46 36 1 23 59 10 Majara 5 5 22 13 9 7 5 3 9 2 181 Jamaldi 523.70 52 57 262 129 133 45 43 31 6 67 10 182 Gaja, 622.63 35 55 240 121 119 42 50 2 20 6 69 6 183 Mudra Durjan~ar 703.13 20 34 134 71 63 30 23 9 43 4 ]84 Dhol Khedi 1,255.69 71 87 458 240 2]8 12 9 39 1l 121 :I Dhol Khedi 60 75 384 199 185 12 9 36 10 102 3 Radhai Khedi II 12 74 41 33 3 I 19 }85 Paho 71\2.53 29 31 316 167 149 17 12 11 96 14 Pallo 21 23 283 147 136 II 1 86 14 Chainpllra (I 8 33 20 13 17 12 10 186 Perwara 1.191.11 i]3 149 595 319 276 60 54 84 25 ]68 49 187 Hirnoda 703.52 4~ 58 214 J09 105 19 i9 7 8 23 8 62 17 IR8 Paloh 85f.i.39 56 84 401 208 19J 55 64 58 4 ]25 63 189 Jiwajipur 1,663.21 84 97 449 2')8 241 39 33 72 ]5 116 41 l


.-.... ~--.. ~ ... -_ .. _- --~-~-.~~~~~~ Workers ------~~------~ II III IV V (a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,....-.1.._., ,--''---, ,..--J'----, ,---''---, ,..--J'---, ,---"--., ,--''---, ,---"--., ,---"--.,,--"----, ,-~--, L. C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

84 2 78 10 4 3 5 2 146 264 173 45 2 57 10 1 2 1 4 2 93 155 39 21 2 1 2 1 53 109 18 19 34 51 174 68 2 74 14 2 10 1 7 4 122 244 175 68 2 68 14 2 1 3 I 4 106 223 6 7 7 16 21 128 2 112 51 2 5 2 2 4 185 361 176 89 2 112 51 2 5 1 2 3 140 278 39 1 1 45 83 74 2 162 36 5 4 3 22 173 396 177 17 2 12 2 23 38 178 18 58 19 1 55 94 179 23 38 9 6 3 61 86 180

22 34 9 2 1 57 79 I 4 4 2 4 7 22 3 39 7 2 2 2 62 123 181 8 56 6 5 52 113 182 12 29 4 2 28 59 183 56 60 3 4 119 215 184 45 52 3 1 4 97 182 11 8 22 33 34 62 14 71 135 185 24 62 14 61 122 10 10 13 89 2 76 47 2 151 227 186 27 32 16 1 47 88 187 42 1 79 61 3 83 130 188 57 35 49 6 4 2 4 92 200 189 41 3 14 12 54 95 190 29 3 11 9 41 75 5 2 2 7 II 7 1 6 11 65 2 51 12 43 7 6 2 1 143 238 191 43 1 31 8 13 7 I 1 75 127 3 1 I 1 5 2 13 19 25 20 24 19 19 3 1 3 2 35 68 4 5 22 15 2 3 12 18 192 17 17 1 32 43 193 35 26 4 47 98 194 91 9 32 2 1 24 2 4 119 195 195 23 2 13 1 1 8 3 29 48 23 7 30 42 45 7 12 2 16 2 1 1 60 105 37 1 39 31 732 5 5 80 143 196 17 32 22 3 64 68 197 1 3 4 198 22 22 13 2 5 38 72 199 210


TOlal Population Literate Area of (Including and O-IX) Nameo! village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r- Il___ --., r--"--\ ,---"-, ,.--"-, ,.--"-, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M r M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

200 Padriya Mafi 252.96 22 36 142 76 66 32 37 6 2 47 26 201 Suakhedi 543.81 30 33 168 96 72 27 19 17 51 7 202 Vidisha 4.970.00 Uninhabited 203 Tamoriya 271.69 Uninhabited 204 Daudpura 130.67 Uninhabited 205 Dau)atpura 446.79 Uninhabited 206 Madan Kheda 104.33 Uninhabited 207 Sherpur Munjapta 881.70 Uninhabited 208 Sonthiya 1,530.66 59 80 439 234 205 62 53 48 149 17 209 Murwara 724.85 19 20 68 39 29 3 1 6 25 210 Pathari Haweli 982.60 35 36 206 101 105 34 35 4 5 50 4 66 3 211 Geholn Khedi 851.80 36 43 242 125 117 15 20 35 75 16 212 Tila Khedi 496.35 9 9 43 19 24 3 15 4 213 Gurariya Haweli 886.59 57 84 415 220 195 38 34 5 8 82 9 126 2 214 Chirodia Munjapta 698.45 94 118 619 309 310 106 118 74 10 180 2 215 Taravaji Munjapta 310.27 Uninhabited 216 Parsora Haweli 837.27 29 65 291 159 132 21 25 26 24 43 116 44 217 Parasi Tundara 525.30 49 81 360 196 164 45 34 15 12 60 4 109 46 218 Hansua 1,167.85 62 97 429 226 203 49 49 48 3 123 61 219 Deorajpur 577.99 41 70 308 145 163 37 42 17 9 89 14 220 Katsara 518.58 19 24 146 73 73 38 34 10 42 2 Katsara 17 22 131 66 65 31 26 9 36 2 Tapra 2 2 15 7 8 7 8 6 221 Dhanora Haweli 1,438.53 68 73 434 244 190 12 13 49 38 37 116 8 Dhanora Haweli 50 53 318 183 135 11 11 31 1 83 6 Pathari 18 20 116 61 55 1 2 49 38 6 33 2 222 Barkhedi Jetl! 904.43 55 73 354 177 177 20 22 10 12 23 106 8 223 Madan Khedi 649.00 57 88 367 194 173 63 52 46 2 140 28 224 Kachhawa 1,008.00 44 67 277 151 126 34 27 10 9 14 3 93 25 225 Kharwai 1,104.00 61 90 398 113 185 101 83 30 I 140 25 226 Ghudiya Khedi 540.00 17 28 ':)7 53 44 19 15 9 34 2 227 Bhauriya 667.00 54 71 410 222 188 30 25 3 1 74 6 133 41 228 Dawar 1,642.04 42 70 555 293 262 149 149 1 1 80 16 171 19 Daway 36 55 379 204 175 81 84 I 1 70 12 124 13 Karaiya Khedi 6 15 176 89 87 68 65 10 4 47 6 229 Kara Khedi 1,374.98 35 48 469 250 219 61 46 3 88 25 144 10 230 Rusalla 973.13 41 63 435 222 213 70 66 48 8 140 9 231 Hasnabad 286.15 1 2 45 25 20 14 13 3 1J 4 232 Dharu Khedi 771.18 26 32 266 142 124 49 49 2 3 27 1 86 8 233 Bara Kheda 634.74 25 46 274 150 124 42 40 45 10 83 14 234 Mirzapur 744.20 58 68 468 241 227 76 71 29 24 50 .. I 10 150 107 235 Dhauriya Haweli ] ,869.46 82 89 605 319 286 123 114 12 17 82 26 209 12q 236 Meharkhedi Padrat 285.10 13 23 89 47 42 29 30 14 2 29 16 237 Padrat 1,514.03 96 177 855 433 422 159 164 69 53 101 109 277 29 238 Chidoriya 541.93 21 34 177 89 88 17 17 4 3 18 56 22 239 Khai Kheda 978.63 43 43 257 129 ]28 26 20 4 3 39 5 79 240 Barkheda 1,951.42 98 172 725 389 336 113 92 35 45 67 6 250 80 Ba,.kheda 87 lS~ 656 353 303 107 88 32 42 63 6 222 76 Naharpai 11 14 69 36 33 6 4 3 3 4 28 4 211



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VU VIII IX X ;J , , Non- Workers ,..--"-, ,--"-, ,...--J.--, ,.--''--, ,..--A-, ,--''-, ~ ,..--"--, r--A---, ,.--"--, ,.--"--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ;-"M F No.

-----~--- _._ -----~~-~ --.--~- --- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

-----~---.. -----.- 11 3 34 23 29 40 200 40 7 6 2 45 65 201 Uninhabited 202 Uninhabited 203 Uninhatlited 204 Uninhabited 205 Uninhabited 206 Uninhabited 207 96 46 16 2 2 1 2 85 188 208 17 8 14 28 209 49 14 3 3 35 102 210 42 32 16 1 50 101 211 2 13 4 4 20 212 78 45 1 2 94 193 213 119 45 1 14 1 129 308 214 Uninhabited 215 41 3 43 41 2 73 88 216 34 65 44 7 1 :3 87 118 217 60 1 52 57 5 3 6 103 142 218 40 45 ]4 3 1 56 149 219 3] ]0 2 1 31 7J 220 28 7 2 J 30 63 3 3 1 8 75 1 24 5 1 14 2 2 128 182 221 65 1 15 5 2 1 100 129 10 9 12 2 1 28 53 61 41 8 4 71 169 222 81 8 50 20 4 4 54 145 22_3 46 41 21 6 58 101 224 34 48 25 7 1 73 160 225 'P .,_ _.> 10 .~ .. - 1 ; 19 42 226 81 8 48 ~2 2 1 1 89 147 227 78 2 65 12 2 9 16 4 122 243 228 64 1 48 10 2 1 1 8 2 80 162 14 1 17 2 8 1 8 2 42 81 78 5 47 18 5 106 209 229 31 98 8 5 6 82 204 230 1 13 3 12 16 231 -_ 34 1 48 7 3 .... _. 56 116 232 36 32 !4 9 2 4 67 110 233 64 4 SO 103 2 3 91 120 234 97 8 105 120 4 3 110 157 235 IS ] 9 15 2 18 26 236 72 2 190 27 2 2 6 2 3 156 393 237 28 28 22 33 66 238 49 28 2 50 128 239 76 2 153 77 4 3 1 1 13 139 256 240 63 2 139 73 4 3 1 1 12 131 227 13 14 4 1 8 29 212



Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..-__.A-- __--.. ,--JL-,­ ..--r...... , ,...... -"-....., ,.--A-....., No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

241 Mungod 1,260.52 84 100 506 272 234 62 61 31 4 178 118 Mungod 68 82 406 215 191 55 59 24 4 145 101 Pura 7 9 49 27 22 7 2 5 15 6 Nayo.pura 9 9 51 30 21 2 18 11 242 Sanga Khedi 518.60 32 39 170 94 76 27 27 3 2 13 3 62 35 243 Jaitpura 1,584.60 99 160 666 359 307 75 90 7 15 67 8 232 117 Jaitpura 91 152 618 332 286 75 90 7 15 66 8 218 111 Khiriya 8 8 48 27 21 14 6 244 Gaji Khedi 630.86 37 59 280 148 132 29 26 3 2 42 21 91 44 245 Adampur 1,130.00 42 70 417 211 206 21 16 21 104 9 246 Guwarhela 1,566.00 56 73 649 348 301 63 65 72 9 208 75 247 Bhatni 1,001.00 40 58 389 212 177 9 9 33 2 123 17 248 Rampura 254.00 11 28 150 88 62 8 6 8 46 4 249 Sangai 820.00 35 42 327 176 151 56 32 17 21 24 5 109 17 Sangai 24 25 194 113 81 28 12 16 1 66 3 Gangai 11 17 133 63 70 28 20 17 21 8 4 43 14 250 Chaki Pipar 266.00 Uninhabited 251 Andiya Ahmadpur 516.00 43 53 305 149 156 35 34 11 100 21 252 Sonthar 1.617.00 105 123 765 423 342 148 130 39 36 69 6 270 128 253 ,Roda 870.00 31 48 344 171 173 29 31 14 to 16 109 14 254 Jhirniya 563.00 31 31 293 159 134 22 19 26 93 44 255 Kankar Khedi 836.25 38 52 299 162 137 57 51 3 3 30 4 100 20 256 Barkheda Ahmadpur 592.96 33 44 213 99 114 6 7 5 1 59 3 257 Karariya Ahmadpur 577.47 56 83 520 277 243 45 33 12 16 18 142 24 258 Satpada Ahmadpur 665.39 68 106 531 297 234 66 54 31 26 15 3 143 26 259 Ghat Khedi 976.23 33 45 256 141 115 20 13 4 3 22 76 11 260 Karhaiya Ahmadpur 1,580.56 38 60 309 156 153 17 19 26 3 85 21 261 Khejada Ahmadpth 652.33 47 50 199 109 90 34 24 20 72 11 262 Surod 544,35 r 50 217 121 96 32 27 4 4 11 3 72 19 263 Dagar wada 1,860.36 112 172 799 425 374 140 111 ~I 27 69 8 279 100 264 Satiya Khedi 602.96 30 43 198 105 93 16 13 16 12 15 2 59 15 265 Mudra Ahmadpur 705.56 55 58 329 166 163 38 38 7 5 23 4 103 2 266 Kasba Ahmadpur 2.924.11 235 335 1,617 845 772 86 81 4 2 244 52 420 65 267 B~rkhedj Ahmadpur 666.83 38 61 285 142 143 26 24 5 3 27 86 3 268 Abela 560.43 57 66 267 159 108 36 25 4 4 37 4 101 23 269 Jalhari 640.48 28 38 147 78 69 37 32 4 3 8 3 58 26 270 Tilak 970.54 67 81 353 200 IS3 )9 29 24 17 47 10 130 48 Tilak 64 78 328 185 143 39 29 9 7 45 10 122 47 Ghak 3 3 25 15 /() 15 /0 2 8 I 271 Pipal Hutha ] ,334.18 51 65 371 187 184 38 54 28 33 38 8 132 61 Pipil Hutha 44 58 321 165 156 38 54 11 10 37 8 121 61 Nakta Chak 7 7 50 22 28 17 23 1 JJ 272 Parsu Khedi 1,633.25 70 102 515 283 232 77 81 13 8 68 4 172 49 Parsil Khedi 50 59 296 168 128 40 34 5 2 41 4 93 8 Chak 20 43 219 115 104 37 47 8 6 27 79 41 273 Tharr 4,338.00 278 297 1,471 737 734 155 160 44 37 253 71 416 190 214 Lala Khedi 555.27 43 56 259 140 119 6 3 1 1 39 2 81 34 275 RamgaTh 559.46 46 59 262 144 118 35 29 3 44 9 75 28 276 Nitarri 1,558,36 103 145 675 347 328 121 120 88 19 214 68 277 Bhadora 1,098.64 41 46 232 132 100 46 40 6 47 12 90 13 213 VIDISHA TAHSIL

Workers II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIU IX X Non- Workers ,...,.--A-__;; ,--''---. ,..--A---. ....--"----. ,--J'-...... , ,...-J'--. ,--.J'-...... , ,..,..----.". ~, ,-J'-,. ,--A-, . ~.<;. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M R M F No.

17 18 19 20 Zr 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

.-.------~----~.-.------_._- 75 97 114 1 2 4 2 94 116 241 60 80 97 2' 4 2 1 70 90 7 8 6 12 16 8 9 11 I 12 10 17 ... 38 35: l' 6 3-2. 4~ 242 79 139 115 2 3 z: 2 7 127, 190 243

74 130 laC) 2 •• 0' ~ 3 2 2 7 114 175 5 9 6 1,3, 15 ~4 60 43- 5 2 57 88 244 62; 32- 9 7 1 107 197 245 81 3 109 67 2' 11 5 4 140, 226 246, 76 38 16 4 4_ 89 160 247 10 35 4 42 58 24S 28 75 17 J 5 ~7 134 ~9, 22 39 3 5 47 78 6 36 14 1 20 56, Uninhabited 250, 55 3 41 18 2 :2 49 135 251 70 1 179 127 :2 4 6 .,. 9 153 214 252 51 2 53 i2 4 62 159 253 26 62 44 2 3 66 90 2~4 29 65 20 3 62 l11 2~~ .::; 39 19 I 40 111 25~ 88 51 24 135 219 257 62 75 26 4 154 2Q8 258 37 35 11 :? 2 95 104 259 40 41 21 132 :2 "."t 2 n 2l1Q 38 30 10 3 37 79 2(il 23 :2 37 11 7 4 3 1 49 77 262 90 i73 96 !I 3 4 :2 14~ 274 .263 17 41 15 1 46 78 261- 53 -2 37 4 4 4 63 161 2~~ 219 8 W3 53 19 25 21 ... 33 3- ~2$ 707 26~ 45 2 35 1 .' 2 ..... 1 .56 140 267 32 ... 53 22 10 2 ... 4 58 85 268 7 42 24 3 ...... 6 21,) 43 269 40 'E8 47 :1 70 105 P9 37 1 83 46 J J 63 96 3 5 1 7 9 '51 '16 61 4 1 55 123 __271 I 43 73 61 4 1 44 9$ 8 .) 11 28 1 , 9 183- 212 86 5 73 44 1 2 .. .1,11 - 57 .? 25 5 2 I 8 7.5 120 19 2 48 -39 ,'J 1 36 63 169 13 198 '166 '17 6 :2 13 17 5 321 544 2.73 28 SO 34 '2 1 5' 85 ,274 31 1 43 27 1 69 90 -275 '92 3 113 65 :1 1 5 133 260 '·27,6 ;34 44 13 7 ;l 4 ,42 87 27.7 214


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No.of bouseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..----"------., ,...-A-. ,.--''-. ,.--"-, ,...-JI---, No. Block in Km 2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F ------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

278 Semra 435.95 30 48 239 !28 III 30 23 2 1 30 74 27 279 Dehri 1,272.21 99 147 675 354 321 25 18 38 39 87 IS 217 85 280 Khejada Padrat 1,837,79 106 166 814 436 378 45 33 44 41 138 11 233 65 281 Mahuwa Kheda 1,295.44 72 75 368 194 174 29 30 5 3 64 3 116 6 282 Naulas 3,158.05 249 302 1536 &16 720 95 87 72 62 243 61 365 146 283 Kaph 742.24 30 30 170 92 78 26 22 4 2 23 3 63 27 284 Muhana 1,495.93 74 89 486 253 233 43 32 6 3 80 18 144 61 285 Palki 1,072.15 106 106 580 309 271 60 57 19 18 77 5 167 11 Palki 85 85 483 265 218 47 42 16 15 69 4 138 2 Gumniapura 21 21 97 44 53 13 15 3 3 8 1 29 9 2R6 Narol 546.24 35 35 168 84 84 20 22 5 5 21 55 26 287 Mudra Abela ] ,911.58 98 117 800 444 356 Il3 80 27 26 81 8 244 86 288 San 829.53 27 39 279 147 132 45 43 4 1 25 I 80 3 289 Bhadar Badagaon 986.04 48 68 562 300 262 88 74 16 17 84 15 181 10 290 Khapar Kheda 661.14 22 32 181 98 83 15 11 9 ]4 11 69 13 291 Khari ],350.71 ]04 116 701 349 352 60 62 13 8 89 17 225 98 292 Bhairo Khedi 680.00 27 42 253 142 III 60 54 2 3 48 2 85 11 293 Himai 692.14 19 28 263 135 128 38 30 5 2 46 12 83 8 294 Semra Padrat 1,186.00 89 89 601 297 304 48 44 5 8 58 6 196 75 295 Simarhar 3,018.00 173 ]73 996 523 473 192 197 74 80 126 17 338 192 Simarhar 123 123 796 423 .,73 176 180 115 17 271 135 Pahadiya 50 50 200 100 100 16 17 74 8U J 1 67 j7 296 Rampur Chak Patni 562.00 32 _,_'J 213 105 101{ ~s 21 5 15 31 "'" 07 30 297 Patni 325.00 25 31 194 101 93 20 15 26 4 59 14 29R Karhaiya 1,021.00 60 76 338 171 167 33 33 57 12 ')8 41 299 Ambar 2,292.00 149 219 1116 568 548 122 122 52 123 26 30 I 14 300 Ramgarh 1,448.00 69 69 187 100 87 12 10 7 21 2 64 2' 301 Nador 1,207.00 72 76 538 294 244 48 47 52 168 65 302 Kanjela 902.00 72 72 360 184 176 24 ", 51 128 2 303 Banjariya ] ,417.00 50 68 322 177 145 60 50 53 3 105 18 Banjariya 50 68 322 177 145 60 50 53 3 105 18 Chak Uninhabited 304 Siyasi 1,413.00 72 86 526 276 250 57 54 58 57 93 27 ]60 22 305 Barkhedi 255.00 13 18 110 51 59 10 12 14 1 30 306 Diya Kheda 529.00 30 38 ]42 81 61 22 19 16 12 18 54 307 Sumerpuf 551.90 11 18 89 47 42 9 II 13 32 308 Mehdon 99S.OO 18 25 159 80 79 21 :1 45 309 Manno.lpura 1,291.00 18 20 85 41 44 7 10 23 J I I 27 310 Atari Khejada 2,339.00 153 153 926 497 429 136 127 5 10 172 44 291 95 311 Madhipur ],272.00 79 102 449 241 208 46 35 12 17 (i! 7 156 25 312 Bilrai 1,320,00 76 128 522 273 249 80 SO 3 2 45 2 157 66 313 Dighora 1,176.00 46 64 498 261 237 40 43 73 5 152 55 314 Imlawada 2,161.00 166 190 872 453 419 112 106 107 19 256 16 315 Mirgawali 943.00 36 48 232 136 96 31 25 2 2 75 7 78 1 3J6 Hat Kheda 419.00 29 29 165 89 76 79 65 6 45 1 317 Tarawali 624.00 44 49 243 125 118 81 81 28 3 76 5 318 Deilawada 1,091.00 54 88 419 210 209 60 64 24 29 40 7 115 10 319 Pathrai 951.00 60 74 372 212 ]60 38 36 2 3 7C) 4 114 2 320 Sirsawali 668.00 56 63 325 171 154 48 40 23 27 31 2 95 21 215


Workers ------~------'...... II TIl TV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r-"---. r-"-, ,.---A-, L.C. M P M F M F No. ------,-----,--- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

42 30 27 54 84 278 96 2 107 81 4 5 2 4 137 236 279 116 112 64 1 2 2 203 313 280 73 38 5 3 2 78 168 281 144 2 189 142 9 2 11 451 574 282 27 4 36 23 29 51 283 51 4 82 54 6 2 2 3 1 109 172 284 57 103 ~l 5 2 142 260 285 51 80 2 5 2 127 216 6 23 9 15 44 16 1 38 25 1 29 58 286 95 1 133 85 8 3 4 200 270 287 57 1 22 2 1 67 129 288 98 1 70 9 5 7 119 252 289 15 49 12 3 1 29 70 290 59 2 148 96 4 4 9 124 254 291 20 57 9 5 2 3 57 100 292 38 33 2 4 4 2 2 3 52 120 293 87 106 75 2 101 229 294 130 9 208 183 185 281 295 121 8 150 127 152 238 9 58 56 33 43 14 50 2Y 2 38 78 296 21 36 14 2 42 79 297 50 41 41 2 3 73 126 298 II') 2 142 12 "1 3 7 9 264 534 299 28 31 22 1 2 36 65 300 93 (>2 64 2 6 3 126 179 301 102 18 1 8 56 174 302 67 35 17 2 72 127 303 67 35 17 2 72 127 Uninhabited 94 55 21 511 5 116 228 304 27 3 21 59 305 35 17 2 27 60 306 29 2 15 42 307 36 9 35 78 308 13 13 14 44 309 128 135 9J 4 2 7 14 3 206 334 310 66 2 8\ 23 4 5 85 183 311 77 78 66 1 1 116 183 312 84 1 59 54 6 1 2 109 182 313 111 3 119 13 2 12 4 4 4 197 403 314 50 25 1 1 58 95 315 23 20 2 44 75 316 52 21 5 2 1 49 113 317 59 49 9 2 5 95 199 318 71 35 2 4 1 3 98 158 319 52 3 28 12 3 2 4 1 5 3 76 133 320 216


Total Population Literate Art'a of ' (IncJudillg and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled· educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of house less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of·town/ward resi4ential house·' -, ~ ,-_,}\._-r, ,--J'-,\ ~-, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M f M F

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

321 Indarwas 2,505.00 152 213 1068 564 504 157 148 12 9 142 29 318 II Indarll'Q,y 122 169 842 452 390 125 104 125 28 252 7 Kewta 30 44 226 112 114 37 44 ri 9 17 ,1 66 4. 322 Chirawata 1,347.00 89 100 547 297 250 ~2 42 40 .37 75 19 179' 50 323 Madhiya Indarwas 81.00 Uninhabited 324 Dburera 566.11 37 44 359 180 179 59 6\ 49 9 112 325 Nolai :: ,594.51 34 746, J27 119 ~7 ]0 ~.~ 1 78. 326 Manora 4,520.13 273 306 1629 862 767 188 181 2'} 292M 75 440' 40 Manora 259 292 1546 817 729 161 155 29 29 276 75 418 38 Chak 14 14 83 45 38 27 16 8 22 2 327 Isarawar 528.40 23 26 143 83 60 ]5, 46 328 Pipalkbedi Tappa 444.73 22 26 ]69 73 20 20 4 2 22 60 Man ora 329 Berkhedi (Manora) 1,166,31 33 42 206 102 Hl4 "') 19 19 62 2. 330 Furtala 645.00 '27 42 J98. 99 99 9 11 8 4 7 60 7 331 Uhar KotTa 2.245.00 lIS ])7 718 364 354 73 62 41 50 84 14 2(11 34 U}JClIflKblra 93 112 590 294 296 55 47 30 36 77 14 166 24, Nichrol 25 25 118 70 5S 18 15 11 J.t 35 10 332: Gyaraspur 4.138.00 296 327 18J:l 954 !l51) 92 84 25 J64 507 103. GyaraspJlr 264 295 1647 ,~61? 779 92 84 .23 25 }62 4~5 98 Mohanpur 13 13 61 ,~ n 2 J7 .?, DharamplIr /9 19 105 48 57 35 2 333 Olinja 2,256,00 121 121 699 2S 2l .'-,~ is 189 34 334 Choki 523.00 1 1 I 1 335 Pohara 1,198.00 lininh;lbiied 336 Sujwaha ! .S4



I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,....-"-, ,....-"-,,...-JI.-,,--A-, ,..--''-, ,...-"-, ,..--"-, ,..--"-, ,..--"-, ,...-J'---., ,.---A.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

184 4 94 5 9 6 4 6 5 10 246 493 321 146 2 71 3 7 3 4 6 5 10 200 383 38 2 23 2 2 3 46 110 60 4 85 48 8 11 3 2 3 9 4 118 190 322 Uninhabited 323 69 40 1 2 1 68 178 324 42 33 3 49 119 325 222 7 134 32 2 39 1 18 5 19 1 422 727 326 205 7 128 30 2 39 1 18 5 19 1 399 691 16 6 2 23 36 34 12 37 60 327 42 17 36 73 328

51 11 2 40 102 329 33 25 7 2 39 92 330 109 71 32 13 1 7 163 320 331 99 46 22 13 1 1 7 128 272 10 25 10 35 48 143 4 149 70 3 20 13 1 11 49 7 112 28 447 756 332 109 4 132 65 3 20 13 1 11 49 7 111 28 413 681 10 6 3 1 21 20 24 11 2 13 55 89 76 34 7 2 2 2 6 182 297 333 2 334 Uninhabited 335 3 1 6 7 336 1 5 4 337 Un!nhabited 338 n 3 120 4 4 14 I 1 9 12 2 210 335 339 42 43 9 2 1 79 130 340 Uninhabited 341 Uninhabited 342 24 1 19 I 38 68 343 47 4 51 6 62 138 344 7 2 2 9 16 345 47 3 31 4 522 3 67 136 346 Uninhabited 341 12 24 20 61 348 47 14 12 4 52 95 349 91 5 16 10 4 4 R8 170 350 38 11 25 21 6 2 2 6 50 85 351 49 17 9 12 4 4 50 94 352 25 2 15 16 2 32 137 353 5 3 7 5 8 6 354 16 2 11 11 4 24 41 355 58 24 20 13 7 47 74 356 Uninhabited 357 121 I!> 101 67 2 13 2 313 6 152 295 358 80 7 64 48 6 3 1 4 91 190 41 3 37 19 2 7 2 1 2 2 61 105 218


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Worker~ Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- -. ,.-Jt---. ,....-J'--. ,....-J'--. ,....-J'--. No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

359 Harhar Khedi 784.00 18 35 185 94 91 12 12 4 4 18 2 58 23 360 Basadehi 770.00 67 101 595 319 276 122 130 112 14 ]66 48 361 Pamariya 844.00 22 46 214 126 88 20 13 30 23 23 1 67 15 362 Basuriya 576.00 10 16 92 50 42 1 2 28 6 363 Sagoriya 615.00 Uninhabited 364 Semra Tappa Dhamnod 1,521.00 57 91 410 231 179 33 29 26 4 132 9 365 Sajan Khedi 422.00 10 24 116 55 61 15 25 2 7 37 12 366 Jhadponiya 571.00 16 29 170 96 74 5 5 11 8 10 50 7 367 Dbamnod 2,660.00 102 144 783 408 375 46 46 101 16 242 41 Dhamnod 97 138 734 379 355 46 46 90 ]6 228 41 Chak Dhamnod 5 6 49 29 20 11 14 368 Behlot 1,088.00 86 91 471 242 229 21 19 83 11 129 3 369 Gondipur 1,444.00 32 34 197 106 91 29 30 18 19 10 1 53 370 Sinduriya 329.00 23 28 139 74 65 23 1 48 2 371 Dasipur 1,077 .00 53 55 356 186 170 28 21 39 10 101 6 372 Derkhi 248.00 Uninhabited 373 Gunjari 668.00 33 34 167 88 79 15 10 15 16 11 47 4 374 Parsora Dhamnod 550.00 24 30 128 67 61 39 34 :2 6 14 7 36 4 375 Padriya 670.00 12 20 156 83 73 38 36 6 2 45 17 376 Pachpediya 1,217.00 29 39 203 105 98 2 2 31 3 58 377 Madanai 375.00 45 56 347 176 171 24 28 31 95 3 378 Basia Kalan 350.00 4 5 44 24 20 15 I3 4 13 379 Norja 593.00 66 88 477 256 221 65 49 23 25 53 6 142 7 380 Loharri 419.00 37 51 263 150 113 18 12 10 10 22 82 4 381 Patti Loharra 526.00 Uninhabited 382 Daulatpur 654.00 Uninhabited 383 Nababganj 528.00 Uninhabited 384 Basiya Khas 1,304.00 20 37 177 103 74 44 38 2 60 385 Usmaniya 454.00 Uninhabited 386 Sagoni 198.00 12 18 96 50 46 33 33 12 24 3 387 Koluwa Jagir 1,013.00 61 74 370 196 174 98 91 78 3 114 35 388 Aavidgan 416.00 8 8 49 27 22 3 15 5 389 Usufgani 644.00 4 5 31 16 15 4 4 :2 3 5 5 9 3 390 Amarpur 771.00 6 15 67 39 21\ 4 J 25 15 391 Madhiya Daroi 1,234.00 51 52 299 156 143 28 26 39 29 9 1 93 25 392 Jahidganj 1,032.00 UnInhabited 393 Flachha 416.00 24 32 190 92 98 1 21 :2 54 2 394 Gunnotha 2,566'00 112 135 753 409 344 106 86 13 13 121 14 228 72 395 Hatamgarh 1,554.00 15 28 98 46 52 12 13 7 6 5 13 35 396 Usar Boohata 401.00 Uninhabited 397 Jotpur 1,175.00 18 21 143 71 72 13 12 54 51 45 18 398 Gopalpur 203.51 0 9 27 13 14 8 12 399 Barbai 2,027.26 99 99 499 249 250 20 18 49 8 153 22 400 Basia Gajar 416.32 8 8 47 28 19 3 2 3 15 401 Tal Bahed 199.37 5 5 42 23 19 4 13 402 SardaJpur 180.26 Uninhabited 403 Haidargarh Basoda 1,458.15 239 280 1,520 822 698 109 94 5 3 290 113 424 55 404 Sujatganj 188.01 Uninhabited 405 Sumer Dhamnod 154.95 3 :I 11 8 3 2 1 5 2 406 Raees Nagar 687.00 12 12 90 45 45 3 7 8 3 1 22 219 VIDISHA TAHSIL

Workers _- ...... I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--A-, ,..--A---. ,..--A-...... r---'-, ,.---''-...... ~'-...... r--''-, ,..--.--"-...... ,..-JI-...... r-''-...... ,.---"-...... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

"""---- " -~ ------_._------._._------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

36 12 20 11 2 36 68 359 79 5 67 25 7 16 12 2 153 228 360 21 45 15 1 59 73 361 20 8 5 22 36 362 Uninhabited 363 70 57 1;1 3 2 99 170 364 20 15 11 2 18 49 365 32 17 7 1 46 67 366 141 6 81 34 3 6 2 2 7 1 166 334 367 128 6 80 34 3 6 2 2 7 1 151 314 13 1 15 20 96 2 3() 3 113 226 368 39 14 53 91 369 44 2 3 26 63 370 53 1 44 5 2 85 164 371 Uninhabited 372 22 23 4 2 41 75 373 16 17 4 3 31 57 374 25 20 17 38 56 375 41 12 3 2 47 98 376 64 2 31 81 168 377 8 5 11 20 378 98 2 35 5 3 5 114 214 379 50 29 3 68 109 380 Unit]habited 381 Uninhabited 382 Uninhabited 383 45 14 43 74 384 Uninhabited 385 18 6 3 26 43 386 66 35 45 2 82 139 387 6 9 5 12 17 388 5 4 3 7 12 :r·N 4 21 15 14 13 390 52 40 24 63 118 391 Uninhabited 392 39 2 8 4 38 96 393 130 30 71 32 2 9 181 272 394 3 14 10 21 9 4 5 4 3 3 33 17 395 Uninhabited 396 34 15 9 3 2 26 54 397 g 12 5 2 398 ,., 100 .. 31 14 8 3 5 4 2 3 96 228 399 11 1 3 13 19 40:) 13 10 18 401 Uninhabited 402 162 2 115 22 9 2 13 48 18 9 1 5 20 43 10 398 643 403 Uninhabited 404 2 3 2 3 1 405 16 6 23 45 406 220 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Numeof village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,.---A.---, ,..-A--, ,.....-''-., ,-J'-., r--"--, No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16

407 Mahuwa Kheda 95.00 5 5 32 15 17 15 17 10 408 Dhokheda 4,379.00 63 63 418 227 191 45 40 20 19 31 4 123 1 409 KakanJa 108.00 Uninhabited 410 Pipariya Jagir 682.00 26 26 163 79 84 5 10 6 39 411 Patti Gambhiriya 182.00 Uninhabited 412 Madhiya Jaman 425.00 31 31 183 101 82 6 5 6 52 413 Gambhiriya 613.00 18 18 100 50 50 3 2 42 45 2 25 414 Goriya Tappa Manora 633.00 40 40 234 119 ]15 3 7 68 67 ]5 69 47 Goriya Tappa Manora 14 14 106 55 51 3 7 4 3 15 1 32 11 Raet!s Nagar 26 26 128 64 64 64 64 37 36 415 Ramnagar 590.00 30 30 173 95 78 28 22 7 11 22 7 55 27 416 PUra Gusai 4,523.00 114 137 589 301 288 17 13 95 106 60 13 187 81 Pura Gusai 89 112 479 252 227 16 12 54 50 57 13 151 51 Tapariya 25 25 110 49 61 1 1 41 56 3 36 30 417 Sihod 2,070.00 183 200 1,146 607 539 78 64 5 5 214 31 351 42 Sihod 146 150 925 494 431 70 59 4 5 187 27 279 14 Chak Sihod 37 50 221 113 108 8 5 1 27 4 72 28 418 Bandwa 1,029.00 54 54 350 182 168 43 55 35 1 94 57 419 BOTi Rampur 977.00 62 63 350 165 185 41 44 37 2 78 8 BoriRampur 39 39 224 lIO 1I4 10 7 26 2 47 3 Ranspura 23 24 126 55 71 31 37 11 31 5 420 Ghatera 2,409.00 38 42 229 109 120 40 46 39 47 21 63 1 Ghatero 26 29 136 67 69 30 32 16 15 7 35 Khirt),a -+ 5 23 10 13 10 13 3 8 1 Simari),a 8 8 70 32 38 to I4 13 19 1I 20 421 Mankapur 758.00 ~4 26 137 79 58 II 11 9 45 422 Sakarda 535.00 7 8 ~4 23 11 15 8 15 423 Babliya 401.00 27 57 269 139 130 26 24 12 II 41 11 85 43 424 Hirapur 731.00 7 9 56 24 32 7 ]2 J I 20 7 425 Barkheda 1,118.00 51 58 292 149 143 12 13 2') 22 35 11 83 23 426 Kherua 1.026.00 37 46 250 129 121 44 34 2 5 37 7 73 18 427 Ulakheda 880.00 3 10 42 20 12 19 22 14 3 428 Berkhedi 426.00 17 31 166 84 K2 7 10 6 55 14 429 Jhirniya 33900 30 53 274 147 127 6 17 17 16 84 18 430 Aam kheda 393.00 20 27 227 118 109 37 34 23 15 11 69 28 431 Dargawan 1,432.00 30 31 161 83 78 10 9 12 14 14 52 ]6 432 Lakhuli 2,417.00 48 55 271 142 129 20 17 60 59 12 100 46 433 Shahpura 370.00 11 18 104 44 60 2 2 11 28 7 434 Behata 2,750.00 34 45 222 ] J 5 107 22 15 23 20 6 3 79 15 Behata 30 41 207 107 lOa /7 12 20 16 {} 3 74 14 Dhigraula 4 4 15 8 7 5 3 3 4 5 I 435 Beharyai 701.00 2 2 4 4 2 4 436 Himmatpur 530.98 Uninhabited 437 Potala 1,924.26 39 39 180 97 83 48 45 16 4 51 7 438 Mudjhiri 1,46] .00 23 23 136 75 61 3 3 72 58 35 2 439 Poniya 1,309.00 25 27 135 70 65 3 34 30 10 40 440 Laharpur 585.00 3 3 11 4 7 4 7 1 3 441 Amrohi Padrayat 1,389.00 1 2 4 4 4 442 Pipaliya Lakhuli 982.00 8 9 48 25 23 4 3 17 16 3 21 5 221



I II III IV V (a) V(b) , VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~ ..... ,.-"-- ~ ,.-"-..... ,.-"-...... ---A-...... ---"----. ,.-"-..... ,...-A---, ,-J'-...... r-~ ..... L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

.~----,--~- - _------_------~------_ -- -_-_ -~---~ ... , 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 ~5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 '-----. _-_,-_-_--_- ----_---_. 1 9 5 17 407 68 47 3 4 104 190 408 Uninhabited 409 35 4 40 84 410 Uninhabited 411 49 2 1 49 82 412 4 21 25 50 413 36 12 33 35 50 68 4J4 26 3 6 8 23 40 10 9 27 27 27 28 24 9 28 18 2 40 51 415 77 2 94 77 4 2 5 6 114 207 416 72 2 64 47 4 2 5 1 5 101 176 5 30 30 1 13 31 183 141 42 14 3 10 256 497 417 154 99 14 13 3 10 215 417 29 42 28 1 41 80 67 36 22 21 2 3 88 III 418 54 2 22 6 87 177 419 39 1 7 2 1 63 HI 15 1 15 4 1 24 66 45 1 18 46 119 420 21 14 32 69 4 1 4 2 12 20 12 38 38 7 3 34 55 421 14 8 11 422 33 47 43 4 54 87 423 9 10 7 1 4 25 424 52 26 23 4 66 120 4'-_) 30 37 18 2 4 56 103 426 3 11 3 6 J9 427 20 33 13 2 29 68 428 55 25 18 2 2 63 109 429 32 37 28 49 81 430 30 21 16 31 62 431 49 14 48 32 1. 42 83 432 22 4 4 3 2 16 53 433 55 3 10 7 2 11 5 36 92 4J4 51 3 9 6 2 11 5 1 33 86 4 1 1 3 6 2 2 435 Uninhabited 436 36 15 7 46 76 437 30 5 1 40 59 438 33 6 30 65 43() 3 1 7 440 4 441 9 12 5 4 18 442 222


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless popuIittion) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ...A...._._-, ,----A--, ,----A--, ,--A--, ..-J--, No. Block in Km~ houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO lJ 12 13 14 15 16

443 Bhaiionpur 1,149.00 22 27 122 58 64 20 15 10 16 8 35 8 Bhaironpur 19 24 114 54 60 20 15 10 16 8 1 35 8 MachgllWa 3 3 8 4 4 444 Madhopur 694.71 7 7 29 17 12 16 12 7 445 Hinotiya 908.56 21 21 108 63 45 24 20 4 27


25/IV Vidisha (M) 5.83 8,530 23,515 2,530 151 14,601 10,304 4,740 43,212 19,691 2,292 119 7,981 950

25IIV/I Ward No.1 349 547 2,564 1,387 /,177 66 59 23 32 758 414 652 73 Block No.1 66 138 655 361 294 2 3 265 167 156 1 Block No.2 135 ]70 734 392 342 49 47 170 58 200 30 Block No.3 64 114 599 308 291 151 91 142 8 Block No. 4 72 110 506 290 216 15 9 20 25 163 97 134 31 Block No.5 12 15 70 36 34 3 7 9 20 3

251IV/] Ward No.2 214 305 1,688 895 793 39 28 4 3 376 165 427 37 Block No. 6 86 138 713 369 344 32 25 175 79 193 34 Block No.7 70 80 474 260 214 69 21 112 2 Block No.8 58 87 501 266 235 7 3 4 3 132 65 122 Block No.9 Uninhabited

251IVi3 Ward No.3 230 352 1,787 949 838 5 4 8 1 583 353 418 22 Block No. 10 84 1J 5 618 324 294 197 129 137 9 Block No. 11 64 105 543 291 252 202 ]]4 126 7 Block No. 12 82 132 626 334 292 5 4 184 110 155 6

25{IV{4 Ward No.4 236 399 1,869 1,035 834 74 53 634 299 448 56 Block No. 13 99 124 569 313 256 45 40 232 139 132 18 Block No. 14 52 129 598 326 272 6 7 195 81 149 11 Block No. 15 5 10 47 25 22 6 8 2 Block No. ]6 80 136 655 371 284 23 6 201 79 159 25

251/Vj5 Ward No.5 1I4 227 1,35R 705 653 539 373 277 13 Block No. 17 43 105 635 339 296 250 170 132 10 Block No. 18 71 122 723 366 357 289 203 145 3

2511V/6 Ward No.6 255 379 2,092 /,107 985 34 28 716 444 479 25 Block No. 19 61 96 611 323 288 25 20 215 138 146 9 Block No. 20 113 118 622 343 279 182 92 128 Block No. 21 81 165 859 441 418 9 8 319 214 205 16 223

VIDISHA TAHSIL ______~~ ______V~I=D==ISHA(M)

Workers -. I II III IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---.11.--. ,....--A--. ,...-A--. L. C. M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

27 8 7 23 56 443 27 J 8 7 19 52 4 4 7 10 12 4..1.4 27 36 45 445


911 348 163 24 514 950 584 2,420 940 3,450 13,211 25/IV 35 86 23 88 32 73 82 8 523 18,747

66 35 6 32 3 13 6 33 1 68 3 71 4 42 292 50 735 1,104 25/lV11 10 5 12 20 23 21 65 1 205 293 1 22 24 3 13 3 2 3 13 34 3 21 3 7 64 14 192 312 2 7 14 7 5 11 20 6 72 7 166 283 3 13 7 4 2 3 3 7 8 89 28 156 185 4 14 4 3 2 16 31 5

101 1 48 16 7 I 31 13 20 4 15 55 3 21 119 9 468 756 2J/IV/2 46 2 11 7 21 13 7 4 5 34 12 54 8 176 310 6 32 39 5 5 6 7 2 2 16 148 212 7 23 7 5 5 8 4 14 7 49 144 234 8 Uninhabited 9

49 3 23 9 14 1 46 28 1 72 2 26 151 15 531 816 25/IVj3 18 8 3 7 15 3 25 14 44 8 187 285 10 21 3 II 2 3 2 27 7 53 4 165 245 11 10 4 6 5 28 23 20 5 54 3 179 286 12

76 2 31 18 12 3 17 1 31 I 32 3 68 6 19 162 22 587 778 25!IV!4 11 4 1 15 20 3 20 1 6 56 ]2 181 238 13 15 12 2 4 6 11 9 30 3 3 59 4 177 261 14 2 1 5 1 17 20 15 48 15 15 8 2 11 5 2 18 2 5 47 5 212 259 16

29 2 10 29 5 Il3 I 6 85 9 428 640 25j1V/5 10 2 2 7 1 58 4 50 6 207 286 17 19 8 22 4 55 2 35 3 221 354 18

28 1 1 23 2 66 2 8 176 3 24 153 17 628 960 25j1V/6 5 1 ]4 ]8 2 1 59 6 43 5 177 279 19 15 17 3 35 11 47 215 279 20 8 1 9 2 31 4 82 2 7 63 12 236 402 21 224


Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Townj acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-,...---.A-----. r--"-. ,----A-. r--"-. ,.---J"--, No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

25/IV/7 Ward No.7 176 398 2,077 1,122 955 6 6 784 423 434 26 Block No. 22 60 129 717 387 330 291 164 143 12 Block No. 23 67 153 728 398 330 5 5 294 137 153 8 Block No. 24 49 116 632 337 295 1 199 122 138 6

25/IV/S Ward No.8 247 514 2,402 1,327 1,075 238 209 848 485 580 74 Block No. 25 69 126 633 350 283 92 76 203 98 162 26 Block No. 26 43 113 507 276 231 92 89 161 83 122 16 Block No. 27 60 122 608 340 268 21 21 233 152 133 13 Block No. 28 75 153 654 361 293 33 23 251 152 163 19

25/IVj9 Ward No.9 229 371 2,177 1,15ri 1,021 132 164 732 403 485 43 Block No. 29 43 102 541 280 261 6 7 198 145 113 6 Block No. 30 58 78 438 234 204 56 103 138 58 97 26 Block No. 31 72 108 720 382 338 00 45 222 110 167 6 Block No. 32 56 83 478 260 218 10 9 174 90 108 5

25j1V/JO Ward No. 10 152 296 1,678 869 809 77 72 585 377 363 36 Block No. 33 43 97 552 300 252 59 54 181 102 123 27 Block No. 34 44 93 513 254 259 IR 18 167 105 104 2 Block No. 35 65 106 613 315 298 237 170 136 7

25/IVjll Ward No. 11 269 337 1,680 866 814 155 183 27 11 400 157 438 25 Block No. 36 65 82 462 243 219 29 28 142 59 117 R Block No. 37 90 112 568 306 262 24 17 lSI 72 134 3 Block No. 38 108 134 619 300 319 102 13X 27 11 74 26 177 14 Block No. 39 6 9 31 17 14 3 10

25/IVj12 Ward No. 12 340 586 2,705 1,467 1,238 244 215 893 438 665 85 Block No. 40 58 98 561 296 265 23 31 208 III 139 12 Block No. 41 64 145 613 332 281 33 24 185 71 149 20 Block No. 42 108 194 819 451 368 51 44 314 165 186 16 Block No. 43 ]]0 149 712 388 324 137 116 186 91 191 37

25/IV/13 Ward No. 13 335 712 3,666 2,035 1,631 76 79 7 2 1,466 909 820 78 Block No. 44 55 108 597 338 259 14 10 252 146 137 20 Block No. 45 78 137 712 389 323 29 26 245 157 156 17 Block No. 46 47 129 579 316 263 7 21 280 183 129 24 Block No. 47 48 97 548 298 250 9 11 212 122 122 5 Block No. 4~ 57 116 598 360 238 14 10 7 2 238 121 136 7 Block No. 49 50 125 632 334 298 3 1 239 180 140 5

25/IVj14 Ward No. 14 199 432 2,330 1,254 1,076 9 13 948 574 517 23 Block No. 50 29 80 466 256 210 207 139 98 3 Block No. 51 64 133 650 346 304 3 3 235 119 147 12 Block No. 52 46 125 582 331 251 6 9 252 131 121 1 Block No. 53 60 94 632 321 311 254 185 151 7 225



I II III IV V (a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~-, L.C. M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


20 J 3 2 19 66 1 10 1 118 1 32 164 22 688 929 2SIIV/7 4 3 1 11 19 3 39 9 54 12 244 318 22 12 2 20 5 20 19 74 6 245 322 23 4 1 6 27 2 59 4 36 4 199 289 24

32 3 2 10 1 25 4 94 1 43 7 120 5 40 2/4 53 747 1,001 2SIIVIB 12 2 2 7 30 9 1 33 3 10 59 20 188 257 25 4 1 2 4 3 3 29 11 6 20 9 40 6 154 215 26 12 2 1 19 9 39 2 5 46 11 207 255 27 4 2 1 14 16 14 28 16 69 16 198 274 28

53 3 2 4 4 3 31 9 74 2 22 1 175 5 18 1 103 18 671 978 25/lV/9 23 2 8 6 6 34 3 1 33 3 167 255 29 5 3 2 6 8 20 2 13 1 29 2 6 15 10 137 178 30 13 1 2 1 17 28 67 1 7 32 3 215 332 31 12 2 20 3 45 2 2 23 2 152 213 32

19 J 2 2 1 1 25 5 68 1 20 1 94 6 18 114 21 506 77325/1V/1O 1 1 9 3 33 4 22 4 9 44 19 177 225 33 3 4 13 6 32 4 42 2 150 257 34 15 2 12 2 22 10 40 2 5 28 179 291 35

68 1 94 a 15 1 15 29 1 24 1 63 15 2 115 11 428 789 2Sl1Vll1 10 2 9 12 8 10 31 4 33 2 126 211 36 24 16 2 4 3 5 14 29 6 33 172 259 37 31 73 4 16 3 5 49 9 123 305 38 3 5 2 7 14 39

37 1 1 16 1 32 lJ 95 5 28 153 11 64 1 239 55 8021,15325{1V(11 5 1 11 16 2 38 2 65 10 157 253 40 5 4 2 32 2 15 40 6 25 25 10 183 261 41 18 2 4 24 2 7 44 2 21 66 11 265 352 42 9 9 1 15 10 23 1 4 3[ 17 83 24 197 287 43

49 2 4 13 1 2 81 3 55 1 19 280 2 55 262 681.215 1,553 251lV/B 11 2 15 14 2 38 4 51 19 201 239 44 3 1 2 3 6 17 3 57 16 49 14 233 306 45 1 5 10 3 3 56 10 41 24 187 239 46 13 1 2 10 2 9 51 7 29 176 245 47 9 1 21 8 9 37 2 10 41 6 224 231 48 12 2 19 4 2 41 8 51 5 194 293 49

25 1 7 211 6 59 2 10 6 230 1 40 137 J2 7371,053 25jlV/14 2 8 62 3 23 3 158 207 50 16 1 2 2 13 5 6 44 22 43 4 199 292 51 5 7 2 25 39 9 33 1 210 250 52 4 1 , 13 5 85 6 38 4 170 304 53 226


.. ----~-~~-~---- _------_ ------_._--

Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Url}an of town/ward residential house- r= IL.__ , ,.....-J'-, ~, ,---A-, ~ No. Block in Km2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

25/1Vj15 Ward No. 15 246 518 2,533 1,357 1,176 488 432 706 306 641 100 Block No. 54 72 137 639 354 285 118 106 155 30 154 3 Block No. 55 44 121 645 325 320 76 83 188 124 168 19 Block No. 56 67 117 642 345 297 245 200 143 35 169 49 Block No. 57 6~ 143 607 333 274 49 43 220 117 150 29

25/IVj16 Ward No. 16 300 641 3,178 1,762 1,4/6 413 344 4 2 983 499 752 54 Block No. 58 48 124 794 445 349 15 13 323 186 .163 6 Block No. 59 56 108 554 299 255 80 58 173 91 119 17 Block No. 60 64 162 668 372 296 222 176 4 132 32 180 13 Block No. 61 72 139 568 335 233 25 25 2 229 88 139 7 Block No. 62 60 108 594 311 283 71 72 126 102 ] SI 11

2SIIV/I7 Ward No. 17 199 379 1.977 1,10/ 876 173 146 746 446 453 20 Block No. 63 55 121 521 312 209 2 2 239 141 130 5 Block No. 64 52 81 490 262 228 190 129 108 5 Block No. 65 45 103 580 304 276 38 29 216 138 115 5 Block No. 66 47 74 386 223 163 133 115 101 38 100 5

25/IV/18 Ward No. 18 650 1,137 5,451 3,121 2,330 301 257 78 681,904 916 1,455 160 Block No. 67 50 127 656 375 281 51 33 11 12 215 123 162 10 Block No. 68 94 134 692 376 316 1 7.0 19 249 143 162 29 Block No. 69 1~3 185 701 43R 263 18 10 288 112 263 8 Block No. 70 4 6 31 16 15 8 2 9 Block No. 71 56 106 465 230 235 12 12 12 10 119 63 116 8 Block No. 72 57 J04 477 262 215 32 24 15S 77 130 14 Block No. 73 5~ 124 513 311 202 29 30 8 7 199 92 HjO 36 Block No. 74 40 90 537 377 160 10 8 313 90 105 3 Block No. 75 5 21 87 42 45 31 30 7 :I 26 2 Block No. 76 8 10 57 26 31 2 4 10 10 11 5 16 9 Block No. 77 57 S8 422 226 196 69 63 3 122 75 98 7 Block No. 78 67 142 813 442 371 46 43 14 9 222 131 208 34 227



II fII IV V (al V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~-."_--, ,-''--, ,--''-, ,--''-, ,--''--, ,.-----"-. ,-"-, ,--''-, ,---"-. ,_J~, ,-''__, L.C. M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 3 4 2 4 45 17 62 5 28 9 167 18 JI2 J 179 45 716 1,076 251/V115 14 2 4 7 I 17 10 30 41 29 2 200 282 54 21 8 5 16 1 8 4 61 3 25 29 5 157 301 55 1 15 8 8 2 3 40 14 36 65 25 176 248 56 :1 2 4 15 3 21 2 7 5 36 10 56 13 183 245 57

91 7 2 1 8 2 5 59 12 38 79 14 205 5 102 163 13 1,010 1,362 251/V116 27 2 7 4 8 2 78 8 30 2 282 343 58 13 15 8 8 2 27 11 44 7 180 238 59 3 2 3 27 16 45 8 25 42 17 192 283 60 21 4 2 13 3 44 2 15 36 4 196 226 61 27 3 3 8 3 5 15 2 31 2 26 36 160 272 62

34 1 1 I 2 33 1 28 1 29 5 145 1 50 130 II 648 856251IV/17 9 1 1 4 2 44 17 52 5 182 204 63 11 2 JO 3 52 1 4 25 1 154 223 M 10 17 2 4 41 8 32 4 189 271 (j5 4 10 16 20 4 8 21 21 1 123 158 d6

95 6 90 45 18 5 35 2 57 4]]6 20 lI5 8 256 3 668 72 1,6662,170 251/V118 1 1 8 12 26 2 16 1 35 63 7 213 271 67 8 2 1 5 5 27 1 8 3 11 94 24 214 287 68 41 8 2 10 1 5 3 192 7 175 255 69 7 1 7 15 70 :1 5 2 4 9 7 17 29 42 4 114 227 71 2 2 12 9 5 18 2 29 57 7 132 201 72 9 27 18 3 3 J I 10 J8 18 61 15 151 166 73 1 5 2 4 93 3 272 157 74 4 22 2 16 43 75 1 JO 9 2 3 10 22 76 1 1 10 2 15 5 II 21 37 2 128 189 77 17 6 8 13 9 2 5 2 4 4 10 2 15 110 3 28 3 234 337 7::!