S.N. Subject 1 Introduction 2 General 3 Geomorphology 4 Geology 5 Mineral Resources 6 Overview of Mining activity in the District 7 Details of Royalty or revenue received in last three years 8 Details of production of sand or bajari or minor mineral in the last three years 9 The list of Mining Lease in the District with location, area and period of validity 10 Drainage 11 Process of deposition of sediment in the river of the district 12 General profile of district 13 Rainfall 14 Land utilization patter in the district 15 Mineral Potential 16 Geological And Mineral Map 17 Map Index 18 Geomorphological Map 19 Geohydrological Map 20 Geotechnicaland Natural Hazards Map 21 Land use Map


As per the order issued by the Mineral Resources department Govt of M P the District Survey Report is to be prepared for the fulfilment of the notification of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change Govt of India dated Jan. 15th 2016. “MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th January, 2016 S.O. 141(E).—Whereas in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), read with clause (d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in the said notification, namely:- ”


The main objective of the preparation of District Survey Report (as per the Sustainable Sand Mining Guideline) is to ensure the following: Identification of areas of aggradations or deposition where mining can be allowed; and identification of areas of erosion and proximity to infrastructural structures and installations where mining should be prohibited and ca lculation of annual rate of replenishment and allowing time for replenishment after mining in that area. The report shall have the following structure: 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Mining Activity in the District 3 The List of Mining Leases in the District with location, area and period of validity 4. Details of Royalty or Revenue received in last three years 5. Detail of Production of Sand or Bajari or minor mineral in last three years 6. Process of Deposition of Sediments in the rivers of the District 7. General Profile of the District 8. Land Utilization Pattern in the district: Forest, Agriculture, Horticulture, Mining etc. 9. Physiography of the District 10. Rainfall: month-wise 11. Geology and Mineral Wealth

In addition to the above, the report shall contain the following: (a) District wise detail of river or stream and other sand source. (b) District wise availability of sand or gravel or aggregate resources. (c) District wise detail of existing mining leases of sand and aggregates.

The above notification laid down the procedure of enviornement clearance process in the District level under the chairmenship of District collector as DEIAA and DEAC. MoEFCC , Govt of India through notification dated 20th Jan 2016 notified every district magistrate/district collectore as the head of DEIAA committee of concerned district.



New Delhi, the 20th January, 2016

S.O. 190 (E) :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Environment(Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forest number S.O. 1533 (E), dated the 14th September 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the said notification), the Central Government hereby constitutes the District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA), for grant of environmental clearance for Category ‘B2’ Projects for mining of minor minerals, for all the districts in the country (hereinafter referred to as Authority for the districts) comprising of the following members, namely

1. District Magistrate or District Collector of the district Chairperson 2. Senior most Divisional Forest Officer in the district —Member An expert member to be nominated by the Divisional 3. Commissioner or Chief Conservator of the Forest —Member Sub-Divisional Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer of the 4. district head quarter —Member-Secretary

2. The Chairperson and official members of the Authority for the districts shall hold office during their tenure in the district on said posts and the expert member shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of nomination by the competent authority.

3. The Authority for the districts shall exercise such powers and follow the procedures as specified in the said notification.

4. The Authority for the districts shall base its decision on the recommendations of the District Level Expert Appraisal Committee constituted under paragraph 5 of this notification.

5. For the purposes of assisting the Authority for the districts, the Central Government hereby constitutes the District Level Expert Appraisal Committee for all the districts of the country (hereinafter referred to as DEAC for the district) comprising of the following members, namely:-

1. Senior most Executive Engineer, Irrigation Department —Chairperson 2. Senior most Sub-Divisional Officer (Forest) —Member A representative of Remote Sensing Department or Geology Department or State Ground Water Department to be 3. nominated by the District Magistrate or District Collector —Member Occupational health expert or Medical Officer to be nominated 4. by the District Magistrate or District Collector —Member 5. Engineer from Zila Parishad —Member 6. A representative of State Pollution Control Board or Committee —Member An expert to be nominated by the Divisional 7. Commissioner or Chief Conservator of Forest —Member An expert to be nominated by the Divisional 8. Commissioner or Chief Conservator of Forest —Member An expert to be nominated by the Divisional 9. Commissioner or Chief Conservator of Forest —Member 10. Senior most Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department —Member Assistant Director or Deputy Director or District Mines Officer —Member- 11. or Geologist in the district in that order Secretary

6. The Chairperson and the official members of the DEAC shall hold office during their tenure in the district and the non-official members shall hold office for three years from the date of their nomination by the competent authority. 7. The DEAC shall exercise the powers and follow the procedures as specified in the said notification.

8. The DEAC shall function on the principles of collective responsibility and the Chairperson shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be reached, the view of the majority shall prevail.

9. The District Magistrate or District Collector of the district shall notify an agency to act as Secretariat for the Authority for the districts and DEAC. The agency shall provide all logistic support including transportation, accommodation, and such other facilities in respect of all its statutory functions.

10. The non-official members of the Authority for districts and the DEAC shall be entitled to such sitting fees, travelling allowance and dearness allowance which shall be paid in accordance with the concerned rules of the respective State Governments. [No. Z-11013/98/2014-IA-II (M)]


And in compliance of the above notification the Divisional Commissioner Bhopal has constituted the DEIAA and DEAC for district on 14th march 2016.

2.GENERAL - is situated in the central part of Madhya Pradesh and covers an area of about 7371 Sq km and falls in the Survey of India toposheet Nos. 54 H, 54 L, 55 E and 55 I between latitudes 23020’ and 24021’ N and longitudes 72015’ and 78019’ E. The district is well connected by metalled roads with the State capital Bhopal and with the adjacent district headquarters. Vidisha is the district headquarter and Leter, , Korwai and Basoda are other important towns. Bhopal- Central Railway connecting Vidisha passes through the district. It is bordered in the North and NW by , East by , South by Raisen and SW by .

The general information of Vidisha district

No of No of No of gram No of Villages Populations % Literacy blocks tehsils panchayat habitated Unhabitated as per 2011 07 10 581 1533 97 1458875 59.95

Block wise Statistical profile ( as per Census 2011)

District /Tehsil/Block Area (sq.km.) Villages Gram Panchayat District Vidisha 7371 1524 581 Tehsil & Block 1066 226 95 Vidisha Tehsil 897 150 75 Tehsil NA 54 NA Tehsil & Block Sironj 1255 274 93 Tehsil & Block 986 176 61 Tehsil Basoda 797 176 101 Tehsil Tyonda 426 98 0 Tehsil 511 115 71 Tehsil Gulabganj 361 75 0 Tehsil Nateran 478 82 85 Tehsil Shamshabad 591 98 0 Block Kuwai 897 204 75 Block Basoda 1223 274 101 Block Gyaraspur 872 180 71 Block Nateran 1069 180 85

District Population & Literacy in 2011

Total population Male Female Rural Urban 1458875 769568 689307 1119257 339618

3.GEOMORPHOLOGY - Physiographically, the district is highly rugged and undulated comprising hills, dissected plateau, valley and flats/plains. The district forms part of Betwa, Kelhan, Kevton and Baghira rivers which are perennial in nature. The upland region belonging to Deccan Trap dominated by hills and ridges in the SE and SW part of the district and the central part is characterised by valleys and plains. Betwa is the main river flowing from SW to NE. Sind river is its main tributary. The maximum of the district is 666m and minimum height is 350m, in the peneplain.

4.GEOLOGY - Geologically, the district is occupied by rock of Vindhyan Supergroup, Deccan Trap, Laterite. The Vindhyan Supergroup mainly includes sedimentary formations represented by Kaimur, Rewa and Bhander Group of rocks. Kaimur group is represented by Upper Kaimur Sandstone as is the oldest lithological unit occupies a small portion of the district. The sandstone is mauve to pinkish and buff in colour, fine to medium grained and well exposed southeast of Vidisha. Panna shale is khaki to green in colour with intercalations of siltstone and is splintery in nature. The relict outcrops of Panna shale are exposed SE of Vidisha town. Lower Rewa Sandstone is reddish to pink and white in colour, fine to coarse grained, thick bedded and massive small ridges trending in NW-SE direction are exposed in central, southern and eastern part of the district, Jhiri Shjale is olive green to yellow with dark brown bands, splintery and fissile with siltstone interbands. Relict of Jhiri shale are exposed east of the town Basoda. Upper Rewa Sandstone is buff to pink and yellowish in colour, fine to coarse grained with abundant cross bedding at places. The ridges of this unit trending in NE- SW direction are exposed in NW-SW of Vidisha town. Lower Bhander Sandstone is pink, reddish and white in colour medium grained with intraformational conglomerate. This unit occurs as small isolated hillocks forming cuestas and flat-topped plateaus with scrap development in all direction. Small patches of Lower Bhander sandstone are exposed in south-western part of the district. Sirbu shale is well exposed along the escarpment. The shale is mainly olive green with purple and chocolate coloured bands, highly splintery and fissile. Relict outcrops of Sirbu Shale are exposed in southeastern part of the district. Upper Bhander Sandstone overlies Sirbu Shale formation with a sharp contact. It gives rise to typical geomorphic features of sub-horizontally layered rocks forming broad cuestas and a series of disconnected, flat topped relict hills with steep sides. This unit is exposed in the Southwestern part of the district. Deccan Trap basalt flows occupy vast areas of the district and have been classified into three formations based on diagnostic characters and marker horizons. However, the basalt flows occupying a large area north of latitude 24000’00” remain unclassified. Newa-Kalisindh formation comprises eight basaltic flows which are fine graned sparsely porphyritic in nature and well exposed in the central part of the dostrict. Kankariya-Pirukheri formation comprises three basaltic flows which are fine to medium grained and moderately porphyritic ’AA’ type. This unit is also well exposed in the Eastern and Western part of the district. formation comprises three basaltic flows which are fine to medium grained, moderately porphyritic and are well exposed NE and central part of Vidisha district. Laterite occurs as isolated copings over the Deccan trap. It is brick red to yellow brown massive, boulder and cavernous in nature. Alluvium occupies the river valleys and confined to the present day food plains of the major rivers and streams. It mainly Comprises sand, silt and subordinate amount of clay.

5.MINERAL RESOURCES - Economic Minirals, some occurrence of bauxite, iron ore and clay have been reported along with laterite. The Vindhyan sandstone and basalt are used by local people as building material. Small isolated laterite cappings on basalt flows occur at several places. They are generally rich in iron except for occasional small boulders of aluminous laterite. Development of lithomergic clays are being used by villagers for the construction purpose. Occurrences of bauxite are reported from Basoda (23º52`:77º50`), Batholi (23º49`:78º05`) and Chitrawan (23º43`:77º56`), Numerous segregated rounded masses of rich aluminous laterite are reported near Konkargarh and Isarwar (24º08`:77º26`), Kotra and Agra (23º56`:77º28`), Sironj at Pargana. Most of the lawa flows comprise fresh, hard and compact basalt as columns and large boulders. It can be used as stone bridges, pavement stones, road material and for concrete aggregates. Fine grained compact and thin bedded rock of Upper Bhander Sandstone can be split into sizeable slabs along bedding and clay partings. They form excellent flooring and roofing stones and stone bricks. The details of mineral occurance are described below- Limestone – The reserves of an intertrappean limestone deposit, 58 kilometers from Railway Station, have been estimated at 50,000 tons covering an area of one acre and is on an average 8 meters thick. The limestone is fine-grained, compact and greyish in colour. The deposit has been worked in the past for lime for local use. Numerous segregated, rounded masses of richly aluminous laterite were found near Konkargarh and Isarwas and again near Kotra and Agra in the Sironj Sub-Division embedded in brecciated and pellety laterite. Laterite – There are large cappings of laterite in the District. The hard compact varieties of laterite are sometimes used as building stones. The soft rock has also been widely used as a road metal

Vindhyan Sandstones – A great thickness of the upper Vindhyan sandstones cover a large area of the District. These sandstones form excellent building material and are extensively quarried. Most of the quarries are in kaimur or Rewa sandstones. The Kaimur sandstone is usually the strongest and most durable material. It is usually utilised for building massive structures. The sandstone being softer is used fpr the purpose of delicate carvings for which the carvers from are conveniently situated with regard to transport facilities. Basalt – The Deccan trap basalts are used for ordinary building stones, mostly for village huts and occasionally for foundation upto plinth level. Due to Diffeculty of getting well- dressed blocks the tendeney is to avoid this rock as far as practicable.

Road Metal – The chief source is the Deccan trap. Other important rocks used are laterite and Vindhyan sandstones. Clay- White clay is reported from a place near Kurwai. The clay varies a good deal in colour due to iron stainings. Iron Ore – There are occurrences of laterite of highly ferruginous composition spread over an area in the District. The laterite cappings are tapped at places as a source of iron0ore for the indigenous furnaces.


(as per the Mining Office Data) 7- ftyk fofn’kk esa foxr 03 o"kZ esa izkIr [kfut jktLo dza- o"kZ jktLo ¼djksM+ #i;s esa½ 1 2013&14 6]51]91]730@& 2 2014&15 7]35]27]775@& 3 2015&16 10]21]91]196@&

8-ftyk fofn’kk esa foxr 03 o"kZ esa [kfutokj jktLo ,oa mRiknu o"kZ 2013&14 dza- [kfut jktLOk ¼#i;s eas½ mRiknu ¼?keh-esa½ 1 Q’khZiRFkj 17134470 71394 2 fxÍh 8357884 189952 3 jsr 7452501 140613 4 eqje 8696395 322089 5 cksYMj 635500 18157 6 feÍh 928100 34374 o"kZ 2014&15 1 Q’khZiRFkj 14421057 540790 2 fxÍh 5300295 5490247 3 jsr 3226437 46570 4 eqje 370326 5998 5 cksYMj 288924 6216 6 feÍh 356600 7618 o"kZ 2015&16 1 Q’khZiRFkj 17309707 57699 2 fxÍh 9823533 98235 3 jsr 6409168 64092 4 eqje 624300 12486 5 cksYMj 131900 2638

9- ftys esa Lohd`r [knku¨ dh tkudkjh rglhy cklkSnk Lohd`r [kfut dk [kljk dzekad iÍs dh fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk {ks= ¼gs- vof/k uke ¼gs-esa½ xzke o rglhy @fnukad fnukad es½

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lat; dqekj tSu iq= Jh 18-03-2007 1 lkxjey tSu fuoklh ekdsZfVax Q'khZiRFkj 153 4-000 ygnjk]cklkSnk 1090/03.05.2006 23.05.2006 ls 17-03- jksM cklkSnk 2017 02-12-2009 iz'kkar uk;d iq= Jh xksfoUn 2 Q'khZiRFkj 95,99,101,102, 0-400 ygnjk]cklkSnk ls 01-12- uk;d fuoklh cklkSnk 2639/01.12.2009 02.12.2009 105 2019 27-03-2007 ftrsUnz flag j?kqoa'kh iq= Jh 3 Q'khZiRFkj 0-975 lkgck]cklkSnk ls 26-03- cyoku flag j?kqoa'kh cklkSnk 6\1 131/10.01.2008 10.01.2008 2017 21-03-2010 Jherh ,-ekyrh iRuh ,- 4 Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 Hkqavkjk] cklkSnk ls 20-03- vejdqekj LVs'ku jksM cklkSnk 157 601/26.02.2010 21.03.2010 2020 pUnzdkar nqcs iq= Jh }kjdk 13-10-2008 tkQjkckn 5 izlkn nqcs fuoklh mn;iqjk Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 ls 12-10- 130 fiifj;k] cklkSnk 2449/04.10.2008 13.10.2008 jk;lsu 2018 22-09-2007 vCnqy jghe iq= Jh vCnqy 6 Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 ygnjk]cklkSnk ls 21-09- djhe fljksat 154 2067/04.06.2007 22.09.2007 2017 29-08-2007 Jherh vuhrk jkBkSj iRuh Jh tkQjkckn 7 Q'khZiRFkj 3-900 ls 28-08- nsosUnz flag jkBkSj fofn'kk 131 fiifj;k] cklkSnk 1942/31.05.2007 29.09.2007 2017 09-02-2012 'kSysUnz jktiwr iq= Jh th-,e- 8 Q'khZiRFkj 0-763 nSyokMk cklkSnk ls 08-02- jktiwr clkSnk 90 281/03.01.2012 09.02.2012 2022 dkykiRFkj 20-01-2010 bZ'oj flag iq= Jh t;flag 9 ¼dzs'kj 0-780 iBkjh] cklkSnk ls 19-01- jktiwr fuoklh iBkjiqjk] cklkSnk 167/3 736/28.02.2009 30.05.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 fl;kckbZ iRuh Jh ?kklhjke dkykiRFkj 13-10-2008 10 vkfnoklh fuoklh djS;k gosyh ¼dzs'kj 181, 189 4-000 iBkjh] cklkSnk 2506/08.10.2008 13.10.2010 ls 12-10- fofn'kk fxÍh½ 2018 dkykiRFkj 13-09-2010 jlhn [kk iq= Jh eqa'kh [kka 11 ¼dzs'kj 2-000 iBkjh] cklkSnk ls 12-09- fuoklh Xokfy;j 177/1/2 1999/29.06.2010 13.09.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 17-02-2011 vfu:) ,sfy;k iq= Jh eqds'k 12 ¼dzs'kj 1-000 iBkjh] cklkSnk ls 16-02- ,sfy;k] cklkSnk 175/1 3601/02.11.2010 17.02.2011 fxÍh½ 2021 dkykiRFkj 20-01-2010 fot; flag iq= Jh cgknqj flag 13 ¼dzs'kj 0-365 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 19-01- fuoklh dkykckx cklkSnk 26 730/28.02.2009 30.05.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 Jherh egsUnz dkSj iRuh Jh dkykiRFkj 21-02-2010 14 txthr flag fuoklh ¼dzs'kj 25 0-415 pkSjkoj cklkSnk 5/01.01.2014 ls 20-02- eq[kthZuxj fofn'kk fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 27-02-2009 eqnllj vyh iq= Jh pkS/kjh 15 ¼dzs'kj 4-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 26-02- equOoj lyhe] cMkcktkj fofn'kk 27 484/07.02.2009 27.02.2009 fxÍh½ 2019 uhrs'k xks;y iq= Jh enuyky dkykiRFkj 25-02-2010 16 xks;y fuoklh ukSy[kh eafnj ¼dzs'kj 1-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 24-02- 215/1 d 398/06.02.2010 25.02.2010 cklkSnk fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 23-08-2010 'kgj;kj pkS/kjh iq= Jh eqUuoj 17 ¼dzs'kj 1-700 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 22-08- lyhe fofn'kk 27/3 1618/03.06.2010 23.08.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 23-08-2010 nsosUnz falag j?kqoa'kh iq= Jh 18 ¼dzs'kj 2-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 22-08- ljnkj flag j?kqoa'kh cklkSnk 27/3 1626/03.06.2010 23.08.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 04-12-2010 vfujoku nRrk iq= Jh ,-ds 19 ¼dzs'kj 2-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 03-12- nRrk fuoklh Dyc jksM fofn'kk 29 4079/02.12.2010 04.12.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 dkykiRFkj 11-01-2011 euks'k 'kekZ iq= Jh teukizlkn 20 ¼dzs'kj 0-418 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 10-01- 'kekZ fuoklh cklkSnk 40/2/1 4033/01.12.2010 11.01.2011 fxÍh½ 2021 fnfXot; flag iq= Jh cgknqj dkykiRFkj 02-06-2011 21 [k 1-650 pkSjkoj cklkSnk flag lksyadh cklkSnk ¼dzs'kj 220/1 1223/06.04.2011 02.06.2011 ls 01-06- fxÍh½ 2021

dkykiRFkj 12-01-2012 fot; flag iq= Jh cgknqj flag 22 ¼dzs'kj 1-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk ls 11-01- lksyadh fuoklh cklkSnk 27/2 12.01.2012 fxÍh½ 2022 dkykiRFkj 03-03-2007 Jherh g"kkZ tSUk iRuh Jh lquhy 23 ¼dzs'kj 2-000 L;konk]cklkSnk ls 02-03- tSUk fuoklh dkykckx cklkSnk 129 1506/23.06.2006 03.03.2007 fxÍh½ 2017 dkykiRFkj 07-04-2008 HkwisUnz flag iq= Jh cgknqj flag 24 ¼dzs'kj 0-850 datuk] cklkSnk ls 06-04- fuoklh dkykckx] cklkSnk 209/5 5976/21.06.2001 28.12.1999 fxÍh½ 2018 dkykiRFkj 01-12-2010 Jherh jktdqekjh iRuh Jh 25 ¼dzs'kj 1-772 joj;kbZ cklkSnk ls 30-11- nsosUnz flag j?kqoa'kh tqx;kbZ 78/1 3870/24.11.2010 01.12.2010 fxÍh½ 2020 Jherh egsUnz dkSj iRuh Jh dkykiRFkj 24-01-2014 26 txthr flag fuoklh ¼dzs'kj 37 2-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk 138/21.01.2014 21.01.2014 ls 23-01- eq[kthZuxj fofn'kk fxÍh½ 2024 Jherh lksuk la/kw IkRuh Jh dkykiRFkj 01-06-2015 4198- 27 efuUnj flag la/kw fuoklh eq[kthZ ¼dzs'kj 35/2 4-000 pkSjkoj cklkSnk 04.06.2015 ls 31-05- uxj fofn'kk fxÍh½ 99/20.03.2015 2025 dkykiRFkj 29-08-2014 Jherh eatw flag jktiwr iRuh 28 ¼dzs'kj 2-000 iBkjh] cklkSnk 13272- ls 28-08- Jh bZ'oj flag jktiwr 167/2 06.09..2014 fxÍh½ 73/15.07.2014 2024 dkykiRFkj 06-06-2015 fo'kky 'kekZ iq= Jh egsUnz 'kekZ 29 ¼dzs'kj 4-000 Ågj] cklkSnk ls 05-06- fuoklh f'koiqjh 625 521/02.03.2015 06.06.15 fxÍh½ 2025

rglhy fofn'kk [kfut dk [kljk dzekad Lohd`r iÍs dh fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk vof/k uke ¼gs-esa½ {ks= ¼gs-½ xzke o rglhy @fnukad fnukad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30-07-2009 uhjt flag iq= Jh Hkxoku flag Q'khZiRFkj 2-000 x

10-10-2007 vCnqy djhe iq= Jh vCnqy Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 tEckj] fofn'kk ls 09-10- 11 jghe fuoklh cklkSnk 136/6,139,260 3025/10.09.2007 10.10.2007 2017 10-08-2007 Jherh vQlkuk ckuks iRuh Jh Q'khZiRFkj 2-000 tEckj] fofn'kk 2092- ls 09-08- 12 bZLekby [kk fuoklh fofn'kk 136/6 04.06.2007 93/06.06.2007 2017 01-12-2010 Jherh 'kdqu nsoh 'kekZ iRuh Jh fuef[kfj;k] Q'khZiRFkj 0-800 ls 30-11- 13 jktsUnz 'kekZ fofn'kk 19 fofn'kk 1352/03.08.2009 09.09.2009 2020 28-05-2011 fo'kky frokjh iq= Jh feÍh ¼bZV /kuksjkgosyh] 0-172 ls 27-05- 14 dSyk'kukjk;.k frokjh fofn'kk fuekZ.k½ 262/3 fofn'kk 675/24.02.2011 28.05.2011 2016 lat; dqekj tSu iq= Jh lqjsUnz feÍh ¼bZV 11.03.2016 2-000 [kjh fofn'kk ls 10-03- 15 31/1 2831/04.12.2014 11.03.2015 dqekj tSu fofn'kk fuekZ.k½ 2020

tloar flag iq= Jh gfj flag 22.01.2016 eqje 1-045 dkQ ls 21-01- 16 115/1/1 3323/23.12.2015 22.01.2016 fuoklh dkQ 2021 rglhy R;kasnk [kljk iÍs dh [kfut dk Lohd`r Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk dzekad ¼gs- fLFkfr xzke vof/k uke {ks= ¼gs-½ @fnukad fnukad esa½ o rglhy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hkxoku flag iq= Jh fd'kksjh flag j?kqoa'kh R;ksank] 31-03-2008 ls Q'khZiRFkj 1-100 1 xzke euksjk] X;kjliqj 6,76,677 R;ksank 107/10.01.2008 31.03.2008 30-03-2018 fxjh'k iVsy iq= Jh jes'k HkkbZ iVsy fHkyk,] 22-09-2008 ls Q'khZiRFkj 0-750 2 fuoklh cklkSnk 417/2/2 R;ksank 2187/17.09.2008 22.09.2008 21-09-2018 vujs'k iVsy iq= Jh tloar flag j?kqoa'kh i/kkj] 22-06-2009 ls Q'khZiRFkj 0-625 3 fuoklh dkykckx cklkSnk 482 R;ksank 817/22.06.2009 22.06.2009 21-06-2019 jktho j?kqoa'kh iq= Jh tloar flag i/kkj] 13-07-2010 ls Q'khZiRFkj 1-000 4 j?kqoa'kh fuoklh dkykckx cklkSnk 53/2 R;ksank 482/11.02.2010 11.03.2010 12-07-2020 lqjs'k eSuk iq= Jh ukjk;.k flag eSUkk nSyokMk] 04-01-2012 ls Q'khZiRFkj 0-807 5 fuoklh xzke nSyokMk 219/1 R;ksank 3970/29.11.2011 04.01.2012 03-01-2022 dkykiRFkj izoh.k dqekj nRrk iq= Jh nsoukjk;.k cjeMh] 04-07-2007 ls ¼dzs'kj 0-836 6 fuoklh nqxkZuxj] fofn'kk 165/2/2 R;ksank 186/16.03.1997 04.07.1997 03-07-2017 fxÍh½ dkykiRFkj ljkst nRrk iq= Jh Mh-,u-nRrk fuoklh cje

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ftrsUnz ;kno iq= Jh dkykiRFkj jkeiqj 1 deyk flag ;kno 2-000 07.01.2014 ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 73/1/1 xqykcxat 3348/4.10.2013 07.07.2014 to xqykcxat 06.01.2024 fr:ifr ckykth izks- LohVh nakxh lkxj jksM dkykiRFkj ?kkSlqvk 2 216/2/1, 1-450 09.04.2015 fetkZiqj rglhy ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 217/1, xqykcxat 533/12.03.2015 10.04.2015 to fofn'kk 217/2 08.04.2025 Jherh o"kkZ vfgjokj :lYyh IkRuh Jh eukst dkykiRFkj 3 2-000 pkSchlk] 07.02.2011 vfgjokj bdksfn;k ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 499 317/24.01.2011 11.02.2011 to xqykcxat rglhy xqykcxat 06.02.2021 jfo diwj iq= Jh dkykiRFkj 29.03.2015 4445- 4 lR;thou diwj fdys 116 4-000 lqesjojhZ 29.03.2015 to ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 48/26.03.2015 vanj] fofn'kk 28.03.2025 Jh ohjsUnz flag ehuk dkykiRFkj 5 iq= Jh Hkxoku flag 1-840 vVkjh[kstMk 31.07.2015 ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 488/1 1506/17.07.2015 31.07.2015 to fofn'kk 30.07.2025 ftrsUnz ;kno iq= Jh deyk flag ;kno dkykiRFkj 6 0-730 pdikVuh 24.01.2009 pdikVuh rglhy ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 73/1/2 248/16.01.2009 27.01.2009 to X;kjliqj 23.01.2019 Jherh lkfo=h ckbZ 21-06-2011 dkykiRFkj ?kkslqvk] 7 iRuh Jh Hkqtcy 0-418 ls 20-06- ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 223/1 xqykcxat 2585/21.02.2011 29.06.2011 vkfnoklh fofn'kk 2021 Jh jk?kosUnz flag iq= 20-06-2011 Jh guqer falg dkykiRFkj ?kkslqvk] 8 2-000 ls 19-06- fuoklh 'kfDr uxj ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 223/1 xqykcxat 2585/21.02.2011 28.06.2011 2021 Hkksiky rglhy uVsju

iÍs dh [kljk Lohd`r fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk [kfut dk uke fu"iknu fnukad vof/k dzekad ¼gs-esa½ {ks= ¼gs-½ xzke o @fnukad rglhy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nsos'k eh.kk iq= Jh ,l- dkykiRFkj Qrsgjiqj 1 ih- eh.kk n;kuaniqj 2-000 02.02.2015 to ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 100/1,100/2 uVsju 2470/04.12.2014 12.02.2015 rglhy fofn'kk 01.02.2025 xtsUnz flag iq= Jh 'ksj dkykiRFkj Qrsgjiqj 2 flg jktiwr fdys vanj 2-550 07.07.2013 to ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 71 uVsju 4645/28.02.2014 29.04.2015 fofn'kk 06.07.2023 lqfer nsokfy;k iq= Jh dkykiRFkj 3 ds-ds- lkgw vgeniqj 1-000 uVsju 25.02.2012 to ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 282/2/2 2212/29.06.2011 03.04.2012 pkSjkgk fofn'kk 24.02.2022 Jh v[kys'k 'kekZ iq= 4171- 12.09.2013 to 4 Q'khZiRFkj 588/2 0-710 uVsju 11.06.2015 Jh ukFkqjke 'kekZ uVsju 72/19.03.2015 11.09.2018

rglhy yVsjh [kljk dzekad Lohd`r iÍs dh fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk [kfut dk uke vof/k ¼gs-esa½ {ks= ¼gs-½ xzke o rglhy @fnukad fnukad 28-01-2009 Jherh js[kk HkkxZo iRuh Jh lquhy dkykiRFkj 1 yVsjh ls 27-01- HkkxZo yVsjh ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 1884/1 0.696 2400/27.12.2008 28.01.2009 2019 eku flag iq= Jh eFkqjkyky 04-10-2008 dkykiRFkj vks[kMh[ksMk] 2 fuoklh vks[kyh[ksMh rglhy 1-600 ls 03-10- ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 524/2 yVsjh 2311/24.09.2008 10.04.2008 fljksat 2018 ek[ku flag tknkSu iq= Jh eFkqjk 01-04-2015 dkykiRFkj i

rglhy fljksat iÍs dh fLFkfr Øa- [kljk dzekad Lohd`r Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu iÍsnkj dk uke o irk [kfut dk uke xzke o vof/k +A2:I12 ¼gs-esa½ {ks= ¼gs-½ @fnukad fnukad rglhy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11-09-2008 Jherh 'kksHkkxxZ iRuh Jh egs'k dkykIkRFkj enkxu] 0-750 ls 10-09- 1 xxZ fuoklh fljkast ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 39 fljksat 1966/23.08.2007 11.09.2008 2018 18-03-2009 eks- jkf'kn iq= Jh vCnqy jkf'kn dkykIkRFkj 1-000 dLck fljksat ls 17-03- 2 fuoklh fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 25/0/1 754/28.02.2009 18.03.2009 2019 28-12-2010 Jherh e/kqokyk HkkxZo iRuh Jh dkykIkRFkj 2-000 dLck fljksat ls 27-12- 3 izeksn HkkxZo fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 25/1/2 3605/01.11.2010 28.12.2010 2020 12-09-2007 Jherh ,drk HkkxZo iRuh Jh dkykIkRFkj 1-000 cjsaMk]fljksat ls 11-09- 4 v'kksd HkkxZo fuoklh fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 49/3 2826/24.08.2007 12.09.2007 2017 28-02-2009 ujsUnz ikyhoky iq= Jh eqjyh/kj dkykIkRFkj nhiuk[ksMk] 1-000 ls 27-02- 5 ikyhoky fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 141/3 fljksat 634/24.02.2009 28.02.2009 2019 eks- unhe iq= Jh eks- 'kjhQ 09-09-2009 dkykIkRFkj cjs.Mk] fuoklh fljksat VªkaLQj Jhefr 2-287 ls 08-09- 6 ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 43/1/1/1 fljksat 1802/02.09.2009 09.09.2009 'khyk f'kogjs 2019 14-06-2011 larks"k ;kno iq= Jh QqUnhyky dkykIkRFkj tgwjiqj] 1-000 ls 13-06- 7 ;kno fuoklh fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 53/2 fljksat 1004/15.03.2011 14.06.2011 2021 vfuy f'kogjs iq= Jh Hkhde dkykIkRFkj cjs.Mk] 24-04-15 ls x 1-138 8 izlkn f'kogjs fuoklh fljksat ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 43/1/1/1 /2 fljksat 628/30.03.2015 31.03.2015 23-04-2025 nhid ikVhnkj iq= Jh dkykIkRFkj enkxu] 15-10-15 ls fd'kuukjk;.k ikVhnkj fuoklh 0-500 1712- 9 ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 35 fljksat 15.10.15 14-10-2020 gkthiqj fljksat 13/12.06.2015 rglhy 'ke'kkckn [kfut dk [kljk dzekad Lohd`r {ks= iÍs dh fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk vof/k uke ¼gs-esa½ ¼gs-½ xzke o rglhy @fnukad fnukad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Jhefr nhik ekgs'ojh 05-05-2012 iRuh iqj"kksÙke nkl dkykIkRFkj fcfN;k] 1-700 ls 04-05- 1 ekgs'ojh fuoklh lksuh ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 92/1/10 'ke'kkckn 9639/04.07.2011 05.05.2012 2022 eksgYyk] 'ke'kkckn Jh fnyhi flag j?kqoa'kh dkykIkRFkj djS;k] 01-12-15 ls iq= Jh uRFkq flag 2-000 2 ¼dzs'kj fxÍh½ 318 'ke'kkckn 2239/30-10-15 1.12.2015 30-11-2025 j?kqoa'kh fuoklh fofn'kk

rglhy dqjokbZ

Øa- [kfut dk [kljk Lohd`r iÍs dh fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu iÍsnkj dk uke o irk vof/k A2:I11 uke dzekad ¼gs-esa½ {ks= ¼gs-½ xzke o rglhy @fnukad fnukad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jke falag nkaxh iq= Jh dkykiRFkj 23-05-2008 ckcwyky nkaxh fuoklh Nhj[ksMk] 1 ¼dzs'kj 1-670 ls 22-05- dqjZ;kbZ rglhy 102/1/2 dqjokbZ 1281/09.04.2008 07.08.2015 fxÍh½ 2018 dqjokbZ Jherh jeudkark dkykiRFkj 06-08-2008 frokjh iRuh Jh 2 ¼dzs'kj 0-625 dSFkkSjk] dqjokbZ ls 05-08- jktdqekjh frokjh xzke 304/3 1582/11.08.2009 08.08.2008 fxÍh½ 2018 ukgh rglhy dqjokbZ ;kdwc [kk iq= Jh dkykiRFkj 30-05-2015 3 ljnkj [kka clLVSaM ¼dzs'kj 50/2 2-000 e

iÍs dh [kljk [kfut dk Lohd`r fLFkfr Lohd`r dza- fu"iknu Øa- iÍsnkj dk uke o irk dzekad vof/k uke {ks= ¼gs-½ xzke o @fnukad fnukad ¼gs-esa½ rglhy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Jhefr ljtw ckbZ v/;{k lgdkjh lfefr Q'khZIkRFkj 1101 2-000 iBkjh 1068/16.09.2010 01.05.2010 20-06-2010 ls 19-06-2020 e;kZ- iBkjh 2 ;wful vyh iq= Jh ukflj vyh fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 1-530 cMksg] 29-05-2007 ls 28-05-2017 15]unhe izsl y[ksjkiqjk] 210/4 2598/04.12.2006 30.04.2007 Hkksiky

3 lrh'k dqekj tSu iq= Jh enudqekj tSUk] Q'khZiRFkj 45, 115 0-695 cMksg 1134/12.05.2008 03.06.2008 19-05-2008 ls 18-05-2018 IkBkjh rglhy dqjokbZ

4 iq"isUnz tSu iq= Jh lqUnjyky tSu fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 700 4-000 cMksg 2632/26.10.2007 28.11.2007 10-06-2008 ls 09-06-2018 iBkjh rglhy dqjokbZ

5 fou; dqekj tSu iq= Jh xqykcpan tSu Q'khZiRFkj 355 3-500 cMksg 1199/04.07.2009 28.07.2009 01-04-2010 ls 31-03-2020 fuoklh dqjokbZ

6 lur dqekj tSu iq= Jh ukFkwyky tSu 355, Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 cMksg 1192/04.07.2009 28.07.2009 26-04-2010 ls 25-04-2020 fuoklh iBkjh rglhy 701 dqjokbZ 7 latho tSu iq= Jh ey tSu fuoklh ekdZsfVax Q'khZiRFkj 116 3-000 cMksg 468/05.02.2009 26.03.2009 25-08-2009 ls 24-08-2019 jksM cklkSnk

8 Jherh nhIrh tSu iRuh Jh lfpu tSu fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 117 2-000 cMksg 1447/07.05.2008 22.05.2008 16-05-2008 ls 15-05-2018 cMksg rglhy dqjokbZ

9 iznqEu tSu iq= Jh lkxjey tSu fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 356/1 2-000 cMksg 1919/08.08.2008 23.09.2008 12-08-2008 ls 11-08--2018 fofn'kk

10 latho tSu iq= Jh ey tSu fuoklh ekdZsfVax Q'khZiRFkj 45 1-000 cMksg 4016/26.12.2007 03.01.2008 19-06-2008 ls 18-06-2018 jksM cklkSnk 11 Jhefr f'kojktdqekjh iRuh Jh pUnzHkku flag Q'khZiRFkj 118 1-500 cMksg 1070/29.05.2015 19.01.2009 12-01-2009 ls 11-01-2019 rksej Xokfy;j jes'k dqekj iq= Jh 12 Q'khZiRFkj 0-750 cMksg 10-08-2008 ls 09-08-2018 fuFkuyky fofn'kk 113/4 3329/28.12.2015 14.01.2016

13 txr flag iq= Jh gfjpj.k ;kno fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 3-553 fclyksuh] 22-09-2007 ls 21-09-2017 fclyksuh rglhy 124 191/16.01.2007 16.03.2007 dqjokbZ 14 /kesZUnz flag iq= Jh 293, xksfoUn flag fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 3-666 fclyksuh] 1513/08.08.2014 19.11.2007 22-10-2007 ls 21-10-2017 cjsB jksM cklkSnk 294

15 jkts'k dqekj lDlsuk iq= Jh vo/k ukjk;.k Q'khZiRFkj 44 2-000 fclyksuh 1804/02.09.2009 26.09.2009 06-09-2009 ls 05-09-2019 lDlsuk fofn'kk

16 ;ksxsUnznkl psyk iq= Jh 120/5, vfHkyk"k lkgsc fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 121/3, 2-000 fclyksuh 370/05.02.2010 02.06.2010 30-10-2010 ls 29-10-2020 fclyksuh] dqjokbZ 123/3 17 fujir vkfnoklh iq= Jh djksMhyky fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 42 2-508 fclyksuh 738/29.03.2006 15.5.2006 03-05-2006 ls 02-05-2016 iBkjh rglhy dqjokbZ

18 Jherh fp=js[kk iRuh Jh jktw 'kekZ lsriqj Q'khZiRFkj 121/3 1-933 fclyksuh 1641/17.07.2006 26.12.2006 27-11-2006 ls 26-11-2016 rglhy dqjokbZ

19 Jherh dhfrZ 'kekZ iRuh 292/1, Jh jkds'k 'kekZ lkxj Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 fclyksuh 417/25.01.2007 07.02.2007 13-02-2007 ls 12-02-2017 jksM fofn'kk 292/2

20 ;ksxjkt 'kekZ iq= Jh 112/2, euhjke 'kekZ fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 fclyksuh 2700/04.10.2007 23.08.2007 21-08-2007 ls 20-08-2017 yeU;k rglhy cklkSnk 120/5 Jherh ljkst tSu iRuh 21 Q'khZiRFkj 2-090 fclyksuh 22-05-2008 ls 21-05-2018 Jh jkds'k fla?kbZ iBkjh 48/2 3154/07.12.2007 03.06.2008 22 gfjus'k ;kno iq= Jh cyjke flag ;kno Q'khZiRFkj 2-000 fclyksuh 02-06-2009 ls 01-06-2019 fuoklh iBkjh rglhy 292/3 482/07.02.2009 20.07.2009 iBkjh

23 eksbumYyk [kk iq= Jh 45/1, ,-;w [kk fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 2-000 fclyksuh 933/09.06.2009 24.07.2009 02-06-2007 ls 01-06-2017 'ke'kkckn 45/2 uq:y vehu iq= Jh 3-94 24 Q'khZiRFkj fclyksuh 22-01-2008 ls 21-01-2018 eqtho vehu fljkast 265 ,dM+ 3176/22.09.2007 23.01.2008

25 Jhefr jk/kkckbZ IkRuh Jh [kq'kky flag j?kqoa'kh 1-000 Q'khZiRFkj fclyksuh 11-02-2008 ls 10-02-2018 ,l-th-,l- dkyst 265 ,dM+ 3186/22.09.2007 15.02.2008 cklkSnk es- ;wfud baVjizkbtsl 26 4-55 izca/kd Jh oh-ih-tSu Q'khZiRFkj fclyksuh 21-01-2008 ls 20-01-2018 265 ,dM+ 3374/09.10.2007 11.02.2008 deykxat f'koiqjh

27 Jherh uhrk tSu iRuh Jh izdk'kpan tSUk Q'khZiRFkj 3-990 jkex< 30-09-2007 ls 29-09-2017 fuoklh iBkjh rglhy 92,93/1 2701/21.09.2007 27.12.2007 dqjokbZ 28 ckcwyky iq= Jh /kUukyky fo'odekZ Q'khZiRFkj 15, 16 4-000 jkex< 372/05.02.2010 23.03.2010 27-05-2010 ls 26-05-2020 fuoklh egkxkSj] cklkSnk

29 'kSysUnz dqekj tSu iq= Jh egsUnz dqekj tSu 4-160/98/12/1 Q'khZiRFkj 22 0-350 jkex< 16.02.2010 20-11-2010 ls 19-11-2020 fuoklh dkykckx 07.01.2000 cklkSnk 30 jkts'k dqekj tSu iq= Jh ukFkqyky tSu Q'khZiRFkj 2-950 jkex< 16-04-2010 ls 15-04-2020 fuoklh [kjhQkVd 89 595/31.03.2000 06.08.2010 fofn'kk 31 Jherh jatuk Vkg iRuh Jh lqds'k Vkg fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 jkex< 20-11-2007 ls 19-11-2017 fpfdRlky; ds ihNs 17 2804/06.11.2007 22.11.2007 cklkSnk

32 jes'k dqekj iq= Jh iape falg fuoklh okMZ Q'khZiRFkj 18 3-450 jkex< 2807/20.11.2007 22.11.2007 20-11-2007 ls 19-11-2017 ua-3 cklkSnk

33 egsUnz dqekj tSu iq= Jh eksgu yky tSu Q'khZiRFkj 21 1-000 jkex< 1953/19.08.2008 25.09.2008 08-09-2008 ls 07-09-2018 iBkjh 34 ul:n~nhu [kka iq= Jh 215, dYyw [kka fuoklh iBkjh Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 cxksnk 1098/05.05.2008 31.05.2008 09-05-2008 ls 08-05-2018 rglhy dqjokbZ 216

35 HkwisUnz flag iq= Jh gfj 215, flag fldokj] cjsB jksM Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 cxksnk 1153/07.05.2008 01.07.2008 09-05-2008 ls 08-05-2018 cklkSnk 216

36 ;qtqZosUnz falag iq= Jh 212, 1499/27-07- gjuke flag nkaxh Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 cxksnk 07.09.2009 15-09-2006 ls 14-09-2016 cxkSnk dqjokbZ 213 2009

37 :n fjNkfj;k iq= Jh 207/1, ckyeqdqan fjNkfj;k Q'khZiRFkj 3-500 cxksnk 4028/29.12.2007 06.02.2008 18-01-2008 ls 17-01-2018 fuoklh cklkSnk 211

38 c`tsUnz flag nkaxh iq= Jh izgykn flag nkaxh Q'khZiRFkj 2-000 cxksnk 25-09-2008 ls 24-09-2018 fuoklh cxksnk rglhy 212 1968/23.08.2008 18.11.2008 dqjokbZ

39 bejryky iq= Jh 215, ekSthyky fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 3-000 cxksnk 2166/11.09.2008 13.10.2008 27-07-2008 ls 26-07-2018 eus'kk rglhy dqjokbZ 216 40 gfjjke flag iq= Jh fujir flag eus'kk Q'khZiRFkj 216 0-900 cxksnk 2168/11.09.2008 13.10.2008 29-09-2008 ls 28-09-2018 rglhy dqjokbZ

41 Jherh veuhckbZ esgj 1298/02-06- iRuh Jh f[kyku flag Q'khZiRFkj 1/1, 2-822 ckcbZdyk 23.11.2006 31-08-2006 ls 30-08-2016 esgj trjkiqjk fofn'kk 2006

42 vkuan izrki flag iq= Jh Hkh"eizrki flag Q'khZiRFkj 13 2-000 ckcbZdyk 2094/05.09.2008 18.09.2008 12-09-2008 ls 11-09-2018 fofn'kk 43 lat; dqekj flag funsZ'kd IyhesaV LVksu Q'khZiRFkj 14 3-000 ckcbZdyk 3419/20.10.2011 29.02.2008 29-02-2008 ls 28-02-2018 ,oa feUkjYl ubZ fnYyh

44 vfuy dqekj flag iq= Jh ykylkgc flag Q'khZiRFkj 0-941 fcljkgk 29-09-2006 ls 28-09-2016 fuoklh cjsB jksM 27/3 1006/22.04.2006 21.11.2006 cklkSnk 45 Jherh e;wjh ekgs'ojh 18/1, iRuh Jh jkgqy iyksM Q'khZiRFkj 1-275 lsriqj 2019/12.10.2009 04.11.2009 11-08-2006 ls 10-08-2016 cklkSnk 29/2

46 lquhy pkScs iq= Jh 153/2, i`Fohukjk;.k pkScs Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 dkdjksu 2695/31.10.2007 17.12.2007 16-11-2007 ls 15-11-2017 yfyriqj 208

47 foey dqekj tSu iq= Jh xqytkjhyky tSu Q'khZiRFkj 57/2 1-300 tktiksu 2821/13.11.2007 27.12.2007 20-12-2007 ls 19-12-2017 iBkjh 48 yk[ku flag dqehZ iq= Jh ckyeqdqan dqehZ 184, Q'khZiRFkj 1-210 tktiksu 4034/29.12.2007 18.01.2008 18-01-2008 ls 17-01-2018 fuoklh dkady[ksMh 232 rglhy dqjokbZ 49 jfoUnz flag iq= Jh 191, f'kojkt flag fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 195, 1-000 iVjk 4092/31.12.2007 03.03.2008 22-02-2008 ls 21-02-2018 iVjk rglhy dqjokbZ 196 50 Jherh izseorh vkfnoklh iRuh Jh iyw Q'khZiRFkj 100 1-500 iVjk 2504/06.10.2008 10.10.2008 08-10-2008 ls 07-10-2018 vkfnoklh f'koiqjh

51 latho vxzoky iq= Jh dkykiRFkj vksedkjizlkn fuoklh ¼dzs'kj 132/1 1-550 Nikjk 3207/13.12.2007 02.01.2008 28-12-2007 ls 27-12-2017 eaMhckeksjk fxÍh½

52 ohjsUnz dq'kokgk iq= Jh fdlu yky fuoklh Q'khZiRFkj 22 0-993 [ktwfj;k 1064/12.04.2010 01.05.2010 25-06-2011 ls 24-06-2016 xek[kj

bZ&vkD'ku ds varxZr uhyke jsr@Q'khZIkRFkj [knku dh tkudkjh

[kljk [knku dk lokZsPPk cksyhdrkZ laiw.kZ lokZsPPk cksyh Øa- [kfut {ks= ¼gs-½ esa ftyk rglhy xkWo@unh dzekad ¼gs- [kfut ek=k uke dk uke irk ¼#-½ esa½

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 1 10 1 tksgn jsr 5-105 d`".k xksiky 'kekZ cklkSnk fofn'kk uVsju tksgn@lxM+ 110 3505000 5000 vke[ksMklw[kk@ 2 vke[ksMklw[kk ^^ ^^ 5-000 cuS; flag fofn'kk fofn'kk uVsju 114 3545000 3000 lxM+ 3 fo'kuiqj ^^ ^^ 5-000 vks- ,e- ,lksfl,V >kalh fofn'kk dqjokbZ fo'kuiqj@usou 1]29]220 2315000 3000 4 fctjksBk ^^ ^^ 5-000 vfodk lIyk;lZ cklkSnk fofn'kk cklkSnk fctjksBk 201 1305000 3000 dd:vk dd:vk 5 ^^ ^^ 2-000 nkaxh ,.M lu ?kqjnk fofn'kk xqykcxat 374 2750000 2000 pkSchlk pkSchlk @csrok 6 cSjkx< ^^ ^^ 1-000 jkt dqekj ysk/kh cklkSnk fofn'kk yVsjh cSjkx< @ 271 1805000 5000 f[kfj;k f[kfj;k 7 ^^ ^^ 1-000 lkgw ,.M daiuh chuk fofn'kk dqjokbZ rjQnkj 139 2950000 10000 rjQnkj @chuk vrhd [kku ,.M ypk;jk 8 ypk;jk ^^ ^^ 1-000 chuk fofn'kk dqjokbZ 3 1475000 10000 daiuh @csrok fljkoyh 9 fljkoyh ^^ ^^ 2-000 lkftn gqlSu [kk dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ 17 1700000 6000 @csrok dLck[ksMh 10 dLck[ksMh ^^ ^^ 5-000 cyohj flag fofn'kk fofn'kk fofn'kk 100] 136 765000 5000 @ckg; 11 [kjrjh ^^ ^^ 5-000 nsosUnz flag j?kqoa'kh cklkSnk fofn'kk cklkSnk [kjrjh @csrok 223 705000 5000 uhys'k dqekj 12 xksgph ^^ ^^ 5-000 dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ xksgph @csrok 295 5885000 5000 nhf{kr 13 nsoyh ^^ ^^ 5-000 jkgqy Liqu ikbisl dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ nsoyh @csrok 411] 425 3855000 3000 thjkiqj 14 thjkiqj ^^ ^^ 5-000 dqekj lsaM dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ 241] 299 415000 3000 @lxM+ ej[ksMk 15 ej[ksMk ^^ ^^ 1-000 cuS; flag jktiwr fofn'kk fofn'kk uVsju 686 705000 5000 @lxM+ 120@5] 16 fclyksuh Q'khZiRFkj 4-000 fdjekuh LVksu xquk fofn'kk iBkjh fclyksuh 246100 & 121@3 17 jkex< ^^ ^^ 3-000 jk; ,.M lu eaMhckeksjk fofn'kk iBkjh jkex< 4 286000 & 18 fclyksuh ^^ ^^ 3-000 ;kno ,.M lu iBkjh fofn'kk iBkjh fclyksuh 46 327000 & xksiky LVksu 19 jkex< ^^ ^^ 4-000 cklkSnk fofn'kk iBkjh jkex< 15] 16 365000 & lIyk;j 20 fclyksuh ^^ ^^ 2-000 lkgw LVksu lIyk;j eaMhckeksjk fofn'kk iBkjh fclyksuh 265 152000 & 21 fclyksuh ^^ ^^ 1-000 Hknksfj;k ,.M lu Hkksiky fofn'kk iBkjh fclyksuh 47 845000 & 10- DRAINAGE

The entire District lies in the drainage basin of the Yamuna. The general slope is from south to north in which direction _all the major streams of the District flow. The drainage area of these streams is separated by two sub-water divides which run from south to north in the District. Between these two sub-water divides is the Betwa Basin proper. A belt of 10 to 15 km. across the Teonda range in the east drains into the Bina, a tributary of the Betwa. Similarly a small area lying to the west of Lateri hill drains into the Parbati riverthrough the Ten, the Dudhia and other west flowing streams. Apart from these, the feeders of the Sind which flow between the Betwa and the Parbati occupy the northern part of Lateri tahsil. The drainage pattern in general is dendritic superimposed developed on the trap and superimposed on underlying sandstones.

The character of water-flow in the rivers and streams is seasonal, fluctua- ting greatly with seasons. However, the major streams on the trap formations are neither very deep nor steep-sided as on the hills formed of hard and older formations of the P-ninsula, nor with so low banks as to flood wide spans of their valleys, like the rivers of the Northern plains.

The Betwa The Betwa or Betrawati is a river of great antiquity. The Betwa rises from the main Vindhyan range in the extreme south—west (23°2' N., 77°20' E) of . It is the third largest river of IVIalwa region. After a course of 96 km. it enters the District 6 km. south of Vidisha. It continues flowingtowards the north—east, in a more orless level country. It leaves the District after a course of about 112 km after its confluence with the Kethan and forms the boundary betv.een Guna. . Jhansi and Jalaun districts on its left and Sagar, Jhansi, Tikamgarh and Hamirpur on the right. The important tributaries of the liver are the Kaliasot, Ajaar, Besh, Bah, Sagar, Kethan, Orr, etc., joining it on the left bank, and the Richhan, pabar, ;:Dion, Parasri, Bina, Janini, Dhasan and Birma on the right bank. Of these the Dhasan is a very significant stream of region. Amongthe tributaries the Besh, Sahodra, Bah, Sagar, Kethan, Nion, Parasri and Bina flow in Vidisha District. Beshnagar in Vidisha District is a place of great archaeological importance along this river. The Werern Tributaries

The Bes

The Bes river is also known as the Besh and the Halali. It rises at 23'20': 77°16' near village Parawalia in district and flows towards the north- east. It enters the plains of Vidisha through Raisen district after flowing in a narrow gorge which also serves as a boundary for 22 km. between Raisen and Vidisha districts. The gorge, incidentally, offers prospects for a storage darn and one of the sites has been selected for construction of a masonry dam. The river joins the Betwa 3 km. north of Vidisha. Its total length is about 65 km. of which 15 km. lie within the boundaries of the District.

The Ban-Ban The Bah-Bah rises from llinotia hill in tahsil of . It flows to the north-east and is joined by the Bawan nala, a much longer stream on its left, in Sehore district. For the most part the Bah lies on the plains of Vidisha. The course of this river serves as a boundary between Basoda and Vidisha tahsils. This river has some flow even in the dry months of May and June and is the principal source of water for Nistar purposes of many villages on its banks.


The Sagar rises from the jagged hill range 6 km. south—east of Lateri. After flowing through the plains in its lower course it joins the Betwa near Jodh. This river flows from west to east for 51 km. and also offers good sites for water storage.

The Naren This is comparatively a small riser rising. from Murdnagar village near Sironj and flows for about 40 km. before meeting the Betwa near village Sarera of Kurwai tahsil.

The Khetan

The last of the significant tributaries joining the Betwa on its left is Kethan. It rises from the hill of Sakhlon between Murdnagar and Sironi Town.The River is being tapped for a medium size irrigation tank. After a north easterly course of 35 km., it enters Guna district. From near Bahadurpur in Guna it turns to the east and forms the northern most part of Vidisha District boundary where it joins the Betwa.

The Eastern Tributaries The Bina The Bina and Nion or Nihar rivers rise in Raisen District on either side of the Vindhyan called Garhi-Teondaranze. The Bina flows to the north in Raisen and Sagar districts and receives the waters of the Babnai and the. Bagaru on its left bank. Both these tributaries of the Bina drain the eastern part of Vidisha District. The Bina enters the plain of Vidisha District in its later course and separates Sagar district from Vidisha.

The Nihar or the Nion

The Nion rises from the Garhi range, opposite the source of the Bina in Raisen and flows to the north-west. It drains the southern part of Vidisha District and joins the Betwa near Sumer. The Keotan The Keotan river is an important stream rising from the Mahuakhera hill of the Eastern (Teonda) range and joining the Betwa on its right bank. The river's length is entirely confined to the District.

The Sind

The Sind rises at 24°2': 77'27' about 8 km. south-east of Lateri and flows to the north in Guna, Shivpuri, , and Bhind districts of Madhya Pradesh before joining the Yamuna in Jalaun district of;Uttar Pradesh. Out of a total course of about 400 km. only the first 35 km. lie in this District. The river drains a small part of Vidisha District and attains a large size from onwards. The important tributaries of the river are the Choch, Retam, Chachond, Saon, Besli, Sonari, Pahuj and Kurwai.

11. Annual deposition

The process of sand reclamation is highly dependent upon the rainfall received in the catchment areas of rivers and their tributaries and the velocity of river. It is a dynamic process. Thus it is difficult to predict, what quantity of sand may be reclaimed/redeposited by river. Because, in case of less rain, less water in the river, there may be less erosion and transportation may also be minimal and as a result deposition too will be less. Moreover, in case of floods, the sudden gush of water may force the change in the river course, thus old sites of sand deposition may not be relevant. Thus, the above figures may just be a mere prediction, based on the production in the preceeding years. Moreso, practically, it is not possible that in such a short period, single person can visit each spot within the district and determine how much quantity of sand may be replenished every year. The data narrated in the report, regarding annual deposition of sand and associated aggregates and mineable mineral potential is concerned, is only estimation based on the data provided by the district mining office. Thus, the figures may vary from area to area and year on year basis. Therefore, this document is not static one but has to be a dynamic one, the figures of which may vary with respect to time. The DEAC committee is at liberty to make the spot inspection of the area under question for which the prior environmental clearance will be sought. [kljk [knku dk lokZsPPk cksyhdrkZ laiw.kZ lokZsPPk cksyh Øa- [kfut {ks= ¼gs-½ esa ftyk rglhy xkWo@unh dzekad ¼gs- [kfut ek=k uke dk uke irk ¼#-½ esa½ 1 tksgn jsr 5-105 d`".k xksiky 'kekZ cklkSnk fofn'kk uVsju tksgn@lxM+ 110 3505000 5000 vke[ksMklw[kk@ 2 vke[ksMklw[kk ^^ ^^ 5-000 cuS; flag fofn'kk fofn'kk uVsju 114 3545000 3000 lxM+ 3 fo'kuiqj ^^ ^^ 5-000 vks- ,e- ,lksfl,V >kalh fofn'kk dqjokbZ fo'kuiqj@usou 1]29]220 2315000 3000 4 fctjksBk ^^ ^^ 5-000 vfodk lIyk;lZ cklkSnk fofn'kk cklkSnk fctjksBk 201 1305000 3000 dd:vk dd:vk 5 ^^ ^^ 2-000 nkaxh ,.M lu ?kqjnk fofn'kk xqykcxat 374 2750000 2000 pkSchlk pkSchlk @csrok 6 cSjkx< ^^ ^^ 1-000 jkt dqekj ysk/kh cklkSnk fofn'kk yVsjh cSjkx< @ 271 1805000 5000 f[kfj;k f[kfj;k 7 ^^ ^^ 1-000 lkgw ,.M daiuh chuk fofn'kk dqjokbZ rjQnkj 139 2950000 10000 rjQnkj @chuk vrhd [kku ,.M ypk;jk 8 ypk;jk ^^ ^^ 1-000 chuk fofn'kk dqjokbZ 3 1475000 10000 daiuh @csrok fljkoyh 9 fljkoyh ^^ ^^ 2-000 lkftn gqlSu [kk dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ 17 1700000 6000 @csrok dLck[ksMh 10 dLck[ksMh ^^ ^^ 5-000 cyohj flag fofn'kk fofn'kk fofn'kk 100] 136 765000 5000 @ckg; 11 [kjrjh ^^ ^^ 5-000 nsosUnz flag j?kqoa'kh cklkSnk fofn'kk cklkSnk [kjrjh @csrok 223 705000 5000 12 xksgph ^^ ^^ 5-000 uhys'k dqekj nhf{kr dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ xksgph @csrok 295 5885000 5000 13 nsoyh ^^ ^^ 5-000 jkgqy Liqu ikbisl dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ nsoyh @csrok 411] 425 3855000 3000 thjkiqj 14 thjkiqj ^^ ^^ 5-000 dqekj lsaM dqjokbZ fofn'kk dqjokbZ 241] 299 415000 3000 @lxM+ ej[ksMk 15 ej[ksMk ^^ ^^ 1-000 cuS; flag jktiwr fofn'kk fofn'kk uVsju 686 705000 5000 @lxM+ 12. GENERAL PROFILE OF THE DISTRICT VIDISHA

Items Statistics General Information 1) Geographical Area 7371 sq.km. 2) Administrative 07/10 Division/Number of Tehsil 3) Number Of Panchayat 581 Village 1630 4) Average Annual Rainfall Geomorphology Majorphysiographic Units plateau, Vindhyan Hill Range and Betwa Alluvium. Major Drainage , Bah Nadi, Nion River, Keother Nadi, Bina River, Kethan nadi and . Land use (km2) 1) Forest Area 1096 2) Net Area sown 7444 3) Gross cropped Area 5847.32 Major Soil type Black Cotton Principal Crops 2478.92 km2 Irrigation By Different Source No Area Irrigated km2 Dug wells 11816 427 Tube wells/Bore wells 16057 1063 Tranks/ponds 23 48 Canals 11 399 Other Sources 618 Net Irrigation Area 2555 Gross Irrigated Area Number of Ground Water Monitoring Wells of CGWB ( As on 31.03.2013 ) Number of Dug Wells 21 No Piezometers 06 Predominant Geological formations Deccan Trap basalts underlained by Vindhyan sandstone and overlain by River alluvium. Hydrogeology Weathered/vesicular basalt,flow contacts,fractured sandstone and Major water Bearing formation granular sand. Pre monsoon dept to water level during 2.8-16.2 mbgl m/annum fall 2012 Post monsoon depth to water level 2.08-9.58 mbgl/annum rise during 2012


(In MM)

District/Tehsil/Block Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 District Vidisha 8780.4 6998.6 1662.2 991.00 Tehsil Vidisha 1350.4 1388.8 1469.3 1049.8 Block Vidisha 1350.4 1388.8 1469.3 1049.3 Tehsil Gyaraspur 1086.00 908.0 1761.0 985.0 Tehsil Gulabganj - - 1612.1 1054.0 Block Gyaraspur 1086.00 908.0 - - Tehsil Basoda 1272.00 994.0 2159.4 943.8 Block Basoda 1272.00 994.0 2159.4 943.8 Tehsil Nateran 1324.00 992.0 1486.0 806.0 Block Nateran 1324.00 992.0 1486.0 806.0 Tehsil Kurwai 1415.00 950.8 2037.0 1117.6 Block Kurwai 1415.00 950.8 2037.0 1117.6 Tehsil Sironj 1263.00 648.0 1225.6 868.0 Block Sironj 1263.00 648.0 1225.6 868.0 Tehsil Lateri 1070.00 1117.0 1579.0 1104.0 Block Lateri 1070.00 1117.0 1579.0 1104.0

14.LAND UTILIZATION IN THE DISTRICT VIDISHA HkkSxksfyd ou {ks= ou d`f"k ds fy, vU; vd`R; Hkwfe D`f"k ;ksX; Hkwfe District/Tehsil/Block {ks=Qy tks Hkwfe miyC/k ¼iMrh½ 'kkfey ugh ugh 2011-12 730197 109615 50860 25719 9770 2012-13 730197 109615 50978 25441 92736 2013-14 730194 109615 51142 24023 3721 2014-15 730194 109615 501093 32887 4190 Tehsil/Block Vidisha 106552 5689 9115 1634 766 Block Kurwai 83144 115 7655 3598 132 Tehsil Pathari 40171 115 4462 1637 324 Tehsil/Block Kurwai 42973 - 3193 1961 192 Tehsil/Block Sironj 125454 20817 7916 5703 415 Tehsil/Block Lateri 98633 38585 5714 3630 197 Tehsil Basoda 79728 3888 5837 7379 790 Tehsil Tyonda 42596 7131 2726 3027 281 Block Basoda 122324 11019 8563 10306 1071 Tehsil Gyaraspur 51130 17728 2218 858 419 Tehsil Gulabganj 36061 443 1975 555 186 Block Gyaraspur 87191 18171 4193 1413 605 Tehsil Nateran 47821 432 3420 2850 181 Tehsil Shamshabad 59078 - 5477 3653 631 Block Nateran 106899 432 8897 6503 812


Boulder(MT) Bajri(MT) Sand(MT) Total Mineable minera potential(MT) Huge as majority of the It is associated with river It is found mainly in Huge, immense as most district is occupied by the sand Betwa,Nion, Sagad,Bina of the district is occupied minor minerals i.e. basalt. though the resources as by minor minerals which per their area in the include basalt and Laterite district is huge. and other stones as road metal and soil. Thus mineral potentials are immense.