Trajenffijfri[,.Try REGISTRAR GENERAL
E±oH CouRT oF MADrTVA PRADESH, jABALP±±B ORDER Dated |0 March, 2021 NO. Confdl. 11-3-1/2021 Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Academy, Jabalpur is conducting training programme for creating Master Trainers amongst Advocates on 23.03.2021 for Ubuntu Linux-cum-CIS Master Trainers of Madhya Pradesh through online. Advocates, whose names and postings figure in the endorsement may attend the aforesaid programme. BY ORDER 0F HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE tRAjENffijfri[,.try REGISTRAR GENERAL Endt. No2.I.8/Confdl. /2020/11-3-1/2021 Jabalpur,dated.Ig|..Q3.},2021 Copy forwarded to:- 1. The Accountant General, (I), M.P. Gazetted Audit Department, Gwalior, for information. 2. The Accountant General, (ll), Gwalior, for information. 3. The Principal Secretary, Govt. M.P. Law & Legislative Affairs Department, 1st Floor, Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal, Pin 462 006, for information. 4. The Deputy controller, Govt. Central press, Arera Hills, Habibganj, Bhopal-6 for publication in the next issue of the M.P. Gazette. 5. r,1. Shri Pankaj Jadhav, Advocate, District Bar Association Shajapur, District Shajapur 2. Ms. Amin Khan, Advocate, District Bar Association Shajapur, District Shajapur 3. Shri Mahendra Bharadwaj, Advocate, Tehsil Bar Association Vijaypur, District Sheopur 4. Shri Vinod Sharma, Advocate, Tehsil Bar Association Vijaypur, District Sheopur 5. Shri Pradip Singh Bhati, Advocate, District Bar Association Shivpuri, District Shivpuri + 6. Shri Monoj Raghuvanshi, Advocate, District Bar Association Shivpuri, District Shivpuri 7. Shri Girish Goyal, Advocate, Tehsil Bar Association Karera, District Shivpuri 8. Shri Subheem Kumar Gautam, Advocate, Tehsil Bar Association Karera, District '. shivpuri 9. Shri Amit Kumar Verma, Advocate, Tehsil Bar Association Pichhore, District Shivpuri gr 10.
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