Introduction to Masechet Pesahim

שמות יב, טו שִׁבְעַַ֤תיָמִׁים֙מַצֹּ֣ות תֹּאכֵֵּ֔ לּו אַַ֚ ְךבַיּ֣ ֹום הָרִׁאשֵ֔ ֹון תַשְבִִּׁ֥ יתּו שְ אֹֹּ֖ר מִׁ בָתֵּ יכ ֶ֑ם כִּׁ֣י׀ כָל־אֹּכֵּּ֣ל חָ מֵֵּ֗ץוְנִׁכְרְתָָ֞ה הַנ ַ֤פ ש הַהִׁ וא֙ מִׁ יִׁשְרָ אֵֵּ֔ל מִׁיִּ֥ ֹום הָרִׁ אשֹֹּ֖ ן עַ ד־יִּ֥ ֹום הַשְ בִׁעִִֽׁ י: שמות כג, יח לִֹּֽא־תִׁזְבִַּ֥חעַ ל־חָמֵֹּ֖ץדַ ֶ֑ ם־זִׁבְחִׁ י וְלִֹּֽ א־יָלִִּׁ֥ ין חִֵּֽ ל ב־חַגִׁ ֹ֖יעַ ד־בִֹּֽק ר: Structure of Massekhet Pesah 1-3 Hames 4 working on 14th 5-9 korban pesah (pesah sheni) 10 seder night

Mishnah Pesahim Chapter 1 Searching for Hames אֹור לְאַרְ בָעָ העָשָ ר, בֹודְקִׁ ין א תה חָמֵּץ לְ אֹור הַ נֵּר.כָלמָ קֹום שאֵּ ין מַ כְנִׁיסִׁ ין בֹוחָמֵּ ץ אֵּ יןצָרִׁ יְך בְדִׁיקָ ה. וְלָמָה אָמְרּושְ יתֵּ שּורֹותבַמַרְ תֵּ ף,מָ קֹום שמַ כְנִׁיסִׁ יןבֹו חָמֵּץ. בֵּ ית שַמַאי אֹומְרִׁ ים,שְ תֵּ ישּורֹות עַ לפְ נֵּי כָל הַמַרְ תֵּ ף. ּובֵּיתהִׁלֵּל אֹומְרִׁ ים, שְ יתֵּ שּורֹות הַחִׁ יצֹונֹות ש הֵּן הָעלְ יֹונֹות: On the evening of the fourteenth [of Nissan] we check for chamets [leavened grain products] by candlelight. Any place into which we do not bring chamets does not require checking. And why did [the Sages] say [that we must check up to] two rows in the wine cellar? [It is] a place which we bring leavened bread into. Beit Shammai says, "Two rows upon the entire wine-cellar." But Beit Hillel says, "The two outer rows, which are the uppermost." 2 אֵּחֹושְשִׁיןש אמָ גָרְ רָ החֻלְדָה מִׁ בַ יִׁת לְבַ יִׁתּומִׁמָ קֹוםלְמָ קֹום, דְ אִׁ ם כֵּן, מֵּחָ צֵּרלְחָ צֵּרּומֵּעִׁ יר לְעִׁ יר, אֵּין לַדָ בָר סֹוף: We do not need to be concerned [that] perhaps a weasel dragged [chamets] from [one] house to [another] house, or from [one] place to [another] place. Since if [we were to be concerned, we would also need to be concerned that chamets was dragged] from [one] courtyard to [another] courtyard, and from [one] city to [another] city — there [would be] no end to the matter. 3 רַבִׁייְהּודָה אֹומֵּ ר, בֹודְקִׁ יןאֹור אַרְ בָעָ ה עָשָ רּובְאַרְ הבָעָ רעָשָ שַ חֲרִׁ יתּובִׁשְ עַתהַבִׁ עּור. וַחֲ כָמִׁ ים אֹומְרִׁ ים, לֹּא קבָדַ אֹור אַרְ בָעָ העָשָ ר, יִׁבְ דֹּקבְאַרְבָעָ ה עָשָ ר. לֹּא בָדַק בְאַרְ בָעָ העָשָ ר, יִׁבְ דֹּק בְ תֹוְך הַ מֹועֵּ ד. לֹּא בָדַק בְ תֹוְך הַמֹועֵּד,יִׁבְדֹּק לְאַחַר הַ מֹועֵּ ד. ּומַ הש מְשַ יֵּר, יַנִׁיח נּובְצִׁ נְעָא,כְדֵּ י ש לֹּא איְהֵּ צָרִׁ יְך בְדִׁ יקָ ה אַ חֲרָ יו: Rabbi Yehuda says, "We check on the evening of the fourteenth, and on the fourteenth in the morning, and at the time of the destruction [of chamets]." And the Sages say, "If he did not check on the evening of the fourteenth, he must check on the [day of the] fourteenth. If he did not check on the fourteenth, he must check on [the intermediate days of] the festival. If he did not check on the festival, he must check after the festival." And what he leaves over [on the night of the fourteenth in order to eat on the morrow], he must put in a concealed place, in order that checking after it shall not be necessary. Times for Burning and Stopping 4 רַבִׁימֵּאִׁיראֹומֵּ ר, אֹוכְלִׁ ין כָל חָמֵּ ש, וְשֹורְ פִׁ ין בִׁתְחִׁ לַ תשֵּ ש.וְרַבִׁ ייְהּודָה אֹומֵּ ר, אֹוכְלִׁ ין כָל אַרְ בַ ע, וְתֹולִׁ ין כָל חָמֵּ ש,וְשֹורְ פִׁ יןבִׁתְחִׁ תלַ שֵּ ש: Rabbi Meir says, "We may eat [chamets] through all [the first] five [hours of the day], and we must burn [it] at the beginning of the sixth [hour]." Rabbi Yehuda says, "We may eat [it] through all [the first] four [hours of the day], we hold [it] in suspense through the fifth [hour], and we must burn it at the beginning of the sixth [hour]." 5 וְעֹוד אָמַר רַבִׁ ייְהּודָ ה, שְ יתֵּ חַ לֹות ש ל תֹודָ ה פְסּולֹות מֻ נָחֹות לעַ גַג הָאִׁצְטַבָ א. כָל זְמַ ן ש מֻ נָחֹות, כָל הָעָ ם אֹוכְלִׁים.נִׁטְלָ ה אַחַת, תֹולִׁ ין, לֹּא אֹוכְלִׁ ין וְלֹּא שֹורְ פִׁ ין. נִׁטְ לּו שְ תֵּיהן, הִׁתְחִׁ ילּו כָלהָעָ םשֹורְ פִׁ ין. רַ בָ ןגַמְלִׁ יאֵּל אֹומֵּר,חֻלִׁ ין נאֱכָלִׁ ין כָל אַרְ בַ ע, ּותְ רּומָ ה כָלחָמֵּ ש, וְשֹורְ פִׁ ין בִׁתְחִׁ לַ ת שֵּ ש: Rabbi Yehudah also said, "Two loaves of bread of a thank-offering [that had become] unfit were placed on the roof of the [Temple] portico. As long as they [both] lay [there], all the people

would eat [chamets]. [When] one of them was removed, they would suspend and neither eat nor burn [their chamets]. [When] the second one of them was removed, all the people would begin burning [their chamets]." Rabban Gamliel says, "[Chamets that is] chulin [ food permitted for general consumption] may be eaten through all [the first] four [hours of the day]; but [chamets that is] terumah [may be eaten even] through all [the first] five [hours of the day]; and we must burn [all chamets] at the beginning of the sixth [hour]." Burning Impure Foods 6 רַבִׁ י חֲ נִׁינָאסְגַןהַ כֹּהֲנִׁיםאֹומֵּר, מִׁימֵּיה ם של כֹּהֲנִׁים לֹּאנִׁמְ נְעּומִׁלִׁשְ רֹּףא תהַבָשָ רש נִׁטְמָא בִׁ וְלַד הַטֻמְ אָה עִׁםהַבָשָר שנִׁטְמָא בְאַב הַטֻמְ אָ ה, אַ ףעַ לפִׁ יש מֹוסִׁ יפִׁ יןטֻמְ אָ ה עַלטֻמְ אָ תֹו.הֹוסִׁ יף ירַבִׁ עֲקִׁ יבָ א וְאָמַ ר, מִׁימֵּיהם ש ל כֹּהֲנִׁים לֹּא נִׁמְ נְעּו מִׁלְהַדְ לִׁ יק א ת הַש מ ן שנִׁפְסַל בִׁטְ בּול יֹום בְ נֵּר ש נִׁטְמָא בִׁטְמֵּאמֵּ ת, ףאַ לעַ פִׁי ש מֹוסִׁ יפִׁ ין טֻמְ האָ עַל טֻמְ אָ תֹו: Rabbi Chanina, the adjunct head of the Kohanim, said, "During [all] the days of the Kohanim, they never refrained from burning [sacrificial] meat that had become impure by a secondary source of impurity [along] with [sacrificial] meat that had become impure by a primary source of impurity, even though it added impurity to impurity." Rabbi Akiva added and said, "During [all] the days of the Kohanim, they never refrained from lighting oil that had become unfit by [contact with] a tevul yom [a person who has immersed that day for purification but who must wait for night-fall to be fully pure] in a lamp that had become impure by one who had become impure by a corpse, even though they would [by so doing] add impurity to impurity." 7 אָמַררַבִׁי מֵּאִׁ יר,מִׁדִׁ בְרֵּ יה ם לָמַדְ נּו, ש שֹורְ פִׁיןתְ רּומָה טְ הֹורָ העִׁם הַטְמֵּאָה בְ פסַ ח. אָמַ רלֹו רַבִׁ ייֹוסֵּ י, אֵּ ינָּה הִׁיאהַמִׁדָה. ּומֹודִׁ יםרַבִׁ י אֱלִׁ יעז רוְרַבִׁ י ,יְהֹושֻעַ ש שֹורְ פִׁ ין זֹו לְעַצְמָ ּהוְזֹו לְעַצְמָ ּה. עַל מַ ה נחֱ לְ קּו, עַל הַתְ לּויָה וְעַל הַטְמֵּאָ ה, שרַבִׁ י אֱלִׁ יע ז ראֹומֵּר, תִׁשָרֵּף זֹו לְעַצְמָ ּה וְזֹו לְעַצְמָ ּה,וְרַבִׁ י יְהֹושֻעַאֹומֵּ ר, שְ תֵּיהן כְאחָ ת: Said Rabbi Meir, "From their words we learn that we may burn terumah that is pure [but is chamets, together] with [ terumah] that is impure on Pesach." Rabbi Yose said to him, "This is not analogous. [Even] Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua concede that each is burned separately. About what do they disagree? About [terumah whose status of purity was] in question and impure [terumah], where Rabbi Eliezer says, 'Each must be burned separately;' and Rabbi Yehoshua says, 'Both [of them may be burned] together.'"

תוספתא מסכת פסחים א, א אור לארבעה עשר בודקין את החמץ לאור הנר אין בודקין לאור החמה ולא לאור הלבנה אלא לאור הנר לפי שבדיקת הנר יפה מרובה אף על פי שאין ראיה לדבר זכר לדבר והיה בעת ההיא אחפש את ירושלם בנרות )צפניה א:יב( ואו' נר אלים נשמת אדם )משלי כ:כז(.

תלמוד בבלי מסכת פסחים דף כח עמוד א חזר רבי יהודה ודנו דין אחר: נותר ישנו בבל תותירו, וחמץ בבל תותירו. מה נותר בשריפה - אף חמץ בשריפה.

משנה פסחים ב, א רַבִׁייְהּודָה אֹומֵּ ר,אֵּ ין בִׁ עּורחָמֵּ ץ א לָ א שְרֵּ פָ ה. וַחֲ כָמִׁ יםאֹומְרִׁ ים, ףאַ מְ רפָרֵּ וְזֹורה לָ רּוחַ אֹו מַטִׁ יל לַ יָם:

Mishnah Avodah Zara, Chapter 3: 3 and 6

הַמֹוצֵּאכֵּלִׁ ים וַעֲלֵּיה ם תצּורַ חַמָ ה, צּורַתלְבָ נָה, צּורַ תדְרָ קֹון, יֹולִׁ יכֵּם לְ יָם הַמ לַ ח.רַ בָ ןשִׁמְ עֹון בן גַמְלִׁ יאֵּל אֹומֵּ ר, ש עַל הַמְ כֻבָדִׁ ין, אֲסּורִׁ ים. ש עַלהַמְ בֻזִׁ ין, מֻתָרִׁין.רַבִׁי יֹוסֵּי אֹומֵּ ר, שֹוחֵּ ק וְזֹורה לָ רּוחַ אֹו מַטִׁ יל לַ יָם. אָמְרּו לֹו,אַ ף הּוא נַעֲש ה ז בל, ש נ אֱמַ ר)דברים יג( וְלֹּא יִׁדְ בַקבְ יָדְָך מְאּומָה ןמִׁ הַחֵּרם: If one finds vessels with a drawing upon it of the sun, or a drawing of the moon, or a drawing of a dragon, he should bring them to the Salt Sea [to dispose of them there]. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: Those upon those [vessels] which are treated with honor are forbidden; those upon those [vessels] treated disrespectfully are permitted. Rabbi Yose says: One should grind [the vessel with the drawing] and disperse it to the wind or cast it into the sea. They [the Sages] said to him: Even that might become fertilizer, as it is said (Devarim 13:18): "And let nothing of the condemned cling to your hand."

מִׁישהָיָהבֵּ יתֹו סָ מּוְך לַעֲבֹודָ ה הזָרָ וְנָפַ ל,אָ סּור לִׁבְ נֹותֹו. כֵּיצַד יַעֲש ה, כֹונֵּס בְ תֹוְך ש לֹו אַרְ בַ ע אַ מֹות ּובֹונה. הָ יָה ש לֹו וְש לעֲבֹודָ ה זָרָ ה,נִׁדֹון מ חֱצָה עַל מ חֱצָה. אֲבָ נָיו עֵּצָיו וַעֲפָ רֹו, מְ טַמְאִׁ ין כַש רץ, ש נאֱמַ ר )דברים ז( שַקֵּץתְשַקְצ נּו. ירַבִׁ עֲקִׁ יבָ אאֹומֵּ ר,כַנִׁדָ ה, ש נ ראֱמַ )ישעיה ל( תִׁ זְרֵּ ם כְמֹודָ וָה, צֵּא רתֹּאמַ לֹו, מַ ה נִׁדָ ה מְ טַמְ אָה בְמַשָ א, ףאַ עֲבֹודָ ה זָרָה מְ טַמְ אָה בְמַשָ א: One whose house abuts [a house of] idolatry, and [his own house] collapses, it is prohibited to rebuild it. How should he proceed? He should gather it four cubits into his own [space] and build. If it [the wall that collapsed] belonged both to him and to the [house of] idolatry, the [respective] law applies to each half [and only his own half may be rebuilt]. The stones, wood, and dust [of a house of idolatry] have a ritual impurity like that of vermin [i.e. through contact], as it says (Devarim 7:26): You shall utterly detest it. Rabbi Akiva says: like that of a menstruating woman, as it says (Isaiah 30:22): "You will banish them like a menstruating woman. ‘Get out!’ you will say to it.” Just as a menstruating woman renders objects impure through carrying, so too does idol worship render objects impure through carrying.

Philo, Special Law 2, 145 And after the feast of the new moon comes the fourth festival, that of the passover, which the Hebrews call pascha, on which the whole people offer sacrifice, beginning at noonday and continuing till evening. (146) And this festival is instituted in remembrance of, and as giving thanks for, their great migration which they made from Egypt, with many myriads of people, in accordance with the commands of God given to them; leaving then, as it seems, a country full of all inhumanity and practising every kind of inhospitality, and (what was worst of all) giving

the honour due to God to brute beasts; and, therefore, they sacrificed at that time themselves out of their exceeding joy, without waiting for priests. And what was then done the law enjoined to be repeated once every year, as a memorial of the gratitude due for their deliverance. These things are thus related in accordance with the ancient historic accounts. (147) But those who are in the habit of turning plain stories into allegory, argue that the passover figuratively represents the purification of the soul; for they say that the lover of wisdom is never practising anything else except a passing over from the body and the passions. (148) And each house is at that time invested with the character and dignity of a temple, the victim being sacrificed so as to make a suitable feast for the man who has provided it and of those who are collected to share in the feast, being all duly purified with holy ablutions. And those who are to share in the feast come together not as they do to other entertainments, to gratify their bellies with wine and meat, but to fulfil their hereditary custom with prayer and songs of praise. (149) And this universal sacrifice of the whole people is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month, which consists of two periods of seven, in order that nothing which is accounted worthy of honour may be separated from the number seven. But this number is the beginning of brilliancy and dignity to everything.

Pesahim 2-3

?mean אור What does Rav Huna – morning/daytime Rav Yehudah – twilight/nighttime

Seven challenges based on Pesukim (Metive) 3 proofs for daytime – Yosef, David, Creation 1 proof for nighttime – Tehillim 148 3 proofs for daytime – Iyov 24, Iyov 3, Tehillm 139

Seven proofs based on Tannaitic sources (Ta Shema in Yemenite ms.) 3 proofs for nighttime – Mishnah Pesahim 1:3, working on 14th, torches 1 proof for daytime – Kohen up all night 3 proofs for nighttime – Mar Zutra (Metive), Notar, Yom Kippur Arbit

אור instead of לילי – Last proof from a Baraita parallel to Mishnah 1:1 1

אָָ֭נָָ֥ה אֵלְֵֵ֣ך מֵ רּוחֶֶָ֑ך וְְ֝אָָ֗ נָהמִ פָנֶָ֥יָך אֶבְרָָֽח׃

Where can I escape from Your spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?

אִם־אֶסֵַ֣ק שָָ֭ מַיִם שֵָ֣םאֶָ֑תָה וְאַצִִּ֖ יעָהשְאֵ֣ ֹולהִנֶֶָּֽֽךָ׃

If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I descend to Sheol, You are there too.

אֶשָָ֥א כַנְפֵי־שֶָ֑חַראְֶ֝ שְ כְ הנָָ֗ בְאַ חֲרִָ֥ ית יָָֽם׃

If I take wing with the dawn to come to rest on the western horizon,

גַם־שָָ֭ם יָדְָךֵ֣ תַנְחֵֶ֑נִי וְָֽ תֹאחֲזֵָ֥נִי יְמִ ינֶֶָָּֽֽך׃ even there Your hand will be guiding me, Your right hand will be holding me fast.

וָָ֭אֹמַראַ ְך־חֵֹ֣שֶ ְךיְשּופֵֶ֑נִי וְְ֝לַָ֗ יְלָהאֵ֣ ֹור בַעֲדֵָֽנִי׃

If I say, “Surely darkness will conceal me, night will provide me with cover,”

Pesahim 4 Say nice words Extra letters Merkab Concise

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Why not do bekidah at noon? Zealous do it early Ranbi - People are home and lamplight is conducive

Series by Rav Nahman bar Yishak – 5th gen Rosh yeshiva Mahoza-Pumbedita regarding rentals

A. Rental on the 14th - who checks? Renter like mezuzah Ranbi - Owner if he had the keys

B. Rental on 14th – can we assume it was checked? Ranbi – Baraita that women are believed Yes since women cannot testify No since women can testify Yes. Woman are believed when no assumption is present.

C. If renter found it was not checked can he cancel? Abaye - no

Why does hames prohibition begin at noon? Shemot 12:15

Eruvin 5 – Midrash

Source for Hames prohibition at noon on the 14th 1. Abaye – “First Day” must be before the “seven days”

שמות יב, טו-יט )טו(שִׁבְעַַ֤תיָמִׁים֙מַצּ֣ ֹות תֹּאכֵֵּ֔ לּו אַַ֚ ְךבַיּ֣ ֹום הָרִׁאשֵ֔ ֹון תַשְבִִּׁ֥ יתּו שְ אֹֹּ֖ר מִׁ בָתֵּ יכ ֶ֑ם כִּׁ֣י׀ כָל־אֹּכֵּּ֣ל חָמֵֵּ֗ ץ וְנִׁכְרְ התָָ֞ הַנַ֤פ ש הַהִׁ וא֙ מִׁיִׁשְרָאֵֵּ֔ל מִׁיִּ֥ ֹוםהָרִׁ אשֹֹּ֖ ןעַ ד־יִּ֥ ֹוםהַשְ בִׁעִִֽׁ י: )טז(ּובַיַֹ֤וםהָרִׁ אשֹון֙ מִׁקְרָ א־קֵֹּ֔דש ּובַ יֹום֙ הַשְ בִׁ יעִֵׁ֔ ימִׁקְרָ א־קֹֹּ֖ד ש ייִׁהְ ּ֣ה לָכֶ֑ם כָל־מְ לָ אכָה֙ לֹּא־ יֵּעָשּ֣הבָהֵ֔םאַַ֚ ְך אֲש ּ֣ ר יֵּאָכֵּּ֣ללְ כָל־נ ֵ֔פ ש הִּ֥ ּואלְבַ דֹֹ֖ו יֵּעָש ִּ֥ הלָכ ִֽם:)יז( ּושְ תמַרְ ם֘ את־הַמַ צֹות֒ כִֵׁ֗ י בְ ֙ עצם֙הַיֹּ֣וםהַזֵ֔ה יהֹוצִֵּּ֥אתִׁ א ת־צִׁבְאֹותֵּיכ ֹ֖םמֵּא ּ֣ר ץ מִׁ צְרָ ֶ֑ יִׁםּושְ מַרְ ת ָ֞ ם את־הַיִּ֥ ֹום הַז ֶּ֛ה לְ דֹּרֹּתֵּיכ ֹ֖ם ת חֻקִַּ֥ עֹולִָֽם: )יח(בָרִׁאשֹֹּׁ֡ן בְאַרְ בָעָה֩ עָשָָׂ֨ ריַ֤ ֹום לַחָֹּׂ֨ד ש֙ בָע ֵ֔ר בתֹּאכְלֹ֖ ּו מַ צֶֹּ֑ ת דעַַ֠ יּ֣ ֹום הָא חָָ֧ דוְע שְרִֶּׁ֛ ים לַחֹֹּ֖דש בָעִָֽרב: )יט(שִׁבְעַּ֣תיָמִֵׁ֔ים שְ ראֹֹּ֕ לִֹּּ֥ איִׁמָצֵֹּ֖א בְבָתֵּיכֶ֑ם כִּׁ֣י׀כָל־אֹּכֵּּ֣ל מַחְמ ֵ֗ צ תוְנִׁכְרְ תָָ֞ ההַנ ַ֤פ שהַהִׁ וא֙מֵּ עֲ ּ֣ דַ ת יִׁשְרָ לאֵֵּ֔ בַגֵֹּ֖ר ּובְא זְרַ ִּ֥ ח הָאִָֽר ץ:

2. Rav Nahman bar Yishak – “The first” means prior in Iyov

ויקרא כג, ז - פסח בַיֹום֙ הִָֽרִׁאשֵֹ֔ון מִׁקְרָא־קֹֹּ֖ד ש יִׁהְ י ּ֣ה לָכ ֶ֑ם כָל־מְ לִּ֥אכ ת עֲבֹּדָ ֹ֖ הלִֹּּ֥ א תַ עֲשִֽ ּו:

ויקרא כג - סוכות )לט( אְַֹׁ֡ךבַחֲמִׁשָה֩ רעָשָָׂ֨ יֹ֜ום לַחֹּּ֣ד שהַשְ בִׁ ייעִֵׁ֗ בְאָסְפְ כ ם֙ את־תְ בּואַ תּ֣ הָאֵָ֔ר ץתָ חִֹּּ֥ גּו א ת־חַ ג־יְיָֹ֖ שִׁ בְעַ ּ֣ת יםיָמִֶׁ֑ בַיַ֤ ֹום הִָֽרִׁ אשֹון֙ שַבָתֵֹ֔ון ּובַיִּ֥ ֹום הַשְמִׁ ינִׁ ֹ֖ישַ בָתִֽ ֹון: )מ( ּולְקַחְת ָׂ֨ םלָ כ ם֜ בַיּ֣ ֹום הָרִׁאשֵ֗ ֹון פְרִָׁׂ֨יעֵַּ֤ץ ר֙ הָדָ כַפֹּּ֣ת תְ ֵ֔ מָרִׁ ים וַעֲנִַַּ֥֥ףעֵּ תץ־עָבֹֹּ֖ וְעַרְ בֵּי־נֶָ֑חַ ל ּושְמַחְתֵ֗ם לִׁפְנֵֶּּ֛י יְיִָּ֥ אֱֹלהֵּיכֹ֖ם שִׁ בְעַ ִּ֥ת יָמִִֽׁ ים:

3. Abaye – No Hames with the Sacrifice

4. Rabbi Akiva – “Destroy” can’t be on Yom Tov

Defining Prohibition of Possessing Hames: שמות יב, יט - house שִׁבְעַּ֣ת יָמִֵׁ֔יםשְ אֹֹּ֕ ר לִֹּּ֥ א יִׁמָצֵֹּ֖א בְבָתֵּ יכ ֶ֑ם

שמות יג, ז - everywhere, yours וְלִֹּֽא־יֵּרָאָׂ֨ה לְָך֜ חָמֵֵּ֗ ץוְלִֹּֽ א־יֵּרָאִּ֥ ה לְָךֶּ֛ שְ אֹֹּ֖רבְ כָל־גְבֻלִֽ ָך:

Abaye – hames of a non-Jew in my household – prohibited Rava - permitted

Shift from Space to Ownership

Pesahim 6

First-born animals partially owed in taxes

Hames of non-Jew in rented room owned by Jew

4 Statements by Rav Yehudah in the name of Rav 1. Finding Hames on Pesah 2. Partition in front of non-Jew’s Hames 3. Bedikah within 30 days

במדבר א, א-ב וַיְדַבֵָּׂ֨ריְיָָ֧א ל־מֹּשֶּ֛ה בְמִׁדְבִַּ֥ ר סִׁ ינַ ֹ֖יבְ אֹּּ֣ הל מֹועֵֶּ֑ד בְא ד֩חָ לַחָֹּׂ֨ד שהַשֵּ נִׁ֜יבַשָ נָ ּ֣ההַשֵּ נִֵׁ֗ ית לְ צֵּאתֶָּ֛ם מֵּא ִּ֥רץ מִׁ צְרַֹ֖ יִׁם לֵּאמִֹּֽ ר:

במדבר ט, א-יב )א(וַיְדַבֵּּ֣ריְיָּ֣א ל־מֹּש ּ֣ה בְמִׁדְבַ ר־סִַׁ֠ ינַי בַשָ נָָׂ֨ה הַשֵּ נִׁ֜ ית לְ צֵּאתָָׂ֨ ם מֵּא ָ֧רץ מִׁ צְרֶַּ֛ יִׁם בַחִֹּּ֥ד שהָרִׁ אשֹ֖ ֹון ר:לֵּאמִֹּֽ )ב( וְיַעֲשָּ֧ו בְ נֵּי־יִׁשְרָאֵֶּּ֛ ל את־הַפָֹ֖סַח בְ מֹועֲדִֽ ֹו: )ג( בְאַרְ בָעָּ֣ה עָ שִָֽר־יַֹ֠וםבַחָֹּׂ֨ד ש הַ ז ֜ה יןבֵָּ֧ הִָֽ עַרְ בֶַּ֛יִׁם תַ עֲשִּ֥ ּו אֹּתֹ֖ ֹובְ מֹּעֲדֶ֑ ֹו כְכָל־ חֻקֹּתִָּ֥יוּוכְכָל־מִׁשְ פָטָֹ֖יו תַ עֲשִּ֥ ּו אֹּתִֽ ֹו: )ד(וַיְדַבִֵּּ֥ר מֹּש הֶּ֛ א ל־בְ נִֵּּ֥י יִׁשְרָאֵֹּ֖ל לַעֲשִֹּּ֥ת הַפִָֽסַ ח: )ה( וַיַעֲשּ֣ ּוא ת־הַפֹׁ֡סַ ח בָרִׁ אשֹׁ֡ ֹון בְאַרְבָעָה֩עָשָָׂ֨ריִֹּ֥ום לַחֶֹּּ֛ד שבִֵּּ֥ ין הָעַרְ בַֹ֖יִׁם ר בְמִׁדְבַּ֣ סִׁ ינָ ֶ֑י כְַ֠ כֹּלאֲש רָׂ֨ צִּׁוַָ֤היְיָ֙ א ת־מֹּש ֵ֔ הכִֵּּ֥ן עָשֹּ֖ו בְ נִֵּּ֥ייִׁשְרָאִֵּֽ ל:

)ו(וַיְהִּׁ֣י אֲנָשִֵׁ֗ ים אֲש רָׂ֨ הָיַ֤ ּוטְמֵּאִׁים֙ לְנ ּ֣פש אָדֵָ֔ ם וְלֹּא־יָכְלִּּ֥ולַעֲשֹּת־הַפ ֹ֖ סַחבַיֹּ֣וםהַהֶ֑ ּואוִַַֽ֥יִׁקְרְ בָּ֞ו לִׁפְנִֵּּ֥ימֹּש הֶּ֛ וְלִׁפְנִֵּּ֥י אַהֲרֹֹּ֖ןבַיִֹּ֥וםהַהִֽ ּוא: )ז(וַַ֠ יֹּאמְרּו הָ אֲנָשִַׁ֤ ים הָהֵּ֙מָה֙ אֵּלֵָ֔ יואֲנַ ִּ֥חְ נּוטְמֵּאִֹׁ֖ים לְנ שּ֣פ אָדֶָ֑ם הלָּ֣מָ נִׁ גָרֵַ֗ע ילְבִׁלְתִָׁׂ֨ הַקְרִׁ ֜ יב את־ קָרְ ןבַַ֤ יְיָ֙בְ מֹּּ֣ עֲדֵ֔ ֹו בְ תֹֹ֖וְךבְנִֵּּ֥י יִׁשְרָאִֵּֽ ל: )ח( וַיִֹּּ֥ אמ ר ֹ֖ אֲלֵּה ם מֹּשֶ֑ העִׁמְדּ֣ ּו וְאשְמְ עֵָ֔המַ ה־יְצַּוִּ֥ה יְיָֹ֖ לָכ ִֽם: פ )ט( וַיְדַבִֵּּ֥ריְיָֹ֖אל־מֹּשִּ֥ה לֵּאמִֹּֽ ר:)י( דַבֵֶּּ֛ ר א ל־בְ נִֵּּ֥י יִׁשְרָאֵֹּ֖ל רלֵּאמֶֹּ֑ אִּׁ֣ יש ישאִּׁ֣ כִׁי־יִׁהְ י ִֽה־טָמֵּּ֣ א׀ לָ נֹׁ֡ פ ש אֹו֩ בְ ד ָׂ֨ר ְך רְ חֹּקָ֜ה לָכֵ֗םאַֹ֚ולְדֹּרֹּּ֣תֵּ יכ םֵ֔ וְעִָּ֥שָ פ ה ֹ֖סַח לַ ייִָֽ: )יא( בַחָֹּׂ֨ד ש הַשֵּ נִׁ֜יבְאַרְ בָעָָׂ֨ העָשִָּ֥ ר יֶּ֛ ֹום בִֵּּ֥ ין הָעַרְ בַֹ֖ יִׁם יַעֲשּ֣ ּו אֹּתֶ֑ ֹועַ ל־מַצִּ֥ ֹות ּומְ רֹּרִֹׁ֖ ים יֹּאכְלִֻֽהּו:

4. Nullify Hames

Pesahim 7

Why nullify with bitul at night and not in the morning? Can’t do bitul after hames is prohibited and need to connect it with another act

Moldy bread Majority vs last usage vs specific circumstances

Beracha wording - before the act על ביעור חמץ Biur על המילה Berit Milah על השחיטה Slaughter על נטילת לולב Lulav לישב בסוכה Sukkah על הטבילה לשמוע קול שופר Shofar

Why use a Lamp?

Pesahim 9 – No need to suspect a weasel moved it

If you see weasel take hames, then need another bedikah Why not say weasel at it, just like fetus case R. Zeira - Weasels leave leftover bread Rava – definitely took bread so its certainly and then doubt

Certainty and then doubt ok A. Fellow who died leaving fruit That is certainty and then certainty That is doubt and then doubt

B. Thug’s wife’s fetus in the well, kohen tahor That is doubt and then doubt That is certainty and then certainty

Contradiction from Mishnah 3 – “least a weasel move it” ? Abaye - Mishnah 1 is just after 13th, Mishnah 3 is on 14th day Rava – Mishnah 3 worried that we see a weasel move it

Theoretical Cases: Mouse takes something majority of masa and minotiry hames Two mice take from baskets to houses

Pesahim 10

Theoretical Cases: 1. Mouse takes something majority of masa and minority hames 2. Two mice take from baskets to houses 3. 1 mouse 2 houses, Mishnah Teharot 5:5 4. 1 mouse 1 house, Mishnah Teharot 6:5 5. Never found it, Mishnah Nidah 9:5 6. Found it 7. Placed 9 and found 10 8. Placed 10 and found 9 9. Different corner

Rava’s challenges: 1. 1 mouse or 1 baby 2. 1 mouse 3. 2 mice different colors 4. Mouse and a weasel 5. Weasel with mouse and bread in mouth

Rava’s further challenges 1. Loaf on a beam 2. Loaf in a pit 3. Loaf in a snake’s mouth

Pesahim 11 - When to institute a Gezerah?

Should you do bedikah on Pesah itself? • Rabanan – Yes • Rabbi Yehuda – No (may find bread and eat it)

Challenge – May one pre-process New Grain Rabanan – No (may come to eat it) Rabbi Yehudah – Yes

Solution for Rabbi Yehudah: Rava – New grain prepared differently from normal Abaye – New grain prohibited the whole time until Pesah Solution for Rabanan He himself is searching so will not eat Rav Ashi – flour and toasted grain are not edible

Rabbi Yehuda/Abaye – gezerah when people usually eat it Challenge from eggshell People are careful on Shabbat Challenge from rope Rabanan – ropes are all the same Rabbi Yehuda – bows are like knots

Rabbi Yehuda/Abaye – no gezerah when people keep distance Challenge from animal bloodletting Different because monetary loss Challenge from combing animal Not life threatening

Pesahim 12 – Margin of Error in Telling Time

Mishnah Pesahim Rabbi Meir – 5 eat, 6 burn Rabbi Yehudah – 4 eat, 5 use, 6 burn Raban Gamaliel – 4 eat, 5 eat terumah, 6 burn

Mishnah Sanhedrin 5:3 - Testimony Rabbi Meir – 1 hour difference ok (2 and 3) Rabbi Yehudah – 2 hour difference ok (3 and 5 but not 5 and 7)

Rabbi Meir Rabbi Yehudah Abaye 1 0 30 minutes Abaye 2 2 minutes 1:02 Rava 1:59 2:59

How can they be invalidated as zomemin?

Back to Hames Abaye – Why need to add so much time? Witnesses are more vigilant

Rava – Need to add more time for error? Noon is distinguishable Witnesses are more vigilant [Extra time to gather firewood] 5 prohibited for a cloudy day 4 permitted because breakfast time More about eating times

Rav Ashi – confirming the above

Pesahim 13 – Deciding Halakha

Mishnah Pesahim Rabbi Meir – 5 eat, 6 burn Rabbi Yehudah – 4 eat, 5 use, 6 burn Raban Gamaliel – 4 eat, 5 eat terumah, 6 burn

Halakha follows Rabbi Yehudah A. Why not Rabbi Meir? Not stam Mishnha B. Why not Raban Gamaliel? Not related not relevant C. Rabbi agrees – case of depreciating hames

Public sign of disqualified loaves A. Where was it placed? B. How were the loafs “disqualified? Thanksgiving loaves past due date Thanksgiving loaves that never became valid Rabbi Eliezer – they were kosher loaves C. What was the sign? Plowing cows

Pesahim 14

Principles: Avi avot – av – rishon – sheni – shelishi – revi’i Lowest level aka pasul = not contagious but tameh Some say food does not transmit past rishon Some say liquid transmits only miderabanan Liquids touched by sheni become rishon

Mishnah Rabbi Hanina deputy Kohen Gadol – burn meat sheni with rishon Rabbi Akiva – burn shelishi with rishon

Application to Terumah Rabbi Meir – same Rabbi Yose – burn separately

Gemara Rabbi Hanina only 1 step? Make it shelishi with rishon But food does not make food impure Abaye Rav Ada bar Ahava Ravina

Rabbi Akiva only 2 steps? Rav Yehudah – metal lamp makes it 3 steps Why not clay lamp, 2 steps, even though was not contagious Mishnah specified by corpse impurity only Rabbi Akiva must think that liquid contaminates mideoraita

Pesahim 15 – Two interpretations of “from their words” in the Mishnah

Preview of Rabbi Yohanan

Interpretation of Resh Lakish – “their words” is Rabbi Yehoshua Mishnah Terumah 8:8 Mishnah Terumah 8:9 Challenge from Tosefta

Interpretation of Rabbi Yohanan – “their words” is Rabbi Hanina Support from baraita Support from Tosefta Explanation of end of Mishnah

Pesahim 16 – Fluid Definitions: Do Liquids Transmit Impurity?

Baraita 1 – Rabbi Meir – Liquids are impure deoraita transmit derabanan Rabbi Eleazar agrees

Baraita 2 – Rabbi Eleazar – liquids have no impurity Yose ben Yoezer - Temple slaughterhouse liquids are pure

• Shmuel – liquids can be impure deoraita but not transmit • Rav – all liquids are pure deoraita

1. Challenge to Rav from Baraita 1

Explanation of Rav and Shmuel Challenge to Shmuel from Vayikra 7:19

2. Challenge to Rav from Vayikra 11:34 Both water in place and detached prepare for tumah

3. Challenge to Rav from Vayikra 11:36 Does water detached prepare? Yes. As does non-sacred life- blood (excludes squeezed blood and sacred life-blood)

4. Challenge to Rav from impure blood on altar 5. Another Challenge to Rav from impure blook on altar 6. Challenge to Rav from frontplate 7. Challenge to Rav from Haggai

Vayikra 11:34-36

מִכָל־הָאֹֹ֜ כֶל ראֲשֵֶ֣ יֵאָ כֵָ֗ לאֲשֶֶׁ֨ ריָבָ֥ ֹוא עָלָָ֛יו מִַּ֖יִםיִטְמֶָ֑א וְכָל־מַשְ קֶה֙ אֲשֵֶ֣ ר היִשָתֶֶ֔ בְ כָל־כְלִִּ֖י יִ טְמָָֽא׃

As to any food that may be eaten, it shall become unclean if it came in contact with water; as to any liquid that may be drunk, it shall become unclean if it was inside any vessel.

וְְ֠כֹלאֲשֶ לר־יִפֶֹׁ֨ מִ נִבְ םלָתָָ֥ ׀ עָלָיו֮ יִטְמָ א֒ תַנּּ֧ורוְכִירַָ֛ יִםיֻתִָּ֖ץ טְמֵאִֵ֣ ים הֵֶ֑ם ּוטְמֵאִִּ֖ ים יִהְיָּ֥ו לָכֶָֽ ם׃

Everything on which the carcass of any of them falls shall be unclean: an oven or stove shall be smashed. They are unclean and unclean they shall remain for you.

אְֵַ֣ךמַעְיֶָָּֽ֥ן ּובָ֛ ֹורמִ קְ וֵה־מִַּ֖יִם יִהְ יֵֶ֣הטָהֶ֑ ֹור וְנֹגֵָ֥עַ בְ נִבְ לָתִָּ֖ ם יִטְמָָֽא׃

However, a spring or cistern in which water is collected shall be clean, but whoever touches such a carcass in it shall be unclean.

• יין • דבש • שמן • חלב • טל • דם • מים

Haggai 2:10-14

בְעֶשְרִִ֤ים וְאַרְ בָעָה֙ לַתְשִ יעִֶ֔ י בִשְ נַָ֥ת שְתִַּ֖יִם לְדָרְ יֶֶָּֽ֑וֶש הָיָה֙דְ בַר־יְהוֶָ֔ה אֶ ל־חַגַָ֥י הַנָבִִּ֖ יא לֵ אמָֹֽ ר׃

On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth [month], in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to the prophet Haggai:

כָֹ֥ה אָמִַּ֖ריְהוֵָ֣ה צְבָאֶֹ֑ותשְ אַ ל־נָּ֧א אֶת־הַכֹהֲנִָ֛יםתֹורִָּ֖ ה לֵאמָֹֽ ר׃

Thus said the LORD of Hosts: Seek a ruling from the priests, as follows:

הֵֵ֣ן׀ יִשָא־אִֶׁ֨ יש בְשַ ר־קֹֹ֜ שדֶ בִכְנֵֶַּֽ֣ף בִגְדָֹ֗ו וְ נָגֵַ֣ע בְִ֠ כְ נָפֹו אֶל־הַלֶֶׁ֨ חֶם וְאֶ ל־הַנָזִֹ֜יד וְאֶל־הַיֶַּּֽ֧יִן וְאֶ ל־שֶָ֛מֶן וְאֶ ל־כָל־מַאֲכִָּ֖להֲיִקְדֶָ֑ש וַיַעֲנּ֧ ּו הַכֹהֲנִָ֛יםוַיֹאמְרִּ֖ ּו לָֹֽא׃

If a man is carrying sacrificial flesh in a fold of his garment, and with that fold touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any other food, will the latter become holy? In reply, the priests said, “No.”

וַיֵֹ֣אמֶ רחַגֶַ֔י אִ ם־יִגַּ֧עטְמֵ א־נֶָ֛פֶשבְ כָל־אִֵּ֖לֶה הֲיִטְמֶָ֑אוַיַעֲנּּ֧ו הַכֹהֲנִָ֛יםוַיֹאמְרִּ֖ ּו יִטְמָָֽא׃

Haggai went on, “If someone defiled by a corpse touches any of these, will it be defiled?” And the priests responded, “Yes.”

וַיֶַׁ֨עַן יחַגַֹ֜ רוַיָֹ֗אמֶ כֵֵ֣ן הָָֽעָם־הְַ֠ זֶה וְכֵן־הַגֶֹׁ֨וי הַ זִֶ֤הלְפָנַי֙ נְאֻם־יְהוֶָ֔ה וְכִֵּ֖ן כָל־מַ העֲשֵֵ֣ יְדֵיהֶֶ֑ם וַאֲשֶָ֥ ריַקְרִָ֛ יבּושִָּ֖ םטָמֵָ֥א הָּֽוא׃

Thereupon Haggai said: That is how this people and that is how this nation looks to Me— declares the LORD—and so, too, the work of their hands: Whatever they offer there is defiled.

Pesahim 17

(A) Rav – Kohanim failed Haggai’s first test – revi’i Shmuel – Kohanim passed Haggai’s first test – hamishi

Challenge to Rav from corpse impurity They are more familiar Touched corpse itself Challenge to Shmuel from Haggai’s response Refers to their deeds

(B) Yose ben Yoezer – Temple liquids are tahor Rav – only of slaughterhouse (blood and water) Levi – also of altar (oil and wine)

(C) Yose ben Yoezer – Temple liquids are tahor • Rav – liquids are pure. • Shmuel – liquids can be tameh deoraita but not transmit

[Rav is consistent: oil and wine can become tameh, both cases of Haggai]

If (B) Levi (all liquids pure) follows (C) Shmuel (just can’t transmit) then Haggai 2 is “or” [Haggai 1 is “and then” and so tahor following (A) Shmuel, even sheni]

If (B) Levi follows (C) Rav (pure) no possibility for Haggai 2

If (A) Shmuel (Haggai 1 tahor) follows (B) Rav (blood and water only) then ok Haggai 1 is hamishi, Haggai 2 is less

If (A) Shmuel (Haggai 1 tahor) follows (B) Levi (all liquids pure) then no need to explain Haggai 1 as hamishi since always tahor past 1

Baraita supporting Levi – all liquids are tahor Baraita supporting Rav – just water and blood

Rav Papa – Temple liquids tahor even if outside tameh deoraita Challenge from Rabbi Eliezer’s derivation Challenge from his ruling that kelim are derabanan Rav Papa explanation of water on ground (which would be deoraita)

Rabbi Yehudah – liquids tameh deoraita Challenge from Kelim Changed his mind Kelim was water tameh miderabanan

Note to clarify the two baraitot of Rabbi Shimon - One baraita cited Rabbi Yose and Rabbi Shimon that when doubtfully impure liquid touches food the food is deemed impure - proving that liquids can impart impurity mi-deoraita (not so for vessels which do not receive impurity from liquids). A second baraita discussed liquid in a vessel (which does become impure when impurity touches it) vs liquid on the ground (which does not become impure when impurity falls into it). This applies in the Temple and challenges Rav Papa's first statement that deoraita impurity of liquids outside the Temple does not apply in the Temple: if liquid on the ground has deoraita status outside the Temple and becomes pure in the Temple, then so should liquid in a vessel. Therefore, liquid on the ground and in a vessel must receive only derabanan status outside the Temple and no liquid fits Rav Papa's category. Rav Papa's last statement explains that over a revi'it of water on the ground is a mikveh me-doraita and further derabanan susceptibility to impurity do not apply in the Temple.

וְזִֶ֤ה לָכֶם֙ הַטָמֵֶ֔ א ץבַשִֶּ֖רֶ הַשֹרֵֵ֣ ץ עַל־הָאֶָ֑רֶ ץהַחָֹ֥ לֶד וְהָעַכְבִָּ֖רוְהַצָָ֥ב לְמִ ינֵָֽהּו׃

The following shall be unclean for you from among the things that swarm on the earth: the mole, the mouse, and great lizards of every variety;

וְהָאֲנָקָ הָ֥ וְהַכִֹּ֖ חַ וְהַלְטָאֶָ֑הוְהַחִֹּ֖ מֶט וְהַתִ נְשָָֽמֶ ת׃ the gecko, the land crocodile, the lizard, the sand lizard, and the chameleon.

אֵָ֛לֶה הַטְמֵאִָ֥ ים לָכִֶּ֖ם בְ ץכָל־הַשֶָ֑רֶ כָל־הַנֹגֵּ֧עַ בָהֶָ֛ם בְ ם מֹתִָּ֖ יִטְמָָ֥א עַד־הָעָָֽרֶ ב׃

Those are for you the unclean among all the swarming things; whoever touches them when they are dead shall be unclean until evening.

וְכֵֹ֣לאֲשֶ ר־יִפֹל־עָלָיו֩ םמֵהֶֶׁ֨ ׀ בְ מֹתָֹ֜ ם יִטְמָָ֗ א מִ כָל־כְלִי־עֵץ֙אֵ֣ ֹובִֶ֤גֶד אֹו־עֹור֙ אֵ֣ ֹו קשֶָ֔ כָל־כְלִִ֕ י אֲשֶ ר־יֵעָשֶָ֥ה מְ לָאכִָּ֖ה בָהֶֶ֑ם בַמַּ֧יִםיּובָָ֛א וְטָמֵָ֥א בעַד־הָעִֶּ֖רֶ וְטָהֵָֽר׃

And anything on which one of them falls when dead shall be unclean: be it any article of wood, or a cloth, or a skin, or a sack—any such article that can be put to use shall be dipped in water, and it shall remain unclean until evening; then it shall be clean.

33 וְכָל־כְלִי־חֶֶ֔רֶ ש אֲשֶ ר־יִפָֹ֥ ל מֵהִֶּ֖םאֶ ל־תֹוכֶ֑ ֹו כֵֹ֣ ל ראֲשֶּ֧ בְ תֹוכָ֛ ֹו יִטְמִָּ֖א וְאֹתָֹ֥ותִשְ בָֹֽרּו׃

And if any of those falls into an earthen vessel, everything inside it shall be unclean and [the vessel] itself you shall break.

34 מִכָל־הָאֹֹ֜ כֶל ראֲשֵֶ֣ יֵאָ כֵָ֗ ל אֲשֶֶׁ֨ ר יָבָ֥ ֹוא עָלָָ֛יו מִַּ֖יִם יִטְמֶָ֑א וְכָל־מַשְ קֶה֙אֲשֵֶ֣ ר היִשָתֶֶ֔ בְ כָל־כְלִִּ֖י יִטְמָָֽא׃

As to any food that may be eaten, it shall become unclean if it came in contact with water; as to any liquid that may be drunk, it shall become unclean if it was inside any vessel.

וְְ֠ כֹל אֲשֶ לר־יִפֶֹׁ֨ מִ נִבְ לָתָָ֥ ׀ם עָלָיו֮ יִטְמָ א֒תַנּּ֧ור וְכִירַָ֛ יִם יֻתִָּ֖ץ טְמֵאִֵ֣ ים הֵֶ֑ם ּוטְמֵאִִּ֖ ים יִהְיָּ֥ו לָכֶָֽם׃

Everything on which the carcass of any of them falls shall be unclean: an oven or stove shall be smashed. They are unclean and unclean they shall remain for you.

Pesahim 18

• Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Eleazer – liquids do not transmit impurity • Rabbi Yose and Rabbi Shimon – liquids transmit only to food • Rabbi Yehuda – liquids transmit to vessels and food

Rabbi Yehuda retracted – fully or still say transmit to food? Attempted proof from Parah of full retraction

Rabbi Yose’s proof v. 33) that food -> shelishi to food) יטמא Rabbi Akiva learned from v. 34b) liquid -> food) יטמא – So too Rabbi Yose 34a and 34b apply food->liquid and liquid->food But maybe verse teaches liquid -> vessels? Even vessels don’t -> vessels

v. 34a) – food -> liquid) יטמא But maybe verse teaches food -> vessels? No, liquids are just susceptible

Principle of food->liquid, liquid->food from v. 38

Pesahim 19

R. Akiva adds an extra step – hulin can be shelishi R. Yose does not agree with R. Akiva’s extra step Derivation from terumah third that kodesh is max fourth Why not apply R. Yose’s methodology to R. Akiva? R. Akiva does not add revii for terumah or hamishi for kodesh

Cow that ate a needle Flesh is impure Hands and knife are pure Dung tahor R. Akiva – good thing hands are pure in Temple Why not also say “good thing vessels…” Hand impurity is earlier Vessels only impure by liquid, hands by food Provenance of needle? Doubt – but in Jerusalem ok Recognized it from corpse impurity Doubt - Muzzled from outside Jerusalem

In Jerusalem ok - redundant

Pesahim 20

Needle case: How was meat prepared with dampening? Esteem of holiness Cow swam beforehand Why does excrement not conduct impurity?

Vessel laws Impurity food chain Air space of vessels

Contradiction 1 – Passover-Passover Rabbi Yeshoshua in Mishnah – burn doubt and impure together In Tosefta – can only burn two level of Tumah Mishna is R. Shimon’s version, Tosefta is R. Yose’s version

Contradiction 2 – Passover-Terumah R. Yehoshua – burn doubt and impure together R. Yehoshua – cannot directly metameh doubtful Terumah First is R. Shimon, second is R. Yose

Contradiction 3 – Terumah-Terumah R. Yehoshua – cannot directly metameh doubtful Terumah R. Yehoshua – winepress case can metameh directly Winepress case has great loss But not minimal loss as in oil case Because oil can be used for light (Hanukah!) But wine can also be for fragrance New wine in a repulsive vessel Won’t come to drink it Beth Hillel – Beth Shammai But not if its 1/100

Pesahim 21

A. Authorship of Mishnah

B. Redundancy of types of animals

C. Beth Shammai – against selling hames

D. No Benefit o Ok if inedible o Even during 6th hour o Can’t burn in an oven o Source Hizkiah – default it prohibited only to eat R. Abhu – default is prohibited to benefit Derived from Nevelah acc. to R. Meir Derived from acc. to R. Yehuda

לֵֹ֣אתֹאכְלֵּ֣ו כָל־נְְ֠ בֵלָה לַגֵֶׁ֨ראֲשֶ ר־בִשְ עָרֶֹ֜יָך תִתְ נֵֶ֣נָה וַאֲכָלָָ֗ ּה אִ֤ ֹו מָכֹר֙ לְנָכְרִֶ֔ יכִֵ֣י עִַ֤ם קָדֹוש֙ אַתֶָ֔ ה לַיהוִָּ֖ה אֱֹלהֶֶ֑יָך לָֹֽ א־תְ ל בַשֵָ֥ גְדִִּ֖י בַחֲלֵָ֥ב אִמָֽ ֹו׃ )פ(

Deut 14:21 - You shall not eat anything that has died a natural death; give it to the stranger in your community to eat, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people consecrated to the LORD your God. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.

דברים יד, כא לֵֹ֣אתֹאכְלֵ֣ ּו כָל־נְְ֠ בֵלָה לַגֵֶׁ֨ראֲשֶ ר־בִשְ עָרֶֹ֜יָך תִתְ נֵֶ֣נָה וַאֲכָלָָּ֗ה אִ֤ ֹו מָכֹר֙לְנָכְרִֶ֔י

שמות כב, ל וְאַנְשֵי־קִֹּ֖ דֶש תִהְיֵ֣ ּון לִֶ֑י ּובָשֶָׁ֨ ר בַשָדִֶ֤הטְרֵ פָה֙ לֵֹ֣ אתֹאכֵֶ֔ לּו לַכִֶּ֖לֶבתַשְ לִכָ֥ ּון אֹתֽ ֹו:

Pesahim 22 – 23

Hizkiah – active “eat” = eat; passive “be eaten” = benefit R. Abhu – all verbs = benefit Nevelah – R. Meir give/sell to either resident/foreigner (R. Yehudah give-resident or sell-stranger) Terefah – R. Yehudah - unconsecrated is ok (R. Meir – unconsecrated in Temple prohibited benefit)

1) Hames – passive, PROHIITED 2) Unconsecrated Animal in the Temple – prohibited Except acc to R. Abhu acc. to R. Yehudah 3) – active, part of Nevelah or prohibited (R. Shimon) 4) Blood – active, like water 5) Limb from a live animal – active, like blood 6) Killer ox – passive, PROHIBITED 7) Orlah – passive, PROHIBITED (“araltem” counters “yours”)

8) Terumah – active, “yours” 9) Nazir – active, “his” 10) New Grain - active, “yours” 11) Creeping Creatures - passive, “yours” 12) Hames for R. Yose ha-Galili – passive, “yours”

Tannaitic Parallel?

וְחֵֵ֤לֶבנְבֵלָה֙ וְחֵֵ֣לֶב טְרֵ פָָ֔ה יֵעָשֶֶׂ֖ ה לְכָל־מְ לָאכָָ֑ה לוְאָכֶֹׂ֖ אלֹֹ֥ תֹאכְל ֽהּו׃

Fat from animals that died or were torn by beasts may be put to any use, but you must not eat it.

Rabbi Yose ha-Galili – use even outside Temple

Rabbi Akiva – tahor even inside Temple

Pesahim 24 – Four More Sources for Prohibiting Benefit

A. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi – inedible sin-offering

ויקרא ו, כג וְכָל־חַטָָּ֡ את אֲשֶ ר֩ איּובֶָׁ֨ מִ דָמָֹ֜ ּה אֶל־אֹּ֧ הֶל מֹועֵָ֛דלְכַפֵָ֥ר בַקִֹּ֖ דֶ ש לֵֹ֣א תֵאָכֵָ֑ל בָאֵֶׁׂ֖ש תִּ שָרֵֽ ף׃ )פ( But no sin offering may be eaten from which any blood is brought into the Tent of Meeting for expiation in the sanctuary; any such shall be consumed in fire.

ויקרא י, יד וְאֵֵ֣ת׀ שְעִֵ֣יר הַָֽחַטָָ֗ את דָרָֹ֥ שדָרַָ֛ שמֹשִֶּ֖ה וְהִנֵֵ֣השֹרֶָ֑ ףוְַ֠ יִקְצֹף עַל־אֶלְעָזִָ֤ר וְעַל־אִָֽ יתָמָר֙ בְנֵֵ֣י אַ הֲרֶֹ֔ ןהַנֹותָרִִּ֖ ם לֵאמָֹֽ ר׃ Then Moses inquired about the goat of sin offering, and it had already been burned! He was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron’s remaining sons, and said, מַדָּ֗ועַלָֹֽ א־אֲכַלְתִֶ֤ם אֶת־הַָֽחַטָאת֙ בִמְקֵ֣ ֹום הַקֶֹ֔ דֶ ש כִָ֛יקָֹ֥ דֶ ש קָָֽ דָשִ ִּ֖ים הִֶ֑ואוְאֹתֵָּ֣ה ׀ נָתֵַ֣ן לָכֶָ֗ ם לָשֵאת֙ אֶ ת־עֲוֵֹ֣ן הָעֵדֶָ֔ הלְכַפֵָ֥ר עֲלֵיהִֶּ֖ם לִפְנֵָ֥י יְהוָָֽה׃ “Why did you not eat the sin offering in the sacred area? For it is most holy, and He has given it to you to remove the guilt of the community and to make expiation for them before the LORD. הֵֵ֚ןלֹא־הּובֵָ֣אאֶ ת־דָמֶָ֔ ּה אֶל־הַקִֹּ֖ דֶש פְנִֶ֑ימָהאָכֶׁ֨ ֹולתֹאכְלָּ֥ו אֹתָָּ֛הבַקִֹּ֖ שדֶ כַאֲשֶָ֥ר צִּוֵָֽיתִי׃ Since its blood was not brought inside the sanctuary, you should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary, as I commanded.”

B. Rabbi Yonatan – leftover meat

שמות כט, לד וְָֽאִ ם־יִּוָתֵֵ֞ רמִבְשַּ֧ר הַמִ לֻאִָ֛ ים ּומִ ן־הַלִֶּ֖חֶם עַד־הַבֶֹ֑ קֶר וְשָרַ פְתֵָ֤ אֶ ת־הַּנֹותָר֙ בָאֵָ֔ ׁש לֹֹ֥ איֵאָכֵֶׂ֖ל כִ י־קָֹ֥ דֶשהָֽ ּוא׃ And if any of the flesh of ordination, or any of the bread, is left until morning, you shall put what is left to the fire; it shall not be eaten, for it is holy.

C. Abaye – A again From “do not eat” in Vayikra 6:23 But that could just add punishable prohibition against eating

D. Rav Papa – impure meat ויקרא ז, יט רוְהַבָשֵָ֞ אֲשֶ ר־יִגִַ֤ע בְ כָל־טָמֵא֙ לֵֹ֣א יֵֽאָ כֵָ֔ לבָאֵֶׁׂ֖ש יִּשָרֵָ֑ ף וְהֶַׁ֨ בָשֶָ֔ רכָל־טָהִּ֖ ֹור יֹאכַָ֥ל בָשָָֽר׃ Flesh that touches anything unclean shall not be eaten; it shall be consumed in fire. As for other flesh, only he who is clean may eat such flesh.

Unusual Benefit

Pesahim 25

A. Unusual Benefit

Abaye - Mixed Seeds even unusual benefit is prohibited לֹא־תִזְרַָ֥ע כַרְ מְָךִּ֖ כִלְאֶָ֑יִם פֶן־תִ קְדַָ֗ש הַָֽמְ לֵאִָ֤ה הַזֶ֙רַ ע֙ אֲשֵֶ֣ר תִ זְרֶָ֔עּותְבּואִַּ֖ת הַכָָֽרֶם׃ )ס( You shall not sow your vineyard with a second kind of seed, else the crop—from the seed you have sown—and the yield of the vineyard may not be used.

Challenge from Meat and Milk דברים יד, כא לֵֹ֣אתֹאכְלֵּ֣ו כָל־נְְ֠ בֵלָה לַגֵֶׁ֨ר אֲשֶ ר־בִשְ עָרֶֹ֜יָךתִתְ נֵֶ֣נָה וַאֲכָלָָּ֗האִ֤ ֹומָכֹר֙ לְנָכְרִֶ֔ י כִֵ֣י עֵַ֤ם קָדֹוׁש֙אַתָָ֔ ה לַיהוִָּ֖האֱֹלהֶֶ֑יָך לָֹֽ א־תְ בַשֵָ֥ לגְדִִּ֖ י בַחֲלֵָ֥ב אִמָֹֽו׃ Deut 14:21 - You shall not eat anything that has died a natural death; give it to the stranger in your community to eat, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people consecrated to the LORD your God. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk. שמות כב, ל וְאַנְׁשֵ י־קֶֹׂ֖ דֶׁש תִּהְ יֵ֣ ּון לִֶ֑י ּובָשֶָׁ֨ ר בַשָדִֶ֤הטְרֵ פָה֙ לֵֹ֣ אתֹאכֵֶ֔ לּו לַכִֶּ֖לֶבתַשְ לִכָ֥ ּון אֹתָֽ ֹו:

Orlah Hames Mixed Seeds 1. Baraita does not say that mixed seeds prohibited with unusual benefit Abaye – Meat and milk also prohibited in unusual benefit

2. Mixed seeds never had a permitted period (growth) They did have a permitted period (seeding) Both are correct

B. Benefit from Idolatry, Forbidden Relations, and Murder

C. Abaye vs Rava – Deriving Benefit when no choice or unintended

Pesahim 26 Unavoidable but Intentional Abaye – permitted Rava – prohibited

1) Proof for Abaye – Ribaz in the Temple

2) Proof for Rava – artisans in the Temple

Is smell a prohibited benefit? yes Is benefit prohibited after misvah is done? Only for ashes and broken calf

3) Proof for Rava from calf

4) Proof for Rava from lost cloth

5) Proof for Rava from wool and linen seller Refutation of Rava 1

Mishnah – hames for fuel Baraita 1 Rabbi – break a new oven, prohibits food Sages – cool down a new oven, permit food Baraita 2

Pesahim 27

Baraita – bread baked with orlah fuel Rabbi –prohibits bread Sages –permit bread

Who says a new oven heated by orlah fuel must be broken? Rabbi – benefit from wood is in the bread/oven But must also assume “prohibited + permitted = prohibited” R. Eliezer

Terumah + non-sacred leaven = prohibited Oven heated by Asherah

Status of a pot made in an oven heated by prohibited fuel

Shmuel’s version of the Baraira reversed

Dim coals, glowing coals, fire

Further questions Oven fueled with Hekdesh Meilah undoes sacred status Shelamim – Meilah does not apply

Pesahim 28 – When is Hames Prohibited?

A. Sources for burning hames acc to R. Yehudah B. Do you need to crumble bread before throwing into the sea?

C. Sources for when Hames is prohibited. דברים טז,ב לֹא־תֹאכִַ֤ל עָלָיו֙ חָמֵֶ֔ץשִבְעַָ֥ת יָמִָ֛ ים תָֹֽ אכַל־עָלָָ֥יו מַצִֹּ֖ות לֵֶ֣חֶם עֶֹ֑ נִי כִֵ֣י בְחִ פָזָ֗ ֹון יָצָ֙אתָ֙ מֵאֵֶ֣רֶ ץמִצְרֶַ֔ יִם לְמֵַ֣עַן תִזְכֹרֶ֔אֶ ת־יִ֤ ֹום צֵָֽאתְ ָך֙ ץמֵאֵֶ֣רֶ מִצְרֶַ֔ יִםכִֹּ֖ ליְמֵָ֥י חַיֶָֽיָך׃ You shall not eat anything leavened with it; for seven days thereafter you shall eat unleavened bread, bread of distress—for you departed from the land of Egypt hurriedly—so that you may remember the day of your departure from the land of Egypt as long as you live.

ש שמות יב, כ, כ כָל־מַחְמִֶּ֖צֶת לֵֹ֣ אתֹאכֵֶ֑לּו בְ כֹל֙ מֹושְ בֵֹ֣תֵ םיכֶֶ֔ תֹאכְלִּ֖ ּומַצָֽ ֹות ׃ You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your settlements you shall eat unleavened bread.

שמות יג,ג וַיֶֹׁ֨אמֶ ר המֹשֶֹ֜ אֶל־הָעָָ֗ ם זָכֵֹ֞וראֶ ת־הַיִֹ֤ום הַזֶה֙ ראֲשֶֶׁ֨ יְצָאתִֶ֤ ם מִ מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ מִבֵֵ֣ית עֲבָדִֶ֔ ים כִֵ֚ י בְ חֵֹ֣ זֶק יֶָ֔דהֹוצִּ֧ יא יְהֹוָָ֛ה אֶתְכִֶּ֖ם מִ זֶֶ֑ה וְלָֹ֥ א יֵאָכִֵּ֖ל חָמֵָֽ ץ׃ And Moses said to the people, “Remember this day, on which you went free from Egypt, the house of bondage, how the LORD freed you from it with a mighty hand: no leavened bread shall be eaten.

Peashim 30 – Koshering Dishes

A. Rava’s decision following R. Shimon

B. Pots that absorbed Hames Ovens greased with meat

C. Koshering utensils: 1. Knives 2. Wooden ladles 3. Glazed earthenware 4. Kneading bowls

Peashim 31 – Collateral Hames

Mishnah – collected collateral is as if owned by the lender

Abaye – retroactive from loan Rava – from collection

a. Clarification: only applies to lender’s interim sale b. Challenge to Rava from inheritance case c. Challenge to Rava from our Mishnah d. Tannaitic Parallel Dispute? e. Another challenge from our Mishnah f. Tosefta – follow the owner

Mishnah – Hames under a rockslide

Pesahim 32 – Terumah: Stealing or Desecrating?

Mishnah – Unwitting pays as atonement Intentional doesn’t pay because he’s a thief and hames has no value

Pay value or volume? Proof for volume Proof for volume from our Mishnah Tannaitic dispute R. Akiva (3) & R. Eliezer b. Yaakov (4) – value R. Yohanan b. Nuri – volume

Minimum amounts Tanna Kamma – olive size Abba Shaul – perutah perutah AND/OR olive size?

ויקרא כב, יב וְאִִ֕ישכִָֽ י־יֹאכַָ֥ל קִֹּ֖ דֶ ש בִשְ גָגֶָ֑ה וְ יָסִַ֤ף חֲמִָֽשִ יתֹו֙ עָלֶָ֔ יו וְ נָתַָ֥ןלַכֹהִֵּ֖ן אֶ ת־הַקָֹֽ דֶ ש׃ but if a man eats of a sacred donation unwittingly, he shall pay the priest for the sacred donation, adding one-fifth of its value.