WINTER 2019 / 2020 ISSUE 55 Friends, clients or colleagues visiting soon? Let them discover Istanbul with our custom-made private tours! Visit for local tour & accommodation options. RC QUARTERLY WINTER 2019 / 2020 ISSUE 55 10% DISCOUNT for RC alumni Use promo code RC2020 Contact Eda Sökmen RC’01 +90 537 346 6020 |
[email protected] The cover of the Music WINTER 2019 / 2020 ISSUE 55 Issue was created by one of our own, Kayansel Kaya RC L12 03. Kayansel has a distinct, abstract and witty style, suitable to kicking off the new year: “Being a new artist Alumni Journal published periodically by the brings a lot of self-doubt, RC Development Office for approximately but seeing people relate 10,000 members of the RC community: to my illustrations is mesmerizing.” Read more graduates, students, faculty, administration, about Kayansel on p. 65. parents and friends. Who amongst us does not go back to a high school memory, as soon as the the first notes of the beloved Robert College song are heard? Robert College offers such a wealth of musical experiences to its students. In this issue of RCQ, we delved into music education at Robert College, as well as the plethora of music-related co- curricular activities. The love of music that Robert College plants in its students is strong, and it is no In surprise that there are so many alumni, doing interesting things both professionally and as a hobby in the music field. RCQ checks in with some of these alumni to find this out what they have been doing.