INTRODUCTION ...... 1 NABUWWA ...... 2 ...... 7 PROPHET SHEETH (pbuh) ...... 11 IDREES (pbuh) () ...... 13 PROPHET NUH (pbuh) ...... 15 PROPHET (pbuh) ...... 19 PROPHET (pbuh) ...... 20 PROPHET IBRAHIM (pbuh) ...... 22 PROPHET LUT (pbuh) () ...... 27 PROPHET YAQUB (pbuh) & PROPHET YUSUF (pbuh) ...... 30 PROPHET AYYUB (pbuh) () ...... 36 PROPHET SHU'AYB (pbuh) ...... 39 PROPHET MUSA (pbuh) ...... 41 PROPHET (pbuh) ...... 46 PROPHET ILYAS (pbuh) ...... 47 (pbuh) ...... 48 PROPHET DAWUD (pbuh) ...... 50 PROPHET SULAYMAN (pbuh) ...... 53 DHUL-KIFL (pbuh) ...... 56 PROPHET ZAKARIYYA (pbuh) & PROPHET YAHYA (pbuh) ...... 58 PROPHET ISA (pbuh) ...... 60 PROPHET (pbuh) ...... 65 TIME LINE – PROPHET ...... 66


Suratul Ambiya, aya 107 ِ ِ ل ح ل ِ ِ بِ ْس ماهلل ا َّ ر ْ ٰم ِن ا َّ رحيْمٰ ِ َّ ِ ِ َّو مَّا اَّ ْر َّسلْنٰم َّ ٰك ا ّل َّر ْحَّةً ل لْعٰملَّم ْ َّي And we have not sent you but as a rahma (mercy) to the worlds.” – “..These prophets were to draw the attention of human beings and nature and it’s secrets – nd end to everything….Prophets were men of mission….thus ages succeeded ages until wished to bring the ) as His .” –


This is the third root of religion

قَّ َّال فَّ َّمن َّ رب ُّ ُّك َّما يَّا ُّم َّوسٰ ِ َّع َّ ش ٍ قَّ َّال َّرب ُّنَّا الَّ ذي أ ْ ََّط كُّ ل َّ ْيء َّخلْقَّ ُّه ُّث َّ م َّه َّدى ‘Said (irawn) And who is the ord of you two usa aid he usa) ur ord is He who gave everything its form and then guided it".’ Suratu Taha- 20:49,50

The above ayaat of uran show that when irawn ased Prophet usa pbuh) who his ord was the reply of Prophet usa pbuh) was He who gave everything its form and then guided it. rom tiny atoms to whole galaies all of creation is progressing as planned by Allah. e see a small seed in the course of prescribed conditions and laws becoming a powerful tree. َّ َّوأ ْو ََّح َّرب ُّ َّك إِ ََّل النَّ ْح ِلٰ And your Lord inspires the bee… Suratun Nahl - 16:68 e see the bee which inspired by Allah develops an order of a complicated society.

imilarly for man to reach perfection Allah has sent Prophets to guide manind.

ho is a abi A abi is a bearer of news. A abi must have the following ualifications . He must be sent by Allah. There cannot be a selfmade abi. . He must be sinless asoom). . He must be able to perform miracles uia) in order to verify his claim of abuwwa.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 2Page 2 NABUWWA  Aordin to sai terinooy a abi is one ho is sent by Aah to uide anind to the riht path. A abi is one ho is hih in his is the third root o reiion the presene o Aah. A asu is one ho is sent by Aah ith a ne Sharia (essae and boo. قال فَّمن ربكما يا موسٰ Difference between a Nabi and a Rasul َّ َّ َّ َّ ُّ ُّ َّ َّ ُّ َّ A asu is one ho brouht a ne sharia (ode o ie hist those َّ ِ َّع َّ ش ٍ ho did not brin a ne sharia but ooed the preious asu قَّ َّال َّرب ُّنَّا ال ذي أ ْ ََّط كُّ ل َّ ْيء َّخلْقَّ ُّه ُّث َّ م َّه َّدى ‘Said (iran "And ho is the Lord o you to usa" Said he ere aed abi – p. Abiya. (usa "ur Lord is e ho ae eerythin its or and then uided n nish they are a aed rophets as there is no distinuishin it".’ Suratu Taha- 20:49,50 ord or nabi rasu.

he aboe ayaat o uran sho that hen iran ased rophet  ISMA usa (pbuh ho his Lord as the repy o rophet usa (pbuh as his eans protetion aainst oittin sins. his protetion is e ho ae eerythin its or and then uided it. ro tiny atos saeuarded by eerisin aa and noede. Athouh sa is to hoe aaies a o reation is proressin as panned by Aah. a rae ro Aah the abstention ro sins by rophets and e see a sa seed in the ourse o presribed onditions and as Aia is throuh their on ree i. Aah says in the uran beoin a poeru tree. وما أَّرسلنا ِمن رس ٍول إِّلَّ لِيطاع بِإِذ ِ ن ِاّللٰ َّ َّ ْ َّ ْ َّ َّ ُّ ُّ َّ َّ ْ ٰ َّ ِ And e did not send any prophet but to be obeyed in aordane" َّوأ ْو ََّح َّرب ُّ َّك إِ ََّل النَّ ْحلٰ And your Lord inspires the bee… Suratun Nahl - 16:68 ith the i o Aah" Suratun Nisa 4:64 e see the bee hih inspired by Aah deeops an order o a opiated soiety. ny the one ho is aays on the true path and has not eer been unust oud be obeyed hoeheartedy by the peope. Siiary or an to reah peretion Aah has sent rophets to uide anind.  MU'JIZA ery rophet is ranted the poer o perorin uia ho is a abi A abi is a bearer o nes. A abi ust hae the (iraes in order to ie proo that his essae is ro the Lord ooin uaiiations o the ords. A uia is an at that annot be perored by . e ust be sent by Aah. here annot be a seade abi. earnin or pratie. uias ust onor to the entaity o the . e ust be siness (asoo. soiety to hih the rophet is sent. he uia ien to rophet . e ust be abe to peror iraes (uia in order to eriy usa (pbuh as ai beause ypt as at that tie enrossed his ai o abua. and epert in ai.


َّ ِم ِ ِ م ِ م َّ نقص َّول َّقَّ ْد أ ْر َّسلْنَّا ُّر ُّس ًًل ن قَّبْل َّك منْ ُّهٰم َّ ن قَّ َّص ْصنَّا عَّلَّيْ َّك َّومنْ ُّهم َّ ن ل ْم َّ ْ ُّ ْص عَّلَّيْ َّكٰ “And indeed We sent Prophets before you, of them there are those e have not related to you...” Suratul Mu'min 40:78

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 4Page 4 imilarly, Prophet uhammad pbuh as raised amonst the Prophet mentioned in Qur’an & Adadith ho ere poets and literary eperts and they ere hallened at their on art ith the oly uran. . Adam pbuh . arun pbuh . drees pbuh . lyaas pbuh ne differene beteen the muia of Prophet uhammad pbuh . uh pbuh . lyasa pbuh and the other Prophets mirales is that the uran stands as a . ud pbuh . hulifl pbuh hallene for all times and plaes hile other muias are . aalih pbuh . hularnain pbuh temporary and short lived. . brahim pbuh . ayr pbuh . ut pbuh . aud pbuh he aim of Prophethood and the or of Prophets is not simply to . smail pbuh . ulayman pbuh eplain sharia. he most important duty of the Prophets is to . shaa pbuh . uman pbuh establish a soial order of ustie and to enourae freedom of . aub pbuh . unus pbuh thouht and uidane. . usuf pbuh . aariyya pbuh . Ayyub pbuh . ahya pbuh Allah sent , Prophets, e do not no the names of all these . huayb pbuh . sa pbuh Prophets. . usa pbuh . uhammad pbuh

e as an thiopian ise man aority of uslims believe he as a n the uran Allah says Prophet. َّ ِم ِ ِ م ِ م َّ نقص Prophets Mnemonic َّول َّقَّ ْد أ ْر َّسلْنَّا ُّر ُّس ًًل ن قَّبْل َّك منْ ُّهٰم َّ ن قَّ َّص ْصنَّا عَّلَّيْ َّك َّومنْ ُّهم َّ ن ل ْم َّ ْ ُّ ْص Adam drees ent to .the to visit brahim عليكٰ َّ َّ ْ َّ “And indeed We sent Prophets before you, of them there are those ut direted them to evel , room here hose stories We have related to you and of them are those hose stories We have not related to you...” Suratul Mu'min 40:78 Ayyub huayb ere visitin too. usa arun ere also in evel fittin a and ith unus so that aariyya and ahya ould ontat sa uhammad


. hidr pbuh . usha bin un pbuh . hamuel pbuh . ieel pbuh . asul Ashaabulhdud pbuh . hamun pbuh o other disiples of sa pbuh uessors to Prophet sa pbuh t is not non hether they ere Ambiya.

. heeth pbuh . baydiya pbuh . aam pbuh . abau pbuh . Armiya pbuh . irees pbuh . anial pbuh . udasif pbuh . Amus pbuh . halid bin anaan pbuh


. hidr pbuh Prophet Adam pbuh . usha bin un pbuh afiyullah hosen one of Allah. . hamuel pbuh halifatullah st eputy of Allah. . ieel pbuh abil, abil, heeth and others. . asul Ashaabulhdud pbuh . hamun pbuh Prophet Adam pbuh as the first human bein reated by Allah. o other disiples of sa pbuh mam Ali pbuh desribes his reation Allah athered toether earth uessors to Prophet sa pbuh t is not non hether they havin various properties – hard, soft, saline, acidic…. He then added ere Ambiya. ater to this miture of earth and shaped it into a form. or a period of time this form hih e no as the human seleton as alloed to harden and set. he seleton as then lothed ith musles and fat and a overin of sin iven to it. . heeth pbuh . baydiya pbuh Allah then infused into it is spirit and the fiure stood up to be a . aam pbuh . abau pbuh human bein. . Armiya pbuh . irees pbuh t is said that as soon as Allah ble is spirit into Prophet Adam . anial pbuh . udasif pbuh pbuh, he sneeed and opened his eyes sayin ِ ِ ِ Amus pbuh . halid bin anaan pbuh . ٰاَّ ْْل َّ ْم ُّ د ّٰللٰ َّر ِ ِ ال ْعملَّم ْ َّي ٰ ر “All praise is for Allah, the Rabb of the worlds.”

Allah teahes Prophet Adam pbuh all the names. his means he as taught all knowledge, speech, expression… Even the who at first had protested aainst the reation of a human bein ere beildered at the nolede Prophet Adam pbuh had. hey oneded sayin “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge but that which You have tauht us, surely ou are Allnoin, AllWise.”

An interestin omes to mind ibrail ame to Prophet Adam pbuh and said Adam have been ordered to let you hoose one of three thins. hoose one only. Prophet Adam ased What are the three thins ibrail replied eason al, modesty and reliion deen. Prophet Adam said hoose reason.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 6 Page 77 ibrail ordered odesty and faith to withdraw. ut both faith and odesty said ibrail! We both have been instructed by llah to reain with reason wherever it ay be.

llah then coanded all the angels to do sada before da pbuh. hey all obeyed except haytan who was a inn who lived aongst the angels.

haytan was called aeel before and he was a inn. He used to be a teacher to the angels. When haytan was asked why he did not do sada, he said he was better than da pbuh as he was ade fro fire and da pbuh was ade fro clay. He was sent out of heaven but was allowed respite until a day chosen by llah.

llah then asked da pbuh and his wife Hawwa pbuh to live in the garden of anna. hey were allowed to eat of all the fruits but were advised not to go near one particular tree and not to eat of its fruits.

haytan was always angry at da pbuh at being the cause of his being sent out of heaven so he entered anna and told da pbuh that he was their sincere friend and was advising the. He told the to eat of the fruit they were asked not to go near as it would ake the be like angels and live forever. rophet da pbuh and ayyida Hawwa pbuh had never heard anyone lie before in their lives and because haytan swore by llah, they believed hi. s soon as they tasted the fruit, they realised their istake and turned to llah for forgiveness saying “Our Rabb! We have been unjust to ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.” We too can use this entioned in Suratul A’raaf, aya 23, in unoot to ask for forgiveness for our sins.

llah forgave the but asked the to leave anna and live on the earth where as long as they obeyed llah, haytan would not be able to trick the.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 8Page 8 ibrail ordered modesty and faith to withdraw. ut both faith and t is related that when rohet dam buh was sent to the earth modesty said O ibrail! We both have been instructed by llah to they first arrived at a lace called rafat. t rafat on the mountain of remain with reason wherever it may be. abalul Rahma they cried for foriveness for their mistae. llah forave him. rom rafat, rohet dam buh and ayyida awwa llah then commanded all the anels to do sajda before dam buh. buh went throuh udalifa and ina to aa. o comlete their hey all obeyed ecet haytan who was a who lived amonst the foriveness, llah ased rohet dam buh to do a tawaf round anels. where the Ka’ba was going to be. Jibrail drew a suare showin where the Ka’ba was to be and Prophet Adam buh did tawaf. haytan was called aeel before and he was a inn. e used to be a teacher to the anels. When haytan was ased why he did not do awwa buh was ased to o away from dams siht and told to sit sajda, he said he was better than dam buh as he was made from on the mountain of arwa. On comletion of his tawaaf dam buh fire and dam buh was made from clay. e was sent out of heaven looed for awwa buh e climbed the mountain nearest to the but was allowed resite until a day chosen by llah. aba which was mount affa and he saw his wife on the oosite mountain. e went towards her but before meetin her he was ased llah then ased dam buh and his wife awwa buh to live in the by llah to cut his nails and hair which he had not looed after and let arden of anna. hey were allowed to eat of all the fruits but were row due to his rief of committin a mistae. e did this and on advised not to o near one articular tree and not to eat of its fruits. meetin awwa buh he was ased to erform another tawaf awaafunisa in thans. his was the first mra erformed. haytan was always anry at dam buh at bein the cause of his bein sent out of heaven so he entered anna and told dam buh rohet dam buh and ayyida awwa buh settled on the arth that he was their sincere friend and was advisin them. e told them and llah ot used to their new home and llah blessed them with to eat of the fruit they were ased not to o near as it would mae children, hey had two sets of twins. abil and his sister were born them be lie anels and live forever. first and then abil and his sister some years later. rohet dam buh and ayyida awwa buh had never heard anyone lie before in their lives and because haytan swore by llah, abil became a farmer and rew cros whilst abil et cattle and they believed him. s soon as they tasted the fruit, they realised their shee. When it came to aoint a successor, llah told rohet dam mistae and turned to llah for foriveness sayin buh to aoint abil, his youner son. his decision made abil “Our Rabb! We have been unjust to ourselves, and if You do not very anry and he told his father that he should be the one to succeed forive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.” because he was older than abil. We too can use this dua mentioned in Suratul A’raaf, aya 23, in unoot to as for foriveness for our sins. rohet dam buh told them to each mae a sacrifice to llah, and the one whose sacrifice was acceted would be the more deservin llah forave them but ased them to leave anna and live on the one. abil decided to sacrifice the best animal from his herd and he earth where as lon as they obeyed llah, haytan would not be able brouht a stron, healthy shee. abil thouht to himself that since to tric them. llah would not eat his cros, he did not have to sacrifice his best

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 8 Page 99 grain. o he broght some spoit orn to sariie.

he sariies were paed at the appointed pae when sdden a ire ame down rom heaen and brnt the sheep to ashes whie the orn was et ntohed. his meant that abis sariie had been aepted whie abis was reeted.

abi beame eaos o his brother and he began to hate him. n the ran in Suratul Ma’ida, aya 27 Aah sas “Narrate to them the story of the two sons of Adam. When each of them oered a sariie to Aah bt it was aepted rom one o them and not aepted rom the other. ne o them abi said wi mrder o and the other abi repied Aah on aepts from those who have taqwa.”

abi oed his brother and tried his best to am him down and tod him rother o hae gone astra rom the right path and whateer intention o hae in or heart is sin. ee the orgieness o Aah and do not see the pnishment o .

hese words had no eet on abi. is eaos was too mh or him to bear and one da he ied abi. abi had no idea what to do with the bod o his brother. Aah sent down two rows beore abi. abi wathed as one row ied the other one. t then dg a hoe in the grond with its bea and bried the dead row. Ater that it eeed the grond with its eet. abi reaised that this was what he had to do and he bried the bod o abi.

Prophet Adam pbh and aida awwa were grie strien. Aah granted them a son to seed Prophet Adam pbh aed Prophet heeth pbh.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 10Page 10 ran. o he roht some sot corn to sacrfce. S u

he sacrfces were aced at the aonted ace when sddeny a fre M heeth h came down from heaven and rnt the shee to ashes whe the corn Adam h was eft ntoched. hs meant that as sacrfce had een nos acceted whe as was reected. rohet heeth h was orn fve years after the death of a. a ecame eaos of hs rother and he ean to hate hm. n the Aah aonted rohet heeth h as the sccessor to rohet ran n Suratul Ma’ida, aya 27 Aah says Adam h and sent hm ffty oos contann denes “Narrate to them the story of the two sons of Adam. When each of commands ractces and restrctons. e was a vrtos son and t them offered a sacrfce to Aah t t was acceted from one of was he who red Adam h when he ded. them and not acceted from the other. ne of them a sad w mrder yo and the other a reed Aah ony accets t is related from Imam Ja’fer Asadq h that heeth h ed from those who have taqwa.” the fnera rayers for rohet Adam h and rected fve aeers a ractce that we st erform today n aaatayyt. a oved hs rother and tred hs est to cam hm down and tod hm rother yo have one astray from the rht ath and rohet heeth h resded n aa where he constanty whatever ntenton yo have n yor heart s snf. ee the erformed a. e ded at the ae of years eavn hs son nos forveness of Aah and do not see the nshment of ahannam. as hs sccessor. e was red aonsde hs arents.

hese words had no effect on a. s eaosy was too mch for hm PROPHET’S SHEETH’S ADVISE: to ear and one day he ed a. a had no dea what to do wth . et to now Aah hs anes and messeners. the ody of hs rother. Aah sent down two crows efore a. a . e aware of the dfference etween ood and ev. watched as one crow ed the other one. t then d a hoe n the . sten to and oeyn those who have een aonted y Aah rond wth ts ea and red the dead crow. After that t ed as s messenersreresentatves. the rond wth ts feet. a reased that ths was what he had to . e nd to arents. do and he red the ody of a. . Do good to the best of one’s ability

. e the oor. rohet Adam h and ayyda awwa were ref strcen. Aah . how ndness to the homeess. ranted them a son to scceed rohet Adam h caed rohet . e rave n oeyn Aah. heeth h. . ee away from corrton.

. ave atence wth fath and certanty. . e trthf . e st. . o not et too attached to materastc thns.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 10 Page 1111 ae a sarifie as a sign of thans to Allah ho has bestoed blessings on is reation ae tolerane and be thanfl to Allah dring alamities in the orld ithot shoing imatiene e modest and aoid onflit

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 12Page 12 ae a sarifie as a sign of thans to Allah ho has bestoed IDREES EOH blessings on is reation ae tolerane and be thanfl to Allah dring alamities in AE: Idrees bh the orld ithot shoing imatiene ATHER: Jared bin ahaleel bin ainan bin nos bin heeth e modest and aoid onflit bin rohet Adam bh HIDRE: reatgrandfather of rohet h bh

rohet Idrees bh as born years after the death of rohet Adam bh e as the great grandson of rohet heeth bh and the great grandfather of rohet h bh

e as the first erson to introde the art of riting and the art of tailoring stithing e as the first man also to mae eaons and elain the measring of eights by balane It as he ho taght eole the onders of the lanets in relation to the sn and instrted them to orshi the reator Allah It is related from Imam Jafer adi bh that rohet Idrees bh sed to sit in the mose of hale in fa and stith and offer his rayers there

It is narrated that dring the rohethood of rohet Idrees bh there as one a rel ing ne day the ing on an oting sa a beatifl garden hih he lied e ased the oner of the garden to hand oer the garden to him he oner refsed saying he had a ife and hildren to feed he ing as enraged is ife ho too as a mean told him to as some eole to bear itness that the man as against the ing and to then ill him he ing did st that and too the land leaing the family of the garden oner homeless

Allah sent rohet Idrees bh to arn the ing of nishment for his rime he ing did not listen and told rohet Idrees bh to leae before he as illed he een sent some men to ill Idrees bh e left and hid in a ae raying to Allah to nish the eole he ing as oerthron and the eole of the ton too sffered for there as also no rain odd years later the eole throgh sffering rayed to Allah for forgieness Allah aeted their

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 12 Page 1313 reentane and rain as sent rohet Idrees bh too retrned to the ton

e sed to ray so mh that een the angels sed to onder abot him ne the of death Irail anted to isit Idrees bh Allah alloed him to do so in hman form Idrees bh ased Irail to tae his sol ot as he anted to taste death Irail did this bt then retrned his sol ba

e then ased to see Janna and Jahannam hen he sa Janna he ased to stay there for a hile Allah alloed him to do so as he had already tasted death

e is still alie and in heaen

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 14Page 14 reentane and rain as sent rohet Idrees bh too retrned to PROPHET H the ton AE: Abdl haffar or Abdl ale or Abdl Alaa e sed to ray so mh that een the angels sed to onder abot TITE: h one ho ries a lot in fear of Allah him ne the angel of death Irail anted to isit Idrees bh Adam e haani nd Adam Allah alloed him to do so in hman form Idrees bh ased Irail HIDRE: aam, Saam, Yaafis, Kan’aan to tae his sol ot as he anted to taste death Irail did this bt then retrned his sol ba ne of the rohets ho lied a ery long life as rohet h bh e as born years after the death of rohet Adam e then ased to see Janna and Jahannam hen he sa Janna he It is said that he may hae lied for oer to thosand years ased to stay there for a hile Allah alloed him to do so as he had already tasted death rohet h bh reahed and lied amongst his eole for years ery day he old hae a ne sermon e reahed to his e is still alie and in heaen eole abot the oneness of Allah and ased them not to orshi other bt the eole st ignored him moed at him and een beat him At times rohet h bh as bried nder iles of stones and Jibrail sed to ome and remoe the stones and tend the onds

rohet h bh after many years of reahing to no aail omlained to Allah saying that althogh he alled them night and day they ere getting orse and old not listen tting their finger in their ears oering their faes so he old not see them nor old they hear him Allah stoed rain to them for many years bt the eole ere so stbborn that they refsed to beliee and listen

inally his atiene as ehasted and he omlained to Allah abot the people. Allah in the Qur’an in S A says e sent h to his eole to arn them before the ainfl nishment ame on them e said my eole I arn yo learly that yo shold orshi only Allah and fear im and follo me

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 14 Page 1515 Allah ase rophet uh puh to uil an ar as is punishment oul ome in the form of a floo. n response to the omman of Allah, rophet uh puh plante saplins an aite for them to ro up into stron trees. hen he ut them on an ean to mae the ar.

hen the people sa him an the elieers main an ar the starte lauhin at him. he ar as mae at a plae here no stans asieKufa. t as s in lenth, s in ith an s in heiht. t ha three stories the first for the animals, the seon for the irs an the thir for the elieers, rophet uh puh an his famil. t too ears to omplete the onstrution of the ar, an urin this time the people ean teasin him sain that he ha ien up ein a rophet an eome a arpenter.

hen the ar as rea Allah ase rophet uh puh his ife, his three sons, aam, Saam an Yaafis, the elieers an a pair of eah in of animal an ir to oar the ar. rophet uh puh ha another son alle Kanaan ho refuse to oar the ar an as not a elieer.

hen the ha all oare the ar the ere ase to sa a little praer to Allah hih Allah mentions in Suratul Mu’minun, Ayaat 28 an 2 “All praise is for Allah who delivered us from the unjust people.” “And sa m a ause me to lan a lesse lanin, an You are the est to ause to lan

he ater starte pourin from the s an ushin out of the lan. here is a spot mare in asieKufa here the ater first starte ushin out

he ar starte moin. rophet uh puh sa his son Kanaan strulin in the ater an trie one more to onine him to hae faith an ome into the ar. ut Kanaan replie that he oul o to

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 16Page 16 Allah ased rophet uh puh to uild an ar as is punishment top of a mountain and e safe there. rophet uh puh warned him would ome in the form of a flood. n response to the ommand of that there was no shelter from Allahs urse eept in the ar. Allah rophet uh puh planted saplins and waited for them to uddenl hue wave ame and swept anaan off forever. row up into stron trees. hen he ut them down and ean to mae rophet uh puh prayed for the safety of his son. In the Qur’an in the ar. Suratu u, Ayaat an Allah sas “And Nuh cried to his Lord and said, "My Rabb! indeed my son is of my hen the people saw him and the elievers main an ar the famil and indeed our promise is true and ou are the most just of started lauhin at him. he ar was made at a plae where now the judes. e Allah said uh ndeed he is not of our famil stands asjideufa. t was ds in lenth ds in width and his ondut is not rihteous... ds in heiht. t had three stories the first for the animals the Allah told rophet uh puh that anaan was not reall his son seond for the irds and the third for the elievers rophet uh eause he did not show it his deeds and did not deserve to e puh and his famil. t too ears to omplete the onstrution of saved. the ar and durin this time the people ean teasin him sain that he had iven up ein a rophet and eome a arpenter. oon there was so muh water that all that ould e seen was the s and water. here was a solar elipse. t is related that the ar was hen the ar was read Allah ased rophet uh puh his wife his pushed the waves until it reahed aa where it irled the aa. three sons aam aam and aafis the elievers and a pair of eah he whole world was sumered in water eept the spot where aa ind of animal and ird to oard the ar. rophet uh puh had stood. another son alled anaan who refused to oard the ar and was not a eliever. rophet uh puh was sared as the ar was tossed in the hih waters. e recited “aa laha llallah” 1000 times. e too an reite hen the had all oarded the ar the were ased to sa a little this when we are frihtened. praer to Allah whih Allah mentions in Suratul Mu’minun, Ayaat 28 n hearin the of rophet uh puh the earth swallowed in an 2 water the s stopped rainin and the ar ame to rest on ount “All praise is for Allah who delivered us from the unjust people.” “And udi. sa m a ause me to land a lessed landin and ou are the est to ause to land Allah in Suratu u, Aya ay “And it was said: O earth, swallow down your water and O cloud, clear he water started pourin from the s and ushin out of the land. awa and the water was made to reede and the affair was deided here is a spot mared in asjideufa where the water first started and the ar rested on the Judi…” ushin out n the ail ail of ondon onda anuar it is reported he ar started movin. rophet uh puh saw his son anaan that a team of eoloists have found the remains of an anient ship strulin in the water and tried one more to onvine him to have whih fits the desription of the ar of rophet uh puh hih in the faith and ome into the ar. ut anaan replied that he would o to mountains of the Turkish Iranian border. The Mail says: “The site is

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 16 Page 1717 immediately below the peak of the mountain AlJudi, which is named in the Koran as the resting place of the ark.”

rophet Nuh pbuh and the others came out at Mosul and here the foundation of the city of Madinatuth Thamaanin was laid meanin the city of eiht. rophet Nuh pbuh lied for uite a lon time after this.

hen the anel of death Isra’el came to him rophet Nuh pbuh asked him whether there was time for him to o into the shade from the sun. Isra’el said there was and rophet Nuh pbuh told him that the life of the world was ust like passin from the sun into the shade i.e. Like enterin from one door and leain throuh another.

Althouh he lied such a lon time he neer constructed a house for himself. e lied in a small hut.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 18Page 18 ieiatel elo the peak of the ontain li hich is nae u in the Koran as the resting place of the ark.” AM ph rophet h ph an the others cae ot at osl an here the A llah in iah in aloos in a in s in fonation of the cit of ainatth haaanin as lai eaning the aa in h. cit of eight. rophet h ph lie for ite a long tie after this. rophet ph as sent to the people of a. a as sitate hen the angel of eath sra’el cae to hi rophet h ph in haaf hich is plral of of eans a raise spot in the esert. t aske hi hether there as tie for hi to go into the shae fro is sai to hae een locate in een at the shores of the sea of the sn. sra’el sai there as an rophet h ph tol hi that an. the life of the orl as st like passing fro the sn into the shae i.e. ike entering fro one oor an leaing throgh another. rophet ph as orn aongst these people ho ere er strong an er rich. he hoeer orshippe iols. rophet lthogh he lie sch a long tie he neer constrcte a hose for ph spent a long tie preaching to the to orship the ne an hiself. e lie in a sall ht. nl o their creator llah. he people ere storn an refse to listen to hi ecept er fe. llah pnishe the people of a sening a roght no rain. he people still ol not eliee an ocke ph een eating hi p. e arne the of a greater pnishent t the st ignore hi. hen the harships ecae great the all cae to rophet s hose an aske hi to pra for rain. e prae for rain an the people ha foo again t the still refse to correct theseles. n fact the efie rophet ph to ring the pnishent that he ha sai llah ol sen on the if he as tre.

rophet ph tol the that the knolege of hen as onl ith llah. oon the sa a clo coing toars the. hinking it as rain the gathere nerneath it. oeer it as a last of strong iolent in like a cclone an it kille all the people of a. rophet ph an a fe elieers ere sae an it is sai ph oe to ahreat een. t is sai he ie there an is rie there too.


AM aleh A in sif in asikh in in air in haoo in air in aa in h

rophet aleh ph as sent to the people of haoo. he trie of haoo ere ell to o people ho lie in the alle of ir eteen aina an ria. he se to care their hoes of hge rocks in the ontains. he trie of haoo is also knon as the secon a. llah ha faore the ith ealth an onties t the forgot hi an orshippe iols.

rophet aleh ph preache to the people for a long tie rging the to aanon their iols an to orship llah. he se to annall orship a piece of the ontain offering sacrifices it. he calle rophet aleh ph to ring a sign fro llah to the if he as one of the trthfl ones.

llah sent as a sign to the a shecael an it as coane llah that the shecael ol rink all the ater of the spring one a an the people of haoo ol rink fro it one a. eer ha the people seen sch a cael ho rink all the ater of the spring on alternate as t still ol not aanon their iols. rophet aleh ph ha also arne the that if the hare the she cael the ol e pnishe llah.

heir prie an stornness hoeer case the to kill the she cael. he then cae to rophet aleh ph an sai aleh ring s hat o threatene s ith if o are of the essengers” uran

e aske the to repent o taa ithin three as t the onl ocke hi. n the th a there as a thner olt fro the sk

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 20Page 20 SA u AM A uran

” uran



him. The Qur’an mentions the conversa in Suratu , Ayaat

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 22Page 22 AM u m ather o not orshi hatan ho as isoeient to ah. m ather am arai that the unishment o ah miht touch ou AM rahim uh so that ou ou e a rien o hatan. A Tarooh in ahoor in aroo in eu in ee e ar sai o ou turn aainst m os rahim ou o not in er in aah in risha in aam in uh o aa i stone ou. et aa rom me or a on hie. S haiuah rien o ah e rahim sai eace e on ou i ra to m a to orive smai shaa uh you. He is most gracious to me.”

rohet rahim uh as orn in the time o the in cae rohet rahim uh continue to reach to his eoe tein them amru ho caime that he as o. n astrooer ha to not to orshi statues. ne a hen the eoe ere out o ton amru that there as soon to e a rohet ho ou overthro he ent to here the statues ere et an roe a o them eavin amru an invite eoe to ah. amru arai o osin his oer on the iest one. hen the eoe o the ton came ac the orere a men an omen in the an to e searate so there sa the roen statues an rushe toars rohet rahim uh ou e no chiren orn. e thouht he cou chane the i o sain ah. ave ou one this to our os rahim rohet rahim uh ante them to reaise the heessness o s soon as he as orn his mother hi him in a cave outsie the ton these statues an ase them to as the iest one. The eoe here the ive unti he as ears o. is mother et it as sae ne that there os cou not anser an oere there hea in to rin him into ton then. is ather Tara ha area ie so he shame an sai ou no u e that these statues sea not as aote ar his athers rother. rohet rahim uh reie ar as a amous scutor ho use to mae ios out o stone. ar ou ou then orshi that hich can neither he nor harm ou ave rohet rahim uh a o to se these ios. n the irst a ah mentions this incient in uratu mia. o his o he tie a roe aroun some ios an rae them throuh the maretace. e then cae out to the eoe rohet rahim uh ha shoe them the useessness o their ome an u these ieess ios ho can neither eneit nor harm os ut the eoe ere stuorn. The i not ant to amit ano. eeat. The ante to et ri o rohet rahim uh. hue The eoe o the ton ere urious an comaine to ar ho urnace as constructe an ireoo as coecte or a month. ismisse rahim uh immeiate. rohet rahim uh as ace in a cataut an un into the ire amru the in at that time. tin iar sithere as cose to the rahim uh trie to reason ith his unce ho as ie a ather to ire as he cou et. ith ater in his itte mouth he sit it at the ire him. The Qur’an mentions the conversation in Suratu Maryam, Ayaat trin to ouse it. The other animas aroun him seein him sai “What difference will it make?” The iar reie

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 22 Page 2323 “On the day of qiyama, when I will come before my Creator, I will say that I tried my best.”

As he was being thrown in to fire several angels came to him offering to rescue him but rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) said that was a matter between him and his ord (Allah). n Suratul Amiya, aya , Allah says that he told the fire O fire e cold and a safety to Ibrahim (pbuh) Recite this aya when you have a fever and Insha’Allah you will get better.

Namrud, who was watching was astounded when from the top of his palace he saw that the fire had turned into a garden. Namrud summoned rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and told him ou are creating confusion in the people by inviting them to worship another lord besides me. ell me ho is your ord he incident in mentioned in Suratu aara, aya 28 where Allah says “Have you thought about the one (Namrud) who argued with Ibrahim about his Rabb, because Allah had given him the ingdom Ibrahim said to him, y ord is He ho gives life and causes death. He (Namrud) said, I (also) give life and cause death. Ibrahim said, Allah maes the sun rise from the east, (why dont) you bring it from the west. hus the unbeliever was baffled and Allah does not guide unjust people.”

his is how Namrud thought he too could give life and cause death. He said If I call two prisoners who are going to be hanged, and let one go free and ill the other, I have given one life and the other death.

Namrud saw that he could not win and so he ordered rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to leave his ingdom and stopped everybody from following his religion.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 24Page 24 “On the day of qiyama, when I will come before my Creator, I will say rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) left the city of abul and migrated to yria. that I tried my best.” rom yria he went towards aytul uqaddas. On the way there a ing presented his wife arah with a slave called Hajra. arah As he was being thrown in to fire several angels came to him offering presented Hajra to rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to rescue him but rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) said that was a matter between him and his ord (Allah). rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and arah could not have any children and this n Suratul Amiya, aya , Allah says that he told the fire made him very sad. He prayed to Allah to grant him a child through O fire e cold and a safety to Ibrahim (pbuh) Hajra Allah granted him a son called Ismail. hen Ismail was born Recite this aya when you have a fever and Insha’Allah you will get rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was years old. ive years later Allah also better. granted him another son through arah whom they called Ishaaq.

Namrud, who was watching was astounded when from the top of his rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) too Hajra and Ismail to the place now nown palace he saw that the fire had turned into a garden. as aa. He returned to aytul uqaddas. Hajra and her baby son Namrud summoned rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and told him ou are Ismail soon ran out of water. Hajra ran in search of water between the creating confusion in the people by inviting them to worship another two mountains of afa and arwa. uddenly she saw a spring of lord besides me. ell me ho is your ord water gush out under the heel of her son Ismail. he spring is still he incident in mentioned in Suratu aara, aya 28 where Allah says there today and is nown as amam. oon the tribe of anu urham “Have you thought about the one (Namrud) who argued with Ibrahim came and settled around there and the town of aa grew. rophet about his Rabb, because Allah had given him the ingdom Ibrahim (pbuh) visited them often. Ibrahim said to him, y ord is He ho gives life and causes death. He (Namrud) said, I (also) give life and cause death. hen Ismail (pbuh) was years old, rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) dreamt Ibrahim said, Allah maes the sun rise from the east, (why dont) you that he was sacrificing Ismail (pbuh) It was a dream from Allah. bring it from the west. hus the unbeliever was baffled and Allah Ibrahim (pbuh) taled to Ismail about his dream and Ismail who too does not guide unjust people.” was to be a rophet said that rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) should do as Allah had commanded. ust as rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) thought that he his is how Namrud thought he too could give life and cause death. He had sacrificed Ismail (pbuh) after passing a nife over his nec he said opened his blindfold and saw that Ismail was standing safe near him If I call two prisoners who are going to be hanged, and let one go free and in his place there was a Ram. and ill the other, I have given one life and the other death. rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) thought that his sacrifice had not been accepted but he heard a voice which said Namrud saw that he could not win and so he ordered rophet Ibrahim O Ibrahim, indeed you have proven true that dream, thus do we (pbuh) to leave his ingdom and stopped everybody from following his reward the doers of good. Allah mentions this in Suratu Saat, aya religion.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 24 Page 2525 e celebrate idul (Adha) commemorating this sacrifice of Ibrahim (pbuh) Allah in Suratu ‘Aali Imran, aya 91 says Never shall you achieve righteousness unless you spend (in the way of Allah) that which you love most.

rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and Ismail also made the aba near the grave of Hajra who had died. he place where rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) stood is also there today and is nown as aqame Ibrahim. Allah softened the roc he was standing on to mould his footprints.

rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) is called the father of the rophets because from his son Ismail (pbuh) came the Arab rophets, including our rophet uhammad (pbuh), and from his son Ishaaq (pbuh) came the rophets of ani Israil including rophet Isa (pbuh).

he title of rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was halilullah, which means riend of Allah. hen the time came for his death, he told the angel of death As Allah if a friend ills his friend he angel of death, Irail, could not answer this question, so he returned to Allah, ho commanded him to go bac to Ibrahim (pbuh) and say O Ibrahim, does a friend refuse to return to his friend

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 26Page 26 e celebrate idulHajj (Adha) commemorating this sacrifice of u Ibrahim (pbuh) Allah in Suratu ‘Aali Imran, aya 91 says Never shall you achieve righteousness unless you spend (in the way am rophet ut (pbuh) of Allah) that which you love most. atr son of arih

rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and Ismail also made the aba near the grave rophet ut (pbuh) was the cousin of rophet Ibrahim (pbuh). heir of Hajra who had died. he place where rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) stood mothers were sisters and rophet uts (pbuh) own sister, arah, was is also there today and is nown as aqame Ibrahim. Allah softened rophet Ibrahims (pbuh) first wife. he two rophets (pbuh) migrated the roc he was standing on to mould his footprints. together to alestine, but later rophet ut (pbuh) settled in the district of odom in ordan. rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) is called the father of the rophets because from his son Ismail (pbuh) came the Arab rophets, including our he people of odom were unsociable and treated strangers rophet uhammad (pbuh), and from his son Ishaaq (pbuh) came the disgracefully. Anybody who passed through their area would be robbed rophets of ani Israil including rophet Isa (pbuh). of all his possessions. heir life was full of singing, merrymaing and gambling. ut by far the worst vice in their community was he title of rophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was halilullah, which means homoseuality, which was openly practiced. he word sodomy is in fact riend of Allah. hen the time came for his death, he told the angel a reference to the people of odom, who were the first to commit this of death despicable act. o guide these shameless people, Allah sent rophet ut As Allah if a friend ills his friend (pbuh) to them. rophet ut (pbuh) did his utmost to teach the people he angel of death, Irail, could not answer this question, so he about the evil of their ways. He preached to them the message of Allah returned to Allah, ho commanded him to go bac to Ibrahim (pbuh) and begged them to give up their lewd and disgusting customs. and say However, after years of guidance, only a handful of people had O Ibrahim, does a friend refuse to return to his friend accepted his teaching while the rest remained engrossed in their sinful habits. he uran says And (e sent) ut, when he said to his people, hy do you commit such indecent acts that have never been committed before by anyone in any of the worlds erily, you come to men in lust instead of women. Indeed you are a people who are guilty of ecess. And they had no answer ecept that they said, urn him out of our town, he and his people see to purify (themselves). Suratul Ara,

hile rophet ut (pbuh) increased his efforts to try and guide the people, they wanted to epel him and his followers from the town. hen he warned the people to fear the rath of Allah for their indecent behaviour, they laughed and said that they did not care about

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 26 Page 2727 it. inally rophet ut (pbuh) despaired of ever guiding the people. He was deeply ashamed when they forced travellers passing through the town to indulge in their vile acts, and prayed to Allah to deliver him and his family from the people of odom. inally, the punishment of Allah descended on these wretched people. Allah sent down a group of His angels, including ibrail (pbuh), to teach the people of odom a terrible lesson. he angels came down in human form and first visited rophet Ibrahim (pbuh). He thought they were travellers who were passing by his house, so he welcomed them and prepared a roasted calf for them. However, they did not touch their meals and their strange behaviour frightened rophet Ibrahim (pbuh). At this point, the angels introduced themselves and said that they were on their way to punish the people of ut. However, they also informed him of the good news that he would soon be blessed them with a son, (rophet) Ishaaq (pbuh), and a grandson, (rophet) aqub (pbuh). rophet brahi pbh had ot bee able to hae a hild with his wife arah ad the ews delihted the. he, he reebered their other prpose. “Ad whe brahi reoered fro his awe ad had reeied the ood ews, he bea pleadi with s for ts people. eril, brahi was ideed forbeari, opassioate ad ofte tred to Allah. Allah said, brahi, orsae this aret deed the deree of or ord has alread oe to pass, ad eril, the are abot to reeie a toret whih is irreersible. Suratu Hud, 11: 74 - 76

he angels then changed themselves into handsome young men and left for odom. hen they reached the town, they noced at the door of rophet uts (pbuh) house. rophet ut (pbuh) was very worried when he saw that he had guests who were handsome youths, because he new very well what the habits of his people were. However, he could not turn them away and so he welcomed them to his house. he uran says

And when Our essengers came to ut, he was grieved for them and felt himself powerless (to protect them) and they said, o not fear or

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 28Page 28 it. inally rophet ut (pbuh) despaired of ever guiding the people. He grieve, we will deliver you and your people, ecept your wife. he shall was deeply ashamed when they forced travellers passing through the be of those who stay behind. erily, we are bringing upon the people of town to indulge in their vile acts, and prayed to Allah to deliver him and this town a punishment for their sins. And indeed e have left a clear his family from the people of odom. inally, the punishment of Allah sign of it for a people who understand. Suratul ‘Ankabut, 29: 33 – 3 descended on these wretched people. Allah sent down a group of His angels, including ibrail (pbuh), to teach the people of odom a terrible No sooner had the guests arrived than rophet uts (pbuh) immoral lesson. he angels came down in human form and first visited rophet wife signalled to the people that there were young men in her house. Ibrahim (pbuh). He thought they were travellers who were passing by he uran says his house, so he welcomed them and prepared a roasted calf for them. And his people came rushing to him, those who had done evil deeds in However, they did not touch their meals and their strange behaviour the past. He (ut) said, O my people, here are my daughters (to marry) frightened rophet Ibrahim (pbuh). At this point, the angels introduced they are purer for you, so guard against (the punishment of) Allah, and themselves and said that they were on their way to punish the people of do not disgrace me about my guests. Is there not amongst you a single ut. However, they also informed him of the good news that he would right minded man hey said, Indeed you now that we do not need soon be blessed them with a son, (rophet) Ishaaq (pbuh), and a your daughters and you very well now what we intend. grandson, (rophet) aqub (pbuh). Suratu u , , 9 As the people surged towards the house, determined to satisfy their evil desires, ibrail (pbuh) waved his arm at them and turned them blind. He “ then ased rophet ut (pbuh) to leave in the night with his family and the few virtuous people, but to leave his wife behind. As soon as they were safe, the angels brought the punishment of Allah on the town. he uran says o the (violent) last seied them (while) entering upon dawn. hus did Suratu Hud, 11: 74 - 76 e turn it (the town) upside down and rained down on them stones of baed clay. erily, in this are signs for those who are heedful. he angels then changed themselves into handsome young men and left Suratul r, : 3 for odom. hen they reached the town, they noced at the door of rophet uts (pbuh) house. rophet ut (pbuh) was very worried when he saw that he had guests who were handsome youths, because he new very well what the habits of his people were. However, he could not turn them away and so he welcomed them to his house. he uran says

And when Our essengers came to ut, he was grieved for them and felt himself powerless (to protect them) and they said, o not fear or


In Suratul Aba, Aaat 2 an 3, Allah says about rophet Ibrahim (pbuh)

rophet Ishaaq (pbuh) was the younger son of rophet Ibrahim (pbuh). rophet Ishaaq (pbuh) was blessed with twin sons, Isu and rophet aqub (pbuh).

rophet aqub (pbuh) was much loved by his parents and this made his twin brother jealous. o prevent trouble between the brothers, rophet Ishaaq (pbuh) advised rophet aqub (pbuh) to migrate from their home in aytul uqaddas to go and live with his uncle.

There Prophet Ya’qub (pbuh) wored for his uncle and married his uncle’s daughters.

ith his family he returned to his home town of aytul uqaddas and made up with his twin brother. He then decided to settle in the land of anaan and Allah granted him with twelve sons and two daughters.

His son, rophet usuf (pbuh) who was one of the youngest was very dear to him. rophet usuf (pbuh) is referred to in the ible as oseph son of acob.

rophet usuf (pbuh) once dreamt that eleven stars and the sun and moon were doing sajda to him. He told the dream to his father. rophet aqub (pbuh) realised that the dream showed his son’s greatness and advised him not to tell his brothers about the dream.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 30Page 30 A bu S bu Prophet Yusus pbuh brothers ere er ealous o h because he as so loed b ther ather and the planned to get rd o h. n Suratul Aba, Aaat 2 an 3 llah sas about Prophet brah heneer the too ther goats out or grang the ould as ther pbuh ather Prophet Yusu pbuh could accopan the. Prophet Yaqub pbuh alas reused sang that he as too oung. ne da the nssted that he as no old enough to go th the. th reluctance ther ather pbuh agreed to let the tae Prophet Yusu pbuh th the.

Prophet shaaq pbuh as the ounger son o Prophet brah pbuh. s soon as the ere ar enough ro hoe the began to plot about Prophet shaaq pbuh as blessed th tn sons su and Prophet ho to get rd o Yusu pbuh hen the cae across a dr ell. Yaqub pbuh. gnorng hs pleas and protests the rpped o hs shrt and thre h nto the ell. Prophet Yusus pbuh shrt and thre h nto the ell. Prophet Yaqub pbuh as uch loed b hs parents and ths ade hs n the a bac the slaughtered a goat and staned Prophet Yusus tn brother ealous. To preent trouble beteen the brothers Prophet pbuh shrt th ts blood. The arred hoe and th crocodle tears shaaq pbuh adsed Prophet Yaqub pbuh to grate ro ther n ther ees the told ther ather that hle the ere grang ther hoe n atul uqaddas to go and le th hs uncle. sheep a ol cae and ate Prophet Yusu pbuh. e dd not belee ther stor but reaned patent trustng n llah. There Prophet Ya’qub pbuh ored or hs uncle and arred hs uncle’s daughters. eanhle a caraan o traders passng b the ell stopped to dra soe ater. The ere surprsed to see Prophet Yusu pbuh coe up th hs al he returned to hs hoe ton o atul uqaddas and holdng the bucet. The hd h th ther erchandse and sold h ade up th hs tn brother. e then decded to settle n the land o to soe slae traders or a e peces o sler. anaan and llah granted h th tele sons and to daughters. Thus Prophet Yusu pbuh arred n gpt. t the slae aret the s son Prophet Yusu pbuh ho as one o the oungest as er buers ere all attracted b Prophet Yusu pbuh ho as a er dear to h. Prophet Yusu pbuh s reerred to n the ble as oseph handsoe oung an. The goernor o gpt Potar bought h and son o acob. too h hoe tellng hs e ulaha that the ould adopt h as ther son. Prophet Yusu pbuh once dreat that eleen stars and the sun and oon ere dong sada to h. e told the drea to hs ather. Prophet Thngs dd not or out as Potar had ntended and ulaha dd not Yaqub pbuh realsed that the drea shoed hs son’s greatness and see Prophet Yusu pbuh as her son. To restore peace n hs household adsed h not to tell hs brothers about the drea. Potar prsoned Prophet Yusu pbuh despte hs nnocence.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 30 Page 3131 n the sae da that Prophet Yusu pbuh as put nto prson to other en ere also prsoned. ne used to sere the ng ne hle the other as the roal coo. oth en had been accused o trng to poson the ng. n the ollong da the neserer sad to Prophet Yusu pbuh sa n a drea that as crushng grapes to ae ne or the ng. The coo sad dreat that as carrng soe bread n a baset on head and brds ere pecng at the bread. oth en sa that Prophet Yusu pbuh as a rghteous person and ased h he could nterpret ther dreas.

Prophet Yusu pbuh too ths opportunt to tell the about taheed and the da o aa. Then he eplaned ther dreas to the sang prsonates The an ho dreat that he as crushng grapes ll soon be released ro here and ll go bac to hs preous post. The second one ho carred the bread on hs head n the drea ll be eecuted and the brds ll start to eat hs bran.

The dreas o both en cae true ust as Prophet Yusu pbuh had oretold. ne o the captes as released hle the other as hanged. The ng soe eas later had a drea as entoned n Suratu uu, aaat 3 an : “The king dreamt that seven lean cows were eating seven fat ones and that there ere seen green ears o corn and seen dr ones. e ased the nobles to tell h the eanng o hs drea the ere able to. The repled t s a conused drea and e do not no the eanng o such dreas.

The ng as dsturbed and ased hs adsors the ne hat t eant. The ere conused. hen the neserer heard about the drea he as rended o hs te n prson and reebered Prophet Yusu pbuh. e too persson ro the ng to st Prophet Yusu pbuh

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 32Page 32 n the same da that rohet sf h was t into rison two rohet sf h told his the meaning of the dream saing other men were also imrisoned ne sed to serve the king wine while or seven ears the cros will ield andant food for the eole of the other was the roal cook oth men had een accsed of tring to gt fter that there will e a famine for seven ears dring which all oison the king n the following da the wineserver said to rohet the food ling in the storehoses will e finished and eole will starve sf h Therefore the eole shold tr to grow as mch etra grain as ossile saw in a dream that was crshing graes to make wine for the king so that it wold stand them in good stead dring the time of famine The cook said dreamt that was carring some read in a asket on m head and irds were ecking at the read n hearing this sensile elanation of his dream from the wineserver oth men saw that rohet sf h was a righteos erson and the king smmoned rohet sf h and released him from rison asked him if he cold interret their dreams acknowledging his innocence llah in Suratu uu, aaat an sas rohet sf h took this oortnit to tell them aot tawheed “The king ordered his men to bring Yusuf before him; he wanted to and the da of iama Then he elained their dreams to them saing grant him a high office The king said to him rom now on o will e m risonmates The man who dreamt that he was crshing graes an honored and trsted erson amongst s sf said t me in will soon e released from here and will go ack to his revios ost charge of the treasries of the land know how to manage them The second one who carried the read on his head in the dream will e eected and the irds will start to eat his rain The king agreed and t him in charge of him in charge of finance and food and rohet sf h ecame the new i of gt e The dreams of oth men came tre st as rohet sf h had wanted to make sre that dring the famine which was to come noone foretold ne of the catives was released while the other was hanged wold remain hngr The ing some eas later had a dream as mentioned in Suratu uu, aaat 3 an : e ordered the constrction of large storehoses and dring the first “The king dreamt that seven lean cows were eating seven fat ones and seven ears rohet sf h made sre that all etra grain stored that there were seven green ears of corn and seven dr ones e asked hen the famine came after seven ears there was enogh food for the noles to tell him the meaning of his dream if the were ale to the eole owever the famine also came to the near lands of The relied t is a confsed dream and we do not know the meaning alestine and anaan where rohet a h lived with his sons of sch dreams One day Prophet Ya’qub h called them and said The king was distred and asked his advisors if the knew what it sons e are in need of food ecase of the famine have heard meant The were confsed hen the wineserver heard aot the that the i of gt is a kind and st man and we ma e ale to dream he was reminded of his time in rison and rememered rohet grain from him eave inameen with me for coman so that ma sf h e took ermission from the ing to visit rohet sf not e lonel h The rothers of rohet sf h set off for gt to rchase grain and ring it ack to anaan rohet sf h was ver leased to see them The did not recognise him at all never eecting that he was

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 32 Page 3333 aie They were proided with enough wheat for their needs and had their money put bak in their bags serety e aso asked them to bring their other brother the net time they ame

hen they returned home they were deighted to find that their money was returned as we oon the wheat ran out and the brothers had to return to gypt They managed to onine their father to aow inyameen to go with them as requested by Prophet Yusuf pbuh Prophet Yusuf pbuh was so peased to see inyameen e inited a of them to dinner and ater tod inyameen that he was his brother but asked him to keep it a seret from the others

Prophet Yusuf pbuh then arranged matters so that inyameen woud stay in gypt The other brothers were distressed beause they knew that their father woud be ery angry at them Prophet Yusuf pbuh refused to let Binyameen go. Prophet Ya’qub pbuh was heartbroken when he found out that inyameen had been detained in gypt is eyesight had aready gone in rying for Yusuf pbuh e sent the brothers back to plead for Binyameen’s release. The brothers returned Prophet Yusuf pbuh reminded them of how they had one separated him from his father beause of eaousy They reaised that this was their brother and fet ashamed asking Yusuf pbuh for forgieness Prophet Yusuf pbuh said You need not be frightened of me ah may forgie you your sins ow take my shirt and oer my fathers fae with it so that he may regain his ost sight Then return to me with a your famiy

fter getting his eyesight bak and hearing the good news of his son Prophet Yaqub pbuh deided to go to gypt immediatey Prophet Yusuf pbuh was deighted to meet them and hugged his father and mother Thus ah made true the dream of Prophet Yusuf pbuh when he had seen eeen stars and the sun and the moon doing sada in front of him t the request of his son Prophet Yaqub pbuh setted in gypt with his famiy and they ame to be known as the ani srai

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 34Page 34 alie. hey ere proided ith enough heat for their needs and had The separation of Prophet Ya’qub pbuh from his son as aso their money put back in their bags secretly. e also asked them to bring remembered b mam i anu abedeen pbuh their other brother the net time they came. heneer mam i anu bedeen pbuh sa ater he ept and remembered i sgher and the thirst chidren in erbaa hen they returned home they ere delighted to find that their money as returned as e. oon the heat ran out and the brothers had to e oud repeat the traged of erbaa and eep heneer anone return to gypt. hey managed to conince their father to allo came to meet him Binyameen to go ith them as requested by Prophet Yusuf pbuh. man once tod him to hae patience and not to eep so much for Prophet Yusuf pbuh as so pleased to see Binyameen. e inited all of man ears had passed them to dinner and later told Binyameen that he as his brother but asked him to keep it a secret from the others. mam repied "You are not doing me justice! Prophet Ya’qub pbuh cried so much Prophet Yusuf pbuh then arranged matters so that Binyameen ould hen separated from Prophet Yusuf pbuh that he ost his eesight stay in gypt. he other brothers ere distressed because they kne and he as a Prophet of ah sa m hoe fami saughtered and that their father ould be ery angry at them. Prophet Yusuf pbuh aso sa m mothers and sisters paraded in the streets" refused to let Binyameen go. Prophet Ya’qub pbuh as heartbroken hen he found out that Binyameen had been detained in gypt. is eyesight had already gone in crying for Yusuf pbuh e sent the brothers back to plead for Binyameen’s release. he brothers returned. Prophet Yusuf pbuh reminded them of ho they had once separated him from his father because of ealousy. hey realised that this as their brother and felt ashamed asking Yusuf pbuh for forgieness. Prophet Yusuf pbuh said You need not be frightened of me. llah may forgie you your sins. o take my shirt and coer my fathers face ith it so that he may regain his lost sight. hen return to me ith all your family.

fter getting his eyesight back and hearing the good nes of his son Prophet Yaqub pbuh decided to go to gypt immediately. Prophet Yusuf pbuh as delighted to meet them and hugged his father and mother. hus llah made true the dream of Prophet Yusuf pbuh hen he had seen eleen stars and the sun and the moon doing sada in front of him. t the request of his son Prophet Yaqub pbuh settled in gypt ith his family and they came to be knon as the Bani srail.


Prophet ub pbuh as the grandson of Prophet shaaq pbuh son of Prophet brahim pbuh and his ife as the granddaughter of Prophet Yusuf pbuh e as a eath and generous man ith arge focs of sheep and a ot of and e had man chidren and as e respected b his peope e as deoted to ah n seeing the deotion of Prophet ub pbuh to ah hatan decided to tr to ead him astra ince he as deaing ith a Prophet hatan requested ah for poer oer Prophet ubs pbuh affairs and said " ah hie ub enjos our bessings he remains gratefu to ou ut gie me contro oer his affairs and i mae him turn aa from ou"

ah as fu aare of the patience and steadfastness of Prophet ub pbuh but as a tria for is Prophet and as a esson for manind he granted hatans request hatan caused the destruction of a Prophet ubs pbuh animas and propert and orse of a he ied his chidren as e oeer Prophet ub pbuh turned to ah ith een greater intensit than before

hen hatan sa his pot defeated he caused Prophet ub pbuh to ose his heath and be got ith a seere disease eeing the troubes befaing Prophet ub pbuh his peope began saing that he must had done something afu to incur the punishment of ah and the began to aoid him ina he as eied from his communit and had to eae the ton Prophet ub pbuh began to ie in the iderness and passed his time praing to ah is on companion as his ife ahma ho supported them b doing oddjobs in peopes houses

eera ears passed and hatan atched hepess as Prophet ub pbuh remained steadfast in his deotion and praers to ah ina he decided that he oud tr Prophet ubs pbuh patience

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 36Page 36 A bu through his ife ne da hatan came in the form of a human being to ahma and tod her that he ne of a a to cure her husband of Prophet ub pbuh as the grandson of Prophet shaaq pbuh son his terribe disease e tod her to tae a sheep and saughter it in his of Prophet brahim pbuh and his ife as the granddaughter of name instead of the ame of ah e caimed that its meat oud Prophet Yusuf pbuh e as a eath and generous man ith arge immediate cure Prophet ub pbuh hen she came bac and focs of sheep and a ot of and e had man chidren and as e suggested this treatment to her husband he instant reaised hat respected b his peope e as deoted to ah n seeing the had happened e reminded her that the ere being tried and as deotion of Prophet ub pbuh to ah hatan decided to tr to cross ith her oing to punish her for her ei suggestion ead him astra ince he as deaing ith a Prophet hatan ina Prophet ub pbuh turned to ah and compained about requested ah for poer oer Prophet ubs pbuh affairs and hatans repeated efforts to mae him forsae his beiefs said “(Remember) Ayyub when he called to his Lord, "I am afflicted with " ah hie ub enjos our bessings he remains gratefu to ou distress and You are the ost ompassionate of a" o e heard his ut gie me contro oer his affairs and i mae him turn aa from cr and reieed him of the miser he as in ou" Suratul Aba, 2: 3,

ah as fu aare of the patience and steadfastness of Prophet ah accepted the praers of Prophet ub pbuh and cured him of ub pbuh but as a tria for is Prophet and as a esson for a his troubes "tamp our foot on the ground This stream is for manind he granted hatans request hatan caused the ou to ash ith and a coo and refreshing drin" nd e gae destruction of a Prophet ubs pbuh animas and propert and him his fami and more ie them a merc from s and a reminder orse of a he ied his chidren as e oeer Prophet ub for those ith understanding nd it as said to him "Tae in our pbuh turned to ah ith een greater intensit than before hand a bunch of thin stics ie fibre and strie our ife ith it so as not to brea our oath" eri e found him steadfast an hen hatan sa his pot defeated he caused Prophet ub pbuh eceent serant eri he turned to s often to ose his heath and be got ith a seere disease eeing the troubes Suratu Saa, 3: 2 befaing Prophet ub pbuh his peope began saing that he must had done something afu to incur the punishment of ah and the Prophet ub pbuh struc the ground ith his foot and a stream of began to aoid him ina he as eied from his communit and had ater came out hen he ashed himsef ith the ater he sa that to eae the ton Prophet ub pbuh began to ie in the his sicness disappeared and he returned to norma is ife ahma iderness and passed his time praing to ah is on companion as orried about him but hen she returned she as amaed to see as his ife ahma ho supported them b doing oddjobs in him restored to his former heath peopes houses Prophet ub pbuh as happ at seeing his ife but after a time eera ears passed and hatan atched hepess as Prophet he remembered his o to punish her ut ah reeaed to him that ub pbuh remained steadfast in his deotion and praers to ah he shoud strie her ith a soft ash so as to itera fufi his o but ina he decided that he oud tr Prophet ubs pbuh patience not to hurt her at a because she had faithfu sered him in his time

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 36 Page 3737 of trial Allah then restored rohet Ayyub (buh) to his former roserity e was blessed with many more children

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 38Page 38 of trial Allah then restored rohet Ayyub (buh) to his former SA bu roserity e was blessed with many more children A: rohet Shu’ayb (buh) A: ube, son of awil, son of arrah, son of Ana, son of Ibrahim

rohet Ibrahim (buh) had a son called idian who married one of the dauhters of rohet Lut (buh) Allah ranted them lots of children and they settled in a lace which was later to be called idian (adyan) It was situated on the outsirts of ia but within the borders of yria

rohet huayb (buh) was sent by Allah to the eole of adyan hey were business eole who were not fair in their dealins hey used to use wron measures of weiht ie ie less for what they had chared (cheat their customers), and also used to steal his was how they made a rofit in their businesses hen rohet huayb (buh) told them to sere none but Allah and to sto cheatin and stealin from eole, they made fun of him because they did not want to lose their rofits

rohet huayb (buh) is known as ‘Khatîbul Ambiya’ because his sermons (lectures) were ery beautifully said main eole wants to hear he eole of adyan howeer, turned a deaf ear sayin he was a liar e also had a staff which would lower the heiht of any mountain so that he could climb on it with ease It is said that it was the same staff that he ae to rohet usa (buh) with which rohet usa (buh) arted the rier ile with Allahs ermission he eole of adyan let loose dos on rohet huayb (buh) and his followers and threatened to ill them

rohet huayb (buh) was ery disaointed e rayed to Allah to unish them Allah acceted his dua and an earthuae shoo adyan he whole city was flattened to the round and only rohet huayb (buh) and his followers were saed

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 38 Page 3939 At that oht Shuayb buh was snt to th town o Ayka whih was na ayan h th ol sai h was un a mai sll an not on ollow his tahins ntually Allah unish thm too by snin intns hat to th town o sn ays th hat soh thm at whih thy saw a lou omin towas thm All th ol ush to tak shlt un it only to b ain with i om th hans an th ol o Ayka w no mo

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 40Page 40 At that oht Shuayb buh was snt to th town o Ayka whih SA bu was na ayan h th ol sai h was un a mai sll an not on ollow his tahins ntually Allah unish thm A: oht usa buh too by snin intns hat to th town o sn ays th hat A: man son o ahath son o y son o aub son o soh thm at whih thy saw a lou omin towas thm All shaa th ol ush to tak shlt un it only to b ain with i om th hans an th ol o Ayka w no mo h amily of Prophet Ya’qub buh sttl in yt an w all th ani sail

At sal ntuis a man all iawn am to ow in yt was alam to s that th ani sail ha bom so many an h lt that thy w a that to th istn o th ytians ma li y iiult o thm

n an astolo tol iawn that a boy om th ani sail woul tak o his kinom iawn o all baby boys bon to th ani sail to b kill at bith

hn oht usa buh was bon Allah insi his moth okabi to ut h baby in a wat oo bo an la it in th wats o th il Sh i this an thn snt h auht to ollow th bo an s wh it wnt h bo loat towas th ala o iawn wh his mn ish it out iawn want to kill th baby but his wi Aasiya sua him to aot th hil as thi own as thy ha no hiln iawn a an ask o somon to b oun to bast th yin baby usa buh us milk om all th womn who am owa is sist thn am owa an sai sh knw somon whom th baby woul not us Sh bouht h moth ans thus oht usa buh was unit with his moth as Allah ha omis

oht usa buh w u in th ala o iawn n in his youth h saw two mn ihtin n was om ani sail an shout o hl oht usa buh am to his su an stuk th oth man a sinl blow whih kill him h inint was sn by on o

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 40 Page 4141 Firawn’s men and Prophet Musa puh had to eae the it as Firawn was ooin or him

e waed or a on time without an destination in mind when he reahed the town o Madain ere he rested net to a we and saw that the shepherds had athered to water their sheep wo women were standin awa rom the rowd o men waitin their turn Prophet Musa puh went orward to hep them et the water he went awa ut one returned ater and tod Prophet Musa puh that her ather woud ie to than him persona or hepin them heir ather was Prophet hua puh

e oered Prophet Musa puh a o as a shepherd e wored there and married one o the dauhters o Prophet hua puh aed aura

ter ears in Madain he et or pt with his wie and a ew sheep t was winter time and one da Prophet Musa puh ost his wa in the niht udden he saw a ire in the distane e ased aura to wait where she was and he went towards the ire thinin he oud rin some o it a to proide warmth he ire was omin rom Mount inai and as he ame nearer he saw that the ames were rom a reen tree udden a oie said Musa am our a ae o our shoes or ou hae stepped on to the sared ae o uwa he oie ased him to throw his sta onto the round udden it eame a snae Musa puh was assured that it woud not harm it and he shoud it it without ear s he ited the snae it eame a sta one aain e was ased to put his hand under his armpit and draw it out aain Musa puh saw a dain iht on his pam he oie said Musa hese are the two reat sins o our a o a to Firawn and his peope and inite them towards our a

Prophet Musa puh returned to pt and with his rother arun puh went to the ourt o Firawn e tod Firawn that e was a

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 42Page 42 Firawn’s men and Prophet Musa puh had to eae the it as Firawn messener rom the ne od n Suratu aa, Aaat 9 an ah was ooin or him sas “Said (Firawn): ‘nd who is the Rabb of you two, O Musa?’ aid he e waed or a on time without an destination in mind when he Musa ‘ur a is e who ae eerthin its orm and then uided reahed the town o Madain ere he rested net to a we and saw it’.” that the shepherds had athered to water their sheep wo women Firawn reeted Musa puh and arun puh sain were standin awa rom the rowd o men waitin their turn Prophet “He (Firawn) said, "If you will take a Rabb besides me, I will most Musa puh went orward to hep them et the water he went awa ertain imprison ou e Musa said hat een i rin to ou ut one returned ater and tod Prophet Musa puh that her ather somethin maniest e said rin it then i ou are one o the woud ie to than him persona or hepin them heir ather was truthu ones o he ast down his sta and o it sudden eomes an Prophet hua puh oious snae nd he drew orth his hand and o it appeared dain white to the onlookers.” e oered Prophet Musa puh a o as a shepherd e wored there ah mentions this onersation in Suratu Suara, aaat 29 t 33 and married one o the dauhters o Prophet hua puh aed aura Firawn was taen a ut deided that the were ust maiians and aed a the reatest maiians in the and to ontest with Prophet ter ears in Madain he et or pt with his wie and a ew sheep Musa puh n the appointed da eerone was athered in Firawn’s t was winter time and one da Prophet Musa puh ost his wa in the ourt to wath he maiians threw some rope on the round whih niht udden he saw a ire in the distane e ased aura to wait started wriin ie snaes Prophet Musa puh threw down his sta where she was and he went towards the ire thinin he oud rin whih eame a snae and ate up a the its o rope thrown the some o it a to proide warmth he ire was omin rom Mount maiians he maiians reaised that the had witnessed a mirae inai and as he ame nearer he saw that the ames were rom a reen and immediate went into sada sain tree udden a oie said “We believe in the Rabb of Harun and Musa.” Musa am our a ae o our shoes or ou hae stepped on Firawn was urious and he retorted to the sared ae o uwa ou eiee in him without m permission whie he is on our hie he oie ased him to throw his sta onto the round udden it who tauht ou this mai thereore wi ut o our eet and hands eame a snae Musa puh was assured that it woud not harm it and and wi ertain rui ou on the truns o pam trees he shoud it it without ear s he ited the snae it eame a sta he maiians were not sared Firawn et that his authorit was ein one aain e was ased to put his hand under his armpit and draw it threatened and he deided to i Musa puh is adisors were out aain Musa puh saw a dain iht on his pam he oie said terriied and persuaded him not to Musa hese are the two reat sins o our a o a to Firawn and his peope and inite them towards our a n the meantime ah ased Prophet Musa puh to warn Firawn that is punishment woud ome i Firawn did not hane his was Firawn Prophet Musa puh returned to pt and with his rother arun inored the warnin and soon pt had a seere amine warms o puh went to the ourt o Firawn e tod Firawn that e was a ousts ate awa the rops he rier ie ooded its ans ausin reat

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 42 Page 4343 destrution. he eole were afflited with lie and boils on their skin. he eole rushed to rohet Musa (buh) askin him to ray for their relief and romised believe in llah. ut when they were ured and the situation imroved, they returned to their old ways.

Finally, llah ordered rohet Musa (buh) to leave yt. In Suratu aa, aaat , an 9, He says: We ommanded Musa, "ourney by niht with Our reatures, and strike a dry ath for them throuh the sea. o not fear bein overtaken by Firawn nor have dread of any thin". Firawn followed them with his army, but the sea overowered and enulfed them. Firawn had led his people astray and did not rightly guide them”

rohet Musa (buh) ot toether the ani Israil and by over of niht they left to o to alestine. s soon as Firawn found out he followed them with a lare army. When Musa (buh) reahed the Red Sea, llah asked him to strike the waters of the sea with his staff. Suddenly, the waters arted and twelve aths aeared, one for eah of the tribes of ani Israil. Firawn and his army auht u with them ust as they were rossin the Red Sea. s the army hared u the aths, the waters losed in on them and they were all drowned. In the final moments of his life Firawn realised the reatness of llah and he ried out: “…I believe that there is no god except He in Whom the Bani Israil believes and I am of those who submit.” Allah answers in the Qur’an, in Suratu unu, Aaat 9 an 92: “What now? nd indeed you disobeyed before and you were one of the mishief makers. ut We will deliver you with your body that you may be a sign to those after you….” Firawn’s body was thrown on to the shore and can be seen in the museum of airo today as llah romised as a lastin lesson for mankind.

he ani Israil meanwhile ontinued with rohet Musa (buh) towards alestine. hey had to be onstantly reminded about their baya’t to

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 44Page 44 destruction. he people were afflicted with lice and boils on their sin. Allah to worship Him alone. When they reached ount inai, Allah he people rushed to rophet usa pbuh asing him to pray for their summoned him. In Suratul A’raaf, aya 142, He says relief and promised believe in Allah. But when they were cured and the “And We appointed with Musa a time of thirty nights and completed situation improved, they returned to their old ways. them with ten more, so that the appointed time with his abb was complete forty nights, and usa said to his brother Harun, tae my Finally, Allah ordered rophet usa pbuh to leave gypt. In Suratu place among my people, and act well and do not follow the ways of the aa, aaat , an 9, He says mischief maers. We commanded usa, ourney by night with ur creatures, and strie a dry path for them through the sea. o not fear being overtaen by Allah revealed to prophet usa pbuh the awrat inscribed on tablets Firawn nor have dread of any thing. Firawn followed them with his of stone. When he returned to his people he saw that they were army, but the sea overpowered and engulfed them. Firawn had led his worshipping a statue of a cow made of gold. rophet Harun pbuh had people astray and did not rightly guide them” tried to warn them but a man called amiri had convinced them the cow was a deity to be worshipped. rophet usa pbuh was furious. He rophet usa pbuh got together the Bani Israil and by cover of night admonished his people and banished amiri. he people did tawba and they left to go to alestine. As soon as Firawn found out he followed the statue of the cow was melted and thrown into the sea. them with a large army. When usa pbuh reached the ed ea, Allah ased him to strie the waters of the sea with his staff. uddenly, the After a long ourney, the Bani Israil finally came to alestine. In Suratul waters parted and twelve paths appeared, one for each of the tribes of Ma’ida, ayaat 21 and 22, Allah says Bani Israil. Firawn and his army caught up with them ust as they were “O my people! Enter the which Allah has prescribed for you crossing the ed ea. As the army charged up the paths, the waters and turn not away for then you will be of the losers.” “They said: O closed in on them and they were all drowned. In the final moments of usa urely there is a strong race in it, and we will on no account enter his life Firawn realised the greatness of Allah and he cried out it until they go out from it, so if they go out, then we will enter” “…I believe that there is no god except He in Whom the Bani Israil believes and I am of those who submit.” ou see, the many years under Firawn’s oppression had made them Allah answers in the Qur’an, in Suratu unu, Aaat 9 an 92 wea. rophet usa pbuh tried to convince them but they said “What now And indeed you disobeyed before and you were one of the “…O Musa! We will never enter in it as long as they are in it, therefore mischief maers. But We will deliver you with your body that you may you and your abb, can go fight you both and we will sit wait down be a sign to those after you….” here.” Allah mentions this in Suratul Ma’ida Aya 24 Firawn’s body was thrown on to the shore and can be seen in the museum of airo today as Allah promised as a lasting lesson for hey remained in the wilderness for forty years without homes. uring manind. these forty years a new generation of stronger and more courageous generation replaced the older ones. rophet usa pbuh and rophet he Bani Israil meanwhile continued with prophet usa pbuh towards Harun pbuh had died, but usha bin un, a successor of rophet usa alestine. hey had to be constantly reminded about their baya’t to pbuh, led the Bani Israil to live in alestine.


AM Talia A Malan bin Aber bin alah bin Arisha bin aam bin uh

rophet hidr pbuh was sent to preach about the oneness of Allah, is messengers and divine boos. One of his signs was that whatever he touched, dry wood or hard earth, it would turn green, hence the name hidr.

The humility of rophet hidr pbuh is such that he is reported to have said: “Whenever I said to myself that I now know all Allah’s friends, the same day I saw a friend of Allah whom I did not know.”

Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (pbuh) has said the Prophet Khidr’s (pbuh) last advice to rophet Musa pbuh was  ever blame anyone for your sins for the most favourable acts before Allah are:  Moderation in giving away  Forgiveness in power  Leniency towards the ‘abd of Allah, for whoever is lenient towards people, Allah too will be lenient towards him on the ay of udgement.  Fear of Allah is the secret of all wisdom.

rophet hidr pbuh is still alive and is reported to be present at a every year.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 46Page 46 u AS u

AM alia AM Ilyas (pbuh) A alkan bin Aber bin alah bin Ariksha bin aam bin uh A Aer bin iar bin arun bin Imran

Prophet Khidr (pbuh) was sent to preach about the oneness of Allah, is It is narrated in asas AlAnbiya (the stories of the Prophets) by Ibn messeners and divine books. ne of his sins was that whatever he Katheer, that Prophet Ilya (pbuh) was a messenger sent to Ba’albak in touched, dry wood or hard earth, it would turn reen, hence the name ast amascus. he people there did not believe him and intended to Khidr. kill him but he escaped from them takin refue in a cave.

he humility of Prophet Khidr (pbuh) is such that he is reported to have ust like Prophet Khidr (pbuh), Prophet Ilyas (pbuh) is still alive. e is said: “Whenever I said to myself that I now know all Allah’s friends, the believed to travel in the deserts uidin those who et lost. same day I saw a friend of Allah whom I did not know.” Prophet Khidr (pbuh) and Prophet Ilyas (pbuh) are said to meet in Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (pbuh) has said the Prophet Khidr’s (pbuh) last aside uba on id ul Adha every year. hey are also said to meet in advice to Prophet usa (pbuh) was aytul uaddas durin the month of amadhan every year, perform  ever blame anyone for your sins for the most favourable acts a and meet in Arafat before Allah are:  oderation in ivin away  oriveness in power  Leniency towards the ‘abd of Allah, for whoever is lenient towards people, Allah too will be lenient towards him on the ay of udement.  ear of Allah is the secret of all wisdom.

Prophet Khidr (pbuh) is still alive and is reported to be present at a every year.


uman is the son o ni, son o ai, son o aroon e was rom the ubia, gypt ome historians beliee that he was the nephew or ousin o Prophet yyub (pbuh) an lie at the time o Prophet awu (pbuh) e was an etremely pious man an use to mostly remain silent while he ponere about the nature o lie ne his master passed by him and said: “O Luqman! Why do you sit alone so much? You woul better assoiate with people Luqman said: “Sitting alone is better for meditation which is the path to Janna.” uring the last ew years o his lie, he withrew rom people an is beliee to hae passe away at the time o Prophet unus e is burie in

he oly Prophet (pbuh) is reporte to hae sai that although uman was not a prophet, he was a serant o llah who meitate a great eal, enoye ertainty, loe llah an llah too loe him an aoure him by giing him wisom

is wors of wisdom have been mentioned in the Qur’an in Suratu uan 1 12 1

“Indeed We gave to Luqman wisdom, saying, "Be grateful to Allah; for whoeer is grateul, inee he is only grateul or his own sel an whoeer is ungrateul, (it is to the isreit o his own sel) Inee llah is el uiient, the ost Praise

“And when Luqman said to his son while he counselled him: "O my son o not assoiate anything with llah, or erily assoiating (anything) with Allah is the greatest sin”."

my son erily i it is een the ery weight o the grain o a mustar see (lose) in (een) a rok, or (be it high) in the heaens or (burie

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 48Page 48 MA u deep) in the earth, Allah will bring it to light; Allah is All Subtle (Lateef), All Aware.” Luqman is the son of Anqi, son of aid, son of Saroon. e was from the ubia, gypt. Some historians believe that he was the nephew or cousin “O my son! Establish salaa and enoin the good and forbid the evil, and of rophet Ayyub (pbuh) and lived at the time of rophet awud be patient against what befalls you; indeed this is the tas of (pbuh). e was an etremely pious man and used to mostly remain steadfastness. And do not turn your face to people (in scorn) and do silent while he pondered about the nature of life. Once his master not wal proudly in the earth; verily Allah does not lie any self passed by him and said: “O Luqman! Why do you sit alone so much? You conceited boaster. would better associate with people. Luqman said: “Sitting alone is better for meditation which is the path to And be moderate (modest) and lower your voice; indeed the most Janna.” unpleasant of voices is the braying of the doneys." uring the last few years of his life, he withdrew from people and is believed to have passed away at the time of rophet Yunus. e is buried in alestine.

he oly rophet (pbuh) is reported to have said that although Luqman was not a prophet, he was a servant of Allah who meditated a great deal, enoyed certainty, loved Allah and Allah too love him and favoured him by giving him wisdom.

is words of wisdom have been mentioned in the Qur’an in Suratu uan 1 12 1

“Indeed We gave to Luqman wisdom, saying, "Be grateful to Allah; for whoever is grateful, indeed he is only grateful for his own self; and whoever is ungrateful, (it is to the discredit of his own self); Indeed Allah is Self Sufficient, the ost raised."

“And when Luqman said to his son while he counselled him: "O my son! o not associate anything with Allah, for verily associating (anything) with Allah is the greatest sin”."

"O my son! verily if it is even the very weight of the grain of a mustard seed (closed) in (even) a roc, or (be it high) in the heavens or (buried


e an sral entere alestne wt sa n n – a sessor o roet sa were tey stll a to t wt te lstnes wom tey a ase ot. n te last attle te sare o w a te ornal talets o te awrat was lost an tey were een ase ot o alestne.

ey sent many years wt no lan or omes. nally tey aroae roet amel an ase m to aont a stron n or tem so tat tey ol et a ter lan. On te omman o Alla roet amel aonte aalt nown n rstan srtres as al as ter n. e an sral not le te oe sayn tat aalt was a oor an nnown man. oweer roet amel norme tem tat aalt a een osen ease o s nowlee wsom an strent an e wol lea tem to tory.

t too aalt years to n te sare o w a te awrat an one t was en a to te an sral tey mare to alestne. e leaer o te lstnes was a e man alle aalt nown n rstan srtres as olat. st loon at aalt terre te an sral.

roet aw was resent n te army o aalt. e was ery yon an a not ome to t t to atten to s tree oler roters wo were solers an to rn news o te war a to ter ater. en aalt saw tat aalt a terre s army e tre to enorae s men y romsn tem reat rewars tey ae aalt. e een romse tat e wol marry s ater to te man wo lle aalt.

roet aw went to n ot wat was on on. e a neer ot eore e went to aalt an sa

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 50Page 50 A u – Allah in the Qur’an in Suratus Saba’, aya 10, iron soft for him.”

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 50 Page 5151 ho eer ansere the uestions orretl oul inherit his fathers throne.

ne a rohet au uh alle all his sons in the resene of all the sholars an leaers of all the tries in his inom. e ase them all the folloin uestions . hih is the nearest thin to a human ein . hih is the furthest thin to a human ein . hih to thins are attahe to eah other . hih is the most shoin thin . hih to thins remain unhane . hih to thins are alas ifferent . hih to thins are oose to eah other . hat is the ation the result of hih is oo . hat is the ation the result of hih is a

nl the ounest son rohet ulaman uh stoo u an ae the folloin ansers . he nearest thin to a human ein is the hereafter as eath ma ome at an moment. . he furthest thin from a human ein is the time hih has asse aa. . he to thins that are attahe to eah other are the o an the soul. . he most shoin thin is a ea o. . he to thins hih remain the same are the s an the earth. . he to thins hih are ifferent are the niht an a. . he to thins oose to eah other are life an eath. . he ation the result of hih is oo is atiene at the time of aner. . he ation the result of hih is a is haste at the time of aner.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 52Page 52 ho eer ansere the uestions orretl oul inherit his fathers S bu throne. rohet ulaman uh as aointe the suessor to his fathers ne a rohet au uh alle all his sons in the resene of throne. e as thirteen ears ol hen his father rohet au all the sholars an leaers of all the tries in his inom. e ase uh ie. them all the folloin uestions . hih is the nearest thin to a human ein Allah rante him ith the reatest inom that an in has eer . hih is the furthest thin to a human ein rule oer. e as also rante the lessin of noin the lanuae . hih to thins are attahe to eah other of the irs an the animals. en the in oul oe him. is arm . hih is the most shoin thin onsiste of men inn animals an irs. . hih to thins remain unhane . hih to thins are alas ifferent e as one marhin ith his arm to a lae alle the alle of . hih to thins are oose to eah other Ants hih ha a lot of ems an aluale metals urie in it. n the . hat is the ation the result of hih is oo alle there ere lare ants hih stoe eole from omin into . hat is the ation the result of hih is a the alle.

nl the ounest son rohet ulaman uh stoo u an ae As rohet ulaman uh as alin throuh the alle of the the folloin ansers ants the hief of the ants arne his fello ants of the omin of the . he nearest thin to a human ein is the hereafter as eath arm aisin them to o into their homes to aoi ein rushe. ma ome at an moment. hen rohet ulaman uh hear the arnin of hief of the . he furthest thin from a human ein is the time hih has ants he smile an ale u to him entl liftin him on the alm of asse aa. his han. . he to thins that are attahe to eah other are the o ont ou no that am the rohet of Allah an that oul not an the soul. harm an of Allahs reatures ulaman ase the hief ant. . he most shoin thin is a ea o. f ourse o sai the hief . he to thins hih remain the same are the s an the ut feare that if m fello ants oul see the raneur of our earth. arm the oul unerestimate the rae of Allah hih the reeie . he to thins hih are ifferent are the niht an a. an ma eome unrateful. . he to thins oose to eah other are life an eath. he hief ant then ase rohet ulaman uh . he ation the result of hih is oo is atiene at the time a as ou a uestion of aner. es sai rohet ulaman uh . he ation the result of hih is a is haste at the time of ho is etter at this moment of time ase the hief ant aner. h ont ou anser the uestion ourself rohet ulaman uh sai.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 52 Page 5353 he hief ant relie At this moment in time am etter than ou for am stanin on the alm of a rohet of Allah hilst ou rohet are stanin on the roun rohet ulaman uh hear hat the hief of the ants ha sai. rohet ulaman uh smile an ase his arm to e areful not to hurt the ants. rohet ulaman uh thane Allah for iin him the isom to unerstan an to e ale to sae lies of the ants.

ne a rohet ulaman uh notie that his messener ir u u as missin. A little hile later the u u ame a an reorte to him sain ... hae rouht to ou information from aa hea. nee foun a oman rulin oer them an she has een ien lent an a reat throne. foun her an her eole orshiin the sun instea of Allah..... Allah mentions this in Suratu a, ayaat a

rohet ulaman uh sent a letter to ilees the Queen of aa sain n the name of Allah the in the eriful. o not eleate ourself an ome toars me in sumission to Allah as a uslim.

hen ilees reeie the letter she onsulte her ministers an eie to sen rohet ulaman uh ifts an then ait for his reation. rohet ulaman uh elome the messeners an ase for the rel to his letter. hen the resente him ith the ifts he sai hat are these rihes hae een ien suh lessins from Allah that are mathe none. eturn to our ountr an inform our Queen that am senin suh an arm toars aa that no one ill e ale to efeat. hen ilees reeie this messae an the reort aout the oer of rohet ulaman uh she eie to sumit herself efore him an aet his initation to emrae slam.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 54Page 54 he hief ant relie hen rohet ulaman uh learnt that she as omin to his At this moment in time am etter than ou for am stanin on the inom he turne to his eole an sai alm of a rohet of Allah hilst ou rohet are stanin on the hih of ou an rin me her throne efore the ome here in roun sumission rohet ulaman uh hear hat the hief of the ants ha sai. ne inn sai rohet ulaman uh smile an ase his arm to e areful not ill rin it efore ou rise from our lae.... to hurt the ants. rohet ulaman uh thane Allah for iin him the isom to unerstan an to e ale to sae lies of the ants. ut one ho ha een tauht the seial name of Allah rohet ulaman uh sai ne a rohet ulaman uh notie that his messener ir ai he ho ha some nolee of the oo ill rin it to ou u u as missin. efore our ee lins an hen he ulaman sa the throne A little hile later the u u ame a an reorte to him sain settle esie him he sai his is the rae of m or so that e ... hae rouht to ou information from aa hea. nee ma test hether am rateful or unrateful... foun a oman rulin oer them an she has een ien lent an a reat throne. foun her an her eole orshiin the sun instea n rearation for the arrial of ilees rohet ulaman uh ha of Allah..... orere a alae of lass to e uilt. ner the lass floors there as Allah mentions this in Suratu a, ayaat a ater ith arious ins of simmin in it. hen ilees arrie he too her to the alae. rohet ulaman uh sent a letter to ilees the Queen of aa sain ilees as foole the aearane of ater an hithe u her n the name of Allah the in the eriful. o not eleate ourself ress shoin her are feet to sto it ettin et. hen she realise an ome toars me in sumission to Allah as a uslim. her mistae she at one unerstoo hat rohet ulaman uh as trin to tell her. e as shoin her that thins are not alas hen ilees reeie the letter she onsulte her ministers an hat the seem an een if the sun she orshie as the most eie to sen rohet ulaman uh ifts an then ait for his oerful thin to see it as Allah ho reate it. reation. rohet ulaman uh elome the messeners an ase for the rel to his letter. hen the resente him ith the ne a rohet ulaman uh alle all his arm of men inn ifts he sai animals an irs toether. e ante to inset them all. e lime hat are these rihes hae een ien suh lessins from Allah on to of his alae to see them. t as there hilst he as iein his that are mathe none. eturn to our ountr an inform our inom that the anel of eath ame. rohet ulaman uh as Queen that am senin suh an arm toars aa that no one ill still leanin on his staff sti. t as onl hen a orm ate throuh e ale to efeat. the sti an he fell that the men an inn in his arm realise that he hen ilees reeie this messae an the reort aout the oer ha ie. of rohet ulaman uh she eie to sumit herself efore him an aet his initation to emrae slam.


n relation to the rohethoo of hulifl mam uhamma Atai uh is reorte to hae sai that Allah has sent on rohets. Amon them ere aostles. hulifl as one of them an he as aointe after rohet ulaman uh.

hulifl elone to aarmaut an his first name as aia. is father’s name as rian. e as a er uiet an almnature erson.

ne a lis ase one of his omanions, “Which one of you would o to aia mae him anr an omel him to rea his promise?” A companion of , named Abyaiz said, he was prepared to o this. lis orere him to o an tr.

At that time the hulifl as restin after solin the rolems of the eoles. he shatan ame an sai that he has een harasse someone. he rohet sai to him to o an all the erson ho has harasse him. He said, “He will not come if I ask him.” The Prophet ae him his rin as a sin an tol him to sho him an rin him. he shatan took Prophet’s ring and went away. Dhulifl oul not rest or slee that niht. he net a after solin the rolems of his eole he eie to rest. Aain that shatan aroahe to him an said, “The person, who harassed me had not accepted the ring and refused to come.”

he serant of hulifl tol him to ait or o aa as the rohet as restin. ut shatan sai he ante ustie that er moment. he serant informe hulifl ho rote a letter an ae it to him to sho it to his enem. he shatan too the letter an moe aa. he rohet oul not slee an asse the niht in raers. his as reeate on the thir a. e ame an sai that his foe ha not aete his letter an enie to ome. hen rohet arose hel his han an ent alone ith him. t as er hot an rohet as

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 56Page 56 bu walking in the seere heat of the sun. He felt ashamed seeing the Prophet’s patience. He became disappointed and thought that he In relation to the prophethood of Dhulkifl, Imam uhammad AtTai can’t control him. He left his hand and disappeared. pbuh is reported to hae said that Allah has sent down , or this reason he is called Dhulkifl because he was firm in his promise. Prophets. Among them were apostles. Dhulkifl was one of them Allah stated about his patience to his last Prophet so that he too can and he was appointed after Prophet ulayman pbuh. hae patience when troubled by his community.

Dhulkifl belonged to Hadarmaut and his first name was waidya. His father’s name was riyan. He was a ery uiet and calmnatured person.

ne day Iblis asked one of his companions, “Which one of you would go to waidya, make him angry and compel him to break his promise?” A companion of Iblis, named Abyaiz said, he was prepared to do this. Iblis ordered him to go and try.

At that time the Dhulkifl was resting after soling the problems of the peoples. The shaytan came and said that he has been harassed by someone. The Prophet said to him to go and call the person who has harassed him. He said, “He will not come if I ask him.” The Prophet gae him his ring as a sign and told him to show him and bring him. The shaytan took Prophet’s ring and went away. Dhulkifl could not rest or sleep that night. The net day after soling the problems of his people he decided to rest. Again that shaytan approached to him and said, “The person, who harassed me had not accepted the ring and refused to come.”

The serant of Dhulkifl told him to wait or go away as the Prophet was resting. ut shaytan said he wanted ustice that ery moment. The serant informed Dhulkifl, who wrote a letter and gae it to him to show it to his enemy. The shaytan took the letter and moed away. The Prophet could not sleep and passed the night in prayers. This was repeated on the third day. He came and said that his foe had not accepted his letter and denied to come. Then Prophet arose, held his hand and went alone with him. It was ery hot and Prophet was


aaria pbuh and his ie ere er od and to their sorro the did not hae an chidren. he anted er much to hae a son so aaria pbuh praed to ah et m ie and hae a son beore e die.

s aaria pbuh as saing his praer an ange o ah appeared. ou hae praed to ah and ah has heard our praer the ange tod him. our ie i hae a son and his name i be aha pbuh. He will be a good and honourable man and he will be Allah’s prophet.

en though aaria pbuh had praed or this he as surprised ut m ie and are er od He said. Ho can e hae a son

hen ah has ied a thing it i happen the ange assured him. s a sign that ou are going to hae a son ou must not spea to anone or three das.

o it happened that een hen aaria pbuh anted to spea to someone he coud not moe his tongue. n ater three das as he abe to spea again. He ne then that the ere going to hae a son. oth he and his ie ere er happ. he praed to ah and thaned Him and hen the son as born the named him aha pbuh.

aha pbuh as a good and oing son. He praed to ah together ith his ather aaria pbuh and his mother. he three o them aas did good deeds. aha pbuh as er ind and good to a peope and a animas. He as neer proud or badtempered and ah made him His prophet. aha pbuh as a pious and humbe serant o ah and he aas tod peope to pra to ah because ah had created manind.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 58Page 58 bu bu Allah’s blessing for Yahya (pbuh) can be found in the Qur’an eace as ith hi on the day he as born and on the day he died and aaria pbuh and his wie were er old and to their sorrow the peace ill be ith hi on the day hen he ill coe to life again did not hae an hildren. he wanted er muh to hae a son so aaria pbuh praed to Allah et m wie and hae a son beore hoeer is as good and pious as rophet Yahya (pbuh) ill be blessed we die. ith eerlasting peace by Allah

As aaria pbuh was saing his praer an angel o Allah appeared. ou hae praed to Allah and Allah has heard our praer the angel told him. our wie will hae a son and his name will be aha pbuh. He will be a good and honourable man and he will be Allah’s prophet.

en though aaria pbuh had praed or this he was surprised ut m wie and are er old He said. How an we hae a son

hen Allah has willed a thing it will happen the angel assured him. As a sign that ou are going to hae a son ou must not spea to anone or three das.

o it happened that een when aaria pbuh wanted to spea to someone he ould not moe his tongue. nl ater three das was he able to spea again. He new then that the were going to hae a son. oth he and his wie were er happ. he praed to Allah and thaned Him and when the son was born the named him aha pbuh.

aha pbuh was a good and loing son. He praed to Allah together with his ather aaria pbuh and his mother. he three o them alwas did good deeds. aha pbuh was er ind and good to all people and all animals. He was neer proud or badtempered and Allah made him His prophet. aha pbuh was a pious and humble serant o Allah and he alwas told people to pra to Allah beause Allah had reated manind.


rophet sa (pbuh) as the son of ayyida arya (pbuh) daughter of ran and his ife anna e as fro the descendants of rophet aud (pbuh)

t as a custo in the days of ayyida arya that people used to dedicate one of their sons in the serices of the teple of erusale ust before ayyida arya (pbuh) as born her other prayed to Allah to grant her a child ho she ould dedicate to the serice in aytul uaddas anna deliered a girl and she called her arya which means ‘maidservant of Allah’. Sayyida Hannah took the baby arya to the teple in erusale and pleaded ith the people to accept her as she had already proised Allah ots ere dran as to ho as to loo after the child rophet aariyya (pbuh) got custody of ayyida arya

hen ayyida arya (pbuh) cae of age rophet aariyya (pbuh) built her a special roo in aytul uaddas for her hen he ent to isit her he found that she alays had food rophet aariyya (pbuh) ased her here the food cae fro and she said that it cae fro Allah

ne day hile she as busy in her orship ayyida arya (pbuh) sa a young an suddenly appear before her he as scared but the an said “ arya ndeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and has chosen you above all the women of the world.” “O Maryam! Indeed Allah gies you the good nes of a ord fro i hose nae shall be the essiah sa – son of Maryam.” “And he shall speak in the cradle and when he is old and will be of the righteous ones.”

ayyida arya said : “O my lord! How can I have a son when no man has touched e.”

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 60Page 60 S bu he angel ibrail replied: “Even so Allah creates what so ever He wants, and when He decides a matter. He only says Be and it is.” “And He will rophet Isa pbuh was the son of Sayyida Maryam pbuh daughter of teach him the book and the wisdom and the awrat and the Injeel.” Imran and his wife Hanna. He was from the descendants of rophet awud pbuh. hen the birth of her baby approached she went out of her room to rest under an old datepalm tree. Suddenly it became fresh and where It was a custom in the days of Sayyida Maryam that people used to rophet Isa pbuh was born. hings had happened so uickly and in dedicate one of their sons in the services of the temple of erusalem. despair she cried ould that I had died and been forgotten before all ust before Sayyida Maryam pbuh was born her mother prayed to this had happened! Allah to grant her a child whom she would dedicate to the service in aytul Muaddas. Hanna delivered a girl and she called her Maryam Allah in Suratu arya, aya t says: hen a voice called out to which means ‘maidservant of Allah’. Sayyida Hannah took the baby her from beneath her o not be sad your abb has caused a stream Maryam to the temple in erusalem and pleaded with the people to to flow from beneath you. And shake towards you the trunk of the accept her as she had already promised Allah. ots were drawn as to palmtree it will drop on you fresh ripe dates. Then eat and drink.” who was to look after the child. rophet akariyya pbuh got custody ust as she was promised she felt better and she made her way towards of Sayyida Maryam. aytul Muaddas. he townspeople seeing her with the baby said: “O Maryam, you have come with an unusual thing” “O sister of Harun! hen Sayyida Maryam pbuh came of age rophet akariyya pbuh our father was not a bad man nor was your mother an immoral built her a special room in aytul Muaddas for her. hen he went to woman” visit her he found that she always had food. rophet akariyya pbuh asked her where the food came from and she said that it came from Sayyida Maryam having total trust in Allah pointed to the child in her Allah. arms. The townspeople said: “How can we speak to one who is a child in the cradle” One day while she was busy in her worship Sayyida Maryam pbuh saw a young man suddenly appear before her. rophet Isa pbuh from the arms of his mother said: She was scared but the man said: “Indeed I am a servant of Allah He has given me a book and made me “O Maryam! Indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and has a prophet.” “And peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I chosen you above all the women of the world.” “O Maryam! Indeed will die and the day I am raised alive.” Allah gives you the good news of a word from Him whose name shall be the Isa – son of Maryam.” “And he shall speak in the he story of his birth is narrated in Suratu Maryam after which Allah cradle and when he is old and will be of the righteous ones.” says: “This is Isa the son of Maryam the word of truth about which they Sayyida Maryam said: : “O my lord! How can I have a son when no man dispute it does not befit Allah that he should take to himself a son has touched me.” glory be to Him when a matter is decreed He only says to it e and it Is.”

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 60 Page 6161 The miracle of rophet Isa pbuh speaking to them from his mother’s arms silenced and baffled the people. The news of the miracle spread and people from far and wide came to visit the baby.

The ewish emperor, Herodotus, learnt about the birth of rophet Isa pbuh and was immediately concerned about the threat to his power. He thus plotted to kill rophet Isa pbuh to protect himself from any future trouble. However, ayyida Maryam pbuh learnt of the danger to her son and she left with him for .

In Egypt, rophet Isa pbuh lived with his mother until he was years old. Then he received the command of Allah to begin his mission and the Injeel was revealed to him. rophet Isa pbuh returned to Baytul Muaddas.

rophet Isa pbuh, with the permission of Allah could raise the dead to life, restore the eyesight of the blind and cure the lepers. These miracles made a lot of the people believe. The rest of them became his deadly enemies because their religious leaders encouraged them to oppose the rophet who had brought a message that superseded that of rophet Musa pbuh.

rom amongst the few who believed, rophet Isa pbuh selected twelve as his companions or disciples. The Qur’an calls them ‘hawwariyyun’. These men were taught by rophet Isa pbuh and they would in turn preach to the people according to the laws laid down in the Injeel. ay by day, his followers increased in number but his popularity made the ews hate him even more. espite their efforts to stop people from following the new faith, they were helpless.

rophet Isa pbuh and his twelve disciples went from place to place teaching the word of Allah in the Injeel. One day, the disciples of rophet Isa pbuh asked him to show a sign of Allah so that they could eperience first hand direct contact with Him. They said, O Isa, does your ord not possess enough power to send

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 62Page 62 The miracle of rophet sa puh speain to them from his mother’s food for us from heaen rophet sa puh raised his hands towards arms silenced and affled the people. The news of the miracle spread llah. and people from far and wide came to isit the ay. n Suratul Ma’ida, ayaat 114 and 115 llah says “When Isa prayed, "Lord, send us a table full of food from the heavens The ewish emperor erodotus learnt aout the irth of rophet sa so that it will mae a feast for us and for those who are yet to come in puh and was immediately concerned aout the threat to his power. this world as an eidence from ou. ie us sustenance for ou are the e thus plotted to ill rophet sa puh to protect himself from any est roider. llah replied am sendin it to you ut if anyone of you future troule. oweer ayyida aryam puh learnt of the daner to turns ac to diselief will mae him suffer a torment that no one has her son and she left with him for ypt. eer suffered.

n ypt rophet sa puh lied with his mother until he was years hen the food came it sered to increase the faith of the disciples. old. Then he receied the command of llah to ein his mission and any people who witnessed this miracle ecame elieers. oweer the neel was reealed to him. rophet sa puh returned to aytul the ews were distured and felt threatened. They accused rophet sa uaddas. of disruptin their lies and reliion refusin to reconise him as a messener of llah. rophet sa puh with the permission of llah could raise the dead to life restore the eyesiht of the lind and cure the lepers. These miracles inally they decided to find him and ill him once and for all. They made a lot of the people eliee. The rest of them ecame his deadly cauht and interroated one of his disciples whose name was hamoon enemies ecause their reliious leaders encouraed them to oppose the asafa nown in hristian scriptures as imon ut he ae them no rophet who had rouht a messae that superseded that of rophet information as to the whereaouts of rophet sa puh. Then they usa puh. came across another disciple ahuda nown as udas who when ried with pieces of siler led them to rophet sa puh who had rom amonst the few who elieed rophet sa puh selected twele taen shelter outside town when he found out that the ews wanted to as his companions or disciples. The Qur’an calls them ‘hawwariyyun’. eecute him throuh crucifiion. This meant that he would e nailed These men were tauht y rophet sa puh and they would in turn with his hands and feet on a cross and would remain there until he died. preach to the people accordin to the laws laid down in the neel. ay y day his followers increased in numer ut his popularity made the s ahuda entered the house where he new rophet sa puh was ews hate him een more. espite their efforts to stop people from with the soldiers ehind him he found it empty. llah chaned his facial followin the new faith they were helpless. features to resemle those of rophet sa puh. e came out of the house to tell the soldiers that the house was empty only to find himself rophet sa puh and his twele disciples went from place to place arrested and draed away. teachin the word of llah in the neel. ne day the disciples of rophet sa puh ased him to show a sin of espite his protests he was crucified. The ews and een the hristians llah so that they could eperience first hand direct contact with im. say that rophet sa puh was crucified. Allah in the Qur’an says: They said sa does your ord not possess enouh power to send

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 62 Page 6363 “That they said: "Indeed we killed the Messiah, Isa son of Mary, the ostle of od" t they killed hi not, nor rified hi, t it was ade to aear to the that they had nd those who differ therein are fll of dots, with no ertain knowlede They only rse a onetre They ertainly did not kill hi ay, llah raised hi to iself and llah is Mihty, ise The rohet h has said that when Ia Mahdi h will re aear, rohet Isa h will desend fro the heaens and offer rayers ehind hi The hristian ra dates fro the irth of rohet Isa h e was only years old when he was raised to the heaens

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 64Page 64 “That they said: "Indeed we killed the Messiah, Isa son of Mary, the MMM u ostle of od" t they killed hi not, nor rified hi, t it was ade to aear to the that they had nd those who differ therein M Mhaad h are fll of dots, with no ertain knowlede They only rse a S dllah in lMttali ina int ah onetre They ertainly did not kill hi ay, llah raised hi to l asi iself and llah is Mihty, ise S s adi, l in The rohet h has said that when Ia Mahdi h will re th ai l wwal aear, rohet Isa h will desend fro the heaens and offer th afar rayers ehind hi The hristian ra dates fro the irth of rohet Isa h e was only years old when he was raised to the heaens


ar nt 5 irt aul l e was orn in Makka and was the only yar son of dllah in lMttali who died t lant efore he was orn and ina int ah eroe with rief at the loss of her hsand old not nrse hi and entrsted hi first to a wet nrse alled Thawiyya a aid serant of aha and then to Halima from the tribe of Sa’d in akr Mhaad h rew in the hills, soth of Taif whih lay to the orth ast of Makka e retrned to his other after for years 55 5 yr at i tr ina hen Mhaad h was fie his other took hi to athri Madina to isit his fathers rae there n the retrn orney, ina eae ill and died he was ried in the illae of wa on the MakkaMadina oad yan, who aoanied the, retrned to Makka with hi and laed hi in the rotetion of his aternal randfather, dl Mttali who was a reseted leader of Makka yan reained his nrse 5 yr at i randatr dul Muttali at t a Mhaad now oed into the are of his aternal nle Tali atia int sad the arents of Ia li h Tali took hi with hi whereer he went

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 66 66 – – hammad bh ored a a heherd “All the Prophets of Allah were shepherds” he aid n hi teen he ometime He a born in aa and a the onl traelled ith hi nle ith the trade on of bdllah bin lttalib ho died araan n hi firt tri on the hiha to before he a born and mina bint ahb Sria a mon alled hara Seri erome ith rief at the lo of her notied a lod hadoin the traeller hband old not nre him and He alo notied that hen hammad entrted him firt to a et nre alled bh at nder a tree the branhe habia a maid erant of b ahab old bo don a if in reet He and then to Halima from the tribe of Sa’d inited the traeller for a meal and ibn ar hammad bh re in athed the on hammad bh the hill oth of aif hih la to the intentl notiin the mar of rohet orth at of aa He retrned to hi hood on hi holder mother after for ear t an annal fair held in the maret lae hen hammad bh a fie hi called ‘Okaz, war broke out between the mother too him to athrib adina to an inanah and the rah in the iit hi father rae there n the retrn month of Dhulqa’da when war was orne mina beame ill and died She forbidden he ar ontined for ear a bried in the illae of ba on the hammad bh artiiated and hi aaadina oad mm man ho braer a anoleded aomanied them retrned to aa ith him and laed him in the rotetion leae initiated b bar ibn bdl of hi aternal randfather bdl ttalib Muttalib, Usayd bin Khuwaylid (Khadija’s ho a a reeted leader of aa brother and hammad bh to nite mm man remained hi nre the tribe in tain an oath to ere tie to the helle he leae a formed at the house of Abdullah ibn Ju’dan hammad no moed into the are of and ontined to fntion for ear hi aternal nle b alib atima bint after the inetion of lam ad the arent of mam li bh b alib too him ith him hadia bint halad a an atte hereer he ent bine omen and hilanthroit ho

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 66 Page 67 67 was titled Ameeratul uraysh (the princess of uraysh and Al ahira (he Pure one Aware of Muhammad’s (pbuh) reputation of honesty and interity she offered him twice the commission to trade on her behalf on the trade caraan to yria he trips measure of success encouraed her to employ him aain on the inter trade caraan to emen After this trip she was coninced he was the man she wished to marry he was years old when throuh her friend ufaysa she proposed to Muhammad (pbuh Abu alib and her cousin araqa ibn awfal deliered the marriae sermons and Muhammad (pbuh moved from his uncle Abu Talib’s house to lie with his wife he marriae was a happy one and Khadija retired from tradin to concentrate on her life with Muhammad (pbuh atima bint Asad who raised Muhammad (pbuh ae birth to Ali in the precincts of the Ka’ba. The first person Ali saw when he opened his eyes was Muhammad (pbuh and grew up in Muhammad’s shadow. Reconstruction of the Ka’ba Makka was hit by a flood and the Ka’ba was badly damaed On reconstruction, a dispute arose as to which family should hae the honour to place the he dispute was becomin serious when it was suested that the first person to enter the precincts of the Ka’ba should

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 68 68 ear e ent ear e ent was titled Ameeratul uraysh (the princess resolve the dispute or place the black of uraysh) and Al Tahira (The ure one). stone on its place. t was Muhammad Aware of Muhammad’s (pbuh) reputation (pbuh) who walked in. e divided the of honesty and integrity she offered him families into four groups. utting his cloak twice the commission to trade on her on the ground he placed the black stone in behalf on the trade caravan to yria. The the middle and asked each group to hold trips measure of success encouraged her one corner of the cloak and raise it while to employ him again on the inter trade he guided the stone in to its place. is caravan to emen. After this trip she was resolution was praised and acknowledged. convinced he was the man she wished to rs First Revelation (Be’that) marry. he was years old when through The inustices and of the Makkans her friend ufaysa she proposed to disturbed Muhammad (pbuh). e used to Muhammad (pbuh). Abu Talib and her go to the mountain cave of ira three cousin araa ibn awfal delivered the miles orth of Makka to meditate. t was marriage sermons and Muhammad (pbuh) on one of these retreats that he was moved from his uncle Abu Talib’s house to visited by the angel ibrail (abriel) who live with his wife. The marriage was a instructed to recite the first revelations of happy one and Khadia retired from trading the Qur’an – uratul Ala (The lot) erses to concentrate on her life with Muhammad . The eperience shook Muhammad (pbuh). (pbuh) to the core and he went home to rs i buh is born Khadia feeling feverish and asking to be atima bint Asad who raised Muhammad covered. he accepted his prophethood (pbuh) gave birth to Ali in the precincts of immediately. Thereafter Ali who was only the Ka’ba. The first person Ali saw when he 10 years old and Muhammad’s (pbuh) opened his eyes was Muhammad (pbuh) adopted son ayd accepted slam. After and grew up in Muhammad’s shadow. that Abu akr ibn ahafa accepted slam. ears Reconstruction of the Ka’ba rs nitin the near ones Makka was hit by a flood and the Ka’ba After three years Muhammad (pbuh) was was badly damaged. n reconstruction a instructed by Allah with the verse dispute arose as to which family should “And warn your near relations”. This have the honour to place the black stone. brought in the open declaration of the The dispute was becoming serious when it message. Muhammad (pbuh) arranged a was suggested that the first person to meal and invited people from the family enter the precincts of the Ka’ba should of Abdul Muttalib.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 68 Page 69 69 ear e vent e introdued the onept o one od and him bein the messener o od. They moed him and when he ased who would help him in his mission only the youn Ali stood up. rs li annoneent The verse 15:94 “Disclose what has been ordained to you” ordered Muhammad (pbuh) to mae a publi announement. e prolaimed the oneness o od near the Ka’ba and the were furious. The new moement was a threat to their authority and they retaliated iolently. Muhammad (pbuh) was subeted to erbal abuse and his ollowers with physial torture. asir and umayya (the parents o Ammar asir – ompanion o Muhammad) were murdered when they refused to accept the idols of the Ka’ba as ods. rs Birth o Fatia (h) hadia (pbuh) notied a rereshin rarane around her whilst arryin atima rs iration o slis to ssinia erseution was relentless and Muhammad (pbuh) adised a roup o a 100 o his ollowers under the leadership on his cousin Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib to mirate to Abyssinnia (thiopia) whose in was a rihteous hristian in alled aashi. The Quraysh sent a deputation to demand their deportation. hen the in heard Ja’fer’s description of Muhammad

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 70 70 ear e vent ear e vent e introduced the concept of one od and pbuh and his messae he refused to him bein the messener of od. They return them and ranted them abode moced him and when he ased who sayin that Muhammad pbuh and would help him in his mission only the pbuh were rays from the same sun. youn Ali stood up. – aro an Boott o Ban ashi rs li annoneent rs (rohets Fail) rash The verse 15:94 “Disclose what has been rustrated a boycott was implemented ordained to you” ordered Muhammad sined by forty chiefs and hun on the pbuh to mae a public announcement. Ka’ba. Nobody was to trade with the e proclaimed the oneness of od near families of ashim Muttalib nor marry the Ka’ba and the Quraysh were furious. them nor have contact with them until The new movement was a threat to their they handed Muhammad pbuh over to authority and they retaliated violently. the Quraysh. Abu Talib had no alternate Muhammad pbuh was subected to but to take them to the valley called Sh’ib verbal abuse and his followers with Abu Talib which he owned near Mount physical torture. asir and umayya the aun. or three years they lived there only parents of Ammar asir – companion of comin out in aab and Dhulhia when Muhammad were murdered when they any sort of violence was taboo. refused to accept the idols of the Ka’ba as ympathisers would snea food in under ods. the cover of niht. rs Birth o Fatia (h) rs n o the Boott Khadia pbuh noticed a refreshin Muhammad pbuh came to Abu Talib one frarance around her whilst carryin day and said that the boycott areement atima written by the Quraysh had been eaten up rs iration o slis to ssinia by insects and no writin had been left ersecution was relentless and ecept the name of Allah. Abu Talib went Muhammad pbuh advised a roup of a to the Ka’ba where the Quraysh were 1 of his followers under the leadership gathered and said:”My son says that the on his cousin Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib to areement which you had written has mirate to Abyssinnia thiopia whose been eaten by insects and nothin remains Kin was a rihteous hristian Kin called ecept the name of Allah. f he is riht aashi. The Quraysh sent a deputation to then you must end your inustice and if it is demand their deportation. hen the Kin wron then we will admit that you were heard Ja’fer’s description of Muhammad right and we were wrong.” The

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 70 Page 71 71 agreement was oened and nothing was let ecet the name o llah. The boycott was lited. Muhammad buh was so grieved that he called the year amul un The year o sorrow. ith the death o his rotectors the Quraysh increased their ersecution. Visit to Ta’if inding the Makkans turning a dea ear to him Muhammad buh went to the sister city o Tai to the South with his adoted son ayd. They drove him out elting him with stones. n his way back a arty o Jinn heard him reciting the Qur’an and accepted . The Qur’an mentions this in the oening verses o Suratul inn . esite the ersecution slam was sreading to tribes beyond Makka. The Quraysh did their best at stiling the news and warning those coming to Makka o Muhammad buh who dishonours their idols and had become mad. owever the seekers o truth like the tribe o bu har hiari came to see him and acceted slam. Twenty hristians rom Naareth came to visit him and acceted slam. Si men rom who had heard Muhammad buh at aba a mountain pass between Mina and ‘Arafat) took his message to athrib. The net year eole met Muhammad buh at

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 72 72 a t a t agreement was opened and nothing was aa and too a to uphold the left ecept the name of Allah. The bocott alues taught b Muhammad pbuh). A was lifted. ear later men and women came to s at of Tai ots a tae the same pledge nown as the so aia of aa Muhammad pbuh) was so grieed that he Israa' Wal Mi’raj (Overnit o to called the ear Aamul un The ear of s sa a to t as sorrow). ith the death of his protectors n the th of aab when he was ears the Qurash increased their persecution. old Muhammad pbuh) was taen on a s Visit to Ta’if ourne to the heaens to see the glor of inding the Maans turning a deaf ear to the Universe. The Mi’raj is one of the most him Muhammad pbuh) went to the sister awesome journeys recorded in the Qur’an cit of Taif to the outh with his adopted in uratul Israa ) son ad. The droe him out pelting him s T ia iatio to ati aia with stones. n his wa bac a part of The Maans enraged at the spread of Jinn heard him reciting the Qur’an and Islam decided to ill Muhammad pbuh). It accepted Islam. The Qur’an mentions this was planned that eer famil should in the opening erses of uratul Jinn ). proide a man to carr out the murder. o aa Allah informs Muhammad pbuh) of their s espite the persecution Islam was plan in Suratul Anfal 8:30 “And remember spreading to tribes beond Maa. The when the unbelieers plotted against ou Qurash did their best at stifling the news to imprison ou or to ill ou or to drie and warning those coming to Maa of ou out the plotted and planned and Muhammad pbuh) who dishonours their Allah planned too.” Muhammad (pbuh) left idols and had become mad. oweer the with Ali sleeping in his bed accompanied seeers of truth lie the tribe of Abu har b Abu ar to go to ati from where hifari came to see him and accepted he had receied an initation to come. Islam. Twent hristians from aareth hen the Qurash found Ali in came to isit him and accepted Islam. i Muhammad’s (pbuh) bed, they sent a men from ati aia who had search part to loo for him. Muhammad heard Muhammad pbuh) at Aaba a pbuh) and Abu ar hid in a cae in the mountain pass between Mina and ‘Arafat) mountain of Ta miles from Maa. A too his message to athrib. The net ear spider’s web and a pigeon’s nest at the people met Muhammad pbuh) at entrance preented the search part from

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 72 Page 73 73 ear e ven entering the cave. They continued their journey reaching a ( miles south of athrib) a wee later on the thof abiul Awwal A. Muhammad (pbuh) waited there for four days for Ali. The first masjid was built in Quba and it is the first masjid where Salatul Jumua’ was recited. Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers entered athrib shortly before noon on riday th of abi ul Awwal ( ctober ) . e was given a warm welcome and athrib soon became nown as Mainan ai, the ity of the rophet. Such was the significance of the ijra that it dates the Muslim ijri calendar. rs ilin e se in Maina The first thing Muhammad (pbuh) did was to organise the building of a mosue. After purchasing the land, a clay bric structure was built and roofed with palm wood rafters. Truns of palm trees were used as pillars. Soon a simple mosue was completed with rooms on one side for Muhammad (pbuh) and his family and on the other side for those who had nowhere to live in what was called ‘Suffa’. rs rer Most of the emigrants from Maa (Muhajireen) were poor and had no possessions. The of Madina ( – elpers) provided them with food and shelter sharing their wealth with them. Muhammad (pbuh) established brotherhood between them, maing one

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 74 74 ear e ven ear e ven enterin the cave. he continued their uhair emirant a rother of an nsar ourne reachin a miles south of eler of adina. or himself he athri a wee later on the thof aiul estalished rotherhood with li uh wwal . uhammad uh waited saying: “You are my brother in the life of there for four das for li. he first masid this world and in the hereafter was uilt in ua and it is the first masid rs alaa (ail raers an a (asin where Salatul Jumua’ was recited. are ae liar uhammad uh and his followers aatul itr and the id Salaa were also entered athri shortl efore noon on introduced in this ear. th rida of ai ul wwal ctoer rs e ane e ila r ersale . e was iven a warm welcome and e a'a athri soon ecame nown as Mainan t was whilst rain in asideilatan ai the it of the rohet. Such was the – he masid with two ilas where sinificance of the ijra that it dates the uhammad uh was iven the order uslim iri calendar. llah to chane the ila from atul rs ilin e se in Maina uaddas ) to the Ka’ba in he first thin uhammad uh did was aa throuh the revelation of verse to oranise the uildin of a mosue. fter urchasin the land a cla ric rs ale ar structure was uilt and roofed with alm he aans lanned an attac on wood rafters. runs of alm trees were adina. uslims aainst a well used as illars. Soon a simle mosue was euied urash arm of met at comleted with rooms on one side for adr miles from aa and miles uhammad uh and his famil and on from adina. he uslims won and were the other side for those who had nowhere reconised as a formidale force. owever to live in what was called ‘Suffa’. the defeat made the aans more itter. rs rer rs ale ost of the emirants from aa he aans were now seein revene uhaireen were oor and had no for adr. he lanned an attac. he ossessions. he uslims of adina nsar armies met at hul ulafa miles east of – elers rovided them with food and adina in the fields of ount hud. shelter sharin their wealth with them. hinin the had won some of the uhammad uh estalished soldiers aandoned their osts and went rotherhood etween them main one for the oot allowin the urash to

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 74 Page 75 75 ear e ven atta from behin an suffere a heay blow. Muhammad’s (pbuh) uncle ama as ille in hu rs ir Ia asan ( he first granhil of uhamma buh) born to atima li buh) rs ir Ia san ( rs ale a (anae eene Maina he aans an some of the tribes aroun aina ho ere oose to the usims got together an forme a oalition ahab) of soliers to atta aina ith hanaue) as ug aroun aina an the oalition army ame outsie for oer ees trying to infiltrate the ton unning out of roisions uhamma buh) raye for itory at hat is no asi ath osue of itory) an a fiere storm rage urooting the tents of the oalition ho lifte the siege an turne aay he inient is mentione in : rs rea aia In Dhulqa’da of 5 AH, Muhammad (pbuh) eie to erform the mra ilgrimage to aa ith omanions hey ame miles outsie aa at uaybiyya an an enoy as sent to as ermission to visit the Ka’ba. It was enie but a treaty as signe hih gae him the eae alloing him to onsoliate most of the tribes in rabia an be able to

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 76 76 ear e ven ear e ven attac fom behind and suffeed a heav send invitations to Islam to the ules of blow. Muhammad’s (pbuh) uncle Hama neihbouin counties. he fist veses was illed in hud. of the chapte of icto () wee rs ir Ia asan ( evealed afte Hudabia descibin the he fist andchild of Muhammad (pbuh) teat as a victo. bon to atima Ali (pbuh) rs ale aer rs ir Ia san ( he tibes of anu inaqa anu adi who wee epelled out of Madina fo rs ale a (anae eene plottin havoc had settled in Khabe ( Maina miles fom Madina). he had built he Maans and some of the tibes ston fots (Khabe means a fot). ven aound Madina who wee opposed to the hee the wee constantl plottin to Musims ot toethe and fomed a attac the Muslims. he ophet decided coalition (ahab) of soldies to to stop them and in Muhaam A.H. attac Madina. A ditch (handaque) was Muhammad (pbuh) with Muslims had du aound Madina and the coalition am suounded all the fots. In the couse of a camped outside fo ove wees tin to month all the fots wee defeated. A piece infiltate the town. unnin out of of land called ada was ifted to him b povisions, Muhammad (pbuh) paed fo one of the tibes and he ave it to his victo at what is now Masid ath dauhte atima (pbuh) ( of victo) and a fiece stom rs isi Maa aed upootin the tents of the coalition Accodin to the tems of the teat, the who lifted the siee and tuned awa. he Muslims could now visit Maa. In incident is mentioned in Dhulqa’da, Muhammad (pbuh) rs rea aia accompanied b Muslims visited In Dhulqa’da of 5 AH, Muhammad (pbuh) Maa fo ma. he staed in Maa fo decided to pefom the ma pilimae to das as aeed. Maa with companions. he rs Inrin e se iar camped miles outside Maa at uested b a Muslim capente and Hudabia and an envo was sent to as accepted b Muhammad (pbuh) pemission to visit the Ka’ba. It was denied rs Battle of Mu’ta but a teat was sined which ave him the he envo sent to ia b Muhammad peace allowin him to consolidate most of (pbuh) was illed b the omans and this the tibes in Aabia and be able to eventuall esulted in the attle of Mutah

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 76 Page 77 77 ea e et uh a h lla Muah, a h da ad aa, b h Mulm h umbd ad a am h a ma (a) mp a h bal that Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib (Tayyar) was killed. ouet of Maa , h bala p had hd adall aa m pul Maa, ad Muhammad ad h Mulm h pa a d b h uah had b lad ad aua , h Mulm mahd Maa ad d b b a b al h a h d Maa hu bldhd ad h Maa, h d had ud, d hm h qu Maa alld a updd a b ap lam h Qur’an mentions it in Suratun (110) Battle of ua bal uh aa h b aa haq, ml m Maa a ua al a lld b h mmad h a h a b up h h Mulm daa mad ada ad maad b d b ll Muhammad’s (pbuh) u Md eto of au p had m Muhammad (pbuh) ha h ma pla a aa Muhammad (pbuh) ddd lad a

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 78 78 ea e et ea e et fouht near the illae of Mutah east of Muslim army into oman territory before the Jordan ier and arak between the the omans threatened the heart of slam. Muslims who numbered 000 and a 0000 hen they reahed Tabuk (midway stron army of the astern oman between Madina and amasus) the news (yantine) mpire. t was in this battle ame that the omans had withdrawn that Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib (Tayyar) was killed. from the border towns. Muhammad ouet of Maa (pbuh) returned to Madina. y now the balane of power had shifted Muala radially away from onepowerful Makka Muhammad (pbuh) inited the hristians toward Muhammad and the Muslims. The of Naran on the th of hulhia to a peae treaty sined by the Quraysh had Mubahila (A prayer of the faithful in order been iolated and in January 0 the to rid themseles of the ompany of liars). Muslims marhed to Makka and were The eent was the result of a deleation oined by tribe after tribe alon the way. led by Abdul Masih to disuss matters They entered Makka without bloodshed reardin sa (pbuh Jesus) and the Makkans seein the tide had f any one disputes in this matter with turned oined them. The onuest of you after the knowlede has ome to you Makka sinalled an unpreedented say ome let us ather toether our inrease in tribes aeptin slam. The sons and your sons our women and your Qur’an mentions it in Suratun Nasr (110) women ourseles and yourseles Then let Battle of ua us earnestly pray and inoke the urse of A battle fouht aainst the tribes of Allah on those who lie!” 1 awain Thaeef 10 miles from Makka Muhammad (pbuh) brouht Ali atima at unayn. attle stratey not followed by asan usayn (pbut). The hritian one of the ommanders who was then deleation on seein them withdrew from taken by surprise throwin the Muslims the Mubahila. into disarray. A few remained steadfast eat of a oet o tou and manaed to brin order by followin Maa ta Muhammad’s (pbuh) instrutions. brahim fell ill after the attle of Tabuk at Mentioned in . whih time he was oer a year old. eto of au Muhammad (pbuh) his eyes filled with A report had ome to Muhammad (pbuh) tears said The eyes send their tears and that the omans were plannin an attak. the heart is saddened but we do not say Muhammad (pbuh) deided to lead a anythin eept that whih pleases our

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 78 Page 79 79 ea e et o nee ahi we ae eeae by your departure from us”. His death oinie with an elise o the sn an a o went ot sain that the sn was elise in saness oe the eath o ahi on heain this haa h sai he sn an the oon ae sins o o he ae elise neithe o the eath no ith o an an n eholin an elise theeoe eee God and turn to Him in prayer’. a alaa aeell lae haa h eoe his last a aoanie oanions e ae a seon in Aaat itin the iniles o aith an thei aniestation aee n the wa a o the aewell a haa h stoe at haee an oee that a lit e ae with the sales ee he elae his sesso in esonse to ese aisin the hand of Ali (pbuh) and saying “For whosoee a eae awla Ali is his leader (mawla)”. The final eelation o ese was eeale “This day I have efete ou elo fo ou a olete faou uo ou a chosen Islam as a religion for you” eat of te oet Muaa u n haa haa ell ill with a ee an heaahes is onition wosene an he ie on the th o aa with his hea on the la o Ali h

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 80 80 ear ge ven adih e Thaalayn ord. ndeed brahim we are bereaed t seems that the time has approahed when shall be alled away (by Allah) by your departure from us”. His death and shall answer that all. am leaing for you two preious things and if oinided with an elipse of the sun and a you adhere to them both you will neer go astray after me. They are the rumour went out saying that the sun was Book of Allah (The Qur’an) and my rogeny ha is my hlul ay. The two elipsed in sadness oer the death of shall neer separate from eah other until they ome to me by the ool (of brahim. pon hearing this uhammad aradise). (pbuh) said The sun and the moon are signs of God. They are elipsed neither for the death nor birth of any man. n beholding an elipse therefore remember

God and turn to Him in prayer’. yrs a alidaa areell ilgrimage uhammad (pbuh) performed his last Ha aompanied by ompanions. He gae a sermon in Arafat iting the priniples of faith and their manifestation. yrs hadeer n the way ba from the farewell Ha. uhammad (pbuh) stopped at Ghadeer and ordered that a pulpit be made with the saddles. Here he delared his suessor in response to erse by raising the hand of Ali (pbuh) and saying “For whomsoeer am eader (mawla) Ali is his leader (mawla)”. The final reelation of

erse was reealed. “This day I have

erfeced your religion for you and comleed my favour uon you and chosen Islam as a religion for you” yrs eah of he rohe uhammad uh n uharram uhammad fell ill with a feer and headahes. His ondition th worsened and he died on the of afar with his head on the lap of Ali (pbuh).

WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 80 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 8181 ear Ae arrae of he rohe yrs haa hadia bint huwaylad (halid) was an astute business women and philanthropist who was titled Ameeratul uraysh (the priness of uraysh) and Al Tahira (The ure one). he was years old when through her friend ufaysa she proposed to uhammad (pbuh). Abu Talib and her ousin araa ibn awfal deliered the marriage sermons and uhammad (pbuh) moed from his unle Abu Talibs house to lie with his wife. After years of marriage hadia died. uhammad (pbuh) alled the year Amul Hun (The year of grief) yrs aa AH awda was a widow whose husband had died during the migration to Abyssinnia. Her father and brother were staunh enemies of slam and had she returned to them they would hae fored her to renoune her faith. uhammad (pbuh) married her to safeguard her. yrs Aeha AH Abu ar wished to ement his friendship with uhammad (pbuh) and offered his daughter Ayesha in marriage in . The marriage too plae in AH. yrs afa AH mar ibn Al hattab epressed a desire for uhammad (pbuh) to marry his daughter Hafsa who was widowed shortly after the attle of adr. yrs ana n huaa AH idowed at the attle of adr she was nown for her ompassion.he was nown as mmul asain. he died in the rophets lifetime.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 82Page 82 ear Ae arrae of he rohe ear Ae arrae of he rohe yrs haa yrs ala (n n aa) hadia bint huwaylad (halid) was an astute AH mm alma and her husband were one of the first business women and philanthropist who was titled migrants to Abyssinnia. Her husband was illed in the Ameeratul uraysh (the priness of uraysh) and Al attle of hud. uhammad (pbuh) married her when Tahira (The ure one). he was years old when she was . he died at the age of sering the through her friend ufaysa she proposed to family of the rophet all her life. uhammad (pbuh). Abu Talib and her ousin araa yrs ana n ahh ibn awfal deliered the marriage sermons and AH he was the e wife of ayd bin Haritha the adopted uhammad (pbuh) moed from his unle Abu Talibs son of uhammad (pbuh). The marriage made it house to lie with his wife. After years of marriage lear that adopted hildren were not the same as hadia died. uhammad (pbuh) alled the year Amul biologial hildren and remoed the taboo of Hun (The year of grief) marriage to a dioree. yrs uarra n Al arh yrs aa AH he was the daughter of the hief of anu ustali AH awda was a widow whose husband had died during who launhed an atta on the uslims but were the migration to Abyssinnia. Her father and brother defeated. he was amongst the prisoners of war and were staunh enemies of slam and had she returned the marriage initiated the onersion of her tribe to to them they would hae fored her to renoune her slam. faith. uhammad (pbuh) married her to safeguard yrs afa n ua her. AH he was the daughter of Huyay ibn Al Ahtab an yrs Aeha enemy of uhammad (pbuh) who had aepted AH Abu ar wished to ement his friendship with slam. he dreamt of the moon falling into her lap and uhammad (pbuh) and offered his daughter Ayesha when narrating it to her husband was aused her of in marriage in . The marriage too plae in wanting the whole of Arabia to beome a uslim AH. land. he left him and uhammad (pbuh) offered to yrs afa marry her. AH mar ibn Al hattab epressed a desire for yrs aa (ala n Au ufan) uhammad (pbuh) to marry his daughter Hafsa who AH mm Habiba was Abu ufyans daughter. months was widowed shortly after the attle of adr. after the death of her husband baydullah who had yrs ana n huaa abandoned her and her daughter the rophet sent a AH idowed at the attle of adr she was nown for message to aashi asing him to stand proy for her ompassion.he was nown as mmul asain. himself and to ratify a marriage between him and he died in the rophets lifetime. mm Habiba if she were willing. he had a dream in whih someone ame to her and addressed her as

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 83 Page 82 83 ear Ae arrae of he rohe other of the Faithful and she interpreted this as meaning that she would beome the wife of the prophet. The rophets letter to egus initing him to prolaim slam was sent at this time. yrs auna nal arh AH n hulada uhammad (pbuh) aompanied by uslims isited aa for mra. They stayed in aa for days as agreed. At erif on the fourth day he married aymuna sister of mm Fadhl (wife of Abbas) and Asma (wife of afer Tayyar) and alma (wife of Hama). yrs ara Qa (o) AH The rophets letter to uawis the ruler of gypt was similar to that sent to mperor Heralius as he was a opti hristian. uawis answered to the rophet (pbuh) easiely. Howeer he sent a rih present of a thousand measures of gold twenty robes of fine loth a mule and two opti hristian ladies who were held in great respet in gypt. The young ladies were sisters ariyah and irin. The prophet gae irin to Hassan ibn Thabit the poet and he too aria as his wife. The mule was named uldul and the rophet rode it in the attle of Hunain. aria gae him a son brahim who died in infany.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 84Page 84 ear Ae arrae of he rohe other of the Faithful and she interpreted this as meaning that she would beome the wife of the prophet. The rophets letter to egus initing him to prolaim slam was sent at this time. yrs auna nal arh AH n hulada uhammad (pbuh) aompanied by uslims isited aa for mra. They stayed in aa for days as agreed. At erif on the fourth day he married aymuna sister of mm Fadhl (wife of Abbas) and Asma (wife of afer Tayyar) and alma (wife of Hama). yrs ara Qa (o) AH The rophets letter to uawis the ruler of gypt was similar to that sent to mperor Heralius as he was a opti hristian. uawis answered to the rophet (pbuh) easiely. Howeer he sent a rih present of a thousand measures of gold twenty robes of fine loth a mule and two opti hristian ladies who were held in great respet in gypt. The young ladies were sisters ariyah and irin. The prophet gae irin to Hassan ibn Thabit the poet and he too aria as his wife. The mule was named uldul and the rophet rode it in the attle of Hunain. aria gae him a son brahim who died in infany.

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