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• ',¦Tf W The News..."...•- ‡MC %yyn i PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY ¦a"Í»'

Vol. XXIII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JANUARY 12TH, 1897. Number 2


2, RUA DE S. PEDRO s QUAYLE, DAVIDSON & Co. Bank Note Company, RIO DE JANEIRO.» 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, 119 Rua da Quitanda Caixa no Correio 16 NEW YORK. «usines» Founded 1795. AGENTS OF THE In«r|ior»l..l unalrr l.w. ar the Htatc of New Vurk, ISSS. U «organized 1879. Pacific Steam Navigalion Company COMMISSION JWERCHRNTS \ IMPORTERS E-VCrsAVERS AND PfUNTEKS OP Shaw, Snvill &> Albion Co., Ld. BONDS, POSTACE & REVENUE STAMPS, LECAL TENDE* AND NATIONAL BANK The /Vrw Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for ' Receive orders for ali description of Merchandise from Foreign Covernments. -r'V-r Thc Hoviden Line of Stèatvets F.NGRAVING AND PRINTING, Europe and the United States of BANK NOTES. SIIAKE lEKTiriCATES, BOXDS America. KOK «íOVKKVMKNTS AM» lOI(l*OUATION», UKAITS i III.CKS, K1LI.S OF KXOIIANOE, Repairs to Ships and Machinery STA.llPS, Ao.. In tht- flutatt and mont artUUc «tyle SPECIAL FKOM. STEEL PLATES, Having large TERMS FOR : IVItb wórgshops and efiicient plant aic ín SPECt.lI, HAILCVAmis fo IMIKVKXT (01'STEKFEmSO. a to uiidcit.ike Special lumufactiirod :'¦'¦ ¦'" position rep.iiis of^ail description* to ships and papers i.xdusively for Machincry. use oí th.; Çóiripany. SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. BROORS LOCOMOTIVES, Work Exceufod I» Flropruef KuIIiIIiijj». UTHQGRAPHIC Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. have depois St AND Tf PE PRINTING. [Limited) at KAII.UAV Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidep, La P>ia and at the TICKETS OE ÍAIPKOVEÜ STYLE8. chief Brazil Poits; and, among otheis, supply coal under Show Ciird». l.itlicU. Culciialur». contract, at Rio, lo: BRIDGE WORK OF THE UNION BRIDGE CO., JAMES MACDONOUGH. President. AUG.D.SHEPARD. The Brazilian Governmetit ; \ Vlce-Presldents. Her Britannic Majesty'* Goyernment; TOURO ROBERTSON, J 3 The Trans.itl.intic Steamship Companies: and ali Railway supplies, both European and American. THEO. H. FREELAND. Sec'y and TreiS. The New Zealand Shipping Companies , JNO. E. CURRIER(AsstSec>. I &c, &c, J. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas.

Co»l.—Large stocks of the best Cardift steam Coal always kept in Rio depôt on Conce.ç3o Island. . Tug Boat* always ready for service. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, For Stamp Colléctors Cargo LlRhters.-diuo. PHILADBLPHIA, PENN. Ballaet Supplied to ships. ÍWk Brazil Postage Stamps (Est«bliahed\ 1831.) «•tablieh menta : Wilson, Sons & Co. iLunited), BURNHAM, WILLIAMS Co., Proprietors. Brazil—Sets lor UMon, Cardiff. St Vincent. (Cape Verie), Rio,*Pahia, f tale ~i Pwuambuco. 1' "¦ ¦¦¦ -*¦'•¦_ Santo*, S. Paulo, Montevideo, Buenos ao Variatica, Ra. $600 Varietiea, Ra. Ajrret and La PUu. 50 51000 These locomotive engines are adapted to every variety of service, and are built 30 Variatita, Ra. ilooe 60 Varietiea, Ra. totooo 40 Varietita, Ra. 41000 80 Varietiea, Ra. 10I000 accurately to standard and templates. Like •¦"? gauges parts ot different engines of same n .. ., Varietiea, Ra. 50*000 ING, FERREIRA & Co. dass perfectly interchangeable. Collection. of uo Varietiea (nearly complete) Ra. 80*000 Succtssers K , to IV. R. CASSEIS A» Ce. Ali SratiltoM aua" Foreign S tam fis sold se/arately. Passenger and Freight Locomotives, Mine Locomotives, Narrow Gauge Locomo- Rartties—Xe-w issues. 11, Rua i° de Março, RIO DB JANEIRO, tives, Steam Street Cars, etc., etc. Illustrated Catoloiíue of ali Brazilian Postaae Stampsv from 11, Rua da Quitanda. SAO PAULO, '««3 to 1894 RS. "'' Ali 'worlc tla.ojro-u.gh 1 j^ i- y gru.sreni.teed.. Importers ind Agents fer Miuufacturers. Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. EagUsh-apokan.ALPH. BHUCK. Further Agencies, suitable to j lheii lines of business—Hard i A, TptrMM S. Frtnoftco tf» r—i% •aie, Domestic good, Specialties, etc, ele—are rwpectlully Sole Agents in Brazil:JJorton, MsgaiV á Cü. Fd. Rio de Janeiro.near Largo S. Francisco. olicited. No- 58, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, Rio de Janeiro. Í. Â. DE IlMA £ iO. OREL & C.1A HARLAN AND HEALLISON MANUFACTÜRING (i7. Xow Street. K„a B Successors oí THEHOLLINGSWORTH COMPANY. T COMPANY. da Quitnnüu, 5« .Now Yorlr.K/f) t powerful known to date for the Geík. Klingenbekü. Detmold Lvth^gtapheis). õS, Bua 1.° de Março, following di

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[January mth, 1897- NEWS. '''• ' ' "—" RIO LTT" ' THE I , ''''¦¦ —The of on the 5th waa 610 in COAST ITEMS. price gold V;'''" WEST Paraguay and 287 m Argentina. St»j>tU*tt*» py«ttftg. iothlinst. Mr. FIREOFFICE. -A Valpwraiw telegram òf thei —A concession has been granted to in Ch.h.sim. of Buenos PHOENIX savsthe cmnmercial ^tuation Charles Bright by the municipality Slofraulo: to the good crop of From the central 47132 «ation al 6 a.m.; proving, owing principally Aires for an electric tramway ¦ Establishèd Central Railway Daily «pren leavei wheat. railway station to Belgrano. of leave» S. Paulo at s a. m. by Imperial Deerte No. 8.0J7 returning w.th 8th inst. says Authorized weekly for Santos, connecting -A London telegram of the —The of the of Santiago rr. ¦ Numerous .teamers a planters province ¦ t- March atfh, /áo"/. is negotiating Paulo Railway. that tlie Peruvian government dei Estero are asking the Argentine the Sio offering certain taxes as ofthe lossesjovem- sus D'.'- loan in that market, ment for assistance because .'t , Gaohambú and Lambary:¦ security. tained from recent inundations. ¦í^''y;'a-'"^'a '' ;'. express) to Cnuetro, thence Ê&sí-'" ¦¦'¦¦ ¦ Central Railway iSSo Paulo a it conditions. -^Ex-President Montt seems to be having -We like to see appointed-atid 5-*-' by Minas and Rio Railway to destination. to A would mihtary G. C. Anderson, Agent. troublesome time iri deciding where go be a triumph of civil right over . ts¦ etc.: w 11 not visit would one y. Juiz de Fora, Barbacena, Ouro Preto, Valoaraiso telegram now says he wronff—a commission"uperior conststing of, say, Camara-ist floor. a Railway station at 6:45 *•">• the United States via four cituens sy. y 9, Rua General Daily express leaves Central Argentina, but will go to Se of the tribunal and yy"y ;'^íí«: lines along the main hne (Minas this commission Connects with aU the branch Panamá. fanding After due notice, London an Insurance policy of that railway, of tlie' to ai. the This company has just issued in Geraes) -According to a recent statement IS P™ce«l ^rf^enot 111 tlie and San.a Fé Ra. way Company the available re- every soldier, or the AtcLn, Topelca Chilian minister of finance examine privatelv man found to amount of $17.380,156.00 Petrópolis: officers. Every ¦.-'¦>. States of America, for the fund up to ist, 1896, amomrted SS of any y.-' United at daily. except Sundays demption July againsthis will should having receivèd the respect.ve prem.um Barca leaves the Prainha 4 P-m. and the treasury notes K prèssed or'sen*ing {£ 3,620,865), at Mauá. P^nger to $47,437,539.94, to liberty and heavy and holidays, to connect with railway to the 1 be at once restored amtfunting to Çiíg.iog.oo U 35.23°)- Railway) redeemed amounted $33,895,7i5-5Ç- Y*n on lus liberty ¦ uP to S. Francisco Xavier station (Central notes still for the outrage has ever taken so large a risk train leaves nominal value of tlie government compensation oth yy ;e No other company ali land route (passengers should those responsible. and ali at 7 a.m. and 5:15 P-m-, on was only $4,465,377- exacted from the Railway station o- in circulation should be handed ove presentslate. take the suburban trains at the Central cers S ilU of pressing Petrópolis train.) —The contingent iri the Chiliau their civil and cnnunal a.m., and P-m- »° «ct with German o tlil'coStstoPanswer 6*2S 4:40 "barca" disastrpusly. It is rc- also be Petrópolis, the ««™^"*:? army has turned out resoònsibilitv. It should publia> UNION Returning from "ali engaged as ms- no and holidays, and the land that the officers last in ali the barracks that prejed LIM'D. 7:3o a.m., except Sundays ported of them, Col. PSin.!l of ASSURANCE COMPANY, truetors have resigned, and one is bound to serve, and that the act press COMMERCIÁL trains leave at 6 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. taste to nau and leaves the Pramha at Betriiold, has had the bad publish t illegal and tinconsti utional On Sundays and holidays tlie barca newspapers i s at Fire and Marine. at4P-™-. articles iri the Argentine; If this were done it would ¦ leaves Petrópolis some nenàl ofTence. . train 7 a.m., and returning the Chilian army orgaiuzation. six hours in Petrópolis. criticisingthe giving excursionists about of hbejty Capital .. .. - - &>500,000 river there is a constitutional guarantees personal : —At one of the North piers Üie regime are onlv a Nova Friburgo boxecl for shipment 111 separ- which under present for the Republic of .Brazil: at 6 a.m. daily and vessel in transit, Montevidéo Vimes. Agents Barca leaves the Praça das Marinhas for South America. The vessel lias mockery.— & Co. to connect with the Leopoldina Rail- ate trieces, that Walter Block at 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Lewis N^^^P)^^^ — Reports were very strong yesterday Returning, trains leave Nova beeíSat a, again to apply way at SanfAnna de Maruhy. used on the Magdalena river 111 Coloint the goverimieiit had determined and at 6 a. m. on Mondays. be deptli too. though No. ns, Ru» da Qmtanda- Friburgo at 2:25 P- «n. daily, is 100 feet, beam 22 feet, 7 te to the press. and shortly Her length cargo on fag This idea^s o^ *. feet, and she carries ioo tons of in wbait fon.» wâ uncertain. Corcovado which continues torave leave R>« Cosme Velho three-foot draught. She is \^^MM teredbv the Nadou, INSURANCE COM- Regular trains, week days. 5. driven by conipouiul style about the ...sedition-. MARINE 11 a. m. and 3 and 5,3° P- Wi refiiwng dependent side wheels, in its most truculent (Larangeiras) at 8 and eleven miles an the independent press. 111- a-m. and 1,4:30 and 7 P-m. enSiiès Her speed willbe and «ihsblèhcèn of rr-.. THE PANY LIMITED. leave the summitat7:3oand9:3o of Commerce, Dec. b. every mthe-rep^ the hours are; ascettdtng 6:30, hour.—N. Y. Journal cludihgin that phrase paper On Sundays and holidays, '' blic itself and one or twoobscure sheets xa:^?. S'..t.S «d 8 P- "* except 8) 9:3o andirá. m., 3:30, favor. As the Aaaon v> suffering from a olague of COMPANY, LIM'D WIEDREHEKER. redress to a eivilian who and which B INSURANCE FRANK such cases to a military serioiísíy aftectèd its productioii-j da Barreira. the military. To refer the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—N" 15 Travessa alone would cause serious misg|ytngsfor Sunday at u a.m., and 7 onlyàdds tolhe "'• „ . Times. Times, Jan. 1, v^r Capital£1,000,000 B.RODGERS. Pastor. causes of trouble.—Montevidéo Reservefund... ,, i,32^<1Sl »» Residence: Rua Pnhceia Imperial 33. ²\ Buenos Aires telegram òf the ioth*says the authoru- capital. „ 2,400,751 „ CHURCH.-Rua de Sanl'\nna No.1$. thé senate has approved project THE PANGERS OF A SCRATCH. Uncalled BAPTIST and dollars 111 Services in Portuguese every Sunday at Qa.m. inu an emission of teu millions Wednesday at 7. p m. oi a day that many persons do 7.7 p.m:Y and everyW. cédulas to be loaned on the security cultiv- Scarcely passes B. I1AGBV,Pastor. only serve to increase not. in some way or other. get a scratch, a P. E. Swanwick> ated lands. This will hreak the skin. Agent: Caixa 352. of that country. small cut, or a briltse that may DO RIA, HUELO.-.34 the dithculties slightest attention is 4, Travessa do Conselh iro Saraiva. IGREJA PRESBYTERIANA In most instances not the Rua D. Anna Nery, Eslação do Riachuelo. Services inst. from Asuncion. annoyance o.p. m. —Telegrams of the 5U1 to this bevonil tlie temporary Sundays .. a. m. and 7 p.J$&}%&fl^V* paid Paste'astor. Primary report torrential rains in that local- of the and the possible irritation when AND LIFE FRANKLIN H. NASCIMENTO, Paraguay, pain sttbse- UARDIAN FIRE School in .he church building. The streets were inundatedand consider- the hahds are put into water. or some itv have also an ex- I.HVTD. alííe damage resulted. Heavy rains blow in the same spot brings G ASSURANCE CO., of Santiago quent of the hurt. This. Pivfctovii fallen iu the Argentine provinces clamation 011 account mrftiral dei Estero and Cordoha, causing destruetive while a common practice. is by no means a wise one. The air is full of lloating disease- German inundations. in Pie de William Frederick Elaenlohr, |hy»i- esoeciallv the air of cities and towns, Atrents Janesrc Dr hours Perez, of germs. Rua General Camara. Consultíng — \ voung man, Hortensio good injurv of this sort, be it ever so slight, cian. Office: 78, 'and formerly einplòyed and ati o. m. family well educated, excellent breeding-ground for Smith Youle & Co. from 11 to 3 of engineers ot might furnish iii the national department some deadlv bactéria. It is a good plan always was. during the recent revolution carbolic acid and No. 38 Kua 1? de Marco. ürugliàV, to keep a bottle of prepared pitfcettaticouf. scare in Montevidéo. arrested by the pohceand and frequently touch aU bruises or Next moming glvcerine. taken to the artillerv barracks. sore spots with it. This is one of the ^nost AGENCY. - No. « that he had volunteered for AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETYS it was pretended convenient and effective gernticides imagiti- BRAZILIÀN COAL Co. A(tent. .volunteer. is never allow- Rua d-Ajnda.-H. C. TUCKER, two vears. But the able. It is believed that many cases of fever LIMITED. barracks nor to communicate SOCIETY S AG- ed to leave the and other serions ailments can be contracted THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE Not even his rnôther the with any of bis friends. bv a floiting geriu coming in contact with the Representatives of Sete de Setembro No. 71.—O» s^e. of ali his mother ENCY.—Kua is allowed to see him. Worst abraded skin". Once snugly lodged in this Portuguese. Fnglish, French. German. His crime Holy Sciipturesin is a widow and he is her only sou. most congenial dwelling-place. the geriu mui- CORT BROTHERS I «0.. U„ Loudop luh-iii, Spanish and other language». «Manco».—Times* Buenos Aires. and over- Agent. is being a tiplies with amazing rapidity soon JOÃO II. G. DOS SANTOS, system. Therefore. whenever American sanitary sup- runs the entire AND READING —The demand for bruiseor scratch, or any injurv of .... . BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY late in- there is a to in the Argentine republic has of be «at - Rua Gonçalve* Dias.- Open from noon plies this sort. germieidal applic-ttions should ROOM. 31 creased very perceptibly By the first direct "Conr'* Metthjrt' m. For term*. apply to Libtarian. will be ship- once resorted lo.—Exchange. A consunt supply of fresh «wm coal 6. p. vessel H» Buenos Aires at. invoice -Rest and Reading Rmm.- bathtubs, 156 always oa hand. Prompt ddwery at «aao^able ptkes. RIO SEAMENS MISSION ped consistingof 14* euameled floor; W. J. Lw»v. Miiéoner. supplies are to A UKRl.tN telegram of the 5U1 says Uia* Tugboau alwajr» ittfJf fcf tmtnoh 3$,«adaSaurle. i« closets and iqo basins. These rtc.alwof Wt-o(! are in the Wilhelm hàs a decree. dated Gihs of book». magaiin». paper*. be used in modern buildings. which Kaiser published OFFICES at th« Mi*M«m O» at leading i^t inst.. forbtdding bis officers to fight Clothing. will be g«tefi..ly recerved course of erection at that capital. A thelHl ali large Thev mttSt submit lheir disputes to a »5. ni» Theophilo Ottoni. shipping firm sivs: «The demaild in duels. 4o Conorcio, lalaa 28 aal 2T No. Ainericaii | honor. lt is satisfactory tr» ^.e that Prata «A .••t.« * âiroÜKhbut Argertina for {. court of YOUNG MESS CHKlS lIAN ASSOCIATION.-».. Si ice August last we ; he has at last consented to consider tbe pm- Rua Gen. Camara open from 6.30 Dlumbers ia evident. Entrance: Rua da A*semb\éa, ist floor. Rooms making \ tests of who see nothing but barbariam from o*. o) Qmmene, Dec. 8. 1 tary circles. W. Sloa». TfClW month.»—A*. fonrnal A. CUik. General Sectetary: R. A Ilha dos Ferreiros æ~-[rr*-'-:

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'.'¦','.'*' ' ' January Í2th, 1897.] THE RIO NEWS. 1

«A CHILDS POR'TRA IT.» W gitults. HE BRITISH BANKOF to be catei, by crocodiles. I can assure SOUTH AMERICA, LIMITED. I j?n_e upon your picture, oh mySweet! you these were not pleasant thoughts T And pruy tliat Cod may bit .s you «aU day long»— AND BRAZILIAN during our vvea$r days. Morn, noon, and night—and guide your nimble feet: j «About LONDONBANK, LIMITED. With fenrleaS steps; ryife's thorny ways along I the ,;ouly satisfaction myself HEAD OFFICE: 2 A, MOORGATE ST. aud | cotripaiiioni had as we pondered _LiOH.d.ox_. _E. O. And tcinlerly I «k-.ss your litlle hands»; over such a fate was to shoot the Capital x, task | cro- (, 500,000 Each that they may daily find to do, j codiles. We found this was small Capital paid up ,, 750,000 May they with care perform whate'er command . sat- Capital £ 1,000,000 isfaction. Uulessyou Reserve fund, 600,000 The will of Providence reserves for you ! | hit one of these Idem paid up ,, 600,000 repúles in lhe eye or just behind thé And loviugly [ <.kis. daintv lifjs»; I Reserve fund ,, 380, OOO your ¦ ear, a búílet has no effect on May they nc'er but whafs them. I HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. utter true and put c ! saw them shot in the head. May you ave watchful be, lest nught thence slips, I They would Office in Rio de Janeiro : But words tosoothe, or mnocett. mirth allure ! : simply raise a little outof the water and shake their heads and no further BRANCH OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO 31 A, Rua Io de Março j pay And geiuly as J »kiss your trnnquil brow» attention to the attack. ( Methinks the 10, Rua da Alfândega tnd&x of the mind within) «When we had nearly I crave that Time so bounteously you eudow exhausted our Heat! Office and lhe following Branches Branches at : Draws on Thal you may W_sdom*s laurels early wiu ! supply of fuel and our provisions were S. PAULO, SANTOS, BAHIA, PARA, and Agencies: MONTEVIDEO at a very low ebb, we carne to a little BUENOS AIRES I.OSARIO And fondly as I "gaze into your eyes»— PAR AND creek which emptied into LISBON, OPORTO, A, Iu Soft repose—anon s<> full of mirth— the river/ The Agencies at Pernambuco, Ceará, Mn .nhüo and *s then PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, SANTOS, SÂO (_ AUI.O The windows of the _til-> tlr.it. rieath them lies pilot gladdened our hearts by Rio Grande do Sul. {The"doviug heart—tr.ost matcbless annpuilcing that we were CAMPINAS, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, pearloí Kartli!) near Manoa. Draws on its Head Office in I_ondon : It is delightful to look back to that mo- PELOTAS, PORTO ALEGRE, MONTEVIDEO, I pray that henrt and soul nnd brain combine The London Joint Stock Bank, Limited, ment now, after With eyes aud ltps, and eai^er hands and the danger is aU passed, BUENOS AYRES AND NEW YORK. feet. and I.ONDON. To form a Maúlcti—ltitman yet divine— contemplate it.''Well, we reach- Also 011: Messrs. Heine i5-° Co. Voar Picture AM, my Svreet! ed Manoa ali right. There is an Ame- Messrs, Glyn, Mills, Cume & Co., D. L. rican company operating Pari:- 3—T—«77. iron mines l.o N DON, Messrs. J. Berenberg Gossler & Co. there. By the way, the ore is very rich, Messrs. Mallet Freres &' Co., aud is Hamijuri:. OF THE shipped from there to Philadel- , p¥ÍNGERS ÓRWÓCÓ. and correspoiulcnts in Germnny. phia. Of course we got plenty of fuel and a Messrs. Schrotler &• Co., J. II. Schtóder & Co., Sig, Giulio Belinzaghi A few months ago, Mr. W. B, Scho- good supply of food, such as it was. nachf. field bf New York made a business trip However, it served to keep body and and in Italy. ; Hamhi.ki;, çorrespòndctits to Vene/ucla, and his account of a voy- ! s°ul together. Then w:e started out The Bank of Nao York, N. B, A. Messrs. Joh. fíeretiberp, Gosster & Co. age up the Orinoco, asreproduced in the ! a,.am- Hamburg; New York. Aihr' York Times, is intensely inter-' «The further we proceeded, the rough- esting.! er was the river. Tt finally became so Messrs, Granei Broaun _-• Co. :; Gknoa, Receives deposits at notice or for fixed periods and Iransacti «I left for Venezuela ou June 27, wide at oue point that it might be des- evety description of Banking business, accompanied by two compauions," said j cribed ns an inlaud sea, and a very Mr. Sehofield. «Not knowing much re- ; choppy one at that. Early oue morning, BANK FUR gardiug the navigation of the Orinoco after we had been anchored for thè NACIONAL BRASILEIRO. BRASILIANISCHEDEUTSCHLAND. river. we navigated it with a steam ' night, ( for we never dared to travei BANCO RIO DE JANEIRO. launch 37 feet in lengtb. We went to except in daylight, ) we lost our anchor. Venezuela on board a sailing vessel; : little Paris Branch : 5, Avenue de 1'Opera. Our craft began drifting and we Established in Hamburg on ibth December reaching the mouth ofthe river we found realized our There "Direction periíous position. 1887 by the der Dhcottto Gesellschaft" that it would not be for the was a large rock from " practicable j' projecting the in Berlin and the Norddeutsche Bank in Capital paid up: Rs. 10.000:000$000 vessel to tow our launch up the river, bank within forty feet of the boat. Hamburg," Hamburg. for there was very little breeze.«With the assistance of the pilot and «Having fitted out our launch, we the men employed on Board of Directors: j the boat I got a Capital. . . 10,000,000 Marks. started upon our joruey with a pilot and j lot of scrap iron together, with which President : Conde de Fkiukihkdo, two men who ran the craft. The pilot, by ; I iinprovised another anchor. I look Vice-President: Visconde do Guahy, Úic wav. was a little stiff in his manner [ back at it now as a very humorous BRANCH-OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO. td>vard me at the start, for he had ; event. and never think of it without Directors : Pedro Gk.-uik, M. G. Ditam*.: (Caixa to?..) received the impression that I was an En- feeling inclined to laugh. One of my Branch-offlces In São Paulo and Santos Ií. R. Gomes. glishman. When this was corrected and cotnpanious, believing that his moments (Caixa $20.)(Caixa 1S5J Manager óf lhe Pa As Br,inch • he learaed that T was an American he were numbered, uudrcssed himself, Draws onj became most aíTable, and remarked that and, taking a began dipping up Direction der Disconto ) M. Francisco B. M.Topin. | pail, GésfíUchnft, Berlin. I hc and T were fellow-couutrvinen.water from the river, with which he Oerma.-iy... Nordiien;. .he Bnnk in (and corres- «We had not very far up drenched llainb.irg, Hamburg. I pondents. proceeded his body. After we had útil- M. A. von Rothschild ] Correspondents: the river before we realized that we had ized the improvised anchor I directed Sohnc.Fi..iikfurt a M.J j Paris, Bruxettes, Amsterdam, Geneva;—BanqÚé a difficult undertaking. The current of my attention to the curious action of mv f N. M. Rothschild & Sons, l_ondon. the river iscxtremely swift.and frequent- i Manche ster and Liverpool DÍMiict de Paris kt ues Pays Pas. ; companion. I was inclined to think for England { Banking Company, Limited,London. lv miniature vvhirlpools are encountered. j Union Hank ÒfLondori, Limited,London : a moment that hehad suddenly become l Wm. Brandi'» Sons & Co., London. London : Messrs. N. M. Rornsi _m.D & Sons. Some of these are very strong, aud with : bereft of his senses owing to fear. I fCtédit I.yotinais, 1 .íris only * and branches Berlin and olher Cer man cities: De_ TSGIIE ILvNK. a launch ,7 feet long, as we had. it : asked him what he meant. ! Comptoir National d Escompte de «'My i Paris, Paris. was very hard work overcomim. these | idea of supreme happiness is France. Portugal: Banco de Lisboa e Açores. 'I | Ilcine & Co., Paris. treacherousobstacles. As a result of these when I am taking a bath,' he said. , Laznrd l-'ièr;s & Co., Paris. Andié Ncntiize and the swift current we have ( & Co., Paiis. And in aU tlie piincipal cilies <>f Brazil. whirlpools did always felt that when the hour not make anything like the speed that arrived forme Portugal...((Banco Lisboa & Açores and cortes- todie, that I would like poiidcnts. we had expected, and our supply of pro- to bein a bath-tub. I thought we were and any other countries visionsand fuel began to run very low. about to start for the next world, and as Opens accounts current. Reloioaria da Bolsa There was no immediate of there wns no bath-tub to utilize, Pays interest 011 deposits for a certain u prospect I have time. repíenishing these. been bathing Executes irders for purchases and s.iles ul stocks, shares iu this fashion, as you etc, and transacts every description of banking business, F. KRÜSSMANN 4 Co, «It was much easier to economize see.' RrdKrfP etersen, with the little food we had left, than it "The next night we carne to a little Fui'nisher*s for* several Directors. public was with the fitei. In order to carry our opening in which was situated a deserted Departments, Banks, Companies, boat along against the current and Indian but. The trees and branches through the whirlpools it was very ne- extended over the river bank, and we HE LONDON AND RIVER PLATE Monasteries, ete., etc., cessa ry to keep on a full head of steam. were often able to tie the launch up to T HANK, Limited. The soil along the river is most foi"tile, the limbs of some tree, which we did tÀWOKTERS t>F j and everything grows in great proíu- ; this night, and went ashore. We thought LONDON: Prinees Street, E. C. Clocks for towers and public buildings also sion. It is a regular jungle along the ! it would be a nice change to 6x our for ali articles coiicerning Watches and \ banks, and to a strangér it would | hammocks up iu this hut. We started to PARIS: 16, Ene Balcvy. Jewelery; i appear that fuel could readily be secur- j carry this arrangement into eíTect when ed. Not so, however. The timber and j one of the natives in the crew carne Rio de Janeiro : -.vatches Repair ali kinds of and clocks. ; ali sorts of are very green. and of along and .said that a peculiar odor iu No. 20, Rua da Alfândega. | course could not be utilized for fuel. A the hut indicated that it was the lair RUA DO OUVIDOR. 32 } person might travei ten miles through of tigers. He advised us to get away this^lense bush without Gnding a dead as fast as possible. I can assure you that Authorised by Decree No. 591, ofirth October, 1S91. tree.we lost no time in returning to our Nectandra Amara Pills, Our only hojv. then, for replenish- launch. Subscribed capital £1,500,000 ing our supply of fuel was in reaching ; «Getting on board as quickly as pos- Realizeddo „ 900,000 These woi.der.wi piú», «q usefui «nd some settlement. and there was none ; sible. we each secured a rifle. It was not Reserve fund,, 1,000,000 benefieíni tn mi iiffectioi.» or the stomach \ very near. Our state of mind cau well bc practicable to move the boat in thc n!l\[llllH^nr',Zl ima|iued. Out of fuel and out of food, darkuess. so we sat up aU night upon y^'Z ^J""".the !ll"*c* í j where n |lost-offíce exisis; mnnufuetu that' wc would either end our exist- the deck of the launch BRANCHES: re.r nvíJJL forward by registered mnil and j with rifles cock- ence in a watery or would starve ed and lo miy given oddrèsa, if accompanied by grave j in hand, waiting for the tiger Paris, 16, rus Ha!s?y, Perçaiübuco, Pari, Buenos money : I Uox for ÍJ$."iOO, 'í doa_on boxes U»r to death was ever present in our minds. i to come along. However. none appear- Aires, McqUví.ío, Rosário, MeQJcza :?i P:vísüJú. íaseOOand One dozen boxe . íor SOSOOO. Tlie river is prolific in caribe fish and led. The next day we stopped at ano- Address : JOAQUIM UUENO UE Ml- crocodilos which average twenty feet iu ! ther hut, Occupied by some Indians, and RAN DA, No. 72, Run de S. Pedro, Ist floor li nith.1 we were informe»! that but very re- Hio do J.ineiro. DRAWS ON:— •These caril >e fish travei in large ccntly two tra veleis had taken posses- London ami County Banking Co., L'd —LONDON. •>ho|ls. and if a ]x;rson should fali over- j sion of the old deserted hut which we Pa&que de Paris el des Pays Bas.-PARIS. The Western and Brazilian Telegraph boip antact with one of had 4visited the night before with thc Banco de Foitugal and agencies.—PORTUGAL. Company, Limited. the* sáhoals, they would rednce his inteiition And on aH lhe chiei cilies cí fcurope. of speuilingr thc night, just :e<*.-. —: <--tl"iltoses ate lx># to a skeleton in aÍK>ut two min^j ¦ we had intended to do. While the men j*«p__*t«_ to xene*t -han «nt__ 1 ai« Brown Bre-W. A Co.-NEW YORK. c-'«C3rí*l «»e<_.

1 '

¦¦ y. '' ¦' • ., ‡'

i2th, 1897. THE RIO NEWS. [January

Ido not suppose any party Gafe and Hotel Amazonas, «New encounters confronted us in safety. 1 which is ever reached a destination \yith a grea- Grande Hotel Internacional * 'BRAGANÇA," when we reached Barancas, THE PICTURKSQOB FORMERLY feeling of than we did. It will SITUATED OK the first of entry on the river, and ter joy port hardly necessary to say that we did HILL, 20-22, PRAÇA TIRADENTES, 20-22 where we expected to get a new supply be SANTA THERESA in the launch.» No. 108, OF of and fuel. We were able to not return Rua do Aqueducto CORNER provisions « newspaper said some very little. What few things vye A London Teleplione 8pi8 Rua Sete de Setembro. get some rich tram-cars line weeks ago that there were U served everv IS minutes by the electric first class service, well were onions, for which we paid CarÍ0Ca> d°Se l° *" Ihis establishment disposes of a secured Did from *e town Vvi"B '"«= LarS° de 15 cents finds of in Venezuela. you ventilated rooms, and aU possible nccommodations. 20 cents a pound ; potatoes, at gold doo. sof this hotel, and Silvestre. anything about them ?» Mr. Scho- first in Brasil, for its elegance, Iced drinks and chopps. a and soda crackers, at 40 cents hear TM, establishment, the pound, asked. Open tintill t a. m. a Ali these things wère import- field was pound. «No I heard of no great discov- üTmost suitable for families and gentlemen David Duran, ed. I found that nearly aU food is import- ; Zmfhiíh"££ of recent date. I think the reports of distinction. : PROPRIETOR. ed. We could not find native sweetpo- eries always ready. mining in Venezuela are greatly Excellent restaurant, that the of gold shower and wann tatoes. I'wás informed ground Kinest wines and liqueurs. Numerous remark made in regard bracing and mv.gorat.ng. fertile that it is almost exaggerated.The baths Cst air, temperature is so very applied world is better. and to Cripple Creek could be well No health resort ih the impossible to keep the weeds down, to Ferd.NAND Mentgks the Venezuelan fields.» For further information apply lLLDN'S lOTDL # therefore almost impossible to raise any- to gold -j-i. Teleplione 206. «What did you think of the Vene- Assembléa thing in this section of Venezuela 8 ¦ X-X-zX' Indians as compared with ours ?» 8, RUA HUMAYTÁ, a zuelau ‡¦¦¦...¦¦'¦¦¦.¦':. •except a little corn. They could raise :¦¦¦¦- «The Indians are- very Leões) many other things if the ground Venezuelan RIO DE JANEIRO (Largo dos ! good creatures. They are very loyal, HOTEL was tilled. faithful properly and, if they start out with you, you can GEORGES «It was with the customs officers for families and single gentlemen. upon it they will stand by you. Excellent accommodation we had our trouble at this depènd Lunch Room and Restaurant. that great more industrious than our We went to Venezuela, as I have They are place. Indians. True, they do not work very Extensive Chncarn. Good Bnths. on a sailing vessel with the launch, The most said, is not necessary. rènovated and improved throughout. much freight. hard, because it Recently . Abundant supply of Spring Water. and we were just like so restaurant in the city being situated on very little. Those who live convenienlly loca.cd k or clearing They live and w.th.n a muiute s wa Wehadno registry papers are the heait ofthe banking district BiLLIAM» KOOM. in the bush, away from the towns, uken «o piov.de for the launch. There is a very kindly IÍ the Praça and PoStõífice. Special pains very simple, as, for instance, an expe- service. feeling toward Americans, and after we a fnst-ctass table and prompt which I had with one the first day had explained the situation we were rieiíce Close to five Unes of Bonds. of our will show. The Indian's clearing papers, and our little journey NO. 8. Telephone No. 6531. given idea of value is a cinco fuerte, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA, launch became known as the Amer- only represeuts in gold. The Indian ist. floor. ican steamship Augusta. Then we which $5 whom I refer had a lot of fish, for Birmingham Hardware Merchant, hoisted the Venezuelan flag and the Stars to fuerte. Instead to which he asked us a cinco old established house, well up in ali branches, wishes and Stripes. ÓRGÃOS, ío '¦X^-y i. him a drink of whisky, a plate OTEL DOS àrrangé with large firm in lhe Brax.ls to buy aud ship to feel as of our we gave on comm.sstòn. «We tried proud them ali their English goods 'ii '' soup, and a couple of handfuls of H THERESOPOLIS. Conespo... iXi r y- ¦craft as if she was an ocean greyhound, of Prompt shipment and lowest prices gúaranteed. this hard tack. He was very much satisfied da Silveira, dence invited. but it was impossible to imagine Huginio Thomaz " I.idmn_& Colonial with his bargain, and seemed to think Address Hardware Merchant* cp very long after we got into the swift 1'liOriUKTOK. Advertising Co., 3, Whiteftiiirs St, London, E; C upon us. ' •currents again. We again felt the need of he had imposed «The Indians look down upon the hotel is food and fuel. After trying experiences This old and well known negrões as their inferiors, although ^.^J^ similar to our former ones, we reached <- is no clashing between the two ^ HUGO BRILL is military there pea Castillo de Guiana, which a full view of those S,r,,gclyrshaped races. You will see the negro and the W'andin name. lhe Itisaverypicturesque spot, and range of mountains its peculiar in Brazil for cutting station. together. £&ive:this » - Only Establishment com- Indian working and eating rcnoyamd and ,m^ there is a large fort there which Sei lias been thoroughly the blacks have any white blood precious stones. mands the river. However, I think any When in their veins, they reseht being classed one of our naval vessels could thor- ^^i^ii^^^rsTerms moderate. Specitlily in BRAZILIAN stones, like as negrões or as belonging to that race. .howerbtths and s&nitation; oughly demolish this fort and proceed Amethysts, Americans or Ven- cie Tour.nHliiies, Emornlds, Topaz, They call themselves thc nc.ghborhood of Kio upon its way up the Orinoco. ¦ . .„ thetha bebest resort in „ Chrysolites, Fancy stones, ezuèlàns. I found the in Ven- uonably r «There was one very pleasant re- people A(|Mtcs lrom Rio Grande cio Sül, ezuela of the better class to be very collection of the trip, and that was the Cmneos and and straightforward in their deal- comparatively cool nights. Considering polite PARIS BRIÍXIANTS. is not ings. I am very much pleased with the that we were in low land, which in operation. we received at their hands.» mountains) is now more than fifteen feet above the sea le- treatment apply to 12, \\\a Gonçalves Gias, 12 vel, one would not expect to have been For further information as we were. During the & MARQUES so comfortable Messrs. ALFREDO MENDES RIO DE JANEIRO same traveling on the Missouri BRAHMA period CERVEJARIA Xo, 3k BUA DO OUVIDOR. or the Mississippi, a person would not, I think, be as free from the torture of (Brama Brewery) f l ÍiIFTON heat. Several nights I slept under a HOMAS blanket. RIO ÜB J-A-OSTEUtO. Grande Hotel dos Estrangeiros at night was 111 ;.¦¦, :-'".'.¦ •>¦ ' 'Xi: ¦ - «Our great difficulty DE SAPUCAHY FERREIRA VIANNA LIPTON'S Teas, from the mosqui- 142, RUA VISCONDE PRAÇA , protecting ourselves Hams, or Island mos- Telephone No. 10.063 (Cnltoto) LIPTON'S toes. The Jersey Long 3,008 with the Vene- Telephone No. LIPTON'S Jams, cannot compare situated quitoes has been completely ,estored.il The Venezuelan insect This hotel, which ali zuela species. receiving «ir and light from LIPTON'S Pickles, FrancisKaner BRAü ti the best par, oí lhe city, found not only in num- ofthe city, is to be greater close .o the cleanest beach W§££ four sides, ' and well LIPTON'S Groceries but' in variety. There is large. comfo.table rooms newly bers, greater and bottled. Le dea; has through Beer in barreis (shopps) wmm baths, dismfec.ants ,n the smaller mosquito.that can go , sled good shower and Makes a spcciality of packihg in cases con filtered by lhe Pas.eur sys any net with great convenience, so t er-cl se,s, drinking water taining 4 dozen bottles, ready for shipment to *«*«. «***i •,,e conMdered 115, líua da Owitanda. that there is no escaping them. Its ;::, ROod m&fc hotet ofthis capital..l^X, than those of the lhe interior. tbe first lable-ser- bite is more poisonous also a su.nptuous saloon and splendid & Co. Possesses bigfellows." GEORGE MASCHKE vke I 1 banqueis.'¦ to be excelle 1. Here Mr. Schofield held out his hands hs res.aurant and service cannot Propmetorb ENVELOPES. to exhibit several scars as souvenirs of > American mosquito. the South A LARGE ASSORTMENT LATELY RECEIVED OP «Another peculiar thing about these CHAMPAGNE mosquitoes,» continued Mr. Schofield, Grande Hotel Metrópole SQUARE COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES «is that they travei in a body. One DAS LARANGEIRAS, 181 calendared oí variou» color». night my companions and the members LANS0N PÈRE & FILS 181. RUA from superior papers completely and thoroughly went 011 land to slecp. I This popular Hotel has been of thè crew improvement, Envelopes, Those resto.ed and has been provided w.th sanitary American Commeroial slept on the deck of the launch. Á RHEIMS sys.em «f sewerage or every description, including a hygienic not more than sixty feet ftom the best white and linted paper* on land were llusbing tanlis and ven.illating pipes. made ali WHOLESALE AND RETAIL and repapered through- away, and they were kept awake The apartments have been repãinted The dining-room has LINEN ENVELOPES, night fighting mosquitoes. They re- out «nd «e luxuuously fun.isl.ed. has been spated to Importer and. Agent: also bee.. refloored, and no expense marked to each other that the pests made from the best qualities of linen paper* known in the even more industrious make this were probably J. C. V. MENDES. The most comfortable Hotel Uniled Stales. on the river where the launch was. These envelopes are superior in both quality and make. out h.»ve !ikcwi

m ¦ícCyrXrrrr-rrrrrirX ' • .''* VV .;¦ ‡¦¦¦;¦ ,-,." * '¦ , '*-' '¦¦ '-¦-.'¦ . .'¦¦¦¦ . ¦¦:¦' ¦'"¦'æ.:!}'"'

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January 12 th, 1897.] THE RIO NEWS.

UANABARA & Co. THE CUBAN STRUCGLE. or any other unexpected blow to Spain, only fought with the British against the G The cable advices of the inst. that Havana will fali within eight months, savages, but with savages against sava- and 5th and the Importers Commission Merchants. Gen. Máximo Gomez had crossed the republic of Cuba will be estab- ges in that country, when the Zulu trott- lished. 28, Travessa de Santa Rita, 28 trocha at Jticaro and is marchiug into bles were at white heat. His opinion of of « The revõlutionists have now started the Cuban soldiers, after his ser- RIO DE JANEIRO. the province Santa Clara, will make year's the following interview with his chief of their second invasion of the provinces vice among them, is as follows : occupied by Gen. Weyler's They « Sole agents for the Pertlnnd Cement mamifactuied by artillery specially interesting. We take armies. The first great question of war is the J. will not stop B. White iv Brothers, London, England. the interview from the New York Times, until he evacua tes Havana. physical fitness of an army. The Cu- Gen. Rodriguez, incommand vau- Dealers in all classes of merchandise from Europe and the (November) and it will be seen that this ofthe baús are distinctively great soldiers. United -States, as Importers, Commission Merchants and reported movement in Santa Clara is guard of Gen. Gomez's army of ihva- Althòugh these men are not of lar«*e Consignces. closely in accord with the campaign sion, consistiug of 800 picked men, has frame, they are capable of greater en- by this time Cable Address .'—ÀGUÀ-R.6. The interview was as follows: probably passed Weylers durance than any nation or tribe I have 'Arrrrrn r rrrr':'r-x:i predicted. famous Col. Stuart Weathetiey, chief of ar- trocha ih thè province of Ha- ever met with, excepting possibly the vana, and delivered important Zulu. A. WENCKSLAU tillery on the staff of Gen. Máximo dispatches Whether they areou foot or on ".¦ :¦ to Gen. Maceo in Gomez, is in New-York, after a Pinar dei Rio. Gen. horseback, physical exhaustion isof very V GUIMARÃES «fc Co. year Gomez is now of adventurous campaigning with the organizing the contin- rare occtirrence among them. I have gent in the vicinity of La Yaya, near seen them live WINE MERCHANTS. Cuban army. He is silent as to his mis- many days on quantities Puerto Principe, and will start of food Importers of sion in the United States, but gave to joiu that would seem incredibly small Maceo before Havana about the middle to keep the fire o, Douro and Lisbon wines of the best to a repórter for The Neiv- York Times of life going. Thev have qualities of next month, with about bottles, orin casks, and under the marks ofthe house many facts conceniing the to,too men. been nearly all lhe time under' private yesterday His march other military situàtion in the island that have this time will differ from the equally dispiriting without Sole Agents for first invasion. pnyation— not heretofore been published. Every Spanish outpost clothing, blankets, or hammocks in the Blandv Brotiikks & Co., in the country will be reduced Col. Weatherley is an Knglishman, asliè goes wet weather. But nothwithstanding all along. Gen. Calixto Garcia wilí re- these Exporter of Madeira Wines with a record iu the African wars. He troubles, their ardor is never fora main behind with a strong division of the moment Prki.lkr k Co.,Bordeaux, is about thirty-five years old, and has dampened. G. army. and will within a few weeks re- « Exporter of Bordeaux Wines ; the dark eyes and black hair and beard That is the main advantage the: duce the town of Puerto Principe, E. Rkmv Martin & Co., of the Càstilián type. Before he went and Cubans have over the Spanish. í'don' t Exporter of Cognnc «Santiago cie to Cuba he was a student in Spanish possibly Cuba. mean by this to say that the Spanish are « The first battle Dealers in literature, and he now speaks the ver- great of the final not good soldiers. Their bravery can- campaign for Cuban tndependence Burgundy, Rhine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champngne nacular of the island like a native. will not lie questioned. Thev behave well take nt the Trocha Cognacs and Liqucurs ofthe best brands, The story of Col. Weatherley\s etüist- probable place Morou in engagements, but thev cannot ac- between the of get Rua da Alfândega, 8). ment in the Cuban cause was told a provinces Camaguay and customed to the Cuban machete and the Las Villas. Trocha Morou is year ago, just before lie left with the well forti- irregular formation in which the Cubans fied, aud is held by S.000 Horsa expedition to the revolu- Spauiards. aiways attack. The Cubans, unlike the Missing Friends. joiu There will be hard fighting tionary army. This expedition was in- all through Spanish, have growu up from childhood the provinces of Las Villas, Matanzas, schooled to hardship --!-'--=-..- -í terrupted off the Cuban coast, a mile and and Information wanted at the Hritish Consulate General. and Havana by tlie command privation, No. ¦), Rua General Camara as to the fullowing : from Santiago de Cuba, and the military of Gen. are acelimated. These are among the Nkcmann, Left native Gomez. While this territory Julius.— his town Zempleburg, stores designed for Gomez went down is being chief reasons of good judges in military Gcnnany, about 40 yeais ago lur Kio de Janeiro. Informa- subdued by Gomez, 'Cuba tion regarding him is dcsiicd nt lhe British consulate, with all of the ship's boats except one. Gen. Maceo will en- affairs for believing that will the win Rio de J.meiro, October j;th, 1896. Col. Weatherley was in the boat that gage Spanish forces in the west, and her fight. » Gen. Calixto escaped, aud had with him a single Garcia will conduct the Col. Weatherley will return to Cuba operations in the Oriente and M"1" M. & E. NATTE' & Co. piece of artillery. During the winter, Camaguay, m time to joiu in the final movement after several weeks of campaigning with reducing Las Limas and the minor against Havana. Feathcr.Flowcts, Insects, Humming Biids and a large As- towns now held by the Spanish. With of hiids, Ituttcrílles and other Gen. Rabi incommand of the insurgent ¦ sortmenl objects of natural the revolutionary forces all engaged for * histoiy and curiosities from Hrazil; also Views of Kio division of Santiago de Cuba, Col. CIGARETTES AND SALIVA. and ncighborhood. Weatherley reached Gomez aud deliv- the first time in a general advance upon Havana there will be no In a well-known and mucli-frequented ered to him the first of artillery alternative for ! thbroughfare the of 41 RUA DO OUVIDOR, U piece the forces process citrarette-uiakincr acquired by the revolutionary army. His Spanish but to concentrate for is displáyed to the observation of an mtèÜigènt RIO DE JANEIRO. its | and inquiring return to the United States was beset dèfense. I public. Tlie first process,'and « Gens. Gomez and j from the sanitary point of view lhe most by equal diffiçulties, having been made Maceo will meet ! interesting, is the niajdng Wanted in the ueigbborhood ' of the paper tubes in a small open boat in the stormy of Weyler's famous Sitting with a little bra.ss roller in his hand employment as a waiter gardeneror general housecleaner by weather of the sub-tropical fali trocha, in the of Havana. They and a book of papers before him, the an experienced man. season. province oper- will have in the ncighborhood ator first licks his;finger ánd then npplies the Address G, C. this ofíicc. Gen. Maguire Rodriguez was cam- of 55,00o qo men, all veterans, wet extremity to the paper, on which bv that paiguing in this district iu midwinter and admirably equip- means he appears to • for get a good hold he when Col. Weatherley was iti the Rabi ped the final struggle. It is by no rolls up lhe little tube, which is then fiippt-d AMERICAN HOME SCHOOL. means an exaggeration off the roller. and that command, and the Knglish officer was to say that in the part of the process Noyn Vrihurigo soon appointed on his stafT and remained style of warfare peculiar to Cuba this is finished. We do not want to say too much about ít—it is but one of the hundred A Bòardltig nml Day School for also for boys with him until his force is equal iu strength to the Spanish tiióu- girls, division reached snud dirty things which are on under ten years, lias been opened in thè beautüul armyof 200.000 men that it going con- town of Nova FrilHtrgo. Gomez. From that time on Col. Wea- proposes to tinually around us—but it is not nice. Jf we conquer. It has the advantage of a could back the world for Its purpose is to afford a gootl Knglish educiUion therley has been constantly on the march put about tliirtv to Huglisll-speakiug children of Hrazil. and in the camp of the Cuban leader. fricndly country to operate in and leaders years we should probably be much happier. Wc could lick each other's General tnition iiicltnles E,ngUsh, Dnoviiíg and whom he one of the who have heretofore been invincible. tígarettés and PhysicaI Culture. pronnunces greatest have no fear, andin fact we could do many military tacticians of the times. Against it Weylerwillbe forced to aban- nther dirty tricks without Kxtra.s: Music and Oil Tainting. a thought of evií. «Gen. Gomez,» said Col. Weatherley, dou the trochas, evacuate every Rui if disease gerais are réaliíièS, and if ali l-"or further infonnation apply to:— point «is a brave and shrewd soldier, as well of strategic imj>ortance on the island, that we have léaraecl as to tlieir relatiou to Misses HILCOX and STENGER and bend every elTort of the Spanish ar- diseases is no mere fantastic nou.sense, com- asa patriot. These qualities have enabled munitv of saliva must be bad, andnianv RUA AVKNIDA my DA him to subduc and control the wild to the holding of Havana, or meet malailies must be transmissiblc bv such means —British Medicai OR spirits in his army. They will follow the revõlutionists in the Open battle that Journal. » Rua cio GrexL. Osório 27, him anywhere. This has been shown in they are longing for. Ax American clergyman held a hundred engagements during tlie past Col. Weatherk-y's service with the a service at a NOVA FKIBURGO mining camp in a dance-hall over a saloon. year, in which at the end of their ter- Hritish armies iu the African wars After the sermon the Estado do Rio de JanilroBRAZIL. preacher ran his evè rible machete charges the revõlutionists brunght him incontact with a good many over the audience. and selected a certain have drawn otT victors. Their warfare types of the modern soldier. He has not aten-bòrnn crambler named «Billy the Kid». billy.i. he said, «take the collection». AiíÁmericán exchange says Üiatone of the is of a distinctly new kind. In dred dollars would have bought the pratically Verv much honored, Hillv took his biç latest deliverahcès ou the subject of the press every battle the Cubans have their most wonderful collection of arms for sombrero hat aud held it for a young man from the pulpit is that Of the Rev. Dr. Lvinan choice of and they usually hand-to-haud conflict ever got together on the foremost chair to «donate»" in bis báccalaureate sennon to thestú- position, Abbott begin in ambuscade. The battle on iu the world. Tlie young miner dròpped in a dents at Marvanl. Froni the of view of goes Then.' were no modern quarter. point Billy looked at it ; then. his the there was no better in Dr. until the Spanish lines show signs of weapons. such as swords or rifles no putting hand press parttgraph ; under his coat tails. drew his revolver, clicked Abbotfs sennon than this : «The journalist is wavering, when Gen. Gomez is aiways amruinitiou. and none ofthe appliances it at the donor, and said : lt is more important to know 'La the historiam ready with his griin command, that go to m.ake up the modern military Young man. take that back. Thishere'sa what isjjoinj; on to-day than what occurred in ery dol lar show !» We hear the erv that murders. Machete.' This ahvaysmeans to the equipment. Instead. they had all sorts ancient Greece. I Ie got «is many dollars as there were divorces and all crimes should be kept from Cuban soldier the beginning of the vie- of knives and clubs and makeshift de- people. the No! We want a that shall tell tory. They understand that when Gen. vices that might do service in the press. press The statisties us the vices of inankind as well as the virtues. says 'La Machete' they have exigencies of defeuse. but of the recent school census Gomez were of uo show lhat Chicago s is made up The press is a looking glass. \\*e look in it and but to charge and the battle is won.» value in population of we see ourselves very dirty. 1UU tio not want aggressive warfare. Added to 332»S$3people-born in America of American 645.020 t>orn in to find fault with the glass. We want to wash The Cuban leaders, including Gen. this, they wea' hungry and insuflicien- parents, America of foreign ourselves.?: Gomez and Ge:i. Maceo, according to tly clothed. ]íarents, 40.740 bnrn in America, one pareut '« being Amencan, and Col. Weatherley, believe that within a Now they are well equippcd with 580,623 born in foreign luiuls._ The German element numbers 424,^7, In the United Suites of America we have an few months the island will be free. modera arms in. addition to tlieir own and of these 195.4S7 were not l»orn in the Uni* instance of a customs uuiòn which, in fact, •

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'¦ ¦¦ '¦;'.' '.-r ¦ .. ¦'¦¦'" ¦¦¦;¦¦ 12 th, 1897. T ll-E KIO NEWS [January such that service to which .you have proved one of the Of ali the villainous speculations possessed. This company was d speculations of a . which have ever come under our notice, í very much regret that owing to uncontrol- The Rio News creations of the insane which are aware), was organized by that of the Santa Rita orphaus' asylum lable circumstances, (of you a few years past. It there has been so much delay 111 PUBLISHED IVEEKL Y. in mau-1 is decidedly the worst. The judicial the,^cuüng Bowl men of little or no experience theír Lordships' commands, (for has not been concluded, and more aging such enterprises, aud who had no ; investigation yet was sent out in December last), and Proprietor. but enough has been brought to light to as I am now for the same reasons A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor other object than to create pretentious particularly ot maü- sums |: show us what au infamous deii this so- deprived of the honour and pleasure companies and to obtain generous four ing this myseir: a review of Brerahag salanes called asylum really was. For some presentation oceasion. Contavns a summary of news and for them and swollen I can not omit, however, ou this list of the-arrivals and departures of oreign promoting and direetor, Basilio de on, behalf affairs, a current of the for their invaluable efforts years itsíeunder to express through Captain Keane, .vessels the commerciaí report aud price as directors before the as for myself, tables of stock quotations and sales, a sum- empreza 111 Moraes, has been figuring of my predecessors, as well yer} market, reports aud ali other infor- to manage them. The K™°^ tlârv of the daily coffee of Rio de as a philan- great pleasure iu their Lordships necessary-to a correct judgment on Braz-ilian acquired the ferry service to public Janeiro ali kuidness matíon question and the has been indus- act, and a grateful sense of v°ur trade. the tramway lines of Nicthe- thropist, press over so many years to Hei MJ- invariably inadvance) Nictheroy,"telephone for the extending witli (Cash of tins city, triously soliciting contributions squadrons on the station, coupled for Brazil; roy, the service éstVs Subscription : so$ooo per annum of his asylum for orphan that vou may be spared many and many things besides. AU of them support sincere wishes ¦. or the equivalent in currency. fig- in the enjoyment U'.'...• or abroad Mayrink liappy aud years $10.00 £-2 service* For a time Banker prosperous earned have suffered,1" the telephone girls. the affectionate regards you have Ali subscriptions should rim with the calendar year, ured as its to it consi- of most of ali. Its lines feli out of repair protector, giving from Her Majesty's Navy. or terminate on June 3oth aud December 3ist. Em- derable sums, and then one of the count- will be received by and its service into confusion. to be, Sir, Subscriptions aud advertisements to keep less saints of the holy church was I have the honour Encene Frayer, Esq. no eleçtrician Your obedient servant, Tine St., New York ploying practical into service as a decoy for the Wallace Huilding, 56 its lines in order, and eutrusting the ad- brought Messrs. Street & Co., 110 alms of indiscreet friends. And during Chas. J. Norcock, Coruhill, London ininistration to inexperienced meu, Sênior Officer 30 these no oue ever took the trouble Captain nnd » Erost & Co., result could reasonably have been years S, lí; Corst of America Station. Bridge St., : » other what use was 3", New large a of its income to visit the place to see at the Victoria Store,^ expected. Too part the and ^^ useless direc- made of the contributions. Deuounce In reply Mr. Mendes said : went to pav the salaries of the réis; for sale at the office a was ex- villain who deceived us as wemay, Captain Keane. SIVGLE COPIES: 600 tors, and much too small part and at the English Book Store, No. 67 Rua labor. fact still remains that the press the honour 1 am now receiving I con- of;publicatiÒn, maintenance and skilled plain To small and at the Victoria Store iu São Paulo. pendedon Rio de are also res- 1 am hardly entitled, as the do Ouvidor, the subscribers began to the people of Janeiro sider tlie In a short time Some I have occasioually rendered to of for the abuses committed. services many withdraw and a very large percentage pousible and Royal Navy were in return for very EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION OFFICES:- not because one should have inspected the place, ali ranks from the them have thus been lost, And favours received from but no one ever took the trouble ! down to the youngest blue-jacket 79, Rua Sete de Setembro. they do not want the telephone, yet admirais ot tlie for now transpires that many knew that boys Yet, as the Lords Commissioners — because they were unwilling to pay it with this POSTOFFICE ADDRESS: Caixa 3C0. was a man of immoral life, Admiraltv desire to present me almost continually out of order. the direetor of silver, I beg of you, a service even says that lie dis- very hanílsome piece of making an effort to restore and one physician Captain Keane, to convey to the Lords i2th, 1S97. Instead long ago because he my very sm- Rio ‡de Janeiro,______January lines, the company continued liis visits Conunissioners of the Adnnralty the efriciency of the a Navy 111 same dis- discovered that Basilio was living with cere thanks, and to the Royal general allowed it to drift along in the Permit me to wish the There were renewed rumors last manner, and mistress. And what has been the result. my very best thanks. organized and demoralized Ba- liarracouta a very pleasant voyage home. aii impending revolutionary to During these four years the wretch a beautiful week of uo°protest ever rousecl its directors The punch bowl, which is piece and the redoubled has been using this asy- with cham- outbreak in Uruguay, anything more than vague promises. silio de Moraes of work and was suitably bapüzed authorities in that liarem. He has had two in honor of the oceasion, bears the precautions of the instance will illustrate the situation luin as his pague country would One the who were not folíowing inseription : XXX?Xjy- rrXf. wretchedly misgoverned necessary for one of the rnatrons for place, smmsAn¦•?-¦-;':¦¦-d/ fully. It was '1*HK YYsh;';; to confirm them. It was said com- only his mistresses, but who assisted him PRESENTE» by appear hospitais here to have telephonic ADMIRALTV is reorganizing little consigned to the LORIXS COMMISSIONERS 01' THK that Apparicio Saraiva with the residence of its to ruiu the girls V. Mendes emigration of munication and Santa Rita. When to Senhor Joaquim C. his forces, and that the The service had care of himself OF ACTS 01* K1NONESS continues. physician. general she was IN RKCOC.N1T10N «blancos» from Montevidéo been tried, but the lines were aiways out he wanted any particular girl, EXTENDING QVRR MANY YEARS failed because it to «scratch his feet» or BY HIM TO SICK MEN OV The recent attempt of order. About a year ago, the hos- sent to his room SHEWN the revolutionary ele- «give him a bath.» And if she resisted HER BR1TANMC M.VJESTVS FMíRT was premature, concluded to try a private line, aud to 01* THEIR SHIPS had time to organize pitai When neces- DURING THK ABSENCE ments not having company was 500$ in advance him, she was punished. EROM THE l'ORT the the paid were taken outside to and procure arms before govern- for it, which was an excessive price íiias- sary, lodgings of Rio nu JANEIRO. were down 011 them. In his criminal conduct. And for ment forces much as the company was not required conceal Mr. Mendes was wannly congratulated on long-range fire-arms, an a this infamous speculation has unweaned kind- these times of to up a new wire. This too was four years this pleasing tribute to his body of revo- put and it is only now that it to the officérs and unorganized, badly-armed failure, and the hospital did not get a been going on, ness and consideration little chance. To discovered. In the United meu who have visited this port during so lutionists has very month' s service in the whole year. Com- has been lo add our improved would have been many years, to which we desire r sueceed, they must secure complaint was sentiu, but States the wretch Mr Mendes hás avoid plaint after hours,— own' personal complimeuts. arms atthe outset, and they must Finaliy a man was sent lynched within twenty-four been in relationship with the Bri- without avail. have personal this decisive engagements until their forces but still it did not and we can not say that we would tish and American squadrons visiting to examine the line, and there are armed and organized. In to it. port for about forty"men vears, are properly work. Another period of complaints tried prevent reineml)er his the revolution ought to sue- the thousands of naval who Uruguay, and inattention followed, and then courtesv aud kindness to them and who for a worse govêrnment could not turning hear of this appreciative ceed, superintendent recommendèd A DESERVE D RECOGNITION. will bé glad to but it will fail unless the of his many services. he imagined, the line into the general service, on H. recognition time and avoid a private A very pleasing ceremony oceurred their ¦¦V ¦¦..¦¦; ¦ ¦ bidê This . promoters which could be better managed. on Friday last, Sth , are better organized. B M's. cruiser Bairacouta conflict until they was done, and still the hospital telephone inst. the oceasion being the presentation 111 no doubt as to the issue were is to this the Lords Commissioners of the Ad- Notes We have And silent it behalf of ;- remained silent. to Mr. Provincial d the revolutionists once able to assemble such an administration, the niiraltv of a beautiful silver punch bowl day. Under Mendes in recognition of services V. 2,676 ' 1 C. were ''¦¦'¦¦'¦¦'¦: for the there ¦< large force of well-armed men, city is worse —In Campinas last year '¦¦¦. a telephone service of this rendered to British naval men in this port country, if not a of deaths and 1,044 births. best men of the great than useless, for it not only fails to serve during a long term of years. A number with at ²The of Nictheroy is estimated majority, are in hearty sympathy but stands in the way of those Mr. Mendes personal friends were present population its estimate. ¦: ¦ patrons lt is a ¦.'. the corrupt ring the ceremony, which oceurred in presence of at 50,000. generous :.¦::¦¦ any effort to overthrow who might do better. We can lose of Pará will Montevidéo. The the entire ship's crew. The presentation was ²It is stated that the governor which is supreme at by the suspension of such a ser- Keane, who first a book on and taken to hòtíiing made by Commander II. J. shortly publish positivism extraordinary precautions pat- we may much from the letter from the Lords Conunissioners Darwinism. the vice, whilé gain read thé rol the Uruguay river to prevent opportunity it aÍTords for a new and lo the Sênior Officer of the South Atlantic ²Luiz Tarquinio has resumed his place on will aud the letter from that officer to which declined revolutionists from crossing, prob- better management. squadron the municipal council of bahia, expeditions to himself. He then spoke of the services which accept bis resignation. ably drive them to send rendered to to Mr. Mendes had for many years —At São Paulo, there were the Atlantic coast, at or above Maldon- navy in the care of the sick Jaboticabal, Her Majesty's registered marriages, 496 births aud 286 In doing this they might find an There is one lesson in this failure had been left ashore in this port, some 92 ado. which deaths during the past year. as the whole service which ought not of whom he had even received iu his own opportunity to organize, of the telephone —The some time ago was de- is not, this is the house. While some might do such acts from judge who available force of the govêrnment to be lost. If we mistake Bananal, S. Paulo, and afterwards feelings of patriotism; it should be remem- posed at concentrated at Montevidéo, along the first concession which became public has had no such reinstated, has since obtained a leave of ab- its bered that Mr. Mendes Uruguay river, and at important points propertv through the expirationof motive. He is not a British subject, and sence. on the Brazilian frontier. In the int- concession, by thc terms of which its could therefore not have been actuated by —A dentist at Pernambuco is stated to have into the twssession of The service rendered was actuted discovered a new aiuesthetic. It is extracted erests of justice and good govêrnment propertv was to pass patriotism. of heart, and be found in ábütl- way will be found to When this event hap- solely by good will and kindness from a fruit which is said to we trust that some the municipality. it is tò know that there are men in this dance in the vicinity of that city. which now rules the trans- good feelings. overthrow the ring pened, the municipal govêrnment world who are governed by such —At S. da Boa Vista, São Paulo, there then to João country. We do not like the idea of a ferred it to the Empreza de Obras Pu- Three rousing cheers were given were registered in December 12 marriages, but there is really not know the conditions Mr. and Mrs. Mendes by the crew and another and 100 deaths. During the whole revolution for this, blicas. We do which the crew 87 births, in- to Commander Keane, after the ínarriages numbered 189, the births no other recourse. Elections are fare- of the transfer, nor is it necessary to " fellow. " year sang For he's a jolly good aud the deaths 782. respect, and the opposition The one important fact to con- to Mr. Mendes from the Sênior I 950 ical in every quire. The letter —A of the inst. from Campos has l>een of the squadron was as follows: telegram 7Ú1 stands no show whatever at the polis. sider is this—the service Naval Officer «le Miraceina intends calling bc made effec- acquisition of the states that Barão The only power that can abominable, and the H. M. S. Retriuition," a meeting of prominent public men from ali that has led to de for the tive against the corrupt rulers of property by the municipality at Stanley, Falkland Islands, parts of the state of Rio Janeiro and, of such of organizing an opposition party. unfortunate country is armed force, utter failure. The management nth December, iSçó purpose opinion, it is better this than a service requires skilled men and active —The residence of President Prudente de in our with very that I has conferred at least ruiu and dishonor. oversight, which can best be given by a Sir.—U is great pleasure Moraes at ThèresòpoHs utter now send vou, through Commander Henry J. i one benefit on the people of that place. They company. We do not say that M. Barrácóüttt, a 6 o'clock ' private Keane. CM. G., of H. S. \ now get their Rio mail at p.m., of the Sth inst. the it is impossible for the national or muni- Silver Bowl which the Lorda Commissioners instead of having to wait till the following By a decree prefect have been to semi to by to such a man- of the Admiralty pleased í day. declared lapsed the concession held cipal govêrnment provide of Her Majesty'? sqtra- do Brazil agement, but it is very unlikely. There the Sênior Naxal Officer —The Ânti-Pernambnatno (Christmas num- the Empreza de Obras Publicas ! dron on the South East Coast of America for the arrival there of Rev. Dr. not a single service in Brazil of their | 1>er) annonnces for working the telephone lines of this 1 is public I presentation to you, with expressions < Praser. who has come out as torinti ttitetts for the control of admin- warm appreciation <>f many acts of kind- city. It is stated by one of the morning I under political ! your i'" Rev. W. K. Mackay. The latter sailed for ! is not mismanaged. They | ness to ali members of Her Majesty"* Navy time ago on a well-earned that the company's service has istrators which — línglaiid a short journals and they are ! for manv vears notably (as the inseription hohday. for some days. owing to ; are hoÜK-ds oí corruption. ! testifies^ for lo those been paralysed thereon your goodness —Sorocaki as well as São Paulo is com- to stop ' universally disorganized and wastcful. ^ have beett sick and leít behind at Rio de lhe resolution of the employés ' who immoral lives who that the tram- • by their ships. ; plaining of the women of of the non-payment of their When it is remembered Janeiro Apparently work because sure Commander Keane will ade- : lail to observe proper decorum. have been wavs and railways are ali destine 1 to I am but of the manners wages. Much more might express in the n.tine of our service the it is not of the vice itself, this same fate — to the experience o: the quately i of the fraii ones. that complaint is made. said. The telephone service oí this city w.irm sense of appreciation and gratitude ali 5-erviee oí this city — there is i For of itteproachabie habits, the been in a «paralysed» condition for telephone wish conveved to you—not indeed only by gentlemen has serious reflectiou in thc of polite usages are desirable. even in fact ever since it passed into certainly food íor those who have nersonillv experienced your practice years. küid aud ever-readv attentions, but even one iu iu their vices. the hands of the company just now dis- outlook. .':¦¦' '¦¦"¦¦" '/-¦¦ .: Y.-.: .¦ YL' <æ. ¦ "''-/¦

'",....¦" ' '... ¦~;J-¦.-.::'¦'. '¦¦ <x ¦ J.- A x' :"-. U.-¦''"AA

January I2th, i *M97-] THE RIO NEWS % —After —The Tribuna do Povo of Santos says that —In the municipal cemetery of Rio Claro, The bids will be reeeived up to 15U1 May in j a week of iutense heat, a eold rain the well át Villa Mácuco is not an or- S. Paulo, there were 854 interments m 1896. Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels J storm carne up 011 Saturday evening last and gas and Washington.| has continued up to tive moment. dinary phenomeuon. Tlie director aud secre- Al Santos the volcano having been closed present j The railways leased will enjoy the favors of lt caused a refreshing change in temp- tary of that paper visited the a few bv the mud, sticks and stones thrown into the | the place j dtsappropriatiou and free entry for imported erature. day ago, and they decided not only this, but j „ érayther,» several persons went to reopen it that the flirmc was of internai origin. They \ so were severely burnt. They materiais. Whitakcfs AlmaiHuk. 1897. We are in- nm\ jn doing for the discovered this front not ing its color.I t0 a newspaper and then held it The governnient accépts proposals debted to Messrs. Spi cer Brothers, Limited, of set fire lease of these railways singly or ali together. —The the «volcano» to see if it would ígmte 19 New Bridge Street, London. paper mer- dominant party in the state of Rio de ] over In the former case, the deposit for issued -—and it did ! guarantee chants, for a copy of this standard annual janeiro has a manifesto violently assai 1- | the Central will be aud ils for pub- had raised ^ò,dóO quota lica tion. ing Vice-President Manoel Victorino. It de- The British colony of Bahia fiscalizalioti will be a widow 40,oco*»; year. ²Although we only occasional notices clares that it severs its political connection I 9,3185720 up to December 24U1 for the 1 The roads to be leased are: give with him and withdraws the support which it ! of the late Rev. Geçil F. Luck- of suicides and homicides, it should not be ' and children Central do Brazil: 1,217 kilouietres in traffic; has hitlicrto lo his administration. lt is expected to cousiderably increase ! j presumed that they do not exist in this city. given ' man. lt ' 1895 gross receipts27,945,0051283;expenses not is asserted that several meuibers* of. the party Ihis total before the subscription is closed, and I On the contrary they are very common, partic- have to Thèresapolis for thc of to hear from any given. ularly assássinations. .cone purpose \ the eouiinittee will be glad j Battirité íCeará): 244.8 kilouietres: 1.895 re- j urging President Prudente de Moraes to rc- the late ehaplain outside of Bahia ²À man advertises iu one friends of j cei pts 895.96556| 5 - of the daily sume office. who may wish to contribute to the fund. Let- ] Sobral 1 Ceará): 216.2 kilouietres; 1895 re- \ papers of this city that heis suffering from the —A addressed to Mr. Nicolini, British : effects of witchcraft. He offers to bad epidemic is raging* at Macahé, to ters mav be ; cei pts 210,531 $274. pay 5c 7$ which uo name is given, but which appears cônsul.' Mr. Luckman wasdeservedly popular j Sul de Pernambuco; 193.9 kilouietres; 1895 to bè cured and50$ to any one who will find an to be yellow fever. Week before last the in Bahia, and we are glad to see so generous j receipts 647,4845628. ! experi. that can cure him. a response to lhe appeal in behálf of his widow —The deaths rose to eight in oue day from this j Central de Pernambuco: 161 kilometres; 1895 Paiz contradicts the report that Quin- aud children. disease alone, which for a town of fíve thousand receipts 758,832^640. tino Bocayuva is going fo resign his seat in population shows a mortality of 2,9*20a year, S. Francisco ( Bs-iMa): 452 kilometres; 1895 | the senate. Persunally, we have never believ- or thousand annum, This is some- receipts 66 >. 692$- )2 2. led the report for a n instant. may 5S4 per per RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Quintino thing horrible and should be investiga ted. Paulo Affonso (Alagoas): 116 kilometres; j die, but he*ll never resign. ¦-::/ Our informant says that the women and chil- in the Reforma 1S95 receipts 87,3141907. A commuuicatiou published ²The Spaniards are still cmsliiugthe dren suffer most. that the of Liv- Porto Alegre a Uruguayana 1Rio Grande do Cuban of Porto Alegre says garrison ! revolution by means of ofiicial telegrams. —In state of discipline. kilometres; 1895 íeceipts 2,109,437$- 1814 the town of Santos, including a ramento is in a wretehed Sul): 587 Imaginarv victôries may serve a has ordered the release I good purpose few outlying settlements to-day déscribed a.s Col. Thomaz Flores 985. ¦ in keeping matters in Spain, but they of aud Ensign Oscar Capis- quiet suburbs, had a population 2,993 *"re0 R-Krsõiis of Major Severia.no will not: deceive the outside world. and 2,135 slaves. The town had 20 trauo, who had been arrested for reasons that proper —It is expected that the streets, 567 hearths {fogos) and 2,470 inhabi- are not stated. Supreme Court at Coffee JSJotes its sitting to-morrow will render decision tants. Singularly enough the females out- The amount of revenue collected last month a * and it will on the suit of naval officers iuvolving the \ numbered the males in both the town and its is not suflicient to pay the troops —The work of setting out coffee trees in the j on the I of the constitutionality of the res- dependent settlements, being 1,071 males and cousequeutly be necessary to draw municipal district of Ibitinga, S. Paulo, is said ; question . //3s j' trictive clause of lhe aunesty law. ¦¦-'A;"mWm 1,399 females inthe former, and 1,316 males federaltreasnrv. to be rapidly. There are now j of tlie soldiers progressihg* —Dr. and 1,674 females in the total free population. The term of'service of many estimated to be about 2,000,000 coffee trees in Krieo Coelho testifies that Senator been able to ! i —The municipal council of Santos some has expired, but they have not í that district. Quintino Bocayuva is not responsible for fed- .since resolved to establish a new cemetery obtain their diseharges. j eral intervention in the state of Rio de time ago ' —At on certain lands, aud a lawsuit re- Rio Cirande papers say that some time Santos a committee of merchants ap- ;' Janeiro. The executive committee of the par- (Saboó) orders ; ad Jioc next cofTee crop sulted with the over lhe matter. the police delegate of S. Borja issued pointed estimates tlie tido republicano fluminense evidently thinks proprietor to for at bags and the Recently the courts decided in favor of the for the arrest of any one who attempted j that port 3,500.000 quan- otherwise. and condemned the council to enter or leave the municipal district without a ; tity. belonging tp the* present crop, still to be ²The cruiser lUiijamin (Austaiil left proprietor pay reeeived up to al 1,000,030 bags. port 130,000$. The council has now decided to ; passport. June 30 ou a voyage of instruction, which * va uab e yesterday return the lands. This looks like a very curious At the Rio Grande custom-house —The shipments of coffee last at the will last 25 to 30 days. The cruiser carries the ; been elaiulestinely year business, but one can never know what au packages, it is stated, have of Santos were as follows: granite shaft which is to be erected ou Trin- and repkiced by others ot little or no port ofiicial persouage con&klers himself privileged j renioved bags dade island, aud also carries a jangada to to do. value. From the state of S. Paulo carry it ashore. Barcellos, who is now 111 3.817,258 —Tlié delegado at S. Borja,Rio Grande Senator Ramiro >i » 11 » Minas Geraes... 237,810 —There is au impressíon abroad that the police the is reported to attribute the recent who appears to think that martial law state, minister war | General Vasques) ordered do Sul. decline in to the belief that Pres- pf subsists throughout tlie country, issued exchange Total 4,055,068 the suspension of ali recruiting. And still ideut de Moraes is about lo resume yet, order on Novèmber 2jrd last, forbiddingall Prudente The ofiicial value of this cofTee was 274,707,- within lhe last fortnight, we saw a ktrge an Ramiro Barcellos' name was in that municipality to non-residents not office, (And yet '4- body of recruits our door, escorted by transit frequenlly recently for the 37o53 pass with He also forbade mentioned port- a detachment of regulars. provided police passes. folio of finance!) —The receipts of coffee at the Docas Nacio- crossing the frontier except at a specified —The the The senator and the firm of Müller &. naes last were as follows: nameof e\-Senator Coelho Rodrigues where the traveler should same year been place present Wilmar, of Rio de are said to form bags has mentioned as a possible appointee as himself to thc The rights and Janeiro, minister of This would police. prive- of a syndicate for shipping cattle to this From the stale of Minas Geraes 1,369,646 justice. be so good an leges of the Brazilian citizen seem to be rather part appointment citv from the state of Rio Grande. » i» » d Rio de Janeiro. 997^644 I that we are inclined to think it limited in Rio Grande, as well as in some other The bishop is reported to have been hissed » d >» 11 S. Paulo 199^066 improbable. Two recent invitations for the And there are still some | states. "thatyet politicians at Maria tor against civil d 11 » 11 Kspirito Santo. 81,929 I P°st have lately been declined. tell us Brazil became free with the Sinta preaching who marriage. d » ii 11 Bahia 920 ! —The British cruiser Iniiracoida, Com. overthrow of the monarchy ! j The frauds to... which...... the.... castilhistas resorted ]icnry j. Keane, arrived here on the 6th inst. —In Paulo 011 the inst. a boy of 13 ; 2,649,205 , S. .sth for the purpose of carrving the congressional Total... from Montevideo, homeward bound, and left age, who his name as Mui- : years of gave José ciecljons have given rise to heated discussions i for Bahia and Pernambuco on the Sth. The ricio, called at lhe office anti related the ; •„ .-,ress police tjle "wéiò /larnitxouhi will be substituted by the Bcagle, following:--On the previous day he and his i j)r Dourado, who took a now on her way otit to this station. •„ -.,£. prominent j Local Notes father, Manoel Maurício, took the train for j wur jn R*(, Grande, has published j ²The of ch.eat.ing to a < parl practice passengers out Santos. Arriving there, they went gro- a }lislorv of the war. —Thc Friburgo was visite on the of tlieir change 011 the .Santa Thereza eiectric ascended to the first lloor, palace cerv, where Manoel j In qie cjtv o(- R;0 Grande iri a fight in 6th inst. by 2,230 Iram line is still on. It would be a wise leaving his sou below. The latter soou after' persons. going which four soldiers were engaged, one of them — to Uruguay, for to always heard his father's voice that his life j Dr; Porciuncula, ex-minisler precaution passengers provide pleading was killed. arrives here ou the Thames to-day. themselvès with the exact chance, for thev might be spared. Then a mau desceuded the Four were destroyed by fire in Pe ¦ hòusés —The has Sr. Alberto can expect no relief from the Carioca office. stairs with a large knive aud the boy ran away iota7on the insi governnient promoted 9th Fialho tó, the o!" minister at Montevideo. ²During rainy weather it would be in afTright. Me waudered through the streets The election of memhers of the state legis- post good ali uigiit and 011 the next morning took the —The has accepted Dr. Por- policy for passengers on the Santa Thereza lature will be held 011 March 1. government to train for S. Paulo, where, as has been said, he i ciuncula's resignation of the oflice of minister eiectric trams carry with them some kind of a cloth to dry the seats. The company and its related the foregoiug story to the police. A to Uruguay. detnon- employés seem to have no idea of such little police investigation is said to have I —The Candelária brotherhood has consented that Manoel Maurício is still alive and Railroad JSJotes ministrations to the couifortof their customers. strated to take charge oi the Sinta Rita de Cássia girls' that the events narrated by the boy are —Quite a number of lloriánistas have re- purely O1 / rtv, -.^^«i^i orphan asvlum. imaginarv. —A large number of employés ol the Lenirai < eently been appointed to important offices bv j ^" *-»¦¦ -* • • ' ' • '¦' who was Gen. Floriano — The force that is operating against Anto- lailwav have been dismissed for various reasons M« Vice-President Manoel Victorino. We cau is Peixoto's last minister of war, has been ap- nio Conselheiro, says a Bahia telegram of the during the past fortnight. The director account for this only on the SUppositioil that res- adjutant-general of the army. object Sth inst., will march in three coluinus. The evidently trying to enforce discipline and pointed the Vice-President's is to annoy and — the minister first, under the command of l.ieut. Hilário j pousibility in his staff. Bj an aviso of the 3ist ult. emharrass the President when the latter re- war forbids the eiilistment of any but sumes oflice. Dias. is composed of a detachment of tlie 9Ü1 — On the the directors of the Leopbl- pf j 7H1 native-born Brazilians iu the national army. ²The battalion pf infantry, two Krupp guns and 3 | ,üna advised the director of the Central of an Viee-Presideul seems to have surpris- —Dr. machineguus; the 2iid, of two companies pfinterruption on tlie formei* line at kilotnetre Xavier da Silveira after the publica- ed evervone by his political versitility. He 26U1 and 53rd battalions commanded bv Capt. ! 2I^ all(| requested the suspeiision of freight tion of the decree appoiltting him minister has not only iiiiti.it- d a general scheme of lhe José de Andrade; the yn\, of two companies of : diSpatches for points bevoml S. Geraldo, of justice and interior, decided to decline economy, which may or may not sueceed, a state under the command of Capt. Vir- ?. .„„. appointment. sanitary conuuission which killed itself with police -A Pernambuco telegram of lhe ,11 st. gilio de Almeida. The whole force, num- —Many of the who less than two Y:,lk- alul a m-w theory of offieial responsibility. gili that tlie dismissal of about 1,000 employés persons berihg 13 officers and 536 enlisted meu, is com- says months ago were rejoicing over Manoel Vic- i but he has now evolved an interpretation of from the Pernambuco Central railway is unjust mauded bv Mnj. Febronio de Brito. It was torino s assumption oi oflice are now clamor- the federal powers that hascreaUd an eruption at that date that the force and is causing great complaints, because in his own Even Glycerio standsaghast. reported in Bahia three months' ing for the return of Prudente. party. of Canudos, where the government is owing them had reached the vicinity —At a tenement house on Rua Gonzaga —Smith s.tys that it is to say the said to be fortilied, having been pay. peculiar, Conselheiro is Bastos a inspéctor last Tuesday was least, that lhe authorization for the new to the local police receutlv joined", according press, —During the month of December the São severely beaten by a woman with a buneh of French bank to establish a branch in Brazil. bv several hands of armed followers from lines carried r, 128,651 Paulo tramway paying ears of Indian corn. The woman was arrested. ami the news of a loan to the government various localities in the state. against 1,039,447 iu the same passengers, —• Telegraphic reports of Dr. ZanardellPs from the same bank, should have l>een made —During exeavations at Ondina; a mouth of 1895, and 41,000 who recent persons discovery of the fever microbecontinue public about the same time. He had under- that no little in- enjov the of riding tree. This frei.- yellow discovery was made possesses privilege to arrive. Ile ís .siid to have reported his stood that the government was opposed to the indeed there be any business, which is enjoyed by terest to the antiquariam-if pass principally discovery to the academy of medicine at Rame. creation of any more foreign Ixinks here. such out here. The find consisted of three oflicials. was therefore equivalent to a forced Brown says, however. that Smith never could —Dr. at the funeral «uruso of fire-burnt clay, two of them tax of at least 4,u>j5 for the month. Barata snys that 7U1 polling- see through a brick vali. in the isl district of S. 70 votes standing sometliree feetiu height, and having —A has been reeeived this place José communication u,-ere east and 19S were counted. (M" these — The quarrel between the dominant a circumference of nearly four feet in height- from the Brazilian finance min- party week in bondou 1S3 were to Thomaz Delfi.no, for whom I in the state of Rio de Janeiro and Vice-Pres- the third being of about half these dimensiona; he would be tO receive given ister. saying that glad in redity only 53 votes were east. Dr. Barata j ideut Manoel Victorino has led to some in- ali having a conical shape somewhat similar , a„ English who have 1.".¦•*-<• > rcprt:^t;la,*\.csof• group, says that he Wlievcs that many such frauda teresting disclosures. From these it appears to the lower,wer partpari of01 a sodaso a waterwaicr bottle.m ue ,i«c tQ ejBuàjne an(jt u „ ; j bonés, but Bnú* ^*** committed.' that in 1892 Senator Quintino Bocayuva was «urns-i when unearthed còntained Hrazilian railway, with the view of reduced J{ ; ~ after the forced 011 the by Marshal Floriano Peixo- exposuree_to the air almost instantlv n { from the but lhat The police are still gambling ; party are not government. j , of the Largo do to. who, however. was sticcessfully resisted the remains to powder. The vessels \ K requires that the railway be up for houses in the neighborhood } an adult lr.nnan the law put but we have not heard of any raids on whett ata later period heendeavored toeompel sufliciently large to contain bv tender. There are French and German Rocio, j their mouths are loo sale well-knowu resorts in Botafogo. Some the party to hold elections under martial Ltw. body intact, and indeed likewtse represented. and apparently the admit of one being therein. groups, time -go there was a movement against —There narrow to placed the competition between the three >e general ytw a forma! examination of the that the relies found are that môisí vulgar of ali the devices It is assumed keen. unless the inspectiouof the line should gambling wretch Basilio dos Santos at the íoth whether of ancient Dutch in the city, the&fO dos bichos, but we see that pretorit txhumal bonés, but determine one or nu»re of them to retire, ortwo on the 7th inst. and a large crowd of ]>e.)]»le or ehieftain and child ?) of the still on and that itspremiums settlers. some (wife ormore should combine among themselvès. or gameis going asscmbled. Fearitig disorder. the pretor asked an indigenous trilx', we are not in a position should demand 1 extravã-1 are even advertised in the papers. for a force, and a detachment of moun- British. the government police to state. Unfortunately, with lute Dec. 19. —Among the rumors afloat last Tuesday tetl men was seat. Instead of maintaiuing workm.uPs care. a was driven through gant price.—Statist, second selection order. these once l»egan pickaxe* regarding the Vice-PresÍdent"s men at promoting the first um found to see What was inside?) ; the uqpartment of was one men- disturbances, attacking the and trying nir- l* irt if J •' l~P.I->n*,/ /¦' /sTvlfor! justice, people the others were. however. retnoved withòttt nih KAIl-nA tiouing the name of Deputy"rare Medeiros e Al- to ride them downdown. The Gazeta de Noticias any one sufficiently sustainittg injury. and the • buquerque. It would be a appointment say*tliatthe polictícemen were ilrunk. and eA*en the house of Captain On SuudíVthe/>àii/

NEWS. [January i2th, 1897 8 THE RIO 8>& —At of the Docas Nacio- Tanuary 7—The market opened firm, with posted —The council having failed to the warehouses banks, which were drawing nt 8 7/16, and this —The caucellation of the decree appointing municipal at the budget for 1897, tlie naes 1,269,415 packages of imported merchan- rnte was ofTicinl soon aftcrwards, with 8)4 finally to the office of minister pass the municipal pre- aud and Dr Xavier da Silveira the 1896 budget dise were received last year, against 904,703 in posted by the London and Bmsilinn London not made till feet on the 3ist ult. prorogued River Plate Untiks. In the inòrritiig other than bank of justice and interior was public 1895., Onthe last December there were rate strenuous efforts for the current year. 3istof sterling found some inottev nt 8 15/32 ; then thc Friday During the interval remaining at those warehouses 167,327 lo 8J4, afterwauls to S and busi- him to —The to the pack- was advanced y/16, are said to have been made to induce decree granting permission ages of such merchandise, against 281,649 at ness was done for February delivery nt 8>i 1 he efforts whose head office bills decreased in the afternoon, nnd rates withdraw his refusal to take office, while Banque Française du Brèsil, the end of the supply òf to establish a branch iu Rio de previous year. weakened, only the London nnd River Pinte furnis- 110 less strenuous were likewise made prevent is in Paris, to with conditions, nnd tlie day.çlos- who is con- in S. Paulo and Santos, ing bills nt 8)/, his yielding. Dr. Martins Torres, Janeiro and agencies ed with bank at 8 7/16—8 }4 and other bills at 8 1,/32-r to 111 was 110 animation, the extreme nected with him by marriage, is reported was dated the 2iid inst. and was published 8 0/16. There great of both and Diário Official on the Sth inst. Financial Notes rates being 8#—8J4 for bank and 8 15/32—8?$ for other have threatened a rupture political the sterling, Sovereigns were quoted 011 the street at in case he accepted tlie —Importers carne secca have addressed a 2S.jí]oo, and the Bolsa closed with buyers at sSfooo, social relations of —Thé revenue and expenditure of the city offered him. communication to the Vice-President giving sellers at 2SJi7o. position of Maranhão for 1897 are each estimated at among the their reasons for thinking that, in conformity January 8—There was some irresohition 343.300$. banks at opening, the posted rates vnrying between RECEIVED. with the of the last budget law pas- and one of tlie banks bought from a PUBLICATIONS provisions —The receipts at Pará amounted 8$ and S'Á, sed by congress, duty should be collected on customs colleague at the last rate, íitiwittingly, it was said. Co., 1S96, were from Catalogo de Borlido, Moniz & that article at the rate of 80 reis per kilo. last year to 19,553.519$644, against 14,107,976- The market was firm, and bills offcring Bliven & Carriugton, New York, iii 1S95. the opening, rates advniicing steadly until S9/16 tu agents for —The ratifying $608 bank, against 8 for ready bills, in other * , • Nobles òc decree of 20Ü1 November H, paper BelVs Asbestos Co, of London, —At there was collected last were repoited. In tlie afternoon the supply of bills a' addi- the adopted at Madrid in April 1891 Santos year ¦V. Hoare and R. & J. Dick of Glasgow. In protocols was revenue to the amount of 28,902,j67^493 for seemed to decrease, nnd at thc close bank was qiiot- for the of industrial property, and other steiling nl tlie extremes of tion to the detailed description of the various protection ioth state Paulo and i,o94,335$539 for ed at 8^—8 17/32 iu the Diário Official of the the pf S. 8 9/16—Sfi The market was fairly active, nnd rumors for which this house is the representa- published some negotiations in Kurope, but articles inst. The first, second and third protocols are that of Minas Gentes. were current of tive here, together with their uses and recom- the these were very vague, vnrying between £ i,ooo,cvx> ratified, the fourth not having. obtained — The revenue of the city of Bahia amòuii- by French banks mendations, the Catalogue contains a valuable to be advanced the Government unanimous approval of the contracting parties. ted last to 1,969,211 $360 and the expen- and /"6,000,00o to be arranged through Messrs. by G. Fontaiue, translated from the year extremes were discussion we have refraiiied diture to 2,544,56(81904. The municipal debt Rothschild. The declared Syâ—s 9/16 French, on the oiling of machinery. The —For obvious reasons for bank and SH—S. í for other sterling, Sovereigns the now amounts, it is stated, to about 1,500,000$. and the llolsa is a chief engineer in the French navy, thus for from ali comments 011 proposal were quoted on the street at 2."$too, author the Central —Last to- closed with biiyers at aJfèSoo, sellers at 28^100. observations and experience on the of Yambert & Co. to supply year the taxes on rum, alcohol, and his trans- oflicinl rate was 8J£ when thc market can not fail to be interesting railway with coal. The failure of the bacco, fire-wood, charcoal, timbers, hides, tiles JauÜary 9—The use of lubricants however, and opened, but in the morning the London nnd River to machinists and engineers action is not a surprise to us, and bricks iii the* state òf Rio de Janeiro pro- Plate Bank advanced to 8 9/16, and this rate was as well as valuable tins we now wish to say that ventures of duced 405,6281115, against 227,711^129 in 1S95 posted also by the Banco da Kepuhlict. The tone iu every part of the world. business, character will not help to develop American and 89,795$io3 in 1894. was firm from the comnienceinent t.f The Anti-Pemambucano : Christmas num- with bills ofTering nt 8 9/16, at which some small trade in Brazil. —It reported on Change 011 the Sth inst. transactions were reporled, and rates advanced ber The first and only number of the peno- was humorous and — of Adolpho Lion Teixeira that the had accepted the offer of steadily until 811/16 was reported for other than dical in illustrated, Thevineyard gòvernment bank sterling. ThebrinkS, however. were not draw- question, say Minas Geraes, has Française du Brèsil of a loan entertaining. Perhaps we should also near Campanha, ^0,000 the new Banque ingat betlérthan .8111/32, although one of the foreign to the moral 20,000 are Norton's Virgínia of one million sterling. The conditions are not banks offered to realize liquidntions at 8J& and nt «neutral in polities» and «devoted vines, of which colony Isabel, the remaining 1,000 em- made but the news had a stiinula- the close bank, direct, was epioted at 8 ic/.-.id. re- aud intellectual welfare of the British and 9,000 yet public, bank at 8*4, and other sterling at 8 21/32— we varieties of American vines. influence on exchange—for ali of which passed of Pernambuco». It is «autographed», so bracing over 30 ting 8 11/16, with buyers, at the last quotation. Thc busi- are in full bearing. about and there were more are not able to say anything about its typo- Only 6,oco of the vines let us be thankful. ness reported was fair, witty of wine in the last four years sellers. than buyers òf exchange during Ute day. tn-aphical appearance, but it is bnght, The produetion —The evidence continues to multiply. The rangi, ig frpm S'-j K?á for bank and an the extremes to and deserving of a better fate than that of is as follows: director of the Jornal do Com mer cio and his from 89/16 to 8 ii/í6 for other sterling. Sovereigns «only number». 1893" 140 pipes friends will now us to refer them to were quoted on the street at 2/$QÒÒ; and closed nt So » permit thc Uolsa with buyers at 27*750, sellers at .27*900. das Alfândegas do 1894 the statement of tlie chairman of the board of Tarifa S implementar no » Januarv ti.— The Brnsiliamsche posted 80/16, and thc : Typ. directors of the London and River Plate Bank v?.the Brazil: by ly. Alencar. Rio de Janeiro » Knglísh banks 8 London and River 1'lale llntik 1897. This compilation, which was 1896 40 in regard to «a severe financial crisis» here iu advancing to 8 11/16 during tlie morniiig. At lirst Leuzinger, of land and there was some money at 8 11/16, at Which a cousid- by Conferente Alencar for his own The vines occupy about 37 acres Brazil «during a considerable part of the pres- prepared nearly co acres more said to erable transaction was spoken of, as reaíized, be- can not fail to be most useful to importers the place contains ent year» (1896). tween a foreign bank, that fufnished thc bills, aud a use, culture. in determining the classification and rates be suitable for grape — The customs receipts at the port of Rio native institution, after which rales advanced until to recent alterations of the Centro Com- 8 }< for bank and S 13/16 for other sterling were re- which merchaiidise subject —The board of directors de Janeiro amounted last year to 119,258,1.87$, Then the rates flattened. and the banks confusion in the following ported. must now pay. There is so much mercial de Cereaes has published against 113,838,775$ iri 1.895. At tlie five ports drawing, with some reserve, at S 23/33, other bills of mer- S but afternow the tariff that the best intentioned importer statement of receipts of certain articles of Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Bahia, Pará and found ínonev at }{. in the the market mistakes, and it is therefore at this market during the year 1896 : they amounted to 20.8,103,1 J 6$, steadled again, closing with bank quoted nt S 83/32— can hardly avoid chandise. Paranaguá 8 )i aud other bills at .S 25/52—8 13/16. There was n to have an authoritative opinion on the Brazilian M5.8S8 cases against 189,175,044$^ theprcvious The fair business doing, but tlie character of thc tran- useful Lard, " year. "/0, subject. » American M.347 increase, which is equivalent to about 10 sactions was not altogether satisfactor.y, and the » 100,730 kegs does not correspond to the increase iri the rate loan for Minas was once more draggcd into conver- bags sation, the reported extremes being 8 5ip-S V, for Beans, Foreign 60,408 of the duties collected. bank and 8 n/i6--8 13/16 for other sterling. Nothing » » Brazilian 3i3i629 —An incident of the week has was reported in gold on the street. ami the Bolsa M°tes » important closed with buyers of sovereigns at 375.120, sellers at Business Farinha, Brazilian 313.629 » been a rise iri the price of Brazilian bonds 27Í500. —Potatoes from the United States have Indian corn, Brazilian 33.390 of 1889, which, from under 65 a week ago, ,,» River Plate 1,469,480 » made their appearance in the market. bales have improved to nearly 6S. With this im- Sales of Stocks nud Shares. Alfafa, River Plate 367.584 there has been a rapid recovery —The Lorena central sugar factory will re- is stated to be provement The value of this merchandise 111 the Brazilian exchange from under Sd. to January 4; ceive as interest guarantee 011 the crop 42,000$ as follows: over axl. The cause of the improvement is 1300 Sovereigns2S$2oo 1895. - 2.(9 of Brazilian.:« o * that the Brazilian has entered Apólices, ,ss935 —At the municipal abattoir in S. Paulo there gòvernment 5<*>$ do 93 1/2 Lard H5Í& into negotiations with a of German do ,|S1,225 last 44>*54 beeves, 6,899,638$ group 3' were slaughtered year Beans capitalists, led by Herr Krupp, of Essen, for 5 Gold 4S, 1S89. 1, SCXl hogs, sheep and 863 calves. 5.061.97°| Apólices, 1895. 93S 19,283 5,906 Farinha the sale of the gòvernment system of rail- 5 according to telegrams Indian corn 233,730$ T2- do 925 ²Onthe Sth inst, ways, including the Central railway. The 13 do 921 from S. Paulo, the Germans employed in bak- it is stated, will, be 15,- 1 dori 935 20Q4SSi8í,y.f ,.. •., P"C2 t0 bépâidj £ eries in that itey struck for higher wages. 000,000 sterling. Holders of Brazilian bonds Banks, : —Four race-clubs in this city gave last year Foreign must bear iri mind that when the railways Lard2,915,130$ 70 Commercio.... 210 races on oceasions.' The premiums dis- are sold the assets of the gòvernment will 20 Nacional 1*)-' 295 47 Beans1,328,976$ tributed by these clubs amounted to 423,9615. begreatly reduced. Under existing conditions, 1.(00 Constructor.,. 9 500 Indian corn10,2.86,360$ 200 do 10 ²The has authorized the entry however, the railways have long ceased to gòvernment Alfafa2,756,880$ charges, and liavé^been Miscellaneoits. free of duties at Bahia of 170 horses imported pay their fixed per- "461 mitted to fali into most deplorable repair. from the River Plate for the police regiment 1- oS7 300 Sorocabana R.R 55 of capitalists their effi- do llnoil $0 of that state. _l__ii_ In the hands private 40 Central ciency will be increásed, and the 300'180 Melhoramentos no Urazil 29 500- —The of S. da Bôa Vista, Total 38,236,164$ greatly doilo 29 municipality João country will consequently benefit from their has celebrated a contract with Srs. the direc- São Paulo, —The balance-shèet presented by efficieiít management. Nevertheless, it is evi- January 5. de Mello and P. de Uchôa for the Plate Bank at Alfredo J. tors of the London and River dence of retrogression in the financial condition Apólices, and electric lighting of that in Lon- 5S'.9,>6>000 public private the general meeting of share-holders of the country that the gòvernment is com- do 935 town. 011 the 15U1 ult., shows results that are has 9 do .(s1,225 don pelled to sell the railway system. It do 1,228 —At two notary's offices in Jundiahy, satisfactorv. The net for the 31 the decidedlv profits already issued paper currency to such an 5 do 1895921 São Paulo, there were celebrated in 1896 trans- vear were/242,403 15's., from which /.'so.cco extent" that exchange fell to under Sd., as 15 do regis'932 of fund do do 933 fers of property to an aggregate value were transferred to the reserve (which compared with 27^. át the time of the revo- 34 more than in to the 20 Empréstimo Municipal156 4,182,393*428, or 1,394.829.140o now amounts to /1,000,00o), /"5,00o lution and now in order to raise money it 25,403 15S. to ; luinks the preceding year. pension and benevolent fund, / is compelled to sell valuable assets.—Stalisl, and loss account, and —The minister of industry has requested the the new profit /99-000 London, Dec. 12. 4(0 Constructor.. 9 500- dividends. This last sum Republica 112 minister of finance to pay Messrs. Joseph were set apart for 562 the in last 400 do2S. 62 Lumay & Co. the sum of 164,197 franes for united with /'63,00o paid June to cent. on the Miscellaneoits. material supplied to the improveménts com- raises the dividend 18 per paid- the Such a result can not of the of S. da Barra in De- up capital for vear. Commercial. 200 Sorocabana, R.R. extens 12 5OO mission port João not only to the cember, 1895. fail to be highiy satisfactory, i.M 7 S. Lázaro, mill •l shareholders, but to the staff in South Amer- Rio deJànelrÓ, January r.tli, 1S97 100 Alliança Mercantil 2.1 ²The service of the telephone company in 200 Loterias Nacionaes 35 ica. With reference to the Brazilian branch 28 this city has been going from bad to worse for Bar value of the Brazilian milreis (ifooo), 3°o Melhoramentos uo lira/il 500 of the Bank's business, the chairman said in 27 d do 2i Some days ago many of tbe em- gold 450 a long time. his address to the shareholders :—1< I have 110 So Melhoramentos de S. Paulo 50 unable to obtain their pay, decided to do of the Brazilian milreis (l$00o) ployés, doubt most of those know that Brazil 7.• and on Saturday tlie of the present in U. S. coin al £486,65-per £ January quit work prefect has been suffering from a severe financial cri- F federal district cancelled the company's con- 1 stg 54 75 Apólices, 58 935J0CO sis during a considerable part of the present do 4S I.2W latter to contest the do $1.00 (IL S. coin) Brazilian gold. 1JS.-7 cts cession. The proposes have had a long-contínued fali in 1 Cold. 6s, 1868 2,380 'exchange,vear. We of 1 stg. in Brazilian 8S90 '. matter in the courts. and as the large financial opera- do £ gold 20 Apolic. 1S95 q2t ²If of this city wishes to 299 h. li. Cred. Real do Urazil 3a now the prefect tions, especiallv in Rio. materially affect the >7> «Iodogold... 45 improve the telephone service. let him lease of many large operators Bank rateof exchange,official. on London credit and position 8 11/16 << fíanis. the lines to competent men and not to specu- naturally caused anxicty even lò-day there. it great mil reis lators. He has had to cancel the concession their business on Present value of the Brazilian 50 Constructor 9 500 to those who aré CÒnductíng first trans. day..... 131 one company which' knew nothing re- (gold* 3$ioS 25 Republica, 500 granted to and sounder lines. It therefore J25 dodo n* and" had no interest in it prudent Present value of the Brazilian mil reis about the business Hects great credic on our Rio manager, that 200 ilodo 130 5«i direc- 322 rs. gold beyond the salaries of a few unnecessary he has been able to steer so well through the i paper) Miscellantous. tors. This mistake should not be repeated. of this crisis. We have also had the Present value of the Brazilian mil reis whole Botânico, tram. u6 1.676 thcatrical colleague, Mr. Herdtrtan, in f. S. coin nt 4$ 80 per £ 21 Jardim —Last vear there were per- advantage of our ICO Centros Pastoris... IQ t stg i"-37W c in this city against 1..S11 in 1895. being iii Rio. who. with bis long banking ex- S50 Melhoramentos no Brazil...... fonnance*s l. str. In The which seems to have pleased most in Brazil, has been able to give Mr. Value of ft.oo ($4.80 per £ piece perience Brazilian currency ípnpcr)..,.,, 5Í775 January s. was a review of the year called Rio Nu, which de Lisle, our manager. most valuable and int- was 152 times. Four of S!iakspeare\s advice. Mr. llerdman did not go Value ol £ 1 sterling ., 27JÊ26 Apólices, ss 93S$K» played portant on do 9» were performed in Italian. Of these over in connection with the Bank, but plays three railways; but «o 0///r// regtst..*... he us market steadied. rate* advancing to of Uigs of sugar, firo bags of ] Herdinan for the great assistancé gave nut and the Empréstimo Munidpal. consisling 4.000 crisis Another thing — s T/tfr-s s<^í2 íor !»»nk. t«rt rrfhi-r sterling wasptoced còrn and 106 of alcohol, and that during this severe j al (,% and. when the «Sferimjs Indian pipes the telegraphic without dífftculty are r4.c; d bags of sugar at that and thnt is strengthened"received—you by j finished, the markrl dróppedagain, and ctosed with besides tliere Si 2- any advices we have cm consider] Iiank qtwited at SjHk. and olhei stirling al rt awaiting shiçment without prosjiect ¦ -. •-'.: money at *¦:/.* There tva* artt much " | wor.t of the cnstó as regards Brazil is '"'•.."¦ '¦ obtainiiu , lh.it the a* insi. the reiw»rte« extremes of speedily over, and we hope dunng Uie ave risêti from Seo rei-; to í$2í >plus 10% per piow practicallv \ have less anxious times than tn of sugar. This shows how the new law | present year to | n during the ksl financial i Ií works, bv which lhe coasting trade is restric- i we have exptrieuml téd lo thé Brazilian flag. f year,

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200 Oeste dc Minas, R. R. 2sir BRASILIANISCHE BANK FUR DEUTSCIII.AND. COFFEE SHÍPPERS IN 1896. Trieste* nominal. 100 do 11 500 100 Sorocabana R.R. extens12500 bags Kichmoud tst 42$ooo— 42*250 50 Confiança;Industrial, tuill100 UALANCB SHEET, 3IST DIÍCKMUER, lS35 1IAI.ANCK SllBBÍ, 3IST DKCEMUER, 1S96. C. W. Gross ít Co trade here, and the business reported has been Viuva Wèücesláo Guimarães ít Co 1.618 Svredish Pine.—Receipts are 967 doz, per Living- Teixeira íi. Borges 1.500 largely for Europe, with the qualities suitable for stone to a dealer, aud quotations are nominally un- Souza Filho ít Co 1.35S those markets well sustained changed. Asseis; as regards prices. Gust. Gudgeon ít Co I.336 Receipls, as was expected; have increased Esteves Inmios I-J23 'Capital, slightly, Spruce Pinei—The Mignonette brought 143,268 feet uti-callcd ....6,666.«tff**7o | and the stocks P. Sattamini ít Co'• 1.264 nills discounted 011 the railway have also been from St. F.tienne. Brokers continue last quotations ²1,97.1,810 no { C. F. Kellerít Co 1.207 BjllS receivablé ....13,283,320 larger than during the provious week these facts, Sundries S.879 of 655000— 66íooo doz. 410 j ; per Head ofice and branches ²8,497,223 510 j togèther with a sçnsible firihness iu the exchange Loans,- current accounts, etc ²".328,159 140 I Total 2,7S4.SsK Kerosenè.—The receipts have been 40.000 cases market, have influenced factors, who on Friday VVV::VV'y Securities for accoutits current etc. ²6,131,390 000 per George Bailey and Moses B. 7*í*;/rr,from New York. Sundry accounts 1,978,092 ! were not at all firm, while dealers, some of whom •Cash.." 550 Dealers have reduced quotations to 105000—105500 per ²10,862,499 S20 j are holding rather high-priccd cofTees have no' Daily receipts nnd sliipments of coffee nt case, according to quantity aud conditions. shown any desirc to press sales. 56,721,162^210 Rio de Janeiro .— Receipts Liabilities: The \vorld's supply o ti the ist, inst. 239,000 tons, are 500 cases per George Bailey:from Ne\v Yórk, We learn of uo changes iu against 206.000 tons. last year, appears favorable to Capital subscribedi3.333-33*V$33o last of SSo—900 holders of coffee, but ¦£ ¦/* -.'£ quotations rs. per kilogramme. Deposits in account current, without in- the advices during the week x « *y. > X 9 n M * : : terest11,061,600 220 from abroad show that the «bears» are not done ft __ d _* ft £¦ o .—Receipts fcavé been 690 brls. per George yet | |: do in account current. with ¦ interest4,606.064 ¦ 3S0 with theoptiou markets aud the of an » r ,7 o x o x = ~ BaiUy and Julia Rollins. We may continue dealers' . do fixed maturity2,219,679 &90 prospect s à 1' _. O •*• S - n S i*"**«=; I *** * •_.=*•"•--* ¦" last viz : 205000—265000 Head oflice and branches4,861,398 660 advance, which many here expected this inonth, ¦2 * n 3 quotations. per bri. according Securities for accounts cunent, etc6,131,39o 000 seems to have been transfered to May. There is n a l}'5."5ff'.i to quality. Sundry accounts14,247,420 -5. " ~ 450 of course no apprehension ot" a scarcity of coffee "**a = r ¦ 2 K" | : ;' ! Cement.—The only receipts are 20 brls. from Lis- Bills payable260,185 280 S i"1 - ~ '¦ '¦ -f for the next six months, and by cautious buying V. '¦¦ . '>,r. ¦ bon, aud we continue last -HS a ? quotations of 125000—155000 56,721,1625 .mo exporters may preveut an advance iu here, P s. \ \ \ \ g : bri. for British, io$qoo— 13Í000 for Belgian and E. & 0. Ií, prices -¦' si ¦'-;¦'-;•: -An' • ny per Cer- bm our dealers are watching affairs closely, aud : 2" § man and I3$50o—-iS|ood for French. ¦ Rio de Janeiro, 5M1 January, 1897. if a higher range in exchange causes a decline in • 5. ar.?ã' : : » - - . . - a Indian Corn.—Receipts are 3,919 bags per Iss the I.ondon and currency prices, the result will not benefit the ;5? Por Urazilian Uank, Limited, %_ : : © Andes and 6,456 bags per Victoria, from Buenos Aires. gold cost of coffee. /. Macktiuie, Manager, A little native corn has been coming in, aud it is A good demand developed during the and /•'. ffroad, Accountant. 4U1, '•? though present quotations may increase the supply. some 27,000 bags were sold, brokers at 15-Í800— s. 4. « A -" 7x A.8 As quoting ^ Dealers are now quoting River Plate at 115500—125000, lôjóoo, and the basis oi the business done ",' -5 -"'¦". "UB probably .-*• t ^ 5 8 U:-' and native at iojooo—ti|ooo per bag. I.ONDON AND RI UICR RI.ATE II.-LXR, LIMITED. ruling at tlte higher figure. On the following day "*•_A — Itrtin. Receipts nil. Kiver ¦ 15.000 bags changed hands on aliout basis, Plate bran is nominal, the same ¦ and the local mills are still selling at and on the 7H1 sales of 20.000 bags resulted in brokers *-" O ps r *• *ji: 55600—5$8oo per Kstablished in 1S62. r. c * K A bag. quoting No. 7 at i6$20o— i6$.}oo per arroba. The follow- ing days were rather quiet and quotations were redu- ITáy.—-There have been uo receipts and last retail Capital ced 200—300 of 150^—1S0 rs. kilogramme, may be con- £ 1,500,000 rs., the market closing weak 011 Saturday *_* quotations, per Idem realized 000,000 with exporters" ideas at about 15*500, and dealers talk- **** tinued. Reserve íund 1.000,000 '. ¦"' . ¦' . . •R " t~" ing of ijJSóo—16$000. This morning the factors are f*. C* - !;¦¦¦¦- & Con/.- Receipts since our last report are: rather weak, aud exchange has opened firm there ; 2,060 tons per Prince Louis, from Cardiff. lIAl-ANCi: Slir.KT OI* is no demand reported, and TH.B RIO RRAXCII, JÍST UE- concessions will probably — ¦;oj²TT » » O <-" "f* 2,541 Gevtor, from Newport. CKJI1IBR, 1696. be made iu prices before the close. sC t..- =JM •?V >*2 w o *NÇs«4. aa ¦ • ¦ 00 s» Xr* 400 » » Dalacarlia, fròm New York, The shipments Since our last report have been . vj y cs .^ R-j Fcs vj o Asseis: o **-! To dealers and companies. 49.479 bags for the United States Bills t ' discounted4,203,1625390 13,090 líurope Rum.—The receipts coastwise have been 293 pipes, Bills receivablé7,6;f,,c.(^ .-oo 1.700 Cape of Good Hope «o-«'-" i-_ Lontis, accounts, etc[1,181,607 210 *55 í' * A« .,** -*""¦ i* j*'"Sf~ and we hear of no changes in last quotations, viz.: guaranteed River Plate, etc. ' * '-¦. -ô Sundry accounts2,136,473 440 i*73 Coastwise 5r>*í3 S & * ¦¦' ti £ Pernambuco and Maceió..1405000—150*000 Pledges for loans, accounts, Ui guaranteed Aracaju and llahia...... — —135000 etc12,1 >.•,)• t 600 65.897 bags. Cash iu current funds16,823,506870 a - 5.1 Cami>os.'— —135000 The vessels sailed with coflee are: Tf, -j"íí*- "•'' $ * •O W M Ov Angra and Paraty145000—150000 54,134,6335610 United States ; V*» s5 v| bags. 8 ^ _** ^ 8 8 W ^V" 5 - N * Liabilities. Jau. 6 New York llr. str Lassell 16.494 Europe : Declared capital of this branch,., 1,500,000*000 Shipping News. Deposits, fixed maturity, 5.894,699 190 Jau. .' Hamburg Ger. str. Cintra do without interest aud subject to Antwerp 3-9**3 Ger. str. Graf Bismarck.. 3-504 notice'. 12,119,341 430 Oran Ital str. Sud Aine-ica AKUIVAl.S OF FOREIGN VESSELS. Sundry 125 accounts 8,873,071 100 3 Coustantinopledo 125 Securities pledged 12,152,941 600 6 dé Ital. str. Regina J.INUAA í. Bills Margherita 250 payable 392,570 980 8 do Fr. str. Z./-J A ndes 625 Q_• Head ofllCC, agencies and branches... 13,202,009 I •**c Nkw York—Amer lug Georçe Bailey; nSs tons; Miller; 310 Marseillesdo 1.520 •-¦» Algiersdo jí - - a i yi'» ds; sundries to order. 125 . » -B-j; 46 '25 2 ú j. i) ;;: _4"fi* 54,134,63 l«I0 Orando 'Jl il., & o. }•:. oc¦ *¦ U O ^ \í) R2 JAN. 6. Elsexehere: Kio de Janeiro, 7U1 January, iS<)7. G.vsrK—Br bg Nelherton; 1S7 tons; Williams; 52 ds; Port Klizabetli Swed. lug. Veta *-*- For the London and River Plate Bank, Limited. Jan. 5 5.850 *3s5j s*- y s , codfish to order. 6 Rivtrr Plate Fr. str. CoitltUere... rj, U fcjf> «-J 155 vi t» -C s»O schr 139 Boulan- 65ill Oi 1*?" Receipts for the past week were hS. 172 bags, ag- Ci O» •» tS •» « g, ¦ ; JAN. 7. ain.st59.S32 bags. for the preceding week and 84,777 bags for the week before. NKW York—Amer lug Mosts B. Tower; tons; Frei- THE BRI /V.V// BA NA' 1 >/•" _**<)"" /*// A MER ICA, The receipts in transit 537 LIMITEI). wcre 2,7<.>4 bags, tas; SS ds; sundries to Viuva Wencesláo Guimarães Imports. ív Co. Tbe oflicial quotations, 10 kilas. 011 Saturday per articles seems mode- were : The retail demand íor most JAN. S. Capital 50,000 shares at ^"20 £ 1,000,000 Washednominal rate and dealers generally do not change prices. do paidup500,000 Regular ist11J711—i3$2s6 Flour has, however, advanced. aud impo.ters are very Baltimork—Amer bk/icr thought }>er slight- coflee. Liabilities: tó kilos, advance iu prices. but, towatds the end the Northern ports. Exchange has rluctuated ly, and the close on Saturday was firm. Rumors are OroRTo—-Port ship Gtama; 1098 tons: Vasco; ballast oí the week, rnled quiet and a large parte of the Capital8^SS,SSS$SSo ot uegotiation* abroad. aud that the Govern- 6. Deposit** in account current, wilhout in- advance was lost H is rejKJrted thal the next pknty JAN. ha« accepted t.ooo.ooo from French bankers. terot4,531,977 3S0 crop is now estimated at 3,500.000 bags, w-ith ment £ Harbaikjs—Amer lug Maheljordan, $99 tons; Baiano, do in account current. with noticei2,03«j&õ*j 7*0 l»ags brought over irom is we believe true ; but the conditions do not seem tó ballast. kx* 1.000.000 the present crop do fixed maturity and by bills5,657,84. transpire, arid the security is probibly Treasury bills. Br Securities for suhanceA and õn deposit%*^.2*i 710 on the tst inst. whkh sseem-s a moderate supply 1 lug Ekeíra; 158 tons; Brehant; do. *->¦ brls. Bills payableiâ.v; 1 íor eighteen months. On the 4th »nocxJ a\-erage« J-**àrs*!>l€ fràej :*""?; <¦'.: idtí I Snir Íslami>—Nor bk Dt W, 1 icS tonsiSorenser pre- | 'Ptetí; For lhe BrSt*b Bank oí South America. Limited. cetiing week ; »!aipineist»' 54.es» Isag* for the Vtnted bxal «¦?'-» have alsft advanced ti rice» by ila 1 BAasAt»í»s~-Ital bk La $37 tons; Romêó; æ;—y9t ædo A Mf*gr, Manager. States .ini 5J.í"-» í;' y ^^^aitf'i-w."n"Jitr^w^lt^'waa^^ X y/|'.'*„-,;y. ^s.^yy^:''.>'.'y';"í'y,y:;^'^-' u«mi,»i,í ui» »¦»»''.'.:!.'*!''''" *?'*'**y"* -.mwr»«*,*m/»,*w#f<-: ni-+j^V;*i*^-^-^^-^','''-'':'",_^.^?''?,í! .¦aXi^Jig.'»Be-,.l'-'J'«|.i*>«*>wii»'i« «„ *K»»«5,*»i"*^»W!*V.?r> ..... _-*. m^mmrm . tuW-iV. .... _..'^r.*»hlní*>f^í.í-i '*»" '*"|ir*

*í'-'s**i !*

[January iath, 1897 THE RIO NEWS IO •* Mio de Foreign sailing vessels in the port of Jtuteiro, CRASHLEY & Co., Afloat & Chartered for Rio loth, 1S97. Vessels January Boohellers. Opprto Newsdealtrsand Adclina., and Am at Lisbon received for ali the leading English A ssvria Brunswick Subscriptions Agents for Athena Pensàcola 3 Dec. NAM1CI ARK1VJÍUPROMCOMMGNKEB etican newspapcis and periodicals. Austrália. Cardiff íò Nov. Bonito iB Oct. The European Mail. Ivoudon 'American Buccaneer (str) Cardiff English ..oveis, and CarlHindric Norfolk 24 Oct. A large assortme.it of .... 011 hand. Cambrian Queen Rangoon io Bept. merican Tauchnlti Editions, constantly Patilsen 1 Dec. A C. Brunswick of Rio and neighbourhood. Conductor Campbleton 26 Oct. 29 PaUiniore.. Levering Sc Co. Views lug 870 Dec. & Co. and other book». Cora at Brest Josephine.... 1 New York. John Moore Orders received for Scientific tug George Bailey 1185 Jan. 5 W. Guimaráes& Co. Coringa (str) at Falmouth NewYork. V. Old Braíilian stamps bought, Prince lug M. B. Tower.. 5377 . Watson, Ritchie & Co. Crown at Falmouth Baltimore 5698 Baltimore of stamps purchased. Franklin (str) Pensàcola bk Collections 6 Dec. Rio de oí Mellins Food. Giddregn Baltimore British Sole agents for Janeiro Good News•• I„ondon Blanchard.. 20 Nov. F. P. Passo». Hannah Stockliolm Geo. T. Hay Nov, 22 Mobile & Co. Kubbet Stam/s. Inger Rangoon 5 Od. sp 24 Pensàcola V. W.Guimarães Agents for Lonestreth's Nov. bk Amanda Gas Co. Sp.. Lindores Abbey Savàiiiiah 11 26Hull Àtki.isòn*s Pcrfuhieri- .and Pears' + Dec. spThistle 27London Walter, B. & Co. world renowned-' MilUeJ. Antwerp 4 sp Servia Vendors of lhe GENUINE Mercu .str) Pensàcola 38 Cardiff BniMl. Coal Co. sp W. H.-Corsar.... Geral de C. tt I. Blossoms & Lavender Salls Monrovia Pensàcola bk Cambria 28Pensàcola.... Crab Apple Marabout I,isbon 18 Nov. 29Pascagoula.. To order. Co„ London. . bk Katahdin & Co. Crown Pkkfumkhv Maria Emilia . at Plymouth Dec. 4 Rangoon IAlvares, P. ofThb sp Sierra Morena.. Brazil. Coal Co. No. 67, Rua do Ouvidor. tftitfiéid.'(str) . Hninburj. Anglo America. 7 Cardiff Pallas Norfolk 12 Dec. sp 16'Gaspe L. A. Magalhães. . higSnowdrop Pavtheriope , Pensàcola 16 Rangoon iTo order. bk Glanivor L. A. Magalháes. JPlanet . pensàcola Union 22 Paspebiac... LOBO Ragnar Oporto bg 29 Swansea .. i Brazil. Cóal Co. J. F. . lug Effettdi & C. Sereia . Baltimore 31!.Quebec Ferraz Sob. ¦ • Burrill.. STRVKDOUE Severn(str) Oporto sp Lizzie i, Paspebiac .. I,. A. Magalhães. . bg Xingara- 00 C. ¦í f - da Gama.... 27Nov. V. W. Guimarães '.* Vasco Marseilles 2iPensacola.. '*¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ bk Kelverdale.... São Pedro Verve ine ,, Marseilles 28Nov. 6Gaspe L. A. Magalhães.'.Sobrinho < ; No. 1 A, Rua bg Netherton Ferraz & Co IVciwera .. CardifT •schr Mignonette.. 6 St. E-V-nne. RIO HÍÍ .TAXETKO Wenvoe (str) .. Baltimore loading of Steamers White Wings Danish Umle.takcs the discharge and lyyí?y'-:--';:;ÍÍil ¦¦ " ¦'*¦ \; .-, ææ ¦ and Sn.ling veííels. ¦ ¦:¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦:.¦: ./ To order. steamers. Adolphine.... 249Nov. 23 Mossoró.. Arrivals of foreiè» lug 25 Liverpool. Walter, B. & Co. LIGHTERS, TUGS, Etc. lugSorine 3. M. Sc Co. STEAM LAUNCHES, 250Dec. 2;Mossoró.. Oliveira of lug Arken "Manto." fitted wilh steam p.Uthp capai* ¦y^yZ-Ar^iCT. CONSIOJJKP to The laiincli T":H".*r:-*':* .'¦ : FROM minute leady at ¦ NAME iate of .,00o litres per ..*-s ..-*-. DATE dincl.ar„ iR a. lhe German a inomcnps notice. .*••>•¦;'¦'.' .'*' Megaw & Co. To order. |'í'yv; ...,y:..r: London* 31 ds. Norton, Herni. Becker. 27; Paranaguá.. Herschel Brit. do lu-g 2fi[Antwerp.... To order. Jan. Liverpool* 28 ds. sp Wendsbek Newton Brit. IMessageries Maritimes. 29IAntwerp.. . Laureys 8: Co. Fr. Bordeaux* 16 ds. sp Ruthin & Co. Corditlere Plate* ri ds. IA. Fiorita & Co. 7! Hamburg-.. H. Stoltz Ümberto Ital. River & De Vincenzi. bk Baldur ¦• To order. Ré do* 5 ds. Fiorita Thun.... 2 Itajahy.. Regina Marghenta Ital Wilson Sons & Co. bg Marie Ml OKER THE WORLD 20 ds. FOR y*y .;..-•¦ Brit. Liverpool* ASKED I. guria 26 ds. [Lage Irmãos. Gertor Brit. Newport Sons & Co. fíaliáh Perfumes- Valparaiso* 15 ds. Wilson Most Aristocratic and Delicious Orcaua Brit. 1/2 ds. Karl Vaiais & Co. Nov. 24 Marseilles To order. Fr. Buenos Aires* 5 ¦Ed. lug Fiducia 575 Les Andes 19 hs. Johnston & Co. Dalecarlia Gr fcantos Maritimes. Bordeaux* 40 ds. Messageries Norwegian Médoc Fr. Karl Vaiais & Co. Blossom 23 ds. Apple Marseilles* & Co. Crab , Béam Fr. Kd. Johnston & Co. 2ilPensacola.... V. W.Guimarries Ger. Santos 19 hs. & Co. spKingCenric... Hecksher kSc Co. 8 Taquary 20 hs. Quayle, Davidson 27Í Pensàcola... CÍ Prince Brit. do Mail, bk Valuta B.Rodrigues X*: Co. _. de Parme SiKaffir Southampton* 23 ds. Royal bk Pr. Arllnir 28 Cardiff .S_Co. Violets Brit. do 29! Mobile V. W.tiuimarítes çlEbro River Plate* 12 ds. bk Lovise Sob. ft Co. La Plata Brit. ds. Messageries Maritimes. Dec. 5 Chicòutiihi:.'. Ferra- Matsukita dei Japon Brésil Fr. do3 Megaw & Co. bk Odd Wilson Sons it Co New Vork* 22 ds. Norton, bk Homewood... 7 Cardiff Hevelius Blg. Pensàcola ... (.eral de C. & l. bk Magdalena 7 K: Co. Orchidia, English Roses, 7 Hamburg.... 11. Stoltz White Rose, lug Leidi...... Brazil. Coal Co. bk Pr. Frcdenck. R Cardiff Chypre, Gardênia, etc. of foreign steamers. (ji Pensàcola.... C.Hecksher ft Co. Departures bk Fiorella B. Rodrigues & Co. bk Pr. Regent.... ió!Cardiff. 25 Pensàcola To order. 2.000,000 líotf/oh bk Rpsenb. g.-.;.. 'To order. Solo ISOU. 31 Bahia FOR CARGO bg Netto 11. Rodrigues & Co. NAME 3 Cardiff ...| DATE bk Pr. Louis O. Gudgeon ft Co. bg Victor. 3 Buenos Ayres I River Plate.* Ballast. 4 Bretagne Fr. ; do Oneiit. Paranaguá. Portuguese En. Barroso Aires. do Ger Buenos ft Co. Júpiter Genoa.* Sundries, Sept', i.l Oporto Costa Leite Ré ümberto Ital. * do bk Margarida.... 36$ ::::! Macedo Jr. ft Co. •6 Regina Marghenta Ital do Sp Oceano 11S2JDCC jlÕpÒrlo G- Santos, do -Quitei gjllha de Maio.. J. A. Orcaua Brit. Liverpool.* Coffee. bk ia 394 Veiga Pinto ft Co. Brit. New Vork.* bk Mariposa .... 8'3 11'Oporto 6. ássell Sundries. 17Ilha do Sal... Macedo J r, ft Co. 6!Liguria Brit. Valparaiso.* bk Albatròs order. River Plate. do 18Oporto To 6lCordillère Pr. do bg Brazil 3. I. Gonçalves. Brit. | Santos. bk Novo l.ide.. 4-14 21 Oporto J. 6 Bellanoch do 2.)!lllia ile Maio- J. A. G. Santos. Fr. | do bk Oliveira 750 ft Co. 6 Canárias do do 24jValeneia Zenha, Ramos 6 Wartburg Ger do bk Propheta.... 47i 6 Amazonas Ger. do Paranaguá. Ballast. 6 Freda Brit. do Russian ' - :(55?wn».S % 1 8 Andes Pr. Marseilles* Co. ¦jSL__BtwB0ND5T««o ç»wl•*% Les River Plate* do 172 ¦Nov. 27'Leith.. Gas 8; Béaru Fr. do sp Columbus ,,.. í Fr. do* S Médoc Hamburg* do , Taquary Ger. Coffee. Swedish 9 Ger. . New York 9 Dalecarlia Ballast. Dec Cardiff Brazil. Coal Co. ¦¦¦-\J.-9mp>_ ^"^íís*??*^;"-5^^.'"">** , Golden Cross Brit, Guam sp Familien 142: 7 ft Co, ** 9 Santos. Sundries. o Hamburg.. IL Stoltz 1 Herschel Hrit. do bk Otngp.' 970 F. P. Passos. 9 Hordeaux* 494 Jau. íBòífcã 10 Brésil Fr. do bk LMhgstoue. •?#:K^SI11 Plata Brit. Sont hampton* 10 Lá River Plate* do 10 Ebro Brit. ' BB_^_ __ - Last Quotations of Stocks and Bonds Jan. tith

r _ ^^^ I irJC^^Z-i^ ¦ JB/ -» t» * U• ¦»• 3 1 3.', ,v___fc____ 1/^ x^ _ ======, Public Funds i..-,___ Circulation\___ 55-v- HpáíoNoá)¦ " " " _.,,93SÍ000— 040*000 ^/, currency {apólice)\^'.\\\['.\\'j.'.'.''...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'..'.'.'.'. ¦'¦¦••918000-. 940 oco 2Ò2,1-D,0O()»¦*,i*ooo_Stock.loilds 5 Ofo lS /« 24679000*jju».vi Dodo,1,, ts-M>, ertor iS.35o.cxk.statenn 4°/o \Úi «ommpndcrt-co<-//io> , .V ofEspinto Santo - 9B0 000 Fçs. >7..W,oooSUU of Minas Geraes. 5"/;\\\\\ tdWndgrSt.iw.ViV _2ffS£'•• <>f Rio de j-"1^^6''**.'.¦.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.::'.'.¦.'.'.'.'..:157000- jji MitrkCroWn Municipal^=g=B^^^... ^ £Z'ZEmpréstimo Estubi. 1860. 17 llrst Mednls ,Banks r"> Ust ''"•• Capital*,M.— ²² LAVENDER SALTS. "" CROWN a" «ioi Bfooo- Jan. 97xo$ix»- 205I000 Cure for Headache, Colds, Depression, Commercial'.'.['.'.'.'.[['.'.'.'.'. 200 8 000. .lati. 97'ií'SS2Í ao.ooo.ootil °°° Influenza and Náusea. Cooling 20,000,000„mltx)0 Commerciodo ^ •'3 300—jau. 97»* 2,,d series ^ —i_8500- 9«» and Refreshing at ali Times. Constructor.. ..'.'.'.:.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2 000- 96'7°OC^'1^ooo 7.i.ooo,m» Mo Jau. 115 000 JTorsale ut ífinooooo Credito Movei 7ao 6 000- Jatl. 97— Coinmercio t)752 ooo- 000 £'!£_'£_Uvoura e loo 3 00o_ jan. 56 a co. .- -'¦-. .'dosud seriesq 000—Jan. 97 crashley Brazileiro j 6 oódr-Jau. oo>~ ip y>o ,000000oNacional 97ip 63 do Brazil...... gj ^ 000- jnn. ..7è- 000- 500 Preço Fixo TS5.87o,4«>t«'87_'á00Republica^do and series ^9 000-jnn. ^ 97840000- (Cambiaso U Ca) ao.ooo.oooRa«i c ^^^™d--^^;:;;;;:;:;:r;;;;V;./".:i:*.'."-:: «» 4.w-jat..97—^^ Miguel Lopes a Irmão ~~~~~ Pa> Railways Aad ali principal Períumery Stores Capitalæj Agent» : A.RP «(• Co., cs. Ouvidor. ~~ ZZZ '' .V Mmas 4of __-^_- ,0.000.000$Bah... A|___E^^^^^ ifioooooo Muzambinho ™ de Minas , loíjoo- tjío-» tl2.oo.>,ooo_i2SSoOwtc(lo ,ml scnc. *S B² "TTZyonooS. Paulo Rio Grande -59 000 "¦ ooo ^aSoooUnião Sorocalmtia-ltauna... tJO 12 ooo- M ,0.000,000do and .nes,j __ Champagne Piper Heidsick

Capitalæ.-. ?² _¦ fom -.--w wi«> ... iü *_ àv..a»»w( —~ __B²- ^ —Oct. ^»ui$ooo— Ü5Í000 IN 1785 — -juiy^- ,6*eeo ESTABUSHED m,ooo.ccc* jardim_iiounico:;;:;".::::.;::*: t£ - --.J-^ .^ ¦¦ '¦')ll\n,r\l i2,ooo'.o«x» -s- Christovüo ¦

- - - ¦ " *»r ÍMÚéb. j .-.Mtits | Í Capital; Carie Elaticlii, __²j — 30í?| Ang.96 Skc. io.ooo.ooof Alliança.... êlcc*?— Ausç.çto I2P «*»— 6.oeo.«*> Brazil Industrial 3O0 lo .".»>— jíiii.9- Carwica..-•¦ 10 o.v- Aug. lúo 3.coa6oo lndustn.il 200 Brut Extra. Í.W3O.000 Confiança IOO 40 cno— Jan.96 IV ixahel...*.-• — to oíS*— Fei».96 500,000 ' 1.300,000 Industria Mineira 300 . S-eoo— Mar.'¦¦vf»' ¦ 115 &. Mm de Alcântara... jo r«o— Jan.--vfi 115 RUA DA QUITANDA Stnta l.uria ...... » r


'.--,'¦'¦-¦ ¦'¦¦¦'. '.'-¦' "¦'...

¦ '-'¦•¦¦¦'firi: '"fifi fififi. Ä'¦'¦'.'-. "•¦ - fi-'fii January 12 th, 1897.I THE RIO NEWS, "APENTA,f» The Acadômie de Médecine of France has placed Ws Explosives Ci,, R

¦ ¦ ..'"¦'.¦¦;¦.:. THE BEST HATURAL APERIENT WATER. GLASGOW. -...¦fifi.-fififififi; . V.v:||§ Manufacturers of " fifi;..^.fi : fi fi.fi:fifififi

¦¦¦¦ No. 1 DYNAMITE, . Apollinaris GELIGNITE ¦fifififirfifi "APENTA," andGELATINE DYNAMITE, "THE under Government QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" inspection. Packed in cases of lhs. each, A NATURAL HUNGARIAN 50 nett weight. " ARDEER, Ayrshireí _ . examined for Wnrlrc*VV OrkS. Sc<*l™<»., At the head o( a// the waters pitrity and poLMONT, Stirlingshire \ APERIENT WATER. freedom from disease Stocks of above goods always on hand in Rio magazines, germs." and aiso n( Detonators nnd Safety fuses suitable lor all HOTTLED AT THÉ S PRI NOS, workings. All information concerning the above can be had on BUDA PE ST, fí UNG ARY. application to the Agents in Brazil -A.s3s: foz? Watson Under the absolute control of the Royal Hungáriaii Chem- Ritehie & Co. ical Instituto (Ministry of Agriculture), Buda Pesl. 2-. Rua Theophilo Ottoni, Rio de Janeiro. WE KNOW OF NO STRONGER OR MORK I'*AV- VOURAUI.V.CONSriTtriKn NATURAL APERIENT WATER. V To travellers on Land or Sea, /.. Liebeniiaiut, Royal'Councillor, M. Di, Profes- No traveller should fòrget to take with sor oj' Chemistry, and Director ofthe Royal II un- him a box oi* pills or n bottle of Tincture of Nectatidra Amara, gariah State Chemical Instttute ( Ministry of which might come very handy Agriculture), Buda Pesl. iri cases ot' sudclen náuseas or any other disárrangemènt of the stomach for intestines, so frequent during traveis This marvellous remedy is accompanied "APENTA" by a prospectus In three languages, viz: USES OF Portuyuese, English and French to facilitate its use among natives and foeigners. For As a safe, ordinary, anil gentle aperient. sale at all Druuciists and Chetnists and a For 0ccasio11.1l or habitual coiistipation. CÁââm? Uaáiai/ay the manufacturerVs depôt. No. 72, Rua S Ry persons inclined to inllunniation, congestion, and gouty Pedro, Ist floor, Rio de Janeiro. disorder. In chronic aflections of the organs of respiration and circula- on. l?aulo In bilioiis attacks and di*orders of the liver. <$; Against hemorrhoids, During pregnancy, and in many female diseases. In organic diseases rcsulting f'Oin fatly degeneralion. V= J OSWALD EVANS & Co. Against undue deposition nf f.it in and the evil general, Import and Commission conse

B, Rua ¦ "APENTA," Tlie flXLest; xm. t±i.e -w-oirrlcL.. 8 de São Bento SÃO PAULO NEWSAGENTS. BOOKSELLERS The Best Natural Aperient Water. Wnlicr, Hlock c\? Co.9 11õ, Quitanda. ¦ ano COMMISSION AGENTS. "Tho ltrltl«h .W.n.iV.i. ./uim-m... " -a - : ~ Assorimenls of Engtwl»: Novéis, Books, Shc.es, Lincoln and "AlToids ihpsetguaraniw of miif rrii strength anel cm-. Bennetts Hats, Pear's SuapK, and nearly every Engíish pesition which liave 'ttiíjí beenwanting ífi ihc best knftWn article of sensral use, on hand. waters."" Agents for Lipton's teas, of which lhere is always good a "Agreeable " to tlm palate stock.m..-. "Excepttonnlly efiniaciòu'*." CLEVELAND BICYCLES VICTORIA STORE "APENTA," Caixa C São Paulo.

The Best Natural Aperient Water. OHN SHERRINGTON, "Tho I AfOc/icnJ l'n?*H unil C/ren/m" says:— Mechaniqál Engineer, "We could hardly wijdl for a more happy conibinalion for .1 stioeg Aperient Watei both for genetal u^e and as a «iwcial {Engenheiro Mechanico). rcmedi.i' agent." '~-^^^^^^rff_| "" h¦^ llt -^cv—- di "Constant as regards it» charactertílies."' .-,, f. TOs* ,'V \\V\SfiM general f*m, For ii years Manager of the Lidgerwood Manufactnring "Contains a large amount of Itthia. Specially marked out Co., Ld., lately Manager o) the São Paulo branch. for tlie treatment . f gOUty patients." "Uoique amongst snong purgative water*." Correspondènce solicited Light, Strong, Easy running. Address: No. 0, Praça do Commercio. "APENTA," São Pai-lo, Hrazil. Removable Clincher Tyres. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Dtist Proof Bearings. GINGER ALE, Shippers: Reversible Handle Bars. THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY Made in S. Pau»,* by Tito Zerdoc & Co. fr«_n 'he dioicest

¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ lodia Ginger, and therefjie erjiClv similar to tne well known (LIMITED.- . . Hardened Steel Chain. P>e!fast mark. 4. STRATPORD ri.AVE, OXFORD Diamond and Drop Frame. The makers wil! delivet ordere of t doien upwards at 5$ STREET, LONDON W. WHEELS KEPT IN STOCK. in ordinary bottles and 6Í lhe doien tn sp»cia! Hcttles. Special «erm* for wholcsase orders. 'ifi.rk Ar.F.v^ MITCHELL & COLE, TITO ZER DOC & Co. WATSON. RITCHIE & Co, Rua Formosa No 12. 25, Rua de Theoohih Ottoni 57, OUVIDOR. SÃO PAULO.


,,:,; .(r*.iv«'jai.M

—¦——..»¦—i mm», ...m,. .a. 1,„.,,f,i,..„.ftJ,iv.J^i»»lwi,-i»W».Wl»v MMi*iil>Mii]in'iii iiwí—IWii- iimBuéiiihh iriniinuriiiim.i n i íiiifrii 1 ¦'X^:.'íí»ri';\-:.

RIO NEWS 12 THE f V jlM^ittfi. TO PRILÂTEMSTS: • GeoíR. Peijton.Frank H, Nortrç ESTABLISHED 1865. PERRINS' ÜA & '1 • é\ Thomas Norton & Co. ¦•¦• Xi\ LXXà' A.. Ship Brokers and Commission Merchants. OBSERVE THAT THE Old regular Line Sailing Packets to SIGNÁTURE J*OSTÁGE 9TAMJ'S u RIO DE JANEIRO & SANTOS. ARGHXT1XE A nioe Curd, containing 32 genuine Ar- gentine postage stnmpR, ali different m,waastn*.„EWroSK. kinds Rfi- 4»500 ! IS NOW Stamps of the South American Republics fttawsMps. PRINTED Paraguay, Cliill, Urutgttay and 1'oru. A 11 ice series of 32 varieties of stiunpg of *&&%¦... these neighborinp countries, contiiinitii: MAIL IN BLUE INK some rarê ones, sold at Rs. 61000 ROYALSTEAM PACKET COMPANY. DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE Books of Stamps for selections. with the British and Brazilian We are preparltig special books with stamps. of Under contracts outside hitra^^er dilTnrent. countries, for those who wish to complete Governments for carrying the mails. their collections. ¦ there are ready and can bo furnished ¦ . 榦_',.' DEPARTURES, of every Bottle of the At present, y TABLE OF the foilowing : II ‡1*97 Arazantlnn, Chili, l>arn(gtuiy, Uruaçuny, 6 ra Colou/es. . | Date Steamer Destintion J-»orf tipo' mui its on request.' 1897 Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Advantageous prices; Gondltlons 1 's and Buenos Ayres. Worcester; I Jan. 11 Nile Montevidéo Ltd., London; Casa Philatelica de Alph, Bruck, ,í'- Pernambuco. Lisbon, Vigo, Crosse & Blackwell, „ 13 Thames Bahia, de Paula. Cheibourg, Southampton. and Export Oilmen generally. / A, Travessa S. Francisco RIO DE JANEIRO EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. RETAIL I to England This Company will have steamers from and ¦ ¦'. ¦¦¦-;>-;; ¦ .<¦¦ :¦¦:¦ a three times per month. shipped on these steamers can be Insurance' on freight COMMERCIAL PRINTING taken out at the Agencyi L: ¦•aa to No. 2, For freight, passages and other information apply Rua General Camara, ist floor. OF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION AT 61N6ER Ale G. C. Anderson, No. Rua Sete de Setembro < Superintendent. 79 ist floor. new have received Kirker & Co. Ld., Bclfast, a BRAZIL AND RIVER We just from PLATE STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL consignmcnt wiih LAMPORT &_H0LT LINE FOR IE1 YORK WSES Bottles PASSEHGER SERVICE Crown Stoppered Wordsworth. HeveliuB, BufTon, Coleridge and Galileo. No corkscrew. The steamer No corks. "HEVELIUS" 3?a?±oe tilxe same. pain* for CUIII sails for !lheumitisfn,ll6uralgla,Sclitlca, AND BAHIA, PERNAMBUCO Lumitii^PW^W^^^^HW p ItMirNWmrW^^^^^^'^^m* *m. New York CRASHLEY & Co. i6th intt. ciais at moderate rates. no OUVIDOR, 07 Taking ist and std passengers íor Brull. Caixa OOO. rua •ur*«on aad Itawardau carried. King, Ferreira I Go., Agents 1 The voyage is much quicker th.v hy way of England and without the inconvenience» of W, . «r. LLOYD, Nacional de Navegação Costeira. for NEW YOK. Companhia Weekly cargo steamers NORDDEUTSCHERBREMEN. Broker For freight apply to the . Marks. Wm. R. McNiven, Capital. . 40,000,000 60, Rua i° de Março. Passenger service between Rio de ITABIRA Regular Lines of Steam Packets between Weekly ¦ calling at Para- ; For and further pa.ticulars apply to lhe Janeiro and Porto Alegre, passages Bremen-United States naguá, Desterro, Rio Grande and Pelotas. will sail for NORTON, MEGAW & Co. Ld. Agents: ÄBrazil Sailings every Saturday at 4 p. m. inva- ÄRiver Plate and Pernambuco tho de Março A riably. Vistoria, Bahia 58, Rua Io ÄChina, Japan ÄAustrália i Uth inst. STEAM on thèjrd The Steanier Departüres from Rio de Janeiro Receives cargo at thc Trapiche Costeiro PACIFICNAVIGATION COMPANY. and iSth of each month to ITAPERUNA No. 50. Rua da Saude. STEAMERS. Bahia, Lisbon, Antwerp and Bremrii. accomiriodations for Ist and ROYAL MAIL lines with excellent Passengers and cargo for ali ports of thc different 3rd class pasSQpgers, The Steanier* DEPARTURES for LIVERPOOL. accepted. J;,n- soth will sail for Orissa Passages Rates : ,st.-cl. yd.-cl. ITAHY F*b- 3rd Rio Grande, Pilotas Ibéria Rio—A ntwerp, llremen 500 Marks. isofooo Paranaguá, Desterro, These steamers are fitted with the electric light and —Lisbon...... ••• 4?5 .. ísofooo and I*orio Alegre. will sail for popular be taken ,, ali modern conveniences. Insurance policies may Saturday, ÍGth inst. àt I p. m. out at the agency on merchand.se, baggage and values. For further information apply to S. João da Barra on the Í2th inst. thè For freights apply to F. D. Machado, Co., Agents, Freight and parcels received through HERM. STOLTZ & Costkiko, Rua da Saude 50, up to No. 4, Rua de S. Pedro; Trapiche Receives cargo at the Trapiche Costeiro Rua da Alfândega, No. C3.Rio de Janeiro. the ISth. and for and other information to passages the office, on the day of Wilson Sons & Co., L'd., Agents, Valuables at No. 56, da Saude. sailing, U11 2 m. Ç-ua No. i. Rua de Sâo Pedro. ONHEBEL & Co. p. ojfices. N jVo encommenda* ofany description wiübe reccited at the Company'* SAVILL & ALBION Co., Steamship Agents LIMITED. the office of SHAW, COMMISSION AGEN T S For and information apply to ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. passages AGENTS OF 1 HE BETWEEN IRMÃOS, and LONDON. LINE OF STEAMERS ¦ LAGE NEW ZEALAND ALLAN .

'¦ ' GELLATLY LINE OF STEAMERS ¦ æ æ.. 4=9. . HOMEWARDS-Due at Rio de Janeiro. WILSONS HULL LINE OF STEAMERS R-u.a 1-° de Março, Considerablé reduetion in fares. Rio Je Janeiro, KuaS. Pedro Nu. l, P. O. Box 1113 HAND STAMPS London z 5.o.o First class Cable Address -NONHEBEL I LLI AM SMITH, £ RUBBER «d ,, X2.0.0 Second class W Type. SHOEMAKER, Metal-Bodied Rubber „ 8.0.0 Third class ENGLISH HUE S. T. l.uNKSTKKTII. Steamers superior in every «e*pect and fitted with every CHARLES Convenience for the comfort of traveller». Call at Tr.NEairrs The best material nsed and aU woik guaiantecd. Oftce mu*í *ctk*: tt, Tr»»e*M óo Ou«do». ; may i»nd at latter pert and Plvmocth passengers Commission Merchant and Ship Agent 1*1 *^wn,t^ No. S. NB.-Speci»U««:Biion fiveat» Rua Fresca DE SANTA RITA colfer No. é. Rua ce S. Pedro; fo. 5. TRAVESSA (mdtMMriot Tu3 íMgclyj* ío7m**mm to a