Merck's Manual of the Materia Medica
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Med K14504 WELLCOrAE RE3EARCH LA30-AT0RY. N*. ': " tSir '''A- -S ' '/‘-y- With E, Merckxs Compliments, Meuck’s Manual OP THE MATERIA MEDICA Togethek with a Summarv op Therapeutic Indications and a Classification op Medicaments A READY-REFERENCE POCKET BOOK FOR THE Physician and Surgeon containing Names and Chief Synonyms, Physical Form and Appearance Solubilities, Percentage Strengths and Physiological Effects, Therapeutic Uses. Modes of Admini- stration AND, .Application, Regular and Maximum Dosage, Incompatibles, Antidotes, Precautionary Requirements, etc., etc., — of the CHEMICALS AND DRUGS USUAL JN MODERN MEDICAL PRACTICE. PUBLISHED BY E. MERCK-DARMSTADT (GERMANY). 1899 . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, , . 4 0 a 0/ Physicians are earnestly requested to com- municate to E. Merck-Darmstadt or London, E. C. 16 Jewry Street, any suggestions that tnay tend to improve this book for a future Edition. Whatever the Phiblisher can do to make Merck’s Manual of still greater service to the Medical Profession will be gladly untertaken and promptly performed for all subsequent editions. Therefore, any Physician who will propose improvements in the subject-matter (especially as regards the Newer Materia Medica) or in the arrangement, style, a7id form of this work, for future editions, will thus be render- ing valuable service, not only to its Fhiblisher but to the entire Profession as well! WELLCOWE INSTITUTE LIBRARY Coll. welMOmec Call No. G\l TV/TERCK’S manual is designed to meet a need which ever}' general practitioner has often experienced. Memory is treacherous. It is particularly so with those who have much to do and more to think of. When the best remedy is wanted, to meet indications in cases that are a little out of the usual run, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recall the whole array of available remedies so as to pick out the best. Strange to say, too, it is the most thoroughly informed man that is likely to suffer to the greatest extent in this way; because of the very fact that his mind is overburdened. But a mere re- minder is all he needs, to make him at once master of the situation and enable him to prescribe exactly what his judgment tells him is needed for the occasion. In MERCK’S MANUAL the physician will find a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming to a decision. In this book, small as it is, he will find the essential data found in the ponderous Dispensatories, together with the facts of newest record. Part I affords at a glance a descriptive survey, in one alpha- betic series, of the entire Materia Medica to-day in general use by British practitioners. Part II contains a summary ofTheia- peutic Indications for the employment of remedies, arranged according to the Pathologic Conditions to be combated. Part II [ presents a Classification of Medicaments in accordance with their Physiologic Actions. The publisher may be allowed to state that he has labored long and earnestly, so to shape this little volume that it shall prove a firm and faithful help to the practitioner in his daily round of duty. He now sends it forth in the confident hope that, the more it is put to the test of actual use, the more it will grow in the esteem of its possessor. ill CONTENTS. Pages Part First. - THE MA.TERIA MEDICA, as in I to b8. actual use to-day by British Physicians. (Alphabetically arranged.) This part embraces all those Simple Medicinal Sub- stances (that is, drugs and chemicals) which are in current and well-established use in the medical practice of Greater Britain or which, if too recently introduced to be as yet in general use, are vouched for by eminent authorities in medical science — also all the Preparations ; , Pharmaceutic recognized by the British Pharmacopoeia. (Added thereto, for the convenience of those practilionert who prescribe them, are Medicamentous Mixtures advertised only to the Profession, but whose composition or mode of manufacture has not been made known with sufficient completeness or exact- ILqcss to satisfy all members of the Profession.) There has also been included, under the title of “Foods", a list of such mere B'ood and Dietetic Products as are fre- (luently prescribed for infants’ diet, or for the sick or con- valescent. Omitted from the Materia Medica chapter are: Medica- ments that have become obsolete, or that are too rarely used to be of general interest; and such new remedies as are not yet safely accredited on reliable authority; also those galenic preparations (tinctures, extracts, pills, essen- ces, elixirs, wines, emulsions, etc.) which are not standard- ized according to the British Pharmacopoeia; likewise all articles that are put up and advertised for self-medication by the lay public. Separate Titles in the alphabetic series are accorded, as a rule, to the botanical drugs and other(pharmacentical mother substances, to proximate principles (alkaloids, glu- cosidcs, organic acids, etc.), and to chemical compounds (salts, “synthetics", etc.); while the official galenic prepa- iV ; rations, Infusions, Extracts, Tinctures, etc., derived from them, are mentioned under the titles of their respective mother-substances as well as in their respective groups, which will be found in the alphabetical order. (Thus, for instance, Tinctura Opii ammoniata will be found both under Opium and in the group of „Tincturae.“ Thoi do.scs stated always represent single doses, which may be repeated several times a day. CSmaller typt hna been employed— in order to economiee space for those of th'j older drugs and preparations which are so long and well known that but little reference will need to he made to them.) (Those substances of the Materia Medica which can be had of the MKRCK brand are — for the convenience of prescribera — so designated.) Supplement to the Materia Medica. Part Second. — THERAPEUTIC INDICATI- ONS for the use of Materia Medica and other agents. (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the various Pathologic Conditions.) This part summarizes in bidef form, the principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time special stress has been laid on the therapeutic agents usually employed in tropical diseases. The statements hereon .are drawn from the standard works of the leading modern writers on Therapeutics, and sup- plemented — in the case of definite chemicals of more recent introduction — by the reports of prominent clinical investigators. Supplement to tlie Therapeutic indications. Part Third.— CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICA- MENTS according to their Physiologic Actions. (Arranged alphabetically under the tit- les of the Actions.) This part recapitulates, for ready survey, such statements as are already given in “Part 1“, as to the modes of action of the various medicaniciits. INDEX. THE MATERIA MEDICA, as in actual use to day . pages 1 to 98.) by British Physicians. (See THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents. (See pages 99 to 226.) CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions, (See pages 227 to 236.) on For Details, see Descriptive Table of Contents, pages IV a?ul V. ABBREVIATIONS. 0*. s ounce or ouJicc< dr. = fluid dram aim. = almost fl. powd. powder ~ amorphous grn.s: grain or grains = amorpb. V. = which .‘»ce C^uod aromatic grro.s* gramme or grammes q, arom. — vidtj centimetre infuB = infusion cc. = cubic sol. = soluble or golubiUty inject = injection comp. — compound Kului. s sidutinn or crystal- Insol. s insoluble cryst = crystals apt spirit intern, s internally line ayr. = syrup decoctiont lin. = liniment decoct. = tastel. ~ tasteless liq. sr liquid or liquor oil. = dilute = tinture Max. D. = maximum dose tr. or, ss dram wh. = white rt} min. or M. = minim emul^ = emulsion or = fl times, 4 timet. 3 1 , 4t. ; ert. = extract or minims extern. = externally oint- ^ ointment. fluid ex- P. B. or ft. otet. = tract Vi : — — Merck’s Manual. PART FIRST. THE MATERIA MEDICA, As in Actual Use To-day by British Physicians. Btadtr pleatt note;— The GALKSIC PREPARATIONS of the Britijih Pharmacopoeia, when not listed un- der their own titles, will be found under the titles of the druRS from which they are derived. FOOD AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS proper wUl be found under the title: “Foods**; while Digeslanta, Hcmatinics, etc., are listed under their own titles. SMALL TYPE is employed for the older class of drugs, which are so well known as to require but little description. Those articles of which the BIERCK brand is on the market, are — for convenience in prescribing — designated accordingly. will The DOSES given are for adults ; for children the following rule (Young’s) be found the most convenient. A.dd 12 to the age, and divide by the age, to get the denominator of tlie fraction, the numerator of which is 1. Thus, for a child iwo 2 + 12 yearsold, ^ =s 7, and the dose is one seventh of that for an ndult. Of power- ful narcotics and anthelmintics scarcely more than one-half of this proportion should be need. Of mild cathartics, two or even ihree times the proportion may be employed. In a general way it may bo said that appi-oximatoly the dose for a child of one month is 1/20 that of an adult; for one of 8 months is 1/16; 0 months 1/10; 1 year t/g; 1/8; 2 years I'O; 3 years 1/6; 6 years 3/10; 8 years 10 years S'6 ; 12 years 2'S; 16 years 4'5; 20 to 45 years, adult dosage; 50 years 5 6; 60 years 4/5; 80 years 2/S.