N*. ': " tSir '''A- -S ' '/‘-y- With E, Merckxs Compliments,


Togethek with a Summarv op Therapeutic Indications and a Classification op Medicaments


containing Names and Chief Synonyms, Physical Form and Appearance Solubilities, Percentage Strengths and Physiological Effects, Therapeutic Uses. Modes of Admini- stration AND, .Application, Regular and Maximum Dosage, Incompatibles, Antidotes, Precautionary Requirements, etc., etc., — of the




. 4 0 a 0/

Physicians are earnestly requested to com-

municate to E. Merck-Darmstadt or London,

E. C. 16 Jewry Street, any suggestions that

tnay tend to improve this book for a future Edition.

Whatever the Phiblisher can do to make

Merck’s Manual of still greater service to the Medical Profession will be gladly untertaken

and promptly performed for all subsequent


Therefore, any Physician who will propose

improvements in the subject-matter (especially

as regards the Newer Materia Medica) or

in the arrangement, style, a7id form of this work, for future editions, will thus be render-

ing valuable service, not only to its Fhiblisher

but to the entire Profession as well!


Coll. welMOmec


No. G\l TV/TERCK’S manual is designed to meet a need which ever}' general practitioner has often experienced. Memory is

treacherous. It is particularly so with those who have much

to do and more to think of. When the best remedy is wanted,

to meet indications in cases that are a little out of the usual

run, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recall the whole array of available remedies so as to pick out the best. Strange

to say, too, it is the most thoroughly informed man that is likely to suffer to the greatest extent in this way; because of

the very fact that his mind is overburdened. But a mere re-

minder is all he needs, to make him at once master of the

situation and enable him to prescribe exactly what his judgment

tells him is needed for the occasion.

In MERCK’S MANUAL the physician will find a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia

Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming

to a decision. In this book, small as it is, he will find the essential data found in the ponderous Dispensatories, together with the facts of newest record.

Part I affords at a glance a descriptive survey, in one alpha- betic series, of the entire Materia Medica to-day in general use by British practitioners. Part II contains a summary ofTheia- peutic Indications for the employment of remedies, arranged according to the Pathologic Conditions to be combated. Part II [ presents a Classification of Medicaments in accordance with their Physiologic Actions.

The publisher may be allowed to state that he has labored long and earnestly, so to shape this little volume that it shall prove a firm and faithful help to the practitioner in his daily round of duty. He now sends it forth in the confident hope that, the more it is put to the test of actual use, the more it will grow in the esteem of its possessor.


Pages Part First. - THE MA.TERIA MEDICA, as in I to b8. actual use to-day by British Physicians. (Alphabetically arranged.)

This part embraces all those Simple Medicinal Sub- stances (that is, drugs and chemicals) which are in current and well-established use in the medical practice of Greater Britain or which, if too recently introduced to be as yet in general use, are vouched for by eminent authorities in medical science — also all the Preparations ; , Pharmaceutic recognized by the British Pharmacopoeia.

(Added thereto, for the convenience of those practilionert who prescribe them, are Medicamentous Mixtures advertised only to the Profession, but whose composition or mode of manufacture has not been made known with sufficient completeness or exact- ILqcss to satisfy all members of the Profession.)

There has also been included, under the title of “Foods", a list of such mere B'ood and Dietetic Products as are fre- (luently prescribed for infants’ diet, or for the sick or con- valescent.

Omitted from the Materia Medica chapter are: Medica- ments that have become obsolete, or that are too rarely used to be of general interest; and such new remedies as are not yet safely accredited on reliable authority; also those galenic preparations (tinctures, extracts, pills, essen- ces, elixirs, wines, emulsions, etc.) which are not standard- ized according to the British Pharmacopoeia; likewise all articles that are put up and advertised for self-medication by the lay public.

Separate Titles in the alphabetic series are accorded, as a rule, to the botanical drugs and other(pharmacentical mother substances, to proximate principles (alkaloids, glu- cosidcs, organic acids, etc.), and to chemical compounds (salts, “synthetics", etc.); while the official galenic prepa-

iV ;

rations, Infusions, Extracts, Tinctures, etc., derived from them, are mentioned under the titles of their respective mother-substances as well as in their respective groups, which will be found in the alphabetical order. (Thus, for instance, Tinctura Opii ammoniata will be found both under Opium and in the group of „Tincturae.“ Thoi do.scs stated always represent single doses, which may be repeated several times a day.

CSmaller typt hna been employed— in order to economiee space for those of th'j older drugs and preparations which are so long and well known that but little reference will need to he made to them.)

(Those substances of the Materia Medica which can be had of the MKRCK brand are — for the convenience of prescribera — so designated.)

Supplement to the Materia Medica.

Part Second. — THERAPEUTIC INDICATI- ONS for the use of Materia Medica and other agents. (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the various Pathologic Conditions.)

This part summarizes in bidef form, the principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time special stress has been laid on the therapeutic agents usually employed in tropical diseases. The statements hereon .are drawn from the standard works of the leading modern writers on Therapeutics, and sup- plemented — in the case of definite chemicals of more recent introduction — by the reports of prominent clinical investigators.

Supplement to tlie Therapeutic indications.

Part Third.— CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICA- MENTS according to their Physiologic Actions. (Arranged alphabetically under the tit- les of the Actions.) This part recapitulates, for ready survey, such statements as are already given in “Part 1“, as to the modes of action of the various medicaniciits. INDEX.

THE MATERIA MEDICA, as in actual use to day

. . pages 1 to 98.) by British Physicians. . (See

THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents. (See pages 99 to 226.)

CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions, (See pages 227 to 236.)

on For Details, see Descriptive Table of Contents, pages IV a?ul V.


0*. s ounce or ouJicc< dr. = fluid dram aim. = almost fl. powd. powder ~ amorphous grn.s: grain or grains = amorpb. V. = which .‘»ce C^uod aromatic grro.s* gramme or grammes q, arom. — vidtj centimetre infuB = infusion cc. = cubic sol. = soluble or golubiUty inject = injection comp. — compound Kului. s sidutinn or crystal- Insol. s insoluble cryst = crystals apt spirit intern, s internally line ayr. = syrup decoctiont lin. = liniment decoct. = tastel. ~ tasteless liq. sr liquid or liquor oil. = dilute = tinture Max. D. = maximum dose tr. or, ss dram wh. = white rt} min. or M. = minim emul^ = emulsion or = fl times, 4 timet. 3 1 , 4t. ; ert. = extract or minims extern. = externally oint- ^ ointment. fluid ex- P. B. or ft. otet. = tract

Vi : — —

Merck’s Manual.

PART FIRST. THE MATERIA MEDICA, As in Actual Use To-day by British Physicians.

Btadtr pleatt note;— The GALKSIC PREPARATIONS of the Britijih Pharmacopoeia, when not listed un- der their own titles, will be found under the titles of the druRS from which they are derived. FOOD AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS proper wUl be found under the title: “Foods**; while Digeslanta, Hcmatinics, etc., are listed under their own titles. SMALL TYPE is employed for the older class of drugs, which are so well known as to require but little description. Those articles of which the BIERCK brand is on the market, are — for convenience in prescribing — designated accordingly. will The DOSES given are for adults ; for children the following rule (Young’s) be found the most convenient. A.dd 12 to the age, and divide by the age, to get the denominator of tlie fraction, the numerator of which is 1. Thus, for a child iwo 2 + 12 yearsold, ^ =s 7, and the dose is one seventh of that for an ndult. Of power- ful narcotics and anthelmintics scarcely more than one-half of this proportion should be need. Of mild cathartics, two or even ihree times the proportion may be employed. In a general way it may bo said that appi-oximatoly the dose for a child of one month is 1/20 that of an adult; for one of 8 months is 1/16; 0 months 1/10; 1 year t/g; 1/8; 2 years I'O; 3 years 1/6; 6 years 3/10; 8 years 10 years S'6 ; 12 years 2'S; 16 years 4'5; 20 to 45 years, adult dosage; 50 years 5 6; 60 years 4/5; 80 years 2/S. For HYPODERMATIC INFECTIONS, the dose should be one-half of that used by the mouth ; by reetmn, tive-fourihs of the same. The letters grn. stand for grains; m. Minims; dr., drams; oz, ounces;] grm., grams.; cr.. cubic centimetres. — P. B. stands for British Pharmacopoeia.

Absinthin Merck. Absiktiihx — Yellow-brown, amorpli. or eryst. powd.; very bitter. — Sol. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water. Bitter Tonic (in anorexia, constipation, chlorosis, etc.). — Dose. Vigrn. (0.03 grm.) Max. D.: 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) single, 2grs. (0;1 grin.) daily. Absinthium. Wo.

1 Mtrek^s JHanuul, :


Acetyl-phenyl-hydrazine Merck.

Hydkacetin; Pyrouin. — Prisms, or tablets; silky luster; odorl.- tastel. — Sol. in 50 parts water; in alcohol, chloroform. — Antipy- retic, Analgesic, Antipnrasitic. — Uses : Intern., to reduce fever gene- rally, in rheumatism, etc.; extern., psoriasis and other skin diseases. — Dose : '.2—3 grn. (0.03—0.2 grm.). Max. D. : 3 grn. fo.2 grm.) single! grn. (0.25 grm.) 4 daily. Extern, in 10 0/0 oint.

Acid, Acetic, Merck. — Glacial. — 99 . 5 %. Caustic (in warts or corns) .and Vesicant. Not used internally. Antidotes: Emetics, magnesia, chalk, , oil, etc. Acid, Acetic, Merck. — P. B. — 33%.

Dose: 5—15 1T\ (0,3—1,0 grm.), well diluted. Acid, Acetic, Diluted. — P. B.

4,27 per cent. — Dose s 1 dram to 1 o» (4.0 -30.0 grm.) with Water. Acid, Agaricic, Merck. Agaric, Laricic or Agaricinic, Acid. — Powd. ; odorl.; almost tasteL — Sol. in ether or chloroform; in 130 parts cold and 10 parts boi- ling alcohol. — Antihidrotic. — Uses: Night-sweat of phthisis and other infectious diseases, and to check the sudorific effects' of anti- pyretics. — Dose : Vo— 1 grn. (0.01—0.06 grm.) at night, in pills. Max. D.: grn. 2'/2 (0.15 grm.) single; grn. 8 (0.5 grm.) daily. Acid, Arsenious, Merck. — P. B. — Pure, Powder. AVhite powd. odorl. tastel. — slightly ; ; Sol. very in water or alcohol. — Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Alterative. —, Uses: Intern., malarial fever, skin diseases, chorea, neuralgia, gastralgia, uterine disorders, diabetes, bronchitis; extern., to remove warts, cancers, etc. — Dose: Voo— */i6 grn. (0.001 —0.004 grm.) 4 t. daily. — Max. D.: About '12 grn.

‘/:i (0.005 grm.) single ; about grn. (0,02 grm.) daily. Preparation Solut. (l"/„). — Extern, on neoplasms in large amounts to get quick re- sults (namely combined with Orthoform); otherwise it is dangerous. Keep from healthy tissues, lest dangerous absorption may occur. — Antidotes; Emetics; stomach pump or siphon if seen immediately; hot milk and water with zinc sulphate or mustard. .After vomiting, give milk or eggs, and magnesia in milk. If saccharated oxide of iron or dialyzed iron is handy, use it. If tincture of iron and ammonia w'ater are within reach, precipitate former with latter, collect precipitate on a strainer, and give it wet. .Always give anti- dotes, be the case ever so hopeless. — Incomi'atibles: Tannic acid, infusion cinchona, salts of iron, magnesium, etc. Acid, Benzoic, from Benzoin, — Merck. — P. B. — Sublimed. Pearly plates, or needles; aromatic odor and taste. — SOL. in 2 parts alcohol; 3 parts ether; 7 parts chloroform; 10 parts glycerin; 500 parts water. (Borax, or sod. phosphate, increases sol. in water.) — Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Expectorant. Uses: Intern., to acidify phosphatic urine, reduce acidity of uric-acid urine, control urinary incohtinence, also in chronic bronchitis and jaundice; extern., wound dressing (1:100), in urticaria, etc. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0..3— 1.0 grm.) lead acetate etc. 6 t. daily. — . Incompatiules: Corrosive sublimate, Acid, Boric, Merck. — P. B. — Cryst. or Impalpable Powder.

Dose : 5—30 gm. (0,3—2,0 grm.) Acid, Camphoric, Merck. — Cryst. Colorl. needles or scales; odorl.; feebly acid taste. — Sol. in ^cohol, ether; very slightly in water; 50 parts fats or oils. — Antihidrotic,

Antiseptic, Astringent, Anticatarrhal. — Uses : Extern., 2—&>jo aqueous solut., with lie/b of alcohol to each l"/u of acid, in acute skin dis- Manuals 2 —:


eases, as gargle or spray in acute and chronic affections of respi- ratory tract; intern., night-sweats, clironic bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, angina, chronic cystitis, etc. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6

—1.2 grm.). dry. — Max. D. : 32— 80 grn. (2.0 6.0 grm.)

Acid, Carbolic, Merck. — Absolute, Loose Crystals or Fused. — P. B.

Phexol. — Dose: 1 —3 grn. (0,06—0,18 grm.) twice or three times a

day well diluted or in pills. — Prejoarc^ions Glycerite (20 o/oJ; Oint. (50/o). — AxTiDOTiiS: Soluble alkaline sulphates after emesis with zinc sulphate; raw white of egg; calcium saccharate; stimulants hypodermically. — Incompatibles: Chloral, ferrous sulphate.

Acid, Caryophyllic, — see Eugenol Acid, Cetraric, — see Cetearin.

Acid, Chloracetic. caustic, Merck. Mixture of chlorinated acetic acids. — Colorl. liq. — Uses: Eseharotic.

Acid, Chromic, Merck. —- P. B. — Highly Pure, Gryst.; also Fused, in Pencils. Powerful caustic (1 in 1 of water) applied with a pointed glass rod to warts or glutals, to condylomata, lupus and syphilitic affections of tongue, pharynx and larynx. For sweating feet; after washing paint lOo/o with a 5 to aqueous solution. Incompatibles : Alcohol, ether, glycerin, spirit of nitrous ether, arsenous acid, and nearly

every organic substance. — Caution : Dangerous accidents may occur by contact with organic substances. Avoid cork stoppers!

Acid, Chrysophanic, medicinal, — so-called, — see Chrisarobin. Acid, Cinnamic, Merck.

CiNNAjiTLic Acid.— White scales; odorl. — Sol. in alcohol, ether etc.; very slightly in water. — Antituhercular, Antiseptic. — Uses : Tuber- culosis and lupus, parenchymatously and intravenously. — Applied in 5»/o emulsion or alcoholic solut. — Injection (intravenously): 2 to 4 to 16 (0,1 0,2 cc.) So/q m — —1,0 of a oily emulsion, with 0,7 o/o solut. sodium chloride, twice a week. Acid, Citric, Merck. — P. B., Cryst. or Powd. Sou in wa^r, alcohol. — Antiseptic, Antiscorbutic, and Refrigerant, — Uses: Extern., post-partum hemorrhage; pruritus; .agreeable application in diphtheria, angina or gangrenous sore mouth ; intern., cooling beverage to assuage fever, and remedy in scurvy. — DOse: 10—30 grn (0.6—2.0 grm.). Preparation: Syr. (lo/o) — Extern., for painting throat, 5—lOo/o solut. in glycerin; gargle, 1—2 o/o; cooling drink, 80 grn. to 1 quart. (5.0 to 250 cc.); Acid, Cresotic, Para-, Merck. — Pure. White needles. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, — Children’s Antipyretic, Intestinal Antiseptic. — Uses: Febrile affections, intestin^ gastro- catarrh. Mostly used as Sodium paracresotate (which see). -- Dose (acid): Antipyretic, 2—20 grn. (0.12—1.25 grm.), accor- ding to age; intestinal antiseptic (children's diseases), ^/4 l ern (0.015—0.06 grm.), in mixture. ^ — Max. D. : 60 grn. (4 grm.). Acid, Dichlor-acetic, Merck. — Pure. Colorl. liq. — Sol. in water, alcohol, Caustic. — Uses: Venereal and akin diseases.

3 Mftreh'a Manual. M/VT. MED. PART I.

Acid, Filicic, Merck. — Amorph.

Fii.icinh! Acid. — Amorph.. sticky powd.; odorl.; tastel. - Anthel- mintic. — Dose: B—15 grn. (0.35—1.0 grm.). Acid, Gallic, Merck. — P. B. — Pure, White Cryst. Adstringent. UsKS: Pyrosis, Night sweats of phthisis and Albumi- nuria. — Dose: 2 to 10 grn. (0.1—O.B grm.) three times a day. -- Incompatibles: Ferric salts. Acid, Hydrobromic, Merck. — Diluted. — P. B. — 10%.

Uses: Same as the Bromides. — Dose: 15—60 Bi (1 — 4 cc.). in sweet water.

Acid, Hydrochloric — P. B. — 31.9 per cent. HCl. — Doeo: U '6 CO-1— 0.4 cc.), well diluted. — A.yTiDoiK»:

Chalk, whiting, magnesia, alkali carbonates, and albumen. — iNcoMeATiaaaa : Alkalies, Ailver salts, chlorates, salts of lead, etoa Acid, Hydrochloric, Diluted — P. B.

lO per ceut. HCl. Dose: 10 — 80 minims (0. 6—2.0 cc.), in sweet water. Acid, Hydrocyanic, Diluted — P. B. 2 per cent- HCN — Dose: 2 — 0 n\ (0.1 -0.36 cc.) — Max. Doss* (0,0 cc.) dallj. — Kxtssn. 1 ; 8—16 as lotion, onlj on unbroken skin. — Caution ? Very liable to dc* composition. When brown in color it is unfit for use.

Acid, Hydro-iodic, Merck. — Sp. Gr. l. 7.-20 %. Deep-brown, fuming liq. — Antirheumatic, Alterative. — Uses: Rheu- matism. bronchitis (acute or chronic), asthma, syphilis, obesity,

psoriasis, to eliminate mercury or arsenic from the system . etc. — 1 Dose : —2 n\ (0.06—0.12 cc.) well diluted. Acid, Hypophosphorous, Merck. — Diluted. — 10>.

Dose : 6—15 n\ (0.85—1.0 cc.). Acid, Lactic, Merck, — P. B. Caustic. — Applied as 50—80o/o paiut, Mebck’s L.actic Acid is perfectly colorless and odorless. Acid, Laricic, — see acid, Agaeicic. Acid Monochlor-acetic, Merck. Very deliquescent cryst. — Sol. in water. — Caustic. — Uses: Warts, corns, etc. — applied in concentrated solnt. Acid Nitric. — P. B. Arrw.D Eacbarotio) pure. - AsTwetss; 70 per cent. HNO3 . sp. Rr. 1.42. - (as an Same as of hydrochloric acid. Acid Nitric, Diluted. — P. B. fO.S-S.O oc.), well dilutee]. Sp. gr. 1.101-17.44 per cent. HNOj. - Dosei 10-80 fq . Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric, Diluted. — P. B. One-flfth strength of concentrated, which is not used thnrapeutlcally. — D»as lattm., jaundice, biliary calculi, dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, etc.; «4em., diluted, aa spon- (0.8-0.6 welldlluted.-A.MiooTs. ge or foot-bath, 2 or St. a week.- Dose: 6-10 (IJ oc), and LacoMPATiaaaa; Same as of hydrochloric acid. Acid, Osmic. — see Acid, Perosmic. Acid. Oxalic, Merck. — Cryst. Tr.ansparent cryst.; very acid taste. — .Sol. in water, .alcohol; slightly amenorrhea, in ether. Emmenagogue. Sedative. — USES : Functional grm.) every 4 hours, in acute cystitis. — Dose : Vs— 1 grn. (0.03—0.06 Sweetwater. — Antidotes: (Calcium s,acchar.ate. ch.alk. lime-water, salts, calcium salts, .alkalies. magnesia.—Incompatibles : Iron and its

A JIfanuml. !;


Acid, Oxy-naphtoic, Alpha-, Merck. — Pure. White or yellowish powd.: odorl.; sternutatory. — Sol. in alcohol, chloroform, fixed oils, aqueous solut’s of alkalies and alkali carbo- nates; insol. in water. — Antiparasitic, Antizymotic.— USES; Intern., intestinal tract (reported 5 times as powerful as sali- extern., in parasitic skin diseases (in loo/o oint.). coryza, cylic acid) ; etc. — Dose: I'.'s—3 grn. (0.1—0.2 grm.). Acid, Perosmic, Merck. OsMiC Acid. — Yellowish needles; very pungent, disagreeable oddi-. Sol. in water, alcohol, ether. — Antineuralgic, Discutient, Anti-epi- leptic. — Uses: Intern., muscular rheumatism, neuralgia; extern., remove tumors, and in sciatica (by injection). — Dose: Vei grn; (0.001 grm.) several t. daily. M.ix. D.; V o grn. (0.004 grm.) daily. — In- jection: 1/20— Vc grn. (0.003—0.01 grm.) asio/o aqueous glycerin i40“'o) — Antidote: Sulphuretted hydrogen. Incompatiiiles: Or- ganic substances, phosphorus, ferrous sulphate, etc. — Caution: Vapor exceedingly irritating to the air-passages. Acid, Phosphoric, (Ortho-), Merck. — Syrupy. — 85%. — P. B.

Sp. gr. 1.5 with 47.40/0 Anhydride. Dose: 1—4 IT), (0.06—0.23 grm.) well diluted. do Merck. — Diluted. — 10%. Dose: 10—30 m (0.6—2.0 cc.). — Incompatibles; Ferric chloride, lead acetate, etc. Acid, Picric. Merck. — Cryst. PiCKONiTKic, PiCRiNic, Or Carbazotic AciD. — Ye(low cryst. , odorl.; intensely bitter. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chlorofbrhi, benzene; slightly in water. — Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses: Intern., in malaria, trichiniasis) etc.; eastern., in erysipelas, eczema, hums, fissured nipples, etc. Test for albumin and peptone. — Applied in Vioo/o soliit. for cracked nipples, V2—lo/o hydro-alcoholic solut. lor 10 minutes every 3 or 4 days in burns. — Dose: '.'2—2 grn. (0.03—0.12 grm.) in alcoholic solut. — Max, D.: 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) single, 24 gm. (1.5 grm.) daily — Antidote: Albumen. — Incompatibles; All oxidizahle sub-

stances. — Caution : Dangerously explosive with sulphur, phosphorus, etc. Do not apply in substance or in oint., lest toxic symptoms appear Acid, Pyrogallic, Merck, (Pyrogallol). — Resublimed. Used only extern., in 5—lOO/o oint. Acid, Salicylic, Merck. — P. B., Cryst.; and Natural (from Oil Wintergreen). 5 Dose : —30 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.) several times a day. Acid salicylic physiological pure. Acid, Sozolic, — see Aseptol. Acid, Sulpho-anilic, Merck. — Cryst. White efflorescent needles. — Sol. slightly in alcohol; 112 parts water. — Anticatarrhal, Analgesic. — U.SES: Intern., coryza, catarrhal laryn- gitis, etc. 10 — Dose: —20 grn. (0.6—1.3 grm.) 1 to 2 t. dailv. in ‘ aqueoua sol. with sodium bicarb. Used also in Ehrlich’s Diazo-test for Typhoid fever : A. Hydrochloric- acid Sulphanilic 10, acid 2.5, Water to 500. B. Sodium Nitrite 1, to Water 200. For Use mix 200 of A with 5 of B and an equal volume ot urine and render alkaline witli strong ammonia. Red coloration. Acid, Sulpho-salicylic, Merck.

White cryst. — SOL. in water, aloohol. — Uses': Delicate urine-albu- mm test.

b Perth's ifanuai. V V —; MAT. MED. PART I.

Acid, Sulphuric, Aromatic — P. B. 12.6 per cent. Hj — B««t SOl form for administration. — t Same aa the foliowimr. — Do#ej 6 — 20nrj (0,3— 1.26 grm.) ^

Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted. — P. B.

13.6 per cent. H08O4 — (Concentrated Salplmric acid it not uted roedicinally.) - Ufa* : Intern., gaatro-intest. disorders, phthisical sweats, e xophtbalmic goiter, eto.; alao as solvent for quin, sulph., etc. - Doiet 6-30 0) i*.8 — 2.0cc.J well diluted; for chll-

Dose: 2—10 grn. (0.1—0.6 grm.). — Preparations: Collodion (20o/o); Dlycerite (20«/o) ; Oint. (20u/o) Troches 1 grn. (0 06 grm.). — I.scomp- ; ATIBLES; Ferrous and ferric salts , antimony and potassium tartrate, lime Avater, alkaloids, albumen, gelatin, starch.

Acid, Tartaric, Merck. — P. B., Gryst. or Powd.

Dose : 10—30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.).

Acid, Trichlor-acetic, Merck. — Pure, Gryst. Deliquescent cryst. pungent, suffocating odor; ; canstic. Soi.. freely in water, alcohol, ether. — Escharotic, Astringent, Hemostatic. tfsES: Venereal and cutaneous warts, papillomata, vascular nsri, pigment patches, corns, nosebleed, obstinate gleet, gonorrhea, naso- pharyngeal affections and indolent ulcers. — Applied: As escharotic,

pure, or in concentrated solut. : astringent and hemostatic, I —30/o solut. — Caution: Keep in glass stoppered bottle.

Acid, Valerianic, Merck. bitter, taste. — in water, Oily liq., strong valerian odor ; burning Sol. alcohol, ether, chloroform. —^Antispasmodic, Sedative. Uses: Nervous affections, hysteria, mania, etc. — Doso: 1—10 drops, in sweetened water. Max. D.: 10 drops single; 40 drops daily.

Aconite Root — P, B.

Preparation.; Ext. (D., Vl— 2 ifrnO (0.016 — 0.03 ffrm.); P. E. (D., 1/4—2 (0.015—0.1) Tr. (q. v.)» — See also, Aconitine.

Aconitine, Potent, Merck. — Gryst. — (Do not confound with the or amorphous!) Alkaloid from Aconite, prepared according to process of Duquesnel. — White cryst. feebly bitter taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform ; insol. in water. — Anti-neuralgic, Diuretic, Sudorific, Anodyne. Uses: Intern., neuralgia, acute or chronic rheumatism, gout, tooth- ache. etc.: extern., rheumatism, other pains. — Dose : ‘ g4o— '. soo gro. (0.0001—0.0003 grm.) several t. daily, in pill or solut.. with caution. — single Vioo grn. (0.0006 grm.) daily. — Max. D. : ‘I'OO grn. (0.0003 gi-m.) ; Extern.: 1:2000—.500 parts lard. — Antidotes: Small repeated doses of stimulants; artificial respiration, atropine, digitalis, .ammonia. Caution: Never use on abraded surfaces. Danger of absorption! 10—20 times as toxic as the mild amorph. aconitine (below)!

Aconitine, Mild, Merck. — Amorph. — (Do not confound with the “Potent“ or crystallized!) UsE.s: As aconitine, potent, cryst.; but only Vio— m as powerful. carefully increased.— Dose: '/W— '/20 grn. (0.001—0.003 grm.), very Extern. Ve— 20/0 oint. or solut

Aconitine Nitrate Merck. — Gryst. Dose: Same as of aconitine, potent, cryst Jiltrck'e Uantuil, G ; ; U S —j


Adeps Lanae Hydrosus Merck. YellowisTi-white unctuous mass. Contains Hydrous Wool-fat. — , soluts. Non about Soo/o water. Freely takes up water and aqueous creams irritant, permanent emollient, and base for ointments and replacing lanolin perfectly in all its uses. Adeps Lanae Anhydricus. — P. B. (Akhydrous Wool-fat.) — Contains less than fo/o of water. Adonidin Merck. odorl. powd. intensely Adonin. — Yellowish-brown, very hygroscopic, ; alcohol insol. in ether, chloroform. — Cardiac l,itter. — Sol. in water, ; Stimulant, mild Diuretic. — USES: Obsesity and Heart diseases, especially mitral and aortic regurgitation, and relieving precor(Hal t. daily, pain and dyspnoea. — Doso: Vie— '/4 grn. (0.004—O.OlSgrm.) 4 in pill, or solut. in chloroform water with ammonium carbonate. — Max. D.; >'3 grn, (0.02 grm.) daily. Agaricin Merck. White powd.; sweet, withbitter after-taste.— SoL. in alcohol; slightly in water, ether, or chloroform. — Antihidrotic. — ses: Phthisical nightsweats, sweating from drugs. —^Dose: '/j —Igrn, (0.015—0.06 grm.). Max. D.: 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) single; 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) daily.

Airol. BisiruTH OxTiODOtiALL.VTE, — Grayish-green, odorl., tastel. powd. — Insol, in water, alcohol, etc. — Surgical Antiseptic, like iodo- form; also Antigonorrhoic. Extern, pure lOo/o emuls. in equal parts glycerin and water, or 10—20u/o oint. Alantol Merck. Helenine. Amber liq.; odor and taste like peppermint.— ol. in alco- hol, chloroform, ether. Internal Antiseptic, Anticatarrhal. — U.SES;

Instead of , in pulmonary affections. — DOse : Ve n\, (0.01 cc.)

lot. daily, in pill, powd., or alcoholic solut. Max. D. : 801 (0.5 grm.)

single ; 32 (T) (2.0 grm.) daily. Alcohol, Spiritus rectificatus — P. B. 88,7 per cent. — Sp« Gr. 0.838.) Aletris Cordial. Not completely defined. — (Stated: “Prepared from Aletris farinosa [or True Unicorn], combined with aromatics. — Uterine Tonic and Restor- ative. — Dose : 1 fl. dr. (4 cc.) 3 or 4 t. daily.“)

Allyl Tribromide Merck. Yellow liq. cryst. cold. ; mass in — Sol. in alcohol, ether. — Sedative, Antispasmodic. — Uses: Hysteria, asthma, whooping cough, etc. Dose : 5 n\ (0.3 cc.), 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules. Max. D. 15 (II (1,0 grm.) daily. Injection : 2 or 3 drops, in 20 drops ether.

Almond, Bitter — P. B, Preparatioru Oil (D., one-aixth to Vs (0.01-,-e.03 cc.); Water (q. t.). Almond, Sweet — P. B. PrtparaHom: EmnU. (a« vehicle) ; Oil (D., 2-4 drams (8-18.0 grm.); Syr. (as vehicle). Aloes, Barbadoes — P. B.

Doi6 I 2*0 frn« (0.1«0.4

Aloes, Socotrine — P. B.

UoM t 2-0 grn. (0.1-0, 4 grm.). — PrtpaTation Ext. [D., 1-3 gm. (0.06-0.2 grm.)].

Merck's Manuai, ;


Aloin Merck. — P. B.

Barbaloin. — Dose: '.'s (0.03 —2grn. —0.l2grm.) Max. D, : 3'- grn. (0.2 grm.) single, grn. (0.5 grm.) daily. 8 I.njectio.s : grn. (0.045 grm.) dissol- ved in formamide Merck’s Aloin, is clearly soluble, and meets all other require- ments of P. B.

Althea Radix — P. B.

Mah»mali.ow. — Preparation Syr. (1 28), as Tckicle.

Alums : — Ammonium Ammonio-ferric; Potassium, — see Alum- ; ixnj.M and Amaionium Sulphate; iron and ammonium Sulphate, Ferric; and Aluminium and Potassiu.m Sulphate. Aluminium Acetate Merck. — Basic. or granular — Insol. Gummy mass powd in water. — Uses : Intern., diarrhea and dysentery; extern., washing foul wounds. — Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.) 3 t. daily.

Aluminium A ceto-tartrate Merck. Lustrous, yellowish granules; sour-astringent taste. Sol. freely but very slowly in water: insol. in alcohol, ether, glycerin. — Energetic Desinfectant and Astringent. — Uses: Chiefly in diseases of the air- passages. — Applied in */a to 20/o solutions; or as snuff, with V* its weight of powdered boric acid; 500/o solut. for chilblains.

Aluminium Sulphate Merck. — Pure. White lumps or powd.; odorl. sweet-astringent taste. — Sol. in 1.2 ; parts water. — External Antiseptic, Caustic, Astringent. — USES: Fetid ulcers, fetid discharges; enlarged tonsils, scrofulous and can- cerous ulcers; endometritis; nasal polypi, etc. — Applied in 1:20 to 1:100 solut., or concentrated solut.

Aluminium &. Potassium Sulphate Merck. — (Alum, P. B.) — Cryst. or Powd.; Pure, Burnt; and in Pencils (Plain or Mounted).

Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.25 grm.); emetic, 2. teaspoonfnls in Honey. Aluminium Salts, — see Aluminium, etc. Ammonia Water — Liquor Ammoniae — P. B. Ill per cenUNHs. — Uoees 10-80 Ulml”- (‘’•S-S.Olgrm.).

Ammonia Water, Stronger — P. B.

32 percent. NHs. - Dote 4-10 min. well diluted. — A*»n>oTtt ; Acetic, tarUric, dll. liyflroclilorlc. acids, after vomiting. — lacoMtaTitLst Strong mineral acids, iodine, chlorine water, alkaioids, — Preparation. Spl, Arom. foctidus (10 per cent NHs). Dotet t/2— 1 dr. (2 — 4.0cc.). (Liniin. 260/o NHs liquor.) Ammoniac — P. B. Gov orRKtIN AvnoMAo. - Dotei 10-20 grn. (0.6-1.2jgrm.) -|Prrporatiofu;| Emuli. (4 per cent.); Plaster (with mercury). Ammonium Arseniate Merck.„ Alterative. Uses: White, efflorescent cryst. — Sol. in , water. — — in- Chiefly in akin diseases. — Dose : V20 grn., tO.003 grm.) gradually creased, 3 t. daily in much water.) Ammonium Benzoate Merck. — P. B. grm.) employ ed in dropsy and gout.fDose : 10—20,grn. )(0.6—1.2 Diuretic ; 3 or 4 t. daily, in syrup or water. 8 Merck*ti'}Uanualn — — — : —;


Ammonium Bicarbonate Merck. — Pure, Cryst. Sol. in{water, alcohol. — Antacid, Stimnlant. — Uses: Acid fermen- tation of stomach; stimnlant depressed condition. — Dose: 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.). Ammonium Bromide. — P. B. Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3 1.2 grm.). Ammonium Carbonate Merck. — P.^B.

Dose : 3—10 grn. (0 . 2—0.6 grm.). Ammonium Chloride Merck. — P. B. — Pure, Granul.

Dose : 6-20 grn. (0.3-1.2 grm.) — PreparaUon!^: Troches 1 '.a grn. (0.09 grm.). Ammonium Embelate Merck. Red, tastel. powd.:— SOL. in diluted alcohol. — USES; Tape-worm. Dose: Children, 3 grn. (0.2 grm.); adults, 6 grn. (0.4 grm;), in syrup or honey, or in wafers, on empty stomach, and followed by castor oil. Ammonium Fluoride Merck.

Very deliquescent, colorl. cryst. strong saline taste; — Sol. in water . ; slightly in alcohol. — Antiperiodic, Alterative. — Uses; Hypertrophy

of spleen and in goitre, — Dose: 5—20 ITl (0.3 1.2 cc) of a solut. con- taining 4 grn. to 1 ounce (0.25 grm. to 30 cc.) water. —.Caution Keep in gutta-percha bottles! Ammonium Hypophosphite Merck. ASTiite cryst. — Sol. in water. — Uses; Phthisis, all diseases iwitU • loss of nerve power, — Dose: 1—6 grn., (0.06 —0.4 grm.) 3 t. d.aily. Ammonium Ichthyol-sulphonate, — see Ichthvol.i Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic, Merck. — P. B. Colorl. prisms; odorl.; cooling, saline taste. — Sol. in 4 parts water. — Uses: Rheumatism, gout, — Dose: 6—20 grn. (0.3 1.2 grm.), 3 or 4 t. daily in ‘,'2 ounce cc.) , (15 water. Ammonium Picrate Merck. Ammonium Picronitrate or Carbazotate. — Bright-yellow scales or prisms. — Sol. in water. — Antipyretic, Antiperiodic. — U.SES: Malarialneuralgia, periodicfevers, and headache.- Dose: Vs-ii/agrn. (0.0075—0.1 grm.), .3 t. daily, in pi^s. Ammonium Salicylate Merck.

Colorl. : prisms. — Sol, in water. —, Antirheumatic. Antiiiyretic, Ger- micide, Expectorant, — Uses : In febrile conditions, bronchitis, etc. — Dose: 5—30 grn, '(0.3 —2.0 grm.): in wafers. Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate, — see Ichthyol. Ammonium Tartrate Merck. — Neutral, Cryst.

Colorl.—;S 0L, in water.—Expectorant.— Dosel,, 5—80 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.)- Ammonium Valerianate Merck. —^White, Cryst. Dose: 1—8 gm. (0.06—0.5 grm.). Ammonium & Iron Tartrate Merck.

Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

Ammonium Double-Salts, — see under Bismuth, Iron, Potass- ium, Soniu.M, ETC.

9 Merofc's Afanual^ MAT. MED. DART. I

Amyl Nitrite Merck. — P. B. — Pure, or in Pearls (1—3 drops).

Caution ; Amyl Nitrite is so very volatile that it is practically im- possible to so stopper bottles that they will carry it without loss, especially in warm weather. Shipped in cool weather and kept in a cool place, the loss is not material, hut if kept in a warm place, or if agitated much, so as to keep up any pressure of the vapor within the bottle, the loss will be considerable, proportionately to

the pressure. — : 1 in ; Dose drop , brandy. Max. D. 6 drops daily. By inhalation the vapour of 2—5 drops. Amylene Hydrate Merck.

Colorl., oily liq.: ethereal, camphoric taste. — Sol. in 8 parts water; all proportions of alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, glycerine. Hyp- notic, Sedative. — Uses; Insomnia, alcoholic excitement, epilepsy, whooping-cough, etc. — Dose: Hypnotic, 45—70 n\ (3.0—5.0 cc.) seda- ; tive, 15—30 m (1—2 cc.); in beer, w'ine, brandy, syrup, etc., or in

capsules. Max. D. ; 1 dr. grm.) single 2 dr. i daily. (3.75 ; (7.5 grm. Anarcotine, Hydrochlorate. NakcotinE Hydeochlokat. — Wh. powd., soluble in water. Anti- periodic, in malaria acting when Quinine fails. — Dose : 15—25 grn. (1.0—1.5 grm.) per day. Anemonin Merck. odorl. neutral needles. — Sol. in hot alcohol, chloroform; Colorl., , insol. in water. Antispasmodic, 'Sedative, Anodyne, — Dse.s: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping-cough, dysmenorrhea, orchitis, oophoritis and other painful affections of female pelvis. — Dose: */4 grn. (0.015 grm.)

2 t. daily. — Max. D. : Is grn. (0.03 grm.) single, 2 grn. (0.1 grm.) daily. Anthrarobin Merck. white powd. — Sol. in weak alkaline solut. slightly in Yellowish ; chloroform and ether, 10 parts alcohol. — Deoxidizer, Antiseptic. — Uses; Extern., instead of chrysarobin in skin diseases, especially psoriasis, tinea tonsurans, pityriasis versicolor, and herpes. — App- lied in 10 to 20o/o oint., or alcoholic solut. Antifebrin, — see Acetanilid. Antimony Oxide, Merck. t. Diaphoretic, Emetic. — Dose : 1 to 2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.) , daily. Antimony Sulphide, Black, Merck. — (Purified black Anti- mony, P. B.). Diaphoretic, Alterative. — Dose: 5 —16 grn. (0.3 —1.0 grm.). Antimony Sulphide, Golden, Merck. — P.B. Alterative, Diaphoretic, Emetic, Expectorant. — Dose: */«— 1'/» grn. (0,01 —0.1 grm.) several times a day. — Inoompatibles : Sour food, acid syrups, metallic salts. Antimony, Sulphurated, Merck. Kekmes Mineral. — Alterative, Diaphoretic, Eraetia — Uses; Cutan- eous diseases and syphilis; alterative generally. — Dose: Ve—2 grn. grm.X — Incom- (0.01—0.1 grm.) in pill; as emetic, 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 PATIBLE8: Acids and acid drinks or food. Antimony Tartarated Merck. — P. B.—Pure, Cryst. or Powd. Tartar Emetic.— Dose: As a diaphoretic > le— 'o gr. (O.iXM—0.01 grm.); as an emetic 1—2 grn. as a depressant Vs— 1 grn. (0.01—0.06 grm.);

iVntimony 0 . 40 — Dose: (0.06—0.12 grm.). — Preparation: Wine ( o).

1 rv MereVt Maynt<»L — I1 —


(as for antimonial 5—eo rri (0.3 —1.0 cc.). — Antidotes compounds demulcents. in general) ; Tannic acid in solut., freely ; stimulants and Antinosine.

Sodium salt of Nosophen. — Greenish-blue powd. , of faint iodine odor. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Chiefly in vesical catarrh. Extern, in Vto—Vi per cent._solut. Antipyrine. PHENYL-DiMETiirL-PYRAZOLONE. — SOL. in 1 part of water, 2 alcohol.

— Dose : 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.25 grm.). — Applied (as Styptic) in 20 per

cent, solut. or pure. — Incompatibles : Acids, alkalies, cinchona pre- parations, copper sulphate, spirit nitrons ether, syrup ferrous iodide; also tinctures of catechu, ferric chloride, iodine, kino, and rhubarb.

— Max. : grn. grm.) single grn. grm.) daily. D. 10 (1.9 ; 90 (5.6 Antispasmine. N.arceine-sodiusi and Sodium S.alicylate Merck. — Reddish, , slightly hygroscopic powd. 500 narceine. — Sol. in water. — An- ; /o tispasmodic, Sedative, and Hypnotic. — Uses: Whooping cough, laryn-

gitis stridula, irritating coughs, etc. — Dose : Of a 5 o/o solut. 3 i t, daily: under Vs year 3—5 drops, Va year 5—8 drops, 1 year 8—10 drops, 2 years 10—12 drops, 3 years 15—20 drops, older children 20—40 drops. — Caution: Keep from air! Antitoxin, Diphtheria, Merck. From serum of blood that has been subjected to poison of diph- theria. — Limpid. liq., generally preserved with VaO/o carbolic acid or other— preservative. Used in Diphteria, Ozaena, Laryngeal, croup etc. (children) : Dose Prophylactic , 200—250 antitoxic units : ordi- 600 nary cases , —1000 units severe cases (or those seen late ; , or of nasal or laryngeal type), 1500—3000 units: given hypodermically, and repeated in about 8 hours if necessary. Adults receive twice as much. Administered also internally (500 Units at intervals of 6 hours). Caution: The various brands differ in strength. Apiol, Green, Merck. — Fluid. Greenish, oily liq. — SoL. in alcohol, ether. — Emmenagogue Anti- periodic. Uses: Dysmenorrhea, malaria. — Dose: 5 [q (0.3 cc.), 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules Max. D. : ; 5 grn. grm.) single (0.3 ; 24 grn. (1.5 grm.) daily. Apioline. Not completely defined. — (Stated: “True active principle of parsley given in 4-min. (0.2 grm.) capsules. — Emmenagogue. — Dose : 2 or 3 caps., with meals. “) Apocodeine Hydrochlorate Merck. YeUow-gray, very hygroscopic powd. — Sol. in water. — Expectorant Sedative, Hypnotic. — Uses : Chronic bronchitis, and other bronchial affections. Acts like codeine, but weaker; induces large secretion of saliva, and accelerates peristalsis. — : '/s DOse — 1 grn. (0.02—0.06 grm ) in pills. — Injection : ‘/e— '/a grn. (0.01—0.03 grm.), iii 200/o aqueous solut.’ Apooynum. '..OAVADi.ti, _ Diuretic. - Preparation; F.E. : (1 1). Doie ; 6-15 UJ (0.3-I.0 co.). Apomorphine Hydrochlorate Merck, — P. B. — Cryst. or Atnorplious. Recomixiandable to order the cryst- allized product I srn. (0.001—0.003 grm.) ; emetic. Vis— ‘/4 grn. 9'^- (emetic) : Vio— Vs grn. (0.006—0.012 grm.) Vs grn. (0.05 grm.) daily.-ANTiDOTES: 9^'oroform.— ’ ncompatibles : Alkalies, potassium iodide, ferricV chloride. - Caution: Keep dark and well stoppered!

1 iferck*i Mannat, : ; :

MAT. Mlil). PART 1.

Arbutin Merck. White needles; bitter. — Sol. in alkoRol; slightlj in water. — Diuretic.

; Instead — Uses of uva-ursi leaves. — Dose : 5—15 grn. (0.8—1.0 grm.) 4 t. daily. Arecoline Hydrobromate Merck. AVliite cryst. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Myotic. — Applied in l«/osolut. Argentamine.

8o/o solnt. silver pnosphate in 15“,o solut. ethylene-diamine. — Alkaline liq., turning yellow on exposure. — Antiseptic and Astringent like silver nitrate..—- Uses: Chiefly gonorrhea. In.ject. in —; 1:4000- 10.000 solut. Argonin. Silver-casein compound 4.25 per cent, silver. — Wh. powd. — Sol. ; in hot water; ammonia increases solubility. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Chiefly in gonorrhea, in 1 —3 per cent, solut. Aristol.

Dithymol Di-iodide. — Reddish-brown, tastel. powd.; 46«/o iodine. — Sol. in chloroform, ether, fatty oils; sparingly in alcohol; inso- luble in water or glycerine. — Succedaneum for iodoform externally. — Applied like the latter. — Incompatibles Ammonia, corrosive sublim., metallic, oxides, starch, alkalies or their carbonates; also heat. — C.AUTION: Keep from light! Arnica Flowers.

FreparcUi., 10 — SO n\ cc.)l internally; externally uied {for broisea and wounds diluted with water. Arnica Root — U. S. P. Preparation: Kxt. [D., 1— 2fpm. (0,06—0,12 grm.)]; F-E. [D.» 6— 10 n\ (***^“***® cc.)]; Tr. [D., 20-40 n\ cc.)]. Arsen-hemol Merck. Hemol with 1 \ arsenious acid. — Brown powd. — Alterative and Hematinic; substitute for arsenic, without untoward action on stomach. — Dose: IVa grn. (0.1 grm.), in pill. 2 to 3 t. daily, adding one pill to the daily dose every fourth day until 10 pills are taken per day. Arsenic Bromide Merck. arsenic odor. — in water. Colorless, deliquescent prisms; strong— Sol. — : Diabetes. — Dose : Veo ‘/is grn. (0.001—0.004 grm.). Max. — Uses — D. : '/i 2 grn. (0.005 grm.). — Antidotes : Same as arsenious acid. Incompatible: Water. — Caution: Kee^ well stoppered! Arsenic Chloride Merck. Colorless, oily liq. — Decomposes with water. — SOL.,;in alcohol, ether, oils. — Dose: ‘/so- '/is grn. (0.001—0.004 grm.). Arsenic Iodide Merck. — P. B. — Pure, Cryst.

in pills. — Max. D. : '/is grn. grm.) Dose : '/so grn. (0.002 grm.) , (J(.005 single. 1/3 grn. (0.02 grm.) daily. — Water. — Caution ; Keep from air and light! Asafetida — P. B. cent.); Fills Do.*i S-20 Bril. CO.S-1.26 grin.) - Preparationt EmnU. (1.2 p»r (Sgm. 0.18 grm.); Tr. (1:8). Asaprol Merck. Calcium Beta-naphtol-alpha-mono-sulphonate. — Whitish to reddishgray powd.; slightly bitter, then sweet, taste. — Sol, in Antirheuniatic, Anti- water, II parts alcohol. — Analgesic, Antiseptic,

1 Merckx* Manaal. :


pyretic. — USKS: Tuberculosis, rheumatism, pharyngitis, gout, typhoid — fever, sciatica, diphtheria, etc. — 8— l.’i grn. (0.5—1.0 grin.). Extkkn. in 2—50/0 solut. — Incompatihi.kS: Antipyrine and quinine. — Caution: Keep from heat and moisture! Aseptol Merck. Sozouic Acid. — SSVsO/h solut. ortho--sulphonic acid. — Yellow- brown liq.; odor carbolic acid. — Sol. in alcohol, glycerine; all pro- portions water. -- Antiseptic, Disinfectant. — USES: Extern, in dise- ases of bladder, eye, skin, and in diphtheria, laryngitis, gingivitis, etc. — Applied in 1 to lO«/o solut. — C.^vution: Keep from light!

Aspidium Filix Mas.

Malk — Do«e: 30— QOprii. (“.)«— iVaparoiion ; Extr. or oil of Male fern. - Dose: 15-30 (1-2 ccO- Aspidosperma. Qobiibacio. — Preparation: Tr. (1:5) Dose dr. (2.0 — 4.0 cc.) sec also Aapidos- Pennine. Aspidospermine Merck. — Amorph., Pure. Brown-yellow plates; bitter taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloro- form. benzene. — Respiratory Stimulant. Antispasmodic. — USES: Dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic croup, etc. — Dose: 1 —2 grn. (0.06 —0.12 grm.). in pills.

Atropine (Alkaloid) Merck. — Cryst.

Dose: 1/120— Vgo grn. (0.0005—0.001 grm.). Max. D.: Vc;o grn. (0.001 grm.) single, V20 grn. (0.003 grm.). — Antidotes: Emetics; pilocarpine, mus- carine nitrate, or morphine, hypodermically; tannin, or charcoal

before absorption. — Incompatibles : Chemical, .alkalies, tannin, salts of -[aermry physiological morphine, . pilocarpine, muscarine, aconitine, and eserine. Atropine Sulphate Merck. — P. B. — Cryst. Uses and Dose: Same as of .alkaloid. (Also, a complete line of Atropine Salts.) galsam Peruvianum — P. B. Sou in absol. alcohol, chloroform; insoUin water*— Do»e: 10 — 16mln.(0,6— 1.0 gnn.)> Balsam Tolutanum — P. B. Sot. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in wnter.-Do«e: 10-20 cm. (0,6-1.2lrrra.l — ** * Preparations: Svr. (1 : 100); Tr. (1 ; 10). Baptisin Merck. — Pure.

Brownish powd. — SOL. in alcohol. — Purg.ative in l.arge doses; Tonic. Astringent in small doses. — Uses: Scarlet fever, chronic dysentery, >,'2— etc. — Dose: 5 grn. (0.03—0.3 grm.). in pills. Barium Chloride Merck. — G. P., Cryst. Colorl.; bitter salty taste. — Sol. in 2 V2 parts water; .almost insol in alcohol. - Cardiac Tonic and Alterative. — UsE.s ; Aifern., arterial sclerosis and atheromatous degener.ation • , syphilis, scrofula, etc e.xtern., eyewash. — Dose: Vio— >/2 grn. (0.006—0.03 grm.l 3 t. daily, in 10/0 sweetened, aromatic solut. Max. D.: 3 grn. (0 2 grm) sincle- lOgrn. (O.egrm.) daily.— Antidotes: Sodium or magnesium sulphate- emetic; stomach pnmp. 1 o, Barium Iodide Merck. Deliquescent cryst. — Decomposes and reddens on exposure. — Sol. in -water, alcohol. —Alterative.— Uses: Scrofulous affections, morbid growths. — Dose : bio— "2 grn. (0.006—0.08 grm.) 3 t. ; daily. Max. D. 13 MereV/e Manual. : U


same as above. — Extkbn. as oint. 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) in 1 ounce ('30 Krm.> lard. — Caution: Keep well stoppered! Barium Sulphide Merck. — Pure. Amorph., light-yellow powd. — Sol. in water. — Alterative. — Uses: Syphilitic and scrofulous affections; depilatory (with flour) (2:7). — Dose: V2—1 grn. (0.03—0.06 grm.) in keratin-coated pills. Bebeerine Merck. — Pure. Bebieine Bibikine ; ; supposed identical with Buxine and Pelosine, -- Yellowish-brown, amorph. powd. ; odorl.; bitter. — Sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water. — Antipyretic, Tonic, similar to quinine. — Dose : Febrifuge. 1—10 grn. (0.06—0.6 grm.), Tonic, >/!—l>/i grn. (0.03—0.1 grm.), 3 or 4 t. daily.

Bebeerine Sulphate Merck. Reddish-brown scales. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Uses and Doses: As of bebeerine. Belladonna Leaves — P. B.

Preparatioru ; Ext. (D., Vl-1 grn. (O.OlS-0.06 grra.); Tr., (D., S-SO min. (0.3-1.2 cc.)f Plaster (20 per cent, ext.); Oint. (10 per cent. ext.). Belladonna Root — P. B. PreparaUona £xtr. Vi6— Vi gm. (0.004— 0.O15 grm,). Lin. (8 Lin. =2 root). Benzanilide Merck. White powd., or colorl. scales. — Sol. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost insol. in water. — Antipyretic, especially for children. — Dose: Children, I'h—6 grn. (0.09—0.35 grm.), according to age, t. 3 several daily; adults, —8 grn. (0.2—0.5 grm.). Max. D. : 8 gm.

(0.5 grm.) single ; 48 grn. (3.0 grm,) daily. Benzene, from Coal Tar, Merck. — Highly Purified, Cryst- allizable. Miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils. — Antispasmodic and Anticatarrhal. — ses: Whooping-cough, influenza, etc. — Dose: 2—10 IT) (0.1 —0.6 cc.) every 3 hours, in emulsion, or on sugar or in !>/• capsules. — M.AX. D. : 15 IR (1 cc.) single, dr. (6.0 cc.) daily. Benzoin.

FTtparaXioMt Tr. (1)., 20 — 40 n\ (1-25 — 2.5 cc.); Comp.;Tr. (D,, 30 —60 fJl (2,5— 5cc.). Benzosol. Benzoyl-Guaiacol; Guaiacol benzoate. —Wh., odorl., aim. tastel., cryst. powd. — Sol. in alcohol; insol. in water. — Antitubercular, Intest. Antiseptic. — Dose: 4—12 grn. (0.25—0.75 grm.), in piB, or powd. with peppermint oil sugar. Benzoyl-Pseudotropeine Hydrochlorate Merck, — see Tropaco- CAINE, ETC. Berberine Carbonate Merck. Yellowish-brown cryst. powd.; bitter taste. — Sol. in diluted acids. — Antiperiodic, Stomachic, Tonic. — USES; Malarial affections, ame- norrhea, enlargement of spleen, anorexia, chronic intestinal catarrh, vomiting of pregnancy, etc. — Dose: Antiperiodic, 1—5 grn. (0.06—^.3 grm.); stomachic and tonic, Vi—1 grn. (0.03—0.06 grm.) 3 1. daily, in pills single grn. grm.) daily. or capsules. Max. D. : 2 grn. (0.1 grm.) ; 10 (0.6 Berberine Hydrochlorate Merck. — Cryst. Yellow; microcrystalline needles. — SOL. in water. — Uses and Dose: Same as Berberine Carbonate. 14 Man%uU, —7


Berberine Phosphate Merck. — Gryst. Yellow powd. — Sol. in water. — Most sol. salt of berberine, and aromatic- easiest to administer, in pills, hydro-alcobolio solut. , or syrup. — Uses and Dose: Same as Berberine Carbonate.

Berberine Sulphate Merck. — Gryst. Yellow needles. — Sol. with diflicnlty in water; almost insol. in alcohol. — Uses and DosE: Same as Berberine Carbonate. Betol Merck. Naphtol-salol Sali-naphtol Beta-sapiitol Sali- Nai'htalol ; ; ; — 'White powd. odorl. tastel. — Sol. in boiling alcohol, in cylate. ; ; ether, benzene; insol. in water, glycerine. — Internal Antiseptic, Anti- zymotic, .\ntirheumatic. — USES: Putrid processes of intestinal tracts cystic catarrh, rheumatism, etc. — Dose: 4—8 grn. (0.25 —0.5 grm.), 4 t. daily, in wafers, milk or emulsion. Max. D.; 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) single; 32 grn. (2 grm.) daily. Bismal. Bismuth Methylene-dioallate, ilfercfc. — Gray-blue po-wd. — Sol. in alkalies; insol. in water or gastric juice. — Intestinal Astringent, 2 (especially in diarrheas not benefited by opiates) — Dose : —5 grn (0.1—0.3 grm.) every 3 hours, in wafers or powd. Bismuth Benzoate Merck. White, tastel powd. — 27% of benzoic acid. — SOL. in mineral acids; insol. in w'ater. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Interji., gastro-intestinal dis- eases; extern., like iodoform on wounds, etc. — Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.; several t. a day.

Bismuth Citrate Merck. — P. B. White, powd.; odor!.; tastel. — SOL. very slightly in — , water.

Stomachic and Astringent. — Uses : Diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc. 2 Dose: —5 grn. (0.1 —0.3 grm.) several t. a day. Bismuth Nitrate Merck. — Gryst. Bismuth Tee-niteate or Teikiteate. — Colorl. hygroscopic cryst.; acid taste. — Changed to sub-nitrate by water. — Sol. in acids, glycerine. — Astringent, Antiseptic. — Uses : Phthisical diarrhea, etc. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3 — 1.0 grm.), dissolved in glycerine and then diluted with water.

Bismuth Oxybromide. Yellowish powd. insol., in the ordinary media. Used in nervous dyspepsia and hysteria complicated by gastric pains. — Dose: 5— gm. (0.3 —0.4 grm.) several times daily.

Bismuth Oxyiodide Merck.

Bismuth Subiodide. — Brownish-red, amorph., insol. powd.; odorl., tastel. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Extern., on suppurating wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, J,n gonorrhea, etc.; intern., gastric ulcers, typhoid fever, and diseases of mucous membranes. — Dose; 5—10 grn. (0.3 0.6 grm.), 3 t. daily, in mixture, powd., or capsule. — Exteen, like iodo- form; in gonorrhea in 1 o/q injection.

Bismuth Phosphate, Soluble, Merck. mite powd. — Sol. in 3 parts water. — Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent —Uses: Acute gastric or intestinal catarrh. — Dose: 3—8 grn. (0.15.—0.5 grm.).

15 JtfereV* ManuaL MAT. MKIi. I'AHT 1.

Bismuth Salicylate Merck. — Basic, — 64% Bi^Og. White, odorl., tastel. powd.; insol. in water. — External and Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent. — Uhks: Intern., phthisical diarrhea summer complaint, typhoid . etc.; e.r.tern., like iodoform. — liose; t>—20 grn. (0.3 —1.2 grm.). Bismuth Sub-benzoate Merck. White powd. — Antiseptic, like iodoform. — Usks: As dusting-powd. for syphilitic ulcers, etc. Bismuth Subcarbonate Merck. — P. B.

Dose: H—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.). Bismuth Subgallate Merck. Odorl., yellow, insol. powd.; 55u/o BigOs. — Siccative, Antiseptic, and substitute for bismuth subnitrate internally. — Uses; Extern., on wounds, ulcers, eczemas, etc. intern., in gastro-intestinal affections. 4 — Dose: —s grn. (0.2.5 —0.5 grm.) several t. daily. — Extern, like iodoform.

Bismuth Subiodide, — see Bismuth Oxyiodide. Bismuth Subnitrate Merck. — P. B.

Dose : 5—20 grn. (0.3 —1.2 grm.). Merck’s Bismuth Subnitrate is a very light powder and fully conforms to the phavraacopreial requirements. Bismuth Sulphophenylate. Eeddish powd. partly sol. in water. Used in dyspepsia and intestinal

affections. — Dose : 4—8 grn. (0.25—0.5 grm. i. Bismuth Valerianate Merck. White powd., v.alerian odor. — INSOC. in water, alcohol. — Sedative, Antispasmodic. — USES: Nervous headache, cardialgia, chorea, etc. — Dose: 1 —3 grn. (0.06 —0.2 grra.'i. Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in water; slightly in alcohol. — Dose: 2 -5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.). Black Haw. VlniTKNVM PmumroLtoM, — Ncrviuc, Oxytocic, Afltringent. — Prtparotiavi: E. K. (D., 10—30 rain., O.C— 2 cc.\ Borax, — see Sodium Bokate.

Brayerin, see Koussein. Bromalin. HEXA.METHYLENE-TETR.VMINE Bromethyl ATK_ A/crcfr. — Colorl. la-

— Sol. in water. — Nerve sedative . Anti- minae , or white powd. epileptic; free from untoward effects of inorganic bromides. — Uses: As substitute for Alkali Bromides. — Dose: 30—60 grn. (2.0 —4.0 grm.), several t. daily, in wafers or sweetened water. Bromalhydrate. Colourless prismes, sol. in water. — Dose: 2 —5 grn. (0.12 —0.3 grm.) at bedtime for relieving pain or producing sleep. M.vx. D.; .30 grn. (2.0 grm.) single, 60 grn. (4 grm.) daily.' Bromidia. grn. Not completely defined. — (Stated; “Each fl. dr. cont.ains 15 (1.0 grm.) each hydrate .and potass, bromide, '/» grn. (0.0075 grm.)

1 o Mawumi, — ) — :


each ext. cannab. ind. and ext. hyosbj’ath. — If}-pnbtic, Sedative. — Doso: V2—1 dr. (2 i cc.).“ Bromine — P. B. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, solut. bromides ; also 80 parts water. — Max, I). 1/4 grn. (0.015 grm.) single; 1 gm. (0.06 grm.) dally, well diluted. ExrknN. 1/4 — 1 per cent washes or oily paints; as canstlc , pure or 1 : 1 alcohol. — Antiootrb : Stomach irrigation, croton oil in alkaline solut,, inhalttion of ammonia. Bromipln Merck. , Bromine addition-product of seeame oil. — Yellow oilj' fluid, of purely oleaginous taste; contains lon/q bromino. — Nervine aticl Sedative. Used in epilepsy and neurosis. — Bose: Tea- to table- spoonful, .S or 4 t. daily, in emulsion with peppermint water and syrup or in beer-foam. Bromoform Merck.

Heavy liq., odor and taste similar to chloroform; darkens on ex- -- posure. Sol. in alcohol, ether; almost insol. in water. — Anti- spasmodic, Sedative. — Uses: Chiefly whooping-cough. — Dose: (3 or 4 t. daily): Under 1 year, 1—3 drops; i—4 years, 4 drops; 5—7 years, 5 drops, in hydro-alcoholic solut. or in emulsion. — Max. D. : 6 drops (0.4 cc.) single; 15 drops (1.0 grm.) daily. — CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered! Bromo-Hemol Merck. Hemol with 2.7 bromine. — Brown powd. — Organic, easily assi- milable Nerve-tonic and Sedative; without the deleterious effect on the blood, common to the inorganic bromides. — Uses: Hysteria neurasthenia, epilepsy. - Dose: 15—30 grn. (1.0—2.0 grm.), 3 t. daily! Brucine Merck. — Pure. White powd. — Sol. in alcohol, chloroform. — Nerve-tonic, like strychnine, but much milder. — Dose : Via— Va grn. (0.005—0.02 erm.i, m pills or solut. D. : —Max "a grn. (0.02 grm.) single Vo grn. (0.05 grm.) dailj. ; Antidotes: Chloral, chloroform, tannic acid. Bryonia.

Pnparatim! Tr. (D., t-IO nj, 0.U6-0.6 cc.). Buohu — P. B.

30-ianco.). Tr. (I : »*C 8) Do« : 1-8

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate Merck. — P. B. •CrotonJ-Chloral Hydrate, - Light, white, cryst. scales; puiigent J^mter, alcohol, glycerin. — Analgesic, Hypnotic. TTcpo.Uses: fp Tng^mai neuralgia, tootliache, etc., insomnia 0/ heart disease. 5-15 grn (0 3-1.0 grm.); analgesic, 2-fi grn. pm.), in solut. water alcohol, or r? n glycerin. — Max. D.: 15 grn daily. — Extern, nhpnni”'^ with equal' 'part ® strychnine, caffeine, artificial respi- ration. '20 Picrotoxin V grn. (0.003 grm

Cadmium Iodide Merck. Lustrous pblM - Sol. in water, alcohol. - Resolvent, Antisentic glands, chronic inflammation of joints, chilblainsi mio'ains, andnnH skin diseases. - Applied in oiut. 1 in 8 lard. Cadmium Sulphate Merck. — Pure. — Antiseptic, Astringent. Uses*Uses. InsteadhiafoTfi of zinc sulphate lu eye washes (Va—io/o solut.).

17 Mtrch’i Afanual. .


Cadinum Oleum. — see Oil Gadk.

Caesium and Ammonium Bromide Merck. WMte, crjBt. powd. ^.SoL. in water. — Nervo-sedativo. — Usks; Epi- 15 . lepsy, etc. — Dose: —46 grn. (1.0—3.0 grm.), 1 or 2t. daily. Caesium and Rubidium and Ammonium Bromide Merck. Uses: Nervous affections and epilepsy. — Dose: 15t—45 grn. (1.0 -ij grm.), 1—2 t. daily. Caffeine Merck. — P. B. — Pure.

Theine; guabanine. — Dose: 1—5 grn. (O.OG—0.3 grm.)'. — Max. D.: 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) single, 24 grn. (1.5 grm.) daily. Caffeine, Citrated, Merck. — P. B. (Improperly called “Citrate of Caffeine"). — 50% caffeine. -• White powd. acid taste. — Dose: 2—10 grn. (0.1—0.6 grm.). ;

Caffeine Hydrobromate Merck. — True salt. reddish or greenish exposure. — Sol. in water, Glass-like cryst. ; on with decomposition. — Uses: Chiefly as diuretic, hypodermically.— 4 10 Injection : —lO Ijl (0.25—0.6 cc.) of solut. caffeine hydrobromate parts, hydrobromic-acid 1 part, distilled water 3 parts. Intfinially weTl- Dose: Va—5 grn. (0.03—0.3 grm.) or more. — Caittion; Keep stoppered, in brown bottles! Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Merck.

U in p.arts water. U.SES: By in- 45 . 8 /0 caffeine. — White powd. — Sol. 2 — jection, 2—10 grn. (0.1—0.6 grm.).

Caffeine and Sodium Salicylate Merck. 62.5% caffeine. — White powd. — Sol. in 2 parts water. — Uses; By in- jection; in rheumatism with heart disease, and in threatened collapse of pneumonia. — Dose: IV2—6 grn. (0.09 —0.4 grm.). Calamus. Bwut Fi.ab. - Do«! lS-60 KTH. (I.4-4.0 grm.). — PrtpoTation: F. E. (1:1). Calcium Bromide Merck. White 'granules: very deliquescent; sharp, saline taste. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Nerve-sedative, like potassium bromide. — Uses: Epilepsy, hysteria, etc. — Dose: 10—-30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grpi.), B t daily^ Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, Merck. — P B. Precipitated Chalk. — Dose: 10—60 grn. (0.6—4.0 grm.) in powder or mixture. Calcium Chloride Merck. — P. B. — Pure. Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.).

Calcium Glycerino-phosphate Merck. water .- White cryst. powd. — Sol. in water; almost insol. in boiling USES; In — Directly assimilable Nerve-tonic and Reconstructive. — grn. (0.2 rachitis, wasting diseases, and convalescence. — Dose: 3—10 — 0.6 grm.), 3 t. daily, in syrup or solut. Calcium Hippurate Merck. White powd. — Sol. slightly in hot water. — Alterative and .\ntiHtbir. dentition — Uses: Cystitis, lithiasis, scrophulosis, phthisis, difficult

etc. — Dose : 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.). Manual. 18 — . —


Calcium Hypcphosphite Merck. Purified.

Dose : 2—6 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.).. Calcium Lactophosphate Merck. — Gryst, Soluble. White, hard crusts; ’lo/o phosphorus;'*— SOL. iii -water.’ — Stimulant and Nutrient. — U^a-l -Rachitis, and conditions of malnutrition. Dose: 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.), 3 t. daily. — Preparation: Syr. (30/o). Calcium Permanganate Merck. — C. P., Gryst. Deliquescent, brown cryst. — Sol. in water. — Uses; Intern., gastro^ enteritis and diarrhea of children, extern, as other permanganates for mouth lotions: also for Sterilizing water, and vastly more power- ful than potassium permanganate. — Dose: 1—2 grn. (0.05—0.1 grm.). Calcium Phosphate, Tribasic, Merck — {Fredpitaied Calcium Phosphate, P. B.). — Pure, Dry. Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.2 grm.). Calcium Sulphite Merck. — Pure. White powd. — Sol. in 20 parts glycerin, 800 parts water — Antizy- motic. — Uses: Flatulence, diarrhea, and some dyspepsias. — Dose: ‘,'8—Va grn. (0.0075—0.03 grm.), in pastilles. Calx sulphurata. Usefully administered for boils, carbunples, influenza, acne, scrofulous sores. — Dose: flio —1 grn. (0.006—0.06 grm.)/ in a pill; several t. a day. Calomel, — see Mekourt Chloride Mild.

Calumba P. B. - CoLtiMBo.-iDoie: S-SOgrti. (0.3-1.2 stm.).-Prtpar

Camphor, Monobromated, Merck. ' Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1 —0.3 grm.), in pill or emulsion. Cannabine Tannate Merck. Yellow or brownish powd.; slightly bitter, and strong astringent taste. oOL. m alkaline "water or alkaline alcohol, very slightly in water or alcohol. — Hypnotic, Sedative, -r- Uses : Hysteria, delirium, nervous insomnia, etc. 4 — Dose : —8 grn. (0.25—0.5 grm.), at bedtime, in po-wd. with sugar. — Max. D.: 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) single, ° / o : 24 egrn. v(1.6 grm. ) daily. . Cannabinon. Sedative to relieve sleeplessness, mania; hysteria. — Dose:-^ » toi.u 1i grn. (0.015—0.06 grm.). Cannabis Indioa — P.B.

I-idia.s noyiP.-Pr^paratiom; Ext. (D., 1 /4 -lgrn. (l).015-0;06 grm.); P. E. [D., 5 (0.l_()..1 m oc.)]; Tr. [D., 5-20 n; (0.3-I.2 cc.)]. - Beo also Cannabine. Cantharides — P. B.


Mat. MED. PART t.

in lO/o alcohol srill (with mote Watet added luefore taking), 3 or 4 t. daily. Vt«o — Max. D.: grn. (0.000,'J grni.) single; Injection is given in form of potassium canthandate, which see. Capsicum — P. B.

CaveH)» Purrm AniOAH P«rpu.-Do» ; 1/j-l I grn. (U.U3-U.(Mi grm.).-/VcpariuIonj ; P.E. (I:l)j Oloorei. (D., >/«-! grn., U.(ll.i-0.II6 gnn.)j Pflaster; Tr. (I:2ti). Cardamom — P. B.

Do««: .S 3-eUgrn. (0.3- 1 grm.).-rt-«par(Wi

iVrparolion ; P. E. P. B. Boie : Vs-‘t dr. (S-S cc.) niinal.. [D., l.i-SO n; pc.)]. Castanea.

C*‘’rxvT,—Prr,j>a>aHon! P. K. [D., I -V drams (4 -See.)). Cataplasmata (Official). Cataplasina Carbonis (1:28)

r Conii (1 juice : 14) „ Permenti (1:4) 8 „ Lini (1 meal:. 2) „ Sinapis (1:5)

„ .Bodae chloriuatae (1 Sol. : 7). Catechu — P. B. — Dose; 10—30 grn. (0,6 ‘4.0 grm.) — Preparatlona Inf. (1:97); TrocSea (I gm. =0,06 grm.). Cerium Oxalate, Cerous, Merck. — Pure. — P. B. White granular powd. odorl.; tastel — in diluted, sulphuric ; Sol. and hydrochloric acids. — Sedative, Nerve-tonic. — Uses: Vomiting of pregnancy, sea sickness, epilepsy, migraine, chronic diarrhea. — Doae 1—2 grii. (O.OG—0.1 grm.). — Max. D.: 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) single; 10 grn. (0.0 grm.) daily.

Cetraria — P. B. losLino — Preparation Decoct, (D,, 1—4 oz.).— Bee also, Cetrarin. Cetrarin Merck. — Cryst, Cetraric Acid. White needles, conglomerated into lumps; bitter. — Sol. in alkalies and their carbonates; slightly in water, alcohol, ether. — Hematinic. Stomachic, Expectorant. — IfSES; Chlorosis, in- cipient phthisis, bronchitis, digestive disturbances with anemia, etc.

— Dose : 2—4 grn. (0.1—0.2 grm.).

Chalk, — see Calctuji Carbonate. Charcoal — P. B.

Wood CiiABOOATea— Doie : SU— 60 ^n. -^.0 grm.) Chelidonium. CA1..AHDI.VE. _ Kxtr. Hose: V4 — SO grn. daily in Carcinoma, aubc. Dole: 8/77 (0.5 cc.) of n 30% aqueous solution. Chenopodium. 10 Aw*aioA?< WoaMtaaD».>-Doso : 10 — 40 grn. (0.6— 2,5 grm.) — Preparation: Oil [D., rain. (0.6 grm.)] 3 t. daily, castor oil next day. Chimaphila.

PiPstMswA; l*«iNo«*8 P isfi. — iVe;>nrat»on : P. E. [D., HO — 60 min. (^—4 cc.)J. Chirala — P. B. 6l»c<».). Dose: 10—30 rrn. (0.6 — V.Ogrm ). — Prsj>ar«r.‘'(Jnf. 1: Ul) Dose : 1 —* o«(aO— Tr. (1:8).- Dose: dr. (2.0-8.U cc.). Chloralamide. CiiLORAL-FORMAMiDE. — Colorl. bitter, cryst. — Sol. in abt, 20 parts water (slowly); in 2 alcohol; decomp, by hot solvents. — Hypnotic, on Manual. : :


Sedative, Analgesic. — Dose : 15—46 grn. (1.0—3.0 grm,). — Max. D. : 64 grn. (4.0 grm.) single; 2 dr. (8.0 grm.) pro die. Chloral Hydrate Merck. — P. B. — Loose Cryst., also Flakes. Dose: 5—30 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.). — Max. D.: 48 grn. (3.0 grm.) single; I's dr. (6.0 grm.) daily. — Contba- indicated in infl.immation of stomach; large doses must not be given in heart disease; in children

and the aged, use with caution. — Antidotes : Emetics, stomach siphon: cocaine hydrochlorate, strychnine, or atropine, hypodermi- cally; stimulants, oxygen, mucilage of acacia. — Incompatibles (Chemical): Carbolic acid, camphor, alcohol, potassium iodide.

Chloral-ammonia Merck. White, cryst. powd.: chloral odor and taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in cold water; decomposed by hot water. — Hypnotic, Anal- gesic. — Uses: Nervous insomnia, neuralgia, etc. — Dose: 15—30 grn. (1.0—2.0 grm.).

Chloralimide Merck. — (.A'ot: Chloralamide.) Colorl. needles; odorl.; tastel. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils; insol. in water — Hypnotic, Analgesic. — Uses: Insomnia, head- ache, etc. — Dose: 15 —.30 grn. (1.0—2 grm.), 2 or 3 t. daily. — Max. D.: 45 grn. (3A) grm.) single; 90 grn. (6,0 grm.) daily. Chloralose Merck. Small, colorl. cryst.; bitter, disagreeable taste. — Sol. in alcohol; slightly in water. — Hypnotic. — U.SES: Insomnia. Free from disa- greeable cardiac after-effects and cumulation tendency of chloral hydrate. Acts principally by reducing excitability of gray matter of brain. — Dose: ,3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.).

Chlorodyne, — see Tinctuka Chlorofobmi et Morphinae co.

Chlori Liquor, Solution of chlorine — P. H.

0.6 per cent. CL — Doi*; 10— 20 (0,6— 1,2 cc.) in a wineglassful of water.- ANtt- DOTBf : Milk and albumen. Chloroform Merck. — Recryst. and Redistilled, for Anes- thesia.

Dose: 3 (0.2 —8 iff —0.5 cc.). — Max. D. : 8 drops (0.5 cc.) single; 16 n) 0 cc.) daily. (1 — Preparatiotis Lin (300/o); Spt (5o/o); Water (Va'Vo). — Antidotes: Vomiting, stomaoh siphon, cold douche, fresh air, artificial respiration, etc. — Caution : Keep in dark amber. Never administer as anesthetic near a flame, as poisonous vapors (of decomposition products) form! Merck’s Chloroform is absolutely free from all by-products that are liable to cause untoward effects. Chrysarobin Merck. — P. B. So-called “Chbysophanic Acid"; Purified (ioa-Powder. — Caution Causes dangerous inflammation of eye if allowed to enter even as flying dust. Not used internally. — Reparation: Oint. (2—20'Vo). Cimloifuga — P. B.

'S-^Sgrn. (l-3grm). Preparation*, Ext. [D., 4-l(lgrn.{0.2-O.6grm.)]j F. E. (I: 10 n? (0.6 I) co.) 8 t. a day ; Tr. (MO) 5a drop! pci- hour.-Beo also, Cimlclfuglu. Cimicifugin Merck. Macrotin. — Yellowish brown, hygroscopic powd. — Sol. in akohol. — Antispasmodic, Nervine, Oxytocic. — Uses: Rheumatism, dropsy, hysteria, tinnitus annum, dysmenorrhea, etc.— Dose: 1—7 grn ‘ (0 ' 06 —0.4 grm.). ®

21 Manual, P " —;


Cinchona rubra — P. B.

Soa»: Tonie, .5 — I5gm. (0.3 — 1.11 frm.); antiperiodUi. 4IJ_li:0|{rn. (v.5_'8.0 urm.). - Preparations: Ext, [D., I — lO^rn. (0,06—0.6 grin.)]; P. R. (•;!) D., 5 — 10,/n (0.3-0.6 grm.); Tr. (1:^) D. 1/2— dr. (V.O— 8.0 grm.); Comp. Tr. (vehicle); I)i *^-*4 drj (2.0— S.O cc.).— Decoct. (1:16) Dob, 1—2 ox (10-60 cc,), Int, xcid. (1:20), Do#, 1-2 ox (:)0— 60 cc.).— See also, its var. alkaloids. Cinchonidine Sulphate Merck. — P. B. 1885. — Cryst.

Dose : Tonic, 1— grn. (O.OG—0.12 grm.), in pills or sytnp antiperiodw, 2 ; 15—30 grn. (1.0—2.0 grm.), between paroxysms. Cinchonine Sulphate Merck. — P. B. 1885, — Cryst.

Dose: Tonic, 1—2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.), AnitipeHodic,' Ib-rhSOgrxt. n!') —2.0 grm ). Cinnamon, Cassia.

Gasbia Baxk. — Dose: 10—30 rrn. (0.6— 2,0 grm,). — Preparation; Oil [D., 1—3w? (0.06-0.2 cc.)]. — P. B. Cinnamon, Ceyion '[n; j

Dose: tO— 20grn, (0.6 — 1,2 gtm,), — Preparations \ Oil (D., 1— 3 /77(0,06— 0.1 cc.); Spt. (2 per cent, oil); Tr. (l:o); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil.). Oooa — P. B.

Ekttxxoxtlon,- reparation : F. E, [D,» 1/2—2 dr. (2,0— 8,0 cc.)].— Bee also, Oocalne.

Cocaine Hydrochlorate Merck. — P. B. — Cryst. or Powder]

Dose : Vs—1 grn. (0.012—O.OG grm.). — Max. D. : 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) single

2Vs grn. (0.15 grm.) daily. — Antibotes ; Chloral, amyl nitrite, caffeine, morphine, digitalis, alcohol, ammonia. Merck’s Cocaine Hydrochlorate strictly conforms to the P. B. and all other known tests for its purity.

(Also, a complete, line of other Cocaine Salts:) ' •

Codeine. — P. B. — Pure, Cryst, or Powd. , Dose: Vi—1 grn. (0.015—0.06 grm.). — Injection: '/s—l grn. (0.61)75— 0.06 grm.). Max. D.: 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) single; 3 grn. ^0.2 gml.)-daily;

Codeine Phosphate Merck. — P. B. parts water slightly in alcohol. — Best White powd. — Sol. in 4 ; codeine salt for hypodermic use; mqst sol., least irritatingv— I)'"" ‘/3 JECTION : —1 grn. (0,02—0.06 grm.). (Also, a complete line of other Codeine Salts.)

Colchicine Merck. — Cryst. Yellow cryst. powd.; very bitter taste. — SpL. in v;atM, chloroform. — Uses: Rheumatism, gout, uremia; chr(ih'i6 'sraatica, asthma, cerebral congestion, and rheumatic sciatica. — Dose : ^^ijo (0.002 i/3o grn. (0.0005—0.002 grm.), 2 or 3 t. daily. —M.vx. D.; : */i2 grn. grm.) pro die. — Antidotes Stimulants. grm.) single ; (0.005

. o Colohioi Cormus — P. B. gnt. (O.0J- FreparaUmf. Ext. [D., t/2 -‘J srn. (0.03-0.1 g3hn.)1j B. acetic [»., O.IVgrm.)]; Wine [I -30 mln. (0.0e-3.0 grm.)].-8ee eleo, nblcliieine.

Oolohioum Seed — P. B. . . ’ Action similar to that of the curm but surer nndiinilder. Colchi-sal. Colchicine Salicylate. — Antirhonmatic, Antipodagrio. — Dose : ‘ so grn, (0.00075 grm.) every 4 hours. Manual. 22 lisrek^s — — —


Collodion, Cantharidal, Merck. — P. B. (Blistering, or Vesicating, Collodion). — Olive-green, syrupy li(j. Represents 6OO/0 canthnrides. — Uses: Blister instead of cantharides; in severe netiralgic pains and other painful affections. Colocynthidis Pulpa — B. B. V— 8 ern. (0,1 — O..S grm.).— Preparorto/u; Tr.(l:tO). Dos. 10—15 17} (0.6-1. 0 co.) day. Comp. Ext. [D., 3-U)grn. (O.ii-0.6 grm.)J.-Seo also, Colocynthhi Colocynthin (Glucoside) Merck. Yellow powd. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Cathartic (not drastic and toxic, as the extract). — Dose : Ve—Vs'grn. (0.01 —0.03 grm.). — Injec- 4 16 of solnt. in equal parts tion : Vs grn. (0.0^.grm.) rectal — 40/o ; [R glycerine and alcohol.

Confectiones (Official). grin.). Confectio Opii (1 : 40) Dose : 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.). , Piperis. Dose : 1—2 dr. (4.0—8.0 _ Rosae caninae vel gallicae. Dose: 1 dr. (4.0 grm.). 10 (0.6 grm.). „ Scammonii. Dose : —30 grn. —2.0 „ Sennae. Dose: 1—2 dr. (4.0—8.0 grm.). 1 , Snlphuris. Dose : —2 dr. (4.0—8.0 grm.). Terebinthinae. Dose: for adults 1—2 dr. (4.0 —8.0 grm.), ,, ' for children: 1 dr. (4.0 grm.). Coniine Hydrobromate Merck. White needles. — SOL. in 2 parts water, 2 parts alcohol; chloroform, ether. — Antispasmodic, Antineuralgic, etc. — Uses: Tetanus, cardiac asthma, sciatica and whooping cough; large doses have been given in traumatic tetanus. — Dose: Van—V 12 grn. (0.002—0.005 grm.), 3 5 t.

daily : children, Ve4o— v«o grn. (0 0001 —0.0015 grm.), 2—4 t. daily. Injec-

tion V20—V16 grn. (0.003—0.004 grm.). — Antidotes : Emetics, stomach siphon; atropine, strychnine; picrotoxin with castor oil caffeine, and ; other stimulants. Conii Folia — P. B.

Hit>n.ocK. — Breparation$ : Ext, [D., 2— 6 j^ru. (0.1— 0.3 grm.)]j F. B. [D., 2 — 8 tTj (0.1—0.^ See also, Goiulne Hydi'obromate. Convallaria.

Lilt or tk« Vallbt.—/V«paro

—1 gm. (0.043—0.06 grm.), 6 to 8 t. daily.—Injection : V2 grn. (0.03 grm.) every 4 hours, in solut., gradually increasing. — Max. D.: 1 grn. (0.06 grin.) single, 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) daily. Copaiba — P. B. Do,.: 80- (1.8— 60 grn. 4,0 grm.).— Proparolion, : Pill Mas, (94 per cent.); on [D., 5— 80 min. (0.3 — 1.8 grm.)Ji Ucsiu [D., 5— 15 grn. (0.3 — 1 .0 grmo]. Copper Acetate, Normal, Merck. — Pure, Cryst. 'Vg_i Dose : /4 gm. (0.008—0.015 grm.). — Antidotes : (for all copper salts): Encourage vomiting, stomach pump, then milk and sug^.~ or white of egg freely; pure potassium ferrocyanide. Copper Arsenite Merck.

Yellowish-green powd. — Sol. in alkalies; slightly in water. Intes- tinal Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Sedative. — Uses': Cholera infantum, dysentery, whooping-cough, dysmenorrhea, etc. — Dose: Vim— V24 grn. (0.0005—0.0025 grm.). then every hour. — Max. D.: 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) single and daily. 23 MtTck*$ Manual. —


Copper Sulphate Merck. — P. B. — Pure, Cryst. Dose : As an adstringent Vj— 2 grn. (0.015—0.12 grm.); as an emetic 0—10 grn. (0.3— 0.0 grm.). Cornutine Citrate Merck. Drown, very hygroscopic scales or mass. — SOL. in water. — Uses: In hemorrhage from genito-urinary organs, paralytic spermatorrhea! etc. — Dose: Hemostatic, Via— he grn. (0.005—0.01 grm.); spermatorrhea o /, i , >/so—Vio grn. (0.003—0.006 grm.) daily.


Glucoside from Coriaria myrthifolia. Cryst., sol. in alcohol, insoluble in ether. Tonic of weakened respiratory and vascfilar centre. - Dose: ’'64 grn. (0.001 grm.).

Cotarnine Hydrochlorate, — see Stypticin. Cotton-Root Bark.

Preparation '. P. E. [D., 60/7? (4 cc.)j 3— 4t. daily. Creolin.

Dark syrupy liq.; tar odor. — Soi.. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; milky emulsion with water; sol. in water 2'/2Wo. — Disinfectant, Deodorizer, Styptic, Anticholeraic, etc. -Uses: Non-poisonous sub- stitute for carbolic acid, etc. Removes odor of iodoform. Intet'u., dysentery, diarrhea, metoorism, gastric catarrh, worms, thrush, diph-

theria, etc.; enema ’/iO/q solut. in dysenteric troubles; extern., ',a to, 2o/o solut. in surgical operations, 1—5 in 1000 injection for gonorr- hoea, 2—50/0 ointment in scabies and pediculi, erysipelas, cystitis, burns, ulcers, etc. — Dose: 1—5 01 (0.06— 0.3 cc.) 3 t. daily, in pUls. In cholera 16 0] (1.0 cc.) every Va—1 hour for 5 doses, then at longer intervals. — Caution: Aqueous solut. should be freshly made when wanted.

Creosote Carbonate.

Creo.sotal. — Light-brown, odorl., si. bitter liq. — Sol. in oils (5 parts codliver oil), alcohol, ether; iusol. in water. — Antitubercular.

Dose : 20 IR ( 1.2 grm.), grad, increased to 80 n\ (5.0 grm.), 3 t. per day. from Beechwood, Merck. — P. B.

Dose: 1 —3 01 {'0.06 —0.2 cc.) gradually increased to limit of tolerance,

in piUs, capsules, or with wine or brandy. — Initial D.: 5 111

(0.3 cc.) single; 15 01 (1 cc.) daily. — Antidotes : Emetics, stomach pump, soluble sulphates such as Glauber or Epsom salt). —r Caution: Wherever Creosote is indicated for internal medication. Creosote from Beechwood, Merck, should be dispensed; and under no circumstances should “Creosote from Coal Tar“ be given, unless explicitly so directed. Creosote and Coal-Tar Creosote differ very widely in their action on the body: Wood Creosote is comparatively harmless; while Coal-Tar Creosote is decidedly poisonous. Meeck’s Beechwood Creosote is abaolutely free from the poiaoHous coerulignol found in some of the products on the market.

Creosote Phosphate. 5 Dose : —20 grn. (0.3— 1.2 grm.). Creosote Phosphite.

Phosphotal. — Oily liq.; 90«/o creosote. — Sol. in alcohol, glycerine, oils. — Antitubercular, Anticachectic. — Dose: Same as of creosote; in pills, wine, or elixir. 24 UtnVt ManumI, V : : !


Cubebs — P. B.

D«u: 30 — IJOgrn. (i.0 - 8.0 grin.). Oil [D., 5 — JO min. (0. 3 — 1.2 cc.)], .30 0 3 — (I: 8 '^-2 2-8 Olcorei. [D., 5— n; ( . 2.0 grto.)] | Tr. )j Dmc: dr. ( cc.)j Trochci [V* n] (0.03 cc.) oleoros]. Cupro-hemol Merck.

Hemol with 2«/o copper. — Dark-brown powd. — Uses : Substitute for usual copper compounds in tuberculosis, scrofula, nervous diseases,

etc. — Dose : 1—3 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills, Max. D. : 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 3 t. daily.

Curare Merck. — Tested.

Dso only h^podertth., does not act through stomach. — Dose : Vu— Ve — grn. (0.005—0.01 grm.) lor 2 t. daily, or until effect is noticed. — Max. D. : grn. (0.02 grm.) pro dosi, 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) pro die.

Caution : Avoid getting it into a cut or scratch, as it may prove fatal

Curarine Merck. Deliquescent brown powd. — Sou. in water, alcohol, chloroform.— Antitetanic, Nervine, etc. — Uses: Kectal tetanus, hydrophobia, and

severe convulsive affections. — Ixjbotion : '.to—V12 grn. (0.001—0.005 grm.). — Antidotes: Strychnine, atropine, artificial respiration and stimulants.

Oecocta (Official).

Decoctum Aloes comp. (1 : 100). Dose: —2 oz. (15.0— 60.0 Cetrariae (1:20) 1--4 (96.0— 120.0 Cinchonae ,, •J (1:16) 1-2 » (30.0— 60.0 n Granati radicis (1:10) 2- .*> 4 „ (60.0—120.0 Haematoxyli yt (1:20) 1-2 « (30.0— 60.0 Hordei 1-4 n (1:10) 'X (30.0—120.0

r: Papaveris (1:10) Pareirae n (1:10) 1-2 „ (30.0— 60.0 Quercus (1:16) t) 1-2 „ (30.0— 80.0 Sarsae 7) (1:8) V 2-10 „ (60.0—300.0 n comp. (1:8) „ n 2-10 „ (60.0—300.0 n Scoparii (1:20) •1 2-4 „ (60.0—120.0 Taraxaci n (1:20) n 2-4 „ (60.0—120.0

Dermatol, — see Bismuth Subgallate.

Diabetin. Levulosb. — \Vh. powd. — Sol. in water. — Substitute for sugar in diabetes.

Diastase (of Malt) Merck. — Medicinal. Yellowish-white to brownish-yellow, amorph. powd.; tastel. — Uses Aid to digestion of starchy food. — Dose: 1—3 egrn. v(0.06—0.2« Mm.;grm) pure or with pepsin.

Dietetic Products, — see Foods and Dietkiiq Products. DigItalin, “German", Merck.

i insol- in ether, reliable HearUonic, Diuretic; well adapted to mjection. ~ Doser »/bo— so grn. (0.001—0.002 grm ) 3 or 4 t daily, m pills or subcutaneously. — Max. D.: '/s grn. day. (0.008 grm.) ner .Antidotes : Emetics, stomach pump, tannic acid, nitroglvcerine morphine early, strophanthin later, alco'liolic stiS^ti efc^

25 Merck^i Manual : 6 — :


Digitalis — P. B. I>o»: t/i ^IVsgrn. (0.03-0.1 grm.).— i’repanXloiu — : Xntat. (Iil56) Dm*: Vi—l/i o» (8-15 oo.)j Tr. (1:8) Dow; 10-30 n} (0.6-*.0 cc.).- B»e al«o, IHglUIin »nd IMsi- . Digitoxin Merck. — Cryst.


. ( 0.002 grm.). . Diiodoform.

Ethylenetetraiodide. Yellow needles insol. in water, sol. in cflloro- ' form and Benzene. Antiseptic, inst. of Jodoform. .''J - Dionine.

Hydrochlorate of Ethyl-morphine. — Cryst. powder, easily sol. in water. — MBd and pleasant substitute for morphia without undesi- rable effects upon the stomach and intestines Recommendahle also in morphia habit. — Dose: internally Va grn. 0.02 grm.) 2—3 t. a ( day, suhcutan V4— Va grn. (0.015—0.03 grm.). — In Morphia habit:’ average doses of 7—10 grn. (0.4—0.6 grni.) per day may be given hypodermically. Duboisine Sulphate Merck. Yellowish, very deliquescent powd. — SOL. in water, alcohol. — Hyp- notic, Sedative, Mydriatic. — Uses: Principally as mydriatic, much stronger than atropine; also in mental diseases, usually hypoder-

mically. — Dose : Vim—V64 grn. (0.0005—;0.001 grm.). : MAX. D. : Vm grn. - (0.003 grm.) daily, 7^ Extern, in 0.2 to O.80/0 solut. Dulcamara.

Preparation ; P.'B. [D., 30-*60’min. (2«— 4 cc.)], Duotal, — see GUAIACOL Carbonate.

Elaterin Merck. — P. B, — Cryst.

Cryst. powd.: very bitter taste. Sol. in alcohol), chloroform^,

slightly in ether. — Drastic Purgative. — Uses : Ascites, uremia, pub monary oedema, poisoning bv narcotics, etc. — Dose: Vio^Vio gm. (0.0015—0.006 grm.). Elaterium Merck.

’ ‘ Vs grn. J i, i : Dose: Vie— (O.OOjtrrrOiOS grin.). . Ribes. Embelia ' , PrepeiTaiion Ammonii EmtJelas. Tasteless cr;^stalline Balt. Remedy

- in honey. for tapeworm. Dose : 3 — grn (0.2—0.4 grm.) Emetin (Resinoid) Merck'. — (Do not confound wttfi the' llkaloid!) Yellowish-brown lumps. — Emetic, DinphQtetic,.Exitec,tni;apt^ Dose grn. Emetic, S'Is grn. (0.2 grm.) in two times, eitpectVt'Wiif, —0.002 grm.). (0 .001 Emetine (Alkaloid) Merck. — According to PaiH & Cownley. Pure. — (Z^o not confound with the Desirwid!) Brownish powd.; hitter taste; darkens on exposure. — Sol. in al- water. Emetic cohol. chloroform, slightly in ether; very slightly in — no Merck*$ Manual -


.Siweitc,, Via —?/« in larse doses, Expectorant in small doses. -r- Dose : (0.601—0.002 grm.). grn. (0.005—0.01 grra.); expectorant, Veo—Vso grn. Emol. Flesh-coloured fine powd., -yvhich is chemically closely related to treat- steatite. tJsed pure or mixed with water as a poultice in the ment of lodal and constitutional sfein diseases such as pruritus, weeping eczeipa, erythema, hyperkeratosis etc.

(Official). Emplastra i\,- Emplastrum'Ammoniaci c. Hydrargyro (1 Met. in 5). ‘ ' : 1:5). . „ Belladonnae (ale. Ext. (Cantharides 1:25). „ Calefaciens Cantharidis „ , (1:3)

! Peroxide 1:11). , JFerri (Iron

' „ Galbani (1:11).

Hydrargyri ,(1 : .3). Mentholi (1:5).

Opii (1 : 10).

„ Picis (1:2), , .

... ..| Plumhi. V n lodidi (1 : 10). Resinae (l:9'/2). . „

. Sappnis (l'.:7). Fuscum (1 : . „ „ 6)

Enemata (Official). ^ Enema Aloes each enema contains 40 grn. (2.5 grm.) Aloe*. , Asafoetidae ^ „ „ 30 grn. (2.0 grm.) Asa foetida. each enema contains loz. Sulphate. , „ MagnesiiSulphatis, (30 grm.) Vs dr. „ Opii . „ (2.0 grm.) Tr. „ Terebinthinae „ „ 1 oz. (30.0 cc.) Oil. Ergot -P.B.

Doie: 2(1—30 prn. (1.2— 2.0 gpm;).— nrenaroKon# : Ext. (D,, 5 — 15 grn.) (0,3 — 1.0 grm.); F. E. (l:l)-Doi»: 10-30 n; (0.6-2.0 oo.); Tr. P. 5-30 m (0.3-2.0 co.). Inf. 1:40. Done: t-V» o» Ergotin (Bonjean) Merck. — P. B.

Dose : intern, and 'hypoderm. 2—5 grn. (0.1—0,3 grin.). — Caution : Decomposes in solut.; should be sterilized and kept with great care!

Eriodiefyon;' .


27 Merck*» Manual. — : M —! MAT. MED. PART I.

Ethyl Bromide Merck.

Hydkobbomic Ether. — Colorl., inflammable volatile liq.; burning taste, chloroform odor. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform. — In. halant and Local Anesthetic. Nerve-sedative. — Uses; Minor surgery, in spray neuralgia, etc.; epilepsy, hysteria, etc. [It is of great im- portance to have a pure article for internal use, since with an impure one, alarming aftereffects may occur; Merck’s is strictly pure.] — Dose: 150—300 0] (10—20 cc.) for inhalation; by month, 5—10 drops on sugar, or in capsules. — ; — Caution Keep from light and air ! • N. JB. This is not Ethylene Bromide, which is poisonous Ethyl Chloride Merck. Gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures: when compressed, colorl., liq. — SoL. in alcohoL — Local Anesthetic. — Uses; Minor and dental surgery, and neuralgia, as spray; heat of hand forcing the stream from the tubes. Hold 6—10 inches away from surface to be sprayed. — Caution Highly inflammable! Ethyl Iodide Merck. Hydriobic Ether. — Clear, neutral liq.; rapidly turns brown on keeping. — Sol. in alcohol ether insol. in water. — , ; Alterative, Anti spasmodic, Stimulant. — Uses: Intern., chronic rheumatism, scrofula, secondary syphilis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic

laryngitis, and by inhalation in bronchial troubles; extern., in 10—200/q oint. — Dose : 5—10 m (0.3— 0.6 cc.), several t. daily, in capsules or on

sugar : in asthma inhal., 6 drops. — Caution : Even in diffused da^ght Ethyl Iodide decomposes quite rapidly, the light liberating iodine which colors the ether. When not exposed to light at all the decomposition is very slow; and with the least practicable ex- posure, by care in using it, it is not rapid. The decomposition is rendered still slower by the presence in each vial of about 10 drops of a very dilute solution of soda. When deeper than a pale wine color, it should be shaken up with 5 or 10 drops of such solution. Ethylene Bromide Merck. — {Not Ethyl Bromide.) Brownish, volatile, emulsitiable liq.; chloroform odor.: — iscible with alcohol; insol. in water. — Anti-epileptic and Sedative. — Uses: Epilepsy, delirium tremens, nervous headache, etc. — Dose: 1—8 0] (0 06—0.12 cc.), 2—3 t. daily, in emulsion or capsules. Eucaine, Alpha-, Hydrochlorate. BLNZOYLMETIIYLTETRAMETYL-y-OXYPlI>ERIDlNK MHTH YLIC-ETHEK. Wli. powd. — Sol. in lO parts water. — Local Anesthetic, like cocaine. — Applied to mucous surfaces in 1 —50/o solut. — Subcut. 15—60 IT] (1—4 cc.) of 6o/o solut. Eucaine, Beta-, Hydrochlorate. Benzoyl vinyi.diacetone alkamine Hyurochlorate. — Wh. powd. — Sol. in 28 parts water. — Local Anesthetic, specially intended for ophthalmologic use. — Applied in 2o/o solut. Eucalyptol Merck. sweetened Dose : 1—4 H], (0.06—0.25 grm.) 4 or 5 t. daily, in capsules, emulsion, or sugar. — Injection: 8—16 IT] (0.5—1.0 cc.) of mixture of 2 5 eucalyptol and 10 liq. paraffin. Eucalyptus.

Preparation-. Tr. (1:5) UoM: 15— I20n/ (1-8 cc.). Un»t. I:5.-See sUo, Oil Eues- lyptUB and Eucalyptol. Eudoxine. Bismuth salt of nosojihen. — Odorl., tastel., insoL powd.; 52.ik'/o iodine. — Intcst. Antiseptic and Astringent. — Dose; 3 —Sgi'u. (0.2 —0.5 grm.). 3—5 t. daily. 28 Manual. — U Mat. MED. part 1.

Eugallol. transparent, dark-yellow, PvROOALLOL MokoacEtatE. — Byrnpy , mass. — Sol. in water readily. — Suecedaneum for Pyrogallol in ob- stinate chronic psoriasis; very vigorous in action. — Api'lieo like pyrogallol. Eugenol Merck. — Pure. Eugenic acid; Caryophyllic Acid. — Colorl., oily liq.; spicy odor; solut. caustic taste. — Sol. in alcohol ether chloroform , burning , , soda. — Antiseptic, Antitubercular, Local Anesthetic. — ses : Extern., oint. with adeps lana: in eczema and other skin diseases, local anesthetic in dentistry, etc.; intern., tuberculosis, chronic catarrhs,

etc. — Dose : 8—80 n\ (0.5—2.0 cc.). — Max. D. : 45 rn (3.0 cc.l. Euonymus — P. B. yf\mua,—PT«parationi £.xt. [D., I— 4gr«. (0.06 — 0.V4 g-i-m.)]; Tr. (t:5) Dose: 10-40 n] (0.6— V.B ec.). Euonymin, American, Brown, Merck. Brownish powd. — Uses; Cholagogue and drastic purgative, similar topodophyllin. — Dose: Iba—4 grn. (0.1—0.25 grm.). — Max. D.: 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) single; 16 grn (1.0 grm.) daily. Euphorin Merck. — (Not Europhen.) Phexyl-Etiiyl Urethane. — Colorl. needles; slight aromatic odor; clove taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether slightly in water. — Anti- rheumatic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Antipyretic. — Uses; Intern., rheu- matism. tuberculosis, headache, and sciatica; extern., dusting-powd. 3 in veneral and other skin diseases, ulcers. — Dose : —6 grn. (0.2-0.35

2 3 t. daily. — D. ; grn. grm.) daily. grm. ), — Max 10 (0.6 Euphthalmine Hydrochlorate. Hydrochlorate of the amygdalic Derivative of n-methyl-vinyl-diac.e- tone alkamine. Cryst., sol. in water. Mydriatic. Used in instillations of 5 lOo/o aqueous sol.

Euquinine. Quinine Ethyl-chlorocarbonate. — Slightly bitter powd. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly sol. in water. — Suecedaneum

for other quinine salts, internally. — Dose : About I's times that of quin, sulph., in powd. or cachets, or with soup, milk, or cacao. Euresol. Resorcin Monoacetate. — Viscid, transparent, yellow mass, readily pulverizable. — Suecedaneum for Resorcin. Uses ; Chiefly acne, sycosis simplex, seborrhea, etc. — Extern, in 5 to 20o/(, oint. Eurobin. Chrysarobin Triacetate. — Sol. in chloroform, acetone, ether; insol. in water. — Suecedaneum for Chrysarobin; very active reducer or “reactive*-. — Extern, in 1 to 20o/o solut. in acetone, with 5 to lOO/o of saligallol. Europhen.

IsOBUTHYL-o-CRESYL-iODiDE.r- Yellow powd.; 27.00/o iodine. — Sol. —in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils; insol. in water or glycerin. .Antisyphilitic, Surgical Antiseptic. — Dose; (by inject.); 'a—I'a grn. (0.03—0.9 grm.) once daily, in oil. — Extern, like iodoform. Exalgine.

Methylacetanilid. Cryst., sol. in wader and spirit. Analgesic Used m neuralgia and toothache. ' — Dose: a— 1 grn. (0.03—0.06 grm) 2 t.

29 MamiaU — : MAT. MEi). PABT U

Extracta (Official). um. (

'/< Extraotum Aconiti (juice of freeh herb) Doge ; —1 gm. (0.15—0.06 grm.) Aloes Barbadensis 2 (0.10 „ „ —6 —0.36 „ ) , „ Socotrinae „ 2—6 „ (0.10—0.86 ) „ Antbemidia „ 2—10 „ (0.1 M).6 ) „ Betae liquidum „ t-r-2 dr. (4.0 8|.0 .cc, ) ..k'' .-i „ Belladonnae (juice of fresh herb)' * Doge : 'I —1 grn. (0 015-0,06 grm.) alcoholic 'it (0.004-0.015 ,, „ 'In— „ Calumbae 2—10 0.1 —0.6 j (

• Cannabis Indicae „ V4—1 „ 0.015-0.06 !• 2— Cascarae sagradae „ 8 (0.1 —Oi li „ „ liquidum „ Vt—2 dr. (2.0 -*8.0 cc. Cimicifngae liquidum „ 3—30 n\ (0.2 —2.0 —0.6' Cinchonae „ „ 6—10 Itl (0.3 Cocae „ „ V2—2 dr. (2.0 —8.0 Colchici (juice of fresh corms)„ ‘A—2 grn. (0.03—0;i:12 grm.) „ aceticum (fresh corms)„- V- (0:03-+0.12

' Colocynthidis comp. 8-10 0.2 —0. 6 „ „ ,, ) ’0.1 Conii (juice of fresh herb) „ 2-6 „ -035 „ ) Ergotae liquidum „ 10—30 „ 0.6 —2.0 CC. ) Euonymi sicculn „ 1“^ » '0.06—0,25 grm.) Filicis liquidum „ 15—30 m 2.0, oe. I Gelsemii alcoholie „ 'It—2 grn. (0.63—0.1 grm.) r-O.G Gentianae „ 2—10 „ (0.1 5— —4.0 Glycyrrhizae „ 60 „ (0.3 „ liquidum „ 1 dr. (4 cc.) Haematoxyli „ 10—30 grn. (0.6 —2.0 Hamamelidis liquidum „ 2—5 n\ (0.1 —0.3 6— —2.0 Hydrastis „ „ 30 It\ (0.3 Hyoscyami (juice of fresh herb) •Dose: 5-lOgm .(0.8 —0.6 gnn. Jaborandi 2—10 (0.1 —0.6 6—15 —1.0 Jalapae „ )) (0.3 . n 6—20 —1.2 Krameriae „ }f- (0.3 Si —1.0 Lactucae (juice of freshEerb) „ 6—15 n (0.3 a Lupuli „ 5—15 a (0.3 —1.0 Mezerei aethereum. Nucis vomicae (standardized),

Opii liquidum standardized (-with 0.75 0/0 Morphine)-; ,, , 10—40 (0.6 —2.5 cc. Doge; 61 ) Papaveris Dose : 2—5 grn. (o’.l —0.3 grm.) Pareirae 10-30 „ (0.6 -2.0 „ ) —2 dr. (2.0 —8.0 cc. ) , liquidum 'It Physostigmatis >/i6— ‘.'4 grn. (0.004-0.Q15:gtm.) 3— (0.2 0.3 ) Quassiae 5 ,, —4.0 Rhamni frangulae 15—60 „ (1.0 •„ ) liquidum (Rhamnin) Dose 1 4' dr. (4—16 cc.) 6—15grn.(0.3 —1.0 „ , Rhei n 2 —16,0 CC. Sarsae liquidum „ 4 dr. (8.0 (fr. Seeds) 'It— 'll grn. (0.015-0.03 grm , Stramonii „ Taraxaci (juice of fresh' root), 6—30 „ (0.3 -2.0 „ ) ,' (dried root) „ liquidum Dose: < 4—2 dr. (1.0 —8.0 cc. ) Not official Extracts. Extr. Apocyni canabini liquidum. Doge: Diuretic, Diaphoretic and Expeotorana. — UsKS; Dropiy. 6—20 ni (0.8— 1.2 cc.). Mcmuml. 30 Uerck'i MAT. Med. PART I.

Extract, Betulae alb.

. (2jOgrm_.)j.dail;ir. . Powerful Diuretic. — Dose: 32 grn. , Extract, Cacti grandiflori liquid. 5—20 iq Cardiotonic remedy, used instead of Digitalis. — Dose: (0.3—1.2 cc.) 3 t. daily. Extract. Condurango liquidum. of the , rheumatism Cancer Storaachiq,. Alterans. Uses; Chronic j 20 (1.2 2.5 cc.). stomach, Dyspepsia etc. — Dose : —40 n\ — Extract, Coronillae. in pill four t. Substitute for Digitalis. — Dose : 2 grn. (0.1 grm.) a

daily. ‘ ; . Extract, Ergotae, Aqueous, Soft, — see Ergotin.

Extract, Malti, Merck. —Dry, Powd. Contains maximum amount diasthse,' dextrin, dextrose, proteides scrofulous and salts from barley. — Tonic, Dietetic. — USES : Children, patients, dyspeptics, etc. — Dose: 1—4 drams (4—15 grm.). Extract, Mone'siae, Merck.— Aqueous, Dry.

Alterative, Intestinal Astringent. — Uses : (jhronic diarrhea, catarrh, 2 scrofula, scurvy, etc. — Dose : —5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.).

r'l.;' ; Extract, Muirae-puamae, liquidum, Merck. Aphrodisiac, Nerve-stimulant. — USES: Sexual debility, senile weak-

ness, etc. — Dose : 16—30 (l\ (1 —2 cc.).^ Extract. Pichi Pichi (Fabrianae imbricatae) liquidum. Uses: Catarrhal inflam, of the gen. urin. organs, renal and vesical calculi. Dose: 16—60 (I). (1.0—4.0 cc.).

Extr. Syzygii Jambolani liquid (Jambul) e cortice, et e seminibus. Antidiabetic. Dose: of both .preparations 1 —4 dr. (4.0—15.0, cc.).

Extr. Viburni prunifolii liquidum. Uterine haemostatic. Nervine remedy, -Oxytocic.' Uses: in habitual abortion, dysmenorrhoea, menorhagia. Dose : 30—60 iq (2—4.0 cc.).


Ferric - - Ferripyhine. — 64 o/o antipy rine, Chloride Autipyrine , 12«/o iron, 240/o chlorine. Orange^red non-hygroscopic powd. — — . Sol. in 5 parts water, 9 parts boiling water; in alcohol, benzene, slightly in ether. — Hematinic, Styptic, Astringent, Antineuralgic. — Uses; Intern., anemia, chlorosis, migraine, headache, neuralgia; extern., gonorrhea, nosebleed, etc.. Dose: 6—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.), with peppermint-oil sugar, or in solut. — Extern, in 1—l>/3®/o solut. for gonorrhea; 2QO/o. solut, or pure for hemorrhages. Ferrohemol. Hemol with iron, in organic combination. Brown powd. Hematinic. Dose: 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 3 t. before meals in wafers. Fluorescein Merck.

Orange-red powd. — Sol. in ether, alkaline solut. — Uses ; Diagnosis of corneal lesions and ipipervipus strictures .of;,na8al, duct. Sqliit.

^1 l/’anuo/« “ —

Mat. MEfD. PART I.

lOgrn. (0.6 grm.), with l.'i gni. (1.0 grin.) sodium bicarbonate, in 1 ounce (80 cc.) water. Food- and Dietetic Products. Ar,K,VKN08E. ARTOSE. Beep Joices (Wyeth). Bengers Food.

tiVNOL. Combination of Malt E.xtract with Cod-liver oil. Carnigen. COXCEXTRATED BEEF TEA. Essbxce of beef. Extract of aveat (Armours Chicago).

„ n >, (Liebig’s Extract) American Fray Bentoa. Maetike. — ‘Extraction of all the nutritive dnd digestive properties of wheat, oats, and malted barley. Meeeis’s Food. .‘Consists of dextrin, maltose, albuminates, and salts.‘ Lipanix. Malted pood, Horlick’s. Malt Extract, Kepler’s. Meat lozenges. Meat jitices (Brand’s, Valentine’s). Milk Food No. 12 and 8 Allenbury's. Milk Condensed.

„ Ideal of the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.

„ humanized. Mutase.

Nestle’s Food. — ‘40o/o. sugar, .^o/b fat, 1.5o/o proteids, 30o,o dextrin and starch." NuraoSE. — “Casein-sodium.* Peptonoids, BeEf. — “From beef and milk, with gluten." Peptone prom meat, Mode’s. •Saccharin. — (Crystallose, Zuckerin, Dulcin, Sykose.) — Antidiabetic and Hygienic Substitute for Sugar. — See under “.S‘. Sanose. — “80o/o purest casein, 20o/o purest albumose." Somatose. — ‘Deutero and hetero-albumoses." Milk-Somatose.

Iron- „ Tropokb. Proteids containing 38>,'e«/u animal albumen. Formaldehyde Merck. 40 Colorl., volatile liq. Aqueous solut. formaldehyde gas; about On. ; pungent odor. — Non-corrosive Surgical and General Antiseptic (in wounds, abscesses, etc., for clothing, bed-linen, walls, etc.); preser- vative of colly ria and anatomical or botanical specimens. — Applied in vapor or solut.: In surgery, */4 — ViO/o solut.: general antisepms, 1/4—2»/o solut. or in vapor; for colly ria, .‘isooo solut.; for hardening anatomical specimens, 4—10#/o solut. [Other brands of this prepa- ration are sold under special names, such as ‘Formalin". ‘Formol", etc. The Merck article is sold under its true chemical name: "Formaldehyde". Formaldehyde, Para-, — see Paraformaldehyde. Manual, 32 Utrck^s V ;


Formalin, — see PormaLdEHYDE. Formin. Hexamkthylene-tktramin’E, Merck, also called Urotropin. — Al- kaline cryst. powd. — Soi,. in water, slightly in alcohol. — Uric-acid solvent and Genito-urinary Antiseptic —^USES: Gont, cystitis, etc. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.) daily, taken in the morning, or morning and evening, in lithia water or carbonated water. Formol, — see Formaldehyde. Fuchsine, Medicinal, Merck. Euchsine free from arsenic. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic, Anti- nephritic. — Intern., nephritis, cystitis said to reduce anasarca Uses ; ; '/» and arrest albuminuria. — Dose : —4 grn. (0.03—0.25 grm.) several t. daily, in pills. — Catttios: Do not confound with Fuchsine Dye\

Gaduol (Morrhuol). Alcoholic E.xtract Cod-Liver Oil, Afercfc. — Brown, oily liq. bitter, acrid taste; contains the therapeutically active principles of cod-liver oil (iodine, bromine, phosphorus, and alkaloids), without any of the inert ballast of the oil. — Alterative, Nutrient. — Uses: Instead of cod-liver oil. — Dose: 5—30 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.), as elixir or wine.

Gall, Ox, Inspissated, Merck. — Purified, Clearly Sol. — P. B, Laxative, Digestive. — Uses: Typhoid fever, deficiency of biliary secretion, etc. — Dose 5—10 grn. (0.3 — grm.), several t. daily, in capsules or pills.

Gallanol Merck. Grayish, bitter cryst. or powd. — SOL. in alcohol, ether, slightly in cold water, chloroform. — Antiseptic, Dermic. Uses: Psoriasis, ec- zema and other skin diseases, instead of chrysophanic acid or pyrogallol. — Applied: In acute or chronic eczema, 1 —7 parts in 30 parts ointment; in psoriasis, 200/q solut. in chloroform or trau- maticin; for moist eczema, 250/o with talcum; for favus, prurigo and trichophyton, 20o/o solut. in alcohol with little ammonia. Gallobromol Merck. Dibkomo-gallic Acid. ^ Small, grayish cryst. — Sol. in alcohol: ether. 10 parts water. — Sedative, Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses, Intern., instead of potassium bromide; extern., cystitis, gonorrhea, gleet, eczema, and other skin diseases. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—ID grm.). — Extern, in l—4o/o solut., powd., or paste. Gelanthum. Lauded by Unna as an ideal, water-soluble vehicle for the application of dermics. Forms a smooth, homogeneous covering without any tendency to stickiness. Does not stain the skin or the linen. Readilj’ takes up tiOOfo ichthyol, 40o/o salicylic acid, resorcin, or pyrogallol. 5 o/q carbolic acid, and lo/o mercuric chloride. Keeps insoluble drugs (e. g. zinc oxide) well suspended. Gelsetninine (Alkaloid) Merck. White microscopic cryst. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform. — (The lii/elrochinrate and sulphate are sol. in water.) — Antineuralgic, Antispasmodic. — Uses: Neuralgia, rheumatism, dysmenorrhea, etc.’ also antidote to strychnine. — Doho : Vim— ao grn. (0.0005—0.002 grm ) — Max. D.: '/3o grn. (0.002 grm.) single, Ve grn. (0.01 grm.) daily. — 33 Merck’t Manual, a V


Antidotes: Emetics early, atropine, stropliantin , artificial respi- ration, external stimulation.

(Also, a complete line of Gelseminine Salts.) Gelsemium — P. B. T.I.LOW jAiNiM.-Thedrug t(Doi»: 3-.30grn. ifrta.yj.-Pnparatiotu . Kxlr. 8™.)]; Tr. (1:8) [D. 5-Wn) (0.3-1.* cc.)]. - See «Uo,

Gentian — P. B.

: • 0—30 Dot» grn, (0,6— 2.— grin,)—•••/ * ' • - o* /»reparaW

Dose: I —2 dr. (4,0— fi.Ogrm.).— Preparo«on ; Suppoa. (70 per cent.). Official Glycerine Preparations;

Glycerinum Acidi carbolici (1:5). „ „ Galliei (i:4*/2).

„ „ Tannici (1:4* 2 ). „ Aluminis (1:5*/*). „ Amyli (l:7*/2). „ Boracis (1:63/4). „ Plumbi Subaoetatis (l:3'/2). „ Tragacanthae (1 :43/s). Glycozone. Not completely defined. — [Stated: “Result of tbe chemical reaction when glycerine is subjected to the action of 15 times its own volume of ozone, under normal atmospheric pressure at 0"C. — Colorl. viscid liq.; sp. gr. 1.26. r- Disinfectant, Antizymotic. — Dose: 1—2 fl. dr. (4—See), after meals, in water. — Enema.: >2—1 fi. oz.(15—80 cc.) in 1 —2 pints (500—1000 cc.) water."]

Glyoyrrhiza — P. B.

i.ioosioB Koot.— Fr«i>ar(iti

Glycyrrhizin, Ammoniated, Merck. — Clearly Soluble. Dark-brown or brownish-red, sweet scales. — Sod. in water, alcohol. — Expectorant, Demulcent. — Uses: Chiefly with bitter or neutral medicines, to cover taste; also as cough remedy. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3 —1.0 grm.). — Incompatible with acids.

Gold Bromide, Auric, Merck. Gold Tribkomide. — Dark-brown powd. — Sol. in water, etlier. — Anti-epileptic, Anodyne, Nervine. — Uses: Epilepsy, migraine, etc.; said to act, in small doses, quickly and continuously, without bromism. — Dose: Anti-epileptic, */i 2— */6 grn. (0.005—0.012 grm.) 2 or *; 3 t. daily, in pills; anodyne, 2o grn. (0.003 grm. j 2 t. daily. Children, half as 'much.

Gold Chloride Merck. Chloro-aubic acid. — Brown, very deliquescent, cryst. masses, Sol. in water, alcohol. — Antitubercular, Alterative. — UsE.s: Phthisis and other tubercular affection; lupus. — Dose; *r.o— >is grn. (OlXIl —0.004 grm.). — Caution: Keep dry, from light! • 34 Mrrxk*» Mnnuai. —


Gold, Cyanide, Auric, Merck. Gold Tbicyanide. — Colorl. hygroscopic plates, — Sol. in water, alcohol. — IFSES: Antitubercular. — Dose: ‘/ao—'no grn. (0,003 O.OOG grni.). — Antidotes; As Gold Cyanide, Aurous.

Gold Cyanide, Aurous, Merck. Gold Monocyanide. — Yellow cryst. powd. Insol. in water, al-

cohol, or ether. — Dose : 'ne—'U grn. (0.004—0.015 grm.), several t.' daily, in pills. — AntidotEs: Emetics, stomach siphon, artificial respiration, ferric or ferrous sulphate, ammonia, chlorine, hot and cold douche, etc. Gold Iodide Merck. Airnous Iodide. — Greenish or yellow powd. sol. in acids. — Altera- tive. — Uses: Scrofula and tuberculosis. — Dose: Vei—i/io grn. (0.001 —O.OOG grm.). Gold and Sodium Chloride Merck. Dose: V»4— 'n grn. (0.0025—0.015 grm.). — Max. D.: o/t gm. (0.045 grm.) single, 3 grn. (0.2 grm.) daily. — Incompatibles: Silver nitrate, ferrous sulphate, oxalic acid. Grindelia.

Preparation: F. E,, [D., 20— 60 min. (t,2— 4.0 cc.)]. Guethol Merck.

GuAiACOL-ETnYL. — Oily liij.^ congealing in the cold. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; msol. in water or glycerine. Local Anesthetic, Topical and Internal Antitubercular. — Uses: Ghiefiy

as succedaneum for guaiacol: extern., in neuralgia, . tubercular cystitis, etc.: inter?i. in phthisis. — Dose: 4—8 n) (0.^5—0.5 grm.) 3 t. daily, in sweetened hydro-alcoholic solut. — Extern, as paint with equal part chloroform, or in 10—20 o/q oint. Guaiacetin.

Sodium E^ykocatechin-.monoacetate.— Powder, sol. in water. Anti-

tubercular. — Dose: 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 2—3 t. a day. . .

Guaiaci Resina.

Guaiacol Benzoate, — see Benzosbol.

Guaiacol Carbonate. Duotal. — Small, wh., odorl., tastel. cryst. — Insol. in water. — Antitubercular. — Dose: 4—8 grn. (0.2—0.5 grm.) 2 or 3 1. daily, grad, increased to 90 grn. (6 grm.J a daj’ if necessary, in powd. Guaiacol Merck.

Colorl., limpid, oily liq.; characteristic aromatic odor. — Sol. in alcohol; ether, 200 parts water. — Antitubercular. Antiseptic, Anti- pyretic, Local Analgesic.:^ Uses: Intern., phthisis, lupus, and intestinal tuberculosis, febrile affections. — : 2 Dose rfi (0.1 grm.) 3 t. daily, gradually increased to IG Iff (1 grm.), in pills, or in 1—2o/o solut. brandy, wine, etc., after meals. — Extern. (Analgesic, and "^t^P^eBc) : 16—32 [T\ (1—2 cc.), pure or with equal parts glycerine

Guaiacol Phosphate. White Cryst., sol. in alcohol, chloroform and acetone. Antitubercular. — Dose: 6—10 grn. (0.4—0.6 grm.)‘ daily. •

35 Mertk*e ManuaL — ; ) Mat. Med. PART I.

Guaiacol Phosphite.

Pno«PHo&u.viA.ooL. - Oily liq.; 926/0 gualacol. - Sol. in alcohol, glycerine, oils. Antitubercular, etc., like guaiacol. ~ Doho: 8 grn. (0..*) grm.) 4 t. daily; in pills, elixir, or wine. Also a complete line of other Guaiacol-Ethers.

Guaiacol Salol Merck.

Guaiacol S.u.icylate. — White, insipid cryst.; salol odor. — Sol. in alcohol insol. ; in water. — Intestinal Antiseptic, Antitubercnlar. Anti- rheninatic. — USES: Phthisical diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, marasmus, chorea, etc. — Dose: 15 grn. (1 grm.), several t. dailv. — Max. D. : 150 grn. ("lO grm.) daily.


PrPERiDiN Guaiacolate. — Antitubercular. — Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3 —0.1! grm.) per day.

Guarana —r U. S. P. Uaiet grn. 30 (».0 grm.).— {Reparation P. E. (1:1), Tr, (1:4) Dote : 1-8 dr. (4-8 co.

Haema-, Haemo-, — see under Hema-, Hemo-, etc. Hamamelis — P. B.

WlicniiAZKi.. -/>rej

Pkhnisotai. - PreporaliOTM.' Oil (D., 8-10 nj (0 2-0.0 co.)]; Spt. (10 per cent oil). Hematoxylon — P. B.

I^on WOOD. — /Veparotfotu ; Ext. [D., 10 — 80 gm. (0.0— 2.0 grm.)].— Decoct 1:20. Domi 1—2 oz (80— 60 cc.). — See also, Hematoxylin. Hemogallol. Hemoolohin Reduced bv Rvhogallol, Merck. — Reddish-brown powd. containing iron in condition fdr easy assimilation. — Hema- tinic, Constructive, Tonic. — Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, chronic neph-

ritis, diabetes, and in convalescence : readily transformed into blood- coloring matter in debilitated people, and uniformly well borne: much superior to inorganic preparations of iron. — Dose: 4 —8 grn. fO.25 —0.5 grm.), 3 t. daily, ''s hour before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in pills or chocolate tablets. * Hemoglobin Merck. Brownish-red powd. or scales. — Sol. in water. — Hematinic. — — Uses : Anemia, chlorosis, etc. — Dose : 75 150 grn. (5—10 grm.), daily, in wine or syrup.

Hemol. Hemohlobik Reduced by Zinc, Merck. — Dark-brown powd. con- taining easily assimilable iron, with slight traces of zinc oxide. Hematinic, Antic.hlorotic. — Uses: Anemia and chlorosis, neu- rasthenia, etc. Dose: 2—8 grn. (0.1—0.5 grm.), before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in wafers. Heroin. Morphine diacetic ester. — Cryst. powd. slightly soluble in water freely sol. in alcohol. .Substitute for Morphi.o. -r Dose: •' 18—Vo grn. (0.005—0.01 grm.) 4—5 t. daily. Hetol. Cinnamate of Sodium, which see.

36 MertVe Manaai. V —


Hetocresol. CiKNAMYLMETACKESOL. — Cryst. powd. freely sol. in ether only. Antiseptic especially in tubercular processes. Used per. viam hypo- derm. in a Suspension of Hetocresol and Iodoform in the proportion 2:1 in 8 parts of water. Dose : 8—32 fl] (0.5— 2.0 cc.) or as dusting powd 1:9 Iodoform.

Hexamethylene-tetramine, — see Formin.

Hexamethylene-tetramine Salicylate, — see Salipohmin.

Holocaine Hydrochlorate. Wh. needles. — Sol. in 40 parts w.ater; undecomposed on boiling. — Local Anesthetic, like cocaine. — Uses: Chiefly in eye diseases in lo/o solut.

Homatropine Hydrobromate Merck. Small white cryst. — Sol. in 10 parts water, 133 parts alcohol. — Uses: Mydriatic in ophthalmic surgery; internally in night-sweats of phthisis, and as Sedative. Mydriatic effect commences in 'u to 1/2 hour, reaches maximum in 1 hour, and disappears in 6 hours. 1 Accommodation paresis ceases earlier. Dose: /120—'oogm. (0.0005 0.001 grm.). — Extern., to the eye, in lo/o solut.

Honey — P. B.

Prtparatiolu : Clarified Honey; Oxyrae) Hose: 1-2 dr. (4—8 cc»). Hop — P. B.

Preparation; Tr. [11., Va-2 drams (9-8 cc.). Extr. Uoi. t 8-16 gm. (0.3-1.0 grm.).

Inf. (1:90) Hose t 1—9 oz (80— 60 cc.). Hyrgol. Hydrargyrum colloidale. Granular mass, freely sol. in water. Used as ointment 1:10 instead of Ungt. Hydrargyr. Average dose for one inunction 48 grn. (3.0 grm.). Hydrastine (Alkaloid) Merck. White prisms. — SoL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water. — Alterative. Tonic, Antiperiodic. — Dose: Vi— 1 grn. (0.015 —O.Ofi grm.).

Hydrastine Hydrochlorate Merck. — {Not Hydrc^tinine etc.) , Amorph., white powd. — Sol. in water. — Astringent, Alterative, Tonic, Hemostatic. — USES: /wferw., uterine hemorrhage, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, etc.; extern., gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, endometritis, leucorrhea, cervical erosions, acne, hyperidrosis, seborrhea, etc. — Dose: '/»—1 grn. (0.03 —0.06 grm.), every 2 hours if necessary. — Extern, as O astringent, Vio— 2 /0 solut.; in sTtin diseases, lo/g oint’s or lotions.

Hydrastinine Hydrochlorate Merck. — {Not Hydrastine, etc.) Yellow, cryst. powd. — SOL. in water. — Uterine Hemostatic, Em- menagogue, Vaso-constrictor. — USES : Hemorrhages, congestive dys-

menorrhea, metrorrhagia, epilepsy, <.'2 hemoptysis, etc. — Dose : Vi— grn. (0,015—0.03 grm.), 8—4 t. daily, in capsules. Hydrastis — U. S. P. to- *o-«o (l2®-Vo"c^T'™**‘’"' Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, — see Solution, Hydkooen Peroxide.

37 Manual. V — — MAT. MED. PART 1.


Not completely defined. — (Stated: “80 vole, preserved aqueous solut.

of HvOh. —. Clear liq., acid taste. — Disiniectant, ('icatrizant. — Dose: 1 fl. dr. (4 cc.), well dil. before meals. — Extern, , in 2 or SOjo 8 olut.“) Hyoscine Merck. — True, Amorph. From Hyoscyamus niger. — Thick, colorl. syrup, v— SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water. — Hypnotic, Sedative. — Uses; To quiet and give sleep to insane and others. •— Dose: For hisane, V«o—

. — grn, (0 001 0.002 grm.), cautiously increased or repeated until effect is produced; for sane, taoo— Vioo grn. (0.0003—0.0006 grm.). — Injec- tion: For insane, V> 2o— '/eo grn. (0.0005—0.001 grm.); for sane, ‘Aoo— Oaoo grn. (0.00015—0.0003 grm.). — ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, muscarine, tannin, animal charcoal, emetics again; heat or cold externally; cathartics, etc. Hyoscine Hydrobromate Merck. — True, Cryst. Colorl. cryst. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Uses and Doses, same as Hyoscine. (Also Other Salts of Hyoscine.)

Hyoecyamine, True, Merck. — Cryst. — {Much stronger than Amorph. /) From Hyoscyamus niger. — White, silky, permanent cryst. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, acidulated water; slightly in water. — Hypnotic, Sedative. — USES: To quiet insane and— nervous; ease cough in consumption; asthma, etc. — Dose: * ia« ’:is grn. (0.0005

0.002 grm.), several t. daily, in pill or solut. ; as hypnotic for insane.

Vs—V< grn. (0.0075—0.015 grm.). Usual Max. D. : Vso grn. (0.002 grm.) single; Vis grn. (0.005 grm.) pro die. — Antidotes; As for Atropine. Hyoscyamine True, Merck. — Pure, Amorph. {Much , — weaker than Cryst!)

Brown, syrupy liqu. — Dose : Vs—V< (0.0075—0.015 grm.).

Hyoscyamine Sulphate, True, Merck. — Cryst. White, deliquescent, microscopic needles; acrid taste. — SOL. in water, alcohol. — Dose same as of Hyoscyamine cryst. Hyoscyamine, Sulphate, True, Merck. — Pure, Amorph. Yellowish, hygroscopic powd. — SOL. in water, alcohol. — Uses as

Hyoscyamine, True, Amorph. — Dose : Vs— 4 grn. (0.0075—0.015 grm.). (Also, other Salts of Hyoscyamine.)

ichthalbin. ICHTHYOL Albuminate. — Gray-brown, odorl., almost tastel, powd.; 4 parts equal 3 parts ichthyol. — SOL. in alkaline fluids (such as intestinal secretion); insol. in ordinary solvents and in diluted acids as gastric iuice). Succedaneum for Ichthyol internally as an Alterant, Antiphlogistic, and Assimilative. Uses; Phthisis, scrofula, rheu- 15 (1.0 2.0 2 or matism, skin diseases, etc. — Dose : —30 grn. grm.) , 3 t. daily, before meals.

ichthyol. Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate, Ichthyol Co., — (NH^lj Cw Hm S3 Oe. O/o easily assimilable sulphur. — Thick, bro wn. liq. bituminous odor ; 16 ; — Sol. in water, mixture alcohol and ether, miscible with glycerine. 00 Mtrck’t Manuals PART 1. MAT. MED.

oils. _ Antiphlogistic, Anodyne, Alterative, Antigonorrhoic, Dermic. — Uses: Intern., skin diseases, rheumatism, scrofiila, nephritis, etc., etc. 5 to ointment, splut., etc. uterine and gonorrhea, ; extern. 500/o ; vaginal inflammation, urticaria, erosions, pruritis, gout, boils, car- buncles, acne, eczema, herpes, burns, catarrh, etc.; 2o/o solut. in go- norrhea. — Dose: 3—10 ni (0.3— 0.6 gi-m.), in pills, capsules, or with water. — (See “Ichthalbin” — a preferable form for internal use.)

Infusa (Official).

Infusum Anthemidis (1:20). Dose: As stomachic 1 —4 oz. (30.0—120.0 cc.) as an emetic 5—10 oz. (150.0—300.0 cc.). „ Aurantii (1:20). 1 Dose : —2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Aurantii comp. (1:40) (prepared with bitter Orange Peel & Fresh Lemon Peel). Dose: l —2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Buchu (1:20). 1 Dose : —4 oz. (30.0—120.0 cc.). „ Calumbae (1:20). 1 Dose : —2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Caryophylli (1:40). Dose : 1—4 oz. (30.0—120.0 cc.).

„ Cascarillae (1:10). 1 Dose : —2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Catechu (1:27). Dose :' 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Chiratae (1:40). Dose: 1 —2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Cinchonae acidum (1:20) (prepared with aromatic Sulphuric acid).

Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.).

„ Cuspariae (Angosturae) (1:20). Dose: 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Cusso (1:16). Dose: 4—8 oz. (120.0—250.0 cc.). „ Digitalis (1:156). Dose : Vi—V2 oz. (8.0—15.0 cc.). „ Ergotae (1:40). Dose: 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Gentianae Comp. (1:80) prepared with fresh Orange Peel &' Lemon Peel). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Jaborandi (1:20).

Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Krameriae (1:20). Dose: 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Lini (1:30) prepared with Licorice root). Dose: in Catarrhal cystitis and Diabetes (1—4 oz '1 30.0—120.0 cc.). „ Lupuli (1:20). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Maticae (1:20). Dose: 1—4 oz. (30.0—120.0 cc.). „ Qnassiae (1:80). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.).

39 Mtrck't Manual. — MAT. MED. PART I.

InfuBum Rhei (1:40). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.).

,, Rosae acidum (1:40) (prepared with dilute sulphuric acid). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.).

. „ Senegae (1:20). Dose; 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Sennae (1:10). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Serpentarinc (1:40). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Uvac Ursi (1:20). Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). „ Valerianae (1:40).

Dose : 1—2 oz. (30.0—60.0 cc.). Ingluvin.

Digestive ferment obtained from gizzard of chicken. — Yellowish powd. — Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.).

Injectiones Hypodermicae (Official). Injectio Apomorphinae hypodermica [2 grn. (0.12 grm.) in 100 m (6.25 cc.)l. Dose : 2—8 n) (0.12—0.5 cc.) = ','21— Ve grn. (0.0025—0.01 grm.).

„ Ergotini hypodermica [1 grn. (0.06 grm.) in 3 m (0.2 cc.)l. Dose : 3—10 m (0.2—0.6 cc.). „ MorpMnae hypodermica [1 grn. (0.06 grm.) in 10 tH (0.6 cc.)l. Dose: 1 —2 O) (0.06 0.12 cc.) increasing.

Iodine Merck. — Resublimed. Dose: Vs grn. (0.03 grm.) — Preparations: Oint. (30/o); Liq. lodi (5«/o, with 7.50/0 I.); Tr. K (2.50/0) Liuim. lodi (1:9). Antidotes : Emetics, sto- mach pump; starchy food in abundance. — Incompatibles: Oil turpentine, starch, tannin. lodipin.

Iodine addition-product of sesame oil. — Yellow fluid, of purely olea- ginous taste; contains lOO/o iodine. — Mild yet efficient Alterative Tonic, carried even to remotest parts of body. — Uses: Syphilis,

scrofula, etc. — DOse : tea-to tablespoonful, 3 or 4 t. daily, in emul- sion with peppermint water and syrup; children in proportion.

Iodoform Merck. — Gryst. or Powd.

Dose; 1 —3 grn. (0.06—0.2 grm.). — Preparations: Oint. (10«/o). Sup- positories of 3 grn. (0.2 grm.) each. — Incompatible: Calomel. lodoformogen. lODOPOEM Albuminate. — Brown-yellow, flue, dry, nonconglutin.a- ting powd.; about 3 times as voluminous as iodoform, more perva- sive, and free from its odor. — Substitute for Iodoform, lodole.

Teteaiodo - PYEKOLE. — Light, fine, grayish-brown powd.; 89«/o iodine. — Sol. in alcohol, chloroform, oils; 3 parts ether; slightly in water. — Antiseptic, Alterative. — Uses: Intern., syphilis, scro- fula, and instead of potassium iodide; extern., 5 to lOo/o oint in chronic ulcers, lupus, chancre, suppurative adenitis, etc., powd. or solut. on mucous membranes, as in ozena, tonsillitis, and inflam- matory condition of larynx and trachea; in gynecology, tampons saturated with 16 parts alcohol, 34 parts glycerine, and 1 part iodole. 40 jr«rdb'« ifaiMiaZ. :


— Dose: 1—3 grn. (0.06 —0.2 grm.) daily, in wafers. Max. D. 3 grn. grn. grra.) daily. (0.2 grm.) single ; 16 (1 lodothyrine. Thyroiodine — Dry Preparation of thyroid gland. — Alterative, Dis- cntient. — Uses: Goiter, corpulency, myxedema, cretinism, nanism, etc. — Dose: 15—32 grn. (1.0— 2.0 grm.) per day. Children: 3 grn.

(0.3 grm.) — 16 grn. (1.0 grm.) per day 1 Ipecao — P. B.

Doie! Stomachic, Va — 1 gru. (0 03— 0.06 grm.); enutic, 10 — SO grn. (0.6— 2.0 grm.). — Preparatioru ; Powd of Ipecac and Opium (1;10 each); Doia: 8-16 grn. (0.3 — 1.0 grm.) Troches (*/r grn.); Troches w. Morpliinc (one-twolfth grn. (0.005 grm.), ipecac one- forlicthgrn. (0.0013 gi-m.) morph.); Wine 5 per cent. Dose; as an expectorants— 40 IT} (0.3— 3.6 cc.); as an emetic: 3-6 dr. (12-26 cc.). Acetum Dose i 3-40 n? (0.8-2.8 cc.). Iris — U. S. P.

Blck Fl.*o. — Preparations Ext. [D., 2-6 grn. (0.1— 0.3 grm.)]; F. E. [D., lO-So m (0.6— 2,0 cc.)].

Iron, reduced by Hydrogen, Merck. — {Fernmi redactum P. B.). Dose: 1—5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.) children Vt- 1 grn. (0.015—0.06 grm.). Iron Acetate Merck. — Scales.

Dose : 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.). Iron Albuminate Merck. — Scales or powd. Brown; very stable. — Sol. in water. — Tonic, Hematinic. — Uses: Chlorosis, beriberi. — Dose : 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.). Iron Arseniate Merck. Yellowish-green, insol. powd. Dose: ‘/,c grn. gradually and with precaution increased to Oa grn. (0.004—0.03 grm.), in pills. Iron Carbonate, Saccharated, Merck, Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate, P. B.

Dose : 5—30 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.).

Iron Citrate Merck (^Ferric citrate). — Scales.

Dose : 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.). Iron Glycerino-phosphate Merck. Yellowish scales. Sol. in water, diluted alcohol. — Uses: Deficient nerve nutrition neurasthenia, , convalescence from influenza, etc Dose : 2-0 grn. (0.1— 0.3 grm.) 3 t. daily, in cinnamon water. Iron Hydrate with Magnesia. Aaiamo AsTiDOTt,- (I) Solut. ferric sulphate 60 Oc., water 100 Co.- (II) Maenoaia 10 Gm., water to make 760 Co. (In a 1000 6c. bottle). For immediaie ’u.o add I to n! Iron Hypophosphite Merck {P'erric Hypophosphate). — c. P. Whitish powd. — Insol. in water. — Dose: 2>/2 grn. (0.15 grm.). Iron Iodide, Saccharated, Merck, {Saccharated Ferrous Iodide). grm.) - Caution: Keep ftoppLeif dark, cool, and woll-

Iron Lactate Merck {Ferrous Lactate). — Pure. Dose: 2—10 grn. (0.1— 0.6 grm.). Iron Oxalate, Ferrous, Merck.

“ water.-Dose: 2 foA-r4"g°r';^;to\7t^^ — 6 grn. .

41 Merckxs Manaml. MAT. MED. PAET I.

Iron Oxide, Red, Saccharated, Merck. — Soluble. O Iron Sacch.\rate. — 2 . 8 /0 iron. — Brown powd. — .Soi.. in water. — Dhes: Antidote for arsenic.; also in chlorosis, anemia, etc. — Dose : 8—30 grn. (0.5—2.0 grm.). Iron, Peptonized, Merck. — Powd. or Scales. 50/0 iron oxide, with peptone. — Sol. in water. — Uses; Mild, easily assimilable chalybeate. — Dose: 2—8 grn. (0.1—0 5 grm.). Iron Perchloride Liquor fortior.

Preparations: Liquor (1:4), Dose: 10—.30 m (0.6— 2.0 cc.); Tr. 1:4, Dose: 10—.30 iq (0.6—2.0 cc.); Liquor ferri dialysat.. Dose: 10—30 ni (0.6—2.0 cc.). Iron Pernitratis Liquor. — Dose : 10—40 iq ( 0 . 6 2.5 cc.). Iron Phosphate, Merck. — P. B.

Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). Iron Pyro-phosphate with Sodium Citrate, {Soluble , Merck,

Ferric Pyro-phosphate, TJ. S. P.). 5 Dose : —10 grn. (0.3— 0.6 grm.).

Iron Succinate Merck. Amorph., reddish-brown powd. — Sol. slightly in cold water; easily in acids. — Tonic, Alterative. — Uses: Solvent of biliary calculi. —

Dose : 10 grn. (0.6 grm.), gradually increased to 60 grn. (4.0 grm.) if necessary, after meals; associated with 10 drops of chloroform, 4 to 6 t. daily. Iron Sulphate, Basic, Merck. — Pure. Monsel’sSalt; Iron Subsulphate. — Dose: 1—5 gm.(0.06—0.3 grm.). Iron Sulphate, Ferrous, Merck. — Dose : 1 5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.).

Iron Sulphate, Ferrous, Dried, Merck.

Best form for pills. — Dose; Vs—3 grn. (0.02—0.2 grm.). Iron Tartrate, Ferric, Merck. Brown scales. — Sol. in water. — Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.8—0.6 grm.). Iron Valerianate Merck. Brick-red powd.; valerian odor; styptic taste. — Tonic, Nervine, Em- menagogue — Uses: Anemia or chlorosis, with hysteria or nervous chorea, etc. — Dose : 3—15 gm. (0.2—1.0 grm.). exhaustion ; epilepsy, Iron and Ammonium Citrate Merck. — P. B. — Brown Scales. Appropriated for Sol. in water. — Dose ; 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). 8 (0.5 — 1.0 cc.) of a lOe/o aqueoim hypodermic injections. — Dose : —16 m solution. — Preparation-. Wine (1.55/o)U — Dose; l-^dr.'(4— 15.0 cc.).

Iron and Ammonium Sulphate, Ferric, Merck. — grm,). Ammonio-ferric Alum. — Dose : 5—15 grn. (0.3 l.Q

Iron and Manganese, Peptonized, Merck. Brown powd. — Sol. in water. — Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3 1.2 grm.).

Iron and Potassium Tartrate Merck. Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). 42 M4rck'i iVnnuoi. 6 — —


Iron and Quinine Citrate, Soluble, Merck. — P. B. Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

Iron and Quinine Citrate, with Strychnine, Merck.

With lo/o Strychnine. — Green scales. — Sol. in water. — Dose: 3— grn. (0.18—0.35 grm.).

Iron and Strychnine Citrate Merck. — U. S. P.

lO/'o — : 2 grn. 0 . 1 — strychnine. Dose —5 ( 0.3 grm.). Itrol, — see Silveh Citkate.

Jalap — P. B. Doiet 10— 80 era. (0.6— 2.0 grm.). — iV«y)araiion«; Ext. TD. 2»-8 grn. (0.1 — 0.3 grm.)];. Comp. powd. [D,» 20— 60 grn. (1.2— 4.0 grm)]; Regin [D., 2-6 grn. (0.1 -0.3 grm.); Tr. a:8) Uoiei 1/2-2 dr. (2.0-8.0 cc.). Jambul, Root and Seeds. Used in diabetes. — Preparations: Extr. Hex. — Dose: of the drug

5 grn. (0.3 2.0 grm.). : Vs —30 Dose of the Extr. 02 . (15.0 —25.0 grm.) three t. a day.

Juice, Cineraria, Merck.

Uses: Extern., cataract of the eye; 2 drops 3 t. daily.

Kamala — P. B. Dofot 1 /3 — 2 dramg (2.0— 8.0 cc.)( with hyoscyamue. in honey. Kefir Fungi Merck. Uses: In making Kefir. — [Write for descriptive circular.] Keratin, Pepsinized, Merck. Horn-substance purified by pepsin. — YeUowish-brown powd. — Uses: Coating enteric pils. — [Write for descriptive circular.] Kermes Mineral, — see Antimony, Sulphurated.

Kino - u. s. P. Do.ei 10-30 gm. (0.6-2.0 grm.).-i>r«j)ara(/cm« ; Tr. (1:10). Uo.a: Vs— 2 drs. (2,0-t.0 cc.) Pulv. cps. (1 Opium : 90) Dole: 8-20 grn. (0.8 -1.2 grm.). Koussein Merck. — Amorph.

Brayebin, KusSEiN. — Yellowish -brown powd. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water. — Anthelmintic. — Dose: 15— 30 grn. (1.0—2.0 grm.), divided into 4 parts, intervals of half hour; followed by castor oil. Children, half this quantity. Kousso — P. B.

- Er«poro

K‘’"'0 -iVsj)orattons; Ext. [D., 6-20 gm. (0.8 -1.2 grm )]: Syr. (46 per eent.); Tr. 1:8 Dose: Va-2 drs (2-8 cc.). Kryofine.

odorl.,powd.; faint bitter- 1 600 parts water; freely in alcohol, chloro- : 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) in tab™’or ^powd~'^”^^®^^''’’ Kumyss.

®’^®° rtiMlant‘‘in^^nl«e“H'';i Valuable -Ji®®'^dered digestion. Dor!ToULr(loo°0-60^^^^

48 Herek*M Manual. : :; MAT. MED, PART 1.


Lactyl-Phenetiuine. — Wh., odorl.. slightly bitter powd. — Sot,, in 500 parts water, 9 alcohol. — Antipyretic and Analgesic, ~ Dose 5—15 grn. (0.8— 1.0 grm.'). Lactucarium Merck.

Dose: Hypnotic and anodyne, 8—5 grn. (O.a— 0.3 grm.); sedative, > 2—5 grn. (0.03 —0.3 grm.). — Max. D.: 5 grn. (0.3 grm) single; 16 grn. (1.0 grm.) daily. — Preparations; Tr. (1:10); Syr. (1:20). Lanolin.

Wool-fat, .analagous to Adeps Lanic, which sec. Largin. silver albumin compound; ll»/u silver. — Dray powd.. — SOL. in 9 parts water, also in glycerine. — Powerful Bactericide and Astringent, like silver nitrate but non irritating and not precipitablo by sodium chloride or albumin. — Dses: Chiefly gonorrhea, in ' i— l'/!«/o soint. (according to stage), 3 t. daily.

Laurocerasus Folia. Preparations: A(£ua P. B. — Dose: 30 n\ to 2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.). Lavender.


Dose : 1—4 grn. (0.06—0.25 grm.). — Max. D. : 2 grn. (0.1 grm.) single 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) daily. Lemon Juice. Prejyarationx Acid. Citric (q. v.). Lemon Peel. I^fparatiom Oil; Spt-; Syr. — all flavorings. ^ Lenigaliol. Pyuogallol Tetuacetate. — White powd. — Ixsoi.. in water; sol. with decomposition in warm aqueous soiut’s of alkalies. — Mild, succedaneum for Pyrogallol; non-poisonous, non-irritating, and non- staining. — Applied in Vz—5«/o oint. Lenirobin. CiiKY.HAKOBiN Tetracetate. — lusoL. in water. — Mild "reactive" or “reducing” Dermic; succedaneum for Chrysarobin especially in herpes: non-poisonous, non-irritating, non-staining. — Extern, like chrysarobin. 44 MtrtiPt MmnuoU PARf 1. MAT. MED,

Leptandra — u. S. D. Cotvim’s RnoT.-Do»e: 20-00 grn. (1.2— 4.0 grm.).-iV«/)ora

Lettuce. Preparation: E.xtr. — Dose: 5—15 grs. (0.3—1.0 grm.). Lime Merck. — Calx. — P. B. Caliitji Oxide; Burnt lime. — Escharotic, in cancers, etc. Lime, Sulphurated, Merck.

(So-called ‘•'Calx. Sltlphurata”.) — Dose: ‘/lo—1 grn. (O.OOG—O.Ofl

grm.). , Lime Water, — see Solution, Calcium Hidrate.

Linimenta (Official).

Linimentum Aconiti (l;l'.'2 ).

„ Ammoniae (1 Sol. of Ammonia : 4).

„ BeUadonnae (1 Root : iVa).

„ Calcis (1 Solut of Lime : 2). „ Camphorae (1 : 85).

„ Camphorae comp. (1 : 8). prepared with Camphor 5, Oil of Lavender ',j, Spirit 30 and strong Solut. of Ammonia 10.

„ Chloroformi (1 : 2).

„ Crotonis (1 ; 8).

„ Hydrargyri (1 Mercury : 0)

,. lodi (1 Iodine ; 9).

„ Opii (1 Tincture : 2).

,, Potassii lodidi cum Sapone (1 : 9). Contents: Curd Soap 2, Glycerine 1, Oil of Lemon Vs, Iodide of Potassium 2 IV , Water 10.). „ Saponis (1 : 10).

,, Sinapis comp. (Oil 1 ; 40). prepared Eth. Extr. of Mezereon, Camphor, Castor Oil and Spirit.).

Terebinthinae : „ (1 IV4 ) „ Terebinthinae aceticum (1:2) Contents: Oil of Turpentine 4, Glac. Acetic acid. 1.0, Lini- ment of Champhor 4). Liquors (Official), — see Solutions (Official). Listerine. — (American speciality.) Not completely defined. — (Stated: “Essential antiseptic constituents eucalyptus, baptisia, gaultheria, and mentha arvensis, with 2 grn. benzo-boric acid, in each fl. dr.’ — Clear yellow liq. of ~ Antiseptic, Deodorant Desinfectant. j , — Dose : 1 fl. dr. (4 cc.) diluted. — Extern, generally in solut, up to 200/o.”; Lithium Benzoate Merck.

Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.). Lithium Bromide Merck.

Dose : 10—30 grn. (O.G—2.0 grm.). Lithium Carbonate Merck. — P. B.

Dose : 3 0 grn. (0 2—0.4 grm.) in aerated watter.

45 Merck’t Manual. : —


Lithium Citrate Merck. — P. B.

Dose ; 5—lO grn. (0.3 —O.G grm.). Lithium Hippurate Merck.

White powd. — Sol., slightly in hot water. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.8 — 1.0 grm.) Lithium Iodide Merck.

Sol. in water. — Dose : 1—5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.). Lithium Salicylate Merck.

Dose: lO—30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.).

Lobelia — I’. B.

Freparatiom X Tr- [D., 10-30 niJn. (0.8— 2.0 cc.)]» Tr. aetherea. Doie : 10—80/1? (0.6— 2.0 cc.)*

Lobeline Sulphate (fr. Seed) Merck. Very deliquescent, yellow, friable pieces. — Sol. in water,- alcohol. — USES: Chiefly asthma, also dyspnea, whooping-cough, and spas- modic neuroses. — Dose: (Spasmodic Asthma)-. 1 grn. (0.06 grm.y daily, gradually increasing to 3—6 grn. (0.2—0.4 grm.) daily. Children 1 — 0 » 4 grn. (0.01—0.045 grm.) daily. — Antidotes: Stomach siphon, emetics, tannin; later brandy, spirit ammonia; morphine. Loretin. Yellow, odorl. insol. powd. Forms emulsions with ethereal and oily fluids (especially w. collodion). — Succedaneum for iodoform exter- nally. — Applied like the latter. Losophan.

Tri-iodo-. — Colorl. needles, peculiar odor; 80«/o iodine. Sol. in ether, chloroform; insol. in water. — Antiseptic, Vulnerary, Dermic. — Extern, in lo/o solut. in 75o/o alcohol, or in 1 —3«/o oint. Lupulin — P. B.

Doie : 2 — 6 grn. (0.1— O.S grm>). — Preparationt F. E. (1:1); Extr. l)o»e : 1 — 6 grn. (006-0.8 grm.); Tr. (1:8) Dow: 16-60/7? (1 .0-4,0 cc.). Lycetol. Dimethyl-piperazine Tartrate. — Wh. powd. — Sol. in water. — Uric acid Solvent, Diuretic. — Uses: Gout, lithiasis, etc. — 4 10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.) Lycopodium. Used, extern., as dueting*powd. and as Tincture for Ineuntincncc uf urine. Dose:

16-16 /?? (1.0- 4,0 cc.). Lymph pure animal Merck’s for vaccination. Perfectly active and free from pathogenic microbes.

Lysidine. liq. mousy odor, 60''/o solut. Methylglyoxalidine. — Pinkish, thick ; — Miscible witli water. — Uric-acid Solvent, Diuretic. — Uses: (rout, the solution in lithiasis, etc. — Dose: 10—.30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.). ol carbon, water.

Maoe. cauMd by Methylenbliie. U.ed chiefly for fluvorlng imd to prevent the .trangnry Magnesium Carbonas.

. — 1.2 grm.). Dose: 10—20 grn. ( 0 6 J/rrrAr's Manual, •16 —


Magnesium Citrate Merck. — Soluble.

Dose : .SO—120 grn. (2.0—8.0 grm.).

Magnesium Oxide Merck {Magnesia levis R B.). Light or Calcineh Magnesia. — Light, white powd.: slightly al- kaline taste. — Sol. in diluted acids; carbonic acid water. — Ant- acid. Laxative, Antilithic. — Uses; Intern., headache, heartburn, gout, dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation, gravel, and as antidote to arsenious acid. Extern., ulcers and abraded surfaces; dusting powd. for babies; and in tooth powders. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6 1.2 grm.) as an antacid 20—GO grn. (1.5—4.0 grm.) as a purgative. Small doses are antacid or antilithic; large are laxative.

Magnesium Oxide, Heavy, Merck (Heavy Magnesia, P. B.).

Dose : .Same as above. Magnesium Salicylate Merck.

Sol. in water. — Dose : 50— 100 grn. (.S.O— G.O grm.) daily. Magnesium Sulphate Merck. — P. B. Epsom S.alt. — Dose: 1—4 dr (4—15.0 grm.). Magnesium Sulphite Merck.

Uses; Instead of sodium sulphite; has less disagreeable taste. Dose: 20—.80 grn. (1.2—2.0 grm.). Malakine. Salicylpabaphenetidine. — Needles, sblubles in alcohol. Anodyne in neuralgia, headache and acute rheumatism. — Dose: 60—90 grn. (4— 6.0 grm.) daily in divided doses.

Malleine according to Foth. Mixture of the toxic and active metabolic products of the bacilli of glanders. Diagnostic agent for glanders in man and also iniec- ted lor the cure of chronic glanders in man. Manganese Dioxide Merck. Manga.nese Peboxide; Black Oxide OF Majjgaxese. — Contain- ing over OO'i/o MnOi>. — Dose : 2—10 grn. (01 — 0.6 grm.). Manganese Hypophosphite Merck. Permanent rose-red cryst. — Dose : 1—10 grn. (0.06—0.6 grm.). Manganese Iodide Merck. masses. ol. in water, "a -S with decomposition. of spleen - Dost" i"^t gt (o7g-^^^^ Manganese, Peptonized, Merck. Brown powd,; 4'-/o manganic oxide. — Sol. in' water. and — Uses: Anemia chlorosis Dose: 20—60 grn. (1.2.5—4.0 grm.).

Manganese Peroxide, — see Manganese Dioxide.

Manganese Sulphate Merck. — Pure, Cryst.

1-5 grn. (0.06-0.3 grm.) as a tonic; .10 60 grn. (2.0 —4.0 grm.) as a purgative. Manna — P. B. Do««: a M laxatlTc SO Rrn. to 1 oa (4.0:30 frm.).

47 Mf.rck^$ Maimal — —

Mat. MED. PART 1.


HoRKHonwD.-Uted chiefly as inAn. (I;I6) taken hot, or aa confectionery; In couglia, colds, etc, Mastioh — P. B. Mastxchk. - Preparaliom: Pills Aloes and Mastic [AIo« ! gni. (O.Ofi ffrra.), Mast. t /2 grn. (0.03 grm*)]. Dose: 1 pill with dinner.

Matioo — U. S. P. 30-ia0gm (2— Do.e: 8 grm.).— PrejxiroHon. ; P. li. (l:i); Tr. (1:5). Do«e : 1—S dr. 4-8 cc.).

Matricaria — P. B.

Qrsman OskMo-MiLB. — Anthemidis Flowers. — Prejwirations ; Extr. Dose: 2 — tO grn. (0.1— 0,6 grrm.). Inf. (1:20). Dose: I— 4oz (30—120 grm.) 01. Dosei 1-4/7(0.06- 0.25 cc ). Melissa. Carminative. — Sec also, Spt. Melissa. Menispermum.

YitLfcow PkaiLLA.— Dose : 10— 20 grn. (O.G— 1.2 grm.). In fl. or infui. Mentha piperita. — P. B.

Preparation : Oil. — Dose : 1 i ni (0.06 —0.25 grm.) on sugar or in pill. Spt. : 1:50. — Dose : .60 —60 n\ (2.0—4.0 oc.). Menthol Merck. — P. B., Recryst.

Dose: '/2 ^—2 grn. (0.03 —0.12 grm.) in vomiting of pregnancy. — For toothache: put a crystal into cavity. — Tampons, 1 in 5 of oil; useful in itruritus vnlvae (loo/o ointment); 10—20«/o spt. lotions in sciatica and rheumatism. Snuff and inhalations iu coryza and influenza. Mercauro. Not completely defined. — (Stated: ‘'lO min. contain 'as grn. each gold, arsenic, and mercury bromides.” — Alterative Antisyphilitic. Dose: 5 —15 min., in water, .after meals. Mercuro-iodo-hemol. iodine witli hemol. — Antisy- Brown powd. ; 12.35'Vo mercury, 28.68»o philitic (chiefly); without untoward action. — Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1 0.3 grm.), 3 t. daily, in pills. Mercury, Ammoniated, — see Mercury and Ammonium Chloride. Mercury. Preparations: Empl. 1:3; Linim. 1:6; Pilulae 1:3. Dose: 3—8 grn. (0.2—0.5 grm.) Snpposit. of 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) each. Ungt. 1:2. Dose externally in frictions 20—40 grn. (1.2 —3.0 grm.) or 80— 100 grn. (6 —.8 grm.) every 3 th day. Mercury Benzoate, Mercuric, Merck. White cryst. — Sol. in alhohol, solnt. sodium chloride; slightly in water. — USES: Syphilis and skiu diseases. — Dose: <3»— ‘s grn. (0.002—0.0075 grm.), in pills or hypodermically. Mercury Bichloride Merck (Corrosive Mercuric Chloride, P. B). — Recryst. Dose: ‘/<8— grn. (0.004—0.0075 grm.). — Ma.\'. D.: '.:i grn. (0.02 grm.) sulphate, emetics, single; 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) d,aily. — Antidotes: Zinc, stomach siphon, white of egg, milk in abundance, chalk mixture, castor oil, table salt, reduced iron, iron tilings. White of egg and milk 2or 3t. daily for a week. — Inoompatiulks : Reduced iron, sulphurous acid, albumin, alkalies, carbonates. 48 Mtrck*t ManwU. — —


Mercury Chloride, Mild, Merck. — P. B. CALO.VEL. — Dose: >/a—5 grn. (0.03—0.3 ,'grm.). — Max D.: 10 grn ( grm.)^pro dosi; fSO -grn. (2.0 grm.) pro die. Children bear larger Doses than adults. — Incompatibles: Sulphurous acid, hydrocyanic acid, alkali chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulphites, car- bonates, hydrates; organic acids, lime water, etc. Mercury-Ammonium. Mercury Chloride, Ammoniated , — see CHLORIDE. Mercury Cyanide Merck. Dose: Vie— Va grn. (0.004—0.0075 grm.), in solut. — Extern, (gargle)

1 : 1000 . Mercury Imido-succinate, — see Mercury Sdccinimide.

Mercury Iodide, Red, Merck. — P. B. Mekcury Biniodide. — Dose: Vaa Vs grn. (0.002—0.0075 grm.) in pOls.

Mercury Iodide, Yellow, Merck. — P. B.

Mebcdet Proto-iodide. — Dose: Ve—2 grn. (0.01—0.12 grm.). — Caution : Never prescribe this with a soluble iodide, since mercury- blniodide (highly poisonous) is formed! Mercury Oxide, Black (Hahnemann), Merck. Hahnemann’s Soluble mercury. — orayish-black powd.; decomposes on exposure to light. — Dose: bi—3 grn. (0.015—0.18 grm.). Mercury Oxide, Red, Merck. -- P. B. — Levigated.

Not used internally. — Preparation: Oint. (120/o). — Incompatibles: Chlorides. Mercury Oxide, Yellow, Merck,

Not used internally. — Preparation: Oint. (1: 30.).

Mercury Oxycyanide Merck. White, cryst. powd. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic. — Uses : Extern., diphtheria, erysipelas, and skin diseases; said superior as antisep- tic dressing to mercuric chloride because more active as germicide pd less easily absorbed. — Applied in O.Bo/q solut. to wounds and in surgical operations; in blennorrhoea neonatorum 0.2 o/q solutions are applied 2 t, a day in ; other conjunctival affections used in 1 2o/o solutions.

Mercury Salicylate Merck.

Mercury Succinimide Merck.


49 Mertk*% Manual. : — —

Mat. meC; PART 1

Mercury Sulphate, Basic, Merck.

Mekcury SUB8UL1MIA.TE; Tuupeth Minerai.. — I>osc : Emetic, 2— 4 gi-n. (0.12—0.25 grm.) .4/#<’)'o

Greenish-gray powd. about .50«/n mercury. — Antisyphilitic. — ; Dose: I —2 grn., in pills. (0.06—0.1 grm.). Mercury-Ammonium Chloride Merck. — P. B. VVinTE Precipitate; Ammoniated Mercury. — Not used inter- nally. — Preimration Oint. tlO«/o). Methyl Salicylate Merck. Oil Gaultheria (Winterckken). — Synthetic 5—30 til (0-3 —2.0 cc.). For rheumatism locally applied in dressings: .50 -120 drops, covered with guttapercha-paper. Methylene Blue Merck. — G. P., Medicinal. Bluish cryst.. or blue powd. — SOL. in 50 parts water. — Uses: Neu- ralgia, PLheumatism. malaria, cystitis, nephritis, etc. — Dose: 2—4 grn. ^0.1 —0.2 grm.), in capsules. — inmection: 1 grn. (0.06 grm.).

M.vx. : single or D. 15 grn. (1 grm.) , daily. — [Write for “Merck’s Di- gest” on “Methylene Blue.” containing clinical reports.] Mezereum — P. B. Mk/.riivon.— stimulant and Veaicnnt.—DoiSi 2—5 grn. CO.t— 0.3 grm.).— Prejoiriiltoiu: Extr. aeth.f Un^t.

Mixturae (Official).

Mixtura Ammoniac! [about 13 grn. (0.8 grm.) in 1 oz (.30.0 cc.)]. Dose: [‘fc—1 oz (15.0—30.0 cc)].

„ Amygdalae (1 Comp. Powd. : 8). 1 Dose : —2 oz (30.0—60.0 cc.).

„ Creosoti [1 tT] (0.06 grm.) in 1 oz (30.0 cc.)]. Dose: 1—2 oz (30.0—60.0 cc.).

, Cretae [13 grn. (0.8 grm.) in 1 oz (30.0 cc.)]. Dose : 1 —2 oz (30.0 — 60.0 cc.).

„ Ferri Aromatica, contains Iron 2. Cinchona Bark 4. Calumba 2, Cloves 1, Tr. Cardamom, comp. 12, Tr. Orange Peel 2, Peppermint-Water 48. Dose: 1 —2 oz (30.0—60 0cc.). Carbonate of „ Ferri comiiosita, contains Iron Sulphate 0.8, Potash 1, Myrrh 2, Sugar 2, Spirit of Nutmeg 8, Bose Water 1.52.

Dose : 1 —2 oz (30.0—60.0 cc.).

: cc.)]. „ Gnaiaci [11 grn. (0.66 grm.) 1 oz (30.0 Dose : ’.'a —2 oz (15.0—60.0 cc,). 1 oz (SO.O ec.)]. „ Olei Ricini [3 dr. (12.0 cc.) in Dose: Vi 2 oz (15.0 —60.0 cc.). 1 oz (30.0 cc.)]. „ Scamnionii [3 grn. (0.2 grm.) in 1 Dose : —3 oz (30.0 —90.0 oc.). Contains: Inf. Senn Sulphate of „ Seunae composita. 15, 2' Magnes 4, liq. Extr. of Licorice 1. Tr. Sennae j, Comp. Tr. of Cardamom 1' a. Dose: 1 — 1'/2 oz (30.0 —45.0 cc.). (l:2'/2). „ Spiritus Villi gallic! Monsel’s Salt, — see IRON Sulphate, basic. Morphine Merck. — P. B. — Pure, Cryst. hypodermically 'v—' s Almost insol. in water. — Dose : Internally and grn. (0.0075-0.03 grm.) — Max. D.: Os grn. (0.03 grm.) single; 2 grn. crt M«rek*$ ManusL VV :


tube, permanganate (0.12 grm.) daily. — ANTinoTES : Emetics, stomach potassium, paraldehyde, pierotoxin, atropine, strychnine, caffeine, cocaine, exercise, electric shock, etc. — Incompatibles: Alkalies, tannic acid, potassium permanganate, etc. Morphine Acetate. Soluble in 2—3 parts of Water, 1 in 100 Spirit, 1:5 Glycerine. Dose:

',8— ’ 3 grn. (0.0075—0.03 grm.). Morphine, Hydrochlorate Merck. — P. B.

Sol. in 24 parts water. — Dose : '/s — 2 grn. (0.0075—0.03 grm.). Morphine Meconate Merck. Morphine BnrECOSATE. — Yellowish-white, cryst. powd. — Sol. in alcohol; also in 25 parts water. — Said to have less disagreable effect on brain, stomach, and intestines than other morphine salts. — Dose

Same as morphine. Liquor. Dose : 5—40 n) (0.3—2.5 cc.). Morphine Sulphate Merck. — P. B.

Sol. in 21 parts water. — Dose : Va— 2 grn. (0.0075—0.03 grm.). (Also, a complete line of the other Morphine Salts.) Morrhuol. From Cod Liver Oil by treatment with alcohol; contains Phosphorus, Iodine and Bromine. Dose: in capsules containing 4 grn. (0.2 grm.); Dose: 1 capsule several t. a day. Muscarine Nitrate Merck. Brown, deliquescent mass. — Sol. in w'ater, alcohol. — Antihidrotic,

Antispasmodic. — Uses : Night-sweats, diabetes insipidus; antidote ‘/ to atropine, etc. — Dose : 22—Vio grn. (0.002—0.004 grm.). Muscarine Sulphate Merck. Uses and Doses: Same as the Nitrate. Musk — P. B.

stimulant, AntUpaanodlc.-Uo(8: 5-lOgrn. (0..1— 0.*frm.).-IV«i)oro«

Constituent of essential oil of Myrtus communis, L. — Clear, colorl. liq.; agreeable, ethereal odor. — Sol. in alcohol. — Antiseptic, Sedative. Stimulant. — Uses: Chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, cystitis, and pyelitis. — Doso: 2— . 5 III (0 1 —0.3 grm.).

Naftalan. — {Not Napktalin!) Naphtalan. — Obtained by fractional distillation of a natural naphta from Armenia. — Blackish-green, unctuous, neutral’ mass; empyrcumatic odor. — Sol. in fats, oils, ether, chloroform; insol. in water, glycerine. — Analgesic, Antiphlogistic, Parasiticide. — Uses: Succedanenm for oil cade or oil t,ar in skin diseases; a)so in burns, contusions, epidydimitis, etc. — Contra-indicated in' very irritated ^ conditions; ineffectual in psoriasis. — Applied pure, and 51 Merek'i Manuai, 81 MAT. MED. PART I.

well covered. The statins it may make readily disappear on immer- sion in kerosene or benzin. — Keep well protected from air! Naphtalin Merck. — P. B. — Medicinal.

Uses; Intern., chronic and acute intestinal catarrhs, worms, in- testinal inflammation, cholera, typhoid fever, and chronic bronchitis; extrn., in skin diseases. — Dose: 2—8 grn. (0.1—0.5 grm.), in powd. or capsule; for tapeworm, 15 grn. (1.0 grm.), followed some hours later Dy castor oil. — Max. D.; 90 grn. (6 grm.) daily. Naphtol, Alpha-, Merck. — Recryst., Medicinal. Colorl. or pinkish prisms; disagreeable taste. — SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water. — Antiseptic, Antifermentative. — Dbes: Recommended in diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, and summer 2 complaints. Dose : —5 grn. (0.1 —0.8 grmd- Naphtol, Beta-, Merck. — U. S. P. — Recryst., Medicinal.

Dose: 3—8 grn. (0.2—0.5 grm.). — Max. D.: 10 grn. (0.6 grm.) single; 30 grn. (2.0 grm.) daily;. Naphtol, Beta-, Benzoate, Merck. — Pure. Benzo-naphtol. — Whitish powd.; darkens with age. — Soi,. in alcohol, chloroform. — Intestinal Disinfectant. — Uses: Diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, etc. — Dose: 8 gm. (0.5 grm.) 6— t. a day. Narceine-sodium and Sodium Salicylate, — see Antispasmin. Neurodin. Aoetyl-para-oxypiienyl-ueetiiane, Merck. — Colorl., inodorous cryst. — Sol., slightly in water. — Antineuralgic, Antipyretic. — Uses: Sciatica, rheumatic pains, migraine, various forms of fever. — Dose: 15 grn. (1.0 grm.) as antineuralgic, 6—10 grn. (0.3— 0.6 grm.) as antipyretic. Nickel Bromide Merck. Deliquescent, greenish scales. — Sol. in water, alcohol, ether. — Hypnotic, Sedative. — Uses: Insomnia, epilepsy, etc. — Dose: 2—

grn. (0.1—0.2 grm.). — Max. D. : 8 grn. (0.5 grm.). Nicotine Salicylate. Cryst., soluble in water and alcohol. Used in a 0.1 o/o lanoline ointment for the treatment of scabies. Nicotine Tartrate. Cryst., soluble in water. Used: hypodermically for paralysis of the bladder. Antidote to strychnine. Internally in functional distur-

bances of heart. Dose : */6<—*/'*o grn. (0.001 —0.003 grm.). Nirvanine. Hydrochlobate op the Di-ethyl- GLYCOCOLL- p- AitiDO-o-oxT- BENZOIC-METHYL-E8TER. — Prims, freely soluble in water. Local anesthetic for surgical operations, administered [by means of sub- cutaneous injections. For regionary anesthesia use 2.50/o sol., for — ' Scbleichs infiltration method 0. 5 0 . 20/o sol. are used. Nosophen. Tetbaiodo-phenolphtalEin. — Yellow, odorl., tastel., insol. powd.; 600/u iodine. — Surgical Antiseptic, like iodoform.

Nutgall — P. B. Q«Li..-Pr«paroMon.; Tr. [D., >/»-8 dr. (8.0-9.0 co.))j Olnt. with oplnm. sn Hannal. — ;


Nutmeg — P. B. Oil [D., Aiomatio, CarmlnaUT6.-l>»M : 5-IOgru. (0.3—0.6 grm.). - PnparaUont: 1-4 min. (0.06-0.35 co.)]i Spt. (3 per cent. oil). Doee: 30.^ n? (3.0-4.0 co.). Nux Vomioa — P. B. — Stomacblo, Tonic, Reapir. BUmulant. - I»oie : 1-3 grn. (0.06-0.18 grm.). Pnpa- fO 777 ratiOTu: £xt. standard. [D., Vt— 1 gru. (0.016—0.06 grm.)]; Tr. Deie: 10— (0.6— 1.3 cc.). See also, Stryclinlne.

Oil, Almond, Bitter-, Merck. — U. S. P. — stomach Dose: ‘A— */s m (0.015—0.03 grm.). Antidotes: Emetics, siphon, ammonia, brandy, iron persulphate. — Caution: Poison!

Oil, Gaultheria — P. B.

Ou Wi»Tiiaoa«E».-Dos*! 5—30 min. (0.3-1.3 grm.)— iVsporation : Spt. (5 per cent.).

Oil, Gaultheria, Synthetic, see Methyl Salicylate.

Oil, Pinus Pumilio, Merck. Scotch Pine. — Fragrant oil terebinthinons taste. — Sol. in Oil ; alcohol, ether, chloroform. — Antiseptic, Expectorant. — Uses: In-

halation in pectoral affections ; intern., as stimulating expectorant extern., lately employed in glandular enlargements, boils, and skin

diseases. — Dose : 5—10 n\ (0.8 —0.6 grm.), in capsules.

Oil, Thyme — P. B.

Dose : 10 30 (0.6 —2.0 grm.) for tapeworm, 2 i drams (8—16 grm.). — m ; — See also. Thymol.

Ointment, Mercuric Nitrate. CiT«tNii Oi'«TniitNT.»Stiixmlfttive and Altorative Dermio*~-Arpi

Oleoresin, Capsicum, Merck. Sol. in alcohol, ether. — Rubefacient, Stimulant. — USES: Intern., flatulence, and to extern., arouse appetite ; diluted with soap liniment or olive oil, in lumbago, neuralgia, and rheumatic affections. — Dose: V* —1 n\ (0.015—0.06 grm.), highly diluted, in beef tea or Other hot liq.

Oleoresin, Male Fern, Merck, {Oleoresin of Aspidium). Extr. filicis liquidum P. B. Efficacious and safe Anthelmintic. — Ph. Brit. 15—30 Dose: ltl„(l—2 grm.). Dose: 60—90 rfl (4.0—6.0 grm.) in milk or emulsion, best given on an empty stomach and for taenia one-third part of the dose should be given at intervals] of ]half ’an hour followed immediately after by Castor Oil.

Olea (Official). Oleum Amygdalae Demulcent and Nutrient, useful in catarrhal affections. Dose : a tea to a tablespoonful. „ Anethi Dose : 1—4 (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day on sugar. 58 Merck't Manwd, MAT. MED. PART 1.

Oleum Anisi Dose : 1—l n) (0.06— 0.25 cc.) single and per day on Sugar. „ Anthemidis Dose : 1—4 II\ (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day. „ Cadinum Used only externally in skin-diseases. „ Cajeputi Dose : 1—4 n) (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day on Sugar. „ Carui Dose; 1 —4 m (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day. „ Caryophylli 1 Dose : —4 ni (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day.

„ Cinnamomi 1 Dose: —4 tl\ (0.06—0.25 CC.) single an per day in a pill or on Sugar. „ Copaibae 5 Dose : —20 IT) (0.3 —1.2 cc.) in emulsion. „ Coriaudri Dose: 1—4 HI 0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day.

„ Crotonis ("colourless) Uses: Intern., obstinate constipation; amenorrhea, dropsy; extern., rheumatism, neuralgia, and indolent swellings;

hypodermically to nnevi. — Dose : 1 ni (0.02—0.06 cc.)

Max. D. : 1 (0.06 cc.) single (0.12 cc.) daily. — 0) ; 2 m Antidotes: Stomach siphon, oils, mucilage, opium, cocaine, etc. — Caution: Poison!

„ Cubebae 5 Dose : —20 ni (0.3 —1.2 cc.) in Emulsion.

„ Eucalypti

Uses : Intern., intermittent and remittent fever, bronchitis, cystitis, and dysentery, and by inhalation in asthma or

catarrh extern, skin diseases. — Dose : 1 n? ; —4 (0.06 —0.25 cc.).

„ Juniperi (berries). Dose: 1—4^7 (0.06—0,25 cc.) single and per day. Uses: Dropsy, and suppression of urine.

„ Lavandulae Dose : 1—4 rn (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day.

„ Limonis Dose : 1—4 n) (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day.

» Lini Used only externally as enema or linimontum with Liquor Calcis in burns.

„ Menthae Piperitae Dose : 1—4 nj (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day on sugar or in pill.

„ Menthae viridis Dose: 1—4 nj (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day in a piU or on sugar (Cod-liver oil) „ Morrhuao t. Dose : 1—8 dr. (4.0—30.0 cc.) 1 or 2 a day.

„ Myristicae in a pill or Dose : 1—4 nj (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day on sugar. 54 :;


Oleum Myristicao oxpressum ^Dsed exclusively externally in frictions or for preparing plasters.

Olivae . . „ . , , hepaticv i- Dose: V»—1 oz (15.0—30.0 cc.) single and per day; in colic 5 oz (160 cc.) at once.

. Phosphoratnm (1:100) s j cc.) per day. Dose: 5-10 n? (0.3-0.6 cc.). MAX. D.: 10 0) (0.6

_ Pimentae . ... , , , in a pill or Dose: 1—4 n\ (O.OG—0.25 cc.) single and per day on sugar.

. Pini silvestris , , ,• Antiseptic, Antirheumatic. Used externally in rheumatism and as inhalation with water vapours in chronic laryn- gitis.

_ Ricini (Castor Oil) 30.0 cc.). Dose : 1—8 dr. (4.0— Rosmarini Stimulant, Diuretic, Carminative, Emmenagogue. cc.) and per day. Dose : 1—4 nj (0.06—0.25 single

„ Rutae . Stimulant and Antispasmodic. Given in flatulence, Hysteria, Convulsions and Amenorrhoea. (0.06—0.25 cc.) single and per day in a pill. Dose : 1—4 m

„ Sabinae Local and General Irritant and Powerful Emmenago;;ue. Used occasionally in gout and rheumatism. in pill. Dose : 1—4 n? (0.06—0.25 CC.) single and per day a Max. D.: 5 /t? (0.3 cc.) daily.

„ Santali Internal Antiseptic, Antigonorrlioic.

Dose : 10—30 nj (0.6—2.0 cc.) several t. a day in capsules.

„ Sinapis Only used externally and diluted with Spirit (1 : 50) as

counterirritaht. Linim. Sinapis comp. (1 : 40).

„ Terebinthinae For internal administration, only the rectified oils should be used. 2—4 dr. : 10—30 2.0 cc.) anthelmintic Dose n? (0.6— ; as (8.0—15.0 cc.).

„ Theobromatis Used principally as vehicle for the official suppositories. Opium Merck. — P. B.

Not less than 9.5 per cent, morphine.

Opium Powdered, Merck. — P. B.

13—15 per cent, morphine. — Dose;

5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.). Emplastr. 1 : 10; Enema Va dr. (2.0 cc.); Tr. Extr. Opii standardized 20o/o Morphine. Dose: Va—1 grn. (0.0.3—0.06 grm.) or more. Extr. Opii licxuid. Dose: 10—40 Iff (0.6—2.5 cc.) Lini- 3 ment (1 ; 2) Pil. Dose : —5 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm.). Pulv. comp. (1 : 10). Dose : 2— grn. (0.1— grm.); 5 0.3 Tr. (l:13'/a) Dose: 5—40 (fi (0.3—2.5 grm.) Tr. amraoniata. Dose: '/a—1 dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.). Trochisci. Dose: 1—6 lozenges. Vinum: (1 oz Extr.: 20 oz = 30.0:600.0 cc.). Dose: 10—40 m (0.6-2.5 cc.). 56 HcrdPi Manual. :


Orange Peel, Bitter. Preparations: P. B. (Isl)l Tr. (1*6)— both flarorlugt.

Orange Peel, Sweet. PrtparationM Byr. (t:i?0)j Tr. (1*5)— both flavoringB.

Orexine basic. Phenyl-dihtdro-quinazoune. — Yellowish- white, odorl. powd., practically tasteless. — Appetizer, Anti-emetic Stomachic. Uses: Anorexia in phthisis, chlorosis, cardiac diseases, surgical operations; specially for vomiting of pregnancy. Contra-indicated in ex- cessive acidity of stomach and in gastric ulcers. — Dose: 5 grn. (0.3 grm.), 3 t. daily, in wafers, chocolate.

Orexine Tannate (tasteless). Employed as the pure Orexine but specially serviceable with children. Dose: 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 2 times a day.


Orthoform and „Orthoform new“. Methyl ester of Para-amido-meta-oxybenzoic Acid or Methylester of the meta-amido-para-oxybenzoic acid. — Wh. odorl. powd. — SOL. slightly in water. — Local and internal Anodyne and Antiseptic, only active

on surfaces deprived from their epidermis or epithelia. — Uses : Chiefly extern as an anaesthesic, on painful wounds, burns, etc. — Applied pure or in trituration or oint.

Oxaphor. Oxidation product of camphor. Useful in circulatory dyspnea, ner-

vous and bronchial asthma. — Dose : 24—32 grn. (1.5—2.0 grm.) daily. Max. D.: 1 dr. (4.0 grm.) per day. Ovariin Merck. Dried ovaries of the cow. — Coarse, brownish powd. ^UsES: Moli- mina climacterica and other ills referable to the ovaries. — Dose: 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) 3 t. daily, in pills flavored with vanillin, or in tablets.

Pancreatin Merck. — Pure, Powd. or Scales.

Dose :' 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.).

Papain Merck. Papaya, , Papayotin. — Concentrated active principle of juice Carica L. (Papaw). — An enzyme similar to pepsin, best acting in alkaline, solut. — 'i^itish, hygroscopic powd. — Sol. in water, glycerine. — for aiding digestion. — Uses : For dissolving false membrane , and Dose: 2—10 grn. (0.1—0.6 grm.). — Extern, in 5»/o solut. equal parts glycerine and water, for diphtheria and croup. — Caution : Not to be confounded with the vastly weaker preparations from papaw. known by various names.

Paraformaldehyde Merck. Paraporm; Trioxy-methylbne. — white, cryst. powd. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses: Intern., cholera nostras, diarrhea, etc.; extern., to generate (by heating) formaldehyde, for impregnating antiseptic bandages and surgical dressings, and for disinfecting surgical instruments such as); catheters etc. and the atmosphere of rooms. — Dose: 1 —15 grn. (0.05 —LO grm.), several t. daily. 56 Mmiet Mantial —


Paraffin, hard and Paraffin soft (Vaseline). Both used in the preparation of different ointments.

Paraldehyde Merck. — P. B. Colorl. fluid; cryst. below 10.5“ centigrade; peculiar, aromatic, suffo- alcohol, ether, oils chloro- cating odor and warm taste. — Sol. in , form; about 10 parts water. — Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Stimulant. BO Uses: Insomnia, and as antidote for morphine. — Dose: 30— tfl water, brandy, or rum. . —4.0 cc.), well diluted, with elixir, sweet ( 2 0

Pareira — P. B.

Diuretic, LuzetlTe, Tonic. — Deee: 30— 60 oti i. (^.0—4.0 grin.).— Pr^parationi P. E. Decoct. Doie: i— ob (30 — 60 ( 1:1) Extr. 1)om: 10—30 (frn. (0.6— 2.0 grm.). (1:16); cc.).

Pelletierine Sulphate Merck. PuNiciNE Sulphate. — Brown, syrupy liq. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Anthelmintic. — Dose: 6 V2 grn. (0.4 grm.); •edth 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) tannin, in 1 ounce (30 cc.) water. — Give brisk carthartic in half an hour.

Pelletierine Tannate Merck. Grayish-brown, hygroscopic, tastel. powd. — Sol. in 800 parts alcohol, 700 parts water. — Anthelmintic Principal and most efficacious salt of Pelletierine. — Dose: 8—16 grn. (0.5—1.0 grm.) in 1 ounce (.38 cc.) water, followed in 2 hours by cathartic.

Pepper — P. B.

Dom: 2— aOfrn. (0.1 — 1.8 grm.).—Pr.iKiro«on : Confoctio ( I ! 1 0). Don: 60— 180 grn. (4-8.0 grm,).— See *leo, Piperine. Peppermint.

PreparationM*. Oil [D., 1 —4 min. (0.06— 0.85 grm.)]; 8p4. (8 per cent oil); Trochee (one-sixth min. oil); Wster (one-eighth per cent, oil).— Bee also, Uenthol. Pepsin Merck. — P. B. — 1:50, Powd., Granular, or Scales,

2— grn. . Dose: 5 (0 1 —0.3 grm.) Incompatiblbs : Alcohol, tannin, or alkali carbonates.

Pepsin, Saccharated, Merck. — U. S. P. — i:300.

Dose : 60—150 grp. (4—10 grm.).

Peptone, Merck, dried. True peptone from Beef. Light bromi powder soluble in water. Nu- trient for convalescent, and invalids given in enema Va— 1 oz (15 .30 grm.), in 3—6 oz (90—180 cc.) water. Excellent for gelatin, agar- agar and bouillon nutrient media in bacteria cultivation.

Peronin. BeKZYL-.MOKPHiNE Hydeochlorate Merck. , — White powd. — SoL. readily in water; insol. in alcohol, chloroform, and ether. — Sub- stitute for Morphine as a Sedative and Anodyne. — Uses: Coughs, catarrhs, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, etc.- almost wholly free from the by-effects of morphine. — Va—>/a grn. (0.02-0 03 grm ) ’ in pill or sweetened solut. several times a day. Phenacetin,

~ tastel., cryst. powd. — Sol. in 1500 parts water, 16 alcohol. — Antipyretic, Antineuralgic,. Analgesic, 57 AfereVi Manumit D


— Dose: Antippr., 8—10 grn. (0.5—0.6 gm.); analg., 15—24 grn. (1.0 —1.5 grm.); children, up to 5 grn. (0.3 grm.).

Phenazone (Synonyme of ,,Antipyrine“),

Phenocoll Hydrochlorate. Colorl. needles. — Sol. in 16 parts water. — Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiperiodic. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.).

Phosphorus — P. B.

8oL.inoili.-Dote: ono-one-hondrodth to one-tlilrty-Mcond grn.(0.0006»0.00? grm.). •-Prtparationa Oil (I per cent.) Dote: 5-10 (0.3-0.6 cc.). Max. D.; tO/?; (0.6 (it90) cc.) doily; PlUt Dote: 2— 4 grn. (0. 1 —0.25 grm.). — ANTiooTki: EmeUct, ttoroach'pump; t per cent, tolnt. potott. pcrmong.; avoid ollt. — iROOMrArieLu; Bulphur. iodine, oil turpentine, potoot. chlorate, etc. — Oaotiok: Inflammable Keep under water.

Physostigma — P. B.

Calabao Bkan.— ote: i — 4 gm. (0.06—0.25 grm.). — Pr4paraH0n$t Ext. [D., Vie to 1/4 grn. (0.004-0.015 grm.) three t. a day. Tr. [D., 10 min. (0.6 cc.)]. - Bee alto, Eterine (Phytoitigmine).

Physostigmine, — see Eserine. Phytolacca Root. — PoK» Boot. — Alterative, Antifat. — Dote: t grn. (0,(l6— > 0.3 grm.).-i^reDaration : P. E. (l:l).

Picrotoxin Merck. — P. B. COCOULIN. — Antihidrotic, Nervine, Antispasraodic. — DsES: Night- sweats of phthisis; also paralysis, epilepsy, chorea, flatulent dys- pepsia, dysmenorrhea; .also antidote to chloral. — Dose: */ioo — '.'m

grn. (0.0006—0.002 grm.). — M\\. U. : >'io grn. (0.006 grm.). — Antido- tes; Emetics, stora.ach siphon, chloral hydrate, and stimulants. Pilocarpine Nitrate Merck. — P. B. Sialagogue, Myotic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic. — Uses: Intern., dropsy, coryza, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthmatic dyspnea, uremic convulsion’s, croup, pneumonia, etc.; as antidote to atyopine; contra-indicated in heart failure and during fasting; extern., 1—2u/o aqueous soint. for collyrium. — Dose: '/20— ''3 grn. (0.003— 0.02 grm.) in water, hy-

podermically, or mouth. — Max. D. : '/» grn. (0.03 grm.) single *U by ;

grn. (0.045 grm.), daily. — Antidotes : Emetiis, stomach siphon, atro- pine, ammonia, brandy. — Inoompatibles: Silver nitrate, corrosive sublimate, iodine, alkalies. (Also, a complete line of Pilocarpine Salts.)

Pilooarpus — P. B. ** Jaborakdt. — DoM : 5»60 grn» (0.8 — 4,0 griu.)* — /Vcparottfcn ; F. E. (1: 1). 8cc alto. Pilocarpine. Pimenta — D. S. P. Att-tpiok. — Aromatic, Btomaohic. — Dote: 40— SO gm. (0.6 —2.0 grm.). — Frtparottofu: Oil [D., I— 4oiln. (0,06— 0.24 grm.)). Aqua (isti/2) Dete: 1—2ou (30— 60 cc.).

Pilulae (Official).

Pilula Aloes Barbadensis (1 Aloes : 2 mass)

Dose : 5—lO grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). foetida 1 in „ B 6t Asafoctidae (Aloes 1, Asa 4) Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3 —0.6 grm.). 1 in b^!t) „ B ot Ferri (Aloes 1, Iron Dose : 6—lO grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). 58 Mtrck‘i ManmmL :


Pilula Aloes et Myrrhae (Aloes 1, Myrrh. Vs in 3)

Dose : 6—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

„ „ Soootrinae (1 Aloes : 2 mass) Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3— 0.6 grm.).

„ Asafoetidae Composita (Asafoetid 1, Galban 1 in 3Vs) Dose : 5—lO grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

„ Cambogiae Composita (1 Cambogia in 6 mass) Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

„ Colocynthidis Composita (Col. 1, Aloes 2, Scam. 2 in 6 mass)

Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

, Colocynthidis et Hyoscyami (Pil. Colocynth. 2, Extr. Hyos. 1 in 3 mass) Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.).

„ Conii composita (Extr. Conii 2Vs, Ipecac Vs in 3 mass) Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3 —0.6 grm.).

„ Ferri (Bland’s Pill.) (Carbonate of Iron 1 in 5 mass) Dose: l to 3 pills.

„ Ferri Carbonatis (Saccharo-Carbon. of Iron 1 in l‘/4 mass) 3 Dose : Usually —5 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm,) for females and children, otherwise 5—20 grn. (0.5—1.2 grm.). Ferri lodidi (Iodide of iron 1 in 3 Vs mass) Dose: 3—8 grn. (0.2— 0.5 grm.).

„ Hydrargyri (Mercury 1 in 3) Dose: 3 —8 grn. (0.2— 0.5 grm.).

„ Hydrarg. subchloride composita (1 in 5 mass) 5 Dose : —lO grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). „ Ipecacuanhas cum Scilla (3 Dover’s Powd. in 7 mass) Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3 —0.6 grm.). „ Phosphori (1 Phosphorus in 90 mass) Dose: 2—4 grn. (0.12—0.25 grm.).

„ Plumbi cum Opio (Lead Acet. 6, Opium 1 in 8 mass) Dose : 3—5 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm.) every three or four hours in haemorrages. , „ Rhei composita (Rhubarb 3, Aloes 2'U in 10 mass) Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). , Saponis composita (1 Opium in 5‘/2 mass) Dose : 3—5 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm.). Scammonii „ composita (Res. Scam. 1, Res. Jalap 1 in 3'/4 mass) Dose : 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.).

„ Scillae composita (1 Squill in 5 mass) Dose : 5—lO gm. (0.8—0.6 grm.). Piperazine. Diethylene-diamine. - Colorl., alkaline cryst. — Sol. freely in water. — Antipodagric, Antirheumatic. — Dose : 5—10 grn. fo 8-0 6 grm.) 3 t. a day, well diluted.

Piperidine Bitartaras. Crystals, freely soluble in water. Used as a solvent of uric acid in gout. — Dose : 24 grn. (1.5 grm.) per day.

Piperine Merck.

Antiperiodic. - Uses: Feeble digestion, and as sub- intermittent ’"/n fevers. — Dose botHn 2-8 grn. (0.1-

59 Manual. :


Pitch, Burgundy — P. B. Died only extern., u eounterlrritent.- Preparation: Plaeter< Podophyllin, — see Resin, podophyllum. Podophyllum — P. B.

May d.i-Pi.e. - Preparation Boaiu [D., l/e-I grn. (O.UIS -U.06 grm.)]. - Sec alao, Podophyllotoxin, and Ueiln Podophyllum. Pomegranate — P. B.

Uoae: of the decoct (1:111) 2-1 oi (60- 120 cc.).-8cc elao, PeUctlerine. Poppy Capsules — P, B.

Preparatiotis : Decoct 1:10. Extr. Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grin.). '/ Syrup. (1 2 2 ) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.). Potassa, — see Potassium hydrate. Potassa, Sulphurated, Merck. — P. B. — Pure. Uses; Intern., small doses increase frequency of pulse; large doses; rheumatism, gout, scrofula, paintei’s colic, skin diseases, catarrh, croup; antidote in lead and mercury poisoning; extern., lotion in

parasitic skin diseases. — Dose ; 1—5 grn. (0.05—0.3 grm.). — Anti- dotes: Emetics, stomach siphon, lead or zinc acetate, brandy. — Incompatibles: Acids, alcohol, carbonated waters, etc.

Potassa, Sulphurated, Merck. — Crude. Uses: For baths in skin affections, 2—4 ounces (60.0—120.0 grm.) to one bath. — Caution: Avoid metal bath-tubs, metal spoons, and water with much carbon dioxide. Potassium Acetate Merck. — P. B.

Very deliquescent. — Sol. in 0.36 part water, 1.9 parts alcohol. — Dose: 10—60 grn. (0.6 —4.0 grm.). Potassium Antimonate Merck. — Purified, Washed. Diaphoketic Antimony; “White OxideAntimony". — White powd. — Diaphoretic, Sedative. — Uses: Pneumonia, puerperal fever, etc.

— Dose ; 8—24 grn. (0.5—1.5 grm.) several times a day.

Potassium Arsenite Merck. — Pure.

White in water. — Dose —'/te grn. (0.002—0.004 grm.). powd. — Sol ; Vsa

Potassium Bicarbonate Merck. — P. B., Cryst. or powder. Sol. in water. — Diuretic, Antilithic, Antacid. — Uses; Dyspepsia, dropsy, lithiasis, sour stomach, jaundice, etc. UsuaUy taken effer- vescent with tartaric or citric acid. — Dose; 10—20 grn. (0.6 — 1.2 grm.) as an antacid or antilithic; 60 grn. (4.0 grm.) as a diuretic.

Potassium Bichromate Merck. — P. B., Gryst. Sol. in 10 parts water. — Corrosive, Astringent, Alterative — Uses: Intern., syphilis; extern., sweating feet, tubercular nodules, syphi- litic vegetations, and warts. — Dose; ';io— Vs grn. (0.006 —0.012 gtm.). caustic. — — Extern, in 5«/o solut. for sweating feet; loo/o solut. as soap, magnesia, Antidotes : Emetics and stomach pump, followed by or alkalin carbonates.

Potassium Bisulphate Merck. — Cryst. ColorL, more or less moist, plates. — Sol. in water. — Aperient,

. weak appetite especially ui.milk Tonic. — Uses : Constipation with grm.). tumors of severing women. — Dose : 40—80 grn. (2.5 —6.0 c{\ tterelpe MtmuaL — I V


Potassium Bitartrate Merck. — Cryst. or Powd.

Cream op T.vrtar. — Dose : 1—8 drams. (4.0—30.0 grm.). Potassium Bromide. — P. B.

Dose : 5—30 grn. (0.3— 2.0 grm,).

Potassium Cantharidate Merck. White, amorph. powd., or cryst. mass. — Sol. in water. — Uses:

Hypodermically in tuberculosis (Liebreich). — INJECTION : '/m— 200

grn. (0.00015—0.0003 grm.) or 3—6 in of 3 : 5000 solut.

Potassium Carbonate Merck. — P. B.

Dose : 10—30 grn. (0.6 —2.0 grm.).

Potassium Chlorate Merck. — P. B.

Dose: 10—30 grn. (0.6 —2.0 grm.). — Max. D. : for children .30 grn (2.0 grm.) per day, for adults IV2—2 dr. (6.0 —8.0 grm.) per daily. — Preparation: Troches (5 grn.). — Dose: 1 —6 lozenges. — Incomp-

atibles : Iron iodide, tartaric acid. — CAUTION: Do not triturate with sulphur, phosphorus, or organic or combustible compounds. Inflames or explodes with sulphuric acid and any organic powd. Do not administer on stomach! empty ,

Potassium Citrate Merck. — P. B. — Pure. Sol. in 0.6 parts water; slightly in alcohol. — Uses: Rheumatism, lithiasis, fevers. — Dose: 20— 60 grn. (1.2—4.0 grm.).

Potassium Cyanide Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 2 parts water; slightly in alcohol. — Sedative, Antispasmodic, Anodyne. Uses: Intern., dyspnea, asthma, phthisis, catarrh, whoo- ping-cough, etc.: extern., 0.2—0.8 0/0 aqueous solut in neuralgia and local pains; 0.6 —1.2 0/0 aqueous solut. removes silver -nitrate stains from conjunctiva. — Dose: V12 grn. (0.005 grm!). — Max'D.: '13 grn. (0.005 grm.) single. Vs grn. (0.02 grm.) daily. — Antidotes: Chlorine water, chlorinated-soda solut., ammonia, cold affusion, 10 grn. (0.6 grm.) iron sulphate with 1 dram (4.0 cc.) tincture of iron in lounce (30 cc.) of water, hydrogen peroxide. — Incompatibles : Morphine salts, acid syrups, and silver nitrate.

Potassium Glycerino-phosphate Merck. — 5% Solut. Thick liq. — Sol. in water. — Nerve-tonic. — Uses: Neurasthenia, phosphaturia, convalescence from influenza ete.; njection : .3—4 , grn. (0.2—0.25 grm.) daily, in water containing sbdium fchlbride. Potassium Hydrate Merck. Caustic Potassa. — Sol. in water, alcohol, Escharotic, Antacid, Diuretic. Dose : 'n —1 grn. (0.015—0.06 grm.) highly diluted with water, — Preparation: (5o/o). — Antido'teS: Vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, oil, milk; opium if pain; stimulants in depression.

Potassium Hydrate with Lime {Potassa with Lime). — Powder. Vienna Caustic — ; Potassa-limb. -Uses: Extern., cautery, in paste with alcohol.

Potassium Hypophosphite Merck. ^ Sol. in 0.6 part water, 7.3 parts alcohol. — Dose: i—6 grn. 0.06— — Caution : Explodes violently on trituration or beating with any nitrate, chlorate, or other oxidizer.

61 Merck^$ Manual, :


Potassium Iodide Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 0.75 part, water, 2.5 parts, glycerine. 18 parts alcohol. — Dose:

2—10 grn. (0.1—0.6 grm.).— Incompatibles : Chloral hydrate, tartaric acid, calomel, silver nitrate, potassium chlorate, metallic salts, acids. — Preparations : Linim. c. sapone. Ungt. (1 Potassium Nitrate Merck. — P. B.

Saltpeter; Niter. — Sol. in .8.8 parts water. — Dose: 5—20 gm. (0.3— 1.2 grm.).

Potassium Nitrite Merck.

White, deliquescent sticks. — Sol. in water. — USE.S : Asthma, epilepsy, hemicrania. — Dose: ‘/i —2 grn. (0.015 —0.12 grm.) several t. daily. Potassium Permanganate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 16 parts water. — Disinfectant Deodorant Einmenagogne. , , — Dose: 1 —3 grn. (0.06—0.2 gnn.), in solut. or pills made with kaolin and petrolatum, or with cacao butter, after meals. — Incompatih- LES: All oxidizable substances, particularly organic ones, such as glycerine, alcohol, etc. — Remove stains with oxalic, or hydrochloric, acid.

Potassium Phosphate, Dibasic, Merck. Deliquescent, amorph., white powd. — Sol. in water. — Alterative. — Uses: Scrofula, rheumatism, phthisis, etc. — Dose: 1—10 grn. (0.06 —0.6 grm.). Potassium Salicylate Merck. White, slightly, deliquescent powd. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — An-

tirheumatic, Antipyretic, Analgesic. — Uses : Rheumatism pleurisy, , pericarditis, lumbago, muscjilar pains, etc. — Dose: 5—30 grn. (0.3 —2.0 grm.). Potassium Sulphate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 9.5 parts water. — Uses: Constipation, and as antigalactic. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6 —1.2 grm.) several t. daily in solut.

Potassium Sulphite Merck. — Pure.

White, opaque cry at., or slightly deliquescent, white powd. — Sol. in 4 parts water, slightly in alcohol. — Antizymodic. — U.SES : Acid fermentation of stomach, and gastric ulceration. — Dose: 15'—60 gm. (1—4 grm.). Potassium Tartrate Merck. — Pure. Soluble Tartar. — Colorl. cryst. — Sol. in 66 parts water. — Diure- tic, Laxative. — Dose: Diuretic, 15—20 grn. (1.0— 1.2 grm.), lascative, 1—3 drams. (4.0— 12.0 grm.)

Potassium Teliurate Merck. — C. P.

White cryst. — Sol. in water. — Antihidrotic. — U.SES : Night-sweats of phthisis. — Dose: Vs grn. (0.02 grm.), at night, in pills.or alcoholic julep. Potassium and Sodium Tartrate Merck. Rochelle or Seignette. Salt. — Dose: 2—8 drams. (8—30 grm.). Powder, Antimonial, jAJim’s rowoii*.—88 percenL antimony oxide.- Alterative, DUphorellc, Antipyretic. — Dptet 3— 5 grn. grmO* Propylamine, so called, — see Solution, Trimethylamink.

p<) Merek’i Uannol, ;


each. Prostate Gland, dried, T'ablots of 2 grn. (O.IO grm.) of a bullock. Used in the treat- 1 part = 0 parts of the fresh gland

: grm.) 5 times ment of hypertrophy of the prostate. — Dose 2 grn. (0.1 a day. Protargol. — SoT., in I'roteid compound of silver; 8 o/o silver. — Yellow powd. ^ater. — Antigonorrhoic. — Applied in '/i—l''/o solut. Ptyalin Merck. Amylolytic ferment of saliva. — Yellowish powd. — Sol. in glycerine 10—30 partly in water. — U.SES: Amylaceous dyspepsia. — DOSO: grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.).

Pulsatilla. AatiphlogUtic, Scdativet Antispasmodic* — Used chiefly In i*t0 linct.. the dose of which is Id — to min, (0.1— 0.6 gnn,)* Pumpkin Seed — D. S. P. AutUelmintic. — Doie: dram, (l.O-S.Ofgrm.). Pulveres (Official). Pulvis Amygdalae compositus (8 in 13)

Dose : GO.O—120.0 grn. (4.0—8.0 grm.).

„ Antimonialis (1 Oxide in 3)

Dose : 3—6 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm.). 2 2 „ Catechu compositus (1 in V ) Dose: 20—40 grn. (1.2—2.5 grm.). Os) „ Cinnamomi compositus (1 in 2 Dose : 3—10 grn. (0.2— 0.6 grm.).

„ Cretae aromaticus (1 in 3)

Dose ; 10—60 grn. (0.6 —4.0 grm.).

„ Cretae aromaticus cum Opio (1 Opium in 40)

Dose : 10—40 grn. (0.6—2.5 grm.).

„ Elaterini compositus (1 in 40)

Dose : ‘,2—5 grn. (0.03—0.3 grm ).

„ Glycyrrhizae compositus (1 Senna in 6) Dose for adults; a tea-spoonful.

„ Ipecacuanhae compositus (1 Opium, Ipecac 1 in 10) B. P. Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.).

„ Jalapae compositus (1 in 3) Dose: 20—60 grn. (1.2 —4.0 grm.).

„ Kino compositus (1 Opium in 20) Dose: 5—20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.).

„ Opii compositus (1 Opium in 10) Dose: 2—5 grn (0.12 —0.3 grm.).

„ Rhei compositus (1 in 4 V2) Dose : 20—60 grn. (1.2 —4.0 grm.).

• „ Scammonii compositus (1 in 2) Dose; 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.2 grm.).

„ Sodae Tartaratae effervescens (Seidlitz Powder) Powd. A. contains Tavtarated Soda 120 grn. (7.5 grm.) and Bi- carbonate of Sodium 40 grn. (2.5 grm.) mixed. “Powder B. con- tains 38 grn. (2.4 grm.) Tartaric acid. Dose: Powd. A. dissolved in half a pint (250 cc.) of water and powd. B. then added.

„ Tragacanthae compositus (1 in 6)

Dose: 20—60 grn. (1.2—4.0 grm ). Pyoktanin, Blue. — Powder. — Also, Pencils.

PE.STA- and HEXA.-METII YL-PARAROSANILINE HyDUOOIILOUATE, il/ercA-. — Non poisonous, violet, cryst. powd.; nearly odorl.; solut. very @3 Mtrck'B Manuai. MAT. MED. PART I.

76 water, diffusible in animal fluids. — SOL. in 12 parts 900/o glycerine, Analgesic. USBS: 12 Spirit; insol. in other. — Antiseptic, Disinfectant, — throat Surgery, ophthalmiatric and otiatric practice, diseases of wounds, and nose, gonorrhea, leucorrhoa, varicose ulcers, burns, malignant and syphilitic neoplasms, conjunctivitis, etc. Stains Uoge: removed by soap, rubbing well and washing with alcohol. — at first once daily, In pyloric carcinoma. 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) in caps.; solnt. pure, or 1 ; 1000—1:100 then 2, finally 3 t. a day. — Extebn.

Pyoktanin, Yellow. — Powder. — Also, Pencils.

- Hydrochlor- Amido-teteametiiyl - diamido - diphenyl methane powd. — nOL- ate, Merck; Apyonine; Aub amine. — Yellow Dbes: Considerably water, alcohol. — Antiseptic, Disinfectant — of skin weaker than the blue, and principally employed in diseases pure or in ointm. 2»/o. and in ophthalmiatric practice. Externally:

Pyrethrum — U. S. P. Ots). p.LMTonT.-Toplcal Sialogogue; not used internally.- PreparoHonj : Tr. Pyramidone. Dimethylamidophenyl-di-methyl-pybazolone. -^Yellowish white analgetic. Dose. 8 12 grn. cryst. sol. in water. Antipyretic and (0.5—0.75 grm.) daily. Pyrantine. Pabaethoxyphenylsuccinimide. — Antipyretic and sedative. Dose: 16—48 grn. (1.0—3.0 grm.) per day. Pyridine Merck. sharp taste. hygroscopic liq.: empyreumatic odor; Pnlnrl limpid - Eespiratop' - Mi8CIb“e with w^^ alcohol, ether, fatty oils, etc. — Uses: Asthma, sedatiye, Antigonorrhoic, Antiseptic. in heart weakness. flvsnnea gonorrhea, etc. Contra-indicated Usually by 2—10 drops, several t. daily in water room. As urethral 45—75 m (3—5 grm.) evaporated spontaneously in solut. a,s paint, loo/o solut. injection, */a0/o ;

Pyrogallol, — aee Acid, Pybogallic.

(aO-6li co.).-Used by enema as temcide. Quassin, Merck. — C. p.

(0.002-0.02 grm.). orfans - Dose: '/ao-'/a grn.

(1:5). - Antthidrotlo.-Pr.poraHun. : Tr. ‘^sl^r^Bs.'u.-Ex^Lant. Antlparaeitlc, IT] (7.0-4.0 cc.). Doie : 30-6U

grm.). 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 ,

Quinidine Merck. ri„nhona bark 'sr^.p.r.TS.^c7 l/erdPf Mannal. 64 , —::; tAftT 1. MAT. MED.

30 parts ether, 2000 water. — Antiperiodic, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Tonic. — Uses: Remittent and intermittent fevers, especially of children. Substitute for quinine. Salts less agreeable to take, but more prompt in action. — Dose: Children, Vs—5 grn. (0.03—0.3 grm.) adults, 1—20 grn. (0.06—1.2 grm.) best taken in syrup. —Max. D. ; 40 grn. (2.5 grm.). Quinidine Sulphate Merck. — P- B, Sol. in 8 parts alcohol, 14 parts chloroform, 100 parts water. — Dose: Tonic, 'It—3 grn. (0.03—0.2 grm.), 3 t. daily, in pill; antiperiodic, 20 grn. (1.2 grm.); for a cold, 5—10 grn. (0.8—O.G grm), in caps. Quinine (Alkaloid) Merck. The salts are usually prescribed For hypodermic use, the bisul- phate, dihydrochlorate, hydrochloro-sulphate, or carbamidated hy- drochlorate is to be preferred. — Dose: Tonic, 'h—2 grn. (0.03 —0.1 grm.) 3 t. daily; antiperiodic 3—8—15 grn. (0.3 —0.5 — 1.0 grm.) 6—12 hrs. before paroxysm; antipyretic, 15—30 grn. (1.0—2.0 grm.) in the course of an hour. Quinine Arseniate.

Dose : Vio grn. (0.006 grm.). Quinine Bisulphate. Sol. in lO parts water, 32 parts alcohol; eligible for subcutaneous use. — Nasal Injection (in hay fever). 0.2 o/o aqueous solut. Dose: Same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Dihydrochlorate Merck. Well adapted to subcutaneous injection, on account of solubility. — Dose: Same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Glycerino-phosphate Merck.

Colorl. needles: 68 o/o quinine. — SoL. in water, alcohol. — Nervine, chiefly in malarial neurasthenia, malnutrition, or neuralgia. — Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.), 3 t. daily, in pills. Quinine Hydrobromate Merck. Dose: Same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Hydrochlorate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 3 parts alcohol, 9 parts chloroform, 34 parts water. — Dose Same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Hydrochloro-sulphate Merck. Sol. in about 1 part water. — Used subcutaneously; less painful hypodermically than any other salt of quinine. — Dose: Same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Salicylate Merck. White, bitter cryst. — SoL. in 20 parts alcohol, chloroform, 120 parts ether, 225 parts water. — Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Analgesic. — Uses: Typhoid, rheumatism, lumbago, and muscular pain from cold. Dose: 2—30 grn. (0.1—2.0 gimi.), in pill or caps. Quinine Sulphate Merck.. — P. B. Dose: same as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Tannate Merck. — Neutral and Tasteless. Light-brown, insol. powd. — Used chiefly for children. — Dose: (Children): 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.), with chocolate, in powd. or tablets.

65 Utrck’t jraniuri. ^ 1 Mat. meo. PART 1.

Quinine Valerianate Merck. Slight odor of valerian. — Soi,. in t> parts alcoliol, 100 parts n-ater — Nervetomc, Antipyretic, etc. — Use.S: Hemicrania and debilitated or malarial condition with a nervous state or hysteria. — Dose: 1 —3 grn. (0.06 —0.2 grm.).

Quinine &, Urea Hydrochlorate Merck.

Carbamidated Quinine Dihydrociii.ohate. — Colorl. cryst. — Soi.. freely in water, alcohol. — Used by Injection: 2—8 grn. (O.i—O..”! grm. ) (Also, a complete line of the other Salts of Quinine.) Quinoidine Merck.

CiiiNOiDiNE. — Very bitter, brownish-black mass. — Sor.. in diluted acids, alcohol, chloroform. — Antiperiodic, Tonic, etc. — Uses: Inter- mittent and remittent fevers. Best taken between paroxysms. — Dose: 2— l.") grn. (0.1 —1.0 grm.). Quinosel.

Potassium O-wquinolinsulphokate. — Yellow cryst., sol. in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. Antiseptic. Used externally in surgery (lo/o— solutions) externally in lepra, favism etc. — Dose: 16—32 grn. (1 —2.0 grm.) per day.

Resin — U. S. P.

Uosiif; CoLiiPBOM'v — Vulnerary; Irritant, — Prtparatiom: Cerate (83 per cent.): Plaster (10 per cent*). Resin, Jalap, Merck. — P. B. — True, Brown. Heavy Jalap Resin. — Sol. in alcohol; partly solnt. in ether. —

Dose : 2—5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.). Resin, Podophyllum, Merck. — P. B. Perfectly and Clearly Sol. in Alcohol and Ammonia.

PODOPHYLLIN. — 111 habitual constipation, small continued doses *'4 act best. — Dose : */ao— Vis grn. (0.002—0.004 grm.) frequently — , grn. (0.015—0.06 grm.) single dose. In amte constipation, from *'4—IV'2 grn. (0.045—0.09 grm.) can be given.

Resin, Scammony, Merck. — White, and Brown.

Dose : '.3 —1 grn. (0.02—0.06 grm.). As a drastic purgative 4 grn. (0.2 grm.) at once. Resinol. — (Not Retinol!) Unguentum Resinol. — Not completely defined. — (Stated: “Com- bination of active principle of Juniperus oxycedrus and a synthetical derivative of the coal-tar series, with lanolin-petrolatum base. — Antipruritic, Antiphlogistic, Dermic. — Extern.: pure, night and morning.") Resorcin Merck. — Resublimed or Recryst. White cryst.; reddish on exposure; unpleasant sweet taste. — Sol. in 0.5 part alcohol, 0.6 part water; ether, glycerine. — Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antipyretic, Anti-emetic, Antizymotic. — Uses: In- tern., for vomiting, seasickness, asthma, dyspepsia, gastric ulcen cholera infantum, hay-fever, diarrhea, whooping-cough, cystitis, and diphtheria; extern., inflammatory diseases of skin, eyes, throat, nose,

mouth, urethra, vagina, erysipelas etc. — Dose : Seasickness, chronic gastric catarrh, cholera nostras, or cholera morbus, 2—8 grn.

cc Mtrclt’i Manual, ;


(0.1— 0.2 gm.), evefy 1—2 horn's, in solut. or powder; ordinary b^rn. (0.3 grra.) several t. daily; antipyretic, 15—30 grn. (1,0—2.0 grm.). — Max. U.: 45 grn. (8 grm.). — Extkrn. in 5—300/o solut.

Retinol Merck. Oil. — Viscid, yellow, oily liq. — Sol. in ether, oils, alcohol, oil turpentine, glycerine. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Intern., veneral affections; extern., oint or liniment in skin diseases, and injection for gonorrhea; also solvent of phosphorus, salol, camphor, naphtol, carbolic acid, etc. Recommended as excipient for phosphorus. — Dose: 5—10 IT) (0.3—0.6 cc.), 4—6 t. daily, in capsules. — Extern.: 10—500/o oint.

Rhamnus Frangula. Preparation: Rhamnin (Extr. Rhamni frangulae liquid) Laxative in obstinate cases of constipation. Dose: Va —1 oz, 3 dr. (15—40 cc.). — Rhamnus Purshianus, — see Cascara sagrada. Rhubarb — P. B.

Due : Tonic, 8-10 grn, (O.i-O.ft grm.), lax., 10-10 grn. (0.6-1.2 grm.); purff., 20—40 grn. (1.2 -2.8 grm.). - Freparationt Ext. (D., S-6 grn. (0.2-0.4 grm.). Infue (1:40) Dote: 1—2 oe (30— 60cc.); Pil. cps. Duo: 5 — 10 grn. (0-1— 0,6 grm.); Pulv, cpa. Dote I 20 -00 gm. (1.2-4 grm.); Syrup. Dote: 1-4 dr. (4-16 cc.); Tr. (1:10) Dote: os a atomaohic 1-2 dr. (4-9 oc.), as a purgative Va-1 »a (18-30 cc.); Vln. (1:14) Duel 1—2 dr. (4-8 cc.). • Rhus Glabra.

8oji.*cb Btatiiis. — Astringent. — Preparation: F. E. [D., 80-60 min. (2-4 cc.)]. Rhus Toxicodendron. POIION Ivy; Poison 0 m. - Alterative, Cerebral and Spinal Stimnlant. — Used mostly as 20 per cent, tr., 6-30 min. (0.8— 2.0 cc.) per dose. Rhus aromatica Sweet sumacb. Used in enuresit and atonic dlarrboea. Dose ol the Fluid extr, (l.*l);10-30 /7/ (0.6— 2.0 cc.) three times daily. Rochelle salt, — see potassium & sodium Tartrate.

Rose Red — P. B.

Rubidium Iodide Merck. IVhite cryst. Sol. in water. — Alterative. — UsES; As potassium iodide. Does not derange stomach.— Dose: 1—5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.). Rubidium & Ammonium Bromide Merck. White, or yellowish-white, powd.; cooling; pungent, saline after-taste. — Sol. in water. — Anti-epileptic, Sedative, Hypnotic. — Uses: Epilepsy, and as soporific, instead of potassium bromide. — Dose: Anti-epilephc. 60-120 grn. (4.0-8.0 grm.) daily, in solut.; hypnotic, > •/r' » 60—75 grn. (4.0—5.0 grm.).

Rubus — U. S. P. “ “ Preparatione; F. E. [D., 30 - 60 min. (2-4.0 grm.)]|

Rumex — U. S. P. ~ Autlicorbutic. - PreparoMon: a'o-Tocc)'*’ F. E. [D., 18-60 min.

Saccharin Tablets Merck.

67 Mtrek^s Manual, 6* :

Mat. MED. PART t.

Saccharin. — Refined. Benzoyl-sulphonic Imide, Fahlherg; (Glusidum.) — White powd.; over 500 times as sweet as cane sugar. — Soi.. in 50 parts ether, 30 parts alcohol, 2.S0 parts water. Alkaline carbonates increase solubility in water. — Non-fermentable Sweetener. — Uses: Sweeten food of diabetics and dyspeptics: cover taste of bitter and acrid remedies. — Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.) several t. daily, in solut. with sodium bicarbonate; or, preferably, in caps, or cachets, followed by a draught of water.

Saccharine soluble. Sodii Saccharinas. Crystalline powd. 450 times as sweet as cane sugar, soluble in water. Sweetener and Intestinal antiseptia Dose: 16 grn. (1.0 grm.) 1—2 t. a day in wafers. Saffron — P. B.

Doiet 10— SO frn« — Preparativn Tr, (1:20). Doiet V2-2 dr. (2-8 cc.)* Salep.

Mocilaginous and Nutrient. — Fre2mrations : Mucilago (1:100). Salicin Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 28 parts water, 30 parts alcohol. — Tonic, Antiperiodic, Antirheumatic. — Uses: Rheumatism, malaria, general malaise, and .chorea — Dose: 3—20 grn. (0.2— 1.2 grm.). — Max. D.: 150 grn. (10

grm. ) daily. Saliformin. Hexamethylene-tetramine Salicylate, Merck; Formin Sali- cylate. — White, cryst. powd., of agreeable acidulous taste. — Sol. easily in water or alcohol. — Uric-acid Solvent and Genito- urinary Antiseptic. — Uses: Gout, gravel, cystitis, etc. — Dose: 15 —30 grn. (1.0—2.0. grm.) daily. Salipyrine. Antipyrine Salicylate. — Wh. powd.; odorl., sweetish taste. — Sol. in 250 parts water, in alcohol, chloroform, ether. — Antirheu- matic, Analgesic. — Dose: 10—30 grn. (0.6—2 grm.), in cachets.

Saligallol. Pyrogallol Disalicylate. — Resinous solid. — Sol. in 6 parts acetone, 15 parts chloroform. — Skin varnish, of weak pyrogallol effect. — Uses; Chiefly as vehicle for engallol, eurobin, and other dermics applicable as varnish. — Extern.: 2—5o/o solut. in acetone.

Salol Merck. — P. B. Phenol Salicylate. — Sol. in 0.3 part ether; chloroform, 10 parts alcohol; fatty oils; almost insol. in water. — Antiseptic, Anti-

rheumatic, Antipyretic, etc. — Uses : Intern., typhoid fever, diarrhea, dysentery, fermentative dyspepsia, rheumatism, grip, and cystitis; extern., wounds, burns, sores, etc. Coating for enteric pills; such pills should be taken one hour or more after meals, and no oil with them. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.); as antipyretic, 30—45 grn. (2.0—3.0 grm.). Salophen. Acetyl-para- AMiDOPHENOL Salicylate. — Wh., odorl., tasteL leaflets or powd.; 51 o/o salicylic acid. — Sol. in .alcohol, ether;

insol. in water. — Antirheumatic. — Dose : 10—30 gim. (0.6 —2.0 grm.).

Salt, Epsom, — see MAGNESIUM SULPHATE. 68 VercVt JlantMl. — ;


Salt, Glauber, — see SODIDM SULPHATE.


Saltpeter, — see potassiujvi nitrate.

Salvia. Saor, — Tonic, Astringent, Stimulant, Anbydrotic, — Dosei 10 — SO grn. (0.0— S,0 n/ grm.) as Inftia. (ItSO) or fl. ext. (1:1). Tr. poworfnl anbydrotic Dote: 30 - 60 (*.0—3.5 cc.) 3 hours previous to tho expected appearance of the sweating. Sambuous — P. B. Eenica. — Stimulant, Diuretic, Diaphoretic. — Dose: 4 — 8 drams (16 — 80.0 cc.). In infns. drank hots Sanguinaria. Btono Root, — Expectorant, Emetic. — Do«m 3— 20grn, (0.t — 1.2 grm.), — Pre- parations : F. E. (1:1); Tr. (15:100)« See also, Sanguinarinc.

Sanguinarine Merck. Small, white needles; acrid, burning taste. — Sol. in chloroform, alcohol, ether. — Expectorant, Alterative, Emetic. — Uses: Chiefly as expectorant; also in dyspepsia, debility, etc. — Dose: Expecto- <' — rant, 12—Vs grn. (0.005—0.0075 grm.), in solnt. ; alterative, Ve 'U grn. (0.01 0.015 grm.). emetic, 'te— 1 grn. (0.03—0.06 grm.).

Sanguinarine Nitrate Merck. Red powd. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Uses, Doses, etc., salne as alkaloid.

Sanguinarine Sulphate Merck. Red powd. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Uses, Doses, etc., same as alkaloid.

Santonin Merck. — P. B. Aniiydhous Santoninic Acid. — Sol. in 4 parts chloroform, 40 parts alcohol, ether, 2 140 parts 6000 parts water. — Dose : —5 grn. (0.1— 0.3 grm.) children of 2 years, '/<—Vs grn. (().015— 0.03. grm.) in Castor oil. — Preparation: Troches [‘.'2 grn.. (0.03 grm.) each]'. Santoninoxim. Crystalline powd. soluble in alcohol. Vermicide. Dose: Children 2 grn. (0.045—0.1 grm.). Adults 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) divided in two doses followed by a cathartic.

Sarsaparilla — P. B.

PnfOTCtionn Decoot. (1:8) Do«ei *-10 ox (60—300 oc.); Comp. Decoct. ID., - *-10 ox (60 300 cc.)]: P. E. *-4 dr. (8-16 oc.)j Comp. P. E. [D., 1-4 dr. (4-16 co.)]. Sassafras. Carminative, Aromatic Stimulant, - Preparation; Oil [D., 1-3 min. (0.06—0.* oo.)]. Scoparius — U. S. P.

P“rf»‘ivc. - Preparationt Decoct. (USO) Dsae: *-4 ox (60-I40cc.)i Sucoux, Doaai 1-* dr, (4-H.O cc.). - See also. Sparteine.

Scopolamine (Hyoscine) Hydrobromate Merck. Color!, hygroscopic cryst. — Sol. in water, alcohoL — Mydriatic, • Sedative. — Uses: Extern., in ophthalmology, >no— VsO/o solut.; snh- cutaneously for the insane. — Injection: :/ 3oo— Vioo grn. (0.0002— 0.00% grm.) for the insane. Max. D. internally: i/i 2o grn. (0.0005 grm.) single; V20 grn. (0.003 grm.) per day.— Antidotes: Emetics, stomach pump, muscarine, tannin, animal charcoal, cathartics, etc. 69 Mtrck*% Manuoi. : ; ;



ScBtLOAr. - Scduive, Antlipatmodlc. - PrtparoHon P. E. [D., SO— 6(1 min. (*-4.0 cc.)l. Senega — P. B.

Prtparation: (‘4(1 Syr. per cant. P. E.). lufue. (I:‘40) neiei 1 -2 oz (30-60 ce.):^ Tr. (l:8) Voee; Va-'2 dr. C4.0-8.0cc.). Senna — P. B. Doie: of the powd. 10-30 grn. (0.6 -?.0 grin,). - Pr4par

Serum, Antituberculous, Maragliano’s. — (Only in i Cc. [16 min.] tubes.) Antitoxin against Pulmonary Tuberculosis. — Dose (subcutaneous): In apyretic cases, 16 m (1 cubic centimetre) every other day for 10 days, then daily for 10 days, and .SO tl\ (2 cc.) twice a day there- after until sweats have entirely subsided, when 16 n) (1 cc.) .are in- jected for a month every other day, and finally once a week for a year. In febrile cases, if the fever be slight and intermittent, dosage the same as above; if continuous and intense inject 160 (10 cc.) , Ifi; and if there be a marked fall of temperature repeat in a week, and

so continue until fever is gone, then inject 16—32 (11 (1—2 cc.) daily.

Serum Antileprous acc. to Dr. Carrasquilla

Antitoxin against leprosy. Dose: by injection 8 (II (0.5 cc.); in the course of 4 weeks; this dose it gradually increased to 5 dr. (20 cc.)

Serum acc. to Dr. Calmette against snake-poison. Dose by injection: 2'/3 dr. (10 cc.) for children, 5 dr. (20 cc.) for adults in conjunction with the injection of 2—2'h dr. (8—10 cc.) of a solution of chlorinated lime (1:60). Silver Chloride Merck. White powd.; backens on exposure to light. — Sol. in ammonia, potassium thiosulphate, potassium cyanide. — Antiseptic, Nerve- pertussis, diarrhea, sedative. — Uses : Chorea, gastralgia, epilepsy, — and various neuroses. — Dose : ‘/a —iVa grn. (0.03 —0.1 grm.), in pills.

Max. D. : 3 grn. (0.18 grm.).

Silver Citrate Merck. White, dry powd. — Sol. in about 4000 parts water. — Antiseptic Astringent. — Uses: Wounds, gonorrhea, etc. — Applied in 1 —2o/q oint., or 1—2:4000 solut. — Always prepare solut. fresh!

Silver, colloidal (Crede’s). Metallic soluble silver. Powerful antiseptic. — Used in Sepsis. Erisy- pel. Lymphangitis, Cellulitis, etc. — Applied e.xternally in form of

' grm.) Crede’s Ointment (10 inllOO). — Internally. — Dose: s grn. (0.02 in pills. 2 or 3. t daily. Silver Cyanide Merck. Sol. in solut’s of potassium cyanide, ammonia, sodium thiosulphate chorea. — Dose : bso-^Vio : Epilepsy — Antiseptic, Sedative. — U.8ES , in pills. — Antidotes: Ammonia, chlorine, grn. (0.001—0.003 grm.) , mixture of ferric and ferrous sulphates, artificial respiration, stomach siphon. 70 Manual. M —


Silver Iodide Merck. Sol. in solnt. potassium iodide or cyanide, ammonium thiosulphate. — Alterative. — Uses: Gastralgia and syphilis. — Dose: ', 4— 1 grn. (0.015—0.00 grm.), in pills. Silver Lactate Merck. Small needles or powd. — Sol. in 20 parts water. — Antiseptic Astringent. — DsEs: Sore throat, gonorrhea, etc. — Applied in 1— 2:4000 solut.

Silver Nitrate Merck. — P. B. — Gryst. Sol. in O.Gpart water, 26 parts alcohol. Dose: Ve—Va grn. (0.01—0.02 grm.).— ax. D.: Vt grn. (0.03 grm.) single, 3 grn. (0.18 grm.) daily. — Antidotes: Solut. common salt, sal ammoniac, mucilaginous drinks, emetics, stomach siphon, white of egg, milk, etc. — Incom- patibles: organic matter, hydrochloric acid, chlorides, phosphates, arsenites, opium, extracts, resins, essential oils, tannin, etc.

Silver Nitrate, Moulded (Fused), Merck. — P. B. Lunar Caustic. Used almost externally as caustic.

Silver Nitrate, Diluted, Merck. — P. B,

Argenti et Potassii Nitras. — Mitigated Caustic. — 31 >/3 0/0 silver nitrate. Silver Oxide Merck. — P. B.

2— grn. (0.03 grm.) in a pill with Kaolin Dose : —0.12 made Mass V 2 , or, best mixed with some chalk and put up in capsules. — Incom- patibles: Ammonia, creosote, tannin, acids. — Caution: Do not triturate with oxidizable matter; may cause explosion! Soap — P. B. W«TR C-4STILI Soap. — Detergent, Laxative* — Dote: 3 — 10 grn, tip to 32 grn. (0.2 — 0.6 — 2.0 grm.) in plUa. — Prtparalion$: Liu.; Plnsler. Pil. cpa. I grn. (0.06 grm,) Opium powder in 6 nearly. Soap, Soft — P. B.

Oa>i« SoAr, — Kot used internally. — Preporo^ion : Lin. Sodium Acetate Merck. Sol. in 1.4 parts water, 30 parts alcohol. — Diuretic. — Dose: 15 80 grn. (1—5.0 grm.). Sodium Arseniate Merck. — P. b. Sol. in parts water 4 , 2 parts glycerine. — DOse : Vie—Va grn. (0.004 0.0075 grm.). — Preparation: Solut. (lo/o). — Antidotes: Emetics, stomach siphon, fresh ferric hydrate, dialyzed iron, ferric hydrate and magnesia, demulcents^ stimulants, warmth, etc. Sodium Benzoate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in about 2 parts water, 45 parts alcohol. — Antirheumatic, Anti- pyretic, Antiseptic. — Uses: Rheumatism, gout, uremia, cystitis, lithemia, tonsillitis, colds, etc. — Dose : 10—30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.). Sodium Bicarbonate Merck. — P. B. Dose: 10 grn. (0.6 —30 —2.0 grm.). — Preparation: Troches (3 grn.) grm.]. [0.2 — Caution: Should not bo given as acid-antidoto, as it evolves large quantities of carbon dioxide gas. Sodium Bisulphite Merck. Sol. in 4 parts water, 72 parts alcohol. — Antiseptic. — Uses: Intern., sore mouth, diphtheria, yeasty vomiting; extern,, skin diseases. — Dose : 10—30 grn, (0.6—2.0 grm.). 71 Manual, 8—


Sodium Borate Merck. — P. B. Borax; Sodium Pitioborate; so called “Sodium Biborate". — Sol. in 16 parts water; 1 glycerine. — User : Intern., amenorrhea! dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, uric-acid diathesis; extern., sore month, conjunctivitis, urethritis, etc. .6—10 — Dose: grn. (0 . 3—2 5 grm ) — P/'ejj(irrt«ons.- Glycerinnm ( 1 : 8); Mel (1:7). Sodium Borate, Neutral, Merck. Erroneomhj designated as “Sodium Tetraborate“. — Transparent, fragile, splintery, glass-like masses. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses: Extern., chiefly in diseases of nose and oar; a cold saturated solut. used for bandages.

Sodium Borobenzoate Merck. — N. F. White, cryst. powd. — SoL. in water. — Antiseptic, Antilithic, Diuretic.

— User : Rheumatism, gravel, fever. — and puerperal Dose : 30—120 grn. ( 2 . 0 8.0 grm.). Sodium Bromide. — P. B.

Sol. in 1.2 parts water, 13 parts alcohol. — Dose : 10—30 grn. (0 . 6— 2.0 grm.). Sodium Carbonate Merck. — P. B. Sol. in l.G parts water, 1 part glycerine. — Dose: 5—30 grn. (0.3—2.0

grm. ). — Antidotes : Acetic acid, lemon juice, olive oil, etc. Sodium Chloride. — Common salt. 10 Dose : as a tonic —60 grn. (0 . 6—4.0 grm.) as a cathartic 120—240 grn. (8—15 grm.). So called: physiological solution of common Salt: O. 40/0 Sodium Chloride 0 . 3 0/0 Sodium Carbonate.

Sodium Chlorate Merck. — P. B.

Colorl. cryst.; odorl; cooling, saline taste. — SOL. in 1.1 parts water, 5 parts glycerine, 100 parts alcohol. — Deodorant, Antiseptic, Altera- tive. — Uses: Intern., diphtheria, tonsillitis, pharyngeal and laryn- geal inflammation, stomatitis, gastric cancer, mercurial ptyalism,— etc.; extern., as wash, gargle or injection. — Dose: 2— grn. (0. 1

0.5 grm.). — IncompATiuLES : Organic matters, easily oxidizable sub- stances. — Caution; Do not triturate with sulphur or phosphorus, or any combustible substance; severe explosion may occur!

Sodium Choleate Merck. Dried Purified Ox-Gall. — Yellowish- white, hygroscopic powd. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Tonic, Laxative. — User: Deficient bUiary secretion, chronic constipation, etc. — Dose : 5—10 grn. (0.3 0.6 grm.).

Sodium Cinnamate Merck, — G. P. — see : also Hetol. White powd. — SOL. in water. — Antitnbercular, like cinnamic acid. —IN.JECT10N (intravenous or parenchymatous) : '/a—1 grn. (0.02—0.06 grm.) in 50/0 solut., twice a week.

Sodium Oithio-salicylate, Beta-, Merck. Grayish-white, hygroscopic powd. — SOL. in water. — Antineuralgic. rheumatism, Antirheumatic. — User : Intern., sciatica, gonorrheal

etc. — Dose : 1—10 gm. (0.06—0.6 grm.). Sodium Ethylate, Liquid, Merck. — P. B. Colorl. syrupy liq.; turns brown on keeping. — Escharotic. — Uses: Warts, nsevi, etc. — Applied with glass rod, pure. Chloroform arrests caustic action. 72 Manual, , — — —


Sodium Ethylate, Dry, Merck. ^Vhite or brownish, hygroscopic powd. — Action and Uses: As above. — Applied in solut. 1:3 absolute alcohol. Sodium Fluoride Merck. — Pure. in water. — Antispasmodic, Antiperiodic Anti- Clear cryst. — SOL. ,

Uses : Intern. epilepsy . malaria tuberculosis extern., septic. — , ; antiseptic dressing for wounds and bruises; as mouth wash, in vagi- nitis, etc. — Does not attack nickel-plated instruments. — Dose: Vis bs grn. (0.005— 0.01 grm.) in solut. with sodium bicarbonate. — — , Applied externally: Wmmds, in Vao— VioO/o solut.; mouth-ioasli, etc., in V»— lo/o solut. Sodium Formiate Merck. White, deliquescent cryst. — Sol. in water, glycerine. Uses: Hypoder- mically in surgical tuberculosis. — Injection (parenchymatous): Children, >'2—1 grn. (0.03 —0.06 grm.) in solut., every 7—10 days; adults, 3 grn. (0.2 grm.), every 7—10 days. Sodium Glycerino-phosphate Merck. — 50% Solut. Yellowish liq. — SoL. in water. — Uses: Deficient nerve-nutrition, neurasthenia, phosphaturia, convalescence from influenza, etc. — In- jection: 3—4 grn. (0.2—0.25 grm.) daily, in physiological solut. sodium chloride. Sodium Hippurate Merck.

White powd. — Uses : In chachexias , and diseases due to uric-acid diathesis. - Dose : 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.2 grm.). Sodium Hydrate Merck. Sodium Hydkoxide; Caustic Soda. —Dose: Vj—igrn. (0.03—0.06

grm.), freely diluted. — iVepamffowV Solut (5<>/o). — Antidotes: Water, and then vinegar, or lemon juice. Sodium Hypophosphite Merck. — Purified.

Sol. in 1 part water, 30 parts alcohol. — Dose: 5—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.). Sodium Hyposulphite, — see Sodium Thiosulphate. Sodium Iodide Merck. — P. B. Sol. in about 1 part water, 3 parts alcohol. — Uses: Rheumatism, pneumonia, tertiary syphilis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, scrofula, 3 etc. — Dose : —10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.). Sodium Naphtolate, Beta-, Merck.

Micbocidin. — Yellowish to white powd. — Sol. in 3 parts water. — Uses: Surgical antiseptic on bandages, etc. — Applied in 3—5o/o aqueous solut. Sodium Nitrate Merck. — P. B. Chili Saltpeter. — Sol. in 1.3 parts water, 100 parts alcohol. Uses: Intern., inflammatory condition of intestines, dysentery, etc.; extern., rheumatism, 1.3 aqueous solut. —Dose: 10—30 grn. (0.6—2 0 grm.).

Sodium Nitrite Merck. — P. B. slicks; mildly saline taste. — Sol. in 1.5 parts water; slightly in alcohol. — Antispasmodic , Diaphoretic, Diuretic closely approaches the action of nitroglycerine. Uses: Angina pectoris, dropsy, and diseases of genito-urinary organs. - Dose: 2—5 grn. (0.1—0.3 grm.).

73 Merel^t Manual, —


Sodium Oleate.

White powd. dissoWinB freely in water. — Energic stimulant of the liver and the secretion of the bile. — D ose : 32 grn. (2 grm.) a

Sodium Paracresotate Merck.

Microcryst. powd. bitter taste. — in ; SoL. 24 parts warm water. — Antipyretic, Intestinal Antiseptic, Analgesic. — Uses; Acute gastric catarrh, acute rheumatism, pneumonia, typhoid fever, etc. — Dose: 2—20 grn. (0.1 —1.2 grm.), according to ago, 3 t. daily, in aqueous solut. with extract licorice.

Sodium Permanganate.

Black granular powder soluble in water. Antidote for morphia and phosphorus poisoning. Washing the stomach with IG oz. (.500

cc.) of 0 . 20 solution a /u ; simultaneously administering internally the same quantity of the solution.

Sodium Phosphate Merck. — P. B. Colorl. cryst. — Son. in about 20 parts water. — Uses: Chronic, rheumatism, stimulant of biliary secretion, mild laxative, and vesical calculi. — Dose: 5—40 grn. (0.3—2.5 grm.); as laxative, >/*—1 ounce (15—30.0 grm.).

Sodium Pyrophosphate Merck. Sol. in 10 parts w.ater. — Uses: Lithiasis. — Dose: 5—40 grn. (0.3 2.5 grm.).

Sodium Saiicyiate Merck. — P. B.

Sol. in 1 part water, G p.arts alcohol; glycerine. — Dose: 10—30 grn. (O.G— 2.0 grm.). — Max D.: GO grn. (4.0 grm.). — Inoomcatibles: Ferric salts.

Sodium Salicylate Merck. — From Oil Wintergreen. Uses, etc., as above.

Sodium Santoninate Merck. stellate groups of needles, mildly saline and somewhat bitter taste; turn yellow on exposure to light. — Sol. in 3 parts water, 12 parts alcohol. — Anthelmintic. — Uses: Instead of santonin; less powerful. — Dose (adult): 2—G grn. (0.1—0.4 grm.), in ker.atinized pills; children 4—10 years old, 1—3 grn. (O.OG —0.2 grm.);

Sodium Silico-fluoride Merck.

IfjlVliite cryst. or granular powd. — Sol. in 200 parts w.ater. — Anti- septic, Germicide, Deodorant, Styqjtic. — Uses: Extern., wounds, carious teeth, cystitis, gonorrhea, for irrigating cavities, and in gynecological practice. — Applied in Vso/o solut.

Sodium Sulphate Merck. — P. B. — Cryst. or Dried. Glaubek’s Salt. — Sol. in 3 parts water; glycerine. — Dose: Cryst., 2—8 drams (8— 30.0 grm.); dried, 1 —4 drams (4—15 grm.).

Sodium Sulphite Merck. — P. B. Sol. in 4 parts water, sparingly in alcohol. — Uses: Skin diseases, sore mouth, diphtheria, sarcina ventriculi, and chronic mercurial

affections. — Dose : 5 -20 grn. (0.3—1.2 grm.). 74 Utrek’t Jtanmal. PART L MAT. MED.

Sodium Sulpho-oarbolate Merck. — P. B. Soi.. in 5 parts water, 1.S2 parts alcohol. — Antiseptic, Disinfectant. — Uses: Intern., dyspepsia, phthisis, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.; cjctern., gonorrhea, putrid wounds, etc. — Dose:10—15 grn. (0.6— 1.0

grm. ). — E.vteen. ; Vs—1 o/o solut. Sodium Tartrate Merck. — C. P.

White cryst. — Sol. in water. — Uses : Tastel substitute for Epsom

salt, — Dose : 4—8 drams (15—30.0 grm.). Sodium and Potassium Tartrate (Rochelle salt; Sal Seignette). Powerful intestinal stimulant. — Dose: 2—4 dr. (8—15 grm.). Sodium Teiiurate Merck. White powd. — SoL. in water, — Antihidrotic, Antiseptic, Antipyretic. — Night-sweats of phthisis; gastric ulcerations rheumatism, USES: , :ind typhoid fever; causes garlic odour of the exhalation. — Dose: Vi —Vi grn. (0.015—0.045 grm.), in alcoholic, mixture or elixir.

Sodium Thiosulphate Merck {Sodium Hyposulphite, P. B.J.

Sol. in 1 part water. — Uses: Parasitic skin diseases, sore mouth, sarcina ventriculi, diarrhea, flatulent dyspepsia, etc. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6— 1.2 grm.). — Incompatibles: Iodine, acids.

Sodium Valerianate. — P. B, 1885.

White mass, soluble in 2Va of Water. — DOse : 1—5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.) in pill with glucose. Solanin Merck. — Pure. Colorl., lustrous, fine needles; bitter taste. — Analgesic, Nerve-sedative. — Uses; Neuralgia, vomiting of pregnancy, bronchitis, asthma, painful gastric affections, epileptoid tremors, locomotor ataxia, etc.

Dose: ‘A— 1 grn. (0.015-0.06 grm.). — Max. D. : I'/a grn. (0.1 grm.) single. 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) daily. Solutions (Official liif|uors)» Solution, Aluminium Acetate, Merck.

80/o basic aluminium acetate. — Clear, colorl. liq. — Antiseptio Astringent. — Uses: Intern., diarrhea and dysentery ; extern., lotion for putrid wounds and skin affections, mouth wash. — Dose: 3— 15 rn (0.2— 1.0 grm.) — Extern., solut. 1:15; as mouth-wash or enema,

1 : 150.

Solution, Ammonium Acetate — P. B. SriKiT MiKD»»»»u». — Diaphoretic, Antipyretic, Diuretic. — Doaei V— 0 drama (8-2S.Occ.)i Ohildreil t .-i dr, (2 — 4,0 grm.).

Solution Ammonium Citrate — P. B. (1:4). 2-0 f. Dose; dr. (8-26.0 cc.); Cliitdren Va— 1 dr. (2-4 ce.).

„ Antimony Chloride — P. B. (1:1.8). Spec. gr. 1.47. Caustic, never used internatty.

„ Arsenical — P. B. (Arsenious acid 1:100). Dose: 2-8/7? (O.t -0.6 cc.).

„ (Liquor) Arsenioi hydrochloricus — P. B. (Arsenious acid 1 ; 100) Dose: 2 - 8/77 (0.1 -0.5 cc.).

„ Arsenic and Mercuric Iodides — P. B. (Arsenious Iodide 1 : 100 ). Dose: 10-30/7? ( cc.).

„ Atropine Sulphate. — [Atrop. snlph. P. B. ItlOOJ. Doa»: 1-4 /7? (0.00—0.26 cc.).

75 Mtrck’t Manual. — — — MAT. MED. PAST I.

Solution Bismuth and Ammonium Citrates — P. B. (Bism. Citr. 1:10). Dom! SU-Sdn? f2-4c«.). Solution, Calcium Bisulphite, Merck. Liq.; strong sulphurous odor. — Antiscptio. — Uses: Extern., diluted with 4—8 t. weight water, in sore, diphtheria, vaginitis, endometritis, wounds, cte.

Solution, Calcium Chloride — P. B. (Calc. Chlor. anhydr. l:5’;f).

Doie: 16-50/77 (1.0- 3.0 cc ).

„ Chlorinated Lime — P. B. (1:10). Doso: 20—40 /77 (1.2— 2.5 cc.), externally ae lotion.

„ Calcium Saccharate — P. B. (Lime 1:60). Dolo: 15 — 60 nj (l.o^4.o cc*) in milk.

„ Chlorine — P. B. (1:167). Doae; 10—20/77 (0.6 — 1.2 cc.) in a winesIaaifUl of water.

„ Cocaine Hydrochlorate — P. B. (1:10).

Dose : 'i— 10 nj (0.1—0.6 cc.)*

, Calcium Hydrate — P. B. (5 grn. : 10 oz = Limr Watb«. — Antacid. Aatrinfl^nt, — Doiet 1— 4oz (30— 120co.).

Solution, Fowler’s, Merck, {Solut. Potassium Arsenite, U. S. P.).

Never give ! 1 on an empty stomach — Dose : 5 m (0.06—0.3 cc.). — Aktidotes: Emetics, stomach siphon; freshly precipitated ferric hydrate; or ferric hydrate with magnesia; or saccharated ferric etc. oxide ; Solution Gutta Percha — P. B. (1:8). Used only in the preparation of Charta Sinapis. Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide.

30/0 H2 O 2 (= 10 vols. available 0). — Sol. in all proportions water or alcohol. — Disinfectant, Deodor.ant, Styptic, Antizymotic. Used chiefly extern., in diphtheria, sore throat,wounds, gonorrhea, abscesses, etc. : affections, phthisi- ; rarely inter. in flatulence, gastric epilepsy, cal sweats. Hydrocyanic Intoxication, etc. — Dose: 1 —4 fl. drs. (4 15 cc.), well dil. Extern: in 20»/o solut. to pure. — Caution: Keep cool and quiet. It rapidly deteriorates! Solution, Iodine — P. B. liVooL’s SoLVTinN. — 5 per cent, iodine, 10 per cent, potaes. iodide. — AlteratlTC. — Dote: 1 — 10 min. (0.o6— 0.6 gnn.). Solution, Iron Acetate strong — P. B. (1:9.4). Doir: 1 - 8/77 (0.06-0.6 oc.).

„ Iron Acetate — P. B. (1:4). Dose: 5 — 30 rtf (0.3— 2.0 cc.). oxide 1:20). „ Iron diallzed — P. B. (Ferric

Dose : 1 0 - 30 777 (0.6 -2.0 cc.). Solution, Iron Albuminate, Merck.

Brown liq. — O.40/0 iron. — Hematinic; easily assimilable. — Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, etc. — Dose: 1 —4 drams, with milk, before mc.als. Merck’s Solution of Iron Albuminate is superior to other makes and stability, besides being perfectly free in point of palatability , from acidity and astringency and hence not injuring the teeth or stomach. Solution, Iron Perphloride — P. B. (1:4). Internally. Dote: 10—30 777 (0.6— 2,0 cc,).

Solution, Iron Perohloride strong — P. B. (Ferric Oxide 1 : 3.6).

styptic (chiefly in post-partnm hemorrhage t I dram to pint water), 70 JfwvJt’. JfaaMO/. U

t>ART 1. MAD. MRD.

Solution, Iron Citrate, Ferrio — U. S. P.

7,5 per cent. Iron. — Hematluic, — Doso: 6—16 min. 1 .0 cc.). Solution, Iron Nitrate, Ferric — P. B. (Ferric oxide 1:20.8). Tonic, Intern. AetringenU — Dose: 10—40 ^7 (0.6— 2.3 cc.).

Solution, Iron Sulphate Ferrio. — (Ferric oxide 1:4.7). Stjptic, Astringent. — Uskd chiefly extern.: pure or in strong solnt.

Solution, Iron and Ammonium Acetate — U. S. P, Basham’s Mixtuns. — Hematinic, Astringent.— Doie os (15— SOcc.).

Solution, Lead Subaoetate — P. B. Ooolaad’s Exthact. — 25 per cent.— Astringent, Antiseptic.— srd chiefly to make the diluted solution [lead water (1:80)].

Solution, Lithium, effervescent — P. B. (Lith. Carb. 5 gm. : 10 oz=(l®/oo). Dose: 5— 10 os (130— 300 cc-).

Solution, Magnesium Carbonate — P. B. (10 grn.:l oz = 2o/o). Dose: to— 20 gru. (0.6 — 1.2 cc.) as an antacid. 30 — 60gm. (2— 4.0 cc.) as a pnr* gntire.

Solution, Magnesium Citrate. — lOgrn. :i oz (2o/o).

Laxative, Refrigerant. — Dose: 6— lOfl. oi (150— 300 cc.).

Solution, Mercury Nitrate acid. — (1:15.) Caustic, — 08>D only extern.: pure.

Solution, Mercury Perchloride — P. B. (1:875). Do.e: 3U-IVO/J7 (2-8 cc.).

„ Merphine Acetate — P. B. (1:100). Do»: 10-60/77 (O.G-3.75 cc.).

„ „ Bimeconate — P. B. (1:80). Dose: 5—4 O /77 (0.8— 2,5 cc.),

a „ Hydrochlorate — P. B. (1:100).

Dole: tO-6U 77/ (0.6-3.75 CO.),

a a Sulphate — P. B. (1:100). Dose: 10— 60 nj (0,6—3.75 cc,).

Solution, Potassium Hydrate — P. B. POT...A Sotoiio*. -(7:17) Antacid, Antilithic, Dinretic.-Da.«: 15-60 m(l-4oc.), well dilated. — laooM.ATinL.s : Organic matter, alkaloid,, aramoninm aalts. — aNTx> ooTBs; Ifild acids, oils, milk.

Liquor Potassae effervescent — P. B. (Pot. — Bicarbonate 15 grn.: 10 oz)' (30/00).

Deu: 5— lOoe (7 50— 31)0 cc.).

Liquor Potassium Permanganate. — (1:100.) Doeet 8—4 drs. (4—7 5 cc.) but nsnally employed as a wash or gargle. Solution Soda Chlorinated. LiaysAODA’a SoLOTio.x. - a.5 per cent, available chlorine. — Disinfectant, Antizy- motic. - Do.e: 70—VOfq 0.6- 7. 8 cc.), dilnted.-E

Solution, Sodium Arseniate — P. B. I per cent.-AltcratWe, Antiperiodic.-Do.e : 5-1)1 (0.3-O.G (|| cc.). Liquor Sodium Ethylate. — (Sodium 1:20.) Caustic used in the treatment of naevns, nasal polypus, lupus, ozeena.

Solution Sodium Hydrate — P. B. So.^ 8olotiok.- 4 per cent, Na OH.-Aovioa, D..., Do.., etc.; As of Solnt. Potass.

77 Mirck'i Manual. — U Mat. mko. Paut 1.

Liquor Sodae efferves6ehd. Sodil Blcarbon. 15 grn. (1.0 grm.) In 10 o* (300.0 cc.) = 8 0,0.

Solution, Sodium Silicate — U. S. P. 20 per cent, silica, 10 per cent, soda.— ssd only fur surgical dressings.

Liquor, Strychnine Hydroohlorate. (1:100.) Dose: 4 — 10 nj (0.25-0.6 co.) = Vso— ViBgm. (0.002 -0.005 grm.) Strychnine. Solution, Trimethylamine, Merck. — lO«/o. — Medicinal, So-called “Pkopti,amine“. — Colorl. liq.; strong fishy and ammoni- aeal odor. — Antirheumatic, Sedative. — Uses: Rheutuatisni, chorea, etc. — Dose: 15—45 (1.0—3.0 cc.); in chorea as much as I'/e ounces (45 cc.) daily may be given, in sweetened, flavored water.

Solution, Zinc Chloride — P. B. (1:12). Disinfectant, Astringent and Ganstlc. Used only externally. Sozoiodole-Mercury. Mercuey Diiodo-pakaphekol-sulphonate. — Orange powd. — Sol. in solut of sodium chloride or potassium iodide. — Antisyphilitic, Antiseptic, Alterative. — Uses: Syphilitic eruptions and ulcers, en- larged glands, p.arasitic skin diseases, and diseased joints. — App- lied in 2—200/o oiiit. or powd.; Injection (hypodermically), l‘/3grn. (0.08 grm.), in solut. of potassium iodide. Sozoiodole-Potassium. Potassium DiiODO-PARAPnENOL-siTLPHONATE. — White, odorl., cryst.

powd.; 52 . 80/u of iodine; 20o/o of phenol; and 70^o sulphur. — Sol. slightly in cold water; iusol. in alcohol. — Antiseptic Vulnerary; Noil-poisonous Succedaneum for Iodoform. — Uses: Extern., scabies, eczema, herpes, tonsurans, impetigo, syphilitic ulcers, diphtheria, burns, and scalds; ozena, otitis, and rhinitis; injection for gonor- rhea. — Applied in 10 250/o oint’s or dusting powders, which are as effective as iodoform pure. — Incompatibles: Mineral acids, ferric chloride, silver salts. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Sodium Diiodo-paraphenol-sulphonate. — Colorl. needles. — Sol. ill 44 parts water; alcohol, 20 parts glycerin — Antiseptic, Astringent,

Antipyretic. — Uses : Intern., as intestinal antiseptic, and in dia- betes; extern., gonorrhea, cystitis, nasal catarrh, ulcers, whooping-

cough, angina, etc. — Dose : 5—30 grn. (0.3—2.0 grm.) daily. — Extern : 10«/o oint. with adeps lame, 20/o solut. in water, or 2o/o solut. in paraffin. In whooping-cough, 3 grn. (0.2 grm.) daily, blown into nose. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Zinc Diiodo-paraphenol-sulphonate. — Colorl. needles. — Sol. in 25 parts water, in alcohol, glycerin. — Antiseptic Astringent.— Uses: Gonorrhea, nasal and pharyngeiial catarrhs, etc. — Applied: Rhinitis, Pharyngitis, 6— lOu/u trituration with milk sugar by in- sufflation, or 3—6o/o paint; gonorrhea, — lo/o solut.; skin diseases, 5—lOO/o oint.; gargle, 1 —20/o solut. Sparteine Sulphate Merck. Sol. in water, alcohol. — Heart stimnl.ant, Uiiiretic. Externally applied, it lowers the temperature in aguish diseases, such as ery- fails or is contra- sipelas etc. — Uses intern : Best where digitalis indicated — Dose intern.: '.4—1 grn. (0.015 —O.Ofigrm.). Externally: 50/0 solut.

Spearmint — P. B. - 1-9 or PnparaUmf. Oil ID., 1-1(11 (0.D6-U.25 grm.)); Water 1:863). Daia: (30-80.0 cc.). 78 1

t’AR't t. MAT. MfiiD.

Spermine, Poehl- — Sterilized.

20/0 solut. of spermine hydrochlorate with sodiutil chloride. — Ner- vine. — Uses: Nervous diseases with anemia, neurasthenia, liystero-

epilepsy, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia, asthma, etc. ; usually hypodermically. — In.iection: 15 rn (1 cc.)) usually given on the lower extremities, or near the shoulder-blade, once daily, for 8 or 10 days. — Incompataule with potassium iodide treatment.

Spermine, Poehl Essence. 40/0 aromatized alcoholic solut. of the double-salt spermine hydro-

chlorate-sodium chloride. — Uses : Intern., for s.ame diseases as the preceding. — Dose: 10—30 01 (0-C>—2.0 cc.). in alkaline mineral water every morning.


Pi«K»oot»AntheImintic. — Dose : 1-^2 drams (4—8 gTm.),^Freparati(m : F. E. (Ul). Spirit, Ants, True, Merck. From ants. — Rubefacient. — U.SES: Counter-irritant in painful local affections. — Applied undiluted.

Spirit, Cochlearia, Merck. — Ph, G. III. Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses: Mouth-wash in scurvy, lotion for wounds, etc. — Applied in 2o/o dilution.

Spirit Gionoin — P. B. Spirit (Soiutiok) o» KiTRo«i,TOEmN« (T«iiiit«iK). - I per cent. - Anti-spasmodic, Vaso-dilator. Used in angina pectoris etc. - Dose: Vs-'< 01 C'l.O.)— O.l'l cc.); also Tabellae Kitroglycerinli each containing i/ioogrn. (0.0006 grin.). Dose: 1 or 2 ta- blets antidotes Ergot, Atropine, : Strychnine, cold applications to the head. Spirit, Melissa, Concentrated, Merck. Rubefacient, Stimulant, Carminative, — Uses: Extern,, as counter- irritant; intern., in cardialgia, colic, and diarrhea. — Dose: Vs— dram (2.0 —4.0 cc.) on sugar.

Spiritus (Official):

Spiritus Aetheris : (1 3) (Hoffmanns Anodyne of Continental Pharm) Dose : 30—90 (1) (2.0—6.0 cc.).

„ Aetheris compositus (Hoffmanns Anodyne P B ) Dose : 30—120 m (2.0—8 cc.). „ Aetheris nitrosi — P. B. Dose : Va-2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Ammoniac aromaticus — P. B.

Dose : 30—60 iff (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Ammoniae foetidus — P. B

Dose : 30—60 iff (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Armoraciae comp. (1 ; 8) — P. B. Dose : 1—2 dr. (4.0—8.0 cc.). „ Cajeputi (1 Oil in 50) — P. B.

Dose : 30—60 iff (2.0—4.0 cc.). „ Camphorae (1 :10) — P. B.

Dose : 10—.30 Iff (0.6—2.0 cc.). Chloroform) „ (1 : 20) — P. B Dose: 20—60 iff (1.2—4.0 cc.).

‘ „ Cinnamomi (1 Oil in 50) — P B

Dose : 30—60 Iff (2.0—4.0 cc.). „ Juniperi (1 :50)— B. B. Dose : 30—60 iff (2.0^.o cc.).

79 Uerck't Manual. P A : U


Spiritus Lavandulae (1 : f)0) — P. B. ,i

Dose : 30—GO (II (2.0—4.0 cc,).

„ Menthae Piperitae (1 ; 50) — P. B.

Dose : 30—GO 11) ( 2 .0—4.0 cc.). „ Myrieticae (1 Oil in 50) - P. B. Dose : 30—60 (T) (2.0—4.0 CC.).

„ Rectificatns (88.7Go/o by volume) — P. B.

„ Rosmarini (1 Oil in 50) — P. B.

Dose : 30—60 n\ (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Tenuior P. B. sp. Gr. 0.920 = rect. Sp. 5, Water 3.

„ Vini gallici P. B. with 48— 56«/o Alcohol by volume. Squill — P. B.

Dole: 1 Sgra. (0.06— 0.12 grm.). — — PnparaUtms: Acetam (1:8) Uoie: 15—40 q) (1.0— 2.5 cc.); Oxymet: Doie: Vs—ldr. (2.0— 4.0 cc.): Pil. comp. (1:5) Dole: 5 — 10 gTU. (0.3— grm.); Syr. 1 (2.0— cc.);. 0.6 Doiei Vl— dr, 4.0 Tr. (1:8) Doio: 10—30 (|) (0.6_2.n cc.).

Staphisagria — P. B.

Stathach.— arasiticide. — Uiao extern., in iiibstance or 1:16 soint. of fl. ext. in dil. acetic acid as ointment (1:2). Starch. Preparation: Glycerito (1:10). Starch, Iodized, Merck. 2u/o iodine. — Bluish-black powd. — Disinfectant, Antiseptic. — USES;

Intern., diarrhea, typhoid fever, etc.; extern . , with adeps lame, as substitute for tincture of iodine. — I)ose: 3—10 grn. (0.2—0.6 grm.).

Stillingia — U. S. P. (1.0— 4.0 Qaaaa’s Root.- lterntlre, ReaolvenU— Preparation; P. E. [Dose: 15—60 gj cc.)]. Storax — P. B. Stimulant, Antiseptic, Expectorant. — Dole: 10—20 grn. (0.6— 1.2 grm.). — Enters into Ungt. Styracis (i^4) used in scabies. stramonium Leaves — P. B. Doie: 2—5 gm. (0,1— 0,3 grm.), stramonium Seed D. S. P. grn. (0.015 grm.); Doie: 1-3 gm. (0.06-0.2 grm.). — Preparationa Ext. [Deie : V* 2.0 gradually increasing; Tr. (1:8). Dose: 10— 30 g) (0,6— cc.). Strontium Arsenite Merck. White powd. — Almost insol. in water. — Alterative, Tonic. — ses: i/so (0.002 0.004 Skin diseases and malarial affections. Dose : — Vis grn. — grm.), in pills.

Strontium Bromide Merck, — Gryst. colorl. odorl. needles; bitter-saline taste. SOL. in Deliquescent, , alcohol; 1—2 parts water. — Gastric Tonic, Nerve-sedative, Anti- epilcptic. Anti -nephritic. — Uses; Hyperacidity of stomach; rheu- matism, gout, epilepsy, nervousness, hysteria, headache, etc. — Dose: grm.) 10—30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.). — In epilepsy as much as 150 grn. (10 may be given daily.

^Strontium Iodide Merck. White or yellowish, deliquescent powd. or plates; bitterish-saline Alterative, taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether; 0.6 parts water. iodide in heart disease, Sialagogue. — Uses ; Substitute for potassium asthma, rheumatism, scrofula, etc. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6 1.2 grm.). OA Mtrck*i Manuai. — V

PAftT t Mat. MED. strontium Lactate Mefck. slightly bitter taste. /r-.SoL. iu alcohol, 4 White, granni.av powd. ; parts water. — Anthelmintic, Antinephritic, Tonic. — Uses: Nephritis, worms, rheumatism, gout, and chorea. Decreases albumin in urine, without diuresis. — Dose: 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.2 grm.); for worms, 80 grn. (2.0 grm.) twice daily for 5 days. Strontium Salicylate Merck. — Gryst. — Antirheumatic Tonic. Sol. in about 20 parts water , in alcohol. , — Uses: Rheumatism, gout, chorea, muscular pains, and pleurisy. Dose: 10—40 grn. (0.6— 2.5 grm.). Strophantin Merck. White powd.; very bitter taste. ‘—^SOL. in water, hlcohol. — Heart

: ''aoo—Vioo Tonic, not Diuretic. — Uses : Similar fo digitalin. — Dose grn. (0.0002—0.0006 grm.). — Max. D.: Vioo grn. (0.0006 'grm.) single, '/6o grn. (0.001 grm.) daily. — Antidotes; Emetics, stomach siphon; muscarine, atropine, camphor, picrotoxin. •

Strophanthus — P. B. .

Cardiac Tonic, like digitalia. — Preparation: Tr. (1:10) Do»o : 5 — 15/7; (0.-3 — 1.0 co.)» Max, D.: 30 /T/ (2.0 cc.) daily. Strychnine (Alkaloid) Merck. P. B. '‘ l:- Sol. in 7 parts chloroform, 110 'parts alcohol, 6700 parts water. Dose: '/so—Via grn. (0.002—0.005 grm.). — Max. D.: Vio'grn. (0.006 grm.) single; ».io grn. (0.018 grm.) daily.' 4- Antidotes; Stomach pump, tannin, emetics, charcoal, paraldehyde, urethane, potassium bromide, chloroform, chloral hydrate, artificial respiration, etc, ' See also so- lution Strychninae Hydrochloratis.

Strychnine Arseniate Merck. . , White powd. very bitter taste. — SoL, in about 15 parts water. — ; Alterative, Antitubercular. — USES: Tuberculosis, skin diseases, mala- rial affections, etc,;' usually hypodermically, 0.5 o/o in liq. paraffin;

of this 4—10 III (0.2—0.6 cc.) may be injected daily. — Dose': Vsi— ig grn. (0.001—0.004 grm.). Strychnine Arsenite Merck. White powd. — Sol., slightly in water. — Uses, Doses, etc., as of the Arseniate. , , Strychnine Hypophosphite Merck. White cryst. powd. — Sol. in water. — Uses: Tubercular affections, scrofula, and wasting diseases generally. — Dose; Vso— Via grn. (0.002—0.005 grm.). Strychnine Nitrate Merck. Groups of silky needles. — SOL. in 50 parts water, 60 parts alcohol. — Uses, Doses, etc.: About the same as of the Alkaloid. Most freqently used in Mpaomania. — [Write for detailed information!] Strychnine Sulphate Merck. Sol. in 50 parts water, 109 parts alcohol. Uses, Doses, etc.,- same as of the Alkaloid. Stypticin Merck, CoTAKNiNE Hydrochloeate. —! Yellow cryst. — Sol. in water. — Hemostatic, Uterine Sedative. — UsE.s: Uterine hemorrhage, dys- menorrhea fibroids, subinvolution, climacteric disorders, etc. — ‘/g Doso: 1 grn. 0.02—0.06 grm.) 4—7 t. daily, in capsules or pearls. Injection (urgent cases): 1—3 grn. (0.06—0.2 grm.) in lOo/o solut.

51 Mtrck^B Manual, 5 1 ; ; 6 MAT. MED. PART I.

Sued (Official). SuccuB Belladonnae

' Dose : 6—1.5 ItJ (O.S—1.0 cc.). „ Comi Dose: Vi— dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.). „ HyoBcyami Dose : Va— l dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).- „ Scoparii Dose : 1—2 dr. (4.0—8.0 cc.). „ Taraxaci

Dose : 1—2 dr. (4.0—8.0 cc.). Sulfonal. — P. B.

DiETHTL8ULPHONE-DiMETHyL-METUA.NE. — Colorl., tastel. cryst. — Sol. in 500 parts water 136 ether; 110 dil. ; alcohol. — Hypnotic, Sedative. — Dose: 10-40 grn. (0.6 2.5 grm.;, in powd. — Max. D.: 60 grn. (4.0 grm.) single; 120 grn. (7.5 grm.) daily. Sulphaminol Merck. Yellow powd. — Sol. in alcohol; insol. in water. — External and Internal Antiseptic. — Uses: Laryngeal phthisis, ulcers, wounds, cystitis, etc. — Dose : 3—5 grn. (0.2—0.3 grm.) 4 t. daily. — Extern., pure, or in trituration. Sulphur Merck. — Precipitated. Dose: 20—60 grn. (1.2—4.0 grm). Trochisci Sulphuris. Dose: 1 — lozenges. Lotio in acne of the face. Ointment (l:4Va) in scabies. Sulphur, Sublimed — P. B. or SvtPHcrA, — Intended for external uae only. — Preparation: Confeetio (1:21/4) Pose: 60— 120gm, (4,0— ft. 0 grm.): TJnguentum (1 j5). Sulphur Iodide Merck. — p. B.

800/o iodine. — Grayish-black masses. — Sol. in carbon disulphide; 60 parts glycerine. — Antiseptic, Alterative. — USES: /wfern., scrofula, and chronic skin diseases; extern., in 5—lOO/o oinl, for eczema,

psoriasis, prurigo, etc. — Dose : 1—4 grn. (0.06—0,20 grm.). Sumbul — P. B. Musa Root. — Antlspaamodlc, Sedatire. — Preparativn: Tr. (1s8) [D., 10— 80 min. (0.6-2.0 cc.). Suprarenal Capsule. Dried gland. Prepared from the suprarenal capsules of Mutona. 1 p. of the dried gland = 5 p of the fresh organ. — Uses: Morbus Addisonii, diabetes insipidus, hay fever, neurasthenia, cyclic albu-

minuria, heart dieseases. Dose: Of the tablets containing 2 gm. (0.1 grm.) of the dried gland each : 2—5 tablets 3 t. daily. Haemostatic extract, Merck. — Prepared from the suprarenal capsules of muttons. Vasoconstrictor par excellence. Applied inter- nally in conjunctivitis, kerato-conjnnctivitis vascular keratitis, epi- scleritis, glaucoma, in surgical operations of the eyes as haemostatic.

Use : freshly prepared aqueous solut. containing 10 grn. (0.6 grm.) of extr. in 32 6) (2 cc ). Intravenous injection indicated in chloroform asphyxia and acute cardiovascular pareses of infections diseases. Dose: l‘/2—2 dr. (6—8.0 cc.) of a lo/o solut. 2—3 t. daily.

Suppositoria (Official):

Acidi carbolic! c. Sapone = 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) each; „ tannici = 3 grn. (0.2 grm.) each; „ „ c. Sapone = 3 grn. (0.2 grm.) each Glycerini =(700/q Glycerine); Hydrargyri (Mercurial Oint) = 5 grn. (0 3 grm.) each lodoformi = grn. grm.) each 8 (0.2 ;

82 Merek^t Manuai. — MAT. MED. PART I,

each; Morphinae Hydrochloratis = '/» grn. (0.03 grm.) c. Sapone = >/i! grn. (0.08 grm.) each; grm.). Plumbi comp. Acet. of Lead 3 grn. (0.2 grm.), Opium 1 grn. (0.06

Syrupi (Official). Acid Hydroiodici — U. S. P. 30—00 min. (2.0 1 per cent, ahsol. HI. Alterative. ^ Dose : —i.O cc.).

: dr. cc.). Anrantii (1 Tinct : 8) Dose 1 (4

: 6*/<) Dose; 1 dr. (4 cc.). „ Floris (1 Water Calcis — U. S. P. Antacid, Antidote to Carbolic Acid. — Dose: 30—60 min. (2.0 —4.0 cc.). Chlorall (l:6‘/j) Dose: Vs—2 dr. (2.0—8 cc.).

Ferri lodidi. ,, , „ . — Dose: 6 per cent, ferrous iodide. — Alterative, Hematmic. >/2 dr. (2.0 cc.). Ferri Qnininae and Strychninae Phosphatum — D. S, P. Easton’s Syrup. — Ea. fl. dr. contains 1 grn. ferric pho.sph. strychnine. — Nervine, He- 13/4 grn. quinine, one—ninetieth grn.— matinic. — Dose : 1 2 fl. drs. (4 8 cc.).

Ferri Phosphatis (1.5 o/o) Dose: 1 dr. (4 cc.). — —4.0 cc.). „ Subchloridi Dose; Vs 1 dr. (2.0

Hemisdesmi (1 : 8) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.). Hypophosphitum — U. S. P. Ea. fl. dr. contains 2Vs grn. (0.15 grm.) calc, hypophos., 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) of pot. and sod. hypophos. — Alterative, Tonic. —

Dose : 1—2 fl. drams (4—8 cc.). Hypophosphitum with Iron — U. S. P. calc, hypophos. grn. Ea. fl. dr. contains 2*/2 grn. (0.15 grm.) , 1 Vt: grn. grm.) (0.06 grm.) each of pot. and sod. hypophos. , (0.046 iron lactate. — Alterative, Hematinic. — Dose: 1—2 fl. drams (4 8 cc.).

Limoni (1 Juice : 2) Dose: 1 dr. (4.0 cc.).

Mori (1 Juice : 2) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.).

Papaveris (1 : 2V4) Dose: 1 dr. (4.0 cc.).

Rhei (1 : 15) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc,).

Ehoeados (1 : 3‘/2) Dose; 1 dr. (4.0 cc.).

Rosae Gallicae (1 : IVVj) DOse: 1 dr. (4,0 cc.). Sacchari (1:1V«).

Scillae (1 : 16) Dose : Vs dr. (2.0 cc.). Sennae (1 : 2) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.). Tolutanns (1 : 29) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.). „ Zingiberis (1 : 27) Dose : 1 dr. (4.0 cc.). T aka-Diastase. (Diastase Takamine.) — Brownish powd. aim. tastel. — in ; Sol. water; insol. in alcohol. — Starch-digestant (1 part stated to con- vert over 100 parts dry starch.). — in — Used amylaceous dyspepsia. Dose : 1 5 grn. (0.06—0.3 grm.). Tamarind. — P. B. Preparation: Pulp of the fruit. Refrigerant and slightly laxative.

— Dose : 2 dr. (8.0 grm.) increasing.

Tannalbin. Tannin Albu.viinate , Exsiccated. — Light-brown, odorl., tastel. powd.; contains 50 0/0 tannin. — Sol. in alkaline, insol. in acid fluids. — Intestinal Astringent and Antidiarrheal. — Dose: 46—160 grn.

83 Merck** ManuaL : —

Mat, m£d. PART 1.

(3.0—10.0 grm.) daily in SO , 16— grn. (1.0—S.O grm.) portions. The dose for nursUnga is 6—8 grn. (0.3—0.5 grm.); for children up to 15 grn. (1.0 grm.). Tannigen. Acetyl-tannin. — Gray, slightly hygrosc. powd.; aim. odorl. and tastel. — Sol. in alkaline fluids, alcohol; insol. in water. — Intestinal Astringent. Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.). Tannin, — see Acid Tannic. ' Tannoform.

Tannin-Formaldehyde, AfercA;. — Loose reddish powd. — Sol. in alkaline liqs. insol. in ; water. — Siccative Antiseptic and Deo- dorant. — Uses: Hyperidrosis, bromidosis, ozeua, wounds weeping eczema, Intertrigo, erythema solare, excoriations, clumps of piles, etc. — Applied pure or in 25—50o^o triturations. Internally a powerful intestinal Astringent and Antidiarrheal. Dose: for sucklings 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) 4—8 t. daily; Children 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 4—5 t. a day; Adults; 16 grn. (l.O grm.) 4—5 t. a day. [Write for “Merck’s Digest" on “Tannopor.m," containing clinical reports]. Tannopine.

Hexamethylene-tbtramine-tannin. — Brown, si. hygrosc. powd.; 870/o tannin. — Sol. in dil. alkalies; insol. in w'ater, alcohol, or dil. acids. — Intestinal Astringent. — Dose: 15 grn. (1.0 grm.), several t. a day; children 3—8 grn. (0.2 —0.5 grm.). Tar (Fix Carbonis llquida). Freparaliom Liquor Piois CarbouU U. P. O. containing Co&l tar and Qiiillaya Tinc- ture (4:^t0* Liquor Carbonis detergens (alcoholic solut. of coal tar). Both pre- parations are very uteAtl in prurigo and chronic scaly skin diseases. Taraxacum — ,P. B.

Dandbi.ion. — Bitter Tonic. Hepatic Stimulant.-"- Preparations : Ext. [Dose: 5-»30 grn. (0,3— ‘^,0 grm.)]f Decoct (1 :20) Dote; 2 —4 ox (6U — 120.0 grm.); SueensDose: 6(1— 120 nj (4.0-8.0 cc.); F. E. [D,, 15-120/77 (1.0- 8,0 cc.)]. Tartar Emetic, — see antimony and potassium tartrate.

Tartar, Soluble, — see potassium tartrate. Terebene Merck. — P.B. Colorl. or slightly yellowish liq.; resinifies when exposed to the light; thyme-like odor. — Sol. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water. — Expectorant, Antiseptic, Antifermentative. — Uses: Intern., in chronic bronchitis, flatulent dyspepsia, genito-urinary diseases, emphysema, phthisis, bronchitis, dyspnea, etc.; extern., uterine cancer, gangrenous wounds, skin diseases, etc. In phthisical affections it is given inhalation (about 2 oz. per week). — 4—20 (0.2 by Dose: Iff —1.2 cc.), with syrup or on a lump of sugar.

Terpin Hydrate Merck, Colorl., lustrous prisms; slightly hitter taste. — Sol. in 10 parts alcohol, 100 parts ether; 200 parts chloroform, 250 parts water. Expectorant-, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Diaphoretic. — Uses: Bronchial affections, whooping-cough, throat affections, tuberculosis, genito- urinary diseases, etc. — Dose: Expectorant, 3—6 grn. (0.2—0.4 grm.);

diuretic, 10—15 grn. (0.6— 1.0 grm.); several t. daily. — Max. D. : 10 grn. (0.6 grm.) single; 32 grn. (2.0 grm.) daily. Terpinol Merck.

Oily liq., hyacinthine odor. — Sol. in alcohol, ether. — Bronchial

Stimulant, Antiseptic Diuretic. — Uses : To diminish expectoration

Merek'i Manual. :


and lessen odor in phthisis; also for tracheal and bronchial catarrhs. D.'t 5 (0.3 grm.) single; 16 in (1.0 cc.) — Dose: 8 in. (0.1 cc.). — Max. in daily.

Testes sicoati. IFrom the testicles of the bulls). — 1 part represehts 6 parts of the fresh gland. — Uses Spinal and nervous disorders, impotence, hy- ,4 daily. pertrophy of the prostate etc. — Dose: fi grn. (0.3 grm.) —6 t. Tetraethyl-ammonium Hydroxide Merck. — 10% Solut. Alkaline, bitter, caustic liq. — Solvent of Uric acid. — Uses:, Elfeu- '3 matism, gout, etc. — Dose: 10-20 0) (0.6-1.2 cc.) t. daily, well diluted —Caution: Keep well stoppered! Thalline Sulphate Merck. — {Not Thallium!) Tetkahydko-Quinanisol Sulphate. — Yellowish needles, or cryst. taste turns powd.; cumarin-lilce odor; acid-saline-hitterish, aromatic ; — Sol. in parts water 100 parts alcohol. — brown on exposure. 7 , Antiseptic. Antipyretic. — Uses: Intern., typhoid fever, hialarial fever, etc.; extern., 1—2% injection for gonorrhea; in' chronic gonorrhea'a 5o/o solut. in oil is best. — Dose: 3— 8 grn. (0.2— 0.5 grm.);

: grn. grm.) single 24 grn. (1.5 grm.) daily. — Max. D. 8 (0 5 , , Thalline Tartrate Merck. — {Not Thallium!) Cryst. or cryst. powd. — Sol. in 10 parts water, 300 parts alcohol, — Uses, Doses, Etc., as Sulphate. Thalline!) Thallium Acetate Merck. — {Not .

White, deliquescent cryst. — Sol. in water, alcohol. — Uses : Recent- ly recommended in phthisical night-sweats, but causes rapid' falling off of the hair. Dose: IVa—3 grn., (0.1—0.2 grm.) at bedtime. Theine, — see Caffeine. Theobromine Merck. White powd.; bitter taste. — Sol. in ether insol. in water or chloro- ; form. — Diuretic, Nerve-stimulant. Used specially in Hydrops. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.) 4 t. daily.

Theobromine Salicylate Merck. — True Salt. Small, white, acid, permanent needles; not decomposable by water. — Sol., slightly in water. — UsEs: Powerful Diuretic and Genito- urinary Antiseptic; similar in action to diuretin, hut perfectly stable. — Dose : 15 grn. (1.0 grm.), several t. daily, in wafers or in powd., with saccharin.

Theobromine and Lithium Benzoate, — see Uropherin B.

Theobromine and Lithium Salicylate, — see Uropherin S.

Theobromine and Sodium Salicylate Merck. Identical with Diuretin. — White powd., odorl.;- containing 49 . 70/o theobromine, 38.1 o/o salicylic acid; decomposes on exposure. — Diuretic. — Uses: Heart disease; nephritis, especially of scarlet fever. — Dose: 15 grn. (1.0 grm.), 5—6 t. daily, in powd., or capsules, follo- wed by water. Thermodin.

Acetyl- i|ARAETHOXY-PHBNYLUBETHANB, Merck. — Colorl., odorl. cryst. — Sol., slightly in water. — Antipyretic, Analgesic. — Uses: Typhoid, pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, etc. Temperature reduction begins in 1 hour after taking and reaches its lowest 85 Manu


in four hours. — Dose : Antipyretic, 6—10 grn. (0.3—0.6 grm.) ; anodiine. 15—20 grn. (1.0—1.2 grm.). Thiocol.

Potassium Guaiacolbulphonatk. — White, odorl. powd;, of faint bitter, then sweet, taste; 60«/o guaincoi. — Sou. freely in water. - Antitubeeoulae and , Anticataeeual. — nsEB: Phthisis, chronic coughs and catarrhs, scrofulous disorders, etc. — Dose: 8 grn. C0.5 grm.), gradually increased to .'lO or -10 grn. (2.0—2.5 grm.), 3 t. daily; preferably in solut. with, orange syrup.' Thiosinamine Merck. Alltl SuiiPHO-CAEBAMlDE. — Colorl., cryst.; faint garlic odor; bitter taste. — Sol. in alcohol, or ether. — Discutient, Anti- septic. — Uses: Eastern., lupus, chronic glandular tumors; and for removing scar tissue. Possesses the power of softening cicatricial tissue, also tumors of the uterine appendages, etc, — Dose: ’/s gm. (0.03 grm.), grad, increased to 1V» grn. (0.1 grm.), twice daily, in diluted

alcohol ; hypodermically, 5—10 grn. (0.3—0 6 grm.) in glycerino- aqueons solut., daily- Thymol Merck. — P. B. — Gryst. Thymio Acid. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, 1200 parts water. — Uses: Intern., rheumatism, gout, chyluria, worms, gastric etc. fermentation, ; extern., inhaled in bronchitis, coughs, coryza.' etc.; for toothache and mouth- wash for wounds, ulcers, and skin diseases 1:5000— 1:2000 solut. — Dose: ‘/« 2 grn. (0.03—0.12 grm.).

Thyroid gland. Thyroidin Merck dried and powdered.

1 part represents 6 parts fresh gland. Light brownish, powd. Alterative. — Uses: Diseases referable to disturbed function of the thyroid gland (myxedema, cretinism, struma, certain skin diseases etc.) and in obesity. — Dose: S'/s—8 grn. (0.2 —0.5 grm.). daily, gradu- aUy increased if necessary 2 or 3 t daily, children, ‘/s—^'/t as much. Thyroidin Merck, Tablets.

Containing 2 grn. (0.1 grm.) dried Thyroid gland each. — Dose: 2—5 tablets daily.

Thyroidin depuratum acc. to Notkin. Active Proteid of the thyroid gland. Transparent scales sol. in water. Used as the dried gland, but mostly hypodermic. — Dose: 16 ni (1 cc.) pro die of a 0.50/o aq. solut. to which several drops of chloroform are added.

Tincturae (Official and not Official).

Tinctura Aconiti Merck. — P. B. (i : 8). 1.0 cc.) 2—5 rq (0.1—0.3 cc.) repeatedly. Dose : 5—15 m (0.3— or — Antidotes: Emetics, stomach siphon, stimulants, strych- nine, or digitalis.

„ Adonidis Aestivalis, Merck. 2.0 cc.) after meals, in lithia Anti-fat. — Dose: 10—80 ni (0.6— , water. — Caution: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis Vernalis!

„ Adonidis Vernalis, Merck. Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic; said to act more promptly than 1.6 cc.). — Antidotes: digitalis. — Dose: 8—20 m (0.2— — Emetics, stomach siphon, tannin, brandy, ammonia, opium. Caution: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis .^stivalis! on Jfanwal. MAT. MED FART I.

Tinctura Aloes. — P. B- (i : 40). .jH'jsir.y jn"i!)}oniT Dose: 5—15 p\ (0.3— 1.0 cc.).

Arnicae radio, -tt P. B. (1:20). ^ : ot’DiiO Dose: Vi 1 dr. (2.—4.0 cc.). — ^

Arnicae Florum, Merck. Antiseptic, Antipyretic. — Uses: Intern., to check feVer; ex- 10 30 Oj tern., chiefly in bruises and other injuries. — Dose : — (0.6— 2.0 cc.).

Asae foetidae. — P.B. (1:8). <• > jll Dose : Vs—l dr. (2.—4.0 cc.). " Aurantii. — P.B. (ii 10).

Dose : 1—2 dr. (4—8.0 cc.). } Aurantii recentis. — P.B. (3:10).

Dose : 1 —2 dr. (4. —8.0 cc.). Belladonnae. — P.B. (i:20).

Dose: 5—20 Ifl (0.3—1.2 cc).

Benzoini comp. — P.B. (1:10). „ ,

‘ 1;= .Ou ..flO..:.i‘i J , Dose : Va—1 dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.)J

' ' ' ' „ Buchu. — P.B. (1:8). . Dose : 1—2 dr. (4—8.0 cc.). ‘i.iOine^

„ Bursae Pastoris, Merck. Tinctuee Shepherd’s Purse. Uses: Chiefly in vesical cal- culus. — 30 cc.) t. daily, Dose: Ifl (2 three ji,

„ Cacti Grandiflori, Merck.'i Heart-tonic; claimed free from cumulative action. — Dose:

2—10 n\ (0.1 0,6 cc.), every — D. : , — 4 hours. Max, 60 rfl.

„ Calumbae. — P.B. (1:8). 1 Dose : —2 dr. (2—8.0 cc.).

„ Camphorae comp. — P.B.

(Opium 1, Benzoic acid 1, Camphora V* in 240) Dose: ,15—60rn (1.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Cannabis indicae. — P.B. (1 Extr. : 20).

Dose : 5—20 tt\ (0.3—1.2 cc.).

„ Cantharidis. — P.B. (1:80).

Dose: 5—20 IT\ cc.). (0.3— 1.2 ,,,

„ Capsici. — P.B. (1:27). ..

Dose : 5—20 tt\ (0.3— 1.2 cc.). j Cardamomi comp. — P.B. „ (1:80). ; -ny ; \r Dose; Va—2 dr. (2—8.0 cc.).

Cascarillae. — P. B. 1 : „ ( 8). Dose; Va—2 dr. (2—8.0 cc.). 87 Mtrtk’t Mmmtai. Mat. MED. PART I.

TInctura Catechu, — P. B. (i:8) if

Doso : '/a—2 dr. (2—8.0 cc.).

„ Chelidonii, acc. to Rademacher', Merck, — OSKS; Acute and chronic liver disease. Dose : 5 —20 m (0.3 —1.2 cc.), three, o^foor t daily.

Chiratae. — P. B. 1 : „ ( 8). im Dose :''/2—2 dr.'(2.0—8.0 eel).

„ Chloroformi comp. — P.,B. 1 10 ^( ;, ). o,.;. ' ' 9 ,oi Dose : 20—GO rt\ (1.2—4.0 cc.).

„ Chloroform! et Morphinae composita,. — P, B. resembles in its composition to the secret remedy ,,Chlorodyne“,

Dose : 5—10 m (0.3— 0.6 cc,). .!,ne" -- „ Cimicifugae. — P. B. (us).

Dose: 15—60 n) (1.0—4.0 cc.). .3r>nnoh6il8a „ Cinchonae. — P. B. (i:5) c- •, 5),., 'i Ill

Dose ; 1/2—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.). .qmoo i(iiOiiioR Cinchonae comp. — P. B. (i:io)

Dose: i/a—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.). ?•< 1*1- mC Cinnamomi, — P. B. (1:8).

Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.). g; »a

Cocci. E..jR. ' — • (1:8). 5- i • • Hi . ^

• 1^; Dose : 80 n\ (2.0 cc.).- - S : i: Colchici seminum. — P. B.^td.iS). :ioltinnf,-'-i i 5) ti Dose; 10—30 ni (O.Cr-2,Q cc»)

n.[n-v >; Conii (fruct). B.' , — P. (1:8)

Dose : 20—60 III (1.2—4.0 cc.>. .eBdmi.'LsG

: . Croci. — P. B. 1 20 ( ). Dose: i/a dr. (2.0 cc.). ;t q/fiO/j 5E qi.

: , Cubebae. — P. B. ( 1 8 ).

Dose: 1/a —2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.). .oBoibni cJurm. iO Digitalis. — P. B. (1:8). /n - -r Dose : 10—30 n\ (0.6—2.0 cc.).

Ergotae. — P. B. (1:4).

Dose : 5—30 n\ (0.3—2.0 cc.).

Ferri Acetatis. — P. B. (i liq. : 4)

-:. 0 - ' 'Oil Dose ; 5—30 m (0.3—2.0 cc.). /I 'f - il Ferri Perchloridi. -i,*- P. B. (l liq. :'4).'

Dose : 10—30 m (0.6—2.0 cc.). M l... -6. Gallae. — P. B. (1 :8).

Dose : i/a—2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.). 88 JfercA’s Manuaf, I2


Tinctura Gelsemii. — P. B. (1:8).

Dosoi 5—20 fl) (0.3—1.2 cc.),

„ Gentianae comp. — P. B. (1:13).

Dose : 'la— dr. (2.0— 8,0 cc.).

„ Guajaci ammoniata. — P. B. (1:5).

Dose : Vi—1 dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Hamamelidis. — P. B. (1:10). Dose: 5—60 n\ (0.3— 4.0 cc.). ' „ Hydrastis Merck. — P. B. (if 10). Hemostatic, Astringent, Alterative. — Uses: Utoririe- hemorr- hages, chronic catarrh, hemorrhoids, le.ucorrhca, gonorrhea, etc. — Dose: 20—60 ni (1.2— 4.0 cc.).

' „ Hyoscyami, Merck. — P. B. (1: 8). Dose: "a— dr. (2—4.0 cc.). — Antidotos: Animal charcoal followed by emetic, opium, pilocarpine hypodermically, arti- ficial respiration, brandy, ammonia, etc.

„ lodi. — P. B. (Iodine 1, lod. Potass. 1:40).

Dose : 5—20 fi) (0'.Stl-i.2 cc.).

„ Jaborandi. — P. B. (1:4).

Dose : Va— 1 dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Jalapae. — P. B. (1:8). ,v

Dose : 'ia—2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.).

„ Kino. — P. B. (1:10).

Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Krameriae. — P, B. (i : 8).

Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Laricis. — P. B. (1:8).

Dose: 20—30 rri (1.2—2.0 cc.). Lavandulae „ comp. — P. B. (1 Oil: 213),. .

' Dose: Va—2 dr. (2.0—8,0 cc.)!^

„ Limonis. P. B. (1:8).

Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0—SiO cc.).

„ Lobeliae. — P. B. (i:8).

Dose : 10—30 ifi (0.6—2.0 cc.).

„ Lobeliae aetberea. — P. b. (1:8).

Dose : 10—30 (0.6—2.0 cc.).

„ Lupuli. — P. B. (1:8).

Dose: Va—2 dr, (2.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Myrrhae. — P. B. (1:8).

Dose : Va-^l dr. (2.0— 4.0 cc.),. „ Nerii Oleandri, from leaves, Merck. * Snccedaneum for Digitalis. . Dose : 20 (11 (1.2 cc.), three t.

89 Mtrck*$ Manual. M A :


Tinctura Nucis Vomicae, Merck. — P. H.

Assayed. — Containing 1 grn. (0.06 grm.) of combined alkaloids of nux vomica in 1 o/, (80 cc.)'. — Tonic, Stimulant. -• Uskk; Atonic indigestion; stimulant to nervous system; in chronic bronchitis, adynamic pneumonia in poisoning by opium, chloral, or other narcotics; in all affections with impaired muscular nutrition; anemia, etc. — Dose: 10—20.^ (0.6— 1.2 cc.),.— nti- dotes: Emetics, stomach pump, taniiin, potassium^' iodide, chloroform, amyl nitrite, opium, absolute repose, etc. — Caution: Poison! , ,jj „ Opii. — P.B. — (l:13Vs). Dose: 5—40 n; (0.3—2.5 pc.).' ' V •

„ Opii Ammoniata. — P. B. (1 : 96). ! Dose: Va—I'dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

„ Podophylli. - P.B. (1:55). ^ , irmiya.oYH Dose: 15— eo.n? (1.0—4.0CC.).

„ Pulsatillae Merck. Antispasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne. — Uses: Intern., Asthma, whoopingcough, spasmodic dysmenorrhea,- orchitis, etc.; ex- tern., leucorrhea (1:10 water). — Dose: 1 —b nj (0.06—0.3 cc.) increased. Pyrethri. — P.B. (i:5). < : ., Only used as insecticide.

„ Quassiae. — P.B. (i:27).

Dose : */i—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Quininae. — P.B. (1:60 Orange Tinct.)

Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc ).

„ Quininae ammoniata. — P.B. (i:60). Dose: Va—2 dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.).

„ Rhei. — P.B. (1:10).

Dose : 1 dr.—1 oz (4.0—30.0 cc.).

„ Rhois Toxicodendri, Merck. Dose: Uses: Chronic rheumatism, incontinence of urine, skin

2 5 . 1.0 D. diseases. — Dose: — —15 n? ( 0 12—0.3— cc.);rrm'. ax. single; 48 cc.) daily. 16 nj (1.0 grm.) rq (3.0 , ,

Sabinae. — P. B. (1:8). „ , ;o. Dose: 20—60 n? (1.2—4.0 cc.). Salviae Merck. „ r. Powerful Antihydrotic. Dose: 30—50 drops, given 2 hours pre- vious to the expected appearance of the sweating.

„ Scillae. — P.B. (1:8).

Dose : 10—30 nj (0.6—2.0 cc.).

„ Senegae. — P.B. (i: 8). 8.0 cc.). Dose : Va—2 dr. (2.0 —

^erpentariae. — P. B. (1 :8). „ cc.). Dose : 1—4 dr. (4.0—15.0 ManuaL 90 M«T9k*$ — MAT. MED. PART 1.

-.-- „ Simulo, Merck. a v Nervine, Anti-epUeptic.,^ Uses: Hysteria, nervousness, and t. daily, epilepsy. — Dose: 30-r60 n; (2.0—4.0 oc.), two or three in sweet wine. Tinctura Stramonii Seed, Merck. — r. B. (1: 8). Antidotes; Emetics, stomach Dose: 10—30 ttl ,f0.e— 2.0 cc.), — siphon, animal charcoal, tannin, opium; pilocarpine hypo- dermically. !0|i' • ilO'l' P. B. (1:40). „ Strophanthi, Merck. —

D. : 30 n) (2.0 cc.) daily. Dose: 5—15 (T\ (0.3— 1.0 cc.). — Max. Antidotes; Emetics, stomach siphon, cathartics, tannin, opium, coffee, hrandy, etc.

„ Sumbul. — p. B. (1:8).

Dose : 10—30 nj (O.G—2.0 cc.).

„ Tolutana. — p. B. (1:8). >

' ' Dose: 20—40 /i? (1.2—2.5 cc.).

„ Valerianae. ~ P.B. (1:8). Dose: 1—2 dr. (4.0— 8.0 cc.).

„ Valerianae ammoniata. — P. B. (1 : 8).

i/j— . Dose : 1 dr. (2.0-^4.0 oc.). Veratri Viridis, Merck. — (1:5). „ — 1 0 . 06 0.3 grm.). — Antidotes: Emetics, stomach Dose: —5777 ( siphon, tannic acid, stimulants, external heat, stimulation by mustard or friction.

Zingiberis. — P. B. (1:8). ,,

Dose : 15—60 n? (1 . 0—4.0 cc.).

„ Zingiberis fortior. — P. B. (1:2). Dose; 5—20 n/ (0.3—1.2 cc.).

Toluene Merck. Toluol. — Color!., refractive liq.; benzene-like odor. — Sol.: Al-

cohol ether chloroform slightly in water. — USES : Topically, in , , ; diphtheria, as “Loeffler’s Solution" = Menthol 10, Toluol q. s. to 36, Ferric Chloride Solution 4, Absolut Alcohol to 100. To be applied on wadding every three hours.

Tonga. A liquid speciality for neuralgia prepared from Epipremnum mira- bile and Premna Taitensis. — Dose: 1 —2 dr. (4 8.0 cc.). Tragacanth. — P. B. Preparations: Glycerinum (l:4;*;a) as pill excipient; Mucilago (1:70) as vehicle; Pulv. a comp, with Gum Acacia, Starch and Sugar ( 1 : 6): : — Dose 20—60 grs. ( 1 . 2 4.0 grm.).

Traumaticin Merck. lOO/o solut. gutta-percha in chloroform Thick, viscid, dark-brown liq. — Uses : JEsotem., in dentistry and surgery, as a protective covering , for bleeding surfaces, cuts, etc., also as a vehicle for ap- plication of chrysarobin or other antiseptics, in skin diseases. . 91 ManuaX. MAT. MED. PART I,

Tribromphenol Merck. Bromol. — White eryst.; disagreeable, bromine odor; sweet, astring. taste. — Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, glycerine, oils; insol. in

water. — External and Internal Antiseptic. — U 8 K8 : Intern,, cholera infantum, typhoid fever, etc.; extern., purulent wounds, diphtheria,

etc. — Dose for adults: 3—8 grn. (0 . 2—0.5 grm.) daily; in children: ‘/i 2—Vi grn. (0.005—0.015 grm.). — Extern, in 1:80 oily solut., or 1:8 oint. in diphtheria, solut. in glycerine. ; 40/o Trimethylamine Hydrochlorate, Solution, — see Solution, TRIMETHYLAMINE.

Trional. Colorl., odorl. plates; peculiar taste. — Sol, in 320 parts water;

also in alcohol or ether. — Hypnotic, Sedative. — Dose : 10—30 grn.

(0.6—2.0 grm.). — Max. D. : 45 grn. (3 grm.). Triphenin Merck. Propionyl-phenetidin. — Colorl. cryst. — SoL. in 2000 parts water. — Antipyretic and Antineuralgic, like Phenacetin; prompt, and

without by or after-effect. — Dose : Antipyretie, 4—10 grn. (0.25 —0.6 t. grm.): antineuralgic, 15 grn. ( 1.0 grm.) 3—4 daily. [Write for “Merck’s Digest" on “Triphenin", containing clinical reports.]', Triticum. Oovoa-CiRABi. — Demulcent, Diuretic. — Preparation; Decoct (1:80) Dote: 4—8 am

(120-240.0 oc.). Extr. Uquld. Dot# : 1-6 dr. (4.0-24.0 co.).

Trochisci (Lozenges). (Official.) lozenges. „ Acidi Benzoici [cont. Vs gm. (0.03 grm.) each] Dose: 1—5 (0.03 1-6 tannicij [ 'h n » „ „ D n 1-6 Bismuthi [ n 2 n (0.12 n ) a n „ 1 1-6 Catechu r n n (0.06 n ) # n „ (0.06 1-6 Ferri redacti [ n 1 n n ) » n , •/4 (0.015 1-3 Ipecacuanhae [ 1) V »} ) 7) „ (0.0017 1-6 Morphinae [ >7 Van )) ) 77 „ Morphinae (0.0017 Morpli. and Vis grn. (0.005 et Ipecac. [ jj Vao grm.) Ipecac each] Dose: 1—6 lozenges.

each] Dose : l-r6 lozenges. „ Opii [cont Vio grn. (0.006 grm.) Extr. each] 1—6 lozenges. „ Potassi Chloratis [cont 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) Dose: l- C „ Santonini [ „ 1 „ (0.06 „ ) „ 1 „ » Sodii „ 1—6 Bicarbonatis [ „ 5 „ (0.3 „ ) „ ] „ „ 1—6 Sulphuris [ „ 5 „ (0.3 „ ) „ ] „ „

Tropacocaine Hydrochlorate Merck. Benzoyl -PSEUDOTROPEINE Hydrochlorate. — Colorl. cryst. — Sol. in water. — Succedaneura for Cocaine. According to Drs. Va- mossy, Chadbourne, and others, tropacocaine is not half as toxic lasts longer f as cocaine. Anesthesia from it sets in more rapidly and co- ’V than with cocaine. It causes much less hyperemia than does caine. The activity of its solution is retained for two to three Y months. Tropacocaine m.ay replace cocaine in every case as an " anesthetic namely in Schleichs infiltration anesthesia. — Applied [Write for 1^ in 30/0 solut., in O. 60/0 sodium-chloride solut. — ““Merck’s Digest" on “Tropacocaine", containing clinical reporls.]

Turpentine, Chian, Merck. odor. — li

PASi* 1. MAt. MPD.

Unguenta (Ointments) (Official):

Dngentmu Acidi borici, containing 1 p. of act. ingredient in 7 carbolici 1 « 19 salicylici 1 „ » jj 98 Aconitinae 1 ' •>, fiO Antimonii tartarati 1 n n ^ Atropinae 1 n 90 Belladonnae 1 „(Extr.)„ 10 Calaniinae 1 9 J5 » Cantharidis 1 » n

Oetacei 1 ' 5''2' . n Chrysarobini 1 2.’) Conii 2 (Juice) „ 1 Creosoti 1 9 Elemi 1 » * » 0

Eucalypti 1 ; n p ^ Ctallae 1 p „ 6'/a Gallae c. Opio containing 1 „ „ 14'/2 Glycerini Plumbi Subacetatia i „ ^ » , 9Vs Hamamelidis i „ „ „ (Liq.) „ 10 Hydrargyri „ 1 „ „(Extr.)„ 2 Hydrargyri ^ amnioniat( „ 1 „ » n 19 „ compos. 1 41/2 „ „ » (Met.) j, „ lodidi rnbri „ 1 „ 28 Nitratis „ „ i ., (Met.);; 15'/J dilut "" „ , ,, „ 1 „ „ (Oint) „ 3 „ Oxidi rnbri „ 1 „ 8 Subchloridi 1 „ ,, 6 '/a lodi ” ” 1 31 lodoformi „ i 10 Picis liquidae ,, 5 ,, 7 Plumbi Acetatis i „ „ 371 /2 ; Carbonatia 1 „ „ ,, 8 lodidi . „ „ 1 8 Fotassae sulpburatae „ i 15Vo lodidi 1 „ „ > Resinae 83/4 „ i 33/4 Sabinae i Simplex ’’ 2 StapMsagriae ,, 2‘,'4 Sulphuris ( .5 lodidi „ 15^2 Terbinthinae ( , (Oil) Veratrinae „ „ 2'/s Zinci 63 6 '/« Zinci Oleati 2 Uranium Nitrate Merck.

Oosr®V7roor' alcohol ether. UsK.s: Diabetes. increasing to 15 grn. 1.0 grm.ttwo ol.’^th^rtTdaflf.™-^' (

Urea Merck. — Pure.

- T ^91'- in water, alcohol. _ Diuretic Tcnal calculus, 150 CIO loo etc. — Dosci 150-300 grn. (10-20.0 grm.) a day, in hourly instalments, in "X'.

98 J^ferck^9 dfanualt — : :


Urethane Merck. Ethyl Dkethane. — Colorl. cryst.; faint, peculiar odor; saltpeler- like taste. — Sol. in 0.6 part alcohol. 1 part water, 1 part etlier, 1.6 part chloroform, 8 parts glycerine, 20 parts olive oil. — Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Sedative. — Uses; Insomnia, eclampsia, uervons ex- citement, tetanus; and as antidote in strychnine, resorcin, or picro- toxin poisoning. Does not interfere with circulation; no nnpleasant after-effects, in eclampsia it should be given per enema. — Dose 1 Sedatiop,. 10—20 grn. (0.6— 1.2 grm.), i t. daily ; hypwtic, 30 —45 grn. (2.0—3 0 grm.), in 3 portions at — 1 hour intervals, in 10«/o solut. — Max. D.: 64 grn. (4.0 cc.). — Incompatibles: Alkalies, acids. Uricedin. Not completely defined. — (Stated: “Uniform combination of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, and lithium citrate. — Wh. granules. — Sol. freely in water. — Antilithic. — Dose: 15—30 grn. (1 —2 grm.). in hot water, 3 t. daily.") Uropherin B. Theobkomine and LithiU-M Benzoate, Merck. — 50o/o theobromine. — White powd.; decomposes on exposure. -i- Dinretic; works well with digitalin. — Dose: 5—15 grn. (0.3—1.0 grm.), in powd. or capsules, followed by water. — Max. D.: 60 grn. (4.0 grm.) daily.

Uropherin S. Theobromine and Lithium Salicylate, Merck. — White powd. — Uses, Doses, Etc., as Uropherin B. Urotropin, — see Formin.

Uva Ursi — U. S. P. B«aiidka»t. — Tonic, Diuretic, Antilithic. — D««o: 10— 30gfrn. (0,6—?,0 grm.). — Pr^paTotioni Infusion DcMie: t to 2 ob (30— 60 cc.) (l:l).

Walerlan — U. S. P. * Dose: 10— 30 grn. ((t.6— 2,0 gm.). — PrepartUiona Infos. (li-lO), Dose: 1—? os (30-60 cc.); Tr. (l!8) Dose: 1—2 dr. (4 — 8,0 cc.). Tr. ammoniats: (1*8) Date: V* -1 dr. (2.0-4.0 cc.): Ammon. Tr, (1:5 arom, spt. ammonia).

Validol. Menthol Valerianate. — Colorl., syrupy liq.; mild, pleasant odor; cooling, faintly bitter taste. Nerve Sedative, Carminative. — Uses: Hysteria, epilepsy; flatulence, dyspepsia, etc. — Dose: 10—20 drops (0’5 — 1.0 cc.) on sugar. Vasogen. Oxygenated Petrolatum. — Faintly alkaline, yellowish-brown, syrupy mass, yielding emulsions with water and rendering such active medicaments as creolin, creosote, ichthyol, iodine, pyoktanin. etc., readily absorbable through the skin. Used combined with these, externally as well as internally. Iodine Vasogen (80 grn. [5 grm.] daily) recommended by inunction in syphilis and glandular swellings, and internally in aterial sclerosis, (.4-6 grn. [0.25—0.3 grm.] twice daily). — Iodoform Vasogen used in tuberculous processes.

Veratrine Merck. — P. B. White powd.; causes violent sneezing when inhaled; exceedingly- irritating to mucous membranes. — Sol. in 2 parts chloroform. 3 parts alcohol, 6 parts ether; slightly in water. — Uses; scrofula, opilepsy extern. stiff joints, gout, rhoumatisiu, neuralgia, , ^ sprains, and chronic swellings. — Dose: V«o—Vso grn. (0.001 —0.002 Manual. 94 Martk*» :


grm.). — Max. D. : Vto ^rn. (0.006 grm ) single, Vs grn. (0.012 grm.) daily. — Extern.: l — oint. — JPreparations : 0]eate 20 40/o m ( /o): Oinf. (1.250/0). — Antidotes: Tannic acid, emetics, powdered charcoal, stomach pump, stimulants; morphine with atropine, hypodermically,

- heat, recumbent position. ;

Verairum Viride — D. S. P. Ambkioak HBI.I.BBOHR. — OArdifto Dcpreanant, Diaphoretic, Diuretic. — Preparation : Tr. Dom; tTf (0.3 — 1.V cc.). See eieo, Veratrine, Viburnum Opulus.

CaAMf Ba»h. — Antiapasmodio, Sedative. - Preparatiom P. E. [D.. 30— 60 min. (a— 4 cc.). Viburnum Prunifoiium. Black Haw.— Aatringcnt, Nervine, Oxytocic.- Pr«para«onA i P. B. [D.. 30—60 min. C^.O— 4.0 cc.)l.

Waters (Official). P. B.

Dose: V2— 1 oz (15—.60.0 cc.) Anisi n •) Vs— (15—30.0 1 „ . ) )) Aurantii floris (15—30.0 Vs—1 „ . ). Camphorae )' yy 1—2 (30—60;0 „ , n Carui 1—2 (80—60.0 „ , ) Chloroformi Vs— (15—60.0 2 „ > ) » Cinnamomi Vs—1 oz (15—60.0 , ) }i Destillata

?j Foeniculi 1—2 oz (30—60.0 Laurocerasi , ) V yy 1/8—2 dr. (2.0— 8.0 Menthae , ) 1) piperitae )• 1—2 oz (30—60.0 , ) yy viridis „ yy 1—2 (30—60.0 „ . ) yy Pimentae i) 1-2 „ (30—60.0 ) 'y Rosae Vs—1 „ (15—30.0 ) yy Sambuci yy 1/2—1 „ (15—30.0 White Oak. Aetringcnt. - Dote: 30-60 grn. (*.0-4.0 cc.), at fl. ext. or decoct. White Precipitate, — see Mercury-Ammonium Chloride. Wild-Cherry Bark.

[Do«! 20-60 min. (2-4 0 cell- Infnt. [Dote: 1-4 o. (]; Syr. [Dote: 1 L 4 drama (4-15.S cc.)]. Wines (Official). — P. B. Vinum Aloes (l:262/t) Dose : 60—120 m (4—8 cc.) ,. Antimoniale (O.40/0) „ 5—60 „ .(0..S—4.0 cc.) „ Aurantii (Vehicle). „ Colchici (Corm) (1:5) 10—30 (0.6— Ferri „ 2.0 „ ) :, 1—4 dr. (4.0— 15.0 Ferri cc.) „ citratis (1.7 0/0) 1—4 » „ (4.0—15.0 ,. ) Ipecacuahhae (1:20) „ 5—40 6] (0.3— 2.5 „ ) „ Opii (Exir.) (1:20) 10-40 „ „ (0.6—2.5 „ ) „ Quininae (0.2 o/q) „ Va— 1 oz (15.0—30.0 cc.) „ Rhei (1:13'/3) „ 60—120 111 (4.0—8.0 cc.).


Connterirritant. - Prepurution: P. E.


95 Merek*» ManuaU Mat. Med. PART i.

— USKSJ Extern., infected wounds, buljoes, in coryza as a snuff, etc.; intern., diarrheas of various kinds. — l)o»e: ir> .“y— grn. (0. 3— i.o grm ). —r Exteen, like iodoform. Zinc Acetate Merck, — P. B. Sol. in 3 parts water, 36 parts alcohol. — Astringent, Antiseptic, Nervine. — Uses: Chiefly extern., collyrinmin ophthalmia, injection in urethritis, and gargle in sore mouth or sore throat. — Atpliki) : Eye-wash, 1—2 parts to lOOO water gargle 5— ; 15 parts to 1000 water;

injection, 2—5 parts to 1000 water. — Dose : 1—2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.) as a tonic, 10—20 grn. (0.6—1.2 grm.) as an emetic. Zinc Bromide Merck. — P. B. Sol. in water, alcohol, ether, ammonia. — Uses: Epilepsy, in very diluted solut. — Dose: 1—2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.). — Max. 1).: 2 grn. (0.12 grm.) three t. a day. Zinc Carbonate Merck. — P. B.

Uses: Wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, etc.; also face powd. — App- lied pure or 200/o oint. or powd. Zinc Chloride Merck. — P. B.

Sol. in in alcohol, ether. — : 1 3 part water ; Exteun. Gonorrhea,

1000 solut. ; wounds, 1:100—500; eyes, 1:1000: tuberculous joints, 1:10. Preparation: Solut. (50o/o). — Antidotes: Alkali carbonates, followed by water or milk; albumen, anodynes, stimulants, tea, etc.

Zinc Cyanide Merck. — Pure. White, cryst. powd. — Alterative, Antiseptic, Anthelmintic. — Uses: Chorea, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, colic, gastr.algia, cardiac palpitation. Small dosseat first and gradually increased.

— Dose : ‘/ 12—Vo grn. (0.005—0.01 grm.). — Antidotes : Stomach siphon, ammonia, mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphates, chlorine inhalation, cold, douche, etc. Zinc Ferro-cyanide Merck.

White powd. — Alterative, Antiseptic. — Uses : Dysmenorrhea, rheu- ’/» matism, chorea, gastralgia, etc. — Dose : —2 grn. (0.03—0.12 grm.).

Zinco-Hemol. Hemol with lo/o Zinc. Dark brown powd., sol. partly in water. Hematinic end Constructive. The mildest Zinc preparation existing. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis and gastric or intestinal erosions etc. —

Dose : 8 grn. (0.5 grm.) 3 t. daily. Zinc Hypophosphite Merck. Sol. in water. — Antiseptic, Astringent, Autispasmodic. — Uses: Gastric and intestinal catarrh, chorea, whooping-cough, epilepsy, skin diseases. — Dose: 'is—I'/a grn. (0.03 —0.1 grm.). Zinc Iodide Merck. Sol. in water, alcohol, and ether. — Dose: 1—2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.).

Zinc Lactate Merck. White cryst. — Sol. in 60 parts water. — Anti-epileptic. — Dose: increased. — Max. D.: 8 grn. Va—2 grn. (0.03—0.12 grm.), gradually (0.5 grm.) daily. Zinc Oxide Merck. — P. B. Exteen.: in 6—200/0 oint. or powd. — Uses; Intern., Chore.o, epilepsy, on Mmk’t Uauual. '


chronic diarrhea, etc.; extern., wounds, skin diseases, etc. — Dose: 2— 10 grii. (0.12—0.6 grin.). — Preparation: Oint. (l:6‘/3). Zinc Oleate. — P. B.

Preparations: Ungt. Zinci Oleati (1:1). Used in chronic eczema. Zinc Permanganate Merck. Violet-brown, or almost black, hygroscopic cryst. — Sol. in water. — Antiseptic, non-irritating Antigonorrhoic. — Uses: 1:4000 solut. as injection in gonorrhea; and 1 or 2:1000 as eye-wash in con- junctivitis. — iNCOMrATlDLBS: All easily oxidizable or combustible substances. Explodes when compounded directly with alcohol, glycerine, sugar, dry or fluid vegetable e.xtracts. Zinc Phosphide Merck iNSOL. in the usual solvents. — Uses: Sexual exhaustion, cerebral affections, melancholia, and chronic skin diseases. — Dose: '/so—V4 grn. (0.003—0.015 grm.), in pill. Zinc Soziodole, see Sozoiodole-Zinc. Zinc Stearate Merck.

White, agglutinating powd.; turns darker on exposure. — Insol. in water. — Antiseptic, Astringent. — Uses: Gonorrhea, atrophic rhin- itis, burns, etc. — Applied in substance, or combined with iodole, iodoformogen, etc. Zinc Sulphate Merck. — P. B.

White Vitkiol; Zinc Vitriol. — Sol. in 0.6 part water, 3 parts glycerine. — Dose: as a tonic or astringent 1 —2 grn. (0.06 —0.12 grm.); emetic, 10—30 grn. (0.6—2.0 grm.). — Antidotes: Alkali carbonates, tannic acid, albumen, demulcents. Zinc Sulphocarbolate Merck. — P, B.

Colorl. cryst. — Sol. in 2 parts water; 5 parts alcohol. — Antiseptic, Astringent. — USES: Extern., gonorrhea, foul ulcers, etc.; intern., typhoid, fermentative diarrhea, etc. — Extern, in Va— lo/o solut Dose : 1—2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.). Zinc Valerianate Merck. — P. B.

Decomposes on exposure. — Sol. in 40 parts alcohol. 100 parts water. — Uses: Diabetes insipidus, nervous affections, neuralgia, etc. — Dose : 1—6 grn. (0.06—0.35 grm.).

97 Mtrck^a Manual. 7 MAT. MED. PART I.


Bismuth Beta-Naphtolate.

Light brown insol. powd., odorless. Antiseptic, acting like f-alol. — Uses; Internally in affections of intestines. — Dose: 15—30 gr«. (1.0— 2.0 grm.) several times a day. Eumenol Merck. (Extract. Radicis Tang-kui fluid.) Tonic and Emmenagogue. — Uses: In amenorrhea and dysmenorrhoic troubles. — Duse: A tea- spoonful three times a day.

Extract. Galega aq. soft.

Oalactagogue. Uses ; scanty milk secretion, does not reduce quality.

— Dose : 8—30 grn. (0.5 — 2.0 grm.) 2 to 4 t. daily. Sodium Ethylsulphate. (Sodium Sulphovinate.) Colourless crystals, soluble in water. Taste- less mild aperient, does not cause colic. — Dose: 2 dr. to 1 or. (7— 30.0 grm.).

Sodium Phenolsulphoricinate acc. to Prof. Heryng for laryngological purposes. (Phenol sulforicine) with 25 and 30e^o Carbolic acid. — Uses; exter- nally: in diphtheria, laryngeal phthisis, laryngeal papilloma, rhin- itis atrophica and pharyngitis lateralis, painted over the affected parts.



98 Htrek*$ '

Part II — Therapeutic Indications

For the Use of t e Materia Medica and Other Agents.

Abasia and Astasia. Abrasions. — also, — See mined, also used to 6'eealso, Hysteria. Bruises, Burns, etc. prevent scarring if otherwise opened. Sodium Phosphate: by Benzoin. Chlorine Water. hypodermic injecti- Collodion. Cod -Liver Oil: in on once a day for 25 Iodoform, scrofulous cases days (Charcot). and lodoformogen. in the Sodium Glycerophos- hectic. lodole. phate by Counter-irritation : to injection. Magnesia. surroundingparts, to Solution Gutta- Abdomuial Plethora. check formation or percha. hasten — See also, Hepatic maturation. Sozoiodole salts. Creolin. Congestion, Obesity. Tannoform. Creosote: same as Car- Abdominal massage. bolic Acid, as a sti- Aliment: dry diet; mulant to indolent avoid much brea^ Abscess. — See also. inflammatory swell- as well as salted or Suppuration, Boils, ings. twice cooked meats, Anthrax. Diiodoform. rich sauces, etc. Ether: to produce lo- Cathartics, saline and Acid, Boric: a power- cal anesthesia, used hydragogue: to re- ful non-irritating an- as a spray before lieve portal conges- tiseptic dressing. opening an abscess. tion. Acid, Carbolic: as Formaldehyde. Grape cure. dressing, and as in- Gaduol : in scrofulous Salinemineral w'aters. jection after evacu- and hectic cases. ation. Gold Chloride. Abortion. Acid, Tannic. Hydrogen Peroxide: Aconite: in full dose to wash out cavity Acid, Tannic: combi- often aborts. of tubercular or slow ned with opium and Alcohol : as a pure abscess. ipecac. stimulant where a Ice: after opening. Cascara Sagrada: as large quantity of pus Iodine: as injection a laxative. is being poured out, into the sac, and in- Cimicifuga: as a pro- draining the system. ternally to cause ab- phylactic. Ammoniac and Mer- sorption Cotton of products Root. cury Plaster. of inflammation, Creolin: 2 per cent, Arnica Tincture. lodoformogen. solution, injected af- Belladonna : intern- Iodoform Gauze: ter removal of mem- ally, and locally as packed into branes. cavity, a liniment or plaster, lodole. Curettement. to abort the prelimi- Lead Diet Water. and Hygiene. nary inflammation — Menthol: Ergot. in ethereal e. g. of breast— after- solution, 10 to GoldChloride: to 50 per avert wards to ease pain cent., the locally applied tendency to ab- in addition. with ort. camel’s hair Calcium Phosphate: pencil. Iodine: to inner sur- where abscess is Morphine. face of uterus after large or chronic, as Naphtalin. removal of membra- a tonic. nes. Naphtol: 75 gm. (5 Calcium Sulphide: grm.), alcohol Iron: with 10 fl. potassium small doses, fre- drs. chlorate throughout (40 cc.), hot dis- quently repeated, to tilled the water q. s. to pregnancy when hasten maturation fatty make 3 fl. oz (90 cc.). degeneration or healing, especially present. Inject a few drops.. in deepseated suppu- Oleate of Mercury and Opinm or Morphine. ration. Piscidia. Morphine : relieves Caustic Potassa: for the pain, Potassium Chlorate. allays the opening abscess in inflammation , and Savin. liver, also in chronic causes the absorp- Viburnum Prunifoli- abscess where nm. the tion of the products. skin is much under- Potassium Permanga- M9Tck*» 99 : Manual, 7^ ,:


nate ; as antiseptic. relieve a painful sen- hours in hot water. Poultices; advantage- sation in the sto- Silver Nitrate: same ously medicated, e. mach. as silver oxide. g. with belladonna Alkalies: after meals, Silver Oxide; especi- or opium, to allay best as hicarhonates; ally useful when aci- pain nr intlamma- with flatulence give dity is accompanied tion. magnesia if there is by neuralgic pains in Quinine. constipation; lime stomach. Quinosol. water if there is di- Sulphurous Acid; if Resorcin ; in syphilitic arrhea. associated with the and other unhealthy Ammonia; in headache vomiting of a pasty sores as an antisep- from acidity. material, presence of tic. Ammonium Bicarbon- sarcinic. Salicylic Acid: as an- ate. Tannalbin; whenthere tiseptic dressing. Atropine: for gastric is abnndatjce of mu- Sarsaparilla: in chro- hypersecretion. cus. nic aoscess with pro- Bismuth: in gastritis Tannic Acid; in acid- fuse discharges. due to chronic ab- ity associated with Sheet Lead: is useful scess or chronic al- chronic catarrh and in chronic abscess coholism. Very well flatulence, filycerine ol leg the as a dres- combined with ar- 1 min.(0.06 cc.), tannic sing. senic in very chronic acid-1 grn. (0.25 grm.;, Silver Nitrate; a cases, with hydro- as pill. strongsolutionin spi- cyanic acid in more rit of nitrous ether, acute cases. painted around the Calcium Carbonate Acne. area of inflammation, precipitated. AdepsLanw'; topically. will check it in super- Cerium Oxalate. Alkaline lotions; when ficial parts. Charcoal : as biscuits. skin is greasy and Silver colloidal. Creosote : same as car- follicles are black SodiumGoldand Chlo- bolic acid. and prominent. ride; in scrofulous Ichthalbin. Aristol. abscesses as tonic. a Ipecacuanha; in small Arsenic: in chronic Sozoiodole salts. doses in pregnancy acne generally, Strontium ; Iodide. where flatulence and though not always, Sulphides: of potassi- acidity are both pres- prevents the acne um, sodium, ammo- ent. from bromide or io- nium, and calcium. Kino : useful along dide of potassium. They must be used with opium. Belladonna: as local in low doses, and are Lead Acetate; in gas- application to check indicated in scrof- tric catarrh and py- a too abundant se- ulous abscess and in rosis. cretion. the chronic boils of Lime Water. Berberis: for acne of children. To hasten Liquor Potassce: use- girls at puberty. suppuration. ful for both gastric Bismuth: as ointment Tonics. and urinary acidity. or powder. In acne Viride: in Veratrum Magnesium Carbon- rosacea, if acute. full dose often ab- ate. Borax; solution very orts. Magnesium Oxide. useful. Manganese Dioxide Cajeput Oil; as stim- Absceg.s of the Liver. sometimes relieves, uiant in acne rosa- — See Hepatic, Dis- probably acting like cea. eases. charcoal. Calcium Sulphide; Mercury; When liver same as sulphur. K or deranged and stools internal use. Acidity of Stomach. pale. Chrysarobin. Acids; before meals, Nux Vomica: in small Coca. Oil. or as an . acid wine doses before meals, Cod-Liver during meals. For especially in preg- Copper. acid eructations, es- nancy, or in chronic Electricity. pecially of sulphur- alcoholism. Enresol. etted hydrogen. Potassium Bitartrate. Europhen. internally, in Acid, Carbolic ; to stop Potassium Carbonate. Oaduol: fermentation or to Pulsatilla: every four scrofulous and hectic 100 Mtnk't MmmL : ; —; INDICATIONS PART 11. Actinomycosis. Iron Valerianate, cases. Musk. Glycerine: both lo- Potassium Iodide. Nux Vomica: in dip- cally and internally. Sodium Salicylate. somaniacs in con- H jtdrastine Hydro- j unction with chlorate: as lotion. Addison’s Disease. Strophanthus. Hydrastis. Potassium Chlorate. Ichthalbin: internally. Arsenic. Quinine. Ichthyol: externally. Glycerine: in full do- Sangninarine. ses. Iodide of Sulphur: in Sol. Ammonium Ace- Iron: with anti -eme- all stages of the tate. tonics. disease. tics and Spermine. Iron Glycerinophos- Iodine: is of doubtful Testes sicc. value. phate. Turpentine Oil. Phosphorus. lodole: topically. Urethane. Milk: as Liquor carbonis de- Skimmed Valerian. tergens. diet. Liquor Hydrarg. Per- Sozoiodole-Potassi- After-Pains. — See um. nitratis: a single also. Lactation. on an indura- drop Actaea Racemosa: it pustule will des- Adenitis. — See also, ted restores the lochia without a scar. Glandular Affecti - troy in cases of sudden ons. Magnesium Sulphate. suppression and re- Mercurials: intern- Calcium Phosphate moves the symptoms. ally. Nitrite. internally. Amyl Mercury Nitrate : so- Belladonna; as oint- Calcium Sulphide : in- lution topically. ternally. ment. Mercury Bichloride : Carbon Disulphide, Camphor : 10 grn. (0.6 solution as wash. with ' s grn. Cod-Liver Oil: inter- grm.) Mercury Iodide, red. morph- nally. (0.007.5 grm ) Naphtol. Gaduol; internally. ine. Acid. Nitric. : doses Ichthalbin: internally. Chloral in large Perosmic Acid. arrests the pains Ichthyol : topically as Phosphorus: in chro- antiphlogistic, contra-indicated in nic cases in place of feeble action of the lodole : as cicatrizant. arsenic. The phos- Sozoiodole-Potassi- heart. phates and hypo- liniment um: as granulator. Chloroform: phosphites are safer to abdomen, along and more valuable. with soap liniment. Adynamia.— A’ee also, The latter in acne same as Anemia Convales- Cimicifuga: indurata. , ergot. cence, Neiirasthenia. Potassium Bromide Copper arsenite. sometimes useful in Acid, Hydriodic. Dionine. moderate doses in Acid, Hydrochloric. Ergot to keep the ute- obstinate cases. This Acid, Nitric. rus constantly con- Salt and the Iodide Alcohol. tracted and prevent very often cause acne Arsenic: for sweUed accumulation of clots when taken contin- feet of old or weakly and the consequent uously. persons with weak pain. Potassium Chlorate. heart. Gelsemium; stops Quinine. Calcium Phosphate. pains when in doses Resorcin. Caffeine. sufficient to produce Sand: friction with, Camphor. its physiological ef- useful. Cinchona Alkaloids fect. Sodium Bicarbonate. and their salts. Heroin. Strontium Iodide. Capsicum. Mentha Pulegium. Sulphur: internally, Digitalis. Morphine: hypoder- and externally as a Eucalyptol. mically very useful, lotion or ointment, Glycerophosphate of Vs to Vi grn. (0.01 most valuable agent. Sodium. 0.015 grm.) with >/ioo Thymol. Hemogallol. (0.0006 grm.) atro- Water: Hot sponging Hydrastine. pine. several times a day. Hydrogen-Peroxide. Opium: the same as Zinc Salts. Iron. morphine. 101 HtrMt Xanual. : INDICATIONS. DART II.

Pilocarpine: in aga- diac disease. Should the chronic disease, lactia. be combined with in doses of ’?,» grn. Poultices: warm, to digitalis. Very useful (0.003 grm.). hypogastriiim re- in , chronic Bright’s Hemo-gallol: in ane- lieve. disease; should be mia. Quinine: 5 to 10 grn. used with great cau- Hydrastis: lessens al- (0.3—0.6 grm.) night tion in the acute bumen. and morning, in nen- stage. Incisions: over ralgic aftorpains the Calcium Benzoate. malleoli, to relieve which do not yield Cannabis Indica: as the anasarca of the to opiates. diuretic in hematu- lower e.xtrcmities. ria. Iron • to diminish ane- Ague. — Inter- Cantharidcs: 1 min. mia with a flabby mittent Fever. (0.06 cc.) of tincture tongue, give the per- every three hours, salts. In dropsy as- Albaminui'iii. — See when acute stage sociated with high also, Briflht’s Dis- has passed off, to tension, iron must ease, Nephritis. stop hematuria. be cautiously given Chimaphila: as a di- and withhekf unless uretic. Acid, Gallic: lessens improvement is albumen and hema- Cod-Liver Oil : as a quickly shown. It tonic. turia. always does harm if Aconite: to lower a Copaiba: to remove allowed to consti- high temperature; ascites and albumi- pate and in the onset of nuria dependent on laborandi: in uremia acute nephritis in cardiac or chronic and dropsy due either scarlet fever. Bright’s disease, and to renal disease or in some cases of Alcohol : hurtful in he- occurring in preg- acute stage: useful maturia. nancy. when a slight trace Counter - Irritation Jalap with Calomel, of albumen is per- dry cupping most •luniper Oil: diuretic.

sistent. useful when tendency Lead : lessens albumen to uremia. Alkaline Diuretics : to and increases the prevent formation of Croton Oil : as lini- urine. ti brinous plugs in the ment to the loins in Lime Water. renal chronic cases is so- Milk Cure pure tubules. : skim- Aqua Calcis: in large metimes useful. milk diet very nseful doses has been found Digitalis: the infusion when tendency to to increase the urine, is the most valuable uremia; it also les- and decrease the al- in acute and tubal Milk sugar 7 oz. (200.0 bumen. nephritis, and in re- grm.) per day. Arsenic: beneficial in nal disease attended sens the albumen. very chronic cases. with dropsy due to Naphtol. Albumen will return cardiac disease. Must Nitroglycerine: in if the use of the drug be given with cau- acute and chronic be stopped. tion in granular kid- albuminuria.

Nitrous Ether : as diu- Baths : warm water ney. and hot air and Tur- Elaterium: as hydra- retic. kish. to increase ac- gogue cathartic for Oxygen: compressed, tion of skin will, on inhalation, after dropsy ; and when dropsy or uremic uremic symptoms temporarily di- symptoms have ap- have come on. minish albumen. peared. Eucalyptus cautious- Pilocarpine. Belladonna: has been ly for a short time Potassium salts: es- used to diminish the in chronic dise.ase. pecially the iodide chronic inflamma- Fuchsine: In I to 3 and vegetables salts in syphilitic tory condition left grn. (0.06 —0.2 grm.) or amy- by an acute attack. doses in the day, in loid disease. Broom: as diuretic. in albuminuria of renal Potassium Bitartrate: chronicrenal disease. origin, in children. as hydragogue ca- Caffeine: to increase Gaduol as a tonic. thartic and diuretic. secretion of solids Glyceri nophosphates. Potassium Bromide: especially in cases Gold Trichloride: in in uremic convulsi- dependent on car- contracted , in ons. 102 MTtJe'i ktanxtal. ,


the craving. Alopecia. — See also, Pulsatilla. Tinea Decalvans. Strontium Acetate. Faradization. : same as Strontium Lactate: it Gelsemiuni Acid, Carbolic: in Alo- due to renal atony. bromides. pecia areata. Tannalbin Gold and Sodium Acid, Gallic. Tartrates: as diure- Chloride. Acid. Nitric: with sufficient tics. Hydrastine olive oil in Turpentine: as diure- Ichthalbin. quantity .just to make along with tic. >3 to 1 minim Lupulin: it pugnant. (0.0.3—O.OG cc.) dose capsicum as substi- Alcohol. every two to four tute for alcohol, also Ammonia: very use- hours. to quiet nervous sys- ful; take 01. amygd. Water: in large tem in delirium tre- dul., Liq. ammonim, draughts as diuretic mens. each 1 fl. oz., (30.0 cc.) when excretion of Milk: at night. Spt. r o s m a r i n i tonic solids is deficient; Nux vomica: as Aquse, Mellis each stimulant, both and in dropsy. and 3 tl. drams (12.0 cc.); to nervous system mix; make lotion (E. and generally to aid Wilson). Alcoholism. — See digestion. Antimonium Tartara- also, Delirium Tre- neces- Opium : May be tum as lotion. 1 gm. mens. Vomitmg, sleep; sary to produce to 1 fl. oz (0.06 grm. Neuritis. to relieve the pain ;30.()cc.) water. Actma Racemosa: in of the chronic gas- Arsenic: internally. the want irritative dyspepsia. tritis and Cantharides Tincture; of appetite. one part to eight of Ammonia : aromatic slowly sucked spirit of, as substi- Orange: castor oil rubbed in a substitute for alco- roots of hair mor- tute for alcohol , to be taken when the hol. ning and night. chro- craving comes on. Phosphorus: in Capsicum Tincture Ammonium Chloride. nic oases as nerve externally. Ammonium Acetate. tonic. Eucalyptus. : for trem- Arsenic: to lessen Picrotoxine Europhen. vomiting in drunk- ors. Glycerine: very use- ards, in the morning Potassium Bromide. ful; either alone or in the “hor- before food is taken; Quinine; in combination ap- acts and also in the irri- rors" stage it pears greatly to as- the table stomach of as a sedative to sist. drunkards. brain and restores Jaborandi. Bismuth: with hydro- the digestive func- Naphtol. tions. » cyanic acid, to i elieve Nutgall. Strophanthus Tinc- acidity and heart- Pilocarpine : subcuta- burn. ture (in very large neous injection has Bromides: useful dur- doses) very useful in been useful. ing delirium tre- the intermittent Quillaja. mens. or to lessen weakness of the heart Quinine externally. irritability, in I dram of Dipsomaniacs. Resorcin. Nitrate. (4.0 grm.l doses in Strychnine Savine Oil: Prevents

the wakeful conditi- Sumbul : in the head- loss of hair in Alo- on which immedia- ache of old drinkers. pecia pityroides.

tely precedes it. Water, cold: a glass SapoViridis : very use- Capsicum: as a sub- taken in small sips ful as a stitute for alcohol, at a time as substi- night and morning — and also to relieve tute for alcohol. T.ake Saponis virid. the restlessness and Water, hot: one pint (Gorman), Alcoholis. insomnia. drunk as hot as pos- each 3 fl. oz (90 cc.)

Chloral Hydrate: to sible an hour before 01. la vanduhc . 30 quiet nervous system meals will remove drops. and induce sleep in craving. Shaving: sometimes

an acute attack. Must Zinc Oxide : in chronic useful after illness. be used with caution alcoholic dyspepsia, Sodium Bicarbonate; in old drunkards. and nervous debility. as a lotion in Alo- Cimicifuga. It also allays the pecia pityroides. Cocaine: to remove craving. Sulphur Iodide: use- 103 Mnrck*» ^fanxlal. INDICATIONS. PART II.

f'ul both internally coholic excess, nerve Cold Sponging: and to externally. atrophy (without brace the patient Tannin: up. watery solu- cranial disease), and Colocynth: in anemia tion or made up into in traumatic amau- with constipation. ointment. rosis. Croton Oil. Thymol. Veratrine: to eyelids Electricity: locally ap- Thyroidin sice, and and temples. Care plied, sometimes use- other Thyroid pre- must be taken to ful. par.ations. keep out of the eye. Ergot: in plethoric Zinc Lactate. subjects. Eumenol Aniaiirosig and Am- see Supple- ment. blyopia. Amenorrhea. — See Eupatorinm : in hot also Anemia, Chlor- Amyl Nitrite: useful infusion, if due to osis. in many cases of dis- cold. ease of the optic Acid, Oxalic. Gold Salts: like asa- nerve. Aconite: when men- fmtida Antipyrine. ses are suddenly Guaiacum : mild sti- Arnica : sometimes checked, as by cold, mulant to the uterus, useful. etc. lohthalbin. Iron: in Digitalis : in toxic ca- Actrea Racemosa: to anemia, q. v. ses. restore the secretion, Iron Glycerophos- Electricity. and remove the head- phate. Emmenagogues: if due ache, ovarian neu- Iron-Hemol. to menstrual dis- ralgia, etc., produced Iron Iodide. orders. by its sudden stop- Iron Phosphate.

Mercury : when due to page. Manganese Dioxyde: syphilis. Alcohol: in sudden in amenorrhea of Myotomy: in astheno- suppression after ex- young women; in de- pia and hysterical posure. layed menstruation, amblyopia. Aloes: alone or with or when a period has Nitroglycerine. iron. In torpor and been missed through Nux Vomica. anemia; best admin- a chill. Perseverance Phosphorus. istered a few days is required, especi- Pilocarpine: in tobac- before the expected ally in the last case. co and alcoholic ab- period. Myrrh: a tonic em- use. Ammonium Chloride: menagogue. Potassium Bromide. in headache. Nux vomica: in com- bination with iron Potassium Iodide. Apiol: 5— 10 min. (0.3 in anemia. Rue : in minute doses —0.3 cc.), twice a day in functional dim- for soiAe days be- Phlebotomy. Polygonum'; in tor- ness of vision , e. g. fore the expected hysterical ambly- period if there is a por; with iron in ; anemia, aloes in a opia. molimen, 15 grn. (1.0 Salicylates. cc.) in a few hours. constipated subject. Santonin: sometimes Useful in anemia and Contra-indicated in useful in later stages torpor only. a plethoric condi- of iritis and choro- Arnica. tion. Should be gi- iditis, and in loss of Arsenic: along with ven a few days be- power of optic nerve. iron in anemia and fore menses are ex- pected. ' Seton : on temple; or functional inactivity blisters, along with of the ovaries and Potassium Iodide.

iodide of potassium, uterus. Potassium Permanga- i in amaurosis coming Asafetida: along with nate; like manganese on suddenly, and as- aloes in anemia and dioxide. sociated with tender- torpor of the intes- Pulsatilla: like aco- ness of the eyeball tines. nite. on pressure; the disc Baptisin. Quinine. is sometimes conges- Berberine Carbonate. Rue: in atonic condi-

: along tions of ovaries or ted. Cantharides , ' Silver Nitrate. with iron in torpor of uterus. Plethora

J Strychnine : very use- of the uterus. contra-indicates.

ful in cases of to- Cimicifuga : at the Salines: in constipa- S bacco amaurosis, al- proper time for a flow. tion in plethoric 9 104 .UfrcX'i ManunJ. INDICATIONS. PART II.

cases. any kind. in anemia from loss Sanguinaria: like rne. Calomel. of blood or suppu- Santonin: in two do- Cetrarin. ration. ses of 10 grn. (0.6 Cold Sponging. Pancreatin : in feeble grm.) each, one or Copper .\rsenite. digestion. two days before the Diet and Hygiene. Pepsin; in feeble di- expected period. Ferrohaemol. gestion. Savine: like rue. Kerropyrine. Phosphorus. Senega; a saturated Gaduol. Quinine: in malnutri- decoction in large Galvanization. tion. doses, a pint(500cc.) Glycerinophosphates. Sea-bathing: good daily, about two Gold Salts. but not in chlorosis. weeks before period. Hemo-gallol. Sodium Arsenate. Serpen taria: in ane- Hemoglobin. Sodium Hypophos- mia. Hypophosphite of Cal- phite. Silver Nitrate: locally, cium or Sodium: in Spermine. to os uteri at period. cases of nervous de- Strychnine. Sitz Baths: hot, alone, bility; care must be Wine; with the food, or with mustard, for taken that it does to aid digestion. some days before not derange the di- gestion. Aneurism. the period ; with mustard, if suddenly Ichthalbin. Acid, Gallic, and iron. arrested. Iron ; very useful. Aconite: to relieve Sodium Borate. When stomach is at pain and slow the Spinal Ice Bag; to all irritable the car- circulation.

lumbar vertebrae. •, bonate is often best. Aliment : low diet Tansy. Weak, anemic girls absolute rest. Turpentine. with vomiting after Barium Chloride: in food are best treated doses of */5 grn. (0.012 Anemia. with the perchloride. grm.), perhaps rai- In coated tongue the ses the arterial ten- .A.cids: for a tonic ac- ammonio - citrate is sion. tion on the mucous often best to begin Calcium Chloride. membranes in ane- with. The malate Chloroform; inhaled mia of young women. has been useful in to relieve dyspnea. Acid, Callic: in ane- pernicious anemia. Digitalis is contra-in- mia due to a chronic In gastric distur- dicated (Hare). mucous or other dis- bance and consti- Electrolysis: some- charge. pation, a combina- times useful in caus- Alkalies: potash and tion with rhubarb is ing coagulation with- soda as gastric and often very effectual. in the sac. hepatic tonics. Where mucous mem- Ergotin; a local hypo- Aloes: as tonic and brane is very flabby, dermic injection has slight purgative. large doses of the been successful. Arsenic; in the cases perchloride. Chaly- Eucalyptus. where iron fail of beate waters more Iron Chloride Soluti- its effect or does not often succeed than on; to cause coagu- agree with the pa- pharmaceutical pre- lation on injection tient. Also in per- parations; one drop into sac. nicious anemia. of the solution of Lead Acetate: useful, Bitters. perchloride in a combined with rest.

Bullock’s : Blood when tumbler of w.ater is Morphine : with cro- iron fails, fresh or an approximate sub- tonchloral, for pain. dried, by enema. stitute for them. Potassium Iodide; Cactus Grandiflorus. Manganese salts: may very useful in doses Calcium Lactophos- be given with iron — of 30 grn. (2.0 grm.). phate: during nurs- not much use alone. Should be combined ing or after exhaus- Mercury Bichloride. with the recumbent ting purulent dis- Naphthol, Beta-. position. charge. Nux Vomica: useful Strontium Iodide. Calcium Phosphate: sometimes along Vera t rum Viride; during growth, or with iron. along with opium in where system is en- Ovaria sicc. quieting circulation. feebled by drain of Oxygen : to be inhaled Zinc Chloride. 105 Manual. INDICATIONS. I‘AR'1 II. Angina Oatarrhalis. Nitroglycerine: like Acid. Carbolic: as — See also, Choking, nitrite of sodium. wash and injection Croup , Laryngitis. Phosphorus: daring after spontaneons Pharyngitis, Throat intervals to lessen discharge, or on lint Tonsillitis, etc. tendency. after opening. Acid, Carbolic. Potassium Bromide: Alcohol: as needed. Acid, Gallic, in full doses will re- Ammonium Acetate. Alam. lieve the spasm. Ammonium Carbo- Creolin; by vapor-in- Pyridine, nate: combined with halation. Quinine: when any cinchona, after a free Iron Chloride: as malarious taint is purge. gargle, present. Arnica: fresh extract Spermine. spread on adhesive Ichthyol : as gargle. Potassium Chlorate: Spirit Ether. plaster and strapped- as gargle. Strophantus. internal administra; Potassium Nitrate. Strychnine : someti- tion is alsobeneficial. Silver Nitrate. mes useful in mild Belladonna Extract: Sodium Bicarbonate. cases in very small with glycerine, as Sozoiodole-Sodium. doses. local anodyne. Tonics Blister: to cover area, Turpentine Oil lo- with Angina Diphtheriti- hole in the cally to the chest center to allow dis- ca. -See Diphtheria. during paroxysms. charge. Angina Pectoris. Bromine. Aconite. Anorexia. — See also, Butyl-Chloral Hy- Allyl Tribromide. lists of Tonics, Gas- drate to lessen the Antipyrine. tric Tonics, etc. pain of facial car- Arsenic: to prevent buncle. " paroxysms. Acid. Nitro- hydro- Calcium Sulphide: Atropine. chloric: when follow- onetenth grn. (0.006 Cactus Grandiflorus. ing acute disease. grm.) hourly useful. Absinthin. Chamomile : in hyste- Collodion around rical symptoms. Berberine Carbonate. base, leaving opening Calomel : when follow- in the center. Chloral : in lull doses. Chloroform: cau- ing acute disease; Creolin. tiously inhaled to nitro- hydrochloric Dijodoform. ease the pain. acid generally pre- Ether: sprayed on for Cocaine (topically). ferable, however. a little time will Cold: applied to fore- Capsicum ; in con- cause an eschar to valescence. head gives relief. separate. Cetrarin. Convallaria. Ethyle Chloride : for Coniine Hydrobro- Chimaphila: in drop- local anesthesia. mate. sical cases, as a tonic Europhen. Digitalis. and diuretic. Hydrogen Peroxide. Cinchonidine. Ether : to diminish Ichthalbin' internally. pain, combined with Cinchonine Ichthyol topically. opium in ‘4-grn. Eupatorinm. Iodine: locally, to Gentian. (0.015 grm doses. lessen pain and in- ) Nux Vomica Tincture. Erythrol Tetranitrate. flammation . should Morphine: hypoder- Oleoresin capsicum. be applied around mically. Orexine, basic. the base. Orexine Tannate' of Dionine. Iodoform ; useful local Nitrite of Amyl gives very wide utility. antiseptic dressing. : especially great relief daring Quassia: lodoformogen paroxysms; in athe- when fol- lodole. romatous arteries; lowing malarial Lead Carbonate. must be used with fever. Menthol. care. Quassin. Mercurial Ointment: Nitrites of Sodium Somatose. early application will and Potassium: less abort sometimes. Methylene Blue. rapid than nitrite of Anthrax. (Carbuncle.) amyl, but have more Opium: locally, mixed power to prevent re- Acid, Boric: as dress- with glycerine. turn of symptoms. ing. Phosphorus: inter- 106 : — ,


nall.v. Ichthyol. Glycerite of Tannin:

Potassium Chlorate Iodoform : locally, to locally to pharynx. and mineral acids: heal and relievo pain. Ignatia; like atropine. internally adminis- Opium and Gall Oint- Ipecacuanha: wine as tered. ment: relieves pain. spray in laryngeal Potassium Permanga- Potassium Bromide: catarrh.

nate ; antiseptic lo- with five parts of Nux Vomica; locally tion. glycerine locally. applied in impaired Poultices: to relieve Rhatany: injected nervous power. pain. after the bowels have Potassium Nitrate: Pyoktanin. been opened by like borax. Quinine and Carbolic enema. Pyrethrum Tincture. Acid: internally. Silver Nitrate. Rue Oil: as inhalation Silver colloidal. Sozoiodole-Potassi- in chronic catarrh. Strapping: concentri- um. Solution Phenolsul- cally. leaving center Sulphur: to keep phoricinate free, lessens pain. motions soft Sozoiodole Zinc and

Terebene or oil Tur- Tannin: useful as a Milk Sugar (1 : 10)

pentine : antiseptic local application. Insufflations. application. Turkish Bath: in acute Anus, Prolapsus of. laryngeal catarrh. See Prolapstis Ani. Uranium Nitrate: as Antrum, Disease of. spray in very chronic catarrh Acid, Boric. Aphonia. — See also Zinc ; Bismuth Subnitrate. Hysteria. Sulphate local Chloroform. astringent. Iodine. Acid, Nitric: in' ho- arseness from fatigue Sulphaminol. Aphthae. — See also, Zinc Sulphate. or indigestion. Cancrum Oris, Acid Sulphurous as , Gums Parotitis, spray Anns, Fissure of. or inhalation, Ptyalism, Stomati- in clergyman’s sore- tis, Odontalgia, Acid, Benzoic: as a throat. Tongue. local application. Aconite; in the pain- Acid. Carbolic one ful contraction of the Acid, Carbolic. of drop 95 per cent, throat of singers. Acid. Hydrochloric : in applied fissure. to Alum : as spray in small doses and as Belladonna: locally; chronic congestion a local application. relieves spasms. of throat and larynx, Acids, Mineral : dilute Bismuth : with glycer- with hoarseness. solution as paint. ine. as a local appli- Ammonium Chloride: Acid. Nitric: in small cation. as vapor in laryngeal doses. Calomel : as ointment. catarrh. Acid. Salicylic: as lo- Carron Oil • as a dress- Argenti Nitras: as lo- cal application. ing. cal astringent. Acid Sulphurous: , oil Castor : to keep Atropine: in hysteri- well diluted as solu- motions soft. cal aphonia; must tion or spray. Chloral Hydrate in be pushed enough Acid, Tannic dilute solution (2 per to produce physiolo- Alum. Exsiccated: to cent as ) a dressing. gical symptoms. aphthous uldcer Chloroform: diluted Belladonna. which do not reailys with half its bulk of Benzoin Tincture; by- heal. alcohol, will aid heal- inhalation in laryn- Argenti Nitras: very ing. geal catarrh. useful locally. Cocaine: in ointment. Borax; a piece the Bismuth: as local ap- Collodion: locally, to size of a pea slowly- plication. protect. sucked in sudden Borax: as honey or as Dilatation forcible , hoarseness. glycerite, either alo- relieves spasm. Chloroform; in hyste- ne or with chlorate Hydrastis : local appli- rical and nervous of potassium. cation. cases. Chlorine Water : lo- Ice: to relieve pain Electricity; locally. cally applied. after operation. Ether; like chloro- Copper Sulphate; Ichthalbin. form. weak solution pain- 107 Mnnwil, : —;


ted over the aphthae. back of tongue, or Ichthyol; topically in Coptis Trifolia; in- art of drop every 5—10 per cent. oint. fusion is employed Eour. Ichthalbin; internally. in New England. Diet and Hygiene, pro- Iodides. Creolin. phylactic; meat and Lithium Salts. Glycerine. stimulants to be Lithium Salicylate. Mercury with chalk; taken very sparingly Lysidine. to remove the indi- exposure heat, over- Mercury Bichloride. gestion on which exertion, and espe- Mercury Oleate. aphthip. frequently cially anger, to be Piperidine Bitarta- depend. avoided. rate. Potassium Chlorate Elaterium; in sup- Phenocoll Hydrochlo- exceedingly useful as pository, or as ene- rate. wash, 10 grn.(0.6 grm.) ma during attack. Piperazine.

to the oz. (30 cc.), alo- Electricity : t o pro- Potassa Solution. ne or with borax, mote absorption, Potassium Hromide. also given internally. after partial recovery Potassium Iodide. Potassium Iodide: as has taken place. Saliformin.

local application, sol- Ice : to head. Sozoiodole-Mercury. ution of 1 to 5 gm. Mercurial purge. to the oz. (0.06—0.3 Mustard plaster to Asenris. -See Worms. grm. to 30 cc.). feet, or mustard foot- Pyoktanin. bath, and ice to head, Ascites — See also, Quinine; 1 grn. (0.06 keeping head high Dropsy. grm.) every two or and feet low. three hours, in aph- Nitroglycerine: to les- Acidum Nitricnm: in thae consequent on sen cerebral con- cirrhosis of the liver. gestion. diarrhea in infants. Aconite ; in scarlatina

Rhubarb : as compo- Opium and calomel. nephritis at the onset und rhubarb powder, Potassium Bromide ; of the attack. to remove indiges- in combination with Apocynnm Canna- tion. aconite. binnm: as diuretic. Saccharin: in 2 or Potassium Iodide: to Arsenic: in old per- 3 per cent, solnt. with cause absorption of sonswithfeebleheart. sodium bicarbonate. effused blood. Asclepias; in dropsy Sodium Sulphite. Stimulants: cautious- of cardiac origin. ly exhibited, when Sozoiodole-Sodium. Caffeine : in cardiac Sulphites. collapse is present. dropsy. Strychnine: hypoder- Calomel: as diuretic mically, ifrespiration in cardiac dropsy. Apoplexy. — See also, fails. Cannabis Indica: as Cerebral Congestion. Venesection very use- diuretic in acute and ful or Leeches to re- Aconite : to lower chronic Bright’s dis- blood -pressure and lieve arterial pres- ease with hematuria. prevent further hem- sure when apoplexy Coronilla Extr. orrhage, where pnlsa is threatening. Copaiba: especially Viride. is strong and aterial Veratrum useful in hepatic and tension high. cardiac dropsy. Imi)aired. Arsenic: in cerebal Appetite, Croton Oil: in dropsy, — See Anorexia. congestion proceed- in */s of a drop doses ing from apoplexy. every morning Appetite, Loss of. Handaging the limbs. Cytisus Scoparius: in Anorexia. Belladonna. See cardiac dropsy and Cactus Grandiflorus; dropsy with chronic Arthritis. — (Gout.) when apoplexy is Bright’s disease. threatened. Acid formic, topically. Diuretics. Calomel. Aconite. Digitalis: best in car- Cold Water; to the Arsenic. diac dropsy; its ac- head when face is Cimicifugin. tion is increased by congested. Colchicine. combination with squill and blue bill, Colocynth : as purga- Colchicum, Vine. tive. Formin. Digitoxine. Croton Oil; as purga- Gaduol. Elaterium; as hydra- tive, one drop on Gold. gogue cathartic. MmmaL 108 Utrtk’t : ;


Gamboge: like elater- Asthma. It should only be inm. Large doses administered during Acid, llydriodic. tolerated. a paroxysm and then Acid. Hydrocyanic. Gold. pushed. Aconite : in spasmodic Jaborandi : in ana- Bitter-Almond water. cases, also in asthma sarca and uremia. Bromides: only avail- consequent on nasal Jalap : in compound able in true spasmo- catarrh in children. powder as hydrago- dic asthma; soon Alcohol: in combina- gue cathartic. lose their efficacy. tion with amyl nitrite Milk Diet: sometimes Caffeine: 1 to 5 grn. spasmodic asthma. very useful when in (0.06—0.3 grm.). Alkalies: in chronic kidneys are inade- Camphor: 2 gi-n. (0.12 bronchial catarrh. quate. grm.) combined with Allyl Tribomide. Pilocarpine. 1 grn. (0,06 grm.) of Milk Sugar. Alum : 10 grn. (0 6 grm.) opium, in spasmodic ofdry powdered alum Podophyllin: in hepa- asthma. put on the tongue tic cirrhosis. Cannabis Indica: so- arrest a Potassium Bitartrate may spasm. metimes useful in Vapor. in combination with Ammonia chronic cases. Ammoniacum : jalap in hepatic cir- like Chamois-Leather Asafetida. rhosis. Waistcoat; reaching Saliformin. Ammonium Benzoate- low down the body Sambncus. Amyl Nitrite: some- and arms, in bron- times Squill: as diuretic in checks par- chial asthma. cardiac dropsy. oxysm in spasmodic Chloral Hydrate; dur- asthma Stillingia: in hepatic and dyspnea ling paroxysm. dropsy. due to cardiac hyper- Chloralamide. trophy. Must not be Theobromine Salicy- Chloroform : relieves given in chronicbron- late or its double- when inhaled from chi tis - salts, the Urophe- and e m p h y tumbler or with sema. rines. warm water. Anemonin. Cocaine. Anesthetics: as a tem- Coffee: very strong, Asphyxia from porary remedy Chloroform. in during paroxysm. severe cases. Colchicine or Colchi- Amyl Nitrite. Antimony : in asthma- cum : in gouty cases. tic conditions Artificial respiration. in chil- Compressed or Rari- dren Vsn grn. (0,00075 Cold Douche. fied air. grm.) of Electricity. tartar emetic Coniine: Hydrobro- every quarter Oxygen. of an mate or Conium hour. Suprarenal Extract. palliative in a chron- Antispasmin. ic case. Apomorphine : emetic, Counter - irritation: Astasia. — See Abasia in asthma due to a applied for a short and Astasia. peripheral blocking time only, at frequent of the air-tubes. Asthenopia, intervals. Arsenic : in small doses Creosote: vapor in Acid, Hydrocyanic: in in cases associated bronchitic asthma. irritable ophthalmia. with bronchitis or Diet and Hygiene. Atropine: to prevent simulating hay fever, Duboisine Sulphate. spasms. or in the bronchitis Erythrol Tetranitrate. Eserine or Pilocarp- of children, or in the Ether : in full doses at ine : in weak solution, dyspeptic asthma. commencement of at- to stimulate Inhaled as cigarettes ciliary tack, or administered muscle. with caution. by inhalation. Hot Compresses. Asafetida: as an ex- Ethyl Iodide: Massage. pectorant where 15 to 20 dropsinhaled may re- Myot 0 m Intraocu. there is profuse dis- y, lieve spasm. lar: to relieve spasms- charge. Eucalyptus: someti- Physostigma; in the Aspidospermine. mes along with stra- aralysis produced Atropine. monium, belladonna, E diphtheria, and in y Belladonna: inter- and tobacco. senile asthenopia. nally in large doses Strychnine. Eucalyptus Oil. in to relieve paroxysm. spray.

109 3f«rck*$ Manual. ,


Euphorbia pilulifera. subcutaneously tnre. ; also (laivanism ot'Pncumo- in humid astlima if Strychnine; in weak- gastrir Region; posi- there is no cardiac ness of the respira- tive pole beneath dilat.ation. tory center. mastoid p roe ess- Potassium Uromide. Sultonal. negative pole to epi, Potassium Cyanide. Suifnrated Potassa. gastrium. Potassium Iodide; in Sulphur fumes: in Gelsemium .• useful in large doses when bronchitic asthma. some cases, but after asthma is due to Tobacco: smoking is a time may fail. acute bronchial sometimes beneficial. Grindelia.' to prevent catarrh. Turkish Ratbs: in or cut short attack; Ointment of Potassi- bronchial asthma. used as cigarette. um Iodide, Sodium Zinc Oxide. Hyoscine Hydrobro- Iodide and Iodine mate; in spasmodic with Lanoline, topi- Asthenia. — See Ady- asthma. cally on the breast. namia, Convales- Icbtbalbin. Potassium N itrate ; in- cence. Iodine ; painting the halation of fumes of line of the pneumo- paper relieves gastric nerve with paroxysm. Some- Astigmatism. liniment or tincture times advisable to Suitable Glasses. in pure spasmodic mix a little chlorate

asthma, with it. Atheroma . —See also, lodipin. Potassium Nitrite. Aneurism.

Ipecacuanha ; as a Pyridine ; in bronchial Ammonium Bromide. spray in bronchial asthma, vapor to be Ammonium Iodide : to asthma, especially in inhaled. promote absorption. in good in children ; useless Quebracho; and Arsenic: often useful, true asthma. nephritic spas- especially where Lobelia : to prevent modic asthma. there are cerebral short pa- Quinine ; during inter- and cut symptoms. roxysm. Cautiously vals when the attacks Barium Chloride. cardiac we- are periodical. used in Calcium Lactophos- .akness. Resorcin: relieves phate. Lobeline Sulphate. dyspnea. Cod-Liver Oil. Sandalwood Oil. Menthol. Digitalis: requires Mercurials; in spas- Sanguinarine. caution useful in bronchitic Sodium Arsenate: as ; modic and general capillary acts probably asthma combined. tonic, atheroma. .• cen- Morphine combined on respiratory Hypophosphites. very with belladonna, tre. Phosphates. useful. Sodium Iodide. Pho sphor us; in Nitrate: like Ni tr o g] y ce r in e; in Sodium minute doses along bronchitic, neidiritic nitroglycerine. with codliver oil, in Sodium Phosphate: and spasmodic cases with cerebral asthma. sometimes effica- symptoms. cious. N u X Vomica; in Quinine; like arsenic. dyspeptic asthma. Sodium Sulphite. Oil Eucalyptus. Solanine. Atrophy. ()il of amber. Spermine: as tonic. Opium hypodermic- S t r am onium some- Arsenic; in muscular ally during pa- times very useful. atrophy. roxysm. May be made into Electricity. Oxaphor. cigarettes, or 20 grn. Massage.

( inhalation )xy gen ; as of dried Oil : inunction to ( 1,2 grm.) Olive during paroxysm. leaves may be mixed atrophied parts. Pepsin; exceedingly with nitrate of po- Strychnine. useful in preventing tassium, and the inhaled. A lit- attacks in dyspeptic fumes Balanitis .—See also- subjects. tle powdered ipeca- Ph imosis, Go nor I’hysostigma. cuanha may often be rhea. Pilocarpine Hy- added. dro chlorate; in Strontium Iodide. Acid. Carbolic. spasmodic asthma. Strophanthus Tine- Acid, Tannic. Manual. 110 Uerrk*§ :


.Alum. irrigation, if sores in jaundice due to .Alumnol. tend to burrow. catarrh of the bile- Bismuth Snbgallate. Iodoform, ducts, early stage of Creolin. lodole cirrhosis: deficient Ichthyol. Iron Chloride: as intestinal secretion. Lead Water. tonic. Ammonium Iodide: in Lime Water: as lotion. Medicated Poultices: catarrh of duodenum yellow lie with and biliary ducts, in Mercury : wash, patient to as lotion. poultices under the the early stage of cir- Silver Nitrate: parts likely to be af- rhosis,in the malarial

molded. fected; if fetor cat- cachexia ; efficacy in- Sozoiodole-Po- aplasma carbonis; if creased by the addi-

t a s s i u m : dusting sloughing, addition tion of arsenic. powder. of Balsam of Peru. Angostura: in bilious - Sozoiodole Sodium : Pyoktanin. fevers. lotion. Quinine: local Argenti Oxidum. Tannin or Zinc Oxide dressing. Bromides and Chloral

as dusting-powder. Salt und Whisky : top- Hydrate. Tannoform. ically to harden skin. Bryonia: in bilious Zinc Sulphate. Silver Nitrate: dusted headache. over open bed-sores. Butter: large doses Silver Lactate to given in the Baldness . —See Alope- be cia. Silver Citrate. morning on an

Soap Plaster : applied empty stomach. Barber’s Itch. — See after washing with Calomel: in excessive Sycosis. bichloride solution production with defi- (1 in 5000; and dusting cient secretion : calo- iodoform r Basedow’s Disease. with o mel or blue pill at — See Exophthal- iodoformogen. night and a black SozoiodolePotassium. mos and Goiter. draught in the morn- Styptic Collodion. ing. Tannate of Lead: at Bed-Sores. Calumba : as stomach- an early stage. ic tonic. Alcohol: as wash [to Tannoform. Carlsbad Water: a prevent: afterwards Zinc Oxide: ointment. tumbler sipped warm dust with powdered on rising very useful. starch. Biliotisness.—.See al- Chiraita. .Alum: with white of so. Dyspepsia, Hep- Colocynth. egg, as local applica- atic Congestion, Du- Euonymin : at night, tion. odenal Catarrh. followed in the morn- Aristol. ing by a saline purge. Balsam of Peru and Acids, Mineral: ni- Friedrichshall Wa- Unguentum Resinse: trohydrochloric acid ter: a wineglassful equal parts spread on especially useful in in a tumbler of hot cotton wool. chronic hepatic water slowly sipped Bismuth Subnitrate. affections, dysentery on rising. Catechu: with lead and dropsy of hepatic Horse Exercise. subacetate, to harden origin. Hydrastis: when skin. Aconite: as adjunct to chronic gastric ca- Charcoal : as poultices, podophyllin. tarrh is present, in to stop bed-sores. Alkalies: in indi- chronic catarrh of Galvanic Couplet: of gestion due to ob- the duodenum and zinc and silver; one struction to the flow bile -ducts, with in- element on sore, the of bile. spissation of the other on adjacent Alkaline Mineral Wa- bile and gallstones. part. ters: in catarrh of the Ipecacuanha. Glycerine: prophylac- bile-duct, early stage Iridin. tic local application. of cirrhosis, and ob- Leptandra. Hydrargyri Perchlori- struction to the hepa- Manganese: in mala- dum : a solution tic circulation. rial jaundice. mixed with diluted Aloes : in constipation, C.athartics: alcohol. and in deficient secre- in moderate doses: Ichthyol. tion of bile. night and morning, Incisions: followed by Ammonium Chloride: or in small doses

111 httrck*M Manual. INDICATIONS. I’AUT II.

more fTe


Gadiiol: as tonic. Cocaine; to allay the Cod-LiverOil : in scrof- Glycorinopliosphates pain. ulous conditions. as tonic. Collodion: painted Gaduol. Hydrastis. over whole surface Glycerinophosphates. Ichthall)in: as altera- to abort papular Hypophosphites.

tive. stage. Over base, Iodine : alone, or with Ichthyol: topically. leaving centre free, cod-liver oil. Iron: to remove tlie in pustular stage. lodipin. anemia usually pres- Counter-i rritation: Iodoform: as dressing ent. by plasters surroun- to exposed bone. Largin. ding the boil. Iron Iodide.

Mercury-Nitrate Oint- Gaduol : as alterative. ment; very useful Ichthalbin: internally Lactates. application. If too Ichthyol: topically. Mercury Iodide, Red.

strong . dilute with Lead Subacetate Solu- Phosphorus. vaselin or simple tion Pyoktanin. ointment. Menthol. Strontium Iodide. Mercury Oxide, Red. Mercury Bichloride. Pulsatilla: internally Mercury Iodide, red. Brain, Anemia of. and locally. Mercury Ointment. See Cerebral Ane- Milk (Application). Opium : locally to re- mia. Pyoktanin: pencil. move pain. Silver Nitrate pencil- Phosphates: espe- : Brain, Pever of. ling the border of cially of sodium, as See Meningitis, Cer- the lid with the so- a constitutional ebrospinal Meningi- lid. agent. tis: Tgphoid Fever, Sodium Bicarbonate. Potassium Chlorate Tgphtts. as an alterative. Blisters. — See Burns Poultices: to relieve Brain, Inilainination and Scalds. pain and hasten ma- turation. of.—See Verebritis. Pyoktanin. Boils. —See also, Acne, Anthrax. Silver colloidal. Brain, Softening of. Silver Nitrate: strong See Cerebral Soft- Acid, carbolic: injec- solution painted over ening. tion. the skin round boil. Strapping properly Acid Nitrate of Mer- : Breasts, Inllained or cury: to abort at an applied gives great Swollen.—-S'eeAfasf- relief. early stage. itis. Abscess, Lacta- Acid, Salicylic. Subcutaneous Incis- tion, Nipples. Aluminium Acetate. ions. Sulphides: in small Aluminium Aceto-tar- Breath, Fetid. trate. doses to abort or Alumnol. hasten maturation. Benzoic Acid; in Arnica: locally as an Sulphites. spray. ointment, and also Sulphur Waters. Bismuth Sulphopheny- internally. Solution Gutta- late. Percha. Arsenic : to lessen ten- Camphor. dency to recurrence. Unguentum Hydrar- Carbolic Acid: dilute

gyri : early applied Belladonna ; inter- solution as wash to nally, or as local ap- around will prevent mouth. plication. sloughing. Charcoal.

Boric : Acid as a dress- Chlorine : liq. chlori ing. Bone, Diseases of. or chlorinated lime Calcium Chloride. See also. Caries, as lotion. Calcium Sulphide; to Exostosis, Nodes, Gymnema. hasten maturation Per iostitis. Rachitis, Permanganate of Po- or abort. Spina Bifida, etc. tassium : as wash to Camphorated Alcohol: Calcium Salts; the mouth. as local application phosphate in rickets, Thymol. in early stage. in delay of union fo Camphor, Carbolated. fractures; the chlo- Bright’s Disease. Caustic. ride in strumous sub- Acute.—i) e e also, Chloral Hydrate. jects. Albuminnria, He-

113 M«rck*$ Manual. 8 —


matnria, i^carlet Bronchiectasis.— See Sodium Benzoate. Fever, Uremia. also, Fmphysenui. Sodium Iodide. » Solanin. Aconite, Chlorine: as inhala- .Stramonium. Acid, Gallic. tion to lessen fetor. Sulphur. Alkaline salts. Creosote : as inhala- Terebene. Ammonintn Benzoate. tion. Terpine Hydrate. Antipyrine. Iodine: as inhalation. Thymol. Arbntin. Phosphates and Hypo- Zinc Oxide. Belladonna. phosphites. Bromides. Qninine. Bronchitis, .Acute. Caffeine. Terebene: as inhala- See also, Couyh. Cannabis Indica. tion. Cantharides. Aeetanilid. Coccionella. Bronchitis. Acid. Carbolic. Digitalis. Acid, Nitric : when ex- Elaterium, Aeetanilid. pectoration is free Encalyptns. Acid, Arsenions and too copious. Fuchsine. Acid, Benzoic. Aconite Tincture: one- Gold Chloride. Acid, Camphoric. half to 1 min. (0.0.S Acid, Hydrastis. Carbolic. 0,06 cc.) every hour Hyoscyamns. Acid. Hydroiodic. at the commence- Hyoscine Hydrobro- Alum. ment of an acute mate. Ammonium Benzoate. catarrhal attack. Chloride. Actsea : .lalap. Ammonium Racemosa in Ammonium Iodide. acute catarrh Jnniper Oil. and Lead. Ammonium Salicy- bronchitis when the Mercury Bichloride. late. more active symp- Astringent Nitroglycerine. sprays for toms have subsided. excessive secretion. Alkalies: to render Oil Turpentine. Anemonin Pilocarpine. mucus less viscid. Antispasmin. Potassium Bitartrate. Amber Oil: counter- Antimony .Sulphide, irritant over Potassium Citrate. spine in Golden. Potassium Iodide. children. and Potas- Sodium Benzoate. Antimony Ammoniacum: very sium in Sodium Bicarbonate. Tartrate. useful old people. Arsenic. Ammonium Acetate. Strontium Lactate. Chlorophenol. Car- Theobromine salts. Ammonium Cocaine. bonate: Where much Codeine. expectoration and Disease, Bright’s Conium. much depression; or Chronic . See also, — Creosote. where the mucus is Dropsy, Uremia. Digitalis. very viscid and ad- Acid, Gallic. Dionin. herent.

Bromides, Ethyl Iodide. .Apomorphine : causes Cannabis Indica. Eucalyptol. a copious expectora- Elaterium. Hydrastis. tion in the early Eucalyptns. Iodides. stage. Fuchsine. Iodine. Asafetida: like am- Gold. Mercury Siibsnlphate. moniacum. Hemo-gallol. Myrtol. Belladonna: in acute Hydrastis. Naphtalin. bronchitis of chil- Iron. Nux Vomica Tincture. dren to stimulate Jaborandi. Oil Eucalyptus. respiratory centre. .Talap. Oil Pinus Purailio. Benzoin and Benzoic Lead. Oil Pinus Sylvestris. Acid: ldram(4,0grm.) Mercury Bichloride. Oxygen. inhaled from hot Nitroglycerine. Peronin. water eases cough Oil Turpentine. Phosphates. and lessens expecto- Potassium Bitartrate. Physostigmiue. ration. Potassium Iodide. Potassium Citrate Bleeding: from the Uvae Drsi Folia. with Ipecac. superficial jugular Potassium Cyanide. veins in severe pul- Bromidrosis. — See Pyridine: as inhala- monary engorge- Feet. tion. ment. 114 ; INDICATIONS. PART 11. exiJCCtorant and (’amphor. gestion and little emetic. t:hloral Hydrate: to secretion. Ammonium C a r b o - : one-half be used with caution, Morphine grm.) com- nate: when much to allay pain. grn. (0,03 fluid or viscid expec- Cimicifuga. bined with Quinine toration and com- Cod Liver Oil: re- (10 grn. = 0,6 grm.) will abort the at- mencing lividity; lieves. emetic. gouty tack if given early also as an Colchicum : in Ammonium Carbo- cases. enough. of nate and Carbolic Copaiba: in advanced Muscarine : in doses stage of disease. >H grn. (0,0075 grm.) acid ail, mixed anew, at the commence- inhalation. Counter-irritants: dry for ment of the attack Chloride; cupping most effica- Ammonium well combined with to promote secre- cious in acute cases; digitalis. tion. mustard leaves : mus- Mustard: poultice in Iodide: in tard poultices. Ammonium acute bronchitis of small rapid ddses Croton Oil: as lini- children and adults; much. ment; vesication relieves foot bath. must not be pro- Antimony. Opium: as Dover’s Apomorphiue: to pro- duced. powder to cut short fluid Cubebs: when secre- duce a plentiful attack, and along secretion; also as tion is copious. with expectorants to Demulcents: licorice, nauseant expecto- lessen cough. linseed. rant.

Peronin. : as expecto- Dionin. Camphor Pilocarpine: in abun- Eucalyptol. rant and stimulant. dant exudation. Cupping: four to six Eucalyptus : as lini- Chlorate: ment combined with Potassium dry cups over the increases the belladonna in the first back often give very fluidity of the expec- early stage; inter- great relief, and if toration, then dimin- nally in the late the pulmonary con- ishes it in quantity, stage. gestion appears very increasing the fee- Garlic, Oil of: in the great wet cups should acute bronchitis of ling of relief. be placed instead, Poultices: in children children. and 8 to 10 oz. (240 encircle the whole Heroin. to —300 cc.) of blood chest. withdrawn from Ipecacuanha : when Quinine: to reduce expectoration is adult. temperature. scanty, dryness in Ethyl Iodide: as an in- aria: after chest, ipecacuanha in Sanguin halation. have large doses; also acute symptoms Iodides: are very ser- when expectoration subsided. viceable to diminish has become more Senega: in the ad- viscidity of expec- stage of acute abundant hut diffi- vanced toration if given in cult to expel. disorder. very low doses. combi- Iron. Squill Syrup: Ipecacuanha: as ex- ned with camphora- Jalap : with bitartrate pectorant and emetic. of potassium instead ted tincture of opium Mustard: as poultices. en- after acute stage is Oil Amber with Olive of bleeding in ' gorgement of the over.'^' ' Oil (1:3): applied to right side of the Tartar Emetic: in dry back and chest. stage to promote se- heart. Pilocarpine : in abund- Lead: in profuse dis- cretion; most useful ant non-purulent ex- charge. in first stage. udation: not to be

Lobelia: when cough Turpentine Oil : when used in dilatation of is paroxysmal and expectoration pro- veins and right side there is much expec- fuse: also as initia- of the heart. toration slightly nau- tion or stupe. Poultices: over whole seant. expectorants Zinc Oxide. chest. are good combined Quinine. with opium. Bronchitis, Capillary. Serpentaria : in chil- Mercury: in some dren as a stimulant — See also, Cough. cases useful where expectorant.

there is much con- Alum : as a nauseating Subsulphate of Mer-

tferck*a Manual. J 15 INDICATIONS. PART a.

cury ; a nuuseant, ex- Balsam of Tolu; the Euphorbia Pilulifera.' pectorant and eme- same. Gaduol ; a most useful tic. Belladonna; to chil- remedy. Turpentine Oil; in dren choked with Galbauum; like am- languid circulation secretion give 1 moniac. in the capillaries. minim (0.06 cc.) of Grindelia; expectorant Water; hot and cold tincture every hour when the cough is dashes if death is to stimulate respira- troublesome. imminent from suffo- tory centre. It also Gnaiacol. cation. lessens the secretion. Guaiacol Vapor. Benzoin; as inhalation Hydrastis; in chronic or as spray. coryza. Bronchitis, Olironic. Burgundy Pitch; em- Hypnal ; for — See also, Cough, cough. Emphysema. lastrum in chronic Iodides and Iodine; as ronchitis. inhalation or lini- Acids; to diminish a Camphor. ment to chest, to chronic copious ex- Cannabis Indica; in lessen expectoration pectoration. very chronic cases. in chronic bronchitis; Acid, Carbolic; as in- Carbonic Acid Gas; in the hoarse hollow halation or as spray. inhaled, alternating cough of infants after Acid, Gallic; in pro- w'ith open air. measles. fuse discharge. Chamois Waistcoat. Iodoform. Acid, Nitric; in mix- Cheken; the fluid ex- Ipecacuanha; the wine tures, to remedy the tract renders expec- as spray in much effect on digestion toration easier, and expectoration; in produced by seda- paroxysms less fre- emetic doses in child- tives like opium. quent. ren where the bron- Acid, Sulphurous; as Chloral Hydrate; a chioles are blocked inhalation or spray. sol u'tion of 10 grn. up with mucus. Alum; in children with (0.6 grm.) to the oz. Iron; when expector- copious expectora- (80 cc.) used as a ation is profuse. to tion in doses of 3 grn. spray allay cough. Koumyss regimen; so- (0.2 grm.). Cimicifuga; some- metimes very useful. Ammonia; when there times relieves the Lobelia; when there is difficulty in bring- hacking cough. is spasmodic dysp- ing up expectora- Codeine; in place of nea. tion. opium when the Mercury ; to diminish Ammoniac; very use- latter disagrees. congestion. ful, especially in eld- Cod-Liver Oil; one of Morphine; to quiet erly people. the most useful of cough, in small do- Ammonium Chloride; all remedies. ses. to render the secre- Colchicine Myrrh. tion less viscid. Colchicum; in acute Myrtol. Anemonin cases. Oil Sandalwood. Antimony; when secre- Conium; the vapor to Opium; to lessen se- tion is scanty. relieve cough. cretion and cough. Apocodeine Hydro- Copaiba; Like Balsam Peronin; in place of chlorate. Peru. morphine for the Apomorphine Hydro- Creosote; inhaled to cough. chlorate. allay cough. Phosphates; in very Arsenic; in emphyse- Crude Petroleum; in chronic cases. ma and asthmatic capsules or pills in Physostigma; in attack as cigarettes, chronic bronchitis. chronic cases with great dyspnea. where there is much- Cubebs ; like copaiba. Physostigmine. wheezing and little Dionin in place of bronchitis following Morphine for the Plumbic Acetate; in the sudden disappe- cough. profuse secretion. arance of eczematous Digitalis; where heart Potassium Carbonate; rash. is feeble, especially in viscid secretion. Asafetida; like ammo- in the aged. Potassium Iodide: in niacum. Emetics. combination with an- of Balsam of Peru ; when Ethyl Iodide. tim. tart, in cases expectoration is cop- Eucalyptus; stimulant great dyspnea. ious. expectorant. Sanguinaria: with 116 Hunual. ;


other expectorants. Ammonium Iodide: bruise. ,1 ^ Senega; when expul- small doses frequent- Compressed Sponge. sive efforts are feeole. ly repeated; value Convallaria Polygo- Serpentaria; like se- increased by the ad- natum. (Solomon’s nega. dition of arsenic. Seal); the Juice from Spinal Ice-bag: in ex- Apomorphine Hydro- the fresh root will ' cessive secretion. chlorate. take .away a “black Squill: where expec- Asafetida: like am- eye“. toration is thick. moniac. Diiodoform. Steam Inhalations. Astringents. Hamamelis: locally. Stramonium: in dry Cod-liver Oil. Ice. cough. Copaiba: stimulant Ichthyol. Strychnine: as respi- expectorant; to be Iodoform. ratory stimulant. given in capsules. lodole. I' Sulphur: where ex- Creosote Lead Water: to allay pectoration is copi- Cnbebs; like copaiba. pain. ' ons, bronchitis se- Eucalyptol. Oil of Bay: same as

' vere, and constitu- Eucalyptus Oil ; some- Capsicum. ' tional debility. times very useful. Opium : local appli-

‘ Sumbul. Gadnol : efficacious al- cation to relievepain. Tar: to lessen secre- terant tonic. Pyoktanin. tion and allay chron- Grindelia; respiratory Sozoiodole-P o t a s s i- ic winter cough; stimulant. nm: as dusting pow-

* given in pill or as Iodine : as counter- der. * spray. irritant to chest, and Sozoiodole - Sodium * Terebene : internally as inhalation. as wash.

•, or as inhalation. Iodoform, * Terpin Hydrate. lodole. Bubo. — See also. Turkish Hath: to Lead Acetate: to les- Chancroid, Syphilis. clear a slight up sen secretion. Acid, Carbolic; by in- attack and to render Myrtol: in profuse jection. the patient less sus- fetid expectoration. Acid, Nitric: as local - coptible to Oil taking Finns Pumilio. application to indo- J cold. Oil Finns Sylvestris: lent bubo. ' Turpentine Oil: as as inhalation. Aristol. liniment to chest in Phosphates; tonic. Blisters: followed up j children. Quinine: tonic. by application of Zinc Oxide: to con- Spinal Ice-bag : to les- tine, iodi, will often * trol too profuse a sens secretion. cause absorption. ^ secretion. Sulphurous Acid : as Calomel. inhalation or spray. Chloral Hydrate : 25 Terebene • Broiichocele. — See per cent, solution, Goiter. Terpin Hydrate. antiseptic and sti- Terpentine Oil ; stimu- mulant application. lant expectorant, and Broiichorrhea. — See Copper Sulphate; 4 also as inhalation. also, Cough. grn. 10.25 grm.) to the j oz (30 cc.). ' Bruises. Acid. Carbolic: as Creolin. spray. Acid, Sulphurous: as Diaphtherin. 1 Acid, Gallic: remote local application Diiodoform. astringent. constantly applied. Europhen. * Alcohol : accordingly Aconite : liniment lo- Hydrargyri Perchlo- * as it agrees or dis- cally, to relieve pain. ridum: epidermis is agrees with patient. Alcohol. first removed by a Alum : a remote as- Ammonium Chloride. blister and then a - tringeiit. Arnica; as local .ap- saturated Ammoniac; aqueous in the plication of no more solution applied; a ' aged. use than alcohol, and poultice is then ap- Ammonium Carbon- sometimes gives rise plied to separate the ate : stimulant : ex- to much inflamma- eschar leaving , a pectorant. tion this it ; will do if healthy ulcer. Ammonium Chloride: the skin is abraded. Ice: to relieve pain stimulant expecto- Capsicum : to remove and lessen rant. discoloration of mation.

117 Mt.rrk*$ M


Iclithyol. Acid Carbolic: 1 |)er prevent cicatrix. Iodine: ns counter- cent, solution re- Ichthalbin. irritant applied lieves pain and pre- Ichthyol. round the bubo. vents suppuration. Iodoform: local anes-

Iodoform : as local ap- Acid, Picric: bath and thetic and antiseptic. plication, dressing. Lead Carbonate: *. e. lodole. Acid, Salicylic: 1 in white-lead paint, for Lend Lotions: com- 60 olive oil. small burns; should presses soaked in Alkalies: soon remove be applied instantly. these will abort, or the pain on exposure Lead Water. assist in the healing to the air after ap- Linimentum Calc is process. plication. (lime-water with lin-

Mercury : as local ap- Adam: finely powdered seed oil). plication after open- over foul bleeding Morphine , and Atro- ing bubo when sy- granulations. pine: to allay , pain. philitic affection is Antipyrine: in solu- Naftalan. great. tion or ointment. Oil and Litharge: ap- Orthoform. Argenti Nitras: wash plied as a varnish, Peroxide of Hydrogen: with a solution of containing 5 per cent. wash and dress bubo 4 to 8 grn. (0.26—0.5 Salicylic Acid. withlintsoakedin it. 01. Mentha! Piperitie: grm.) to the 07, (30 cc.) PotassaPusa: to open, and wrap in cotton painted on. instead of the knife. wool. Oil in burns, caused Potassium Chlorate: Bismuth Subgallate. by acids. applied as fine pow- Bismuth Subnitrate Orthoform. der. a thick paste with Phytolacca: to relieve Pyoktanin. glycerine protective. pain. Sliver Nitrate: light- Calcium Bisulphite Potassium Chlorate: ly applied to surface (sol.). solution 5 grn.- to 1 in indolent bubo. Carron Oil: in recent 07. (0.3 grm. : 30.0 cc.). Sozoiodole-P o t a s s i- burns. Pyokt.anin. um : incision at first Chalk, Oil and Vine- Resorcin. sign of suppuration, gar: applied ns a Rhubarb Ointment: followed by washing paste of a creamy one part of root to with antiseptics. consistence, relieves two of lard. Sulphides: to clieck pain at once. Rhus Toxicodendron. suppuration not so I Chlorinated Soda: in Soap Suds: instead of useful as in an or- dilute solution. alkali, if it is not at dinary abscess. Chloroform. Olive Oil hand. Tartar Emetic; when and Lime Water: Sodium Bicarbonate: inflammationis acute soon relieves the immediate applica- and fever consider- pain. tion of a saturated able. Cocaine: as lotion to solution. Xerofonn. allay the pain, only Sozoiodole-P o t a s s i-

active, if employed um : as dusting-pow- — der, starch. Bunion. ^ See also, immediately after with Btirsiiis. injury. Sozoiodole - Sodium Cod-Liver Oil. as wash. Iodine: painted on in Cold: Instant appli- Stimulants, Local: indolent forms, cation. such as Dng. Resin®, Rest: when thickened Collodion: flexible, to afterwards followed Pres- and painful. protect from air. by astringents. sure is removed by- Cottpn Wool: to pro- Thymol : one per cent,

thick .plasters, with • tect from irritation in olive oil , local ' a hole in the center. and so lessen pain. anesthetic. Creolin. Warm Bath: keep Burns and Scalds. Creosote: like Car- whole body, with ex- bolic Acid. ception of head, to- Absorbent Dressings. Diaphtberin. tally immersed Sot Acetanilid. Digitalis: in shock. some days in very Acid, Boric: useful as Diiodoform. extensive burns or ointment or lint Europhen. scalds. It relieves dressings, or as boric (rallie. Unguentum: 1 pain, although it may oil. pact to 8 of lard, to not save life. 118 PART 11. INDICATIONS.

\Vhiting and Water; Cnpro-hemol. Lithium Glycerophos- mixed to the thick- Filectric.ity. phate. ness of cream and Eucalyptus: in gene- Magnesia.

smeared over , ex- ral cachectic condi- Manganese Dioxide. cluding the air, gives tions. Oil Turpentine. instand relief. Euonymin: as chola- Piperidine Bitarta- Zinc Ointment and gogne rate. Vaselin: in equal Ferrohemol. Sodium Benzoate. parts for dressing. Gaduol. Sodium Bicarbonate. Zinc Oxide: as dust- Glycerinophosphates. Sodium Phosphate. ing powder. Gold. Solution Potassa. Zinc Stearate. Grape Cure. Hemo-gallol. Homol. Calculi, Biliary.— Bursitis. Hydrastine. (Gall - stones.) —See also , Colic, Jmind ice. ; in Acid. Carbolic: as in- Hydrastis malaria. jection. Ichthalbin. Acid, Nitric: hepatic Blisters: most useful. Iodine. stimulant and altera- Iron; generally Fomentations: to re- in all tive. anemic conditions. lieve pain. Acid, N i t r o - h y d r o - Ichthyol. Lipanin. chloric: same as ni- Manganese: along Iodine : tVhen chronic, tric acid. Lin. lodi may be used with iron and as Aliment: absence of as a blister or the syrup of double starch and i'at recom- , liquor, after blister- iodide. mended. ing or aspiration. Massage: exceedingly Anesthetics: during useful. the passage of the

Mercury : in syphilitic Cachexia. — See also, calculus. cases. Anemia Scrofula, Belladonna; relief , Oils and Fats: cod- Syphilis, etc'., and during spasm liver Oil very useful. the list of Tonics. Butter in the morning Cream as an addition on an empty stomach, Acid, Nitric: to food oil as inunc- in de- ; also during the day bility after acute dis- tion. between the meals ease in Phosphates: in scrof- ; combination instead of oil. with the fresh de- ula, phthisis and mal- Carlsbad Waters; pro- coction of Cinchona nutrition. phylactic.

Podophyllin : bark. as ehola- Chloral Hydrate: to Air: fresh. gogue, in children of relieve pain during a few months Aliment: nutritions. old im- parok'ysm: good in Ammonium ' Carbon- properly fed in alco- ; combination with ate; with Cinchona holic excess; chronic morphine. bark after acute morning diarrhea. ; Chloroform: inhala- Potassium illness. Iodide; in tion from tumbler, Arnica: syphilitic and result- internally, in most useful to relieve had cases. ing conditions paroxysm. Arsen-hemol. Purgatives, Saline; as Counter-Irritation : to adjuncts Arsenic; in malarial, to chola- relieve pain during also in cancerous, gogues. passage. cachexia; Quinine; in in chronic various Emetics: of doubtful malaria, forms of cachexia. combined value in aiding the with iron. Sarsaparilla: in expulsion of the cal- Baths; Turkish bath syphilis. culus. useful. Spermine. Ferri Succinas: as a Calcium Phosphate. resolvent for existing Cetrarine. Calcnl See' also. stones, and prophy- Chalybeate Gravel. Waters. lactic. Gholagogues: most Acid, Benzoic. Ferri Perchlor. Tiuc- useful hcfore,or along Acid, Sulphuric, dilu- tura: like creosote, with other remedies, ted. as an astringent. and specially in Ammonium Borate. Useful if renal malarial cachexia be- Lithium Benzoate. changes complicate. fore the administra- Lithium Carbonate. Iridiu: in doses of 1 tion of (|iiinine. Lithium Citrate. grn. (0,06 grm.i for 119 —


its cholagogne pro- •Alkaline Mineral Camp Fever. — See perties. Waters; especially TuphiVi. Mercury: the green Vichy andWildungen. iodide, witli manna Ammonium Benzoate; Cancer. — See also, and soap as a pill. to resolve phosphatic Uterine Cancer. Morphine: '.'s grn. calculi. Acid, .Acetic: as injec- (0,012 grm.) (repeated Anesthetics: to relieve tion into tumors. if necessary) with pain during passage Acid, Carbolic: as ap- Viso grn. (0,0005 grm.) of calculus. plication or injection atropine subcutane- Belladonna: some- into tumor to lessen ously, to relieve pain times relieves the pain, retard growth and vomiting in par- pain of the passage and diminish fetor. oxysm. of calcnlns. Acid, Chromic: as Nitr o - hydrochloric Borocitrate of Mag- caustic. Bath : to cause expul- nesium: to dissolve Acid, Citric: as lotion sion of calculus and uric acid calculus. to allay pain, 1 in 60. to relieve pain. Formula: Magnesii Acid, Hydrochloric. Olive Oil; in large carb. 1 dram (4,0 Acid, Lactic. doses 8—16 oz (250— grm.)' Acid, citric, Acid, Salicylic: locally 500 cc,) has been 2 drams; (8,0 grm.) applied as powder or followed by the ex- Sodii biborat. 2 saturated solution. pulsion of gall- drams; (8,0 grm.) Acids: internally in stones. Aqua;,8 fl.oz (240,0 cc.) cancer of stomach. Ox-gall. M. Sig. 2 drams ; Aluminium Sulphate: Salicylate of Sodium: (8,0 cc.) 3 t p. d. a caustic and disin- as prophylactic. Calcium Carbonate. fectant application. Sodium Carbonate : in Calumba: to relieve Aniline. large quantity of hot vomiting. Argenti Nitras: a sa-

Oil ; - water during passage Castor as purga- turated solution i n of stone. At first tive. jected in several there is usually vo- Chloroform: as inhala- places: to be follo- miting but this soon tion in biliary calculi. wed by an injection ceases. Cotton Root : as decoc- of table-salt 1 in lOOO. Sodium Oleate. tion to relieve stran- Aristol. Sodium Phosphate ; in gury. Arsenic in conjunction - 20 or 30 grn. (1.2 Counter Irritants : to with Orthoform: as 2 0 grm.) doses before lessen pain during local application, each meal as pro- passage of calculus. causes cancer to phylactic. Should be Formin. slough out. Some- given in plenty of Lead Acetate. times successful when water. Lithium Salts. the knife fails. Turpentine Oil and Lycetol. Arsenious Acid: In- Ether (Durande’s Lysidine. ternally. in cancer of Waters. remedy : Efiual parts Mineral stomach lessens , to relieve pain during Morphine: hypoder- vomiting. Supposed paroxysm also occa- mically, as in biliary growth of , to retard sionally as prophy- calculi. cancer in stomach lactic. along with a Piperazine. and other parts. course of Carlsbad Potassium Boro -Tar- Arsenic Iodide. or Vichy water. trate: more efficient Belladonna: locally than the magnesium relieves pain. Used Calculi. Reual and salt; prepared by internally also. four Vesical . —See also, heating together Bismuth Subnitrate: Colic, Lithiasis, Ox- parts of cream of to relieve pain and aluria, etc. tartar, one of boric vomiting in cancer acid, and ten of Acid, Hippuric. of stomach. water. 20 grn. (1.2 : Acid. Nitric; dilute; as Bromine Chloride al- grm.) three times a injection into the one or combined with day well diluted. bladder to dissolve other caustics. To a phosphatic calculi. Potassium Citrate: in be followed by uric poultice. . expecially hematuria with Alkalies as Potassa Salts: to re- acid crystals. Bromine, Pure; use round solve calculi potash Water Distilled: as caustic to , and soda to be used. drink. cancer. ManmaJ. 120 Mrrcff e: :


C'aloium Carbonate. Orthoform. Charcoal. Caustic Alkalies: in Opium: locally and Massage. strong solution dis- internally, to relieve solve the cells. pain. Caries. — See also. Charcoal Poultices : to Oxygen. Necrosis.

lessen pain and fetor. Papain : as local appli- Acid, Carbolic: as a cation or injection. Chelidonium Extr. in- disinfectant lotion; Pepsin: as injection ternally and hypo- often heals. dermically. into tumor. Potassium Chlorate: Acid, Phosphoric, Di- Chian Turpentine: luted: locally. allays the pain and benefits according to Aristol. some—acc. to others, removes the fetor. Potassium Permanga- Calcium Carbonate. it is useless, Calcium Chloride. t^hloral nate. Hydrate: to Cod-Liver Oil. Potassa Fnsa: ns es- lessen pain. Diiodoform. charotic. Chloroform : vapor as Gaduol. Poultices: to relieve local application to Glycerinophosphates. ulcerated cancer. pain. Pyoktanin. Gold: in syphiloma of Codeine: as a seda- bone. tive in cases of ab- Resorcin. Iodine: locally and dominal Sodium Ethylate: a tumor. internally, Cod-Liver Oil: in ca- powerful caustic. - lodole. Stramonium : o i n t chexia. Iodoform. Coffee: disinfectant, ment to relieve pain. Iron. applied as fi n Terebene : disinfec- Phosphates of Cal- powder. tant dressing. cium and Iron. Condurango Extr. Vienna Paste. Phosphorus. Conium: poultices Warm Enemata: to as Potassium Carbonate: to relieve pain. Used lessen pain in cancer concentrated soluti- internally also. of rectum. on, locally applied. Creolin. Zinc Cloride: as Potassa Fnsa: Dionin. caustic. to cari- ous bone to Diiodoform. Zinc Sulphate: as remove disorganized porti- Ferro-Manganous pre- caustic. parations. on. Potassium Iodide: in Gaduol : in cachexia. Oaiicrum Oris. — See syphilitic cases. Gas Cautery : a form also, Ap/ithce, Stom- Sarsaparilla. of actual cautery. atitis. Glycerinophosphates. Sozoiodole-Mercury. Sozoiodole-P Glycerite of Carbolic Acid, Boric. o t assi- um. Acid: same as car- A,cid. Nitric: undilu- bolic acid. ted as local caustic. Sulphuric Acid: injec- Gold and Sodium Arsenic: internally. tion (one of strong Chloride. Potassium Chlorate acid to two of water) Hematoxylin Extract internally in stom- into carious joints, atitis and locally to cari- to a fungous growth. ; useless in ous Hydrastis: as palli- noma. or necrosed bone. ative application. Potassium Permanga- Useful only if dis- Hydrogen Peroxide. nate. ease is superficial. Hyoscyamus: bruised Quinine: as syrup or Villate’s Solution: cupri sulph leaves locally ap- enema. , zinci plied. Sodium Borate sulph. 3 parts each, Ichthyol. Sozoiodole-Sodium. liq. plumb, snbace- Iodoform: locally to tat. 6 parts, acid lessen pain and fetor. Carbuncle. — See An- acet. 40 parts, as Iron and Manganese: thrax. injection into asinus. internally as tonics. Lime: as Caustic. Cardiac Affections. — Catalepsy. Manganese Iodide. See Heart. Chloroform: inhaled. Mercury IJichloride. Sternutatories. -Mercury Nitrate, acid. Cardialffia. Turpentine Oil: as Methylene Hlue. enemata and embro- Morphine salts. Antacids. cations to spine dur- Nirvanin. Bismuth Valerianate. ing paroxysms.

121 LITwcfc'* Manual. INDICATIONS. PART II.

Catiiriict. Sulphurated Potassa. ment ; cold bath is Tannoforrn. prophylactic. Atropine. Terpinol. Belladonna; 5 min. Cineraria Marithna fO.3 cc.) of tinct., and Juice. afterwards one Catarrh, .Acute or Codeine: in diabetic two doses every hour cases. Nasal. ,— See also, Cough, until the throat is Diet and Regimen: Hay Feoer, dry. Influenza. nutritious in senile , Benzoic Acid : in ordi- cases. Sugar and nary Acid, Carbolic : as in- catarrh, for its starch to 1>e avoided halation, or much stimulant effects. in diabetic cases. diluted as sx>ray. As Bismuth : as Perrier's Galvanism: in early gargle, 1 in 100, when snuff. Bismuth sub- stage. catarrh tends to nit., a drams (8.0 Jambul in Diabetes. spread from nose in- grm.); acaciic pulv., Mydriatics: to dilate to throat and chest, 2 drams (8.0 grm.); puijil as a means of or to ascend from morph, hydrochlor.. diagnosis. throat into nose. 2 grn. (0.12 grm.). Phosphorated Oil: in- Acid, Sulphurous: as Camphor: as inhala- stilled into the eye inhalation, spray or tion will lead to absorp- fumigation. Chloral. tion if borne. Acid, Tannic: injecti- Chloroform ; by inha- on of a solution in lation. rectified Catarrh. — See also, spirit. Cimicifuga : in coryza the various Catarrhs Aconite : internally at accompanied by below. commencement , es- rheumatic or neu- pecially in children. ralgic pains in head Acid, Camphoric. Aconite and Bella- and face. Acid, Hydrocyanic, donna: in sore-thr'o- Cocaine Hydrochlor- DU. at and cold with ate. Acid, Snlpho-anilic. profuse watery se- Cocaine Phenylate. Alantol. cretion. one drop of Codeine. Aluminium tanno-tar- tinct. of aconite to Cold Powder; camph. trate. two of belladonna 5 parts dissolved in Antimony Sulphide, every hour. ether to consistence

Golden. Aconite Liniment ; to of cream, add am- Autinosin. outside of liose in moh carbonat. 4 Apomorphine Hydro- paroxysmal sneezing parts, and pulv. opii

chlorate. and coryza, 1 part. Dose : 3 to 10 ,

Arsenic Iodide. Aluminium Aceto-tar- grn. 1 0.2—0.6 grm.l. Calcium Bisulphite. trate. To break up or mo ,

Cimicifugin. Ammonia : as inhala- dify cold Cocaine Carbolate. tion in .early stage, Cubebs; powder as

Creolin. while discharge is insufflation ; also the tincture in 2 Cubeb. serous. . dram Eucalyptus. Ammonium Chloride; (8.0 cc.) doses with children. infusion of linseed. Gaduol. in young . Ichthalbin. Ammonium Iodide*: Formaldehyde: by in- Ichthyol. one grn. (0.06 grm.) halation (2 per cent, Iodoform. every two hours. solut). lodoformogen. Argenti Nitras: injec- Hot Sponging; to re- Menthol. tion, of a solution of lieve the headache. Mineral-waters cont. 10 grn. (0.6 grm.l to Iodine; as inhalation. Magnesium-Salts. the oz (30.0 cc.). Iodoform and T.annin; Naphtalin. Arsenic: internally, as insufflation.

Oil Eucalyptus. or as cigarettes in Ipecacuanha : in mod- , Potassium Cyanide. paroxysmal and erate doses 10 grn. chronic cases valu- (0.6 grm.). Dover’s Potassium Iodide. ; Sodium Bicarbonate. able in cases which powder at night will Sodium Iodide. exactly simulate hay cut short an attack.

Sodium Nitrate. fever. > The wine as spray Sozoiodole-Sodium. Baths: hot foot-bath to the fauces. Sozoiodole-Zinc. before retiring. Turk- Jaborandi: as tinc- Sulphur. ish. at commence- ture. Or hypodermic Hanual, 1-22 Ufrck't ;; — ,;


injection of ’'e (?rain cuauha wine, already Cocaine. (0.01 grm.) of pilo- mentioned. Cod-Liver Oil.

carpine hydrochlor- Sugar; finely powder- Cubebs ; in powder, atc. ed and snuffed up in by insufflation, or Menthol. the nose in catarrh Diiodoform. Nnx Vomica; in dry due to potassium io- as troches. cold in the head. dide. Ethyl Iodide; as in- Oil; inunction to Tannoform, Snuff. halation.

whole body to lessen Tartar Emetic; one- Eucalyptol : in chron- susceptibility local- twentieth to one- ic catarrh with prof- ; ly to nose; some- twelfth grn. (0.003 use secretion. times ointment may 0.006 grm.) at com- Eucalyptus. be used. mencement, especial- Gaduol ; as alterative. Opium; as Dover’s ly in children with Gold chloride. powder at commen- thick and abundant Hamamelis ; snuffed cement; but not in secretion. up nose. obstruction to respi- Turkish Bath. Hydrastis. ration. Veratrum Viride; if Ichthalbin ; as altera- Peronin. arsenic fails. tive. Pilocarpine Hydro- Zinc Sulphate ; as na- Ichthyol. chlorate (see Jabo- sal injection 1 grn. Iodine; vapor inhaled, randi). (0.06 grm.) to the oz lodole. Potassium Bichro- (30.0 cc.). Iodoform and Tannin solution mate; lo- insufflated. cally, 1 to 10 grn. in Catarrh, Broncho- Potassium Bichro- 4 oz (0.06—0.6 grm. Pulmoiiary. — See mate. ; 120 cc.). Bronchitis, Bron- Potassium Permanga- Chlorate Potassium chorrhea. nate. eight or ten lozenges Pulsatilla. a day to check. Catarrh, Cervical. — Resorcin. Potassium Iodide ; ten See Uterme Affec- S a 1 physiologicum grn. (^0.6 grm.) at bed- tions. Poehl as (in solut.) time to avert acute by nasal douche, ve- coryza. Catarrh, Chronic ry useful. Pulsatilla; warm lo- Sanguinaria; in vpry Nasal. — See also, tion applied to in- Ozena. chronic cases terior of nares; or Silver Nitrate. ' internally but not Acid, Benzoic; inhaled Sodium Chloride: in symptoms of in- as vapor. Sodium Phosphate. testinal irritation. Acid, Carbolic; one to Sozoiodole-Potassi-

Quinine ; ten grn. (0.6 100 as spray, or 1 to um. grm.) with ',2 grn. 200 as douche. One Turpentine Oil; as (0.03 grm.) morphine, part with 4 of iodinfe liniment to chest. a t commencement tincture as inhalati- may abort it. on or by spray. Resorcin. Acid, Salicylic Catarrh, Duodenal. Salicylate of Sodium Acid. Tannic. — See Duodenal two and one-half grn. Alum;' in powder by CatarVh. (0.16 grm.) every half- insufflation, or in hour to relieve head- solution by dofiche. Catarrh. Epidemic. ache and neuralgia Ammonia; inlialation. — Sec lnfiuen,ta and associated with co- Ammonium ChloridC; Hay-Fever. ryza. in thick and abun- Sal physiologicum dant secretion. Catarrh, Poehl (soL) by nasal Asafetida; stimulant Gastric. douche.- expectorant. See Gastritis, Chronic. Sanguinaria ; inter- Balsam of Peru; sti- nally, and powder mulant expectorant. locally. Bismuth Subnitrate. Catarrh, Genito-Uri-

• Sea-water Qa.tgle. Bromine ; , as vapor, mxvy.—S'ec Bladder, Silver Nitrate. inhaled with great Catarrh Cystitis; Spray; of; useful means caution. Endometritis; Go- of applying soluti- Calomel.' norrhea ; Lencor- ons such a.a ipeca- Camphor. rhea, etc. 123 Manual, INDICATIONS. TART II.

Catarrh, InteNtiiial. before effusion has Chloral Hydrate. — See Dyaentery, taken place. Electricity. Jaundice. Arsenic: in commen- Ice. cing atheroma of ce- Catarrh Vesical. —i- rebral vessels .and C c r e b r o - .S i See Bladder, Ca- tendency to drow- p n a 1 Fever. See tarrh of. siness and torpor. — Menin- gitis. Belladonna: very C er eh r 0 - use- Spinal. Cephalalgia. — See ful. Headache. Bromides: very useful. Calomel. Chancre. — See also. Cerebral Anemia. — Cathartics: to lessen Syphilis. See also, hiaoninia. blood-pressure. Acetanilid. Ammonia: inhaled ChioralHydrate: is when Acid,Carbolic: locally. useful in sudden at- temperature is high. Alumnol. tacks. Coichicum : in pletho- Aristol. Amyl Nitrite: to ric cases. act Calomel vap. par. lo-

on vessels. : Colocynth as a purga- cally. Arsenic: in tive. hypochon- Camphor: finely pow- driasis of aged pe- Croton Oil. dered. ople; best combined Diet: moderate,animal Canquoin’s Paste: zinc with a minute dose food sparingly, and chloride, 1 in made of opium. 6, stimulants to be into paste, local. Caffeine: in hypo- avoided. C a n B t i c s: c h r o mi c chondriasis. : Digitalis in alcoholic acid, bromine, acid Camphor, Monobro- congestion, and sim- nitrate of mercury, mated. ple congestive hemi- zinc chloride, nitric Chalybe.ate Mineral crania. acid,canstic alkalies. Water. Elaterin. Copper Sulphate. Chloral Hydrate: in Elaterium. Diiodoform: one of the small doses, with Ergot : in want of arte- best remedies. stimulants. rial tone, or miliary Encalyptol: mixed Digitalis. aneurisms causing with iodoform and Electricity. vertigo, etc. locally applied. Glycerine. Galvanism of head Europhen. Gold : melancholic and cervical sympa- Formaldehyde. state. thetic. Hydrogen Peroxide : Guarana: restorative Gelseminm : in great constantly applied to after acute disease. motor excitement destroy specific char- Iron. wakefulness, horrors acter. Nitroglycerine : to di- after alcoholic ex- Iodoform. late cerebral vessels, cess. lodole. like amyl nitrite. Potassium Bromide MercuricNitrate Solu- Nux Vomica. Venesection: a sui- tion. Phosphorus and Phos- table remedy in cases Mercury : internally. phates : to supply of threatening rup- Also, locally: black nutriment. ture of a vessel. wash;or yellow wash; Quinine. Veratrum Viride: in or corrosive subli- Strychnine. acute congestion the ; mate in solution. Zinc Phosphide. good ceases with exu- Mercury colloidal. dation. Mercury Salicylate. Cerebral Concussion. Water: cold douche to Monsel's Solution. Rest: absolute to be head, and warm to Pyoktanin. en.ioined. feet, alternately hot Resorcin. Stimulants to be and cold to nape of Sarsaparilla. avoided. neck. Sozoiodole-Mercnry. Warmth: to extremi- Sozoiodole-Zinc. ties. Cerebral Softening. Tannoform. Phosphorus. Oerebi’al Congestion. Potassium Bromide. Chancroid. —Seealso, — See also, Apo- plexy, Coma. Cerebritis. Bubo. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Ammonium Chloride: Acetanilid. Aconite in acute cases locally. Acid, Cnrbolic: as in- 124 Manual, ::, ;: -:

INDICATIONS. PART II. with gum arabic equal jectioii and local (ilycerine : mixed parts on silk. application. half the quantity of or Chlorinated Lime. Acid, Nitric: locally eau de cologne; amyli. Cod-Liver Oil: inter- as caustic. as glyceritum nally. Acid, Salicylic^ Hydrastis; as lotion. Collodion. Acid. Sulphuric; with Lanolin. Sulphate: sol- charcoal. Lotio Plumbi. Copper ution of 4 grn. to Acid, Tannic. Lycopodium. .SO.O grm). Actual Cautery. Magnesia. the oz (0,25: Alumnol. Solution Gutta- Creolin. Creosote. Aristol. Percha; protective. Bismuth Benzoate. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Electricity. tonic. Bismuth Subgallate. Starch. Gaduol : as Bismuth and Zinc Zinc Carbonate and Ichthalbin: as alterant Oxide; or calomel and Oxide. tonic. bismuth, as substi- Ichthyolv topically.

; ointment or tutes for iodoform. Chest Pains. — See Iodine tincture to unbroken Camphor; finely pow- also. Myalgia, Neu- chilblains. dered. ralgia, PI euritis, Lead Subacetate. Caustics : sometimes Pl^rodynia, Pneu- necessary. monia. Naftalan. Cocaine. . Sozoiodole-Sodium. Diiodoform. Belladonna: in pleuro- Tincture of Opium dynia, as plaster or locally to ease it- Eucalyptol : with iodine. ointment. ching. Ferric Iodide: inter- Iodine: in myalgia as Turpentine Oil. nally in phagedenic ointment. debility. Strychnine. , or eases, Chlorosis. — See also Ferrum Tartaratum Anemia , Am enor like ferric iodide. Chicken-Pox. rhea. Hot Sitz-bath. Aconite. Hydrogen. onium Acetate. Absinthin. Iodoform. Amm Bath; coldinhyperpy- Acid, Gallic. lodole. of rexia; warm as dia- Arsenic: in i)lace or Mercury; acid-nitrate iron. phoretic. along with as local application. Arsen-hemol. Comx)ress,Cold: if sore Potassium Chlorate throat. Benzoin. in fine powder. Laxatives. Berberine Suli)hate; Pyoktanin. inferior to quinine. Resorcin. Calci^im H y p o p h o s- Sozoiodole-Mercury. Chilblains. phite. Sozoiodole-Potassium Acid, Carbolic: with Cetarin. as dusting-powder. tincture of iodine Cocculus Indicus ; in Sozoiodole-Sodium,as and tannic acid as amenorrhea and leu- wash. ointment. corrhea. Zinc Chloride. Acid, Sulphurous; di- Cupro-hemol.

luted with equal part Ergot : in c h 1 o r o t i c Chapped Hands and of glycerine as spray amenorrhea. Ferrohemol. Lips. or fumes of burning sulphur. Ferri lodidum. Acid, Benzoic. Acid, Tannic. Ferro-Manganates. Acid, Sulphurous: as Aconite. Ferropyrine. lotion or as fumiga- Alum. Gaduol. tion. Arnica. Gold. Adeps Lanae. Balsam of Peru: as Glycerinophosphates. Albumen as covering ointment when Hemol. layer. broken. Hemo-gallol: powerful

Benzoin ; compound Basilicon Ointment. blood maker.

tincture, 1 part to Cadmium Iodide : in- Hemoglobin. 4 of glycerine. ternally. Hypophosphite of Cal- Calcium Carbonate Cajeput Oil. cium, or Sodium.

Precipitated. Caps i cum. Tincture Ichthalbin ; effective Collodion. locally, when unbro- alterative. Camphor Cream. ken, w'ith solution of Iron and Ammonium 125 M«rck*t ^fanuaL : —


Citrate. Arsenic: in small to one -fourth of a Iron: carbonate, usefnl doses, has been used grain (O.tXra- 0.015 form; sometimes best to stop vomiting. grn.) subcutaneously as chalybeate waters. Atropine: hypodermi- to relievo cramps. cally In irritable stomach in collapse. Naphtalin ; may be the non- astringent Betol. useful. preparations: in Cajeput Oil. Naphtol. weak anemic girls, Calomel: in minute Naphtol Benzoate. with pain and vomi- doses to allay vomit- Opium; in snbcntaiie- ting after food, the ing. ons injection ',io to persalts are best. Camphor Spirit: 5 •/* grn. (0.008—0.03 Manganese Salts: in mimms (0.8 cc; with grm.) to check the general. tincture of opium, preliminary diar-

Massage : useful, com- every ten minutes, rhea. and arrest the bined with electri- while the symptoms collapse. city and forced are violent: and then Permanganates. feeding. every hour. Physostigma. Nux Vomica: useful, Cannabis indica. Podophyllin. combiued with iron. Cantharides. Potassium Bromide. Ovaria dried. Capsicum. Quinine.

Orexinc : as appetizer. Castor Oil. Resorcin.

Pancreatin : to int- Chloral Hydrate: sub- Salol. prove digestion. cntaneously. alone,or Sal physiologi cum Potassium Iodide. with morphine, in the Poehl in Entero - Purgatives: useful, stage of collapse. clysms. often indispensable. Chloroform; 2 or 3 min. Strychnine, has been Sea-Iiathing. (0.12—0.2 cc.) either used during the pre- Zinc Phosphide. alone or with opium, liminary diarrhea, Zinc Valerianate, every few minutes to and also as a stimu- allay the vomiting. lant to prevent col- lapse. Choking;. Chlorodyne. Cinnamon. Sulpho-carbolates. Potassium Bromide Copper Araenite. Table Salt Injections: into the veins have in children who Copper salts : some- choke over drinking, times used to stop a marvellous effect but who swallow vomiting. during collapse in restoring solids readily. Corrosive Sublimate. apparently Counter- Irritation the patient, but their over epigastrium. benefit is generally Cholera .Asiatica. Crcolin. merely temporary. Transfusion of Milk: Acid. Boric. Creosote : alone or has been used in col- Acid, Carbolic: 2 min. with opium, to allay lapse. cc.) along with vomiting. (0.12 Tribromphendl. 2 grn. (0.12 grm.) Dry Packing. Turpentine Oil: some- of iodine, every hour. F.nemeta of warm salt time appears ser- Acid. Hydrocyanic. solution. viceable in doses of Acid, Lactic. Enteroclysis associ - 10 to 20 rain. (0.6 Acid, Nitric- ated with hot bath. 1.2 cc.) every two Acid, Phosi>horic. Ether; subcutane- hours. Acid. Sulphuric, Dilu- ously. alone, or with Guaco. ted: Cholei'a Infantum. opium, is very effec- Hypodermoclysis. tive in checking the Ice to Spine: for Acid, Carbolic: with bismuth or alone ]) r e 1 i m i n a r y diar- cramps. rhea. Ipecacuanha, deeme very effective. Acid. Tannic, by ene- tinized very usefnl. Aliment; milk. meta Jaborandi. Arsenic: for vomiting has in collapse. Alcohol: iced brandy, Lead Acetate ; to stop vomiting, and been used as an as- Beef Juice. stimulate the heart. tringent in early Bismal. along with Bismuth Salicylate. Ammonia : intraven- stages Subgallate. ous injection. camphor and opium. Bismuth Subnitrate. Amyl Nitrite. Mercury Bichloride. Bismuth Antimony. Morphine: one-eighth Brandy; in full doses. XfantuU. 126 Jf«rrV« INIilCATIONS PART II.

Caffeine. Potassium Chlorate: administeringopium, Calomel: in minute as enemaia. in order to deplete (loses to arrest the Resorcin. the vessels. vomiting. Rhubarb. Morphinehypodermic. internally : where Silver Nitrate: after Mustard: C h a m p h o r there is verj- great acute symptoms are as emetic; poultice depression. past. over chest. Castor t'iL Sodium Phosphate. Mustard or Spice plas- Cold -hath at 76 de- Tannalbin. ter to abdomen. grees F. (24» C.) every Tannigen. Naphtalin. three or four hours, Tannin and (rlycerine. Naphtol. or cold affusions. Tannoform. Paraformaldehyde. Cold Drinks. Tribromphenol. Salines: to precede Copper .Arsenite. Xeroform. the use of lead acet- Creosote. Zinc Oxide: with bis- ate Creolin. muth and pepsin. Salol. Cupri Sulphas: in Zinc Sulphocarbolate. Sumbul. minute doses Tannalbin. very Cholera Morbus. — up to the one thirty- Tannoform. See Sim- secondth of a grain Cholera Veratrum Album. plex. (0.002 grm.). Diet. — Cholera Nostras. Choi'dee. Eudoxine. See Cholera Sim- Enteroclysis. plex. Aconite: 1 min. (0.06 Ferri et Ammonii Cit- — cc.) every hour. ras. Cholera Simplex. Amyl Nitrite. drinks, applica- See also, Cholera Hot Atropine : subcutane- tions. and baths, if Asiatica and Infan- ously with morphine. temperature becomes tum. Belladonna: with cam- subnormal. Acid Carbolic: with phor and opium, in- Huniady-.Ianos-Water bismuth ternally, very useful. in small portions. Acid, Sulphuric, Bromides : especially Ice to Spine. Alcohol: dilute and of potassium. Ichthyol. iced. Camphor, Monobro- Iodoform and Oil in- Arsenic: to stop vo- mated. jections: to relieve miting. Camphor: internally, tenesmus. Atropine: hypodermi- useful in full doses. Ipecacuanha: when cally, an efficient Cannabis Indica. stools greenish or remedy. Cantharis: one drop dysenteric. Borax. of tincture three of Botvels. Irrigation Cajeput Oil: used in times a day as pro- Lead Acetate: very India. phylactic. useful. Calomel. Cocaine Hydrochlor- Calcis. Liquor Castor Oil with Opi- ate. Mercury: V« grn. um. Colchicum: half fl. dr. (0.0 grm.) of gray 1 Calumba: as anti-eme- (2.0 cc.) of tincture powder hourly. In , tic. at night. urgent cases a starch Champhor: very use- Cuhebs. should be gi- enema ful. Digitalis. ven, containing amin- Chloroform. Hot Sitz-bath. ute quantity of laud- Chloral Hydrate: sub- Hyoscyamus. anum. cutaneously, very Lupulin: as prophylac- Mustard or Spice plas- useful. tic. ter to abdomen. Chlorine Water. Morphine : hypoder- Nux Vomica. Copper Arsenite. mically, in perineum Oleum Ricini. Copper salts: as as- at night. Opium. tringent. Potassium Bromide. Peptonized !Milk. Creolin. Tartar Emetic: car- Podophyllin: if stools Creosote. ried to the extent of are of peculiar pasty Ipecacuanhla: very use- producing nausea. color. ful. Strychnine. Potassium Bromide: Lead Acetate: at com- Tobacco Wine : just in nervous irritabi- mencement, after short of nauseating, lity and feverishness. salines, and before at betime. 127 Manual. :

INDICATIONS. I'ART II. Chorea. begin with tepid Strontium Lactate. , Achillea Millefolium water. Strychnine; useful at (Int'usioiO. Conium: the succus is puberty or in chorea Acetanilid. sometimes useful, from fright. Ammonium Valerian- must be given in Sulfonal ate. large doses. Valerian ; to control Amyl Nitrite. Co))per: the ammonio- the movements. Angelica Root (Infus.). sulphate in increas- Veratrura Viride; has Aniline. ing doses till sick- been employed. Antimony; in gradu- ness ])roduced. Water; cold affusion ally increasing doses Cupro-hemol. to spine useful. twice a day. to main- Curare. Zinc Chloride. tain nauseating effect Duboisine Sulphate. Zinc Cyanide. Antipyrine. Electricity: static. Zinc-Hemol; effective Apomorphine. Ether Spray: instead hematinic nervine. Arsenic: useful sonie- of cold to spine. Zinc Iodide. times; must be push- Euqninino. Zinc Oxide. ed till eyes red or Exalgin. Z i n c u t e S 1 p h a in sickness induced, Oaduol. small: but very fre- then discontinued, Gold Bromide. quent doses, and and then used again. Hemol. when the nausea Artemisia Root (In- Hot Back. produced is unbe- fus.). Hyoscine llydrobrom- arable another Belladonna. ate. emetic to be used. Bismuth Valerianate. Hyoscyamus. Zinc Valerianate. Bromalin: agreeable Iodides. sedative Iron; chalybeate wa- Clio roiditis. Broinipiii. ters in anemia and Atropine. Bromo-hemol. amenorrhea. Mercury. Bromides. Iron Valerianate. Opiates Calcium Chloride: in Lactophenin Opium. strumous subjects, Lobelia : only in nau- Camphor, Monobro- seating doses. CUjTui'in. mated. Mineral Water Baths. Acid, (iallic. Cannabis Indica: may Moi’iihine; subcutane- Hypophosphites. do good; often in- ously in severe cases, Ichthyol. creases the choreic until effect is mani- Methylene Blue. movements. fested; by mouth in Potassium Iodide. Cerium Oxalate. combination with Sodium Benzoate. ChJoralamide. chloi’al hydrate best. Thymol. Chloral Hydrate: so- Musk. metimes very useful Nitroglycerine. Cicatrice.s. in large doses, care- Pliysostigma; three to Iodine. fully watched also 6 grains (0.2-0.35 gim.) , Thiosinamine. where sleep is pre- of powder a day for Thyroidin. vented by the violen- children; 10 to 20 grn. ce the movements. — of (0.6 1.2 grm.) for Climiictei'ic Disor- Chloroform or Ether adult. ders.— HeeaUo, Me- as inhalation in se- large Picrotoxin: trorrlmfjia. vere cases. doses.

Cimicifuga : often use- Potassium Arsenite Acid, Hydriodic. ful, especially when Solution. Aconite: 1 minim (0.06 menstrual derange- Quinine. cc.) hourly for ner- ment, and in rheu- Salicin. vous palpitations matic history Salicylates. and fidgets. Cocaine Hydrochlora- Silver: the oxide and Ammonia; as inhala- te. nitrate sometimes do tion. Raspail's Ean

Cocculns : in 1 a r g e good. Sedative locally in doses. Silver Chloride. headache; take Sodii Cod-Liver Oil. Silver CJ-anide. chloridnm. Liq. am- Cold: to spine, or Silver Oxide. moniie, each 2 fl. oz sponging, but not in Simulo. (60 C.C.); Spiritus cam-

fl. , rheumatism, pain in Sodium Arsenate. pliorre ; 3 drs. 12 joints, fever; best to StramoniumTincture. cc.); Aqua to make 128 ik : , :


2 pints (1100 cc.l. Spinal Ice-bag: fer Oil Turpentine. Ammonium Chloride: cold feot. Opium. locally in headache. Strychnine. Peppermint.

Amyl Nitrite. Potassium Bromide : Belladonna, in local spasm in Calabar Bean: in fla- Colic, Biliary. — See children, which can tulence. vertigo, etc. Colic, Renal or be felt through hard damphor: for drowsi- Hepatic. abdominal walls. ness and headache. Poultices: large and Cannabis Indica. warm, of great ser- Colic, Iiitestinal. Change: of air and vice. scene useful adjunct. Ammonia: in children. Rhubarb.

Cimicifuga : for head- Anise. Rue. ache. Antacids : in acidity. Spirit Melissa. Encalyptol in flushings. Arsenic: when pain is Zinc Cyanide. Hot Spongings. neuralgic in charac- Hydrastinine Hydro- ter. Colic, Lead . See also. chlorate. Asafetida: — to remove Lead Poisoning. Iron: for vertical flatulence, especially headache, giddiness, in children and hys- Acid, Sulphuric: dilute and feeling of heat, terical patients. fluttering in lemonade as a pro- of the Atropine : in simple phj'lactic and cura- heart. spasmodic colic. tive. Methylene Blue. Belladonna especially Alum:relieves the pain Nitrate of Amyl: in children and intes- and constipation. where much flushed. tinal spasm. Nos Vomica: useful Caraway. Atropine. Belladonna. where symptoms are ChamomHe Oil with limited to the head. sugar. Bromides: as solvents alone Opium. Chloral Hydrate and or with iodides. Ovaria dried. Calomel. Bromides : when se- Castor Oil: given Physostigma. vere in children. twice a day to eliminate. Potassium Bromide: Cocculus: during preg- very useful. nancy. Chloroform : internal- Potassium Iodide. Codeine. ly and externally as Sodium Benzoate. Coriander. liniment. Stypticin: efficacious, Dionin. Croton Oil. hemostatic and uter- Eggs. Essential Oils : Ani- ine sedative. seed, Cajeput, Cam- Electro-chemical Thymol. phor Cardamoms Baths, , Warm Bath. Cinnamon Cloves Faradization local. Zinc , Valerianate. Peppermint, Rue, Iodides in large doses. Spearmint: all useful. Magnesium Sulphate Coccygodyiiia. Ether : internally and most useful along with Belladonna: plaster by inhalation. potassium iod- useful. Fennel ide. Milk. Chloroform: locally Fomentations. injected. Ginger: stimulant Morphine: subcutane- ously Counter irritation. carminative. to relieve pain. Electricity. Hyoscine Hydrobro- Opium. Leeches. mate. Potassium Iodide: Surgical treatment Hyoscyamus. most useful in elimi- in obstinate cases. Lime Water: in chil- nating lead from the dren. where due to system, and combi- Coldness. curdling of milk. ned with magnesium Lime Salicylate. sulphate Atropine. to evacu- Matricaria : infusion, ate it. Chloral Hydrate. to prevent, in teeth- Potassium Tartrate. Cocaine Hydrochlor- ing children. Sodium ate. Chloride. Milk Regimen: in en- Cold Strontium Iodide. Water : as pro- teralgia. Sulphur: to aid phylactic with elimi- fric- Morphine: very useful. nation. tion and wrapping Mustard plaster. up. : Sulphurated Potassa. Nux Vomica: useful. Sulphur Baths.


Colic, Nophi'itic. — Collapse. — See also, Arsenic; as caustic. , See Colic Renal and Erhaustion, Shock, Diiodoform. Syncope. Hepatic. Enrophen. Ammonia. Ichthyol. Atropine. lodole. Caffeine. Iodoform; locally. Colic Re II 111 anil Camphor. Mercury; wash with Hepatic. See also, — Digitalin. chlorine water, or Calculi. Digitoxin. chlorinated soda, Ether. and dust with calo- Aliment; abstain from Heat. mel and oxide of amylaceous and fat- Nitroglycerine. zinc in equal quan- ty also from fish tities. , Mustard Baths. and fowl. Sparteine. Savine externally. Alkalies : alkaline wa- Strophanthin. Silver Nitrate; as ters very useful. Strychnine, caustic. Ammonium Borate. Suprarenal extract. Sozoiodole-Mercury. Amyl Valerianate. Thuja; strong tinc- Antipyrine. ture locally, small Coma. — See also. do- Baths ; warm, to re- Cerebral Congestion, ses internally useful. move pain. Uremia, Narcotic Zinc Chloride or Ni- Belladonna. Poisoning. trate; locally as a Butter with a cup of caustic or astringent. Blisters; hot strong coffee, on various Zinc Sulphate. parts of the body in till bilious vomiting ensues. succession in the Conjunctivitis. critical condition, es- Calomel. Acid, Boric. pecially at the end Chloroform : inhala- Acid, Carbolic. tion of a long illness. from tumbler Alum ; after acute Cold Douche ; in the during fit. symptoms have sub- drunkenness of opi- Collinsonia. sided; but not if the um care must be Corn-silk. epithelium is denud- taken not to chill, Counter-I r r i t a t i on; ed, since perforation and it is best to al- see list of Irritants, may then take place. ternate the cold with etc. Antipyrine. warm water. Diet. Argenti Nitras; solu- Croton Oil; as a pur- Ether; like chloro- tion 4 grn. (0.25 grm.) gative in cerebral form. to the fl. dr. (4 cc.> Ether or Ethyl-Chlor- concussion, etc. Dry Champagne. in purulent ophth- ide by spray on the almia. The solid in Mustard; to stimulate. painful region. gonorrheal ophthal- Potassium Bitartrate; Formin. mia, to be after- purgative where the Gelsemiura. wards washed with blood is poisoned. Horse-back riding. sodium chloride so- Sodium Bicarbonate; Hot application over lution, 4 grn. to the in very large doses liver; as a relaxant. fl. oz (0.25; 30.0 CO.). [3-6 (100-180 grm.) Hydrangea. oz Atropine. daily] to check dia- Lycetol. Belladonna ; locally betic coma. Lysidine. and internally. Turpentine Oil; ene- Neurodine. Bismuth ; locally, in as Stimulant. Olive or Cotton-Seed ma chronic cases. Oil. Blisters; behind ear. Condylomata. — See Opium ; in small doses Boroglyceride. Syphilis {Con- frequently repeated, also. Cadmium; .as a wash or hypodermically as dylomata lata), instead of copper morphine. Warts(Condylomata and zinc the sul- accuminataj. Piperazine. phate, 1 grn. to the fl.

Sodium Benzoate. Acid, Carbolic; locally. oz (0.06 grm. ; 30.0 cc.). Sodinm Salicylate. Acid, Chromic; with Calomel. 4

Sodium Oleate. one-fourth of water Castor Oil ; a drop in j Stramonium. locally, as caustic. eye to lessen irrita- i

Strophanthus Tinc- Acid, Nitric : as caus- tion from foreign 1 ture. tic, or dilute soluti- body. J Turpentine Oil. ons as a wash. Cocaine Hydrochlorate m 130 Mircles Manual. PART II. INDICATIONS.

Copper Acetate. Belladonna Extract: be used to unload. Copper Aluminate. one-tenth to '/a grn. Ergot: to give tone. Copper Sulphate: as (0.006—0.03 grm.) in Eserine.

collyrium. spasmodic contrac- Euonymin : cholago- Creolin Solution, 1 per tion of the intestine gue purgative in he- cent. leading to habitual patic torpor. Ergot: the fluid ex- constipation; best Figs one before break- tract, undiluted, lo- administered along fast.

cally in engorgement with nux vomica as Gamboge : in habitual of the conjunctival a pill at bedtime. constipation. vessels. Bismuth Formula: Glycerine: supposito- Eserine. take Aluminii sul- ries or enemata Euphrasia: as a mild phas, I'/a grn. (0.1 Guaiacum: especially astringent. grm.), bismuthi sub- when powerful pur- Europhen. nitratis, 1 grn. (0.1 gatives fail. Formaldehyde. grm.) extract! ; gen- Gymnastics, horse- Gallicin. tianae, q. s., make piH. back riding, or mas- Hydrastine Hydro- Bisulphate Potassi- sage.

chlorate, um. Honey : with break- lodole. Bryonia. fast. Iron Sulphate. Calomel. Hydrastis: useful in Largin. Carlsbad Waters: biliousness.

Mercury : as citrine tumblerful sipped Iridin.

ointment, very use- hot while dressing. Ipecacuanha : one grn. ful outside the lids Cascara Sagrada: in (0.06 grm.) in the in palpebral conjunc- habitual constipati- morning before tivitis. on, 10 to 20 minims breakfast. Mercury Oxide, Red. (0.6—1.2 cc.) of fluid Jalap: along with Mercury Oxide, Yel- extract an hour or scammony. low. two after meals. Leptandra. Naphtol. Castor Oil: 10 to 20 Lime : saccharated so- Opium : fluid extract minims (0.6— 1.2 cc.) lution after meals. in eye relieves pain in a teaspoonful of Licorice Powder, also Sydenham’sLau- brandy and pepper- Compound: a tea- danum. mint water before spoonful at night or Pulsatilla: as wash breakfast. in the morning. and internally. Chloral Hydrate. Pyoktanin Magnesium Bicarbon- (yellow). Cocculus: When mo- Resorcin. ate: solution useful tions are hard and for children and Silver Nitrate lumpy, and much Sodium Borate. pregnant women. flatus. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Magnesium Oxide. Cod-Liver Oil: in ob- Tannin: as Magnesium Sulphate. collyrium. stinate cases Tropacocaine in chil- Manna. Hydro- dren. chlorate. Mercury: in bilious Coffee: s.ome Zinc Acetate. times disorders with light purges. Zinc Chloride. stools. Colocynth : compound Zinc Sulphate. Muscarine: to increa- piU at night. se peristalsis. Combustions. — See Croton Oil: when no Nux Vomica: 5 to 10 Burns. inflammation is pre- minims (0.3— 0.6 cc.) sent, Constipation. very active. in a glass of cold — See Diet. also, Intestinal Ob- water before break- Dinner Pill : struction. aloes and fast or before dinner. myrrh : aloes and Oil Olives. Absinthin. iron; with nux vo- Opium : when rectum Aloes, see dinner piU. mica and belladonna is irritable; Aloin. also in or hyoscyamus, ta- Alum. reflex constipation. ken just before Ox-gaU. Ammonium Chloride: dinner. Physostigma: 10 min. in bilious disorders. Enemata: soap and (0.6 cc.) of tincture Apples: stewed or water, or castor oil; along with beUa- roast. habitual use tends donna and nux vo- Arsenic: in small do- to increase intestinal mica in atony of the ses. torpor ; should only walls.

131 Mtrek*9 ManuoX, 9* INDICATIONS. PART II.

Podophyllin or Podo- breakfast. Bromides: in general. phyllum: very use- Whole-Meal Bread. Bromalin. ful. especially in bi- Bromipin. liousness: ton drops Convalescence. — See Camphor, Monobro- of tincture at night also, Adynajnia, mated alone, or the resin Anemia. Coniine. along with other pur- Acid,'Hydriodic. Eserine. gatives in pill, es- Alcohol with meals. Hyoscyamus. pecially when stools Bebeerine. Musk. are dark. Berberine. Mustard bath. Potassium Bisulphate. Bitters: the simple. Nitroglycerine. Potassium Sodi- and Cetrarin. Veratrnm Viride. um Tartrate. Coca: either extract, Prunes : stewed, often Convulsions, Infan- or as coca wine for efficient; if stewed tile. a nervine tonic. in infusion of senna Cod-Liver Oil. Aconite, Tincture. they are still more Cream. Alcohol : a small dose active. Eucalyptus: a tonic of wine or brandy Resin Jalap. arrests convulsions Rhamnns after malarial dise- Frangula ase. from teething. and Cathartica. Ferro-HemoL Asafetida: a small Rhubarb Compound Glycerinophosphates. dose in an enema Pill: at night; also Ouarana: same as arrests convulsions for children mixed , coca. from teething. with bicarbonate of Hemo-gallol. Baths: warm, with sodium. Hydrastine. cold affusions to the in Saline Waters: Hydrastis: as a sub- head. morning before bre- stitute for quinine. Belladonna: very use- akfast. Ichthalbin: to pro- ful. Senna: as confection, mote alimentation. Chloral Hydrate: in etc. large doses — 5 gm. Iron : as chalybeate Senna: with Cascara waters. (0.3 grm.) by mouth Sagrada. Koumys. or rectum. Soap: suppository in Chloral Hydrate: with Lime : as lime-water children. or carbonate of cal- Bromide. Sodium Chlorate. cium. Chloroform. Sodium Ethylsul- Malt Extract, Dry. Garlic Poultices : to phate. Nutrose. spine and lower ex- Sodium Phosphate. tremities. Opium : as enema for Stillingia: 10 minims insomnia. Ignatia: when intes- (0.6 cc.) of fluid ex- tinal irritation. Orexine : to stimulate tract. appetite, digestion Pilocarpine Hydro- in atony uremic). Strychnine: and assimilation. chlorate (in of the walls. Ice-Bag. Pancreatin: to aid di- Spinal in purga- due Sulphates: gestion.” Valerian: when waters, . Absinth. tive natural Pepsin: the same. to worms ore in small doses. Phosphates. Veratrnm. sometimes Sulphur: Phosphites.' very useful as a good Corneal Opacities. — Quinine. See also. Keratitis. addition to comp- Somatose. oundlicorice powder. Sumbul: where great Cadmium Sulphate. Pulp. Tamarind nervous excitability. Calomel. : 5 minims Tobacco Iodine : internally and cc.) of the wine at (0.3 Convulsions. — See locaUy. bedtime, or cigarette Mercury Oxide, Red. also . Albuminuria, after breakfast. Oxide, Yel- Hysteria, Mercury Treacle: with porridge, Epilepsy, Puerperal Convul- low. useful for children. Opium. sions, Uremia. Turpentine Oil : in Potassium Iodide. atonic constipation Acid, Phosphoric,*Di- Silver Nitrate: lo- with much gaseous luted. cally. distention of colon. Allyl Tribromide. Sodium Chloride: in- Water: draught in the Amyl Nitrite. jected under con- morning before Atropine.) junctiva. 132 PART II. INDICATIONS.

Sodium Sulphate. Pilocarpine Hydro- equal parts of alcohol Thiosinamine. chlorate. Cannabis Indica. Potassium Iodide. Carbonic Acid Gas: in- Quinine. halation in nervous Corns. Salicin. cough. Acid, Acetic. Sodium Benzoate. Cerium: in cough asso- Acid, Carbolic. Sozoiodole salts. ciated with vomiting. Acid, Chromic. Stearates. Chloral Hydrate: in Acid. Salicylic: satu- Sweet Spirit of Niter. respiratory neurosis. rated solution in Tartar Emetic. Chloroform:with a low collodion with ex- Thymol. dose of opium and tract of cannabis in- glycerine in violent if dica, ts dram to 1 fl. Coughs. — See also. paroxysmal cough ; Pertus- very violent to be oz f2.0 grm. : 30.0 cc.). Bronchitis, Acid, Trichloracetic. sis, Phthisis. painted over the Copper Oleate. Acid, Carbolic. throat. Iodine. Acid, Hydrobromic. Codeine. Mercury Bichloride. Acid, Hydrocyanic, Di- Cod-Liver Oil: one of Potassium Bichro- luted: for irritable the most useful of all mate. cough, and in phthi- remedies in cough. : in whooping Poultices: and plaster sis, and in reflex Conium with hole in centre cough arising from cough. to relieve of pres- gastric irritation. Creosote: in winter sure. Aconite: in throat- cough internally .and Silver Nitrate. cough and emphy- externally. Sodium Ethylate. sema. Cubehs : along with Alcohol: relief by linseed in acute ca- brandy or wine ag- tarrh. Coryza. — See also, ; Demulcents. Catarrh. gravation by beer or stout. Dionin. Acid, Camphoric. Alum: as spray or gar- Gaduol: to improve Acid, Sulpho-anilic. gle. nutrition. Acid, Tannic. Antipyrine. Gelsemium: in convul- sive and spasmodic Aconite Tinct. : in ear- Antispasmine. cough,with irritation ly stages. Argenti Nitras : in of the respiratory Allium : as a poultice throat cough, a solu- centre. to breast, or in tion of 8 grm. to the fl. Glycerine: along with emulsion, or boiled oz. (0.5 grn. : 30.0 cc.) in milk for children. applied to fauces. lemon juice, as an Amyl Nitrite. Apomorphine:in bron- emollient. Arsenic: taken for chitis with deficient Glycerinophosphates. months: for persis- secretion: and as Glycyrrhizin.Ammon- tent colds. emetic in chlidren iated. AntipyrineJ where there is excess Grindelia: in habitual Aristol of bronchial secre- or spasmodic cough. Belladonna. tion. Guaiacol. Bismuth Subnitrate. Asafetida: in the after Hyoscyamus: in tick- Bromides: for associ- cough from habit, ling night coughs. ated headache. and in the sympa- Ichthalbin: as altera- Camphor. thetic whooping- tive and assimilative. Cocaine. cough of mothers. Iodine: as inhalation Cuhebs. Belladonna:iu nervous in cough after meas- Formaldehyde: by in- cough and uncompli- les, or exposure to halation (2 per cent, cated whooping cold, associated with solnt.). cough. much hoarseness and Glycerine. Blue Pill: in gouty or wheezing of the Hamamelis. bilious pharyngeal chest. Hot "Mustard foot- irritation. Iodoform: in the cough bath. Butyl-ChloralHy- of phthisis Ichthyol. drate:in ni ght coughs Ipecacuanha; inter- Iodine Fumes, of phthisis. nally and as spr.ay lodole. Camphor : internally locally ; in obstinate Losophan. or locally, painted winter cough and Ment hoi. over the larynx with bronchial asthma. 133 Manuals ; :; ;


Ipecao. uanha and Iodoform. emetics; 3 to 5 grn. ScLuill Pill; in chronic lodoformogen. (b.2-0.3 grm.), given bronchitis at night. Iron Iodide. early. Lactucarium to Papain. relievo. Cramp. — See Spas- Petroleum. Laurocerasus, Aqua modic Affections. Pilocarpine Ilydroch- substitute for hydro- lorate. Potassium Chlorate. cyanic acid. Cretinism. Linseed : in throat Quinine; in spasmodic cough. Thyroid preparations. croup, in large doses. Lobelia: in whooping- Sanguinaria; a good cough and dry bron- emetic; take syrup Croup. — See also. chitic cough. ipecac, 2 fl. oz. Larynyismus Strid- Morphine. (60.0 cc.); pulv. san- ulus. Laryngitis, Nasal Douche: in nasal guin., 20grn.(1.2 grm.), Diphtheria. cough. pulv. ipecac, 5 grn. (0.3 grm.) give a teas- Nux Vomica. Acid, Carbolic: spray. ; Oil Bitter Almond. Acid, Lactic: to dis- poonful every quarter - hour till Opiates: morphine lo- solve membrane (1 in cally to the throat emesis, then half a 20) ; applied as spray and larynx, and gene- or painted over. teaspoonfnl every rally. Acid, Sulphurous: as hour. Senega: as an auxili- Peronin : admirable spray. sedative, without Aconite: in catarrhal ary. constipating action. croup. Sodium Bicarbonate. Potassium Bromide Alum: teaspoonful (Soda-water.) in reflex coughs. with honey or syrup Sozoidoole-S odium: insufflations. Potassium Carbonate: every 'A or Vs hour Potassa. in dry cough with until vomiting is in- Sulphurated little expectoration. duced; most useful Tannin : as spray, or tannin. Potassium Cyanide. emetic. glycerite of Prunus Virginiana. Antispasmine. Tartar Emetic : too Pulsatilla: as anemo- Apocodeiue. depressant in young children. nin Vb to 1 grn. (0.03- Apomorphine: as an some- 0.06 grm.) dose, in emetic; may cause Zinc Sulphate; used as an asthma and whoop- severe depression. times ing cough. Aspidospermine. emetic. Sandalwood Oil. Calomel; large doses, Sanguinaria: in to allay spasm and Croup, Spasmodic. — nervous cough. check formation of See Laryngismus

Tannin : as glycerite false membrane. stridulus. to fauces in the Chloral Hydrate. Cystitis. — See also, chronic inflamma- Copper Sulphate; 1 to 5 'Bladder, Irritable; tion especially in , grn. (0.06-0.3 grm.) Calculus: Dysuria children. according to age of - Enuresis ; He m a in winter Tar Water: child, until vomiting turia. cough, especially is induced. paroxysmal, bron- Creolin Vapors. Acid. Benzoic; in ca- chial and phthisical. Hydrogen Peroxide. tarrh with alkaline Theobromine salts. Ichthyol Vapors. urine. Thymol. Iodine. Acid, Boric: as boro- Valerian: in hysterical Ipecacuanha: must be glyceride as infection cough. fresh: if it does not in cystitis with an to Zinc Sulphate : in ner- succeed, other eme- alkaline urine due vous hysterical tics must be taken. fermentation. Camphoric. cough. Jaborandi : beneficial Acid, Zinc Valerianate. in a few cases. Acid, Carbolic, or Sul- phocarbolates; as an- Lime Water : spray, Coxalgia, — See also, most useful in adults. tiseptics. Gallic. Abscess, Caries, Lobelia ; has been Acid, Suppuration, Syno- used. Acid, Lactic. vitis. Mercury Cyanide. Acid, Osmic. Barium Chloride. Mercury Subsulphate; Acid, Oxalic. Salicylic: in Ichthyol. one of the best Acid, Itanual. 134 : : . INDICATIONS. PART II.

chronic cystitis with Myrtol. Daiidrulf. — See Pity- ammoniacal urine. Naplitol riasis, Aconite: when fever is Oil Eucalyptus. present Oil .luniper. Deafness. Alkalies: when urine Oil Sandal. Ammonium Chloride. is acid and the Opium: as enema to Cantharides: as oint- badder irritaldo and relievo pain. ment behind the oar. inflamed. Opium. Belladonna, or Colchicum : in gouty Ammonium Citrate: in Iodoform : supposi- persons. chronic cystitis. tories. Gargles : in t h r o a t- Antipyrine. Pareira : in chronic deafness. Arbntin: diuretic in cases. Gelseminine. chronic cystitis. Pichi Pichi. Glycerine: locally. Belladonna: most use- PotassiumBromide: to Morphine. ful to allay irritabi- relieve the pain. Quinine: in Meniere’s lity. Potassium Chlorate disease. Buchu: especially use- and other Potassium Tannin : in throat ful in chronic cases. salts, except bitar- deafness. trate. Calcium Hippurate. Turpentine Oil. Cannabis Indica. Pyoktanin. C anth arides or Quiniiie:in acutecases. See also, Cantharidin: in small Resorcin. Debility. — doses long continued, Saliformin Adynamia, Anemia, Convalescence. where there is a Salines. constant desire to Salol. Acid, Hypophosp bor- micturate. associated Silver Nitrate. ons. with much pain and Sodium Benzoate. Alcohol : along with strain. Sodium Borate. food often very use- Chimaphila:in chronic Sozoiodole - Sodium ful; liable to abuse cases. irrigations (1 per —not to be continued Collinsonia. cent.) too long; effect Copaiba: useful. Sozoiodole Zinc: irri- watched in aged pe- Creolin. gations ('/s per cent). ople with dry tongue •Cubebs. Strychnine. Arsenic : in young an- Demulcents (Almond- Sulphaminol. emic persons, alone Linseed-Poppy Seed Sulphites : to prevent or with iron, and in Emuls.) putrefaction'of urine. elderly persons with Eucalyptns:extremely Triticum Repens. feeble circulation. useful in chronic Turpentine Oil; in Berberine cases. chronic cases. Bitters: useful as to- Gallobromol. Uva Ursi: in chronic nic. Grindelia. cases. Calcium salts: phos- Gnaiacol. Zea Mays: a mild phates if from over- Guethol. diuretic. stimulant work or town life; Hot compress over hypophosphites in bladder. Cysts. — See also, nervous debility. Hot Enemata: to Ovaritis, Cholagogue Purgati- relieve the pain. Acupuncture. ves : when debility is Hot Sitz Bath. Chloride of Gold: in due to defective eli- Hygienic Measures. ovarian dropsy. miniation of waste. Hyoscyamus:to relieve Galvano-puncture. Cinchona: a fresh in- pain and irritability. Iodine: as an injection fusion along with Ichthyol Irrigations. after tapping. carbonate of ammo- Iodine and Iodides. Silver Nitrate: as an nium. injection. Iodoform or lodoform- Cod-Liver Oil. ogen: as suppository. Columbin. Cyanosis. — See also. Kava Kava. Digitalis: where cir- Leeches: to perineum. Asphyxia, Asthma. Dyspnea, Heart culation is feeble. Lithium Salts. Eucalyptus: in place Mercury Bichloride Affections. of quinine. solution to cleanse Amyl Nitrite. Extract Malt, Dry. bladder. Oxaphor. Gaduol: in cachexia. Methylene Blue. Oxygen. Glycerinophosphates. Milk Diet. Stimulants. Hemo-gallol- as a 135 MtrckU Manual, INIJICATIONS. PART II.

highly efficacious two or three hours antispasmodic. blood-ijroducer; non- in low muttering de- Butyl-chloralHydrate. constipating. lirium. Cannabis Indica: use- Hemol. Camphor, Monobrom. ful, and not danger- Hydrastis: in place of Cannabis I n d i c a : in ous. quinine. nocturnal delirium Capsicum; twenty to Iron : in anemic sub- occurring in soften- thirty grn. (1.2— 1.8 jects. ing of the brain. grm.) doses, repeated MagnesiumHypophos- Chloral Hydrate: in after three hours, to phite. violent delirium of induce sleep. Maltone Wines. fevers. Chloral Hydrate; if Manganese alone or Cold Douche: place the delirium follows with iron. patient in warm bath a debauch ; with cau- Morphine: subcutane- while administered. tion in old topers ously, if due to on- Hyoscyamus. and cases of weak anism or hysteria. Morphine: hypodermi- heart; instead ofsleep Nux Vomica: most cally. sometimes produces powerful general Musk: in the delirium violent delirium. tonic. of low fever, and in Chloroform:internally

Orexine : for building ataxic pneumonia of by stomach. up nutrition when of drunkards with Cimicifuga or Cimici- apetite lacking. severe nervous sym- fugin; as a tonic. Potassium Hypophos- toms. Coffee. phite. Opium with tartar Cold Douche or Pack: Quinine: general tonic. emetic. for insomnia.

Sanguinaria: when Quinine. Conium : as adjunct gastric digestion is Stramonium. to opium. feeble. Valerian: in the deli- Croton Oil: purgative.

Sarsaparilla : if syphi- rium o f adynamic Digitalis: in large litic taint is present. fevers. doses has had some Sea-bathing:inchronic success. illness with debility. Duboisine. Sodium Arsenate. Delii'inm Tremens. Enemata; nutritive^ also. Turkish Baths: if due — See Alcohol- when stomach does to tropical climate, ism. not retain food. with caution; in Acetanilid. Ethylene Bromide. townspeople, when Acid, Succinic. F ood .- nutritious; they become stout Alcohol: necessary more to be depen- and flabby. when the attack is ded on than anyth- due to a failure of ing else. Decubitus. — See Bed- digestion; not when Gamboge. Sore. it is the result of a Hyoscine Hydrobro- sudden large excess. mate. Delirium. — See also, Ammonium Carbona- Hyoscyamus; useful, Cerebral Congestion, te: in debility. like belladonna.prob- Fever, Mania. Amylene Hydrate. ably, in very violent Antimony: along with delirium. Acetanilid. opium, to quiet mani- Ice to Head: to check Alcohol: when delir- acal excitement and vomiting. ium is due to exhaus- give sleep. Lupulin; as an adjunct tion. Antispasmine. to more powerful

Antimony : along with Arnica: the tincture remedies opium in fever, such when there is great Morphine Valerianate. as typhus. depression Musk. Baths, Cold- in fever. Beef-tea: most useful. Nux Vomica. Belladonna: in the Belladonna: insomnia Opium: to be given delirium of typhus. when coma-vigil. with caution. Blisters: in delirium Bromoform. Paraldehyde. due to an irritant Bromide of Potassium: Potassium Bromide. poison, and not to in large doses, espe- Quinine: to aid di- exhaustion. cially when an attack gestion. Bromides. is threatening. Sodium Bromide. Champhor: in 20 grn. Bromated Camphor: Stramonium; more (1.2 grm.) doses every nervine, sedative, and powerful than bella- 13R Manual. INDICATIONS. PART II.

donna. Bismuth Subnitrate. lessen thirst. Strophanthns. Cocaine. Acidulated Water or Non-purgative Alka- Snmuul : in insomnia Ichthyol. and nervous depres- Lead Water. line Water: for thirst. sion and preceding Sozoiodole-Sodium. Aleuronat bread. an attack. Tropacocaine. Alkalies: alkaline wa- Tartar Emetic. ters are useful, when Diabetes Insipidus. Trional. of pancreatic origin, Valerian. Acetanilid. in obese subjects; and. Veratrum Viride; ve- Acid. Gallic. in delirium. ry dangerous. Acid, Nitric. Almond Bread. Zinc Oxide. Alum. Aloin. Zinc Phosphide. Antipyrine. Alum. Arsenic. Ammonium Carbo- Dementia Pai'alytica. Atropine. nate. Belladonna. Ammonium Citrate. Hyoscjamine. Creosote. Ammonium Phos- Paraldehyde. Dry Diet. phate. Physostigma. Ergot: carried to its Antipyrine. Thyroidin. full extent. Arsenic Bromide. Dengue. Gold Chloride: in a Arsenic: in thin sub- few cases. jects. Acid, Carbolic. Iron Valerianate. Belladonna: full do- Acid, Salicylic. in some ses. Aconite. Jaborandi: Belladonna. cases. Calcium Lactophos- lessen Emetics. Krameria: to phate. Neurodin. the quantity of urine. Calcium Sulphide. Opium. Lithium Carbonate or Cantharidin, Ointm^ Purgatives. Citrate with Sodium on the left hypochon- Quinine. Arsenite : in gouty drinm when of pan- Strychnine. cases. creatic origin. Muscarine: in some Codeine: a most effi- Dentition. cases. cient remedy; some- Antispasmine. Neurodin. times requires to bo Belladonna: in con- Opium: most useful; pushed to the extent vulsions. large doses if neces- of 10 grn. (0.6 grm.). Bromide of Potassi- sary. or more per diem. Pilocarpine. Colchicum and Iodi- um : to lessen irri- tability and to stop Potassium Iodide: in des. convulsions. syphilitic taint, Creosote. Calcium Hippurate. Rhus Aromatica. Diabetin. Camphor Monobro- Strychnine and Sul- Diet. mated phate of Iron: as Ergot. tonics. Calumba : in vomiting Ether. and diarrhea. Valerian: in large do- Exalgin. Cocaine Carbolate. ses. Glycerine: as remedy,, Hyoscyamus. Zinc Valerianate. and as food and as- Hypophosphites: sweetening agent in as Di.abetes Mellitus. tonic. place of sugar. CAUTION: The uri- Phosphate of Calci- Glycerinophosphates. ne of patients taking um : when delayed Gold Bromide. salicylic acid gives or defective. Gold Chloride. Trommer’s test Tropacocaine: for Guaiacol. weak sugar. solution rubbed in- Gymnema leaves in to gums. Diagnose the primary diabetic parageusia. disease. Dermatalgia. Hemo-gallol: efficaci- Acetanilid. ous hematinic in ane- Cocaine. Acid, Arsenous. mic cases. Menthol. Acid, Gallic, with Hydrogen Dioxide. Tropacocaine. opium. Ichthalbin. Acid, Lactic. Dermatitis. Iodoform. Acid. Phosphoric: Di- lodole. Aluminium Oleate. luted. Iron: most useful Arsenic. Acid, Phosphoric: to along with morphine^ 137 Mtrek'» Manual, : : ;


Jaborundi. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- children. Jarabul. ric: when there is in- Bismuth Citrate. ' Krameria. testinal dyspepsia. Bismuth Phosphate, Levulose. Acid, Nitrous: m pro- Soluble. Litbinm Carbonate or fuse serous diarrhea, Bismuth Salicylate. Citrate witk Arsenic: and the sudden diar- Bismuth Subgallate. if due to Rout. rhea of hot climates. Blackberry. Methylene Blue. Acid, Salicylic: in sum- Cajeput Oil: along Neurodine. mer diarrhea, and with camphor, Nux Vomica. diarrhea of phthisis. chloroform and Pancreatin : if due to Acid. Sulphuric, opium in serous di- pancreatic disease. diluted in diarrhea arrhea. Pilocarpine Hydro- of phthisis. Calcium Carbolate.

chlorate. Aconite: in high fever Calcium Carbonate : Potassium Bromide. and cutting abdomi- the aromatic chalk Purgatives, Restricted nal pains. mixture in the diar- Diet and Exercise Alkalies: in small rhea of children, and if due to high living doses in diarrhea of of phthisis and andsedentary habits. children, if due to typhus. Quinine. excess of acid in the Calcium Chloride: in Rhubarb. intestine ca'using the colliquative diar-

Saccharin ; as a harm- colic and a green rhea of strumous less sweetener in stool also in fatty children, and in place of sugar. diarrhea. chronic diarrhea Salicylates. Alum. with weak digestion. Salines. Aluminium Acetate Calcium Permanga - Saliformin. Solution. nate. Salol. Ammonium Carbo- Calcium Phosphate Skim-Milk Diet. nate: in the after- in chronic diarrhea, Sodium Bicarbonate: stage, if there is a especiallyof children. by intravenous in- continuous watery Calcium Salicylate. jection in diabetic secretion. Calcium Sulphate. coma and per os (in Ammonium Chloride Calomel: in minute di- . large doses 100 —200 in intestinal catarrh. doses in chronic grm.j daily. Argentic Nitrate: in arrhea of children Sodium Citrate. acute and chronic di- with pasty white

Sodium Phosphate : as arrhea as astringent. stools. purgative. Aristol. Calumba. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Arnica. Calx Saccharata : in Sulfonal. Aromatics: in nervous the chronic diarrhea Thymol. irritability or relaxa- and vomiting of Transfusion. tion without inflam- young children. Urea. mation. Camphor ; in the early Uranium Nitrate. Arsenic: a few drops stage of Asiatic chol- Zinc Valerianate. of Fowler’s solution era, at the commence- in diarrhea excited ment of summer di- Diarrhea. — See also, by taking food; in arrhea. acute diar- Dysentej'y, Cholera. diarrhea with pas- rhea of children, and Acid, Boric. sages of membrane- diarrhea brought on Acid, Camphoric. ous shreds, associ- by effluvia. Acid, Carbolic. ated with uterine Camphor, Monobro- Acid, Gallic. derangement; and mated. Acid, Lactic. along w'ith opium in Cannabis Indica. chronic diarrhea of Capsicum: in diarrhea Acids, Mineral : in pro- fuse serous dis- malarial origin. from fish; in summer diarrhea; in diarrhea , charges, and in chol- Belladonna: in colli- ' expulsion of era infantum. quative diarrhea. after irritant. Jl.cid, Nitric: with nux Betol. Disulphide. vomica to assist mer- Bismal. Carbon Cascarilla. cury, when due to Bismuth Subnitrate: hepaticderangement; in large doses in Castor Oil: in the diar- combined with pep- chronic diarrhea; rhea of children. i sin when this is the with grey powder in Castor Oil and Opium: I case with children. the diarrhea of to carry away anyr 138 M»rek’» Munual. ;


irritant. Eudoxin. Sublimate. Catechu: astringent. Flannel Binder: ad- Monesia Extract. Chalk Mixture, see junct in children. Morphine Sulphate. Calcium Carbonate. Gaduol; as tonic in Mustard: plaster. Charcoal: in foul scrofulous and weak- Naphtalin. evacuations. ly children. Naphtol. ve- Chirayta. Galls : in chronic diar- Naphtol Benzoate, Chloral Hydrate. rhea. ry useful. Chloroform: as spirits Geranium. Nutmeg. with opium after a Ginger. NuxVomica:in chronic purgative. Guaiacol. cases. Chlorodyne. Guaiacol Carbonate. Oak Bark: infnsion,as-

Cinnamon. Guarana : in conval- tringent. Cloves. escence. Opium: in tubercular Cocaine: in serous di- Hematoxylon: mild as- and typhoid diar- arrhea. tringent, suitable to rhea; in acute, after Codeine. children from its expulsion of offen-

Cod-Liver Oil : to chil- sweetish taste. ding matter; as an dren with pale stink- Ice to Spine. enema, with starch,

ing stools. Injection : of starch in the acute fatal di-

Cold or Tepid Pack : in water at 100“ F., with arrhea of children. summer diarrhea of tinct. opii and acetate Pancreatin. children. of lead or sulphate of Paraformaldehyde.

Copaiba : for its local copper, in the choler- Pepsin : along with ni- action in chronic aic diarrhea of chil- tro-hy drochloric acid. cases. dren. Podophyllin. Copper Arsenite. Iodine. Podophyllum: in

Copper Sulphate; one- Ipecacuanha : drop chronic diarrhea, tenth grn. (0.006 grm.) doses of the wine with highcolored along with opium in every hour in the dys- pale or frothy stools. acute and chronic di- enteric diarrhea of Potassium Chlorate arrhea, associated children, marked by in chronic cases with with colicky pains green slimy stools. mucilaginous stools. and catarrh. Ipecacuanha deemeti- Potassium Iodide. nisata, useful. Corrosive Sublimate: very Pulsatilla : in catar- in small doses in Iron Sulphate. rhal. acnte and chronic Kino: astringent. Quinine. watery diarrhea, Krameria: astringent. Resorcin. Lead Acetate : in sup- marked by slimy or Rhubarb : to evacuate hloody stools of pository or by mouth; intestine. in children and adults; summer diarrhea Rumex Crispus : in and diarrhea of (simple in children, morning diarrhea. with phthisis and typhoid. morphine in Salicin: in catarrh and adults); Coto Bark; in catar- with opium chronic diarrhea of in rheal diarrhea. purging due to ty- children. Cotoin. phoid or tubercular Saline Purgatives. disease, Creolin. in profuse Salol. Creosote. serous discharge, and Silver Chloride. in Diet: for summer diar- purging attended Silver Nitrate. rhea. with inflammation. Silver Oxide Magnesia: Dulcamara; in diar- antacid for Sodium Borate. children. rhea of children from Sodium Carbolate. teething and ex- Magnesium Salicylate. Sodium Paracresotate Menthol. posure. Sodium Phosphate. Rnteroclysis : when Mercury: the gray Sodium Thiosulphate. mucous form be- powder in diarrhea Starch, Iodized. comes chronic. of children, marked Tannalbin: has a very Ergot: in a very by derangement of wide range of indica- chronic diarrhea suc- intestinal secretion tions. ceeding to an acute and stinking stools; Tannin with Opium; in attack. to be withheld where acute and chronic in- Erigeron Canadense. masses of undigested ternally, or as enema. Eucalyptol or Euca- milk are passed; in Tannoform very useful. lyptus. adults, see Corrosive Thymol. 139 Mtrck’n Manual, INDICATIONS. PART II.

Tribomphcnol. nally : locally in Pyoktanin: topically. Veratnim Album; in sloughing of the Quinine: strong solu- summer diarrhea. throat. tion or spray. Zinc Sulphate. Cold: externally. Resorcin; spray. Copper Sulphate; as Sassafras Oil: locally. Diphtheria. emetic. Sodium Benzoate: in Acetanilid. Creolin. large doses, and pow- Acid, Benzoic: in large Creosote. der insufflated. doses. Cnbeb. Sodium Borate. Acid, Boric; or Borax: Eucalyptol. Sodium Hyposulphite, glycerine solution lo- Ferropyrine. or Sulphites: inter- cally. Gnaiacnm: internally. nally and locally. Acid, Carbolic: as Hydrogen Peroxide. Sodium Snlphocarbo- spray or painted on Ichthyol: paint. late. throat; internally Ice : to neck, and in Sozoiodole-Potassium: with iron. mouth; with iron as dusting-powder Acid, Carbolic, Gly cer- chloride internally if with sulphur. ite of; painted over suppuration thre- Sozoiodole-S odium: twice a day. atens. as preceding; or as Acid, Hydrochloric: di- Iodine; as inhalation. solution. lute as gargle, or Iron: the perchloride Strychnine- subcuta- strong as caustic. in full doses by the neously for paralysis. Acid, Lactic: a spray mouth, and locally Sulphocarbolates. or local application of painted over the Sulphur. a solution of 1 dram throat. Tannin; five per cent, Lemon Juice gargle. to the oz (4.0: 30.0 cc.) : solution as a spray. of water, to dissolve Lime Water : most ser- Thymol. the false membrane. viceable in adults, as Tolu Balsam. Acid, Salicylic; locally a spray. Tonics. as gargle, or inter- Mercury; internally as Tribromphenol. nally. calomel or cyanide, 1 Acid, Sulphurous. /20— '/4o of a grn. Dipsomania. — See Acid, Tartaric. (0.003-0.0015 grm.) Alcoholism. Aconite. Mercury Bichloride. Mercury Oxycyanide. Dropsy. — See also. Alcohol ; freely given, very useful. Methylene Blue. Ascites, Hydrocele, Alum. Milk Diet. Hydrocephalus, Hy- Ammonium Chloride. Oil Turpentine. drothorax, eta. Antitoxin. Merch’s Oxygen: inhalations, Aconite: at once in which see page 11. with strychnine and dropsy of scarlet Apomorphine; as an atropine hypodermi- fever if temperature emetic. cally. If suffocation should rise. Argentic Nitrate: of is imminent, intuba- Acupuncture; in oede- doubtful value. tion or tracheotomy ma about the ankles, Arsenic: internally. may be necessary. to be followed up by Asaprol. Papain; as solvent of hot bathing; not Aseptol. false membrane. much use in tricus-

Belladonna: at com- Pepsin : as membrane pid disease. mencement, especial- solvent, locally. Ammonium Benzoate: ly useful when tonsils Pilocarpine Hydro- in hepatic dropsy. are much swollen and chlorate: internally; Ammonium Chloride: there is little exuda- sometimes aids in in hepatic dropsy.

tion : later on, to sup- loosening the false Antihydropin a crys- port the heart. membrane. talline principle ex- Bromine: as inhala- PotassaSolution: tracted from cock- tion. internally. roaches; is a power-

Calcium Bisulphite ; Potassium Bichro- ful diuretic in scar- solution, as paint. mate; as emetic. latinal dropsy; 15 gm. Calomel. Potassium Chlorate: (1.0 grm.) as a dose for Chloral Hydrate. internally.frequently an adult; the insect Chlorinated-Soda So- repeated, and locally is used in Russia. lution; as gargle or as a gargle Apocynum cannabin- wash. Potassium Permanga- iim.

Chlorine Water : inter- nate: as gargle. Arbutin. 140 : —


Arsenic: in dropsy of Hemol-gallol; when solution before food feet from fatty heart, marked anemia pres- is taken. debility, or old age. ent. Taraxacum. Asclepias Syria ca: Iron: to correct ane- Theobromine and may be combined mia; along with sa- salts.

with apocynnm. line purgatives. Turpentine Oil : in al- Broom: one of the most Jaborandi: in renal buminuria. nsefnl diuretics, espe- dropsy with suppres- Urea pura. cially in scarlatinal, sion of renal func- Dropherine Benzoate. renal, and hepatic tion. Dropherine Salicylate dropsy. Jalap: in some cases. very useful. Bryonia: as drastic Juniper: exceedingly purgative, and diu- useful in cardiac, and Duodenal Catarrh. retic. chronic, not acute See also, Jaundice, Cactus Grandiflorus renal trouble. Biliousness. tincture. Magnesium Sulphate. Acid, Citric. Caffeine: in cardiac Mercury. Acid, Nitro-hydro- and chronic renal Milk Diet. chloric. dropsy. Nitrous Ether : useful Arsenic : in catarrh of Calomel with jalap. alone, or with other bile-ducts as a se- Cannabis Indica: as diuretics. quela. diuretic. Oil Croton. Bismuth. Chenopodium Anthel- Oil Juniper. Calomel. minticum : in scarla- Oleander. Diet: Avoid fatty ali- tinal dropsy. Oxysparteine. ments. Chimaphila: in renal Parsley a stimulant Gold and SodiumChlo- drojpsy. diuretic. ride. Cimicifugin. Paracentesis Abdomi- Hydrastis: in catarrh Colchicum : in hepatic, nis. associated with gall cardiac, and scarla- Pilocarpine Hydro- stones. tinal dropsy. chlorate. Colocynth. Potassium Ipecacuanha. Bicarbo- Podophyllum. Convallaria; used by nate. Potassium Bichrom- the Russian peas- Potassium Bitartrate ate. antry. and Acetate with Rhubarb. Copaiba : especially in CompoundJalapPow- Salol. hepatic and cardiac der: most useful of Sodium Phosphate. dropsy: not certain the hydragogue ca- in renal. thartics. Dysentery.—A'ee also, Digitalin. Potassium Carbonate. Diarrhea, Enteritis. Digitalis: in all drop- Potassium Iodide: in Acid, Boric: contin- sies, but especially large doses, some- uous irrigation with cardiac dropsies. In- times a diuretic in a two way tube. fusion is best form. renal dropsy. Acid, Digitoxin in Carbolic. enema or Potassium Nitrate hypodermically. : as Acid, Gallic. diuretic. Acid, Diet: dry. Nitro-hydro- PotassiumandSodium chloric. Elaterium orElaterin: Tartrate. Acid, Nitrous: in the useful hydragogues Resin Jalap. chronic dysentery of carthartics, especi- Resorcin. hot climates. ally in chronic renal Rhus Toxicodendron. Acid, Tannic. disease should not ; Saliformin. Aconite: when much be given in exhaus- Saline Purgatives. fever. tion. Sambucus. Alum: to control the Erythrophleum;incar- Scorparin. diarrhea. diac dropsy instead Scorparius Infusion. Aluminium Acetate: of digitalis, Senega: in renal solution. Eerropyrine. dropsy. Ammonium Chloride. Each sine. Squill : in cardiac Aristol. Gamboge never to be dropsy. Arnica : where used! much Strophanthus : in car- depression. Gold. diac dropsy. Arsenic: Fowler’s Hellebore: in so- post-scar- Sulphate of Magne- lution along with latinal dropsy. opi- sium : a concentrated um if due to malaria. 141 Manual. ; :


Baptisin. Magnesium Sulphate: Ammonium Chloride. Belladonna. in acute cases in Amyl Nitrite: in neu- Benzoin: in chronic early stage. ralgic form. cases. Mercury Bichloride. Anemonin. Berberine Carbonate: Morphine Sulphate. Antipyrine. in chronic intestinal Naphtalin. Apiol (Oil of Parsley): catarrh. Naphtol, Alpha. as emmenagogue in Bismal. Nux Vomica: in epi- neuralgic form to Bismuth. demic cases, and ; be given just before Bismuth Subgallate. where prune juice the expected Bismuth Subnitrate. period. stools and much de- Arsenic: when mem- Calomel: in acute pression. branous discharge asthenic type. Oil Eucalyptus. from uterus. Castor Oil: in small Opium: to check the Atropine. doses, with opium. diarrhea; given after Belladonna: in neu- Cathartics: to cause the action of a sa- ralgic form along local depletion. line. ; with synergists. Cold: Enemata of ice Potassium Bitartrate: Borax: in membra- cold water relieve to in advanced stages nous form. pain tenesmus. and where much mucus. Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: Copaiba: in some ca- Potassium Chlorate in neuralgic form. ses. as enema. Cajeput Oil. Copper Arsenite. Quinine Sulphate: in Camphor: frequently Copper Sulphate. large doses in ma- repeated in nervous Corrosive Sublimate: larial cases, followed subjects. in small doses, when by ipecacuanha. Cannabis Indica: ve- ’ stools are slimy and Saline Purgatives. ry useful bloody. Salol. Cerium Oxalate. Creolin. Silver Chloride. Cetrarin. Creosote. Silver Nitrate: as in- Chloral amide. Enemata. jection. Chloral Hydrate. Ergotin: in very chro- Silver Oxide. Chloroform: vapor lo- nic type. Soda Chlorinata: as cally. Glycerine : w'ith lin- en ema. Cimicifuga: in con- seed tea, to lessen Sodium Carbolate. gestive cases at com- tenesmus. Sodium Nitrate. mencement. Grape Diet. Strychnine. Cimicifugin. Hamamelis: where Sulphur: in chronic Codeine. much blood in mo- cases. Coninm. tions. Tannalbin. Copper Arsenite. Hydrogen Peroxide. Tannin: conjoined Electricity : the gal- Ice Water: injections. with milk diet in vanic current in neu- Injections: in early chronic disease. ralgic; an inverse emollient Tannoform. current in conges- stages, ; in later, astringent. Ttibromphenol. tive. Iodine. Turpentine Oil: with Ergot: in congestive Ipecacuanha: in 30 opium when the cases at commence- symptoms have grn. G grm.) doses acute ment, especially if on empty stomach, passed off; also in following sudden ar- with complete rest epidemic of a low rest. or as enema, with type. Ether small quantity of Zinc Oxide. Ethyl Bromide. by fluid milk is a good Zinc Sulphate: Euraenol which see ; vehicle. mouth or enema. page 98. Ipecacuanha deemeti- Perropyrine. nisata very useful. Dysmenorrhea. Gelseminine.

Iron : internally, or as Acetanilid. Gelseminm. enemata. Acid. Salicylic. Ginger: if menses are Lead Acetate, by. Aconite: in conges- suddenly suppressed. mouth, or as enema tive form in pletho- Gold" and Sodium or suppository, along rics; or sequent to Chloride. with opium. sudden arrest. Gossypinm. Lemon Juice. Aloes. Guaiacum; in rheu- Magnesium Salicylate Ammonium Acetate. matic oases. 142 Ifmk’i MantiaL — :


Hamamelis: often re- Acid, lactic: in im- Chloral Hydrate. lieves. perfect digestion. Chloroform. Hemogallol. Acid, Nitric: with bit- Cholagogues: often Hemol. ter tonics. very useful. Hot Sitz-bath. Acid, Nitro-hydro- Cinchona.

llyilrastinine Hydro- chloric. Cocaine : in nervous chlorate. Acid, Sulphurous: in dyspepsia, grn. Ipecacuanha; as an acid pyrosis and (0.015 grm.) twice or emetic. vomiting. three times a day.

Iron: in anemia. Acid, Tannic : in irri- Cod-Liver Oil : in the Magnesium Sulphate. table dyspepsia. sinking at the epi- Manganese Dioxide. Alcohol: along with gastrium in the aged

Morphine : like opium. food when digestion without intestinal ir- Nux Vomica: in neu- is impaired by fa- ritation. ralgic form. tigue, etc. Colchicum: in gouty

Opium : exceedingly Alkalies: very useful subjects. useful in small do- before meals in ato- Cold Water: half a ses of 3 to 5 min. nic dyspepsia, or two tumbler half an hour (0.2—0.3 cc.) of tinc- hours after. before breakfast. ture alone, or along Aloes; as dinner pill, Columbin. with 3 or 4 grn. (0.2 along with nux vo- Creosote: if due to- chloral 0.25 grm.) of mica , in ha bitual fermentative chan- hydrate. constipation. ges. Picrotoxin. Arsenic: 1 min. (0.06 Diastase of Malt.

Piscidia Erythrina. cc.) of liquor before Eucalyptus ; in atonic- Pulsatilla; like aco- meals in neuralgia dyspepsia due to the

nite. of the stomach , or presence of sarcinm.

Quinine. diarrhea excited by Gentian : in atony and Rue. food. flatulence. Silver Oxide. Asafetida. Ginger: an adjunct. Sodium Borate. BeUadonna: to lessen Glycerine. Strychnine. pain and constipa- Glycerinophosphates. Stypticin: useful uter- tion. Gold: the chloride in ine sedative. Berberine. nervous indigestion.

Sumbul. Bismuth Citrate. Hops : a substitute for Triphenin. Bismuth Subgallate. alcohol. Viburnum. Bismuth Subnitrate Hot Water: a tumbler Water: cold and hot, when stomach is ir- twice or three times alternately dashed ritable and in flatu- ; between meals, in over loins in atonic lence. acid dyspepsia, fla- cases. Bitters: given with tolence, and to re- Zinc Cyanide. acids or alkalies, to press craving for al- stimulate digestion. cohol. Dyspepsia.— See also. Bryonia; in bilious Hydrastis or Hydras- Acidity, Biliottaness, headache. tine Hydrochlorate: Flatulence, Gastral- Calabar Bean: in the in chronic dyspepsia gia. Pyrosis . — Take phantom tumor so- or chronic alcoho- notice of theeth, mas- metimes accompany- lism. tication and insali- ing. Hydrogen Peroxide. cation. Calcium Saccharate. Ichthalbin. Absinthin. Calcium Sulphite. Ipecacuanha: useful Acids: before or after Calomel. adjunct to dinner meals, especially ni- pill, in chronic irri- Calumba : very useful. tro-hy dr o chloric Cannabis Indica. table dyspepsia. acid. Capsicum: in atonic Iron and Bismuth Ci- Acid, Carbolic. dyspepsia. trate. Acid, Gallic: in pyro- Cardamoms. Iron Phosphates. sis. Castor Oil. Kino: in pyrosis. Acid, Hydrochloric, Cerium Nitrate. Lime Water. Dilute: after a meal, Cerium Oxalate. Magnesia: in acid dys- especially if there is Cetrarin. pepsia. diarrhea. Chamomile. Malt Extract, Dry. Acid Hydrocyanic: in Charcoal: for flatu- Manganese : in gastro- irritable cases. lence. dynia and pyrosis. 143 Htrck’t Manual. , , :


Menthol. Silver Oxide. back: when due to Mercury: as chola- Sodium Sulphocarbo- cardiac or pulmon- KOgiie. late: in flatulence ary trouble. Morphine: subcuta- and spasm after a Ether. neously in irritable meal. Ethyl Iodide. subjects. Sodium Thiosulphate. Grindelia. Naphtol. Somatose Hyoscyamus. Naphtol Benzoate. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Lobeline. Nux Vomica: exceed- Strontium Bromide. Morphine. ingly useful in most Strychnine. Opium. forms along with Taka-Diastase. Oxaphor. mineral acids. Taraxacum. Oxygen. Opium: in sinking at Terebene. Pilocarpine Hydro- the stomach parti- Turkish Bath: in ma- chlorate. ally relieved by food laise after dining out. Potasium Cyanide. which, at the same Wahoo (Euonymin): Potassium Iodide. time, produces diar- as a cholagogue. Pyridine. rhea, a few drops of Xanthoxylum: as Spermine. tincture before me- stomachic tonic. Stramonium: tincture. als with nux vomica Strophanthin. ; Dysphagia. in palpitation, etc. Strychnine. Orexine Tannate; ve- Acid, Hydrocyanic: as Terebene. ry potent. gargle Terpin Hydrate. Pancreatin: I'h or 2 Bromide of Potassium: Theobromine Sodio- hours after meals in hysterical dyspha- Salicylate. very useful. gia; or dysphagia of Thoracentesis: if there Papain. liquids in children. is pleural effusion. Pepper: in atonic in- CajeputOil: in nervous Valerian. digestion. dysphagia. Dysuria. See also, Peppermint Oil. Cocaine or better — Pei>sin: sometimes Tropacocaine: in ton- Vesical Sedatives Irritable; very useful with me- sillitis, etc as cause, Bladder. and Cystitis. als; and in apepsia 4 per cent, solution of infants. painted over also in Alkalies: when urine Picrotoxin. dysphagia, caused by very acid. Podophyllin: a chola- oesophageal diver- Arbutin. gogue, used instead ticula. Belladonna. Fluids: slowly mercury useful Iced : in stran- of ; Camphor along with nux vom- swallowed in spas- gury- ica and mineral modic dysphagia. Cannabis Indica: in acids. Iron. hematuria. Potassa. Solution of. Quinine. Cantharides: tincture. Potassium Bicarbo- Strychnine. Chimaphila. nate. Conium. Potassium Carbonate. Dyspnea. — See also, Digitalis. Potassium Iodide. Angina Pectoris Ergot: in p a r a 1 y 3 i s, Potassium Permanga- Asthma, Bronchitis, when bladder feels n.ate: like manganese. Croup. Eniphgsema imperfectly emptied. Potassium Sulphide. Phthisis. Gelseminm. Ptyalin. Acid,'Hydrocyanic, Di- Gelseminine. Pulsatilla. luted. Hyoscyamus. Quassia Adonis Aestivalis: Nitrous Ether. Quinine: in elderly tincture. Nutmeg. people, and to check Adonidin. Oleobalsamic Mixture. flatulence. Ammonium C a r b o - Opium. Resorcin. nate. Strychnine. Rhubarb. Amyl Nitrite. Ear-ache. Saccharin. Arsenic. Salol. Aspidospermine. Almond Oil. Sanguinaria: in Bitter Almond Water. Atropine: along with atonic dyspepsia. Cherry Laurel Water, opium. the Serpentaria. Chloroform. Blisters : behind ear. Silver Nitrate : in neu- Cimicifugin. Brucine. ralgic cases. Dry Cupping over

Utrtk’l tfnit m l. 144 ;


Cardiac Sedatives: in- bound over. Arsenic: applicable ternally. Ice. only in squamous

Cliloroforni ; on swab, Massage. and chronic form, behind and in front Solomon’s Seal (Gon- not in acute. of ear. vallaria): the juice Belladonna: internal- Cocaine- as spray. of the root, especi- ly, or atropine sub- Ether Vapor: to tym- ally in a “black eye“. cutaneously in acute panum. stage. Eclampsia. — See Pu- (ilycerine. Benzoin: compound erperal Convulsions. Heat, Dry: locally. tincture painted on Hop Ponltice. Ecthyma. to relieve itching. Bismuth:' where there lllicinm. Borax. Inflation of Eustachi- is much exudation, Cod-Liver Oil: intern- an tube with Polit- the powder, or oint- ally and locally. zer’s air bag. ment, either of sub- Chrysarobin. Lead Acetate and ' nitrate or carbonate. Copper Salts. Opium : as wash. Bismuth Subgallate. Gaduol : internally, as Leeching: behind ear. Bismuth Subnitrate. resolvent Menthol and Liquid tonic. Black Wash. Grape regimen. Petrolatum as spray. Blister: in chronic Ichthalbin: internally, Opium. cases, especially- of as assimilative and Pulsatilla. hand. regulator of nutri- Puncturing of tym- Borax: the glycerite tive processes. panum if it bulge, in eczema of the Ichtbyol: topically. followed by careful scalp and ears. Lead: locally. cleansing and insuf- Boric Acid Ointment: Quinine: for the mal- flation of boric acid. topically, especially nirtrition. S 0 ap -Solutions in in eczema of the Zinc Oxide: locally. order to clean the vulva. ear Calcium • Ectropium and En- Lithio car- Water: hot as it can tropium. bonate. be borne, dropped Calcium Sulphide. ' into tbe ear. Collodion. Camphor: powder to Ear Affections. — See Silver Nitrate. allay heat and itch- Operative ing also, Ear-ache, De- treatment. Cantharides. af7iess, Myringitis, Eczema. Oil ; oint- Otalgia, Otitis, Otor- Cashew Nut rhea, Vertigo. Acetanilid. ment in chronic ca- Acid, ses. Acid Boric. Carbolic: intern- Chloral Hydrate : as Antipyonin. ally and locally. Acid, ointment half dram Bismuth Subgallate. Salicylic: lo- in 07. (2.0 grm. : 30.0 Cimicifuga. cally, if there is much cc.) of petrolatum Cocaine Hydrochlo- weeping. Acid, Picric. or as lotion. rate (ringing), Alkalies: weak solu- Chrysarobin. Diiodoform. Cinchona: powdered ' tions Electricity. as a constant bark locally as an Hydrogen dressing. Peroxide to astringent. soften ear-wax. Alum: to check a lodole. profuse discharge; Citrine Ointment: Pyoktanin. not curative. locally, alone or with Sodium Bromide. Alumnol. tar ointment, in ec- Sodium Borate, Neu- Ammonium Carbo- zema of the eyelids. tral. nate : along with Cocaine: to allay itch- Sozoiodole-Zinc. fresh infusion of ing in scrotal ec- Tropacocaine. cinchona. zema. Ammonium Urate. Cocoa Nut Oil: in ec- Ecchyiiiosis. — See Anacardium Orien- zema narium. also, Bruises, Pur- tale. Cod-Liver Oil: in ec- pura. Argentic Nitrate : sim- zema of children due Alcohol: externally. ple solution, or so- to malnutrition; and Ammonia. lution in nitric ether, locally to akin to Arnica: internally painted over, in prevent cracking. and externally. chronic form. Collodion. Compressed Sponge: Aristol. Conium.

145 Umk’t Xanttal. 10 :


Copper Sulphate : as- Nutgall. stages. tringent. Oil Croton. Yolk of Egg: with ' Creolin. Oil o f Ca d e: with water locally. Diaphtherin. adeps lan.-p. Zinc: the oxide and Electricity : central Phosphorus. carbonate as dusting galv.anization in very Phytolacca: in obsti- powders; the oxide obstinate cases. nate cases. as ointment if the Eucalyptol; with iodo- Plumbago: ointment raw surface is indo- form and adeps lanse in eczema aurium. lent after inflamma- in dry eczema. Potassium Acetate: tion has subsided. Eugenol. internally. Zinc Oleate. Gaduol: internally in Potassium Cyanide: scrofula or malnu- to allay itching. Elephantiasig (Arah- trition. Potassium Iodide. um. Pachydermia I. Gallicin. Potato Poultice: cold, Anacardium Orien- Gallanol. sprinkled with zinc tals. Gallobromol. oxide, to allay itch- Arsenic: along with Gelanthum. ing. five or six times as Glycerine: as local Pyoktanin. much black pepper. emollient after an Resorcin. Cashew Nut Oil. attack. Rhus Toxicodendron: Gurjnn Oil. Glycerite of Aloes: in internally and ex- Iodine: internally and eczema aurium. ternally; where much externally.

Hamamelis : locally to burning and itching, Oil Chaulmoogi-a. allay itching. and in chronic ecze- Sarsaparilla. Hygienic measures ma of rheumatism and Diet. worse at night-time. Emissions and Erec- Ichthalbin: internal- Salol. tions. — See also, ly as assimilative Soap: a glycerine so- Chordee, Sperma- , and tonic ap to wash with, torrhea, and the list Ichthyol: locally, night and morning, of Anaphrodisiacs lodole. will allay itching; Acetanilid. lodoformogen. green soap. Antispasmin. Iris Versicolor: in Sodium Arsenate. Belladonna. chronic gouty cases. Sozoiodole-Potassi-J Bromalin. Iron Arsenate. um. Bromides. Iron Sulphate. Starch Poultice. Bromipin. Jaborandi. Sulphides or Sulphur Bromo-hemol. Lead Carbonate. internally and as , Camphor, Monobro- Lead Salts: where baths; but not in mated. acute stage. there is much inflam- Chloral Hydrate. mation and weep- Sulphur Iodide. Cimicifuga. ing, a lotion con- Tannin Glycerite: af- Cocaine Hydrochlor- ter removal of the taining a glycerine ate.

scales or tar . or preparation; if dry ; Hygienic Measures. and itching, a strong other ointment, may Hyoscine. required to com- solution or an oint- be Iron. ment. plete cure. Lupulin. Liquor carbonis de- Tannoform : Ointment Potassium Citrate. tergens. lOO/o. Strychnine and Arse- Tar: ointment: and Lime Water: a seda- nic: in full dose. internaUy as pill or tive and astringent; Warm Bath : before in very in later stages with capsule retiring. glycerine. chronic form. Thymol. Lithia: in gouty sub- of the Tropacocaine to allay Emphysema jects. lung . See also, Asth- itching. — Losophan. Bronchitis, Dys- Thyroidin. ma, Menthol. pnea. Mercury Ammonia- Turkish Bath. , ted. Viola Tricolor: infu- Apomorphine : when Mercury Oleate. sion along with sen- secretion is scanty. Methylene Blue: in na; externally as Asafetida. eczema of the lids. ointment. Arsenic: in subjects Naphtol. Warm Baths: in acute who are affected with ManuaL 146 i PART II. INDICATIONS.

dyspnea on catching cavity. on cotton wool probe, a very slight cold. Acid, Salicylic: same in chronic form. Especially valnable as above. Acid, Chromic: strong if following on re- Carbolate of Iodine: solution, 1.5 grn. in trocession of rash. same as above. 1 fl. dram of hot Aspidospermine. Chlorine Water; same water in catarrh. Belladonna: if bron- as above. Acid, Nitric. chitis and dyspnea Creosote. Alumnol.

are severe. Gaduol ; as tonic. Aristol. Bleeding: when right Ichthalbin: as assimi- Calcium Bisulphite: side of heart en- lative and alterative. solution. gorged. Iodine: same as car- Curettage. Chloral Hydrate: in bolic acid. Ergot: subcutaneous- acute if sudden, a Iodoform. ly- single large dose; if lodoforraogen. Europhen. long continued, small Pyoktanin. Formaldehyde. doses. Styrone. Glycerine: locally. Cod-Liver Oil: one of Quinine; same"as'car- Gold and Sodium the best remedies. boIic"acid. Chloride. Coniine. Hot Water Injections. Endocai'ditis. Compressed Air: in- — See Hydrargyri Bichlori- haled. also, Myocarditis dum : injection. Cubebs: the tincture Pericarditis. Hydrastinine Hydro- sometimes relieves Acid, Salicylic: in the chlorate. like a charm. rheumatic form. Ichthyol. Digitalis. Aconite: in small do- Iodine. Dionine. ses frequently at Iodoform. Ether: internally, as commencement. lodoformogen. inhalation. Alkalies. lodole. Euphorbia Pilulifera. Antirheumatics. lodo-tannin : solution Ethyl Iodide: as in- Blisters. of iodine in tannic halation. Bryonia. acid, on cotton- Gaduol. wool. Calomel. Methylene Blue. Grindelia: in most Chloral Hydrate : in Sozoiodole-Zinc. respiratory neuroses. moderate doses. Stypticin. HemogaUol. Digitalis. Hemol. Digitoxin. Enteric Fever. — See Hypophosphites. Ice-bag over precor- Typhoid Fever. Iron. dium. Lobelia: where there Iron. is severe dyspnea, or Leeches or Wet Cups: Enteritis. — See also. capillary bronchitis. in early stages, to Diarrhea, Cysente- Morphine. abort. ry. Cholera, Peri- Oxygen: in paroxys- Lithium Citrate or tonitis, Typhlitis.^ mal dyspnea. Acetate. Potassium Aconite: in acute ca- Iodide. Mercury: to prevent Purging: ses. instead of fibrinous deposits; bleeding. Argentic Nitrate: in conjointly with alka- Physostigma. chronic form. lies if of rheumatic Arsenic: in small do- Quebracho. origin. Resorcin. ses along wi-(4i opium. Opium : in full Senega. doses. Bismuth and Ammo- Potassium Iodide. Stramonium. nium Citrate. Potassium Salts; Strychnine: to Bismuth SubgaUate. as a res- liquefy exudation. piratory stimulant. Bismuth Subnitrate. Quinine; in full doses Bismuth-Cerium Terebene. at commencement. Sali- Turpentine Oil. cylate. Veratrum Viride.- Calcium Salicylate. Empyema. Endometritis. Calomel: in obstruc- — See tive also enteritis with Ammonium Acetate. , Uterine Con- constipation, Aspiration, or gestion and pushed free Hyper- to Incisions. trophy. salivate. Castor Oil : especially Acid, Carbolic: as in- Acid, Carbolic: local- in the chronic enter- jection to wash out ly applied, undiluted, itis of children. Ve- 147 Merck^a Manual. le* : ;


ry useful along with Quinine. Acid, Perosmic.

opium. Rhus Aroraatica. Adonis Vernalis. > Chlorine Water. Rhus Toxicodendron. Ammonium Bromide. Copper Arsenitc. Santonin or enema Ammonium Valeria- Copper Sulphate: in of garlic: when nate. minute doses. worms present. Ammonium or Sodium Eudoxine. Strychnine: very use- Nitrite. Extract Monesia. ful in the paralysis Amyl Nitrite. * Ichthalbin. of the aged, and in- Amylene Hydrate. Iron. continence of chil- Aniline Sulphate. Lead Acetate: seda- dren. Antipyrine. tive astringent. Turpentine Oil. Apomorphine: to pre- Linseed: infusion as vent; in emetic doses. drink. Epididymitis. See ArgenticNitrate: Magnesium Sulphate also, Orchitis. sometimes useful, but the most valuable objectionable from Aconite: in small doses purgative. risk of discoloring frequently repeated. Naphtaliu. the skin. Bismuth Subnitrate Naphtol Benzoate. Arsenic: in epilepti- as poultice over the Opium. form vertigo. Podophyllum scrotum. Belladonna! Asafetida. Poultice, Hot. Atropine. Collodion. Resorcin. Anesthetics; rarely. Guaiacol: locally. Skim Milk : as diet, Belladonna: in netit Heat, Moisture, and \ alone or with lime- mal, in nocturnal epi- Pressure: in later water. lepsy and anemic ! stages, to relieve in- Sodium Nitrate. subjects persever- duration. ; Tannalbin. ance in its use is Ice-bags. Tannoform. required. Ichthyol. Turpentine Oil. Bismuth Valerianate. Iodine: grn. 4(0.25grm.) Ulraus : infusion as Blisters: over seat of to adeps lanpe oz. 1 drink, or leaves as aura. (30.0 grm.), locally, to poultice. Borax. relieve induration. Enuresis. Mercury and Bella- Bromides of Potassi- Acid, Camphoric. donna: as ointment. um, Sodium, Stron Antipyrine. Mercury and Mor- tium. Ammonium, Atropine. phine: locally as ole- Lithium, and Iron; Belladonna: very use- ate if persistent. most generally use should be ful for children, but Mercurial Oinment. ful; dose the dose must be Naftalan. large; in cases occurring in the day- largo. Potassium Iodide. time, in grand mal. Buchu: in chronic Pulsatilla: in very reflex epilepsy, and cases. small doses along Cantharides: internal- with aconite. cerebral hyperemia the very useful in Punctures: to relieve best treatment; ly ; middleaged women tension and pain. different bromides or the aged. Rest in bed: elevation mixed. pelvis testic- Bromalin: mild yet Chloral Hydrate : in of and very efficacious children. les, suspension of any Bromipin. Collodioh: to form a local gonorrheal cap over prepuce. treatment. Bromo-hemol. Bryonia. Diet: Avoid potatoes Silver Nitrate: strong Caesium and' Ammo- and liquids before solution locally ap- nium Bromide. going to bed. plied to abort. and sus- Calabar Bean. Ergot : in paralytic Strapping Calcium Bromide. cases. pending testicle. Calcium-R u b i d i n m- lodideofiron: in some — See also, Ammoninm Bromide. cases. Epilepsy. Iodine. Hystero-Ep Heps y,- Calcium Bromo- Lupnline. Convulsions. lodide. Pichi. Acetanilid. Camphor : has been, Potassium Bromide. Acid, Boric. ba is not now, much

Potassium Nitrate : in Acid, Camphoric. used children. Acid, Hydrobromic. Camphor, Monobro- 148 V*rek*a Manual. PART II. INDICATIONS.

irmtod. (0.06 gnu.) dose thrice Zinco-llaemolnm. Cannabis Indica. daily. Cautery; freqnently Nitroglycerine; like Epistaxis. — See also, and lightly repented. nitrite of amyl, but Hemorrhage. Oxalate. slightly Cerium slower in Acetanilid. Chloral Hydrate: full action. Acid, Acetic. dose ad bed-time in Opium with Bromides. Acid, Gallic: along nocturnal attacks. Paraldehyde; instead with , ergot and digi- Chloroform : inhala- of bromides. talis. tion in hystero-epi- Phosphorus. Acid, Trichloracetic. lepsy. Physostigma. Aconite : in .small and Chloralamide. Picrotoxin; weak and frequent doses to Cod-Liver Oil. anemic type; or noc- children, and in Conium. turnal attacks must ; plethora. Copper Acetate. be persisted in. Alum: powder snuffed Copper Ammonio-sul- Potassium Bromate. or blown up the nos- phateisometimes use- Potassium Bromide. trils ful. Potassium Iodide: Antipyriue. Copper Sulphate. with bromide; alone Aristoi. Cupro-hemol. in syphilitic history. Arnica: in traumatic Digitalis. Potassium Nitrite. cases. Diet. Quassia: injections BariumChloride: to lo- Duboisine. when due to worms. wer arterial tension. Electricity. Quinine. Belladonna. Ethylene Bromide. Rubidium- A m mp n i- Blister over Liver. Excision when ci- um Bromide Cocaine: catrices present. locally in Rue : wheii seminal Fluorides. hemorrhage from the emissions also are nasal mucous mem- Gaduol. present. Gold Bromide. brane. Santonin : has been Garlic, enema, when Compression ofFacial tried. Artery. worms present. Seton: in the back of Hvdrargyri Biniodi- Digitalis: the infusion the neck. is best. dum; in syphilitic , Silver Salts. history. Ergot: subcutaneous- Simulo Tincture. Hydrastinine Hydro- ly, or by stomach. Sodium Fluoride. Erigeron Oil. chlorate Solanum Hyoscyamine. Carolinense: Europhen. in epilepsy of Ignatia. child- Ferropyrine. hood. Hamamelis. Iron : in uterine ob- Spermine. struction, Hot Foot-bath or Hot- in cerebral StramoniumTincture. and genital anemia; or Cold-water Bags Strontium Bromide. alone, or the bromide applied to dorsal ver- Strychnine ; in idiopa- along with the tebi’ie. bro- thic epilepsy mide of potassium. and Ice: over nose and head especially in pale lodole. Iron Valerianate. anemic Lithium Bromide. subjects; not lodoforinogen. if there is any organic Ipecacuanha: until Lobelia; has been it used lesion. nauseates or produ- as a nauseant to re- Sulfonal. ces actual vomiting. lieve the spasms. Sumbul. Iron : Mercury. as spray the sub- Tartar Emetic. sulphate or perchlor- Musk : has been tried. Thiosinamin when ci- ide. Neurodin. catrices present Krameria. Nickel. Turpentine Oil ; if due Lead Acetate. Nitrite of Amyl: in- to worms. Ligation of extremities haled will cut short Valerian: sometimes till venous stasis en- a tit if there is ; ap- does good, especially sues. preciable time bet- if due to worms. Plugging anterior and ween aura and fit Zinc Salts : the oxide, posterior will nares ne- prevent it, and or sulphate epilepti- ; cessary, if epistaxis cut short status epi- form vertigo due to is obstinate. lepticus. gastric disturbance Nitrite Suprarenal-Extract. ol Sodium : in is often relieved by Tannin: locally ap- petit mat in 1 grn. the oxide. 'plied.

1-19 Merck'* MamtaL


Trausfusion ; if death pungent and pulse Resorcin; antipyretic threatens from loss. firm, also in erysipe- and antiseptic. , Tropacocaine. latous inflammation Rhus Toxicodendron. TurpeutiiieOil: intern- following vaccina- Salol. ally in passive hemor- tion. Silver Nitrate; strong rhage. Alcoholic Stimulants; solution locally ap-

Warm Baths ; to feet if patient passes into plied for an inch or and hands, with or typhoid state. two beyond inflamed without mustard. Alumnol. area. Warm Water Bags: to Ammonium Carbo- Sodium Salicylate: an-

spine. nate : when tendency tipyretic to collapse, and in Sparteine Sulphate. Epithelioma. typhoid condition, Subimate. Acid, Lactic. internally and local- Tartar Emetic small Acid. Picric. ly ; more adapted to doses frequently. Aniline. idiopathic, especially Therraodin. Arsenic. facial erysipelas. Thiol. Aristol. Antipyrine Tinct. Ferric Chloride. Calcium Carbide. Belladonna. Traumaticin. Diaphtherin. Bismuth Subgallate. Trichlorphenol. Europhen. Bismuth Subnitrate. Triphenin. Iodoform. Bitters and Iron. Turpentine. Diiodoform. Borax. Veratrnm Viride. lodole. Calomel White Lead: paint Mercury, Acid Nitrate: Chloral Hydrate. locally. applied to part with Collodion; locally in Zinc Oxide. glass rod. superficial erysipe- Methylene Blue. Erythema. las, useless when Ozonized Water. Acids: in cases of in- cracked. Papain. digestion. Creolin. Pyoktanin. Acid, Picric. Resorcin. Creosote. Aconite. Sublimate, Ointment Digitalis ; infusion Adcps Lan*. locally. Albumine (Covering). ('/20/oh Europhen. Alum: lotion. Erysipelas.—See also. Fuchsine. Phlegmon. Belladonna; in simple Hamamelis. erythema. Acid.Benzoic: the soda Hot Fomentations. Bismuth Subgallate. salt 2 to 3 drams Ichthyol. Bismuth Subnitrate. (8.0—12.0 grin.) in the Iodine; solution not too Cold Cream. twenty -four hours. strong painted over, Gelanthum. Acid, Boric; lotion in lodole. Ichthyol. phlegmonous erysip- Iron: large doses fre- Lead; the glycerine and local elas. quently, of the carbonate. Acid, Carbolic: lint application. Lead Subacetate. soaked in two per Lactophenin. Quinine: in erythema cent, solution re- Lead Acetate. nodosum. lieves pain;subcutan- Lead Carbonate. Rhus Toxicodendron. Dioxide. cously 'It dram(2.0 cc), Manganese Sozoiodole-Sodium. alcohol 'a dram Mercury Oxycyanide. Tannoform. (2.0 cc), water 2 oz Naphtol. Zinc: locally, as oint- (00.0 cc). Neurodin. ments or lotions. Acid, Salicylic: as Pilocarpine. ointment, or dissol- Potassium Iodide. Excoriations. — See ved in collodion as Potassium Permanga- also, Intertrigo. paint. nate: solution locally Bismuth Subgallate. Acid, Sulphurous: and internally. Bismuth Subnitrate. equal iiarts with Potassium Silicate. Ichthyol. glycerine locally. Quinine: in large lodole. Acetate. Acid, Picric. doses. Lead Carbonate. Acid, Tannic. Remove if possible by Lead Cerate. Aconite: at commence- ligature the infected Lead Nitrate. ment may cut it focus from the heal- Lead Subacetate. short; valuable when thy parties. Lead Tannatc. skin is hot and Resin .lalap. Lead Urrck't Jfanu*.’. 150 , :


Sozoiodole-Potassium Barium Chloride: to Cineraria .luice. Tannoform. raise arterial tension Cocaine. Traumatic-in. Belladonna. Copper Salts Zinc Carbonate. Bromides. Ephedrine Hydrochlo- Zinc O.Kide. Cactus Grandiflorus. rate. Cannabis Indica. ErythrophleineHydro- Exhaustion. — See ChalybeateWaters: for chlorate. also. Adynamia, the anemia. Eserine. Convalescence. In- Convallaria. Eucaine Ilydrochlo- somnia. Myalgia, Goto. rate. Neurasthenia. Digitalis: if function- Euphthalmine Hydro- Acetanilid. al in young subjects; chlorate. Calcium Carbonate. oftej) relieves in Formaldehyde. Calcium Phosphate. other cases. Holocaine. Cimicifuga' Digitoxin. Homatropine. Coca. Duboisine. Hyoscine. Cocaine. Galvanism of the cer- Hydrastine Hydro- Coffee vical sympathetic, chlorate. Glycerophosphates. and pneumogastric Ichthalbin: internally. Hemo-gallol. nerves. Ichthyol Iron Phosphate. Glycerinophosphates. lodole Kola. Gold Bromide, Iron Sitlphate. Opium. lodothyrine. Lead Acetate. Phosphorus. Iron: for the anemia. Largin. Potassium Bromide. Mercury Oleate. Mercury Bichloride. Spermine. Myrtol. Mercury Nitrate. Stimulants, Resorcin. Mercury Oleate. Exhaustion, Nervous. Sparteine Sulphate. Mercury Oxide. Red. Strophanthus. MercuryOxide, Yellow Acid, Hypophosphor- Thy roidin. Morphine. ons. Veratrum Viride. Mydrine. Arsenic Zinc Valerianate. Orthoforme. Bromo-hemol. Phenol Monochloro-, Coca. Exostosis. , Para-. Cupro-hemol. Aconite. Phyostigmine (Eser- Iron Valerianate. Iodine. ine). Kola. Mercury. Pilocarpine Potassium Canthari- Potassium Iodide. Hydro- chl orate date, subcutaneously. Eye Diseases. — See Protargol. Sodium Glycerophos- also au rosis. Pulsatilla. phate. Am Amblyopia Asthen- Pyoktanin. Sodium Hypophos- , opia, Cataract, Con- Resorcin. phite.

junctivitis, Rhus : Spermine. Corneal, Toxicodendron Opacities, Glauco- tincture. Spirit Ammonia. ma, Iritis, Kerati- Rubidium Iodide. Exhaustion, Sexual. tis, Myopia, Opthad- Santonin. Cocaine. mia. Photophobia, Scopolamine Hydro- Cornntine Citrate. Retina, Strabismus, bromate. Muira Puama. etc. —See also lists of Silver Nitrate. Phosphorus. Mydriatics, Myotics Sozoiodole salts. Potassium Canthari- a n d other agents Strychnine. date, subcutaneously. acting on the eye. Suprarenal Extract. Sol anin. Acetanilid. Thiosinamine. Zinc Phosphide. Acid, Boric, Tropacocaine. Ammonium Zinc Acetate. Exophthalmos. Gra- Acetate solution. Zinc Permanganate. ves', Basedoio’s dis- Arecoline Zinc Sulphate. ease. See also Hydrobro- Goiter. mate. Acid, Carbolic. Atropine. Eye-Lids, Affections Acid, Boric. Belladonna. of. — See also. Ble- pharitis, Acid, Hydriodic. Bismuth Subgallate. Conjtincti- vitis, Acid, Picric. Cadmium Sulphate. Ecchymosis, Acid, Salicylic. Calomel. Ectropion, Ptosis, etc. Arsenic. Chloroform. Acid. Tannic.

151 Mertk*$ Manual. ,


Ammonium Chloride. Chilhlalns. digestion. Cadmium Sulphate. Acid, Boric. Acid, Carbolic. Calomel. Acid, Chromic. Acid, Carbonate. Coniine: for spasm. Acid Citric, Acid, Citric. Copper Sulphate, Acid, Salicylic. Acid, Hydrochloric. Largin. Acid, Tannic. Acid, Phosphoric, Mercury and Morph- Alum. Acid, Salicylic: in ine: for stye. Arsenic: grn. Veo to rheumatic fevers, or Protargol. in hyperpyrexia. ' lo (0.001-0.0015 grm.) Pulsatilla. in swelling of old Acid, Sulphurous. Pyoktanin. persons. Acid, Tartaric. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Belladonna. Aconite small doses Zinc Sulphate. Borax: st#cking frequently in all sym- pathetic fevers. False Pains. soaked in saturated solution each day Alcohol: often useful, Aeetanilid. and allowed to dry but effect watched Neurodin. while on. carefully. — qnicklj, Opium. Chloral Hydr.ate. discontinued if Tartar Emetic. Calcium Carbonate, it does not relieve Triphenin. Precipitated, symptoms.

Alkalies : febrifuges, Fauces, lutlainniatiuu Cotton, instead of stockings. and increase urinary of. - See also, Throat, woolen, solids. Sore. Formaldehyde. Hamamelis. Ammonia- in sudden Acid, Tannic. Hydrastine Hydro- collapse. Silver Nitrate. chlorate. Ammonium Acetate: Favus. Lead. very useful as dia- Lead Plaster and Lin- phoretic,: chiefly in Acid, Boric: locally in seed Oil: equal parts, milder forms. ethereal solution. applied on linen to Ammonium Carbo- Acid. Carbolic: as a nate: in scarlet fever feet, every third day, local parasiticide. for sweating. and measles, and in Acid, Salicylic : like Potassium Bichro- any typhoid condi- above. mate. tion. Sulphurous: like Acid, Potassium Permanga- Ammonium Picrate: in above. malarial fever. Alumnol. nate. Rest: absolutely for Anarcotine. Cod-Liver Oil : in a de- swollen feet may be Antipyrine: to reduce bilitated subject. necessary. temperature. Copper Oleate. Salicylic Acid and Arnica: full doses of Gaduol. Borax: equal parts, the infusion in sthen- Oallanol. water and glycer- icreaction: low doses Licjuor Car bonis in ine, for sweating and of the tincture in as- detergens. tender feet. thenia. Mercury : the oleate as Sodium Bicarbonate. Arsenic: in malarious a parasiticide; also Sodium Chloride. fevers; and in pros- bichloride 2 lotion of Tannoform: with trating acute fevers grn. to the oz. (0.1 starch or talcum, as to raise the patient’s water. grm.: 30.0 cc)of dn sting-powder in tone. Myrtol: parasiticide. stocking very effica- Belladonna : in erup- Naftalan. ; cious. tive fevers and in Naphtol. delirium. Oil Cade. Felon. — See Onychia. Bitters: with acid scabs Oils: to get rid of drinks to quell thirst, prevent spread. Fermentation, G a s - and e.g. cascari 11a, orange Potassium Bichro- tro-Intestinal.'^jS'ce Flatulence. eel. etc. mate. isters-.flying blisters Eesorcin:parasitici de. Fever. — See also, the in various parts of Sulphurated Pot.assa. titles of the fevers in the body in the semi- Sozoiodole-Sodium. their alphabetical comatose state. Feet. — Perspiring, order. Bromides. Fetid, Tend;er, Aeetanilid. Calomel: in the early typhoid. Swelled, etc. — See Acids or Acid Drinks: stages of in adynamic also, Broviidrosis to allay thirst and aid Camphor: i/onttd/. 152 Utrxii'* ; : :

VJ PART II. INDICATIONS. •*< y.$i fevers, and in deliri- able refrigerant ter. in full doses, small doses of' um. in205:rn,(l.2}.'rTn ) drink. with opium diaphoretic doses every two or Menthol. ; three hours, and Mercury: small doses in ague aids quinine, ' effects watched. at the commencement also in acute. Carbolate of Iodine; in of typhoid or scarlet Thermod in. the later stafes of fever. Triphenin. typhoid;and in chron- Musk; a stimulant in Turpentine Oil: stimu- ic malarial poisoning. collapse; along with lant in typhoid, puer- Castor Oil: as purga- opium in an acute peral and yellow, and tive. specific fever to stop hemorrhage Chloral Ilydraterin the Neurodin. in typhoid. violent delirimn and Opium: in typhoid de- Valerian. wakefulness of ty- lirium; with tartar Veratrum Viride: in phus, etc., and to re- emetic if furious; at delirium ferox. duce fever. the crisis aids action Warm Sponging: in

Cimicifuga : when car- of alcohol. the simple fevers of diac action is quick Phenacetin. children. and tension low. Phenocoll Hydrochlor- Cinchonine. ate. Fibroids. — See Tu- mors. Coca : as a supportive Phosphate of Calcium: and stimulant in low in hectic. Fissures. — See also, fevers. Potassium Bitartrate. Rliagades. Cocculus: in typhoid, Potassium Citrate. Bismuth Subnitrate. to lessen tympanitis. Potassium Nitrate. Collodion. Coffee; in place of al- Potassium Tartrate. cohol. Potassium andSodium Creolin. Cold Applications: Tartrate. Ichthyol. affusions, packs and Pyramidon. lodoformogen. baths, to lessen Pyrantin. lodole. hyperpyrexia, and an Quinine; in malarial, Papain. excellent stimulant, typhoid, and septic Pyoktanin. tonic and sedative fevers; the most gen- Silver Nitrate. the pack in acute erally applicable an- Tannoform. fevers, especially on tipyretic. Traumaticin. retrocession of a rash. Resorcin; antipyretic Fissured Nipples. — Digitalis: in inflam- and antiseptic. See also, Jihagades. Rhus Toxicodendron matory eruptive Benzoin Tincture. fevers, in rheumatic lever, especially Bismuth Oleate. scarlet an d scarlet fever with fever, as an Cacao Butter. antipyretic; typhoid symptoms. much Glycerine. used also in Salicin; in rheumatic typhoid Ichthyol. and fevers, or in hyper- pneumonia. Peru Balsam. Elaterium; hydra- pyrexia. Ratauha Extract. gogiie Salicylate of Sodium : cathartic. Sozoiodole-Potassium. Eucalyptus: in inter- in rheumatic fevers, Siiirit. mittent or in hyperpyrexia. fevers. Tannin. Euquinine. Salol. Traumaticin. Gallanol. Sodium Benzoate: in infectious and Gelsemium; in malari- erup- Fistula. al and sthenic fevers, tive fevers; antisep- Bismuth Oxyiodide. especially in pneu- tic and antipyretic. Capsicum as weak in- monia and pleuripy. Strychnine; subcutan- ; fusion locally. . Guaiacol topically. eously for muscular Chlorine Water. Hot Affusions; for paralysis as a se- Creolin. headache sometimes quela. Diaphtherin. better than cold. Sulphate of Magne- Hydrastis; Ichthyol. inferior to sium : as a depletive Potassa. quinine in intermit- and purgative. Pyoktanin. tent fever. Tartar Emetic: in Sanguinara: as Ice: to suck; bag to small doses, with injec- tion. forehead. opium, if delirium is Eactophenin. not greater than — Flatulence . See also,. LemonJuice: an agree- wakefulness; if grea- Colic, Dyspepsia.

l.b;-{ MfnuiaL INDICATIONS. PART 11.

Abstention from sug- Picrotoxin. dressing. ar, starchy food, tea. Podophyllin with Eu- lodoformogen. Acid, Carbolic; if with- onymin, L^tandra, lodole. out acidity, etc. Chirata andCreosote. Opium. Acid, Sulphurous: if Potassium Permanga- Phosphate of Calcium;

due to fermentation. nate : in fat people. internally; quickens

Alkalies: before meals. Rue : most efficient. union. Ammonia: iu alkaline Sodium Fluoride. Sozoiodole-Sodiuni. mixture a palliative. Sodium Sulphocarho- Asafetida; in children; late. Freckles. simple hysterical or Strontium Bromide, Acid, Boric. hypochondriacal. Sulphocarbolates; Acid, Lactic.

Belladonna : if due to when no acidity, and Alkaline Lotions. paresis of intestinal simple spasms. Benzoin. walls. Terebene. Borax. Benzo-naphthol. Turpentine Oil: few Copper Oleate Bismuth: with char- drops internally, or Iodine. coal in flatulent dys- as enema in fevers, Lime-Water. pepsia. peritonitis, etc. Mercuric Chloride: lo- Calcium Saccharate. Valerian. cally, with glycerine Calumba; with aro- Xanthoxylum. alcohol, and rose matics. water. Three-fourths Camphor:in hysterical Fluor Albus. — See of grn. to the oz. Leucorrhea. flatulence, especially (0.045 grm. : 30.0 cc.). at climacteric. Flnsliiug and Heat. Olive Oil. Carbolated Camphor. — See also, Climac- Potassium Carbonate. Carlsbad Waters; if teric Disorders. Resorcin. due to hepatic de- Eucalyptol: at climac- Frost-Bite.— See also. rangement. teric. Chilblains. Carminatives. Iron: most useful. Acid, Carbolic. Charcoal. Nitrite of Amyl: if Tannic. Chloroform: pure, in associated with men- Acid, Adeps Lanae. drop doses in gastric strual irregularity flatulence.! (accompanying Aluminium Acetotar- trate. Creosote. symptoms, cold in Camphor Cream. Essential Oils the extremities gid- Creosote. Ether; in nervousness diness, fluttering of Iodine. and hypochondriasis. the heart); inhalati- Iodoform Collodion. at climac- ion, or internally in Eucalyptol: Ichthyol. onethird of a drop teric, if associated Naphtalan. doses; effects some- with heat flushings, Sozoiodole-Potassi- etc. times disagreeable. um. Vomica; with Fluorides. Nux Sozoiodole-Zinc. tinct. opii in the Calvanism. Styrax. middle- Hot Water: between hysteria of Tannoform. meals. aged women. Ichthalbin. Ovariin; at meno- F u r u n c n 1 u 8 . — See useful. Ipecacuanha; in con- pause very Boils. stipation, oppression Potassium Bromide. at epigastrium, and Valerian. Gall Stones. — See in pregnancy. Zinc Valerianate); at Calculi, Biliary. Manganese Dioxide. climacteric. Gangrene. — See also, Mercury: when liver is Fractures and Dis- W^und.s, gangren- sluggish. locations. — See al- ous. Muscarine; in intes- so, • Wounds. tinal paresis. Acid, Carbolic: IomI- Nux Vomica; in con- Acid, Carbolic. ly in strong solution stipation. pain at top Arnica; internally and to act as caustic; of head. locally. as a dressing to pro- healthy action. Cleoresin Capsicum. C.alcium 3 Glycerine- mote Pepper. phosphate: internal- Acid. Chromic: local Physostigma; in ly, to hasten union. escharotic. women at change of Chloroform. Acid, Citric. next to life. Iodine; antiseptic Acid, Nitric: 154 JVerelr'* :


bromine the most ulcer. Silver Chloride. useful escharotic. Belladonna. Silver Iodide. Acid, Pyroligneous. Bismal. Silver Nitrate: nerv- Acid, Salicylic: lo- Bismuth: in irritable ine tonic. cally. gastralgia. Silver Oxide. Ammonium Chloride. Bismuth and Pepsin. Sodium Salicylate. Balsam of Peru. Bismuth Subnitrate. Strontium Bromide. Bromal. Bromides. Strychnine.

Bromine : escharotic Cannabis Indica. Suppository of Gluten, in hospital gangrene. Cerium Oxalate. Glycerine and Soap Charcoal: as poultice. Charcoal: in neural- to overcome consti- Chlorine Water: to gia. pation. destroy fetor. Chloral Hydrate: to Triphenin. Cinchona. relieve pain. Valerian. Creosote. Chloroform: two or Zinc Oxide. Eucalyptol: along three drops on sugar. with camphor in Codeine. Gastric Dilatation. gangrene of lungs, Cocaine Phenylate. Acid, Carbolic. to prevent spread Cod-Liver Oil. Bismuth Salicylate. and lessen the fetor. Counter- irritation Bismuth Subnitrate. Lime Juice and Chlor- and a vigorous re- Calcium Lactophos- ine Water: in hos- vulsive, especially phate. pital gangrene. useful in hysteria. Charcoal. Myrtol: to destory Creosote. Cod-Liver Oil or Ga- fetor and promote Diet and Hygiene. duol, if due to rach- healthy action. Emesis andPurgation: itis. Opium. when due to indi- Diet. Oxygen: as a bath. gestible food. Enemas Nutrient. Potassa: as caustic. Enemata. Faridization of gas- Potassium Chlorate. Ergot. tric walls. Potassium Perman- Ether: a few drops. Gentian and Columba. ganate. Ferropyrine. Ichthyol Quinine. Galvanism: of pneu- Iron iodide. Resorcin: antiseptic, mogastric and sym- Lavage. antipyretia pathetic. Naphtol. Sanguinaria. Hot Applications. Nux Vomica. Sodium Sulphate. Magnesium 0.xide. Physostigraa. Tannoform. Manganese Dioxide. Sodium Phosphate. Terebene. Massage. Strontium Bromide. Turpentine Oil : in- Menthol. Strychnine. ternally, and by in- Methylene. halation. Milk Diet. Ga.strlc Pain. — See Zinc Chloride. Morphine : subcutane- Gastralgia. ously, in epigastri- Gastralgia. — See al- um, very useful; or Gastric Ulcer. — See so, Acidity, Dyspep- with bismuth and also, Heniateniesis. sia Gastrodynia, , milk before Neuralgia. each Acid. Carbolic. meal. Acid, Gallic. Acetanilid. Nitroglycerine: quick- Arsenic: in chronic Acid, Carbolic. ly eases. ulcer it eases pain Acid, Hydrocyanic: if Nux Vomica: to re- and vomiting, and purely nervous. move morbid condi- improves Jthe appe- Acid, Salicylic: used tion on which it de- tite. in paroxysmal form; pends. Atropine : arrests pain like quinine. Opium. and vomiting. Acupuncture: some- Pancreatin. Bismuth Oxyiodide. times gives great Papain. Bismuth Subgallate. relief. Pepsin. Bismuth Subnitrate: Alkalies. Potassium Cyanide. in very large doses. Alum: if pyrosis. Potassium Nitrite. Cannabis Indica. Arsenic: in small do- Pulsatilla. Carlsbad Salts: be- ses. Quinine: if periodic fore meals. Arsenic with Iron. in character. Castor Oil. Atropine: in gastric Resorcin. Charcoal: in^chronic 155 Manual* ; —:


ulcer to allay pain. Ammonium Chloride Podophyllum. Chloroform. in gastric catarrh. Pulsatilla. Cocaine. Arsenic; in drunkards. Resorcin.

Codeine. Atropine: in chronic Silver Nitrate : by irri- Cold Compresses. cases. gation. Counter-irritation. Bismuth: in catarrh. Sodium Paracresotate. Creosote. Caffeine: especially Strontium Bromide. Diet and Hygiene. when associated with Thymol. Dionine. migraine. Zinc Oxide. Hydrogen Peroxide. Calumba. Zinc Sulphate. Ice-bag: to epigas- Cinchona. Gastrodyiiia. — See strium. Eucalyptus : in chron- Gastralyia. Iron. ic catarrh. Lead Acetate; to Hydrastis. Gastrorrhea. — See check hematemesis. Ice; to suck; and to Pyrosis. Lime Water with epigastrium. Milk: and diet. Ipecacuanha: in ca- Gingivitis. Magnesium Sulphate tarrh. Albumine (solut), loc-

Massage and Electri- Lead Acetate : along ally rinsing. city. with opium. Alum. Mercuric Chloride Nutrient Enemata. Aseptol. small dose before Nux Vomica. Borax. meals. Opium. Myrrh Mercury Iodide, Red. Silver Nitrate; in Opium internally. gastritis. Mercury Oxide , Red. chronic Potassium Chlorate. Methylene Blue. Silver Oxide. Potassium Perman- Milk. Silver colloidal. ganate. Monsel’s Solution. Veratrnm Viride Pyoktanin. Morphine: like atro- should never be used. Ratanha. pine. Sozoiodole-Potassi- Nutritive Enemata. Gastritis, Acute. um. Opium. Belladonna. Farcy. Pepsin. Bismuth Subnitratc. Glanders and Peptonized Milk. Calomel. Acid, Carbolic. Potassium Iodide: Demulcents. AmmoniumCarbonate with bicarbonate, to Mercury. Arsenic. lessen flatulent dys- Morphine. Creosote. pepsia. Oils. Escharotics. Potassium Sulphite. Opium. Iodine. Resorcin. Sodium Paracresotate. Iron. Silver Nitrate: to re- Warm Water, intern- MaUein. lieve pain and vom- ally, or Stomach PotassiumBichromate iting. Pump: to unload Potassium Iodide. Silver Oxide. stomach at onset. Quinine. Silver Colloidal. Strychnine. Sodium Phosphate. Gastritis, Chronic. Sulphur Iodide. Sodium Tellurate. See also. Dyspepsia, Sulphites. Spice Plaster. Gasiralgia. Stimulants: guarded- Glandular Enlarge- Alkalies. ment. — See also, ly. Bismuth Salicylate. Tannin Btiho, Wen, Goiter, Bismuth Snbnitrate. Tabes Mescnierica, Turpentine Oil: fre- Bismuth and Ammo- Parotitis, TotisilU- quently repeated, to nium Citrate. tis, etc. check hemorrhage. Caffeine. Zinc Carbonate. Calcium Salicylate. Acid, Carbolic: injec- Zinc Oxide. Cinchona. tions of a two per Zinc Sulphocarbolate. Ichthalbin: internally, cent, solution. as regulator and Ammoniacum Plaster: Gastritis. tonic. as counter-irritant Acid. Hydrocyanic: to Mercury. on scrofulous glands. allay pain. Morphine. Ammonium Chloride. Acid, Tannic. Orexine Tannate. Antimony Sulphide. Alum: wheii vomiting Papain. Arsenic. of glairy mucus. Pepsin. Barium Chloride. Manual. 156 3iffrck'» PART 11. INDICATIONS.

Belladonna. Iridectomy : the only Oil Juniper. Blisters; to scrofulous cure. Oil Turpentine. glands. Mydrine. Peru, Balsam of. Cadmium Chloride. Quinine. Piper Methysticum.

Calcium Chloride : in Potassium Permanga- enlarged and break- Glottis, Spasm of. — nate. ing-down scrofulous See Laryngis m u s Protargol. glands. Stridulus. Salol.

Calcium Sulphide : for SandalwoodOil: useful glands behind jaw Gleet. — See also, Gon- both locally and gen- with deep-seatedsnp- orrhea. erally. puration. Acid, Tannic. Silver Nitrate. Cod-Liver Oil. Acid, Trichloracetic. Silver Citrate. Conium: in chronic en- Airol. Sozoiodole-Sodium. largements. Aloes. Tannin, Glycerite of: Creosote. Argentamine. as injection. Gadnol. Argonin. Terebene. Cold Chloride: in Aristol. Thalline Sulphate. scrofula. Betol. Tolu, Balsam of. Guaiacum. Bismuth Oxyiodide or Turpentine Oil: in a Hydrastis. condition of relaxa- Subnitrate ; suspend- Ichthalbin: internally. ed in glycerine or mu- tion. Ichthyol: topically. cilage. Dva Ursi. Iodides. Blisters; to perineum Zinc Acetate. Iodine: internally; and useful in obstinate Zinc Sulphate: as in- painted around, not gleet. jection. over the gland. Zinc Sulphocarbolate. Cantharides : minim Iodoform: as a dress- (0.06 cc) doses of ing to breaking-down tincture frequently Glossitis. glands. repeated. lodole: internally. Alum. Copaiba : internally, Lead Iodide: oint- Bismuth: locally. and locally smeared ment. Electrolysis: in simple on a bougie and in- Mercury: internally; hypertrophy, and cys- troduced; best used locally tic. the oleate of in chronic form. Iron. mercury and mor- CopperSulphate: phine. as in- Leeches. jection. Pilocarpine: Potassium Permanga- in acute Creosote. affections of parotid nate. Eucalyptol : in and submaxillary. very Purgatives. chronic gleet. Quinine. Potassium Iodide: Gallobromol. ointment over enlar- Hydrastine ged Hydro- Glottis, 0<;dema of. thyroid and chlorate. chronically — See also, Croup, inflamed Iodoform. glands. Laryjigitis. lodoformogen. Soft soap, long contin- lodole. Acid, Tannic. ued frictions. Iron: either Alum. Sozoiodole-Mercury. perchlo- ride or Ammonium Carbo- Sulphides. sulphate as injection, nate : as emetic. Thiosinamine. along, with opium. Conium. Thyroidin. Juniper Emetics. Valerian. Oil: like copai- ba. Ehyl Iodide. Inhalations. Glaucoma. Kino. Largin. Scarification. Arecoline Hydrohro- LeadAcetate:injection Tracheotomy. mate. is sometimes used. Atropine has caused Lime Water. Glycosuria.—SeeDfa- this disease. Matico infusion with hetes and Pankreati- Duboisine tis. like atro- copper sulfate. pine. Mercury: half a grn. Goiter.— (Graves’-Ba- Bserine: lowers intra- (0.03 grm.) of bichlo- sedows’ Disease). See ocular tension. ride in six also, Exophthalmos. Extr. ounces suprarenale. 180.0 cc) of water, Ammonium Chloride. Ichthalbin, aphtol. Ammonium Fluoride.

157 3ftrek*$ Afanual, :


Cadmium Oleate. Cannabis Indica: to Mercury Salicylate. Electricity. relieve pain and Methylene Blue. Ferric Chloride. lessen discharge. Methyl Salicylate. Iodides. Cantharides: in small Naphtol. Iodine: internally, and doses where there is Opium. locally as ointment pain along urethra Potassium Citrate. or tincture, and as and constant desire Potassium Perman- injection. to micturate. The ganate. Jodipin. tincture in minim Protargol.

Iodoform, (0.06 cc ) doses three Pulsatilla. lodoformogen. times daily in chor- Pyoktanin. lodothyrine. dee. Pyridine. MercuricBiniodide: as Chloral Hydrate. Quinine: stimulant in ointment, to bo used Cinnamon Oil. later stage. in front of hot fire, Cocaine: injection to Quinoline Tartrate. or in hot sun. relieve the pain. Resorcin.

Potassium Bromide. Colchicum : in acute Salol. Potassium Iodide. stage. Sandalwood Oil: in- Strophantus. Collinsonia. ternally and locally. Strychnine. Copaiba: after acute Silver colloidal. Thyroidin sicc. stage. Silver Nitrate: as in- Thyroidin Nothin. Copper Acetate. jection. said to cut Copper Sulphate. short at commence- Go no rrliea . —See also, Creolin. ment. Chordee, Gleet, Or- Cubebs: either alone Silver Oxide. chitis; Hkeumatis7n, or mixed with co- Sodium Bicarbonate. Gonorrheal; Ureth- paiba. Sodium Dithio-Salicy- ritis, Urethral Stric- Diet and Hygiene. late. ture. Vaginitis. Ergotin. Sodium Salicylate. Oil of. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Acid, Benzoic: intern- Erigeron, Eucalyptus, Oil of. Sozoiodole-Zinc. ally. Europhen. Terpin Hydrate. Acid, Boric. Ferropyrine. Thalline Sulphate. Acid, Camphoric. Formaldehyde. Turpentine Oil. Acid, Chromic. Gallobromol. Urinating: with penis Acid, Cubebic. Gelseraium. in hot water, to re- Acid, Gallic. lieve ardor urinse. Acid, Picric. Glycerite of Tannin: Veratrum Viride : in Acid, Tannic. injection in later early stage of acute Acid; Trichloracetic. stage. fever. in acute Hamamelis. Aconite: Warm Baths: lasting stage. Hot Sitz-bath. to 2 hours, in Airol. Hydrastine Hydro- early stage. not to be chlorate. Alcohol Zinc Permanganate. touched. Hydrastis: an injec- Zinc salts in general. Alkalines: salts, or tion. waters, as citrates Hydrogen Peroxide. to Ichthyol. or bicarbonates , Gont. See also.Arth- make urine alkaline. lodole. ritis, Lithemia, Iron: astringent in- Alum : as an injection. Aluminium Tannate. jection inlater stage. Acid, Arsenous. Alumnol. Kaolin. Acid, Carbonic. salicy- Antimony: if acute Kava Kava. Acid, Di-iodo- stage is severe. Largin: very effective. lic. Aristol. Lead Acetate. Acid, Salicylic. Argentamine. Lead Nitrate. Aconite. Argonin. Lead Subacetate, so- Alkalies. ^Wa- Belladonna. lution of. Alkaline Mineral Bismuth Oxyiodide. Lead Water and Lau- ters. Bismuth Subgallate. danum. Alkaline Poultice. Bismuth Subnitrate. Matico. Ammonia Water. Buchu: more useful Mercury Benzoate. Ammonium Benzoate. after -acute stage. Mercury Bichloride AmmoniumPhosphate solution lo- Ammonium Tartrate. Cadmium Sulphate: weak , astringent injection. cally. Antipyrine. 158 Merck’t Ifannai. PART II. INDICATIONS.

-Argentic Nitrate. Sodium Carbonate. Potassium Iodide. .Arnica. Sodium Chloride. Potassium Permanga- Arsenic. Sodium Salicylate. nate. -Asaprol. Stimulants. Ratanha. Asparagin. Strawberries. Salol. Belladonna. Strontium Bromide. Silver Nitrate. Blisters. Strontium Lactate. Tannin. Calcium Sulphate. Strontium Salicylate. Chicory. Strychnine. Hay Fever.—Nee also. Chloral Hydrate, Sulphides: in chronic Asthma, Catarrh, Chloroform. cases. Conjunctivitis, In- Cod-Liver-Oil. Sulphur. fluenza. Colchicine. Sulphur Baths. Colchicum. Sulphurated Potassa. Acid, Boric. Colchisal. Tetraethyl -ammon- Acid, Carbolic. Cold Water. ium Hydroxide. Acid, Salicylic. Collodion. Trimethylamine. Acid. Sulphurous. Colocynth with Hyos- Turkish Baths. Aconite. Ammonia. cyamus : to unload Urea in large doses. bowels. Veratrine: as oint- Argentic Nitrate. Diet. ment. Arsenic: as cigarette. Diuretics and Alkaline Vichy Water. Atropine. drinks. Water: distilled. Brandy Vapor. Etherihypodermically Wiesbaden Water. Bromine. Formin. Camphor. Granulations Exu- Fraxinns. , Cantharides: tincture. berant . Condy- Gaduol. —See Chlorate of Potassium Gentian. lotnata. Cocaine. Glycerinophosphates. Acid, Chromic. Coffee, strong. Guaco. AJnm, Dried. Formaldehyde. Horse Chestnut Extr. Cadmium Oleate. Grind elia. Hydrogen Sulphide. Copper Sulphate. Hamamelis. Ichthalbin: internally, Potassium Chlorate. Ichthyol: as spray. as resolvent and al- Silver Nitrate. Iodides. terative. Zinc Chloride. Ipecacuanha. Ichthyol: topically. Graves’ — Lobelia. Iodide Disease. of Potassium. See Exophthalmos Menthol. Iodine Morphine. and Goiter. Iodoform. Muscarine. Iron Iodide. Griping. — See Colic. Menthol. Lithium Salts. Orthoform , Insuffla- Lyeetol. Growths, Morbid. — tions. Lysidine. See Tumors. Opium. Magnesia. Gums, Diseases of. Pilocarpine. Manganese. — See Potassium also , Mouth, Chlorate. Morphine. Sore ; Scurvy, Teeth. Potassium Iodide: in- Oil op Peppermint. ternally Acid, Boric. and locally. Piperazine. Quinine Acid, : locally in- Piper Methysticum. Carbolic. Acid, .iection or douche. Piperidine Salicylic. Bitartrate. Alum. Resorcin. Potassm Liquor. Areca. Sozoiodole salts. Potassium Acetate. Stearates. Potassium Catechu: as a mouth Bromide. wash. Strychnine. Potassium Permanga- Cocaine: locally. Suprarenal capsules. nate. Ferric Chloride. Terpin Hydrate. Potassium Silicate. Ferropyrine. Tobacco. Prunus Virginiana. Formaldehyde. Tropacocaine. Quinine. Hamamelis, Turkish Baths. Rubefacients. Veratrnm Iodine Tincture: lo- Viride. Salicylates: large doses cally. Saliformin. Krameria. Headache. — Nee also, Sodium Arsenate. Myrrh. Hemicrania. Sodium Benzoate. Pomegranate Bark. Acetanilid. Sodium Bicarbonate. Potassium Chlorate. Acid, Acetic. 159 :


Acid, llydrobroinic. Cimicifuga: in nervous with constipation. Acid, Nitrohydro- and rheumatic head- Menthol: as local ap- chloric: for pain just .ache especially , at plication. above eyeballs with- menstrual period. Mercury: in bilious out constipation, also Coffee and Morphine. headache. for pain at back of Colchicum. Methylene Blue. neck. Cold Affusion. Morphine. Acid, Phosphoric. Croton Oil. Mustard: as foot-bath, Acid, Salicylic. Cup, to nape of neck, or poultice to nape

Aconite : when circu- in congestion. of neck or abdomen. lation excited. Digitalin: (German) Neurodin. Actsea Racemosa. ’'k; grn. (0.004 grra.) Nitrite of Amyl: as Aerated Waters. twice a day for con- inhalation when face Aloin gestive hemicrania. pale. Ammonia: aromatic Electricity. Nitroglycerine. spirits, Va to 2 drams Ergot. Nux Vomica: frequent- (2—4.00 oc.) Ergotin. ly repeated in nerv- Ammonium Carbonate Ethylene Bromide. ous or bilious head- Ammonium Chloride: ErythrolTetranitrate. ache.

10 to 15 grn. doses (0.6 Ether Spray : locally, Oxygen Water. —1.0 grn.) in hemi- for frontal headache Paraldehyde. crania. after illness or fa- Phenacetin. Ammonium Valerian- tigue. Phosphorus. ate. Eucalyptol. Picrotoxine: in perio- Antacids. Ferropyrine. dical headache.

Antipyrine. Friedrichshall Water. Podophyllum : when Arsenic: in brow ague. Foot-Bath hot. constipation. Atropine: locally to Galvanism. Potassium Cyanide: eye in migi-aine. Gelsemium. as local application. Belladonna: frequent- Guarana. Pulsatilla. ly given in frontal Heat: as hot water- Quinine. headache, especially bag or poultice to Salicylate of Sodium at menstrual period, nape of neck. three grn. (0.2 grm.) or if from fatigue. Hot Sponging. dose every half hour Berberine. Hot W^ater. exceedingly useful. Bismuth Valerianate. Hydrastis: in conges- Sanguinaria: in gas- Bleeding. tive headache with tric derangement. Bromides: in large constipation. Seidlitz Powder. doses. Hyoscyamus. Sitz-bath. Bromalin. Ice-bag: applied to Skull-cap : as prophy- Bromipin. head, or leeches back lactic. Bryonia: in bilious of ears, in severe Sodium Bicarbonate: headache. cases. with bitters before Butyl-chloral Hydrate. Ichthalbin: to improve meals in frontal he- Caffeine, with antipy- digestion and nutri- adache at the junc- rine or sodium brom- tion. tion of hairy scalp and forehead, or pain ide. Ignatia : in hystercial of <3ajcput Oil: locally. headache. in upper part Camphor: internally, Iodide of Potassium: forehead without and saturated solu- in rheum.atic head- constipation, as tion externally. ache with tenderness wash to the month Camphor with acet- of scalp or in osteo- when head.ache de- decayed anilid or antipyrine, copic pains. pends on in nervous headache. supra-orbital teeth. Iris : in Sodium Bromide. Cannabis Indica : in headache with neuralgic headache. Sodium Chloride. nausea. Sodium Phosphate: Kola. Capsicum: plaster to laxative in bilious Lithium Bromide. as nape of neck. headache. Carbon Disulphide. Magnesium C a r b o - the Tetrachloride. nate. Spectacles: where Carbon on Chamomile. Magnesium Citrate. headache depends inequality of focal Chloral amide. Magnesium Oxide. length or astigma- Chloroform, Spirit of: Magnesium Sulphate: tism. in nervous headache. for frontal headache Vrrck’t Manual. 160 PART II. INDICATIONS.

Strontium Bromide. tional disturbance. Lead Acetate: in jjal- Strychnine. Nitroglycerine. pitation. Tea: strong black or Nux Vomica. Nitrite of Amyl. green, often relieves Oleander. Potassium Iodide. nervous headache. Opium. Veratrum Viride. Thermodin. Potassium Iodide. Triphenin. Sparteine Sulphate. Heai’t, Palpitation of. Valerian: in nervous Strontium Bromide. and hysterical cases. Strontium Iodide. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Veratrum Viride. Strophanthus. Aconite: internally. Zinc Oxide. Strychnine. Amyl Nitrite. Suprarenal Gland. Belladonna: intern- Headache, Bilious. — Theobromine and So- ally useful in cardiac See Biliousness. dium Salicylate. strain. Uropherin. Bromides: in flutter- Heart AIFectioiis. — Venesection. ing heart. See also, Angina Veratrine Ointment. Camphor. Pectoris, Dropsg, Veratrum Cactus grandiflorus. Endocarditis, Peri- Viride. Cimicifuga. carditis, Syncope. Heartburn. — See Py- Cocaine. Aconite. rosis. Coronilla. Adonidin. Digitalis. Eucalyptus. Adonis Aestivalis. Heart, Dilated. Ammonia and Ether, Hot Bath. followed by Digitalis Amyl Nitrite. Hyoscyamus: in ner- and Alcohol: in he- Cocaine. vous palpitation. art failure. Digitalis. Lead. Ammonium Carbonate: Ergot. Milk Cure: in gouty in heart failure. Iron. persons. Amyl Nitrite. Mercury. Nux Vomica. Apocynum canna- Morphine. Posture: head hung binum. Nitroglycerine. forward, body bent, Arsenic. - Purgatives. arras by the sides, Barium Chloride: in Sodium Nitrite. and breath held for heart failure. Sparteine. a few seconds. Butyl-Chloral Hy- Potassium Bromide drate. Heart, Patty. Potassium Iodide. Senega. Cactus Grandiflorus. Adonis aestivalis. Caffeine. Arsenic. Spirit Ether. Camphor. Belladonna. Valerian: in nervous Chloral Hydrate: in Cimicifuga. cases with dyspnea.

Veratrine : neurotic palpitation Cod-Liver Oil. as oint- and pseudo -angina Digitoxin ment to chest. pectoris. Ergot. Cimicifnga. Iron. Heart, Valvular Dis- Convallaria. Nitrite of Amyl. ease of. — See also, Convallamarin. Strychnine. Coronilla Tincture. Endocarditis. Coronillin. Heart, Aconite: to quiet ac- Diet and Hyi)ertro- Exercise. phied. tion: to be used with Digestives caution. Digitalis. Aconite: to be used Adonidin. Digitoxin. with care when val- Arsenic. ErythrolTetranitrate. vular disease is pre- Barium Chloride. Hoffraanns’s Anodyne. sent. Cactus Grandiflorus. Hydragogue Cathar- Bromides. Caffeine. tics. Camphor: in palpita- Cimicifuga. Hyoscyamus. tion and dyspnea. Comp. Sp. of Ether. Iron. Cimicifnga. Digitalis: in mitral Iron with Arsenic and Digitalis: in small disease; to be avo- simple Bitters. doses. ided in purely aortic Kola. Ergot. disease but Morphine. , useful Galvanism. when this is compli- Nicotine: for func- Iron. cated with mitral.

161 Merck^B Mnnuat. 11 INDICATIONS. PART II.

Uigitoxiii. Alum: internally, or Exalgin. Iron. as injection into the Mentnol. ^ Jal

Nitrites : to lessen vas- Bursa Pastoris. Podophyllum. enlar tension. Camphor. Potassium Bromide, Nitroglycerine. Cannabis Indica. Potassium Nitrite. Nux Vomica. Chimaphila. Quinine Valerianate.

Purgatives ; to lessen Copaiba. Sanguinaria. tension and remove Creosote Sodium Chloride. fluid. Digitalis. Thermodin. Salicin. Ergot. Triphenin Sodium Salicylate. Erigeron. Valerian. Strophantus. Hamamelis. Strychnine; as car- Ipecacuanha. Hemiopia. diac tonic Iron Perchloride. Veratrura Viride. Krameria; extract in Glycerinophosphates. large dose. Iodides. lodipin. Hectic Fever. — See Lead Acetate. Night- Matico. Iron. Perspiration, Phosphates. Sweats, Phthisis. Myrtol. Potassium Bitartrate. Potassium Bromide. Quinine. Quinine. Heiuatemesis. Rhus Aromatica. Strychnine Acid, Acetic. Sodium Hyposulphite. Gallic. Tannoform. Acid, H e m i j) 1 e g i a. — See Acid. Sulphuric. Turpentine Oil. also. Paralysis, Alum. Facial. Ammonium Chloride. and hypodermical- Hemeralopia Glycerinophosphates. Ergot: Nyctalopia. ly- Physosti^a. Hamamelis. Acetanilid. Picrotoxin Potassium Iodide. Ice: exceedingly use- Amyl Nitrite. Spermine. ful. Blisters : small, to ex- Strychnine. Ipecacuanha. ternal canthus of the Iron Perchloride. or eye. Subsulphate. Calcium Chloride. Hemoptysis.— See al- Krameria. Calcium Phosphate. so, Hematemesis. Lead Acetate. Electricity. Acetanilid. Logwood. Mercury : locally. Magnesium Sulphate. Quinine: in large do- Acid, Acetic. use- Silver Nitrate. ses internally. Acid, Gallic: very Stypticine. Strychnine. ful. Tannin. Acid, Phosphoric. Acid, Pyrogallic. Turpentine Oil. — See al- Hemicraiiia. Sulphuric. Migraine. Acid, so, Acid, Tannic. Hematocele, Pelvic. Acet.anilid Aconite. Alum. Carbolic. Aconite. Acid, Ammonium Chloride. Bromides. Ammonium Chloride. Apocodeine. Hemostatics. Amyl Nitrite. ^ Arnica. Iodides. Antipyrin e. Astringent Inhalati- Iron. Arsenic. Belladonna. ons. s Bichloride. ' Mercury Atropine. Opium. Bromides Barium Chloride. , Potassium Iodide. Bromalin. Bromides. ^ Tonics. Bromipin. Caffeine. Bursa Pastoris. Camphor. Cactus Grandiflorus. Hematuria. Cannabis Indica. Calcium Chloride. Chloral Hydrate. « Acid, Acetic. Cimicifuga. Chlorodyne. 1 Acid, Gallic. Digitalis. Chloroform : to out- Acid, Tannic. Euphorin. J .Utrrk’’ Mammal. X 1G2 :


side of chest. Digitalis. into uterus. Copaiba. Gaduol. Hydrastinine Hydro- Copper Sulphate. Geranium. chlorate.

Digitalis. Hamamelis. Ice : to abdomen, uter- Dry Cups ; to chest. Iron. us, or rectum. Ergot or Ergotinin. Iron Snbsnlphate. Iodine.

Ferric Acetate: very Iron Sulphate. Ipecacuanha : as emet- weak solution, con- Hydrastinine Hydro- ic dose: good. stantly sipped. chlorate. Iron Perchloride So- Ferri Persulphas. Hydrastis Tincture. lution; 1 in 4, injec- Hamamelis: very use- Iodoform orlodoform- ted into the uterus. ful. ogen. Mechanical Exitation Hot Water Bag: to Lead Acetate. of Vomiting. spine. Manganese Sulphate. Nux Vomica: along Hydrastinine Hydro- Nux Vomica. with ergot. chlorate. Stypticin. Opium ; one-dram (4.0 Ice. Tannoform. cc.) dose of tincture, Ipecacuanha. Turpentine Oil. with brandy, in prof- Iron : and absolute use bleeding. rest. Heniorrhage Pressure over uterus. , Intes- Larix : tincture. tinal. — See also. Quinine. Lead Acetate : very Hemorrhoids, Dys- Stypticin. useful. entery, Typhoid. Matico. Morphine. Acid, Gallic. Hemorrhage D t e r - , Oil Turpentine. Acid, Sulphuric. ine and Vesical. Opium. Acid, Tannic. Cornutine. Potassium Bromide. Belladonna: for rec- Creosote. Potassium Chlorate. tal ulcers. Potassium Nitrate Camphor. Hydrastis. Hydrastinine Hydro- when fever is pres- Castor Oil. chlorate. ent, along with digi- Ergotin. Stypticin. talis or antimony. Enemas. Styptic. Silver Oxide. Ferric Chloride.

Sodium Chloride : in Hamamelis : very use- Hemorrhoids. dram (4.0 cc.) doses. ful. Acid, Carbolic: injec- Stypticin. Ice. tion into piles. Subsulphate of Iron. Iodine. ' Acid, Chromic. Tannin. Iron. Acid, Gallic. Veratrum Viride. Lead Acetate. Acid, Opium. Nitric : as caust- ic; dilute as lotion. Potassium Bitartrate. Hemorrhage Acid, Salicylic. and He- Stypticin. morrhagic Diathe- Tannoform. Acid, Tannic. sis. — See also, Dys- Alkaline Mineral Turpentine Oil. Wa- entery, Ecclmmosis, ters: useful. Epistaxis, Hemate- Aloes: as purgative. mesis. Hemoptysis; Hemorrhage Alum: in bleeding , Post- Hemorrhage Post- partum. piles; powder, crys- Partum, Intestinal, tal or ointment. Acid, Acetic. Mennorrhagia , Me- Anal-Douche. trorrhagia, Purpu- Acid. Gallic. Argentic Nitrate. ra, 'Wounds, etc. Achillea. Belladonna Amyl Nitrite. Bismuth. Acid, Chromic. Atropine. Bromide Acid, of Potassi- Citric. Capsicum. um. Acid, Gallic. Cimicifuga. Calomel. Acid, Tannic. Compression of Aorta. Castor Aconite. Oil. Digitalis. Chalybeate Waters. Alum. Enemata, Hot. Antipyrine. Chlorate of Potassi- JErgot: most efficient. Belladonna. um. Ether Spray. Cocaine. Copper Sulphate. Hamamelis; for per- Chrysarobin. Creolin. sistent oozing. Creosote. Cold Water Injection Hot Water: injection in the morning.

163 Manual. 11 ^ : :


Cubohs. disease. Podophyllum Ergot. Stramonium. Potassium salts. ,

Ferri Ferchloridura. Sulphides. Quinine : for conges- Fcrri Protosulphas; Snlphur;as confection, tion. as lotion. to produce soft pas- Sangninaria. Ferropyrine. sages. Sodium Phosphate. fialls Ointment with Sulphurous Waters. Sulphur.

Opium ; very useful. Tannoform. Taraxacum. Grapes. Tobacco. Turpentine Oil. Glycerine. Turpentine Oil. Hamamelis; intern- Hepatitis. ally locally as ; and Hepatalgia. lotion, injection, Acid, Nitro-Hydro- enema, or supposi- Ammonium Chloride. chloric. tory. Carlsbad Water. Aconite. Horsechcstnut Extr, Jridin. Alkaline Mineral Wa- Hydrastine. Nnx Vomica. ters. Hydrastis: as lotion Quinine. Ammonium Chloride. and internally. Bryonia. Chelidonium Hyoscyamus: bruised Hepatic Cirrhosis. — or ointment Colchicum. leaves See also, Ascyites. locally. Iodine: as enema. Ice. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- Leeches. Ichthyol: topically. ric. Mercury. Ichthalbin: internally. Ammonium Chloride. Nitre and Antimony. Iodoform or lodo- Arsenic. Rhubarb. Sulphurous Waters. formogen: as oint- Diuretin. , ment or suppository, Gold and Sodium TartarjEmetic. lodole. Chloride. Iodides. Iron. Hepatitis and Hep- Leeches. Iodoform. atic Abscess. — See Lead. lodole. also, Jaundice. Liquor Potassfe. Mercurials. Magnesia. .Sodium Phosphate. Acid, nitric. Malt F.itract, Dry: Urea. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- as nutrient. ric.

Menthol for itching c 0 n i te : in early Hepatic Diseases. — A piles. stages. See also, Bilious- Nnx Vomica: very Active treatment for ness. Calculi, Jaun- useful. dysentery if present. dice, Cancer, Hepa- Lini. Alkalies and Colchi- 01. talgia. Hepatic Terebinthinse. cine. 01. Congestion, Hepatic Opium. Ammonium Chloride. Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Pitch Ointment. • Antimony with Nitre. Jaundice. Podophyllum. Aspiration when pus Potassium Bitartrate. Acids, Mineral. forms. Potassium Chlorate, Ammonium Chloride: Blister or Mustard- with Laudanum : as for congestion,torpor plaster. injection. and enlargement. Calomel. Potassium and Sodi- Calomel. Colchicine. um Tartrate. Carlsbad-Salt. Diet. effect coun- Poultices : to Carlsbad Water. Hot clothes or reduction. Cholagogues. ter irritation. Rheum. Euonymin. Iodine. Saline Purgatives. Glycerinophosphates Mercury. hypersecretion. Potassium Iodide. Senna : as confection for Quinine andiron: after or better, compound Iodine or Iodides. develops. liquorice powder. Iron. abscess Sodium Chlorate. Jridin. SalinePurgatives: pre- calomel. Sozoiodole-Potassi- Mercurials; as chola« ceded by Niter: ' um. gogues. Sweet Spirit of potassium ci- Sozoiodole-Sodium. Nux Vomica. with trate, or diuretics, to Stillingia: in consti- Ox-gall. kidneys. pation and hepatic Phosphorus. regulate Umk'i Manual, J 164 i —. . : :


Tartar Emetic. Borax: saturated solu- Ichthyol: locally, Veratrnm Viride. tion, to cleanse scalp; lodole. or glycerite, as paint. Menthol. Hernia. Chrysarobin. Mercury. Cod-Liver Oil or Lin- Methylene Blue. Chloral Hydrate: ae seed Oil: as lotion. Morphine. enema. Epilation. Myrtol. Chloroform. Gaduol: as tonic. Nirvanin. Ether and Belladonna. Ichthalbin: internally, Orthoform. Ether Spray. as alterative tonic Phosphorus. Forced Enemafa. and regulator of di- Rhus Toxicodendron. Iodine. gestive functions. Silver Nitrate: strong Morphine. Lead-SubacetateSolu- solution locally. Oil. tion: with equal part Spirits of Wine. Opium. glycerine and 2 parts Tar. Sternutatories. water, as lotion when Traumaticin. Thyroid preparations. inflammation high. Veratriue: as ointment Mercury: internally in Zinc Ointment. obstinate cases Zinc Herpes. ; Don- Oxide. ovan’s solution high- Zinc Phosphide. Acetanilid. ly successful. Acid, Tannic. Mercury-Ammo n i u m Hiccough. Alum. Chloride: as per 1 Oil Ammoniated Mercury cent, ointment. Amber, of. Amyl Nitrite. Anthrarobin. Mercury Oleate, per 5 Antispasmin. Arsenic. cent.: as paint. Apomorphine. Bismuth Subgallate. Mercury Iodide: as 2 Belladonna. Bismuth Subnitrate. per cent, ointment. Calomel. Naphtalin soap. Bismuth Europhen. Naphtol ointment. Camphor. Glycerine. Pyrogallol. Cannabis indica. Hydroxylamine Hy- Sozoiodole-Mercury. Capsicum. drochlorate. Sozoiodole-Potassium Chloral. Ichthalbin; internally. Chloroform. Sulphur : as 1 to 8 oint- Ichthyol: locally, ment every morning; Cocaine. lodole. Dionin. with almond-oil in- Iron Arseniate. Ether. unction at night. Lenirobin. Sulphurated Potassa Iodoform. Magnesium Citrate. Jaborandi. ’ a oz. to pint Myrtol. (15,0 Laurel Water. grin: 500.0 cc.) lime Naphtol. Morphine; water, as lotion. hypodermi- Potassium Carbonate. cally. Thyroidin : Rhus as stimu- Toxicodendron. lant of cutaneous Musk. Silver cir- Nitrate. culation. Mustard and Hot Wa- Sozoiodole salts. ter. Zinc Sulphate. Herpes Zoster. Nitroglycerine. Nnx Vomica. Acid, Herpes Circinatus. — Carbolic. Peronin. Acid picric. See Tinea Circinata. Pepper. Aconite and Opium Potassium Bromide. locally. Pressure over phrenic Alcohol: Herpes Tonsurans locally. nerve, hyoid bone, or Atropine. (Pityriasis Rosea). epigastrium. See also. Seborrhea. Belladonna. Quinine : in full doses. Calomel. Spirit Ether. Acid. Carbolic: 2 parts Celandine. Sugar and Vinegar. with parts each gly- 3 Chloroform. Sulfonal. cerine and water, ap- Collodion. Tobacco-smoking. plied twice daily. Cocain. : Valerian. Alkalies ' internally Copper Acetate. Zinc Valerianate. often control mild Dulcamara. cases. Europhen. Hordeolum (Stye), -v Baths : followed by Ferri See also, shampooing Perchloridnm. Eyelids. and Galvanism. Iodine brisk friction. Tincture. Ichthalbin: internally. Mercury Oleate with 165 Manuel, INDICATIONS. PAKT n.

Morphine. Amyl Nitrite. Hyperidrosis. Pulsatilla; — See internally, Arsenic. Terspiration. and externally as Asparagus. wash, often aborts. Atropine. HypochoiidriaKis. — Silver Nitrate. Belladonna. See also. Melan- Bromide of Potassium cholia. Hydrocele.—5'ee also, Calabar Bean. Dropsy, Orchitis. Cannabis Indica. Alcohol: as temporary Chloral Hydrate. stimulant. Acid, Carbolic. Chloride of Potassium Arsenic: in the aged. Ammonium Chloride. Chloroform: to con- Asafetida. Chloroform. trol spasms. Bromo-hemol. Iodine, Coniine. Bromide of Potassium Silver Nitrate. Cnrare. Caffeine. Dionin. Cimicifuga; in puer- Hydrocephalus, Escharotics. peral, and spermator- rhea. Acute. — See also, Ether. Dropsy. Euphorbia. Cocaine Hydrochlo- Excision of Bitten rate. Blisters: to the nape of Part. Codeine. neck useful. Gelsemium. Colchicum. Bromide of Potassium Hyoscine Hydrobrom- Creosote. Croton Oil: liniment. ate. Dionin. Elaterium. Hyoscyamine. Electricity. Ergot. Iodine. Gold Chloride; when Iodide of Potassium. Jaborandi. giddiness and cere- Iodoform: dissolved in Mercury. bral anemia collodion, or as oint- Morphine. Hyoscyamus: in syphi- ment to neck and Nicotine. lophobia. head; along with Nitroglycerine. Ignatia small doses of calo- Pilocarpine. Musk. mel as enemata. Pasteur’s treatment. Opium: in small do- Leeches. Potassium Chlorate. ses. Mercuric Chloride; Potassium Permanga- Ox-Gall. small Peronin. doses intern- nate; as lotion to ally. wound. Spermine. Tartar Emetic; oint- Potassium Iodide. Sumbul. ment. Quinine. Valerian. Turpentine Oil : by Sabadilla. month or as enema Silver Nitrate to wo- Hysteria. at commencement. und, is of no use, Acetanilid. even though applied Acid, Camphoric. Hydrocephalus, immediately. Acid, Valerianic. Chronic. — See also. Stramonium.^ Aconite. Meningitis. Tuber- Acetaea Racemosa. cular Dropsy. ; Hydrothorax. — See Alcohol. Blisters also, Dropsy. Aloes; in constipation. Cod-Liver Oil. Allyl Tribromide. Iodide of Iron. Birch leaves extract. Ammonia, Aromatic Iodide of Potassium. Blisters. Spirits of. Iodine. Broom. Ammoniated Copper. Mercury. Diuretin. AmmoninmCarhonate Potassium Bromide. Dry Diet. Ammonium Valerian- Elaterium. ate. Iodine; injections af- Amyl Nitrite. Hyd r o p ericardiuiii. — See Dropsy. ter tapping. Amyl Valerianate. IronChloride: tincture Anesthetics. Hydrophobia. .Jaborandi. Antipyrin. Mercury. Antispasmin. Acid, Acetic or Hy- Morphine. Antispasmodics. drochloric. Pilocarpine. Apomorphine. Acid, Carbolic. Resin of Copaiba. Arsenic. Actual Cautery. Sanguinaria. Asafetida. Acupuncture. Veratrum Viride. Atropine: in hysteri- 166 Mvcfi .VantioL ;


cal aphonia Opium: in small doses. Cod-Liver Oil. Belladonna. Orexine; as appetizer Gaduol: internally as Bromalin. and digestant. alterative tonic. Bromide of Calcium. Paraldehyde. Glycerite of Tannin.

Bromide ofPotasaium. Pellitory : for ‘'globus.'’ Grape Cure. Bromide of Sodium. Phosphates. Gutta-Percha.

Bromide of Strontium. Phosphorus ; in hys- Ichthalbin- internally, Bromii>in. terical paralysis. as a regulator of di-

Bromo-hemol : as nerv- Pseudohyoscy amine. gestive functions and ine and hematinic. Pulsatilla. as alterative.

Camphor: in hysteri- Santonin : if -worms Ichthyol; locally. cal excitement. present. Iron Arseniate. Camphor, Monobro- Simulo. Laurel Water: to re- mated. Spirit Nitrous Ether: lieve itching. Cannabine Tannate. to relieve spasm. Lead Nitrate. Cannabis Indica. Sumbul. Menthol. Cerium Oxalate. Sulfonal. Mercuric Nitrate. Chloral Hydrate. Tartar Emetic. Mercury; locally. Chloralamide. Trional. Oil Cade. Chloroform. Triphenin. Potassium Chloride. - Cimicifnga : i n h y s Valerian. Poultices. terical chorea. Volatile Oils. Quinine. Cimicifugin. Zinc Iodide. Salol. Cocaine Hydrochlor- Zinc Oxide. Solution Arsenic and ate. Zinc Sulphate. Mercury Iodide. Codeine. Zinc Valerianate. Sozoiodole-Potassium Cod-Liver Oil. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Cold Water: poured Hystero-Epilepsy. Sulphate of Copper. over mouth to cut Sulphur: internally. short attack. Electricity. Tannin- locally. Conium. Nitroglycerine. Tannoform. Creosote. Picrotoxin. Tar. Electricity; to cut Spermine. Zinc Ointment short attack. Zinc Oxide. Ether. Ichthyosis. Ethyl Bromide. Baths. Eucalyptus. Impetigo Sj:philitica. Faradism. Cod-Liver Oil. Ferro-Hemol. Copper Sulphate. lodipin Oaduol Elm Bark : decoction Mercuro-iodo-hemol. useful. •Galbanum: internally, Sozoiodole-Mercury. Glycerine. and as plaster to lohthyol. sacrum. Impotence.— See also, Naphtol. Galvanism. Etnissio?ts, Sperma- Sodium Bicarbonate. Garlic: to smell during torrhea. the paroxysm. Thy roi d p reparations. Zinc Oxide. Acid, Phosphoric. Glycerinophosphates. Zinc Sulphate. Arseniate of Iron. Gold and SodiumChlo- Cannabis Indica. ride. Impetigo. — See also. Cantharides. Hyoscyamus. Cimicifuga. Ignatia. Eczema. Cold Douche: to perin- Ipecacuanha: as eme- Acetate of Lead. eum and testicles, in tic. Acid, Boric. atonic types. Iron Bromide. Acid, Chrysophanic Cubebs. Iron Valerianate. locally. Damiana. Lupniin ; wheen sleep- Acid, Hydrocyanic: to Ergotin : hypodermi- less. relieve itching. cally about dorsal Massage. Acids, Mineral; intern- vein of penis, when it Morphine Valerianate. ally. empties Musk. too rapidly. Acid, Nitric. Glycerinophosphates. Keurodin. Adeps Lanai. Gold Chloride; Nux Vomica. to pre- Arsenic. vent decline Oil Amber. of sexual Benzonaphtol. power. Oil Wormseed. Calcium Chloride. Muira Puama.

]R7 Merck^$ Manual — , INDICATIONS. DART II.

Nux Vomica: very use- Atropine. eyes, cars or nose; ful. Barium Chloride and in epididymitis. Phosphorus. Belladonna: in gouty Pyramidon. Potassium Bromide. and rheumatic in- Pyrantin. SauKuinaria. flammation and cys- Purgatives. Serpentaria. titis Pyoktauiu. Spermine. Blisters. Quinine: in peritonitis Strychnine. Borax. and in acute inflam- Testicles dried. Bryonia: in serous mations, along with Turpentine Oil. inflammations, after morphine. Zinc Phosphate: very heart or pulse low- Salicin. useful. ered by aconite. Sodium Salicylate: Cannabis Indica: in most, useful, especi- Indolent Swellings. chronic types. ally in rheumatic Chloral Ilydrate: affections. Ichthalbin: internally. when temperature is Sahne Cathartics. Ichthyol: topically. high and much de- Silver Nitrate. Potassium Iodide. lirium. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Cocaine Hydrochlor- Stramonium.

ate ; in Induration. acute types. Sulphides : to abort Cod-Liver-Oil: in or to hasten matu- Ichthalbin: internally. chronic inflammati- ration. Ichthyol: locally, on. Tartar Emetic. lodipin. Colchicine. Triphenin. Potassium Iodide. Cold. Turpentine Oil: as Thiosinamin. Copaiba. stupe Digitalis. Veratrum Viride. Infantile Diarrhea. Electricity. Water: cold, as com- See Diarrhea. Ergot. presses. Exalgin. Flaxseed: for inflam- Inflammation, Intes- Inflamniatiun. — See ed mucous membra- also. Bronchitis, tinal. — See Ente- nes. ritis. Pleuritis, etc. Also Fomentations. list of Antiphlogis- Gelsemium. Influenza. tics. Guaiacol. Acetanilid. Hop Poultice Acetanilid. Acid, Salicylic: most Ice: locally applied. Acid. Agaric. valuable. Ichthalbin: internally. Acid, Boric. Aconite: as the com- Ichthyol; locally. Acid, Camphoric. mencement of all in- Iodine: locally Acid, Carbolic; as flammations, super- Lead. spray and gargle. ficial or deep-seated; Leeches. Acid. Sulphurous: by best given in small Magnesium Sulphate fumigation or inha- doses frequently re- Mercury: in deep- lation. peated until pulse seated inflammati- Aconite, Sweet Spirit and temperature are ons, especially those of Nitre, and Citrate reduced. of serousmembranes, of Potassium, in

Alcohol: as antipyre- and iritis, and sy- combination ; valu- tic and stimulant, philitic cases. able in early stage. especially useful in Mercuric inunctions. Actsea Racemosa. blood-poisoning. Neurodin. Alcohol. Alkalies. Nitrates. Ammonium Acetate

Ammonium Chloride. Opium : exceedingly with Nitrons or Ammonium Tartrate. useful to check it at Chloric Ether. Antimony: 10 to 15 commencement, and Ammonium Salicyl- min. (0.6—1.0 cc.) of relieve pain after- ate. vinum antiraonii fre- wards. Autispasmin. quently repeated at Phenacetin. Antipyrin. commencement. Phosphorus. Belladonna. Antipyrin Pilocarpine. Benzene. Arnica. Poultices. Bismuth Salicylate. Arsenic. Pulsatilla: when puru- Bromides. Astringents. lent discharge from Calx sulphnrata. 168 .VfrcA-'i PART 11. INDICATIONS.

' Camphor. Colchicine. recommended in in- Camphor, Moiiobrom- Coniine. somnia from defici- f ateil. Dionin. ent nervous power, ^ Cannabis Indica. Duboisine. or chronic alcohol- Chloralaniide. Hyoscine Hydrobro- ism. t- Chloral Hydrate, mate. Cold Douche. ji, Cimicifnga Hy.oscy amine. Digitalis: when defi- jk Cocaine Hydrochlor- Opium. cient tone of vaso- ate. Potassium Bromide. motor system. Cold Baths as Anti- Scopolamine Hydro- Dionin. pyretic. broraate. Duboisine. j '/: Cubebs. Spermine. Ether: in full dose. Digitaliu. .Sulphonal. Ethylene Bromide. f/, Ergot, Cannabis ludica, Zinc Phosphate. Galvanisation. l'; *- with Bromides: often Gelsemium: in simple ' relieve vertigo. wakefulness. ' Eucalyptus. Insoiniiin. — See also, Glycei'inophosphates. Glycerinophosphates. Nervousness; also, Hot-water bags to feet list Hypnotics. Hot Sponging. of and cold to head if Ichthyol. Acetanilid. due to cerebral hy- Menthol. peremia. Aconite : one min. Naphthol. (0.06 cc.) of tinct. Humulus: a hop-pillow Neurodin. every quarter hour sometimes useful in Opium -with Ipecacu- when skin is dry and the aged. anha : useful for harsh. Hyoscine Hydrobro- cough. mate. Alcohol : sometimes Peronin for cough. very useful. Hyoscyamus: alone or 1 Phenacetin. Ammonium Valerian- with cannabis indica; Potassium Bicarbon- ate. useful to combine ate. Amylene Hydrate. with quinine. Potassium Nitrate: Bath: cold in cerebral Hypnone. freely diluted, as anemia, not in ner- Ignatia: in nervous ir- lemonade. vous irritability. ritability Pyramidon. Belladonna. Methylene Blue. Pyrantin. Bleeding. Morphine. Quinine: useful, es- Bromo-hemol. Musk: in irritable and pecially in later sta- Bromipin. nervous cases. ges. Butyl- Chi oral Hy- Narceine. Salipyrine. drate: if heart is Narcotine. Salol. weak. Opium; most powerful Salol with Phenace- Camphor, Monobro- hypnotic: given alone tin. mated. or in combination. Sandalwood Oil. Cannabis Indica:alone Paraldehyde. Sanguinaria: some- or with hyoscyamus. Pellotine Hydrochlor- times very useful. Cannabine Tannate. ate. Sodium Benzoate. Peronin. Sodium Chloralamide. Salicylate. Chloral- Ammonia. Phosphorus: in the Spirit Nitrous Ether. Chloral Hydrate: very aged. Steam, Medicated: in- useful, alone or with PotassiumBromide: in halations. bromide of full doses, alone or Strychnine. potas- sium the addition with other hypnotics. Tartar Emetic. ; of a small Removal Inland. Thermodin. quantity of opium to Scopolamine Hydro- Thymol. the combi- nation broma.te. Triphenin. assists its ac- tion. Sitz Bath. Turkish Baths: useful. Chloralimide. Sodium Bromide. Sodium Insanity and Chloralose Lactate. Demen- Chlorobrom. Spermine. tia. — See also, De- Strychnine. lirium, Chloroform. Hypochon- Cocaine Sulfonal. driasis, Mania, Hydrochlor- Me- ate. lancholia. Sumbul : innervous ir- Codeine. Chloral ritability and chro- Hydrate. Coffee: causes insom- nic Codeine. alcoholism. nia, but has been Tannate of Cannabin. 169 — 1


Tartar Emetic aloiit? Chamomile. feet. with opium when ChloralHydrate.-as an- Narcotine: two to five there is a tendency to tipyretic when fever grn, (0 —0.3 grm.) , congestion of the is high and to ; check three times a day so- brain, which opium vomiting or convul- metimes very useful. alone would increase. sions in adults and Nitrite of Amyl; by in- Tetronal. children during mal- halation to relieve or Trional. arious fever. shorten cold stage.

Urethane Chloroform ; to pre- Nitrite of Sodium. Valerian. vent or cut short cold Nitroglycerine. Warm Bath stage. Nux Vomica. Warmth: internally Cimicifuga: in brow 01. Terobinthin®. and externally. ague. Opium; in full doses Water. Cinchonidine or Cin- to prevent chill. Wet Compress. chonine: useful and Pepper along with Wet Pack. cheap. quinine. Coffee. PhenocollHydrochlor- Intercostal Neural- Cold Compress. ate. Cool drinks Phosphates gia. — See Neural- and sponging. gia. Phosphorus. Digitalis. Pilocarpine Hydro- Elaterium. chlorate. lutermitteiit Fever. Emetics; if chill fol- Piperine. See also, Malaria; lows full meal. Podophyllin. also list of Anti- Eucalyptus Globnlns: Potassium Bromide. periodics. during convales- Potassium Chloride. Acetanilid. cence. PotassiumNitrate; ten Acid, Carbolic. Eupatorium. grn. (0.6 grm .)in bran- Acid, Nitric; in obstin- Euquinine. dy and water, or ate cases. Ferric Sulphate. dry on tongue, to Acid, Salicylic. Ferrous Iodide. prevent fit. Aconite. Gelsemium: pushed un- Purgatives. Alcohol. til it produces dila- Quassia. Alum. ted pupils or double Quinetum. ; prophy- Ammonium Carbazo- vision. Quinine as lactic to abort fit and tate: one-half to one Grindelia Squarrosa; in e r t r o h i e d to prevent recur- grn. (0.0.S—0.06 grm.) h y p p spleen. rence : its action is in pill. aided by purgatives, Ammonium Chloride. Gnaiacol. emetics and aroma- Ammonium Picrate. Hot Bath. Hydrargyri Bichlori- tics. Amyl Nitrite. Hydrobrom- Antipyrine. dum. Quinine quinine, and Anarcotine. Hydrastis; in obstin- ate: like ate cases. less 1 iable to produce Apiol in mild cases, 15 Hydroquinone. cinchonism. grns. cc.j during (1 Hyoscyamine. Quinoidine. an hour, in divided Pack: if fever is Quinoline. doses, four hours be- Ice long continued and Quinoline Tartrate. fore the paroxysm. Resorcin. Arsenic: exceedingly excessive. Iodine Tincture: to Sachar.ated Lime. useful, especially in prevent recurrence of Salicin. irregular malaria. ague. Salipyrine. Atropine : subcutan- Ipecacuanha; most Sodium Chloride : tab- eously, to arrest or useful as emetic. lespoonfiil in glass of cut short cold stage. Iron hot water at a draught Berberine : in chronic Leptandra Virginica; on empty stomach. cases. after disease is less- Stramonium. Bleeding. ened by quinine. Strychnine. Brucine. Mercury. Zinc Sulphate. Calomel. Methylene Blue. Camphor : taken be- Intertidijo.—See also, fore the fit to prevent Morphine: along with adju- JSxcoriations. it. quinine as an vant. Acetanilid; locally. Capsicum ; along with quinine as adjuvant. Mustard: to soles of Acid, Boric. itautuU, 170 — i :;;:


substitute Laxatives: in consti- Acid, Carbolic. Duboisine; for atropine. pation. Alttmininm Oleate. Opium Bismuth Snbgallate. Eserine. Petrolatum :as a sooth- Bismuth Subnitrate. Gold. Grindelia. ing agent in gastro- Calomel. types. added to Homatropiiie. intestinal Camphor: Piperazine: in blad- dusting -powders to Hot fomentations. compresses in der irritation due to allay heat and itph- Iced early stages of trau- excess of uric acid. ing. Potassium Bromide Carbonate of Calcium. matic iritis. Iodide of Potassium. in irritability of Emol. pharynx. Fullers’ Earth. Iron. Sitz Bath. Glycerite of Tannin. Leeches. service- Strychnine: in small Ichthyol. Mercury: most doses. Lead Lotion. able. Lead Tannate. Morphine. Lime Water. Mydrine. Itch. — See Scabies. Lycopodium. Nicotine. pain. Soap. Opium: to lessen Jaundice. — See also. Tannin. Paracentesis. Hepatic Cirrhosis, Tannoform. Pilocarpine. Hepatic Diseases, Zinc Carbonate. Pyoktanin. Calculi. Zinc Ointment. Quinine. Zinc Oxide. Saline Laxatives. Acid, Benzoic. Santonin. Acid, Carbolic. Scopolamine. Acid, Citric. Intestinal Catarrh.— Sodium Salicylate. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- See Catarrh, Enter- Tropacocaine. : and ric internally , itis, etc. Turpentine Oil : in as local application rheumatic iritis. over liver, or as bath Intestinal Inflamma- in catarrhal cases. Enteritis. Acids. Mineral. tion. See I r r i t a b i li t — See y. Alkaline mineral wa- also. Insomnia, Ner- in catarrh of vousness. ters Intestinal Irritation. duodenum or bile- etc. See Enteritis, Acid, Hydrocyanic :lin ducts. irritability of the Aloes. Intestmal Obstruc- stomach. Ammonium Chloride tion.—See also, Con- Alkaline Waters. in scruple (1.25 grm.) Almonds: as a drink doses in jaundice stipation , Intussus- ception, Hernia. in irritability of in- from mental emotion. testines and air Ammonium Iodide: Belladonna. passages. when catarrh of bile- Caffeine.; Bromalin. ducts. Mercury. Bromide ofPotassinm. Arsenic: in malaria. Morphine. Bromipin. Berberine Carbonate Opium. Bromo-hemol. in chronic intestinal Strychnine. Cantharides: in irrit- catarrh. able bladder of Calcium Phosphate.! and children. Iritis. — See also. women Calomel Purgative Syphilis. Chloral Hydrate. followed by saline, Cimicifuga; in uterine often very useful. Acid, Salicylic. irritability. Carlsbad Salts. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Colchicine. Carlsbad Waters. Aconite. Colchicum: with pot- Celandine. Atropine. ash in large quantity Chloroform. Belladonna: internally of water when gouty. Colchicum. and locally. Cnpro-hemol. Diet. Bleeding. Hops; in vesical irrita- Dulcamara. Cantharides. bility. Emetics. Copaiba. Hyoscyamus: for vesi- Enemata: cold water Counter-irritation. cal irritability with (2— pints) one or Daturine. incontinence. two liters once a Dry Heat. Ignatia; in small doses. day.

171 ii*rck*t yfanual. : INDICATIONS. PART II.

Ether: when due to Iodine. Kidney Disease.— gall-stones. Iodoform. also , Albuminuria, Enonymin. lodole. Bright's Disease, llydrnstinc. Iron Iodide. Calculi; Colic, Re- Hydrastis: in cases of Mercury Oleate. nal; Diabetes, Drop- catarrh of ducts. Methylene Blue. sy, Go^it, Hematuria. Iodoform. Nirvanin. Ipecacuanha. Orthoform. Ammonium Benzoate: Iridin. Rhus Toxicodendron. for atony of kidney. Iris. Silver Nitrate. Digitoxin. Iron Succinate. Sozoiodole-Merc.ury. Fuchsine. Lemon Juice. Tartar Emetic Oint- Ichtbalbiu. Magnesia. ment. Methylene Blue. Magnesium Sulphate. Triphenin. Pilocarpine. Manganese: in mala- Turpentine Oil. Saliformin. rial or catarrhal ca- Veratrine. Strontium Bromide ses. or Lactate. Mercurials. Tannalbin. Ox-gall. Joints, Tuberculosis Theobromin. Pichi. of. Dropherin. Pilocarpine Hydro- chlorate. Cinnamic acid. Labor. — See also Ab- Podophyllum: in ca- Formaldehyde. ortion, After-Pains, tarrhal conditions Iodoform, False Pains, Post- very useful. lodole. partum Hemor- Potassium Bicarbon- Orthoform. rhage. Lactation, ate. Sodium Cinnamate. Puerperal Convul- Potassium Carbonate. sions Fever. Potassium Chloride. Potassium Sulphate: Keratitis. — See also, Acetanilid. Amyl Nitrite. as laxative. Corneal Opacities. Anesthetics. Quinine: in malarial Aniline. Antipyrin. cases. Antisyphilitic treat- Belladonna. Rhubarb : in children. ment. Borax. Saline Purgatives. Aristol. Cannabis Indica/ Salol. Arsenic. Chloral Hydrate. Sanguinaria. Atropine. Sodium Phosphate Chloroform. Calcium Sulphide. Cimicifuga. very useful in ca- Curetting. Creolin. tarrh of bile-ducts. Eserine. Ergot. Sodium Oleate. Europhen. Ethyl Bromide. Stillingia: after ague. Gallicin. Eucalyptus Oil. Taraxacum. Hot Compresses. Gelseminine. Turpentine Oil. Iron Mercury Bichloride. lodipin. Morphine. .loint Affections. — Largin. Opium. Leeches. See also, Arthritis, Pilocarpine Hydro- Bursitis. Coxalgia, Massage of Cornea: chlorate. Gout. Rheumatism, and introduction of Quinine. Synovitis. yellow - oxide oint- Sugar of milk. ment. Acetanilid. Mercurial Ointment. La Grippe. — See In- Acid, Salicylic. Mydrin. fluenza. Aconite. Physostigma. Ammoniac Plaster. Potassium Bromide. Aristol. Potassium Iodide. Lactation, Defective. — See also, Abscess, Arsenic. Pressure : bandages if Cadmium Iodide. perforation threat- Agalactia. Mastitis, Digitalis. ens. Nipples; also the list Europhen. Pyoktanin. of Galactagogues. Guaiacol. Quinine. Ammonium Chloride. Gaduol. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Calabar Bean. Ichthal bin: internally. Suprarenal Extract Qaffein. Ichthyol; topically. Thiosinamin. Castor-Oil: topically. 172 $


Gadnol. Chloral Hydrate. Abstinence from talk- Galega Extract see Chloroform; as inhala- ing, with bland and page !)8. tion to stop spasm. uuirritating, but nu- Glycerinophosphates. Codeine. tritious diet during Hypophosphites. Cod-Liver Oil. attack. Jaborandi. Cold Sponging Acid. Acetic: as in- Malt Extract, Dry. Cold Water: dashed in halation. Mustard Poultice. the face. Acid, Sulphurous: as Pilocarpine Hydro- Coniine pushed until : inhalation or spray. chlorate. physiological action Aconite. Strychnine. observed. Antimon. Pot. Tart. Thyroidin. Creosote. Antipyrine: as a spray. Vanilla. Emetics. Benzoin: as inhalation Ether. Bromides: in full L/nctatioii, Excessive. Gadnol. doses. Agaricin. Gelseminm. Calomel; in small and Alcohol. Glycerinophosphates. repeated doses fol- Atropin. Gold and SodinmChlo- lowed by saline pur- Belladonnadnternally ride. ges, also hot mustard and locally. Guaiacol. foot-bath and demul-

Camphor and Glycer- Ipecacuanha : as eme- cent drinks. ine. tic. Cocaine Chloral Hydrate. Lancing Gums. Copper Sulphate. Lobelia. Coninm: internally. Creosote Spray ; in Electricity. Mercury Sub-sulphate subacute laryngitis. Ergot. Morphine : hypoder- Cubeb Cigarettes for Hempseed Oil. mically. hoarseness. Iodides. Musk. Dover’s Powder. Iodine. Nitroglycerine. Eucain. Mercury. Peronin. Gelsemium. Parsley. Potassium Bromide. Glycerine. Potassium Bromide. Quinine. Inhalations. PotassiumBisulphate. Spinal Ice-Bag. Iodine : as inhalation Quinine. Tartar Emetic. and counter-irritant Salvia. Worms, Removal of. over neck. Tobacco; as poultice. Leeches: to larynx or Laryngitis. nape Laryngeal Tubercu- of neck. Acid, Camphoric. Mercury. losis. — See also, Acid, Sulpho-aniiic. Phthisis. Morphine. Aristol. Oil of Amber. Acid lactic. Aseptol. Purgatives. Form aldehyde. Ammonium Chloride. Quinine. Eucain. Chlorophenol. Scarification of La- Dijodoform. Cocaine. rynx. Hydrogen Peroxide, Eucain. Steam Inhalations. lodole. Ethyl Iodide. Silver Nitrate: as Orthoform. Ichthyol. spray. Sodium Phenol Sul- lodole. Tropacocaine. phoricinate see p. 98. Napthol, Camphorated. Tracheotomy. Sozoiodole salts. Pilocarpine Hydro- Veratrum Viride. chlorate. Zinc Chloride. Laryngismus Stri- Potassium dulus. Iodide. Zinc Sulphate: as — See also, Silver Nitrate. Croup, Laryngitis. emetic. Sodium Phenol Sul- Acetanilide. phoricinate. Laryngitis, Chronic. Aconite. Sozoiodole-Sodium. — Amyl b>ee also. Cough, Nitrite. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Dysphagia, Laryn- Antipyrine. Thymol. gitis Tuberculosa, Antispasmin. Syphilis. Atropine. Laryngitis, Acute. — Belladonna. Acid, Carbolic: as See also. Croup, spray. Bromides : very useful Catarrhal ; Laryn- Acid, Sulphurous: in large doses. gismus Stridulus, as Bromoform. fumigation, inhala- Pharyngitis. tion or spray.


Alum : as gargle. Gold, sary, for over-secre- Ammonium Chloride: Glycerine. tion and pain. as spray. Ichthalbin: internally. Bismuth: as injection

Bismuth: locally by in- Ichthyol : topically. or pessary. sufflation. Iron Arsenate. Bismuth Subnitrate. Ferric Chloride: as Mercury Bichloride. Blister. spray, or brushed on Oil Chaulrooogra. Borax: as injection. interior of larynx. Oil Gurjun. Calcium Phosphate. Gelsemium. Potassium Iodide. Cimicifuga. Glycerine. Serotherapeutic tre- Cocculus indicus. Guaiacum: as lozenges atment. Cold Sponging. or mixture. Silver Nitrate. Copaiba.

Inhalation. Solution Arsenic and Copper Sulphate : as Iodine:as counter-irri- Mercury Iodide. injection. tant. Solution Potassa. Creosote. Mercury. Sulphur Iodide. Dry Red Wine.

Morphine : mixed with Ergot. bismuth or starch as Leuceiuia, — See Leu- Formaldehyde. insufflation; most cocythemia. Glycerine. useful when much ir- Hamamelis. ritation, as in laryn- Helenin. geal phthisis. Leucocytliemia. Hematoxylon. Sil ver Nitrate: as solu- Arsenic. Hot Sitz Bath or Vag- tion to interior of Arsen-hemol. inal Injections of hot larynx. Glycerophosphates. water: if due to uter- Sozoiodole-Zinc. Hypophosphites. ine congestion. Tannin: as gargle or Iron. Hydrastine Hydro- spray. Phosphorus. chlorate.

Uranium Nitrate : as Hydrastis: locally. spray. Ichthyol. Leucopliikia Bucca- Iodine. Laryngitis Tubercu- lis. Iodoform: as local ap- alone or losa. Balsam Peru. plication, with tannic Potassium Permanga- mixed Acid, Lactic. acid. nate. Bismuth Subgallate. Chloride. Pyoktanin. Iron Bismuth Subnitrate. Iron Iodide. Cocaine Hydrochlor- Sozoiodole-Sodium. Tannoform. Iron Sulphate. ate. Lead salts. Dijodoform. Lime W'ater. Europhen. Leucorrhea. — See Monsel’s Solution. Ichthalbin: internally. also, Endometritis, Myrrh: internally. Iodoform. Uterine Ulceration, Oil Turpentine. lodole. Vaginitis.', Pulsatilla. Maragliano’s Serum. Acid, Boric. Pyoktanin. Menthol. Quercus. Acid, Carbolic: as in- Orthoform. Phosphate of Calcium: Resorcin. jection. Acid, Chromic. internally. Silver Nitrate. Bicarbon- Acid, Nitric, and Cin- Potassium Sozoiodole-Sodium. solution chona. ate dilute Sozoiodole-Zinc. as injection. Sodium Phenolsulfo- Acid, Phosphoric. BromWe. Alkalies. Potassium ricinate. Potassium Chloride. Tropacocain. Aloes. Potassium Permanga- Xeroform. Alum: as injection. nate. Zinc Sulphate. Aluminium Sulphate. Ammonio-F erricAlnm Resorcin. Lepra.— See Leprosy. Ammonium Chloride. Saffron. Arsenic. Silver Oxide. Leprosy. Bael Fruit. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Acid. Arsenous. Balsam of Peru: in- Spinal Ice-Bag. Acid, Gynocardic. ternally. Sumbul. Ammonium Iodide. Balsam of Tolu: in- Tannin; as injection or Arsenic Iodide. ternally. suppository. as pes- Tannoform. Gaduol. Belladonna ; 174 Merck*$ Manual. :


Thymol. Potassium Citrate. Lumbago. — See also. Zinc Sulphate. Potassium Permanga- Myalgia , Rheuma- nate. tism, Neuralgia. Lichen. .Saliformin. Acetanilid. Sodium Benzoate. .Aconite. Acid, Carbolic: hypo- Sodium Borate. Alkalies. dermically. Sodiiim Carbonate. Arsenic. Acid, Salicylic. Sodium Phosphate. Calomel. Aconite: small doses Solution Potassa. Cantharidos. internally, and lini- Strontium Lactate. Chloroform. ment locally. Strontium Salicylate. Cod-Liver Oil. AetPPa racemosa. Glycerine. Acupuncture. Glycerite of Aloes. Ammonium Chloride. Ichthal bin: internally. Liver: Cirrhosis, Con- Antipyrine. Ichthyol: topically. gestion, Diseases Aquapuncture: some- Liquor Carbonis det- of, — See Hepatic times very useful. ergens. Cyrrhosis, Conges- Atropine. tion. Diseases. Mercury : locally. Belladonna. Naftalan Camphor Monobro- Potassium Cyanide. mated. Silver Locomotor Nitrate: solu- Ataxia. Capsicum : locally. tion locally. Cautery. Strontium Acetanilid. Iodide. Chloroform : liniment. Sulphides. Acid,Nitro-hydrochlo- Cimicifuga: someti- Sulphur. ric. mes very useful in- Tar Ointment. Amyl Nitrite. ternally. Thymol. Antipyrine. Cod-Liver Oil. Warm Baths. Belladonna, Electricity. Calabar Bean. Emplastra. Lipoma. -Nee Tumors. Cannabis Indica. Ether Spray. Chloride of Gold. Eucalyptus Oil : as Lips, Cracked. — See Damiana. liniment. also. T'/ssures. Dionin. Faradization. Electricity. Adeps Lanse. Foot-bath and Dover’s Ergot. Ichthyol. Powder Exalgine. Lead Nitrate. Galvanism. Gaduol. Orthoform. Guaco. Glycerinophosphates. Gaduol. Hyoscyamus. Litheniia. — See also, Guarana: in large do- LUhiasis. Calculus. Mercuro-iodo-hemol. ses. Mercury Dyspepsia, Gout. Bichloride. Glycerinophosphates. Methylene Blue. Hot Douche or Acid, Benzoic. Hot Morphine. Poultice. Acid. Nitric. Neurodin. Ice: rubbed Acid. over back. Salicylic. Phenacetin. Ice-bag or Alkalies. Ether Phosphorus. Spray to Arsenic. loins: if hot Physostigma. applications Calcium Benzoate. fail. Pilocarpine. Iodide of Potassium. Col chicum. Potassium Bichrom- Formin Iodides. ate. Ironing Hippurates. Back with Potassium Bromide. laundry Ichthalbin. iron, skin, Potassium Iodide: for being protected Lithium Carbonate. by syphilitic taint cloth or paper. Lycetol. Silver Nitrate. Lead Lysidine. Plaster. Silver Oxide. Massage. Magnesium Carbo- Silver Phosphate. nate. Menthol. Sodium Hypophos- Morphine: Methyl Salicylate. hypoder- phite. mically. Oil Wintergreen. Sodium Salicylate. Mustard or Capsicum Piperazine. Solanin. Piperidine plaster or blister Bitart- Spermine. over ratc. painful spot. Strychnine. Neurodin. Potassium Acetate. Suspension. Nitrate Potassium Carbonate. of Potassium. Triphenin. Oil Turpentine. 175 : ,


Oleoresin Capsicum. Naphtol. Ammonium Citrate, Phonacetiu and Salol Phosphorus. subcutaneously. of each 5 grn.(0.3grm.j Plumbic Nitrate. Iron and Quinine Ci- Pitch plaster. : Potassium Canthari- trate. Potassium Salicylate. date. Mang.anese. Poultices. Potassium Chlorate. Manganese Sulphate. Quinine. Potassium Iodide. Methylene Blue. Quinine Salicylate. Resorcin. Mercury Khus Toxicodendron. Silver Nitrate. Phenocoll Hydrochlo- Sodium Orlycerophos- Sodium Acetate. rate. h a t e suhcutane- p , Sodium Ethylate. Pilocarpine Hydro- ously. Sodium Salicylate. chlorate, Sulphur. Solution Arsenic and Piperine. 'Thermodin. Mercury Iodide. Potassium Citrate. Triphenin. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Quinine. Turkish Bath. Starch, Iodized. Qninoidine.

Turpentine Oil : in- Sulphur Iodide; ex- Salicin. . ternally and locally. ternally. Salicylates. Veratrum Viride. Thiosinamine. Sodium Chloride. Thyroidin. Sodium Fluoride. Lupus. Zinc Chloride. SolntionPotassium Acid, Carbolic. Zinc Sulphate. Arsenite. Acid, Chromic. Lymphangitis. — See Warburg’s Tincture. Acid, Cinnamic. also, JJiibo. Mania. — See also. De- Acid, Lactic. Acid, Picric. Acid, Pyrogallic. lirium. Insanity Acid, Tannic. Puerperal Acid, Salicylic. Belladonna. Mania. Alumnol. Gaduol. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Aristol. Ichthalbin; internally. Acid, Valerianic. Arsenic. Ichthyol: topically. Actnea Kacemosa. Arsenic Iodide. Lead. Alcohol. Blisters. Lime^ Sulphurated Amylene Hydrate. Oalcium Chloride. Quimne Anesthetics. Calcium Lithio - Car- Salicin. Apomorphine; in bonate. emetic dose. Calomel. Malaria — See also, Atropine. Cantharidin. Intermittent Fever. Belladonna: useful. Cautery. Remittent Fever. Blisters. Chaulmoogra Oil. Acid, Arsenous, and Bromides. Chrysarobin. Arsenites. Camphor. Cod-Liver Oil. Acid, Carbolic. Cannabis Indica. Creosote. Acid, Hydrofluoric. Chloral: in full dose if Europhen. Acid, Picric. kidneys are healthy. Formaldehyde. Ammonium Fluoride. Chloral and Camphor.

Gaduol. Ammonium Picrate. Chloroform : for in- Galvano-Cautery. Anarcotine. somnia. Glycerine. Antipyrine. Cimicifuga: in cases Gold Chloride. Apiol. occurring after con- Guaiacol. Arsen-hemol. finement, not due to Hydroxylamine Hy- Bebeerine. permanent causes. drochlorate. Benzanilide. Cold Douche; to head Ichthalbin; internally. Berberine. while body is im- Ichthyol; topically. Berberine Carbonate. mersed in hot water. Iodine; in glycerine. Calomel. Coniine: alone or with Iodoform, Cinchona alkaloids morphine. lodole. and salts. Croton OH: as purga- Iron Arsenate. Eucalyptol. tive. Lead Lotion. Euquinine. Daturine.

Mercuric Nitrate. Gentian. Digitalis : in acute and Mercury Biniodide. Guaiacol. chronic mania, es- Mercury: internally Hydrastis. pecially when com- and locally. Iodine. plicated with gene- Mercuro-Iodo-Hemol. Iron. ral paralysis and Naftalan. Iron Arseniate and epilepsy. 176 Manmai, PART 11. INDICATIONS.

Dioniuo ter to relieve pain- Veratrum Viride. Duboisine: as calma- ful distention from Zinc Sulphate. tive. milk. Ergot: in recurrent Ice. mania. Ichthyol topically: Melancholia. — See F.tber: in maniacal one of the best re- also, Jlypochondri- paroxysms. medies. asis. Hysteria, In- Oalvanism: to head Iodine. sanity. and to cervical sym- Jaborandi. Acid, Hydrocyanic. pathetic. Mercury and Mor- Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- Camboge. phine Oleate: locally ric after meals: if G e 1 s e m i u m : when in'mammary abscess. associated with ox- raucli motor excite- Phytolacca: to arrest aluria. ment and wakeful- inflammation, local Alcohol. ness. application. Arsenic: in aged per- Ilyoscine Hydrobro- Plaster: to support sons along with opi- mate. and compress mam- um. Hyoscyamine or Hy os- ma>. Belladonna. cyamns: in hallu- Potassium Bromide. Bromides. hypo- cinations and Salines. Caffeine. chondriasis. Stramonium: fresh Camphor Iron leaves as poultice. Cannabis Indica. Morphine. Emetic: in Tartar Chloral Hydrate: as : alone or with Opium small doses frequent- hypnotic. tartar emetic. ly repeated at com- Chloroform : for in- Paraldehyde. mencement. somnia. Physostigma Tobacco Leaves: as Cimicifuga: in puerp- Potassium Bromide. poultice. eral or uterine de- Scopolamine: as a spondency. soporific. Stramonium. Measles. — For Se- Cocaine Colchicum. Sulfonal: as a hyp- queUe, see Bronchi- Colocynth. notic. tis, Cough, Ophthal- Dionine. Veratrum Viride. mia. Otorrhea,Pneii- Galvanism. Wet Pack, monia, etc. Zinc Phosphide Gold. Acid, Carbolic: inter- Ignatia. nally at commence- Iron. Marasmus.— SeeAdy- ment. Morphine. namia Aconite. , Cachexia, Musk. Emaciation, etc. Adeps Lance. Nitrous Oxide. Ammonium Acetate. Opium : in small do- Mastitis. — See also, Ammonium Carbo- ses especially useful. Abscess, Lactation. nate. Paraldehyde. Antimony. Phosphorus. Aconite. Calcium Sulphide. Thyroidin. Ammonium Chloride: Camphor. Turkish Bath. as lotion locally. Cold Affusion. Valerian: in hysteri- Arnica. Digitalis. cal and suicidal cases. Belladonna: locally as Euquiuine. Zinc Phosphide. liniment or oint- Fat. ment. Iodine. Breast-pump. Ipecacuanha. ' Meniere’s Disease. Calcium Sulphide: in- Jaborandi. ternally Bromalin. if abscess Mustard Bath : when Bromides. is forming. retrocession of rash. Camphor. Packing. Bromipin. Bromo-hemol. Chloral Hydrate: Poul- Potassium Bromide: Gelsemiuni. tice. when sleeplessness. Quinine. Conium Potassium Chlorate: Sodium Salicylate. Digitalis Infusion: lo- in adynamic cases. cally as fomentation. Pulsatilla. Friction: with oil. Purgatives. Meningitis, Cere- Galvanism. Quinine. bral , Spinal and Hyoscyamus as plas- Triphehin. Cerebro - Spinal. —

177 M^rck*i Manual. 12 : :


Hee also, Meningitis, Magnesium Carbo- tic doses in evening,, Tubercular. nate. followed by acidu- Mercury. Aoonite. lated draught in Potassium Bromide. Alcohol. morning. Potassium Ammonium Carbo- Iodide. Lemons. Purgatives. nate. Magnesium Sulphates Tartar l-.metic. sometimes useful. Antimony : in cerebro- Turpentine Oil. Mercury spinal meningitis. Bichloride. Belladonna. MonsePs Solution. Menorrhagia and Oil Erigeron. Blister to nape of neck M o t r o r r ’li a I a. Opium. in early stage, to g — See also, Amenor- Phosphates. prevent effusion; al- rhea, Hemorrhage, Potassium so in comatose state. Chlorate. Uterine Tumors. Quinine. Bromides and Chloral: Acid, Rhus Aromatioa. to allay nervous Gallic : very use- symptoms ful. Rue. Savin. Bryonia: when etfu- Acid, Pyrogallic. Senega. sion. Acid, Tannic. Calomel with Opium Acid, Sulphuric: when Stypticin Silver Oxide. in early stages. due to tibroid or po- Turpentine Oil. Cold Baths. lypus. Tannin Digitalis. Act®a Raccmosa. Drtica Ergot. Aloes: as adjuvant to Urens. Gelsemium. iron. Vinca Major. Hyoscyamus. Ammonium Acetate. Menstrual Ice-bag to head. Ammonium Chloride Disorders. See also. Iodide of Potassium. lor headache. — Amenor- Jalap. Arsenic: with iron. rhea, Dysmenor- rhea, Climacteric Leeches: to nape of Atropine. Disorders. neck. Berberine. Mercury: as ointment Bromides. Aconite. or internally. Calcium Phosphate: Aloes. Milk Diet: in second in anemia. Cimicifuga. stage. Cannabis Indica: so- Cocculus Indiciis. Opium: in small do- metimes very useful. Ergot. ses, alone or with Cimicifuga. Eumenol see page 98. tartar emetic. Cinnamon Oil : when Hydrastis. Phosphorus: in chro- erigeron is not at Opium nic meningitis. hand, in oozing flow. Ovaria. Pilocarpine. Coniine. Pulsatilla. Creosote. Pulsatilla: in acute Slentagra. cases. Digitalis: sometimes Purgatives: at com- useful. Acid, Carbolic. mencement; calomel Dry Cups over Sac- Acid, Sulphurous: and jalap most use- rum: if due to con- with glycerine. ful. gestion Arsenic. Spermine. Ergot; most useful. Canada Balsam. Turpentine Oil. Ferri Perchloridum. Cod-Liver Oil. Quinine: contraindi- Guaiacnm. Copper: locally, as cated in acute stage. Hamamelis; useful. lotion. Veratrum Viride. Hot Water Bag: to Epilation. Venesection: in early dorsal and lumbar Goa Powder. stage of sthenic ca- vertebra'. Iodide of Sulphur. Iodine. ses. if aconite or Hydrargyri Perchlo- Mercury. veratrum viride is ridnm. of Turpentine. not at hand; also Hydrastine Hydro- Oil Bichloride, or when much excite- chlorate. Oleate, ment. Hydrastinine Hydro- Nitrate of Mercury; chlorate. as ointment or loti- Hydrastis. on. Meningitis, Tubercu- Ice: to spine. Petroleum. lar. Iodine. Silver Nitrate. Croton Oil. Iodoform. Tr. Iodine, Compound. Iodine. Ipecacuanha: in erne- Zinc and Copper Snl- 178 MrrrlcU McmmtL :


phate. Ferropyrine. anemia and climac- Zinc Chloride. Gelsominine, teric. Gold Bromide. Valerian. Mercnrial Cachexia. Guarana. Ichthyol. Gadnol. Methylene Blue. Myalgia. — See also. Pleurodynia Glycerinophosphatee. Nenrodin. , Lum- Hemogallol. Phenacetin. bago. Iodine and Iodides. Picrotoxin. Acupuncture. lodipin. Potassium Bromide Aquapnncture. lodohemol. with Caffeine. Ammonium Chloride. Sodium Salicylate. Arnica: internally and Meteovism. — See Triphenin. locally. T)fmpanites. Belladonna Liniment: Miliary Fever. locally. Metritis (Para- and Belladonna Plaster. Aconite. Peri-). — See also, Camphor-Chloral. Zinc Puerperal Fever, Oxide. Camphor Liniment. Puerperal Metritis. Camphor, Monobrom- Mitral Disease.— ated. Acid, Carbolic. N'ee Heart Ajfections. Chloroform Liniment: Acid, Nitric. with friction. Aconite. Ciraicifuga. Aloes: enema. Mollities Osshun. — Clove Oil: added to Creosote. . See Bone Diseases, liniment, as Ergotin. Rachitis. a counterirritant. Gold and Sodium Diaphoretics. Chloride. Morphine Habit. — Electricity. Hydrargyri Bichlori- See Opium Habit. Ether. dnm. Exalgin. Ichthyol. Friction. Iodine. Month, Sore. — See Glycerinophosphates, lodipin. also, Aphthae, Can- Gelseminine. Iodoform. cruni Oris, Gums, Parotitis, Gels e m i u large Mercury Bichloride. Ptyalism, m Stomatitis Tooth- doses. Nitrate of Silver. , ache, Tongue. Ichthyol. Opium : as supposi- Iodides. tory or enema. Acetanilid. Iodine. Potassa Fusa. Acid, Boric. Massage, or good rub- Potassium Iodide. Acid, Citric. bing, very necessary. Poultices. Potassium Perman- Saline Oil Cajupnt. Laxatives. ganate. Opium. Saline Mineral Wa- Pyoktanin. Packing. ters. Salvia. Potassium Silver Nitrate. Acetate or Silver Nitrate. Citrate. Sozoiodole salts. Sodium Bisulphate. Poultices: hot as Turpentine Oil. can Sodium Borate. be borne. Turpentine Stupes. Sodium Thiosulphate. Salicylates. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Salol. Zinc Acetate. SliKraine. — 5'ee also, Triphenin.

Hemicrania. Veratrine : externally. Mumps. — Xanthoxylum: Acetanilid. See Paro- Inter- titis. nally and externally. Acid, .Salicylic. Aconitine. Mnsoae Volitantes. Antipyrin. Myelitis. — See also. Amyl Nitrite. Alteratives, and Cor- Meningitis, Spinal; Caffeine. rection of anomalies Paralysis. Cannabis Indica. of refraction. Barium Chloride. Camphor, Monobro- Mercury. mated. Belladonna. Blue Pill: in bilious- Electricity : in chronic Croton Chloral. ness. Eucalyptol. cases. Iodide of IPotassium. Exalgin. Ergot. Iron Perchloride: in Gaduol. 179 M0rek*» Manmul, 12 * INDICATIONS. PART II.

Galvanism. Caffeine. Nausea. — See also. Glycorinophosphates. Emetics. Dyspepsia, Head- Hydrotherapy. Exercise. ache, Biliousness, Iodides. Galvanism. Sea-Sickness, Vonii- lodole. Strychnine. tiny. Vomiting of lodopin. Pregnancy. Massage. Acid, Carbolic. Mercury. N asal Diseases, — See Acid, Hydrocyanic. in para- Phosphorus: also, Acne, Catarrh, Acid, Sulphuric. plegia from exces- Epistaxis, Hau Fe- Acid, Tartaric. sive venery. ver, Influenza, Ozetia Aconite. Picrotoxin. Polypus, Stieeziny. ; Ammonio - Citrate of Silver Nitrate: useful. Iron. Spermine. Acid, Tannic: with Belladonna. Strychnine. glycerine. Bismuth., Acid, Chromic. Calomel. Myocarditis. — See Acid, Trichloracetic. Calumba. Heart Affections. Alum. Cerium Oxalate. Aluminium Aceto- Chloral Hydrate. Myopia. tartrate. Chloroform. Aluminium Tanho- Cinnamon. Atropine.' tartrate. Cloves. Extraction of lens. Arsenic. Cocaine Glasses. Bismuth Subgallate, Cocculus Indicns: in Camphor. violent retching Myringitis.— See Ear Cocaine Hydrochlo- without vomiting. Affections. rate. Codeine. Cocaine Carbolate. Coffee. Diaphtherin. Creosote. M.vxedeiua. — See al- Eucaine Hydrochlo- Electricity. so, Goiter. rate. Ether. Arsenic. Gaduol. Hoffmann’s Anodyne: lodothyrine. Glycerinophosphates. when due to exces- Iron Salts. Holocaine Hydrochlo- sive use of tobacco. Jaborandi. rate. Ice. Nitroglycerine. Hydrogen Dioxide. Ingluvin. Pilocarpine Hydro- Hydrastine Hydro- Iodine. chlorate. chlorate Ipecacuanha: in sick- Strychnine Salts. Ichthyol. ness of pregnancy Thyroidin (dried). lodipin. and chronic alcohol- Iodoform. Thyroidin Notkin. ism ; very small dose, lodole. 1 minim (0.06 cc) of Menthol. Nails, Ingrowing. wine. Naphtol. Kumyss. Alum. Orthoform. Lead Acetate. Dijodoform. Potassium Iodide. Leeches. Ferri Perchloridum. Pulsatilla. Lime IVater. Ferri Persulphas. Pyoktanin. Liquor Potassfe. Glycerine. Resorcin. MagnesiumCarbonate Iodoform Sanguinarine. Mentha Oil. lodole. Silver Nitrate. Menthol. Lead Carbonate. Sodium Borate, Neu- Mercury. Liquor Potassa. tral. Morphine, Pluinbi Nitras. Sozoiodole salts. Nux Vomica. Pyoktanin. Suprarenal gland. Nutmeg. Silver Nitrate. Tropacocaine. Orexine: when with Sozoiodole-Sodium. Zinc Chloride. lack of appetite. Tannin. Zinc Oxide. Papain. Pepper. Narcotism. Peppermint. Nasal Polypns. — See Pepsin. Apomorphine Hydro- also, Polypus. Pimento. chlorate. Pulsatilla; in gastric Atropine. Ichthyol. catarrh. ^ 180 INDICATIONS. PART II.

Salicin. very useful. Silver Phosphate. Arsenate. Spt Nncis .lujiflarLdis. Senega. Sodium Strychnine. Strontium Bromide. Sodium Phosphate. Strontium Lactate. Solanine. Tannalbin. Spermine. — SeeCaries, Necrosis. Tannin. Triphenin. Si/ph- Bone Dieeaso, Theobromine and So- Valerianates. Scrophiilosis. ills, dium Salicylate. /lino Sulphate. Ferri Per- Zinc Valerianate. Neoplasms. Tu- Tinctura chloridi. mors. Turkish Baths. Nervous Exhaustion.

Turpentine Oil : one — See Adynamia, Nephritis, Acute. niinim every two to Neurasthenia. See also, Albuminur- four hours. ia, Bright’s Disease. Urea. Nervousness. ' — r See Acid, Gallic. Uropherin. also. Insomnia; Ir- Aconite: at commence- Warm Baths. ritability. ment. Aconite; one minim of Alkalies. Nervous Affections. tincture at bedtime Ammonium Acetate. — See also. Diabetes, for restlessness and Ammonium Benzoate. Hemicrania; Head- fidgets. Aqua Calcis. ache, Heroous; Hem- Ammonium Chloride. Arseu-hempl. iplegia. Hysteria Argenti Phosphas. Arsenic. Insomnia. Locomo- Bromalin. Belladonna. tor Ataxia. Mania, Brorhidc of Potassi- Melancholia, Myeli- Caffeine. um : over-work and Camphor. tis, Neuralgia, Neu- worry. Cannabisindica: as di- rasthenia, Neuritis, Bromo-hemol. Nervousness, Paral- uretic, especially in Caffeine : where much hematuria. ysis, Paralysis Agi- debility. Cantharides; one min- tans, Spinal Paral- Camphor. im (0.06 cc) of tincture ysis, etc. Chamomile. every three hours, to Acid, Hypophosphor- Chloral Hydrate. stop hematuria after ous. Chloroform. acute symptoms have Acid, Valerianic. Cod-Liver Oil. subsided. Arsen-hemol. Cold Sponging. Cod-Liver Oil. Arsenic. Conium. Copaiba. Bromalin. Cupro-hemol. Croton Liniment. Bromipin. Electricity. Cytisus Scoparius. Bromo-hemol Ergot. Digitalis; as diuretic. Caffeine Ether. Elaterium. Caesium andRubidiura Hops; internally, and Eucalyptus: given can- and Ammonium Bro- as pillow. tiously. mide. Hydrargyri Perchlo- Fuchsine. Cocaine. rid. Hyoscyamus. Cupro-hemol. Ignatia. Ichthalbin; internally. Exalgin. Lime salts. Ichthyol: externally. Ferropyrine. Massage. Incisions. Gold and SodiumChlo- MorphineValerianate. Iron. ride. Musk: in uterine de- Jaborandi. Glycerinophosphates. rangements . Juniper. Hyoscine. Opium. Lead. Hyoscyamine. Phosphorus. Liquor Amraonii Ace- lodipin. Pulsatilla: tincture. tatis. Neurodin. Resorcin. Liquor Potassa;. Nux Vomica. Rest-Cure. Methylene Blue. Opium. Simulo: tincture. Nitroglycerine. Picrotoxin. Sodium-Bromide. Pilocarpine. Phosphorus. Spermine. Potassium Bitarfrate. Physostigma. Strontium Bromide. Potassium Bromide. Potassium Bromide. Strychnine. Potassium Iodide. Santonin. Sumbul: in pregnancy, Potassium Sulphate. Silver Chloride. and after acute ill- Poultices: over loins, Silver colloidal. ness.

ISl yrrek’t .Vanuai* :


Suprarenal Gland. Chlorethyl Spray. Iodides; especially Swoot Spirit of Nitre. Chloral and Camphor: when nocturnal. Valerian. eqn 1 parts, locally Iodoform. Zinc Phosphate. applied. Kataphoresis. Chloral and Morphine. Massage. Neuralgia. — See also, Cloral-Menthol. Menthol. Gastralgia, He mi- Chlorate of Potassi- Methacetiu. crania, HMatalgia, um : in facial neural- Methyl Chloride. Otalgia, Ovarian gia. Methylene Blue. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Chloroform : locally, Morphine: hypodermi- Tic Douloureux, etc. and by inhalation, cally. Acetanilid. when pain is very Mustard: poultice. Acid, Hydrocyanic. severe. Narceine. Acid, Perosmic Cimicifuga: in neural- Neurodin. Acid, Salicylic. gia or fifth nerve, and Nickel. Acid, Valerianic. ovarian neuralgia. Nitroglycerine. Aconite: locally. Cocaine. Nux Vomica: in visce- Aconitine as ointment Codeine. ral neuralgia. Acupuncture. Cod-Liver Oil. Oil, Croton Adepa Lana*. Colchicine. Oil, Mustard. Agathin Colchicum. Oil of Cloves; locally. Alcohol. Coniine Hydrobro- Oil, Peppermint. Ammonium Chloride; mate. Olooresin Capsicum. one -half dram (2.0 Conium. Opium. grm.) doses. Counter-Irritation. Peppermint: locally. Ammonium Picrate. Creosote. Peronin. Ammonium Valeria- Cupri- Ammonii Sul- Phenacetin. nate. phas. Phenocoll Hydrochlo- Amyl Nitrite. Digitalis. rate. Anesthetics. Dionin. Phosphorus. Aniline. Dogwood, .Jamaica. Potassium Arsenite Antipyrine. Electricity. Solution. Antiseptic Oils. Epispastics. Potassium Bichrom- Aquapuncture. Ergot iu visceral neu- ate. Arsenic. ralgia. Potassium Bromide. Potassium Cyanide. Atropine : as liniment, Ether. or hypodermically Ethyl Chloride. Potassium Salicylate. near the nerve. Eserine. Pulsatilla Auro-Terchlor. Euc.alyptol. Pyoktanin. Belladonna. Euquinine. Pyramidon. Bebeeru Bark or Be- Euphorin. Pyrantin. beerine. Exalgin. Pyrethrum: as masti- Berberine. Ferric Perchloride. catory. Bismuth Valerianate. Ferro-Manganates. Quinine Salicylate. Blisters Ferropyrine. Rubefacients. Bromides. Freezing Parts: with Salicin. Butyl -Chi oral Hy- ether or rhigolene Salophen. drate: for neuralgia spray. Salol. Dithio-salicy- of fifth nerve. Gaduol: as nerve-tonic Sodium Cactus Grandiflorus and alterative. late. Beta. Salicylate. tincture. Galvanism. Sodium Caffeine. Gelsemium. Sodium',Sulphosalicy- Camphor, Carbolated. Gelseminine. late. Camphor, Monobro- Gold and SodiumChlo- Specific’Remedies : if mated ride. due to scrofula or Cannabis Indica. Glycerinophosphates. syphilis. Capsicum; locally. Guaiacol: locally. Spinal Ice-bag. Carbon, Disulphide. Guethol. Stavesacre. Cautery. Hyoscyamns. Stramonium. Chamomile. Ichthyol; as alterative Strychnine. Chaulmoogra Oil. and hematinic. Snmbul: sometimes Chelidonium. Ignatia: in hysterical very useful. Chloralamide. and in intprcostal Thermo-cautery. Chloral- Ammonia. neuralgia. Thermodin. 182 INDICATIONS. t»ART 11.

Triphenin. Galvano-Cautery. Acid, Picric: fissures. Tonga. Hydrarpyri Bichlor- Acid, Sulphurous. Turkish Bath. idum Acid. Tannic. Turpentine Oil. Ichthyol: topically. Alcohol: locally. Valerian. Ichthalbin: internally. Arnica. Veratrine. Iodine: paint. Balsam of Peru. Vibration. Iron Chloride. Balsam of Tolu. Wet Pack. Liquor Plumbi. Benzoin. Zinc Cyanide. Nitrate of Mercury. Bismuth Subgallate. Zinc Valerianate. Acid. Borax: saturated so- Potassium Nitrate. lution locally. Water. Neurasthenia. — See Scarification Brandy and Ethylate. Breast-pump. also. Adynamia, Ex- Sodium haustion, Gout, Hys- Tannin. Catechu. Trioxy methylene. Chloral Hydrate Poul- teria. Spmal Irrita- Chloride. tice. tion. Zinc Zinc Iodide Cocaine Solution (4 Arsenic. Zinc Nitrate. grn to the ounce Bromalin. (0.2.’i:80 cc.): applied Bromipin. Nigthiuare. and washed off before Bromo-hemol. Bromide of Potassium nursing, if breast is Codeine. very painful. Cocaine. Bromalin. Camphor Water. Collodion. Oaduol. Ferrous Subsulphate: Glycerinophosphates. Night-Sweats. — See locally. Gold. Ichthyol: when indu- Hypophosphites. also. Perspiration, rated. Blue. Phthisis, etc. Methylene India Rubber. as appetizer, Orexine; Acid, Acetic: as a lo- Lead Nitrate. etc. tion. Lead Tannate. Phosphorus. Acid, Agaric. Lime Water. Potassium Bromide. Acid, Camphoric. Nirvanine. Spermine. Acid, Gallic. Orthoforme. Strychnine. Acid, Salicylic. Potassium Chlorate. Sumbnl. Acid, Sulphuric, dilu- Rhatany : one part ex- Zinc Oxide. ted. tract to 15 of cacao Agaricin. butter. Neuritis. — See also. Alum. Silver Nitrate. Alcoholism, Neural- Atropine. Sozoiodole salts. gia Spinal Irrita- Chloral Hydrate. , Tannin, Glycerite of. tion. Ergotin. Yolk of Egg. Acetanilid. Homatropiue Hydro- Zinc Oxide. Arsenic hromate. Zinc Shield. Benzanilid. Iron Sulphate. Gold. Lead Acetate. Mercury Picrotoxin. Nodes.—See also. Eix- Potassium Iodide. Pilocarpine Hydro- ostosis, Periostitis. Salicylates. chlorate. Strychnine. Potassium Ferrocya- Acid, Arsenions. nide. Arsen-hemol. Naevus.— 5eea/so,T«<- Potassium TeUurate. Cadmium Iodide. mors, Warts. Salvia Tincture. Ichthalbin: internally. Silver Oxide. Ichthyol: topically. Acid, Carbolic. Sodium lodipin. Acid, Chromic. TeUurate. Sulfonal. Mercury Oleate: Acid, Nitric. with Thallium Acetate. Acid. Trichloracetic. morphine, locally. Zinc Oleate. Potassium Iodide: Aluminium Sulphate. in- Zinc Sulphate. ternally Antimonium Tartar- and exter- atum. nally. Chloral Hydrate. Nipples, Sore. — See Stramonium Leaves: Collodion. also, Lactatiou,Mas- as poultice. Creosote. titis. Croton Oil. Acid, Boric. Nose-bleed. — See Electrolysis.; Acid, Carbolic, Epistaxis.

183 i/erck*a Manual. INDICATIONS. PART II.

Nutrition, Del'ftctivo. chlorate. the gum. — See list of Tonics, Potassium Permanga- Cocaine; the hydro- Gastric Tonics, etc. nate. chlorate into a pain- Saccharin: to replace ful cavity. Nyctiiiopia. sugar in diet. Colchicum: Salines. along with Amyi Nitrite, opium in rheumatic Sodium Chloride. misters; small to ex- odontalgia. Sulphurous Waters. ternal canthus. Collodion: with Thyroidin. mixed Quinine. melted crystallized Turkish Baths. Strychnine. carbolic acid,and put Vinegar very injuri- into cavity on cotton ous. wool first increases, Nymphomania. ; then diminislies, pain Acid. Snlphurie. Odontalgia. — See al- Coniine: solution in Anaphrodisiacs. so. Neuralgia. alcohol on cotton Broniipin wool and put into Bromalin. Acid, Carbolic; a sing- tooth. Bromide ofPotassium; le drop of strong, on Creosote: like carbolic in large doses. cotton wool placed in acid. cavity of tooth. Camphor ; in large Croton Oil. Acid, destroy doses. Electricity, exposed nerve. Camphor, Monobro- Ethylchloride. mated. Acid, Tannic. Digitalis. Aconite: liniment or Gelsemium: to relieve Hyoscine Hydrobro- ointment in facial the pain of a carious mate. neuralgia if due to tooth unconnected Lnpuline. decayed teeth. with any local in- Opium. Aconitine. flammation. Ginger. Sodium Bromide, Alum : a solution in Stram onium. nitrous ether locally Ichihyol. Iodine: painted on to Sulphur: when due to applied, remove tartar on hemorrhoids. Argenti Nitras ; the teeth; and in ex- Tobacco: so as to cause solid applied to the posure of fang due nausea; effectual but clean cavity and the atrophy of depressing. mouth then gargled. to gum. Arsenic: as caustic to Menthol. destroy dental nerve. Mercury; as alterative Obesity. Belladonna. and purgative. Acid. Hydriodic. Butyl-Chloral; in neu- Methyl Chloride. Acids, Vegetable. ralgic toothache. Morphine: subcutane- AdonisiEstivalis; tinc- Calcium salts. ously injected. ture. Camphor: rubbed on Nitroglycerine. AlUalies. gum, or dropped on Nux Vomica. Alkaline Waters: es- cotton wool and Oil of Cloves : dropped tooth. pecially those of Ma- placed in into the cavity of a Chloral rieuhad. Camphor and hollow tooth. Ammonium Bromide. Hydrate ; liniment to Opium; dropped into relieve facial neural- Banting’s System : liv- cavity. ing on meat and gia Pellitory; chewed. green vegetables, and Camphor, Carbolated. Potassium Bromide. in- avoiding starch, su- Capsicum; a strong Pulsatilla: in rheu- gars and fats. fusion on lint. matic odontalgia. Tetrachloride. Cold Bath. Carbon Quinine: in full dose. Diet. Chamomile. Resorcin : like creo- Fncus Vesiculosus. Chloral : solution in glycerine one in four, sote. Iodides. Sodium Bicarbonate: Iodoform. or solid, in cotton saturated solution to lodole wool to be applied to rinse movith with. Laxative Fruits and the hollow tooth. solu- Purges. Chloral-Camphor. Tannin ; ethereal Lemon Juice. Chloroforra;into ear nr tion dropped in cari- Liq. Potassse. tooth on lint; a good ous tooth. Phytolacca. liniment with creo- Zinc Chloride; to de- Pilocarpine Hydro- sote, or injected into stroy exposed pulp. 184 MereVi Manual, PART 11. INDICATIONS,

(J-Alpiita.— SeeBropsi/. .Aristol. Cannabis Indica. Arsenic. Capsicum. U-',.soi>lin‘!:eal .Aft'octi- Atropine. Chloral Hydrate. on.>i.— iVertfeo, Chok- Boroglyoeride (20 to Cocaine. ing, Dgsphagin. 50 per cent.): applied Codeine. to chronic grannla- Conium. Anesthetics. Cupro-hemol. Belladonna. tions. Couinm. Calcium Sulphide. Dioninc very useful. Hjoscyamus. Calomel. Duboisine. Col chi cum. Eserine Silver Nitrate. (Copper Sulphate. Gclsemium. Onychia and Parony- Eserine. Gold and Sodium chia. Europhen. Chloride. Formaldehyde: for Hyoscine Hydrobro- Cocaine. purulent ophthalmia. matc. Dijodofonn. Hot Cpmpresstfsl’ Iron, Ichthjol. Ichthyol. Nitroglycerine. iodine. Iodine!' ' Paraldehyde. lodole. Iodoform; Sparteine Sulphate, i

- Alorphine. lodole. Sodium Bromide. Pyoktanin. Jequirity: infusion Strychnine. Sodium Chloride'.' painted bn inner side Zinc Oxide. Sozoiodole salts. of eyelids^ Turpentine Oil. Largi7i. Orchitis. — See also, Lead Acetate. Bpididymitis. ' Onychia. Leeches: to temples. Ammonium Chloride- Acid, Carbolic: as local Liquor Potasspe. Auemonin. anesthetic. Mercury. Belladonna. Alum. Merc7U'y Bichloride: Calomel. Aluminium Sulphate. as lotion. Guaiacol. Arsenic: Mercury Oxide, Red: Ichthyol.

Chloral Hydrate : lo- as ointment; Iodine. cally. Mercury O'xycyanate. lodole. Corrosive Sublimate. Mydrin. Iodoform. Ferri Perchloridnm. Naphthol Mercury Oleate. Ferri Persulphas. Oil of Cade: 1 in 10. Morphine. Iodoform: locally. Protargol. Pulsatilla. Lead Nitrate. Pulsatilla. Silver Nitrate. Mercury : as ointment, Pyoktanin. Sodium Salicylate. alternately with po- Silver Nitrate. Strapping. ultices. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Tartar Emetic Silver Nitrate: at Strontium Iodide. commencement. Sulphur: insufflation Ostcomalacin. Tannin. — See for diphtheritic con- also, Bo7ie Diseases. Tar Ointment. junctivitis. Tartar Emetic. Tartar Bathes. Emetic: as Cinchona counter-irritant. Preparati- ons Oophoritis. — See Zinc Acetate. Cod-liver Ocaritis. Zinc Chloride. Oil. Zinc Oxide. Glycerinophosphates. Ophthalmia. Iron — See Zinc Sulphate. Preparations. also. Blepharitis, Ovariin. Conjunctivitis, Ker- Ophthalmia Neona- Phosphorus. atitis. torum. — See Oph- Phosphates, especially .Acid, Boric. talmia. Calcium Phosphates. Acid, Carbolic: pure, Osteomyelitis. — See for chronic Opium Habit. granula- also, Bone Diseases. tion excess ; removed Ammonium Valeri- with water. Europhen. anate. Sozoiodolc-Mercury. Acid, (iitric: ointment Atropine. or lemon juice. Bromo-hemol. Otalgfia. — See also,. •Acid, Tannic. Bromalin. Otitis. Alum, Bromipin. -Antimony. Aconite. Bromides. Atropine.

185 Mtrck*8 Manual. INDICATIONS. PART II.

Brucine. Iodoform. Ichtbalbin; internally. Chloral Hydrate. Lead Acetate. Ichthyol; topically. Chloroform. Lead Lotions. Mercury. Cocaine. Lime Water. Opium. Glycerine. Liquor Sodic; locally Ovariin. Oil Almonds. when discharge is Tartar Emetic; as Opium. fetid. ointment. Pulsatilla. Mercury, Brown, Ci- Turpentine Oil; as Tincture Opium. trine Ointment. counter-irritant. Permanganate of Po-

Otitis. — See also, tassium ; as injection Oxaliiria. Otalgia. or spray. Acid, Lactic Acid, Carbolic. Pyoktanin. Acids, MineraL Aconite Quinine. Acid, Alumnol. Resorcin. Nitric. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- Aristol. Silver Nitrate; locally. Atropine Sozoiodole-.Sodium. ric. Calcium Carbonate. Creosote. SoZoiodole-Zinc. Mineral Water. Cocaine. Sulphocarbolates. Wildungen, Helenen- Creolin. Tannin. Glycerite of; very useful. quelle. Diaphtherin. ZiHC Europhen Zinc Sulphate. Sulphate. Ichthyol: in otitis media. Ovarian Diseases. Ozena. — See also, Ca- •lodole. Atropine. tarrh, Chronic, Na- Naphtol. Bromo-hemol. sal. Potassium Permanga- Bromipin. nate Acetate of Ammoni- Bromides. Pulsatilla Tincture. um. Codeine. Acid, Carbolic. Pyoktanin. Conium. Resorcin. Acid, Chromic. Glycerinophosphates. Retinol. Acid. Salicylic. Ichthyol. Salol Acid, Sulphurous. Ovariin. Sozoiodole salts. Acid, Trichloracetic. Sty rone. Alum; as powder or wash. Thyroidin. Ovarian Neuralgia. Aluminium Acetotar- — See also, Dgsmen- orrhea, Neuralgia, trate. Otorrhea. — See also, Alumnol. Otitis. Ooaritis. Aristol. Acid, Boric. Ammonium Chloride. Bichromate of Potas- Acid, Carbolic. Atropine. sium. Acid, Tannic. Camphor, Monobro- Bismuth Snbgallate. Aconite. mated. Bismuth Subnitrate. Alcohol. Cannabis Indica. Boroglyceride. Alum: insufflation. Codeine. Bromine; as inhala- Arsenic. Conium. tion. Cadmium; locally. Dionin. Calcium Chloride. Cadmium Sulphate. Gelsemium. Calomel Snuff. Caustic. Gold and Sodium Carbolate of Iodine. Chloral Hydrate. Cliloride. Chlorinated Lime or Cod-Liver Oil. Nenrodin. Chlorinated Soda; Cotton Wool. Opium. injections of the so- Creosote. Triphenin. lution. Diaphtherin. Zinc Valerianate. Chlorophenol. Gaduol. Creolin. Cubeb. Hydrastine Hydro- Ovariti.s. chlorate. Diaphtheriu Hydrogen Peroxide Anemonin. Diphtheria .viuitoxin.* Iodide; two grn. to Belladonna. Ethyl Iodide. the ounce (0.12—30.0 Camphor. Gaduol. cc.) locally, Cannabis Indica. Glycerine and Iodine. lodipin. Conium. Gold salts lodole. Gold. Hydrastis; internally Manual, 186 Merck’$ :

PART II. INDICATIONS. iV and locally. Atropine. Araen-hemol. Hydrogen Pero.xide. Belladonna. Borax. Insuffiation. Camphor, Monobrom- Cannabis Indica. Iodides. ated Chloral Hydrate.

• Iodine: as inhalation. Camphor-phenol. Cocaine. Much benefit derived Cannabis Indica. Conium. from washing out Chloroform. Duboisine. the nose with a so- Chloral Hydrate. Gelsominine. lution of common Chloral Camphor. Gly cerinophosphates. salt, to which a few Cocaine. Hyoscine Hydrobro- drops of the tincture Codeine. mate. of iodine have been Conium. Hyoscyamine added, Dionin. Hypophosphites. lodipin. Duboisine. Opium. Iodoform. Ethyl Chloride Spray. Picrotoxin. lodole. Eucain. Phosphorus Iron. Exalgine. Potassium Iodide. Medicated Cotton. Gelseminine. Sodium Phosphates. Mercuric Oxide or , Guaiacol. Sparteine. Ammoniated Mercu- Hyoscyamine. Spermine. ry. Ichthyol. Naphthol. Iodine. Paralysis, Lead.—See Papain. Iodoform. Lead Poisoning. Potassium Chlorate. Iron. Potassium Iodide. Manganese Dioxide. Paralysis and Pare- Potassium Perman- Menthol. sis.—See also. Hemi- ganate. Methyl Chloride plegia, Locomotor Salol. Spray. Ataxia, Paralysis Silver Nitrate. Morphine. Agitans. Sodium Arseniate. Neurodin. Sodium Chloride. Nirvanin. AmmoniumCarbonate Sodium Ethylate. Opium. Ammonium Iodide. Sozoiodole salts. Orthoform. Arnica. Stearates. Peronin. Arsen-hemol. Tannin, Glycerite of. Phenacetin. Belladonna. Tannoform. Potassium Cyanide. Cannabis Indica. Thujse: tincture. Calcium Lactophoa- Solanine ; in gastric pain. phate. Capsicum. Pain. — See also, Af- Stramonium. Colocynth. ter-Pains, Anesthe- Triphenin. Xropacocaine. Eserine. sia Boils , , Chest Glycerinophosphates. Pains, Colic, Gas- Nux Vomica. Pain Muscular. — See tralgia. Headache. Myalgia. Phosphorus. Picrotoxin. Hep atalfjia. In- Palpitation. Rhus Toxicodendron. flammation, Lum- Aconite. Spermine. bago, Myalgia, Belladonna. Strychnine, Neuralgia, Neuri- Cactus Grandiflorus tis, 0 dontalgia. tincture. Parametritis aiidPer- imetritis. Otalgia, Ovarian Convallaria. — See Coronilla. Metritis. Neuralgia Rheu- , Spirit Ether. matism, etc. Also Sparteine Sulphate. Pai-asites. lists Strophanthus: of Analgesics, tinc- Acid, Sulphurous. Anesthetics and ture. Anise. Narcotic*. Bake Clothes: to de- Papilloma. — See Tu- stroy ova Acetanilid. of para- mors, Warts. sites. Acid, Carbolic. Benziu. Aconite. Paralysis Agitans. — Chloral. Aconitine. See also, Chorea, Ammonium Tremor. Chloroform. Iodide. Chrysarobin. Antipyrin. Arsenic. Cocculus Indicus.

187 Merek*» Manuai, ilL INDICATIONS. PART II.

Creolin. Ergotin. three to six hours, Uelphiiiium. Ergot. very useful. Essential Oils. Mercuric Chloride Poultice. Ether. Quinine: as a stimu- Quinine. Ichthyol: pure. lant to uterus. Saliformin. Insert Powder. Sodium Salicylate. Laurel Leaves; decoc- Pediculi. — Se/i Para- Squill. tion. sites. Veratrnm Viride. Losophan. Mercnryliichloride: in Pelvic Cellulitis. — Pcriiiones.-rhVe Chil- parasiiic shindisfe- See Metritis. blains. ases. Mercury Oleate. Pemphigus. Mercury Oxide, redi' Periostitis.— .S!e« also, Naftalan. Arsen-hemol. Nodes, Onychia. Naphtol. Arsenin Belladonna. Calcium Phosphate. Nicotin Salicylate. Dionin. Bismuth Subgall.ate. Oil Cajuput Will des- Formaldejiyde. Chlorate of Potassium troy pediculi. Ichthalbin- internally. Oil of Cloves. Cod-Liver Oil. Hot Bath. Ichthyol : topically. Petrolenm. Iodide of Potassium, Iodide of Potassium. Picrotoxin ; against or .Ammoniunv. Liquor Carbonic de- pediculi. Iodine: locally, Pyrogallol. tergens. Mercury : internally. Quassia. Mercury. Naftalan. Mercury andMorphine Sabadilla Oleate; externally. Sodium Hyposulphite. Naphtol. Phosphorus. Mezereon : in rheu- Sozoiodole salts. matic and scrofulous Silver Nitrate. Stavesacre. cases. Sulphides. Sulphaniinol. Morphine. Sulphurated Potassa. Tar. Zinc Oxide. Plioshhates. Veratrine. Poultices, Sozoiodole-Sodium. Pericarditis.— Parotitis. See al- Sozoiodole-Zinc. so, Endocarditis. Stavesacre: when long Aconite. Aconite. bones affected. Ammonium Acetate. Tonics Alcohol ; sometimes and Stimu- Emetics. very useful. lants. Gadiiol: internally, as Aspiration, gradual, if alterative. exudation threatens Guaiacol. Peritonitis Seealso, life. Ichthalbin; Puerperal Periton- internally, Bleeding. as tonic and altera- itis. Blisters; near heart. tive. Bryonia: useful in ex- Acetanilid. Ichthyol. udation. .Aconite; at commence- Jabor.andi. Calomel and Opium: ment. Leeches. formerly much used. Ammonia. Mercury: one-half grn. Digitalis: when heart Antimony. (0.03 grm.) of gray is rapid and feeble Blisters powder three or four with cyanosis and Bryonia: when exuda- day. times a dropsy. tion. Poultice. Digitoxin. Calomel. Elaterinm. Chloral Hydrate. Parturition. Ice: bag over the pre- Chlorine Solution. cord ium. Cocculus Indicus; for Antipyrine. Iodides. tympanites. Chloral Hydrate. Iodine. Codeine.

Castor Oil : to relieve Iron. Cold. constipation. Jal.ap. Dionin. Chloroform as .‘Vnaes- Leeches. Hyoscyamus. thetic. Mercury. Ice.

Creolin: as irrigation. Oil Gaultheria. Ichthyol : in pelvic

Cimicifuga. Opium ; in grain (0.06 peritonitis. Diaphtherin. grm.) doses every Iodine. 188 Jferrib’f Hany^L PART 11. INDICATIONS.

Ipecacuanha. lietula. Argenti Oxidum. Leeches. Copper salts. Arnica. Arsenic. Mercury : n’hen there Duboisine. is a ' tendency to Ergot. Atropine tibrous exudation. Formaldehyde. Belladonna.

Opium : freely, most Glycerine. Benzin: sprinkled useful. Hydrastine llydro- about the room. Plumbic Acetate. chlorate. Bitter Almond Water. Potassium salts. Iodoform. Blister: to nape of Poultices. Jaborandi. neck. Quinine. Lead. Bromalin. Rectal Tube: milk or Mercury. Bromides. asafetida or turpen- Muscarine. Bromipin. tine injections, in Naphtol. Bromoforra. tympanites. Neatsfoot Oil: rubbed Butyl-Chloral. Rubefacients. over the surface. Cantharides. Salines. Oils. Castanea Vesca. Steam: applied to the Opium: as Dover’s Cerium Oxalate abdomen under a powder in i)hthisis. Cheken. cloth when poultices Permanganate of Po- Cherry-Laurel Water. cannot be borne. tassium: locally for Chloral Hydrate: in

Turpentine Oil ; for fetid perspiration. spasmodic stage. tympanites. Picrotoxine. Chloroform: asiuhala- Veratrnm Viride. Pilocarpine. tion during pa- Quinine. roxysm. Salicin; in phthisis. Clover Tea. Peritonitis Tuber- Salvia Tincture. Cocaine Hydrochlo- cular. Spinal Ice Bag. rate. Arsenic. Sponging: very hot. Cochineal. Creosote. Strychnine; in phthi- Cionin Gaduol. sis. Codeine. Glycerinophosphates. Tannin. Cod-Liver Oil. Gnaiacol. Tannoform' Coffee. Guaiacol Carbonate. Thallium. Coniine. Ichthyol: locally. Turpentine Oil. Copper Arsenite. Ichthalbin: internally. Vinegar; locally. Decoction of Chestnut Maragliano’s Serum. ZincOxide:in phthisis. leaves, ad lib. Some- Opium. times useful. Quinine. Pertussis (Whooping- Drosera. Spermine. Cough). — See also, Ergot Cough. Ether, Hydroiodic. Perspiration, Exces- Acetanilid. Ether Spray. Euquinine. sive — See also, Acid, Carbolic: as Formaldehyde. Night-Sweats, Feet. spray. Acid, Hydrobromic. Gaduol. Acid, Agaricio. Acid. Hydrocyanic: in Gelsemium: in spas- Acid, Aromatic Sul- habitual cough when modic stage. phuric; in phthisis. the true whooping Grindelia. Acid, Camphoric. coirgh has ceased. Gold and Sodium Acid, Carbolic; with Acid, Nitric. Chloride. glycerine locally for Acid, Salicylic: as Hydrogen Peroxide. fetid sweat. spray. Hyoscyamus. Acid, Chromic. Aconite. Inhalation of atomi- Acid. Gallic: in phthi- Allyl Tribromide. zed fluids. sis. Alum. Ipecacuanha: some- Acid, Salicylic: with Ammonium Bromide. times very useful borax in fetid per- Ammonium Chloride. alone, or combined spiration. Ammonium Valerian- with bromide of am- Acid tartaric. ate. monium. Agaricin: in phthisis. Amyl Nitrite. Lactucarium. Atropine : in sweating Amylene Hydrate. Leeches: to of nape of phthisis, internally Anemonin. neck. Belladonna ; as lini- Antipyrinc. Lobelia: in spasmodic ment for local sweats. Antispasmin stage.

189 Merek*$ ManuiU. INDICATIONS. PART 11.'.

Milk niet. cent, spray. Phimosis. Monobromato of Cam- Asaprol. phor. Belladonn.a. Belladonna: locally. Morphine. Boroglyceride. Chloroform. Myrtol. Capsicum: as gargle. Cocaine. Napht.alin. Catechu. Elastic Ligament. Oil Amber. Cimicifuga: inter- Lnpulin: after opera- Opium: in convulsive nally when pharynx tion. conditions. is dry. Soziodole-Potassium. Peronin. Cocaine: gives tempo- Warm Baths. Phenacetin. rary relief; after-ef- Potassa Sulphurata. fects bad. Potassium Cyanide. Copper Sulphate: lo- Phlebitis. — See also. Quinine. cally. Phlegmasia. Varico- Quinoline Salicylate. Creolin. cele. Resorcin. Cubeb Powder. Silver Chloride. Electric Cautery. Blisters. Silver Nitrate. Ergot. Calomel. Hamamelis. Sodium Benzoate. Ferric Chloride: local- Hot Fomentations. Sodium Carbolate. ly as astringent, in- Ichthalbin: internally. Sodium Salicylate. ternally as tonic. Ichthyol: topically. Sozoiodole- Sodium. Glycerine : locally, al- Lead Tannin. one or as glycerine and OpiumWash. Mercury. Tar: for inhalation. and tannin. Tartar Emetic. Guaiaeum. Opium: to allay pain. Rest, Terpene Hydrate. Hamamelis. absolute. Thymol. Hydrastine Hydro- Turpentine Oil. chlorate Phlegmasia Alba Hydrastis: Drtica. internally HoFens. Vaccination. and locally. Valerian. Hydrogen Peroxide. Acid, Hydrochloric: Valerianate of Atro- Ice. with potassium chlo- pine. Ichthyol. rate, in barley water. Veratrum Viride. Iodine. AmmoniumCarbonate: Wild Thyme. Iodoform. in full doses when Zinc Oxide. Ipecacuanha: as spray. much prostration. Zinc Sulphate. Myrrh. Belladonna Extract: Monsel’s Solution: with mercurial oint- Phagedena. pure, or diluted with ment locally. glycerine one half, Blisters: in earlystage. Acid, Nitric. applied on pledgets Creosote as enemata. Iodoform. of cotton or camel’s Ham,amelis. Dijodoform. hair brush. Ichthalbin: internaUy. lodole. Naphtol. Ichthyol: topically. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Opium, Leeches: during acti- Opium. Pomegranate Bark : as ve inflammation. Potassa. gargle. Opium: internally and Potassium Chlorate: locally to allay pain. Pharyngitis.—5ee al- locally. Pyoktanin.

so . T^iroat, Sore; Pyoktanin. Tonsillitis. Quinine: as tonic. also, Acetanilid. Resorcin. Plcgmon. — See Erisipelas. Acid, Nitric. Salol. Acid, Sulphurous. Silver Nitrate: in solu- Acid. Carbolic: injec- Acta>a Racomosa. tion locaBy, tions. Aconite. Sodium Borate. Aconite. Sozoiodole-Sodim. Alcohol : dilute as gar- Belladonna. Sozoiodole-Zinc. gle. Creolin. Alum: as gargle. Strychnine: as tonic. Ichthyol.

Alumnol. Tannin : as powder or Iodine. Ammonii Acetatis, glyceride locally. lodole. Liq. Tropacocaine. Pyoktanin. Nitrate. Ammonium Chloride. Zinc Sulphate : as gar- Silver Antipyrine: in 4 per gle. Sozoiodole-Sodium. 190 ManuaL. ;,


Phosi)haturii». Acid, Sulphurous: as Cocaine : a solution fumigation. locally to throat and Acid, Benzoic. Aconite. mouth tends to re- Acid, Lactic. Actnea Racemosa. lieve irritable condi- Benzoates. Agaricin. tion and aphthre, es- Hippur,atns. pecially in later sta- Glycerinophospliates. Alantol. Alcohol: along with ges. Photophobia. food or cod-liver oil. Codeine.

AmmniiinTn Cliloride. Alum. Cod-Liver Oil : most Atropine. Amylene Hydrate. useful a nutrient. Belladonna: to eye. Ammonium Borate. Conium. Bromide ofPotassium. Ammonium Carbon- Goto Bark. Butyl-Chloral. ate. Counter- Irritation. Calabar Bean. Ammonium Iodide. Copper Sulphate. Calomel: insufflation. Ammonium Urate, Creolin. Chloroform Vapor. Antimony Tartrate. Creosote (Beech- Cocaine. Antipyrine: to reduce Wood): as inhalati- Cold. temperature. on, and internally. Se- chest Coniine : in scrofulous Antituberculous Croton Oil: to photophobia locally. rum Maragliano’s. as counter-irritant. Galvanism. Apomorphine Hydro- Cupro-hemol. Iodine Tincture. chlorate. Digitalis. Mercuric Chloride: by Aristol. Dionin.

insufflation. Arsenic: to remove Eneniata : of starch commencing conso- and opium to con- Nitrate of Silver. , Opium. lidation, and also trol diarrhea. Potassium Chlorate when tongue is red Ether. in large doses. and irritable. Ethyl Iodide. Seton. Asaprol. Eucalyptus Oil. Tonga. Atropine: to check Eudoxin. perspiration. Eugenol. Phthi.sis. See also, Balsam Pern. Euphorbia Pilulifera. Couf/h, Hemoptysis, Belladonna: locally Enquinine. Hectic Fever, Per- for pain in muscles. Europhen. spiration, Night Benzoin: as inhalati- Formaldehyd. on to lessen cough Gaduol. Sweats, Laryngitis, and expectoration. Gelsemium. Tubercu lar;Menin- Benzosol. Glycerine: as nutrient gitis Tubercular , Bismuth Citrate. in place of cod-liver Peritonitis, Tuber- Bismuth Subgallate. oil, locally to mouth cular; Tuberculosis, Bitter Almond Oil. in the last stages to Acute; Tuberculous Blisters. relieve dryness and Bromides. pain affections. Butyl-Chloral: to Glycerinophosphates. Acetanilid. cheek cough. Gold Iodide. Acid, Agaric. Cantharidin. Guethol. Acid, Benzoic. Calcium Chloride. Guaiacol and salts. Acid, Camphoric. Calcium Hippurate. Guaiacum. Acid. Carbolic. Camphor. Homatropine Hydro- Acid, Cinnamic. Cann.abis Indica. bromate. Acid, Gallic. Carbo Ligni. Hydrastinine Hydro- Acid, Gynocardic. Cerium Oxalate. chlorate. Acid, Hydrochloric. Cetrarin Hydrogen Dioxide. Acid, Hydrocyanic, Chaulmoogra Oil. Hypnal. Dil. Chloralamide. Hypophosphites: ve- Acid, Lactic. Chloral: as hypnotic. ry useful in early Acid, Oxalic. Chlorine. stage. Acid, Phenylacetic. Chlorodyne. Ichthalbin: internally, Acid, Phosphoric. Chloroform: as linc- to regulate digestive Acid. Salicylic: when tus to check cough. functions, increase

breath foul and ex- Chloropbenol. food-ass imi 1 ation pectoration o f f e n - Cimicifugin. and act as reconsti- sive. Climate Treatment. tutive. Acid, Sulphuric. Clove Oil. Ichthyohby inhal.ation 191 Annual. : :


InuUii: poBsihly use- Oxygen. Terebeue. ful. Ozone. Terpene Hydrate. Iodine: liniment as a Pancreatin Thallium Acetate. counter-irritant to Peronin. Thermodin. remove the consoli- Phellandrium. Thiocol dation in early stage, Phen.acetin. Thymol. and to remove yain Plionocoll Ilydrochlo- Transfusion. and cough later; as ratc Triphenin. inhalation to lessen I’hosphate of Cal- Tropacocaiiic. cough and expectora- cium: as nutrient, Tuberculin. tion. and to check diar- Turpentine Oil. Iodine Tincture, rhea. Vinegar. lodipin. Picrotoxin; to check Xcroform.

Iodoform ; inhalation. perspiration Zinc Sulphate. lodole Pilocarpine; to check Iron Iodide. sweats. Iron Sulphate. Podophyllum. Piles. — See Hemor- Kumyss. Potassu! Liquor rhoids. Lactophosphates Potassium Canthari- • Lead Acetate. date. Lead Carbonate. Potassium Chloride. Pityriasis. — See al- Magnesium H y p o - Potassium Cyanide. so, Srhorrhea ; and phosphite. Potassium llypophos- l\Ujriasis Ver- Manganese Iodide. phite. for Menthol. Potassium iodide. sicolor, see Tinea Mercury Bichloride; Potassium Phosphate. Versicolor. in minute doses for Potassium Telluratc. diarrhea. Prunus Virginiana; Acid, Acetic. Mercury Bichloride tincture. Acid. Carbolic: with Solution (1:1 0,000) Pyridine. glycerine and water beat, and inhale Quinine; as tonic to locally. at lo- steam , stopping lessen temperature, Aeid. Sulphurons; first sign of mercu- to chock sweat. cally. rial effect. In laryn- Kaw Meat and Phos- Alkalies and Tonics. geal phthisis: precede phates. Anthrarobin inhalation with co- Salicin. Arsen-hemol. caine spray (4 per Salophen. Arsenic. cent. sol.). Sanguinaria. Arsenic and Mercury Methacetin Sea Bathing. internally. Methylene Blue. Sea Voyage. Bichloride ofMercury. Mineral Waters. Borax; saturated solu- Silver Nitrate. Morphine, with Starch tion or glycerite lo- Snuff. or Bismuth: locally cally. Sodium Arsenate. to larynx, and in Cajeput Oil. Sodium Benzoate. laryngeal phthisis Chrysarobin. Sodium Chloride. most useful. Ointment. Sodium Cinnamate. Citrine Mustard Leaves: most Sodium Hypophos- Gaduol. useful to lessen pain Glycerine. phite. Glycerinophosphates. and prevent spread Hyposulphite. Sodium internally. of subacute intercur- Ic.hthalbin: Sodium Phosphate. topicaUy. reiit inflammation. Ichthyol; Sodium Tellurate. Myrtol. Lead: locally. Spermine. Naphtol. Mercury Ointment Sponging: very hot. Nuclein. Myrtol. Stryacol. 01. Pini Sylvestris. Naftalan. Strychnine. Mercury. 01. Pini and Whisky. Oleate of Sulphaminol.t Opium; to relieve Resorcin. Sulphur. with ipe- Sapo Laricis. cough, and, and cacuanha and Do- Sumbul. Solution Arsenic anti- Mercury Iodide. o w d e r to Taunalbin ; as ver’s X) , check sweating. diarrheal and indi- Sulphides; locally. reconstitutive. Sulphites. Orexine Tannate : as rect appetizer and indi- Tannoform. Sulphur. rect reconstituent. Tar. Thyroidin. 192 ;


Pityriasis Capitis. — Iodide of Potassium' Opium : liniment rub- See Seborrhea. to aid absorption. bed in, after warm Iodides. fomentations or hy- Plague (bubonic). Iodine: as a liniment podermic injections. Bromides and Mor- to assist absorption, Internally, most use- phine to control the or as a wash or in- ful to cut short at- delirium. jection to cavity af- tack and relieve pain. Icebags to the buboes. ter tapping Pilocarpine. Serum treatment: Jaborandi. Plasters ; to relieve Serum Haffkines’ as Jalap. pain and give sup- prophylactic, Yer- Leeches. port. sins’ as curative. Local Wet Pack Poultices. Sponging to reduce Mercury Salicylate. Quinine. the temperature. Morphine. Sanguinaria. Suprarenal extract, Neurodin. Strapping. Alcohol, Ether, Am- Oil Gaultheria. Turpentine Oil. monia, Strychnine. Oil Mustard. Veratrnm Viride. Digitalis, Sparteine, Orexine; for anor- Wet -cupping: when Strophanthus to,fiu8- exia. pain severe and fe- tain and support the Paraldehyde. ver high. action of the heart. Pilocarpine. Glycerine and Bella- Poultices. Pleuro-Piiennionia. donna liniment to Purgative salts. Acid, Carbolic; two the buboes. Incision Quinine. per cent, solution in- of buboes, when pus- Sinapisms. jected locally. tiuctnation well mar- Sodium Chloride Bryonia. ked. Sodium Salicylate. Sanguinaria. Sodium Sulphosalioy- Turpentine Oil : lo- Pleurisy. — For late. cally. Chronic Pleurisy, Strapping Chest: if see Emjyyema. See respiratory move- Pneuinoiiia. — See al- also, Hi/drothorax, ments are very pain- so, Pleuro-Pneumo- Pleuro-Pneumonia. ful. nia. Strontium Salicylate. Acid, Hydriodic. Acid, Hydriodic. Thermodin. Aconite; in early Acid, Phosphoric. Triphenin, stage. Acid, Salicylic. Antimony. Veratrnm Viride. Aconite : very useful, Antipyrin e. especially at com- Aspiration. Pleuritic Effusions. mencement. Belladonna Plaster Iodine. Alantol. most useful to re- Alcohol. lieve pain in old Pleurodynia. — See Ammonia. also, Neuralgia. adhesions. Ammonium C a r b o Blisters. Acid, Carbolic. nate; as stimulant Blood-letting. Actoea Racemosa. Ammonium Chloride. Bryonia: after aconite. Acupuncture. Antimony. Calomel. Belladonna: plaster or Antipyrine. Cantharides. liniment very useful. Apomorphine Hydro- Chloral Hydrate. Blistering. chlorate. Cod-Liver Oil. Chloral Hydrate : with Arnica. Coniine. camphor locally. Belladonna; at com- Cotton Jacket. Croton Oil: locally in mencement. Digitalis; when much obstinate cases. Benzanilide. effusion. Dionin. Bleeding. Digitoxin. Ether: as spray lo- Blisters ; at beginning Diuretin. cally to lessen pain. Elaterium. Gelsemium. Bryonia: when pleu- Enquinine. Iodine; locally. risy present. Gaduol. Iron ; when associated Caffeine. Gelsemium. with leucorrhea. Calomel. Glycerinophosphates. Morphine. Camphor. Guaiacol. Mustard Leaves. Carbonate of Sodium. Ice Poultice or Jacket: Nerve-stretching. Chloral Hydrate. in sthenic cases. Neurodin. Chloroform.

193 Mtrck*% Manual. 13 : ,


Codeine. Sweet Spirit of Nitre. Tiess, Pty alism Cold Bath. Tartar Emetic. Cold Compress to Thermodin. Vomiting of Preg- Chest. 'I riphenin. nancy. Cold Sponging. Turpentine Oil; as Acid. Tannic. Coniine stimulant at crisis. Aloes. Copper Acetate. Veratrine. Alum. Copper Sulphate. Veratrum Viride, Antispasmodics. Cups, dry and wet; Wet Pack. Berberin. in first stage. Bismuth. Digitalis: to reduce PodaRra, Acute and Bromo-hemol. temperature. Chronic. — See Ar- Calcium Bromide. Dover’s Powder: for thritis. Calcium Phosphate. pain at onset. Ichthyol. Camphor. Ergot. Cerium Oxalate. Ether. Polypus. Chloroform Water. Eucalyptus. Cocculus Indicus. Euquinine. Acid. Acetic. Acid, Carbolic, and Digitalis. Expectorants. Iodine. Gelsemium. Glycerine. Alcoholic Spray. Mercury. Gin. Opium. Guaiacol. Alum: as insufflation. Orexine: for the vo- Hoffmann’s Anodyne. Aluminium Sulphate, lodole. miting; most effica- Ice-bag; to heart, if Iron. cious. fever be high and Sanguinaria. Potassium Acetate. pulse tumultuous. Sesquichloride of Potassium Bromide, Ice Poultice or Jacket: Iron. Sumbul. in first stage of Sodium, Ethylate. sthenic cases. Proctitis. See Sozoiodole salts. — Rec- Iodides. tum. Tannin: as insufflati- Mercury. on. Morphine. Prolapsus Ani. Tr. Opii Croeata. Muscarine. Zinc Chloride. Acid, Nitric. Naphtol. Zinc Sulphate. Aloes. Neurodin. Alum; in solution lo- Nitroglycerine cally. Porrigo. — See also, Nux Vomica; tincture. Bismuth. Impetigo , Alopecia Opium. Electricity. Areata, Tinea, etc. Oxygen Inhalations. Ergotin. Phosphorus. Acid, Carbolic. Glycerinophosphates. Pilocarpine. Acid, Sulphurous. Hydrastis: as enema Plumbi Acetas. Ammoniated Mercury. or lotion. Potassium Chlorate. Ammonium Acetate. Ice: when prolapsed Potassium Citrate. Bismuth Subgallate. parts inflamed. Potassium Nitrate. Creoiin. Ichthyol. Poultices; to lessen Liquor Carbonis de- Injections of hot or pain. tergens. cold water. Quinine: to lower Losophan. Iron Sulphate. temperature. Manganese Dioxide. Nutgall. Salicylate of Sodium Mercuri c Nit rateOint- Nux Vomica. as antipyretic. ment. Opium. Senega; as expecto- Naftalan. Pepper; confection. rant. Picrotoxin. Podophyllum; in Sanguinaria. Red Mercuric Oxide small doses. Serpentaria: with car- Ointment. Silver Nitrate. bonate of ammoni- Solution Arsenic and Stearates.

um as stimulant. Mercuric Iodide. Strychnine : as ad- Sinapisms. Sulphites. junct to laxatives. Stimulants. Sulphur. Strychnine. Pregnancy, Disor- Tannin; as enema. Sodium Bicarbonate. ders of. - See also, Sodium Carbonate. Prolapsus UterL Sodium Paracreso- Albuminuria, Ne- Alum; as hip-bath and phritis Nervous- tate. , vaginal douche. 194 Manuel. ; ; ,


Astringents. sounds, in chronic Cantharides. Bromide of Potassi- types. Chloral and Camphor. um. Perineal incision to Chloroform Ointment. Cimicifuga; to prevent evacuate pus if ab- Cocaine. miscarriage and pro- scess forms. Cod-Liver Oil: as in- lapsus. Rest in bed, regulation unction. Electricity. of bowels, leeches Cold Douche, Galls; decoction of. to perineum, medica- Corrosive Sublimate: as injection. tion to render urine for pruritus vuIveb. Glycerine Tampon. alkaline, and mor- Creolin-Ointment. Ice: locally when part phine hypodermical- Cyanide ofPotassinm: inflamed, and to ly or in suppository. as lotion or oint- spine. Silver Nitrate: locally. ment, to be used with Oak Bark; injec- as Soft Catheter: allowed care tion. to remain in bladder Electricity. Secale. if retention of urine. Gadnol. Tannin. Turpentine Oil. Gallanol. Gelsemium, Prostate. Enlarged. Prostatorrhea. Glycerine. — See also, Cystitis. — See also. Prostatitis. Glycerite of Tar. Goulard’s Alkalies: when irrita- Extract. tion of the bladder, Atropine. Hot Water. with acid urine. Cantharides. Ice. Ammonium Benzoate: Hydrastis. Ichthalbin: internaUy. Ichthyol: for cystitis with al- Iron. topically. kaline urine. Lead. Iodide of Sulphur Ammonium Chloride. Potassium Bromide. Ointment of. Colchicum. Iodoform:as ointment. Conium. Losophan. Ergot. Prurigo. — See also. Menthol. Ichthyol; topically. Pruritus. Mercury Oleate with Iodine: to rectum. Morphine. Acid, Boric. Iodoform ; as supposi- Mercury Bichloride. Acid, Carbolic: inter- tory very useful, Naftalan. nally and locally, lodole. es- Naphtol. pecially in prurigo Prostata dried. senilis. Opium. Sulphides. Oil of Acid, Citric. Cade. Testicles dried. Acid Petroleum. , Hydrocyanic locally. Phosphorus. Pilocarpine. Prostatitis.— Acid, Salicylic. 5ee also, Potassium Carbonate. Prostatorrhea Aconite: externally. ; and Quinine. Prostate, Enlarged. Adeps Lanse, Benzo- ated. Resorcin. Blisters to Perineum Alkaline Lotions. Sapo Viridis. in chronic cases. Alkaline Warm Silver Nitrate. Baths. Sodium Buchu. Alum: a strong solu- Carbonate. Cantharides Sodium Iodide. ; small tion for pruritus doses of tincture. vulvae. Stavesacre. Strychnine. ColdWater: injections Aluminium Nitrate. and perineal douches Arsen-hemol. Sulphate of Zinc. Cubebs. Arsenic: internally. Sulphides. Hot Injections. Atropine. Sulphites. Hydrastis: internally Balsam of Pern. Sulphur and com- and locally. Belladonna. pounds. Ichthalbin: Tar internaUy, Borax: saturated solu- Ointment. as vaso - constrictor tion. Tobacco: useful but or tonic. Bromide ofPotassinm dangerous. Ichthyol. Brucine. Tonics. Iron. Calcium Chloride. Turkish Baths. Juniper Oil. Calomel: ointment Warm Baths. Local treatment to very useful in pruri- prostatic urethra, tus ani. Pruritus. and use of cold — See also, steel Camphor, Carbolated. Eczema, Erythema,

195 Mtrck*$ Manual, i o^t ,:; . INDICATIONS. PART II,

Parasites. Prurigo, Cod-Liver Oil. Terebinthinie 01. Scabies, Urticaria. Copaiba. Thymol. Copper Lead Water. Sulphate. Thyroidea. Corrosive Menthol. Sublimate Traumaticin. • Bath. Mercury Hichlorido. Turkish Baths. Creosote Baths. Mercury Oleate with Ulmus. Morphine. Electricity; constant Vaselin. current. Oil Almond, Bitter. Warm Baths. Eugallol. Ovariin in climacteric Europhen. pruritus. Pterygium. Fats and Oils. Potassium Cyanide. Formaldehyde. Cocaine. Resorcin. Galium. Eucaine, Beta- Sodium Salicylate. Gallanol. Uolocaine. Strychnine. Glycerine. Silver Nitrate. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Glycerite of Lead. Tropacocaine. Zinc Sulphate. Gold. Hepar Sulphuris. Ptosis. Psoriasis. Hydroxylamine H y - drochlorate. Acid, Salicylic. Arseniate of Sodium. Acid, Carbolic. Ichthalbin; internally Ergot. Acid,Chromic:ten grn. Ichthyol; topically. Tr. lodi. to the ounce (0.6 grm India-RubberSolution Veratrine: to the eye- .SO.O cc) in psoriasis Iodine, lids and temples. of tongue. lodole. Zinc Chloride. Acid, Chrysophanic. Iris. Acid, Gallic. Iron Arseniate. Ptyalism. also. Acid, Hydriodic. Lead. — See Mouth Sores; also Acid, Hydrochloric. Lead Iodide: locally. list Sialagogues Acid, Pyrogallic. Li(j. Potassae. of andAntisialagogues. Acids, Mineral. Mercury : locally as Acids, Nitric and ointment. Acids: in smaU doses N i t r o hydrochloric MercuryAmmoniated. internally and as when irruption is Mezereon. gargles. symptomatic of indi- Myrthol. Alcohol: dilute as gestion. Naftalan. gargle. Aconite. Naphtalene. Alum. Adeps Lante. Naphtol. Atropine; hypodermi- Alkaline Baths. Oil Cade. cally. Alumnol. Oil Chaulmoogra. Belladonna; very use- Ammonium Carbon- Oleate of Mercury. ful. ate. Phosphorus. Borax. Ammonium Chloride. Pitch. Brandy. Ammonium Iodide. Potassa, Solution of. Calabar Bean. Anthrarobin. Potassium Acetate. Chlorate of Potassi- Aristol. Potassium Iodide. um: as gargle. Arsen-hemol. Resorcin. Chloride of Zinc. Arsenic. Sapo Laricis. Ferropyrine. Arsenic and Mercuric Silver Nitrate; in psor- Hyoscine Hydrobro- Iodides, Solution of. iasis of tongue. mate.

Baths : alkaline, to re- Soap. Iodide of Potassium.

move scales. Sodium Arseniate. Iodine ; as gargle, one Berberine. Sodium Ethylate. part of tincture to 30 Bleeding. Sodium Iodide. parts of water. Cajeput Oil. Sozoiodole-Mercury. Myrrh. Calcium Lithio - car- Stearates. Naphtol. bonate. Sulphides. Opium. Calomel: locally as Sulphur; internally. Potassium Bromide. ointment. Sulphur Baths. Purgatives.

Cantharides. Sulphur Iodide : inter- Sodium Chlorate. Chlorinated Lime or nally and externally Sozoiodole-Sodium. Sulphur. Chlorinated , Soda (ointment). Solution of. Sulphurated Potassa. Tannin. Chrysarobin. Tar: as ointment. Vegetable Astringents 196 yerck’t Manual : ;


Puerperal Coiivulai- Calumba: as tincture. Chloral Hydrate. Cchloroform. oiis. — See also, Camphor. Cimicifuga: useful in He- Chloroform. After-Pains, Creolin see under hypochondriasie. morrhage, Labor, "Acid, Boric,” above. Duboisine. Lactation,Mastiiis, Creosoted Oil. Hyoscyamus: in mild Nipples- Phlegma- Curette or Placental cases. forceps : to remove Iron: in anemia. sia AlbaDolens, etc. membranes if fever Morphine. Acid, Benzoic. continues after anti- Opium. Aconiterin small doses septic injections. Poultices. frequently. Digitalis. Quinine; when much Anesthetics. Emetics. sickness. Belladonna; useful. Epsom Salts: if perito- Stramonium: when Bleeding. nitis develops. delirium furious but Bromides. Ergot. intermittent, or sui- Camphor. Euquinine. cidal, or when im- Ice. pulse to destroy child. Chloral ; in full doses. Chloroform; hy inha- Iodine. Tartar Emetic: fre- lation Ipecacuanha. quently repeated. Cold; to abdomen. Laparotomy. Mercury Bichloride Dry Cupping ; ov?r Puerperal Periton- see under “Acid, loins. itis.— See Puer- Boric,” above. Ether. peral Fever. Ice; to head. Nutriment and Stimu- Morphine; hypodermi- lants. Aconite: at commen- cally, very useful. Opium; for wakeful- cement. Mustard; to feet. ness and delirium, Antimony. Nitrate of Amyl; of very useful. Cathartics: recom- doubtful utility. Permanganate of Po- mended by many: Nitroglycerine. tassium. condemned by many 01. Crotonis. Plumbi AcetaS. evidence in favor of Opium. Potassium Oxalate. mild aperients com- Potassium Bitartrate. Purgatives. bined with Dover’s Pilocarpine. Quinine:in large doses powder or hyoscy- Saline Purgatives. Resorcin. amus. Urethane. Silver Nitrate or Zinc Chlorine Water. Chloride: to unheal- Veratrum 'Viride; Cimicifuga : in rheu- pushed to nausea, thy wounds. matic cases. very useful. Sodium Benzoate. Heat to Abdomen. Sodium Sulphite. Ice to Abdomen. Puerperal Fever. — Stimulants. Mercury. Stramonium : when See also, Puerperal Opium : very useful. Peritonitis. cerebral excitement. Quinine: in large doses Sulphocarbolates. Turpentine Oil: as Terebene. Acid, Boric, or Creolin stimulant, 10 m. (0.6 Tr. Ferri Perchloridi. (2 per cent ) or Bi- cc.) frequently repe- chloride (1:8000) So- Turpentine Oil; when ated.

lutions : as injections much vascular de- into bladder, to pre- pression and tym- Pulmonary .A f f e c - vent septic panites. cystitis. tions. — See Lung Acid, Carbolic. Venesection. Diseases. Acid, Salicylic. Veratrum Viride. Aconite:useful at com- Warburg’s Tincture. mencement. Pulpitis.—See afso,/M- Alkaline Sulphates: in flammation, Pnerpei-al Mania. early stages. Arsenious Aluminium Acetate acid Creo- Aconite : \yhen much sote. Solut. fever. Formaldehyde. Ammonise Liq. Anesthetics: during Morphine. Antistreptococcic Se- paroxysm. 01. Cajeput. rum. Bromides. Silver Nitrate. Blisters. Camphor Thymol. Borax. Chalybeates. Zinc Chloride.

197 UtreVi Manual.. , ;


Purpura.— /See also, Pyemia. Kino. Magnesia usta. Hemorrhage, Scurvy. Acid, Boric. MagnesiumCarbonate. Acid, Salicylic. Acid, Gallic. Melissa Spirit. Alcohol. Acid, Sulphuric. Opium. Alkalies. Acid. Tannic. AmmoniumCarbonate. Podophyllin. Pulsatilla. Alum: locally with Bleeding. brandy. Silver Oxide. Ergotin. Arsenic. Sodium Bicarbonate. Ferri Chloridum. Digitalis. Iodine. Electricity. Jaborandi. Quinsy. — See Tonsil- Ergot: very useful. Malt Liquor. litis. Euquinine. Oil of Cloves: locally. Hamamelis. Oil Turpentine: as Rachitis. Iron: internally. stimulant. Lead Acetate. Acid, Gallic. PotassiumPermangan- Acids, Mineral. Lime Juice. ate: internally. Malt Extract, CalciumBromo-iodide. Dry. Quinine: in large Milk. Calcium Lactophos- doses. Molasses. phate Resorcin. Calcium Phosphate. Nitrate of Potassium. Salicin. Nnx Vomica. Cinchona. Tannin. Cod-Liver Oil. Oil Turpentine. Phosphates. Cool Sponging or Rub- PotassiumBinoxalate. Pyemia and Septice- bing with salt and mia. whisky. Potassium Chlorate. Copper Arsenite. Potassium Citrate. AntistreptococicSerum Digestive Tonics. Quinine. Manganese Dioxide. Gaduol. Strontium Iodide. Sodium Thiosulphate. Glycerinophosphates. Styptics Silver colloidal. Hypophosphites. Suprarenal Gland. Sulphites. Iodoform. Tr. Laricis. lodole. Pyrosis.—/See also Py- Iron Iodide. rosis and Cardial- Lactophosphates. -- Pyelitis. /See also, gia (below). Lime Salt. Bright’s Disease, Massage and Passive Acid, Carbolic. etc. Movements. Acid, Gallic. Nux Vomica. Acid. Nitric. Phosphates. Acid, Camphoric. Acid, Sulphuric. Arbutin. Phosphorus. Antacida. Physostigma. Bismuth. Quinine. Cantharides. Camphor. Simple Bitters. Copaiba. Creosote. Sodium salts. Juniper Glycerine. Methylene Blue. Strychnine. Lead. Thyroidin. Myrtol. Manganese Oxide. Oil Santal. Nitrate of Silver. Pareira. Nux Vomica. Rectum, Diseases of. Pichi. Oxide of Silver. — See also, Anus, Saliformin. vis Kino Compo- Dysen- Pul Diarrhea , Salol. situs. tery Rectum Ul- Dva Drsi. Strychnine. ; , ceration of; Hemor- Intestinal Pyrosis and Cardi- rhage, Pyelonephritis. algia. — See a Iso Hemorrhoids, Pro- Ackdity Dyspepsia. lapsus. Acid, Gallic _ Cantharides. Bismuth Subnitrate. Acetanilid. Erigeron. Bismuth Valerianate. Acid, Tannic. Eucalyptus. Calcium Carbonate. Belladonna. Hydrastis. Precipitated. Bismuth Suhnitrate. Potassa Solution. Capsicum. Cocaine llydrochlor- Turpentine Oil. Cerium Oxalate. ate. 198 , INDICATIONS. PART II. Colchicum. Conium. Hyposulphites. Hamamelis. Ipecacuanha. Cold Douche. Methylene Blue. Electricity. Ice, Formin. Ichthyol. Monsel’s Salt. Iodoform. Morphine: hypoder- Guaiacum. Naphtol. mically. Ichthyol. Phosphorus. Myrrh. Iodides. internally as Podophyllin. Oil Eucalyptus. Iodine: Potassium Bromide. Packing: useful. tonic. Purgatives. Phenocoll. Iodoform. Stramonium. Potassium Salts Lithium Salts Sulphur. Purgatives. Massage. Quinidine. Methylene Blue Quinine; twenty to Morphine. Kectuiii, Ulceration thirty grn. (1.2—2.0 Potassium Bromide; of. grm.) for a dose, on- sometimes relieves Belladonna. ce or twice daily. pain. Chloroform. Qninoidine. Quinine Salicylate. Copper Sulphate. Resorcin. Sodium Phosphate. Iodoform. Resin Jalap. Sodium Salicylate. lodole. Silver Nitrate. Stimulants. Mercury Oxide, Red. Sodium Chloride. Strychnine. Nirvanin. Tonics. Sulphides. Orthoform. Turpentine Oil. Sulphur. Opium. Warburg’s Tincture. Turkish Bath Phosphorus. Quinine, Renal Calculi —See Rheumatism Acute Silver Nitrate. , Calculi. and Chronic. — See also, Arthritis Relapsing P e v e r.— Retina, Affections of. Lumbago, Myalgia, also Amau- See also. Typhus — See Pleurodynia Sci- rosis. , Fever. atica. Acid, Salicylic. : dark glas- Atropine Absinthin Calomel. later suitab- ses, and Acetanilide. Carthartics. lenses, in retinitis le Acid, Benzoic. Euquinine. due to eye strain. Acid, Carbolic. Potassium Citrate. Eserine. Acid, Citric. Laxatives. Ichthalbin: internally, Acid, Diiodo-Salicy lie. Leeches; as cupping as alterant and hema- Acid, Gynocardic for headache. tinic. Acid. Hydriodic. Quinine. Ichthyol. Acid, Perosmic Iron. Acid, Salicylic. Remittent Fever. Mercury. Aconite. Pilocarpine. Actsea Racemosa. Acid, Gallic. Potassium Bromide. Acid, Nitric. Acupuncture. Potassium Iodide. Agathin. Acid, Salicylic. Pyoktanin. Acid, Tannic. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Alcohol.. Aconite. Alkaline Baths. Antipy rin;or cold pack Alkaline Mineral .Arthritis. if fever is excessive. Rheumatic Waters. Arsen-hemol. —See also. Rheuma- Alkalies. Arsenic. tism. Amber, Oil of. Benzoates. Aconite; locally. Ammonium Benzoate. Chloroform Actop.a Racemosa. Ammonium Bromide. Cinchouidine, Arnica; internally and Ammonium Chloride. Cinchonine. externally. Ammonium Iodide. Cold Affusion. Arsenic. Ammonium Phos- Diaphoretics. Buckeye Bark. phate. Emetics. Chaulmoogra Oil. Ammonium Salicy- Eupatorium. Cimicifuga: when late. Euquinine. pains are nocturnal. Antimony Sulphide.

Gelsemium : in bilious Cod-Liver Oil. Antipyrine. remittents. Colchicine. Aquapuncture. 199 Manu^jA, :


Arnica. worst at night. Opium. Arsen-hemol. Ichthalbin: internally. Potassium Nitrate Arsenic. Ichthyol: topically. Potassium Oxalate. Iodides. Arsenic and Mercnry Potassium Phos7)hate. Iodides. Solution. Iodine; locally. Potassium Salicylate. Asaprol. Iodoform. Potassium and Sodi- Atropine. Iron. um Tartrate. Belladonna. Jaborandi. Poultices. Benzanilide. Lactophenin. Propylamine (see Tri- Benzoates. Leeches. methylamine). Betol. Lemon Juice. Pyoktanin. Blisters: very efficient. Lime Juice. Quinine Salicylate. Bryonia. Lithium Bromide: es- Quinoline Salicylate. Burgundy Pitch. pecially when insom- Rhus Toxicodendron; Cactus Grandiflorus; nia and delirium exceedingly useful in tincture. present. after-stage and sub- Caffeine and Sodium Lithium Carbonate. acute forms. Salicylate. Lithium Iodide. Saccharin: to replace Cajeput Oil. Lithium Salicylate. sugar in diet. Capsicum. Lupulin. Salicin. Chaulmoogra Oil. Magnesia. Salicylamide. Chimaphila. Magnesium Salicylate Salicylates. Chloral. Manaca Salipyrin Chloroform. Manganese Sulphate. Salol. Cimicifuga. Massage. Salophen. Cimicifugin. Mercury Bichloride. Sodium Dithio-salicy- Cocaine Carbolate. Mercury and Mor- late. Cod-Liver Oil. phine Oleate: locally. SodiumParacresotate Colchicine Menthol Ointment. Spir»a Ulmaria Colchicum. Mezereon. Splints for fixation of Cold Baths Mineral Baths. limb may relieve. Cold Douche Morphine. Steam Bath. Conium. Mustard Plasters. Stimulants. Creosote. Neurodin. Stramonium. Digitalis. Oil Croton. Strontium Iodide. Dionin. Oil Gaultheria. Strontium Lactate. Dover’s Powder. Oil Mustard. Strontium Salicylate. Oil Turpentine. Sulphur. Dulcamara; in persons Oleoresin Capsicum. Tetra- ethyl - ammoni- liable to catarrh. um Hydroxide: solu- Eserine. Opium : one grn. (0.06 grm.j every two or tion. Ethyl Iodide. Thuja Occidentalis. Eucalyj)tns. three hours, especi- ally when cardiac in- Thymol. Euphorin. Trimethylamine Solu- Europhen. flammation. Orexine: for anorexia. tion. Enquinine. Triphenin. Faradization. Packing. Pellitory. Turkish Bath. Gaduol. Turpentine Oil. Galvanism. Permanganate of Po- tassium. Veratrine. Gelseminine. Veratrum Viride. Glycerinophosphates. Phenacetin: alone or with salol. Xanthoxylum. Gold and Sodium Phytolacca. Zinc Cyanide. Chloride. Pilocarpine Hydro- Zinc Oxide. Guaiacol. chlorate. Guaiacum. Pine-Leaf Baths. Rheumatism, Gonor- Guarana. Potassa, Sulphurated. rheal. Horse-Chestnut Oil. Potassio- Tartrate of Hot Pack. Iron. Ammonium Chloride. Ice: cold compresses, Potassium Acetate. Ichthalbin. may relieve inflamed Potassium Arsenite Opium. joints. solution. Phenacetin. Ice and Salt. Potassium Bicarbon- Potassium Chlorate. Iodide of Potassium: ate. Potassium Iodide. especially when pain Potassium Iodide and Rubidium Iodide. 200 Mtnk’t Mmmmat. ; :


Acid, Carbolic: danger- Kheumfttism, Muscu- Ring - Worm. — See ous. — See also, also. Tinea, etc. lar. Acid, Sulphuric: inter- lAimbago, Myalgia, Acid, Boric. nally as adjuvant. Neuritis, Pleurody- Chrysarobin. Acid. Sulphurous. Jiheumatism, Formaldehyde Alkalies. nia : Ichthyol. Mercury- Chronic Ammoniated Acute and Iron Tannate. Anise: as ointment. Torticollis. Mercury, Ammoniated Arsenic. Mercury Bichloride. Baking of clothes to Ammonium Chloride. Mercury Oxide, Red. destroy ova. Atropine. Naftalan. Balsam of Peru; local- Capsicum. Picrotoxin. agreeable and ef- ly ; Chloral Hydrate. Sulphites. fective. Cimicifuga. Tincture Iodine: topi- Calcium Sulphide. Colchicine. cally. Chloroform. Croton-Oil Liniment. Coal-Tar Naphta. Diaphoretics. Rosacea. ^ See Acne Cocculus Indicus: as Dover’s Powder: with Rosacea. ointment. hot drinks and hot Copaiba. foot bath. Roseola. — See also, Copper Sulphate. Euphorin. Measles. Corrosive Sublimate. Gold. Aconite. Creolin. Jaborandi. Ammonium Acetate. Glycerine. Lithium Bromide. Ammonium Carbo- Hydroxylamine Hy- Blue. Methylene nate. drochlorate. Morphine. Belladonna Ichthyol. Mustard. Iodine. Neurodin. Rubeola. — See Meas- Kamala: as oinment. Phenacetin. les Liq. Potassse. Potassium Iodide. Losophan. Potassium Nitrate. Salivation. — See Pty- Manganese Dioxido. Salol alism. Mercury Bichloride. Salipyrine. Mercury: white precip- Triphenin. Sarcinae. — See also, Veratrime Ointment. itate ointment. Nyspepsia. Cancer, Naftalan. Gastric Dilatation. Naphtol. Rhinitis. — See also, Acid, Carbolic. Nicotine Salicylate. Catarrh, Acute Acid, Sulphuric. Oil Cade. Nasal Influenza, Calcium Chloride. Oil Cajuput. Nosal Affections. Creosote. Oily Inunction Formaldehyde. Petroleum. Alumnol. Gastric Siphon : to Phosphorated Oil. Aristol. wash out stomach. Potassium Iodide. Bismuth Snbgallate. Hyposulphites. Soft Soap. Cocaine Phenate. Nahalan. Soziodole-Potaa- Camphor. Sodium Thiosulphate. sium

Creolin; (1:1000) as a Sulphites. Stavesacre : as oint- nasal douche. Wood Spirit. ment. Diaphtherin. Storax: with almond Europhen. Satyriasis.— See also. oil, when skin cannot Menthol. Nymphomania, and bear sulphur. Potassium Perman- list of Anaphrodis- Sulphides. ganate. iacs. Sulphites. Retinol. Bromipin. Sulphur; as ointment. Sozoiodole -Sodium Bromo-hemol. Sulphur and Line. and Sozoiodole-Zinc Ichthalbin. Sulphurated Potassa. in atrophic rhinitis. Potassium Bromide. Sulphur Baths. Sulphoanilic acid. Sodium Bromide. Tar; ointment. Stearates. Vaselin. Scabies. Rickets. — See Rachi- Acid, Benzoic; as oint- ScaldH. — See Bursts: tis.] ment or lotion. and Scalds. 2P1 MmVt MmnaM INDICATIONS. PART 11.

Scarlet Fever. ~ See swelling of throat. Scars, to Remove. also, Alhuminuria, Ice Bag. or rubber Thiosinaniine. Bright’s Disease, headcoil: to head, if Uremia. very hot. Sciatica — See also, Acetanilirt. Ice: to suck, especially Neuralgia, Rheuma- Acid, Acetic. at commencement tism. Iodine. Acid, Carbolic : as gar- Acetanilid: absolute gle Jalap; compound pow- rest of limb in splints Acid, Gallic. der, with potassium very needful. Acid, Salicylic. bitartrate, or hot dry Acid, Perosmic.

Acids, Mineral : inter- applications, to pro- Acid, Salicylic. nally, and as gargle. duce sweat in neph- Acid, Sulphuric. Acid, Sulphurons in- ritis Aconite: as ointment halation when throat JuniperOihas diuretic or liniment. mnch affected. when dropsy occurs. Actiea Racemosa. Aconite ; harmful if Lactophepm. Acupuncture. constantly employed Antipyrine. Mercury : one-third of Adeps Lana;. Aquapuncture. a grn. (0.02 grm.) of AJcohol: indicated in gray powder every Apomorphine. collapse. Asaprol. hour to lessen inflam- Ammonium Acetate; Atropine. mation of tonsils. solution. Belladonna. Ammonium Benzoate. Mustard Bath: when Benzanilide Amyl Hydride. rash recedes. Blisters. Antipyrine. Naphtol. Cautery; exceedingly Arsenic: if tongue re- Neurodin. useful, slight appli- mains red and irri- Oil Gaultheria. cation of Paquelin’s table during conval- Packing: useful and thermo-cautery. escene. comforting. Chloride of Ammoni- Baptisin. Philocarpine Hydro- um. Belladonna. chlorate. Chloral. Benzoate of Sodium. Potassium Chlorate. Chloroform; locally Bromine. Potassium Iodide. as liniment, inhala- Calcium Sulphide. Potassium Perman- tion when pain ex-

Carbonate of Ammon- ganate : as gargle to cq^sive. ium: greatly recom- throat. Cimicifuga. mended in frequent Purgatives; most use- Cod-Liver Oil. doses given in milk ful to prevent albu- Colchicine. or cinnamon water. minuria. Coniine Hydrobro- Chloral Quinine. mate.

Chlorine Water : as Resorcin. Conium. gargle. Rhus Toxicodendron. Copaiba Resin. Count er-lrritation. Chloroform. Salicylate of Sodium

: Croton Oil : internal- Cold Compress to as antipyretic. ly as purgative. throat. Salol. Cold Affusion. Sodium Bromide; Duboisine. Electricity. Copaiba. with chloral when , Ether as spray. Digitalis. convulsions usher in Ethylchloride. Euqninine. attack. Fat: as inunction to Sodium Sulphocarbo- Euphorin. hands and feet dur- Galvanism late. Gelsemium. ing the rash, and over Strychnine; hypoder- Gold. the whole body dur- mically in paralysis. ing desquamation Guaiacol. of Magnes- Ferric Perchloride; in Sulphate Guaiacuni. alvanced stage with ium. Glycerinophosphates. albuminuria and Sulphur. Iodides. hematuria; very use- Thermodin. lodipin. Tr. Ferri Chloridi. ful. Massage of Nerve Hot Bath. Triphenin. with Glass Rod. Hydrogen Peroxide. Veratrnm Viride. Menthol. Ice: applied externally Warm Wet Pack. Methylene Blue. to throat, and held in Water. Morphine : hypoder- Sulphate. mically. most useful. mouth . to prevent Zinc 202 Mfrcie* Manual. PART 11. INDICATIONS.

Nerve Stretching. Sclerosis , Arterial. Milk and Lime Water. Neurodin. Peroxide of Hydrogen. Barium Chloride. Nitroglycerine. Phosphates. Nnx Vomica. Digi toxin. Phosphorus. Opium. Glycerinophosphates. Potassium Chlorate. Phosphorus. lodo-hemol. .Sanguinaria. Vasogene. Plasters. Iodine Sanguinarino. Potassium Ritartrate Sarsaparilla. or Citrate: -10 grn. Scorbutus. — See Sodium Bromide. (2.5grm.)thrice daily, Scurvy. Sodium Hyposulphite. in plenty of water, Soft Soap. to regulate kidneys. Solution Potassa. Poultices. Scrofula. — See also, Stillingia. Rhus Toxicodendron. Cachexice, Coxalgia, Sulphides. Salicylate of Sodium. Glands, Ophthal- Thyroidin. Salol. mia. Walnut Leaves. Salophen. Acacia Charcoal. Zinc Chloride. Sand Bath. Acid. Hydriodic. Secale. Acid. Phosphoric. Silver Nitrate. Alcohol. Scurvy. — See also, Sodium Dithiosalicy- Antimony Sulphide. Cancrum Oris, Pur- late. Arsenic. pura. Stramonium ; intern- Barium Chloride. ally . pushed until Barium Sulphide. Acid, Citric or Tar- physiological action Blisters: to enlarged taric: as preventive appears. glands. in the absence of Sulphur: tied on with Bromine. lime-juice. flannel over painful Cadmium Iodide. Aconite; in acute spot. Calcium Benzoate. stomatitis with sali- Triphenin. Calcium Chloride. vation in scorbutic Tropacocaine. Calcium Sulphide. conditions. Turkish Bath. Calomel. Agrimonia: useful in Turpentine Oil: in 'a Chalybeate Waters. the absence of other oz (15 cc.) doses in- Cod -Liver Oil: ex- remedies. ternally, for three ceedingly service- Alcohol; diluted, as or tour nights succes- able. gargle. sively. Copper Acetate. Alum: locally with Veratrine; as oint- Cupro-hemol. ment myrrh for ulcerated Ethyl-Iodide. gums. Wet or Dry Cups over Excision, or scraping Ammonium Carbo- course of nerve. gland, and packing nate: in scorbutic with iodoform gauze. diathesis. Extract Malt, Dry. Sclerosis.— See also, Arsen-hemol Fats: inunction. Arsenic: in some scor- Locomotor Atama, Gaduol. butic symptoms. Atheroma, Paraly- Galium Aparine. Atropine: hypodermi- sis Agitans. Glycerinophosphates. cally when salivation. Gold salts. Cinchona : as decoc- Acetanilid. Hyoscyamus: tincture. tion. alone or dilu- Antipyrine. Hypophosphites. ted with myrrh, as Arsenic. Ichthalbin: internally. gargle. Gaduol. Ichthyol: ointment. Cochlearia. (Jlycerinophosphates. Iodides. Ergot Gold and Sodium Iodine; locally to Ergotin Hypodermic Chloride glands, and intern- or Ergot by Mouth: Hyoscyamine. ally, to restrain the he- Ichthalbin. lodipin. morrhage. Mercuro-iodo-hemol. Iodoform. Eucalyptus. Neurodin lodo-hemol. Ferri Arsenias: as a Phenacetin. lodole. tonic where other Physostigma. Iron. remedies have failed. Silver Oxide. Lactophosphates. Ferri Perchloridi, Sozoiodole-Mercnry. Manganese Iodide. Tinctura : to restrain Spermine. Mercury Bichloride. hemorrhage. 203 Mtrek't Manual. :


Laricis, Tino.turii; like grm.) hypodermically. Strychnine. Pfirri Perchl., Tinot. liitters: calumba, etc. Triphenin. Lemon Juice: exceed- Hromalin. ingly uBol'nl as pre- Bromides. Seborrhea . See also, ventive and curative. Caffeine — Citrate: for Aoie, Pityriasis. Liberal Diet often the headache. sufficient. Cannabis Indica: one- Acid, Boric. Liquor Sodie Chlori- third to one -half Acid, Salicylia natse: locally to gums. grn. (0.02—0.03 grm.) Alnmnol.

Manganese Dioxide. of the extract to re- Borax : with glycerine Malt. lieve headache. and lead acetate, as Oil Turpentine. Capsicum. a local application. Oranges: useful. Cerium Oxalate. Euresol. Phosphates: when Champagne, Iced: Glycerine. nonassimilation a small doses frequent- Hydrastine Hydro- cause. ly repeated, chlorate. Potassium Binoxalate: Chloralamide and Po- Ichthalbin: internally. in doses of four grn. tassium Bromide. Ichthyol: topically.' 10.25 grm.) three ti- Chloral Hydrate: fif- Iodine. mes a day, if not ob- teen to thirty grn. Lead Acetate: with tainable, sorrel is (1.0— 2.0 grm.) every borax and glycerine useful instead. four hours most use- as above. Potassium Chlorate. ful; should be given Liquor Potassa;: lo- Potassium Citrate: before nausea sets cally to hardened substitute for lime- in; the combination secretion. juice. with potassium bro- Mercury. Pyrethrum mide taken with Naphtol. , Quiuine- with mine- effervescing citrate Resorcin. ral acids internally. of magnesia, is very Sodium Chloride. Salvia. good. Zinc Oxide: in in- Silver Nitrate. Chloroform: pure, flammation; the fol- Tartar Emetic. two to five minims lowing formula is

Vegetable Charcoal (0.1 —0.3 cc.) on sugar. useful : Take Zinci as tooth-powder to Coca: infusion quick- oxidi, 1 dram (4.0 remove fetid odor. ly relievos. grm.); Plumbi carbo- Vinegar: very inferi- Cocaine. nat. 1 dram (4.0 grm.); or substitute for Counter-ir ritation: Cetacei, 1 oz (30.0 lime-juice. mustard plaster or grm.); 01. oliv* q. s.; leaf to epigastrium. ft. ung. Creosote. Sea-Sickness. — See Hyoscy amine: one-six- Septicemia. — See Py- also, Nausea, Vom- tieth grain (0.001 emia etc. grm.) with the same Acetanilid. quantity of strych- Sexual Excitement. Acid, Hydrocyanic. nine. — See Nymphoma- Acid, Nitro - Hydro- Hyoscyamus. nia, Satyriasis. chloric: formula: Ice: to spine. Acidi nitro -hydro- Kola. Shock. hypoder- chlorici, dil. 3 fl. Morphine: Alcohol. drams (12.0 cc.); Aci- mically. Ammonia. < di hydrocyanici dil. Neurodin. Amyl Nitrite. Nitroglycerine. half fi dram (2.0 cc.); Atropine. Magnesii Sulphatis, 2 Nux Vomica; when Blisters. with drams (8cc.); Aq. 8fl. indigestion con- Codeine. stipation. oz (240.0 cc.j; 1 fl. oz Digitalin. Tannate. (30.0 c.c.)8 times a day. Orexine Digitalis, Amyl Nitrite: a few Potassium Bromide: Digitoxin. drops on handker- should be given sev- Ergotin. chief inhaled; the eral days before voy- Erythrol Tetrani- handkerchief must age is begun. trate. be held close to the Resorcin. Heat. mouth. Salt and Warm Water. Hypodermoclysis. Atropine: one -hund- Sodium Bromide: like Nitroglycerine. redth grn. (0.0006 potassium salt. Oxygen. 204 Vank't WamMl. PART II. INDICATIONS.

Sparteine Sulphate. Somnolence. plied to urethra. Strychnine. Arsen-hemol. Camphor Bromide: or Suprarenal Extract. Caffeine. camphor alone; Coca. diminishes venereal Skin Diseases. — See Glycerinophosphates. excitement. Cantharides; in cases the titles of the va- Kola. rious diseases hi their Spermine. of deficient tone, eit- alphabetic order. her from old age, ex- Spasmodic A f f e c - cess, or abuse; should be combined with Small Vox.— See Va- tions.—See list oj iron. riola. Antispasmodics ; Chloral Hydrate: to also Angina Pec- arrest nocturnal emis- Sleeplessness. — See toris Asthma, sions. Insomnia, Nervous- , i m i c i f ti a: where Gho rea . Colic, C g ness. Cough,Convulsions, emission takes place on the least excite- Croup Dysuria, , ment. Sneezing. — See also, Epilepsy Gastro- Douching and Catarrh, Hay Fever, , Cold Sponging. Influenea. dynia . Hydropho- bia, Hysteria, Cornutine. Arsen-Hemol. Digitalis: in frequent Per- Arsenic: in paroxys- Laryngismus, emissions with lan- mal sneezing as usu- tussis, Stammering, guid circulation; with ally ushers -in hay- Tetanus, Torticollis, bromide in plethoric fever. Trismus, etc. subjects. Belladonna. — Electricity. Camphor: as powder, Spermatorrhea. Ergot ; deficient tone or strong tincture in- Seealso, Emissions, in the genital organs. haled in commencing Hypochondria sis. Gold Chloride. catarrh. Hydrastis : local appli- Chamomile Flowers: Impotence ; also cation to urethra. in nares. list of Anaphro- Hygienic Measures. Cocaine. disiacs. Hyoscine Hydrobro- Cotton Plug: in nares. Acetanilid. mate. Gelsemium: in exces- Acid, Camphoric. Hypophosphites : ner- sive morning sneez- Antispasmin. vine tonic. ings discharge. with ; there is Arsenic : in functional Iron where Iodine: inhalation, anemia only. impotence ; best com- lodipin. bine with iron as the Lupulin; oleoresin, to Menthol. arseniate, and with diminish nocturnal Mercury : when heavi- ergot. emissions. ness of head and pain Atropine. Nitrate of Silver: vesi- in limbs. Belladonna: in relaxa- cation by it of the Orthoform. tion of the genital perineum; and local Potassium Iodide ten organs where there application to the grn. (0.6 grm.) doses is no dream nor or- prostatic portion of frequently repeated. gasm; one-fourth the urethra. Pressure beneath Nose, grain (0.015 grm.) of Nux Vomica: nervine over the termination extract, and a grain tonic and stimulant. of the nasal branch and a half (0.1 grm.) Phosphorus; in physi- of the ophthalmic di- of zinc sulphate. cal and mental debi- vision of the fifth. Bladder to be emptied Suprarenal Tablets. lity. as soon as patient Potassium Citrate. awakes. Quinine : as a general Somnambulism.—Nee Bromalin. tonic. also. Nightmare. Bromides: when it is Solanine. physiological in a Spermine. Bromides. plethoric patient; not Spinal Ice-Bag. Bromipin. when genitalia are Strychnine. Bromalin. relaxed. Sulfonal. Bromo-hemol. Bromipin. Sulphur: as a laxative, Glycerinophosphates. Bromo-hemol. especiaUy Opium. if sequent Calomel; ointment ap- to rectal or anal

205 M*.rck*$ ManuttJ., INIJICATIONS. I'ART II.

trouble. Arsenic. cures in chronic in- Tctronal. Atropine. flammation of the TurpentineOil;in sper- Belladonna: givesway cord and meninges. matorrhea with im- to this more readily Phosphorus; as a ner- potence. than to aconite. vine tonic.

Warm bath before re- Blisters: to spine. Phy sostigma : in a few tirinp Bromalin. cases of progressive Zinc, 0:ii(tc. Bromides; to lessen paralysis of the in- activity. sane, in old-standing Spina Biflda. Bromo-hemol. hemiplegia, in para- Cimicifuga plegia due to mye- Calcium Phosphate. Cocculus Indicus: like litis, and in progres- Collodion: as means strychnine. sive muscular atro- of compression. Codeine. phy it has done good Coton Wool 07er Conium. service. tumor. Counter-irritation. Picrotoxin; spinal Glycerine : injection Digitalis. stimulant after fe- after tapping. Electricity; combined brile symptoms have Iodine: injection. For- with massage and passed off. mula: Iodine, 10 grn. rest. Spermine.

(0.6 grm.); Potassium Ergot : when spinal Strychnine; likepicro- Iodide, 30 grn, (2.0 congestion. toxin. grm.); Glycerin, 1 fl. Glycerinophosphates. oz (30.0 cc.). Ignatia. Spleen, Hypertro- Potassium Iodide. Leeches. phied. — See also. Tapping: followed by Nu.x Vomica. compression. Opium: in small doses. Malaria, Leucoey- Phosphorus. themia. Picrotoxin. Spinal Concussion.— Ammonium Fluoride, Myelitis. Sin a pis Liniment: See also, Arsenic. counter-irritant. Arnica. Sodium Hypophos- Arsen-hemol. Bromides. Bleeding: to relieve phite. heart. Spermine. Ergot. Water and Opium: Euquinine. Lead Strychnine : to stimu- Methylene Blue. as lotion. late the depressed Sodium Iodide. Leeches. nerve centres. Quinine. Vinegar: to restore Veratrum Viride. consciousness; Salicin. Paralysis and Spinal Congestion, — Spinal Sprains. Softening. — See See also, Meningitis, AconiteLiniment: well also. Locomotor Myelitis. Myelitis.)^ rubbed in. Ataxia, Ammonia. Aconite. Argentic Nitrate : in Ammonium Chloride: Treat- Antiphlogistic chronic inflamma- prolonged applica- ment. tion of the cord or tion of cold saturated Affusions : to Cold meninges. lotion. spine. Belladonna;in chronic Arnica; much vaunted, Ergot: in large doses. inflammatory con - little use. Gelsemium. ditions. Bandagingrto give rest Nux Vomica. Cod-Liver Oil: as a to the injured liga- Turpentine Oil. general nutrient. ments. Wet Cupping. Electricity: combined Calendula ; as a lotion. with massage and Camphor ; a stimu- Spinal Irritation. rest. lating liniment. Applications. See also, Menin- Ergot : in hyperemia Cold Douche gitis, Myelitis, Neu- of the cord. Cold thick Hyoscyamus; in para- Collodion ; a ritis, Neurasthenia. lysis agitans to con- coating to exert a pressure as Aconite Ointment; lo- trol tremors. firm even dries. cally. Iodide of Potassium; it Liniment. Acid, Phosphoric. in syphilitic history. Croton-Oil Hamamelis. Arsen-Hemol. Mercury ; temporarily Mamt ai 206 : : —


Hot Foot-bath: pro- Cimicifuga; in conges- Ligature, or cleansing longed for hours for tive dysmenorrhea. of wound . at once, sprained ankle. Dilatation of cervix: to prevent absorption, in in snake-bites. Hot Fomentations : in dysmenorrhea: early applied. pinhole os uteri : and Menthol. Ichthyol; ointment. in plugging of the Mercury Bichloride. Inunction of Olive Oil: cervix with mucus. Mint Leaves. with free rubbing. ElectricalStimulation Oil of Cinnamon: 1 Iodine: to a chronic in- of Uterus: in torpor. dram (4.0 cc.) with 1 flammation after a GossypiiRadix: in dys- oz (80.0 CC.) of sperma- sprain. menorrhea with ster- ceti ointment, spread Lead Lotion: applied ility. over hands and face, at once to a sprained Guaiacnm; in dysmen- to ward off mosqui- joint. orrhea with sterility. toes. Lead Water and Laud- Intra - uterine Stems Oil of Cloves: the anum. to stimulate the lin- same. Oil of Bay. ing membrane of the Petroleum to destroy Rest uterus. the larvae of mos- Rhus Toxicodendron Phosphorus: function- quitoes in the tanks. as lotion. al debility in the male. Potassa Fusa: in dog-

Shampooing: after the Potassium Iodide ; as bites a most efficient inflammation has emmenagogue. caustic. ceased,to break down Spermine. Potassium Permanga-

adhesions. nate ; applied and in- Soap Liniment. jected around snake- Soap Plaster: used as Stings and Bites. — bite, foUowed by al- a support to sprained cohol in full doses. See also, Wounds. joints. Removal of Sting.J Sodium Chloride. Acid, Carbolic: mos- Rosemary. Soluble Glass. quito-bites and scor- Sage.l Strapping: to give rest pion stings. Silver Nitrate: a caus- Turpentine Liniment: Acid, Salicylic. tic, but not sufficient- a stimulant applica- Aconite. ly strong in dog- tion to be weU rub- Alum : for scorpion- bites. bed in. sting. Soap : to relieve it- Vinegar : cooling lo- Ammonia or other Al- ching of mosquito- tion. kalies; in stings of bites. Warming Plaster. insects to neutralize Stimulants.

the formic acid ; and Sugar: pounded, in Stammering. in snake-bite. wasp-stings. Hyoscyamus. Ammonium Carbonate. Vinegar. Stramonium. Aqua Calcis; in stings of bees and wasps. Vocal Training; the Stomach,Catarrh of. rythmical method Calmettes’ Anti-Veno- snake — See, Catarrh- most useful. mous Serum in bite. Gastric. Camphor. Sterility. Chloroform on lint. Stomach. Debility of. Injections: Alkaline in Chlorinated lime so- — See List of Gas- excessively acid se- lution in snake bite. cretions from the va- Creolin. tric Tonics and gina. Essence of Penny roayl: Stomachics.

Anrum : where due to to ward off mos- chronicmetritis, ova- quitoes- Stomach, Dilatation rian torpor or cold- Eucalyptus: plant in of. — See Gastric ness ; also in decline room to keep away in the sexual power mosquitoes. Dilatation. of the male. GoldChloridein snake- Borax; vaginal injec- bite. Stomach Sour.— See tion in acid secretion. Hydrogen Dioxide. Acidity and Pyrosis. Cantharides'.as a sti- Ichthyol. mulant where there is Ipecacuanha; leaves as impotence in either poultice for mosquito Stomach, Ulcer of. sex. and scorpion-bites. See Gaslric Ulcer.

207 U«rc}i’n Manual, — —


Stomatitis. Sec also, gent. Adeps Lana:. Aphthae. Cancruin LimeWator: in ulcera- Borax and Bran Bath: Oris; Mouth, Sore. tive stomatitis. if skin is irritable.

: dyspeptic Carbonate of Calcium. Acid, Boric: lotion of Mercury in ulcers, gray powder. Chamomile 1 in 50: tincture, with Glycerine. Acid, Carbolic: strong Myrrh: Ichthyol. solution locally to borax, topically. X.,ancing the Gums. aplithai. Papain. Bromide: Lead Lotion: to act Acid, Hydrochloric: Potassium as astringent. concentrated in gan- for nervous irritabi- Magnesia grenous stomatitis: lity. Chlor.ate. Mercury: gray powder dilute in mercurial, Potassium chief remedy, lo- if stools are pale. aphthous, etc. the internally. Milk Diet. Acid, Nitric. cally and Potassium Iodide: in Pulsatilla. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- syphilitic ulceration. Spiritus Aitheris Ni- ric: as gargle or in- Perman - trosi: where there is ternally in-ulcerative Potassium ganate. deficient secretion of stomatitis. Tincture. urine. Acid, Salicylic: one Ratanha astringent. Zinc Oxide. part in sufficient al- Rubus: Bromide. cohol to dissolve; to Sodium Chlorate. Struma. See Scrofula. 50 of water, in ca- Sodium Sozoiodole-Zinc. tarrhal inflammation Sozoiodole-Sodium. atye.-SeeHordeolum. to ease the pain. Sweet Spirit of Niter. Acid, Sulphurous. Summer Complaint. Tannic. Thymol. Acid. See Cholera Infan- Alcohol: brandy and Tonics. water, a gargle in tum, Diarrhea, etc. mercurial and ulcer- Strabismus.

ative stomatitis. Atropine : to lessen Sunstroke. Alum, or Burnt Alum: converging squint to be used locally in ulcerative when periodic in Aconite: not heart. stomatitis. hypermetropia. with a weak Argentic Nitrate: in Cocaine. Alcohol: is afterwards poison. thrush locally. Eserine: to stimulate always a Ammonia: for its dia- Bismuth : in aphtha: the ciliary muscles in phoretic action. of nursing children deficient contraction. sore mouth, dyspeptic Electricity Amyl Nitrite. - Apomorphine : o n e ulcers, sa- Eucaine. grn (0.004 livation locally app- Holocaine. sixteenth ; grm.)at once counter- lied. Hyoscyamus. acts symptoms. Borax: in trush and Mercury : like Iodide Respiration. chronic stomatitis. of Potassium. Artificial Belladonna. Nipples : in Cleansing Operation. extreme breast-fed babies. Potassium Iodide: in Bleeding: in congestion. Cocaine: before cau- syphilitic history if venous in small do- terization. one nerve only is par- Brandy: collapse. Copper Sulphate: lo- alyzed. ses in Camphor. cally in ulcerative Shade over one Eye : in Chloroform in con- stomatitis, and to in- children to maintain dolent ulcers and acuity of vision. vulsions. Digitalis: to stimu- sores. Suitable Glasses: to heart. Cornus: astringent: remedy defective vis- late Ergot; by the mouth Eucalyptus: tincture, ion. or subcutaneously. internally. Tropacooaine. Gelsemium. Glycerite of Tannin: “— 110® Hot baths ( 105 in ulcerative stoma- Stricture, Urethral.— F.) (43—40->C), or hot titis. Urethral Stric- See bottles or bricks, in Hydrastis: fluid ex- ture. heat exhaustion, and tract locally. Dioxide. in collapse. Hydrogen — See al- application to Strophulus. Ice : Iris: in dyspeptic ul- so, Lichen. chest, back, and ab- cer. • domen, as quickly as Krameria: local astrin- Antimonium Crndum. Manual. 208 Uenk't ; INDICATIONS. PART II.

Pyoktanin. Sycosis. — See also, possible . in thermic Condglomata Men- fever, and to reduce Quinine: tonic. , temperature; ice Sarsaparilla: tonic. tagra. Silver colloidal. drinks as well. Boric. Sulphides: when a Acid, Leeches. Acid, Sulphurous: in thin watery pus is Nitroglycerine. parasitic sycosis. secreted to abort, Potassium Hromide: , Arsen-hemol. deli- or hasten suppura- to relieve the Arsonici et Hydrar- tion. rium. gyri lodidi Liquor: Quinine: in thermic when much thicken- fever. Sui’gical Fever. ing. Scutellaria. Arsenic. Acid. Salicylic. Tea: cold, as beverage Aluranol. instead of alcoholic Aconite. Canada Balsam and drinks. Chloral. Carbolic Acid : in Tonics: during con- Euquinine. Quinine. equal parts, to be ap- valescence. plied after epilation best Tinctura Ferri Per- Venesection: in tinea sycosis. treatment if face be chloridi: as a pro- Chloride of Zinc : solu- cyanosed and heart phylactic. tion in tinea sycosis. and if me- veratrum Viride: to laboring, Chrysarobini Ung.: in ningitis threaten reduce the circulati- parasitic sycosis. after thermic fever on and fever. Cod- Liver Oil: in CHare). chronic non-parasi- Veratrum Viride. Surgical Operations. tic. Water: cold affusion. List Copper Sulphate. Wet Sheet: where the — See also. of Antiseptics. Europhen. breathing is steady otherwise cold Euresol. Acid,. Carbolic. Hydrargyri Acidi Ni- douche. Acid, Salicylic. tratis: as ointment. Acid, Oxalic. Hydrargyri Ammonia- Suppuration — See Actol. . tum Ung.: in para- Aristol. also. Abscess. Boils, sitic. Carbuncle, Pyemia. Boric acid. Hydrargyri Oxid- Chloroform. Rnbri Ung. Acid, Carbolic: lotion Creolin. Hydroxylamine H y - and dressing. Dermatol. drochlorate. Acid, Gallic. Diaphtherin. Ichthalbin: internally. Alcohol: be wat- to Dijodoform Ichthyol. ched. Europhen. Iodide of Sulphur Ammonium Carbon- Iodoform. Ointment: in non- ate: in combination lodole. parasitic. with Cinchona. Itrol. Losophan. Bismuth Oiyiodide. Lysol. Calcium Naftalan. Salts: to re- Mercuric Chloride. Naphtol. pair waste. Mercury Oxycyanide. Oleate of Mercury : in Calcium Sulphide. Mercury and ZineCya- parasi tic. Cinchona : as tonic, nide. Oleum Terebinthina?: fresh infusion is best. Naphtol Camphor. in parasitic. Creolin. Pyoktanin. Phytolacca. Gaduol. Salol. Glycerinophosphates. Salol. Thymol. Shaving. Hypophosphi tes: Tribromphenol. Sulphite. tonic. Sodium Trikresol. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Ichthalbin: internally. Ichthyol. Thuja. lodole. Sweating. — See Per- Zinc Sulphate. lodipin. spiration, Night-

’ Siceats . Bromidro- Iron Iodide : tonic. .Syncope. — See also, Manganese Iodide: sis, etc. Heart Affections. tonic. Mercury. Sweating, Colliqua- Acid, Acetic. Phosphates: like the tive. — See Night- Aconite. hypophosphites. Sweats. Alcohol: sudden, from 209 Metfk'i Manual, 14 INDICATIONS. PAKT IL

fright or weak heart. Bandage orStrapping: zoin. Ammonia ; inhaled Martin’s elastic band- Acid, Carbolic: to de- cautiously. age in chronic. stroy sore mucous , Ammonium Carhon- Blisters: fly blisters patches, eoudylo- ate. at night in chronic mata, etc. as ; bath Arsenic; nervine to- synovitis; if not use- in second stage. nic: prophylactic. ful, strong counter- Acid, Chromic. Atropine. irritation. Acid, Dichlor-acetic. Belladonna: in cardi- Calcium .Sulphide: as Acid, Gynocardic. ’ ac syncope. .an antisnppurative. Acid, Hydriodic. Camphor: cardiac Carbonate of Calcium. Acid, Nitric: in pri- stimulant. Cod-Liver Oil: tonic. mary syphilis, to-

Chloroform : transient Conium : in scrofulous destroy the chancre, cardiac stimulant; joints. especially when pha- mostly in hysteria. Counter-irritation. gedenic. Cold Douche. Gaduol: as alterative Acid, Salicylic: anti- Counter-irritation to and reconstitutive. septic application. Epigastrium: in col- Glycerinophosphates. Antimony Sulphide, lapse. Heat. Golden. Digitalis: in sudden Ichthalbin: as tonic Arsen-hemol. collapse after he- and alterative. Arsenic and Mercury morrhage; the tinc- Ichthyol. Iodides: solution of. ture by the mouth, Iodine: injection in Aristol.

dipitalin hypoder- hydrarthrosis after Aurum : in recurring mically. tapping: or painted syphilitic affections Duboisine. over. where mercury and

Ether: in collapse Iodoform : solution in iodide of potassium from intestinal colic. ether, 1 in 5, injected fail. Galvanism. into tuberculous jo- Barium Chloride. Heat to Epigastrium. ints: also as a dres- Barium Sulphide. Lavandula. sing after opening, Benzoin: antiseptic Musk. lodole. dressing for ulcers. Nitrite of Amyl: in Mercury : Scott’s dres- Bicyanide of Mercury: sudden emergency, siug in chronic stru- to destroy mucous in fatty heart, in mous disease; inter- tubercles, condylo- syncope during anes- nally in syphilitic mata, and to apply thesia, and in he- origin. to syphilitic ulcera- morrhage. Morphine. tion of the tonsils Nux Vomica. Oleate of Mercury : to and tongue. Position: head lowest remove induration Bismuth and Calo- and feet raised. left behind. mel: as a dusting Sparteine Sulphate. Potassium Iodide. powder Stimulants: undiluted. Pressure: combined Bromine. Suprarenal Extract. with rest. Cadmium Sulphate. Veratrum Album: an Quinine. Calcium Sulphide. Shampooing and As- errhine. Calomel ; for vapor Veratrum Viride. piration. bath in secondary; Silver Nitrate : ether- dusted in a mixture eal solution, painted with starch or oxide Synovitis. — also, See over. of zinc over condy- Joint Coxalgia, Af- Sodium Cinnamate in lomata will quickly fections. tuberculous joints. remove them. Acid, Carbolic: injec- Splints. Camphor: dressing in Sulphur. tions of one dram phagedenicchancres. (4.0 cc.) of a two per Cauterization. Cod- Liver Oil: tonic cent, solution into the Syphilis. — See also, stages. joint. Chancre Condylo- in all , Copper Sulphate. Aconite.f Ptyalism, Ul- mata, Creosote: internally Alcohol and Water: cers. equal parts.| in strnmons subjects, Antimony: combined Acid. Acetic: caustic and where mercury with saline purga- to sore. is not borne. hunger- tives. Acid, Arsenous. Denutrition: Arnica. Acid, Boric: likeben- cure of Arabia. ^ MmVt Mamul. 210 ^ : :


Ethyl Iodide. Potassium Bichro- ing consolidation of Europhen. mate. the lung. Expectant plan of Potassium Bromide. Barium Chloride: in treatment. Potassium Chlorate scrofula. B'ormaldehydo Solu- local application of Calcium Chloride: in tion: useful for caut- powder to all kinds of enlarged scrofulous erizing sores. syphilitic ulcers; gar- glands. Gaduol. gle in mercurial and Calcium Phosphate. Glycerine. specific stomatitis Cod-Liver Oil. Guaiacum: alterative Pressure bandage and Diet, plain andj nou- in constitutional sy- mercurial inunctions rishing. philis. for periostitis. Fatty Inunction. Hot Applications. Pulsatilla: tincture. Ferri Pernitratis Li- Hydriodic Ether. Pyoktanin. quor: hematinic and Ichthalbin: internally. Retinol. astringent. Ichthyol. Rubidium Iodide. Gaduol. Iodides: followed by Shampooing and local Gelsemium: in the re- mercury, applications of cro- fiex cough. lodipin. ton oil or cantharides Glycerinophosphates. Iodoform: dressing as a lotion, to combat Gelseminine. for chancre and ul- alopecia. Iodine. cers, Sarsaparilla: altera- Iodo-hemol. lodole. tive in tertiary. lodipin. Iron: in anemia, the Silver Chloride. Iron. stearate, perchlor- Silver Nitrate. Mercury. ide, and iodide are Silver Oxide. Oil Chaulmoogra. useful. SoftSoap: to syphilitic Olive Oil: inunction. Lotio Flava: dressing glandular swellings. Phosphates: as tonic.

for syphilitic ulcers, Stillingia : most suc- Sarsaparilla. and gargle in sore cessful in cases brok- throat and stoma- en down by a long Tape-Worm. — See al- titis. mercurial and iodide Manganese: in cach- course which has so, Worms. exia. failed to cure; im- Acid, Carbolic. Manganese Dioxide. proves sloughing Acid, Filicic. Mercnro - iodo-hemol phagedenic ulcers. Acid, Salicylic: follow- - syi>hilitic anti and Stramonium: tincture. ed jjy purgative. hematinic at the sa- Sulphaminol. Acid, Sulphuric: the me time. Suppositories of Mer- aromatic acid. Mercury : the specific cury. Alum: as injection. remedy in one or Thiol. Ammonium Embelate. other of its forms in Thyroidin. Areca Nut. congenital and ac- Tonic and general tre- Balsam of Copaiba: in quired syphilis in atment. half-ounce doses. primary or secon- Turkish and Vapor Chenopodium Oil: ten dary stage. Baths: to maintain a drops on sugar. Mixed Treatment. free action of the Cocoa Nut: a native Oil of Mezereon: in skin. remedy. constitutional syph- Wet Pack. Cod-Liver Oil: tonic. ilis. Zinc Chloride : locally Creosote. Oil of Sassafras: in to ulcers as caustic. Ether : an ounce and a constitutional syph- half (45.0 grm.) at a ilis. Tabes Dorsalis.— See dose, followed by a Ointments andWashes Locomotor Ataxia. dose of castor oil in of Mercury. two hours. Phosphates: in syph- Tabes Mesenterica. Extract Male Fern : ilitic periostitis, etc. — See also, Scrophu- followed by purga- Pilocarpine Hydro- losis. tive. chlorate. Iron: tonic. Podophyllum: has Acid,Gallic:astringent Eamala. been tried in secon- in the diarrhea. Kousso. dary, with success Acid, Phosphoric. Koussein. after a mercurial Alcohol. Mucuna : night and course. Arsenic: in commenc- morning for three

211 Mtrck^» Manual. 1 A% INDICATIONS. DABT II.

(lays, then brisk pur- Gold salts: in acute of potassium. !?ative. and chronic orchitis. Antipyrinc. N.aphtalin. Gnaiacol to apply Tiz/.oni-Catani's. An- Pelletierine; the tan- with a brush, titetanic Serum. nate preferably. llamamelis: in some a mo- Pumpkin Seeds: patients gives rise to tor paralyser. pounded into an elec- seminal emissions. Arsenic.

tuary, a 07.. (00,0 Krm.) Hot Lotions : in acute Atropine: local injec- at dose. inflammation. tion into the stiffened PunicaGranatum:acts Ice Bag: in acute or- muscles to produce like its chief alkaloid, chitis. mild poisoning. Use- pelletierine. Ichthyol. ful in both traumatic Quinine: as tonic. Iodine: injection into and hysterical teta- Resorcin: followed by an encysted hydro- nus.

purgative. cele ; local applica- Belladonna.

Thymol. tion in orchitis after Bromides : in very Turpentine Oil. the acute symptoms large doses frequent- Valerian: in convul- have passed off. ly repeated. sions due to the Iodoform: dressing in Cannabis Indica: ser- worms. ulceration. viceable in many Magnesium Sulphate cases; best combined

: in with chloral. Tenesmus. — See JO.i/s- with Antimony enter//. epididymitis. Chloral Hydrate: in Mercury Bichloride. large doses, best com- Mercury and Mor- bined with bromide Testicle, Diseases of. phine Oleate: in sy- or cannabis indica. — See also. Epidi- philitic enlargement Chloroform. dymitis, Hydrocele. and chronic inflam- Cocaine Hydrochlor- Orchitis, Varicocele. mation. ate, Hydrohro- Acid, Phosphoric, and Nitrate of Silver; ethe- Coniine Phnsph.ates: in de- real solution painted mate. Conium. bility. around and enlarged Aconite:in small doses testis better than Curare; an uncertain frequently repeated over. drug. Curarine. in acute epididy- Nux Vomica: in debil- Duboisine; like atro- mitis. ity. Ammonium Chloride: Potassium Bromide. pine. Eserine. solution in alcohol Potassium Iodide: in FreezingtheNerve: in and water topical syphilitic testicle. ; tetanus remedy. Pulsatilla : in very traumatic been proposed. Antimony: in gonor- small doses along has rheal epididymitis. with aconite. Gelseminm: in a few Belladonna: in neural- Snspensiomin orchitis cases it has done gia of the testis: as and epididymitis. good. an ointment with Traumaticin. Heat to Spine: will ar- glycerine in epididy- rest convulsions. Tetanus. — See also, mitis or orchitis. Hyoscyamns: in trau- Spasmodic Affec- matic. Bismuth . Subnitrate tions. Paste. Ice-bag to Spine. Collodion: by its con- Acetanilid. Lobelia: a dangerous traction to exert Aconite: in large doses remedy. pressure, in gonor- to control muscular Morphine: injected in- epididymitis. spasm. to the muscles gives Compression: at the Acupuncture : on each relief. whe- end of .an acute and side of the spines of Nerve-stretching beginning of a snb- the vertebrse. re a nerve is im- plicated in the cica- aente attack, as well Alcohol : will relax as in chronic inflam- muscular action, also trix, has done good. mation. support strength. Neurotomy : in the Conium poultice ot Anesthetics: to relax same cases. : cautiously leaves in cancer. muscular spasm. Nicotine ; Copaiba: in orchitis. Antimoninm Tartara- administered relie- best Digitalis: in epididy- tum: in large doses, ves the spasm; or mitis. along with chlorate given by rectum 212 Urreie* Manual. FART II. INDICATIONS.

ic relaxed throat, lief. hypodermically ; by the mouth it causes simple scarlatinal Ichthyol. spasm which may and diphtheritic Iodine: locally to sor- suffocate. sorethroat. es and enlarged tonsil, Nitrite of Amyl: in Aluminium Aceto-tar- lodole. some cases it cures. trate. Liq.AmmoniiAcetatis: Nitroglycerine like Ammonium Acetate. in full doses. the preceding. Antipyrin. Magnesium Sulphate:

Opium : alone or with Arsenic: in coryza and to be given freely in chloral hydrate. sore throat simulat- acute tonsillitis. Paraldehyde. ing hay fever; in Mercury: in very acute Physostigma: the li- sloughing of the tonsillitis, gray pow- quid extract pushed throat. der or calomel in to the full. Given by Balsam of Peru. small doses. the mouth, or rectum, Balsam of Tolu. Mercury andMorphine

or hypodermically. Belladonna: relieves Oleate : in obstinate Physostigmine. spasm of the pharyn- and painful sore Quinine: in both idio- geal muscles; also throat. pathic and traumatic when the tonsils are Myrrh gargle in ulcer- tetanus. much inflamed and ated sore throat. Strychnine: the evi- swollen. Methylene Blue. dence,which isdonbt- CalcinmBisulphiteSo- Neurodin. ful, seems to show lution. Phenacetin. that it is beneficial in Capsicum: as gargle in Phytolacca: internally, chronic andidiopath- relaxed sore throat. and as gargle.

ic tetanus: should be Catechu : astringent Podophyllum: chola- given only in a full gargle. gogue purgative. medicinal dose. Chloral Hydrate. Potassium Chlorate: Tetanus Antitoxin. ChlorineWater: gargle chief gargle. Urethane. in malignant sore Potassium Nitrate: a Vapor Baths. throat. ball of nitre slowly Warm Baths. Cimicifuga: in combi- sucked. nation with opium Pulsatilla: in acute Tetter. — See Herpes. and syrup and of tolu coryza without gas- in acute catarrh. • tric irritation. Cocaine Carbolate. Pyoktanin, Throat, Sore. — See Cold Compresses: in Resorcin. also, Diphtheria, tendency to catarrh. Sanguinaria: the tinc- Pharyngitis, Tonsil- Creosote, ture sprayed in ex- litis. Electric Cautery : in tended chronic nasal Acetanilid. chronic sore throat catarrh. Acid, Camphoric. to get rid of tliicke- Silver Nitrate : solu- ned patches. Acid, Carbolic: as a tion in sloughing of Ferri Perchloridum : spray in relaxed sore the throat or chronic throat and in coryza. gargle in relaxed relaxation : satura- sore throat. Acid, Gallic. ted solution an anest- Ferropyrine:as a styp- Acid, Nitric: as altera- hetic and cuts short tive with infusion of tic in throat opera- inflammation. cinchona. tions. Sodii Benzoas. Gadnol. Acid, Sulphurous: Sodium Borate: in Glycerite spray. of Tannin: clergyman’s sore to swab the Acid, Tannic. throat in throat. relaxed sore throat. Acid, Trichloracetic. Sodium Chlorate. Aconite : Glycerinophosphates. in acute ton- Sodium Salicylate: in Guaiacol. sillitis with high tem- quinsy. Gnaiacum : sucking perature: in the sore- Sozoiodole salts the resin will abort throat of children be- Steam, of boiling wa- fore or cut short the com- running on to ter; and vapor of mencing quinsy. capillary bronchitis; hot vinegar. best given frequently Hydrastis: gargle in Sumach: the berries in small doses. foUicular pharyngi- infused, with addition Alcohol gargle in re- tis : and chronic sore of potassium chlorate, laxed throat. throat. a most eiticient Alum; gargle in chron- Ice: sucked, gives re- gargle.


Terpin Hydrate. (ielseminiue. of ethereal solutioa. Traeheotoniy. Oelsemiuni: valuble. Acid, Carbolic; solu- Triphonin. Heat. tion, or glycerite. Veratrum Viridc: to Hyoscyamus. Acid, Chromic. control any febrile Ichthyol. Adeps Lanfp. change.', Iron: in combination Anthrarobin. Zinc Acetat.l with strychnia; the Aristol. Zinc Chloride.' following formula is Arsenic. Zinc Sulphate; a good; Ferri potassio- Borax. gargle. tartaratis, 4 scruples Chrysarobin. (5.0 grm.); Vin. opii, CocculuB Indicus. Thrush.— I'/j drams (6.0 cc.); Cod-Liver Oil. Aq. cinnam. ad 8 fl. Copper Acetate. Tic Douloureux. — oz. (240.0 cc.) 1 fl. oz. Copper Carbonate. (30.0 cc.) ter in die. Creolin, See also, Hemicra- Laurocerasi Aqua. Gaduol. nia. Neuralgia, Neu- Ligature of the Caro- Gallanol. ntis, Odonlalgia. tids: in obstinate Goa Powder: as oint- Acetanilide. cases a last resort; ment, or moistened Aconite. has done good. with vinegar. Aconitine: formula: Methylene Blue. Glycerinophosphates. Aconitinai (Duques- Morphine: hypoder- Iodine nel’s Vin grn. (0.006 mically. lodole. grm.); Glycerini, Al- Nitroglycerine: in ob- Kamala stinate cases. Losophan. coholis, aa, 1 fl. oz. Neurodin. Mercury Bichloride. (30.0 cc.l ; Aq. menth. Ol. Crotonis: some- Naftalan. pip., ad 2 fl. oz. (60.0 times cures; will re- Naphtol. cc.) 1 dram (4.0 cc.); ; per dose, cautiously lieve. Oil. Cade. increased to 2 drams Phosphorus: in obsti- Resorcin, nate cases. Sodium Chloride. (8.0 cc.). Ammonium Chloride; Physnstigma. Sulphites: or sulphur- in large dose. Physostigmine ous acid. Amyl Nitrite; in pale Potassium Iodide ; the Sulphur. anemic patients. following formula re- Sulphur Baths: faith- Anesthetics quickly lievos : take Chloralis fully carried out. relieve. hydrati 5 grn. (0.3 Thymol. Antipyrine. grm.); Potassii iodidi, Turpentine Oil. Arsen-hemol. 3 grn. (0,2 grm); Sp. Arsenic; occasionally ammoniac comp. 1 fl. dr. (4.0 cc.) infusum Tinea! Decalvans useful. ; {Alopecia Areata) — gentianac, ad. 1 fl. oz. Atropine: hypodermi- also. Tinea Cir- (30.0 cc.). The salt See cally, and ointment. cinata. Bromipin. alone in syphilitic history. Brorao-hem ol. Formaldehyde. Bntyl-ChloralHydrate. Pulsatilla: relieves. Lassar’s Hair-cure. Caffeine. Quinine. Parasiticides. : instead of Cannabis Indioa. Salioin Tonics. quinine, where pain Cautery in Dental Ca- periodic. nal: where pain radi- is Tinea Favosa.* ated from mental Salicylates. foramen. Stramonium, Acid, Carbolic: lotion. Chamomile. Triphenin. Acid, Nitric: caustic Chloroform: inhala- Turpentine Oil. after tbe crust has : ointment. tion; also hypoder- Veratrine been removed. Valeriauate:with mically. Zinc Acid, Sulphurous: 1 hyoscyamus. Counter-irritation. i^extract part to 2 parts gly- assisted by Cupric Amraonio-Sul- Circinata cerine phate: relieves the Tinea epilation. {Bingtoorm the insomnia. of Calcium Sulphide. Body). — See also. Delphinine; externally. Cleanliness. Ringworm.) followed Electricity. Epilation: Euquinine. Acid, Acetic. up by using a para- ^xalgin.J Acid, Boric in simple siticide. UmX-'t ifanital. J - 214 ; ;


Hyposulphites. Scalp), — See also, Tongue, Diseases of. Iron. Porrigo, Tinea Cir- Acid, Nitric: in dys- ; a lotion of Mercury cinata. peptic ulcers the grn. the bichloride, 2 strong acid as caus- to the oz (0.1 grm. Acotum Cantharidis. tic. 30.0 cc.); or the ole- Bi-Cyanide of Mer- oint- Acid, Acetic: strong, ate-of mercury tu- locally. cury: in mucous ment. bercles. and re- Acid, Boric: ethereal •Oil; to soften Borax: in chronic su- scabs. solution after head move perficial glossitis; Oleander. is thoroughly cle- and in fissured ton- one part ansed. Petroleum: gue. lard after Acid, Carbolic: in to two of Cloves: as gargle. crusts are gone. early stages. Acid, Chrysophanic: Cochlearia Armoracia Sulphides. (Nasturtium Armor- Turkish Bath: follo- 30 grn. to the oz. ; gargle. grm. :.30.0 grm.), acia) as wed by the use of (2.0 Conium in- as ointment. carbolic soap , Frenulum: should be stead of ordinary. Salicylic: strong Acid, divided in tongue-tie. Viola Tricolor. solution in alcohol, Ginger : as mastica- Zinc Chloride; dilute grn. to the oz 40 tory. watery solution. : grm.) (2.5 grm. 30.0 Hydrastis; in stoma- or vasolin ointment titis. of same strength. Tinea Sycosis. — See Iodine. Acid, Sulphurous. Mentagra. Iodoform: to ulcers. Anthrarobin. Mercury: in syphilitic Arsenic: tonic. disease. Tinea Tarsi. Borax. Mezereon, Oil of: si- Cocculus Indicus. Blisters to Temple, alagogue. Cod- Liver Oil. Copper Sulphate. Nux Vomica. Epilation, removal of Coster’s Paste: Iodine Pepper: condiment. scabs, and applica- 2 drams (8.0 grm.). Phytol acca. tion of stick of lunar Oil cade, 2 drams Potassium Bromide. caustic. (12.0 grm.). Potassium Chlorate: Lead Acetate. Creosote. in aphthous ulcera- Mercury: after remo- Croton Oil: liniment tion. chronic super- val of scabs, Ung. folloAved by a poul- ficial glossitis, sto- hydrargyri nitratis tice. matitis. diluted to half its Epilation. Potassium Iodide: in strength. Also take Formaldehyde. tertiary specific ul-

Plumbi acetatis 1 : ceration. and in ma- , Iodine the tincture dram (4.0 grm.); Ung. in children. croglossia. hydrargyri oxidi ru- Lassar’s Hair-Cure. Potassium Permanga- bri, 1 dram (4.0 grm.); Lime Water. nate.

Zinci oxidi, 1 dram, Menthol: parasiticide Pyrethrum : mastica- Calomelanos, half and analgesic. tory. dram (2.0 grm.); Adi- Rhus Toxicodendron. Mercury ; white pre- 2 drams(8.0 Nitrate; pis, grm.); cipitate lightly smea- Silver caus- Oleipalmat., 5 ulcers. drams red over the oleate, tic to ; (20.0 grm ); ft. ung. Xanthoxylnm: in lin- ; pernitrate, and oxide, Also Oleate. as ointments. The gual paralysis. Mercury Oxide, Red. bichloride as a lotion Zinc Chloride : caus- Tinct. lodi. after re- tic. 2 grn. to the dram moval of scabs, fol- (0.1 grm.: 4.0 cc.). lowed by application Naftalan. of glycerine Tonsillitis. —See also. Oil Cajeput. Throat Sore. Dng. Picis : touched Potassium Sulphocya- along edge of tarsi. nide. Acetanilid: internally. Silver Nitrate; Mol- Quinine. Acid, Salicylic : in- ded. Resorcin. ternally. Sodium Chloride Acid, Tannic. Tinea Tonsurans. Sodium Ethylate. Aconite: internally.

(Ringworm of the Thymol : like menthol. Alum. 215 Mfrck*9 Manual :


Alumuol. Iodine Tincture : to their paretic antago- Aluminium Acetotar- cause absorption, nists. trute. lodo-hemol. Gelseminine. Belladonna: internal- lodipin. Gelscmium. Ma8Bago:of the tonsils. . Glycerophos phat* Capsicum and Glyce- SilverNitrate: caustic. Sodium. rine. Scarification. Local Pressure. Cocaine Uydrochlor- Tannin: saturated so- Massage. ate. lution. Nerve-stretching. Creolin. Zinc Chloride. Nux Vomica. Emetics. Opium. Euquinine internally. Tonsils, Ulcerated. Potassium Bromide. Ferric Chloride. Strychnine. Guaiacum. Acid, Carbolic. Water; hot douche. Hydrogen Peroxide. Acid, Sulphurous, Ice-bag. mixed with equal Ichthyol. quantity of glycerine Tremor. — See also. Chorea lodole. and painted over. , Delirium Iron Chloride, Tinc- Cantharides: as vesi- Tremens, Paralysis ture; locally. cant. Agitatts. Mercury. Cimicifuga. Arsenic. Monsel’s Solution: Contis gargle, : Arsen-hemol. locally. lodole. Bromipin. Myrtol. Iron; gargle. Bromalin. Neurodin internally. Lycopodium: to dust Bromo-hemol. Opium. over. Calcium Magnesium salts. Potassium Chlorate: Sulphate: Cocaine Hydrochlo- free purgation Potassium Iodide; in- with. rate. Mercuric ternally. Iodide; in Coniine. Pyoktanin. scrofulous and syph- Gelseminine. Quinine; internally. ilitic ulceration. Glycerinophosphates. Salicylates: inter- Potassium Chlorate Hyoscine Hydrobro- nally. gargle. mate. Salol: internally. Potassium Iodide; in Uyoscyamus. Saline purgatives. tertiary syphilis. Phosphorus. Silver Nitrate. Pyoktanin. Silver Nitrate. Sodium Bicarbonate. Salvia. Sparteine Sulphate. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Zinc Phosphide. Silver Nitrate. Tonsils, Enlarged. Trichino.sis. Acid, Citric. Toothache. — See Acid, Tannic. Odontalgia. Acid, Arsenous. Alumnol. Acid, Picric. Aluminium Acetotar- Torticollis. Benzene. trate. Ergot. Aluminium Sulphate; Aconite: liniment ex- Ergotin. locally applied. ternally ;and tincture Glycerine. Ammonium Iodide. internally. Barium Iodide. Arsenic: controls and Trismus. Catechu : astringent finally ; abolishes gargle. spasm. Aconite. Excision. Atropine. Anesthetics: to allay Fel Bovinum. Inspis- Belladonna. spasm. sated:rubbed up with Capsicum: strong in- Atropine. conium and olive oil fusion applied on lint Belladonna; extract in as an ointment to be and covered with large doses. painted over. oiled silk. Cannabis Indica.

Ferric Chloride; as- Cimicifuga. Chloral Hydrate ; in T.

tringent in chronic- Conium : when due to neonatorum, one grn. ally enlarged tonsils. spasmodic action of (0.06 grm.) dose by Gaduol. the muscles. mouth, or two (0.12 Ichthalbin: internally. Electricity galvanic rectum when ; grm.)by Ichthyol: topically. to the muscles in spasms prevent swallowing. Iodine-Glycerine. spasm ; faradic to 216 Jfgre^« Mennmh ;


Coniujn : the succus is phoid Eerer, Perito- Typhlitis. the most reliable pre- nitis. Aristol. paration. Arsen-hemol. Ether. Acid, Carbolic, orCroo- Arsenic. Gelseminine. sote: in tympanites Gelseminm. due to fermentation, Belladonna. Opium. Acids; after meals. Ice Bag: or poultice Physostigma. Alkalies: before meals over the cecum. at Physostigraino. with a simple bitter. Leeches: once as Arsenic. soon as tenderness Asafetida:as an enema. is complained of, un- Affec- less subject is too Tuberculous Aspiration; to relieve tions. — See Laryn- feeble. an over - distended gitis Tuhercular Magnesium Sulphate: , gut. Lupus; JMeningitis, Bismuth. only when disease is Peri- due to impaction of Tubercular ; Capsicum. cecum. tonitis Tubercular ; Chamomile: enema. Metallic Mercury. Phthisis ; Scrophu- Chloral Hydrate: as an better as losis; Tabes Mesen- antiseptic to fermen- Opium: terica. morphine subcutan- tation in the intesti- eously. nal canal. Chloroform. Purgatives. Tumors. — See also. Veratrnm Viride. Cancer, Cysts, Glan- Cocculns Indicus dular Enlargement, Colchicine. Goiter, Polypus, Colchicum. Typhoid Fever.—See also, Hemorrhage, Uterine Tu in o rs. Cubeb:po'wdered,after Intestinal, Rectal Wen. strangulated hernia. Ulceration-, Tympa- Gaduol. Acid, Perosmic. nites.

Galvanism ; in old ca- Ammoniacnm and Acetanilid. ses, especially of lax Mercury Plaster. Acid, Carbolic. Ammonium Chloride. fibre. Ginger. Acid, Hydrochloric: Anesthetics : to detect to diminish fever Glycerine: when asso- and the presence of phan- diarrhea. tom ciated with acidity. tumors; also to Acid, Phosphoric:- relax abdominal Glycerin oph o sph ates. cooling drink. walls to permit deep Hyoscyamus. Acid, Salicylic: some palpation of ab- Ice Poultice: prepared hold that it is good domen. by mixing linseed in the typhoid of Arsenious Acid. meal and small pie- children, many that Codeine: for pain. ces of ice, in tympa- it does great harm. Dionin for pain. nites of typhoid fe- Acid. Sulphuric Di- Electricity. , ver. luted. Gaduol. Ichthalbin. Aconite : to reduce Iodine. Iris. the pyrexia. lodipin. Nux Vomica. Alcohol : valuable, lodo-hemol. es- pecially in the later Eserine; in phantom. 01. Terebinthinae; very efficient as ene- stages. Hyoscy.amns. Alum; Iodoform. ma, not for external to check the diarrhea. Lead Iodide. application. Antipyrine; to lower Methylene Blue. Plumbi Acetas : when the temperature. Orthoform. due to want of tone Argenti N i t r a s : to Papain. of intestinal muscu- check diarrhea; in Pyoctanin. lar walls. obstinate cases along Silver Oxide. Rue: very effective. with opium should Sodium Ethylate. Sumbul. ; Stypticin. not be given until Vegetable Charcoal Thiosiuamine in the abdominal pain gruel : in flatulent Zinc Chloride. and diarrhea have distention of the co- Zinc Iodide. begun. lon associated with Aristol. catarrh; dry, in flat- Arnica; Tympanites. antipyretic. — See ulent distention of Arsenic: liquor arseni- also, Elatulence, Ty- the stomach. calis with opium to 217 Manual. PART II, INDICATIONS.

restrain the diar- suddenly. Sodium Paracreso- rhea. Enemas: to be tried tate. Aeafotida. first, if constipation Sodium Thiosulphate. Asaprol. lasts over two days. Starch, Iodized

Bath: agreeable to Ergot: for intestinal Tannalbin : with ca- atient, and reduces hemorrhage. lomel. yperpyrexia. Encalyptol. Tannopin. Belladonna: during Eucalyptus: thought Tartar Emetic: in the pyrexial stage it to shorten disease. pulmonary conges- lowers the tempera- Enquinine. tion. ture, cleans the ton- Ferri Porchloridi Thalline Sulphate. gue, and steadies the Tinctura, Thermodin. ulse; afterwards Glycerine and Water, Thymol. rings on irritability with lemon juice, as Tribromphenol. of heart mouth wash. Tripbenin. Benzanilide: antipy- Guaiacol. Turpentine Oil: at retic. Guaiacol Carbonate. end of the second Benzonaphtol. Hydrastine. week, 10 minims (0.6 Bismuth Subnitrate: Hyoscyamus. cc.) every two hours, to check diarrhea. Iodine: specific Ger- and every three Bismuth Subgallate. man treatment; use hours in the night; Brand’s method of either liquor or tinc- specific if the diar- cold bathing. ture. rliea continues dur- Calomel: 10 grn. (0.6 Iron. ing convalescence. grm) first day, and Lactophenin. Veratrura Viride. eight (0.5 grm.) each Lead Acetate: to check Xeroform day after, the Ger- diarrhea. Zinc Sulphocarbolate. man specific treat- Lime Water. ment. Or: in small Licorice Powder. —- See continuous doses Magnesium Salicylate. Typhus Fever. Ty- without producing also, Delirium, Mercury Bichloride: phoid Fever. stomatitis. 10 drops of solution in Oalx Saccharata: 'is grn. in 1 oz (0.08 Acid, Phosphoric: milk, when the ton- grm. : 30.0 cc.) water, agreeable drink. gue is black and every two or three Acid, Salicylic: anti- parched. hours. pyretic. Camphor. Milk Diet. Aconite. Carbolate of Iodine: Morphine: in large Alcohol: where failure one drop of tincture doses, if perforation of the vital powers of iodine and of li- occurs. threatens. quefied carbolic acid, Naphtalene. Antimony with Opi- digi- in infusion of Naphtol. um : in pulmonary talis, every two or Naphtol Benzoate. congestion, wake- three hours. Neurodin fulness, and delirium. of Ammo- Carbonate Opium : to check de- Antipyrine. nium. and wakeful- Arnica: antipyretic. Cascara Sagrada. ness at night, and Baptisia. Charcoal: to prevent to relieve the diar- Baths: to reduce tem- of fetor of stools, ac- rhea. perature. Instead cumulation of fetid Phosphorus: if nerv- baths, cold compres- used. gas, and to disinfect ous system is affec- ses may be stools after passage. ted. Belladonna: cleans Chloral Hydrate. Potassium Iodide: the tongue, steadies Chlorine Water alone or with iodine. and improves the to pulse too long usage Chloroform Water. Quinidine: equal ; Copper Arsenite. quinine. makes the heart irri- Copper Sulphate. Quinine: in large do- table. in Creosote. ses to reduce the Calx Sacebarata: the ton- Creolin. temperature. milk, when gue is black and co- Digitalis: to lower Resorcin : antipyretic. temperature and Rest and Diet. ated. pulse -rate; death Salol. Camphor. in : an- Chloral Hydrate: during its use has Sodium Benzoate wild delirium in the been known to occur tipyretic. Kan«J^ 218 ; ,


early stages of the plication, Papain. Potassium Chlorate. fever, but not in the Alum : crystals, burnt, later. or dried. Potassium Permanga- Chlorine Water: not Aluminium Sulphate. nate ranch used now. Alumnol. Potassa Solution. Coca: tentative. Ammonium Chloride. Pyoktanin. Cod-Liver Oil. Aniline. Quinine. Counter-irritatiou. Aristol. Resorcin. Diet: nutritious. Arsenic. Silver colloidal. Digitalis; to increase Balsam Peru. Silver Citrate the tension of the Belladonna. Silver Lactate. nlso and prevent BenTioin Tincture. Silver Nitrate. if sudden Bismuth Benzoate. Sozoiodole Salts. Selirium ; a fall of pulse and Bismuth Oxyiodide. Starch, Iodized. temperature should Bismuth Subgallate. Stearates. occur during its ad- Bismuth Subnitrate. Tannoforra. ministration it must Borax. Turpentine Oil. be witheld. Bromine. Zinc salts. Euquinine. Calcium Bisulphite: Expectant Treatment. solution. Ulcu.s Durum. — See Hyoscyainus. Calcium Carbonate. Chancre. Musk. Precipitated. Ulcus Molle. — ISee Oil Valerian. Camphor. Chancroid.\ Opium. Chimaphila. Podophyllum. Chloral Hydrate. Uremia. — See also. Potassium Chlorate: Chlorinated Lime. Coma, Convulsions, in moderate doses. Cocaine. Bright’s Disease Potassium Nitrate: Coninm. Scarlet Fever and Copper Sulphate. ; mild diuretic and the lists of Diaphor- Creolin. diaphoretic. etics and Diuretics. Pyramidone. Creosote. Nitrite. Quinine: in full doses Diaphtherin. Amyl cannabi- to pull down tempe- Dijodoform, Apocynum rature. Ethyl Iodide. num. Bromides. Strychnine : where the Europhen. circulatory system Formaldehyde. Caffeine Chloroform. is deeply involved. Gold Chloride. Tartar Emetic. Hamamelis. Chloral Hydrate. Colchicine. Turpentine Oil : in the Hot Pack. stupor. Hydrastine Hydro- Digitalis. Yeast: accelerates the chlorate. Elaterin. course of the disease. Hydrogen Peroxide. ErythrolTetranitrate. Ichthyol. Hot Pack. Ulcei’s and Sores. — Iodine. Hypodermoclysis. See also, Chancre, Iodoform. Morphine. Ghancr oid. Bed- lodole. Naphtalene sores, Throat; Gas- Iron Arseniate. Nitroglycerine. tric, Intestinal and Iron E’errooyanide. Oil Croton. Uterine Ulceration Lead Carbonate. Pilocarpine Hydro- Syphilis. Lead Iodide. chlorate. Saline or Hydragogue Acetanilid. Lead Nitrate. Cathartics. Acid, Arsenious. Lead Tannate. Scoparii succns. Acid, Boric. Lime. Sodium Benzoate. Acid, Carbolic. Magnesia. Strychnine. Acid, Chromic. Mercury Bichloride. Transfusion, Acid, Gallic Mercury Iodide, Red. Urethane. Acid, Nitric. Mercury Oxide, Red. Venesection. Acid, Phenyloboric. Methylene Blue: in Acid, Pyrogallic. corneal ulcers. Acid, Salicylic. Morphine. Urethra, Stricture Acid, Sulphuric. Naphtol. of. Acid, Tannic. Nirvanin. Eletrolysis.l Acid, Trichloracetic. Opium. Silver Nitrate. Alcohol: a useful ap- Orthoform. Thiosinamiue.

219 A/ercAr't MannaU —; y^DlCATlONS. PART II.

Urethritis ~6’ee also, Urine Incontinence , Post-Partum, Leu- Gonorrhea and Hat of. ; corrhea Menor- of Astrinyents. , Acid, Benzoic. rhagia. Acetanilid. Menstrual Antipyrine. D’isorders,Metritis, Acid, Tannic. Belladonna. Aconite. Bromalin. Metorrhagia, Pro- Alkalies: internally. Bromo-hemol. lapsus Uteri, Uter- Alnmnol. Buchu. ine Cancer, etc. Arbutin. Cantharides. Argentamine. Chloral Hydrate. Argonin. Collinsonia. Uterine Cancer. Borax. Gaduol. Calomel. Glycerinophosphates. Acid, Carbolic. Copper Sulphate. Hyoscyamus. Europhen. Acid, Tannic. Ichthalbin. Arsenic. Ichthyol Rhus Toxicodendron. Cannabis Indica. Largin. Rhus aromatica. Celandine Extract. Methylene Blue. Strychnine. Chloral Hydrate. Myrtol. Conium. Potassium Chlorate. Dionin. Potassium Permanga- Urine, Phosphatic. Dijodoform. nate. Acid, Benzoic. Glycerine. Protargol. Acid, Hydrochloric, Glycerite of Tannin: Pyoktanin. Dil. mixed with iodine, Resorcin. Acid, Lactic. to check discharge Silver colloidal. Acid, Phosphoric, Dil. and remove smell. Silver Citrate. Acid, Sulphuric, Dil. Gossypium. Silver Nitrate. Ammonium Benzoate. Hydrastinine Hydro- Sodium Chlorate. chlorate. Sodium Salicylate. Iodine. Urticaria. — See also, Sozoiodole Sodium. Iodoform. Sozoiodole Zinc. Prurigo. Nirvanin. Zinc Acetate. Acetanilid. Morphine. Zinc Permanganate. Alkalies. Orthoform. Zinc Sulphate. Alnmnol. Opium. Antipyrine internally. Pyoktanin. Uric-Acid Diathesis. Sozoiodole-Zinc. See Lithemia. Arsenic. — Arsen-hemol. Stypticin. Urinary Caltuli. — Benzoin. Thyroid preparations. See Calculi. Calcium Chloride; to prevent. Uterine Congestion Urinary Disorders. Cocaine. Chloroform. and Hypertrophy. lists Diure- See of Colchicum. tics and of other Gaduol Acid, Carbolic. agents acting on Glycerinophosphates. Acid, Chromic. the Urine. Also, Ichthalbin: internally. Digitalis. Ichthyol externally. Ergotin. see Bladder; Al- Iodides. Glycerine. buminuria;Bright's lodipin. Gold salts Ichthalbin- internally. Disease ; Chyluria; lodo-hemol. Ichthyol: topically. Cystitis; Diabetes; Lead. Iodine. Dysuria Dropsy Menthol. ; Sodium Salicylate. Iodoform. J^uresis; Hema- Strychnine. Iron. turia; Lithiasis; Potassium Bromide. Quinine. Nephritis ; Oxal- Uterine Affections.— Abortion, Zinc Valerianate. uria ; Uremia: See Cli- Urethrae Stricture; Amenorrhea , Uterine Dilatation. Urine, Incontinen- macteric, Dysmen- orrhea Endome- ce of: Urine, Phos- , Acid, Carbolic, iodi- phatic. tritis, Hemorrhage zed. 220 —


Uterine Tumors. — Ilyoscyamine. Camphor. See also, Ci/sts, Tu- Menthol. Chloral Hydrate. mors. Morphine. Cocaine. Opium. Collodion. Aramouinni Chloride. Piperine. Cimicifuga. Calcium Chloride. So7.oiodole-Zinc. Euquinine. Iodine. Tropacocaine Ether. Iron Sulphate. Flexible Collodion, Mercury. — See also, Glycerite of .Starcli, Opium. Vi^initis. Gonorrhea, Leiicor- or Simple Cerate; Pyoktanin. rhea. locally applied. Silver O.vide. Ichthyol: to prevent Thiosinamine. Acetanilid. pitting. Acid. Tannic. Iodine. Uterine Ulceration. Calcium Bisulphite. lodole. —See also. Ulcers. Chlorine Water. Iron. Acid. Carbolic. Copper Sulphate. Mercury; to prevent Acid, Nitric. Eucalyptus. pitting. Acid, Tannic. Formaldehyde. Opium. Alum. Grin deli a. Oil Eucalyptus. Aluminium Sulphate. Hydrastis. Potassium Permanga- Bismuth Subnitrate. Ichthyol. nate. Creosote. Potassium Chlorate. Quinine. Glycerine. Potassium Silicate. Silver Nitrate. Hydrastis. Resorcin. Sodium Benzoate. Iodoform. Retinol. Sulphocarbolates. lodole. Silver Nitrate. Tranmaticin. Mercury Nitrate Solut. Sodium Salicylate. Triphenin. Orthoform. Sozoiodole-P otas- Turpentine Oil. Pyoktanin sium. Zinc Carbonate. Silver Colloidal. Sozoiodole-Sodium. Zinc Oxide. Silver Nitrate. Prophylactic: Vacci- Varicella.—5'eeCAtcfc- nation with Pure Uterine Hemorrhage. en Pox. animal Lymph. See also, Hemor- rhage. Varicosis. — See also, Hemorrhoid. Ul- yegetatioiia.— al- Ergot. cers. so, Tumors. Ergotin. Ferropyrine. Arsen-hemol. Acid. Chromic. Ferri Perchloridum. Bandaging. Acid, Carbolic. Hydrastis Fluid-Extr. Barium Chloride. Acid trichloracetic. Caustics; Hydrastinine Hydro- Digitalis. in general. chlorate. Ergotin. Potassium Bichro- Ice. Glycerinophosphates. mate. Stypticin. Hamamelis. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Hemo-gallol. Uvnla, Relaxed. Ichthalbin; internally. Venereal Diseases. Ichthyol: topically. See Gonorrhea, Sy- Acid. Tannic. Phytolacca. philis, etc. Ammonium Bromide. Capsicum. Variola(Siuall-Pox). Kino. Vertigo. Pyrethrum. Acid, Carbolic, and Alkalies. Zinc salts. Sweet Oil. Amyl Nitrite. Acid, Salicylic. Bromalin. Vaginismus. Acid, Sulphurous. Bromipin. Aconite. Bromo-hemol. Belladonna. Adeps Lan®. Digitalis. Bromides. Ammonium Carbo- ErythrolTetranitrate. Cocaine. nate. Glycerinophosphates. Collinsonia. Antipyrine. Gold. Conium. Belladonna. Hemo-gallol. Dionin. Brandy and Whiskey. Iron Citrate. Iodoform. Bromides. Mercury Bichloride.

221 MiTtUoZ. INDICATIONS. PART IL Nitroglycerine. to one dram (2.0 —4,0 from chronic vomit- Potassium liromidc. grm. Uo the pint(500.0 ing of lumps rt curd- Quinine. grm.) of milk. If this ed milk. •Strychnine. fails, stop milk. Also, Horseradieh. in acute indigestion Ice: sucked. with acid vomiting. Ice Bag: to spine V omitiiig. — See list of or Bismuth.Subnitrate:in epigastrium. Anti emetics also ; acute and chronic ca- Cholera, Hemate- Iodine : compound tarrh of the stomach mesis, Nausea, Bolut. in 3-to-5-minim Sea- or intestine. Sickness, Vomiting (0.2-0.3 cc.) doses. Bismuth Suhgallatc. Iodine of Pregnancy. and Carbolic Blisters: in vomiting Acid. Acetanilid. due to renal and hepa- ipecacuanha; in sym- Acid, Carbolic: in irri- tic colic. pathetic nervous vo- table stomach along Brandy. miting in very small with bismuth; alone Bromides: in cerebral doses;in the vomiting if due to sarcincB or vomiting and cholera of children from ca- other ferments; in infantum. tarrh and the vomit- Asiatic cholera and Calcium Phosphate. ing of drunkards. cholera infantum. Calomel : in minute Iris. Acid, Hydrochloric. doses in cholera in- Kumy ss in^ obstinate Acid, Hydrocyanic: in fantum and similar cases. cerebral vomiting, intestinal troubles. Leeches: to epigastri- vomiting of phtisis Calumba: a simple bit- um if tender, especi- and of acute disease ter and gastric seda- ally in malarial vo- of the stomach. tive. miting. Acid, Sulphurous: if Carbonic Acid Waters: Lime Water: with milk duo to sarcinss. with milk. in chronic vomiting, Cerium Oxalate: in Acids : in acid eructa- especially in the case tions: given immedi- doses of 1 grn. (0.06 of children. Saccha- ately after food. grm.) in sympathetic rated lime is laxative. Aconite with Bismuth. vomiting. Magnesia: in sympa-

Chloral Hydrate : in Alcohol : iced cham- thetic vomiting. pagne, in sea-sick- seasickness and re- MaguesiumCarbonate ness, etc. Hot brandy flex vomiting. Menthol. is also useful. Chloroform: drop Mercury : in vomiting doses in sea-sickness, with Alkalies : especially clayey stools; effervescing drinks. and in reflex vomit- see Calomel. ing such as on pas- Alum ; in doses of five MethylChloride:spray to ten grn (0.3—0.6 sage of calculi. to spine. grm.) in phthisis Cocaine. Morphine: hypodermi- when vomiting is Cocculus Indicus. cally injected in the brought on by cough. Codeine. epigastrium in per- Ammonium Carbo- Creosote (Beech- sistent seasickness. nate. wood). Mustard Plaster : over Ammonio- Citrate of Electricity: in nervous stomach. vomiting; the con- Nitrite of Amyl: in Iron : in the vomiting of anemia, especially stant current posi- concentrated form in- of young women. tive pole on last cer- sea-sickness. Amyl Nitrite. vical vertebra, and Nitroglycerine : like negative over sto- nitrite of amyl. Apomorpbine : to emp- ty the stomach of its mach. Nutrient Enemata: in contents. Emetics : if due to irri- persistent vomiting. Arsenic: in the vomit- tating substances. Nux Vomica: in atonic ing of cholera; in Enema of Laudanum dyspepsia. chronic gastric ca- and Bromide of So- Oil Cloves. dium. tarrh, especially of Opium : as a supposi- chronic, ErythrolTetranitrate. tory in severe acute drunkards ; not acute gastric Ether:like chloroform. vomiting, especially ulcer and chronic Eucalyptus: in vomit- associated with ob- ; painless vomiting. ing due to sarcinoe. stinate constipation, Atropine. Faradization. which is relieved at Bicarbonate of So- Gelatin: to the food of the same time. dium:in children half babies who suffer Orexine Tannate: su 222 Ufrck*$ Unnuai. :


specific when simple, Calomel: in small Vulvitis. — See also, asthenic, or anemic doses to salivate, or Pruritus, Prurigo, anorexia the cause. one largo dose of 10 Vaginitis. Also, in incipient or grn. (0.(i grm.) chronic phthisis. Calumba:occasionally Acid. Oxygen Water. successful. Carbolic. Alum. Pepsin : in the vomit- Caustics: to the cervix Arsenic. ing of dyspepsia. if abraded. Ichthyol. Peptonized Milk. Cerium Oxalate: the Podophyllin. chief remedy besides Lead Acetate. Napbtol. Potassium Iodide : in orexine tannate. Sodium very small doses. Champagne. Thiosulphate. .Sozoiodole-Sodium. Potassium Nitrate. Chloral. Pulsatilla: in catarrh. Chloroform Water.

Quinine: in sympa- Cocaine : ten minims — Warts . See also, Cou- (0.6 cc) of a per thetic vomiting. 3 dylomata. Rectal Medication: if cent, solution will vomiting is nncon- relievo in a few doses. Acid, Acetic: touch trolable. Coffee: before rising. with the glacial acid. Copper Sulphate. Resorcin. Acid, Arsenious. Seidlitz Powder. Creosote. Acid, Carbolic. Nitrate : in ner- Dilatation of Silver the Os Acid, Chromic. vous derangement. Uteri. Acid, Nitric. Sodium llicarbonate. Electricity: same as in Acid, Phosphoric. Sodium Bisulphite. nervous vomiting. Acid, Salicylic: satura- Sodium Sulphite. Ily drastine Hydro- ted solution in collo- Strychnine. chlorate. dion, with extract of Tropococaine. Ingluvin. Indian hemp. Veratrnm: in vomiting Iodine: a drop of the Acid, Tannic. of summer diarrhea. tincture or liquor Acid, Trichloracetic. Zinc Sulphate: emetic. sometimes a last re- Alkalies. sort Alum: saturated Ipecacuanha:in minim solu- A'^oniiting tion in ether. of Preg- doses often relieves. nancy. Alum, Burnt. Kumyss: as diet. Menthol. Antimonic Chloride. Acid, Carbolic: an un- Chloral Hydrate. Methy IChlori de:spray certain remedy. Copper Oleate. to spine. Acid, Hydrocyanic Corrosive Morphine:suppository Sublimate. sometimes useful; Creosote. introduced into the often fails. Fowler’s vagina: no abrasion Solution ; lo- Aconite: in full doses, cally applied. should be present, or so long as physiologi- Ferric there may be symp- Chloride Tinc- cal effect in main- ture. tained. toms of poisoning. Naphta: Ichthyol. Arsenic : one or two where the Mercuric Nitrate. vomit drops. is blood, or Papain. Nux Vomica: one and streaked with blood, Permanganate drop one-half drop doses of Po- doses of Fowl- tassium. er’s solution of tincture. Potassse Liquor. Atropine. Orexine Tannate : ex- Potassium Bichromate. Belladonna: either temely efficacious in- Poultice. ternally, and prompt, alter few or plaster Rue. over the hypogastri- doses, except where Savin. um. actual gastric lesion. Silver Berberine. Nitrate: in vene- Pepsin: like ingluvin real warts, alongwith Berberine Carbonate. but not so successful. savin. Bismuth: along with Plumbic Acetate: in Sodium Ethylate. pepsin. extreme cases. Bromalin. Stavesacre. Potassium Iodide: like Sulphur. Bromi deofPotassium: iodine. Zinc Sulphate. controls in some Quinine : sometimes cases in large doses. useful. Bromo-hemol. Salicin. Wastii^ Calcium Diseases. — Phosphate. Spinal Ice-bag. See Emaciation.

223 Mtrek*$ Mannaf INDICATIONS. PAKT 11.

W<*iikni‘ss, .Sonilp. — 0.1 ( Krm.;.10.0 cc.), in as an antiseptic Spk also. Adynamia, and doses of 1 dram. (4.0 astringent dressing; cc.); or as enema. and very useful in Olycerinophosphatos. Aconite: in the fever contused wounds. Muira Pu.aran, produced. Aluminium Acetate. Aloes: SpormiiH*. enema. Aluminium Chloride. Alum: injections. Ammonium Carbo- Won. Arcca. nate. Extirpation. Asafetida with Aloes. Anhydrous Dressings. , Castor Oil. Ari stol. Chloride of Whito.s . —See Leucor- Ammoni- Balsam of Peru. um: to prevent accu- rhea , Cervical Ca- Benzoin. tarrh, Endometritis, mulation of intesti- Bismuth Oxyiodide. etc. nal mucus, which Bismuth Subgallate. serves as nidus. Bismuth Snbnitrate. Whooping- Cough. — Common Salt: along B jotting P.apcr: as See Pertussis with .antimony, to re- lint, saturated with move state an antiseptic. of Worms. — See also, intestine; or alone Borax. Chyluria, Tape as enema. Calamin. Ether : injection of so- Calcium Worm Anchylos to- Bisulphite: lution of 15 miasis Filariosis minims solution. (supplement); and (1 cc.) in water. Calendula. Eucalyptol: injection. list of Anthelmin- Carbolated Camphor. Ferri Perchloridi, tics. Charcoal. Tinct. : enema. Chanimoogra Oil. Acid. FiJicic. Lime Water; enema. Chloral Hydrate: an- Acid, Picric. Mercurial Ointment: tiseptic and anal- Acid, Santoninic. introduced into rec- gesic. Acid, Tannic. tum relieves itching Cinn.amon Oil. Aloes. and is anthelmintic. Collodion: to exclude Alum. Oleum Cajeputi. air. Ammonium Chloride. 01. Terebinthinfc. Conium. Ammonium Embelate. Quassia; enema; or Copper Sulphate. Apocodeine. infusion by month. Creolin. Chloroform. Santonica. Creosote. Creolin. Santonin Dijodoform. Eucalyptus. Santoninoxim. Diaphtherin. Gaduol. Scamony; for thread- Eucalyptus Ichthalbin: as tonic. worms in rectum. Euphorin. Iron. Tannin: enema. Europhen. Kousso. Tonics. Formalbnrain. Koussein. Vinegar: enema, dilu- Formaldehyde. Male Fern. ted with twice its Glycerine. Myrthol. hulk of water. Haraamelis : on lint to Naphtal in. restrain oozing. Oil Turpentine. Heat. Papain. W o n II d s.— also, Hydrogen Peroxide. Pelletierine. Bed Sores, Ga7i- Iodine. Petroleum. Ijrene, Hemorrhage, Iodoform. Potassium Iodide. Inflammation. Py- lodoformogen. Quinine. emia, Surgical Fe- lodole.

ver . Ulcers also, Quassin: infusion ene- ; Loretin. in thread list of A^itiseptics. , mas worms. Lysol. Santonin. Acetanilid. Naftalan. Strontium Lactate. Acid, Boric. Naphtol-Camphor. Thymol. Acid, Carbolic. Nirvanin Valerian. Acid, Chromic. Nitrate of Silver; to Acid, Nitric. destroy unhealthy Worms, Thread, Acid, Salicylic. granulations. (Ascaris Vermicu- Acid. Sulphurous. Nosophon. laris). Aconite. Opium.

Acid, Carbolic : solu- Airol. Orthoform : as local

tion, 2 grn. to the oz. Alcohol : in pyrexia, anodyne. 224 h1errk*$ Vanudt. PART II. INDICATIONS.

Petroleum. Zinc Oxide. Gelsemium. Permanganate of Po- Zinc Sulphate. Iodide of Potassium. tassium. Ipecacuanha. Potassium Bichro- Yellow Fever. — See .laborandi. mate. also, Remittent Lead Acetate. Potassium Chlorate. Fever. Liquor Calcis. Poultices. Mercury. Pyoktanin. Acetanilid. Neurodin. Quinine. Acid, Carbolic: sub- Nitrate of Silver. Salol. cutaneously and by Nux Vomica. Silver colloidal. the stomach. Pilocarpine Silver Citrate. Acid, Nitrohydrochlo- Piperino. Silver Lactate. ric. Potassium Acetate. Sodium Chloride: one Acid, Salicylic. Quinine: in some ca- half per cent, solu- Acid, Tannic. ses good, in others Aconite. tion. harmful. , Sodium Fluoride. Antipyrine. Salines. Sozoiodole-P o t a s s i - Arsenic. Sanarelli’s Serum um, -Sodium, and Belladonna. treatment. -Zinc. Benzonaphtol. ‘Sodium Benzoate: by Sphagnum. Calomel. subcutaneous injec- Stearates. Camphor. tion. Styptic Collodion: to Cantharides. Sodium Salicylate. prevent bedsores, etc. Capsicum. Stimulants. Sugar. Champagne: iced. Sulphur Baths. Chlorate of Potassi- Sulphaminol. Sulphurous - Acid Tannin. um. Baths. Tannoform. Chloroform. Tartar Emetic. Thymol. Chlorodyne. Triphenin. Tribromphenol. Cimicifuga. Turpentine Oil : for Trikresol. Cocaine. vomiting. Turkish Baths. Diaphoretics (see list Vegetable Charcoal. Turpentine Oil. • Veratrum Virido. Neroform. Diuretics (see list of). Yeast: in hospital Duboisine. ZOna. plagedena. Ergot: to restrain the Zinc Carbonate. hemorrhage, See Herpes Zoster

Euquinine. page 166 .

225 M€T€k*i MmntuU, 15 INDICATIONS. PART II.

Supplement to Part 11.

Anchylostomiasis. BilhnrziosU, beneficial, sometimes not. Betel (the juice and Filtration of the Salines to free the crushed nut) to be drinking water as primae viae. swallowed to the prophylactic. Stimulants such as extent of an oz (30.0 See also Hematuria champagne or bran- grm.) or more daily. page 162. Extractum filicia li- dy. quid. Snlfonal. Removal to healthy Thymol 2 t. 32 grn. Filariasis. climate. (2.0 grm.) per day. See Chyhiria, page After the expulsion 128.

of the parasite : Iron, Arsenics, Tonics. Kala-Azar. HeemoglobinuTic Fevex'. See above Anchulosio- Beri-Beri (Kak-ke). miosis and Malaria (Black-water fever.) Galvanization. page 176. Morphine internally Cool sponging. (Itt/o sol. in aq. lau- Diaphoretics. rocerasi) most use- Hot water. Draughts Psilosis. ful to overcome the for the vomiting. (Sprue , tropical Di- alpitations of the Hydrochloric acid for arrhea.)' eart. vomiting. Pilocarpinae Murias Liquor Hydrargyri Simaruba and Cin- subcutaneously as Perchloridi;' intern- namon (Decoction). diaphoretic and di- ally. Diet. uretic. Morphine hypodermi- Dover's Powder. Puncture of the oede- cally. Gregory’s Powder. mata of the skin. Oxygen inhalations. Milk treatment with Remove the patients Pilocarpine hypoder- strawberries. to mountain-ressorts. mically. Papain. Roborants and Tonics. Pig’s bile. Prolonged rest in bed. Cardiac stimulants in Quinine and Euqui- Rhubarb and Sodium agony. nine act sometimes Carbonate.

226 Manual Part III— Classiflcation of Medicaments According to their Physiologic Actions.

Alteratives. Bromipin. Bromides. Camphor monobrom. Butyl-chloral Hydrate. Acid, Arsenious. Camphor. Caffeine. Acid. Hydriodic. Cocaine. Camphor, Monobrom. Acid, Perosmic. Conium. Chloroform. Ammonium Benzoate. Coniine Hydrobrom. Codeine. Ammonium Chloride. Digitalis. Colchicine. Antimony salts. Gelseminine. Colchi-sal. Arsenic and Mercury Gelsemium. Dionine. Iodide Solution. Hyoscine Hydrobrom. Euphorin. Arsen-hemol. Hyoscyamus. Gelseminine. Arsenites; and Arseni- Iodides. Heroine. ates. Opium. Kryofine. Calcium Chloride. Purgatives. Lactophenin. Calcium Hippurate. Stramonium. Methylene Blue. Chrysarobin. Morphine salts. Colchicum or Colchi- Anesthetics, General. Narceine. cine. — See also, Ano- Neurodin. Copper salts. dynes, General. Oil Gaultheria. Cupro-hemol. Peronin. Ethyl Iodide. Chloroform. Phenacetin. Gaduol. Ether. Solanin. Glycerophosphates. Ethyl Bromide. Thermodin. Gold salts. Nitrous Oxide. Tonga. Guaiac. Triphenin. Ichthalbin. Anestheticcs Loal. — Iodine. Anodynes, Local. — See also, Anodynes, Iodides See Local. also. Anesthe- lodipin. tics. Iodoform. Camphor, Carbolated. Acid, Carbolic. lodo-hemol. Camphor Naphthola- Aconite: tincture. lodole. ted. Aconitine. Mercuro-Iodo-Hemol. Cocaine. Ammonia Water. Manganese Dioxide. Creosote. Atropine. Mercanro. Ether Spray. Belladonna. Mercurials. Ethyl Chloride Spray. Chloroform. Ovaria. Eucaine. Chloral Hydrate. Potassium Bichrom- Eugenol. Ichthyol. ate. Erythrophleine Hyr Naftalan. Potassium Chlorate. drochlorate. Oil Hyoscyamus. Potassa, Sulphurated. Ethyl Chloride. Pyoktanin. Pulsatilla. Guaiacol. Sanguinaria. Gnethol. Antacids or Alkali- Sarsaparilla. Holocaine. nes. Silver Salts. Menthol. Calcium Sodium Choleate. Methyl Chloride. Carbonate. Sozoiodole-Mercury. Calcium Saccharate. Morphine. Lime Stillingia. Orthoform. Water. Lithium Sulphur. Nirvanin. Carbonate. Magnesia. Thiocol. Tropacocaine. Thyroidea. Magnesium Carbon- Uranium Nitrate. ate. Xanthoxylum. Anodynes, General. Potassium Bicarbon- Zinc Salts. ate. Acetanilid. Potassium Hydrate. Acid Di-iodo-salic.y Analgesics.— lie. Potassium Carbonate. 5'eeAMo- Acid, Salicylic; and dynes, General. Sodium Bicarbonate. Salicylates. Sodium Carbonate. Acid, Sulpho-anilic. Sodium Hydrate. Anaphrodlsiacs. Aconitine. Belladonna. Antipyrine. Anthelmintics. Bromalin. Asaprol. Acid. Filicic. Bromides. Atropine. Acid, Tannic. 227 Mtrck*$ Uanual. 15* (CLASSIFICATION. FART III.

Alum. Argentaminc. Lycetol. Ammonium KmVjulnte. Argoniu. Magnesium Citrate. Arecoline Ilydrohro- Aristol. Magnesium Oxide. mnt(i. Bismuth Snhgallate. Piperazine. Aspiiliuin. Bismuth O.xyiodide. Piperidine Bitartarate. HetH. Copaiba. Potassium Hicarbnn- Chenopodium. Creolin. ate. (Chloroform. Cubehs. Potassium Carbonate. Crcoliu. Europhen. Potassium Citrate. (Creosote. Ilydrastinc llydro- Saliformin. Kucalyptol. chlor. Sodium Bicarbonate. Kous.-ein. Ichthyol. Sodium Phosphate. Naphtalin. Largiu. Sodium Pyrophos- Oil Turpentine. Matico. phate. Oleoresin Male Fern. Mercury Oxycyanide. .Sodium Salicylate. Pelleticrine Tannate. Potassium Perman • Urecidin. Pumpkin Seed ganate. Quassia Infusion. Protargol. Antiparasitics. — See Resorcin. Pyoktanin. Parasiticides. Santonin (with calo- Santal Oil. mel). Salol. .Antiperiodies. Santoninoxim. Silver colloidal. Sodium Santoninate. Silver Citrate. Acid, Arsenious; and Spigelia. Silver Nitrate. Arsenites. Thymol. Sozoiodole-Sodium .Acid, Picric. Thalline Sulphate. Acid, .Salicylic; and Anti-emetics. Zinc salts. Salicylates. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Ammonium Fluoride. Bismuth Subcarbon- Antihidrotics. Ammonium Picrate. Anarcotine. ate. Acid, Agaricic. Bismuth Subgallate. Acid, Camphoric. Apiol. Bismuth Subnitrate. Acid, Carbolic. Arsen-hcmol. Berberine Bromalin. Acid, Citric. Carbonate. Cinchona; and alka- Bromides. Acid, (Jallic. loids Bromipin. Acid, Tannic. of. Encalyptol. Carbonated Water. Acid, tartaric. Euquinine. Cerium Oxalate. Agaricin Chloral Hydrate. Atropine. Methylene Blue. Chloroform. Cocaine Hydrochlor- Piperine. Quinidine. Codeine. ate. Quinine Creosote. Duboisine Sulphate. (^uinoidinc. Ether. Formaldehyde. Ichthalhin. Lead Acetate. Salicin. Menthol. Muscarine Nitrate. Orexine Tannate. Picrotoxin. .Antiphlogistics. — Strontium Bromide. Pilocarpine Hydro- See also, Antipyre- chlor. tics. A n tipalactagogues. Potassium Teliurate. Acid, Tannic. Quinine. Agaricin. Aconite: tincture. Belladonna Salicin. Antimony and Potas- Salvia Tincture. Champhor; topically. sium Tartrate. Coninm. Sodium Teliurate. Digitoxin Tannoform. Ergot Gelsemium. Thalliuni Acetate. iodides. Ichthalbin: internally. Potassium Bisulphate. Ichthyol. .Antilithics. Saline Purgatives. Lead salts. Acid, Benzoic; and Mercury. Benzoates. Naftalan. Antigoiiorrhoics {or Benzoate. Opium. Antiblenorrhagics). Ammonium Calcium Hippurate. Resinol. ' Tannic. Colchi-sal. • Acid, Antipyretics. Airol. Formin. Ahim. Lithium salts. Acetanilid. ' Alumnol. Lysidine. Acetylphenylhydra- ,i

• *t0rek*9 MantfL 228 . PART HI. CLASSIFICATION.

ziue. Bismuth Benzoate. Silver Colloidal. Acid, Benzoic. Bismuth Naphtolato. Silver Citrate. Acid, C.arbolic. Bismuth Oxyiodide. Silver Lactate. Acid, Di-iodo-salicjlic. Bismuth Salicylate. Silver Nitrate. Acid, Salicylic. Bismuth .Subgallate. Sodium Biborate. Aconite: tincture. Cadmium Iodide. Sodium Bisulphite. Ammonium Acetate: Calcium Bisulphite. Sodium Borate, Neu- solution. Calcium Permangan- tral. Ammonium Benzoate. ate. Sodium Carbolate. Ammonium Picrate. Chlorine Water. Sodium Cinnamnte. Asaprol. Creolin. Sodium Fluoride. Benzanilide. Creosote. Sodium Formate. Cinchonidine Diiodotorm. Sodium Paracreso- Cinchonine; and salts. Eucalyptol. tate. Colchicine. Endoxine. Sodium Phenolsul- Creosote. EugenoL phoricinate. Euphorin. Euphorin. Sodium Salicylate. Euquinine. Europhen. Sodium Sulphocarbol. Guaiacol. Formaldehyde. Sodium Thiosulphate. Kryofine. Fluorides. Sozoiodole salts Lactophenin. Gallanol. Styrone. Methyl Salicylate. Gallobromol. Sulphaminol Neurodin. Glycozone. Tannoform. Phenacetin. Hetocresol. Terebene. Phenocoll Hydrochlpr. Hydrogen Peroxide. Terpinol.' Quinidine. Hydrozone. Thalline Sulphate. Quinine and salts. Ichthyol. Thiosinamine. Quinoline Tartrate. Iodoform. Thymol. Pyraraidone. lodoformogen. Trihomphenol. Pyrantine. lodole. Xeroform. Resorcin. Largin. Zinc Carbolate. Salicin. Listerine. Zinc Permanganate. Salicylates Loretin. Zinc Sulphocarbolate. Salol. Losophan SodiumParacresotate. MagnesiumSalicylate. Aiitisialagogiias. Thalline Magnesium Sulphite. Atropine. Thalline Sulphate. Menthol. Belladonna. Thermodin. Mercury Benzoate. Cocaine Hydrochlo - Thymol. Mercury' Bichloride. Triphenin. rate Mercury Chloride. Myrrh. Veratrum Viride: tr. Mercury Cyanide. Mercury Oxycyanide. Opium. Antiseptics.-S'ce also. Naftalan. Potassium Chlorate. Naphtalin. Sodium Borate. Acetanilid. Naphtol. Antispasmodics Acid, Benzoic; and Naphtol Benzoate. Benzoates. Nosophen. Acid, Camphoric. Acid, Boric; and Bo- Oil Cade. Aconite, tincture. rates. Oil Eucalyptus. Ammoniac. Acid, Carbolic. Oil Gaultheria. Ammonium Valerian. Acid, Oxy-Naphtoic, Oil Pinus Pumilio Amylene Hydrate. Alpha. Oil Pinus Sylvestris. Amyl Nitrite. Acid, Paracresotic. Oil Turpentine. Anemonin Acid, Picric. Paraformaldehyde. Antispasmin. Airol. Potassium Chlorate. Asafetida.. Ammonium Benzoate. Potassium Perman- Atropine. Antinosin. gan. Benzene. Anthrarobin. Potassium Sulphite. Bromoform. Aristol. Pyoktanin. Bismuth Valerianate. Asaprol. Pyridine Bitter-Almond Water. Ascptol. Quinine. Bromalin. Benzonaphtol. Resorcin. Bromides. Betol. Retinol. Bromoform Bismal. Salol. Camphor.

229 Mvrck*» Mann

Camphor, Monobroni. Antizymotics. — See Astringents, Intes- Cherry-Laurel Water. Antiseptics and Dis- tinal. Chloral Hydrate. infectants. Chloroform. Acid, Agaricic. Coniine Hydrobro- Aperients — See Ca- Acid, Lactic. mate. thartics. Bismal. Curare. Bismuth Naphtolate. Eserine. Aphrodisiacs. Bismuth Subgallate, Ether. Cantharides. and other bismuth Ethyl Bromide. Damiana. salts. Ethyl Iodide. Gaduol. Blackberry. Hyoscine Hydrobrom. Glycerinophosphates. Bursa Pastoris. Hyoscyamus. Gold. Catechu.

Lactucarium. Muira Puama: fi. ext. Eudoxine. Lobelia. Nux Vomica. Geranium. Lupnlin. Phosphorus. Hematoxylon. Morphine. Spermine. Kino. Musk. Strychnine. Krameria Nitrites. Lead Acetate. Nitroglycerine. Astringents Monesia. Opmm. Acid, Chromic. Silver colloidal. Paraldehyde. Acid, Gallic. Silver Nitrate. Potassium Iodide. Acid, Lactic. Tannalbin. Pulsatilla; tincture. Acid, Tannic. Tannigen. Tannoform. Stramonium. Acid, Trichloracetic. Sulfonal. Alum, Burnt. Tannopine. Xeroform. Urethane. Aluminium Acetate: Valerianates. solution. Viburnum prunifol. Aluminium Acetotart. Cardiac Sedatives. Zinc Valerianate. Aluminium Chloride. Aluminium Sulphate. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Antituberculars. Alumnol. Aconite. Baptisin. Antimony prepara- Acid, Cinnamic. Bismuth Subgallate, tions. Acid. Gynocardic. and other bismuth Chloroform. Antituberculous salts Digitalis. Serum. Cadmium Acetate. Gelsomium. Cantharidin. Cadmium Sulphate. Muscarine. Creosote and salts. Copper Acetate. Pilocarpine. Diiodoform. Copper Sulphate. Potassium salts. Eugenol. Eudoxine. Veratrine. Gaduol. Ferropyrine. Veratrum Viride. Guaiacol and salts. Gallobromol. Guaiacetin. Hydrastine Hydro- Cardiac Stimnlnuts. Guaiaporol. chlorate. Guethol. Hydrastis (Lloyd’s). Adonidin. Glycerinophosphates. Ichthyol. Adonis Vernalis. Ichthalbin. Iron Perchloride. Ammonia. Hetol. Iron Sulphate and Ammonium Carbo- , Iodoform orlodoform- other iron salts. nate. ogen: topically, Potassium Bichro- Anhalonine Hydro- lodole mate. chlorate. Methylene Blue. Lead Acetate, and Atropine. Oil Chaulmoogra. other lead salts. Cactus Grandiflorus. Oil Cod- Liver. Resinol. Caffeine. Potassium Canthari- Silver Citrate. Convallaria. date subcutaneously. Silver Lactate. Convallarin. Sodium Cinnamate. Silver Nitrate. Coronilla. Sodium Formate: sub- Sozoiodole-Sodium. Digitalin. cutaneously. Sozoiodole-Zinc. Digitalis. Sodium Phenolsul- Tannoform. Digitoxin. phoricinate. Xeroform. ErythrolTetranitrate. Spermine Zinc Acetate. Ether. Thiocol Zinc .Sulphate. Nerium Oleander: tr. 230 Manuel. • CLASSIFICATIO PART III.

Nitroglycerine. phate. Coffee. Oxygen. Sodium Phosphate. ErythrolTetranitrate. Sparteine Sulphate. Sodium Pyrophos- Ether. Strophanthin. phate. Kola Strophanthus. Sodium Sulphate. Nicotine. Strychnine. Sodium Tartrate. Nitroglycerine. Strychnine.

DEA8TIC CATIIAETICS : Carminativos. Cliolagjogues. — See Acid, Cathartinic. Anise. Cathartics; also, Baptisin. Calnmba. Stiniu Iants, Hepatic. Colocynth. Capsicum. Colocynthin. Cicatrizaiits. — See Cardamom. Antiseptics. Caraway. Elaterin. Elaterium. Coiistrnctives. — See Cascarilla. Euonymin. Chamomile. Tonics. Gamboge. Cinchona. Jalap. Counter-Irritants. — Chiraita. Cinnamon. Jalapin. See Irritants. Oil, Croton. Cloves. Podophyllin. Gentian. Demulcents. Podophyllotoxin. Ginger. Acacia. Menthol. Podophyllum. Scammony. Albumen. Nutmeg. Althaea. Nux Vomica. Hydeagogues: Cetraria. Oil Cajeput. Chondrus. Oil Mustard. Drastic Cathartics in Elm. Orange Peel. large doses. Flaxseed. Pepper. Saline Purgatives. Gelatin. Pimenta. Glycerine. Quassia. Cholagoques: Oil Olive. Sassafras. Aloin. Salep. Serpentaria. Euonymin. Starch. Validol. Iridin. Leptandra. Deodorants. — See Cathartics. Mercurials. also, Disinfectants, Ox-Gall. Laxatives : Podophyllum. Acid, Carbolic. Cascara Sagrada. Sodium Choleate. Ammonium Persulph. Figs. Sodium Oleate. Calcium Perman- Glycerine. ganate. Chlorine Water. Magnesium Oxide. Es- Caustics. — See Creolin. Manna. charotics. Mannit. Cumarin. Oil Olive. Formaldehyde. Rhamnus Frangula. Cerebral D e p r e s - Heliotropin. Sulphur. saiits. — See also^ Hydrogen Peroxide. Tamarind. Narcotics. Hydrozone. Iron Sulphate. Simple PuegativES; Anesthetics, general. Listerine.

Antispasmodics ; sev- Aloes. Potassium Perman- eral. Calomel. gan. Hypnotics. Oil Castor. Mustard seed ground. Narcotics. Rhubarb. Tannoform. Senna. Zinc Chloride, Cerebral Stimulants.

Saline Puegatives : Alcohol. Deoxidizers (Reduc- Magnesium Citrate. Amyl Nitrite. ing Agents or Re- Magnesium Sulphate. Atropine. actives). Potassium Bitartrate. Belladonna. Acid, Pyrogallic. Potassium Tartrate. Caffeine. Anthrarohin. Potassium and Sodi- Cannabis. Chrysarobin. um Tartrate. Coca. Eugallol. Sodium Ethylsnl- Cocaine. Eurobin.

231 .^fanua/. CLASSIFICATION. PART 111.

Eureaol. Ptyalin. Juniper. Ip.hthyol Takadiastase. Kava Kava Lonigallol Lithium salts. Lenirobiu. Discutients.--Ne« Re- Lycetol. Naftalan. solvents. I^sidino. Resorcin. Matico. Saligallol. Disinfectants. — See Nitrites. also, Deodorants, Oil Juniper. Depilatories. Oil Santai. Acid. Boric. Oil Turpentine. Bariara Sulphide. Acid, Carbolic. Pilocarpine Hydro- Calcium Oxide. Acid, Sulphurous. chlorate. Calcium Sulphydrate. Aluminium Chloride. Piperazine. Cautery. Ammon. Persulphate. Potassium Acetate. Iodine. Aseptol. Potassium Bitartrafe. Sodium Ethylate Benzonapbtol. Potassium Citrate. Sodium Sulphide. Borates. Potassium Nitrate. Thallium Acetate. Calcium Bisulphite. Saliformin. Calcium Permangan. Sandal Wood Oil. Chlorine Water. Scoparin. Depressants, various. Creolin. .Sodium Acetate. —See Cerebral, He- Eucalyptol. Sodium Nitrate. patic, Motor, Res- Fluorides. Sparteine Sulphate. piratory.—Also, Car- Formaldehyde. Spirit Nitrous Ether. diac Sedatives. Glycozone. Squill. Hydrogen Peroxide. Strophanthus. Diaphoretics and Hydrozone. Theobromine. Sndoriflcs. Iron Sulphate. Theobromine and So- Lime, Chlorinated. dium Salicylate.

Acid , Salicylic ; and Mercury Bichloride. Uropherin. Salicylates. Naphto! Aconite. Oil Eucalyptus. Alcohol. Potassium Permangan. Ecbolics. — See Oxy- Ammonium Acetate. Pyoktanin. tocics. Camphor. Sodium Naphtolate. Cocaine. Solution Chlorinated Emetics. Dover’s Powder. Soda Ether. Sozoiodole salts. Alum. Guaiac. Thymol. Antimony Sulphide, Oil of Turpentine Zinc Chloride. Golden. Opium. Antimony and Potas- Pilocarpine Hydro- sium Tartrate. chi or. Diuretics. Apomorphine Hydro- Potassium Citrate. Adonidin. chlorate Potassium Nitrate. AdonisyVernalis. Copper Sulphate. Sodium Nitrate. Ammonium Acetate. Emetine. Spirit Nitrous Ether. Apocynum. Ipecac. Veratrum Viride. Arbutin.' Mercury Subsulphate. Atropine. Mustard, with tepid Belladonna. . water. Dige.stives. Sangninarine. Betula Extr. Acid, Hydrochloric. Cactus Grandiflorns. Saponin. Acid, Lactic. Caffeine. Zinc Sulphate. Diastase of Malt. Cantharides Extract Malt. Chian Turpentine. Emmenagogues. Ingluvin. Colchicine. Lactopeptine Convallamarin. Acid, Oxalic. Orexine Tannate: in- Copaiba. Aloes. directly by increasing Coronilla. Apiol. peptic secretion and Cubebs. Apiol ine gastric peristalsis. Digitalis preparati- Cantharides. P.ancreatin ons. Ergot Papain Digitoxin. Eumenol. Pepsin. Formin. Guaiac. 232 iitrxk*t Manuai, CLASSIFICATION. PART 111.

Iron Chloride, and Benzoates. Cetrarin. other salts of iron. Cetrariu. Ferrohacmnl. Manganese Dioxide. Emetine, in small Gaduol. Myrrh. doses. Hcmo-gallol. Pennyroyal. Glycyrrhizin, Ammo- Hemol. Potassium Perman- mated. Hemoglobin. ganate. Grindelia. Ichthalbin. Iron compounds. Pulsatilla : tincture. Ipecac. Quinine. Lobelia. Manganese compo- Rue. Oil Pinus Sylvestris. unds. Savine. Oil Santal. Senecio. Oil Turpentine. Hemostatics. — See Pilocarpine Hydro- Strychnine. Styptics and Hemo- chlorate. Tansy. statics. Potassium Iodide. Errhines {Uternuta- Pyridine. Hepatic Depressants. iories). Sangninarine. Cubebs. Saponin. LESSENING BILE: Sangninarine. Senegin. Squill. Alcohol, Saponin. Lead Acetate. . Tar. Veratrine. Purgatives: many of White Hellebore. Terebene. Terpene Hydrate. them. Morphine. Eschai'otics (Caus- ? Terpinol. tics). Opium. Quinine. Acid, Acetic, Glacial. Galactagognes. Acid, Arsenious. Acid, Lactic. LESSENING UREA: Acid. Carbolic. Castor Oil: topically. Acid, Carbolic, Iodi- Extract Malt. Colchicum. zed. Galega. Morphine. Acid, Chromic. Jaborandi. Opium. Acid, Dichloracetic. Pilocarpine Hydro- Quinine. Acid, Lactic. chlor. Acid, Nitric. Potassium Chlorate. LESSENING GLYCOGEN: Acid, Trichloracetic. Thyroidin. Arsenic. Alum, Burnt Antimony. Copper Snljphate. Codeine. Iodine. Gastric Tonics (Sto- viachics). Morphine. Mercury Bichloride. Opium. Potassa.' Alkalies: before meals. Phosphorus. Silver Nitrate. Aroinatics. Soda. Berberine Carbonate. Hepatic Stimulants. Sodium Ethylate. Bismuth salts. Zinc Chloride. Bitters. Acid, Benzoic. Zinc Sulphate. Carminatives. Acid, Nitric. Cetrarin. Acid, Nitrohydro- Expectoi'auts. Chamomilla Compo- chlor. Acid, Benzoic. und. Aloes. Ammoniac. Hydrastis. Ammonium Chloride. Ammonium C a r b o - Ichthalbin. Amyl Nitrite. nate. Nux Vomica. Antimony. Ammonium Chloride. Orexine Tannate. Arsenic. Ammonium S a 1 i c y - Quassin. Baptisin. late. Strychnine. Benzoates. Antimony and Potas- Calomel. sium Tartrate. Colo cy nth. Germicides. . — See Antimony salts in gen- Euonymin. ^ Antiseptics and Dis- eral. infectants. Hydrastine Hydro- Apocodeine Hydro- chlorate. chlorate.; Heinatinics. — See Ipecac. Apomorphiue Hydro- also, Tonics. Iridin. chlorate. Iron. Balsam Peru. Acid, Arsenious; and Mercury Bichloride. Balsam Tolu. arsenical compounds. Podophyllin. 233 U*rck’$ ilmnumL : , CLASSIFICATION. PART III.

PotaBsiam and So- Oil Croton Datnrine. dium Tartrate. Silver Nitrate. Duboisine Sulphate. Resin Jalap. Euphthalmine. Sanguinarine. VESICANTS: Gelseminine. Sodium Bicarbonate. Acid, Acetic, Glacial. Homatropine Hydro- Sodium Oleate. Cantharidin. bromate. Sodium Phosphate. Chrysarohin. Hyoscine Hydrobro- Sodium Pyrophos- Euphorbium. mate. phate. Mezereon. Hyoscyamine. Sodium Salicylate. Oil Mustard. Muscarine. Sodium Sulphate. Mydrine. Laxatives. — See Ca- Scopolamine Hydro- Hypnotics (,S op o ri- thartics. bromate. fles). Myotles. Amylene Hydrate. Motor Depressants. Arecoline Bromidia. Hydrobro- Acid, Hydrocyanic. mate. Cannabine Tannate. Aconite. Eserine (Physostig-- Chloral Hydrate. Amyl Nitrite. mine). Chloral- Ammonia. Amyl Valerianate. Morphine. Chloralose. Apomorphine Hydro- Opium. Chloralamide. chlorate. Muscarine Nitrate; Chloralimide. in- Bromalin. ternally. Codeine. Bromides. Pilocarpine Hydro- Dionine. Bromipin. chlorate. Duboisine Sulphate. Bromoform. Heroine. Chloral Hydrate. Narcotics.— 5ce also, Hyoscine Hydrohrom. Chloroform (large Hypnotics. Hyoscyamine. doses). Morphine. Coniine Hydrobrom- Chloroform. Narceine. ate. Chloral Hydrate. Paraldehyde. Curare. Conium. Peronin. Gelsemium. Dionine. Sulfonal Gold Bromide. Heroine. Tetronal. Lobelia. Hyoscyamine. Trional. Muscarine. Hypnotics. Urethane. Nitrites. Indian Hemp. Nitroglycerine. Morphine. Intestinal A s t r i n - Physostigmine, Narceine. gents. — See Astrin- Quinine; large doses. Narcotine. gents. Sparteine Sulphate. Opium. Veratrum Viride. Peronin. Irritants. Rhus Toxicodendron. Stramonium. Motor Excitants BUBEFACIENT8 Alcohol. Nervines.— A^ee Anti- Acetone. Atropine. spasmodic Ano- Ammonia. Belladonna. , Arnica. dynes Sedatives, Brucine. , Burgundy Pitch. Camphor. Anesthetics, Motor, Canada Pitch. Chloroform. Depressants, Mo- Capsicum. Convallarin. tor Stimulants Chloroform. Ignatia. Iodine. Nux Vomica. Narcotics. Melissa Spirit. Nicotine. Menthol. Picrotoxin. Nutrients. — See He- Mustard Pilocarpine Hydro- niatinics and Tonics. Oil Turpentine. chlorate. Oleoresin Capsicum. Pyridine. Oxytocics {Echolics.) Spirit Ants. Rhus Toxicodendron. Acid, Salicylic. Volatile Oils. Strychnine. Cimicifugin. Cornutine. PUSTDLANTS t Mydriatics. Cotton-Root Bark. Antimony and Potas- Atropine. Ergot. sium Tartrate. Cocaine. Ergotin. 234 Utrck't Manuai. PART 111. CLASSIFICATION.

Hydrastine. Chloroform. Conium, Hydrastinine Hydro- Conium. Dionine. chlorate. Gelsemium Duboisine Sulphate. Pilocarpine Hydro- Muscarine. Eserine. chlorate. Nicotine. Ether. Potassium Permanga- Opium. Ethyl Bromide nate. Oxaphor. Ethylene Bromide. Quinine. Physostigma. Gallobromol. Rue. Quinine. Heroine. Savine. Veratrum Viride. Hyoscine Hydrobrom. Sodium Borate. Hyoscyamine. Stypticin. Respiratory Stimu- Hyoscyamus. Viburnum prnnifol. lants. Lactucarium. Lobelia. rarnsiticides. — See Aspidosperma (Que- Morphine. Antiseptics and Dis- bracho). Narceine. infectants. Aspidospermine. Neurodine. Atropine. Paraldehyde. Ptyalagogiies. — See Caffeine. Peronin. aialoffoffues. Cocaine. Scopolamine Hydro- Duboisine Sulphate. bromate. Purgatives. — See Strychnine. Solanin.

Cathartics. / Stramonium: tincture. Restoratives. — See Sulfonal. Pustnlants.— ^eeJrrt- Hematinic, Tonics. Urethane. tatits. Valerian. andValerian- Rubefacients. See ates. Refrigerants. ^ Irritants. Validol. Acid; Citric. Acid, Phosphoric, Di- Sedatives, Cardiac Sialagogues {Ptyala- lute. (or Vascular). — gogues) Acid, Tartaric. See Cardiac Seda- Acids and Alkalies. Ammonium Acetate. tives. Magnesium Antimony compounds. Citrate. Capsicum. Magnesium Sulphate. Sedatives (Nerve). — Chloroform. Potassium Bitartrate. See also, Depres- Eserine Potassium Citrate. sants. Ginger. Potassium Nitrate. Iodine compounds. Potassium Tartrate. Acetanilid. Mercurials. Sodium Nitrate. Acid, Hydrobromic. Mezeroon. Sodium Tartrate. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Acid, Valerianic. Muscarine Ally! Tribromide. Mustard. Resolvents (Discuii- Pilocarpine Hydro- ents). Amylene Hydrate. Amy] Nitrite. chlor. Acid. Perosmic. Anemonin Pyrethrnm. Arsenic. Antipyrine Cadmium Iodide. Antispasmin. Soporifics.— Nee Hyp- Gaduol. Bromalin. notics. Ichthalbin: internally. Bromides Ichthyol: topically. Bromidia. Spinal Stimulants. — Iodides. Bromipin. Iodine. See also, Motor Ex- Bromo-hemol. citants. lodipin. Bromoform. lodole. Butyl-Chloral. Alcohol. lodo-hemol. Caesium and Atropine. Mercurials. Ammo- nium Bromide. Camphor: small doses. Thiosinamine. Camphor. Ignatia. Nux Vomica. Respiratory Camphor, Monobrom. Depres- Cannabine Picrotoxin. sants. Tannate. Chloral Hydrate. Strychnine. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Chloroform. Aconite. Cocaine Sternutatories. — See Chloral. Codeine. Errhines.

235 3/erdl/t ManuaU classikication. PART ill.

StiniiiliuitH, 1! r o II • VKOUTAIinU TUNICS; Hydrastine Ilydro- •iliial, Sne Expecl- chlor. Absinthiu. oranis, Stypticin. Baptiain. Suprarenal extract. Bitters. StlmuliiiitH, ViiriouH. Borberine Carbonate. See Gastric. — Hepa- Bebeerine. Vaso-Dllators. tic, Renal, Spinal, Cinchona alkaloids Vascular, etc. Amyl Nitrite. and salts. Ether., Cod-Liver Oil. Stomavhics. — See Erythrol Tctranitrafe. Columbin. Nitroglycerine. Gastric Tonics. Eucalyptus. Potassium Nitrite. Gaduol. Sodium Nitrite. Styptics and Hemo- Hydrastis. Spirit Nitrous Ether. statics. Quassin. Salicin. Acid, Gallic. Vascular Sedatlvea Acid. Tannic. and Vascular Stim- Acid, Trichloracetic. OTHER TONICS: nlaiitH —SeeCardiac Alum. Sedatives, and Car- Acids, Mineral. Antipyrine diac Stimulants. Acid, Arsenious; and Copper Sulphate. its salts. Creolin. Acid lactic. Vermicides.—.See An- Ferropyrine. Acid, thelmintics. Hamamelis. llypophospho- rous. Hydraatinine Hydro- Bismuth salts. chlorate. Vesicants.— See irri- Cerium salts. Iron Perchloride. tants. Copper salts, small Iron Subsulphate. doses. Iron Sulphate. Gold salts. Antitoxiues and Sera Lead Acetate. Glycerinophosphates. conferring iiuiiiu- Manganese Sulphate. Hemo-gallol. nity: Oil Turpentine. Hemol. Diphtheria- Antitoxin. Silver Niti'ate Hypophosphites. Stypticin.l Lymph pure animal Ichthalbin. Suprarenal Extract. for vaccination. Iron compounds. Mallein. Manganese compounds. Serum Antileprous Sudorillcs.—See Dia- P.hosphorus. acc. to Carrasqiiilla. Spermine. phoretics. Serum Antistrepto- Tonics, Nerve. — See coccic. Nervousness. Neu- Serum Calmettes’ Neuritis, Teuiafuges.—See Ati- rasthenia , against snake-poison. Opium ah it in thelmintics. H , Serum Haffkines’ Part n. against plague. Tonics, Cardiac. — Serum Maraglianos’ See Cardiac Stimu- A^aso-Coiistrictors. Antituberculous. Serum Sanarellis’ lants. Ergot and its prepa- against Yellow fever. rations.'? SeruraYersin’s against Tonics, General. — Hydraatinine plague. See also, Hematinics. chlorate. Tuberculin.

23G Mtrck'i Manual. :

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Medal and Special Approbation : 1 Exh'b’n of the Industry

1863 : “For Specimens ot Alkaloids." I of all Nations, N. Y. Gold Medal and Diploma. Industrial Exposition, 1861 : DARMSTADT.

Medal: “Honoris Causa." 1 World’s Fair, LONDON

I (England). Award: “Beyond Competition."

1864 : “Numerous and varied collection of Alkaloids and very rare pro- Pharmaceutical Con- ducts; Physiological Preparations gress of France, of high interest and very difficult STRASSBOURG. to obtain in any appreciable quantity." Gold Medal: Dniversal Expositi,on, 1867 : “Chemical Preparations; Quinine \ PARIS (France). Salts; Alkaloids." J

Medal of Progress and Diploma. I World's Exposition,

: (Austria). 1813 (The Highest Award.) ) VIENNA

Tile Great Prize Medal and Diploma. \ Industrial Exposition, 1816 : / DARMSTADT. Highest Award. ' International Exh’b’n,

1819 : SYDNEY (Australia). Gold Medal and Diploma: , Medical Association 18 “A Fine and Vast Collection of the of Italy, GENOA, Rarest Alkalojds and their Salts." • International Exh’b’n, Gold Medal: •MELBOURNE excolere per Artes." “Vitam } (Australia). International Expo’n, The Diploma of Honor. q I AMSTERDAM J (Holland).

Highest Award ; Medal and Diploma : j Exposition, “For a large variety of prepara- I Columbian tions of great purity;" and “For \ CHICAGO. great service rendered to-themedi- P‘0» Medicinal j cal and pharmaceutical profes- Chemicals.“] sions. Exposition, .... X. jrv. I \ Columbian Highest Award; Medal and Diploma: I chemicals for > 1893 : “For excellence of raQ,^ Quaratiteed analytical and scientific uses." ) Reagents.“^ Congress Highest Award Medal and Diploma. \ Intern, med.

(• 1894 : ROME.

Etc,, Eto.

Brill’sche Buchdruckerei j-o Eduaed Roetheb, Darmstadt. ~H3 Meeck’s Manual OP THE materia medica

Supplement i. Embracing the principal changes IN THE British Pharmacopoeia,

Revised Edition, 1898.

Published by E. Meeck, Daemstadt (Gekmany>

1899 . The changes introduced by the revised edition of the British Pharmacopoeia of 1898 having taken place at a time when the greater \

portion of the first part of my Manual , that embracing the Materia Medica, had already

' passed into the printer’s hands, it was not pos- sible to take due cognizance of them. The Manual should therefore be consulted in con- junction with the present Supplement I, in which all those changes are specified asfar as they concern practitioners. This supple-

ment will be followed by others, if and when

this is rendered advisable by important ad- ' ditions of new remedies or by other circum- stances. The form of the supplements will be such that they may be gummed into the Manual until such time that a new edition of


1 the latter can be issued.

j Darmstadt, December 1899.

I E. Merck. ;

Principal Changes in the British Pharmacopoeia.

Revised Edition 1898.

Acetum Cantharidis (see Cantharis p. 19) (strength 1 : 10).

Acetum Ipecacuanhae (Ipecac (l p. 41) liquid Extract in 20 .

Dose; 10 to 30 iq (0.6—2.0 cc.).

Aqua Chloroformi (Chloroform p. 21) strength now: Vi^’o in- stead of Va%.

Beberinae Sulphas (p. 14) is omitted.

Bismuthi Citras (p. 15) is omitted.

Bismuthi et Ammonii Citras (p. 15) is omitted.

Caffeinae Citras effervescens.

Dose : 60 to 120 grn. (4.0—8.0 grm.). Cataplasmata Carhonis Conii

Fermenti (p. 20) are omitted. Lini Sinapis Sodae chlorinatae

Cetraria (p. 20) is omitted.

Cinchonidinae Sulphas (p. 22) is omitted.

Cinchoninae Sulphas (p. 22) is omitted. Confectiones: Eosae caniuae | I / omitted. Scammonii ( 'P' Terebinthinae |

Creasotum (p. 24). Dose: 1 to 5 m (0.06-0.3 cc.) not 1 to 3 iq.

3 Decocta: Cetrariao (Jinchonae Hordei Papavoris

Pareirae (p. 25) are omitted. Quercus ^>arsae Sarsae composit. Scoparii Taraxaci

Decoctum Granati Corticis (p. 26) and Pomegranate (p. 60).

Strength : now 1 : 5, formerly 1 : 10.

Dose: to 2 f. oe (15—60 cc.), instead of 2 to 4 f. oz.

Emplastra; I

Galbani Saponis fuse. )

Emplastrura Belladonnae, see Belladonna (pp. 14 & 25) now from Liquid Extract; is considerably weaker than the former plaster (contains 0.5 o/o of the alkaloids of Belladonna root).

Emplastrum Menthol! (p. 27), strength now about (1 :7), for- merly 1:5. Enemata: Aloes Asafoetidae (p. 27) are omitted. Magnesii Sulpliatis Opii Terebinthinae

Ergotln (p. 27) (omit Bonjean) = Extractum Ergotae. 2 (0.1 grm.). Dose : —8 grn. —0.5 Extracta: Aconiti Alo6s Soccotrinae Belae liquid. Calumbae Colchici acetic. Conii Gelsemii alcoholic. Haematoxyli (p. 30) are omitted .laborandi Lactucae Lupuli Mezerei aether. Papaveris Pareirae Qnassiae Khamni Frangulae » > liquid 4 :

Extract. Belladonnae alcohol, (pp. 14 & 30). Vs of former strength. Dose: >/4 to 1 grn. (0.016 to 0.06 °grm.). not Vi« to Vj grn.

Extract. Belladonnae liquidutn. (new).

Dose : '/s to 1 iq. (0.03—0.06 cc.).

Extractum Belladonnae (juice of the fresh herb), (p. 30) = Ex- tractum Belladoimne viride. Extractum Euonymi siccum (p. 30 and Euonymus (p. 29). Dose: 1 to grn. 2 (0.06—0.12 grm.) instead of 1 to 4 grn.). Extractum Ipecacuanhae liquidum. (new).

expectorant Vs to 2 11 ) (0.03-0.12 cc.); as an emetic 15 to 20 n) (1.0—1.25 cc.). Extractum Jaborandi liquidum (Pilocarpus) (p. C8). Dose: 5 to 15 II) (0.3—1.0 cc.;. Extractum Nucis vomicae (pp. 30 & 58), contained formerly 150/o total alkaloids, now 5 O/o Strychnine. Dose: to 1 grn. (0.015 to V* 0.06 grm.) as indicated on p. 30.. Extractum Nucis vomicae liquidum contains 1.5 o/o Strychnine. Dose: 1 to 3 fl) (0.06—0.18 cc.).

Extractum Opii liquidum, (see Opium powdered pp. 55 & 30). Dose: 5 to 30 (0.3 6) —2.0 cc.) not lO to 40 ii). Extractum Physostigmatis, (see Physostigma pp. 58 & 30) Vi of former strength; Dose: to 1 grn. (0.015-0.06 ^grm^) insteadlusteaa of Vi6 to Vi grn. (0.004—0.015 grm.). Extractum Rhei (Rhubarb, pp. 67 & 30). ^ grm-), formerly fogrm)^ 5 to 15 grn. (0 3 to

Extractum Strophanthi (new).

Dose : 'A to 1 grn: (0.015—0.06 grm.). Glycerinum Acidi gallici (p. 34) is omitted. Glycerinum Acidi Borici (new) contains 30 o/o Boric Acid.

Glycerinum Pepsini (new).

Dose : 1 to 2 f. dr (4—8 cc.).

Hydrargyri Oleas (l Mercuric i, Chloride, 2 Hard soap, 25 Oleicacid). Infusa Anthemidis Catechu

Cusso > (p. 39) are omitted.

Jaborandi J Lini j Maticae '

Valerianae (p. 40)

o Infusum Cascarillae, p. 39 1 : 20 formerly 1 : , , 10 . Dose : '/« to 1 f. oz (15.0 —30.0 cc.) instead of 1 to 2 f. oz. Infusum Ergotae (Ergot, 27 & l : pp. 39), 20, formerly 1 : 40. Infusum Quassias (Quassia 64 : pp. & 39), 1 100, formerly 1 : 80. Infusum Rhsi (Rhubarb pp. 67 & 40), 1 ; 20, instead 1 : 41), Dose: Va to 1 f. oz (1.5.0—SO cc.). Infusum Scoparii l : lO takes .the place of JDccoctum Scoparii 1 : 20 (p. 25 and Scoparius p. 60).

Dose : 1 to 2 f. oz (30.0—60 cc.). Infusum SsrpsntariaB (Serpentaria pp. 70 & 40) l : 20, formerly

Injectio Apomorphias Hypoderm. '(Aponiorphine pp. ii & 40).

1:100, formerly 2 grn. in 100 n\ (0.12 grm. ; 6.25 cc.). Dose: 5 to 10 n\ (0.3— 0.6 cc.) instead of 2 to 8 6).

Injectio Cocainae Hypoderm., see Solution (Liquor) Cocainae Hydrochloratis (p. 76). Dose: 2 to 5 0) (O.i—0.3 cc.), instead of 2 to 10 m. ,

Kamala (p. 43) is omitted.

Lamellae Atropinae (new), Gelatine discs containing ^/sooo gm. (0,013 rngi-rn.) of Atropine Sulphate each.

Linimentum Belladonnae (p. 45). 250 Liquid extract per 500, formerly 1 Root to I'/s Liniment.

Liniment, lodi (p. 45) replaced by Liquor lodi fortis ; l0“/i) Iodine 6“'o Potassium Iodide.

Liniment. Sinapis (new) contains 4 Oil, 6 Camphor, 14 Castor (Oil and 86 Spirit.

Liquores: {Soluiionea p. 75, 76 and 77). Antimonii Chloridi Calcii Chloridi Perri Acetatis fort. Ferri dialysat. Gutta Percha lodi • are omitted. Lithiae effervcsc. Magnesii Citratis Morphinae Bimeconatis Morphinae Sulphatis Potassae effervesc. Sodae Sodae effervesc.

Liquor Calumbae concentratus (new): l Root, 2 Liquor.

Dose: Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0 — 4.0 cc.). 6 Liquor Caoutchouc l : 20 = Solution Gutta PercLa 1 : 8, (p. 76.)

Liquor Chiratae concentratus (new) (i : 24).

Dose : ‘/s to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.’).

Liquor Cuspariae concentratus (new) (l : 2),

Dose : >/2 to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Liquor Epispasticus (l : 2), formerly l : 4.

Liquor Ethyl Nitritis (new) contains 3 — of Ethyl nitrite.

Dose : 20 to 60 tl\ (1.2—8.0 cc.). Liquor Ferri Acetatis with 12,5% of Solution of Ferric sul- phate now takes the place of Solutio (Liquor) Ferri Ace- tatis und Liquor Ferri Acetatis fortior p. 76.

Dose : 5 to 15 rq (0.3—l.o cc.).

Liquor Hamameiidis (new), 2 Liquor destilled from 1 fresh leaves.

Liquor Hydrargyri Perchloridi (p. 77).

Dose : Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), formerly */a to 2 f. dr.

Liquori Krameriae concentratus (new) (i : 2).

Dose ; Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Liquor Morphinae Tartratis (new) (l : lOO).

Dose : 10 to 60 (I) (0 6—1 8 cc.).

Liquor Pancreatis (new).

Dose: 1—2 f. dr. (4.0—8.0 cc.).

Liquor Picis Carbonis (new) (l : 5) Used only externally.

Liquor Quassiae concentratis (new) (l : 10).

Dose ; Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Liquor Rhei concentratus (new) (1 : 2).

Dose : Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.)

Liquor Sarsae Compositus concentratus (new). [lO Sarsa- parillae, 10 Sassafras Root, 10 Guaiacum Wood, 10 Li- quorice Root, 5 Mezereon Bark, 100 Liquor.]

Dose : 2 to 8 f. dr. (8.0 —30.0 cc.).

Liquor Senegae concentratus (new) (i : 2).

Dose : Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 oc.).

Liquor Sennae concentratus (new) (i : i).

Dose : >/2 to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Liquor Serpentariae concentratus (new) (i : 2).

Dose : Va to 2 f. dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.).

Liquor Strychninae Hydrochloridi (p. 78).

Dose; 2 to 8 iq (0.12—0.5 cc.), formerly 4 to 10 iq.

7 Liquor Thyreoidei (now). ipo m (6 cc.) represent one entire thyreoid gland Dose: 5 to 15 m (0.8— i.o cc.). Lithii Citras effervescens (new) 5%. Dose: 60 to 120 grn. (4—8.0 grm.).

Manna (p. 47) is omitted.

Mastiche (p. 48) is omitted.

Mel (Honey p. 37) is omitted. Misturae: j Ferric aromatic, > (p. 50) are omitted. Scamnionii )

Mistura Sennae compos, (p. 50) is slightly stronger. Dose accordingly: 1 to 2 f. oz (30.0—60.0 cc.) instead of 1 to 2Ht f. oz

Morphinae Sulphas (p. 5l) is omitted.

Oleatum Hydrargyri (Oleate, Mercury p. 53) is omitted.

Olea (p. 54 & 55): X Myristicae express. Pini sylvestris i are omitted. Rutae I Sabinae I

Oleum phosphoratum (p. 55). Dose: l to 5 ill (0.06 —0.3 cc.), formerly 5 to 10 IT). Oleum Rosae (new).

Pilulae (p. 59): Conii composit. are omitted. Ferri Oarbonatis

Ferri !lodidi

Pilula Aloes et Ferri (p. 58). [Aloes 2, Exsicc. Ferrous Sul- phate 1,0 in 9.] Dose: 4 to 8 grn. (0,26 —0.5 grm.), formerly 5 to 10 grn.

Pilula Aloes &, Myrrhae (p. 59).

Dose : 4 to 8 grn. (0.25—0.5 grm.), formerly 5 to 10 grn.

Pilula Galbani composita = Pilula Asa foetida comp. (p. 59).

Pilula Hydrargyri Subchloridi comp. (p. 59). Dose: 4 to 8 grn., formerly 5 to 10 grn.

Pilula Phosphor! (p. 59).

Dose : 1 to 2 grn. (0.06—0.12 grm.), formerly 2 to 4 grn.

Pilula Quininae Sulphatis (new).

Dose : 2 to 8 grn. (0.12—0.5 grm.).

Pilula Rhei composita (p. 59) (Rheum l. Aloes 0,75 in 6).

Dose : 4 to 8 grn. (0.25—0.5 grm.). 8 Plumbi Nitras (Lead Nitrate p. 44) is omitted.

Potassii Cyanidum (p. 6i) is omitted.

Rosae Centi'foliae, Petala (p. 67) are omitted.

Sodii Nitras (p. 73) is omitted.

Sodii Valerianas (p. 75) is omitted.

Spiritus Aetheris, also Spiritus Aetheris compositus &, Spiritus Aetheris nitrosi (p. 79). Actnal 20 Dose: to 40 flfl (1.2—2.5 cc.), for repeated administration; for a single administration fiO to 90 ITI (3.0—6 cc.).

Spiritus Anisi (new) (i : lo).

Dose : 5 to 20 n\ (0.3—1.25 cc.).

Spiritus Cajuputi (p. 79 & 80) contain five „ Cinnamotni times the proportion of oils present in the „ Lavandulae spi- rits of the P. B. of 1885, „ Menthae Piperitae 1 : e. g. 10 instead 1 : 50. „ Myristicae Dose: 5 to 20 ni)(0.3— 1.25 cc.) Spiritus Juniperi (l : 20). formerly 1 : 50. Spiritus Rectificatus = Alcohol 90%.

Spiritus Tenuior (p. 80) is omitted.

Spiritus vini gallici contains at least 43,5% by volume of ethyl hydroxide. Succus Limonis (new) The freshly extracted juice of the ripe fruit of Citrus medica, containing 7 to 9% citric acid.

Suppositoria: \ Acidi carbolici c. Sapone » tannici c. Sapone > (p. 82 & 83) are omitted. Mydrargyri Morphinae c. Sapone ' Suppositoria Acidi carbolic, (new) i grn. in each. Suppositoria Beiladonnae (new) iV*grn. (o,i gnu.) ale. Extr m each ‘/so = grn. (0,001 grm.) of Alkaloid in the aggregate. Suppositoria Morphinae contain V* grn. (0,015 gnn.) of Morphia^ Hydrochloride, fomerly V2 grn.

Syrupi (p. 83): Ferri j Suhchloridi I . omitted. Mori (

Papaveris I

Dose : ‘/a to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

9 Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis (new).

Dose : ‘/s to 1 f. dr. (2.0—1.0 cc.).

Syrupus Cascarae Aromaticus (new) (8 Liq. Extr. of Cascara sagrad. in 20 Syrup).

Dose : *

Syrupus Codeinae (new) l f. dr. (4 cc) contains grn. (0,015 gnn.) of Codeine Phosphate.

Dose: i;« to 2 f. dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.).

Syrupus Ferri lodidi is stronger (p. 83), being now 10%, for- merly 6% of ferrous iodide.

Syrupus Ferri Phosphatis cum Quinina & Strychnina = Syrup. Ferri, Quininae et StrychninaePhosphatum U. S. P. (Eastons Syrup contains p. 83), at present 1 grn. (0,06 grm ) anhydr. ferrous phosphate grn. (0,05 grm Quinine sulphate & , ) '/aa gm. (0,002 grm.) of Strychnine per f. dr.

Dose : ’/a to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4 0 cc.).

Syrupus Glucosi (new) (l in 3). Excipient for pills.

Syrupus Pruni Virginianae (new) (15%).

Dose : ’/2 to 1 f. dr. (2.0 —4.0 cc.).

Syrupus Scillae (p. 83).

Dose : Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), formerly ‘/a f. dr.

Syrupus Sennae (p. 83). Dose: Va to 2 f. dr. (2.0—8.0 cc.), formerly 1 f. dr.

Syrupus Zingiberis (p. 85) (2,5 in lOO Syrup).

Tabellae Trinitrini contain *;'ioo grn. (0,0006 grm.) Trinitro- glycerine.

Dose: 1 to 2 tablets.

Tincturae (p. 87—91): Aurantii Chloroformi composit. Ergotae Ferri Acetatis Gallae are omitted. Laricis Lobeliae Sabinae Valerianae Veratri viridis Zingiberis fort.

Tinctura Aconiti (p. 86) l : 20, formerly 1 : 8. Dose: 5 to 15 rq (0.5— 1.0 cc.); if frequently repeated 2 to 5 iq (0.1 to 0.3 cc.).

Tinctura Aurantii (p. 87) (1 fresh peel: 4).

cc.). Dose : ’'a to 1 f. dr. (2.0 to 4.0 10 I Tinctura Belladonnae (p. 87) is stronger than the former tincture.

Dose : 5 to 15 fll (0.3— 1.0 cc.).

Tinctura Buchu (p. 87) l : 5, formerly 1 : 8.

Dose: '! to 1 f. dr. (2.0 to 4.0 cc.).

'/ • .

Tinctura Calumbae (p. 87) i : 10, formerly l : 8.

Dose: ‘'o to 1 f. dr. (2.0— 4.0 cc.);’

Tinctura Camphora comp. (p. 87), contains in each f. dr. '/i grn. (0,015 grm.) of Opium.

Dose : 'h to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Tinctura Cantharidis (p. 87).

Dose: 5 to 15 Df( (0.3—1.0 cc), formerly 5 to 20 fH.

Tinctura Capsici (p. 87) (l : 20, formerly 1 : 27).

Dose: 5 to 15 n] (0.3 — 1.0 cc.), instead of 5 to 20 tlj.

’ ‘ Tinctura Cardamomi comp. (p. 87).

•> Cascarillae (p. 87) l : 5, formerly 1 : 8. I I » Catechu (p. 88) l : 5, formerly 1:8.

Chiratae (p. 88) 1 : lO, formerly 1:8. >

» Cimicifugae l : [ (p. 88) lO, formerly 1 : 8.

» Cinchonae (p. 88).

I » , Cinnamomi : l 5, formerly 1 : 8.

Doses : 'I2 to 1 f. dr. { (2.0—4.0 cc.), instead of V2 to 2 f. dr, I

Tinctura Cocci l : lo, formerly 1 : 8. I , Dose : 5 to 15 n] (0.3—1.0 cc.), instead of 30 01. Tinctura Colchici Seminum l 5, foi-merly 1:8. Dose: 5 to 3 15 01 (0 —1.0 cc.), formerly 10 to 30 0\.

Tinctura Conii l : (p. 88) 5, formerly l : 8.

Tinctura Croci (p. 88). Dose: 5 to (0.3 15 o\ —1.0 cc.), formerly Vs f. dr. (2.0 cc;).

Tinctura Cubebae 1 (p. 88) : 5, formerly l : 8. >'« Dose: to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Tinctura Digitalis (p. 88).

Dose: 5 to 15 (0.3—i.O cc.), oi instead of 10 to 30 O). Tinctura Ergotae Ammoniata see Tinct. Ergotae (p. 88). '/o Dose: to 1 f. dr. (2.0— 4.0 cc.) instead of 5 to 30 tt\. Tinctura Ferri Perchloridi (p. 88). Dose: 5 to 15 p[( (0.3— i.O cc.), instead of 10 to 30 m Tinctura Gelsemii (p. 89) l : lO, formerly 1:8. Dose: 5 to 15 H] (0.3—1.0 cc), instead of 5 to 20 n). 11 Tinctura Gentianae comp. i : (p. 89) lO, instead of i : is.

Dose : f. to 1 dr. (2.0— 4.0 cc.), formerly */s to 2 dr. Tinctura Hyoscyami (p. 89) l : lO, instead of l ;8. Tinctura Jaborandi (p. 89) l : 5, instead of 1:4. Tinctura Jaiapae (p. 89) l : 5, instead of 1:8.

Dose: 'n to 1 f. dr. (2.0 —4.0 cc.), formerly <,» te 2 f. dr.

Tinctura Kino (p. 89).

Dose: Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), instead of > * to 2 f. dr. Tinctura Limonis (p. 89) l : 4, instead of l : 8.

Dose : Vs to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Tinctura Aetherea -. (p. 89) l 5, instead of i : 8. Dose: 5 to 15 m (0.3 —1.0 cc.), formerly 10 to 30 n).

Tinctura Lupuli (p. 89) l : 5, instead of 1:8.

Dose; V* to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Tinctura Myrrhae (p. 89) l : 5, instead l : 8.

Tinctura Nucis Vomicae (p. 90).

Dose : 5 to 15 n\ (0.3—1.0 cc.), instead of 10 to 20 n).

Tinctura Opii (p. 90) contains now 0,75“;o Morphine.

Dose: 5 to 15 n) (0.3 —10 cc.) for repeated administration; for a

single administration ; 20 to 30 (T\ (1.2— 2.0 cc.), formerly 5 to 40 n\.

Tinctura Podophyili (p. 90) contains twice the proportion of Podophyllum Resin as formerly.

Dose: 5 to 15 (I) (0.3— 1.0 cc.), instead of 15 to 60 n\.

Tinctura Pruni Virginiani (new) 1:5. n

Dose: V« to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.).

Tinctura Quassiae l : 10 instead of i : 27.

Dose: Vs to l f. dr. (2.0 —4.0 cc.), formerly Va to 2 f. dr.

Tinctura Quiiiaiae (new) l : 20.

Dose : Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0 —1.0 cc.).

Tinctura Quininae (p. 90) 1:50.

Dose: Va to l f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), formerly 'a to 2 f. dr.

Tinctura Quininae Ammoniata (p. 90) l : 50.

Dose: Va to l f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), formerly Va to 2 f. dr.

Tinctura Rhei (p. 90) replaced by Tinctura Rhei comp.

Dose: Va to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.) for repeated administration; for a single administration 2 to 4 f. dr. (8.0—15.0 cc.).

Tinctura Sciilae (p. 90) 1:5 instead ot 1:8. Dose: 5 to 15 n\ (0.3— 1.0 cc.), formerly 10 to 30 n\. 12 Tinctura Senegae (p. 90) 1:5 instead of l : 8.

Dose: */s to 1 f. dr. 12.0— 4.0 cc.), formerly Va to 2 f. dr.

Tinctura Scnnae Compos, (new) l : 5. Dose: Vs to 1 f. dr. (2.0 —4.0 cc.), for repeated administration; for a

single administration 2 to 4 f. dr. (8.0—16.0 cc.). Tinctura Serpentariae. i :5 instead of i : 8.

Dose: '/a to 1 f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), instead of 1 to 2 f. dr. Tinctura Stramonii [Leaves] (new) l : 5. Dose: 5 to 15 n\ (0.3—1.6 cc). Tinctura Sumbul (p. 91) l : lO instead of 1 : 8.

Dose : Va to l f. dr. (2.0—4.0 cc.), formerly 10 to 30 [p. Tinctura Tolutana : (p. 91) 1 lO instead of 1 : 8.

Dose : >/• to 1 f. dr. (2.0 — 4.0 cc ), formerly 20 to 40 n\. Tinctura Valerianae Ammoniata (p. 91) 1:5 instead of 1:8. Tinctura Zingiberis (p. 91) 1: 10 instead of 1 ; 8. Trochiscus Acidi carbolici (new) cont. 1 grn. (0.06 grm) each. Dose: l to 3 Lozenges. Trochiscus Eucalypti Gummi (new) contains l grn. (0.06 grm.) eHcli. Dose: 1 to 6 lozenges daily, Trochiscus Guaiaci Resinae (new) cont. 3 grn. (0.18 grm.) each. Dose : 1 to 3 lozenges daily. Trochiscus Krameriae (new) cont. i grn. (o.06 grm.) Extract each. ° ^

Dose: l to 6 lozenges daily.

Trochiscus Krameriae et Cocaine (new) cont. i grn. (0.06 erm.). Extract & Cocainae Hydrochloride ‘/20 gm. (0.003 grm.). Dose: 1 to 10 lozenges per day. Trochisci Opii (p. 92) are omitted. Trochiscus Potassi Chloratis (p., 92). Each lozenge contains 3 grn. (0.18 grm.) Potassium Chlorate instead of 5 grn. (0.3). Trochiscus Sodii Bicarbonatis (p. 92). Each lozenge contains ' feodium Bicarbonate instead 5 gm ' (0.3fof grm.). fa

Unguenta (p. 93): Antimonii tartarati Calaminae Elemi Potassae sulphm’atae omitted. Sabinae ISimpl. Terebinthinae

13 Unguentum Acidi borici (p. 93) i : lo, formerly i : 7.

Unguentum Acidi salicylici (p. 93) 2 : lOO, formerly 3.7 : lOO.

Unguentum Aconitinae (p. 93) i : 50, formerly i:60. Unguentum Aquae Rosae (new) = Cold Cream. Unguentum Atropinae (p. 93) l : 50, formerly l : 60.

Unguentum Belladonnae prepared with Liq. Extr. , contains 0,6% of the alkaloids of Belladonna root.

Unguentum Cantharis (p. 93) 1 in 10, formerly 1 in 7. Unguentum Cocainae (new) lin25.

Unguentum Creosoti (p. 93) l in lO, formerly 1 in 9.

Unguentum Eucalypti (p. 93) 1 in 10, formerly 1 in 5.

Unguentum Gallae (p. 93) l in 5, formerly 1 in 6V2.

Unguentum Hydrargyri comp, (p.93) 1 in 2.5, formerly 1 iu 4‘;2 (Met.).

Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis dilutum (p.93) lin5, formerly 1 in 3 (Met.).

Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi flavi (new) iin50.

„ „ „ rubri (p. 93) 1 in 10, formerly 1 in 8

„ „ Subchloridi(p. 93) linlO, formerlylin6*,2.

Unguentum lodi (p.93) 1 in 25, fonnerly 1 in 31.

Unguentum Paraffini (new). (Hard Paraffin 3, Soft Paraffin 7.)

Unguentum Plumbi Acetatis (p. 93), ,lin25, formerly ljn37V«.

„ „ Carbonatis (p. 93) 1 in 10, formerly 1 in 8.

1 formerly lin8. ,, „ Jodidi (p.93) in 10,

Unguentum Potassi Jodidi (p.93) linio, formerly linS®/*

Unguentum Staphisagriae (p. 93), lin6, formerly 1 in 2Vi.

Unguentum Sulphuris (p. 93) 1 in 10, formerly iin5.

Unguentum Veratrinae (p. 93) 1 in 50, formerly 1 in 63.

Vina (p. 95): Aloes ,• are omitted. Opii Rhei

Vinum Antimoniale (p. 95).

Dose: 10 to 30 n\ (0.6 —2.0 cc.); as an emetic 2 to if. dr. (8.0—16.0 cc.). 14 Vinum Ipecacuanhae.

Dose: 10 to 30 rri (0.6 to 2.0 cc.) as an expectorant; as an emetic 4 to 6 f. dr. (15.0—22 cc.).

Corrigenda in Part I.

Pag: 82 (Suprarenal capsule), 14th and 20th line from bottom for muttons (mutons) read sheep.

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