æ¦ . ' ' .' • ,- r -_ i ¦-¦'): ¦'¦¦¦ v :v.-..<y «Be - ' . ¦ . - . a *a.* ' '" Cí | -ü .*;;• ,,(..<: yí:;. M . ¦ •': :.','¦¦¦..:'. ri. „.;' s. ¦•¦'¦•'' • ',¦Tf W The News..."...•- MC %yyn i PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY ¦a"Í»' Vol. XXIII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JANUARY 12TH, 1897. Number 2 WILSON, SONS & CO. VV(LIMITED) AMERICAN 2, RUA DE S. PEDRO s QUAYLE, DAVIDSON & Co. Bank Note Company, RIO DE JANEIRO.» 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, 119 Rua da Quitanda Caixa no Correio 16 NEW YORK. «usines» Founded 1795. AGENTS OF THE In«r|ior»l..l unalrr l.w. ar the Htatc of New Vurk, ISSS. U «organized 1879. Pacific Steam Navigalion Company COMMISSION JWERCHRNTS \ IMPORTERS E-VCrsAVERS AND PfUNTEKS OP Shaw, Snvill &> Albion Co., Ld. BONDS, POSTACE & REVENUE STAMPS, LECAL TENDE* AND NATIONAL BANK The /Vrw Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for ' Receive orders for ali description of Merchandise from Foreign Covernments. -r'V-r Thc Hoviden Line of Stèatvets F.NGRAVING AND PRINTING, Europe and the United States of BANK NOTES. SIIAKE lEKTiriCATES, BOXDS America. KOK «íOVKKVMKNTS AM» lOI(l*OUATION», UKAITS i III.CKS, K1LI.S OF KXOIIANOE, Repairs to Ships and Machinery STA.llPS, Ao.. In tht- flutatt and mont artUUc «tyle SPECIAL FKOM. STEEL PLATES, Having large TERMS FOR : IVItb wórgshops and efiicient plant aic ín SPECt.lI, HAILCVAmis fo IMIKVKXT (01'STEKFEmSO. a to uiidcit.ike Special lumufactiirod :'¦'¦ ¦'" position rep.iiis of^ail description* to ships and papers i.xdusively for Machincry. use oí th.; Çóiripany. SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. BROORS LOCOMOTIVES, Work Exceufod I» Flropruef KuIIiIIiijj». UTHQGRAPHIC Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. have depois St AND Tf PE PRINTING. [Limited) at KAII.UAV Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidep, La P>ia and at the TICKETS OE ÍAIPKOVEÜ STYLE8. chief Brazil Poits; and, among otheis, supply coal under Show Ciird». l.itlicU. Culciialur». contract, at Rio, lo: BRIDGE WORK OF THE UNION BRIDGE CO., JAMES MACDONOUGH. President. AUG.D.SHEPARD. The Brazilian Governmetit ; \ Vlce-Presldents. Her Britannic Majesty'* Goyernment; TOURO ROBERTSON, J 3 The Trans.itl.intic Steamship Companies: and ali Railway supplies, both European and American. THEO. H. FREELAND. Sec'y and TreiS. The New Zealand Shipping Companies , JNO. E. CURRIER(AsstSec>. I &c, &c, J. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas. Co»l.—Large stocks of the best Cardift steam Coal always kept in Rio depôt on Conce.ç3o Island. Tug Boat* always ready for service. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, For Stamp Colléctors Cargo LlRhters.-diuo. PHILADBLPHIA, PENN. Ballaet Supplied to ships. ÍWk Brazil Postage Stamps (Est«bliahed\ 1831.) «•tablieh menta : Wilson, Sons & Co. iLunited), BURNHAM, WILLIAMS Co., Proprietors. Brazil—Sets lor UMon, Cardiff. St Vincent. (Cape Verie), Rio,*Pahia, f tale ~i Pwuambuco. 1' "¦ ¦¦¦ -*¦'•¦_ Santo*, S. Paulo, Montevideo, Buenos ao Variatica, Ra. $600 Varietiea, Ra. Ajrret and La PUu. 50 51000 These locomotive engines are adapted to every variety of service, and are built 30 Variatita, Ra. ilooe 60 Varietiea, Ra. totooo 40 Varietita, Ra. 41000 80 Varietiea, Ra. 10I000 accurately to standard and templates. Like •¦"? gauges parts ot different engines of same n .. ., Varietiea, Ra. 50*000 ING, FERREIRA & Co. dass perfectly interchangeable. Collection. of uo Varietiea (nearly complete) Ra. 80*000 Succtssers K , to IV. R. CASSEIS A» Ce. Ali SratiltoM aua" Foreign S tam fis sold se/arately. Passenger and Freight Locomotives, Mine Locomotives, Narrow Gauge Locomo- Rartties—Xe-w issues. 11, Rua i° de Março, RIO DB JANEIRO, tives, Steam Street Cars, etc., etc. Illustrated Catoloiíue of ali Brazilian Postaae Stampsv from 11, Rua da Quitanda. SAO PAULO, '««3 to 1894 RS. "'' Ali 'worlc tla.ojro-u.gh 1 j^ i- y gru.sreni.teed.. Importers ind Agents fer Miuufacturers. Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. EagUsh-apokan.ALPH. BHUCK. Further Agencies, suitable to j lheii lines of business—Hard i A, TptrMM S. Frtnoftco tf» r—i% •aie, Domestic good, Specialties, etc, ele—are rwpectlully Sole Agents in Brazil:JJorton, MsgaiV á Cü. Fd. Rio de Janeiro.near Largo S. Francisco. olicited. No- 58, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, Rio de Janeiro. Í. Â. DE IlMA £ iO. OREL & C.1A HARLAN AND HEALLISON MANUFACTÜRING (i7. Xow Street. K„a B Successors oí THEHOLLINGSWORTH COMPANY. T COMPANY. da Quitnnüu, 5« .Now Yorlr.K/f) <lo .Janeiro. MEURÜN & Cia Wilmingtoh, Dd. 1 Vi Undtlph ia, Pen ti. II. RUA S. 1'XÍ/JKO, MANUFACTURERS OF Execute ordeis iot" American manufactures, machinery of ali kmds, rolling stock-, i.iüway opposito r/10 City Club. supplies. lumber, petroleum, flour, Every description of Passenger MANUFACTURERS OF provisions, &c. Make firm offers of cargoes or parts Have always a full assortment thereof. Purchase and of gemiinc Cars for broad and narrow guage Every description of Freight Cars sell on corhmission. Make liberal Railways. advances on consignments. Correspondence carefully at- Havana Cigars for broad and narrow Rail- tended to Special attention given to the Sec- gauge of the best brahds and directly impoilcd. tional Construetion of Carriages for wavs. Cable aclddress: - Delíina-New York.4* shipment to Foreign Railways. SITUATION Modeute piices. Sole Agents in Brazil: WANTED Sole Agents in Brazil: Young Enirlishm.-üi speaking aud writing Portuguçse seeks immediate ôccupation as -i^. CILj.A.TTS:e:N" Norton, Meáaw & Co„ L'd. cl<*rk. hifs several years experience in Norton, Megaw & Co,, LU business. Best of References. REPRESENTATIVE KOK Address X. POOGK & Go., Rio grande do Sul [Havana Gigars] COMPANHIA DE FIAÇÃO E T1HE WESTINGHOUSE AIR this Omce. BAVÁRIA BEER from the A TIXELAGEM CARIOCA, A BRAKE COMPANY, Bavária Brewery, S. Paulo. YELLOW-FEVEE Price: u$oooper Dozen without boitles. RIO DE JANEIRO. t/TTSBCRG, PA., U. S. A. PREVENTIVE Solo .larcnf * t MANUFACTURERS OF THE Also cf Messt*. Costa Frrkhika .* Penna. S. Feàix (Bahia), Norton Megaw & Co., L'd. PIREXINA RODENEl-Rü íi Co.Ä„ WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE This remedy is lhe mo>t powerful known to date for the Geík. Klingenbekü. Detmold Lvth^gtapheis). õS, Bua 1.° de Março, following di<eases, viz : 77, RUA VISCONDE DE INHAÚMA RIO DE The Wcttiaghousc Automatic Vníe is now tn u»e on Yellow-fever, Typhus. Pneumonia. Scariet-fever. JANEIRO. i^ooo locomotives and 3^0,000 cat». Pleunsy Frághl Car». a.id Pernicious-fever. For *ale at the The Westinghtuse Air Rrafce Co. are prepared 10 fill COMPANHIA DE FIAÇÃO E tarde-s for one 10 one lhou*ai;d *e:* of Air Br Aes for Fieight rharmacit Central Hom&opathica Cais at <nt huuiS notice CREOLIN-PEARSON A "' TECIDO§ SÃO FELIX, ".:.., i-: by For furlher particular» apply ta lheii Drv Borro Vrawtt Tlie lÜO DE JANEIRO. Jv efepre*entati»e< in Bra»!: Mure *»ad JoÂa Martins best desinfectant for vessels fjtm«'y Sol© Agvnxn. Norton Megaw cf Co. Ld. RecMtimenthtl for daily u*e(*pia<tüy 1 Vii-va Martins. Sole now ot during epidtmics. Iiríon Mip» & Cl., ld. 5S, Primeiro de Março. propeity Rio de J ir tua J. G. DO NASCIMENTO, Rua da Alfândega n. 70 õS, Ria Io de Março, Succe»or 10 LIMA CASTRO & NASCIMENTO. i Translat ions -. - Eagi^ .c-0 ponucom 50, RUA DA QUITANDA, 50 RIO I .. DE JANEIRO. and vice.vena. Apply to C. S. cs üus tff.ce Rio de Janeira. '..,.; ' ' ' :;;; ¦ ' r .-rV^yV ;¦¦......... .. 'íÊÈkíi'- : ''OTpTÍS; a-T ' '¦' ' a .* .''•V ,¦'?}'' r l í y'rMy,: '•'..:- ¦ii.aí-.-v.'.-.-. ; -.'.-'''¦ ¦}•¦'::¦'¦¦:¦ ¦ aáí''* '¦...'.';,'£ [January mth, 1897- NEWS. '''• ' ' "—" RIO LTT" ' THE I , ''''¦¦ —The of on the 5th waa 610 in COAST ITEMS. price gold V;'''" WEST Paraguay and 287 m Argentina. St»j>tU*tt*» py«ttftg. iothlinst. Mr. FIREOFFICE. -A Valpwraiw telegram òf thei —A concession has been granted to in Ch.h.sim. of Buenos PHOENIX savsthe cmnmercial ^tuation Charles Bright by the municipality Slofraulo: to the good crop of From the central 47132 «ation al 6 a.m.; proving, owing principally Aires for an electric tramway ¦ Establishèd Central Railway Daily «pren leavei wheat. railway station to Belgrano. of leave» S. Paulo at s a. m. by Imperial Deerte No. 8.0J7 returning w.th 8th inst. says Authorized weekly for Santos, connecting -A London telegram of the —The of the of Santiago rr. ¦ Numerous .teamers a planters province ¦ t- March atfh, /áo"/. is negotiating Paulo Railway. that tlie Peruvian government dei Estero are asking the Argentine the Sio offering certain taxes as ofthe lossesjovem- sus D'.'- loan in that market, ment for assistance because .'t , Gaohambú and Lambary:¦ security. tained from recent inundations. ¦í^''y;'a-'"^'a '' ;'. express) to Cnuetro, thence Ê&sí-'" ¦¦'¦¦ ¦ Central Railway iSSo Paulo a it conditions. -^Ex-President Montt seems to be having -We like to see appointed-atid 5-*-' by Minas and Rio Railway to destination. to A would mihtary G. C. Anderson, Agent. troublesome time iri deciding where go be a triumph of civil right over . ts¦ etc.: w 11 not visit would one y. Juiz de Fora, Barbacena, Ouro Preto, Valoaraiso telegram now says he wronff—a commission"uperior conststing of, say, Camara-ist floor. a Railway station at 6:45 *•">• the United States via four cituens sy. y 9, Rua General Daily express leaves Central Argentina, but will go to Se of the tribunal and yy"y ;'^íí«: lines along the main hne (Minas this commission Connects with aU the branch Panamá. fanding After due notice, London an Insurance policy of that railway, of tlie' to ai. the This company has just issued in Geraes) -According to a recent statement IS P™ce«l ^rf^enot 111 tlie and San.a Fé Ra. way Company the available re- every soldier, or the AtcLn, Topelca Chilian minister of finance examine privatelv man found to amount of $17.380,156.00 Petrópolis: officers. Every ¦.-'¦>. States of America, for the fund up to ist, 1896, amomrted SS of any y.-' United at daily.
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