C O - E X I S T a N T S Rupicola Rupicola Communication
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GUIANAN COCK-OF-THE-ROCK (#6) light reflection on wing patches is also used in butterfly source of fresh water, often a well inside of a bromeliad is C O - E X I S T A N T S Rupicola rupicola communication. But male Hamdryas butterflies make chosen for last stage of metamorphosis. These frogs, and Sexual dimorphism is obvious in both cock-of- clearly audible cracking noises with their wings. Most most of the other small birds, amphibians, and reptiles in the-rock species: bright orange males gather at recorded sound exchanges of H. feronia involve competition the corner of this painting eat ants, represented here by leaf a communal display site called a “lek”, favoring over food or mates. Crackers tend to perch on tree bark cutters (#54). remote rocky terrain. The duller colored females come that matches their wing pattern and coloration. They perch with their heads down, tails up, and wings spread, ready to the lek to choose a mate but go off alone to nest and GREAT TINAMOU (#49) raise chicks on a cliff side or shallow cave. Both species for flight. Tinamus major of Rupicola are important seed dispersers: they eat fruits from all over the forest and tend to regurgitate or defecate The cryptically colored tinamous are shy birds HIDING HERB (#33) of undisturbed forests. Though their tremulous the seeds at these communal sites. Many of these seeds Psychotria ulviformis germinate and grow, greatly increasing species diversity calls are frequently heard, they are rarely seen in near both leks and nesting areas. A great number of plants, and plant products the open. Tinamous lay their eggs in scrapes on the ground, like bulbs, wood, seeds, leaves, and flowers, often in leaf litter between the buttress roots of mature are used in both local medicinal products and rain forest trees. Tinamou eggs are laid in a lovely array BLACK SPIDER MONKEY (#10) wintri preparations. This plant has the reputation for of colors, ranging from deep olive and chocolate brown Ateles paniscus making one “invisible” when used “magically.” It has also to violet. Recent tests have shown that these eggs actually The black spider monkey is one of the biggest been reportedly been included in some ayahuasca-type have an iridescent coating on them that makes them primates in South America. This large body mass ethnogenic brews. Western medicine has much to learn appear in different shades due to nanostructure coloration: equals a high caloric need, driving monkeys to from the pharmacological study of traditional medicinal underneath the coating, all tinamou eggs are just plain blue. forage over a wide range. A large home range in mammals preparations. usually results in low density of individuals. Like other SCARLET IBIS (#58) spider monkeys these prefer undisturbed mature forest, GIANT ANTEATER (#39) Eudocimus ruber utilizing the upper layers of the canopy, and they rarely Myrmecophaga tridactyla if, ever visit, forest edges. Spider monkeys’ role as seed The only truly red shore bird, scarlet ibis get dispersers in the rain forest makes it hugely important to These seven foot long animals can eat 30 thousand much of their color from carotenoids in the the maintenance of strong botanical diversity. ants, termites, and larvae a day. No teeth are foods they eat: shrimps, molluscs, crabs and needed, just a lightening-fast 24” tongue that other crustaceans. These communally roosting birds try The combined pressures of illegal hunting, slow has back facing barbs and sticky saliva. The tongue is so to find safety in numbers: large flocks can include several reproductive rate, and deforestation make this primate’s long it actually anchors to the breastbone or sternum. Very thousand individuals. Despite being the national bird of This picture was commissioned by the Art in Embassy program future uncertain: its numbers continue to decline. Ateles strong arms are needed for tearing up earth, rotting logs, Trinidad and Tobago, many people choose to hunt ibis of the US State Department for display in this new building. paniscus is currently rated as Vulnerable on the IUCN’s and termite mounds. Anteaters spend about 1-2 minutes at for food. Gregarious by nature, these birds can be fooled Isabella Kirkland spent three weeks in Suriname in the spring Red List. each feeding site, visiting up to sites 200 a day. The greatest into thinking a red cloth is one of own kind. Some hunters of 2016. During those weeks she consulted with Conservation dangers to giant anteaters are jaguars, pumas, fire, and use this trick to lure ibis within shooting range. One new International, Green Heritage and some faculty at Anton de BLACK-CAPPED DONACOBIUS (#17) man. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation measure to protect ibis from illegal hunting is to set up Kom University to build a list of species representative of the Donacobius atricapilla of Nature) lists anteaters as vulnerable due to habitat loss numerous beehives near roosting and nesting sites. country’s flora and fauna and attempted to see as many of those and hunting. The poaching and consumption of wild These wetland birds mate for life. They are animals is one of the prime vectors for retrovirus chains to species as possible. Everything in this painting is presented at SURINAME TOAD OR STAR-TOED TOAD ( 60) “cooperative breeders,” meaning the chicks enter humans. # half life-size. remain with the parents, helping rear subsequent Pipa pipa The painting is executed in oil using the most stable and light broods. Despite their ubiquitous distribution throughout Common to streams, ponds, and the flooded Suriname, they have not been studied well. Little is know ARROWHEAD PICULET (#44) forests of northern South America, this 4 - 7” fast pigments currently known. Co-Existants is part Kirkland’s Picumnus minutissimus series of images documenting plants and animals that may not about them: what they eat, where they nest, how they toad looks like a dead leaf in water. Its flat body learn the antiphonal duet mated pairs sing to each other. survive the Sixth Mass Extinction: the Age of Man, now being One of the smallest woodpeckers in the world, and angular form suggested its name: “pipa” means “kite” Is it taught to offspring? Are there regional variations to called the Anthropocene. This picture, if it is lucky to survive the arrowhead piculet measures just 4” or 10 cm. in Portugese. Ambush predators, these toads wait for duets? Does the duet reinforce pair bonding or familial They roost in tree cavities. This tiny woodpecker is invertebrates, aquatic insects, and worms, sensing preys’ itself, offers a permanent, analog, visual record celebrating some ties, or does it help define territory? The Donacobius is endemic to Suriname. Endemic in this instance means from presence through tendrils on their skin and tiny star-shaped of Suriname’s remarkable biota. famed for its tail-wagging, head-nodding dance (YouTube here and nowhere else. There are no “back-up” localities for feelers on the front toes. A male Suriname toad attracts a Ten percent of Suriname was declared a World Heritage Site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BUrimoc5k) but this bird: if it disappears from Suriname it will be extinct in female by making clicking noises in his throat. During their how and why did that evolve? What prompts the birds to because of the profound biological diversity of this country. the world completely. mating, or amplexus, 100-150 fertilized eggs stick to only put on such a display? That great species diversity is matched by wide ranging cultural the female’s back. Within hours the eggs cover over with her skin, eventually forming a honeycomb of embryonic diversity. The title “Co-Existants” honors the grace with THREE-STRIPED POISON DART FROG (#48) VARIABLE CRACKER (#25) Ameerega trivittata (or trivittatus) sacks. Fully functional toadlets hatch from the sacs once which the myriad peoples of Suriname, for the most part, get Hamadryas feronia they have reached about 2 cm in size. Once hatched the along; and it echoes the “Peacable Kingdom” quality of the Not uncommon among poison dart frogs, male As far as we know there are only a few types of tiny toads are on their own. composition. parental care is the norm for this species. The butterflies in the world that make noise. For male guards fertile eggs. He will move young There is one other unrelated species of “back-brooding” example, Heliconius cydno butterflies make subtle tadpoles to more suitable habitat if necessary. For example, toad, the European midwife toad. These two toads noises with their wings. And there are species of ant- if the pool originally selected dries up or lacks proper provide a perfect example of convergent evolution, where dependant blue butterflies whose caterpillars communicate concentration of food for the tadpoles. The male frog a trait evolves more than once, across separations of time with their ant hosts through sound. The use of ultraviolet carries the tadpoles on his back until they reach a new and distance. 11 1 10 16 10 17 10 21 CO-EXISTANTS 2 8 6 12 3 4 5 9 21 23 Species List 12 13 13 16 14 22 6 8 14 5 21 1 BABOONWOOD “BABOEN” 26 TREE “E-OEDOE” 51 YELLOW-FOOTED TORTOISE 7 43 13 Virola surinamensis Enterolobium schomburgkii Chelonoidis denticulata 19 20 6 13 18 25 2 VINE 27 GREY-WINGED TRUMPETER 52 GIANT AMEIVA (JUVENILE) 6 15 24 Phaeostemma surinamensis E Psophia crepitans Ameiva ameiva 43 30 3 GOLDEN-WINGED PARAKEET 28 FERN 53 PURPLE HARLEQUIN FROG Brotogeris chrysoptera Species unknown Atelopus hoogmoedi nassaui 18 26 4 BROMELIAD (from IK photo