Turk J Zool 2012; 36(6): 752-758 © TÜBİTAK Research Article doi:10.3906/zoo-1111-15

A survey of the Lederer (, , ) species of Iran

Asghar SHIRVANI1,*, Mohammad Ali SHOGHALI2, Shamsi FEIZPOOR3 1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 76169-133 Kerman – IRAN 2No. 51, 24 Azar Street, Kerman – IRAN 3Young Researchers Society, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman – IRAN

Received: 14.11.2011 ● Accepted: 25.03.2012

Abstract: Four species of the Perigrapha Lederer are reviewed in Iran. Two species, P. annau Varga & Ronkay, 1991 and P. fl ora Hreblay, 1996, are reported for the fi rst time from the fauna of Iran. Adult and genitalia images are illustrated and identifi cation keys for the external and genital features are given.

Key words: Perigrapha, Iran, new records, identifi cation key

Introduction large-scale variation in morphological features and Th e tribe Guenée, 1837, with 7 genera relegated them as members of 3 genera, , ( Hübner, [1821], Hreblay, Harutaeographa, and Perigrapha. 1993, Ochsenheimer, 1816, Anorthoa Berio, Perigrapha, a Holarctic genus belonging to the 1980, Harutaeographa Yoshimoto, 1993, Perigrapha perigraphoid generic complex with hairy eyes typical Lederer, 1857, and Duponchel, 1845), is for the subfamily Hadeninae (sensu Hampson), represented by early-fl ying, univoltine species that comprises 3 subgenera, Opacographa Hreblay, 1996, prefer mountainous and semimountainous regions Rororthosia Beck, 1999, and Perigrapha Lederer, in Iran. Th e classifi cation and taxonomic rank of 1857. Th is genus is represented in Europe by the species groups within this tribe has been a matter last 2 subgenera and 4 species (Ronkay et al., 2001). of diff erent interpretations. Beck (1999) defi ned Species of Opacographa prefer more xerothermic 2 diff erent tribes of for the members montane steppes than the members of the other of Orthosiini, but this classifi cation, based on the subgenera. Th e larvae of the tribe Orthosiini are study of local fauna, was not realistic enough to be polyphagous, feeding on broad-leaved trees and accepted. Th e last comprehensive survey of the tribe conifers, shrubs, and low herbs; they pupate in Orthosiini was published by Ronkay et al. (2001), strong cocoons in the soil to pass the winter (Ronkay where they studied a large number of species of the et al., 2001). Some features of the male genitalia are so-called perigraphoid generic complex displaying shared with certain species of Egira and Anorthoa

* E-mail: [email protected]


(e.g., helical vesica with terminal cornuti fi eld) and Results and discussion a few Orthosia taxa (e.g., helical vesica with distal Checklist of Iranian Perigrapha diverticulum), which indicates the close relationship among these genera (Hreblay, 1994; Hreblay, 1996). Genus Perigrapha Lederer, 1857 Although most genera of Orthosiini have mainly Subgenus Rororthosia Beck, 1999 been reported from forested regions of southeastern Species group: rorida Asia, some certain species of Perigrapha inhabit open desert and semidesert biotopes in the Middle East P. gyurirani Benedek & Ronkay, 2001 as well as Central Asia. Perigrapha is represented Subgenus Perigrapha Lederer, 1857 in neighboring countries of Iran with 5 species in Species group: annau Turkey (Kemal et al., 2007), 3 species in the Caucasus (Koçak et al., 2008), and 3 species in Afghanistan P. annau Varga & Ronkay, 1991 (Koçak and Kemal, 2012). As the species of this genus Subgenus Opacographa Hreblay, 1996 are univoltine and are early-fl ying that are not Species group: cilissa commonly caught, the number of reported species in Iran is relatively low. It is worth mentioning that P. fl ora Hreblay, 1996 another reason for this low species number could be P. mithras (Wiltshire, 1941) the lack of the preferred habitat. For the time being, 2 Key to the Iranian Perigrapha species based on species belonging to the genus Perigrapha have been external features reported from Iran (Wiltshire, 1941; Hacker, 1990; Benedek and Ronkay, 2001). 1. Forewing with conspicuous suborbicular patch, reniform stigma serrate ...... annau Th e purpose of this paper is to review the species of the genus Perigrapha in Iran. Two species, P. annau - Stigmata fi eld simple ...... 2 Varga & Ronkay, 1991 and P. fl ora Hreblay, 1996, 2. Wingspan large (about 45 mm), cross lines are reported for the fi rst time for the fauna of Iran. double, sharply defi ned ...... fl ora Distribution of each species is given together with - Wingspan medium-large (33–40 mm), cross notes on the bionomy. Adult and genitalia images lines simple ...... 3 and identifi cation keys are presented for the species occurring in Iran. 3. Subterminal line well defi ned, wide .... gyurirani - Subterminal line simple ...... mithras Materials and methods Key to the Iranian Perigrapha species based on male genitalia Adult specimens examined in this study were collected using both portable light traps (powered 1. Ampulla short, slightly curved ...... annau by 12-V batteries and 8-W black light UVB tubes) - Ampulla very long, strongly curved ...... 2 and an electric motor generator (in order to light 2. Cucullus wide-fork-shaped, vesica medially the UV bulbs to attract species) in a number dilated ...... fl ora of expeditions carried out in diff erent provinces of Iran. Geographic of each location, including - Cucullus either vulture-head-like or knob- geographic coordinates and altitude, were acquired shaped, vesica tubular ...... 3 using a GPS device. Besides the collected species, 3. Valva broad, cucullus small, knobbed . gyurirani some material was obtained from the entomology - Valva narrow, cucullus tapering, vulture-head- collection of Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman. like ...... mithras Th e genitalia of specimens were dissected, stained (using either chlorazol black or eosin yellowish), and Perigrapha gyurirani Benedek & Ronkay, 2001 mounted in Euparal mounting medium. Photographs Perigrapha gyurirani Benedek & Ronkay, 2001, of the adult specimens and genitalia were taken with Folia Entomologica Hungarica 62: 194. L.t. (Locus a Canon digital camera (model: Power Shot A710). typicus = type locality): Iran, Fars.

753 A survey of the Perigrapha Lederer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) species of Iran

Diagnosis: None of its other Iranian congeners bar. Vesica broadly tubular, basally constricted, and look externally like P. gyurirani. Th e uniformly rugulose with dorsolateral and ventral scobinate grayish beige to grayish brown coloration and the fi elds, medial part with small diverticulum, distal end sharply defi ned and sinuous subterminal line are armed by a fi eld of spinules. unique features of this species. Female genitalia (Figure 1e): Ovipositor short, Th e male genitalia of this species also show papillae anales hairy, apophyses slender. Ostium distinct features, which made the identifi cation much bursae sclerotized, ventral plate widely incised, easier. Th e very small cucullus, the medially more forming U-shaped opening. Ductus bursae heavily dilated valva, and the very strong ampulla distinguish sclerotized in its posterior end, anterior end P. gyurirani from related taxa. Th e general plan of the membranous; appendix bursae semiglobular with aedeagus and vesica of this species almost resembles fi ne ribs. Corpus bursae saccate, membranous with those of 3 genera (tubular vesica bearing diverticula two long signum stripes. and terminating in apical spinules). Compared to P. Material examined: 2 ♀: Iran, Prov. Kerman, 25 fl ora and P. mithra s , the vesica of P. gyurirani lacks km W of Kerman, Honouj, 2300 m, 30°19ʹ48.9ʺN, the fi nger-like diverticulum, while the more dilated 56°46ʹ36.5ʺE, 21.03.2006, leg. A. Shirvani. 6 ♂: vesica and weaker spinulose fi eld of this species are Iran, Prov. Esfahan, Damane, Darre bid, 2840 diagnostic in comparison with P. annau . m, 33°04ʹ58ʺN, 50°26ʹ28ʺE, 07.05.2011, leg. P. Th e female genitalia of P. gyurirani diff er from Poorshabanan. those of P. mithras by their U-shaped ostium bursae Bionomics and distribution: Univoltine early- and short appendix bursae (the ostium bursae of the fl ying species, adults are on the wing from mid- latter species is simple and the appendix bursae is March to early May. Th e original materials of this long and helicoids). Th e female genitalia of P. annau species were collected from the medium-high and is, as of yet, undescribed, and that of P. fl ora was not high altitudes of Fars and Lorestan (Benedek and found on our expeditions. Th e complete diagnosis Ronkay, 2001) provinces. Th e preferred habitat of and comparison of P. gyurirani with its other relatives P. gyurirani is dry and cold altitudes with scarce was given by Benedek and Ronkay (2001). vegetation. Adult specimens are attracted to artifi cial Description: Wingspan 37–40 mm (Figures 1a and lights in low numbers and the number of collected 1b). Antennae bipectinate, head, tegula, thorax, and individuals for this species is low. Early stages and forewing grayish beige to grayish brown. Head small, larval food plants are still unknown. Th is species is eye globular, pubescence of thorax dense, downy. known only from the south of Iran (Fars, Lorestan, Forewing wide, posterior margin medially suff used Kerman, and Esfahan provinces). with brown scales; antemedial and postmedial lines Perigrapha annau Varga & Ronkay, 1991 missing. Noctuid maculation complete, orbicular stigma less distinct, outlined with fi ne line, reniform Perigrapha annau Varga & Ronkay, 1991, Acta stigma well presented by brown, encircled by fi ne Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 37(3- brownish line. Subterminal line conspicuous, brown, 4): 279. L.t.: Turkmenistan. terminal line fi ne, beige, fringes as the ground color. Diagnosis: Th e external morphological features Hindwing dirty white, discal spot present, veins of this species (stigmata on the forewing together covered with beige, terminal line fi ne. with special shape of suborbicular and reniform Male genitalia (Figures 1c and 1d): Uncus short, stigmata) show conspicuous diff erences, making slender, tapering, tegumen weak, narrow, penicular this species quite diff erent from its other congeners lobe missing; juxta semiquadrangular with truncate among Iranian species. Special shape of bird-head- apex. Valva broad, medially dilated, constricted like cucullus and shorter and weaker ampulla are below bird-head-like cucullus, sacculus strong, characteristic features that make the male armature sclerotized, clavus absent. Clasper strong, sclerotized, of this species diff erent from those of other species. dilated distally, ampulla very long, curved with apex Description: Wingspan 36–37 mm (Figures 1f pointed. Vinculum long, narrow, V-shaped. Aedeagus and 1g). Antennae strongly bipectinate, head, tegula, long, curved, carina with ventrolateral sclerotized thorax, and forewing dark brown. Head small,


a b

c d e

f g

h i

Figure 1. Adults and genitalia of Perigrapha spp.: a) male and b) female of P. gyurirani; c) male armature, d) male vesica, and e) female genitalia of P. gyurirani; f)female and g) male of P. annau ; h) male armature and i) male vesica of P. annau. eye globular, collar, and tegula with black lines, in ventral margin, constricted below bird-head-like thorax robust. Forewing triangular with acute apex, cucullus, sacculus long, sclerotized, clavus missing. small basal dash present, stigmata fi eld paler than Clasper narrow, sclerotized, ampulla long, curved ground color, pinkish beige, orbicular stigma small, with apex pointed, vinculum V-shaped. Aedeagus suborbicular path large, reniform stigma serrate thick, carina with ventrolateral fi ne bar. Vesica in outer edge. Antemedial and postmedial lines curved, tubular, medioventrolaterally constricted complete. Subterminal line obsolescent, terminal line and rugulose with small diverticulum, distal end fi ne, fringes pinkish beige. Hindwing suff used with with a dense row of spinules. dark brown, subterminal line present, discal spot missing, fringes as forewing. Female genitalia: Undescribed as of yet. Male genitalia (Figures 1h and 1i): Uncus short, Materials examined: 2 ♂: Iran, Prov. Khorasan widened, tegumen broad, penicular lobe absent; juxta Shomali, Gharebashlu, 1370 m, 37°22ʹ49ʺN, subdeltoidal with median crest. Valva evenly curved 57°17ʹ13ʺE, 17.04.2011, leg. Sh. Feizpoor.

755 A survey of the Perigrapha Lederer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) species of Iran

a b

c d e

f g


Figure 2. Adults and genitalia of Perigrapha spp.: a) male and b) female of P. mithra s ; c) male armature, d) male vesica, and e) female genitalia of P. mithra s ; f) male of P. fl ora; g) male armature and h) male vesica of P. fl ora.

Remarks: Comparing the 2 specimens of P. annau , inhabits low-medium altitudes with shrubby and the stigmata fi eld on the forewing shows diff erences in bushy vegetation. P. annau lives in Turkmenistan the shape of the serrate edge of reniform stigma, but (Varga and Ronkay, 1991) and northeastern Iran. the genitalia characteristics are the same. In spite of Perigrapha mithras (Wiltshire, 1941) the external variability among diff erent populations of a species, delimiting the populations into diff erent mithras Wiltshire, 1941, Journal of the species is problematic, because some species are rare Bombay Natural History Society, 42: 474. L.t.: Iran. species and are only known by their unique type Diagnosis: Th e diagnostic characteristics of this materials (e.g., P. annau , P. mithra s ). species are discussed under P. fl ora. Bionomics and distribution: Univoltine early- Description: Wingspan 33–36 mm (Figures 2a and fl ying species, adults are on the wing in April. Like 2b). Antennae bipectinate, stronger in female. Head, its type material, the specimens of this species were collar, tegula, and thorax ochreous gray. Forewing taken in April from foothills showing early fl ying ochreous gray mixed with reddish scales especially activity. Adults come to artifi cial light; larvae and in median area, shape of forewing triangular with their food plants are still unknown. Th is species acute apex, darker in posterior margin. Antemedial


and postmedial lines light, orbicular and reniform dilated medially with long terminal cornuti fi eld stigmata large, lighter than ground color, centered while that of P. cilissa lacks a swollen vesica bearing with dark. Subterminal line conspicuous, fi ne, fringes a shorter terminal cornuti fi eld. Compared to P. ochreous. Hindwing unicolorous, brown, discal spot mithras, the bigger size and more sharply defi ned missing, veins covered with darker scales, fringes cross lines of P. fl ora distinguish clearly between the pinkish ochreous white. 2 related species. Th e distinctive features of the male Male genitalia (Figures 2c and 2d): Uncus short, genital armature make the identifi cation easier; the deeply widened, tegumen broad and low, penicular peculiar vulture-head-shaped cucullus is typical for lobe absent; juxta deltoid heart-shaped with slight P. mithras, which diff ers from the wide fork-shaped median crest. Valva long, costal margin sclerotized. cucullus of P. fl ora. Sacculus triangular, sclerotized, clavus missing. Th e female genitalia of P. fl ora diff er from those Clasper rod-shaped, sclerotized, ampulla very long, of P. cilissa and P. mithras by having a stronger and curved with apex pointed, cucullus vulture-head- thicker proximal part (as seen in Hreblay, 1996, p. shaped, vinculum V-shaped. Aedeagus long and 87). thick, tapering, carina is missing. Vesica long, tubular, Description: Wingspan 45 mm (Figure 2f). helicoid, slightly dilated in a distance between 2 Antennae strongly bipectinate, head, tegula, thorax, fi nger-like diverticula, distal end with a dense row of and forewing pinkish ochreous light brown. Head spinules. small, eye globular, pubescence of head and collar Female genitalia (Figure 2e): Ovipositor short, pinkish, those of tegulae and thorax mixed with papillae anales weak, apophyses slender, posterior blackish hairs, collar with median transverse dark apophysis more than twice as long as anterior line. Forewing long, rectangular, darker in posterior apophysis. Ostium bursae broad, sclerotized. Ductus margin, antemedial and postmedial lines light, bursae long, sclerotized ventrally; appendix bursae double. Orbicular and reniform stigmata large, long, ribbed, helicoid, and widened. Corpus bursae pinkish. Subterminal line conspicuous, fi ne, fringes semiglobular, membranous. pinkish ochreous. Hindwing unicolorous, ochreous, Materials examined: 1 ♂, 1 ♀: Iran, Prov. Kerman, discal spot obsolescence, veins covered with darker Khabr, 2400 m, 28°52ʹ45ʺN, 56°23ʹ56ʺE, 15.03.2010, scales, subterminal line weak, fringes pinkish leg. M. Shoghali. ochreous. Bionomics and distribution: Th e specimens Male genitalia (Figures 2g and 2h): Uncus short, were taken from Khabr National Park, Kerman widened, tegumen broad, penicular lobes absent; Province, southern Iran. Th e type material of P. juxta rectangular, longer than wide. Valva curved mithras was collected in the fi rst half of April in a in ventral margin, constricted below bifurcate mesomountainous region (1800 m). Th is species cucullus, costal margin convex medially. Sacculus inhabits medium-altitude foothills covered by triangular, sclerotized, clavus missing. Clasper bushes. Adults, fl ying in March, are attracted to light; short, bent, sclerotized, ampulla very long, curved, the early stages are undescribed and their host plants with apex pointed, vinculum V-shaped. Aedeagus still unknown. Th is species is only known from the long, tapering, carina with dorsal weak bar. Vesica south of Iran, including Fars (Wiltshire, 1941) and tubular, helicoid, dilated in medial part with fi nger- Kerman provinces. like diverticulum, distal end with a cornuti fi eld Perigrapha fl ora Hreblay, 1996 appearing as dense row of spinules. Perigrapha fl ora Hreblay, 1996, Esperiana, 4: 73. Materials examined: 1 ♂: Iran, Prov. Kerman, L.t.: Turkmenistan. Jiroft , Mardahak. Diagnosis: Th e closest relative of this species is P. Remarks: As previously mentioned under P. cilissa Püngeler, 1917. Th e main diff erences between annau, members of this genus are usually recorded these 2 relatives can be seen in the male genital by their unique specimens. In the case of P. fl ora, structure, in which the vesica of P. fl ora is much only one specimen was collected in our several

757 A survey of the Perigrapha Lederer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) species of Iran

expeditions, which makes the comparison with the of Iran. P. fl ora is known from Turkmenistan and typical population(s) of the species most troublesome. Turkey (Hreblay, 1996; Kemal et al., 2007). Imagoes Comparing the genitalia of our single specimen with come to artifi cial light; early stages and their host the fi gures given by Hreblay (1996), it seems that this plants are, as of yet, unknown. specimen appears to be much closer to P. fl ora than to P. cilissa, but the question still remains whether this is a distinct species or not; to reach a fi nal decision, Acknowledgments more specimens must be studied. Our sincere thanks to Mr M. Feizpoor and Mr J. Bionomics and distribution: Univoltine early- Feizpoor for their kind help in the collection of our fl ying species, adults are on the wing in April. Th is material from Khorasan Shomali Province. Th is study species was taken from a desert and semidesert was fi nancially supported by the Shahid Bahonar lowland location with poor vegetation in the south University of Kerman.


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