JEWISH Fronier






LIKUD & LABOR The Differences


Fronier Israel 3 SINCE 1934 WAR & PEACE IN THE

A LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL MIDDLE EAST Susan Hais Rolef 6 Misha Louvish Founders IDENTITY PROBLEMS Hayim Greenberg LABOR AND LIKUD : The Difference 8 Marie Syrkin Commenary 10 AGAIN A "FINAL SOLUTION"? Henry L. Feingold Ediorial Board SHARETT CENTER 12 Henry Feingold, Chairman RENEWS ACTIVITIES Saul B . Cohen Hyman Faine Books 13 Jonahan J . Goldberg SOLDIER OF PEACE: Emanuel S . Goldsmih YITZHAK RABIN, by Dan Kurzman Joseph Adler Jerry Goodman Rabbi Mark W. Kiel THE PRESENCE IS IN EXILE, TOO, 30 Chava Lapin by Hanan J . Ayali Jeffry V. Mallow Daniel Mann News Briefs 15 Mordecai Newman Samuel Norich A Novel 16 Michael S . Perry ALTNEULAND Theodor Herzl Mark Raider Eduardo Rauch Noebook 17 Mordecai Shrigler Ezra Spicehandler FANTASTIC JOURNEY Nahum Guman Phyllis Suker David Twersky Biography 21 HANAN AYALTI David Rosenhal 24 Nahum Guman MOSES HESS AND HIS TIMES Mary Schulman Edior Travel 28 SOME GETAWAY! Haim Cherok Leers 30 NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS If you plan o move, please noify SOL STEIN AT 92 31 us six weeks in advance . Conribuors 20

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War and Peace in he Middle Eas

By Susan Hais Rolef

n February, Gulf War hyseria in Israel new Israeli iniiaive, firs aired in he reachedI a high pich. In he bale for aen- beginning of he year and recenly dis- ion beween one se of expers who argued cussedA by Israeli Miniser of Defense Izik ha he likelihood of an Iraqi aack agains Mordechai wih he French Miniser for For- Israel was close o nil and anoher se of eign Affairs, calls for an Israeli wihdrawal expers who explained he likely effecs of an from Souhern Lebanon on he basis of Secu- Anhrax aack and he ways of reaing hem riy Council Resoluion 425, in reurn for ap- - he laer seemed o have gained he upper propriae securiy arrangemens for Israel . hand in Israeli public opinion . And so, he kib- Though he iniial Lebanese reacion was fa- buz ha manufacures plasic shees and psy- vorable, very rapidly, under insrucions from chologiss specializing in he reamen of anx- Damascus, he Lebanese leaders changed ieies laughed all he way o he bank . Israel's heir cue, and saed ha Resoluion 425, enemies (and friends) ook noe of how easily which speaks of he wihdrawal of foreign Israel becomes hyserical and sars hreaen- forces from Lebanon, is no somehing o be ing o use he weapons i does no admi hav- bargained abou, bu simply o be imple- ing, and he Hinerland Command in he IDF mened uncondiionally by Israel . go he fund allocaions i demanded bu didn' Thus he Neanyahu Governmen is now ge when he budge was passed wo monhs learning he lesson ha he Rabin Govern- earlier. men learned back in 1994/95 - namely, ha The hyseria vanished jus as quickly as i even hough here are echnically few prob- appeared, following he brief visi o Baghdad lems on he way o reaching a saisfacory and of UN Secreary General Kofi Annan. The fac workable agreemen beween Israel and Leba- ha a he end of March anoher round of he non, which will boh ge he Israeli forces ou Gulf War is no less and no more likely han i of Souhern Lebanon and ensure he securiy was a he end of February, seems oally irrel- of he selemens in norhern Israel, Syria evan, proving for he umpeenh ime ha i will no le his happen before an agreemen is is no so much he facs ha maer, bu wha reached regarding he fuure of he Golan is in he head. Heighs. I is no secre ha he only agree- The Iraq siuaion and he quesion how men Syrian Presiden Hafiz Asad is willing o Presiden Saddam Hussein would reac in face consider would involve Israeli wihdrawal of an American effor o "flush him ou", em- from he Golan Heighs - somehing he Ne- porarily divered aenion in Israel from he anyahu Governmen isn' even willing o dis- danger of a renewed oubreak of he Inifada cuss . Thus, Mordechai's saemen ha an as a resul of he de faco salemae in he agreemen in Souhern Lebanon will faciliae peace-making process wih he Palesinians . he negoiaions beween Israel and Syria, is, Though during a recen visi o several Euro- in real poliik erms, definiely a case of plac- pean capials, Prime Miniser Binyamin Ne- ing he car before he horses and hus a non- anyahu peddled some general houghs, mos- sarer, and one canno help wondering wha ly echnical by naure, on how o break ou of made Israel's curren governmen believe ha he salemae (of which more below), he main anyhing had changed in he las hree o four Israeli effor has been concenraed on a- years in he Syrian approach o he issue . emps o change he saus quo in Souhern The mos recen idea, publicly raised by Lebanon, where quie a large number of Israeli Miniser for Infrasrucures, Ariel Sharon, soldiers have recenly been killed . ha Israel should simply sar implemening

MARCHJAPRIL 1998 3 Securiy Council Resoluion 425 in specific o he poliical venue. These words were said areas in Souhern Lebanon, and hen see how in response o a quesion posed by Levy, as o he Lebanese Governmen reacs, is ineres- wha he - Barak - who had fough for many ing, reminding us ha even hough Sharon is years as a miliary commander agains he er- one of Israel's mos conroversial poliicians ror, would do if he were a young Palesinian . (jus as he was one of Israel's mos conrover- Afer giving his answer, Barak added ha sial miliary commanders) he is also one wih a his was an unfair quesion, since he error- highly original mind and subsanial daring . is organizaions ac in an inhuman and base Wheher or no Sharon's idea is aken up as manner, and engage in he killing of innocen Israel's official policy is ye o be seen. ciizens, women and children . Barak's words caused quie a sorm . Righ ebanon is no he only issue in which he wingers accused him of encouraging young Neanyahu Governmen has placed he car Palesinians o join he Hamas ; members of beforeL he horses. The same applies o he ne- he Labor Pary sighed ha heir chairman goiaions beween Israel and he Palesini- sill had a lo o learn abou avoiding cerain ans . The only major issue abou which he ypes of public saemens because hey are Israeli Governmen seems willing o alk o liable o be aken ou of conex, while a mem- and cooperae wih he Palesinians, is he war ber of he Hamas, sanding rial in Israel for agains error. This is imporan in iself, bu paricipaing in several erroris acs in which canno possibly lead o real progress in he innocen civilians were killed, old a TV re- peace-making process, or a defusion of he porer ha he fel no regres abou wha he imebomb ha is icking in he Wes Bank and had done, and ha even Barak had recognized Gaza Srip. The error can indeed be conained he jusice of wha he Hamas, Faah and Hiz- and is murderous resuls limied by echnical ballah were doing . means . However, he moivaion of young From a acical poin of view Barak made a Palesinians o enlis in erroris organiza- misake, and his response o he criicism of ions and be willing o give heir lives for he wha he had said ("Wha did you expec me o "holy cause", canno be eliminaed, nor even say in response o his quesion? Tha if I were conained, unless he underlying problem of a young Palesinian, I would urn ino a pri- Palesinian frusraion and hopelessness is mary school eacher?") indicaed ha he did addressed. no undersand, or a leas refused o admi, When he Neanyahu Governmen says ha he had made a misake . A more experi- ha firs he error mus be eliminaed and enced and seasoned poliician would have real- hen Israel will agree o a permanen soluion, ized ha he senence abou joining a erroris i is definiely a case of placing he car before organizaion would be aken ou of conex and he horses . However, he fac ha his Govern- used agains him . Neverheless, here was men has also made i quie clear ha he per- somehing encouraging abou wha Barak manen soluion i foresees for he Palesini- said, for i indicaed ha he undersands ha ans in he Wes Bank and Gaza Srip looks in he sae of frusraion and hopelessness somehing like he Banusans ha used o in which mos Palesinian youhs find hem- exis in Souh Africa, suggess ha even if he selves, joining a erroris organizaion is an ob- horses are placed before he car, we are liable vious opion for hose wih an acivis inclina- o discover ha he Governmen's horses are ion . A man who undersands he connecion made of clay. beween frusraion and hopelessness on he The sorm raised in he second week of one hand, and error on he oher, also un- March, around a TV inerview given by Labor dersands ha he main way o ge rid of he Pary chairman Ehud Barak o journalis error is o do away wih his frusraion and Gideon Levy (who back in he early 80s was hopelessness . In oher words, Barak under- one of Shimon Peres's promising young aides), sands ha he Palesinians mus be offered a indirecly highlighed he problem . In he in- real soluion o heir problem if one wans o erview Barak saed "If I were a young Pales- uproo he error. inian, i is possible ha I would join a error- is organizaion," adding ha as a Palesinian ne of he major problems wih he aiude he would subsequenly probably have urned Oof he Neanyahu Governmen o he peace-



making process (besides he fac ha i views i Russians and ohers o avoid helping hese primarily as a ho poao inheried from he pre- wo saes build up heir non-convenional vious Governmen - no a desirable hing in capabiliy, hreaening o respond non-con- iself) is precisely he fac ha i does no per- venionally o a non-convenional aack, and ceive of i as a process, which seeks o change disribuing gas masks and anibioics o he he realiy. Wih he excepion perhaps of civilian populaion . Sharon, no one in his Governmen seems o One of he underlying premises which led have any sor of dynamic percepion of wha is he Rabin Governmen o accep he Oslo pro- going on in he Middle Eas or how one can ry cess, despie all he misgivings, was ha while o influence wha is going on in his region . he Palesinian problem in iself does no pose There seems o be no serious hough abou an exisenial hrea o Israel, only if he Pal- how o defuse he Palesinian problem - no esinian problem is really and ruly resolved jus momenarily, as recenly happened afer will i be possible o build up a regional coali- Israeli soldiers a a road block sho hree inno- ion, wih Israel as a member, agains he re- cen Palesinian workers dead because hey gion's "mad regimes". The same ype of reason- misjudged he siuaion (Neanyahu and oher ing also applied o he search for an agreemen Israeli leaders reaced by apologizing and ap- wih Syria over he Golan Heighs, a search pealing boh o he Palesinian Auhoriy and wihin he framework of which Barak, as Chief direcly o he Palesinian populaion, o show of Saff, me he Syrian Chief of Saff in Wash- resrain). Bu as a long erm sraegy, here ingon. Supposedly Israel can go on exising seems o be no serious hough abou how o for many more decades wihou giving up he defreeze he negoiaions wih Syria - he Golan Heighs and wihou an agreemen wih only negoiaions ha can no only remove Syria. Bu in he absence of such an agreemen he hrea of he Hizballah and oher erroris regional uniy, no only for he purpose of organizaions from Souhern Lebanon, bu building a "new Middle Eas" bu also in order lead o a new realiy of comprehensive peace o confron he non-convenional hrea posed in he region . Finally, here seems o be no by he madmen, is impossible . Furhermore, serious hough abou how o confron he non- here is always he danger ha in he absence convenional hrea coming from he direcion of an agreemen, afer Asad Syria migh iself of Iraq and , beyond rying o convince he urn ino a "mad sae" . 0 Naional Commiee for Labor Israel salues Israel on is 50h anniversary, and he role of he U .S. Labor Movemen in building he Jewish Sae . Peace, Progress, Prosperiy 50 PAV 57~~~ Presiden Execuive Direcor 275 Sevenh Avenue • New York, New York 10001

MARCH/APRIL 1998 5 Ideniy Problems By Misha Louvish

srael was esablished as a "Jewish Sae ." join he Jewish people, however, has o be "con- ThisI was specified in he Unied Naions Gen- vered o Judaism ." eral Assembly resoluion of 29 November 1947 and in he Proclamaion of Independence of 14 he Law of Reurn does no define he erm May 1948. Wha does his mean? Neiher doc- "giyur" - conversion - bu orhodox rab- umen defines he erm, bu i is obviously of binicalT law obliges he applican for recogni- cenral significance . ion as a Jew o accep "he yoke of he Torah During wo millennia of dispersion, i is he and he commandmens," i .e. o underake o saus of "Jewishness" ha has bound ogeher live according o he preceps of Jewish reli- Jews from differen counries, ciizens of gious law . This requiremen may lead o ex- he counries where hey lived, as one people, orbian demands, such as enrolling he appli- which in he course of his cenury has re- can's children in orhodox schools . esablished is Naional Home in he ancesral Mos Jews ouside Israel, especially in homeland. Norh America, belong o he Conservaive or The fac ha Israel was esablished as a Reform Jewish communiies, and heir conver- Jewish Sae does no give Jewish ciizens any sions are no recognized by he orhodox com- special privileges by law. I is refleced, how- muniy. The religious paries presened o he ever, in he Law of Reurn, which endows Knesse a draf law providing ha conversion every Jew abroad wih one crucial privilege : o Judaism in Israel shall be valid only subjec he righ o sele in Israel and receive ciizen- o confirmaion by he Chief Rabbinae . ship immediaely on arrival, bu once he has The proposal aroused widespread opposi- done so his legal saus is he same as ha of ion: i was regarded as a slap in he face o he all oher ciizens, such as Muslim or Chrisian majoriy of Jews in he Diaspora . The Govern- Palesinian Arabs. men appoined a commiee, headed by Yaa- Does he fac ha Israel is defined as "a kov Ne'eman, a disinguished lawyer who is Jewish Sae" involve any religious obligaions now Miniser of Finance, o seek a compromise on he par of is ciizens or insiuions? I on he quesion of conversion . should no : Herzl eniled his hisoric pam- The commiee arrived a a hisoric com- phle Der Judensaa - "The Sae of he promise: he Conservaive and Reform repre- Jews" - no Der Juedischer Saa - "The senaives agreed ha all conversions in Jewish Sae." I does, however, involve one Israel shall be carried ou according o rab- privilege which is a he same ime an obliga- binical law. A he same ime hey proposed ion : by Israeli law Jews may only be married ha a join insiuion, represening all hree or divorced according o Jewish rabbinic law, rends, be se up o prepare candidaes for and accordingly i may be necessary o rule conversion . wheher an individual is a Jew or no. Despie his conciliaory aiude he orho- According o boh Jewish rabbinic religious dox Chief Rabbinae of Israel has refused o law and he Law of Reurn passed by he approve he laer proposal . I does no recog- Knesse, a Jew is defined as a person born of a nize he auhoriies of any non-orhodox vari- Jewish moher or convered o Judaism . I is ey of Judaism . I canno, of course, deny he he second par of his definiion ha is he Jewishness of anyone born a Jew or Jewess, source of he conroversy. Under boh Israeli bu i will no accep he validiy of any con- civil law and orhodox rabbinical law, a Jew by version abroad ha has no been carried ou birh remains a Jew no maer wha his beliefs by he orhodox rabbinae. or way of life may be . A non-Jew who wans o A he same ime he rabbinical leaders de-


nounced he Conservaive and Reform move- mens in he mos virulen erms. They poined o exreme variaions from radiional Jewish pracice, such as "marriages" beween homo- sexual couples or unions of mixed couples con- duced in cooperaion by a pries and a rabbi . They also alleged ha he non-orhodox were abor o blame for widespread assimilaion among diaspora Jews . Fronier readers are beer qualified han I am o decide wheher such irregular mar- riages are widespread enough o jusify hese sricures, and wheher he exisence of ionis Conservaive and Reform communiies facili- aes aposasy from Judaism or provides hose who are no prepared o observe all he provi- sions of rabbinic law wih a viable way of remaining Jews. Iliance n Israel he religious poliicians, especially he haredim, he ulra-orhodox, lose no op- poruniyI o impose heir way of life on he com- muniy. In heory, such quesions are regulaed by he "saus quo" agreed o by Ben-Gurion and he religious leaders in he early years of Biennial he Sae . Condiions change, however, and he saus quo is under coninual pressure from NATIONAL boh sides. I was agreed, for example, ha full-ime CONVENTION sudens should be exemp from army service, bu he numbers of hese yeshiva ba- • Celebraing Israel's churim have swelled o enormous proporions, and we now have large numbers of healhy 50h Anniversary young men who no only do no join he army and do no engage in producive work bu spend heir ime and energies in almudic • Facing new sudies and he producion of large families Challenges which are mainained a public expense . In he name of Sabbah observance, a- emps have been made by he Minisry of he JUNE 5-8, 1998 Inerior, which, by he coaliion agreemen, is headed by a haredi miniser, o close down kib- buz shopping ceners, which do no, of course, obsruc sabbah observance by he religious . mayor Ronni Millo has been criicized for permiing culural evens on he Sabbah . We urge all LZA Branches and The religious paries have jus regisered a Ciy Commiees o maximize famous vicory : he enacmen of a law forbid- paid-up Membership o qualify ding he impor of non-kosher mea, which, apar from he righs of non-observan Jews, for maximum delegaions o is an obvious violaion of he righs of Muslim his significan Labor Zionis and Chrisian ciizens, who make up abou a Gahering . fifh of he populaion . The sruggle for reli- gious freedom coninues. 11

NARCIUMIN1I 1999 7 Labor and Likud he Difference

The Oslo Process hroughou Palesinian areas in he Wes The Oslo Agreemen is based on he princi- Bank, even hough mos are relaively small ples of muual recogniion and erriorial com- and are locaed in areas coniguous o major promise . The Oslo "process" is based on he Palesinian populaion ceners . principle of gradualism, including he gradual Har Homa redeploymen of Israeli forces on he Wes Bank as he Palesinian Auhoriy assumes boh Labor considers Har Homa o be wihin he poliical and securiy responsibiliy in agreed- souhern municipal boundaries of Jerusalem. upon areas. The governmens of Yizhak Rabin and Shi- Labor believes i is essenial o adhere o mon Peres were commied in principle o de- he Oslo "process" which is gradual and sep by veloping Har Homa . However, ou of recogni- sep . The idea of conducing negoiaions over ion of he consequences of a unilaeral acion permanen saus issues immediaely, wihou of his kind, approval of implemenaion was pursuing a more gradual, supervised imple- wihheld unil final saus alks esablish un- menaion process, is o risk undermining he dispued boundaries for all of Jerusalem. enire peace process by addressing he mos Likud, wihou heeding he warnings of Is- explosive issues in an amosphere of disrus rael's securiy esablishmen and wihou due and enmiy. consideraion of he poliical consequences, Likud seeks o ignore he Oslo "process" chose o iniiae he developmen program of and o advance immediaely o permanen Har Homa . saus alks wihou having creaed condiions Terriories and Borders - Final Saus conducive o raional and cauious decision- Guideline making based on agreed and accepable incre- menal changes in poliical and securiy reali- Labor's posiion is ha he final saus bor- ies on he ground . ders mus be based on hree principles : 1 . Populaion separaion beween he 2 mil- Selemens lion-plus residens of he Palesinian Labor opposes consrucion of new sele- eniy on he Wes Bank and Gaza srip mens or he expansion of exising selemens and he Sae of Israel . before he final saus agreemens are reached . 2. Adjusmens in he pre-1967 borders o ac- Likud will no build new selemens a commodae Israel's securiy requiremens . his ime. However, he Likud-led governmen 3. There will be no foreign army wes of he has approved he expansion of exising sele- Jordan River. mens including he creaion of new neighbor- To ensure sabiliy in he Israeli-Palesin- hoods ofen well beyond he borders of curren ian relaionship and he viabiliy of he emerg- selemen boundaries. ing Palesinian eniy, geographical coniguiy Labor would exend Israeli sovereigny mus be allowed for on mos of he Wes Bank . over areas of major Jewish selemen blocs . Likud seeks o exend Israeli sovereigny (I has been esimaed ha 70% of he selers over a majoriy of he erriory on he Wes are locaed in several selemen blocs and a Bank. Included would be as many as 120 or small number of oher selemens close o he more Jewish selemens, many of which are pre-1967 border, on a oal abou 10% o 15% of locaed wihin, or coniguous o, areas wih he Wes Bank land mass). large Palesinian populaion concenraions . Likud seeks o mainain sovereign conrol This will ensure he fac ha here will be over nearly all of he 140 selemens spread many small enclaves of Jewish selers dis-



persed hroughou he Palesinian-conrolled which was made in negoiaions conduced by erriories. he Labor governmen has creaed a salemae This Likud "peace plan" will resul in pre- on he Syrian rack. vening he creaion of a viable, coniguous Palesinian eniy, a Palesinian sin qua non Lebanon o a poliical selemen. I will also perpeuae Labor seeks a comprehensive agreemen and exacerbae a Bosnia-like inegraion of wih he Lebanese, providing for securiy ar- populaion and erriory. rangemens in souhern Lebanon which end errorism and which guaranee peace and se- The Jordan Valley curiy for he residens of he region, as well as Labor will make he Jordan River Israel's along Israel's norhern border. easern securiy border. Likud's inabiliy o reopen alks on he Syr- Necessary and appropriae securiy arrange- ian rack has perpeuaed he conflic wih mens will be made o ensure an Israeli pres- Hizbollah erroris forces in Lebanon . ence in he Jordan Valley. Likud calls for he exension of Israeli sov- Economics ereigny, over he enire Jordan Valley area, Labor favors a free marke economy, grad- making he Jordan Valley Israel's easern po- ual privaizaion and reduced governmen in- liical border. volvemen in he economy. Labor mainains ha governmen mus ac wih social respon- Jerusalem sibiliy, recognizing ha he provision of edu- Labor is commied o mainaining Jerusa- caion, healh and oher social services canno lem as he unied capial of Israel, under Is- be guaraneed by he marke place . Labor does raeli sovereigny. The Palesinian residens no agree wih he exreme philosophy of socio- of he ciy will enjoy municipal righs in he economic Darwinism . Social sabiliy and quarers in which hey reside, and special ar- jusice mus be guaraneed by responsible rangemens will be made for he sies sacred o governmen. r Chrisians and Islam. Likud's exreme commimen o marke Labor favors he preservaion of separae forces and is suppor of Wes Bank sele- residenial neighborhoods in he ciy, in order mens have resuled in enormous cus in he o preven unnecessary fricion beween he educaion budge, in he reducion of essenial Jewish and Arab residens . social services, in a crisis in he medical sys- Likud, while advocaing ha Jerusalem re- em and in high and increasing levels of unem- main unied and under Israeli sovereigny, has ploymen and social disconen. encouraged and suppored Jewish habiaion in areas of he ciy such as Ras El Amud and Religious Pluralism Silwan, which unil now have been populaed Labor is commied o he uniy of he Jew- exclusively by Arab residens . ish people. I affirms he legiimacy of all reli- gious sreams and assers ha Israel is a dem- Syria ocraic, Zionis and Jewish Sae in which all Labor-led governmens, under Prime Min- have he righ o live in an amosphere of ol- iser Yizhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, af- erance and rue equaliy. firmed he principle of land for peace in Syrian The Labor Pary is opposed o he passage rack negoiaions . of legislaion in he Knesse which would deny The deph of Israel's erriorial compromise he righs of non-Orhodox religious groups in on he Golan Heighs is o be predicaed on he Israel . deph of he peace, normalizaion arrange- Likud is commied o an agreemen wih mens and on securiy arrangemens . Waer is exreme Righ wing, religious and haredi sources, heir proecion and use, as well as ar- (ulra-Orhodox) coaliion parners . This rangemens for economic cooperaion, will also agreemen obliges he Likud o suppor leg- be essenial elemens o any agreemen . islaive and oher arrangemens designed o Likud appears o be ready o consider a er- ensure he cenraliy and auhoriy of he riorial compromise on he Golan Heighs . How- Orhodox rabbinae in maers of personal sa- ever, is refusal o acknowledge he progress us and religious pracice in Israel . 11

MARCH/APRI l, 1998 9 COMMENTARY Again a "Final Soluion"? By Henry L. Feingold

heher Saddam can be sopped from ion ha heir ormenors were afer all rea- Wfurher developing his lehal chemical and bio- sonable men led many asray. Tha is he rea- logical warfare capaciy is a maer of world son why rescue sraegies in he gheos were impor. Bu here is a special aspec of he based on he noion ha he Nazis were surely moral danger such a capaciy poses ha Is- no foolish enough o expend precious resour- rael and Jews everywhere face alone . The mis- ces o liquidae a populaion sock possessing siles ha rained down on Tel Aviv during he he highes level of craf skills in easern Eu- Gulf War were no merely a clever ploy em- rope. I was believed ha surely precious roll- ployed by Saddam o bring he Arab world o ing sock would no be used o ranspor Jews Iraq's side should Israel respond . Recen reve- o heir deah when he Wehrmach on he laions indicae ha Baghdad's sraegic plan- Russian fron needed supplies for a campaign ning called for he oal eliminaion of Israel ha was aking longer han planned . Forgo- by dropping canisers of deadly anhrax from a en was ha madness, especially he madness piloless MIG . Forunaely, such planes were of hose who are abou o see heir world go no available a he ime and hopefully are sill under, assumes is own logic. Wiping ou he no. Wha is a maer of deep concern is ha in imagined enemy a one below becomes an exremis circles of he Arab world he fanasy enormous empaion . Afer all, i akes only of he oal eliminaion of Israel a one blow one missile or one man wih a suicase o do has aained a cerain legiimacy. Wha Sad- he job . Ask he now-imprisoned erroriss who dam, Hizbollah and he panoply of Islamic planned o blow up New York's Twin Towers . fanaics allow hemselves o conemplae is a They were no Iraqis nor he crazed voices on kind of "final soluion" by germ and chemical he Palesinian sree who call for he use of warfare raher han Zyklon B . gas agains Israel . There coninues o be mad- The sory of Iraq's grand sraegy vis a vis ness in he world, nowhere more so han in he Israel was casually menioned recenly in he world of Islamic fanaicism . final paragraphs of a New York Times back- I is in ha conex of Islamic exremism ground sory on he curren sae of Iraqi pre- ha he use ofAmerican air power alone, wih- paredness o wage chemical and germ warfare . ou acual miliary occupaion of Iraq, akes on (I was repeaed in Franklin Foer's "Toxic an ominous meaning for Israel . Anyhing less Shock," The New Republic, March 16, 1998, han he oppling of he regime holds ou he pp. 12-15). Surprisingly he aricle creaed li- danger ha Israel could become he arge of a le sir in he Jewish press . Mos expers vengeful Iraqi leadership in is deah hroes . believe ha Iraq's capaciy o deliver such a The chorus for desroying Israel once and for blow has been diminished and ha, aware of all would be joined by all hose fundamenalis he massive realiaion from Israel ha would Islamic elemens ha view Israel as merely a his ime follow such an aack, Iraqi leader- pawn of he U .S. We are afer all dealing wih ship would hesiae o moun a firs srike . Bu a leadership so desperae o reain is germ wheher such raionaliy reigns in a leader- warfare capaciy ha i allows is populaion ship who unilaerally decided o "ake" Kuwai, o suffer horrendous deprivaion brough on by locaed in a volaile oil-rich sraegic area, as if he economic sancions. Tha kind of despera- no one would noice, should be quesioned . ion does no hold ou much hope ha he group around Saddam is capable of making nce before in he recen Jewish experience a sane survival decision based on a normal 0a he ouse of he Holocaus he assump- power calculus . I is ha awareness ha al-

32 10 JEWISH FRONTIE lows Labor and he Likud o agree ha con- who ook seriously he noion ha liberal ainmen is no enough . Real securiy requires democracy and he relaed freemarke sysem a change of governmen in Baghdad . would rule supreme and ha we were a he In prior years limied use of miliary power end of hisory driven by he Eas-Wes polariy. in Somalia, Grenada, Libya and Panama and Tha was proposed less han a decade ago in a in he Gulf War iself have cas some doub prize-winning book ha saw "he end of his- ha here is such a hing as an effecive "sur- ory," wrien by he well-known poliical he- gical" or limied use of power. Ye i is precise- oris, Frances Fukiyama. Clearly American ly such limied use of power wih which he hegemony is challenged and in he vanguard of American people are mos comforable . Tha he opposiion is Islam which resiss crossing comfor finds is roos in American poliical he hreshold o moderniy wih all is migh. culure . Our sysem of governance eaches The new polariy grows ou of he old . A he ha he use of power is mos effecive when i heigh of he Cold War here was also alk of a is no commied bu simply is allowed o play subsidiary Norh-Souh ension beween is role behind he scenes. War is an inefficien developed and undeveloped naions . The sub- use of power . The concepion ha unilaeral sequen "kick off' of he Pacific Rim naions unchecked power is dangerous is a he very and he decline of he former Sovie Union o hear of he separaion of powers on which our almos Third World saus alered he Norh- poliical sysem is based . Wha beer lesson Souh configuraion . Wha seems o be emerg- can one learn from comparing he inerwar ing is a division beween naions prepared o period wih he Cold War years han ha ener he 21s cenury based on a willingness mainaining raher han acually using mili- o allow an ever-increasing amoun of knowl- ary power, is he sures way o preven war . edge and communicaion beween free auono- There are hose who poin ou ha he Cold mous ciizens. These are socieies anxious War where he wo super powers checked each above all else o solve he perennial problem of oher's possible abuse of power produced a scarciy and ignorance . On he oher side are more secure world . socieies who for various reasons rejec maeri- Ye here is somehing anomalous in he alism and individualism and he high cos in way Washingon handles he ongoing crises . social chaos hey see as being inegral o mo- We seem o wan o spank Saddam raher han derniy. A he head of his array are Islamic o change he siuaion. For hose readers who naions, especially hose of he Arab world, recall he years preceding World War II and who find he principles of moderniy especially he public oucry agains involvemen in anahema . They see in modernism only cor- Korea and Vie Nam here is nohing more rupion and losness . America, he "Grea sarling han o noe how ready he Clinon Saan" which is already becoming posmodern adminisraion is o unilaerally assume he and Israel which has a special relaionship role of inernaional policeman in Iraq . We for- wih i, are seen as he corrupers of he world. ge ha here is lile desire o assume he cos Boh are despised wih a fervor only religion in American lives and forune a full police- can besow. man's role would enail. Washingon inends o If he curren crisis is resolved by force will play only a limied role from he air . For Israel he Arab world hen abandon is opposiion o ha may no be enough. he Wes which Israel has come o represen? When he bombing is done will Hamas, Hezbol- y he ime hese musings appear in prin lah or Saddam Hussein and Quaddafi, be be- he reader will have learned wheher or no er able o reconcile hemselves o Israel's exis- heB fragile agreemen siched ogeher by UN ence? Wheher i is Soros in , Mon- Secreary-General Annan has held . Bu wha- ica Lewinsky in he Oval Office or Albrigh in ever he case he Iraq embroilmen is only a he Sae Deparmen, he Arab Sree sees sympom of he deeper polariy ha will fuel Jews everywhere . They are he wielders of he hisory in he decades o come . Israel lies moderniy ha hey are convinced aims o squarely on a faul line which will divide he desroy heir way of being. The fissure which world in he 21s cenury much he way he has become apparen hrough he Iraqi crises Eas-Wes division did in he second half of he goes beyond he Arab-Israel ension . I is par wenieh. Tha will come as a surprise o hose of he conflic beween he modern and ani-


Share Cener Renews Aciviies n he secluded small sree in Jerusalem The Challenge called Alharizi, is a modes building Such hisorically underrepresened popula- ha houses he headquarers of he ions as new immigrans, Arab , mizra- World Labor Zionis Movemen . I also houses chim, and ohers in he lower economic sraa he0 Moshe Share Educaional Cener, named are rouinely faced wih sub-sandard services afer Israel's firs Foreign Miniser. in he realm of educaion. This expresses iself The Cener (MSEC) was esablished in 1976 in poor and oudaed equipmen and learning o promoe he democraic values of progressive maerials, run-down and emperaure exposed Jewish hrough educaional aciviies . classrooms, and under-qualified eaching saff . A veeran educaional insiuion wih an ou- The resources aken for graned in middle and sanding record of service and achievemen, MSEC reaches ou o all segmens of Israeli upper-class neighborhoods are unheard of in sociey, including hisorically underrepresened his periphery. communiies such as new immigrans, Arab Sub-sandard educaion feeds he cycle of Israelis, women, and mizrachim . MSEC acs as povery and unemploymen in underprivileged a suppor nework for Jewish Zionis acivism communiies . Ill-equipped by heir educaional in addiion o carrying ou is own projecs in experience o compee in he professional informal educaion and immigran absorpion . world, young people face un- and under-em- Over he las weny-wo years, housands of ploymen. When he radiional ools of democ- new immigrans and veeran Israelis have ben- racy - access, represenaion, equaliy - efied from MSEC programs . Pas MSEC pro- break down, he values of democracy - peace, grams include he research and publicaion of pluralism, and social jusice - become sus- books, repors, and journals on Zionism, semi- pec. Fundamenalis movemens, promising nars on democracy, pluralism, and olerance in prosperiy and hope o heir followers, are on high schools and communiy ceners across he he rise in Israel, paricularly among he mos counry, and classes and workshops on Israel disenfranchised populaions, while he Zionis and progressive Zionis values in developmen radiion of democracy ebbs in relevance and owns and oher areas wih high concenraions power. of new immigrans . Today, MSEC is spearhead- MSEC Responds o he Crisis ing a revoluion in informal educaion . MSEC's Compuer Mobile is a naional iniiaive o MSEC was esablished o reach Israelis bring he ools of high echnology o Israel's from all walks of life, and provide a bridge o mos underrepresened communiies. MSEC's he values of progressive Zionism . The popula- Compuer Mobile reaches ou o socially and ions mos alienaed from hese enes oday economically underprivileged segmens of Is- are comminiies on he periphery of Israeli so- raeli sociey wih a program ha combines a ciey. MSEC has herefore creaed a massive concree conribuion o social mobiliy wih a campaign o re-inroduce progressive Zionism massive educaional campaign for he values of and he democraic ideals i cherishes o hese democracy. communiies . F-1

modern. For hose who have no noiced i is again find hemselves a he cener of a hisor- he same ension ha also exiss wihin Ju- ical canvas where he conflic is mos inense daism and is a he hear of he silen civil war and he human cos is bound o be high . ha hreaens is survival from wihin. In he meanime i should come as no reve- laion ha here are leaders in he Arab world he ruh is ha by din of is locaion, reli- ha hink in erms of "final soluions ." Tha is gion, and hisory, Israel finds iself he wha canisers of anhrax and piloless MIGs veryT hear of a conflic of which he curren are all abou. Bu here are raional leaders debacle in Iraq is merely he laes phase . One oo and even reasonable mullahs . Surely hey hing is clear: he hope ha wih all ha has undersand ha should such a blow be direced happened o hem in he bloody wenieh cen- a he people of Israel, i would his ime rig- ury, Jews would be allowed o rerea o some ger a errible realiaion . The agonizing ques- backwaer so ha hey migh lick heir wounds ion is wheher such voices can make hem- does no seem o be in he offing . Insead Jews selves heard in Baghdad . El


Soldier of Peace :

The Life of Yizhak Rabin by Dan Kurzman . 555 pp. HarperCollins Publicaions, 1998 . $30.

Reviewed by Joseph Adler

saesman . The auhor draws heavily on a variey of primary So ofen we recognize he rue and secondary sources, and espe- measure of a person only in rero- cially on Israeli and American spec, when someone is gone, and archival maerial, and on iner- his or her legacy becomes clear. views he conduced wih over wo Yizhak Rabin was such a figure . hundred individuals . He lived he hisory of his naion - from he heroic sruggle of Is- izhak Rabin was born in Rabin was arresed and impris-

rael's birh o he repeaed de- y 1922, he same year he oned by he Briish a Rafah . fense of is exisence, o he ques Briish separaed Transjordan for peace and accepance afer Upon his release he remained from Palesine and placed he Ha- acive in he Palmach . decades of conflic and bloodshed . shemie dynasy on he hrone . Indeed, he personified in his life- During Israel's War of Inde- His parens Rosa Cohen and Ne- pendence, Rabin was placed in ime he wisdom of Kohele whose hemiah Rabin were well known words he appropriaed in his command of he Harel Brigade figures in he Jewish Palesine which was prominen in he ba- speech on Sepember 13, 1993 on labor movemen . Aciviss, hey he souh lawn of he Whie le for Jerusalem . He also played had lile ime o devoe o heir a key role in he sinking of he House a he signing of he son who grew up under Sparan Israeli-Palesinian Declaraion of Alalena, a French vessel carry- condiions, lonely and shy . Afer Principles, namely : ing arms and men o reinforce he graduaing from Kadouri Agri- army of he Ir. gun. Following he A ime o be born, and a ime o kill: culural College, he joined a age A ime o weep, and a ime o laugh ; conclusion of hosiliies Rabin A ime o love, and a ime o hae ; nineeen he Palmach, he elie ook par in he armisice negoi- A ime for war, and a ime for fighing force of he Jewish com- aions on he island of Rhodes. peace. muniy of Palesine . In 1941, Coninuing his miliary career, Dan Kurzman, reporer, broad- Rabin ook par in he operaion Rabin advanced rapidly hrough caser and foreign corresponden, in which he Palmach spear- he ranks, serving a various imes winner of numerous journalisic headed he Allied invasion of as commanding officer of Israel's awards, and bes-selling auhor Syria, which a he ime was Norhern Secor ; Chief of he has produced a dramaic and fas- occupied by he Vichy French . army's Manpower Branch ; Chief cinaing biography of Rabin ha Laer, he paricipaed in under- of Operaions ; and finally in 1964 simulaneously ells he sory of ground acions agains he as Chief of Saff of he Israeli a pioneering naion's mauraion Briish Mandaory Regime and armed forces . In his laer pos led a force in he liberaion of ino a modern hriving sae . "illegal immigrans", survivors of he was responsible for he plan Wrien in a fas flowing syle he on which Israel's campaign in he book reads like a novel, and is he Holocaus, held by he Briish Sinai Peninsula during he Six- desined o become he sandard in a deenion camp a Ali . On Day War was based. The grea work on he life of he soldier- June 29, 1946, Black Sunday, vicory resuling from his acical

MARCH/APRIL 1998 13 decisions made Rabin a naional wih he Palesine Liberaion Or- policy han warfare . Thus, while hero. ganizaion over a period of a having no liking for violence, leas en years ; his secre mee- Rabin, who had earned he name n 1968 he lef he army for a ings wih King Hussein of Jordan "Mr. Securiy", did no hesiae o much cherished pos as Ambas- in he early 1970s; he role played srike back agains erroris sadorI o he Unied Saes . Dur- by a secre mediaor in keeping aacks, while a he same ime ing his five years in Washingon he lid on he bier Rabin-Peres allowing his represenaives o D .C . he helped o srenghen feud (a rivalry ha persised for negoiae secrely a Oslo and America's policy oward Israel . weny years); he love-hae rela- elsewhere . Following he disasrous Yom ionship wih Henry Kissinger ; Kippur War, Rabin succeeded Rabin's involvemen in he Iran- nriching he biography and Golda Meir as Prime Miniser, Conra Affair ; and his admiraion inerspersed hroughou he hus becoming he firs sabra in of Nixon and U.S. Secreary of workE are numerous vignees and he young naion's hisory o reach Sae Baker. anecdoes of he evens and per- he pinnacle of power . During his More asonishing, however, is sonaliies ha ouched upon Ra- sewardship here occurred he Kurzman's asserion, indeed i is bin's life . Considerable space is daring rescue by Israeli comman- he main heme of his book, ha hus given o he menal and phy- does of hosages aken capive by Rabin was acually far from he sical exhausion ha engulfed erroriss from a French aircraf "hawk" he was porrayed o be Rabin on he eve of he Six-Day and brough o Enebbe, Uganda . prior o he Oslo Accords, and War. Alhough Rabin was able o Forced o resign his high office ha his drive for a comprehensive shake off his depression wihin as a resul of a scandal involving peace daed back o he begin- one day and lead he army o Is- illegal banking accouns held by nings of his miliary career . Ra- rael's greaes vicory, he inci- his wife while he was Ambas- bin's dream of peace, he auhor den was cruelly exploied by his sador o he U .S ., Rabin for a insiss, while ofen camouflaged poliical rivals, noably Ezer ime remained ou of poliics. He by his reliance on ough securiy Weizman and Shimon Peres . opposed he invasion of Lebanon measures, acually crysallized in They spread he sory ha he underaken by he Begin admin- his early days as a Palmach offi- general had suffered a complee israion, and once again became cer. His experiences during he nervous breakdown, and ha he acive in Labor Pary poliics . War of Independence lef him should be removed from his com- During he Peres-Shamir govern- guil-ridden and hauned wih mand. men, Rabin was chosen as De- memories of he men under his Similarly, in graphic deail, fense Miniser, and i was during command ha he had sen o Kurzman offers a mesmerizing his erm in office ha he Inifada heir deahs in impossible bales . accoun of he assassinaion of broke ou. In June of 1992, Rabin Rabin's search for peace would be- Yizhak Rabin by Yigal Amir, a for he second ime became Prime come more compulsive in he Yemenie Orhodox exremis Miniser of Israel, and ogeher days leading up o he Six-Day who believed he was insruced o wih Shimon Peres launched he War. He feared a he ime ha carry ou he deed by God . peace offensive which led o he Israel migh no survive he con- On a ligher noe he auhor Oslo Accords and a formal peace flic. His drive for peace ook describes Rabin's encouner wih reay wih he Kingdom of Jor- anoher serious urn in he lae Bey Ford during an official re- dan . Awarded he Nobel Peace 1980s when as Miniser of De- cepion in Washingon . The Firs Prize for his effors (along wih fense, he realized ha no mili- Lady asked Rabin for a dance, and Peres and Arafa), Rabin was ary acic could suppress he he laer visibly embarrassed re- felled some monhs laer by an Inifada, he Palesinian popular plied, "I'm sorry, Mrs . Ford, bu I assassin's bulle afer delivering a uprising ha drained Israel of so simply don' know how o dance . speech whose moo was "Peace much blood, money and confi- No a sep, and I wouldn' dream - No Violence" (November 4, dence . However, always prag- of mauling your oes ." Undauned 1995) . maic, Rabin was convinced ha by his unexpeced refusal he peace could only be obained if Presiden's wife informed Rabin Among he more sarling rev- Israel remained miliarily supe- o have no fear since as a young elaions in Soldier of Peace rior o is Arab neighbors so ha woman she used o each dance, are he auhor's descripion of hey would come o he conclusion "and I proeced my oes from men Rabin's back channel conacs ha reconciliaion was a beer less skillful han you ." Then wih-


ou furher ado she whisked Ra- NEWS BRIEFS bin ono he dance floor, where afer some shuffling of fee he was rescued by Henry Kissinger . Equally indicaive of Rabin's unease during cerain social occa- 67 Palesinians Suspeced The Palesinian securiy services sions is Kurzman's depicion of of Cooperaing wih Israel expend considerable effors o monior and inerrogae Palesini- he ceremony a he Whie House Have Been Murdered ans suspeced of cooperaing wih for he signing of he Israeli-Pal- (Communicaed by he Governmen Israel. Suspecs have been kid- Press Office, April 6, 1998) esinian Declaraion of Princi- napped by he PA securiy services ples . The Prime Miniser, fidgey and forcibly deained in Palesin- The Agreemen and uncomforable, found himself ian prisons, where hey have been sandwiched beween Peres, his Under he erms of he Oslo Ac- quesioned abou heir alleged ies cords, he Palesinian Auhoriy poliical nemesis, and Arafa his o Israel. The mos recen assaul (PA) is obligaed o proec Pales- on a Palesinian suspeced of coop- erroris enemy. While he world inians suspeced of cooperaing eraing wih Israel ook place on looked on incredulously, Arafa wih Israel and o refrain from ha- March 29, 1998, when he body of exended his hand and Rabin - rassing hem . Ribbi Musfi, aged 48, was found on nudged slighly by Presiden The Inerim Agreemen (Oslo 2) he ouskirs of Palesinian-con- Clinon - slowly, enaively of Sepember 28, 1995 (Aricle XVI, rolled Jericho . Evidence in he reached ou and limply ook i, a para. 2) saes, "Palesinians who possession of he Israel police indi- pained grimace on his face . have mainained conac wih he caes ha Musfi had been called in Israeli auhoriies will no be sub- o an inerrogaion by he Palesin- The humaneness of Rabin be- jeced o acs of harassmen, vio- ian securiy forces in Ramallah . hind his cold and dour exerior is lence, reribuion or prosecuion . Since ha ime, and unil his body exemplified by he auhor in his Appropriae ongoing measures will was discovered, here had been no descripion of a visi wih a com- be aken, in coordinaion wih Is- race of his whereabous . panion named Eian Haber o rael, in order o ensure heir pro- Richard Nixon in San Clemene ecion." The Aricle conaining Governmen o Approve following his resignaion from he his obligaion is eniled "Confi- Developmen for dence Building Measures," and is presidency. On heir arrival Ha- (Communicaed by Prime Miniser's preamble saes ha boh sides Media Adviser, April 8, 1998) ber faceiously asked Nixon will carry i ou "o esablish a solid wheher he could use his ape re- basis of muual rus and good The Direcors-General for he corder, or was i oo dangerous . faih." secor in he norh will prepare a muli-year developmen Nixon laughed a he reference o A similar underaking was previ- plan for he Bedouin communiies Waergae, bu Rabin urned red ously made by he Palesinians in he May 4, 1994 Gaza-Jericho in he norh - o be submied for in his face, and his eyes flamed Governmen approval wihin one Agreemen (Aricle XX, para . 4), wih anger. Laer he beraed Ha- which esablished he PA. monh. The plan aims a closing ber, for he considered i shameful gaps in various spheres. o rea he former presiden's The Violaions The main elemens of he plan, presened April 8, 1998, by Prime fae as a joke . Since he PA's esablishmen Miniser Neanyahu during his In conclusion Soldier of Peace four years ago, more han 160 Pal- visi o Tuba Zangaria, are : esinians suspeced of cooperaing is a well-wrien, highly informa- 1 . The Governmen will develop wih Israel have been wounded or ive book ha meris he aen- road, waer and sewage infra- killed. Raher han proec such ion of boh scholars and general srucures wihin he Bedouin people, he PA and is securiy ser- readers . I engages he reader's communiies. vices have argeed and inimida- 2. The Governmen will build pub- aenion o he very las page . ed hem in violaion of he accords . lic insiuions (schools, kinder- For a people who in wo housand Since May 18, 1994, when he PA garens, medical clinics and day years of exile were oo ofen pow- assumed conrol over Gaza and care ceners) in he communi- erless in he face of oppression, Jericho, a oal of 67 Palesinians ies. suspeced of cooperaing wih Is- Yizhak Rabin's life embodied he 3. The Governmen will consruc rael have been murdered (includ- independence and self-sufficiency neighborhoods for discharged ing nine suspecs being held in Pal- of modern Israel. Through deeds soldiers. esinian prisons) and 96 ohers in- 4. The Governmen has begun pre- as well as words he helped bring jured. Mos of hose killed and in- paring blueprins o enable or- an enire region o he hreshold jured were residens of and derly consrucion in all Bedouin of a new and beer day . El . communiies. D


A NOVEL (1902)

04&WZa&04e By Theodor Herzl

Chaper 1 unk in he dephs of depression, Dr. Friedrich Acually hey were no more han prolearians, vic- LoewenbergS sa a he round marble-opped able of ims of a way of hinking which had prevailed his coffeehouse. I was one of hose pleasan old- among he Jewish lower middle class wo or hree fashioned Vienna cafes in he Alsergrund, and he decades before . The fahers had waned heir sons had been frequening i for many years, ever since o be more han hey hemselves had been. No more his suden days . He came in round abou five every business, no more buying and selling! The young afernoon, as regularly as any bureaucra. The pale, people, herefore, enered he professional classes sickly waier always greeed him coureously ; and in droves, wih he resul ha here migh have Loewenberg bowed poliely o he pale girl behind been foreseen - a glu of professionals who could he cash-desk wihou ever speaking o her . Then he no find work, were unsuied o a simpler way of sa down a he round able, drank his coffee, and life, could no slip ino he Civil Service as heir read all he papers which he waier brough him Genile colleagues did, and were now unemployed one afer he oher. When he had run hrough he and unemployable. A he same ime, hey had a dailies and weeklies, he humorous papers and he cerain sense of duy owards heir class, a silly and rade journals, which ook an hour and a half a paheic pride in i, and rows of imposing bu worh- leas, he would converse wih his friends or pass he less leers afer heir names . Those who had some ime in soliary day-dreaming. Or raher, he had capial could live on i for a ime, or hey coninued formerly chaed wih his friends . Nowadays only o be a burden on heir fahers . Ohers became for- he dreams remained o him, for he wo good fel- une-huners, wih he pleasan prospec of ending lows who for years had spen hese somehow empy up as bondslaves o heir wives and fahers-in-law. and ye fascinaing hours in he Cafe Birkenreis Ohers again enered ino cu-hroa compeiion wih him had boh died wihin recen monhs . Boh wih each oher, and ha in professions calling for a had been older han himself, and, as Heinrich had highly ehical sandard of conduc. So here hey wrien him in his las leer, posed before he sho offered a sorry specacle, a once odd and piiful ; he himself, i was, "so o speak, chronologically com- same young men who hough hemselves oo good prehensible ha hey should give way o despair o be mere businessmen now did business as "pro- before he did" . Oswald, he oher friend, had gone o fessionals" specializing in unmenionable diseases o help esablish Jewish selemens and had or shady lawsuis . . . died here of yellow fever. So Friedrich Loewenberg sa alone a his able, as he had sa for some monhs pas, and, when he had Epilogue finished wih his pile of papers, jus gave himself up . . . Bu if you do no will i, i is and will re- o his day-dreams, making no aemp o find com- main a fairy-ale, his sory ha I have old you . panions . He was oo ired and worn o seek new I mean i o be a fairy-ale wih a moral. More friends - as if he were an old, old man, no a youh fairy-ale han moral, some criics will say . And of weny-hree. There he sa and sared, unseeing, ohers - More moral han ale! ino he smoke-mised corners of he large room . For now, dear book, afer hree years of work, Round he billiard able, handling heir cues wih we mus par - and your pah of sorrows is be- confiden, firm gesures, sood a few young people . fore you . You will have o make your way hrough They were merry enough, even hough heir siua- hosiliy and misrepresenaion, as hrough a ion was no much differen from his own. They dark, evil fores . were young docors, newly qualified lawyers, civil Bu if you mee kindly people, my child, gree hem in he name of your faher. He believes ha engineers. They had finished heir sudies, bu had dreaming is as good a way of spending our ime no ye found work . Mos of hem were Jews and on his earh as any oher, and dream and acion hey used o complain - in he inervals of playing are no so far apar as is ofen hough . All he billiards or cards - how hard i was o make a liv- aciviy of mankind was a dream once - and will ing "in hese days" . Meanwhile hey squandered again be a dream . "hese days" on endless games . Loewenberg was 1:1 sorry for hem, while envying heir improvidence . - Theodor Herzl




By Nahum Guman

arcel was busy rimming a cusomer's a weekend . A day laer, our anxiey was al- Mhair as I haled my sroll down Jerusalem's layed : a ouris bus parked in fron of he ho- Ben Yehuda Sree o peek ino his barber shop . el and le ou 80 young men and women - a As he spoed me, he waved me in and I soon Chrisian group from Norway. To some exen, forfeied my long locks, saved for more han a his made up for he disgraceful absence of monh in anicipaion of my forhcoming rip who were quick o back ou o Israel, so ha I could paronize Marcel's em- when Saddam Hussein lifed a wicked finger porium as I usually do on my journeys o Jeru- agains he Wes . salem. Bu his ime, here was an exra ele- Sill disurbed by he almos eerie quie of men in my plan - Ben Yehuda had been he Ben Yehuda we reurned anoher day - Purim sie of a erroris double suicide bombing in Sep- eve - and he scene changed radically. Music ember, leaving some five Israelis dead and filled he air. Groups of eenage boys and girls over a hundred injured . Had he pedesrian promenaded down he sree, in fanciful cos- mall reurned o normal? umes. The sidewalk cafes filled wih diners . I We found he area less crowded han usual, was eviden ha error was no o prevail his parly because of he overcas skies, bu also day, when Haman's demise was celebraed because of he erroris even . Bu mainly, be- wih abandon . cause of he dearh of ouriss, he American Jewish sissies who shied away from he Mid- he main goal of our March pilgrimage o dle Eas because of some rumblings in Iraq . Jerusalem was o aend he Ba Mizva of Some of he Ben Yehuda sores seemed o fare ourT second granddaugher, Liora . This welve- well, some were severely harmed by he year-old sabra had been sudying her Torah absence of cusomers . Bu hen we noiced a porion diligenly for monhs . Her moher, spur of aciviy in a souvenir shop. I urned Naomi, was busy all week preparing goodies ou ha a bevy of cheerful women, gaily for he kiddush luncheon. Her faher, Aharon, dressed in Japanese garb, were selecing iems and older siser Carmela, were engaged in se- o remember Jerusalem by. I was a coningen ing up he hall for he expeced guess . Five- of he Makuya organizaion of Japanese Chris- year-old Doriel was primed o ac as unofficial ians friendly o Israel; laer we came across hosess, which she was o be, wih remarkable more of hem a he Koel. aplomb. We spen he firs four nighs of our visi The religious par of he Ba Mizva cere- in a modes hoel, he Windmill . The place mony was conduced in he Conservaive con- was empy, and he wo of us raled around gregaion, Sheve Achim, which had faciliies he lobby, wondering how he hoel could re- in he Tali public school in Gilo. Sared by main in business . Only a small cluser of chil- Americans, he congregaion has persised dren from a special home had been brough for over he years. On Friday evening, he rabbi's

MARCH/APRIL 1998 17 brief Hebrew sermon was ranslaed by one of n Israel, Purim is no a one-day affair. Fes- he women ino Russian - for a number of new- iviies srech ou over a week or so . And comers from he former Sovie Union had been his year, of course, many evens were linked araced o his branch of Judaic observance . o he 50h anniversary of he naion's rebirh . While he ulra-Orhodox rabbinae and he So i was, one evening, ha he sudens of he Conservaive/Reform wings are baling over Tali school pu on a dance program in he Gilo heir respecive jurisdicions, here in Gilo, on communiy cener. Our Liora was o perform he grass roos level, a quie revoluion is ak- in one of he numbers . The large gymnasium ing place . The curren rabbi is a young man was filled wih parens and siblings of he from he Bronx, who has been ordained in Je- dancers . There was no scenery, jus he wide rusalem by he Conservaive insiuions . (The open space of he gym . Groups of dancers sa rabbi's grandfaher, we learned, was an acive on he floor, rising gracefully as heir urn member in New York - Philip Kahn.) came . Taped music, wih full orchesral accom- On he bi,nah, besides he rabbi, were wo wo- panimen, gave powerful backing o he young men, draped in ali, who read he Torah wih erpsichoreans . Seamlessly, he unis melded apparen skill and undersanding . one ino he oher, each number represening As he sabbah morning services proceeded, anoher heme of he decades of Israel's half- more guess coninued o arrive . And young cenury. Doriel was on he spo o welcome hem . Firs Then, in a flash, he calendar flipped back here was he coningen from Kfar Blum, he six decades o 1938 when we made our firs kibbuz in norheasern Israel - our niece rip o Erez Yisrael . The music man was Shlomi and husband and hree children: hey playing a melody we had no heard in a very meried an award for coming he longes dis- long ime : Shir Ha'emek . The song of he val- ance, having o rise very early on heir day of ley - he valley of Jezreel. Here, he grand- res, o reach Jerusalem by 10:00 a.m. Shorly children of ha era of pioneers were dancing, aferwards, in sreamed anoher coningen, in rue haluzic syle, idyllic seps of a youh- via saion wagon, from Afikim and Maoz Hay- ful Zionis generaion . In 1998, hey were im. They were he families of our wo nieces- singing/ dancing a melody of love o he Emek in-law and a niece . And finally, a couple from - res has come o he oiler, as evening kibbuz Bror Hayil, near he Gaza Srip, spreads over he fields of Emek Yizrael . . . cousins of my wife, Miriam . This influx of so Dew is below and a moon above, from Be many secular kibbuzniks o a ba mizva in Alpha o Nahalal . . . Jerusalem says somehing abou he rue rela- From Be Alpha o Nahalal . . . he refrain ionship of many seculariss o Jewish radi- refuses o leave one's mind. I is good o know ion. The exended Guman clan in Israel is ha he youh of hilly Jerusalem sill respond indeed diversified along he religious spec- o he spell of he Emek, ha Nahalal sill rum, bu solidly unied in heir Zionis ehos. evokes nosalgia for an era long pas and a Our son Josh, who had flown in from New yearning o susain he social dynamism of York for a weekend, jus o aend he ba mi- hose golden days, as we celebrae Israel's zva of his niece Liora, was called o he Torah . Golden Jubilee . In he mids of he reading, he woman Reader sopped shor . There was a hurried consula- hile in he viciniy of Jerusalem, we look ion wih he rabbi, and afer some careful abou for signs of developmen . Righ perusal of he scroll, i was deermined ha hereW in Gilo, we find pocke-sized siing areas here was indeed a ypographical error . The for he weary pedesrians reading up he scribe had penned a singular noun when i was seep hills. In he main shopping area, signs supposed o be a plural . Immediaely he welcome you o "UpTown" - a new 30-sory flawed scroll was se aside and a kosher one residenial ower is under consrucion . From placed on he bimah. Josh was hen allowed o he main highway, you urn off ino he new complee his blessings. Tunnel, leading o Kirya Arba and , a Ori, Aharon's niece from Neanya, had ime-saver and securiy by-pass . come o he services and was called o he Son-in-law Aharon sis on he local commu- Torah . Nex day, Sunday, she was o repor for niy council. He akes me o a meeing held in inducion ino he Israel Defense Force. a culural cener deep in he Jerusalem Fores,

is JEWISH FRONPI devoed o environmenal issues . Before he his operaion was successful ; new producs meeing sars, we si for a cup of coffee ; a our were urned ou ; exra hands were hired from able are several Arabs, from Be Safafa, he ouside he collecive communiy. However, he Arab communiy of some 7,000 souls nesled economic picure urned upside down . Afikim's inside Gilo . There are common concerns abou pioneer venure los is hold, and las year he he environmen, a subjec oo long negleced plan was shu down, wih he firing of 150 by he Israeli public, and he Governmen, oo . workers . Today, he kibbuz is in search of a So hese Jewish and Arab neighbors si o- new venure ha will replace he long-lived geher, brainrusing, searching for soluions saple of is economy. o heir very local problems. Despie he economic crisis, Afikim is a Afer he session in he Jerusalem Fores, lively communiy. We spen he day wih our Aharon akes me o he new ciy hall for he re- wo nieces-in-law, boh recen widows, whose cepion endered by Mayor Ehud Olmer in husbands died a few monhs apar of cancer. honor of a score of communiy aciviss . Miriam, who spen her childhood in Sweden, Aharon acceps his cerificae wih a modes and Alena, from Brazil, are fas friends, busy gesure; his many hours of voluneerism have wih heir kibbuz duies and caring for heir been acknowledged . Bu here is sill much children, he nex generaion of Gumans in more o do o enhance life in Gilo . Afikim. One side rip is slaed for March 12h, Our nieces led us o he kibbuz cemeery on which happens o be Purim. I is o he seapor he banks of he Jordan . Here are buried my of Ashdod, souh of Tel Aviv. Years ago Ashdod broher, Zvi, and his wife Miriam, who had se- was a scraggly village on he coas . Today i is a led in Afikim in 1934 . Nearby are he graves of booming ciy, wih wide horoughfares and heir wo sons, Naan and Nachi . Nex o many high rises . The occasion for he visi is o Nachi is his daugher, Dovra, who was killed aend he dedicaion of a Kupa Holim clinic in a raffic acciden on he road jus ouside he in honor of Dr. Sol Sein who is celebraing his kibbuz. Miriam and Alena ligh memorial can- 92nd birhday by sponsoring his new medical dles a he graves of heir respecive husbands . faciliy "while I'm sill alive". We bid farewell o he living and he dead, and move on, norhward o Kfar Blum . ime is running ou, and we mus use our final days of his journey o visi hree cen- or anyone associaed wih he American ralT poins on our spiriual map: Maoz Hayim, Labor Zionis movemen, Kfar Blum is a Afikim and Kfar Blum . Wih Naomi a he "mus"F . In his kibbuz reside veerans of he wheel, we can do i wih one overnigh Friday movemen, including founders of he Habonim sop a Kfar Blum . youh organizaion over 60 years ago . A a kum- Maoz Hayim, niece Nehama's habia, is in siz in he aparmen of he Sassons (he is he he Beisan Valley, abuing he Jordanian former Harry Sosewiz of and she is fronier. A relaively small kibbuz wih abou Esher Schmizer of Minneapolis) a minyan of 300 inhabians, is homes are surrounded by us sa and schmoozed . The spiri was upbea, brillian flowers . In spie of he economic woes esimony ha a good dose of Zionis zeal in beseing many of he collecive selemens, one's youh does have an affirmaive effec in Maoz Hayim is doing quie well : is plasics old age. facory is operaing a full speed, and is large Kfar Blum had long been noed for is gues dairy herd produces a saisfacory income . house. Now, i has been enlarged o accommo- Afkim is anoher sory. In he 1930s i se dae even bus loads of ouriss, of which here he pace for developing indusry in he rural were several during our say. Scaered hrough- selemens. The legendary Miya, a Russian ou he area are air raid shelers, forunaely haluz, whose peasanlike appearance belied a no pressed ino use laely. sharp, creaive mind, founded a plywood fac- We made a bikur holim call on Engee Call- ory in his remoe Jordan Valley kibbuz, an er, recuperaing from a severe illness in he in- area devoid of naural resources . The gian firmary. Tha faciliy is o be enlarged o ac- logs needed as raw maerial had o be impored commodae he growing number of elderly, from Africa, unloaded a Haifa and hauled members of he kibbuz and oher residens overland by ruck o he facory. For decades, of Upper Galilee . Engee is he archivis who


guards he hisoric reasure of Kfar Blum and of he Habonim esae . Lae Saurday, we drive back o Jerusalem, via fine roads oward Haifa (which we bypass Theodor Herzl founded he World Zionis his ime). We spo a roadsign reading "Naha- Organizaion in 1897 . lal"; regrefully we canno sop o pay respecs Susan Hais Rolef is our regular Israel o he founded by Shmuel Dayan and corresponden . where Moshe Dayan spen his youh . Traffic is heavy. Israelis are winding up Purim week . Misha Louvish, veeran journalis and po- Movemen in he Tel Aviv area is all bu im- liical analys, has ranslaed works of David possible. The road o Jerusalem is clogged. Bu Ben-Gurion. finally we make i o Gilo . Henry L. Feingold, professor of Jewish hisory a Baruch College, is general edior ur las day in Jerusalem . The plane leaves of he five-volume Jewish People in America O pas midnigh . We have ime o aend a (Johns Hopkins Press) . dance program in which Carmela performs . Nahum Guman is edior of Jewish There is a variey of syles on sage. An ou- Fronier . sanding number is pu on by a Moroccan roupe in colorful naive dress . Bu hey are all Joseph Adler wroe a biography of Theodor wonderful Israeli eenagers, alened, charm- Herzl . His laes volume is Resoring he Jews ing, enhusiasic . I is a wonderful noe on o Their Homeland . which o conclude his specacular journey o David Rosenhal resides in Philadelphia . he Promised Land . His aricles on Jewish personaliies and Zion- As we reached he Ben-Gurion airpor o is opics have appeared frequenly in Jewish board our El Al plane, he skies le loose wih a Fronier. orren of rain . I blessed he downpour, as he Haim Cherok lives in he Negev and counry can use every drop of waer . Nex wries for he Jerusalem Pos . His curren morning, we were informed by Naomi by book is Israeli Preoccupaions (Fordham Uni- phone ha Jerusalem had had a record snow versiy Press) fall - precipiaion ha was also mos wel- . come. We had come a he ail end of winer Mary Schulman, a member of LZA Branch and lef as Spring broke ou, reviving he coun- 520 in he Bronx, was born in Leningrad in ryside and lifing he spiri of he people. 1910, lived hrough he Russian revoluion of In 1897 Theodor Herzl convened he firs 1917, moved wih her family o Lavia and ar- World Zionis Congress, dreaming of a reborn rived in New York in 1923 . She earned degrees Jewish Sae . In a subsequen novel, Herzl a Huner College and Ciy College of New ried o picure wha ha sae would look York. She has augh mahemaics, physics, like. In 1998 we can ell Herzl: your dream has biology and Russian a he Bronx High School become a realiy. Some five million Jews popu- of Science. Her book, Moses Hess : Prophe of lae ha Sae which is replee wih he old Zionism, was firs published in 1963 by Thom- and he new. Herzl - you can be proud of your as Yoseloff, from which his chaper was aken . Alneuland . F1

The Sarah Lederman LZA Branch 977 Salues he people of Israel on he occasion of he Golden Jubilee of he reborn Jewish Sae . May you and we proceed oward he fulfillmen of our dreams - a counry blessed wih Peace and Social Jusice for all .


Hanan Ayali A Significan Novelis Who Refleced His Era By David Rosenhal

he life of Hanan Ayali (Klenbor), his don, in which hey found oo much of Tolsoy Taliya, his deparure from he kibbuz and from and of vegearianism . In 1927 he difficul eco- Israel, his lierary and journalisic work, all nomic condiions impelled heir kibbuzim - reflec he sruggles of his generaion, which Be Alpha, Mishmar HaEmek, Merchavia, and had acceped he challenge of rebuilding he Gan Shmuel - o join ogeher and form Kib- Jewish world and in ha process also of buz Arzi. ransforming he characer of he Jewish per- This separaion was deepened by he inro- sonaliy. ducion of he principle of "ideological collec- Members of Hashomer Hazair believed ivism" ino he ranks of Hashomer Hazair. ha he Jewish world was unable o see ha i The haverim of Hashomer all had o adop no had no fuure . I was saisified wih an "illu- only he same way of life, bu even he same sory securiy and sabiliy." Hashomer worked ideological and acical principles, wihou ex- o make basic changes in his "sick realiy ." cepion . Under he influence of Hashomer Ha- Mos of he Shomrim were children of he zair in Galicia, he Shomer groups moved very Jewish upper-middle class . They had no come close o he beliefs of he Third Inernaional o Zionism by way of a socio-economic and and he Sovie Union . poliical analysis of he siuaion of he Jewish masses . They were convinced, however, ha Splis in he Hashomer hey could find inellecual saisfacion, as individuals and as a group, in helping o build Hazair "Forress" a new sociey in Erez Israel . The galu cul- This ideological uniformiy led o splis in ure in Yiddish was compleely foreign o he "forress" of Hashomer Hazair . The ha- hem. verim who were dissaisfied argued ha you Shomrim believed ha only young people canno build freedom in one corner while "he who were free of all enanglemens - of family forces of yeserday" are dominan all around or career - conained wihin hemselves he you; ha he Hashomer kibbuzim were no poenial o be revoluionaries . They believed conneced o he revoluionary forces in he ha only such young people could creae a cul- world; ha he kibbuzim had deepened and ure whose values would be higher han hose srenghened heir own inernal and spiriual of he older generaion, wih is compromises life o he poin where hey were now a closed- and is convenional falsehoods . Their ideologi- off world uno hemselves, wihou a common cal eachers were Marx and Freud, Buber and language even wih he surrounding people in Gordon, o menion only a few of he hinkers Erez Israel. who inspired hem . Some of he haverim began, herefore, o In Erez Israel, he Shomrim separaed leave he movemen. Some joined he Com- hemselves from he res of he workers . They munis Pary, which had parners in he Arab led an isolaed life . They began o rejec he world - he effendis and heir priess, he eachings of Hapoel Hazair and of A .D . Gor- Mufis . The Communis Pary openly urged

MARCH/APRIL 1998 21 he Arabs o commi bloody ani-Jewish a- Non-Exisen Hoel," Monevideo, 1944 ; acks, in line wih he slogan: "Jewish blood is "Faher and Son," awarded he Louis Lamed oil on he wheels of he Revoluion ." Prize, 1945, Buenos Aires ; "Wihou a Cur- This crisis did no bypass Poland . Here he ain," Noes from a Diary abou Sovie Russia ; more Zionis elemens joined such organi- "Farher han Brooklyn," New York, 1959 . zaions as Hashomer Haleumi or Herzelia, Alhough some criics preferred "Faher and movemens which grew ou of dissaisfacion Son" and "Farher han Brooklyn," ohers were wih he lef-wing aciviies of Hashomer Ha- of he opinion ha Ayali's mos imporan zair. Around 1931 hese organizaions unied work was "The Non-Exisen Hoel," a wo-vol- under he name Hanoar Hazioni . A signifi- ume novel of over 500 pages, in which he can number of Shomrim, driven by he dif- searchings and srayings of he Shomer youh ficul poliical and economic siuaion in he served he auhor as maerial for his heme . Jewish communiy, rushed o join he Commu- The proagoniss of his novel come o Erez nis ranks. Dr. Reuben Feldshu (Ben Shem) Israel from Poland as haluzim. Afer difficul immoralized he searchings and he divaga- experiences and serious disappoinmens, hey ions of Hashomer Hazair in his book, "Red join he Communis Pary and propagae is Souls." hosile and exreme ani-Zionis line . The Mandae power hen depors hem and hey have presened he above hisorical back- ake up residence in he "non-exisen hoel" in ground here because i served as he maer- Paris. The significance of his hoel lies in he ialI for Ayali's lierary work dealing wih ha fac ha "i did no exis for he world" and period, which he had experienced firs-hand . herefore is "ouside he purview of he police." The produc of a radiional Jewish home, graduae of a Hebrew high school, he made  ha ime was he counry where aliya as a member of Hashomer Hazair a he he fuure of he world was being decided, end of he 1920s or he early 1930s, in he Awhere he decisive bales agains fascism period of ideological confusion in Hashomer were being waged . Here he former haluzim Hazair. He joined Kibbuz Binyamina, wen were scaered, "some in he renches and hrough he raining period of "absorpion" - some in he hospials ; some fell in bale . And difficul and irregular physical labor - and on he inernaional cemeery in Madrid he lenghy emoional dispues. In such a siu- number of grave-markers bearing he inscrip- aion, he idea of "going ou ino he wide ion `Freedom Figher' kep growing . Wih world" ripened wihin him . ohers, no one even knew where hey were Hanan Ayali was no "he righ maerial" o buried. . ." paricipae in a "collecivis way of hinking ." In "Faher and Son," he hero, Jacques So- Dogmaic ideas and auomaized carriers of kolovski, is also a figher agains fascism . The ideas were foreign o his characer. He had o ime: Hiler's occupaion of . This, how- go his own way. He could herefore no be car- ever, is no he only sruggle in which Jacques ried along by a sric, rigorous "movemen pro- Sokolovski is engaged . He is also sruggling gram." I was ineviable ha Ayali would wih his faher over Yiddishkei, a sruggle have differences of opinion wih Hashomer ha is par of he life experience of every Hazair on all quesions whose soluions were generaion . Even he Hebrew prophes "definiive" and "unquesioned" for all he dreamed abou a ime wihou conflics be- oher members of he organizaion . ween parens and children, and ha ime is sill beyond realizaion . Lierary and Journalisic Far from his parenal home, Jacques hinks Achievemens abou he house he lef wihou so much as a goodbye. "A ha ime he didn' regre i. He Ayali's lierary and journalisic achieve- had become esranged from his parens, mens include Yiddish sories published in he seemed o have nohing in common wih hem . Folks-Tseiung in pre-war Poland and a novel He could alk wih hem neiher abou his per- in Hebrew, Bimkhilo, Shibl Publishers, Tel sonal life nor abou wha was going on in he Aviv, 1934 . The following are all in Yiddish : world. . . Bu now he fel somehow closer o "Boom in Chains," Klezkin, Vilna, 1936 ; "The hem. . . Maybe a common fae evokes he feel-


ing of closeness and love . Esranged? Their head able were all he naional leaders of he hears were beaing wih he same hope, movemen. bleeding wih he same despair. A wave of Afer he program I sood near he enrance affecion and longing broke over him . . . How for a few minues, waching as people formed wonderful i would be if he could look ino his ino lile groups, perhaps o alk abou he home now, if only for a momen, and see his day's evens, or o mee he cars ha had faher who had grown so old and gray in he brough hem o he hall, or o ry o flag down las few years. How he would like o comfor cabs . Then I noiced ha one of he persons his moher who, wih her sad and devoed eyes geing ino a cab was Berl Locker, all by him- had shared his ragedy over Zhema, no even self. The inciden saddened me . Had we be- daring o ask him wha was huring him so . . ." haved his way in Poland oward prominen Ayali is an organic par of his characers, guess? for whom he kibbuz becomes oo resricing . Several days laer, near Adelphia Hall, I They were caugh up in "he dynamic of impor- me Hanan Ayali . Among oher hings, I old an world evens," as hey used o say in hose him abou he recepion for Berl Locker and I circles. In my memory he remains a man wih couldn' resis making he comparison wih a clear, sober mind, wih lively guss of hu- Poland . I menioned one of he firs mass mor and wih a realizaion ha alhough our meeings I had ever aended in Warsaw . I world is, afer all, "God's world," i can also be was 1933, on he eve of he 18h Zionis Con- a gehennurn . gress. A meeing had been arranged a he Novosci Theaer wih he paricipaion of labor yali has deep roos in modern Yiddish-He- leaders from Erez Israel - David Ben-Gurion brew culure. In Paris, when he and his and David Rosenbaum (Hashomer Hazair) . wifeA were par of Hannah Arend's circle, he As I menioned Rosenbaum's name I could remained "his own man ." In New York, oo, he see Ayali's eyes ligh up. Even his one grew was known as a wrier who kep apar from livelier. he alarms and he clamor of "official circles ." David Rosenbaum, i urned ou, was a close We were friends for more han fory years . friend of his who laer became head of he pub- Bu I mus add immediaely ha he word lishing house of Kibbuz Arzi . (In Israel Ro- "friends" is no o be undersood here in he senbaum.'s name was David HaNegbi .) usual sense. We never exchanged news abou This coincidence made our meeing more our families . Our personal lives, our joys and naural . We had found a link which recalled our concerns, lay ouside he borders of our similar radiions, similar aiudes oward relaionship . The connecing link was raher communal life . On American soil, where "peo- our muual ineres in poliical and social ple remain lonely and cold among hemselves" hemes, in lieraure, in Zionism and he Sae (Liessin), such a coincidence indicaed ha he of Israel . And alhough he personal elemen friendship would coninue "on solid ground ." was absen - he ingredien which creaes closeness beween individuals - ours was sill a deeply rooed friendship . I was he firs Sunday afer Hanan Ayali In he course of hose fory years we me lef his world, around he hour when I used o face-o-face only a few imes. Our conversa- elephone him . ions were mosly over he elephone ; in recen "You miss Ayali," my wife said o me . years, every Sunday morning. Wihou a doub, Hanan Ayali is sorely missed. By his family, above all . Bu also by his friends, who feel ha wih his passing, heir I was in New York in he early 1950s . Berl world oo has grown poorer . . . 0 Locker was on a our in his counry . All sec- ions of he Labor Zionis movemen had joined ogeher o arrange a mass meeing for See review on page 30 him a he Roosevel Audiorium downown . The Presence Is In Exile, Too The meeing ook place on a Saurday evening . by Hanan Ayali The hall was packed wih haverim and a he


Moses Hess and His Times By Mary Schulman

oses (Moriz) Hess was born in Bonn, child sudy he Torah ogeher, he sudy of Gemany,M on January 12, 1812 . He was he son he divine Law will never more forsake he of a well-o-do merchan who was a he same family bu will be handed down from genera- ion o generaion ." The words of my moher ime a sricly orhodox Jew . When business mus have impressed me deeply, for I sill re- necessiaed he family's seling in he Rhine- member hem disincly. land ciy of Cologne, he nine-year-old Moriz was sen o Poland o be brough up in he The influences of boh moher and grandfa- Jewish religious spiri, in he sudy of he her lef a lasing imprin upon him . However, Bible and he , by his pious grandfa- when hese orhodox influences were removed, her. The laer was a rabbi of he old school, firs by his moher's deah and hen by his whom Moses loved and from whom he acquired leaving his grandfaher's house for he univer- he deep love for he Jewish people which siy a Bonn in 1830, he was gradually weaned never lef him even hough he wandered far away from his Jewish ineress and was soon afield. His moher oo had lef an indelible plunged ino more worldly concerns, as were mark upon he sensiive boy. She was a descen- mos of he German Jewish inellecual youh dan of a long line of Jewish learned men and of his ime . Wha lile conac he had had wih rabbis, and had ofen impressed him wih his faher dwindled as his ineres in he radi- pride in his Jewish heriage . I was from her cal ideas prevalen in universiy life grew . ha he received his deep reverence for women Hess never formally finished his sudies a he as he focal poin of Jewish family love, ou of universiy, even hough he honorary ile of which "inexhausible founain he redeemers "Herr Docor" was evenually besowed upon of humaniy have drawn heir inspiraion ."1 him. Wih all his youhful zeal and ardor he Many years laer, Moses Hess paraphrased he hrew himself ino he labor of saving he poor Book of Genesis, "In hee (i .e., he moher) and he oppressed of he world. In 1840, while shall all he families of he earh be blessed ." he was in Paris, he read avidly he new liera- In one of he leers ha make up Rome and ure on socialism . Several books on he subjec Jerusalem, he wroe lovingly of his moher : had been published simulaneously ha year - hose of Proudhon and Blanc among ohers I consanly have he image of my moher be- . fore me. I los her in my youh, a he age of The socialisic uopias which hese wriers foureen, bu ill recenly she appeared o me proposed fired Hess's imaginaion, and he be- almos every nigh in my dreams, and I re- came an enhusiasic champion of he wronged . member her words : "Lisen, child, you mus Ye a his ime he did no champion his own sudy diligenly . Mohrich [a Jewish maryr] people, his own oppressed naion. His was a was one of my ancesors, and you are foru- nae o be sudying under your grandfaher. I broader field of concern - ha of he enire is wrien ha when grandfaher and grand- European prolearia, and indeed of he whole human race . In fac, he was so aken up wih 'This and all subsequen quoaions from he works he idea of social regeneraion ha he decided of Hess are, unless oherwise noed, from his Rome o carry ou his convicions in pracice by mar- and Jerusalem . rying a Genile prosiue, Sibyl Prisch, whom

24 JEWISH FRONTIE 3 he hoped o lif ou of he dephs ino which leaders of France, and when he saw ha hese she had sunk. This marriage brough abou were aken up wih socialis ideas, he became he final rif wih his faher, and hey never more recepive o Hess's docrines . From hen saw each oher again . on he pahs of he hree - Marx, Engels and Hess - were o cross again and again, firs as namored of he new gospel, Hess se ou allies and laer as sworn anagoniss . Bu be- upon a one-man mission o bring i o his fore he spli came, i was once again Hess who naiveE Prussia. A he ime, Hegel's philosophy was insrumenal in launching Marx upon his was he chief force affecing he minds of he socialisic career . When he Rheinische young German inellecuals of Berlin. There, Zeiung was sared by he Rhenish business- in one of he coffee houses, he young elie men o counerac he Caholic influence of he gahered o discuss Hegel and he implicaions Cologne Gazee, Jung and Oppenheim, he of his philosophy. The group called iself he young ediors of he Rheinische Zeiung, boh Young Hegelians, and was nicknamed The of whom had been Young Hegelians, chose Professors' Club. I was o his club ha Hess heir enire saff from among he members of reurned from Paris wih his newly acquired he club, and Hess became an unofficial religion . In 1841 he had already wrien adviser and consulan . I was hus only na- Sozialismus and The European Triarchy, in ural ha he paper should assume a socialisic which he gave inimaions of his new docrine, one . Hess was asked o inerview Karl Marx and his fame among he Young Hegelians who as a prospecive conribuor, and a ha ime had read his publicaions was assured . Hess expressed his approval of Karl in he mos was somewha older han mos of he ohers, glowing erms . Hess also launched Engels and was soon heir acily acknowledged upon over socialis aciviies . In order o find leader and confidan. Mos of hem liked he proselyes o he new cause in Wesphalia, genle, inspired man who preached o hem of Hess and Engels "barnsormed" hrough he broherly love, and hey readily fell under his province, holding dramaic meeings hrough- missionary spell . One by one hey oo became ou he counryside, and making socialism socialiss, and hey had soon ou-socialized popular among he bourgeois merchans, Hess himself by inciing rios in he srees . police and own clerks . And when some ime Dr. Arnold Ruge, one of he maurer and more laer Marx founded he firs Communis Pary conservaive members of he club, disapproved in Germany, Hess demonsraed his sympahy of he violence and he use of force wih which by becoming one of is seveneen original he young zealos wished o bring abou he members. Only one, Weiling, was a rue pro- millennium, and in his he was in agreemen learian ; he res were inellecuals like Hess wih he saddened Hess . For Hess was genle and Marx. Even by his ime, here was no love by naure, and believed ha humaniy could los beween Marx and Hess, bu Marx no bu agree ulimaely o a peaceful broher- despised he dreamer and he Jew in Hess and hood for he muual benefi of all men ; and he made no effor o hide hese ill feelings from wen abou his genle preachings. I was in his former menor. his same coffee house, in a single afernoon, ha he was o conver o socialism he young he final falling ou beween Hess and Marx Friedrich Engels, who had come from Man- Tand Engels came in 1847, when Marx, cheser o Berlin because he had waned o waning o do away wih all opposiion o him- learn wisdom from he young inellecs here . self, ried o purge Weiling from he Pary. Karl Marx, who was hen a newcomer o he Hess was furious, and said so in ouspoken club, did no succumb o Hess's oraory a ha erms . Marx now had a perfec excuse for ry- ime, and was in fac opposed o Hess's social- ing o purge Hess, his rival for power, as well . isic ideas. I was some ime laer, when dur- Hess resigned in disgus, waning nohing ing anoher rip o Paris Hess inroduced Marx more o do wih such fellow socialiss . o Heinrich Heine and his coerie, ha Hess's For some years afer ha, Marx and Engels socialism found a warmer response in Marx . spen much ime in rying o find somehing o Heine, he social lion of Paris, had surrounded pin on Hess in order o "annihilae" him, bu himself wih he bes minds of he era . Marx found nohing more scandalous han he accu- was brough in conac wih he inellecual saion ha Hess's wife was a "whore and ha

MARCH/APRIL 1998 25 Hess himself was riddled by gonorrhea," and in 1861, and his Die Dynamische Sofflehre, his came from Engels, he oneime proselye The Dynamic Philosophy, published poshu- of Hess, who was a he ime having a clandes- mously in 1877 by his wife, were he chief ex- ine affair wih Hess's Sibyl . How lile hey pressions of his philosophy. Ou of hese sud- succeeded in huring Hess's presige can be ies he came back o his own Jewish people, o gahered from he fac ha when Marx orga- he convicion ha his firs concern was he nized he Workers' Educaional Associaion in resoraion of his oppressed brohers o heir Germany, he presiden-elec was Hess and own land as a preliminary sep owards he re- no Marx; whereupon Marx's fury knew no generaion of all he peoples of he world . He bounds. And he managed o ge even when by had moved from he cosmopolian idea of a rickery Engels was able o send his own Pref- broherhood of man o Jewish naionalism as a ace o he Communis Manifeso insead of necessary sep owards he perfecion of soci- Hess's o he London League of he Jus gloa- ey, when all peoples would live ogeher in a ing o Marx over he coup ha he had pu over broherhood of naions . The crysallizaion of on "Mosi ." When he Communis Manifeso his ideas of such perfecion is conained in his appeared in prin on he eve of he 1848 Revo- Rome and Jerusalem, his magnum opus . Afer luion, i conained all he spleen and venom of is publicaion his life was commied o fur- which Karl Marx was capable . The Jews and her sudy of he naural sciences and o he he ineffecual dreamers - Hess of course furher clarificaion of his idea of Jewish na- included - were casigaed in virulen erms . ionalism and is posiion in he scheme of Hess would have had o be a sain indeed o world's progress owards perfecion and fulfill- coninue his associaion wih Marx and Engels men. When he died in 1875, a he age of six- and his ime heir ways pared for good . y-hree, his wife, whose graiude and love Abou en years laer, however, heir pahs excep for he Engels inciden had seldom crossed once more . When Ferdinand Lassalle, wavered, had him buried near his parens, and he leader of he Social Democras in Ger- immediaely hereafer persuaded a friend of many, was killed in a duel, and his pos was his o publish his sequel o he geneic view of offered o Moses Hess, Hess, ired and disillu- he world, The Dynamic Philosophy . sioned, refused he pos, and he ripe plum fell Rome and Jerusalem will always be he a las ino he lap of he power-hungry Marx . chief monumen o his genius . France, he Bu Hess was no vindicive, nor was he any "creaive genius of human progress," had longer ineresed in who was o lead he Ger- sirred his imaginaion by is sruggle for free- man socialiss . He was engrossed in anoher dom. While he was under her influence he had field now, one nearer home . been imbued wih he hope of saving all he poor of mankind . Bu under he influence of Afer he failure of he 1848 Revoluion, his scienific sudies he narrowed down his ess severed himself from his fellow so- concern o one paricular segmen or organ of cialiss and began o occupy himself insead sociey and hen reurned o he idea of wih he wave of ani-Semiism ha had fol- humaniy as a concaenaion of organs, he lowed in he wake of poliical reacion. His separae naions. These organs could be unied mind had been weaned away from is concern in a federaion of peace and love if hey could wih he European prolearia, and he became bu learn o pracice he Mosaic laws of jusice a scholar again, chiefly in he naural sciences . in heir own inernal affairs as well as owards From his sudies he drew up his philosophy of heir fellow naions . This was he cenral he universe, and subsequenly his philosophy heme of his grea work - he reaching of he of Zionism . In his Die Heilige Geschiche der era of he Messiah . His coming back o his own Menschhei, von einem Junge Spinoza, a sa- people, which culminaed in his book, was no cred hisory of mankind, inerpreed in he a sudden occurrence bu had had is begin- ligh of Spinoza's and Hegel's conceps of a cre- nings in 1840, more han a decade earlier, aive evoluion, he idenified love as he bind- when he had been shaken by he Damascus ing force beween hesis and anihesis, a syn- Affair, which had evoked his "cry of anguish" hesis and a breaking down, he opposing en- for his people. The pos-1848 reacion made dencies of he universe . His Rom and Jerusa- him aware of a pligh more serious and errible lem : Die Leze Naionalidsfrage, published han ha of he European prolearia, namely

2G JEWISH FRONTIER 3 ha of he Jews . Under he despoic reacion has been recognized by Jewry . Such was his and ani-Semiic aacks, he wave of assimila- value o he Jews ha, hough he had floued ion among he Wesern Jewry had received a Jewish radiion by marrying ouside his faih severe blow. his body was neverheless inerred in he or- hodox cemeery a Cologne . [His remains ike a clap of hunder ani-Semiism brough were laer ransferred o Israel .] Lhome he uer failure of assimilaion as By he ime of his deah, he despised apos- he soluion of he Jewish problem . Ani-Semi- ae had come o be revered as a prophe . 0 ism swep over Europe like a broom, carrying away any hope of he Jew's finding equaliy and digniy in he eyes of he Genile world . To IN MEMORIAM heir misguided hopes he assimilaioniss re- ceived an answer wrien in blood. David Gor- We exend our condolences don of Lyck, Eas Prussia, edior of he Ha- o our Friend and Colleague maggid, Rabbi Hirsch Kalisher of Thorn, he Jerry Goodman auhor of Emunoh Yeshoroh (The Righ Faih), on he passing of his moher 1861, and Elijah Gumacher were a ha ime advocaing Jewish colonizaion in Pales- ESTHER GOODMAN ZASLOW z'I ine . All hree had been moved o his by per- Daniel & Elaine Mann secuions, and all hree proposed he same Behesda, MD avenue of escape o he Jews - a soluion of he Jewish problem superseding and over- shadowing all he previous soluions . In hese wriings Hess found an answering chord . Even The Labor Zionis Alliance a he ime of he Damascus Affair he had mourns he passing of one firmly believed in he indesrucibiliy of he of our mos dedicaed and Jewish naionaliy. "We shall always remain beloved srangers among he naions," he wroe a he ime . Bu his broher socialiss gave scan sympahy o his concern, and i was relegaed HARRY PANITZ o his subconscious, o be revived a a more propiious ime . who represened he bes Oher fuel as well coninued o feed he radiions of our movemen puny flame of Jewish parioism ha lay dor- while forhrighly supporing man during his sruggle for liberalism and our effors o renew and cosmopolianism . He was aware of he advan- enhance our Organizaion. ces of Jewish science . Jewish hisorians were wriing of he glory of Judea, emphasizing he uniy of he Jewish race hroughou cenuries of persecuion. Hess was sensiive o all hese LZA BRANCH 977 ineracing forces in he world of his day . And he gave voice o he conclusions reached by his aler mind as he held up he many-faceed wishes o honor he memory of ideas for he world's inspecion . His was an ap- peal o reason. In his Rome and Jerusalem he CHARLES COGEN gave hisorical, social, economical, psychologi- cal, scripural and idealisic bases for regard- firs presiden of he Teachers Union ing Zionism as he only soluion o he Jewish of New York Ciy, problem, and hus became he firs Jew o give real impeus o Zionism . who died February 17, 1997 a age 94 . Thus Moses Hess, whose original concern A lawyer, eacher and rade unionis, had been for all of humaniy, bu whose chief he was a ferven adheren of he concern came o be for he Jewish race, which Labor Zionis cause. he considered he creaive organ of humaniy,


remarked, "were shocked and repelled no doub o see aricles by Goebbels and Lord Some Haw-Haw, bu no o he pich of sopping heir subscripions . How else could hey adverise heir cocker spaniels and heir lawn Geaway! mowers or learn abou he cricke resuls?" The island of Guernsey, our geaway arge, By Haim Cherok bes-known o overseas deposiors, dairymen, and philaeliss, is a weny-four square mile riangular wedge ha houses some 50,000 res- idens and, like he neighboring islands of Jer- sey and Alderney, a disincive breed of bovine . s I wrie he Yassir-bego, Bibi-fosered In he course of a week of raipsing is hiking Asand-off shows lile sign of abaing. Israeli rails and of frequening he cafes and mu- governmen prioriies and hose of he Pales- seums of S . Peer Por, is capial and only inians simply are no commensurable. Mos ciy, we encounered no a single Israeli or people I know are holding heir breahs, awai- sray American . Our escape from he Israeli- ing he nex explosion. Ye I also suspec ha, bred anxieies seemed almos oal . like myself, a grea many Israelis, while exe- True, my kippa generaed hree snappy en- craing heir own governmen's self-righeous couners wih naive islanders. A counerman syle and chronic incompeence, sill respond in a healh food resauran : "I lived on a kib- o is insisence on voicing wha feel like some buz abou en years ago . Sayed a year. Loved unequivocably home ruhs . i. Lef behind some old flames ." A grade school As for he Syrian rack, alk of a brokered eacher sunning a he beach: "Our church selemen involving American guaranees group visied all he holy places wih Faher may sill be mued, bu, if no his year or he Mallory. Jerusalem, he Galilee, Behlehem . I nex Albrigh rip, hen i will likely ge louder was wonderful." A museum aendan : "I was wih he nex Adminisraion or following he evacuaed as a youngser, a wise move for nex war. In shor no agreemen seems con- someone named Levy, eh? No, never been o ceivable wihou American guaranees, which, Israel." given he credibiliy of U.N., ineviably would mean American roops . he firs hours and days of feeling ou a new From several perspecives, his looms as place, geing he lay of is conours, wis- such a disurbing prospec ha, in spiri of ings,T urnings and responding o is special denial, las week I urned, I imagined, en- scen or flavor are very special, an obvious irely elsewhere : a new collecion of essays analogue o he pleasure and exciemen of called Independen Spiri by Irish wrier new acquainances . Wih is beaches, rocky Huber Buler, who died in 1991 . And wha coas, public marke, curiosiy shops, harbor, should I sumble across afer only en min- and sea cliff rails, Guernsey did no disap- ues of browsing bu an acerbic passage so poin. Our gues house had been inhabied for porenously perinen as o feel uncanny : in a year by Vicor Hugo, exiled o Guernsey for a piece ha firs appeared in 1950 reference republican poliics in 1855 . We enjoyed he o he fine depormen, indeed he scandalous grea wrier's view of he harbor . Equipped composure under Nazi occupaion of resi- wih sraegically-placed mirrors ha enabled dens of he Channel Islands, he very locale him o see around corners (and paranoia), ec- where wo summers ago my wife and I aimed cenric furnishings, and secre passageways, ourselves for a vacaion precisely because Hugo designed and buil a grander house for hey seemed as remoe from Israeli preoccu- his wife and children a few doors up he sree, paions as Euro-possible. "The readers of he close by he edifice inhabied by his misress . Guernsey Evening Pos," Buler acidly He lived here for fifeen years ; oday i be-


I longs o he Ciy of Paris and is he major whose young men had radiionally volun- meeing ground for French ouriss . eered in disproporionae numbers o figh The poliical and religious background of Briish wars? Hiler had i jus abou as hese islands is boh inriguing and insruc- wrong as he Islanders . In he years be- ive. Apperaining o he Duchy of Normandy ween he world wars he War Office silenly since 933 (hence o Briain afer 1066), even decided ha, all in all, he Channel Islands afer England absenmindedly forfeied nearly had lile sraegic imporance . (Asonishingly, all he res of is Norman possessions - Ca- i acually rescinded subsidies o help finance lais, he las holding, fell in 1558 - he Chan- local miliias .) nel Islands remained seadfasly Briish. Al- hough French was spoken in many quarers ~n May 1940 he Lieuenan Governor of Jer- unil very recenly, neiher repeaed French sey, afer informing he War Office ha his aacks nor ecclesiasical ies o Caen ever island was virually defenseless, pleaded for eroded he loyaly of he islanders. (Today, like roops . The Chiefs of Saff iniially considered a small Wales, mos of he island's churchgoers sending a baalion o Jersey and anoher o are Mehodiss . A very small Jewish commu- Guernsey, hen reconsidered and dihered for niy resides on Jersey bu only a sprinkling a while unil ulimaely wihdrawing he may be found on Guernsey.) In reurn for heir enire Briish miliary esablishmen . Many affiliaion o Briain, he Channel Islands able-bodied men, many women, children, and have long enjoyed a large measure of auon- Jews were shipped o Briain . The Islands omy and, in he even of aack, he promise of were declared "demiliarized," a change of sa- proecion of he crown . us which, unforunaely, was no conveyed o he Germans . The resul was ha before expeced, mos of Guernsey's visiors are debarking from Normandy, he Germans ris seeking ou milder weaher and rows srafed omao rucks and oher miliary ar- of peaceful hedgerows and lanes close o home . ges and several dozen lives were needlessly And hen here are he Germans . The Channel los. Inexplicably, Whiehall failed o grasp Islands, you see, were he only Briish Isles ha Briain had pledged iself responsible for occupied by he Nazis during he war . Exuling heir defense . in his easy conques, viewing i as a rial run In he course of he Occupaion, he hree for he conques of Briain, Hiler ensured Jews who had remained on Guernsey were all orders ha reamen of he naives echo he berayed and depored o concenraion camps . severiy of he climae . To his day among he older generaion of Cerain ha he Briish would make srenu- islanders, ension beween hose who found ous effors o recapure hem, Hiler saioned some means o resis and hose who cooper- an excessive number of roops on he Islands, aed oo enhusiasically wih he Occupaion divering weapons, maeriel, and slave labor- is a livid wound . As for les iniserables of Jer- ers o consruc an impressive nework of con- sey, Alderney, and Guernsey, hey were no lib- cree bunkers o guard he coasline . And here eraed by he power ha had guaraneed heir resing and rusing o he presen day, gun safey unil May 9, 1945, wo days afer he emplacemen and cemen oucroppings are uncondiional surrender of he German high grafed ino hillsides, one every few hundred or command. A piiable posscrip o VE-Day, so yards along he rockier secors . Here, where And so my wife and I scampered across once he Wehrmach kep wach, hikers - France oward he land of he Hebrew-speak- even a few srays from Israel - now pause o ers where any sor of peaceful selemen wih ake in he specacular view, a sandwich and a is norhern neighbor will surely res upon he drink ou of he sun, or simple seclusion . And i guaranees of yon disan, friendly power . No, is boh here and a he "Museum of he Occu- I"m no in principle of he camp of he errior- paion" where he mued bu disinc ones of ial expansioniss, bu I really do wonder Israel German ouriss may be overheard . migh no ye do beer o furnish our norhern Wha abou he Briish pledge o defend he fronier wih arrays of Vicor Hugo's mirrors Islands which over he cenuries had mani- han in relying on he pledges of any benevo- fesed such remarkable fealy o he crown, len power.



Go furher in his las issue of he Fron- The Presence Is in Wha Ails Zionism? ier o he lile aricle abou Labor Pary leader Ehud Barak. When he called for he Exile, Too (coninued) end of exempions for Orhodox youh who use heir sudies as a way of avoiding mil- Hanan J. Ayali, Dear Edior: iary service, he leader of he ulra-Orho- edied by Marcia and Since Professor Feingold's answer, dox pary deemed his o be a "divorce which appeared in he January-February beween he religious and he Labor Move- Daniel Klenbor, issue of he Fronier, ook up as much men." In oher words, he hrea o he various rans . Black space as did my leer on he opic of poliical power of he Labor Movemen is "Wha Ails Zionism", I respecfully he issue, no he holiness of he sudies, BelPress, (256p) . reques permission o keep he dialogue he coninuing religious educaion or he "When Israel is in Exile, hen he Pres- going so ha I may reply o Professor coninuiy of he Jewish people . ence is in Exile, oo!" This mournful re- Feingold. I almos feel as if Professor Feingold is frain from a Hebrew prayer capures he I do no waver from my basic belief ha pulling my leg when he cies Poland, Ire- spiri of his poshumous collecion by Herzl's Zionism had nohing o do wih land and Spain as examples of democraic Ayali (aka Chonel Klenbor) . Evoking he religion . I was a poliical movemen ha governmens . Judenrein Poland, whose lives of Jews dispersed from Easern sough he esablishmen of a Jewish church sill spews ani-semiism o a Europe in he 1930s and '40s as hey find homeland. The fac ha religious groups poin where he Vaican is embarrassed refuge in France, New York, and believed in and suppored Zionism did no and has o sep in . Ireland, where for nine he imaginary counry of "Traaguay," give Zionism iself a religious characer. hundred years he Caholics and he hese shor sories (many previously pub- Afer he esablishmen of he Sae, Proesans are a war and Spain, where lished in Commenary, Midsream, Shor Professor Feingold now gives he move- he Basques and he Caalans are figh- Sory Inernaional, ec .) are ouching men a hihero unexpressed obligaion, ing for secession . And as o he bigory and inspiring wihou being senimenal . namely o ac as he world-wide suppor and prejudice of he Bible Bel saes here In he ile sory, a rabbi living in Paris nework for Israel . Wih all due respec, I in his counry which Professor Feingold beween he wars is asked o provide min- believe ha ha is his own personal cies as anoher example of a democraic yans - a minyan is he quorum of 10 men inerpreaion which he hen empers by sysem of governmen, I dread he day needed for prayers for mourners . Reb saying ha his Zionism "remained sepa- when we will see he IDF leading a lile Issachar becomes "an enrepreneur in he rae, no only in fac bu also in ideology." Ehiopian child o he doors of an Orho- Kaddish business," housing his minyan in He fails o illusrae ha precep bu hen dox Talmud Torah . Are hese he kind of a cafe ha also shelers prosiues, urns 180 degrees and says, "Israelism is democracies ha Israel should emulae? including Rachel, who begs he men o merely he laes form of Zionism ." If Zionism has any ongoing funcion i accep her money and pray for her Tha is exacly he poin ha I made is o see o i ha Israel remains a srong, deceased faher. In "Afer a Cold Winer," originally. Today, now, a he presen ime, democraic and secular governmen . Ge a recen widower ries o seduce an Israel and Zionism are one and he same . he religious paries ou of he Knesse; African-American domesic who has come Wha was he highligh of he re- sop governmen suppor of religious ide- o clean his Brooklyn aparmen and ends cen World Zionis Congress, as relaed by ologies by separaing he church (syna- up making her a poignan offer . In he Daniel Mann in his repor in he curren gogue) and he Sae . There is no malaise hauning "The Man from Les Milles," sur- issue of he Fronier? ". . . religious plural- in ourselves or in our hisory . Le he Kul- vivors of a concenraion camp in Vichy ism. Everyone knew ha his would be a urkampf coninue as i has in Jewish his- France mee in New York afer he War. cenral heme of he Congress . . ." ory for housands of years . Those con- Alhough he prisoners of Les Milles Go on o he aricle of Rabbi Chiniz . flics will be resolved and ohers will ake weren' beaen or herded ino gas cham- "Then we swiched o Pluralism, hinking heir place. If, however, hose conflics are bers (merely frozen, sarved and error- ha if we can' separae religion from religious in naure hey have no place in ized), he searing effecs of he Holocaus Sae, le us ge in on he goodies and ge he halls of governmen. sill dominae heir lives . Ayali himself our share of he religious pie being cu up Perhaps, wha ails Zionism is ha i fled from he Nazis o Souh America and by he governmen." Isn' he governmen, has no definiion and can herefore no came o he U.S. in 1946 . His ficion, wri- by cuing up a religious pie, fosering he define is purpose. en in Hebrew and Yiddish, is marked by divisiveness and he resenmen caused Very ruly yours, maer-of-fac compassion . El by he pronouncemens of he Orhodox LEON H. GILDIN - Reprined from Publishers Weekly, leaders in Israel? Sedona, Arizona April 28, 1997

"The pursui of knowledge for is own sake, Mazal You o an almos fanaical love of jusice and he desire for personal independence - hese GEORGE LEVY are he feaures of he Jewish radiion which make me hank my sars ha I Your LZA Chaper is happy o exend bes wishes on his spe- belong o i." cial day - your Bar Mizva - on April 4h . May you go from -Alber Einsein, 1934 srengh o srengh!


A Tribue o . . . Time for Dr. Sol Sein

RENEWAL 1998 will be a challenging year for he en- O n March 12h, a group of residens of ire world . Hisoric changes around he globe Ashdod gahered wih a coningen represen- are almos daily occurrences . To keep pace ing he Israel America Foundaion, o dedicae wih hese evens - especially as hey impac a new Kupa Holim clinic in he name of Dr . on Israel and he Jewish people - JEWISH Sol Sein and his wife Luba . A 92, Dr. Sein FRONTIER will coninue is policy of presen- had flown o Israel for he special occasion o ing background and analysis of hese mo- climax a lifeime of service o he Zionis menous developmens . cause. 1998 is he righ ime o expand he ranks Born in Vilna, Lihuania, Dr . Sein lef for of readers of JEWISH FRONTIER . Belgium as a youh, and earned a docorae in financial and commercial sciences a he Uni- To begin wih - le's all renew our sub- versiy of Ghen. He hen launched his career scripions as he dae of renewal comes as a fund-raiser for major Israeli causes . He around. spen five years as direcor of he Jewish Na- ional Fund in Belgium . Fleeing from Europe And how abou gif subscripions o hose young aduls in your circle who would find wih his wife afer he invasion of Belgium in much enlighenmen and exciemen in our 1940, he seled in Philadelphia, where he con- . inued his JNF work for 20 years . Then came pages a sin as naional execuive direcor of he AFTER ALL - THIS IS YOUR Naional Commiee for Labor Israel and he JEWISH FRONTIER! Israel Hisadru Campaign . In 1960 Dr. Sein developed he Israel Hisradru Foundaion, Please use he form below for ha new in cooperaion wih Supreme Cour Jusice subscriber . . . Arhur J. Goldberg. Over he years, he Foun-

daion amassed a oal of over $120 million. in Subscripion Form bequess and chariable remained russ . He JEWISH FRONTIER reired in 1984, bu coninued o suppor ef- 275 Sevenh Avenue•17h Floor fors on behalf of Hisadru social, healh and New York, NY 10001 culural programs . PLEASE ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION For 15 years, Dr. Sein conduced a weekly YES TO THE JEWISH FRONTIER TODAY! Yiddish radio program in New York, and wroe columns for he Jewish Forward. In 1967 he Name (Prin) founded, wih assisance from Hisour in Is- rael, he Isram Travel Company, now one of Address Israel's larges ravel agencies . F] Ciy Sae Zip Subscripion for 1 Year (6 issues) $15.00* Hare an urgen documen or package o/from ISRAEL? Send i wih us for guaraneed delivery wihin 36 hours . 2 Years (12 issues) $25 .00* ur osell couriers inc . Check enclosed : $ 147-40 184h Sree, Jamaica, NY 11413 Cali 718 .244 . 7356 or 800 .695 . 1213 * For CANADA : add $2.50 per year . Oher Foreign .244 .7870 In Israel call Avi a 03-512-6649 Fax718 counries : $20.00 per year. Paymen in U.S. Dollars only. Bank wih U.S. branches suggesed ; or The fases courier service for all your shipmens o/from Israel Inernaional money orders.


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