JEWISH Fronier WAR & PEACE ISRAEL'S in he Middle Eas IDENTITY PROBLEMS SOLDIER of PEACE The YITZHAK RABIN Sory Geaway o he CHANNEL ISLANDS' HANAN AYALTI s Legacy LIKUD & LABOR The Differences S I N C E 1 9 3 4 A LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL JEWISH CONTENTSVol. LXV, No . 2 (631) MARCH/APRIL 1998 Fronier Israel 3 SINCE 1934 WAR & PEACE IN THE A LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL MIDDLE EAST Susan Hais Rolef 6 Misha Louvish Founders IDENTITY PROBLEMS Hayim Greenberg LABOR AND LIKUD : The Difference 8 Marie Syrkin Commenary 10 AGAIN A "FINAL SOLUTION"? Henry L. Feingold Ediorial Board SHARETT CENTER 12 Henry Feingold, Chairman RENEWS ACTIVITIES Saul B . Cohen Hyman Faine Books 13 Jonahan J . Goldberg SOLDIER OF PEACE: Emanuel S . Goldsmih YITZHAK RABIN, by Dan Kurzman Joseph Adler Jerry Goodman Rabbi Mark W. Kiel THE PRESENCE IS IN EXILE, TOO, 30 Chava Lapin by Hanan J . Ayali Jeffry V. Mallow Daniel Mann News Briefs 15 Mordecai Newman Samuel Norich A Novel 16 Michael S . Perry ALTNEULAND Theodor Herzl Mark Raider Eduardo Rauch Noebook 17 Mordecai Shrigler Ezra Spicehandler FANTASTIC JOURNEY Nahum Guman Phyllis Suker David Twersky Biography 21 HANAN AYALTI David Rosenhal 24 Nahum Guman MOSES HESS AND HIS TIMES Mary Schulman Edior Travel 28 SOME GETAWAY! Haim Cherok Leers 30 NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS If you plan o move, please noify SOL STEIN AT 92 31 us six weeks in advance . Conribuors 20 JEWISH FRONTIER (ISSN-0021-6453) is published bi-monhly by Labor Zionis JEWISH FRONTIER Leers, Inc. Ediorial and adverising offices a 275 Sevenh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 . Periodicals posage paid a New York, NY. POSTMASTER : Send address changes o Circulaion, Jewish Fronier, 275 Sevenh Avenue, 17h Floor, New York, 275 Sevenh Avenue NY 10001 . Subscripion raes for U .S. and possessions, $15.00 per year for 6 issues, $25 .00 for 17h Floor wo years for 12 issues . Add $2.50 for Canada . All oher counries - $20 .00 per year ; New York, NY 10001 All foreign subscribers - remi in U.S . dollars drawn on a U .S. bank . Back issues- payable in advance a $5 .00 each. Ediorial / aricle conribuions should be sen o he ediorial office and be accom- Telephone: (212) 229-2280 panied by reurn posage . Ediorial and adverising raes available on reques. (212) 366-1194 All maerial (unless oherwise noed) © 1998 Jewish Fronier . Signed aricles do no necessarily reflec he official posiion of JEWISH FRONTIER . Fax: (212) 675-7685 JEWISH FRONTIER is available on microfilm from : Universiy Microfilm, 300 Norh Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 . Disribued by Bernhard De Boer, Inc ., 113 Eas Cenre S ., Nuley, NJ 07110 . 32 2 JEWISH FRONTIEr ISRAEL War and Peace in he Middle Eas By Susan Hais Rolef n February, Gulf War hyseria in Israel new Israeli iniiaive, firs aired in he reachedI a high pich. In he bale for aen- beginning of he year and recenly dis- ion beween one se of expers who argued cussedA by Israeli Miniser of Defense Izik ha he likelihood of an Iraqi aack agains Mordechai wih he French Miniser for For- Israel was close o nil and anoher se of eign Affairs, calls for an Israeli wihdrawal expers who explained he likely effecs of an from Souhern Lebanon on he basis of Secu- Anhrax aack and he ways of reaing hem riy Council Resoluion 425, in reurn for ap- - he laer seemed o have gained he upper propriae securiy arrangemens for Israel . hand in Israeli public opinion . And so, he kib- Though he iniial Lebanese reacion was fa- buz ha manufacures plasic shees and psy- vorable, very rapidly, under insrucions from chologiss specializing in he reamen of anx- Damascus, he Lebanese leaders changed ieies laughed all he way o he bank . Israel's heir cue, and saed ha Resoluion 425, enemies (and friends) ook noe of how easily which speaks of he wihdrawal of foreign Israel becomes hyserical and sars hreaen- forces from Lebanon, is no somehing o be ing o use he weapons i does no admi hav- bargained abou, bu simply o be imple- ing, and he Hinerland Command in he IDF mened uncondiionally by Israel . go he fund allocaions i demanded bu didn' Thus he Neanyahu Governmen is now ge when he budge was passed wo monhs learning he lesson ha he Rabin Govern- earlier. men learned back in 1994/95 - namely, ha The hyseria vanished jus as quickly as i even hough here are echnically few prob- appeared, following he brief visi o Baghdad lems on he way o reaching a saisfacory and of UN Secreary General Kofi Annan. The fac workable agreemen beween Israel and Leba- ha a he end of March anoher round of he non, which will boh ge he Israeli forces ou Gulf War is no less and no more likely han i of Souhern Lebanon and ensure he securiy was a he end of February, seems oally irrel- of he selemens in norhern Israel, Syria evan, proving for he umpeenh ime ha i will no le his happen before an agreemen is is no so much he facs ha maer, bu wha reached regarding he fuure of he Golan is in he head. Heighs. I is no secre ha he only agree- The Iraq siuaion and he quesion how men Syrian Presiden Hafiz Asad is willing o Presiden Saddam Hussein would reac in face consider would involve Israeli wihdrawal of an American effor o "flush him ou", em- from he Golan Heighs - somehing he Ne- porarily divered aenion in Israel from he anyahu Governmen isn' even willing o dis- danger of a renewed oubreak of he Inifada cuss . Thus, Mordechai's saemen ha an as a resul of he de faco salemae in he agreemen in Souhern Lebanon will faciliae peace-making process wih he Palesinians . he negoiaions beween Israel and Syria, is, Though during a recen visi o several Euro- in real poliik erms, definiely a case of plac- pean capials, Prime Miniser Binyamin Ne- ing he car before he horses and hus a non- anyahu peddled some general houghs, mos- sarer, and one canno help wondering wha ly echnical by naure, on how o break ou of made Israel's curren governmen believe ha he salemae (of which more below), he main anyhing had changed in he las hree o four Israeli effor has been concenraed on a- years in he Syrian approach o he issue . emps o change he saus quo in Souhern The mos recen idea, publicly raised by Lebanon, where quie a large number of Israeli Miniser for Infrasrucures, Ariel Sharon, soldiers have recenly been killed . ha Israel should simply sar implemening MARCHJAPRIL 1998 3 Securiy Council Resoluion 425 in specific o he poliical venue. These words were said areas in Souhern Lebanon, and hen see how in response o a quesion posed by Levy, as o he Lebanese Governmen reacs, is ineres- wha he - Barak - who had fough for many ing, reminding us ha even hough Sharon is years as a miliary commander agains he er- one of Israel's mos conroversial poliicians ror, would do if he were a young Palesinian . (jus as he was one of Israel's mos conrover- Afer giving his answer, Barak added ha sial miliary commanders) he is also one wih a his was an unfair quesion, since he error- highly original mind and subsanial daring . is organizaions ac in an inhuman and base Wheher or no Sharon's idea is aken up as manner, and engage in he killing of innocen Israel's official policy is ye o be seen. ciizens, women and children . Barak's words caused quie a sorm . Righ ebanon is no he only issue in which he wingers accused him of encouraging young Neanyahu Governmen has placed he car Palesinians o join he Hamas ; members of beforeL he horses. The same applies o he ne- he Labor Pary sighed ha heir chairman goiaions beween Israel and he Palesini- sill had a lo o learn abou avoiding cerain ans . The only major issue abou which he ypes of public saemens because hey are Israeli Governmen seems willing o alk o liable o be aken ou of conex, while a mem- and cooperae wih he Palesinians, is he war ber of he Hamas, sanding rial in Israel for agains error. This is imporan in iself, bu paricipaing in several erroris acs in which canno possibly lead o real progress in he innocen civilians were killed, old a TV re- peace-making process, or a defusion of he porer ha he fel no regres abou wha he imebomb ha is icking in he Wes Bank and had done, and ha even Barak had recognized Gaza Srip. The error can indeed be conained he jusice of wha he Hamas, Faah and Hiz- and is murderous resuls limied by echnical ballah were doing . means . However, he moivaion of young From a acical poin of view Barak made a Palesinians o enlis in erroris organiza- misake, and his response o he criicism of ions and be willing o give heir lives for he wha he had said ("Wha did you expec me o "holy cause", canno be eliminaed, nor even say in response o his quesion? Tha if I were conained, unless he underlying problem of a young Palesinian, I would urn ino a pri- Palesinian frusraion and hopelessness is mary school eacher?") indicaed ha he did addressed. no undersand, or a leas refused o admi, When he Neanyahu Governmen says ha he had made a misake . A more experi- ha firs he error mus be eliminaed and enced and seasoned poliician would have real- hen Israel will agree o a permanen soluion, ized ha he senence abou joining a erroris i is definiely a case of placing he car before organizaion would be aken ou of conex and he horses .
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