
TOWN COUNCIL Meeting of Full Council Monday 7 October 2019: 7pm: Town Hall

1) Public Participation: None.

2) In attendance: Councillors John Evans (Chair), Bushell, Frost, Bellchambers, Bennett, Shaw and Castle. Also in attendance Derek Hardy CADAS), Mike Underwood (NDP), Graham Wall (NDP), County Councillor Brook, Rev. Wimsett, Councillor Barrett ( Town Council), six members of the public and John Carlton (The Clerk).

3) Apologies: Councillors Webb, Tinkler, Boston, Lorraine Evans, Keeling and David Kiernan (TDC NDP officer).

4) Declaration of members’ interests: Several councillors declared non-pecuniary interests in some of the section 137 grant applications - Councillor Frost (Chudleigh Wild), Councillor Bushell (Youth centre, CADAS, SEARCH and Chudfridge) and Councillor John Evans (Youth centre and Pre-school). The Clerk advised that since they were only being asked to ratify a committee decision they could vote on the relevant agenda item.

5) Confirmation of Part 1 and 2 of the meeting: The Chair advised that there would not be a part 2.

6) County Councillor’s report: Councillor Brook reported that he had made enquiries about the traveller encampment that had settled at Waddon. Because DCC officers needed to address a number of welfare issues the encampment had been issued with a temporary licence to remain. He advised that it had been intimated that more money for social and children’s care would be provided by central government. This would be welcome because DCC was already overspent. He added that the primary care network was under pressure because providers were struggling to recruit staff. Councillor Frost thanked Councillor Brook for the speedy response from the street lighting team to a request for more subdued lighting on Station Hill in the location of bat flight paths. They had promised to provide this in the next month. He reported that 100 towns nationally had been successful in bidding for funds to upgrade their town centres. Four of the successful applicants were towns, one of them being . Moving on to highways matters, Councillor Brook advised that a pilot scheme was being run in trialling different methods of maintaining the road network. He had raised complaints about the quality of signage on roadworks, the main problems being lack of detailed information and signage being left in place after the works had finished. Councillor Brook was a member of the Corporate Scrutiny committee which was currently investigating the issues created by online gambling. He was concerned that this was creating a number of social issues that was leading to the committee asking central government to take a more radical approach to this issue.

7) Police report: No report provided.

8) Mayor’s report: In the absence of Councillor Tinkler, Councillor John Evans had taken the Chair. Councillor Tinkler had, in a written report, expressed his thanks for the good turnout for the civic service. During the last month he had also attended civic services in Dawlish and Newton Abbot.

9) District Councillors report: Councillor Keeling and Councillor Evans provided a written report relating to a climate change presentation they had received. The Clerk was asked to obtain details of the projects supported from the District Councillors locality budgets and how much money was sill unallocated (Action point 1)


10) Ratification of the minutes of the Full Council meeting of 2 September 2019: Agreed as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Frost. Seconded by Councillor Bushell.

11) Review of action points from 2 September 2019 Full Council meeting:

Action Action required Outcome point No

1 Share Chudfridge update with the MDA Completed

2 Timing of becoming a signatory to the Covenant of Mayors for Carried forward as action Climate & Energy to be determined at October full council point 2 3 Arrange for replacement of the Woodway Room boiler Work completed on 26/9/19

4 Advertise the timings for Remembrance Sunday in the local Completed media

5 Proceed with the Sustrans consultancy Sustrans will be visiting the school site on 5/11/19 6 19/01436/FUL: 3 Highlands Park: Advise TDC that the council Completed objects to the application due to the lack of a suitable ecological assessment 7 19/01576/TPO: Advise TDC that the Council has no objections to Completed the proposal

8 19/01590/NPA: Advise TDC that the Council has no objections to Completed the proposal 9 Ascertain status of TROs at Town Mills and the road to Haldon The TRO to create a clearway on the Haldon Road is not yet determined. There is no prospective TRO for Town Mills 10 Advise Newton Abbot Town Council that Councillors Tinkler and Completed Bellchambers will be attending their civic service 11 Ask TDC whether the play park fence at Palace Meadow is to be Repairs will be carried out in repaired due course.

12) Ratification of the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of 17 September 2019: Agreed as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Bennett and seconded by Councillor Evans.

13) Ratification of the minutes of the Town Hall & Finance Committee of 24 September 2019: Agreed as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Bushell and seconded by Councillor Castle.

14) Hello Summer & Hungry Club: Presentation by Councillor Pam Barrett of Buckfastleigh Town Council. Councillor Barrett said that her town had the highest levels of child poverty in and had no financial provision for youth services from TDC or DCC. Her council had consulted the public and found that there was a clear desire for the council to provide activities for children. Consequently, they had created the “Hello Summer” service which aimed to provide a free activity every day throughout the school summer holidays. The budget for this was circa £10,000 per annum. This had now been running for three years. Last year they had obtained a Children In Need grant. This had reduced the financial pressures but also required them to incur increased administration costs. Councillor Barrett was now keen to enter into partnership working with Chudleigh. It was agreed that this should be taken forward by the Youth committee. (Action point 3)


15) Resolution: “ The Town Council agrees to the expenditure of £8,889 to undertake the replacement of the safety surface at Culver Green play park” Three quotations had been shared with councillors prior to the meeting, the figure quoted in the resolution being the lowest. Councillor Bushell proposed the resolution. This was seconded by Councillor Shaw before being passed by five votes to nil with two abstentions. (Action point 4)

16) Resolution: “Chudleigh Town Council endorses the Chudleigh Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) and the recommendation of the NDP Examiner that this document go forward to parish referendum. The Town Council wish TDC to expedite this process as appropriate”. The Chair suspended standing orders to allow Graham Wall and Mike Underwood of the NDP team to speak. They advised that the NDP had passed the independent examination stage with the examiner asking for seven minor amendments. These were incorporated into the latest copy of the NDP, which was the version that would be submitted for the public referendum. The resolution was unanimously agreed, having been proposed by Councillor Bellchambers and seconded by Councillor Evans. (Action point 5). Councillor Evans proposed a vote of thanks for the parishioners who had worked so hard over three years to develop the NDP – these being Rod Blackshaw, Tessa Frost, Fiona Halstead, Clare Lillington, Mike Underwood, David Lillington, Graham Wall, Michael McCormick, Mary Anne McFarlane, Nicky Over, Andy Robbins, Carole Smart and Oliver Stone.

17) Resolution: “The Town Council accepts the recommendations of the Town Hall & Finance Committee to award section 137 grants to Chudleigh Youth Centre, Chudleigh Athletic FC, Chudleigh Baptist Church, CCP, Chudleigh Pre-School (all £500), CADAS (£200), Chudleigh Wild (£100), Chudleigh Together (£100), Chudfridge (£250) & Newton Abbot Community Transport (£300)” Proposed by Councillor Bennett, seconded by Councillor Castle and unanimously agreed. (Action point 6)

18) Consideration of proposal from Bishopsteignton Parish Council to purchase a bench to stand at the location where the parishes of , Bishopsteignton, Chudleigh & Ideford meet. Likely cost £250-£300 per parish. There was a feeling amongst some councillors that the location proposed was not particularly suitable and that there was another bench nearby. Councillor Frost proposed refusing the request. This was seconded by Councillor Bennett and agreed with five votes in favour and two against. (Action point 7)

19) Resolution: “The Town Council agrees to the expenditure of £565 to provide October half-term activities for children and young people” Proposed by Councillor Frost, seconded by Councillor Bellchambers before being unanimously agreed. Councillor Castle advised that it was possible that the expenditure might be offset by income from other sources.

20) Consideration of the added value of forming a Community Interest Company (CIC). Standing orders were suspended to allow Michael McCormick to speak. He advised that a CIC had been set up in the past when the council was exploring the possibility of building a community centre. It had folded because there was significant opposition to the concept and, also, because nobody was prepared to step forward to become directors of the CIC. Councillor Bennett explained that the reason she was exploring this avenue was to create an organisation that could apply for grants that the Town Council could not access.

21) Resolution: The Town Council supports the “Totally Locally” initiative and agrees to the expenditure of £180 to advertise the Fiver Fest initiative”. Proposed by Councillor Castle, seconded by Councillor Bellchambers and unanimously agreed.

22) Resolution: “The Town Council agrees to the expenditure of £100 to support the setting up of a repair café”. Councillor Evans explained that it was hoped to start a Chudleigh repair café next year. It involved bringing together volunteers who had skills in mending things. So far, some 40 people had expressed interest in getting involved. The money requested in the resolution was to meet initial start- up costs. The resolution was seconded by Councillor Bennett and unanimously agreed.

23) Highways issues: Councillors asked the Clerk to explore whether it was possible to mark the bus stop at Town Mills to prevent vehicles being parked on the bus stop. (Action point 8). It was noted that the work on replacing the water main on the road to the cemetery was causing significant traffic delays.


The Clerk advised that speed data for New Street had been received today and would be discussed at November full council

24) Correspondence: From Ipplepen Parish Council, thanking us for the invitation to the civic service.

25) Clerk’s report:. The Clerk advised that the interim audit would be taking place on 5/11/19.

26) Finance Report: Councillors received the finance report. See appendix 1. Councillors unanimously authorised the payments made during the month of September. See appendix 2. Proposed by Councillor Bushell and seconded by Councillor Frost.

27) Committee reports

a) Report from Environment Committee: The Environment Committee next meets on 15 October. Councillor Frost mentioned the “dark skies” event on 31 October.

b) Report from Planning Committee. Next meets on 22 October.

c) Report from Town Hall and Finance committee: Councillor Bushell reported that the fire risk assessment had been completed and that the Woodway Room boiler had been replaced. The signwriting identifying the building as the Town Hall had been completed and the water cooler would shortly be mains supplied.

d) Report from youth committee: The TDC ASB officer had been co-opted to the committee and was carrying out useful work locally. There was now an additional Tuesday evening session at the youth centre for those harder to reach youths. The member of staff from SPACE was seeking £3,000 to fund her to be qualified to work out in the community.

28) Reports from Councillors attending meetings on behalf of the Council: Councillor Bellchambers reported from Action on Climate in Teignbridge (ACT). A PR group had been formed and the possibility of a roadshow to tour the district was being explored. ACT was directly responsible to TDC to assist with meeting their 2025 zero emissions target. Councillor Evans reported that he had attended a TDC Planning Café. He reported that the AONB protective classification was being dropped. Councillor Castle had attended the Eden Project communities together event.

Date and time of next meeting: Monday 4 November 2019 – 7pm – Town Hall.

Meeting closed: 8.55 pm

Action Action required By whom point no. 1 Ask District Councillors what projects they have supported using The Clerk their locality budgets 2 Timing of becoming a signatory to the Covenant of Mayors for Councillors Climate & Energy to be determined at November full council 3 Consider whether the “Hello Summer” and “Hungry Club” could Youth committee be operated in Chudleigh 4 Proceed with the resurfacing of Culver Green play park The Clerk 5 Advise TDC that the Town Council endorses the NDP and wishes The Clerk it to proceed to referendum 6 Advise applicants for Section 137 grants of the outcome of their The Clerk applications. Arrange payment by end of October. 7 Advise Bishopsteignton PC that the council prefer not to be The Clerk involved in the project to place a bench at the site where four parishes meet


8 Ash Highways whether they can provide bus stop road markings The Clerk at Town Mills


Martin Tinkler: Chair of Full Council

4 November 2019

Appendix 1 FINANCE REPORT TO FULL COUNCIL: 7 October 2019

Balances at 30 September 2019.

Current account £17,852.63 Deposit Account £201,758.50 We received the second half of the precept, £74,179, on 27/9/19 Building maintenance £13.003.79 It was agreed to set aside account £6,500 per annum to build up a building maintenance fund. Its initial primary purpose is for the re- plastering of the Woodway Room.

Ring-fenced funds included in the deposit account above:-

£123 from DCC for P3 grant (footpaths) £895: The surplus in the Fore Street project fund. £4,706.82 CIL funds (£2,667.44 received in April 2019) £1,440 from Groundwork UK to cover NDP expenses £400 from County Councillor Brook for Sustrans consultancy

Total: £7,564.82

John Carlton Town Clerk 1 October 2019

Appendix 2

Date Cheque Payee Goods/services Out Deposits Balance Checked No provided (Initials and date) £7,323.43


4/9/19 DD SAGE Accounts package £33.05 £7,290.43

9/9/19 DD Aviva Monthly insurance £533.77 £6,766.66 premium 15/9/19 DD TDC Rates (cemetery) £112.00 £6,654.66 18/9/19 DD SAGE Additional user fee £6-00 £6,648.66 15/9/19 DD CompWiz IT Maintenance £54-00 £6,594.66 contract 1/9/19 DD SWW Water (WR) £50.21 £6,544.45 1/9/19 DD SWW Water (TH) £26.00 £6,518.45 14/9/19 DD Marsland Payroll £42.00 £6,472.45 Nash 2/9/19 DD Gazprom Gas (WR) £63.93 £6,408.52 2/9/19 DD Gazprom Gas (TH) £53.60 £6,354.92 2/9/19 ACT DCC LGPS contributions £1,148.19 £5,206.73 Pension Fund 1/9/19 DD SSE Electricity 18/5- £917.45 £4,289.28 13/8/19 2/9/19 Transfer from deposit £10,000.00 £14,289.28 account 6/9/19 ACT TDC May election costs £2,764.51 £11,524.77 6/9/19 ACT Hags-SMP Springs for see-saw £306.00 £11,218.77 From Fore Street project budget 2/9/19 ACT Simon Grass cutting at £285.00 £10,933.77 Jones Millstream, Culver and Two Oaks 2/9/19 ACT Clive Window cleaning £60.00 £10,873.77 Edgecombe 6/9/19 ACT Viking Paper for civic £25.51 £10,848.26 service 2/9/19 ACT Teign Sign-writing at Town £100.00 £10,748.26 Signs Hall entrance 2/9/19 ACT S J Shelley Electrical works £1,794.00 £8,954.26 arising from periodic inspection 6/9/19 ACT Shaw & Condolence book £283.20 £8, 671.06 Sons 2/9/19 ACT Staff Petrol for strimmers £20.00 £8.651.06 member and generator 6/9/19 Deposits £212.75 £8,863.81 Room hire £142.75; Beating the Bounds £65.50; P/C £5 6/9/19 Deposits £417.50 £9,282.31 Cemetery £385; Beating the Bounds £32.50


18/9/19 DD Thirsty Bottled water £48.30 £9,234.01 Work 18/9/19 DD Gazprom Gas (WR) £61.46 £9,172.55 18/9/19 DD Gazprom Gas (TH) £54.17 £9,118.38 9/9/19 ACT Staff Refreshments for £124.18 £8,994.20 member civic service 9/9/19 ACT Staff 2 x portraits of the £42.16 £8.952.04 member Queen 18/9/19 DD Cannon Sanitary services £409.67 £8,542,37 Hygiene 9/9/19 ACT WPS Insurance brokerage £25.00 £8,517.37 fee 12/9/19 ACT Masons Tools and parts for £42.89 £8,474.48 Kings plumbing repair 9/9/19 ACT Simon Grass cutting at £355.00 £8,119.48 Jones cemetery 9/9/19 ACT Ashley 5 x 100 leaf £190.00 £7,929.48 House information maps 12/9/19 ACT Pear Technical support for £270.00 £7,659.48 Technology mapping software 12/9/19 ACT TDC Refuse collection £468.00 £7,191.48 13/9/19 Deposits £433.50 £7,624.98 Cemetery £110; BtB £108.50; room hire £215 14/9/19 Deposits £100.00 £7,724.98 Room hire 16/9/19 ACT Chudleigh Miscellaneous DIY £274.91 £7,450.07 DIY supplies 1/3-30/8/19 16/9/19 ACT Domestic Contract cleaning £682.50 £6,767.57 Bliss 19/9/19 ACT Play Quarterly play park £546.00 £6,221.57 Inspection inspections Company 20/9/19 DD SW Telephony/broadband £160.98 £6,060.59 Comms 13/9/19 Deposits £1,940.00 £8,000.59 Room hire 19/9/19 ACT Viking Cleaning supplies £118.74 £7,881.85 13/9/19 Deposits £336.00 £8,217.85 Room hire 20/9/19 Deposits £146.75 £8,364.60 Room hire £103.75; allotments £43 21/9/19 Deposits £317.00 £8,681.60 Room hire £184; cemetery £70; alloments £63 23/9/19 ACT Clive Window cleaning £60.00 £8,621.60 Edgecombe 23/9/19 ACT Sangers Catering for civic £90.00 £8,531.60 service 23/9/19 ACT Firewatch Fire risk assessment £354.00 £8,177.60


23/9/19 ACT Masons Service and repair of £91.19 £8,086.41 Kings allotment mower 23/9/19 ACT Masons Service and repair of £111.75 £7,974.66 Kings allotment strimmer 23/9/19 ACT Hanover Stairlift repair £168.00 £7,806.66 Lifts 27/9/19 ACT PKF External audit fee £720.00 £7,086.66 Littlejohn 27/9/19 Second half of £74,179.00 £81,265.66 precept 27/9/19 Transfer to deposit £60,000 £21,265.66 account 27/9/19 ACT Staff September salaries £4,643.25 £16,622.41 27/9/19 ACT TDC Refuse collection £719.57 £15,902.84 (Holiday cover) 27/9/19 ACT Simon Hedge cutting at £70.00 £15,832.84 Jones cemetery 27/9/19 ACT Simon Grass cutting at £170.00 £15,662.84 Jones Millstream Meadow 27/9/19 ACT Simon Grass cutting at £125.00 £15,537.84 Jones Culver & Two Oaks 27/9/19 ACT HAGS- Replacement spinner £393.84 £15,144.00 SMP for play park at Millstream Meadow 30/9/19 ACT DCC LGPS contributions £1,042.89 £14,101.11 Pension Fund 30/9/19 Deposits £211.25 £14,312.36 Allotments £107; room hire £104.25 30/9/19 Deposits £553.00 £14,865.36 Cemetery £385; allotments £168 30/9/19 Deposits £140.50 £15,005.86 Room hire £77.50; allotments £63 30/9/19 Deposits £1,000.00 £16,005.86 Room hire