Assignment 3 1/21/2015

The University of Wollongong School of Computer Science and Software Engineering CSCI124/MCS9124 Applied Programming Spring 2010

Assignment 3 (worth 6 marks)

• Due at 11.59pm Thursday, September 9 (Week 7).

Aim: Developing programs with dynamic memory and hashing. Requirements: This assignment involves the development of a database for a cinema. The program is designed to look up past movie releases, determining when the film was released, the rating it received from the Classification Board and its running time. To accelerate the lookup, a hash table will be used, with two possible hash functions. The program will report how efficiently the table is operating. Storage will be dynamic, enabling the space used by the program to be adjusted to suit the datafile size. The program must clean up after memory usage. During development, the program may ignore the dynamic nature until the program is working. As an addendum, the assignment also involves the use of compiler directives and makefiles. Those students who use a platform other than Linux/Unix will be required to ensure that their programs comply with the specifications below.

The program is to be implemented in three files: ass3.cpp contains the simplest form of main function, hash.h contains the function prototypes of the publicly accessible functions, where the implementations of these functions will be placed in the file hash.cpp. The first two files should not be altered, although you may write your own driver programs to test your functions during development. The third file contains the stubs of the four public functions, plus a sample struct for holding the records, usable until they are changed for dynamic memory. Test data is provided in movies.dat. This filename should be hard-coded in your program, although your program cannot assume that the contents will always be the same.

Step 1: involves implementing the function bool ReadFile(const char[]); which opens the named file. The function should check whether the file opens correctly, printing an error message and returning false if it fails. Otherwise, read the first item in the datafile which is the number of films contained in the file. This means that you need no eof loop to read the data :-). The struct provided can hold the data in the file which consists of: The date of release - a character string containing no whitespace The title of the movie - a character string where each word in the title capitalised The rating - one or two characters The running time - an integer Each line in the file has a tab between the above items and a newline at the end of each line. Reading the data will involve a combination of extraction and getline. An ignore may be required. The given struct will ensure there is sufficient space for the data to be stored into individual instances of the struct, but an array of these structs is required. If you understand the concepts of using pointers and dynamic memory at this time, you may modify the struct now to incorporate pointers for c-string storage, or you can change to dynamic memory later. Do not use the string class in this assignment. Similarly, you may use a fixed size array at this time but, at submission, your array must be dynamically allocated to perfectly fit the data in the file. Your function should print out the number of records read into the array in a form similar to The datafile contained 1887 records. Step 2: involves implementing the function void LoadHashTable(double); This should first check to see if the file has been read, that the array is occupied. If not, an error message should be printed and control returned to the calling function. Using the occupancy ratio (a fraction) passed as the argument, determine the size required for the hash table. (Again, if you are not confident about using dynamic memory at this time, make a fixed size hash table of about size 5000, and limit the usage to that size required by the occupancy ratio.) This table will contain indexes into the data array (so that the data can remain in order of release date). Fill the hash table with -1's to indicate empty cells. Now you need to write another function, whose name you choose, to perform the hash. This is a function which takes a character string as input and returns an integer on the range to fit the hash table. A second argument to the function will allow for the size of the table to be passed. So, now the data can be inserted into the hash table, based on the generated hash value. Should a collision occur, you'll need to determine where to place the current index. Linear probing as covered in lectures is acceptable, but you may choose alternatives if you wish to experiment. At the conclusion of the load of the table, the function is to report: the average number of cells inspected per hash insertion (this means file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/Ass3Q.html 1 / 28 Assignment 3 1/21/2015

for no collision you would get one inspected cell); and the maximum number of inspections for an insertion. These two pieces of information reflect the number of checks required when searching. Here is a suitable form of the output produced by this function: The average number of cells inspected when loading the hash table = 1.47271 while the maximum number of inspections = 66 Step 3: Now comes the search function bool FindTitle(const char[]); This should also check to see if the hash table has been filled. If not, issue an error message and return false. Otherwise, the hash function and insertion scheme used in step 2 should be used to search the hash table, counting how many cells have to be inspected before either the title is found, or an empty cell is encountered. If the title is not found, report the fact and how many checks were needed, and return false. Otherwise report the contents of the record found and the number of cells inspected. For example Enter Title: Inception The movie "Inception" was released on 22-Jul-10 with rating M running 148 minutes The search took 23 comparisons Now we'll add some extra output to the report for a found title. We'll display a list of those films released on the same date. The index found from the search enabled the output of the original information by indexing into the database which was in date order. Add to the output a list of the films released on the same day as the successful search, as in Other movies released on that date were: Leaving Skin Greenberg This will involve working backwards and forwards from the found index. Neaten the output so that plurals are used when appropriate and that if there were no concurrent releases that the header above is not printed.

Step 4: It is at this time that we need to replace any situations where fixed length arrays have been used to hold variable length information, and move to pointers and dynamic memory. The rating can remain a simple char array. Input will then involve a temporary read into a fixed character array, the determination of the length of any c-string and the use of new to create suitable memory space. Once all the arrays are now dynamic (the date and title arrays in each record, the array holding the records themselves, and the hash table), we'll need code to free up this memory once it has been finished with. Whenever we are about to allocate new memory, the pointer should be checked to see if that memory has already been allocated (as would happen with multiple ReadFile or LoadTable calls, even though our program doesn't do that). If memory has been allocated it should be deleted. Write a function that the main program can call void CleanUp(); (which may involve calls of other simpler functions) to delete the memory used by the hash table, the array of records, and the records themselves.

Step 5:One of the problems of inserting the titles into the hash table in the order of the datafile is that recent releases will go in last and hence will most likely result in collisions and hence longer search times. It would be an advantage to level out the searches by inserting the titles into the hash table in a random order. This will involve creating another index array to shuffle the indexes to determine an insertion order. Seed the random number generator with the time as in srand(time(0)); (which requires the header file ctime). Remember to free up this extra array. However, this extra code should be compiled conditionally, based on the compile flag RANDOM set at compile time. (See laboratory exercise 3's L3main.cpp for an example of this.) You may find the search example above then takes many less comparisons.

Step 6: Write a makefile called Makefile to maintain the program written above, so that the command $ make ass3 will create the program to Step4, while $ make ass3r builds the randomised insertion version. A 'make all' and a 'make clean' command should also be available.

Submit: The four files ass3.cpp, hash.h, hash.cpp and Makefile should be submitted before the due time using the command submit -u userid -c csci124 -a 3 filenames An extension of time for the completion of the assignment may be granted in certain circumstances. A request for an extension must be made to the Subject Coordinator before the due date. Late assignments without granted extension will be marked but the mark awarded will be reduced by 1 mark for each day late. Assignments will not be accepted more than three days late.

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/**************************************************************** * Main file for Assignment 3 * * This program reads the file movies.dat * * places the movies in the file into a hash table. * * The program then repeatedly asks for movie titles * * reporting the information found in the data including * * what other films were released on the same day. * * * * The functions called should also report the * * performance of the hashing. * * * * This file must not be changed for submission, although * * other mains can be used to test functions, or temporary * * changes can trace the performance. * * * * Written by Peter Castle * ****************************************************************/

#include #include #include "hash.h" using namespace std;

const char FNAME[] = "movies.dat"; const double OCC = 0.75;

int main() { char title[100];

if (!ReadFile(FNAME)) return 1; LoadHashTable(OCC); cout << "\nEnter Title: "; cin.getline(title,100,'\n'); while (strlen(title) > 0) { FindTitle(title); cout << "\nEnter Title: "; cin.getline(title,100,'\n'); } return 0; }

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#include "hash.h"

struct Movie { char date[10]; char title[100]; char rating[3]; int runtime; };

bool ReadFile(const char filename[]) { return false; }

void CleanUp() { }

void LoadHashTable(double occupancy) { }

bool FindTitle(const char title[]) { return false; }

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/**************************************************************** * Header file for Assignment 3 * * The functions are: * * ReadFile(filename) * * reads the contents of a movie file * * into an array of structs * * LoadHashTable(occupancy_rate) * * takes the array of structs and * * inserts the movies into a hash * * table of specified occupancy * * FindTitle(movie) * * uses the hash table to find a movie * * printing out the information in the * * database, and then displays all movies * * released on the same day * * CleanUp() * * deletes all dynamic memory used * ****************************************************************/ #ifndef HASH_H #define HASH_H bool ReadFile(const char[]); void CleanUp(); void LoadHashTable(double); bool FindTitle(const char[]); #endif

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1887 1-Nov-01 About Adam M 97 1-Nov-01 Glitter M 105 1-Nov-01 Hedwig And The Angry Inch MA 95 1-Nov-01 One Night At Mccool's MA 93 1-Nov-01 M 89 8-Nov-01 Baby Boy MA 130 8-Nov-01 The Invisible Circus M 98 8-Nov-01 Malena M 106 8-Nov-01 The Others M 104 15-Nov-01 Apocalypse Now Redux R 203 15-Nov-01 Brother R 112 15-Nov-01 Rock Star M 105 15-Nov-01 Training Day MA 122 22-Nov-01 Crazy/Beautiful M 95 22-Nov-01 The Deep End MA 99 22-Nov-01 Envy MA 83 22-Nov-01 The Last Castle M 131 22-Nov-01 One Night The Moon M 55 22-Nov-01 Riding In Cars With Boys M 131 22-Nov-01 Shadow Magic PG 112 22-Nov-01 What's The Worst That Could Happen? M 98 29-Nov-01 Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone PG 152 29-Nov-01 The Princess And The Warrior MA 133 29-Nov-01 The Score M 124 6-Dec-01 American Pie 2 MA 105 6-Dec-01 Original Sin MA 112 7-Dec-01 Amelie M 121 13-Dec-01 Evil Woman M 96 13-Dec-01 Thirteen Ghosts MA 91 13-Dec-01 Town And Country M 104 14-Dec-01 The Closet M 85 20-Dec-01 Monsoon Wedding M 113 20-Dec-01 Vanilla Sky M 136 21-Dec-01 Monsters Inc. G 97 26-Dec-01 The Golden Bowl M 130 26-Dec-01 Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring M 178 26-Dec-01 The Man Who Wasn't There MA 116 1-Jan-02 Shallow Hal M 113 3-Jan-02 Dogtown And Z Boys M 90 3-Jan-02 Rat Race M 112 10-Jan-02 Max Keeble's Big Move PG 86 10-Jan-02 Ocean's Eleven M 116 10-Jan-02 The One M 87 24-Jan-02 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back MA 104 24-Jan-02 Spy Game M 126 24-Jan-02 M 112 25-Jan-02 Hearts In Atlantis M 103 25-Jan-02 Iris M 90 31-Jan-02 Behind Enemy Lines MA 103 31-Jan-02 D-Tox MA 96 31-Jan-02 Guinevere M 104 31-Jan-02 In The Bedroom MA 131 7-Feb-02 Beijing Bicycle M 113 7-Feb-02 Domestic Disturbance M 89 7-Feb-02 The Shipping News M 111 14-Feb-02 Corky Romano M 86 14-Feb-02 From Hell MA 123 14-Feb-02 Heist M 109 16-Feb-02 Divided We Fall M 126 21-Feb-02 Ali M 157 21-Feb-02 Black Hawk Down MA 144 21-Feb-02 Rabbit-proof Fence PG 95 28-Feb-02 K-Pax M 120 28-Feb-02 Kung Pow : Enter The Fist M 81 28-Feb-02 Made M 95 7-Mar-02 A Beautiful Mind M 135 7-Mar-02 The Musketeer M 105 7-Mar-02 Rollerball M 98 14-Mar-02 Gosford Park M 137 14-Mar-02 Kate And Leopold PG 118 14-Mar-02 Our Lady Of The Assassins MA 98 14-Mar-02 The Royal Tenenbaums MA 108 14-Mar-02 Super Troopers M 100 21-Mar-02 Bandits M 123 21-Mar-02 Ice Age G 81 21-Mar-02 Moulin Rouge M 128 21-Mar-02 Not Another Teen Movie MA 89 21-Mar-02 The Son's Room M 99 28-Mar-02 The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion G 101 28-Mar-02 E.T. The Extra Terrestrial PG 120 28-Mar-02 Monster's Ball R 111 28-Mar-02 Mulholland Drive MA 147 28-Mar-02 Showtime M 96 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 6 / 28 1/21/2015

28-Mar-02 Sorority Boys M 94 29-Mar-02 Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius G 82 4-Apr-02 Black Knight M 96 4-Apr-02 The Queen Of The Damned M 101 4-Apr-02 Van Wilder Party Liaison MA 92 11-Apr-02 Panic Room MA 112 11-Apr-02 Return To Neverland G 72 11-Apr-02 The Time Machine M 96 11-Apr-02 Vengo M 90 18-Apr-02 Crossroads M 93 18-Apr-02 Dark Blue World M 112 18-Apr-02 Intimacy R 119 18-Apr-02 The Scorpion King M 90 24-Apr-02 John Q M 116 25-Apr-02 The Diaries Of Vaslav Nijinsky M 95 25-Apr-02 Forty Days And Forty Nights M 95 25-Apr-02 Joe Somebody PG 98 25-Apr-02 No Man's Land MA 98 25-Apr-02 Resident Evil MA 101 25-Apr-02 Waking Life M 100 25-Apr-02 We Were Soldiers MA 139 2-May-02 Baise Moi R 77 2-May-02 Collateral Damage M 109 2-May-02 The Count Of Monte Cristo M 131 2-May-02 Kandahar PG 85 9-May-02 High Crimes M 115 9-May-02 Mean Machine M 99 9-May-02 The Day That Neil Armstrong Walked On The Moon M 87 16-May-02 Blackboards PG 85 16-May-02 Just Visiting PG 88 16-May-02 Mad Max MA 91 16-May-02 The Majestic PG 152 16-May-02 Star Wars Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones PG 142 16-May-02 Texas Rangers M 90 17-May-02 Beneath Clouds M 88 17-May-02 Crush M 111 17-May-02 Sidewalks Of New York M 108 19-May-02 Life As A House MA 123 23-May-02 Big Trouble M 85 23-May-02 The Mothman Prophecies M 119 30-May-02 Charlotte Gray M 121 30-May-02 The Hard Word MA 103 30-May-02 Hart's War MA 125 6-Jun-02 Behind The Sun M 92 6-Jun-02 Spiderman M 121 6-Jun-02 Under The Sand M 96 7-Jun-02 I Am Sam M 132 8-Jun-02 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimmaron G 83 13-Jun-02 Hardball M 106 13-Jun-02 I Am Sam M 132 13-Jun-02 Imposter MA 95 13-Jun-02 Story Telling MA 87 13-Jun-02 Va Savoir PG 154 14-Jun-02 Molokai: Story Of Father Damien PG 15 20-Jun-02 Minority Report M 147 27-Jun-02 Ghost World M 112 27-Jun-02 Snow Dogs G 99 27-Jun-02 A Walk To Remember PG 101 28-Jun-02 Bend It Like Beckham PG 112 3-Jul-02 Men In Black 2 PG 88 4-Jul-02 The Importance Of Being Earnest G 94 4-Jul-02 On The Line PG 85 11-Jul-02 Big Fat Liar G 88 11-Jul-02 Blade 2 MA 108 11-Jul-02 Last Orders M 110 11-Jul-02 The Last Kiss M 115 11-Jul-02 Unfaithful MA 124 18-Jul-02 Ali G Indahouse MA 87 18-Jul-02 Bad Company M 116 18-Jul-02 Dirty Deeds MA 98 25-Jul-02 The Circle PG 90 25-Jul-02 My Wife Is An Actress M 95 25-Jul-02 Road Kill MA 97 25-Jul-02 The Sweetest Thing MA 84 26-Jul-02 Fast Food, Fast Women M 95 1-Aug-02 About A Boy M 101 1-Aug-02 The Devil's Backbone MA 108 1-Aug-02 Novocaine MA 95 1-Aug-02 Out Cold M 90 1-Aug-02 Windtalkers MA 134 8-Aug-02 Birthday Girl M 93 8-Aug-02 Dragon Fly M 104 8-Aug-02 The New Guy PG 88 8-Aug-02 The Tracker M 98 8-Aug-02 Trojan Warrior M 9 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 7 / 28 1/21/2015

9-Aug-02 The Claim M 93 15-Aug-02 Jason X MA 92 15-Aug-02 The Navigators M 93 15-Aug-02 Signs M 106 22-Aug-02 Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood M 116 22-Aug-02 The Gleaners And I G 82 22-Aug-02 Mr. Deeds M 96 22-Aug-02 Orange County M 82 22-Aug-02 Y Tu Mamma Tamblen R 105 24-Aug-02 Atanarjuat - The Fast Runner MA 168 24-Aug-02 Australian Rules M 98 29-Aug-02 The Sum Of All Fears M 123 29-Aug-02 Willfull MA 96 5-Sep-02 The Business Of Strangers M 84 5-Sep-02 Happy Times PG 106 5-Sep-02 Insomnia M 118 5-Sep-02 Long Time Dead MA 94 7-Sep-02 Stuart Little 2 G 78 12-Sep-02 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course PG 89 12-Sep-02 Heaven MA 97 12-Sep-02 XXX M 124 13-Sep-02 Lilo And Stitch G 85 19-Sep-02 In Goldmember M 94 19-Sep-02 Beware Of Greeks Bearing Guns M 82 19-Sep-02 The Cat's Meow M 112 19-Sep-02 Metropolis PG 107 21-Sep-02 Nine M 114 21-Sep-02 Walking On Water MA 90 26-Sep-02 The Bourne Identity M 118 26-Sep-02 PG 94 26-Sep-02 Eight Legged Freaks M 99 27-Sep-02 Garage Days MA 105 3-Oct-02 Bloody Sunday MA 111 3-Oct-02 Reign Of Fire M 102 3-Oct-02 The Triumph Of Love PG 112 4-Oct-02 Greenfingers M 87 10-Oct-02 Road To Perdition MA 116 10-Oct-02 Sunshine State M 141 10-Oct-02 Swim Fan M 85 11-Oct-02 My Big Fat Greek Wedding G 95 17-Oct-02 Enough MA 115 17-Oct-02 The Nugget M 97 24-Oct-02 Great Escape, The PG 167 24-Oct-02 Red Dragon MA 124 31-Oct-02 Black And White M 110 31-Oct-02 Blurred M 95 31-Oct-02 Murder By Numbers MA 120 31-Oct-02 Pollock MA 123 31-Oct-02 The Transporter M 92 1-Nov-02 Crackerjack M 92 1-Nov-02 Italian For Beginners M 98 1-Nov-02 Kissing Jessica Stein M 96 1-Nov-02 Samsara MA 138 14-Nov-02 Big Shot's Funeral M 101 14-Nov-02 Blood Work M 110 14-Nov-02 The Guru M 95 14-Nov-02 Lovely And Amazing M 87 14-Nov-02 The Ring MA 115 14-Nov-02 Tempted MA 91 21-Nov-02 The Banger Sisters M 98 21-Nov-02 Changing Lanes M 99 21-Nov-02 Lucky Break M 108 21-Nov-02 Missing Gun M 21 21-Nov-02 Pluto Nash M 95 21-Nov-02 The Powerpuff Girls Movie PG 80 28-Nov-02 Brotherhood Of The Wolf MA 142 28-Nov-02 Double Vision R 110 28-Nov-02 Full Frontal MA 101 28-Nov-02 Halloween : Resurrection MA 89 28-Nov-02 Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets PG 161 28-Nov-02 Killing Me Softly R 100 28-Nov-02 Rain MA 88 28-Nov-02 Swept Away M 89 29-Nov-02 Dinner Rush MA 98 5-Dec-02 Blue Crush PG 106 5-Dec-02 Ghost Ship MA 90 5-Dec-02 Life Or Something Like It M 103 5-Dec-02 Possession M 100 5-Dec-02 Santa Clause 2 G 100 5-Dec-02 Tadpole MA 78 12-Dec-02 's M 76 12-Dec-02 Bowling For Columbine M 123 12-Dec-02 M 133 12-Dec-02 Hey Arnold! The Movie PG 76 12-Dec-02 Spirited Away PG 125 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 8 / 28 1/21/2015

12-Dec-02 Stealing Harvard M 85 12-Dec-02 Thunderpants PG 83 12-Dec-02 Uprising M 180 19-Dec-02 Sweet Home Alabama PG 109 20-Dec-02 Adaptation MA 115 25-Dec-02 Eight Women M 103 25-Dec-02 Frida MA 119 26-Dec-02 The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers M 179 26-Dec-02 Mostly Martha PG 107 26-Dec-02 Treasure Planet PG 95 26-Dec-02 The Tuxedo M 99 1-Jan-03 M 104 1-Jan-03 The Master Of Disguise PG 80 1-Jan-03 Two Weeks Notice PG 101 3-Jan-03 Till Human Voices Wake Us M 98 9-Jan-03 Catch Me If You Can M 140 9-Jan-03 Spy Kids 2: The Island Of Lost Dreams PG 100 16-Jan-03 8 Mile M 111 16-Jan-03 Analyze That M 95 16-Jan-03 The Country Bears G 88 16-Jan-03 Like Mike G 99 16-Jan-03 The Quiet American M 101 16-Jan-03 Taking Sides M 105 23-Jan-03 Chicago M 113 23-Jan-03 I-Spy M 97 23-Jan-03 The Man From Elysian Fields M 105 30-Jan-03 About Schmidt M 123 30-Jan-03 Frailty MA 100 30-Jan-03 One Hour Photo M 96 30-Jan-03 Standing In The Shadows Of Motown G 108 31-Jan-03 Far From Heaven M 107 6-Feb-03 City By The Sea MA 108 6-Feb-03 Fear Dot Com MA 101 6-Feb-03 Star Trek Nemesis M 116 6-Feb-03 They M 90 13-Feb-03 Gangs Of New York MA 166 13-Feb-03 Simone PG 117 13-Feb-03 Undercover Brother M 86 14-Feb-03 Calamity Jane G 101 14-Feb-03 Maid In PG 105 20-Feb-03 Half Past Dead M 99 20-Feb-03 The Hours M 115 20-Feb-03 Just Married PG 95 20-Feb-03 The Rules Of Attraction R 111 20-Feb-03 Trapped M 106 27-Feb-03 Jackass The Movie MA 85 27-Feb-03 The Recruit M 115 27-Feb-03 Serving Sara PG 99 27-Feb-03 Solaris M 98 27-Feb-03 Swimming Upstream M 102 28-Feb-03 The Pianist MA 149 28-Feb-03 Talk To Her MA 113 6-Mar-03 Ballistic : Eks Vs Sever M 91 6-Mar-03 Final Destination 2 MA 90 6-Mar-03 Moonlight Mile M 116 7-Mar-03 City Of God R 130 7-Mar-03 Mrs. Caldicot's Cabbage War PG 111 13-Mar-03 Antwone Fisher M 120 13-Mar-03 Biggie And Tupac M 107 13-Mar-03 Knockaround Guys MA 93 13-Mar-03 The Man Without A Past M 97 13-Mar-03 Mrs. Caldicot's Cabbage War M 111 13-Mar-03 The Truth About Charlie M 104 13-Mar-03 You Can't Stop The Murders M 99 14-Mar-03 24 Hour Party People MA 115 20-Mar-03 Below M 86 20-Mar-03 Daredevil M 103 20-Mar-03 Dog Soldiers MA 105 20-Mar-03 The Emperor's Club PG 109 20-Mar-03 Rodger Dodger M 103 20-Mar-03 Tuck Everlasting PG 90 27-Mar-03 Cradle 2 The Grave MA 101 27-Mar-03 Ned Kelly M 109 27-Mar-03 Paradise Found M 96 27-Mar-03 The Rookie G 120 3-Apr-03 Bringing Down The House M 100 3-Apr-03 Punch-drunk Love M 95 3-Apr-03 Dreamcatcher MA 134 3-Apr-03 What A Girl Wants G 105 5-Apr-03 Movie G 85 10-Apr-03 Johnny English PG 87 10-Apr-03 The Jungle Book 2 G 72 10-Apr-03 Kangaroo Jack PG 94 10-Apr-03 Fat Pizza MA 97 10-Apr-03 Shanghai Knights M 114 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 9 / 28 1/21/2015

10-Apr-03 All Or Nothing MA 128 17-Apr-03 Anger Management M 106 17-Apr-03 The Magdalene Sisters MA 119 17-Apr-03 Ripley's Game MA 110 17-Apr-03 Nowhere In Africa M 138 17-Apr-03 Real Women Have Curves M 90 18-Apr-03 The Good Girl M 93 18-Apr-03 How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days PG 115 27-Apr-03 PG 102 30-Apr-03 X-Men 2 M 133 1-May-03 Anita And Me M 92 1-May-03 Russian Ark M 96 8-May-03 Who Is Cletis Tout? M 92 8-May-03 Spider MA 99 8-May-03 National Security M 88 8-May-03 Alexandra's Project MA 103 8-May-03 The Animatrix M 101 8-May-03 Saathiya M 138 8-May-03 Kaante MA 150 15-May-03 Open Hearts MA 114 15-May-03 My Mother India PG 52 15-May-03 Shiner R 99 16-May-03 The Matrix Reloaded M 138 22-May-03 The Life Of David Gale MA 130 22-May-03 Horse Play M 92 22-May-03 Barbershop M 102 22-May-03 Phone Booth M 81 22-May-03 Ned MA 101 22-May-03 Read My Lips M 119 22-May-03 Power & Terror : Noam Chomsky In Our Times G 74 22-May-03 Liquid Bridge M 29 29-May-03 The Secretary MA 104 29-May-03 Basic MA 98 29-May-03 Wakin' Up In Reno M 91 29-May-03 The Crimes Of Father Amaro MA 118 5-Jun-03 2 Fast, 2 Furious M 108 5-Jun-03 The 25th Hour MA 135 5-Jun-03 The Four Feathers MA 113 5-Jun-03 Igby Goes Down MA 97 5-Jun-03 The Hero M 6 12-Jun-03 White Oleander M 110 12-Jun-03 Bulletproof Monk M 104 12-Jun-03 The Core M 135 12-Jun-03 A Man Apart MA 109 12-Jun-03 Satin Rouge M 89 12-Jun-03 The Safety Of Objects MA 121 15-Jun-03 Daddy Day Care G 93 19-Jun-03 Bruce Almighty M 101 19-Jun-03 Travelling Birds G 85 19-Jun-03 Armaan M 158 21-Jun-03 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas PG 85 26-Jun-03 The Hulk M 138 26-Jun-03 Very Annie-Mary M 104 26-Jun-03 Piglet's Big Movie G 75 26-Jun-03 Marie-Jo And Her Two Loves M 124 27-Jun-03 The Dancer Upstairs MA 113 28-Jun-03 Help, I'm A Fish G 80 3-Jul-03 Charlie's Angels Full Throttle M 106 3-Jul-03 The Lizzie McGuire Movie G 94 10-Jul-03 Auto Focus R 105 10-Jul-03 The Real Cancun M 97 10-Jul-03 I Capture The Castle PG 111 17-Jul-03 Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines M 109 17-Jul-03 The Good Thief MA 111 17-Jul-03 Personal Velocity MA 86 18-Jul-03 A Mighty Wind PG 92 24-Jul-03 Bad Eggs M 98 24-Jul-03 Confidence M 97 24-Jul-03 Biker Boyz M 110 24-Jul-03 Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind MA 113 24-Jul-03 Malibu's Most Wanted M 86 25-Jul-03 Danny Deckchair PG 100 31-Jul-03 Identity MA 90 31-Jul-03 Wrong Turn MA 84 31-Jul-03 Wilbur Wants To Kill Himself MA 105 31-Jul-03 Extreme Ops M 93 31-Jul-03 View From The Top PG 87 7-Aug-03 American Pie: The Wedding MA 96 7-Aug-03 Dark Blue MA 118 7-Aug-03 Friday After Next MA 85 7-Aug-03 Balzac & The Little Chinese Seamstress M 111 14-Aug-03 Takeaway M 88 14-Aug-03 Cypher M 95 14-Aug-03 Narc R 102 14-Aug-03 Tears Of The Sun MA 121 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 10 / 28 1/21/2015

14-Aug-03 The Night We Called It A Day M 95 14-Aug-03 Down With Love M 101 15-Aug-03 The Italian Job M 111 21-Aug-03 Willard M 100 21-Aug-03 It Runs In The Family M 109 21-Aug-03 Buffalo Soldiers MA 98 21-Aug-03 The Italian Job M 111 28-Aug-03 Finding Nemo G 100 28-Aug-03 A Guy Thing M 103 28-Aug-03 The Man On The Train M 91 28-Aug-03 Darkness Falls M 85 28-Aug-03 The Rage In Placid Lake M 90 28-Aug-03 Welcome To Collinwood M 90 28-Aug-03 The In Laws M 95 4-Sep-03 Hollywood Homicide M 116 4-Sep-03 Once Upon A Time In The Midlands M 105 4-Sep-03 Undead MA 104 4-Sep-03 My Little Eye MA 95 4-Sep-03 28 Days Later MA 123 11-Sep-03 Legally Blonde 2:red White & Blonde PG 95 11-Sep-03 Together PG 118 11-Sep-03 Travelling Light M 88 11-Sep-03 Pirates Of The Caribbean M 143 11-Sep-03 American Splendor M 101 18-Sep-03 Bad Boys 2 MA 146 25-Sep-03 Monsieur Batignole M 100 25-Sep-03 Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life M 117 25-Sep-03 Freaky Friday PG 97 25-Sep-03 Go Wild G 84 25-Sep-03 Agent Cody Banks PG 102 25-Sep-03 The Wannabes M 94 25-Sep-03 Springtime In A Small Town PG 116 25-Sep-03 Japanese Story M 106 26-Sep-03 Calendar Girls PG 108 2-Oct-03 Swimming Pool MA 102 2-Oct-03 Matchstick Men M 116 2-Oct-03 The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen M 110 9-Oct-03 Gettin' Square M 100 9-Oct-03 Perfect Strangers M 98 16-Oct-03 Alex And Emma M 95 16-Oct-03 Head Of State M 95 16-Oct-03 Kill Bill R 105 16-Oct-03 Morvern Callar M 98 17-Oct-03 Mambo Italiano M 89 17-Oct-03 Intolerable Cruelty M 100 23-Oct-03 Raising Victor Vargas M 88 23-Oct-03 Laurel Canyon MA 103 23-Oct-03 Freddy Vs Jason MA 97 30-Oct-03 Runaway Jury M 127 30-Oct-03 The Medallion M 88 30-Oct-03 Holes PG 118 30-Oct-03 Jet Lag M 84 30-Oct-03 Formula 51 MA 93 6-Nov-03 Le M 117 6-Nov-03 How To Deal M 102 6-Nov-03 The Matrix Revolutions M 130 13-Nov-03 Alien: The Directors Cut M 111 13-Nov-03 The Honourable Wally Norman M 87 13-Nov-03 Seabiscuit M 129 13-Nov-03 In The Cut R 119 13-Nov-03 A Heart Elsewhere PG 108 13-Nov-03 Spellbound G 14 20-Nov-03 Uptown Girls PG 102 20-Nov-03 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre MA 98 20-Nov-03 PG 108 20-Nov-03 Nicholas Nickleby M 133 21-Nov-03 Elf G 96 27-Nov-03 S.W.A.T. M 117 27-Nov-03 Good Boy! G 87 4-Dec-03 Master & Commander: The Far Side Of The World M 138 4-Dec-03 Cabin Fever MA 92 11-Dec-03 Scary Movie 3 M 84 11-Dec-03 Looney Tunes : Back In Action G 93 11-Dec-03 Dumb And Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd M 85 11-Dec-03 Brown Sugar M 109 12-Dec-03 Love Actually M 135 12-Dec-03 The Spanish Apartment M 122 18-Dec-03 Peter Pan PG 113 26-Dec-03 Brother Bear G 81 26-Dec-03 Bright Young Things M 106 26-Dec-03 Dogville MA 138 26-Dec-03 Good Bye Lenin! M 121 26-Dec-03 Lost In Translation PG 101 26-Dec-03 Step Into Liquid PG 88 1-Jan-04 Cold Mountain MA 154 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 11 / 28 1/21/2015

1-Jan-04 Spy Kids 3D: Game Over PG 84 1-Jan-04 Infernal Affairs M 101 1-Jan-04 Welcome To The Jungle M 104 8-Jan-04 Something's Gotta Give M 128 8-Jan-04 Honey PG 94 8-Jan-04 Cheaper By The Dozen G 99 15-Jan-04 The Last Samurai MA 154 15-Jan-04 Veronica Guerin MA 95 16-Jan-04 21 Grams MA 124 22-Jan-04 Torque M 84 22-Jan-04 Underworld MA 120 22-Jan-04 Along Came Polly M 90 22-Jan-04 Mystic River MA 137 22-Jan-04 In America M 104 23-Jan-04 Big Fish PG 125 29-Jan-04 Wonderland MA 104 29-Jan-04 Sylvia M 110 29-Jan-04 Out Of Time M 105 30-Jan-04 Big Fish PG 125 5-Feb-04 Jeeper's Creepers 2 M 104 5-Feb-04 The Station Agent M 89 5-Feb-04 Timeline M 115 19-Feb-04 Sin Eater MA 103 19-Feb-04 Mona Lisa Smile PG 119 19-Feb-04 One Perfect Day M 109 19-Feb-04 Dickie Roberts Former Child Star M 98 25-Feb-04 The Passion Of The Christ MA 127 26-Feb-04 Secondhand Lions PG 109 26-Feb-04 Once Upon A Time In Mexico MA 97 26-Feb-04 Grind M 105 4-Mar-04 The Fighting Temptations PG 118 4-Mar-04 The Missing M 137 4-Mar-04 The Human Stain MA 106 4-Mar-04 Arthur's Dyke M 108 4-Mar-04 Camp M 110 5-Mar-04 Girl With The Pearl Earring PG 100 11-Mar-04 The Big Bounce M 88 11-Mar-04 Butterfly Effect MA 114 11-Mar-04 Old Man Who Read Love Stories M 115 11-Mar-04 House Of 1000 Corpses MA 89 11-Mar-04 Plots With A View M 97 18-Mar-04 Thirteen MA 101 18-Mar-04 Beyond Borders MA 126 18-Mar-04 Hidalgo M 136 18-Mar-04 Paycheck M 119 18-Mar-04 Agent Cody Banks 2 PG 100 18-Mar-04 The Fog Of War PG 103 18-Mar-04 Billabong Odyssey PG 87 25-Mar-04 Monster MA 109 25-Mar-04 The Haunted Mansion PG 88 25-Mar-04 M 99 1-Apr-04 Cat In The Hat G 82 1-Apr-04 Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed PG 93 1-Apr-04 Love's Brother G 103 1-Apr-04 Elephant MA 81 1-Apr-04 Capturing The Friedmans MA 108 8-Apr-04 Catch That Kid PG 92 8-Apr-04 Win A Date With Tad Hamilton PG 96 8-Apr-04 Secret Window M 96 8-Apr-04 Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen PG 90 8-Apr-04 Starsky & Hutch M 100 8-Apr-04 Barbarian Invasions MA 99 8-Apr-04 Tais-Toi M 87 15-Apr-04 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind M 108 15-Apr-04 Taking Lives MA 103 22-Apr-04 Strange Bedfellows M 97 22-Apr-04 Kill Bill Volume 2 MA 137 29-Apr-04 Highway Men M 81 29-Apr-04 MA 98 29-Apr-04 Osama M 83 29-Apr-04 Welcome To Mooseport PG 110 29-Apr-04 Dreamers R 115 6-May-04 Evelyn PG 94 6-May-04 Van Helsing M 132 13-May-04 Troy M 163 13-May-04 Blackball M 97 13-May-04 Barbershop 2 M 106 13-May-04 The Actors M 92 13-May-04 The Triplets Of Bellville PG 0 13-May-04 The Company PG 111 20-May-04 Thunderstruck M 96 20-May-04 The Cooler MA 102 20-May-04 Wondrous Oblivion PG 101 20-May-04 Twisted MA 97 27-May-04 The Day After Tomorrow M 123 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 12 / 28 1/21/2015

3-Jun-04 Raising Helen PG 119 3-Jun-04 Twin Sisters M 137 3-Jun-04 Intermission MA 107 3-Jun-04 The Punisher MA 124 3-Jun-04 Bon Voyage M 115 3-Jun-04 Devdas PG 180 10-Jun-04 Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban PG 142 10-Jun-04 M 111 10-Jun-04 Dawn Of The Dead MA 102 10-Jun-04 Dirty Pretty Things MA 97 17-Jun-04 Shrek 2 PG 92 24-Jun-04 Touching The Void M 106 24-Jun-04 Club Dread MA 104 24-Jun-04 The Prince & Me PG 111 24-Jun-04 Mean Girls M 97 30-Jun-04 Spiderman 2 M 127 1-Jul-04 New York Minute PG 90 8-Jul-04 The Singing Detective MA 109 8-Jul-04 Godsend M 100 8-Jul-04 Whole Ten Yards M 98 8-Jul-04 Owning Mahowney M 105 15-Jul-04 King Arthur M 125 15-Jul-04 Spartan M 100 15-Jul-04 The Stepford Wives M 93 15-Jul-04 To Be And To Have G 105 22-Jul-04 Laws Of Attraction PG 90 22-Jul-04 I, Robot M 114 22-Jul-04 My Boss's Daughter M 86 29-Jul-04 Under The Radar M 95 29-Jul-04 The Chronicles Of Riddick M 119 29-Jul-04 Fahrenheit 9/11 M 122 29-Jul-04 Shaolin Soccer PG 87 5-Aug-04 Man On Fire MA 147 5-Aug-04 Against The Ropes M 111 5-Aug-04 Connie & Carla PG 98 5-Aug-04 White Chicks M 109 12-Aug-04 Walking Tall M 86 12-Aug-04 Eurotrip MA 90 12-Aug-04 Jersey Girl M 103 19-Aug-04 Steal M 85 19-Aug-04 I'm Not Scared MA 101 19-Aug-04 The Crop M 105 19-Aug-04 The Ladykillers M 104 19-Aug-04 Hellboy M 122 19-Aug-04 Before Sunset M 80 26-Aug-04 Life & Death Of Peter Sellers M 127 26-Aug-04 The Bourne Supremacy M 109 26-Aug-04 The Girl Next Door MA 109 26-Aug-04 Around The World In 80 Days PG 120 29-Aug-04 Suddenly 30 PG 98 2-Sep-04 The Village M 108 9-Sep-04 The Terminal PG 129 9-Sep-04 Dodgeball M 92 16-Sep-04 Catwoman M 105 16-Sep-04 The Thunderbirds PG 95 16-Sep-04 Garfield G 80 23-Sep-04 Home On The Range G 76 23-Sep-04 Princess Diaries 2 G 113 23-Sep-04 A Cinderella Story PG 96 23-Sep-04 G 90 23-Sep-04 Yu-Gi-Oh PG 91 23-Sep-04 Harold & Kumar Go To Whitecastle MA 87 30-Sep-04 Alien Vs Predator M 101 30-Sep-04 You Got Served PG 95 30-Sep-04 Wimbledon M 98 30-Sep-04 Vanity Fair PG 141 7-Oct-04 Anacondas M 97 7-Oct-04 Shaun Of The Dead MA 99 14-Oct-04 Open Water M 80 14-Oct-04 A Touch Of Spice M 108 14-Oct-04 Intimate Strangers MA 105 14-Oct-04 The Notebook PG 124 14-Oct-04 Collateral MA 120 21-Oct-04 Resident Evil 2 M 94 21-Oct-04 Clifford's Really Big Movie G 74 21-Oct-04 Safe M 114 21-Oct-04 Anchorman M 94 21-Oct-04 Shall We Dance M 106 28-Oct-04 Saved M 92 28-Oct-04 In My Father's Den MA 126 28-Oct-04 Exorcist: The Beginning MA 113 28-Oct-04 Manchurian Candidate MA 130 4-Nov-04 De-lovely PG 125 4-Nov-04 Hero M 99 4-Nov-04 A Man's Gotta Do M 93 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 13 / 28 1/21/2015

4-Nov-04 The Forgotten M 91 11-Nov-04 PG 94 11-Nov-04 Taxi M 97 11-Nov-04 The Last Shot M 93 11-Nov-04 Paparazzi M 84 11-Nov-04 The Final Cut M 104 11-Nov-04 Bridget Jones Diary: Edge Of Reason M 107 18-Nov-04 Without A Paddle M 99 18-Nov-04 The Polar Express G 100 18-Nov-04 The Grudge M 91 25-Nov-04 The Clearing M 94 25-Nov-04 Bad Santa MA 91 25-Nov-04 Two Brothers PG 105 25-Nov-04 Garden State MA 104 25-Nov-04 Stage Beauty M 110 25-Nov-04 National Treasure PG 131 2-Dec-04 Christmas With The Kranks PG 98 2-Dec-04 Team America-world Police MA 97 2-Dec-04 Saw MA 103 2-Dec-04 Ella Enchanted PG 96 9-Dec-04 Ocean's 12 M 125 9-Dec-04 Wicker Park M 114 16-Dec-04 I Heart Huckabees M 106 16-Dec-04 The Motorcycle Diaries M 126 16-Dec-04 Lemony Snicket's Series Of Unfortunate Events PG 108 26-Dec-04 Meet The Fockers M 115 26-Dec-04 A Very Long Engagement MA 132 26-Dec-04 Blade: Trinity MA 106 26-Dec-04 Phantom Of The Opera PG 141 26-Dec-04 The Incredibles PG 121 1-Jan-05 Finding Neverland PG 101 1-Jan-05 Raise Your Voice PG 103 6-Jan-05 Ladder 49 M 115 6-Jan-05 The Spongebob Squarepants Movie G 87 6-Jan-05 Racing Stripes G 102 6-Jan-05 Deck Dogz M 85 13-Jan-05 Kinsey MA 118 13-Jan-05 After The Sunset M 93 13-Jan-05 Agata And The Storm M 125 13-Jan-05 Elektra M 97 20-Jan-05 Alfie M 105 20-Jan-05 Les Choristes M 97 20-Jan-05 Alexander MA 176 26-Jan-05 Closer MA 104 26-Jan-05 Sideways M 127 3-Feb-05 Seed Of Chucky MA 86 3-Feb-05 First Daughter PG 106 3-Feb-05 Million Dollar Baby M 132 3-Feb-05 Sky Captain & The World Of Tomorrow PG 105 3-Feb-05 Ray M 152 10-Feb-05 Vera Drake M 125 10-Feb-05 Cellular M 94 10-Feb-05 The Aviator M 170 10-Feb-05 Hide And Seek M 101 17-Feb-05 Spanglish M 131 17-Feb-05 Bride And Prejudice PG 111 17-Feb-05 House Of Flying Daggers M 118 17-Feb-05 Lawless Heart MA 100 24-Feb-05 Eulogy M 90 24-Feb-05 Bubba Ho-tep M 92 24-Feb-05 Hotel Rwanda M 122 24-Feb-05 My House In Umbria M 103 24-Feb-05 Constantine M 121 3-Mar-05 Luther M 123 3-Mar-05 The Illustrated Family Doctor MA 90 3-Mar-05 Hitch M 118 10-Mar-05 Be Cool M 119 10-Mar-05 Friday Night Lights PG 117 10-Mar-05 Are We There Yet PG 95 10-Mar-05 Riding Giants M 101 17-Mar-05 Being Julia M 104 17-Mar-05 Hating Alison Ashley PG 99 17-Mar-05 The Life Aquatic M 118 24-Mar-05 Bad Education MA 104 24-Mar-05 Son Of The Mask PG 86 24-Mar-05 Miss Congeniality: Armed And Fabulous M 115 24-Mar-05 Ladies In Lavender M 99 24-Mar-05 Maria Full Of Grace M 101 24-Mar-05 Look At Me PG 111 24-Mar-05 The Pacifier PG 95 24-Mar-05 Enduring Love M 100 24-Mar-05 The Passion Of The Christ MA 127 24-Mar-05 Ring 2 M 111 24-Mar-05 Robots G 86 31-Mar-05 Assault On Precinct 13 MA 109 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 14 / 28 1/21/2015

31-Mar-05 Guerrilla : The Taking Of Patty Hearst M 86 7-Apr-05 Guess Who M 104 7-Apr-05 Broadway: The Golden Age PG 111 7-Apr-05 5 Children And It PG 89 7-Apr-05 Sahara M 127 14-Apr-05 The Interpreter M 128 14-Apr-05 Amityville Horror MA 90 14-Apr-05 The Human Touch MA 104 14-Apr-05 Hostage MA 113 21-Apr-05 The Extra M 96 21-Apr-05 M 126 21-Apr-05 Dear Frankie M 105 21-Apr-05 White Noise M 97 21-Apr-05 The Downfall MA 156 21-Apr-05 Fat Albert G 93 21-Apr-05 In Good Company PG 109 28-Apr-05 Birth MA 100 28-Apr-05 XXX: The Next Level M 101 28-Apr-05 Crash MA 100 28-Apr-05 The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy PG 109 5-May-05 You And Your Stupid Mate M 84 5-May-05 Kingdom Of Heaven M 145 5-May-05 Upside Of Anger M 117 5-May-05 Criminal M 87 5-May-05 Walk On Water M 103 5-May-05 The Woodsman MA 87 12-May-05 The Edukators M 126 12-May-05 Boogeyman M 89 12-May-05 Imaginery Heroes MA 111 19-May-05 The Hunting Of The President M 93 19-May-05 Ae Fond Kiss MA 104 19-May-05 Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith M 140 26-May-05 The Heffalump Movie G 67 26-May-05 The Wedding Date M 89 26-May-05 2046 M 129 26-May-05 M 136 26-May-05 Melinda/Melinda M 99 2-Jun-05 A Lot Like Love M 102 2-Jun-05 The Longest Yard M 113 2-Jun-05 Beauty Shop M 105 2-Jun-05 The Machinist M 102 9-Jun-05 Nobody Knows M 143 9-Jun-05 Head In The Clouds M 121 9-Jun-05 Mr. & Mrs. Smith M 120 16-Jun-05 Batman Begins M 134 16-Jun-05 Madagascar PG 86 18-Jun-05 Herbie Fully Loaded G 98 23-Jun-05 A Good Woman PG 94 23-Jun-05 Mother Teresa PG 111 23-Jun-05 Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants PG 118 29-Jun-05 War Of The Worlds M 117 30-Jun-05 The Beat My Heart Skipped PG 107 7-Jul-05 Rock School M 93 7-Jul-05 Bewitched PG 102 7-Jul-05 Fantastic Four M 106 14-Jul-05 Sin City MA 124 14-Jul-05 Because Of Winn Dixie PG 106 14-Jul-05 House Of Wax MA 113 21-Jul-05 Flight Of The Phoenix M 113 21-Jul-05 Monster In Law M 101 28-Jul-05 Layer Cake MA 105 28-Jul-05 The Island M 136 4-Aug-05 Land Of The Dead MA 93 11-Aug-05 Kung Fu Hustle M 99 11-Aug-05 Wedding Crashers M 119 11-Aug-05 Kicking And Screaming PG 95 11-Aug-05 Millions PG 98 18-Aug-05 Unleashed MA 102 18-Aug-05 Skeleton Key MA 106 25-Aug-05 Lords Of Dogtown M 106 1-Sep-05 Sky High PG 98 1-Sep-05 Red Eye M 85 1-Sep-05 Charlie And The Chocolate Factory PG 116 1-Sep-05 Shark Boy And Lava Girl 3d G 93 8-Sep-05 The Perfect Man PG 101 8-Sep-05 Little Fish MA 114 8-Sep-05 Stealth M 121 8-Sep-05 Perfect Catch M 103 8-Sep-05 Murderball M 85 12-Sep-05 Wallace & Gromit PG 95 15-Sep-05 Dukes Of Hazzard M 104 15-Sep-05 Mondovino PG 130 22-Sep-05 Heights M 97 22-Sep-05 Deuce Bigalow European Gigolo MA 83 29-Sep-05 Transporter 2 M 88 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 15 / 28 1/21/2015

29-Sep-05 Cinderella Man M 144 29-Sep-05 Mad Hot Ballroom PG 106 29-Sep-05 Brides PG 128 29-Sep-05 Queen Of Sheba's Pearls M 122 29-Sep-05 The Magician MA 85 29-Sep-05 Serenity M 118 6-Oct-05 Must Love Dogs M 98 6-Oct-05 The Proposition MA 104 6-Oct-05 Wolf Creek R 99 6-Oct-05 40 Year Old Virgin MA 116 13-Oct-05 Night Watch MA 114 13-Oct-05 Devil's Rejects MA 109 13-Oct-05 In Her Shoes M 130 13-Oct-05 Enron-the Smartest Guys M 109 20-Oct-05 Dark Water M 105 20-Oct-05 The Man M 80 20-Oct-05 Into The Blue M 110 20-Oct-05 Pride And Prejudice G 127 27-Oct-05 Doom MA 100 27-Oct-05 Exorcism Of Emily Rose M 119 3-Nov-05 Gallipoli PG 119 3-Nov-05 Stay M 99 3-Nov-05 Elizabethtown M 118 10-Nov-05 Four Brothers M 109 10-Nov-05 Flight Plan M 98 10-Nov-05 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang MA 102 17-Nov-05 Prime M 105 17-Nov-05 Red Dust M 100 17-Nov-05 The Constant Gardener M 129 17-Nov-05 Bee Season M 104 17-Nov-05 Tim Burton's Corpse Bride PG 74 17-Nov-05 Saw 2 MA 93 24-Nov-05 Everything Is Illuminated M 115 24-Nov-05 Thumbsucker M 96 24-Nov-05 The Cave M 97 24-Nov-05 Brothers Grimm M 118 24-Nov-05 Winter Solstice M 89 1-Dec-05 Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire M 157 1-Dec-05 Domino MA 122 1-Dec-05 Shop Girl M 100 1-Dec-05 Supercross PG 80 8-Dec-05 Bad News Bears M 113 14-Dec-05 King Kong M 187 15-Dec-05 Goodnight, And Good Luck PG 93 22-Dec-05 Cheaper By The Dozen 2 G 93 26-Dec-05 Fun With Dick And Jane M 91 26-Dec-05 Just Like Heaven PG 95 26-Dec-05 Broken Flowers M 105 26-Dec-05 The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe PG 140 26-Dec-05 Mrs. Henderson Presents M 103 26-Dec-05 Legend Of Zorro M 130 1-Jan-06 The Family Stone M 103 1-Jan-06 Chicken Little PG 81 5-Jan-06 Rumor Has It M 96 5-Jan-06 Valiant G 73 12-Jan-06 The Producers M 134 12-Jan-06 Nanny Mcphee PG 99 19-Jan-06 Memoirs Of A Geisha M 145 19-Jan-06 Underworld 2 MA 106 19-Jan-06 Get Rich Or Die Trying MA 116 26-Jan-06 Brokeback Mountain M 134 26-Jan-06 Keeping Mum M 103 26-Jan-06 Big Momma's House 2 PG 99 26-Jan-06 Zathura PG 101 26-Jan-06 Munich MA 163 26-Jan-06 The Aristocrats MA 85 2-Feb-06 The Fog M 100 2-Feb-06 Walk The Line M 136 2-Feb-06 North Country MA 126 9-Feb-06 First Descent M 110 9-Feb-06 Just Friends M 94 9-Feb-06 Sound Of Thunder M 103 9-Feb-06 Jarhead MA 122 14-Feb-06 Casanova M 111 16-Feb-06 Date Movie M 83 16-Feb-06 Goal PG 118 16-Feb-06 Syriana MA 127 16-Feb-06 Capote M 114 16-Feb-06 Lord Of War MA 117 23-Feb-06 Derailed MA 107 23-Feb-06 Hostel R 93 23-Feb-06 Imagine Me And You M 94 2-Mar-06 Rent M 135 2-Mar-06 Match Point M 124 2-Mar-06 Firewall M 105 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 16 / 28 1/21/2015

2-Mar-06 Kinky Boots M 107 9-Mar-06 History Of Violence MA 95 9-Mar-06 Hustle And Flow M 116 9-Mar-06 Dreamer PG 105 9-Mar-06 Shaggy Dog PG 98 9-Mar-06 Pink Panther PG 93 10-Mar-06 Lassie PG 99 16-Mar-06 Long Weekend MA 85 16-Mar-06 Aeon Flux M 93 16-Mar-06 Tristan And Isolde M 125 16-Mar-06 Proof M 99 16-Mar-06 Yours Mine And Ours PG 88 16-Mar-06 When A Stranger Calls M 87 16-Mar-06 Little Manhattan G 90 23-Mar-06 Grandma's Boys MA 94 23-Mar-06 Cry Wolf M 90 23-Mar-06 Weather Man MA 102 30-Mar-06 G 80 30-Mar-06 V For Vendetta MA 132 30-Mar-06 Basic Instinct 2 MA 114 30-Mar-06 The Inside Man MA 129 6-Apr-06 Ice Age 2 PG 90 6-Apr-06 She's The Man PG 106 6-Apr-06 The World's Fastest Indian PG 121 13-Apr-06 The Shaggy Dog PG 98 13-Apr-06 Scary Movie 4 M 83 13-Apr-06 Failure To Launch M 96 13-Apr-06 The Squid And The Whale M 77 13-Apr-06 On A Clear Day M 99 13-Apr-06 Tsotsi M 94 13-Apr-06 Rebound G 87 20-Apr-06 The Hills Have Eyes R 107 20-Apr-06 Eight Below PG 120 20-Apr-06 Weekly Malamaal M 140 20-Apr-06 Kokoda M 92 27-Apr-06 American Dreamz M 107 27-Apr-06 The White Countess M 135 27-Apr-06 Final Destination 3 MA 93 27-Apr-06 Banaras PG 117 27-Apr-06 The Ringer M 94 4-May-06 Mission Impossible Iii M 126 11-May-06 Two For The Money M 122 1-May-06 PG 85 11-May-06 Neil Young : Heart Of Gold G 103 18-May-06 Slither MA 96 18-May-06 The Da Vinci Code M 149 25-May-06 Separate Lies M 85 25-May-06 The 3 Burials Of Melquiades Estrada M 121 25-May-06 Take The Lead PG 108 25-May-06 The Last Holiday PG 112 25-May-06 X-Men 3: Last Stand M 104 1-Jun-06 Over The Hedge G 83 1-Jun-06 Runaway Vacation PG 99 1-Jun-06 Poseidon M 98 6-Jun-06 The Omen MA 109 8-Jun-06 Colour Me Kubrick M 83 8-Jun-06 Cars G 120 8-Jun-06 The Breakup M 107 8-Jun-06 Caterpiller Wish M 90 15-Jun-06 Fanaa M 173 15-Jun-06 Oliver Twist PG 130 15-Jun-06 Just My Luck PG 102 15-Jun-06 Fast And Furious : Tokyo Drift M 104 22-Jun-06 Wah Wah M 97 22-Jun-06 Click M 109 29-Jun-06 Ten Canoes M 92 29-Jun-06 Superman Returns M 154 6-Jul-06 River Queen M 112 6-Jul-06 Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 M 150 13-Jul-06 Sione's Wedding M 97 13-Jul-06 Little Man M 98 20-Jul-06 16 Blocks M 102 20-Jul-06 My Super Ex Girlfriend M 96 20-Jul-06 Jindabyne M 120 20-Jul-06 White Masai M 131 20-Jul-06 Half Light M 110 27-Jul-06 You Me And Dupree M 109 27-Jul-06 As It Is In Heaven M 127 27-Jul-06 The Lake House PG 98 27-Jul-06 The Libertine MA 114 3-Aug-06 Sophie Scholl M 116 3-Aug-06 Confetti M 100 3-Aug-06 Footy Legends PG 89 3-Aug-06 Hoodwinked G 81 3-Aug-06 Sentinel M 108 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 17 / 28 1/21/2015

10-Aug-06 Stay Alive MA 86 10-Aug-06 3 Iron M 95 10-Aug-06 Miami Vice MA 132 11-Aug-06 Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna PG 192 16-Aug-06 Curious George G 87 17-Aug-06 Chaos M 98 17-Aug-06 2.37 R 94 17-Aug-06 Kenny M 100 17-Aug-06 United 93 M 110 24-Aug-06 Thank You For Smoking M 92 24-Aug-06 Sequestro Express MA 87 24-Aug-06 Fearless M 104 24-Aug-06 Snakes On A Plane M 105 31-Aug-06 Man About Town M 98 31-Aug-06 48 Shades M 96 31-Aug-06 Friends With Money M 88 31-Aug-06 Clerks 2 MA 98 31-Aug-06 Silent Hill MA 125 7-Sep-06 The Book Of Revelation R 117 7-Sep-06 John Tucker Must Die PG 87 7-Sep-06 Stormbreaker M 93 7-Sep-06 Lady In The Water PG 110 7-Sep-06 The Wild G 82 7-Sep-06 Barnyard PG 90 7-Sep-06 Hoot G 90 7-Sep-06 Ant Bully G 89 7-Sep-06 Garfield 2 G 80 7-Sep-06 Opal Dream PG 85 7-Sep-06 Monster House PG 90 7-Sep-06 DOA: Dead Or Alive M 86 14-Sep-06 PG 92 14-Sep-06 An Inconvenient Truth PG 97 14-Sep-06 Material Girls PG 98 14-Sep-06 Last Train To Freo MA 21 21-Sep-06 Macbeth MA 109 21-Sep-06 The Wind That Shakes The Barley M 122 21-Sep-06 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby M 108 28-Sep-06 Devil Wears Prada PG 108 28-Sep-06 Beerfest MA 112 28-Sep-06 Step Up PG 103 28-Sep-06 Aquamarine PG 103 5-Oct-06 Prairie Home Companion PG 105 5-Oct-06 The Cave Of Yellow Dog PG 93 5-Oct-06 World Trade Center M 125 12-Oct-06 The Departed MA 151 12-Oct-06 Little Miss Sunshine M 102 12-Oct-06 The Covenant M 97 12-Oct-06 Last Trapper G 100 12-Oct-06 Irresistible M 103 19-Oct-06 Crank MA 88 19-Oct-06 Boytown M 88 19-Oct-06 Children Of Men MA 109 26-Oct-06 Trust The Man M 100 26-Oct-06 Word Play G 85 26-Oct-06 Mrs. Palfrey At The Claremont PG 108 26-Oct-06 Fast Food Nation M 113 26-Oct-06 Suburban Mayhem MA 95 26-Oct-06 Grudge 2 M 102 2-Nov-06 Flags Of Our Fathers MA 132 2-Nov-06 God On My Side PG 76 2-Nov-06 Saw 3 MA 108 9-Nov-06 The Wrong Man MA 110 9-Nov-06 A Good Year M 117 9-Nov-06 Like Minds M 105 9-Nov-06 Jackass 2 MA 92 16-Nov-06 The Prestige M 130 16-Nov-06 Metal : A Head Banger's Journey M 98 16-Nov-06 Texas Chainsaw Massacre : The Beginning R 91 16-Nov-06 The Santa Clause 3 G 92 23-Nov-06 Catch A Fire M 101 23-Nov-06 The Descent MA 99 23-Nov-06 The Black Dahlia MA 120 23-Nov-06 Borat MA 83 23-Nov-06 The Guardian M 139 23-Nov-06 Deck The Halls PG 99 30-Nov-06 Hunt Angels M 85 30-Nov-06 Open Season G 86 30-Nov-06 Sabah M 86 30-Nov-06 Unaccompanied Minors PG 82 30-Nov-06 The Nativity Story PG 91 7-Dec-06 Charlotte's Web G 94 7-Dec-06 Casino Royale M 144 14-Dec-06 Eragon M 104 21-Dec-06 Flushed Away G 84 21-Dec-06 Volver M 120 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 18 / 28 1/21/2015

26-Dec-06 The Holiday M 132 26-Dec-06 Babel MA 142 26-Dec-06 Marie Antionette PG 123 26-Dec-06 A Night At The Museum PG 108 26-Dec-06 Happy Feet G 108 29-Dec-07 Kabul Express M 106 4-Jan-07 Blood Diamond MA 143 4-Jan-07 Flicka PG 94 11-Jan-07 Apocalypto MA 138 11-Jan-07 Arthur And The Invisibles PG 99 11-Jan-07 Pursuit Of Happyness M 117 18-Jan-07 The Queen M 103 18-Jan-07 Deja Vu M 121 18-Jan-07 Pan's Labyrinth MA 114 18-Jan-07 Dreamgirls M 130 25-Jan-07 Epic Movie M 92 25-Jan-07 The Fountain M 96 25-Jan-07 Miss Potter G 92 25-Jan-07 Breaking And Entering M 119 1-Feb-07 Stranger Than Fiction M 113 1-Feb-07 Shut Up And Sing M 93 1-Feb-07 Last King Of Scotland MA 120 1-Feb-07 Perfume MA 141 8-Feb-07 Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny MA 94 8-Feb-07 Little Children MA 136 8-Feb-07 Hannibal Rising MA 121 8-Feb-07 Employee Of The Month M 103 8-Feb-07 Smokin' Aces R 108 14-Feb-06 Music And Lyrics PG 100 15-Feb-07 The Good Shepherd M 167 15-Feb-07 Notes On A Scandal MA 92 15-Feb-07 Flyboys M 138 15-Feb-07 Ghost Rider M 110 22-Feb-07 Letters From Iwo Jima MA 140 22-Feb-07 Bobby M 117 22-Feb-07 Rocky Balboa M 102 8-Mar-07 Wild Hogs M 99 8-Mar-07 The Hitcher R 83 8-Mar-07 The Good German MA 108 15-Mar-07 The Night Listener M 81 15-Mar-07 Sixty Six M 93 15-Mar-07 Bra Boys M 85 15-Mar-07 Scoop PG 95 15-Mar-07 Last Kiss MA 104 15-Mar-07 Hollywoodland MA 126 15-Mar-07 Hot Fuzz MA 121 15-Mar-07 Razzle Dazzle PG 91 22-Mar-07 M 123 22-Mar-07 M 124 22-Mar-07 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PG 84 29-Mar-07 Bubble M 71 29-Mar-07 Happily N'ever After G 87 29-Mar-07 Becoming Jane PG 116 29-Mar-07 Running With Scissors MA 122 29-Mar-07 Meet The Robinsons G 101 5-Apr-07 Are We Done Yet? PG 92 5-Apr-07 Priceless M 102 5-Apr-07 300 MA 116 5-Apr-07 The Namesake M 122 5-Apr-07 Elephant Tales G 90 5-Apr-07 Stomp The Yard M 114 12-Apr-07 Sunshine M 107 12-Apr-07 Disturbia M 100 19-Apr-07 Hattrick PG 107 19-Apr-07 Copying Beethoven PG 108 19-Apr-07 Shooter MA 125 19-Apr-07 Perfect Stranger M 110 25-Apr-07 Curse Of The Golden Flower M 114 25-Apr-07 Half Nelson MA 106 25-Apr-07 The Number 23 MA 98 27-Apr-07 Ta Ra Rum Pum PG 156 3-May-07 The Science Of Sleep M 106 3-May-07 History Boys M 112 3-May-07 Because I Said So M 102 3-May-07 Noise MA 108 3-May-07 Spiderman 3 M 139 10-May-07 Lucky You PG 124 10-May-07 Georgia Rule M 112 17-May-07 Reno 911!: Miami M 77 17-May-07 Breach M 110 17-May-07 28 Weeks Later MA 100 17-May-07 Zodiac MA 157 24-May-07 Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 M 168 31-May-07 Orchestra Seats M 106 31-May-07 The Messengers M 90 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 19 / 28 1/21/2015

31-May-07 End Of The Spear M 108 31-May-07 Romulus My Father M 104 31-May-07 The Last Mimzi PG 94 31-May-07 Bridge To Terabithia PG 95 7-Jun-07 Hostel 2 R 94 7-Jun-07 Crude Awakening G 83 7-Jun-07 Driving Lessons M 94 7-Jun-07 Shrek The Third PG 93 14-Jun-07 Ocean's Thirteen PG 122 21-Jun-07 The Dead Girl MA 94 21-Jun-07 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer PG 92 21-Jun-07 Nancy Drew PG 99 21-Jun-07 M 93 21-Jun-07 I Do M 83 28-Jun-07 Clubland M 106 28-Jun-07 Four Minutes MA 112 28-Jun-07 Transformers M 143 5-Jul-07 Knocked Up MA 129 5-Jul-07 Cashback MA 102 11-Jul-07 Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix M 138 12-Jul-07 La Vie En Rose M 140 19-Jul-07 Evening M 117 19-Jul-07 Gone M 87 19-Jul-07 Life In The Metro M 135 19-Jul-07 Lucky Miles MA 101 19-Jul-07 Premonition M 92 26-Jul-07 Amazing Grace PG 118 26-Jul-07 In The Land Of Women M 98 26-Jul-07 Movie PG 85 2-Aug-07 License To Wed M 91 2-Aug-07 Black Snake Moan MA 116 2-Aug-07 Fracture M 112 2-Aug-07 Farce Of The Penguins M 80 2-Aug-07 Snow Cake M 107 2-Aug-07 Mr. Brooks MA 120 9-Aug-07 Die Hard 4.0 M 128 9-Aug-07 PG 118 9-Aug-07 The Invisible M 102 16-Aug-07 The Flying Scotsman M 96 16-Aug-07 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry M 110 16-Aug-07 Black Sheep MA 86 16-Aug-07 This Is England MA 102 23-Aug-07 Home Song Stories M 99 23-Aug-07 Next M 96 23-Aug-07 No Reservations PG 100 23-Aug-07 Boynton Beach Club M 105 30-Aug-07 The Bourne Ultimatum M 115 30-Aug-07 Once M 86 30-Aug-07 Dr. Plonk G 85 6-Sep-07 Ratatouille PG 111 6-Sep-07 The Final Winter M 96 6-Sep-07 Bratz The Movie G 97 6-Sep-07 The White Planet G 82 6-Sep-07 Lady Chatterley M 161 13-Sep-07 Pierrepoint M 95 13-Sep-07 Hairspray PG 116 13-Sep-07 Forbidden Lies M 104 13-Sep-07 Surf's Up G 85 13-Sep-07 Evan Almighty G 95 20-Sep-07 Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten MA 120 20-Sep-07 Stardust PG 127 20-Sep-07 Underdog PG 81 20-Sep-07 Super Bad MA 113 20-Sep-07 December Boys PG 102 20-Sep-07 Irina Palm MA 99 27-Sep-07 Rush Hour 3 M 91 27-Sep-07 The War On Democracy M 96 27-Sep-07 Vitus PG 120 4-Oct-07 Nanny Diaries M 105 4-Oct-07 The Seeker - Dark Is Rising PG 99 4-Oct-07 Away From Her M 105 4-Oct-07 The Kingdom MA 109 11-Oct-07 11th Hour PG 92 11-Oct-07 The Year Of The Dog M 97 11-Oct-07 Hot Rod M 88 11-Oct-07 Deep Water G 89 11-Oct-07 Resident Evil Extinction MA 94 11-Oct-07 The Brave One MA 117 11-Oct-07 Death At A Funeral M 90 18-Oct-07 Mighty Heart M 108 18-Oct-07 Michael Clayton MA 124 18-Oct-07 My Kid Could Paint M 83 18-Oct-07 Daywatch MA 131 18-Oct-07 Rogue Assassin MA 103 25-Oct-07 The Ex M 91 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 20 / 28 1/21/2015

25-Oct-07 Good Luck Chuck MA 99 25-Oct-07 Saw IV MA 91 25-Oct-07 Waitress M 108 25-Oct-07 Nightmare Before Christmas 3d G 76 25-Oct-07 Eastern Promises R 100 1-Nov-07 Delirious MA 107 1-Nov-07 Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford MA 160 1-Nov-07 Game Plan G 110 1-Nov-07 Death Proof MA 113 1-Nov-07 Across The Universe M 133 1-Nov-07 One Night With The King PG 123 8-Nov-07 Tell No One MA 131 8-Nov-07 30 Days Of Night MA 110 8-Nov-07 Rogue M 93 8-Nov-07 Lions For Lambs M 92 8-Nov-07 Saawariya PG 140 9-Nov-07 Canvas PG 101 15-Nov-07 Elizabeth : The Golden Age M 114 15-Nov-07 Fred Claus PG 115 15-Nov-07 Gabriel M 114 22-Nov-07 Rescue Dawn MA 125 22-Nov-07 The Interview MA 83 22-Nov-07 The Heartbreak Kid MA 116 22-Nov-07 Angel M 114 22-Nov-07 Balls Of Fury PG 90 22-Nov-07 Halloween R 110 29-Nov-07 Into The Wild M 148 29-Nov-07 September M 81 29-Nov-07 Slowburn M 93 29-Nov-07 Daddy Day Camp PG 95 29-Nov-07 Beowulf M 114 6-Dec-07 Hitman MA 93 6-Dec-07 Twice Upon A Time M 88 6-Dec-07 The Banquet MA 131 6-Dec-07 1408 M 104 6-Dec-07 The Bee Movie G 90 6-Dec-07 Private Fears In Public Places M 125 13-Dec-07 Mr.magorium's Wonder Emporium G 94 13-Dec-07 Hunting And Gathering M 86 20-Dec-07 National Treasure : Book Of Secrets PG 124 26-Dec-07 2 Days In Paris M 26 26-Dec-07 Atonement MA 123 26-Dec-07 I Serve The King Of England M 114 26-Dec-07 I'm Not There M 135 26-Dec-07 The Darjeeling Limited M 104 26-Dec-07 The Golden Compass PG 113 26-Dec-07 Enchanted G 107 26-Dec-07 No Country For Old Men MA 121 26-Dec-07 Ps I Love You M 126 3-Jan-08 Alvin And The Chipmunks G 91 3-Jan-08 I Am Legend M 100 10-Jan-08 The Waterhorse PG 111 10-Jan-08 American Gangster MA 156 10-Jan-08 27 Dresses PG 111 17-Jan-08 Cloverfield M 84 17-Jan-08 Lust, Caution R 158 17-Jan-08 The Kiterunner M 128 17-Jan-08 Juno M 96 24-Jan-08 Sweeney Todd MA 116 24-Jan-08 Walk Hard MA 96 24-Jan-08 Charlie Wilson's War M 101 31-Jan-08 Joy Division M 96 31-Jan-08 The Jane Austen Book M 105 31-Jan-08 Sydney White PG 108 31-Jan-08 3.10 To Yuma MA 122 7-Feb-08 Night PG 78 7-Feb-08 In The Shadow Of The Moon G 96 7-Feb-08 Blindsight PG 107 7-Feb-08 Fool's Gold M 107 9-Feb-08 There Will Be Blood M 158 14-Feb-08 Dan In Real Life PG 98 14-Feb-08 Jumper M 88 14-Feb-08 The Diving Bell& The Butterfly M 112 14-Feb-08 Rendition MA 122 14-Feb-08 Definitely, Maybe PG 112 21-Feb-08 Bella PG 91 21-Feb-08 Margo At The Wedding M 92 21-Feb-08 Rambo R 91 21-Feb-08 Talk To Me M 118 21-Feb-08 August Rush PG 114 21-Feb-08 The Bucket List M 97 28-Feb-08 The King Of Kong PG 78 28-Feb-08 We Own The Night MA 117 28-Feb-08 The Dinner Guests PG 81 28-Feb-08 Meet The Spartans M 83 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 21 / 28 1/21/2015

28-Feb-08 Feast Of Love MA 101 28-Feb-08 The Invasion M 99 28-Feb-08 In The Valley Of Elah MA 121 6-Mar-08 Sleuth M 88 6-Mar-08 Closing The Ring M 118 6-Mar-08 Run Fat Boy Run M 100 6-Mar-08 10,000 BC M 108 6-Mar-08 The Black Balloon M 93 6-Mar-08 Mr. Woodcock M 87 6-Mar-08 A Journey Of Dmitry Shostakovich G 75 13-Mar-08 The Eye M 97 13-Mar-08 Vantage Point M 89 13-Mar-08 Death Defying Acts PG 97 20-Mar-08 The Secret Of The Grain M 151 20-Mar-08 Step Up 2 PG 98 20-Mar-08 Brick Lane M 102 20-Mar-08 Be Kind Rewind PG 100 20-Mar-08 Drillbit Taylor PG 102 20-Mar-08 Before The Devil Knows Your Dead MA 117 20-Mar-08 Horton Hears A Who G 86 20-Mar-08 Hey, Hey, It's Esther Blueburger M 103 20-Mar-08 Hanna Montana 3d G 75 20-Mar-08 St Trinians M 101 27-Mar-08 Never Back Down M 110 27-Mar-08 The Spiderwick Chronicles PG 96 3-Apr-08 Semi-pro M 91 3-Apr-08 Lars & The Real Girl PG 106 3-Apr-08 Nim's Island PG 96 10-Apr-08 Global Haywire M 80 10-Apr-08 Superhero M 85 10-Apr-08 Prom Night M 88 10-Apr-08 M 94 17-Apr-08 Street Kings MA 109 17-Apr-08 Paris M 129 17-Apr-08 Forgetting Sarah Marshall MA 111 17-Apr-08 Gone Baby Gone MA 114 24-Apr-08 Ten Commandments G 88 24-Apr-08 Untraceable MA 100 24-Apr-08 The Painted Veil M 123 24-Apr-08 Deception MA 108 24-Apr-08 Smart People M 95 24-Apr-08 The Edge Of Heaven M 122 1-May-08 Moliere PG 120 1-May-08 Cactus M 89 1-May-08 Made Of Honour M 100 1-May-08 Iron Man M 126 1-May-08 Silk M 109 8-May-08 What Happens In Vegas M 95 8-May-08 The Counterfeiters MA 97 8-May-08 Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day PG 92 8-May-08 Smother M 92 15-May-08 Un Secret M 102 15-May-08 Shout The Musical E 139 15-May-08 Then She Found Me M 101 15-May-08 Penelope PG 103 15-May-08 21 M 123 15-May-08 Shutter MA 85 15-May-08 Sharkwater PG 88 22-May-08 Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull M 122 22-May-08 Goal 2 PG 110 22-May-08 Love In Time For Cholera M 138 29-May-08 Flight Of The Red Balloon PG 110 29-May-08 Leatherheads PG 114 29-May-08 The Orphanage MA 105 29-May-08 Shine A Light M 126 5-Jun-08 Sex And The City MA 145 5-Jun-08 Chronicles Of Narnia : Prince Caspian M 144 12-Jun-08 Speed Racer PG 135 12-Jun-08 The Incredible Hulk M 112 12-Jun-08 The Happening MA 90 12-Jun-08 Kung Fu Panda PG 92 19-Jun-08 My Brother Is An Only Child M 100 19-Jun-08 Unfinished Sky M 90 19-Jun-08 Don't Mess With Zohan M 113 26-Jun-08 The Band's Visit M 86 26-Jun-08 Happy Go Lucky M 118 26-Jun-08 Get Smart PG 110 3-Jul-08 Ten Empty MA 90 3-Jul-08 Children Of Silk Road M 125 3-Jul-08 Hancock M 92 3-Jul-08 Standard Operating Procedures MA 111 10-Jul-08 Mamma Mia PG 108 10-Jul-08 The Love Guru M 86 10-Jul-08 Meet Dave PG 90 16-Jul-08 The Dark Knight M 152 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 22 / 28 1/21/2015

17-Jul-08 Salute PG 92 24-Jul-08 Married Life M 90 24-Jul-08 Forbidden Kingdom PG 104 24-Jul-08 How About You? M 100 24-Jul-08 X Files Movie: I Want To Believe M 104 24-Jul-08 The Savages M 114 31-Jul-08 Wanted MA 108 31-Jul-08 The Square MA 116 31-Jul-08 And When Did You Last See Your Father M 89 31-Jul-08 The Bank Job MA 112 7-Aug-08 Stop-Loss MA 113 7-Aug-08 Pineapple Express MA 112 7-Aug-08 College Road Trip G 83 14-Aug-08 Zombie Strippers MA 94 14-Aug-08 The Strangers MA 85 14-Aug-08 Taken MA 92 14-Aug-08 Star Wars: The Clone Wars PG 98 14-Aug-08 The Visitor M 103 14-Aug-08 Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden M 90 14-Aug-08 Garbage Warrior M 88 14-Aug-08 The Accidental Husband PG 91 21-Aug-08 Baby Mama PG 98 21-Aug-08 The Edge Of Love M 106 21-Aug-08 Tropic Thunder MA 107 28-Aug-08 Bonneville PG 93 28-Aug-08 Not Quite Hollywood MA 103 28-Aug-08 Hellboy 2: The Golden Army M 120 28-Aug-08 Wall-E G 98 4-Sep-08 Make It Happen PG 93 4-Sep-08 Welcome To The Sticks M 102 4-Sep-08 Son Of Rambow PG 95 4-Sep-08 Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay MA 100 4-Sep-08 Space Chimps G 81 4-Sep-08 In Bruges MA 108 4-Sep-08 Wild Child PG 98 11-Sep-08 Angus Thongs PG 100 11-Sep-08 The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor M 112 18-Sep-08 Step Brothers MA 98 25-Sep-08 Beverly Hills Chihuahua G 91 25-Sep-08 Eagle Eye M 117 25-Sep-08 Journey To Centre Of The Earth PG 92 25-Sep-08 House Bunny M 97 2-Oct-08 The Duchess M 109 2-Oct-08 Babylon A.D M 90 2-Oct-08 Disaster Movie M 87 9-Oct-08 Towelhead MA 116 9-Oct-08 My Best Friend's Girl MA 101 9-Oct-08 Body Of Lies MA 128 16-Oct-08 PG 94 16-Oct-08 Burn After Reading MA 96 16-Oct-08 Young @ Heart PG 107 16-Oct-08 Max Payne MA 100 23-Oct-08 Saw V MA 92 23-Oct-08 How To Lose Friends & Alienate People M 110 23-Oct-08 The Women PG 114 23-Oct-08 Brideshead Revisited PG 133 30-Oct-08 Centre Stage 2 M 95 30-Oct-08 Choke R 92 30-Oct-08 Rock'n'rolla MA 114 30-Oct-08 Death Race MA 105 6-Nov-08 Hunger MA 96 6-Nov-08 Mirrors MA 110 6-Nov-08 Nights In Rodanthe PG 97 6-Nov-08 Newcastle M 107 6-Nov-08 Traitor M 114 6-Nov-08 The Dying Breed MA 91 13-Nov-08 Sex Drive MA 101 19-Nov-08 Quantum Of Solace M 106 20-Nov-08 American Teen M 102 26-Nov-08 Australia M 165 27-Nov-08 Big Stan M 105 27-Nov-08 Quarantine MA 89 4-Dec-08 High School Musical 3 G 111 4-Dec-08 Animals In Love G 85 4-Dec-08 Four Holidays M 88 11-Dec-08 Twilight M 121 11-Dec-08 City Of Ember G 95 11-Dec-08 Madagascar 2 PG 85 18-Dec-08 Slumdog Millionaire MA 120 26-Dec-08 Vicki Cristina Barcelona M 93 26-Dec-08 I've Loved You So Long M 112 26-Dec-08 The Day The Earth Stood Still M 99 26-Dec-08 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button M 165 26-Dec-08 Frost/Nixon M 122 26-Dec-08 Bedtime Stories G 93 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 23 / 28 1/21/2015

1-Jan-09 Bolt G 92 1-Jan-09 Yes Man M 104 1-Jan-09 Marley And Me PG 111 8-Jan-09 Seven Pounds M 123 8-Jan-09 Tale Of Despereaux G 89 8-Jan-09 Igor PG 86 15-Jan-09 Hotel For Dogs PG 100 15-Jan-09 Bustin' Down The Door M 96 15-Jan-09 Chandi Chowk To China M 153 15-Jan-09 Bride Wars PG 89 15-Jan-09 The Wrestler MA 109 15-Jan-09 Role Models MA 99 15-Jan-09 Doubt M 104 22-Jan-09 Revolutionary Road M 119 22-Jan-09 Valkyrie M 120 22-Jan-09 The Class M 130 22-Jan-09 Gran Torino M 116 22-Jan-09 Underworld 3: Rise Of The Lycans MA 92 29-Jan-09 The Spirit M 102 29-Jan-09 Milk M 128 5-Feb-09 Pride And Glory MA 130 5-Feb-09 Transporter 3 M 104 5-Feb-09 The Tribute To Pavarotti NC 108 5-Feb-09 Changeling MA 141 5-Feb-09 Repo! The Genetic Opera MA 98 12-Feb-09 Ghost Town M 102 12-Feb-09 My Bloody Valentine R 18 12-Feb-09 Rachel Getting Married M 113 12-Feb-09 He's Just Not That Into You M 129 19-Feb-09 The Reader MA 124 19-Feb-09 Passengers M 92 19-Feb-09 The Midnight Meat Train R 98 19-Feb-09 Right At Your Door MA 96 19-Feb-09 The International MA 118 26-Feb-09 Flash Of Genius M 119 26-Feb-09 Last Chance Harvey PG 93 26-Feb-09 W M 129 26-Feb-09 The Combination MA 96 26-Feb-09 The Unborn M 87 5-Mar-09 The Secret Life Of Bees M 110 5-Mar-09 Dean Spanley G 100 5-Mar-09 Let The Right One In MA 110 5-Mar-09 Watchmen MA 160 5-Mar-09 New In Town PG 93 12-Mar-09 Love The Beast M 88 12-Mar-09 Notorious MA 123 12-Mar-09 Easy Virtue PG 93 12-Mar-09 Friday The 13th R 97 12-Mar-09 Appaloosa M 115 12-Mar-09 Confessions Of A Shopaholic PG 104 19-Mar-09 Two Fists One Heart M 105 19-Mar-09 Paul Blart Mall Cop PG 91 19-Mar-09 Duplicity PG 125 19-Mar-09 12 Rounds M 108 26-Mar-09 The Uninvited MA 87 26-Mar-09 Knowing M 121 26-Mar-09 Bottleshock M 110 2-Apr-09 Monsters Vs Aliens PG 90 2-Apr-09 Inkheart PG 106 2-Apr-09 Summer Hours M 99 2-Apr-09 Pink Panther 2 PG 92 2-Apr-09 Dragonball Evolution PG 82 2-Apr-09 Race To Witch Mountain PG 94 9-Apr-09 A Pain In The Ass M 88 9-Apr-09 Good M 92 9-Apr-09 Elegy M 108 9-Apr-09 The Boat That Rocked M 135 9-Apr-09 Mary And Max PG 92 9-Apr-09 17 Again PG 102 16-Apr-09 Fast And The Furious M 106 23-Apr-09 Fired Up M 90 23-Apr-09 Closed For Winter M 85 23-Apr-09 Sweet Marshall M 91 23-Apr-09 The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas M 94 23-Apr-09 Tulpan M 99 29-Apr-09 X-Men Origins: Wolverine M 103 30-Apr-09 Tenderness M 101 30-Apr-09 Samson And Delilah MA 101 30-Apr-09 Defiance M 136 30-Apr-09 Paris 36 M 120 30-Apr-09 Iron Maiden Flight 666 M 112 7-May-09 The Baader-Meinhoff Complex MA 149 7-May-09 Star Trek: The Future Begins M 122 7-May-09 Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past M 100 7-May-09 Synecdoche New York M 124 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 24 / 28 1/21/2015

10-May-09 Dame Edna Back With A Vengeance M 151 10-May-09 Andre Rieu E 129 14-May-09 Gomorrah MA 137 14-May-09 Angels And Demons M 138 14-May-09 Observe And Report MA 86 14-May-09 Jonas Brothers: 3D Concert G 75 21-May-09 The Voyage That Shook The World G 70 21-May-09 Quiet Chaos MA 112 21-May-09 Lesbian Vampire Killers MA 86 21-May-09 What Just Happened M 104 21-May-09 Night At The Museum 2 PG 105 28-May-09 Katyn MA 119 28-May-09 The Merchants Of Bollywood E 135 28-May-09 My Year Without Sex M 92 28-May-09 State Of Play M 128 28-May-09 The Sleeping Beauty E 132 30-May-09 Hannah Montana G 102 4-Jun-09 Adventureland M 102 4-Jun-09 Terminator Salvation M 114 4-Jun-09 I Love You Man MA 104 4-Jun-09 Is Anybody There? M 95 4-Jun-09 Two Lovers M 110 5-Jun-09 Fanboys M 90 11-Jun-09 The Merchant Of Venice M 130 11-Jun-09 Sunshine Cleaning M 91 11-Jun-09 Land Of The Lost PG 101 11-Jun-09 The Hangover MA 99 11-Jun-09 Tamerlano E 217 18-Jun-09 The Escapist MA 131 18-Jun-09 The Proposal PG 107 18-Jun-09 The Year One M 97 18-Jun-09 Disgrace M 119 24-Jun-09 Transformers : Revenge Of The Fallen M 150 25-Jun-09 Coco Avant Chanel PG 108 25-Jun-09 Thirst MA 134 25-Jun-09 Wake In Fright M 104 29-Jun-09 Ice Age 3 PG 94 2-Jul-09 Last Ride M 101 2-Jul-09 Le Nozze Di Figaro E 185 9-Jul-09 Winged Creatures MA 9 9-Jul-09 The Fox And The Child G 94 9-Jul-09 Bruno MA 83 15-Jul-09 Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince M 153 16-Jul-09 Lucky Country M 92 16-Jul-09 My Friends My Loves M 95 16-Jul-09 My Life In Ruins PG 95 16-Jul-09 Romeo And Juliet E 138 23-Jul-09 Drag Me To Hell MA 99 23-Jul-09 Red Cliff MA 149 23-Jul-09 The Limits Of Control M 115 23-Jul-09 Cheri M 93 23-Jul-09 Pharaohs Daughter E 101 30-Jul-09 Cedar Boys MA 101 30-Jul-09 Public Enemies MA 139 30-Jul-09 My Sister's Keeper M 109 30-Jul-09 Giselle E 114 30-Jul-09 Coraline PG 100 6-Aug-09 Gi Joe :rise Of The Cobra M 118 6-Aug-09 Beautiful Kate MA 101 6-Aug-09 The Ugly Truth MA 96 13-Aug-09 Bandslam PG 111 13-Aug-09 The Orphan MA 123 13-Aug-09 District 9 MA 111 13-Aug-09 Balibo M 111 13-Aug-09 Don Giovanni E 205 20-Aug-09 The Cove M 91 20-Aug-09 Up PG 96 20-Aug-09 Adam MA 99 20-Aug-09 Subdivision M 98 20-Aug-09 MA 83 20-Aug-09 September Issue PG 90 27-Aug-09 Ponyo G 100 27-Aug-09 Taking Woodstock MA 120 27-Aug-09 Swan Lake E 129 27-Aug-09 Fighting M 105 27-Aug-09 Young Victoria PG 105 27-Aug-09 La Fille Mal Gardee E 112 27-Aug-09 The Taking Of Pelham 123 MA 106 3-Sep-09 Shorts PG 89 3-Sep-09 The Soloist M 113 3-Sep-09 G-Force PG 88 3-Sep-09 The Girlfriend Experience M 75 3-Sep-09 Charlie And Boots M 101 3-Sep-09 Aliens In The Attic PG 86 10-Sep-09 Anvil! The Story Of Anvil M 81 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 25 / 28 1/21/2015

10-Sep-09 Blessed MA 113 10-Sep-09 Push M 111 10-Sep-09 Sorority Row MA 101 10-Sep-09 MA 145 10-Sep-09 Flame And Citron M 130 17-Sep-09 The Of Figaro M 96 17-Sep-09 Valentino: The Last Emperor PG 96 17-Sep-09 9.99 MA 78 17-Sep-09 500 Days Of Summer M 95 17-Sep-09 La Boheme E 117 24-Sep-09 Surrogates M 88 24-Sep-09 Imagine That G 107 24-Sep-09 Stone Bros MA 90 24-Sep-09 Looking For Eric MA 117 24-Sep-09 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed M 95 24-Sep-09 Seraphine PG 126 1-Oct-09 Mao's Last Dancer PG 117 8-Oct-09 Moon M 97 8-Oct-09 Whip It M 111 8-Oct-09 Julie And Julia PG 123 8-Oct-09 Couples Retreat M 113 8-Oct-09 A Bunch Of Amateurs M 96 15-Oct-09 Che Part One M 131 15-Oct-09 Che Part Two M 133 15-Oct-09 Departures M 130 15-Oct-09 In Search Of Beethoven G 140 15-Oct-09 Final Destination 4 : Death Trip MA 82 15-Oct-09 Damned United M 97 15-Oct-09 Whatever Works M 88 15-Oct-09 Astro Boy PG 90 22-Oct-09 Coffin Rock MA 92 22-Oct-09 Amreeka M 96 22-Oct-09 All About Steve PG 98 22-Oct-09 Mediterranea E 22 22-Oct-09 Saw VI MA 90 29-Oct-09 Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus PG 122 29-Oct-09 It Might Get Loud PG 98 29-Oct-09 Prime Mover M 99 29-Oct-09 The Box M 115 29-Oct-09 Michael Jackson's This Is It G 111 5-Nov-09 Genova M 94 5-Nov-09 Capitalism : A Love Story M 127 5-Nov-09 A Christmas Carol PG 96 5-Nov-09 The Time Traveller's Wife M 107 12-Nov-09 Amelia M 111 12-Nov-09 The Boys Are Back M 104 12-Nov-09 Dorian Gray MA 112 12-Nov-09 2012 M 158 19-Nov-09 The Twilight Saga: New Moon M 130 26-Nov-09 Cold Souls M 101 26-Nov-09 Topp Twins Untouchable Girls MA 84 26-Nov-09 Don Qixote E 26 26-Nov-09 The Invention Of Lying M 96 3-Dec-09 Paranormal Activity M 86 3-Dec-09 Where The Wild Things Are PG 101 3-Dec-09 The Informant M 108 3-Dec-09 Zombieland MA 87 9-Dec-09 Religulous M 101 9-Dec-09 9 M 79 10-Dec-09 Away We Go MA 96 10-Dec-09 Planet 51 PG 90 10-Dec-09 Stravinsky & The Ballets Russes E 105 17-Dec-09 Avatar M 161 17-Dec-09 Broken Embraces M 128 26-Dec-09 Alvin And The Squeakquel G 88 26-Dec-09 The French Kissers MA 85 26-Dec-09 Lovely Bones, The M 135 26-Dec-09 Bright Star PG 119 26-Dec-09 Nowhere Boy M 97 26-Dec-09 Did You Hear About The Morgans? PG 103 26-Dec-09 Old Dogs PG 88 26-Dec-09 Sherlock Holmes M 128 1-Jan-10 The Princess And The Frog G 96 1-Jan-10 The Fantastic Mr. Fox PG 87 7-Jan-10 It's Complicated M 120 14-Jan-10 Tooth Fairy G 101 14-Jan-10 Bran Nue Dae PG 85 14-Jan-10 Mid August Lunch PG 72 21-Jan-10 In The Loop MA 106 21-Jan-10 Invictus PG 133 21-Jan-10 Toy Story 1&2 G 81 21-Jan-10 Nine M 118 28-Jan-10 The Road MA 112 28-Jan-10 Law Abiding Citizen MA 108 4-Feb-10 Daybreakers MA 98 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 26 / 28 1/21/2015

4-Feb-10 Edge Of Darkness MA 116 4-Feb-10 Precious MA 110 4-Feb-10 Up In The Air M 109 11-Feb-10 Valentine's Day M 124 11-Feb-10 Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief M 119 11-Feb-10 Wolfman MA 103 11-Feb-10 The Prophet MA 155 18-Feb-10 Celine: Through The Eyes Of The World G 117 18-Feb-10 North Face M 121 18-Feb-10 Shutter Island MA 138 18-Feb-10 Crazy Heart M 111 18-Feb-10 From Paris With Love MA 92 18-Feb-10 The Hurt Locker MA 131 25-Feb-10 Love Happens M 109 25-Feb-10 The Blind Side PG 128 25-Feb-10 A Single Man M 100 4-Mar-10 Separation City MA 106 4-Mar-10 Men Who Stare At Goats M 93 4-Mar-10 Alice In Wonderland PG 108 4-Mar-10 Dear John M 109 11-Mar-10 My One And Only M 107 11-Mar-10 Green Zone M 114 11-Mar-10 Remember Me M 112 11-Mar-10 The Vampires Assistant M 104 18-Mar-10 Five Minutes Of Heaven M 89 18-Mar-10 Cop Out MA 107 18-Mar-10 The Bounty Hunter M 110 18-Mar-10 Brothers M 104 18-Mar-10 The Rebound M 94 25-Mar-10 Nutcracker E 89 25-Mar-10 How To Train Your Dragon PG 97 25-Mar-10 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo MA 153 25-Mar-10 Nanny McPhee 2 G 109 1-Apr-10 She's Out Of My League MA 104 1-Apr-10 The Spy Next Door PG 94 1-Apr-10 The Last Station M 112 1-Apr-10 Welcome M 106 1-Apr-10 Micmacs M 105 1-Apr-10 The Last Song PG 107 1-Apr-10 Clash Of The Titans M 106 8-Apr-10 Date Night M 88 8-Apr-10 Kick-Ass MA 118 15-Apr-10 Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky MA 119 15-Apr-10 The Eclipse M 84 15-Apr-10 Beneath Hill 60 M 122 15-Apr-10 The Book Of Eli MA 118 22-Apr-10 Amoz Oz: The Nature Of Dreams G 86 22-Apr-10 Accidents Happen M 88 22-Apr-10 Hot Tub Time Machine MA 100 22-Apr-10 The Burning Plan M 102 22-Apr-10 When In Rome PG 91 29-Apr-10 Triangle MA 266 29-Apr-10 44 Inch Chest MA 95 29-Apr-10 The Concert M 118 29-Apr-10 Iron Man 2 M 124 6-May-10 I, Don Giovanni M 120 6-May-10 Soul Kitchen MA 89 6-May-10 The White Ribbon M 144 6-May-10 I Love You Too M 107 13-May-10 Savage Crossing MA 84 13-May-10 The Other Man M 88 13-May-10 New York I Love You MA 103 13-May-10 Letters To Juliet PG 105 13-May-10 Robin Hood M 140 20-May-10 Food Inc PG 94 20-May-10 King Of Mykonos: Wogboys 2 M 102 20-May-10 Nightmare On Elm Street MA 95 20-May-10 Back Up Plan M 104 20-May-10 Harry Brown MA 103 21-May-10 Kites M 122 27-May-10 Leap Year PG 100 27-May-10 Repo Man R 111 27-May-10 The Losers M 97 27-May-10 The Secret In Their Eyes MA 133 27-May-10 Farewell M 109 27-May-10 Street Dance 3D PG 98 27-May-10 Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time M 111 27-May-10 Fish Tank MA 123 27-May-10 Shrek Forever After PG 93 3-Jun-10 Marmaduke PG 88 3-Jun-10 Animal Kingdom MA 113 3-Jun-10 Legion MA 100 3-Jun-10 Exit Through The Gift Shop M 82 3-Jun-10 Sex And The City 2 MA 146 10-Jun-10 Mademoiselle Chambon M 96 file:///H:/Tutoring/CSCI124%202010/Assignments/a3/movies.dat.txt 27 / 28 1/21/2015

10-Jun-10 A-Team M 118 17-Jun-10 Rocket Science M 97 17-Jun-10 Mother And Child MA 131 17-Jun-10 Get Him To The Greek MA 109 24-Jun-10 Grown Ups PG 102 24-Jun-10 Toy Story 3 G 108 24-Jun-10 I Am Love MA 119 1-Jul-10 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse M 124 8-Jul-10 The Hedgehog M 99 8-Jul-10 Karate Kid PG 140 8-Jul-10 Predators MA 107 15-Jul-10 Creation PG 108 15-Jul-10 Knight & Day M 109 15-Jul-10 The Runaways MA 106 15-Jul-10 The Waiting City M 103 22-Jul-10 Leaving MA 85 22-Jul-10 Skin M 107 22-Jul-10 Greenberg MA 107 22-Jul-10 Inception M 148

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