Welcome Pack - Registration Form for Tiny Treasures Day Nursery
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2020 Welcome Pack - Registration Form for Tiny Treasures Day Nursery Sadaqat Ali Khan SMILES CARE LTD T/A TINY TREASURES DAY NURSERY Tiny Treasures Day Nursery 32 ALBION ROAD, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CT10 2UP EMAIL: [email protected] - Tel: 01843 602115 Ofsted URN: EY2510409 Page 1 of 19 Tiny Treasures Day Nursery 32 ALBION ROAD, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CT10 2UP EMAIL: [email protected] - Tel: 01843 602115 Ofsted URN: EY2510409 CHILD’ S DETAILS Nursery PlaCe Child’s First Name: ........................................... Fee Paying Funding Required Additional Hours Middle Name ........................................... HMRC/Eligibility ........................................... Code Attending Another Last Name ........................................... ........................................... Setting Funding (Please tick FF2 UNIVERSAL EXTENDED applicable) TERM TIME ONLY OPTION STRETCHED FUNDING OPTION We need some details about your Child and family. We have a legal obligation to ColleCt and process this information in aCCordance with The Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012 and therefore we do not require your Consent for the first seCtion of this form. Where information to be supplied is voluntary or where we do need Consent this is identified. The information provided will be kept in paper, Computer form and used for the purpose of maintaining appropriate ContaCt details and for the safety and well- being of your child. Page 2 of 19 Tiny Treasures Day Nursery 32 ALBION ROAD, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CT10 2UP EMAIL: [email protected] - Tel: 01843 602115 Ofsted URN: EY2510409 Terms and conditions Registration forms and Consent forms must be Completed with the Child’s personal details, a seCurity password and emergency telephone numbers before your child attends for the first time and must be kept up to date. Parents/Carers must inform the Manager, of any Changes to a Child’s address, emergency ContaCts or dietary requirements and must be done so in writing. The tiny treasures day nursery team Proprietor – Sadaqat Ali Khan Manager – JaCkie Wylde Deputy Manager – Katie WiCkham Room Staff –RebeCCa, Leanne, Jenifer Bank Staff – Lauryn (bank staff) Aims and objectives At Tiny Treasure Day Nursery, we aim to provide a fully inclusive, safe, seCure and stimulating educational environment where Children learn through play and structured aCtivities where all Children’s individual needs are met. It is reCognised that the early years are vitally important to Children's development and to future educational sucCess. Indeed, a signifiCantly high proportion of learning takes plaCe from birth to the age of six and it is at this time Children partiCularly need high quality Care and learning experiences. At Tiny Treasures Day Nursery Children are encouraged to question, explore, plan and investigate and to be pro-aCtive in their own learning. Tiny Treasures Day Nursery aims to form a bridge between home and nursery and a smooth transition to the child’s first sChool is planned. Closures The nursery Closes only for the Christmas break, statutory Bank Holidays and staff training days. (A months’ notiCe will be given for staff training days). Severe weather Conditions may result in Closure and will be announced on KMFM and HEART radio stations on the morning of closure and on our FaCebook page. Philosophy of care Tiny Treasures Day Nursery is a family ran business with a great understanding that a Child’s life is holistiC. Offering a seCond family for the Children, with a maximum of 45 plaCes and Carefully Chosen qualified & experienced staff of a diverse age range. We provide the highest quality Care and a seCure base within whiCh babies are nurtured, toddlers thrive, and young Children beCome independent, all Children from birth to sChool age follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. A plaCe where every Child is reCognised for their individuality and where every Child is treated equally, and their needs are met so eaCh child can reaCh their full potential. Arrival and departure Page 3 of 19 Tiny Treasures Day Nursery 32 ALBION ROAD, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CT10 2UP EMAIL: [email protected] - Tel: 01843 602115 Ofsted URN: EY2510409 The nursery must be notified if someone else is ColleCting your Child, since we Cannot let your Child leave with any person who we do not know without a letter of authority from you and a seCurity word. Late Charges will be levied at the rate of £1.00 per minute before 6.00 p.m. and a Contribution towards staff wages will be added after 6.00 p.m. Persistent lateness will not be tolerated due to safeguarding. The setting works on a password system. EaCh Child has an individual and unique password provided by the Child’s parent/Carer to ColleCt their Child/ren. No member of the publiC will be allowed to ColleCt any Child without a password unless given authorisation by the settings manager/Deputy Manager. No Child will be Consented to leave the Care of the nursery with anybody who is not in reCeipt of the Child's password. The passwords are private and confidential. Notice Tiny Treasures Day Nursery will do all they Can to aCCommodate the required days and hours. A Change to a Child’s hours needs to be done in writing – to the Manager. A months’ notiCe is required for a deCrease in hours, and a weeks’ notiCe for an increase of hours or a Change of the same number of hours. The nursery Cannot swap sessions unless a pre-arrangement has been made with the setting manager. One month’s written notiCe must be given for a Child leaving the nursery or fees paid in lieu. All fees left outstanding will be passed to our debt ColleCtion agency and will be subjeCt to a 20% increase and Costs added. To confirm as the Children attended your provision during headcount week you have no legal requirement to transfer any monies to a provision that a parent chooses to move to during that term. Parents have the right to appeal to CFIS 03000 412323 to ask if the remaining weeks money could be paid to the new provider; however, as I have stated before they will not double fund without a very good reason, for example a child proteCtion case where the family are moved to a different area. Sickness SiCk Children Cannot be Catered for at the nursery and must remain at home. Any Child who has reCeived paraCetamol suspension (Calpol), ibuprofen, nurofen or any mediCation not presCribed by a doctor prior to the session must remain at home. All mediCines that have been presCribed by a doctor may be administered by staff with written parental Consent and if the Child has taken the mediCation for 24 hours before-hand to ensure no allergiC reaCtions. Tiny Treasures Day Nursery will not be able to administer any un-presCribed mediCation to your Child whilst at nursery. If your Child is reCeiving presCribed mediCation, please Can you let nursery know prior to the session. Children with head liCe are excluded from the nursery until the Condition has been sucCessfully treated to prevent the spreading of liCe throughout the setting if aCCessing FEE then alternative hours will be offered at a later date. Children who have had siCkness or diarrhoea should not return for at least 48 hours after their last bout of either siCkness or diarrhoea to ensure isolation of the virus and they appear to be well again as they will not have regained the stamina to sustain a day at the nursery. The Kent Health ProteCtion Agency regulations regarding exclusion due to illness are striCtly adhered to and a Copy of this is available on request “Incubation and exclusion periods of the common infeCtious diseases". Page 4 of 19 Tiny Treasures Day Nursery 32 ALBION ROAD, BROADSTAIRS, KENT, CT10 2UP EMAIL: [email protected] - Tel: 01843 602115 Ofsted URN: EY2510409 Nursery hours The nursery opens at 8:00 am and Closes promptly at 6:00 pm. Children must not arrive early for their session unless prior arrangements have been made with either the settings manager or deputy manager. Any extra time your Child is left at nursery without prior arrangement will result in extra Charges. If a Child arrives early for their session, you will be asked to remain with them until their session time begins. This is to ensure staff to Child ratios are maintained and the Children’s safety can be ensured. Photographs Photographs are used in Children’s tapestry learning aCCounts to display their life at nursery and through the Early Years Foundation Stage and on ocCasion more than one Child Can appear in a photograph and this photograph may be used in another Child’s learning journey. Photographs are used continuously around the setting within displays both inside and outside. Photographs may be used for advertising purposes including display on billboards, newspapers, CliniCs and on the internet including social network sites such as FaCebook. This paCk Contains individual Consent forms for all use of photographs and Children’s information whiCh you are asked to sign. Without your signature we will not be able to take any photographs. Food and drink Tiny Treasures Day Nursery provide healthy snaCks of fruit and vegetables, CraCkers and breadstiCks and foods from other Cultures and from around the world, twiCe a day, am and pm. Fresh full fat milk is provided at snaCk times and fresh water is aCCessible to all children throughout the day in all rooms. Children Can eat breakfast (8 till 9), lunch (12-1) and tea (4-5) at the setting and all must be provided from parents/Carers and be of a healthy Content. Any products Containing nuts, Cod, sesame seed and egg will not be given to the children whilst at the setting due to severe allergies of children attending the setting.