G.O.Y.A.N.Z. Greek Orthodox Youth Association of New Zealand www.goyanz.org.nz Issue No. 14 July 2002 GREEK PRESIDENTS VISIT Mr Constantinos Stephanopoulos’s state visit was a welcome intrusion into Wellington Greeks’ daily lives. GOYANZ was there all the way to bring you exclusive coverage and photos of the visit. It was an honour to all local Greeks who met the President and had a rare opportunity to rub shoulders with business leaders and politicians from . Full coverage inside, starting on page 3.

Mr Constantinos Stephanopoulos opens his tour with a pulsating speech to members of Wellingtons Greek Community. This was followed by a walk-a-round where the President met as many people Mr Giannis Magriotis, Greek Deputy Minister of External Affairs (right), listens to members of as he could. There is no doubt that his charm and wit won over GOYANZ on a one-to-one talk concerning the Greek youth of Wellington many local Greeks. Miss GOYANZ 2002 The annual Miss GOYANZ went without a hitch on Sunday June 2nd. Anna Lillis was crowned Miss GOYANZ 2002. A crowd of over 300 attended and were treated to an evening of music, food and entertainment. Thanks to Kerasma Band (from Melbourne) who kept everyone entertained for the evening. Special thanks to Jim Christie of Harvey World Travel, who as always, donated Miss GOYANZ first prize.

Also a special mention to all those that helped on the day and to those businesses who donated goods and services including Harbour City Motor Anna Lillis (center) is the new Miss GOYANZ for 2002. Inn and Pak n’Save.

Contents • Editorial & Calendar p 2 • Travel Greece p 12 • Greek Presidents Visit pp 3 & 4 • Letters to GOYANZ p 12 • Paradiso p 5 • Dear Thea p 13 • Olympic Day Celebrations p 5 • Horoscope p 13 • Message to Youth Committee p 6 • Greeks in the News p 14 • Presidents visit colour spread p 7- 9 • Sport p 15 • Miss GOYANZ p 10 • News in Brief p 16 www.goyanz.org.nz

GOYANZ EVENTS CALANDER 2002 06 July Ahepa Bingo night, Odysseus Hall 03 August Annual Ahepa Dance, Flamingo’s

15 August Assumption Day - Commemorating the bodily Welcome all - its been another busy time for our association and ascent of the Virgin Mary (Panayia) into Heaven community in general. The highlight being of course the visit from 25 August Ahepa Day Church Service + lunch the Hellenic President Mr Constantinos Stephanopoulos and his entourage. It was great to see the Presidential delegation make the September Olympic Prizegiving effort from Australia to visit us here in little ole New Zealand - it October 2nd GOYANZ Baraki Night meant a lot to us. I was fortunate enough to be invited to some of the formal events and it was a great honour to enjoy the President’s 26 October U19 National Soccer Tournament in Napier - company and the opportunity to converse with members of the Labour Weekend delegation side by side was a real delight. 28 October Greek National Holiday (OXI) Others events held in June were the GOYANZ annual dance, the November Wellington Xmas Parade Olympic Day dinner and the start of the Paradiso exhibition at the December GOYANZ Childrens Xmas Party National Library. Reports on all the events are included in this issue. A point I wanted to raise, that was highlighted with the busy June Results from NZ Census taken in 2001 schedule was the lack of communication or information transfer to Greeks (including Greek Cypriots) in New Zealand by Region all parts of our community. This is not an attempt to point fingers Area Male Female Total to anyone individual, association or group but just to raise the Northland Region 18 24 42 awareness that we as a community need to do something about it. Auckland Region 225 225 450 Take for example the Presidents visit, this was not publicised very Waikato Region 36 33 69 well throughout the community. Only those close to the community knew what was going on, but others not so close, were not so Bay of Plenty Region 27 36 63 fortunate to find out in time. I think a step in the right direction Gisborne region 12 3 15 would be the role a Public Relations officer that is appointed by all Hawkes Bay Region 36 24 60 the associations and is responsible for the transfer of information to Taranaki Region 9 15 24 all community members (that are linked to a group of course), media Manawatu-Wanganui Region 33 21 54 exposure - radio and newspaper, website postings, emails whatever Wellingron Region 648 591 1239 is required to get the message across. The PR officer must be West Coast Region 0 3 3 accessible for everybody’s benefit - like an elderly person in our Canterbury Region 105 78 183 community who does not have internet access should be able to Otago Region 24 21 45 call via phone with their query. This position will be a single point Southland Region 12 6 18 of contact that can provide any information of upcoming events or Nelson Region 6 3 3 normal day to day activity within our community from educational Marlborough Region 6 3 3 to religious and sporting to social. There would also be a responsibility Please note: the figures above represent all Greeks living in NZ Total: 2271 for each association to provide information to the PR officer in the who were born in Greece and does not include NZ born Greeks first place. I believe this is a key area for the support and success of Check us out on-line at: any event held by the Greek community at large. www.goyanz.org.nz or www.olympicafc.org.nz I hope you enjoy this issue - until next time - Paul Kotrotsos GOYANZ Youth Committees 2002 Radio Program GOYANZ: 7th July - Peppy Tziakis Paul Kotrotsos (Pres.), Razos (V. Pres.), John Yiappos (Treas.), Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis (Sec.), Stelios Manousakis, John 14th July - Voula Kosmadakis Serepisos, Louiza Papageorgiou and Jason Varuhas. 21st July - Kostandina Karasavas Olympic: 28th July - Peppy Tziakis Peter Halikias (Pres.), Nick Halikias, Basil Bouzoukis, Paris Razos, 4th August - Voula Kosmadakis Nonda Hatzilamprou, Costa Leonidas 11th August - Kostandina Karasavas Netball: If anyone is interested in doing a radio show or if you have a Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis, Vera Georgiou dedication or request, please call Paul Kotrotsos on 387-1110 Junior Soccer: Tune in and listen to the latest Greek music. John Serepisos, George Kotrotosos, Andrew Antonopoulos, Thanasi Georgiou, Stathi Apostolakis Every Sunday at 3.00pm - 4.00pm Ta Matia tou Kosmou: on Access Radio, 783, AM John Serepisos (Editor), Voula Kosmadakis, Stelios Manousakis, Paul Kotrotsos, Dimetrius Christoforou (proof reader) Τα Ματια Του Κοσµου Youth Radio: is produced Bi-monthly by GOYANZ Paul Kotrotsos PO Box 6257 Wellington GOYANZ/Olympic Website: Layout and design TBD www.tbd.co.nz John Serepisos ([email protected]) Printing Ultracopy www.ultracopy.co.nz

2 www.goyanz.org.nz

Greek Presidential Visit: Diary of Events by Chrisanthi Kamberogiannis Monday 10 June 2002

Waiting on the steps of Government House in anticipation of the arrival and for WW2, and was looking forward to the work exchange of the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr Stephanopoulos and his programme and mentioned that his various ministries business units almighty entourage of 143 foot soldiers comprising of an army that were accompanying him would like to increase trade with NZ. orchestra, ministers, journalists and business persons from every region Lunch that was served however left a lot to be desired, but the company of Greece. was gourmet. Though the weather was cold and wet our spirits were not dampened. When Mr Stephanopoulos arrived he was escorted with a variety of dignitaries through to the main lawn by a pair of powerful Maori warriors in traditional dress, bare chested and feeling the brisk wind, but when the National Army band played our national anthem, I think everyone’s goosebumps heightened, the blood rushed to our heads with a sense of patriotism and pride and emotions peaked.

After a short and sweet official welcome, Wellington Boys College prepared an invigorating haka to bid President Stephanopoulos farewell into the main house for a mini muffin. The President and his entourage did stop by our lovely Greek School troopers dressed in blue and white (tradition!). Their little soaked paws held their Greek flags high to show Hellenism and pride.

Inside Government House while the muffins circulated so did the GOYANZ committee. We met with many delegates, such as the The President “flanked” by Johnathan Hunt and Helen Clarke Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Cultural Affairs and of course the big man himself President Stephanopoulos. The journalists were Later that evening, we attended the cocktail party at the Intercontinental extremely friendly and curious about our small yet boutique Greek Hotel, which was hosted by the Greek Consulate General Mr K. The Community of Wellington. Governor General Dame Sylvia Cartwright, Minister of Health Annette King, Marilyn Hobbs, MP and myself were a few of the celebrities there that evening.

I think the highlight of my day was when the GOYANZ committee met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He had an abundance of questions to ask us and of course he received plenty of answers. Some of the questions posed that evening went as follows: (a few excerpts)

MINISTER: Why did I not see any youth at the Cocktail party? Do you not have younger Greek couples, eg 30s - 40s.

GOYANZ: Yes we do! But not everyone was aware of your visit! We are 400 members strong, the biggest Youth Greek based organization in NZ.

MINISTER: So I guess that this is not a fair representation and I am personally not happy with that. I would rather liked to have a seen a more broad representation of your community.

Chrisanthi introduces the President to the minions GOYANZ: What is happening with the Greek Passport situation? Why does it take so long? Well at 12.00 noon my limo (Mazda that is) rolled up to Parliament MINISTER: Due to Greece’s admittance into the EEC, thousands of steps, which we had the honour of lunching with a few of the Greek Greeks, some with inadequate documentation, have decided they want delegates, the President and NZ Prime Minister Helen Clarke. Helen to be Greek and apply for a passport, to enable them to work freely Clarkes outfit was a vibrant red, my eyes got a heart attack, but her throughout Europe, in this case were a consular office was processing words were poignant and kind towards the Greek community of New 3-4 applications per week, it has influxed to 300 to 400, so manpower Zealand. She also commended us for our help in the 2nd World War and resources have been strained, subsequently there is a 3 month to in Crete. Prime Minister Clarke informed us of a work exchange 2 year waiting period, depending on consulate office location. programme for NZers to work in Greece for a year and vice versa. MINISTER: What assistance as a youth orientated group do you want Bill English, leader of the opposition repeated Clarke’s speech but he from your motherland - Greece? did thank us for giving the world democracy and the Olympics (and how about feta?). The President took the floor and spoke with a GOYANZ: We would like publications and computer CDs for proficient translator, he too thanked NZ for her support over the years educational purposes! Flags! To be informed of camps and educational

3 www.goyanz.org.nz programmes offered in Greece for various study levels also updated reports on projects that are offered specifically to Greeks living abroad.

MINISTER: You can look up all this information on the net. Information technology is at your fingertips and we also mail info.

GOYANZ: We would be happy to look it up on the net but we do need the specific web addresses which we do not have. And regarding the mail notification, we received a post graduate course application, 3 days before the deadline date, we did not have enough time to inform our members to drop their lives for 12 months and attend this course?

I could go on at length regarding our discussion that evening, but we do have restrictions on our publication. The gist of it is, we voiced our gripes, the Minister’s secretary noted everything down, now whether they act upon the information they were given is entirely another matter! The Minister seemed very eager and interested to me, since he is a younger MP, he has come up against old flack frequently. I personally vented my frustrations that evening and I feel all the much better for Meeting Attendees: (back L-R) Stelio Manousakis, Chrisanthi Kamberiogiannis, it. The visit from the delegation and president gave all of us in the Gina Varelas, Konstantinos Varelas Greek Community a big boost of Hellenism, Awareness and Pride. (front L-R)Jimmy Haidakis, Giannis Magriotis, John Serepisos, Paul Kotrotsos

A ‘Haka’ for the President of Greece By Arty Papageorgiou

As the rain started to fall, it could have been more than just rain trickling down my face. I could feel a strong sense of pride coming over me. I was just one of many, who were going to perform the haka, but I was just one of the few Greek boys who had this privilege. We stood and listened to the strains of the Greek National Anthem as it crept through the intermittent thundering of the 21 gun salute. How ironic, I thought, that the Greek Kiwi boys were about to do the ‘haka’ - clearly a New Zealand Maori war dance for the President of Greece, Mr Constantinos The “Haka” Sephanopoulos.

The first time Wellington College boys were invited to perform the school haka was for Bernard Cyril Freyberg, First Baron of Wellington, (an old boy of the Wellington College) when he stepped down from being Governor General in 1952. Since then it has been a tradition for the Wellington College to perform the haka for visiting overseas dignitaries.

As our Head Boy shouted out the first phrase of the haka it was Wellington College’s time to shine once again. As usual, Wellington College didn’t disappoint. We performed a strong

haka, which anyone would be proud of, and I’m sure that Mr L-R: Louiza Papageorgou, His Excellency Mr Constantinos Stephanopoulos, Stephanopoulos will always remember that very special morning Alex Livas, The Hon Dame Sylvia Cartwright at Government House.

You know you are a true Greek when: 1) You respond to Rai or Morei. 7) Survivor and Big Brother are a joke after having spent a summer 2) You consider a koboloi to be a stress reliever. in the Horio.

3) Your parents believe that there is a conspiracy behind everything. 8) You know that in Greece taxi driver means tour guide.

4) You bring your Greek flag to WWF event. 9) You know that the term “Car Pool” in Greece means 3 on a donkey. 5) You have been so bored in church that you have imagined being Luke Skywalker with your labatha and that the priest was Darth 10) Somebody calls out your name at a family gathering and 5 Vader. people respond.

6) Your luggage smells like: oregano,ouzo,figs,kefalotiri,loukoumia 11) Your father still has Greek 8-Track tapes and a player. etc. It is also wrapped with string.

4 www.goyanz.org.nz

Greek Photo Exhibition NATIONAL LIBRARY GALLERY 27 June to 6 October 2002 National Library, Molsworth Street

Paridisos: images of Hellenic life in Wellington celebrates Cypriot people in Wellington,’ said John Sullivan, curator of the the contribution Wellington’s Greek and Cypriot communities Turnbull Photographic Archive, ‘It became clear to me that much have made to the life of the city and to New Zealand as a whole. of the sparkle that is now part of Wellington’s social life can be The exhibition features a selection from more than 200 photos traced back to their enterprise in the 1950s and 1960s.’ donated to the Turnbull Library by the Greek and Cypriot Gallery staff worked closely with representatives from the two communities in 1998. The images show Hellenic Wellingtonians communities to develop an exhibition that looks at ideas such as engaged in day-to-day activities, including weddings, cabaret place, participation and identity. The exhibition will also explore and theatre events, religious ceremonies, and business, political what being a Greek or Cypriot New Zealander means to different and sporting events. Of particular interest are photographs of generations, to those who immigrated to New Zealand and also to snack bars and cabarets operated by members of the Greek and their children who were born here. The exhibition features a number Cypriot community during the 1950s and 1960s, the of Greek and Cypriot items from personal collections. A lively events beginnings of Wellington’s thriving cafe society. “After looking at programme, including film screenings, musical performance and these photographs I was struck by the vitality of the Greek and lectures, will accompany the exhibition. NZ Olympic Committee & Hellenic Celebration of Olympic Day Saturday 22nd June 2002 at Greek Community Centre, Hania Street

Over 160 people attended this years celebrations of Olympic Day. MC Keith Quinn Various dignitaries, members of the Olympic fraternity and introduces members of New members of the Greek Community were present. Zealands Olympic team of the 1972 John Davies (president NZ Olympic committee) opened up with a Olympic games at speech personifying the ideals of the Olympic games and how Munich. Greece’s role in their formation remains with us to this day. This followed by the presentation of various awards to Olympic sports- people including the coveted Longsdale cup which went to Blyth Tait (equestrian) for 2002.

The highlight of the evening was commentaries of members of the NZ Olympic team of the 1972 games in Munich and in particular their thoughts on the disastrous events of those games. After listening to them it brought into perspective the futility of war and hatred and how important it was for the games to survive under such extreme duress.

A special presentation by Greek drama teacher Tolis followed, comprising a sketch where anamitronic puppets discuss the virtues of attending the Olympic games in Ancient Greece.

The evening concluded with Greek dancing and music where Greeks and non-Greeks alike got onto the dance floor. The message was simple: sport competition creates unity and understanding which spans cultural and language barriers. The Greek community dance troup performs for guests

5 www.goyanz.org.nz

MESSAGES OF HOPE from the Youth Committee.

10 June 2002. Report D. Rimba, Macedonian News Agency

Four hundred young people, second and third generation Hellenes of NZ, of the Greek Orthodox Youth Association of NZ, make great efforts to maintain their Hellenic Heritage here in New Zealand. For these young people the country of Greece is their ideal motherland even if, in many cases, they have never visited. In the early years of immigration, Greeks were embarrassed to state their nationality, as they were treated as inferior by the New Zealanders. In our days attitudes have changed for the better. The constant progress in Greece has made all New Zealand born Greeks to feel proud of their culture and rather special as they are able to have both Greek/European and New Zealand passports.

Late on Monday night, 10 June 2002, the committee members of the GOYANZ held a meeting with the Greek deputy minister of External Affairs Mr. Yiannis Magriotis. During the meeting they discussed their not so negligible work and their constant strangle to establish contact with other Hellenic Youth overseas, as they are so far away from the motherland Greece and even from the Hellenes of Australia. This communication has now become vital as the Greek population in NZ is dwindling dramatically.

With that in mind and always thirsty for information, GOYANZ has published in English a bimonthly magazine -”TA MATIA TOU KOSMOU”-, with aspirations to get in touch with other Greeks all over the world. They even have their own web page - www.goyanz.org.nz and a colourful radio show in a local station, broadcasting every Sunday afternoon. At the moment they are attempting to establish their own private space within the Greek Community. An area were they can meet regularly, talk and exchange ideas, and listen to Greek music. They also have a very willing dancing group without a professional teacher, their fourteen soccer teams together with the three women’s netball teams make up the best attraction poles.

In very relaxed and cosy surroundings, the young Committee members felt eager to open their hearts to the Greek deputy minister. They talked about their relation with the older members of the Greek Community, their constant battle of introducing modern ideas and develop a number of strategies in maintaining the Hellenic Culture, also how the youth may take more important part in SAE. The president of GOYANZ, Paul Kotrotsos thanked the deputy Minister for his time and his participation in the presidential visit to NZ.

“Your presence here, in this far away country, gives us hope that we will not be forgotten” P. Kotrotsos said. “ We, young Hellenes of NZ, try harder than the young people in Greece to keep in touch and keep our Hellenic Culture alive. We always keep an eye for other young Greeks, who have lost touch with The following year they are planning to organise a special week to celebrate the community and take a lot of pleasure in being Greek. We the Spirit of the Olympic Games. Mr Magriotis was impressed with their always look forward to your support and advise, as they are efforts and promised to be in touch and assist in the coordination of the important to us”. events.

GOYANZ have expressed a great interest for the 2004 Olympic The GOYANZ committee also praised the Programs of GGAE (General Games. They have been well informed on the program for Secretariat of Hellenes Abroad), that every year host huge numbers of volunteers, even if they have not had any approach from the young Greeks from overseas. That is the best way to keep in touch and Olympic Management. remain with beautiful memories of our motherland GREECE.

6 www.goyanz.org.nz His Excellency Mr Constantinos Stephanopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic, State Visit to Wellington, June 9-11, 2002

Sunday 9 June, 7.30pm - 9pm, Greek Orthodox Community Centre, Hania Street

Giannis Magriotis Greek Deputy Minister of External Affairs, Mr Stephanopoulos gives a rousing speech to the audience. Highlights include the importance of addresses the 700 strong crowd Greek culture to the World and the respect that Greece has for Greeks living abroad.

Mr Stephanopoulos presents Greek Communtiy President, George Stavrinos, with a gift from the Greek Government

Mr Stephanopoulos thanks the Greek Community of Wellington At the conclusion of the formalities, Mr Stephanopoulos mingles with local Greeks for a Maori Greenstone carving presented to him.

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Monday 10 June, 10am - 11am, Government House

A traditional maori welcome and military parade await Mr Stephanopoulos and his entourage

Mr Stephanopoulos is greeted by the children of the Greek school as always Mr Stephanopoulos is available to meet guests

Monday 10 June, 12pm - 2pm, State Luncheon, Parliament Buildings

Mr Stephanopoulos addressed over 400 guests who turned up to the State Luncheon held by New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clarke. Also present were various ministers including leader of the opposition, Bill English and Speaker of the House, Johnathan Hunt. Mr Stephanopoulos spoke of the close relations that Greece has with New Zealand and spoke highly of New Zealand soldiers efforts in World War 2 in defending Greece and Crete. He was very supportive of closer economic relations between the two countries, with an agreement for working holidays, for both young New Zealanders and Greeks, to share the experience of each others cultures.

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Monday 10 June, 7pm - 8pm, Cocktail Function, Hotel Inter-Continental

A Greek Military band entertains guests at the cocktail evening

Monday 10 June, 11pm - 2am, Informal Meeting, Hotel Inter-Continental

GOYANZ “thrashes” out some of its concerns with Greek Deputy Minister of External Affairs, Giannis Magriotis. Members of the foreign press and diplomatic corp of Greece are eager onlookers.

Monday 10 June, midnight to late, Informal gathering, Green Parrot

Jimmy Sakoufakis dances with Viggo Mortenson (Lord of the Rings) as the President’s After all the official functions of the day, its time for the band to relax band plays on out of uniform

9 www.goyanz.org.nz MISS GOYANZ DANCE, 2002

L-R: Christina Anastasiou (2nd runner-up), Tina Lillis (1st runner-up), GOYANZ President, Paul Kotrotsos, does the It ain’t a Greek dance without the sound of Anna Lillis (Miss GOYANZ 2002), Peggy Yiannoutsos (Miss GOYANZ 2001) presentations Bouzouki!

Nicholas Zivadinovic plays a Bouzouki number What GOYANZ is all about - young people getting involved! “Stan the man” is happy with his prize for late revellers Advertise your business in the 2003 GOYANZ Calendar. You get 40 beautiful Calendars for $335 + gst. All funds raised will help support GOYANZ with its cultural and sporting activities

GOYANZ will be launching a new-look Calendar • Printed on high quality art paper. Cover printed • You get 40 Beautiful Calendars to give to your totally different to the past “one-sheet” version. on card with laminated exterior. family, friends, staff and clients The new Calendar is a 24 page, full colour foldout with a theme of “The Greek Islands”. Features of • Specially commissioned photographs of 12 We will be publishing the 2003 calendar in August/ the 2003 Calendar include: different Greek Islands including Crete, Samos, September 2002. Olympic will distribute to Santorini and Naxos advertisers and the Greek Community at the same • 24 pages plus cover in full-colour • Special Center poster “pull-out” featuring all time. The cut-off date for advertising is 25 July 2002. • Page size to be 345 x 238 mm (opens to 345 x calendar advertisers and GOYANZ 2002 montage If you wish to discuss any of the above, please call 476 mm) making it perfect for wall hanging on the reverse. This allows the Calendar to be John Serepisos on 384-4679 (wk). • Calendar design reflects its cultural origins with “clean” of advertising once the pull-out has been months and days translated in English and Greek removed. • Calendar dated from January 2003 to December • Advertise to over 400 members of GOYANZ and 2003 distribution throughout the Greek Community

10 www.goyanz.org.nz

Saints are the heroes of our faith by Vivienne Varouhas - coming up major feast days

HOLY FATHERS OF THE FIRST ECUMENICAL SYNOD missionary. He founded many Churches and wrote letters to them. The 7th Sunday after pascha is dedicated to the memory of the Holy These letters are found in the books of the New Testament. It was Fathers of the First Ecumenical Synod. A synod is a gathering (meeting) during the reign of the Emperor Nero that he was martyred in Rome. of the fathers of the Church in order to discuss various important We celebrate the feast day of both on June 29th. matters of faith. The Emperor Constantine called a meeting in Nicaea, ST. EUPHEMIA a city in Asia Minor in 325AD and 318 holy fathers attended. The This young woman was born in the ancient city of Chalcedon, the site purpose of this synod was to deal with Arius, who taught that Christ of the fourth Ecumenical Council which met in 451, about 128 years was a creation of God. He denied Christ’s divinity. The synod after her death. St. Euphemia was a devoted Christian woman who condemned the Arian heresy. The Holy Fathers strove to illuminate refused to deny her God and was eventually burned at the stake in the mankind with their correct teachings. The Nicene Creed was written year 303AD. This young martyr of the Church was entombed within during this synod and it states the basic beliefs of the Church. It is the walls of a small chapel erected in her honor in Chalcedon. For recited during the Divine Liturgy. many years, thousands of visitors came to her resting place and PENTECOST hundreds were cured of various illnesses. Her fame spread throughout Forty days after Easter our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. the Byzantine Empire. The fourth Ecumenical Council was held in Just before he ascended he promised he would send them a helper - Chalcedon for the expressed purpose of clariying the Churches position The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would be with them to give them concerning the two natures of Jesus Christ. There were many within spiritual strength to carry the message of Christ throughout the world. the church who believed that Jesus Christ was not of two natures, It is the fulfilment of this promise that we celebrate on Pentecost Sunday human and Divine. The fourth Council issued a doctrine of Faith and is celebrated fifty days after Easter. During the Diving Liturgy on making clear the Church’s position. It declares that Jesus did have this day there are three prayers that are read about the miracle of two natures: one Human and the other Divine. Many bishops of the Pentecost. All the congregation kneels and prays that the power of the Church resited this “Doctrine of Faith”. As a result, the Patriach decided Holy Spirit will enter our hearts and give us spiritual strength to live to place two volumes of books within the casket of the Patron Saint of out our lives according to the will of God. Let the Holy Spirit enter Chalcedon, St. Euphemia. One volume contained the wrong teachings your heart because this is the true meaning of Pentecost. One can of those who believed in one nature, and the other volume contained read about this in the bible, refer to John 7:37-52, 8.12. the true teachings of Orthodoxy pertaining to the two natures of Christ. After the casket was closed containing the two volumes (one placed SUNDAY OF ALL SAINTS on top of the other), history tells us that as soon as the casket was re- There are a huge number of unknown Saints. Many Christians were opened shortly thereafter, the wrong volume was at the feet of St. put to death because of their belief in the early years of the Church Euphemia and the Orthodox volume was in her hands. This showed and we do not know them all by name. For this reason, the Church that the true interpretation of the two natures of Christ as defined by devotes one Sunday of the year to commemorate all the Saints of the the 520 Holy Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Counicil was the truth Church both known and unknown. It is celebrated one week after which should be for all eternity. Since the day of this miracle, the Pentecost. This year that falls on 30th June. golden casket of St. Euphemin lies within the Patriarchal Church of Constantinople. ST PETER AND PAUL St. Peter is one of the 12 followers of Christ (APOSTLES) and he is Others are Prophet Elijah (Elias) - on 20th July, St, Christina - on 24th seen as the leader. He was closely connected with the life and ministry , St. Paraskevy - on 26th and St. Panteleimon (The Merciful) on 27th of our Lord. In the course of his journeys, he founded the Church in July. No room to mention on these. Refer to last years for information. Antioch. St. Paul wasn’t one of the chosen 12. He was converted to Information taken from Australian and American Archdiocese websites. Christianity on the Damascas Road. Refer to Acts 9:1-22 for his conversion. Paul spread the word of God in many places - he was a

Office Hours for the Priest: Father George Serras Monday to Friday EVANGELISIMOS CHURCH - Hania Street 4.00 - 6.00pm, Evangelismos Church, Hania St ST. ANDREWS CHURCH - 365 Broadway, Miramar Priest’s Phone Number: Home: (04) 802 5456 ; ST. NECTARIOS CHURCH - 23 Bay Street, Petone Mobile: (025) 248 9524 Church Telephone: (04) 385 1076 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST - 30 Rochester Street, Palmerston North

11 www.goyanz.org.nz

Greece - Travel Destination Letters Part 1

Greece is reinventing itself. The azure seas and soft sand beaches are still there, of course, but attitudes are modernising fast, as Paul Mansfield found last week The moustachioed man selling peanuts outside the Athens subway station deftly sorted out my change in cents. “Was the switch to the Euro difficult?,” I asked. The man tilted his head back magisterially: “Ochi. No. Greece has never felt a proper part of Europe. Now we don’t feel so left out.” He winked. “Plus, this makes it easier for me to round the prices upwards.” Thus was the passing of the oldest currency in Europe, the drachma, commemorated on the streets of Greece’s capital.

Rising slowly: Greece is in the process of reinventing its tourism industry Greece is changing. Since being awarded the Olympic Games for 2004, it has shifted gears in a way that has surprised many people. To the Greeks the Games represents a great test; their coming-of-age in the modern world. As Greece’s biggest earner of foreign currency, tourism is at the centre of this. The package tourists of the 1970s helped restore many moribund island economies. But they ushered in a wave of overdevelopment that drove upmarket visitors away, and left Greece prey to the lager-lout invasions of the 1980s.

The 1990s brought a revival in fortunes: in 2001 more than 2.8 million new Athenian style. My base, the Omonia Grand Hotel, stands at the British holidaymakers visited Greece, a 12 per cent increase on the heart of Omonia Square, formerly a dingy area frequented by pimps previous year. This year at least three million are expected. But Greek and hustlers. All gone, to be replaced by well-heeled office workers. tourism is in a state of flux. Last week I went to witness a culture in the Also gone are the kamakia, the “harpoons” who once hung around throes of reinvention. Athens in search of “loose”

The capital: At Athens’s year-old Eleftherios Venizelos airport the Foreign women: There is a new sexual morality to Greece. Greek orderly taxi queue was marshalled by uniformed men with whistles - a women, emulating their northern sisters, now frequently exercise the huge improvement on the traditional scrum at the old Ellenikon airport. option of sex before marriage, and kamakia have more or less ceased Venizelos is a vast place; but Greece is thinking big, and wants its new to exist. Like the nefos, they will not be missed. The Omonia Grand is airport eventually to become the regional hub between Asia and Europe. a trendy, minimalist place, with a ground-level cafe serving cappuccino, iced tea and a range of club sandwiches. Cafe society is undergoing a A new, largely empty motorway heads into the city - and stops abruptly revival in smog-free Athens. Pony-tailed men in black hold intense at Messogion, one of Athens’s most crowded streets. It’s as if the M1 conversations about life and art; ladies who lunch preen themselves arrived at a T-junction with Oxford Street. Whether the motorway will and adjust their chunky gold jewellery; lovers hold hands over martinis. be finished by 2004 is anybody’s guess, but it’s clear that the extended Athens metro, which now runs halfway to the airport, will be. Not just This kind of sophistication simply did not exist a few years ago, except any old metro either, but a near work of art, with spotlit glass cases of in the expensive and somewhat overrated Kolonaki district - Athens’s ancient artefacts in each station. Above ground, the benefits of the answer to Knightsbridge. Now it’s infecting the whole city. I had dinner metro are obvious. The city’s infamous smog cloud, the “nefos”, has with a Greek friend in Ermou and Asomaton, one of many chic new all but vanished. The mayor, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has been allocated restaurants that have sprung up in the town. Did he think the city £8.5 million to spend on cleaning up his city for the Games, and the would be ready for 2004? money is going into pedestrianisation, nearly 100 refurbishment “Well, they said the metro and the airport would never even get started projects, and the creation of a central archaeological park around the and they were wrong about that,” said my friend, over a plate of pork major historical sites. (The money, of course, has to come from stuffed with cheese. “We Greeks aren’t good with planning ahead, but somewhere. Entrance fees to the Acropolis and other attractions, we’re very good with the last-minute effort.” admittedly always low, have more than doubled.) Then there’s the Part 2 in next issue of ta Matia tou Kosmou

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Note: These predictions were devised in good humour. Ta matia tou kosmou does not take any responsibility for any fears, false hopes, offence or financial losses incurred in reliance upon them.

by Asterakia [email protected] Aries This month fame and fortune will take over your life. Your legendary dance steps at the Goyanz dance have made you a minor celebrity and the admiration of • Dear Thea, Mr Stefanopoulos came to NZ and the community. You will find yourself inundated with invites to parties and stopped I went to his cocktail party. I ended up with in the middle of town with requests for repeat performances. food poisoning. Sifi Κριος Taurus Spending all your time at the TAB backing the underdogs at the Soccer Dear Sifi, Mr Stefanopoulo’s food gets tested before being served to him. According to my World Cup may have made you a fortune but a very unsociable person. To make up sources, you were late, which shows upmost for lost time you will find yourself planning a get-together. You won’t have any rudeness. Hence, you were given his share of Ταυρος serious difficulties with this event. Your mother’s catering and father’s bouzouki ‘unfit for the King’ food. Next time, be on time. playing will make it a raging success. Thea Gemini Your newly found interest in Greek cooking has got your family licking their Dear Thea, How did I get invited to the fingers in delight. Word will spread quickly and you will have strangers knocking on luncheon and cocktail party for Mr Stef? I the door begging to try your spanakopites, stefadous and roasts. Some warning: do have never been involved in anything Greek ∆ιδυµοι not overdo the fasolatha. Everything in moderation. at all and yet I am invited over other active Cancer After your devastation at not placing in the final 3 in Miss Goyanz you will Greeks! Reno spend most of this month soul searching. If you are male, then you must accept that Dear Reno, The database spits out names and it the chances of succeeding in next year’s contest are slim. If however, you are female, spat out yours! You lucky thing you! I hope you Καρκινος then you really shouldn’t dwell on it for too long because the stars forecast an enjoyed it all, free food, free drinks and a interesting liaison with a certain person who did notice your efforts at the dance. wonderful display of Cretan Dancing to top it all off! he he. Thea PS. YOU must be a mystery Leo Your natural paranoia tendencies went into overload the last few weeks with Greek! the constant feeling that you were being watched. It all started when you kept bumping into little old Greek ladies at the bus stop, the cinema and even in your Λεων • Dear Thea, GOYANZ dance - I didn’t win favourite club down Courtney Place. However, this month, following the Goyanz again! I wrote to you last year. Now I am dance you will find it difficult to shake off the feeling that you are being judged too. really komeni! Dimitra Virgo This month you will be caught up in a ring of gossip and the more you get Dear Dimitra, You looked like you were in involved the more you will crave for your daily fix of news and information. The penthos dressed all in black - and those shoes - trials and tribulations of your fellow compatriots will appear Soap Opera-ish and ahman! Did you honestly think that you would you will find yourself mapping out the various personalities and their relationships win dressed like that? Next year, try for the Παρθενος classical, elegant look. A bit of colour may to each other. Some advice: now is the time to break free from this ring for once a enhance your chances with the judges who are long lost evil twin returns from Greece too much knowledge may cause great dramas colourblind! Thea. in your life. Libra Family members from abroad will turn up unexpectedly. Although they wanted • Dear Thea, I love your magazine and I especially love your column. Please hurry up to surprise you, their presence will be anything but pleasant. Be warned, there will and send out the next issue! Congratulations be conflicts over very significant household matters. Do not even bother attempting Ζυγος on a job well done to you and the magazine to resolve your differences. Issues such as which texture of feta is best in pites and team. Antonia how to iron foustanela plaits have plagued society for generations. Dear Antonia, You’re reading it aren’t you? Thea. Scorpio This month you will develop a passion for classical Greece and the fine arts. PS. I love my column too! This will involve the study of the 12 Gods of Olympus, the philosophies of Socrates Σκορπιος and the plays of Aristophanes. You will also expand your interest to the last century • Dear Thea and the study of Stathi Psalti movies for their symbolism. I have been going to the GOYANZ dances now Sagittarius The Soccer World Cup has stirred up intense rivalries in your family. As for years and I still haven’t found my MR you follow the games you will discover a noticeable division in your family along the GOYANZ. Where is he? Meroula lines of the red team supporters versus the green team supporters, not unlike the Dear Meroula, MR GOYANZ is in great demand. Τοξοτης divisions arising during the Greek soccer season. Before the end of the tournament He was unable to attend the function on the tensions will reach boiling point and with that the opportunity to call a truce. night. However, I hear that there is a club dedicated to finding him. When you do find out Capricorn That person you lit your candle at church Easter Saturday has been playing then....let me know. on your mind. Although that happened a few months ago, hopes that you run into them down Lambton Quay will lead to a full-fledged obsession. The stars suggest Thea. Αιγοκερως you give up and move on for you will need to store all your energy for a shocking • A note from Thea: surprise this month. I would like to thank all who have sent in Aquarius The recent trip by the President to our shores has had you pondering your messages this issue. Unfortunatly, the Editor position in our global Hellenic community and inspired you to develop your inner can only give me a small column in each issue. Greekness. This month you will find yourself studying up on Greek foreign policy Υδροχοος If you would like your answers to your and contemplating the merits of enlisting in the army. questions sooner, call 0900 - READ-MY- Pisces Thinking of the upcoming Commonwealth Games has revived your hidden KAFE-CUP and Kirea Thea Snr will help you desire to compete in Athens and with the next Olympic games only 2 years away, over the phone! Calls cost 2E per minute. this month you will seriously consider dedicating yourself to training. However, as Children as your Yiayia and Papou first. you begin bulking up for the weightlifting or improving your vault dismounts the Ιχθυες stars suggest a time for realisation.

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Greeks in the News

Dominion, 11 June 2002

ost, May 29 2002 Evening P

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Results of the European under-21 PAOK renew Georgiadis contract Championship Finals held in 26 June May 2002 The Georgiadis issue at PAOK had a happy ending. The veteran player GROUP 1 agreed to new terms in principal during a meeting on Wednesday, June 26 at the Toumba offices with Gerogios Koudas and Vasilis Team P W D L F A Pt Chalvatzoulis. The terms call for a 2+1 year contract. 3 1 2 0325 Switzerland 3 1 1 1324 Athens Games Preparations on Track, Greek Portugal3111444 Official Says 3 1 0 2463 26 June Preparations for the troubled 2004 Athens GROUP 2 Olympics are on track despite some problems, Team P W D L F A Pt Greek government officials said on Wednesday after France3300719 meeting with International Olympic Committee Czech Rep3111234 (IOC) inspectors. “The general conclusion is 3 1 0 2243 absolutely positive,” Culture Minister Evangelos Venizelos — the government’s top Olympics official Greece 3 0 1 2361 — said after meeting with IOC chief inspector Denis Semi finals : v Switzerland 2-0 Oswald in the Greek capital. “That was clearly stated v Italy 3-2 by Mr. Oswald after the discussions,” he said.

Final: France v Czech Republic 0-0 Earlier on Wednesday preparations, long dogged by delays, received a blow after a Greece’s high court blocked the construction of part of a (Czech Republic won 3-1 on penalties) crucial Olympics-related railway project. The Athens suburban railroad is aimed at decongesting the crowded capital, but the court said work 23,000 Volunteers For The Olympics on parts of the railroad which is planned to serve the western suburbs 25 June had to stop due to insufficient environmental impact studies. Twenty three thousand applications of people who want to offer their services in a non-profit way to help organize the 2004 Olympic Games “What this decision practically means is that the project is pushed and to contribute to their success, have been submitted to the back,”. “Now there have to be new studies which have to be submitted Organizing Committee two years before the opening of the Games. to get approval and that takes some time.” The court is expected to Many of the volunteers are foreigners, while there is a noteworthy publish its decision in the coming weeks. “There are always number of volunteers from Greece itself. problems...but all the projects will be completed according to Olympics specifications and within the set timeframe,” Venizelos said.

Eleni Daniilidou wins her first professional Officials from Games organizers (ATHOC) also played down fears the tournament legal tangle may hinder preparations. “What they (IOC) are interested 25 June. in is the main part of the railroad between the airport and the Olympic Eleni Daniilidou became the first Greek tennis player to win a Stadium,” an ATHOC source said. “That’s not being affected so there’s professional tournament by upsetting fourth seed Elena Dementieva no reason to worry.” 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 in the final of the grass court Ordina Open in Den Bosch, Similar requests and suits, launched by either municipalities or the , on Saturday. “It was my first dream to win a WTA individuals opposing planned projects, have nibbled at the Games Tour singles title, so today I am so happy,” the 19-year-old said after organizers’ time schedule and have again raised alarm bells at the IOC, her 105-minute victory. Eleni is now now ranked No. 38 in the world. two years after it warned Athens it risked losing the Games. As recently Brazilians Martinez and Dracena on-loan to as three weeks ago, the IOC called on the organizers to intensify preparations and not waste another day. The ATHOC source said Olympiakos inspectors heard of several sports venues which have fallen behind 26 June schedule, including a major sports complex at the former Athens airport, PAE Olympiakos vice-president Giorgos Louvaris had a successful the boxing arena, a football stadium and the Olympic shooting range. meeting in Barcelona with Guarani officials as both sides agreed to an “We gave assurances that the time lost, which is only a few weeks — on-loan transfer of Martinez and Dracena to Olympiakos. Meanwhile, not even a month — will be made up during the construction phase,” Bermudez’s transfer with Cruz Azul seems to be breaking down, which the source said. The sprawling former airport, initially planned as a only means that Olympiakos will have to delay their official large green park, will host the basketball, baseball, softball, hockey, announcement for the two Brazilians as there is no empty spot for a handball and fencing competitions, but work has yet to start. foreign player in the team until Bermudez departs.

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Athens Olympic Official Reveals Average Hotel also complicated by the fact that an announcement on ’s official Rates for Games website saying that the Ecofin ministers had reached an agreement on the ECB vice-presidency was later withdrawn. The website said the The average daily rate for a deluxe room at an Athens hotel for the information had been “released by mistake.” 2004 Olympics including taxes and breakfast will be around 480 euros (450 U.S. dollars), an official of the organising committee (ATHOC) Prime Minister Costas Simitis expressed “the great satisfaction of the for the Games said Thursday. Spyros Capralos, one of three executive government but also of every Greek citizen” at Papademos’s selection. directors of ATHOC, told a news briefing that average hotel rates for “This historically important decision recognizes in practice the efforts, first class hotel rooms will be about 250 euros and for second class the progress and the result of our economic choices, which led our hotel rooms about 175 euros. He added that the hotel owners would country to new horizons... in the modern European and international keep 90 percent of the fees while the remaining 10 percent will be environment,” Simitis said. “It also acknowledges the great possibilities given to ATHOC. Capralos said that private rooms would be allowed of our contribution to the more effective planning of tomorrow’s to be rented by Athens residents to visitors during the Games but that European Economic and Monetary Policy.” The New Democracy party rates have not been set as yet. Three thousand cruise ship cabins will also congratulated Papademos, said shadow finance minister Giorgos also be reserved for members of the Olympic family. Alogoskoufis. He added that this was a great success both for Papademos and for Greece. Appointed to the Bank of Greece in 1994, Capralos said that 15 of 28 international sports federations that have Papademos played a key role in steering Greece into the single European visited Athens so far have given their approval to accommodation currency on January 1, 2001. His hard drachma policy between 1995 recommendations made by ATHOC for game officials and judges. and 1997 helped bring down double-digit inflation to a level which Capralos said that 151 nations have already sent their applications to allowed Greece entry to the eurozone. However he has also displayed participate in the men’s soccer tournament while 86 countries have an ability to conform to prevailing market conditions, notably in 1997, applied for the women’s competition. He added the first test event for when he pursued a disinflation strategy culminating in the drachma’s the Olympics would be the sailing competition that will be held August devaluation. While the ECB vice presidency is principally an 13-25 this year. administrative and planning job, Papademos could play a vital role in Greece cracks down on smokers the years ahead. His eight-year term comes as the EU and the ECB itself prepare for major changes. The EU’s biggest challenge this decade Light up in the wrong place in Greece next year and you could find is the enlargement process, as countries from central and eastern Europe yourself serving a prison sentence or be landed with a fine. The country angle for a place in the club. Ten are aiming to join the EU in 2004. with the highest percentage of smokers in the EU is finally cracking Papademos’s experience in the Greek convergence process could play down on nicotine addicts. The stiffest penalties of three-month jail a crucial role. Papademos’s nomination will be forwarded to EU foreign terms will be reserved for those taking a puff in a hospital, but smoking ministers today. It will be examined by the ECB’s governing council is being banned from all inside public areas, including banks, from the on Thursday. European Parliament approval is also needed. end of this year. A spokesman from the Greek Embassy said the ban would start in earnest from January, by which time restaurants must 2002 provide special non-smoking areas - though bars and nightclubs will Amandine Hadzithomas of be exempt from the law. Greece is all smiles during Papademos picked for ECB post the crowning ceremony of the Miss Europe 2002 OVIEDO, Spain - European Union finance ministers on Saturday picked Lucas Papademos, contest in , on governor of the Bank of Greece, as the next vice- Sunday May 19th. She was president of the European Central Bank, replacing chosen from among 48 Christian Noyer, who steps down at the end of contestants from all over May. Economy and Finance Minister Nikos the continent. Christodoulakis said the Greek candidacy won on merit and that it had nothing to do with nationality Greek olive oil from Crete the best in the world although “indirectly [it] reflects the progress The Madrid-based UN agency International Council of Olive Oil chose Greece has made.” This was confirmed by ECB an olive oil from Sitia, Crete as the best in the world for 2002 during a president Wim Duisenberg, who stressed that “nationality was not an world-wide competition among olive oil producers. The olive oil is issue and was never mentioned.” produced, bottled and distributed by the Union of Agricultural While Papademos, 54, was the frontrunner, the selection process was Cooperatives (EAS) of Sitia and won the ‘’Mario Solinas’’ gold medal. far from smooth as Belgium insisted on its own candidate, Paul De Hundreds of products from all the olive oil producing countries which Grauwe, a professor of economics and a politician. Sources said that are members of the UN took part in the competition while among other finance ministers withstood pressure from Belgium, which had them were many Greek olive oils. Other Greek olive oils also received proposed a package deal for the ECB deputy post and other forthcoming distinctions, including one by the ‘’Minerva’’ company and the olive board appointments. Belgian eventually abstained from the voting while oil of Botsakis producers from Iraklio, Crete the other 14 countries voted for Greece’s candidacy. The situation was