US 2013 0281548A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0281548 A1 Jin et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 24, 2013

(54) COMPOSITIONS COMPRISINGA Publication Classification COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE COLORANT ANDAT LEAST ONE (51) Int. Cl. POLYSACCHARIDE A2.3L I/275 (2006.01) A647/36 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: EPC (BEIJING) NATURAL A68/73 (2006.01) PRODUCTS CO.,LTD., Beijing (CN) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ...... A23L I/2751 (2013.01); A61 K8/73 (72) Inventors: Zhijin Jin, Beijing (CN); Jingang Shi, (2013.01); A61 K47/36 (2013.01) Beijing (CN) USPC ...... 514/777: 426/250; 426/540: 106/501.1 (73) Assignee: EPC (Beijing) Natural Products Co., Ltd., Beijing (CN) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 13/840,005 Dispersible colorants that include a combination of a colorant (22) Filed: Mar 15, 2013 and a polysaccharide are provided, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysaccharide is in the range of Related U.S. Application Data 5000:1 to 1:5000. In one aspect, the colorant is a synthetic or (60) Provisional application No. 61/635,594, filed on Apr. natural colorant. In one aspect, polysaccharide is interpreted 19, 2012, provisional application No. 61/783,578, very broadly and provides a colored precipitate upon the filed on Mar. 14, 2013. combination of the colorant with the polysaccharide. Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 1 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1

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Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 2 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1

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R. Car: Red Carnirio, A. R. Ajira red FS 12, Panc.: Poncea FS, CB-S: C-Saffower NF 27, C SP; CO-Sweet potati). AN 35, GY: Gardenia Yeow NF 1, SP: Sweet potato AN 38, MAQ: Maqi AN 31, Sweet Potato icic, ibiscus Eiquid Figure 2

R.Car: Ked carrinic FS, A. R.: Aiura ed FS 2, onc, ; Ponceau FS i, CED-8; C-Safflower NF 27, C-SP; CO-Sweet Botato AN 35, GY: Gardenia Yeow N, 3. Figure 3 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 3 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1

C-SP; CO-Sweet Potato AN 35. GY: Gardenia Yellow NF 13, SP: Sweet Potato AN33, MAC: vaqui AN3, Sweet Potato liquid, ibisits igui Figure 4

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COMPOSITIONS COMPRISINGA effects. Some toxicity can be traced to deposition in bone and COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE the central nervous system, which can be increased in patients COLORANT ANDAT LEAST ONE with reduced renal function. Because aluminum competes POLYSACCHARDE with calcium for physiological absorption, increased amounts of dietary aluminum may contribute to reduced skel CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED etal mineralization (osteopenia) observed in preterm infants APPLICATIONS and infants with growth retardation. 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional 0009. In very high doses, aluminum can cause neurotox Patent Application No. 61/635,594, filed Apr. 19, 2012, and icity, and can be associated with altered function of the blood U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/783,578, filed brain barrier. A Small percentage of people are allergic to Mar. 14, 2013 all entitled “COMPOSITIONS COMPRIS aluminum and experience contact dermatitis, digestive disor ING ACOMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE COLORANT ders, vomiting or other symptoms upon contact or ingestion ANDAT LEAST ONE POLYSACCHARIDE, the contents of products containing aluminum, Such as deodorants orant of which are incorporated herein in their entirety for all pur acids. In those without allergies, aluminum is not as toxic as poses. heavy metals, but there is evidence of some toxicity if it is consumed in excessive amounts. Furthermore, aluminum FIELD OF THE INVENTION salts increase estrogen-related gene expression in human breast cancer cells cultured in the laboratory. The estrogen 0002 Dispersible colorants comprising a combination of like effects of these salts have led to their classification as a a colorant and a polysaccharide are described. In particular, metalloestrogen. dispersible colorants comprising a combination of a colorant 0010. The occurrence of aluminum in antiperspirants, or and a polysaccharide are provided that are useful in any colorants, such as aluminum lakes, and/or food additives is applications wherein conventional colorants, including pig controversial in some Scientific quarters. Aluminum in food ments, lakes, etc., can be applied, and are especially, useful in may be absorbed more effectively than aluminum from water. the manufacture of food products, Sweets, cosmetics, toys, Some researchers have expressed concerns that aluminum in pharmaceutical products, etc. antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer, and aluminum has controversially been implicated as a factor in BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Alzheimer's disease. According to The Alzheimer's Society, 0003 Colorants are materials that change the color of the overwhelming medical and Scientific opinion is that stud reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength ies have not convincingly demonstrated a causal relationship selective absorption. Conventionally, colorants are widely between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, used for coloring paint, inks, plastics, fabrics, cosmetics, some studies, such as those on the PAQUID cohort, cite foods and other materials. aluminum exposure as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. 0004. A problem in the application of colorants is that 0011. In view of the above mentioned toxicity of alumi many colorants, especially natural colorants, are more or less num, many countries and organizations have decided to water soluble. They will leak and “bleed' (i.e., diffusion of establish a maximum limit for aluminum in food additives, color from the Substrate into the environment) if in an aque especially colorants. ous environment, which is a problem in many applications. 0012. Therefore, a need exists for an alternative colorant 0005. Another problem in the application of colorants is for aluminum lakes which have similar or superior perfor that many colorants, especially natural colorants, have poor mances in comparison with aluminum lakes but overcome thermal/light stabilities. This is problematic in many applica one or more of the disadvantages of aluminum-containing tions, such as, in the manufacture of food products, Sweets, lakes, such as toxicity. cosmetics, toys, pharmaceutical products, etc. 0006 To overcome the above mentioned problems of BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION colorants, lakes have been developed. Lakes are color addi 0013 Dispersible colorants are provided that include a tives prepared by precipitating a soluble colorant onto an combination of a colorant and a polysaccharide, wherein the acceptable insoluble base or substrate. The substrates can weight ratio of total colorant to total polysaccharide is in the include, but are not limited to, alumina, Zinc oxide, calcium range of 5000:1 to 1:5000. In one aspect, the colorant is carbonate or talc. Lakes impart color by being dispersed into interpreted very broadly and includes synthetic or natural a medium. When compared to pure colorants, lakes have colorants. In one aspect, polysaccharide is interpreted very Superior opacity and improved thermal/light stability. Among broadly and provides a colored precipitate upon the combi others, aluminum lakes are conventionally applied due to nation of the colorant(s) with the polysaccharide. their Superior performances in comparison with lakes based 0014. The dispersible colorants can be the product(s) of on other Substrates. absorption, adsorption, complexation, chelation, hydrogen 0007 Aluminum is the third most abundant element, and bonding, van der Walls interactions, interpentration, electro the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. The effects of static interations, hydrophilic/hydrophilic, hydrophobic/hy aluminum on humans have been extensively reviewed. drophobic, hydrophilic/hydrophobic domain interactions, Despite such studies, there is little indication that aluminum is coating, encapsulation, etc. between the colorant and the acutely toxic for the general population, its health effects are polysaccharide. Generally the dispersible colorants precipi of interest in view of the widespread occurrence of the ele tate from the reaction mixture to provide a solid material that ment in the environment and in commerce. can be further processed. 0008 Literature has reported that prolonged exposure to 0015. In one aspect, an all-natural process and resultant aluminum can cause systemic toxicity, mainly affecting the compositions are provided to make water-soluble colors gastrointestinal tract and causing neurological and skeletal become water insoluble that can be used in lipophilic envi US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

ronments. For example, methods and compositions provided 0025 FIG. 6 shows that after 24 hours, CD-SP and CD-S herein produce water-soluble insoluble from water-soluble were still well dispersed in sunflower oil, with little precipi colors (such as sweet potato red, safflower yellow) that are tation and the systems kept their original color, while conven usable in liphophilic fatty/solid conditions. It is generally tional synthetic and natural colors were substantially precipi known that water-soluble colors can’t be used in lipophilic/ tated from Sunflower oil and the systems became transparent. fatty environments. Although emulsifying technology has 0026 FIG. 7 provides that a homogeneous colored system been used in Some areas, Surfactants are essential to obtain a can be obtained with SP-S and CD-SP, but cannot be obtained stable matrix. The present technology provided herein avoids with SP. the need for surfactants or emulsions to provide a stable 0027 FIG. 8 provides that after 1 hour, the colorant pre solution of a water-soluble color in a fatty or lipophilic envi cipitated from the SP-S system, and the color of the SP-S ronment or in Solid matrices. system became lighter, while CD-SP system kept its original 0016. It has also been discovered that treating the dispers color. ible colorants described herein in a second Subsequent step, in (0028 FIG. 9 provides that after 15 hours, the colorants a solvent or as a solid, at an elevated temperature of greater were substantially precipitated from the SP system and the than about 85°C. to about 150° C., e.g., 85°C. to about 120° SP-S System, and Such systems became colorless, however, C. boiling or reflux (depending upon the boiling point of the little colorant precipitated from the CD-SP colorant. Solvent) imparts further advantageous characteristics to the 0029 FIG. 10 provides at 0 hours that a homogeneous dispersible colorant isolated from the treatment. Alterna colored system can be obtained with AB-S and CD-AB, but tively, the dispersible colorant can be subjected to a heated cannot be obtained with AB. environment, with or without moisture, to a temperature 0030 FIG. 11 provides that after 1 hour, the colorant pre below the melting or degradation point of the dispersible cipitated from the AB-S system, and the color of the SP-S colorant, e.g., from about 85°C. to about 200° C. e.g., from system changed, while CD-AB System kept its original. about 85°C. to about 150° C., or from about 85°C. to about 0031 FIG. 12 provides that after 15 hours, the colorants 120° C. Not to be limited by theory, it is believed that the were substantially precipitated from the AB system and the Subsequent step at elevated temperatures gelatinizes the dis AB-S system, and the color of Such systems changed signifi persible colorant to provide a heat treated dispersible colo cantly, however, little colorant precipitated from the CD-AB rant. The product is oil soluble. In one aspect, the polysac colorant. charide is a starch, starch derivative or a cross-linked starch. 0032 FIG. 13 provides various food stuffs with dispers 0017 Not only extending the application areas of water ible colorants as described herein. soluble colors to different environment, such as lipophilic environments, embodiments described herein improve the DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION performance of colors, including natural colors, synthetic 0033 Embodiments surprisingly provide a colorant hav colors, water-soluble colors and oil-soluble colors, interms of ing excellent performance characteristics such as high ther stability, dispersibility, homogeneity, lack of bleeding, color mal/light stability, high dispersibility, no bleeding, no toxic ing performance (the ability or Suitability of coloring a Sub ity, etc. by combining a colorant with a polysaccharide. The stance), brilliant colors, reduced or no fading of color after combination of the two can be considered to be gelatinized. cooking or baking, and elimination or reduction of odors 0034. Described herein are dispersible colorants that are generally associated with water-soluble colorants, etc. all-natural. Water soluble colorants are treated to become 0018. The dispersible colorants described herein can also water insoluble that are useful in fatty, lipophilic, non-aque be applied in many fields that conventional colors can be ous environments. The dispersible colorants described herein applied, such as in foodstuffs, medicines, pigments, paints, are both water insoluble as well as oil insoluble. The dispers cosmetics, dyes, etc. In particular, particular dispersible colo ible colorants described herein can be well dispersed in both rants, the combination of natural colors and edible carriers, aqueous as well as oil (lipophilic) environments. Therefore, complies with the regulatory provisions in many countries, the unique materials described herein can be considered as and can be used in many areas, such as foodstuffs, medicines, “dispersible colorants”, “disperse colorants' or “disperse etc. dyes, as they are akin to the class of water-insoluble dyes dispersed in aqueous solution in the dyeing of synthetic tex BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES tile fibers. In one aspect, the colorant is an anthocyanin. In 0019. The patent or application file contains at least one another aspect, the combination is a natural color, such as an drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent anthocyanin and an edible carrier, Such as a starch. application publication with color drawing(s) will be pro 0035. Additionally, the dispersible colorants described vided by the Office upon request and payment of the neces herein meet the provisions of article 31 of the EC regulations sary fee. 1907/2006. 0020 FIG. 1 shows a dispersible Sweet Potato Red Pow 0036. Therefore, in a broad aspect, a dispersible colorant der colorant in peanut oil in comparison to Sweet potato red is provided comprising a combination of a colorant and a powder. polysaccharide, which is useful in applications wherein con ventional colorants, such as pigments and lakes, are typically 0021 FIG. 2 shows synthetic and natural colors mixed applied. Specially the dispersible colorants described herein with sunflower oil as well as a dispersible colorant at 0 hours. are useful in the manufacture of food products, Sweets, cos 0022 FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of FIG. 2. metics, toys, pharmaceutical products, etc. 0023 FIG. 4 is an enlarged view of FIG. 2. 0037. The weight ratio of total colorant(s) to total polysac 0024 FIG. 5 shows synthetic and natural colors mixed charides in the dispersible colorants described herein are not with sunflower oil as well as a dispersible colorant at 24 specifically restricted, provided that a stable combination can hours. be formed. In one aspect, the weight ratio is in a range of US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

1:5000-5000:1, particularly in the range of 1:1000-1000:1, Dahlia variabilis, danewort, deerberry, Dendrobium, dwarf more particularly in the range of 1:100-100:1, most particu dogwood, Echinacea purpea, eggplant, elderberry, fababean, larly in the range of 1:10-10:1, for example, 1:5000, 1:500, Fatsia japonica, feijoa, fig, garlic, gerbera, ginseng, Globe 1:200, 1:100, 1:50, 1:10, 1:1, 10:1, 50:1, 100:1, 200:1, 500:1, artichoke, gooseberry, grapes, guava, hawthorn, hibiscus or 1000:1, and 5000:1 of colorant to polysaccharide. roselle, Hibiscus Sabdaifa, highbush blueberry, hollyhock, 0038. As used herein, the term “colorant” refers to any honeysuckle, Ipomoea purpurea, Iris ensata, Java plum, material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted Jerusalem artichoke, kokum, Laeliocattleva, lentil, logan light as a result of wavelength-selective absorption. Such berry, lupine, lychee, maize, mango, mangosteen, maqui, colorants can be classified into synthetic colorants and natural Matthiola incana, meconopsis, Metrosideros excelsa, millet, colorants, pigments, paints, dyes, inks, etc. according to the mountain ash berry, mulberry, myrtle berry, olive, onion, SOUC. orange, ornamental cherry, passion fruit, pea, peach, peanut, 0039 Synthetic colorants include, but are not limited to, pear, perilla, petunia, Phalaenopsis, Phalsa, Pharbitis, Pine water-soluble or oil-soluble colorants. Water soluble colo apple, pistachio, plum, pomegranate, Phragmites australis, rants include those Such as amaranth, Sunset yellow, eryth purple carrot, quince, rabbiteye blueberry, radish, red and rosine, tartrazine, new red, indigo, and brilliant blue. Oil black currant, red and black raspberry, red cabbage, rice, soluble colorants include those Such as Sudan III. rhubarb, rosehip, rye, Saffron, Sarracenia, sheepberry, Soph 0040 Natural colorants include, but are not limited to: romitis coccinea, sorghum, sparkleberry, Strawberry, Fragada carotenoids, such as Red Chili Color, Annatto, Gardenia Yel Vesca, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Sweet cherry, Sweet potato, low, etc.; flavonoids, such as Beefsteak Plant Color, Corn tamarillo, tamarind, taro, tart cherry, Tulip greigii, turnip, Color, Safflower Yellow, Red Cabbage Color, Red Sweet water lily, Weigela, wheat, wild rice, Verbena hybrida, yam Potato Color, Purple Carrot Color, Elderberry Color, Aronia and mixtures thereof. Color, Red Raddish Color, Grape Skin Color, Bilberry Color, 0044 Although there are literally thousands of anthocya Blackcurrant Color, etc.; quinone colorants, such as nin extracts, all of which should be considered included cochineal colorants, , Lac Dye, etc.; porphyrin within the realm of this specification, suitable examples of colorants, such as Chlorophyll, etc.; betacyanines, such as anthocyanin extracts of particular interest include bilberry , etc.; dione colorants, such as curcumin, etc.; extract, blackcurrant extract, cranberry extract, black Soy monascus colorants, such as monascorubrin, etc.; caramel bean extract, cowberry extract, blueberry extract and mix colorants, such as caramel, etc.; gardenia colorants, such as tures of two or more thereof. gardenia blue, etc.; and phycocyanin colorants, Such as Spir 0045 Typically the extract is concentrated by various ulina Blue Color, Anthoblue; sodium copper chlorophyllin; methods to provide a solution enriched in anthocyanins. For beet root red; melanin; paprika red; lutein: B-carotene; lyco example, ultrafiltration can be used to remove unwanted com pene, etc. ponents by molecular weight cut offs. The retentate from the 0041 An extract, concentrate, or juice from a plant or an filtration can be stored as a liquid or, for example, can then be animal can also be utilized as the natural colorant according to further concentrated into a powder by spray drying, freeze one aspect described herein. The extract, concentrate, or juice drying, flash drying, fluidized bed drying, ring drying, tray from a plant, useful in the dispersible colorants described drying, vacuum drying, radio frequency drying or microwave herein, include, but are not limited to, those from saffron, drying. Ultimately, the extract should contain at least 10% by safflower, gardenia, bilberry, Sweet potato, red cabbage, car weight anthocyanin content. Commercially available antho rot, grape, marigold, sesame, beet root, paprika, carrot, cyanins can be obtained from Sources such as Artemis Inter tomato, etc. national, Fort Wayne, Ind. Commercially obtained anthocya 0042. The term “extract’ is intended to mean materials nin extracts should contain at least 10% by weight obtained from plant sources, such as leaves, twigs, bark, anthocyanin content. The extracts, therefore, contain antho roots, stem, seeds, flowers, berries, fruit, juice, for example, cyanin(s) and other plant materials such as other flavinoids, by routine isolation methods from Suitable plants sources Sugars, etc. noted, but not limited to, those described herein. There are 004.6 Anthocyanin extracts can be further purified by one various methods for the extraction of, in particuarl, anthocya or more methods known in the art, such as chromatography, nins known to those of skill in the art. Some of these methods gel chromatography, high performance liquid chromatogra are described in, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,817,354;U.S. phy, crystallization, affinity chromatography, partition chro Pat. No. 5,200, 186: U.S. Pat. No. 5,912,363: U.S. Pat. No. matography and the like. Identification of the particular 4.211,577; U.S. Pat. No. 4,302,200 (eachincorporated herein anthocyanin(s) can be accomplished by methods know to by reference). those skilled in the art and include "H NMR, chemical deg 0043. Examples of suitable anthocyanin-containing plants radation, chromatography and spectroscopy, especially include, but are not limited to, fruits, vegetables, flowers and homo- and heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques other plants selected from the group consisting of Acer mac for the characterization of the isolated anthocyanin com rophyllum, Acer platanoides, acerola, Ajuga reptans, apple, pounds. apricot, Artict bramble, avocado, banana, barberry, barley, 0047. The term “purified” or “isolated” is used in refer Begonia semperfiorens, Bellis perennis, Bletilla striata, bil ence to the purification and/or isolation of one or more antho berry, black beans, black soybeans, black, blue and purple cyanins from an anthocyanin extract as described above. potatoes, blackberry, blueberry, bog whortleberry, boysen Again using conventional methods known in the art, various berry, buckwheat, cacao, Camelia sinensis, canarygrass, components of the anthocyanin extract can be separated into Caucasian blueberry, Chimonanthus praecox, celery, Cera purified materials. In one aspect, the anthocyanin(s) of the sus avium, cherry, cherry laurel, chicory, chive, chokeberry, extract are substantially purified and isolated by techniques Cornelian cherry, cornflower, cotoneaster, cowberry, cran known in the art. The purity of the purified compounds is berry, crowberry, chrysanthemum, Cynomorium coccineum, generally at least about 90%, particularly at least about 95%, US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

and most particularly at least about 99% and even more par (96%), Cyanidin-3-, Blueberries, Five common ticularly at least about 99.9% (e.g. about 100%) by weight. Vaccinium spp. Cyanidin-glucoside (3%); Cyanidin-gluco 0048. The anthocyanin extract contains one or more side, Cyanidin-galactoside (3%), Cyanidin galactoside, Cya anthocyanins and/or anthocyanidins selected from the group nidin-arabinoside (3%), Cyanidin-3-arabinoside, Bog consisting of peonidin, cyanidin, pelargonidin, delphinldin, whortleberry, Vaccinium uliginosum, Cyanidin-3-glucoside petunidin, malvidin, apigenindin, auratinidin, capensinidin, (14%), Cyanidin 3 glucoside (14%), Cyanidin Harabinoside europinidin, hirsutidin, 6-hydroxycyanidin, luteolinidin, (10%), Cyanidin-3-arabinoside (10%), Cyanidin 3-galacto 5-methylcyanidin, pulchellidin, rosinidin, tricetnidin, deriva side (6.5%), Cyanidin-3-galactoside (6.5%), Boysenberry, tives and mixtures thereof. In one embodiment, the anthocya new Zealand, Cyanidin-3-sophoroside (44.5%), Cyanidin-3- nins and anthocyanidins are selected from the group consist glucoside, Cyanidin-3-glucoside (26.4%), Cyanidin-3 glyco ing of cyanidin, peonidin, malvidin, petunidin, delphinidin, sylrutinoside (25.8%), Cyanidin-rutinoside (3.3%), Buck their derivatives, and mixtures thereof. In yet wheat, Fagopyrum species, Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Cyanidin another embodiment, the extract contains at least one cyani 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin-3- din-based anthocyanin. galactoside, Cacao, Theobroma cacao, Cyanidin 3-glucoside 0049 Anthocyanins that can be useful in the dispersible (Suspected), Cyanidin-3-glucoside (Suspected), Celery, colorants described herein include, but are not limited to, Apium spp., Cherry laurel, Prunus laurocerasus, Cyanidin-3- cyanidin-3-glucoside; cyanidin 3-glucosylrutinoside; cyani arabinoside, Cyanidin-3-arabinoside, Chicory, Cichorium din-3-gentibioside; cyanidin-3-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-Sam inrybus, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Chive, bunigrin, cyanidin-3-samb-5-glucoside, cyanidin-3-galacto Allium Schoenoprasum, Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Cyanidin-3- side, peonidin-3-rutinoside, peonidin-3-glucoside, peonidin glucoside, Cyanidin-3-acetylglucoside, Cyanidin 3-(6 malo 3-galactoside, peonidin, cyanidin, cyanidin-3 Sophoroside, nylglucoside), Cyanidin 3-(3.6 dimalonylglucoside), Choke pelargonidin, delphinidin, delphinidin-3-glucoside, delphini berry, Aronia melanocarpa, Artemis/Iprona, Cyanidin-3- din-3-galactoside, petunidin, petunidin-3-glucoside, petuni galactoside (64.5%), Cyanidin-3-galactoside, Cyanidin-3- din-3-galactoside, malvidin, malvidin-3-arabinoside, malvi arabinoside (28.9%), Cyanidin-3 arabinoside, Cyanidin-3- din-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-galactoside, kaempferol, glucoside (2.4%), Cyanidin-3 glucoside, Cyanidin-3- , gentiodelphin, platyconin, cinerarin and the like. xyloside (4.2%), Cyanidin-3-xyloside, Coffee, Cofea 0050 Suitable examples of anthocyanins from various arabica cv. Bourbon Vermelho, Cyanadin-3-glycoside, Cya plants, include, but are not limited to Acer macrophyllum, nadin 3,5-diglyeoside, Cyanadin 3-glycoside, Cotoneaster, Cyanidin derivative, Acer platanoides, Cyanidin 3-(2",3'- Cotoneaster Medic. Spp, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin digalloyl-beta-glucopyranose (3%), Cyanidin 3-(2"-galloyl 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, beta-glucopyranose (37%), Cyanidin 3-beta-glucopyrano Cyanidin 3 galactoside, Cowberry or Lingonberry, V. vitis side (60%), Acerola, Malpighia marginata, Cyanidin-3- idaea, Cyanidin 3-galactoside Cyanidin 3-arabinoside, Cya glucoside, Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Ajuga reptans, Cyanidin nidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3 arabi 3-(di-p-coumaroyl) sophoroside-5-glucoside, Apple, Malus noside, Cyanidin 3 glucoside, Chinonanthus praecox, spp., Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyani Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, Acylated din 3-arabinoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin3arabino cyanidin 3-0-glucoside, Cyanidin glycoside, Cranberry side, Cyanidin 3-Xyloside, Cyanidin 3 glucoside, Cyanidin (American and European), Vaccinium macrocorpon, Ocean 3-Xyloside, Apricot, Prunus armeniaca, Cyanidin-3-gluco Spray, Cyanidin-galactoside (16-24%), Cyanidin-galacto side, Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Artic bramble, Rebus spp., Avo side, V. Oxycoccus, Cyanidin-arabinoside (13-25%), Cyani cado, Persea spp., Acylated cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Cyani din arabinoside, CrOwberry, Empetrum nigrum, Cyanidin din 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Banana, Musa 3-glucoside Cyanidin3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin3-glucoside, acuminata, M. balbisiana, Barberry, Berberis spp., Cyanidin Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin 3-sophoroside, Chrysanthe glucoside, Cyanidin-glucoside, Barley, Hordeum vulgare, mum, Dendranthema Grandiflorum, Cyanidin 3-O-(6'-O-ma Cyanidin and cyaniding , Bean, Pheseolus vul lonyl-beta-glucopyranoside, Currant (red and black), Ribes garis (several cultivars), Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin rubrum, R. nigrum, Cyanidin-glucoside (2-10%), Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Begonia semperflo glucoside, Cyanidin Sambubioside, Cyanidin-rutinoside rens cvs, Cyanidin derivative, Benibana-cha, Camelia sinen (8-17%), Cyanidin-Sambubioside (9-31%), Cyanidin sis, Cyanidin 3-O-beta-D galactoside, Cyanidin 3-O-beta-D- sophoroside (4-9%), Cyanidin xylosylrutinoside (28-73%), galactoside, Bellis perennis, 3 Cyanidin 3-derivatives, Cyanidin glucosylrutinoside (14-28%), Cyneinonurn coc Bletilla striata, Acylated cyanidin 37.3'-triglucoside deriva cineum, Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (92%), Cyanidin 3-O-glu tives, Bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Artemis/Iprona; Indena, coside (92%), Cyanadin 3-O-(6-0 rhamnosylglucoside (8%), Cyanidin-3-galactoside (22%); Cyanidin-3-galactoside, Danewort, Sambucus ebulus, Cyanidin 3-Xylosylglucoside, Cyanidin-3-glucoside (9%), Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Black Cyanidin 3-sambubioside, Cyanidin 3 sambubloside, Cyani beans, Phaseolus, Cyanidin-3-glucoside (96%), Cyanidin din3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucoside, Cya 3glucoside, Blackberry (European and American), Moriferi nidin3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin3-ara veri, Rubus caesius, R. Alleghniensis, R. argufus, R. cuneifo binoglucoside, Dendrobium, Phalaenapsis spp. Cyanidin lius, R. Setosus, R. trivials, Cyanidin-glucoside (70-100%), derivatives, Dwarf dogwood, Comus suecica, Cyanidin Cyanidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-rutinoside, Black grapes, 3-glucoside (4%), Cyannidin 3-glucoside (4%), Cyanidin Many varieties, Black potatoes, Solanumituberosum tubero 3-galactoside (16%), 2 Cyanidin derivatives (80%), Echina sum, Cyanidin-glycosides, Black raspberry, Rubus occiden cea, Echinacea spp., Eldenberry, Sambucus migra, Artemis/ talis, Cyanidin-sambubloside (20%): Cyanidin-sambublo Iprona, Cyanidin-3-glucoside (42%), Cyanidin-3-glucoside, side, Cyanidin-xylosylrutinoside (40%): Cyanidin Cyanidin-3-sambubioside (43%) Cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside glucoside, Cyanidin-glucoside, (17%), Cyanidin-rutinoside (2%), Cyanidin-3 sambubloside-5 glucoside (9%), Gentians (23%), Black soybeans, Glycine max, Cyanidin-3-glucoside spp. Cyanidin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside and 3 other derivatives, US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

Cyanidin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside, Fatsia japonica, Cyanidin persica, Cyanidin3-glucoside, Cyanidin3-glucoside, Cyani 3-lathyroside, Feijoa, Feijoa sellowiana, Cyanidin 3-gluco din 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin derivatives, Peanut, Arachis side, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Fig, Ficus carica spp., Cyanidin hypogaea, Cyanidin , Pear, Pyrus communis, Cya 3-rhamnoglucoside, Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin nidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-ara 3-glucoside. Forsythia X, intermedia cV, Spring Glory, Cya binoside, Cyanidin 3-arabinoside, Perilla, Perilla frutescens, nidin derivatives, Garlic, Allium sativum, Cyanidin 3-gluco Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin 3.5-derivatives, Petunia side, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin spp., Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Phalsa, Grewia spp. Cyanidin 3-glucoside monoacylated, Cyanidin3-glucoside triacylated, 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Pineapple, Anans Como Ginseng, Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, Cyanidin sus, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Pista 3-O-B-D-Xylopyranyl-(12)-B-D-glucopyranoside, Globe chio, Pistacia vera, Pragmites australis, Cyanidin-3 deriva artichoke, Cynara Scolymus, Cyanidin 3-caffeylglucoside, tives, Plum, 2000 varieties, 15 species, Cyanidin-glucoside Cyanidin 3-caffeylsophoroside, Cyanidin 3-dicaffeylso (37%), Cyanidin glucoside, Cyanidin-rutinoside (45%), phoroside, Gooseberry, Ribes spp. Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Pomegranate, Punica granatam, Cyanidin-glucoside (30%), Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Grape, Vinis Cyanidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-diglucoside (17%), Purple vinifera, Cyanidin 3-monoglucoside, Cyanidin 3-monoglu carrot, Daucus carota, Cyanidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-gluco coside, Cyanidin 3-monoglucoside-acetate, Cyanidin side, Cyanidin-glucosylgalactoside, Cyanidin-galactoside, 3-monoglucoside-p-coumarate, Guava, Psidium guajavica, Cyanidin-digalactoside, Cyanidin-galactoside, Quince, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Hawthorn, Cyclonia Oblonga, Cyanidin-3 glucoside, Cyanidin 3.5-di Crataegus spp., Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3-galacto glucoside, Cyanidin derivatives, Radish, Raphanus sativus, side, Cyanidin 3-arabinoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyani Acylated cyanidin 3-Sophoroside-5-glucoside. Acylated cya din 3 glucoside, Hibiscus or Roselle, Hibiscus sabdarifa, nidin 3 diglucoside-5-glucoside, Red cabbage, Brassica Cyanidin-sambubioside (30%), Hollyhock, Althaea rosea, oleracea Var capitata, Cyanidin glycosides, Reed, Phalaris Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin arundinacea, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, 3-glucoside. Other cyaniding glucosides, Honeysuckle, Cyanidin 3-(6"-malonylglucoside), Cyanidin 3 (3".6"dima Lonicera initida, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin 3-gluco lonyl-glucoside), Red onion, Allium cepa, Cyanidin 3-gluco side, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Japanese garden iris, Iris ensata, side, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Acylated cyanidin 3-glucoside Cyanidin 3RG, Cyanidin 3RG5G, Cyanidin 3Rgac5G, Ipor derivatives, Red petunia, Petunia spp., Cyanidin 3-glucoside, noea purpurea, Six acylated cyanidin 3-Sophoroside-5 glu Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-Sophoroside, Red rasp cosides, Java plum, Myticiana jaboticaba, Cyanidin 3-gluco berry, Rubus idaeus, Cyanidin glucoside (17%), Cyanidin side, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus glucoside, Cyanidin-rutinoside (7%), Cyanidin-Sophoroside tuberosus, Kokum, Garcinia indica, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, (50%), Cyanidinglycosylrutinoside (26%), Cyanidin-diglu Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-sambubioside, Cyanidin coside, Rhubarb, Rneum spp. Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyani 3-Sambubioside, Laeliocattleya cv Mini purple, Acylated din 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Rice, Oryza spp. cyaniding derivatives, Lactuca saliva, Cyanidin 3-O-(6"-ma Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin lonylglucoside), Loganberry, Rubus loganbaccus, Cyanidin 3-rhamnoside, Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Rosehip, Rosa Sophoroside (48.1%), Cyanidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-gluco canina, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyani side (21.6%), Cyanidin-rutinoside (6.2%), Lupine, Lupinus din 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Rye, Secale cere spp., Cyanidinglycosides, presence confirmed, Lychee, Litchi ale, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin chinensis, Cyanidin3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cya 3-rhamnosylglucoside, Cyanidin 3-rhamnosyldiglucoside, nidin3-galactoside, Cyanidin3-rutinoside, Cyanidin3 galac Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside derivatives, toside, Maize, Zea mays, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin Cyanidin 3-gentiobioside. Sheepberry, Viburnum spp., Cya 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-(6"-malonylglucoside) Cyanidin nidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-arabi 3(3".6"dimalonyl-glucoside) Mango, Mangifera indica, nosylsambubioside, Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, Cyanidin, (Cyanidin glycosides, Mangosteen, Garcina mangostana, Cyanidin glycosides, Sparkleberry, Varboreum, Cyanidin Cyanidin 3-Sophoroside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-arabinoside, 3-glucoside, Maqul, Aristotella chilensis, Cyanidin 3-,5-di Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, glucoside, Matthiola incana, Four acylated cyaniding 3-Sam Cyanidin-glucoside(minor), Cyanidin-glucoside, Sunflower, bubloside-5 glucosides, Millet, Perninisetum americanum, Hellanthus annuus, Cyanidin3-glucoside, Cyanidin3-gluco Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Mountain ash side, Acylated cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-Xyloside, berry, Sorbus spp., Cyanidin 3-galactoside, Cyanidin 3,5-di Cyanidin3-Xyloside, Acylated cyanidin3-Xyloside, Cyanidin glucoside Cyanidin 3-3-D glucopyranoside, Mulberry, 3-vanillyl sambubioside, Sweet cherry, Prunus a vintn. Cya Morus nigra, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, nidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-glucoside, Cyanidin-rutinoside; Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin Cyanidin 3-Suphoroside, Sweet potato, Ipornoea batatas 3-sophoroside, Myrtle berry, Myrtus communis, Cyanidin Sophronitis coccinea, Cyanidin derivatives, Five acylated 3-glucosides, Cyanidin 3-glucosides, Cyanidin 3-digluco cyanidin 3.3',7-triglucosides, Tamarillo or tomato tree, sides, Olive, Olea europaea, Cyanidin3-rutinoside, Cyanidin Cyphomandrea betacea, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin derivatives, 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Tamarind, Tamarindus Onion, Allium sepa, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glu indica, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Taro, coside, Cyanidin 3-diglucoside, Cyanidin 3-laminarioside, Colocasia esculenta, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glu Orange, Citrus sinensis, Cyanidin 3-glucoside (95%), Cya coside, Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Tart Cherry (balaton), Prunus nidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, Passion fruit, cerasus cv. Balaton, Nutrilite, Cyanidin-3-rutinoside-hexose Pasiflora edulis, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-gluco (75%), Cyanidin-3-rutinoside-pentose (3%), Cyanidin-3-ru side, Pea, Pisum sativurn, Cyanidin 3-Sophoroside gluco tinoside (18%), Tart cherry (montmorency), Prunus cerasus sides, Cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides, Peach, Prunus cv. Montmorency, Nutrilite, Cyanidin-3-sophoroside (80%), US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

Cyanidin-3-glucoside (20%), Cyanidin-3-glucoside (20%), 0055 As used herein, the term “starch” and “starch deriva Tulip, Tulipa spp. Cyanidin 3-O-(6"-rhamnosylglucosides), tives” refers to starch and starch derivatives from any source, Cyanidin 3-O-derivative, Turnip, brissica rapa, Cyanidin including, but not limited to, synthetic sources and natural 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-diglucoside SOUCS. 5-glucoside, Water lily, Nymnphasa alba, Cyanidin 3-O-(6"- 0056 Starch from natural sources include, but are not acetyl-beta-galactopyrosinase (23%), Cyanidin 3-0-galacto limited to, corn starch, potato starch, rice starch, wheat starch, side (2%), Cyanidin 3-O-galactoside (2%), Weigela spp. etc. Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, Cyanidin 0057 Starch derivatives include, but are not limited to 3-O-glucoside xylose. Wheat, Triticum spp., Cyanidin 3-glu carboxmethyl starch, hydropropyl Starch, crosslinked deriva coside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Acylated cyanidin glucoside, tives thereof, salts thereof, etc. Cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Acylated cyanidin 3-rutinoside, Cya 0058. In one aspect, the polysaccharide is selected from nidin 3-gentiobioside, Wild rice, Zizania aquatica, Cyanidin the group consisting of celluloses and their derivatives. In 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-rhamnoglu another aspect, the polysaccharide is selected from edible coside, and Yam, Dioscoracea spp. Cyanidin3,5-diglucoside, celluloses or starches that are crosslinked and their deriva Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin tives. 3-rhamnoglucoside, Cyanidin3-gentiobioside, Acylated cya 0059. As used herein, the term “cellulose' and “cellulose nidin glucosides. derivatives’ refers to celluloses and cellulose derivatives 0051. The term “anthocyanin' as used herein is intended from any sources, including, but not limited to, synthetic to refer not only to monomericanthocyanins, but also refers to Sources and natural sources. dimeric and polymeric (i.e. containing from 3 to 20 antho 0060 Celluloses from natural sources include, but are not cyanidin monomer residues) forms of anthocyanins and to limited to those from, vegetables, such as celery, potato, etc.; leucoanthocyanidins (also known as flavan-3,4-diols). The fruits, such as apple, banana, etc.; bamboo, cotton; and bast, anthocyanins can comprise Substitutions (e.g. alkyl, alkoxy Such as linum, cannabis, nettle, boehmeria, etc. groups etc.) and in particular can be O-glycosylated, as 0061 Celluloses from synthetic sources include modified described above. The anthocyanin in the dispersible colorant cellulose derivatives, including, but not limited to: cellulose can be a single anthocyanin, or comprise a mixture of antho esters, such as cellulose acetate, cellulose triacetate, cellulose cyanins. In particular, the anthocyanin is selected from the propionate, cellulose acetate propionate, cellulose acetate group consisting of malvidin, cyanidin, delphinidin, paeoni butyrate, cellulose nitrate, cellulose sulfate, etc.; cellulose din, pelargonidin and petunidin, and glycosides thereof A ethers, such as methylcellulose, ethylcellulose, ethyl methyl typical example is malvin (malvidin diglucoside) chloride, cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydropropyl cellulose, which is commercially available in a purified form. Alterna hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellu tively the anthocyanin can be obtained by extracting antho lose (HPMC), crosslinked hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, cyanin containing plants such as grape, black carrot, red ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose cabbage, blackberry, blackcurrent, cranberry and the like as (CMC), crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium car described above. boxymethylcellulose, crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl 0.052. In one embodiment, the colorant is selected from cellulose, etc.; and microcrystalline cellulose, etc. In particu natural colorants. In an another embodiment, the colorant is lar embodiments, the cellulose is selected from crosslinked selected from synthetic colorants. In still another embodi cellulose derivatives. ment, the colorant is selected from water-soluble colorants. In 0062. It should be understood that throughout the specifi yet another embodiment, the colorant is selected from oil cation the term "solution' is used. Solution, as used herein, soluble colorants. In still yet another embodiment, the colo should not be construed as limiting and includes mixtures, rant is selected from edible colorants. Water soluble edible emulsions, Suspensions, homogenous systems and heteroge colorants include, for example, safflower yellow, sweet neous systems, etc. potato red, Anthoblue, sodium copper chlorophyllin, garde 0063. The term “precipitate' as used herein is intended to nia blue, carminic acid, elderberry, red radish, beet root red, include solid materials that are isolated from the processes melanin, aronia and mixtures thereof. Suitable oil-soluble described herein. Precipitates include, for example, com edible colorants include, for example, curcumin, paprika red, plexes, colloids, Solids, etc. lutein, B-carotene, lycopene and mixtures thereof. 0064. In one aspect, a dispersible colorant comprising a 0053. It is known in the art that any color can be obtained combination of at least one colorant and at least one polysac from the 3 primary colors, i.e. yellow, blue, and red. There charide is provided, in which the colorants are adsorbed on fore, in one aspect, a dispersible colorant comprising a com the polysaccharide or are combined with the polysaccharide. bination of two or more colorants compounding with each 0065 Accordingly, the colorants can be adsorbed on the other and at least one polysaccharide is provided. In another polysaccharides by any process known in the art. Such meth aspect, the two or more colorants can be compounded with ods include, but are not limited to, physical adsorption, each other before being combined with the polysaccharide. In chemical adsorption, interpenetration, complexation, electro still another aspect, the two or more colorants can be com static interations, and/or combinations thereof. pounded with each other after being combined with the 0066. Therefore, a process is provided for preparing the polysaccharide respectively. dispersible colorants described herein comprising a combi 0054 As used herein, the term “polysaccharide' refers to nation of at least one colorant and at least one polysaccharide, long carbohydrate molecules of repeated monomer units wherein the colorants are adsorbed and/or are intimately dis joined together by glycosidic bonds. Specific examples of persed on and or within the polysaccharides. polysaccharides include, but not limited to, starches and 0067. The dispersible colorants described herein can be starch derivatives, glycogen, celluloses and cellulose deriva provided in various forms and incorporated into various prod tives, chitin, and pectin. ucts Such as in food stuffs, nutraceuticals and with a drug. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0068. The dispersible colorants can be incorporated into 0075. The dispersible colorants described herein can also various foods, drinks, Snacks, etc. In one aspect, the dispers be included in a nutraceutical. The term “nutraceutical' is ible colorant can be sprinkled onto a food product, prior to recognized in the art and is intended to describe specific consumption. If sprinkled onto a food product, a Suitable chemical compounds found in foods that can prevent disease carrier Such as starch, Sucrose or lactose, can be used to help or ameliorate an undesirable condition. distribute the concentration of the dispersible colorants mak 0076. The dispersible colorants described herein can fur ing it easier to apply to the food product. ther include various ingredients to help stabilize, or help 0069. The dispersible colorants described herein can also promote the bioavailability of the components of the benefi be provided in Supplements as the prepared food products. cial aspects of the composition or serve to help provide addi For the purposes of this application, prepared food product tional nutrients to an individual’s diet. Suitable additives can means any natural, processed, diet or non-diet food product to include vitamins and biologically-acceptable minerals. Non which a dispersible colorant has been added. The dispersible limiting examples of vitamins include vitaminA, B vitamins, colorant can be directly incorporated into many prepared diet vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and folic acid. food products, including, but not limited to beverages, such as Non-limiting examples of minerals include iron, calcium, milk, water, diet drinks, sodas, beer, alcoholic beverages, magnesium, potassium, copper, chromium, zinc, molybde Such as Vodka, gin, etc., diet bars and prepared frozen meals. num, iodine, boron, selenium, manganese, derivatives thereof Furthermore, the dispersible colorants described herein can or combinations thereof. These vitamins and minerals can be be incorporated into many prepared non-diet products, from any source or combination of sources, without limita including, but not limited to candy, Snack products Such as tion. Non-limiting exemplary B vitamins include, without chips, prepared meat products, milk, cheese, yogurt, sport limitation, thiamine, niacinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin, bars, sport drinks, mayonnaise, salad dressing, bread and any cyanocobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid or combinations other fat or oil containing foods. As used herein, the term thereof. “food product” refers to any substance fit for human or animal 0077. Various additives can be incorporated into the com consumption. positions described herein with the dispersible colorant(s). 0070 The dispersible colorants described herein can be Optional additives of the present compositions include, with added to various drinks, such as fruit juices, milkshakes, milk, out limitation, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids, starches, Sug etc ars, fats, antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, flavorings, col 0071. One method of administration is oral. The dispers oring agents, hydrolyzed Starch(es) and derivatives thereofor ible colorants can beformulated with suitable carriers such as combinations thereof. starch, Sucrose or lactose in tablets, capsules, granuales, 0078. As used herein, the term “antioxidant’ is recognized injectibles (intravenous, etc.) Solutions, syrups and emul in the art and refers to synthetic or natural Substances that sions. The tablet or capsule of can be coated with an enteric prevent or delay the oxidative deterioration of a compound. coating that dissolves at a pH of about 6.0 to 7.0. A suitable Exemplary antioxidants include tocopherols, flavonoids, cat enteric coating, which dissolves in the Small intestine but not echins, Superoxide dismutase, lecithin, gamma ory Zanol: in the stomach, is cellulose acetate phthalate. Vitamins, such as vitamins A, C (ascorbic acid) and E and 0072 Formulation of the dispersible colorants described beta-carotene, natural components such as camosol, camosic herein can be placed into a soft gel capsule can be accom acid and roSmanol found in rosemary and hawthorn extract, plished by many methods known in the art. Often the formu proanthocyanidins such as those found in grapeseed or pine lation will include an acceptable carrier, Such as an oil, or bark extract, and green tea extract. other Suspending or emulsifying agent. 0079 Compositions comprising the dispersible colorants 0073 Suitable optional carriers include but are not limited described herein can be manufactured by methods of conven to, for example, fatty acids, esters and salts thereof, that can be tional mixing, dissolving, granulating, dragee-making levi derived from any source, including, without limitation, natu gating, emulsifying, encapsulating, entrapping or lyophiliza ral or synthetic oils, fats, waxes or combinations thereof. tion processes. The compositions can be formulated in Moreover, the fatty acids can be derived, without limitation, conventional manner using one or more physiologically from non-hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, acceptable carriers, diluents, excipients or auxiliaries that fully hydrogenated oils or combinations thereof. Non-limit facilitate processing of the compositions into preparations ing exemplary sources of fatty acids (their esters and salts) that can be used. include seed oil, fish or marine oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, 0080. The compositions that include the dispersible colo safflower oil, Sunflower oil, nasturtium seed oil, mustard seed rants described herein can take a form suitable for virtually oil, olive oil, Sesame oil, Soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, any mode of administration, including, for example, oral, cottonseed oil, rice bran oil, babassu nut oil, palm oil, low buccal, Systemic, injection, transdermal, rectal, vaginal, etc., erucic rapeseed oil, palm kernel oil, lupin oil, coconut oil, or a form suitable for administration by inhalation or insuf flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, jojoba, wheat germ oil, flation. tallow, beef tallow, butter, chicken fat, lard, dairy butterfat, I0081 Systemic formulations include those designed for shea butter or combinations thereof. administration by injection, e.g., Subcutaneous, intravenous, 0074 Specific non-limiting exemplary fish or marine oil intramuscular, intrathecal or intraperitoneal injection, as well Sources include shellfish oil, tuna oil, mackerel oil, salmon as those designed for transdermal, transmucosal oral or pull oil, menhaden, anchovy, herring, trout, Sardines or combina monary administration. tions thereof. In particular, the source of the fatty acids is fish I0082) Useful injectable preparations include sterile sus or marine oil (DHA or EPA), soybean oil or flaxseed oil. pensions, Solutions or emulsions of the compositions in aque Alternatively or in combination with one of the above iden ous or oily vehicles. The compositions can also contain for tified carrier, beeswax can be used as a suitable carrier, as well mulating agents, such as Suspending, stabilizing and/or as Suspending agents such as silica (silicon dioxide). dispersing agent. The formulations for injection can be pre US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 sented in unit dosage form, e.g., in ampoules or in multidose exchange resins, or as sparingly soluble derivatives, e.g., as a containers, and can contain added preservatives. sparingly soluble salt. Alternatively, transdermal delivery 0083. Alternatively, the injectable formulation can be pro systems manufactured as an adhesive disc or patch, which vided in powder form for reconstitution with a suitable slowly releases the compositions for percutaneous absorp vehicle, including but not limited to sterile pyrogen free tion, can be used. To this end, permeation enhancers can be water, buffer, dextrose solution, etc., before use. To this end, used to facilitate transdermal penetration of the composi the compositions can be dried by any art-known technique, tions. Suitable transdermal patches are described in for Such as lyophilization, and reconstituted prior to use. example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,407,713: U.S. Pat. No. 5,352,456: 0084. For transmucosal administration, penetrants appro U.S. Pat. No. 5,332,213: U.S. Pat. No. 5,336,168; U.S. Pat. priate to the barrier to be permeated are used in the formula No. 5,290,561; U.S. Pat. No. 5,254,346; U.S. Pat. No. 5,164, tion. Such penetrants are known in the art. 189; U.S. Pat. No. 5,163,899; U.S. Pat. No. 5,088,977; U.S. 0085 For oral administration, the compositions described Pat. No. 5,087,240; U.S. Pat. No. 5,008,110; and U.S. Pat. herein that contain a dispersible colorant can take the form of No. 4,921,475. for example, lozenges, tablets or capsules prepared by con 0092 Alternatively, other delivery systems can be ventional means with pharmaceutically acceptable excipients employed. Liposomes and emulsions are well-known Such as binding agents (e.g., pregelatinised maize starch, examples of delivery vehicles that can be used to deliver polyvinylpyrrolidone or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose): compositions described throughout Certain organic solvents fillers (e.g., lactose, microcrystalline cellulose or calcium such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) can also be employed, hydrogen phosphate); lubricants (e.g., magnesium Stearate, although usually at the cost of greater toxicity. talc or silica); disintegrants (e.g., potato starch or sodium 0093. The compositions that contain the dispersible colo starch glycolate); or wetting agents (e.g., Sodium lauryl Sul rant can, if desired, be presented in a pack or dispenser device, fate). The tablets can be coated by methods well known in the which can contain one or more unit dosage forms containing art with, for example, Sugars, films or enteric coatings. the dispersible colorant and an active ingredient. The pack I0086 Liquid preparations for oral administration can take can, for example, comprise metal or plastic foil. Such as a the form of for example, elixirs, solutions, syrups or Suspen blister pack. The pack or dispenser device can be accompa sions, or they can be presented as a dry product for constitu nied by instructions for administration. tion with water or other suitable vehicle before use. Such 0094. In one embodiment, the process for preparing the liquid preparations can be prepared by conventional means combination of at least one colorant and at least one polysac with pharmaceutically acceptable additives such as suspend charide comprises the steps of: ing agents (e.g., Sorbitol syrup, cellulose derivatives or hydro 0.095 1) weighing a predetermined amount of a water genated edible fats); emulsifying agents (e.g., lecithin or aca soluble colorant, and dissolving it in water, in order to form a cia); nonaqueous vehicles (e.g., almond oil, oily esters, ethyl Solution with a predetermined concentration, wherein the alcohol, or fractionated vegetable oils); and preservatives predetermined amount is in the range of greater than Zero to a (e.g., methyl or propyl phydroxybenzoates or Sorbic acid). point of saturation of the colorant in the solvent, under the The preparations can also contain buffer salts, preservatives, conditions of the dissolving process; flavoring, coloring and Sweetening agents as appropriate. 0096. 2) adding an appropriate amount of a polysaccha 0087 Preparations for oral administration can be suitably ride into the Solution prepared in step 1), wherein the amount formulated to give controlled release of the composition as is of the polysaccharide is determined by a requirement, such as well known. chromaticity, of the desired final product; 0088 For buccal administration, the compositions can 0097. 3) optionally adding a pH regulator until the pH take the form of tablets or lozenges formulated in conven reaches 2-8.5, allowing the components to interact for 1 min tional manner. to 10h, such as 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 0089 Forrectal and vaginal routes of administration, the 20 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2h, 3 h, 5h or 10h, until the carrier, such compositions can be formulated as Solutions (for retention as the polysaccharide, is completely dissolved; enemas) suppositories or ointments containing conventional 0098. 4) heating the obtained solution, mixture or suspen Suppository bases such as cocoa butter or other glycerides. sion from step 3, for 1 minto 10h, such as 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 0090. For nasal administration or administration by inha 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2h, 3 h, 5h or 10 lation or insufllation, the compositions can be conveniently h, in a water-bath at a temperature of room temperature to delivered in the form of an aerosol spray from pressurized 100° C., such as 25°C., 30° C., 35°C., 40°C.,50° C., 60°C., packs or a nebulizer with the use of a Suitable propellant, e.g., 70° C., 80°C.,90° C. and 100° C. to afford a colored precipi dichlorodifluoromethane, trichlorofluoromethane, dichlo tate; rotetrafluoroethane, fluorocarbons, carbon dioxide or other 0099 5) separating the colored precipitate. (generally Suitable gas. In the case of a pressurized aerosol, the dosage after cooling to room temperature or below) and washing unit can be determined by providing a valve to deliver a several times with water; metered amount. Capsules and cartridges for use in an inhaler 0100 6) drying the obtained precipitate; and or insufflators (for example capsules and cartridges com 0101 7) optionally grinding and sieving the precipitate, to prised of gelatin) can be formulated containing a powder mix provide a final composition. of the compoundanda Suitable powder base such as lactose or 0102. In an another embodiment, the process for preparing starch. the combination of at least one colorant and at least one 0091 For prolonged delivery, the compositions can be polysaccharide comprises the steps of formulated as a depot preparation for administration by 0103 1) weighing a predetermined amount of an oil implantation or intramuscular injection. The compositions soluble colorant, and dissolving it in an organic solvent or can be formulated with suitable polymeric or hydrophobic mixture of organic solvents, in order to form a solution with a materials (e.g., as an emulsion in an acceptable oil) or ion predetermined concentration, wherein the predetermined US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

amount is in the range of greater than Zero to a point of 10h, such as 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min. 20 saturation of the colorant in the solvent or mixture of organic min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 5 h or 10 h to provide a mixture; Solvents under the conditions of the dissolving process; I0123. 3) adding the aqueous solution of metal salt pre 0104 2) adding an appropriate amount of water and Sur pared in step 1) into the mixture obtained in step 2), Such that factant while stirring extensively until a homogenous solution a colored precipitate is formed from the mixture; is formed; 0.124 4) continuing to add the aqueous solution of metal 0105 3) adding an appropriate amount of a polysaccha salt to the mixture while monitoring the viscosity of the ride to the homogenous Solution, allowing the components to mixture, until the Viscosity of the mixture is similar or equal interact for 1 minto 10h, such as 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, to water, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 5 h or 10 h; 0.125 5) washing the colored precipitate with water, 0106 4) optionally adding a pH regulator until the pH 0.126 6) drying the colored precipitate, and reaches 2-8.5, from Step 3) and allowing the components to I0127 7) optionally grinding and sieving the precipitate. interact for 1 minto 10h, such as 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, I0128. As used herein, the phrase “allowing the compo 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2h, 3 h, 5h or 10h, until nents to interact includes that the components can simply the polysaccharide is dissolved; interact without further physical manipulation, or stirring, 0107 (5) heating the solution of step 4) to a temperature of shaking, Vortexing and the like. It is not meant to be limiting, 30-100° C., such as 30°C., 35° C., 40°C., 45° C., 50° C., 60° only that the components are combined and can react with C., 70° C., 80°C.,90° C., and 100° C., while stirring for 1 min each other. to 10h, such as 1 min. 2 min, 3 min. 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, I0129. As used herein, the term “pH regulator” refers to an 20 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 5 h or 10 h to form a colored agent added to change or maintain pH, and can be selected precipitate; from the group consisting of organic acids, mineral acids, 0108 (6) separating the colored precipitate, (generally organic bases, mineral bases, naturalizing agents, and buffer after cooling to room temperature or below) and washing ing agents. Specific examples of pH regulators include, but several times with water; not limited to, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, and malic 0109 (7) drying the colored precipitate, and acid. In one aspect, the pH regulator is selected from an edible 0110 (8) optionally grinding and sieving the dried pre pH regulator, Such as citric acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, cipitate to provide a composition. malic acid and salts thereof. 0111. In another aspect, a dispersible colorant comprising 0.130. The separation of the precipitate can be carried out the combination of at least one colorant and at least one by any process known in the art, including, but not limited to, polysaccharide is provided, in which the colorants are encap flocculation, filtration, centrifugation, crystallization, etc. In Sulated or coated by the polysaccharides. one aspect, the separation is carried out by filtration. In 0112 Accordingly, the colorants can be encapsulated or another aspect, the separation is carried out by centrifugation. coated by the polysaccharides by any process known in the I0131 The drying process can be carried out by any process art, including, but not limit to, acid precipitation, metal ion known in the art, including, but not limited to freeze-drying, precipitation, adsorption, covalent binding, crosslinking, air-drying, spray-drying, etc. The drying process can be car film-forming and/or combinations thereof. ried out under either atmospheric pressure or at a reduced 0113. Therefore, in another aspect, a process for preparing pressure. The drying process can be carried out under a tem the combination of at least one colorant and at least one perature of -50° C. to 100° C., such as -50° C., -25°C., 0°C., polysaccharide is provided, wherein the colorants are encap 20° C., 30° C., 35° C., 40° C. 450 C., 50° C., 550 C, 60° C., Sulated or coated by the polysaccharides. 70° C., 80° C., and 100° C. 0114. In another embodiment, a process for preparing the 0.132. Organic solvents suitable for use include, but are not combinations of at least one colorant and at least one polysac limited to, alcohols, such as methanol, ethanol, propanol, etc.; charide is provided that comprises the steps of: ethers, such as ethyl ether, isopropyl ether, etc.; esters, such as 0115 1) weighing a predetermined amount of a polysac ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, etc. In one aspect, the organic charide, and dissolving it in water until the polysaccharide is Solvent is selected from edible organic solvents, such as etha dissolved to provide a solution; nol, ethyl acetate, etc. 0.133 Surfactants that are suitable for use as described 0116 2) adding a colorant to the solution until the colorant herein include, but are not limited to, anionic Surfactants, is dispersed in the Solution to provide a colored solution; Such as alkylsulfates, phosphates, carboxylates, etc.; cationic 0117 3) optionally adding an appropriate amount of a pH Surfactants, such as cetyl trimethylammonium bromide, regulator to the colored solution, until the pH regulator is cetylpyridinium chloride, etc.; Zwitterionic Surfactants, such dissolved, thus forming a colored precipitate; as cocamidopropyl betaine, lecithin, etc.; and nonionic Sur 0118 4) drying the colored precipitate; and factants, such as fatty alcohols, polyoxyethylene glycol alkyl 0119 5) optionally grinding and sieving the colored pre ethers, etc. In one aspect, the Surfactant is selected from cipitate, to provide a composition. edible Surfactants, such as glycerides, phospholipids, dex 0120 Instill another embodiment, a process for preparing trins, fatty acid esters, chitosan, , glycosides, gums the combination of at least one colorant and at least one collagen, etc. polysaccharide is provided that comprises the steps of 0.134 Metal salts suitable for use include, but are not lim 0121 1) preparing an aqueous Solution of a colorant and ited to, salts of Ca", Cut, Cu, Fe", Fe, Zn, Al", Mg, an aqueous Solution of a metal salt, respectively; etc. 0122 2) adding a polysaccharide to the colorant solution I0135) In the processes described herein, the precipitate prepared in step 1) at a temperature of 0-70°C., such as room can be optionally ground and/or sieved by a sieve of 100-300 temperature, 0°C., 10°C., 20° C., 30° C., 40°C., 50° C., 60° mesh, such as 150-250 mesh, 100 mesh, 150 mesh, 180 mesh, C., or 70° C., allowing the components to interact for 1 minto 190 mesh, 200 mesh, 210 mesh, 220 mesh, 230 mesh, 240 US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

mesh, 250 mesh, 300 mesh, etc., in order to reduce the particle 0147 8. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph size of the final product to a desired size. 7, wherein the colorant is selected from amaranth, Sunset 0136. According to the description provided herein, the yellow, erythrosine, tartrazine, new red, indigo, and brilliant polysaccharide can be dyed by the colorant by any process blue. known in the art. 0148 9. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0.137 In the specification and the claims, the terms 6, wherein the colorant is selected from oil-soluble colorants. “including and "comprising are open-ended terms and 0149 10. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph should be interpreted to mean “including, but not limited to . 9, wherein the colorant is Sudan III. ...' These terms encompass the more restrictive terms “con 0150 1 1. The dispersible colorant according to any one of sisting essentially of and "consisting of paragraphs 1-5, wherein the colorant is selected from natural 0138. It must be noted that as used herein and in the colorants. appended claims, the singular forms “a”, “an', and “the 0151 12. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph include plural reference unless the context clearly dictates 11, wherein the colorant is selected from carotenoids, fla otherwise. As well, the terms “a” (or “an'), “one or more' and vonoids, quinone colorants, porphyrin colorants, betacya “at least one' can be used interchangeably herein. It is also to nines, dione colorants, monascus colorants, caramel colo be noted that the terms “comprising”, “including”, “charac rants, gardenia colorants, and phycocyanin colorants. terized by and “having can be used interchangeably. 0152 13. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 11, wherein the colorant is selected from Red Chilli Color, 0139. Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scien Annatto, and Gardenia Yellow. tific terms used herein have the same meanings as commonly 0153. 14. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this 11, wherein the colorant is selected from Beefsteak Plant invention belongs. All publications and patents specifically Color, Corn Color, Safflower Yellow, Red Cabbage Color, mentioned herein are incorporated by reference in their Red Sweet Potato Color, Purple Carrot Color, Elderberry entirety for all purposes including describing and disclosing Color, Aronia Color, Red Raddish Color, Grape Skin Color, the chemicals, instruments, statistical analyses and method Bilberry Color, Blackcurrant Color. ologies which are reported in the publications which might be 0154) 15. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph used in connection with the invention. All references cited in 11, wherein the colorant is selected from cochineal colorants, this specification are to be taken as indicative of the level of carminic acid and Lac Dye. skill in the art. Nothing herein is to be construed as an admis 0155 16. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph sion that the invention is not entitled to antedate Such disclo 11, wherein the colorant is Chlorophyll. sure by virtue of prior invention. 0156 17. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0140. The following paragraphs enumerated consecu tively from 1 through 68 provide for various aspects of the 11, wherein the colorant is betalain. subject matter described herein. In one embodiment, in a first 0157 18. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph paragraph (1), a dispersible colorant comprising a combina 11, wherein the colorant is curcumin. tion of a colorant and a polysaccharide is provided, wherein 0158. 19. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysaccharide is in 11, wherein the colorant is monascorubrin. the range of 5000:1 to 1:5000. The dispersible colorant can be 0159. 20. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph considered a complex, a coated material, an encapsulated 11, wherein the colorant is caramel. material, absorbed material, adsorbed material, or a gelati 0160 21. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph nized material. That is the colorant and the polysaccharide are 11, wherein the colorant is gardenia blue. intimately dispersed amongst each other such that a unique 0.161 22. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph composition is formed that results as the ultimate colorant 11, wherein the colorant is Spirulina Blue Color. composition useful in lipophilic or aqueous environments. 0162 23. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0141 2. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 11, wherein the colorant is an extract, concentrate, or juice 1, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysac from a plant or an animal. charide is in the range of 1:1000-1000:1. 0163 24. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0142. 3. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 23, wherein the colorant is an extract, concentrate, or juice 2, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysac from saffron, safflower, gardenia, bilberry, sweet potato, red charide is in the range of 1:100-100:1. cabbage, carrot, or grape. 0164. 25. The dispersible colorant according to any one of 0143 4. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph paragraphs 1-5, wherein the polysaccharide is selected from 3, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysac starches and their derivatives, glycogen, celluloses and their charide is in the range of 1:10-10:1. derivatives, chitin, and pectin. 0144) 5. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0.165. 26. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 1, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysac 25, wherein the starch is selected from corn starch, potato charide is in the range of 1:5000, 1:500, 1:200, 1:100, 1:50, starch, rice starch and wheat starch. 1:10, 1:1, 10:1, 50:1, 100:1, 200:1, 500:1, 1000:1, or 5000:1. 0166 27. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0145 6. The dispersible colorant according to any one of 25, wherein the starch derivative is selected from carboxm paragraphs 1-5, wherein the colorant is selected from Syn ethyl starch, hydropropyl Starch, crosslinked derivatives thetic colorants. thereof, and salts thereof. 0146 7. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0.167 28. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 6, wherein the colorant is selected from water-soluble colo 25, wherein the cellulose is from vegetables, fruits, bamboo, rantS. cotton, and bast. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0.168. 29. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0189 4) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of 28, wherein the vegetable is selected from celery and potato. step 3) until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to 0169. 30. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph about 8.5 to form a mixture; 28, wherein the fruit is selected from apple and banana. 0.190 5) heating the mixture of step 4) to a temperature, 0170 31. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph followed by cooling the mixture until a colored precipitate is 28, wherein the bast is selected from linum, cannabis, nettle, formed; and boehmeria. (0191) 6) separating the colored precipitate from the mix 0171 32. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph ture; 25, wherein the cellulose derivative is selected from cellulose 0.192 7) optionally, washing the colored precipitate sev esters, cellulose ethers, and microcrystalline cellulose. eral times with water, and/or 0172. 33. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0193 8) optionally, drying the colored precipitate; and/or 32, wherein the cellulose ester is selected from cellulose 0194 9) optionally, grinding and/or sieving, the colored acetate, cellulose triacetate, cellulose propionate, cellulose precipitate. acetate propionate, cellulose acetate butyrate, cellulose 0.195 39. The dispersible colorant according to any one of nitrate, and cellulose Sulfate. paragraphs 1-35, wherein the colorant is encapsulated or 0173 34. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph coated by the polysaccharide. 32, wherein the cellulose ether is selected from methylcellu 0196. 40. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph lose, ethylcellulose, ethyl methylcellulose, hydroxyethylcel 39, wherein the combination of the colorant and the polysac lulose, hydropropyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl methyl cellu charide is prepared by: lose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, crosslinked 0.197 1) dissolving the polysaccharide in water until the hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, ethyl hydroxyethyl cellu polysaccharide is completely dissolved; lose, carboxymethylcellulose, crosslinked carboxymethyl 0198 2) adding the colorant to the solution of step 1) until cellulose, Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and crosslinked the colorant is uniformly dispersed in the solution; sodium carboxymethylcellulose. 0199 3) optionally adding the pH regulator to the solution 0.174 35. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph of step 2): 25, wherein the cellulose derivative is selected from 0200. 4) forming the colored precipitate from the solution; crosslinked cellulose derivative. 0201 5) optionally drying the colored precipitate; and 0175 36. The dispersible colorant according to any one of 0202 6) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored paragraphs 1-35, wherein the colorant is adsorbed on the precipitate. polysaccharide. 0203 41. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 0176) 37. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph 39, wherein the combination of the colorant and the polysac 36, wherein the combination of the colorant and the polysac charide is prepared by: charide is prepared by: 0204 1) preparing the aqueous solution of colorant and an 0177 1) dissolving a water-soluble colorant in water to aqueous Solution of a metal salt, respectively; form a solution, wherein the colorant is present from an 0205 2) dissolving the polysaccharide in the colorant amount greater than Zero to Saturation in the water, Solution prepared in step 1); 0.178 2) adding a polysaccharide to the solution prepared 0206 3) adding the aqueous solution of metal salt pre in step 1) to form a mixture; pared in step 1) to the mixture of step 2) such that a colored 0179 3) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of precipitate forms, wherein, for example, the aqueous metal step 2) until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to solution is added until the viscosity of the solution is similar about 8.5 to form a mixture; or equal to water, 0180. 4) heating the mixture obtained from step 3), fol 0207 4) isolating the colored precipitate; lowed by cooling the mixture until a colored precipitate is 0208 5) optionally, washing the colored precipitate with formed; and water and/or, 0181 5) separating the colored precipitate from the mix 0209 6) drying the colored precipitate, and/or ture; 0210. 7) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored 0182 6) optionally, washing the colored precipitate sev precipitate. 02.11 42. The dispersible colorant according to any one of eral times with water; and/or paragraphs 1-35, wherein the polysaccharide is dyed by the 0183 7) optionally, drying the colored precipitate; and/or colorant. 0184 8) optionally, grinding and/or sieving, the colored 0212 43. Use of the dispersible colorant according to any precipitate. one of paragraphs 1-42 in applications wherein conventional 0185. 38. The dispersible colorant according to paragraph colorants can be applied. 36, wherein the combination of the colorant and the polysac 0213 44. The use according to paragraph 43, wherein the charide is prepared by: dispersible colorant is applied in the manufacture of food 0186 1) dissolving an oil-soluble colorant in an organic products, Sweets, cosmetics, toys, and pharmaceutical prod Solvent or a mixture of organic Solvents to form a mixture, uctS. wherein the colorant is present from an amount greater than 0214. 45. The dispersible colorant according to any one of Zero to saturation in the organic solvent(s): paragraphs 37-41, wherein the temperature of the reaction 0187. 2) adding a surfactant to the mixture of step 1), medium after the addition of the polysaccharide is maintained optionally with water to form a mixture; from about 65° C. to about 85°C. for from about 5 minutes to 0188 3) adding a polysaccharide to the mixture of step 2) about 8 hours, particularly from about 20 minutes to about 40 to form a mixture; minutes. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0215 46. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, com 0243 2) dissolving the polysaccharide in the colorant prising the steps: Solution prepared in step 1), for example, at a temperature of 0216) 1) dissolving a water-soluble colorant in water to from about 0°C. to about 70° C., for about 1 minute to about form a solution, wherein the colorant is present from an 10 hours; amount greater than Zero to Saturation in the water, 0244 3) adding the aqueous solution of metal salt pre 0217 2) adding a polysaccharide to the solution prepared pared in step 1) to the mixture of step 2) such that a colored in step 1) to form a mixture; precipitate forms, wherein, for example, the aqueous metal 0218 3) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of solution is added until the viscosity of the solution is similar step 2) until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to or equal to water, about 8.5 to form a mixture; 0245 4) isolating the colored precipitate; 0219. 4) heating the mixture obtained from step 3), for 0246 5) optionally, washing the colored precipitate with example, for about 1 minute to about 10 hours at a tempera water and/or, ture of from about room temperature to about 100° C., fol 0247 6) drying the colored precipitate, and/or lowed by cooling the mixture until a colored precipitate is 0248 7) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored formed; and precipitate. 0220 5) separating the colored precipitate from the mix 0249 50. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, com ture; prising the steps: 0221 6) optionally, washing the colored precipitate sev 0250 l) dissolving or dispersing a colorant in an aqueous eral times with water, and/or Solution to provide a colorant solution; 0222 7) optionally, drying the colored precipitate; and/or 0251 2) heating a polysaccharide in an aqueous Solution 0223 8) optionally, grinding and/or sieving, the colored until the polysaccharide is dissolved to provide a polysaccha precipitate. ride solution; 0224 47. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, com 0252 3) adding the colorant solution to the polysaccharide prising the steps: Solution to form a colorant-polysaccharide mixture; 0225 1) dissolving an oil-soluble colorant in an organic 0253 4) optionally maintaining heating the colorant Solvent or a mixture of organic Solvents to form a mixture, polysaccharide mixture for a period of time from about 10 wherein the colorant is present from an amount greater than minutes to about 24 hours; Zero to saturation in the organic solvent(s): (0254 5) cooling the colorant-polysaccharide mixture 0226, 2) adding a surfactant to the mixture of step 1), until a Suspension or a precipitate is formed; and optionally with water to form a mixture; 0255 6) isolating the colored precipitate or suspension 0227 3) adding a polysaccharide to the mixture of step 2) material; to form a mixture; 0256 7) optionally, washing the colored precipitate or 0228 4) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of Suspension material with water and/or, step 3) until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to 0257 8) drying the colored precipitate or suspension about 8.5 to form a mixture; material, and/or 0229 (5) heating the mixture of step 4) to a temperature, 0258 9) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored for example, of about 30° C. to about 100° C. for about 1 precipitate or Suspension material. minute to about 10 hours, followed by cooling the mixture 0259 51. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, com until a colored precipitate is formed; prising the steps: 0230 6) separating the colored precipitate from the mix 0260 l) heating a polysaccharide in an aqueous Solution ture; until the polysaccharide is dissolved to provide a polysaccha 0231 7) optionally, washing the colored precipitate sev ride solution; eral times with water; and/or 0261) 2) dissolving or dispersing a colorant in an aqueous 0232 8) optionally, drying the colored precipitate; and/or Solution to provide a colorant solution; 0233 9) optionally, grinding and/or sieving, the colored 0262 3) adding the colorant solution to the polysaccharide precipitate. Solution to form a colorant-polysaccharide mixture; 0234 48. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant com 0263 4) optionally maintaining heating the colorant prising the steps: polysaccharide mixture for a period of time from about 10 0235. 1) dissolving the polysaccharide in water until the minutes to about 24 hours; polysaccharide is completely dissolved; 0264 5) optionally cooling the colorant-polysaccharide 0236 2) adding the colorant to the solution of step 1) until mixture until a Suspension or a precipitate is formed; and the colorant is uniformly dispersed in the solution; 0265 6) isolating the colored precipitate or suspension 0237 3) optionally adding a pH regulator to the solution of material; step 2); 0266 7) optionally, washing the colored precipitate or 0238 4) forming the colored precipitate from the solution; Suspension material with water and/or, 0239 4) optionally drying the colored precipitate; and 0267 8) drying the colored precipitate or suspension 0240 5) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored material, and/or precipitate. 0268 9) optionally grinding and/or sieving the colored 0241 49. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, com precipitate or Suspension material. prising the steps: 0269 52. The method according to any one of paragraphs 0242 1) preparing the aqueous solution of colorant and an 46 through 51, wherein the polysaccharide is cross-linked aqueous solution of a metal salt, respectively; starch. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0270. 53. The method according to any one of paragraphs added to the safflower yellow solution with stirring. Citric 46 through 52, wherein the isolating step is spray drying to acid was added until the pH reached 2.5 and the solution was obtain a powdered product. stirred for 10 minutes to provide a solution. The solution was 0271 54. The method according to any one of paragraphs heated for 20 min in a water-bath at a temperature of 50° C. A 46 through 53, wherein the colorant is encapsulated, gelati colored precipitate was formed and was separated and nized or coated by the polysaccharide to form the colored washed twice with water. The precipitate was dried at 55° C. precipitate. under vacuum to provide a final product. 0272 55. The method according to any one of paragraphs 46-50, wherein the temperature of the reaction medium after Example 2 the addition of the polysaccharide is maintained from about 65° C. to about 85°C. for from about 5 minutes to about 24 0289. The final product of example 1 was subjected to hours. grinding, in order to form a powder, which was then sieved 0273 56. Use of the disperse colorant according to any with a sieve of 240 mesh. one of paragraphs 46 through 55 in applications wherein Example 3 conventional colorants can be applied. 0274 57. The use according to paragraph 56, wherein the 0290 Following a process similar to example 1, combina disperse colorant is applied in the manufacture of food prod tions were prepared using Red Sweet Potato Color, gardenia ucts, Sweets, cosmetics, toys, and pharmaceutical products. blue, and sodium copper chlorophyllin, the conditions and 0275 58. The use according to paragraph 57, wherein the results are summarized in Table 1. food product is milk, butter, meat, candy, chocolates, ice cream, margarine, yogurt, fish or Sugar. TABLE 1 0276 59. The disperse colorant according to any of one or Yield paragraphs 1 through 42 or 45 through 55, wherein the dis (after perse colorant eliminates or reduces the Smell associated with sieved Color the colorant material. Poly- pH reg- by 240 of the 0277 60. A mixture of two or more disperse colorants Saccharideg Colorantig WaterimL ulatorg mesh) g product according to any one of paragraphs 1 through 42 or 45 crosslinked Safflower 60 Citric 5.2 yellow through 55, wherein the combination of the two or more CMC, 8.0 Yellow *, 2.0 acid, 0.8 disperse colorants provides any color within the visible spec crosslinked Red Sweet 100 Citric 9.1 red trum. CMC, 12.0 Potato acid, 1.2 Color:*, 3.0 0278 61. A disperse colorant comprising: crosslinked gardenia 8O Citric 7.5 blue 0279 a cellulose or a cellulose derivative and a colo CMC, 10.5 blue **, 0.7 acid, 1.0 rant. crosslinked sodium copper 8O Citric 4.2 Deep CMC, 5.0 chlorophyllin, acid, 0.5 green 0280) 62. The disperse colorant according to paragraph 0.5g 61, wherein the colorant is safflower yellow, Sweet potato red, anthoblue, Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, car *Safflower Yellow: WGFS110121 E1% = 140; minic acid, elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, **Red Sweet Potato Color; WGFSP1104.26 E1% = 30; aronia and mixtures thereof. ***gardenia blue: E1% = 54 0281 63. The disperse colorant according to paragraph 61, wherein the colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, Example 4 B-carotene, lycopene and mixtures thereof. 0282) 64. The disperse colorant according to any of para 0291 0.5g of lutein was weighed and dissolved in 20 ml graphs 61 through 63, wherein the cellulose derivative is a ethyl acetate at room temperature. 20 ml of water and 4 ml cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose. Triton X-100 ((CHO(CHO),) a nonionic surfactant 0283 65. A disperse colorant comprising: which has a hydrophilic polyethylene oxide chain (on average 0284 a starch or starch derivative and a colorant. 9.5 ethylene oxide units) and an aromatic hydrocarbon lipo 0285 66. The disperse colorant according to paragraph philic or hydrophobic group. The hydrocarbon group is a 65, wherein the colorant is safflower yellow, Sweet potato red, 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)-phenyl group) was added with anthoblue, Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, car stirring to form a mixture. 2.0 g crosslinked CMC was added minic acid, elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, to the mixture with stirring for 10 min. 0.2 g citric acid was aronia and mixtures thereof. then added with stirring until the crosslinked CMC was com 0286 67. The disperse colorant according to paragraph pletely dissolved. The mixture was heated to 45° C. with 65, wherein the colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, stirring for 20 min. A precipitate was formed and separated by B-carotene, lycopene and mixtures thereof. centrifugation and washed twice with water. The precipitate 0287 68. The disperse colorant according to any of para was dried at 55° C. under vacuum to provide a final product. graphs 65 through 67, wherein the starch is a cross-linked Example 5 starch. 0292. The final product of example 4 was subjected to EXAMPLES grinding in order to form a powder, which was then sieved with a sieve of 240 mesh. Example 1 Example 6 0288 2 g of Safflower Yellow (WGFS 110121 E1%=140) was weighed and dissolved in 60 ml water at room tempera 0293 3.0 g CMC was weighed and dissolved in 50 ml ture. 8.0 g crosslinked CMC (carboxymethylcellulose) was water with stirring at room temperature until the CMC was US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

completely dissolved. 1.0 g lutein was added into the solution TABLE 3 with stirring until it was uniformly dispersed in the solution to Color provide a mixture. 1.0 g of citric acid was added to the mixture Poly- pH reg- of the with stirring, until it was completely dissolved to provide a Saccharideg Colorantg WaterimL ulatorg Yield g product Solution. The solution was dried, in order to obtain a precipi tate, e.g., a colloid, as the final product. CMC, 3.0 Lutein, 1.0 50 Citric 3.7 Orange acid, 1.0 CMC, 2.0 Red Sweet 40 Citric 3.1 Deep Example 7 Potato Color, acid, 1.0 red 0294 The final product of example 6 was subjected to 2.O grinding in order to form a powder, which was then sieved with a sieve of 190 mesh. Example 12 Example 8 0300. The red, yellow, and blueproducts prepared in Table 0295 Following a process similar to example 6, combina 1 were compounded with each other, the conditions and tions were prepared using Red Sweet Potato Color, Safflower results were summarized in Table 4. Yellow, and bilberry extract, the conditions and results were summarized in Table 2. TABLE 4 Color 1 Color 2 Weight ratio Color of the product TABLE 2 Yellow Red 1:1 Orange Color (crosslinked (crosslinked Poly- pH reg- of the CMC + Safflower CMC + Red Saccharideg Colorantig WaterimL ulatorg Yield g product Yellow) Sweet Potato Color) CMC, 3.0 Lutein, 1.0 50 Citric 3.7 Orange Blue Yellow 1:1 Green acid, 1.0 (crosslinked (crosslinked CMC, 2.0 Red Sweet 40 Citric 3.1 Deep CMC - CMC - Potato Color, acid, 1.0 red gardenia Safflower 2.0 blue) Yellow) CMC, 1.5 Safflower 60 Citric 3.6 Light Red Blue 1:1 Purple Yellow, 3.0 acid, 0.8 yellow (crosslinked (crosslinked CMC, 1.2 bilberry 40 Citric 1.5 Deep CMC - CMC - extract, 1.2 acid, 0.5 red Red Sweet gardenia Potato Color) blue) 0296. The bilberry extract used herein is a product pre pared from bilberry by sequential water extraction, refining, and spray drying, and is in the form of a water-soluble, dark Example 13 red, powder. (0301 Red Sweet Potato Color, Safflower Yellow, and gar denia blue were dissolved in water, respectively, in order to Example 9 obtain a solution of each colorant. The Solutions are com 0297 0.5g Red Sweet Potato Color was dissolved in 60 ml pounded with each other according to the weight ratio in water at room temperature to obtain an aqueous solution. 5g Table 5. Crosslinked CMC was added with stirring; citric acid AlCls was dissolved in 100 ml water at room temperature to was added until the pH reached 2.5 and the solution was obtain an aqueous solution. 2.0 g CMC was dissolved in the stirred. The solution was heated for 20 minina water-bath at Red Sweet Potato Color solution at room temperature with a temperature of 50° C. A colored precipitate was formed and stirring for 30 min. The AlCls solution was added to the was separated and washed twice with water. The precipitate CMC-Red Sweet Potato Color mixutre dropwise with exten was dried at 55° C. under vacuum to provide a final product. sive stirring, such that a precipitate of CMC and Red Sweet 0302) The final products were subjected to grinding, in Potato Color precipitates from the mixture. The aqueous solu order to form a powder, which was then sieved with a sieve of tion of AICl was added while monitoring the viscosity of the 240 mesh. reaction system, until the Viscosity of the system was similar or equal to water. The precipitatie was washed with water, and dried at 60°C. under vacuum to provide a final product. Yield (after Example 10 sieved Color Crosslinked Citric by 240 of the 0298. The final product of example 9 was subjected to CMC'g Colorantg Water/mL acidg mesh),g product grinding in order to form a powder, which was then sieved 3O.O Red Sweet 300 3.0 2.4 Orange with a sieve of 190 mesh. Potato Color:Saf flower Example 11 Yellow = 3.0:30 0299. Following a process similar to example 9, combina S.O Safflower 50 O.S 4.2 Green tions were prepared, the conditions and results were Summa Yellow:gar rized in Table 3. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 15

-continued nation of a colorant and a polysaccharide described herein has the advantages of high light/thermal stability, high dispers Yield ibility, no bleeding, no toxicity, etc., and thus can be applied in (after sieved Color the manufacture of food products, Sweets, cosmetics, toys, Crosslinked Citric by 240 of the pharmaceutical products, etc. CMC'g Colorantig Water mL acidg mesh).g. product 0311. The above examples provide combinations of colo denia blue = rants and cellulose derivatives, such as crosslinked CMC. 10:02 These can be applied in Substrates such as foodstuffs, cos 6.O Red Sweet 60 O6 4.3 Purple metics, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, etc. Potato Color: gardenia blue = 0312 The following examples provide combinations of 1.O.O.S colorants and starch derivatives, such as crosslinked Starch. These can also be applied in foodstuffs, but can also be applied in other Substrates, such as pharmaceuticals, nutra Example 14 ceuticals, cosmetics, etc. 0313 The following examples were spray dried under the Thermal Stability Test following parameters: inlet temperature: about 160° C. to 0303. The yellow, red and blue product prepared in about 240° C., more particularly 190° C. to about 200° C.: example 3 (hereafter referred to as Yellow Color, Red Color, outlet temperature 80°C. to about 120° C., more particularly and Blue Color) was covered by an edible oil and divided into 90° C. to about 100° C. two samples (i.e. a control sample and a test sample), respec 0314. In the following examples, a precipitate or a Suspen tively. The test samples were heated at 140°C. for 8 minunder sion was formed as the product prior to spray drying. This atmospheric conditions (oxygen present), cooled to room should not be limiting as a product could form as a solution temperature, and then compared with the control samples. No and be spray dried as well. observable color change was observed. 0315 Raw Materials: 0304. The result shows that the combinations described 0316 Crosslinked starch: acetylated distarch adipate herein have good thermal stability. (acetylation value=1.5-2.1, from Roquette, Italy) Example 15 Example 1 Light Stability Test Preparation of Safflower Yellow Powder Colorant 0305 Test samples of Yellow Color, Red Color, and Blue Combination (ColorDispersible 2Y-01; CD-Yellow Color were left for 7 days under indoor conditions (exposure to direct Sunlight was avoided), and then compared with 0317 1.600 g safflower yellow (from Wuhan Green Food control samples. No observable color change was observed. Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.) (nominal E1%=144.2, 0306 The result shows that the combinations described measured E1%=146.2, lot: WGFS121223) was dissolved in herein have good light stability. 10 L purified water to obtain a safflower yellow solution; 0318 2. 320 L purified water was added into a 500 L Example 15 reaction tank, the system was heated rapidly to 60°C.-65 C. Use of the Combination Described Herein in the by Steam; Manufacture of Color Clays 0319. 3.8 kg crosslinked starch was homogenously dis persed in 20 L purified water to obtain a Suspension, and the 0307. The samples of Yellow Color, Red Color and Blue Suspension was added into the reaction tank using a vacuum Color, alone or in combination with each other, were added pump; and kneaded into white clay Substrates, until the samples were homogenously dispersed in the Substrates. Many color clays 0320 4. the reaction tank was slowly heated to 70° C. by with various colors were obtained by Suitably compounding steam for gelatinization, the temperature was held at 70° C. the 3 primary colors. The colors did not leak or "bleed' while for about 20-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to the color clays were kneaded. below 55° C.: 0321 5. the safflower yellow solution was added into the Example 16 reaction tank using a vacuum pump; 0322 6. the cooling water was removed when the tempera Use of the Combination Described Herein in the ture reached 48°C.-50° C., and the temperature was held for Manufacture of Lipsticks about 40 min-60 min; 0308 A substrate of lipstick material was melted at a 0323 7. the product was discharged as a suspension, spray temperature of 80°C. in a water-bath; Red Color was added dried, and was pulverized until the particle size <50 um. into the melted substrate and the mixture was stirred until 0324 Mass of the product: 5.48 kg homogenous; the mixture was poured into a mold and cooled to obtain the lipstick. The Red Color was homogenously 0325 Color value: 11.6 dispersed in the lipstick. 0326 Mass yield: 63.72% 0309 Results: 0327. The dispersible colorant was applied to pasta and 0310. In comparison with conventional colorants and alu was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi minum lakes, the dispersible colorants comprising a combi nation occurred at the boundaries of application. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 16

Example 2 0346 Mass of the product: 7.86 kg 0347 Color value: 10.6 Preparation of Sweet Potato Red Powder Colorant (0348 Mass yield: 81.86% Combination (ColorDispersible 2R-03: CD-Red) 0349 The colorant combination was applied to pasta and was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi 0328 1. 1.6 kg Sweet potato red (from Wuhan Green Food nation occurred at the boundaries of application. Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.) (nominal E1%-31.8, mea 0350. The application of conventional red cabbage red sured E1%–33.4, lot: WGFSP121222) and 384 g citric acid colorant is quite limited due to its unpleasant Smell. The was dissolved in 10 L purified water to obtain a sweet potato inventors Surprisingly find that, the combination described red solution; herein removes the unpleasant Smell of red cabbage red colo 0329 2. 34.0 L purified water was added into a 500 L rant advantageously. reaction tank, the system was heated rapidly to 60°C.-65 C. by Steam; Example 4 0330 3.8 kg crosslinked starch was homogenously dis persed in 20 L purified water (hot water from the reaction Preparation of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin tank) to obtain a suspension, and the Suspension was added Powder Colorant Combination (CD-SCC) into the reaction tank using a vacuum pump; 0351 1. 352 g copper sodium chlorophyll (From Shan 0331 4. the reaction tank was slowly heated to 70° C. by dong Guangtongbao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.) (measured steam for gelatinization, the temperature was held at 70° C. E1%-490.4 g) was dissolved in 10 L purified water to obtain for about 20-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to a copper sodium chlorophyll solution; below 55° C.: 0352 2. 34.0 L purified water was added into a 500 L 0332 5. the Sweet potato red solution was added into the reaction tank, the system was heated rapidly to 60°C.-65 C. reaction tank using the vacuum pump; by Steam; 0333 6. the cooling water was removed when the tempera 0353 3.8 kg crosslinked starch was homogenously dis ture reached 48°C.-50° C., and the temperature was held for persed in 20 L purified water (hot water from the reaction about 40 min-60 min; tank) to obtain a suspension, and the Suspension was added 0334 7. the product was discharged as a suspension, spray into the reaction tank using a vacuum pump; dried, and pulverized until the particle size <50 m. 0354 4. the reaction tank was slowly heated to 70° C. by 0335 Mass of the product: 7.65 kg steam for gelatinization, the temperature was held at 70° C. 0336 Color value: 6.9 for about 20-30 min, and then was cooled (by cooling water) to below 55° C.: 0337 Mass yield: 76.62% 0355 5. the copper sodium chlorophyll was added into the 0338. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and reaction tank using the vacuum pump, and the pH value of the was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi system was adjusted to 3.5-4.0 by HCl; nation occurred at the boundaries of application. 0356 6. the cooling water was removed when the tempera ture reached 48°C.-50° C., and the temperature was held for Example 3 about 40 min-60 min; 0357 7. the product was discharged as a suspension, spray Preparation of Anthoblue Powder Colorant dried, and pulverized until the particle size <50 Lum. Combination (CD-AnthoBlue) 0358 Mass of the product: 6.65 kg 0339) 1.1.29 kg Anthoblue (acetylated anthocyanin puri 0359 Color value: 20.3 fied from red cabbage, from Ningbo Green-Health Pharma 0360 Material balance: yield of color value=56.66% ceutical Co., Ltd., nominal E1%=51.9, measured E1%=53.8) 0361 Mass yield: 79.62% and 327 gAlCl6H2O (180.76 g) was dissolved in 10 L 0362. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and purified water to obtain a red cabbage red solution; was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi (0340 2. 34.0 L purified water was added into a 500 L nation occurred at the boundaries of application. reaction tank, the system was heated rapidly to 60°C.-65 C. Example 5 by Steam; 0341 3.8 kg crosslinked starch was homogenously dis Preparation of Curcumin Powder Colorant persed in 20 L purified water (hot water from the reaction Combination tank) to obtain a suspension, and the Suspension was added 0363 1.5 g crosslinked starch was added into 50 ml water, into the reaction tank using a vacuum pump; 0364 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. for gelatini 0342. 4. the reaction tank was slowly heated to 70° C. by zation, the temperature was held for about 20 min-30 min, and steam for gelatinization, the temperature was held at 70° C. then was cooled by cooling water to 48°C.-50° C.; for about 20-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to 0365 3.0.5 g curcumin (crystal size.<50 um, E1%–1465, below 55° C.: determined in 50% ethanol aqueous solution, from Ningbo 0343 5. the red cabbage red solution was added into the Traditional Chinese Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.) was added reaction tank using the vacuum pump, and the pH value of the into the system and stirred until homogenous, and the tem system was adjusted to 4.0-4.5 by NaOH: perature was held for about 40 min 60 min: 0344 6. the cooling water was removed when the tempera 0366 4. the product was discharged as a suspension, spray ture reached 48°C.-50° C., and the temperature was held for dried, and pulverized until the particle size <50 m. about 40 min-60 min; 0367 Mass of the product: 3.5g 0345 7. the product was discharged as a suspension, spray 0368 Color value: 135 dried, and pulverized until the particle size <50 lum. 0369 Mass yield: 63.6% US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0370. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and 0388 5. the system was spray dried to provide a red prod was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi uct. nation occurred at the boundaries of application. 0389. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi Example 6 nation occurred at the boundaries of application. Preparation of Paprika Red Colorant Combination Example 9 0371) 1.2 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 20 ml purified water; Preparation of Elderberry Extract Combination 0372. 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 0390 1. 10g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 purified water; min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below 0391) 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 50° C. for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 0373 3.0.2 g paprika red colorant was added with stirring, min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below and the system was continuously stirred at room temperature 50° C. until homogeneous; 0392) 3. 1.0 g elderberry extract was added with stirring, 0374. 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the and the system was continuously stirred at room temperature system in order to reduce the viscosity; until homogeneous; 0375 5. the system was spray dried to providea orange (or 0393 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the yellow) product. system in order to reduce the viscosity; 0376. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and 0394 5. the system was spray dried to provide a deep red was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi product. nation occurred at the boundaries of application. 0395. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and 0377 The application of conventional paprika red colo was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi rant is quite limited due to its unpleasant Smell. The inventors nation occurred at the boundaries of application. Surprisingly find that, the combination described herein advantageously eliminates the unpleasant Smell of paprika Example 10 red colorant. Preparation of Lutein Combination Example 7 0396 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml purified water; Preparation of Gardenia Blue Colorant Combination 0397 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 0378 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 purified water; min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below 0379 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 50° C. for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 0398. 3.0.5 glutein (crystal size <50 um) was added with min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below stirring, the system was continuously stirred at room tempera 50° C. ture until homogeneous, and the temperature was held for 0380 3.0.2 g gardenia blue colorant was added with stir 40-60 min; ring, and the system was continuously stirred at room tem 0399. 4. the system was spray dried, and pulverized to perature until homogeneous; below 50 lum, to provide the product. 0381. 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the 0400. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and system in order to reduce the viscosity; was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi 0382 5. the system was spray dried to provide a blue nation occurred at the boundaries of application. product. 0383. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and Example 11 was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi nation occurred at the boundaries of application. Preparation of Red Radish Combination 0401 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml Example 8 purified water; 0402. 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath Preparation of Carminic Acid Colorant Combintion for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 0384 1. 10g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below purified water; 50° C. 0385 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 0403. 3. 0.5g red radish colorant was added with stirring, for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 and the system was continuously stirred at room temperature min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below until homogeneous; 50° C. 0404 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the 0386 3.0.5 g carminic acid colorant was added with stir system in order to reduce the viscosity; ring, and the system was continuously stirred at room tem 04.05 5. the system was spray dried to provide the product. perature until homogeneous: 0406. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and 0387 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi system in order to reduce the viscosity; nation occurred at the boundaries of application. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

0407. The application of conventional red radish colorant 0426 Notes: is quite limited due to its unpleasant Smell. The inventors 0427 1. Advantageous gelatinization temperature range: Surprisingly find that, the colorant combination described 650 C-85O C. herein advantageously eliminates the unpleasant Smell of red 0428 2. Classification of the colors in the examples: radish colorant. 0429 Water soluble color: safflower yellow; Sweet potato red; Anthoblue; sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue; Example 12 carminic acid; elderberry; red radish; beet root red; and mela nin (alkaline water soluble). Preparation of beet root red combination 0430 Oil soluble color: curcumin; paprika red; lutein; and B-carotene. 0408 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml 0431 Comparison Between the Colorants According to purified water; Embodiments Described Herein and Conventional Colorants 04.09 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath 0432 Abbreviations for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 0433 CD-SP: ColorDispersible 2R-03 Powder (Sweet min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below Potato) described above. 50° C. 0434) CD-S: ColorDispersible 2Y-01 Powder (Safflower 0410 3.0.5 g beet root red colorant was added with stir Yellow) described above. ring, and the system was continuously stirred at room tem 0435 SP: (conventional) Sweet Potato Red Powder perature until homogeneous; 0436 SP-S: (conventional) Sweet Potato Red aqueous 0411. 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the Solution system in order to reduce the viscosity; 0437 AB: Anthoblue (acetylated anthocyanin purified 0412 5. the system was spray dried to provide the product. from red cabbage, from Ningbo Green-Health Pharmaceuti 0413. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and cal Co., Ltd.) powder was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi 0438 AB-S: AnthoBlue aqueous solution nation occurred at the boundaries of application. 0439 CD-AB: CD-AnthoBlue Example 13 Example 1 Preparation of Melanin Combination Comparison Between CD-SP and Conventional SP 0414 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml in Peanut Oil purified water; 0440 5 ml Peanut oil was mixed with 4 mg. SP or 10 mg 0415 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath CD-SP for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 0441. As can be seen from FIG.1, CD-SP is well dispersed min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below in peanut oil, while SP was not. 50° C. 0416) 3. 0.5 g. melanin was added with stirring, and the Example 2 system was continuously stirred at room temperature until homogeneous; Comparison Between CD-SP/CD-S and 0417. 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the Conventional Synthetic and Natural Colorants in system in order to reduce the viscosity; Sunflower Oil 0418 5. the system was spray dried to provide the product. 0442. Different conventional synthetic and natural colo 0419. The colorant combination was applied to pasta and rants, as well as CD-SP and CD-S described above, was was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi mixed with Sunflower oil and was allowed to stand for 24 h, nation occurred at the boundaries of application. respectively. As shown in FIG.2-FIG.4, at 0h, both CD-SP and CD-S were well dispersed in Sunflower oil and homog Example 14 enous systems were obtained, while conventional synthetic and natural colors cannot. FIGS. 3 and 4 are enlarged views of Preparation of B-Carotene Composition FIG. 2. As shown in FIG.5 and FIG. 6, after 24h, both CD-SP and CD-S were still well dispersed in sunflower oil, with little 0420) 1.5 g crosslinked starch was dispersed into 50 ml precipitation and the systems keep their original color, while purified water; conventional synthetic and natural colors were substantially 0421 2. the system was heated to 68-70° C. in water bath precipitated from Sunflower oil and the systems became trans for gelatinization, the temperature was held for about 20 parent (i.e. conventional synthetic and natural colorants can min-30 min, and then was cooled by cooling water to below not be applied in Such oil systems). 50° C. 0443. The results showed that CD-SP and CD-S described 0422 3.0.5 gf3-carotene carotene was added with stirring, herein has significantly higher dispersibility and stability in and the system was continuously stirred at room temperature oil system than conventional synthetic and natural colorants. until homogeneous; 0423 4. a suitable amount of water was added into the Example 3 system in order to reduce the viscosity; 0424 5. the system was spray dried to provide the product. Comparison Between CD-SP and Conventional 0425 The colorant combination was applied to pasta and SP/SP-S in PEG (400) was found to not bleed. No diffusion of the colorant combi 0444 As can be seen from FIGS. 7-9, at 0 h (FIG. 7), a nation occurred at the boundaries of application. homogeneous colored system can be obtained with SP-S and US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013

CD-SP, but cannot be obtained with SP; after 1 h, the colorant -continued precipitated from the SP-S system, and the color of the SP-S system became lighter, while CD-SP system kept its original Abbrevia color (FIG. 8); after 15 h, the colorants were substantially Product Name Producer tion precipitated from the SP system and the SP-S system, and Janatirlich Sunflower oil Janatirlich Sunflower Such systems became colorless, however, little colorant pre cipitated from the CD-SP colorant (FIG. 9). The result Milka White chocolade Milka tests showed that CD-SP colorant has significantly higher dispers ability and stability in a PEG (400) system. Conventional 0448 FIG. 13 provides uses of various embodiments colorants are not applicable in Such a system, but the colorant described herein in various foodstuffs as noted above. Some described herein is applicable. observations that can be drawn from the use in foodstuffs include that CD-colors (for example in pasta) the CD-colors Example 4 are heat resistant even at elevated temperatures and they do not degrade to any significance; the disadvantage of bleeding Comparison Between CD-AB, Conventional AB, can be reduced, for example: cooking of pasta does not appre and AB-S in PEG 400 ciably bleed into the water; and that CD-colors can be used in fatty (oleophobic/lipophobic) formulations and in solid for 0445. As can be seen from FIGS. 10-12, at Oh (FIG. 10), mulations. a homogeneous colored system can be obtained with AB-S and CD-AB, but cannot be obtained with AB; after 1 h, the Example 5 colorant precipitated from the AB-S system, and the color of the SP-S system changed, while CD-AB system kept its origi Dispersing CD-SP is Water with Heat to Provide a nal color (FIG. 111); after 15 h, the colorants were substan Swelled Material tially precipitated from the ABsystem and the AB-S system, 0449 50 ml distilled water and 900 mg of CD-SP were and the color of such systems changed significantly, however, heated in water for 3 minutes at 100° C. to produce a viscous little colorant precipitated from the CD-AB colorant (FIG. Solution. The viscous solution was then dried at room tem 12). The results showed that CD-AB colorant has signifi perature for 48 hours to afford a red powder. The resultant red cantly higher dispersability and stability in a PEG (400) sys powder was dispersible in or an oil. tem. Conventional colorants are not applicable in such sys 0450 Although the present invention has been described tem, but the colorant as described herein is applicable. with reference to preferred embodiments, persons skilled in 0446. Application of compositions described herein in the art will recognize that changes may be made in form and fatty conditions detail without departing from the spirit and scope of the 0447 Reagents invention. All references cited throughout the specification, including those in the background, are incorporated herein in their entirety. Those skilled in the art will recognize, or be able to ascertain, using no more than routine experimentation, Abbrevia many equivalents to specific embodiments of the invention Product Name Producer tion described specifically herein. Such equivalents are intended ColorDispersible 2R-03 powder (Sweet Described CD-SP to be encompassed in the scope of the following claims. Potato) herein What is claimed is: ColorDispersible 2Y-01 powder Described CD-S 1. A dispersible colorant comprising a combination of a (Safflower Yellow) herein Sweet Potato Red Powder Wuhan Green SP colorant and a polysaccharide, wherein the weight ratio of Food total colorant to total polysaccharide is in the range of 5000:1 Biological to 1:5OOO. Engineering Co., Ltd. 2. The dispersible colorant according to claim 1, wherein ColorDispersible Anthoblue Powder F Described CD-AB the polysaccharide is cellulose, a cellulose derivative or a herein cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose. Quality first Polar cod Billa Austria Polar cod 3. The dispersible colorant according to claim 1, wherein S-Budget Vanilla ice cream (10 g fat Spar Austria Ice cream the colorant is a natural colorant. 100 g) Spar Mayonnaise (50% fat) (=salad Spar Austria Salad 4. The dispersible colorant according to claim 1, wherein cream) C8 the colorant is a natural edible colorant. Ceres (100% coconut fat) WFIWels Coconut 5. The dispersible colorant according to claim 1, wherein fat Schärdinger creamy nature yogurt Berglandmilch, yogurt the colorant is safflower yellow, sweet potato red, anthoblue, (3.6% fat) Wels Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, carminic acid, Spar cream (36% fat) Berglandmilch, C8 elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, aronia and Wels mixtures thereof. Wiener Sugar (crystallized Sugar) Agrana, Wien Sugar Austrian butter (out of pasteurized milk) Pinzgauer Milch butter 6. The dispersible colorant according to claim 2, wherein (mind. 82% fat) the colorant is safflower yellow, sweet potato red, anthoblue, Zentis Marzipan Zentis GmbHCo marzipan Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, carminic acid, KG elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, aronia and Clever flour (Type W 480) - wheat Delikatessa flour mixtures thereof. GmbH Haas Instant gelatin (mixture of gelatin Ed. Haas gelatine 7. The disperse colorant according to claim 1, wherein the and glucose syrup) Austria colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, J-carotene, lyco pene and mixtures thereof. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 20

8. The disperse colorant according to claim 2, wherein the 20. The method of claim 16, further comprising the steps: colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, B-carotene, lyco dispersing the dispersible colorant in a solvent to form a pene and mixtures thereof. mixture; 9. The dispersible colorant according to claim 1, wherein heating the mixture between 60° C. and 120° C. to treat the the polysaccharide is starch, a starch derivative or a cross dispersible colorant; and linked starch. cooling the mixture to provide a heat treated dispersible 10. The dispersible colorant according to claim 9, wherein colorant. the colorant is a natural colorant. 21. The method of claim 20, wherein the solvent is water. 11. The dispersible colorant according to claim 9, wherein 22. The method of claim 16, further comprising the step of the colorant is a natural edible colorant. heating the dispersible colorant to a temperature below the 12. The dispersible colorant according to claim 9, wherein melting or degradation point and cooling the dispersible colo the colorant is safflower yellow, sweet potato red, anthoblue, rant to provide a heat treated dispersible colorant. Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, carminic acid, 23. The method of claim 18, further comprising the steps: elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, aronia and dispersing the dispersible colorant in a solvent to form a mixtures thereof. mixture; 13. The disperse colorant according to claim 9, wherein the heating the mixture between 60° C. and 120° C. to treat the colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, B-carotene, lyco dispersible colorant; and pene and mixtures thereof. cooling the mixture to provide a heat treated dispersible 14. The use of a disperse colorant according to claim 1, colorant. wherein the dispersible colorant is applied in the manufacture 24. The method of claim 23, wherein the solvent is water. of food products, Sweets, chocolates, cosmetics, toys, bever 25. The method of claim 18, further comprising the step of ages, nutraceuticals, or pharmaceutical products. heating the dispersible colorant to a temperature below the 15. A method to impart a color to a food product, a sweet, melting or degradation point and cooling the dispersible colo a chocolate, a cosmetic, a toy material or a pharmaceutical rant to provide a heat treated dispersible colorant. product comprising the step of adding a dispersible colorant 26. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, comprising according to claim 1 to the food product, Sweet, chocolate, the steps: cosmetic, toy material or pharmaceutical product. 1) dispersing a starch in water to obtain a Suspension; 16. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, comprising 2) heating the aqueous Suspension to gelatinize the starch; the steps: 3) adding an oil-soluble colorant or an aqueous solution of 1) dissolving a water-soluble colorant in water to form a water-soluble colorant into the gelatinized Starch to pro Solution, wherein the colorant is present from an amount vide a mixture; and greater than Zero to saturation in the water, 4) optionally adjusting the pH of the mixture to afford a 2) adding a polysaccharide to the Solution prepared in step dispersible colorant mixture. 1) to form a mixture; 27. The process of claim 26, further comprising the step of 3) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of step 2) isolating the dispersible colorant mixture. until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to 28. The process of claim 27, wherein the isolation step is by about 8.5 to form a mixture; spray drying. 4) heating the mixture obtained from step 3), followed by 29. The process of claim 26, wherein the starch is a cross optionally cooling the mixture until a solution, colored linked starch. precipitate or Suspension is formed; and 30. The process of claim 26, wherein the aqueous suspen 5) collecting the dispersible colorant. sion is heated to a temperature below 100° C. 17. The method of claim 16, further comprising the step of 31. The process of claim 30, wherein the temperature is Subjecting the Solution, colored precipitate or Suspension to between about 60° C. and about 80° C. spray drying to obtain a powdered dispersible colorant. 32. The process of claim 26, wherein the colorant is saf 18. A method to prepare a dispersible colorant, comprising flower yellow, Sweet potato red, anthoblue, sodium copper the steps: chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, carminic acid, elderberry, red 1) dissolving an oil-soluble colorant in an organic solvent radish, beet root red, melanin, aronia, curcumin, paprika red, or a mixture of organic solvents to form a mixture, lutein, B-carotene, lycopene, and mixtures thereof wherein the colorant is present from an amount greater 33. The method of claim 26, further comprising the steps: than Zero to Saturation in the organic solvent(s): dispersing the dispersible colorant in a solvent to form a 2) adding a Surfactant to the mixture of step 1), optionally mixture; with water to form a mixture; heating the mixture between 60° C. and 120° C. to treat the 3) adding a polysaccharide to the mixture of step 2) to form dispersible colorant; and a mixture; cooling the mixture to provide a heat treated dispersible 4) optionally adding a pH regulator to the mixture of step 3) colorant. until the pH of the mixture reaches a pH of about 2 to 34. The method of claim 33, wherein the solvent is water. about 8.5 to form a mixture; 35. The method of claim 26, further comprising the step of (5) heating the mixture of step 4) followed optionally by heating the dispersible colorant to a temperature below the cooling the mixture until a solution, colored precipitate melting or degradation point and cooling the dispersible colo or Suspension is formed; and rant to provide a heat treated dispersible colorant. (6) collecting the dispersible colorant. 36. A heat treated dispersible colorant comprising a starch, 19. The method of claim 16, further comprising the step of a starch derivative or a crosslinked starch and a colorant. Subjecting the Solution, colored precipitate or Suspension to 37. The heat treated dispersible colorant according to claim spray drying to obtain a powdered dispersible colorant. 36, wherein the colorant is saffloweryellow, Sweet potato red, US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 21 anthoblue, Sodium copper chlorophyllin, gardenia blue, car minic acid, elderberry, red radish, beet root red, melanin, aronia and mixtures thereof. 38. The heat treated dispersible colorant according to claim 36, wherein the colorant is curcumin, paprika red, lutein, J-carotene, lycopene and mixtures thereof. 39. Use of the heat treated dispersible colorant according to claim 36, wherein the dispersible colorant is applied in the manufacture of food products, Sweets, nutraceuticals, bever ages, chocolates, cosmetics, toys, or pharmaceutical prod uctS. 40. The dispersible colorant of claim 14, wherein the nutra ceutical or pharmaceutical product is in the form of a tablet, capsule, powder, Solution, injectable or granulated. 41. The heat treated dispersible colorant of claim 39, wherein the nutraceutical or pharmaceutical product is in the form of a tablet, capsule, powder, solution, injectable or granulated.