US 2013 0281548A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0281548 A1 Jin et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 24, 2013 (54) COMPOSITIONS COMPRISINGA Publication Classification COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE COLORANT ANDAT LEAST ONE (51) Int. Cl. POLYSACCHARIDE A2.3L I/275 (2006.01) A647/36 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: EPC (BEIJING) NATURAL A68/73 (2006.01) PRODUCTS CO.,LTD., Beijing (CN) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ................. A23L I/2751 (2013.01); A61 K8/73 (72) Inventors: Zhijin Jin, Beijing (CN); Jingang Shi, (2013.01); A61 K47/36 (2013.01) Beijing (CN) USPC ......... 514/777: 426/250; 426/540: 106/501.1 (73) Assignee: EPC (Beijing) Natural Products Co., Ltd., Beijing (CN) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 13/840,005 Dispersible colorants that include a combination of a colorant (22) Filed: Mar 15, 2013 and a polysaccharide are provided, wherein the weight ratio of total colorant to total polysaccharide is in the range of Related U.S. Application Data 5000:1 to 1:5000. In one aspect, the colorant is a synthetic or (60) Provisional application No. 61/635,594, filed on Apr. natural colorant. In one aspect, polysaccharide is interpreted 19, 2012, provisional application No. 61/783,578, very broadly and provides a colored precipitate upon the filed on Mar. 14, 2013. combination of the colorant with the polysaccharide. Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 1 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 eart is gift S. right: C-SP Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 2 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 ifferent synthetic and natural coors mixed with siniawer oi: Concentration .5%: - our R. Car: Red Carnirio, A. R. Ajira red FS 12, Panc.: Poncea FS, CB-S: C-Saffower NF 27, C SP; CO-Sweet potati). AN 35, GY: Gardenia Yeow NF 1, SP: Sweet potato AN 38, MAQ: Maqi AN 31, Sweet Potato icic, ibiscus Eiquid Figure 2 R.Car: Ked carrinic FS, A. R.: Aiura ed FS 2, onc, ; Ponceau FS i, CED-8; C-Safflower NF 27, C-SP; CO-Sweet Botato AN 35, GY: Gardenia Yeow N, 3. Figure 3 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 3 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 C-SP; CO-Sweet Potato AN 35. GY: Gardenia Yellow NF 13, SP: Sweet Potato AN33, MAC: vaqui AN3, Sweet Potato liquid, ibisits igui Figure 4 Gifferent systetic and attracio's nixed with sfoyer di: Cocentratio 0.5% - or 24 R.Car: Red carninic. FS, A. R.: Aura fed FS 2, panc.: Ponceat S : E-S: C-Saffowser NF 27, C-SP; CO-Sweet Potato EA 35, 3Y: Gardenia Yellow RF, SP: Sweet Potato AN 33, wiAO: Waqi AN 31, Sweet Potato iguid, ibisi is iluid Figure 5 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 4 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 Brecipitation of C-Said C-Spirgil after 28 hat: 8 S& »S 8 S & & S S 8 Figare 6 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 5 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 Figure ? Figure 8 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 6 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 St Figure 9 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 7 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 figie is Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 8 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 St Figs's 2 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 9 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 ¿??? |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 10 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 3. Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 11 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 24, 2013 Sheet 12 of 12 US 2013/0281548A1 -- (S. US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISINGA effects. Some toxicity can be traced to deposition in bone and COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE the central nervous system, which can be increased in patients COLORANT ANDAT LEAST ONE with reduced renal function. Because aluminum competes POLYSACCHARDE with calcium for physiological absorption, increased amounts of dietary aluminum may contribute to reduced skel CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED etal mineralization (osteopenia) observed in preterm infants APPLICATIONS and infants with growth retardation. 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional 0009. In very high doses, aluminum can cause neurotox Patent Application No. 61/635,594, filed Apr. 19, 2012, and icity, and can be associated with altered function of the blood U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/783,578, filed brain barrier. A Small percentage of people are allergic to Mar. 14, 2013 all entitled “COMPOSITIONS COMPRIS aluminum and experience contact dermatitis, digestive disor ING ACOMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE COLORANT ders, vomiting or other symptoms upon contact or ingestion ANDAT LEAST ONE POLYSACCHARIDE, the contents of products containing aluminum, Such as deodorants orant of which are incorporated herein in their entirety for all pur acids. In those without allergies, aluminum is not as toxic as poses. heavy metals, but there is evidence of some toxicity if it is consumed in excessive amounts. Furthermore, aluminum FIELD OF THE INVENTION salts increase estrogen-related gene expression in human breast cancer cells cultured in the laboratory. The estrogen 0002 Dispersible colorants comprising a combination of like effects of these salts have led to their classification as a a colorant and a polysaccharide are described. In particular, metalloestrogen. dispersible colorants comprising a combination of a colorant 0010. The occurrence of aluminum in antiperspirants, or and a polysaccharide are provided that are useful in any colorants, such as aluminum lakes, and/or food additives is applications wherein conventional colorants, including pig controversial in some Scientific quarters. Aluminum in food ments, lakes, etc., can be applied, and are especially, useful in may be absorbed more effectively than aluminum from water. the manufacture of food products, Sweets, cosmetics, toys, Some researchers have expressed concerns that aluminum in pharmaceutical products, etc. antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer, and aluminum has controversially been implicated as a factor in BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Alzheimer's disease. According to The Alzheimer's Society, 0003 Colorants are materials that change the color of the overwhelming medical and Scientific opinion is that stud reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength ies have not convincingly demonstrated a causal relationship selective absorption. Conventionally, colorants are widely between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, used for coloring paint, inks, plastics, fabrics, cosmetics, some studies, such as those on the PAQUID cohort, cite foods and other materials. aluminum exposure as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. 0004. A problem in the application of colorants is that 0011. In view of the above mentioned toxicity of alumi many colorants, especially natural colorants, are more or less num, many countries and organizations have decided to water soluble. They will leak and “bleed' (i.e., diffusion of establish a maximum limit for aluminum in food additives, color from the Substrate into the environment) if in an aque especially colorants. ous environment, which is a problem in many applications. 0012. Therefore, a need exists for an alternative colorant 0005. Another problem in the application of colorants is for aluminum lakes which have similar or superior perfor that many colorants, especially natural colorants, have poor mances in comparison with aluminum lakes but overcome thermal/light stabilities. This is problematic in many applica one or more of the disadvantages of aluminum-containing tions, such as, in the manufacture of food products, Sweets, lakes, such as toxicity. cosmetics, toys, pharmaceutical products, etc. 0006 To overcome the above mentioned problems of BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION colorants, lakes have been developed. Lakes are color addi 0013 Dispersible colorants are provided that include a tives prepared by precipitating a soluble colorant onto an combination of a colorant and a polysaccharide, wherein the acceptable insoluble base or substrate. The substrates can weight ratio of total colorant to total polysaccharide is in the include, but are not limited to, alumina, Zinc oxide, calcium range of 5000:1 to 1:5000. In one aspect, the colorant is carbonate or talc. Lakes impart color by being dispersed into interpreted very broadly and includes synthetic or natural a medium. When compared to pure colorants, lakes have colorants. In one aspect, polysaccharide is interpreted very Superior opacity and improved thermal/light stability. Among broadly and provides a colored precipitate upon the combi others, aluminum lakes are conventionally applied due to nation of the colorant(s) with the polysaccharide. their Superior performances in comparison with lakes based 0014. The dispersible colorants can be the product(s) of on other Substrates. absorption, adsorption, complexation, chelation, hydrogen 0007 Aluminum is the third most abundant element, and bonding, van der Walls interactions, interpentration, electro the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. The effects of static interations, hydrophilic/hydrophilic, hydrophobic/hy aluminum on humans have been extensively reviewed. drophobic, hydrophilic/hydrophobic domain interactions, Despite such studies, there is little indication that aluminum is coating, encapsulation, etc. between the colorant and the acutely toxic for the general population, its health effects are polysaccharide. Generally the dispersible colorants precipi of interest in view of the widespread occurrence of the ele tate from the reaction mixture to provide a solid material that ment in the environment and in commerce. can be further processed. 0008 Literature has reported that prolonged exposure to 0015. In one aspect, an all-natural process and resultant aluminum can cause systemic toxicity, mainly affecting the compositions are provided to make water-soluble colors gastrointestinal tract and causing neurological and skeletal become water insoluble that can be used in lipophilic envi US 2013/0281548 A1 Oct. 24, 2013 ronments. For example, methods and compositions provided 0025 FIG.
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