Chapter 1 DEDICATION We dedicate this work to both of our parents to whom we are greatly indebted - our fathers: the late Mr. Muhammad Mehdi Peiravi, and Mr. Charles Henry Morgan. We also pray for the blessing of our mothers Mrs. Talat Sheikh Peiravi and Mrs. Betty June Morgan whom our chil- dren and we love and are still under their spiritual protection and loving support. Dr. Ali Peiravi Ms. Lisa Zaynab Morgan
[email protected] 2 Part 1 TRADITIONS ABOUT AL-REZA (S) 3 31-1 My father and Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed - may God be pleased with them - quoted on the authority of Sa’ad ibn Abdullah and Ja’far al-Hemyari, on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Hashem, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Al-Jahm that he had heard Abal Hassan Ali ibn Musa (Imam) Al-Reza (s) say, “Everyone’s friend is his intellect and everyone’s enemy is his ignorance.” 31-2 Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Imran ad-Daqaq, Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-San’ani and Al-Hussein ibn Ibrahim ibn Ahmad al-Mokattib - may God have mercy upon them - narrated that Abul Hussein Muhammad ibn Abi Abdullah al-Kufi quoted on the au- thority of Sahl ibn Zayd al-Adami, on the authority of Abdul Adheem ibn Abdullah Al-Hassani, on the authority of Mahmood ibn Abil Bilad that he had heard Al-Reza (s) say, “Whoever is ungrateful for the bless- ings from the created ones is not grateful to God the Honorable the Exalted.” 31-3 According to the same documentation, Ibrahim ibn Abi Mah- mood narrated that Al-Reza (s) said, “A believer is one who rejoices over doing good deeds, and repents from doing wicked deeds.