Sikkim University Surendra Mani Pradhan
Dynamics of Ehi ceremony among the Newars of District Darjeeling A Dissertation Submitted To Sikkim University In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Philosophy By Surendra Mani Pradhan Department of Anthropology School of Human Sciences April 2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With a deep sense of gratitude, I would like to acknowledge the wholehearted support, encouragement and help of many people who have assisted me during this research. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. K.R Rama Mohan, Department of Anthropology, Sikkim University, Gangtok. Sir has been very kind to me in every stage of the preparation of my study that has resulted into this thesis. Without his support, this work would not have been completed. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. C.K. Lepcha and Dr. Samson Singh, Dr. James Haokip, Dr. Garima Thakuri for their guidance and encouragement. I express my thanks to the faculty and staff members of Anthropology Department for their valuable help and advice in shaping this thesis. I am truly indebted to the members of Newar community for their co-operation during my fieldwork. I would like to thank the people of Rimbick for their co-operation and support during my fieldwork. I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Badshah Pradhan, president of Akhil Bharatya Newar Sangathan, Darjeeling, his family members and Mr. Yogbir Sakya for providing me with accommodation, books and data. I would also like give special thanks to my friends, Samundra Mani Pradhan, Yogendra Mani Pradhan, Subarna Mani Pradhan, Vivek Thapa, Alisha Pradhan, Siddhart Chettri, Tenzing Bhutia, Sagar Chettri, Passang Wangdi Dukpa, Yogesh Sharma, Avishek Biswakarma, Rongnyoo Lepcha, Mongfing Lepcha, Duka Devi Chhetri, Tenzing Zangmu Lepcha, .
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