v 1: : *•'•<•<«: ? / ;»*v ; \ • :•"• v•;>£ s VISITATION ACADEMY^ '*: CONVENT ' * ;r y ;••... »vjhi - \ v •v;%^C-., • • -• •:., •,;..-'•• ', •••;•. -• .; •••: ; :, -, .* , . ... • i .^,: i '-••;- '- •->-•; v^'.'-^v^;^-> •.•>;-. •. , /:. v Bishop Portier secured the services of Visitation Nuns frpm ;^ >;V:"iV'^"*<.';C K-'^'^ViPribourg, Switzerland in November,? 1832, to conduct a school ;y;../!;v ,;..•-^^for girls, in Mobile* ' They arrived on Dec* 31, Sister 'Madeleine'/.-;':,.:; '^f^v ;'.. -v *;• : '"'.:•';•":.• '•;'•:•••:+•.';-i >•"•.••. •-•''••: '•;•'•••'v--->\'. ••• . '.-'*r'v f^rV^ Augustine d'Arregger, superior, Sister Mary Ignatia Miles and :•*«;;'« K<.-! .^V . •', '• '• .. .'•,•• • v .,'':'•'•'.• : " .••.:''. i.«.V„ .'..•••«- : ,k -•".. .••...•" •'.•.,...'-,'.' ^'vC^U^'Slster Mary Paulina Millard, from Georgetown. The new institution ,^'V i(jt^|***-fl> erected on the 27-^aore" deAngelis property at a" cost of ^7,000.;:.'.; '•S}^i*!lfl ' •).•;•• •"'"•'>'. ••;. ;•./:/,: •;;:'v:'after a few months "'•"(.•-'• ^ from Baltimore,.'.; ^^•^JvCvV The first croup of sisters left/and were replaced by others under;.^"y-l i'V^i'7* '*'• ',*••' -•. .v'v., :•••!." •' ••••''.,-•:' •• •',•'..-. •.•'•»•..••? ,'.<-,,."•••;•, .• .-•.• • •;. •' •.-• • }.,i^'v V"^* i^Sister Margaret Marshall» The Chapel was .dedicated, under the i-.'i:.,•;,•?' -V ; i ^'> -r .-patronage of St." Francis, deSales in 'l8i;5.' ': . ;1j^^.;|]»t W^tV^^^^^t ^^•'"•%«-;.-:':. ^';«^^1^^-^', :' ;••• / •• •:•••:• •,.-.: -'.v-;'--. v••'.,:.••• .:\-,:,'v^^^ t i v,: , H-,:''-*' ' 1-{--*
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