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Treacherous territory KtakdtTM Father Ctiarlw Mullloan followcwJ ttfe h*m Into tre«Kft«rcHJ3 twitory as? ht teft Wowky for a flve-yw fense <;rpwn#4 C«4tMl Haw1** withashytwt9*fP«i»ttli4^

COURIER-IOURNAlhui^day Septembei l a 14oo L Worlds Nation DPC meeting focuses on in tension in th* air % from NC News By Teresa A- Parsoni Matthew H. Clark spoke frankly World about the implications of current conflicts Pope calls for prayer meeting between the Vatican and U.S; Catholic Vatican City — Pope John Paul II said leaders at the Diocesan Pastoral Council's he called for a prayer meeting of world (DPC) first meeting of the 19I&/87 year, religious leaders, to be held in October, Saturday, Sept. 13. ' ;,-' because only an appeal to God could lead Bishop Clark told representatives gathered to peace. The pope spoke on the meeting at Holy Rosary School in Roehe-.ter that, to during a weekend which included a visit to his knowledge, the in the the central Italian town of Aprilia, where United States has received, a degree of he blessed the opening of two parish attention from the thai is unparal­ churches and commemorated the -town's leled in comparison to the attention given to 50th anniversary. In his Sept. 14 Ajigelus other nations during the last five years. address, the pope said he had invited the "There has been tension in