Guidelines for customs processing and forwarding of cargo for the 29th Winter Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019


Introduction 3 Section A Cargos 3 A1. Before shipping goods to 3 A2. Shipping cargos 7 A3. Points of customs processing in Russia 8 A4. Customs broker 9 A5. Customs declaration 10 A6. Customs documents 10 A7. Restricted goods and permissive documentation 12 A8. Intellectual property rights 14 A9. Customs procedures 15 A10. Biathlon weapons and ammunition 22 A11. Delivery to venue and logistic support on site 23 A12. Pickup procedure 23 Section B Personal belongings 24 B1. Customs procedures on arrival 24 B2. Customs procedures at departure 29 Section C Procedure for enrolment in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019 31 Section D Logistics team of ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 32 Section E Logistics operator 32 Annexes 33



These guidelines for customs processing and forwarding of cargo (hereinafter the Guidelines) are purported as an overview of the processes for importing, exporting and customs processing of cargos intended for the 29th Winer Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019 (hereinafter the Winter Universiade 2019). These Guidelines are intended mainly for: the International University Sports Federation (FISU); leading broadcasting companies and media stakeholders; sports delegations; other suppliers of commodities and services. Participating FISU, media and other information companies and delegations should refer to respective dedicated publications. Customs procedures in Russia differ depending on the method of shipment and the exporting countries, and also whether the goods are intended for private or commercial use: goods shipped by a logistic company as cargo or escorted baggage imported on behalf and for the purposes of an organization; hand baggage carried by individuals as personal items for private use. Procedures concerning both categories are described in separate sections of these Guidelines. Russia is member of the Eurasian Economic Union with Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. This needs to be considered when choosing transportation routes, whereas direct shipments to Russia should be preferred. The FISU, mass media and other information companies, delegations, their suppliers of goods and services are responsible for organizing international carriage of their cargos for the Winter Universiade 2019. If you need help from ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 in informing the customs on your international shipments, please see section A1 "Before shipping goods to Russia", Stage 3. This publication contains general information only, which shall in no case be considered as legally binding. If you need information on more specific questions or issues, please consult ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019, Russian customs authorities, your logistics operator or customs brokerage service providers or professional advisors and lawyers.

Section A – Cargos

Please read carefully the following instructions concerning the import of goods that will be shipped as cargo/freight by a logistics company.

A1. Before shipping goods in Russia

Stage 1. Decide who will be in charge for customs processing in Russia


In some cases goods may be imported to Russia for the purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019 on the basis of an agreement made with a Russian company (e.g. under a sales contract, marketing contract, or contract for provision of services using the goods so imported). In this case such Russian company will be in charge for customs processing and shall be applicant (importer of record) under the Russian law (regardless of the Incoterms conditions or contractual obligations). If a foreign company is importing its own goods for doing business in Russia without making contracts with Russian entities, such foreign company will be in charge for the customs processing and will be the applicant (importer of record). If goods are imported under a contract between two foreign companies (for example, a foreign supplier is importing any goods of the FISU/commercial partner of the FISU/broadcaster, or a commercial partner of the FISU is importing any goods of the FISU), then they have to decide who will be in charge of the customs processing of the goods so imported by reference to their contractual obligations, the expected customs procedure, and depending on who will be in charge of the goods during their stay in Russia, fulfilling requirements for completing the customs procedure, and be responsible for re-exporting the goods upon the end of the event, and other circumstances. As a general rule, ANO “Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019” recommends importing goods in the name of the company that will be using them while in Russia and will be in charge of the goods and their return upon the end of the event. Note that logistics companies and customs brokers act on behalf of companies and are not deemed as applicants/importers of record.

Stage 2. Choose a transport and logistics company and a customs broker

It is recommended to select a transport and logistics company and a customs broker as soon as possible to arrange the shipment and customs processing of goods that you want to import for the purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019 (at least 3- 4 weeks before the planned delivery of goods). A customs broker must be a Russian legal entity and have a special permit (license) for the provision of customs brokerage service. If you engage a foreign logistics operator for shipment and customs processing, it is required to sign a separate agreement for customs service in Russia with a Russian organization registered as a customs broker who will perform all procedures related to customs processing on your behalf. We strongly encourage you to engage a transport and logistics company and a customs broker with broad knowledge in import procedures and Russian customs legislation, including special customs rules applying to the Winter Universiade 2019, to avoid unnecessary delays. For more information, see Section A "Shipment of cargo" and Section A4 "Customs broker".


You can choose any forwarder or customs broker at your own discretion. For contact details of the ANO “Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019” logistics operator, refer to Section E.

Stage 3. Prepare an invoice/proforma invoice/shipping specification

As soon as you determine the list of goods that will be imported to Russia and as early as possible (at least 3-4 weeks prior to shipment): Fill-in an invoice or a proforma invoice or a shipping specification using your standard templates and forms. To make sure your list of goods contains all necessary data, see Section A6 "Customs documents". If you need support from ANO “Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019” in informing the customs on your international shipments, please fill-in the form given in annex H2 and send it in advance to the Organizing Committee enclosing the invoice/commercial invoice/shipping specification.

Stage 4. Determine the customs procedure for exporting goods from your country

Before shipping the goods, you have to select a customs procedure for exporting the goods and check with local customs authorities what requirements apply in respect of the export and return of the goods from/to your country. In particular, find out the regulations applied in your country to the sanctions regime that have to be considered in respect of freight shipments to Russia.

Stage 5. Check and exclude any forbidden goods from the consignment.

Certain commodities are forbidden to Russia. See some examples of such commodities below: certain ozone-depleting substances and hazardous industrial waste; images of extreme violence or rudeness, or pornography, materials in support of terrorism, etc.; crop protection agents included in schedules A and B of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; certain kinds of weapons and ammunition; certain kinds of fishing nets and electric fish traps; other. For the full list of forbidden items, visit the Federal Customs Service official website (available in Russian language only): Itemid=1829


Some foodstuffs (meat, poultry, fish, seafoods and products of them, milk and dairy products, cheese, fruit, vegetables, nuts, sport nutrition, salt, etc.) made in Albania, Australia, Canada, EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Ukraine and USA cannot be imported to Russia due to the economic sanctions regime. Some commodities cannot be carried by air due to the air transportation rules. Check with your customs broker and transport and logistics company for a list of such forbidden items and remove them from your shipment and from the transport documents. Import of forbidden goods into Russia may result in administrative fines (up to 200% of the cost of such goods) and/or forfeiture of the goods.

Stage 6. Determine the customs procedure for the import

Choose a relevant customs procedure for import and provide clear instructions regarding the customs procedure and expected period of stay of the goods in Russia to your customs broker. The import procedure will largely depend on how you are going to use the goods for the Winter Universiade 2019 and upon its completion. See Section A9.1 for details on commodities admitted by ATA carnets. Information on the use of the special customs procedure for sporting events (SCP), which concerns temporary admitted goods, goods for free distribution, goods consumed and expended during the event, is set out in Sections A9.2-A9.4. Section A9.5 provides detailed information on the release for domestic consumption (RDC) procedure.

Stage 7. Check that you are included in the list of persons authorized to place goods imported into the Russian Federation and intended for the organization and holding of the Winter Universiade 2019 under a special customs procedure.

If you are a FISU-related organization and have chosen a special customs procedure, make sure that you are included in the list of persons eligible to apply for exemption from customs duties, which is provided by the special customs procedure (Winter Universiade 2019 customs list). To be included in the Winter Universiade 2019 customs list of those eligible to apply for customs duty exemptions under the special customs procedure, follow the instructions in section C. We recommend all FISU client groups to be included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019 in advance, regardless of the timetable of your logistics operations. Please note that logistics companies and customs brokers act on behalf of FISU-related entities and cannot import goods intended for FISU-related entities on their own behalf. Therefore, logistics companies and customs brokers need not be included in the FISU customs list.


Stage 8. Obtain permission for importing your cargo (if applicable)

Depending on the customs procedure and the type of your cargo, you may need licenses and permissions for import from governmental authorities and a consent from the trade mark owner. Details on obtaining licenses and permissions of governmental authorities are stated in Section A7 "Restricted goods and permissive documentation". For information on permission by title holders in respect of trade mark labeled goods, see Section A8 "Intellectual property rights".

A2. Shipping cargos

Shipment details

Your chosen transportation and logistics company will be responsible for the shipment of your cargo from the specified place of shipment and for the delivery of your cargo to its final destination in Russia by land, sea, air or rail. Agree with the transportation and logistics company on transportation insurance, safe packaging and return of goods at the end of the event, as well as storage of goods and empty packaging during the event (if necessary). Provide the logistics company with clear instructions regarding your shipment, final destination and consignee of the goods at the destination. Please note that ANO “Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019” may not be a consignee of goods owned or intended for use by a third party. You should specify in advance who will accept the shipment at your destination and sign the relevant documents on your behalf. The transport and logistics company provides registration of the transport consignment note (air waybill, bill of lading, international consignment note, railway bill), depending on the type of transport used. You should send your transport and logistics company an invoice/proforma invoice/shipping specification and a packing list (see Section A6 "Customs documents"). These documents should accompany the cargo and have a stamp of the Russian border customs or border customs of other member state of the Eurasian Economic Union upon arrival in the territory of the member states of such union.

Prior notification procedure

The transport and logistics company should follow the standard prior notification procedure of the Eurasian Economic Union (except for shipments by sea) to ensure orderly customs processing at the border. This procedure includes the provision of advance cargo information in electronic form to the border customs service at least two hours before entry.


Please note that the information provided to customs as preliminary data (as well as for transit purposes) for goods intended for the organization and conduct of events of the Winter Universiade 2019 should include the following points: name of the sender and recipient of the goods (one of them must be included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019); name of the transport company; vehicle model and number (flight number for air transportation); total cost of the goods; total gross weight of the goods; total number of cases; final destination; purpose of the goods – for events of the Winter Universiade. Inconsistency of prior notification with the documents provided by the transport company when crossing the customs border may result in significant delays in customs clearance.

A3. Points of customs processing in Russia

Customs offices specified

The official point of import of goods for the Winter Universiade 2019 is Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk has customs terminals to process customs cargo delivered using different modes of transport. When concluding transport agreements with carriers, it is required to define the following customs terminals as the points of goods delivery: where cargo is carried in containers (by rail): 12 Ryazanskaya St., Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation, 660031 tax authority code: 10606060 where cargo is carried by air: Krasnoyarsk International Airport (Yemelianovo), Yemelianovsky District, Krasnoyarsk Territory, 663020 tax authority code: 10606010 transit zone in Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, Khimki, Moscow Region, 141400 tax authority code: 10005040 These customs terminals are defined as the official places of arrival of goods for the organization and holding of the Winter Universiade 2019. Before your cargo is delivered to the final destination, it will get through the customs station along the route, where it will undergo customs registration. You should choose a point of customs declaration depending on how your cargo will arrive to Russia (i.e. by sea, by air or by land) and which customs procedure will be used.


Goods may be declared under a special customs procedure or a release procedure for domestic consumption at any customs station of your choice, except when special goods of a restricted category are imported, which should be declared only at specific customs stations (e.g. vehicles, foodstuffs, jewelry, metal jewelry, including key chains, alcoholic and tobacco products). Please note that not all Russian customs stations are authorized to accept ATA carnets. The customs stations authorized to carry out customs clearance of goods by ATA carnets can be found in Annex H4 and under the link (in Russian only): 0&rangeSize=1

Cargos carried by air or by sea

If your cargo arrives by air or sea, you may find it easier to clear your shipment at the airport or at the seaport of destination. As for air freights, you can clear them at Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo) or other airports in the host cities. Cargos carried by sea can be cleared at customs stations in the ports of Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok or Novorossiysk.

Cargos carried by road or by rail

Goods transported by road or rail may be cleared at a border station or at an inland customs station. In the latter case, the goods shall be delivered to the relevant customs authority in accordance with the customs procedure for customs transit. In the case of inland clearance, customs authorities will require a financial collateral (a bond) for goods transported by road to the border before the inland customs station, except when the goods are transported under an ATA carnet or TIR carnet (for certain entry points only), or with the help of a carrier licensed as "customs carrier" in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union or under customs escort. Consult with your logistics operator about what is needed to provide financial collateral and how it should be provided.

A4. Customs broker

In most cases, customs clearance in Russia is handled by a customs broker who acts on behalf of and at the expense of the applicant (importer of record). The job of a customs broker is to help you collect the documents necessary for customs clearance, to obtain certain customs information (such as the HS codes, i.e. customs codes, customs value if necessary), to calculate customs duties, to determine restrictions on foreign trade, to complete and submit the customs declaration and accompanying documentation to the customs authority on your behalf.


On your request, the customs broker can provide additional services related to customs processing (prepare draft invoices, make translations of documents, obtain licenses and other permits on behalf of the applicant).

A5. Customs declaration

Depending on the selected customs procedure, different forms of customs declaration are filled in: ATA carnet – the ATA carnet itself is used as a customs declaration special customs procedure – the list of goods of the established form or the usual (standard) form of the customs declaration The release procedure for domestic consumption is the normal (standard) form of the customs declaration. The form of the list of goods for application of the special customs procedure is presented in Annex H3. Standard customs documentation is used for customs transit procedures. Declaration of goods under the transit customs procedure is made using standard customs documentation, but the transit declaration should contain less information about the goods to be used in the organization and conduct of the Winter Universiade 2019 (when delivering goods from the customs office on the border with the customs destination of goods). In addition, transport or commercial documents containing the following information may be used instead of a transit declaration: consignor's and consignee's names (one of them must be included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019); name of the transport company; vehicle model and registration number (flight number for air transportation); total cost of the goods; total gross weight of the goods; total quantity of the goods; point of final destination; purpose of the import – organization and conduct of the Winter Universiade 2019.

A6. Customs documents

The following basic documents should be attached to the customs declaration: waybill (airway bill, bill of lading, international consignment note, railway bill); invoice/proforma invoice/shipment specification or any other document that you normally use when declaring goods – 3 original stamped copies; packing list (if any) – 3 original stamped copies;


contract for the supply of goods or services (if the goods are imported for the purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019 on the basis of a contract in favor of the Russian company acting as the applicant (importer of record) in accordance with explanations to Section A1 "Before shipping goods to Russia", stage 1); licenses or permissions to import (if applicable); permission of the title holder to import goods with trademarks (if applicable); customs service agreement, if a customs broker is in charge of customs clearance of the cargo; power of attorney or other document of a similar nature issued in the name of an employee of the organization who declares goods on behalf of such organization, if customs clearance is performed without a customs broker. A customs broker or customs authority may request additional information for customs clearance of specialized, complex or high-tech equipment. We recommend that you contact your customs broker and discuss in advance what documents you will present at customs. It should be ensured that your invoice/proforma invoice/shipment specification contains at least the following information: name and description of each type of goods (including verbal description of goods, models and main technical and other characteristics); indication of the main function (if the purpose of goods is not generally known) and completeness; quantity of each type of goods (in appropriate units); HS code of the goods (customs code) at a level of at least 6 first digits; cost of each type of goods; gross and net weight of each type of goods; country of origin and manufacturer's name; seller/consignor of the goods – name and address; buyer/consignee/applicant of the goods – name and address; intended use of the goods (Winter Universiade 2019). In addition to the invoice/proforma invoice/shipment specification, it may be advisable to submit a separate packing list stating the gross and net weight of the goods, the number of boxes (pallets, containers) and the contents of each box/pallet/container, but this is not a mandatory requirement. Documents may be drawn up in any language, but the customs authority, at its own discretion, may require translation of these documents into Russian. In this regard, we recommend to prepare documents in two languages or be ready to provide translation of the documents into Russian at the request of the customs. Documents prepared in due manner may ensure that your shipment is cleared smoothly. If the documents fail to meet the requirements or to contain a proper description of the goods declared, the risk that customs will request additional documents or conduct customs inspections of the goods will increase. Provision of erroneous information about the name and quantity of goods may result in high administrative fines (up to 200% of the value of the goods) and/or forfeiture of the goods.


A7. Restricted goods and permissive documentation

Some goods may be restricted for import into Russia, in which case an authorization or license issued by the relevant government authority shall be required. Please review the list of goods to be imported together with your customs broker in order to determine which goods are covered by restrictions. Please find below examples of goods covered by restrictions and the authorizations and approvals required to import such goods. High-frequency and radio electronic equipment In order to import high-frequency or radio electronic equipment into Russia as part of the procedure of release for domestic consumption (RDC), the importer must obtain a goods import license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg). If equipment is included in the unified register of radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices that do not require the provision of a license or opinion (authorization/approval) to be imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, the importation of such equipment is subject to the availability of information about inclusion in the unified register (the list of such equipment is available in Russian only). Information about the unified register is available at ry65.aspx?itemid=9&listid=535beaa1-4129-43e7-8be2-a03dee7bed94 The list of radio electronic equipment and/or high-frequency devices intended for non-military purposes, including integrated or embedded in any other goods that do not require the provision of a license or opinion (authorization/approval) or information from the unified register to be imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, is available at (in Russian only): %D0%9E%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE %D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D1%84%D 0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1 %85%20%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB% D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%2015.pdf

Equipment with encryption functionality

The importation of goods with encryption functionality in accordance with the procedure of release for domestic consumption (RDC) shall be subject to the availability of an equipment import license/authorization issued in the name of the Russian importer or information in the duly registered notification. Registered notifications are available at (in Russian only):

12 toryform.aspx?viewid=859ec98d-f4fe-423a-b6bc-d01b53fd4b7c&listid=0e3ead06- 5475-466a-a340-6f69c01b5687&itemid=232# Following the registration of notification, the relevant goods may be brought into Russia by any individual and in any amounts. In this regard, if notification has already been registered by a third party in respect of the goods type imported by you, you may use this notification and shall not be required to execute a different one.

Food products

The foods of animal origin and some products of plant origin (e.g., fresh vegetables and fruit, fresh mushrooms, nuts, flour, cereals, beans) must be accompanied by veterinary certificates or phytosanitary certificate issued by the relevant authority of the exporting country. Veterinary certificate must be issued in the unified form approved in the Eurasian Economic Union. The form of phytosanitary certificates shall be as prescribed in the International Plant Protection Convention dated December 6, 1951. Raw products of animal origin (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, semi-finished food products with raw filling, eggs, honey, etc.) may be imported into Russia as long as they are produced by authorized manufacturers. The list of such manufacturers in each country is available at (in Russian and English): Furthermore, a decision of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) shall be required to import the above-mentioned food products into Russia using the procedure of release for domestic consumption (RDC). Such import authorization shall be replaced, during the customs clearance procedure, with the Russian veterinary certificate that shall be required for the transportation of such food products in Russia. Certain food products shall be covered by technical regulations and require documentary evidence to prove that such food products comply with technical regulations. It is recommended that all imported food products are packed in the manufacturer’s packaging. Foodstuffs banned for import into Russia due to economic sanctions are listed in Section A1 "Before shipping goods to Russia", Stage 5.

Alcoholic drinks

The importation of alcoholic drinks into Russia requires a license, special marking with excise stamps and registration in a special system. If you need to import alcoholic drinks for the purposes of conducting the Winter Universiade 2019, we recommend that you either hire a Russian distributor, which meets all such requirements and has experience in importing alcoholic drinks into Russia, or


purchase such drinks on site. The general rule is that customs special procedure is not applicable to alcoholic drinks, and you may therefore use only the procedure of release for domestic consumption, which includes the payment of customs duties and taxes.

Goods covered by technical regulations

Certain types of equipment, including materials, transport infrastructure parts, soft goods (such as knitwear, clothing, and leather items, footwear), toys, kitchenware, sanitary products, perfumes and cosmetics, medical supplies, food products, telecommunications equipment or other goods imported into Russia must comply with the mandatory requirements set forth in the relevant technical regulations and standards. The document evidencing that such products comply with mandatory requirements must be submitted to the customs authorities. Please consult your customs broker whether your freight shipments contain any goods covered by the requirements of technical regulations. Detailed information is available here (in Russian only):

Other goods covered by restrictions

Please consult your customs broker before shipping any other specific goods (medications and pharmaceutical products, items made from precious metals, jewelry, etc.) since these may require various authorizations and approvals where customs special procedure or the procedure of release for domestic consumption is used. Please note that some of the goods covered by restrictions may not be imported in accordance with the customs special procedure.

A8. Intellectual property rights

If you intend to import goods bearing trademarks or embodying other intellectual property rights that are included in the Russian Customs Intellectual Property Registry (e.g., Cisco, Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Samsung, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, etc.), you will need to obtain a written letter of consent from the respective trademark owner who has registered its trademarks in Russia in order to import such goods into Russia. The Russian Customs Intellectual Property Registry, as well as information on the contact persons responsible for consideration of applications for granting such consent in respect of each trademark, can be found at (in Russian only): :2010-09-09-06-26-44&catid=13:2008-10-16-13-51-15&Itemid=1814


A9. Customs procedures

The customs procedure you choose for customs processing may impose certain conditions and restrictions on how you can use and dispose of your goods. Before choosing a customs procedure, we recommend that you carefully review the following conditions, especially with regard to whether the procedure chosen applies to your goods and whether you will be able to comply with the relevant requirements. As a general rule, ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 recommends to use: ATA carnets – for temporary admission of equipment and goods covered by the ATA carnets system that will be imported for a period of less than 1 year (Section A9.1); special customs procedure (SCP) – for temporary admission of equipment and goods, as well as for goods imported for permanent use, which will be distributed free of charge (the value of each unit of such goods shall not exceed 200 euros) or consumed or expended during the event, or will be transferred as legacy after the Winter Universiade 2019 (Sections A9.2-A9.4); release procedure for domestic consumption – for goods intended for sale or other commercial use, and goods intended for activities unrelated to the Winter Universiade 2019, as well as for goods that cannot be imported under the special customs procedure (Section A9.5). Please note that inappropriate use of goods imported by ATA carnet or special customs procedure and failure to export from Russia in due time and/or failure to comply with other requirements imposed by this procedure may have serious negative consequences. These may include the imposition of customs duties, taxes and penalties, administrative fines, which are usually very high (up to 200% of the value of the goods concerned), and even forfeiture of goods. We believe that the ATA carnet, a special customs procedure, will be the most appropriate for goods imported for the purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019. If, for any reason, you decide to use other customs procedures, consult your customs broker.

A9.1 Temporarily imported equipment (ATA Carnets)


If you enter the Russian Federation from a country that issues ATA Carnets and your goods fall within the scope of ATA Carnet system, you may import such goods temporarily for the purposes of the Winter Universiade without paying customs duties and taxes, as well as customs processing fee. ATA Carnet replaces a standard customs declaration that is required during import and export and ensures financial support for customs fees for temporarily imported goods, which may be subject to be paid.


The following list contains a summary of goods falling within the scope of ATA Carnet system: professional cinematographic equipment and equipment for printed media, audio equipment or television-broadcasting equipment, including the accessory equipment; equipment required for installation, testing, commissioning, inspection, control, maintenance or repair of mechanisms, vehicles etc.; goods required for commercial purposes (for example, personal computers, audio/video devices); medical devices and tools; equipment required for photographic coverage trips (all types of cameras, cassettes, exposure meters, camera lenses, stand rods, batteries, battery belts, charging devices, monitors, lighting equipment etc.); goods used in educational, scientific, cultural or sporting purposes. It is recommended to specify that the goods are provided for the Winter Universiade 2019 in the commercial supporting documents and in the "Designation of Goods" column. Please, fill in all columns carefully by correctly indicating the name of a holder of ATA Carnet or his/her/its representative, as well as the description, quantity and cost of goods, and other information. You have to clearly indicate an official name of the organization using ATA Carnet (a holder of ATA Carnet), which will declare the goods at the Russian Customs office. A person accompanying goods, whose name is indicated in column B of ATA Carnet as the name of the representative of a carnet holder, must have a relevant power of attorney issued by the holder of ATA Carnet. This refers to the situations where column B does not indicate clearly such person, but specifies “any authorized person”. Please, make sure that the power of attorney contains the date of issuance. If ATA Carnet is drawn up in English or French, we recommend you to prepare translation of the general list to ATA Carnet into Russian language. Though there is no mandatory requirement to specify the codes of goods as per the Goods Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities in the general list, it is recommended to specify at least four-digit codes for these goods in the general list or supporting documents, because you might need this information to proceed with customs processing. There are no mandatory requirements to provide the photographs of equipment for identification, and in most cases you will need to indicate just a serial number (if any) or provide a detailed and correct description of goods in ATA Carnet. ATA Carnet must be provided along with the temporarily imported goods to the customs authority at the point of entry to the Russian Federation. Please note that goods must enter Russia in the region controlled by the customs station which is authorized to accept ATA Carnets.


Generally, a customs station at the border initials a white tear sheet (voucher) ("Importation counterfoil"). Then, the customs station will tear off the white voucher and give you back the Carnet. This means that your goods have been let through by a customs station for temporary use and can be delivered to the destination. If customs authorities at the border are not authorized to perform customs operations with regard to specific goods indicated in the ATA Carnet, the blue tear sheet (voucher) (“Transit counterfoil”) attached to the ATA Carnet along with transport and commercial documents will be used (accepted) as a transit declaration. In this case, the customs authority will tear off the blue sheet and give you back the Carnet. After that, the goods must be delivered within the time frame specified in the blue “transit” sheet to the relevant authorized internal customs authority, which must be given a white tear sheet (voucher) (“Importation counterfoil”) to complete the procedure for import of goods using the ATA Carnet. Please note that the ATA Carnet will not be accepted as a transit document if goods are transported through Belarus and Kazakhstan borders. Therefore, we recommend you to choose other routes to transport goods using the ATA Carnet.


Upon completion of using the temporarily imported goods in accordance with the declared goals during the Winter Universiade 2019, you will have to register them for export using the ATA Carnet. During export, the customs processing may be performed with any customs agency at the border that is authorized to accept ATA Carnets. During export of goods from Russia, a customs authority will put a special seal on your ATA Carnet (“Re-exportation counterfoil”). If you close the ATA Carnet at the local customs authority, the customs procedure for transit carriage will be applied to transport goods from the local customs authority to the border authority. We recommend you to think over how you are going to export goods and plan your export operations in advance. You might need to export the imported goods in one freight shipment to various destinations or in several shipment, or using different modes of transport (for example, to send a necessary equipment by air). In this case, you may execute several ATA Carnets in the beginning in accordance with the selected mode of transport for export, because at the border customs office they will ask you to provide an original ATA Carnet for each lot of goods exported from Russia. Or you may discuss the options of delivery of original ATA Carnet and its provision for each lot of goods at the border customs office with your logistics operator. The cargo imported in several shipments and under several ATA Carnets can be combined into a single freight shipment during export.


A9.2 Temporarily imported equipment (special customs procedure)


The persons included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019, who have obtained confirmation from the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, may declare their goods imported for the purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019 in accordance with the special customs procedure for sports events (SCP) without paying customs duties and taxes, as well as customs processing fees. The Russian customs authorities do not require to provide financial support (customs obligations) to put the goods under the special customs procedure. Please note that in case of road transportation and opening of a transit customs procedure the financial support will be required, unless you deliver goods to the internal customs authority and put them under the special customs procedure. Most goods fall within the scope of the special customs procedure, including, without limitation, technical equipment for television broadcasting, broadcasting and transmission of information, vehicles specially designed and adapted to record, reproduce and transmit audiovisual content, radio-electronic devices/tools, office equipment, office materials and technical equipment for headquarters, decorations, temporary infrastructure, exhibition structures, promotional materials, uniform and sponsor products. The special customs procedure will not apply to specific goods (such as construction and finishing materials, ozone-depleting substances, articles made of precious metals and stones, discreet surveillance equipment etc.). Please note that the articles made of precious metals and stones include also metallic jewelry, including pendants that contain precious metals or having an electroplated golden or silver coating, and, therefore, a limited special customs procedure will be applied to such articles. We recommend you to be ready to provide the information about the composition of metallic jewelry to confirm that it does not contain any precious metals, including electroplated metals. To use the special customs procedure (SCP), you must be included by the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation in the list of persons authorized to use this procedure (SCP) and have a written confirmation by the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation to the intended use of such foreign goods you are importing. More details on how to get included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019 are stated in Section C. Please also make sure that your transport and freight documents indicate that you are (FISU or a company associated with FISU) consignor or consignee of the goods. To put the imported goods under the special customs procedure, a list of goods in established format may be used. An example of this list of goods in provided in Annex H3.


When declaring goods at the Russian border, make sure to specify the period of stay of such goods in Russia, which cannot exceed 3 months upon expiration of the period of organization and holding the Winter Universiade 2019.

Transfer of goods imported under the SCP to third persons

The goods imported under the special customs procedure can be transferred to a third party only if such transfer will not change the purposes of using these goods, i.e. after the goods are transferred, they must continue to be used in Russia for the purposes of organization and holding the Winter Universiade 2019. The responsible importer must make sure that the third party uses the transferred goods in accordance with the special customs procedure and is legally responsible for any violations of the customs policies. If the responsible importer believes that it cannot guarantee the proper use of goods, ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 recommends to delegate the performance of the special customs procedure to a third party. The document confirming the transfer of goods and ownership rights to a third party must be submitted to the customs service. Otherwise, you may arrange the import in such a manner as to this company could perform the export of goods from the beginning, which would allow to avoid unnecessary paperwork. If the goods are transferred to a third party, this party shall comply with the special customs procedure and use the goods only to organize and hold the Winter Universiade 2019. The responsible importer and the third party to which the goods have been transferred may define that this third party must complete the special customs procedure (the document confirming the transfer of goods and ownership rights to the third party must be submitted to the customs service by the third party upon completion of the special customs procedure). If for any reason this is not the case, the responsible importer shall bear liability for the development of special customs procedure.


Generally, the special customs procedure is considered completed upon the export of relevant goods from Russia by the term specified in the customs declaration. When re-exporting goods from Russia after the use during the Winter Universiade 2019, you have to declare them for re-exporting (Annex H5). The customs service will inspect the goods declared for re-exporting to compare them with the goods earlier imported to Russia and declared under the special customs procedure. Upon completion of the standard customs procedure, one copy of the declaration form must be kept at the customs station located in the country where the customs processing has been held, and one copy shall be provided by your transport and logistics company to the border customs station. You will retain the


third copy. If the customs declaration is provided in electronic format, all information will be available in the customs service database, and there is no need to provide printed copies of the customs declaration. The cargo imported in one shipment in accordance with the standard customs procedure can be returned to various destinations in several shipments or using different modes of transport (for example, urgent equipment can be delivered by air and the remaining goods can be delivered by road). Moreover, the cargo imported in several shipments can be combined into a single freight shipment during export.

A9.3 Goods imported for permanent use – gifts and free handouts (special customs procedure)


FISU-related entities may import into Russia goods intended for distribution as gifts or for advertising, marketing or other non-commercial purposes of the Winter Universiade 2019 without payment of customs duties and taxes according to the special customs procedure (STP). If the goods are imported for the indicated purpose, the value of such goods shall not exceed 200 Euros per unit. Otherwise, these goods should be formalized for the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption (RDC), with payment of all applicable customs duties and taxes and provision of appropriate permissions (see Section A9.5 for details). Medicines, REDs and HFDs, encryption (cryptographic) means, sports weapons and motor vehicles are not eligible for handout. You are not required to indicate on your customs declaration that certain goods are intended for free distribution. All the requirements of the special customs procedure specified in Section A9.2 "Temporarily imported equipment (special customs procedure)" for organizations that have the right to apply for the special customs procedure, transfer of goods, terms and restrictions, are applicable to goods for free distribution.


If the value of gifts and free handouts is less than 200 Euros per unit, a statement to this effect will be required by the customs authority to complete the special customs procedure. If you initially declared goods valued above 200 Euros per unit according to a special customs procedure, but later decided to distribute the goods free of charge, you should release them for free circulation in accordance with the customs procedure for domestic consumption (RDC) (see details in Section A9.5) before these gifts are distributed in order to avoid violation of the special customs procedure.


A9.4 Goods imported for permanent use – consumables and expendables (special customs procedure)


Consumables and expendables can be placed under the special customs procedure. The list of such goods includes personal sportswear and uniforms, foodstuffs, cosmetics and skin care products, medicines, ready-made decorations, cables, fasteners, etc. This list is not exhaustive, and in practice other goods may also be considered as consumables and expendables. As a general rule, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, medicines containing narcotic substances, psychotropic substances and their precursors may not be placed under the special customs procedure for the Winter Universiade 2019 as consumables. With regard to consumables and expendable materials, all the requirements specified in Section A9.2 "Temporarily imported equipment (special customs procedure)" in respect of the entities that have the right to transfer goods, the application of special customs procedure, terms and restrictions of this procedure shall apply.


The customs authorities should be notified of the consumption or expending of goods valued at more than 200 Euros per unit no later than on the date indicated in the form of a customs declaration of the special customs procedure. Such notification should include the list of materials consumed or expended, their quantity and value, as well as the numbers of customs declarations according to which these materials were released under the special customs procedure. A sample notification is shown in annex H3. You may use other written form that is more convenient for you to notify the customs authorities. However, you should make sure that the notification submitted to the customs authority contains all the necessary information to complete the special customs procedure. Notification of customs authorities of the consumption or expending of goods worth less than 200 Euros per unit will also be required.

A9.5 Goods imported for permanent use – free circulation


In case of import of goods for permanent use to the Russian Federation or their sale to third parties not included in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019,


or their use for any other commercial purposes, or in case of import of excisable goods that do not fall within the scope of the special customs procedure in accordance with the general rule (for example, alcoholic or tobacco products), or if you are not authorized to undergo the special customs procedure for releasing goods for domestic consumption in Russia. In this case, you have to fill in and sign a standard customs declaration, undergo customs processing and pay customs duties and fees applied to these goods. Generally, the amount of customs duty varies from 0% to 17% of customs value, and VAT during entry is 20% of the sum of customs value and customs duty. Moreover, it is required to pay customs duty for customs processing. The amount of customs processing fee depends on the customs value of imported goods, but may not exceed 30,000 rubles. A set of documents, including permissive documents and the titleholder’s consent for the import of trademarked goods, will be required for customs processing. You may seek clarification on these issues from your customs broker. After After the goods are entered in accordance with the procedure for releasing the goods for domestic consumption, no restrictions will be applied with regard to these goods, and they can freely circulate in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, during or after the Winter Universiade 2019, there is no need to perform the customs processing of goods imported in accordance with the procedure for release of goods for domestic consumption. If the goods are initially imported in accordance with the special customs procedure and upon the completion of the Winter Universiade 2019 it is planned to use them for commercial purposes in the Russian Federation (for example, to sell or lease them) instead of re-exporting them from Russia, you will have to complete the special customs procedure and declare these goods valued higher than 200 Euros per unit in accordance with the customs procedure for releasing the goods for domestic consumption before selling, leasing or otherwise distributing these goods to avoid violation of the special customs procedure. The customs authorities may require you to provide the goods. To release the goods for free circulation within the territory of the Russian Federation, apart from payment of import duties and taxes applied to these goods, you will have to submit to customs authorities the permissive documents for goods in respect of which the legislation establishes export restrictions, because such documents were not required to put the goods under special customs procedure.

A10. Biathlon weapons and ammunition

Import/export of biathlon weapons and ammunition to/from the Russian Federation and the procedure for transportation and placement at sports venues is determined by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 51 dated February 11, 2019 "On Approval of the Procedure for Registration of Sports Weapons and


their Ammunition Owned by Accredited Persons at Airports and Delivery of Sports Weapons and their Ammunition to the Biathlon Academy Multifunctional Complex during the 29th Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 13, 2019 under No. 53763)".

A11. Delivery to venue and logistic support on site

Successful organization of the Winter Universiade 2019 depends on efficient and timely delivery of the required equipment to the stadiums. Contact details of the logistics team are given in Section C. Note that the logistics division of ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 organizes logistics operations exclusively for the respective internal divisions of ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 and the FISU. Any other stakeholders organize logistics operations at their own expense if they need logistics support. Though non- FISU organizations may choose any logistics operator of their own accord, ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 recommends selecting the special logistics operator of ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 (see Section E with detailed information). Safety procedure for trucks Each truck entering the security perimeter of a Winter Universiade 2019 venue will be subject to a security check. More details are presented in the "Regulations for delivery of goods to the Winter Universiade 2019 venues" and posted on the official website of the 29th Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk.

A12. Pickup procedure

You are responsible for arranging the international shipment of your cargo from Russia after the end of the Winter Universiade 2019 with the help of your chosen transport and logistics company and customs broker. The transport and logistics company you choose must pick up the cargo from one or more addresses and deliver it to its final destination by any of the agreed modes of transport. We recommend that you plan the transportation of your cargo in advance. The cargo must be accompanied by a waybill (AWB, BL, CMR, RWB depending on the mode of transport). Before the cargo is exported from Russia, the necessary stamps must be applied by the customs authorities on the customs declaration drawn up in accordance with a special customs procedure (if this document was submitted on paper) or on the ATA carnet. In case of customs formalities for export in an internal customs authority it is necessary to place the goods under the customs transit procedure, under which the cargo will be delivered to a border customs authority. In this case, a financial collateral (a bond) may be required. This requirement does not apply to ATA carnets. For goods transported under an ATA carnet, no financial document will be required.


See Section A3 "Points of customs processing in Russia", which contains information on financial documents for transit traffic, or Section A5 "Customs declaration". Goods purchased by you in Russia, as well as souvenirs handed over to you as to an organization while in Russia, will be placed under the customs procedure of export, and a standard customs declaration has to be filled in for them. For the documents required to be submitted to customs, consult your customs broker. We advise you to keep financial documents confirming that the goods you are exporting from Russia have been purchased in Russia.

Section B – Personal belongings (checked baggage)

The following instructions concern personal belongings that you can bring into and out of Russia as checked baggage.

B1 Customs procedures on arrival

On arrival in Russia, the first thing you have to do is pass through passport/border control. If you arrive by plane, then you may collect your baggage and go through one of the below-mentioned customs corridors (depending on whether you have anything to declare): "Green" corridor – if you have nothing to declare and no unaccompanied baggage; "Red" corridor – if you have anything to declare, including unaccompanied baggage.

Direct international flights

If you arrive at your destination with a direct international flight (whether chartered or regular), you need to collect your baggage at the airport of arrival and go through the "green" or "red" corridor.

International connecting flights

If you have a layover at another airport and your baggage is checked all the way through to your final destination city (through check-in), you need to collect your baggage at the airport of your destination. In this case you do not have to show your baggage to customs authorities at the layover airport. However, if you have goods to declare, you may not use through check-in. In this case you must pass through customs control at the first airport of arrival. Please note that on arrival at the airport of destination with a domestic flight, you will not be able to go through customs procedures. In this case you should select one of the below-mentioned options:


At the airport of departure, you should inform your check-in desk that you have something to declare. In this case your baggage will be checked in all the way through to the layover airport where you should remove your baggage from the conveyor belt and proceed to the "red" corridor in order to complete a customs declaration. Upon the completion of customs formalities, you need to check in your goods for a domestic flight from the layover airport to the airport of destination. Take all items to declare on board your flight as carry-on baggage and show them to customs authorities when going through the "red" corridor at the layover airport. If you have a layover and the rules of your airline or an airport do not permit you to check in your baggage all the way through to the airport of your destination city, then you need to collect your baggage and pass through customs control at the layover airport. By selecting the "red" or "green" corridor. Upon the completion of customs formalities, you need to check in your goods for a domestic flight to the airport of your destination city.

"Green corridor" (nothing to declare)

You may go through the "green" corridor without showing your customs declaration in the event that you are bringing in personal items for the period of your stay within Russia. Personal items include, without limitation: Regular items temporarily brought in for personal use for the period of your stay within Russia regardless of their weight and customs value (clothing, skin care products, cosmetics, etc.); Tools and devices temporarily brought in for personal professional use during the Winter Universiade 2019 regardless of their weight and customs value. You must carry a confirmation of your accreditation and produce it to the customs service if the number of such items exceeds: 1 personal computer, 1 photography camera, 1 motion picture camera, 1 video camera, 2 cell phones, 1 portable video cassette recorder, 1 portable motion picture projector, 1 portable slide projector, 1 DVD player, 1 portable sound recording and reproduction device (including a voice recorder); Medications and preparations, save for any medications containing narcotic or psychoactive substances; Goods worth at a total of less than EUR 500 (in the event of air travel, EUR 10,000) as long as their total weight is less than 25 kg (in the event of air travel, 50 kg); A limited amount of alcoholic drinks (not more than 3 liters per person aged 18 or over); A limited amount of tobacco and tobacco products (not more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars/cigarillos or 250 g of tobacco per person aged 18 or over);


Finished food products of animal or plant origin in the original seller’s packaging as long as their weight does not exceed 5 kg (they may be checked by veterinary or phytosanitary services at the border crossing point as needed); Other personal items not specified in the "Red corridor (something to declare)" section. Although you are not required to declare any jewelry brought into Russia for the period of your stay, we recommend that you provide a passenger declaration for all expensive jewelry that you are bringing in, since the exportation of diamonds worth not more than USD 75,000 from Russia is prohibited (except for any goods brought in for the period of your temporary stay in Russia).

"Red corridor" (something to declare)

Goods must be declared and a written customs declaration has to be presented as long as their total weight exceeds 25 kg (in the event of air travel, 50 kg) or their total value is more than EUR 500 (in the event of air travel, EUR 10,000), save for the goods specified in paragraphs one and two of the "Green corridor (nothing to declare)" section, alcoholic products and tobacco items in an amount above the aforesaid allowances, as well as any medications containing narcotic or psychoactive substances. In order to complete a customs declaration, you should go through the "red" corridor. At the information desk located at the arrival airport before the customs controlled area, you will find customs declaration forms, as well as the instructions on how to complete them in Russian and English. Furthermore, such forms and instructions are available on the website of the Federal Customs Service (in English) at Attention! A passenger's customs declaration form should be printed on both sides of A4 paper. Should you be bringing in and/or out any medications containing narcotic drugs or psychoactive substances for personal use due to medical necessity, you need to carry medical evidence specifying the name and quantity of such goods prepared in Russian or with their notarized translation into Russian appended thereto. Cash (banknotes, treasury bills) and/or travelers' checks worth more than USD 10,000, as well as cash instruments (bills of exchange, debt instruments, bank checks or shares), regardless of their nominal value, are to be declared by providing a completed customs declaration to the customs authorities when passing through the "red" corridor. This does not apply to funds held in bank cards. Non-performance of this requirement may cause considerable administrative fines or seizure of all undeclared funds, travelers' checks or cash instruments or will lead to criminal liability. The goods to be declared include, but are not limited to: Personal items carried in unaccompanied baggage or delivered by the carrier; Personal items covered by mandatory bans and restrictions;


Personal items in respect of which customs duties and/or taxes are due and payable; Personal items exempt from customs duties and/or taxes, which are brought in accompanied baggage; Vehicles for personal use moved across the customs border of the Union in any manner whatsoever, save for any vehicles for personal use registered in the Member States; Cash and/or travelers' checks if the total value of such cash and/or travelers' checks being simultaneously brought into or taken out of the customs territory of the Union exceeds an equivalent of USD 10,000 at the existing exchange rate as of the day on which a passenger's customs declaration is filed to the customs authority; Cash instruments, save for travelers' checks; Cultural values covered by mandatory bans and restrictions. The list of goods categories which do not belong to personal items: Sturgeon caviar in amounts exceeding 250 g. Fish, crustaceans (whether live, chilled, or frozen) in amounts exceeding 5 kg. Ethanol, alcoholic drinks, and beer carried by an individual aged 18 or over as long as their total volume exceeds 5 L. Ethanol, alcoholic drinks, and beer carried by an individual who is under the age of 18 years. Tobacco and tobacco products in amounts exceeding 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars/cigarillos or 250 g of tobacco or a selection of the above-listed items carried by an individual aged 18 or over as long as their total weight exceeds 250 g. Tobacco and tobacco products carried by an individual who is under the age of 18 years. Goods being taken out of the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, which are covered by the export customs duties under the applicable laws of the Union Member State (save for fuel contained in the regular tanks of a private vehicle in amounts not to exceed 10 L in a separate container). Natural diamonds (save for cut diamonds worth not more than USD 75,000, which are taken out of the customs territory of the Union). Vehicles not included in the list of separate types of wheeled transport and motor vehicles and trailers for wheeled transport and motor vehicles, representing private vehicles, which list is approved by Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 74 dated June 30, 2017. Hardware and equipment for photographic laboratories classified as belonging to commodity item 9010 of the HS Code of the Eurasian Economic Union. Devices, hardware, and models designated for demonstration purposes, classified as belonging to commodity items 9023 00 of the HS Code of the Eurasian Economic Union. Games activated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or similar payment methods.


Goods in carry-on baggage for an organization

If you cross the Russian customs border as an individual and carry in your baggage, apart from personal items, any goods being brought into Russia for further use by a legal entity/organization, such goods are treated as cargo and must pass through customs formalities in accordance with Section A. All goods owned by or intended for FISU-related entities will pass through customs formalities on behalf of such entity in accordance with special customs procedure or in accordance with any other applicable procedure (e.g. ATA Carnet) using the relevant declaration form (see Sections A5-A9). Customs formalities using special customs procedure or ATA Carnet may be completed directly in the "red" corridor or before going through the "red" corridor depending on the airport's terminal infrastructure. The "red" corridor does not offer any other customs procedures. It means that such goods first go to the cargo terminal. In order to place the goods being brought in under customs special procedure, the following documents must be produced to the customs authorities: list of documents in prescribed form (see Annex H3); power of attorney granted by the importing entity to the individual who will declare such goods on behalf of that entity; copy of passport of the individual who will declare such goods on behalf of that entity; boarding pass of the individual who will declare such goods on behalf of that entity. If customs formalities are handled by your customs broker, the latter must be consulted in advance as to the list of documents and necessary actions. If you need to take out of Russia as cargo any goods imported into Russia as accompanied baggage, you must declare such goods when bringing them in using the special customs procedure for sporting events or, if applicable, ATA Carnet (even if goods are not required to be declared to customs in accordance with the provisions of the "Green corridor (nothing to declare)" sub-section. This will allow you to confirm that the goods to be taken out of Russia were previously imported into Russia from abroad.


Below are recommendations as to passing through customs control in respect of any cameras which may be carried in your baggage, prepared in accordance with the rules set forth in this section above: Cameras and auxiliary equipment for personal professional use during the Winter Universiade 2019 are not required to be declared pursuant to the "Green corridor (nothing to declare)" section. Cameras and auxiliary equipment for the needs of entities (host broadcaster, authorized Tv and radio broadcasters, etc.) without an ATA Carnet. In this case you


need to place cameras under special customs procedure on behalf of that entity and fill-in the list of goods in prescribed form containing Sections А5-А8, Section А9.2, and Annex H3. Cameras and auxiliary equipment being brought in as carry-on baggage with an ATA Carnet. In this case you need to produce your ATA Carnet to the customs authorities and get all necessary stamps.

В2 Customs procedures at departure

In case you leave the territory of Russia by plane, you need to check in your baggage and pass through the customs and border control. Customs formalities must be completed at the airport by going through one of the below-mentioned customs corridors (depending on whether you have something to declare): "Green" corridor – if you have nothing to declare and no unaccompanied baggage; "Red" corridor – if you have anything to declare, including unaccompanied baggage. All personal items being imported temporarily, including equipment for professional use during the Winter Universiade 2019, which were not required to de declared on arrival are not required to be declared to customs at departure, either. Please note that cash (banknotes, treasury bills, coins) and/or travelers' checks worth more than USD 10,000 should be declared both on arrival and at departure. This does not apply to funds held in bank cards. Non-compliance with this requirement may cause considerable administrative fines or the seizure of all undeclared funds, travelers' checks or cash instruments or will lead to criminal liability.

Goods purchased in Russia

Before buying any goods, make sure that they are not covered by any export restrictions in order to be able to take them out of Russia. For example, cultural values may be taken out of Russia as personal items against an authorization/approval issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (Minkultury) or a written notice from Minkultury saying that no authorization/approval is required to export the relevant cultural values. The export from Russia of jewelry made from precious metals and gems worth more than USD 25,000 (save for goods which were temporarily imported as evidenced by a passenger's customs declaration for import). It is permitted to take out of Russia sturgeon caviar in retail ready packaging as long as its total weight does not exceed 250 g. When crossing the border at departure from Russia, you should carry the purchase documents for the aforesaid goods.


Direct international flights

If you leave Russia with a direct international flight (whether chartered or regular) and carry no goods to declare, you should check in your baggage and go through the "green" corridor. If you have goods to declare (e.g. any equipment imported with an ATA Carnet), you should first complete customs formalities, show such equipment to the customs authorities and then check in your baggage and hand it to the airport personnel. An exception is carry-on baggage, which may be checked in before passing through the customs controlled area, since you keep your carry-on baggage after check-in.

International connecting flights

If you leave Russia with a connecting flight and your baggage is checked in all the way through to an international airport beyond Russia (through check-in), you need to check in your baggage at the local airport. You need not collect it at the layover airport then. However, if you have something to declare (e.g. goods declared when imported in accordance with special customs procedure) and you may not take them onboard as carry-on baggage, you are not eligible for through check-in. In this case you need to pass through customs control at the last Russian airport to get all necessary stamps. In this case you must first inform the local airport personnel at the check-in desk that you have something to declare, remove your baggage from the conveyor belt at the layover airport, complete customs formalities and then check in your baggage for an international flight. Please note that you will not be able to go through customs procedures at departure from the local airport with a domestic flight. As regards the equipment imported with an ATA Carnet, you must go with such ATA Carnet to the customs station at the layover airport even if you have completed "through check-in" for your connecting flight and checked in your equipment at the local airport all the way through to the airport of destination outside of Russia. If you take a connecting flight and the rules of your carrier or the airport allow you to check in your baggage only to the layover airport but not to your final destination city outside of Russia, you need to go through the customs control procedure at the layover airport in Russia. If you depart from Russia with two different flights (domestic and international) instead of a connecting flight, you need to go through the customs procedure in respect of your goods at the last airport before leaving Russia. You will have to go to the customs station before checking in your baggage for an international flight.


Section C – Procedure for enrolment into the Winter Universiade 2019 customs list

To enroll any persons who will be entitled to use SCP, the interested parsons should forward by e-mail to ANO “Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019” a message titled "SCP request". The message should contain the following information: Scanned copy of the request for adding to the SCP list (Annex H6). If you need your contractor to be enrolled in the customs list, then, in addition to the above request, you have to send to ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 an official letter with information on your contractor. The letter has to be made on your official letterhead with an original signature, be dated, contain the signatory's full name and position, and have the official stamp of the entity, if available. The letter has to be addressed to the Ministry of Sport and contain the following: information to the effect that the entity is contractor of yours; confirmation that the entity will import goods solely for use within the framework of the Winter Universiade 2019; information that the contractor has a contract with your organization demanding that the contractor deliver or provide goods or render services using the goods being imported; application to the Ministry of Sport asking to submit to the Federal Customs Service information as of a person authorized to place goods under special customs treatment; type/category of the goods being imported; contact details of the person (specifying his/her telephone number and e-mail address) who will interact with ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 on logistics and customs matters. The following details of the company have to be attached to the letter: full business name, form of incorporation, registered office (street, avenue, square, etc., city, state, ZIP code, county), INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) / KPP (Taxpayer Registration Justification Code) (only for Russian companies or foreign entities doing business in Russia through a branch). The original letter must be sent to ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 by post or via courier. Please note that logistics carriers and customs representatives acting on your behalf, when performing customs operations, may not import any goods consigned to you on their behalf. Carriers and customs representatives should therefore not be specified in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019. Once an organization is included in the list of persons authorized to place imported goods under the SCP, ANO Krasnoyarsk Directorate 2019 will send to the interested parson an appropriate notification – a letter from the Ministry of Sport on the inclusion in the customs list of the Winter Universiade 2019 and the purpose of


imported/exported goods, as well as a letter of confirmation from the Federal Customs Service. The letter will be sent by e-mail by ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019.

Section D – Logistics team of ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019

Evgeni Morozov Head of Logistics e-mail: [email protected] mob.: 89236792019 office: +7 (391) 291 80 80 ext. 698

Ekaterina Bobrova Chief Specialist, Logistics Division e-mail: [email protected] mob.: +7-933-326-12-15 office: +7 (391) 291 80 80 ext. 925

Section E – Logistics operator

Considering the international importance and strict time limits for all events of the Winter Universiade 2019, as well as in order to provide seamless, safe and efficient logistics services, ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 appointed a third- party logistics operator. Logistics support in managing logistic operations for the Winter Universiade 2019, including freight shipments and customs brokerage services, is provided by DB SHENKER. You may engage DB SHENKER or any other qualified logistics operator of your choice. If you have any questions to DB SHENKER about transportation, customs clearance or logistics on site, please contact the persons listed below:

[email protected] tel.: +7 (916) 249-15-63


Section H – Annexes

Annex H1 – Glossary

Eurasian Economic Union: customs union of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan with common customs borders, common customs territory and common customs rules. ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019: Executive directorate of the 29th Winter Universiade 2019 Krasnoyarsk. Logistics operator: the logistics operator appointed by ANO Directorate Krasnoyarsk 2019 for the Winter Universiade 2019. Applicant (importer of record): company that declares goods with Russian customs authorities, or company on whose behalf a customs broker declares goods with Russian customs authorities. Invoice: a document that must be sent by an exporter to a buyer along with the shipment. Proforma invoice: a document that states the value of goods for customs processing purposes only. This document is not used for payment. Packing list: a shipping document that contains a complete list of goods separately for each case (carton, box, pallet, etc.). ATA Carnet: an international customs document that replaces customs declarations and allows for simplified and expedited clearance of temporary importation of goods in connection with exhibitions and fairs, as well as for the movement of commodity samples, professional equipment and some other categories of goods across the border. AWB: a document issued by a consignor or an authorized agent that confirms the existence of a contract between the consignor and the carrier for the carriage of cargo by the carrier's airlines. BL: a document issued by a carrier to a cargo owner. It certifies ownership of the goods shipped. CMR: a shipping document used for international transportation of goods by road. RWB: a document for transportation of goods by rail. SCP: special customs procedure for goods intended for organizing and holding sports events. HS code: a code as per the harmonized system of commodity description and coding for the Eurasian Economic Union. Release for domestic consumption: a customs procedure under which foreign goods are located and used in the customs territory of the Customs Union without restrictions on their use and disposal. FCS of Russia: the Federal Customs Service. Rosselkhoznadzor: the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.


Minpromtorg: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Minkultury: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Unified Register: the unified register of radio electronic equipment and high- frequency devices that do not require the provision of a license or opinion (authorization/approval) to be imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. HFD: high-frequency device. RED: radio electronic device. VAT: value added tax.


Annex H2 – Advance information form Consignor (company name)

Consignee (company name)

Country of dispatch

Mode of transport

Entry point in Russia

Customs station

Expected date of entry

Generic name of goods

Gross weight or quantity of goods

Customs procedure

Customs broker in Russia

Contact person for the Russian customs

Additional information (number of vehicles, etc.)


Annex H3 – Form of the list of goods (for special customs procedure)

Приложение 3 к Инструкции о порядке использования транспортных (перевозочных), коммерческих и (или) иных документов в качестве декларации на товары

Перечень товаров

Лист № ______№ ______(регистрационный номер, присваиваемый таможенным органом)

1. Таможенный орган, которому декларируются товары: ______

2. Таможенная процедура: ______(наименование и код в соответствии с Классификатором таможенных процедур)

3. Отправитель товаров: ______

(для организации – наименование и место нахождения/адрес; для физического лица – Ф.И.О. и его место жительства/адрес, сведения о документе, удостоверяющем личность; при вывозе – дополнительно - УНП, БИН/ИИН, ИНН, применяемые в государствах-членах таможенного союза)

4. Получатель товаров: ______

(для организации – наименование и место нахождения/адрес; для физического лица – Ф.И.О. и его место жительства/адрес, сведения о документе, удостоверяющем личность; при ввозе – дополнительно - УНП, БИН/ИИН, ИНН, применяемые в государствах-членах таможенного союза)

5. Декларант: ______

(для организации – наименование и место нахождения/адрес; для физического лица – Ф.И.О. и его место жительства/адрес, сведения о документе, удостоверяющем личность; УНП, БИН/ИИН, ИНН, применяемые в государствах-членах таможенного союза, при их наличии)

6. Страна назначения для вывозимых товаров: ______(краткое наименование)

7. Сведения о предоставляемых документах: ______


(документы, прилагаемые к перечню, в т.ч. разрешительные документы, вид, номер и дата документа, сведения, подтверждающие соблюдение условий помещения товаров под заявляемую таможенную процедуру, в т.ч. цели и срок использования товаров, а также реквизиты документов, которые предоставляются декларантом одновременно с перечнем)

8. Сведения о декларируемых товарах: ______


(производится запись «Декларируемые товары согласно перечню на ____ листах)

№ Наименование Код по Количество товара Стоимость Краткое п/п товара (торговое, ТН ВЭД товара в наименовани Примечание4 в осн. в доп. условное коммерческое или ТС 1 соответствии с е валюты/код единице единице обозн. иное традиционное коммерческим валюты измерения измерения доп. наименование и документами (кг) по ТН единицы товара с по ТН ВЭД измерения добавлением ВЭД ТС 2 /код ед. сведений обо всех ТС измерения товарных знаках, по ТН марках, моделях, ВЭД артикулах, ТС 3 стандартах и тому подобных технических характеристиках) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. Общая таможенная стоимость декларируемых товаров: ______(в валюте государств-членов таможенного союза) 10. Сведения об уплате таможенных сборов: ______

(если они подлежат уплате, а также вид, номер и дата платежного документа, подтверждающего их уплату)

11. Сведения о лице, заполнившем перечень: ______

(Ф.И.О, в т.ч. сведения о документах, подтверждающих полномочия этого лица)

12. Таможенный представитель: ______

(в случае, если перечень подается таможенным представителем: для организации – наименование и место нахождения/адрес; № документа, свидетельствующего о включении в Реестр таможенных представителей, № и дата заключения договора с декларантом)

Дата: «____» ______г.

Подпись ______

1 Может быть указан на уровне первых шести знаков классификационного кода товара по ТН ВЭД ТС; 2 Если в соответствии с ТН ВЭД ТС в отношении декларируемых товаров применяется дополнительная единица измерения, то количество товара в основной единице может не указываться; 3 При отсутствии дополнительных единиц измерения код дополнительной единицы измерения не указывается; 4 Применяется по усмотрению декларанта или таможенного представителя для указания иных сведений, которые он сочтет необходимым указать для таможенных операции 37

Annex H4 – List of customs authorities competent to do customs operations with ATA Carnets No. Customs Customs authority name Code 1. Customs directly subordinated to FCS of Russia 1.1 Vnukovo Customs station of Vnukovo Airport 10001010 (for passengers) Customs station of Vnukovo Airport 10001020 (for freights) Customs station of Vnukovo Airport 10001022 (for freights) – Office 2 1.2 Domodedovo Customs station of Domodedovo 10002010 Airport (for freights) Customs station of Domodedovo 10002040 Airport (for passengers) Customs station of Chkalovsky 10002030 Airbase Customs station of Ramenskoye 10002020 Airbase 1.3 Kaliningrad region Central customs station 100012190 Customs station of Kaliningrad 10012060 Airport Customs station of Baltiysk 10012070 Customs station of N.S. Khazov 10012170 Kaliningrad Seaport Customs station of Mamonovo 10012120 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Mamonovo-2 10012130 automobile border crossing point Moscow customs station 10012040 Bagrationovsk customs station 10012010 Customs station of Bagrationovsk 10012100 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Sovetsk 10012150 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Chernyshevskoye 10012160 automobile border crossing point Sovetsk customs station 10012050 Kaliningrad excise customs station 10012210 1.4 Crimean Krasnoperekopsk customs station 10010010 Customs station of Simferopol Airport 10010020 Yevpatoria customs station 10010030 Yalta customs station 10010040 38

Feodosia customs station 10010050 Kerch customs station 10010060 Simferopol Central customs station 10010070 Jankoy customs station 10010090 1.5 Sevastopol Inkerman customs station 10011010 Kamiesch Bay customs station 10011030 1.6 Central excise Specialized customs station 10009130 customs North-west excise customs station 10009190 (specialized) 1.7 Sheremetyevo Customs station of Sheremetyevo 10005010 Airport (for passengers) Customs station of Sheremetyevo 10005020 Airport (for freights) 2. Central Customs Directorate 2.1 Belgorod Customs station of Nekhoteyevka 10101120 automobile border crossing point Belgorod customs station 10101030 Shebekino V.A. Dankov customs 10101110 station Grayvoron customs station 10101040 Customs station of Rovenki 10101090 automobile border crossing point 2.2 Bryansk Customs station of Troyebortnoye 10102090 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Pogar automobile 10102170 border crossing point Customs station of Novie Yurkovichi 10102040 automobile border crossing point 2.3 Vladimir Vladimir customs station 10103020 2.4 Voronezh Left Bank customs station 10104030 Customs station of Voronezh Airport 10104060 Customs station of Bugaevka 10104020 automobile border crossing point Tambov customs station 10104100 2.5 Moscow region Lobnya customs station 10130100 Dubna customs station 10130150 Akulovo customs station – Office 2 10130112 Akulovo customs station 10130110 Volokolamsk customs station 10130050 2.6 Kaluga Obninsk customs station 10106050 2.7 Kursk Kursk customs station 10108030


Customs station of Krupets 10108040 automobile border crossing point Sudzha customs station 10108050 2.8 Lipetsk Right Bank customs station 10109030 2.9 Moscow Exhibition customs station 10129010 Exhibition customs station – Office 2 10129012 2.10 Transdnieper customs station 10113080 (temporary importation of goods by a special procedure, no re- exportation) Krasnoye customs station Office 2 10113092 2.11 Yaroslavl Novo-Yaroslavsky customs station 10117010 Kostroma customs station 10117080 3. North-West Customs Directorate 3.1 Arkhangelsk Pomorsky customs station – Office 2 10203102 Koryazhma customs station 10203020 Customs station of Arkhangelsk 10203080 Airport Severodvinsk customs station 10203070 3.2 Karelian Prionezhsky customs station 10227070 Customs station of Lyttä automobile 10227150 border crossing point Customs station of Värtsilä 10227140 automobile border crossing point 3.3 Vyborg Customs station of Svetogorsk 10206010 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Brusnichnoye 10206030 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Torfyanovka 10206040 automobile border crossing point Vyborg railway customs station 10206070 3.4 Murmansk Customs station of Murmansk Seaport 10207050 Customs station of 10207070 Customs station of Borisoglebsk 10207080 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Salla automobile 10207090 border crossing point Lotta customs station 10207100 Murmansk customs station 10207110


3.5 Pskov Customs station of Ubylinka 10209050 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Shumilkino 10209060 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Kruchinina Gora 1020040 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Burachki 10209150 automobile border crossing point 3.6 Saint Petersburg Vasilyevsky Island customs station 10210120 Vologda customs station 10210210 Novgorod customs station 10210260 Ezhva customs station 10210330 3.7 Baltic Shkipersky customs station 10216050 Turukhansky customs station 10216100 Lesnoy Port customs station 10216110 Gavan customs station 10216120 Bronka customs station 10216160 3.8 Kingisepp Customs station of Ivangorod 10218030 automobile border crossing point Ust-Luga customs station 10218040 3.9 Pulkovo Pulkovo customs station 10221010 Customs station of 10221020 4. South Customs Directorate 4.1 Krasnodar Prikubansky customs station 10309200 Customs station of Kavkaz Seaport 10309140 Customs station of Krasnodar Airport 10309130 4.2 Astrakhan Customs station of Olya Seaport 10311070 Customs station of Volgograd Airport 10311110 Astrakhan customs station 10311020 Sovetsk customs station 10311100 Customs station of Astrakhan Airport 10311050 4.3 Rostov Customs station of Novoshakhtinsk 10313100 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Rostov-on-Don 10313090 Airport Azov customs station 10313010 Azov customs station – Office 2 10313012 Azov customs station – Office 3 10313013 4.4 Millerovo Customs station of Voloshino 10315030 automobile border crossing point 4.5 Novorossiysk Novorossiysk west customs station 10317090 Novorossiysk central customs station 10317100


Novorossiysk south-east customs 10317110 station 4.6 Sochi Sochi central customs station 10318060 Sochi central customs station – Office 10318062 2 Customs station of Sochi Airport 10318010 4.7 Taganrog Customs station of Veselo- 10319050 Voznesenka automobile border crossing point Customs station of Matveyev Kurgan 10319060 automobile border crossing point 5. North-Caucasian Customs Directorate 5.1 Mineralnye Vody Stavropol customs station 10802050 Mineralnye Vody customs station 10802040 5.2 North Ossetian Customs station of Verkhni Lars 10803040 automobile border crossing point 5.3 Dagestan Makhachkala customs station 10801020 Magaramkent customs station 10801060 6. Volga Customs Directorate 6.1 Bashkortostan Ufa customs station 10401060 Customs station of Ufa Airport 10401010 6.2 Tatarstan Kazan customs station 10404050 Naberezhnye Chelny customs station 10404080 Customs station of Kazan Airport 10404010 Nizhnekamsk customs station 10404070 6.3 Nizhni Novgorod Customs station of Nizhni Novgorod 10408030 Airport Dzerzhinsk customs station 10408040 Kirov region customs station 10408100 Mari customs station 10408110 Chuvash customs station 10408120 6.4 Orenburg Orenburg customs station 10409070 Orsk customs station 10409100 6.5 Perm Customs station of Perm Airport 10411050 Palniki customs station 10411080 Udmurt customs station 10411090 6.6 Samara Customs station of Samara Airport 10412030 Togliatti customs station 10412110 6.7 Saratov Saratov customs station 10413070 Mordovian customs station 10413080 Penza region customs station 10413090 6.8 Ulyanovsk Zasviyazhsky customs station 10414030


7. Urals Customs Directorate 7.1 Tyumen Tyumen customs station 10503050 Customs station of Roschino Airport 10503020 7.2 Yekaterinburg Oktyabrsky customs station 10502090 Malakhit customs station (specialized) 10502050 Nizhni Tagil customs station 10502130 7.3 Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk customs station 10504080 Customs station of Balandino Airport 10504010 Pervomaisky customs station 10504120 7.4 V.A. Sorokin Customs station of Koltsovo Airport 10508010 Koltsovo customs (for freights) station Customs station of Koltsovo Airport 1058020 (for passengers) 7.5 Khanty-Mansi Khanty-Mansi customs station 10505060 8. Siberian Customs Directorate 8.1 Altai Customs station of Barnaul Airport 10605010 Tashanta customs station 10605100 Gornyak customs station 10605040 Kulunda customs station 10605060 8.2 Krasnoyarsk Customs station of Krasnoyarsk 10606010 Airport Krasnoyarsk customs station 10606060 Taimyr customs station 10606110 Taimyr customs station – Office 2 10606112 8.3 Irkutsk Customs station of Irkutsk Airport 10607010 Irkutsk customs station 10607040 8.4 Kemerovo Kuzbass customs station 10608070 Novokuznetsk customs station 10608050 8.5 Novosibirsk Novosibirsk west customs station 10609030 Customs station of Tolmachevo 10609060 Airport 8.6 Omsk Customs station of Omsk Airport 10610010 Omsk customs station 10610050 8.7 Tomsk Tomsk customs station 10611040 8.8 Chita Chita customs station 10612050 Customs station of Zabaykalsk 10612130 automobile border crossing point Customs station of Zabaykalsk rail 10612120 road crossing point 8.9 Buryatia Customs station of Kyakhta 10602070 automobile border crossing point


Customs station of Naushki rail road 10602060 crossing point 9. Far East Customs Directorate 9.1 Vladivostok Customs station of Vladivostok 10702010 Airport Customs station of Vladivostok 10702030 Seaport 9.2 Khabarovsk Customs station of Khabarovsk 10703010 Airport Khabarovsk customs station 10703050 Komsomolsk-on-Amur customs 10703080 station Customs station of Vanino Seaport 10703130 9.3 Blagoveschensk Blagoveschensk customs station 10704050 Yakutsk customs station 10704070 Customs station of Blagoveschensk 10704040 Airport 9.4 Kamchatka Customs station of Petropavlovsk- 10705030 Kamchatsky Seaport Customs station of Petropavlovsk- 10705010 Kamchatsky Airport 9.5 Magadan Customs station of Magadan Airport 10706010 (specialized) Anadyr customs station 10706030 Customs station of Magadan Seaport 10706020 9.6 Birobidzhan Birobidzhan customs station 10707090 Amurzet customs station 10708010 9.7 Sakhalin Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk customs station 10707090 Korsakov customs station 10707030 Kholmsk customs station 10707070 9.8 Nakhodka Customs station of Vostochny Seaport 10714040 Customs station of Nakhodka Seaport 10714060 9.9 Ussuriysk Ussuriysk customs station 10716050 Customs station of Poltavka two-way 10716030 automobile crossing point Customs station of Turiy Rog two- 10716010 way automobile crossing point Pogranichny customs station 10716070 Customs station of Pogranichny 10716060 automobile border crossing point Khasan customs station 10716100


Annex H5 – Form of notification for completion of special customs procedure "Notification for completion of special customs procedure" Заявление/Notification В целях завершения специальной таможенной процедуры настоящим сообщаю следующие сведения о товарах, помещенных под специальную таможенную процедуру, стоимость которых превышает 200 евро за единицу и которые были израсходованы, полностью потреблены или находяться в состоянии, не пригодном для их дальнейшего использования, или безвозмездно переданы/ To finalise the Special Customs Procedure I hereby provide information about the following goods valued at more than EUR 200 per item which were consumed or are unsuitable for further use or donated:

Номер Описание Кол-во Стоимость Номер п/п/ товара/ Goods товаров/Quantity товаров и декларации на Item description of the goods валюта/Value товары/Reference No of the goods to the customs and currency declaration Израсходованные/полностью потребленные товары/ Consumed goods

Товары непригодные для их дальнейшего использования/ Goods are unsuitable for further use

Безвозмездно переданные товары/ Donated goods

Дата/Date ______

Подпись и печать (если имеется) лица, подавшего заявление/______Signature and stamp of the applicant (if any) 45

Annex H6 – Application for inclusion into the list of persons eligible for special customs treatment (on the entity's letterhead) To: Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation Attn.: P.A. Kolobkov

Registration number of the letter Letter date Entity: ______(full name) ______(country, registered office) ______(telephone, e-mail address) kindly requests that you send information to the Federal Customs Service of Russia for our entity to be added to the list of persons eligible for special customs treatment. We hereby confirm that any goods imported to the Russian Federation with employment of special customs treatment will be used with the sole aim of organizing and holding the 29th Winter Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019. We hereby provide the following information about the goods which our entity intends to import into Russia under the special customs procedure: ______(overview of goods, their intended purpose, tentative weight, volume, or quantity in any format) ______In any matters related to making arrangements for goods to be imported, please contact the authorized person of our entity: ______(last name, first name, contact telephone, e-mail address)

Last name, first name, and signature of the entity's chief executive Entity's seal (if applicable)