Adult Lamprey Passage and Enumeration Study, Wells Dam, 2013
ADULT LAMPREY PASSAGE AND ENUMERATION STUDY, WELLS DAM, 2013: The Effects of Head Differential on Entrance Efficiency, and of Picketed Leads on Count Window Enumeration Efficiency David Robichaud LGL Limited Sidney, BC, Canada and Chas Kyger Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County East Wenatchee, WA, USA Prepared for: Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County East Wenatchee, Washington September 2014 Wells Dam Adult Lamprey Passage Study, 2013 Executive Summary As part of the relicensing of Wells Dam, Douglas PUD along with 5 signatories to the Aquatic Settlement Agreement developed the Pacific Lamprey Management Plan (PLMP) for the Wells Hydroelectric Project (Wells Project), with the objective of identifying and addressing any adverse Project-related impacts on passage of adult Pacific lamprey. Under the PLMP, a radio telemetry study was conducted in 2013 with three goals: to assess how adult Pacific lamprey Entrance Efficiencies varied under two different head differential treatments; to assess the effectiveness of recent fishway modifications on Count Window Enumeration Efficiency; and to evaluate Passage Efficiency, average travel times and general behavior of lamprey in the Wells Project fishways. Adult Pacific lamprey were captured at Bonneville and Priest Rapids dams, and transported to the Wells Fish Hatchery for tagging. Radio and PIT tags were surgically implanted, and the tagged fish were released into the Wells Dam tailrace (n=92) or into the Wells Dam fishways above the adult fish trap (pool 38; n=18). To monitor movements, underwater antenna arrays were deployed throughout both Wells Dam fishways, and aerial antennas were deployed at the mouths of upstream tributaries (Okanogan and Methow Rivers).
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