T H E E X T E R N THE EXTERNAL A L C O S T S COSTS OF O F P A S S E PASSENGER AND N G E R A N D COMMERCIAL C O M M E R VEHICLES USE C I A L V E H I C IN MALTA L E S U S E I N M A L T A INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Supported by the European Commission Institute for Climate Change and Representation in Malta Sustainable Development 254 St.Paul Street, University of Malta, Msida, Malta Valletta VLT 1215/Malta T: +356 2340 3403 T: +356 2342 5000 E:
[email protected] E:
[email protected] W: www.um.edu.mt/iccsd W: http://ec.europa.eu/malta/ FUNDED BY The External Costs of Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Use in Malta INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The External Costs of Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Use in Malta AUThors Maria Attard Philip Von Brockdorff Frank Bezzina ConTACT Professor Maria Attard Director Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development University of Malta, Msida, Malta T: +356 2340 3403 E:
[email protected] W: www.um.edu.mt/iccsd Contract Reference Number PN/2014-003-ESCONST/MT Approved 27 th February 2015 LEgAL noTiCE The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.