тема номера: «МНОГОПОЛЯРНЫЙMultipolar World of theМИР XXI XXI Century ВЕКА»

Русская политология — Russian Political Science 3 № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Table of Contents

Introduction 4 1. in a multipolar world: foreign policy and bilateral cooperation 5 Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 5 about a multipolar world of the XXI century Efanova Elena Vladimirovna The image of Russia in the system of international 15 Glazkov Arkadiy Alekseevich relations: the content of the image strategy Russia in the competitive space Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 24 of the Great Silk Road Perus Marcos Agustin Cuervo Mexico — Russia: the prospects of relations 35 Dashkina Irina Vladimirovna Chinese foreign policy and Sino-Russian relations Cui Zheng 42 in a multipolar world 2. Problems of international security and sustainable world development 49 Vasetsova Elena Sergeevna Islamic organizations of Central Asia 49 Polycentric world order and formatting of the Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 54 regulators of violence Models of the «soft power» of networking terrorist organizations (using the example of the Manoylo Andrey Viktorovich 66 «Islamic state», al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the «Muslim Brotherhood») Political aspects of formation of polycentric world Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich 76 in conditions of «hybrid wars» Islamism and political institutions of the Middle Telin Kirill Olegovich 85 East 3. Contemporary problems of world politics and informational technologies 91 The ideologization of culture as the ideological Ubiriya Izabella Feliksovna background of its militarization in the XX–XXI 91 Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich centuries The informational empire: a myth or a new Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich 100 network world? Information and communication technologies in Feldman Pavel Yakovlevich the implementation of foreign policy strategy of 106 the United States Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga The European Union as a political myth 110 Mikhaylovna On problems with the ambiguous concept of the Hordecki Bartosz freedom of conscience and religion in the United 123 Nations documents 4. Political Science In Russian Universities 133 Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov State University 133 The Departments of Political Science, Lomonosov 140 Editorial Council 146 Editorial Board 148 Editorial Office 150 4 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Dear political scientists!

We present you the first issue of the «Russian political science» journal. We are going to publish actual articles written by Russian and foreign po- litical scientists. We believe that working partnership of political scientists representing various scientific schools, different continents and countries will help to create a more stable, safe and predictable world. Each issue will be devoted to a certain theme or problem. We start with the problems of the modern world order, international politics and international relations. We suppose that the multipolar world is forming in the XXI century, and it is the world where some difficult dialogue be- tween various political centers is taking place. But the modern world faces many threats, first of all, international terrorism, environmental problems, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, national and religious intol- erance. Modern political science in Russia and abroad is looking for ways of solving these problems. The main objective of the journal is to introduce the researches of Rus- sian scientists to the international scientific centers, as well as to build up the scientific dialogue between political scientists from different coun- tries. In order to solve these problems the journal will be published in two languages: Russian and English. The number of languages, in which the journal is published, will increase with its development. Political science in Russia has its own history, which, as it seems, begins with the first University in Russia. We consider that political science can- not exist without university education and university scientific schools. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, one of the founders of Moscow University, proposed to establish the Department of politics among the first ten departments. This Department is the base point of Russian political science, which is now developing in MSU and in other universities of the country. We hope that our journal will unite the political science researchers of Russia and foreign scientific centers. We invite political scientists to cooperation!

Editorial Board 1. Russia in a Multipolar World: 5 Foreign Policy and Bilateral Cooperation

Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov about a Multipolar World of the XXI Century


The article is dedicated to the great public official of the USSR and Russia Yevgeny Primakov. The article analyzes a multipolar system of the international relations, promoted in his works. A multipolar system, according to Primakov, does not set the trend towards the confrontation between poles and centers of power in the world. The reasons for this trend are the integration processes between the countries and transnationalization of business activities. Key words: Russia, Y. M. Primakov, a multipolar world, the US, China, India, unilat- eralism.


Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich Ph. D. in Political science, Head of the Scientific Division, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

OUTIN evgeny Primakov (1929–2015) — ac- Deputy of the Russian Federal Assembly ademician, Member of the Russian (1999–2001), Chairman of Chamber of Com- YAcademy of Sciences, statesman, pub- merce and Industry. lic figure, scientist, politician and diplomat, In 2014, he was awarded the State Prize director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Federation for his significant and the Institute of World Economy and In- contribution to scientific and analytical sup- ternational Relations (1985–1989), Chairman port of the Russian foreign policy. of the Board of the Supreme Soviet of the In 2014, he became President Emiratus USSR (1988–1991), Director of Russian For- of the Russian Society of Political Scientists, eign Intelligence Service (1991–1996), Minis- Emiratus Professor (since 1998), Emiratus ter for Foreign Affairs (1996–1998), Chairman Doctor (since 2006) of Lomonosov Moscow of the Government (1998–1999), State Duma state University.


prominent scientist and an outstan­ making. He was an active participant of the ding politician Yevgeny Primakov international peace movement. Since 1970, Agave much of his attention to peace­ he was the participant of Pugwash scien- 6 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» tists’ movement1. Primakov has made a sig- nificant contribution to the work of US-So- viet Pugwash Group on disarmament and re- search of conflicts2. Moreover, his input into the preparing of the Treaty on Ballistic Mis- sile Defense and of the Agreements on the Strategic Offensive Arms between the USSR and USA was imposing. In the years between 1970 and 2015 he was the member of the So- viet-Pugwash and later of Russian-Pugwash (since 1991) Committee. From 2002 to 2014, he was the member of the Presidium of this Committee. We should keep in mind that the funda- Photo. Y. M. Primakov giving a lecture on mental document of the Pugwash move- Faculty of political science of Lomonosov ment, that is Russel-Einstein Manifesto Moscow State University. April 2014 (1955), said «We should learn to think in a different way. We should ask ourselves not ing for all the participants» [1]. That was the about what steps to do to achieve the victory question Yevgeny Primakov had been trying in the side we belong to, for such steps no to answer all his life, whenever political or longer exist, but we should ask ourselves the military conflict appeared. Then he found question, what steps can prevent the armed the answer and started to act for the sake struggle that is going to turn to be devastat- of peace. Primakov did a lot to establish a political 1 Pugwash scientists’ movement (Pugwash dialogue between the USA and the USSR, and Conferences on Science and World Affairs is later with Russia. He actively participated in an international nongovenmental scientific or- the Soviet-American Dartmouth conferences, ganization. The movement acquired its name was the co-chairman of the working group on from the town of Pugwash (Nova Scotia, Cana- conflict3 situations. Based in the results of da), where in 7–10 July 1957 the first meeting of the work of this group the measures for nor- scientists took place, where the most important malization of the situation in the Middle East aspects of the global politics and the nuclear have been developed. war were discussed. 2 With the growth of the Pugmash move- 3 Dartmouth meetings (conferences) are ment and after long discussions in 1964 the the conferences of the representatives of Standing Committee established the Sovi- the Soviet and the American public, held al- et-American Pugwash Group on Disarmament ternately in the USSR and the USA. The first and Arms Control. The co-chairmen of the conference held in 1960 in the United States Group that year were M. D. Millionsikov, the in Dartmouth College (Hanover, state New Head of the Soviet Pugwash Committee, and Hampshire). The second Dartmouth confer- the American Professor of biochemistry P. Doty ence took place in the USSR, in the Crimea, (See: Pugwash Movement of Scientists — one in May 1961. The participants of the second of the oldest leading international scientific meeting insisted on reaching of the agreement organizations in the field of security, disar- in the negotiations on the cessation of nuclear mament and scientific cooperation — Nobel tests between the USSR, USA and Great Britain peace prize 1995 // the Website of the Russian in 1958. From 1960 to 1990, 17 meetings took Pugwash Committee at the Presidium of the place. (See: The History of the United States in Russian Academy of science. — URL: http:// 4 volumes. vol.4: 1945–1980. — M.: Science — (accessed date: 21.06.2016). 1987. — P. 744). Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 7 Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov about a Multipolar World of the XXI Century

Photo. Y. M. Primakov with Rector of Moscow State University V. A. Sadovnichy (on the left) and Dean of Faculty of Political Science A. Y. Shutov (on the right) before the lecture in MSU. April 2011 In 2007, Primakov became the co-chair- State Secretary Henry Kissinger. The agenda man of the Russian-American group in the of the group included the following ques- public dialogue «Russia-USA: looking to the tions: geopolitical reviews focused on the future». The group targeted to improve Rus- relationships of Russia and the United States, sian-American relations and to develop ap- the world economy, the non-proliferation of propriate recommendations to the political nuclear weapons, energy, the coincidence of leaders of the two countries. The American the interests of Russia and the United States. side of the group was headed by former

Multipolar or unipolar world?

n Russia, Yevgeny Primakov is considered ganizations (such as UN, «Group of 20» (G20) as the theorist of the concept of a mul- and others). Itipolar world. This concept presupposes The concept of a multipolar world proves the development of the world in a peaceful an alternative to the concept of unipolar way. The unipolar development model leads world. Primakov’s opinion was that American inevitably to suppression of independent po- neocons (neoconservatives) were the ideol- litical and economic centers, which interact ogists of the concept. They developed the independently, and not through the unified doctrine of American unilateralism. center, sometimes applying military force. According to this doctrine, after the Multipolar world serves an arena for differ- the United States gained the right ent world actors to coordinate their foreign to determine which countries present the policy through the dialogue and in the frame- threat to the world community, and without work of international formal and informal or- the decision of the UN Security Council and 8 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Photo. Y. M. Primakov on Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University. April 2014 without the consent of NATO bloc allies, can As for the victory of the USA in the «cold apply armed force against such countries. war», according to Primakov, «the collapse The doctrine was based on the following of the could not be treated as statements: the defeat in the cold war» [2]. for former re- 1. The United States won the «cold war», publics of the Soviet Union did not sink into and only one dominating power in the chaos, and the nuclear missile potential was world left; preserved in Russia (the successor state of 2. The United States after the «cold war» the USSR). preserved all the qualitative and quan- Considering the second statement, it titative indicators of a and is important to mind the fact that the inte- joined a number of the countries that gration around the United States is possible submitted their foreign policy to the US only in the presence of a global or regional interests in order to provide their own military threat from any country (or a group security. of countries). In case there is no such threat, Regarding the first argument, even then it must be created and maintained by during the «cold war »period there existed all means, including mass media. Otherwise, more than two global centers in the world as the partners of the United States would not far as the countries-participants of the Non- need much support. Isn’t that the real reason Aligned Movement existed1. for the United States to create such a threat from Russia, especially in the eyes of Europe- 1 The history of the Non-Aligned Movement ans? Imaginary military threat from Russia al- started in September 1961, when on the initia- lows the US to develop military-political bloc tive of Nehru, Nkrumah, Nasser, Tito, Suharto of NATO, and to affect military and economic the First Conference of Heads of Developing potentials of the European countries. Countries held in Belgrad. The Conference of Heads of Government and Non-Aligned Move- tions international forum. At that moment, the ment is the second largest after the United Na- Movement includes 120 countries. Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 9 Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov about a Multipolar World of the XXI Century

Photo. Yevgeny Primakov speaks at the conference of the Russian Society of Political Scientists «Transformation of the role of the state in modern world» at MSU. At the conference, the pre- sentation of the book by Y. M. Primakov «Challenges and alternatives of a multipolar world: the role of Russia» took place. On the photographs Yevgeny Primakov (on the left) and Sergei Stepashin (on the right). December 2014. Primakov considered the two statements In one of the conversations, Matlock not- justifying the doctrine of American unilater- ed that «The Soviet Union disintegrated not alism insolvent, and appealed to opinions of because of an external pressure. In addition, American politicians, who denied the doc- the cold war ended not because of the col- trine of a unipolar world order. Among such lapse of the Soviet Union. It ended due to politicians, a former US Ambassador in Mos- the agreement, profitable for both sides. The cow Jack Matlock1 and respectful politician end of the Communist Government came be- George Kennan2 should be noted. cause of Michael Gorbachev’s actions, which deprived it of the hegemonic power. The idea 1 Jack F. Matlock, 1929 was the US Ambas- that the United States somehow won the vic- sador in the USSR in 1987–1991. The author of tory over the Soviet Union, led Washington fundamental researches concerning the col- to the mistaken and bankrupt policy... USA lapse of the Soviet Union («Autopsy on an Em- did not win the „cold war“, but US leaders be- pire», 1995), the ending of the «cold war«(„Rea- gan to behave the way as if they did» [3]. gan and Gorbachev“, 2004), the drawbacks In his turn, George Kennan called «silly of the USA international policy of President and childish» the election speech of Georg George Bush Jr. („Superpower illusions“, 2010). Bush Sr. in 1992, where he announced the US 2 Georg F. Kennan, 1904–2005, was the US victory in the «cold war». Ambassador in the USSR in 14 May — 19 Sep- Unipolar doctrine found its expression in tember 1952. He wrote 21 books. J. Kennan the following aggressive actions of the Unit- was the author of the Doctrine of the Restraint ed States: of the USSR. In 1974–1975 J. Cannon founded —— The expansion of NATO and acceptance Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian studies, into its members the former republics of named after George Kennan Sr. the Soviet Union, although the govern- 10 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

sand soldiers and officers killed and about 32 thousand wounded. Iraq lost its state- hood and, according to various estimates, from hundreds of thousands to a million of dead Iraq citizens. US military action in Iraq destroyed the balance of power in the re- gion, and caused the appearing of the group «Islamic State» (banned in Russia). This ap- pears to be the result of the implementa- tion by the United States the doctrine of a unipolar world. Probably, in the same doc- trine proves to be the cause of the crisis in the relations between the USA and Russia, as far as Russia adheres to the concept of Russian President : a multipolar world. The President of Rus- — The modern world is really multipolar, sia Vladimir Putin repeatedly confirmed its complex, and dynamic. This is an objective commitment to the system of international reality. And any attempt to build a model relations, in particular, in one of his inter- of the international relations, in which views before the BRICS summit in 2014 [4]. all the decisions are made out in the Y. Primakov outlined several objective in- framework of a sole pole, is ineffective, dicators of the fact, that the world becomes stumbling and doomed to failure. multipolar, and not unipolar. First, economic indicators confirm that ment of the Soviet Union was assured of the US is losing its leadership in the global that the expansion wouldn’t happen; economy. —— The withdrawal of the United States from In fact, according to the IMF1 in 2015, the the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The Trea- leader of the world’s GDP is China with a ty helped to keep the arms race; share of 17.08 %. USA the second with a share —— The bombing of Yugoslavia without the of 15.81 %. UN sanctions and despite the opinion Second, there is a shift in the position of of the leaders of the countries — NATO the Developing countries in the global finan- members; cial flows. The Developing countries become —— The occupation of Iraq, which was the re- the investors, depositing their financial re- sult of fabricated by US Special services sources all around the world. data, proving that Iraq was producing nu- An example of such an investment was clear weapons. the purchasing of Swedish volvo from Ameri- It is obvious, that the US after the cold can Ford made by the Chinese concern Geely, war made a lot of errors, based on unipo- with the cost of the transaction of $ 1.8 bil- lar doctrine of the world. Moreover, such a lion. Earlier, in 2008 the Indian Tata Motors doctrine could not make the world safer, but bought from English Ford Automobile Com- rather created conditions for the emergence pany Jaguar and Land Rover. The cost of this of the military conflicts. And absolutely true transaction covered 2.3 billion dollars. was the book «Illusions of the Superpower» Third, the US share of the world ex- by D. Matlock, which noted that the United penses on research and development work States in its foreign policy after the collapse of the Soviet Union failed to take the advan- 1 World Economic Outlook Database, April tage of the «post-cold war» situation. 2016 // Site of the IMF — URL: http://www.imf. More than that, in the result of the mili- org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/weodata/ tary action in Iraq the US lost about 5 thou- index.aspx (accessed date: 21.06.2016). Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 11 Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov about a Multipolar World of the XXI Century

President of The People’s Republic of China XI Jinping:

— The further development of Rus- Prime Minister of India sian-Chinese partnership and strategic Narendra Modi: interaction are based on the mutual inter- ests and the necessity to support justice — I see in Russia a powerful partner in the and equality in the world, establishing of economic transformation of India and in the peace in the world, prosperity of both the process of forming of a balanced, sta- Russia and China, which is an inevitable bled and inclusive multipolar world. choice coming out of the process of form- ing of a multipolar world.

According to Yevgeny Primakov’s fore- trend to reducing, which is unlike China knowledge, USA in the first two decades of and other countries. Russian researcher the XXI century will be still the strongest Y. I. Nikonova, basing on the objective data military and economic country in the world. analysis states, that «‘in the forming multi- At the same time, the new centers of pow- polar world there formed four main centers er, such as Brazil and South Africa will grow. of the scientific progress by 2011 — the Integration processes will continue in Latin United States (31 % of the world expendi- America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. ture to parity the purchasing power), the That will lead to the formation of the new European Union (24 %), China (14 %) and Ja- «group centers» of the world economy and pan (11 %)» [5]. policy. Multipolarity of the modern world is like- We should also mention a very import- wise confirmed by the ranking of the most In- ant characteristic of the modern multipolar novative countries in the world, provided by world order. Yevgeny Primakov affirmed Bloomberg Agency. In 2016, South Korea was that multipolarity does not set the trend for recognized as the most innovative country. confrontation of different poles and centers Then comes Germany, Sweden, Japan and of power in the world. The reasons for this Switzerland. USA takes the 8th place, Rus- trend are integration processes between the sia — the 12-th, China — the 21-st, India — countries and the transnationalization of the the 45-th1. business activities.

1 These Are the World’s Most Innova- cles/2016-01-19/these-are-the-world-s- tive Economies // Site of Bloomberg — URL: most-innovative-economies (accessed date: 21.06.2016). 12 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Multipolar or «nonpolar» world?

n his book «Thoughts aloud» Y. Primak- international organizations, social organi- ov wrote, that «after the end of the cold zations, armed groups, corporations, the Iwar a multipolar world system started its national networks of media, etc. ) can dom- forming» [6]. inate in the international relations. Such a In the process of forming of such a sys- supposition is based on the following state- tem, according to Primakov, integration ment: «In today’s world the power is not con- associations of the countries in the field of centrated; it is more and more scattered» economic and political agreements occur, [8]. However, behind the idea of nonpolarity bringing the stabilization of different re- Y. Primakov saw the attempt to restore the gions of the world. In addition, just for the unipolar system. Ideologists of nonpolarity sake of the stabilization of the relations see the results of its development in desta- in the vast Eurasian region Primakov pro- bilization and chaos, which will create the posed the idea of a strategic triangle «Rus- background for establishing of a new system sia — India — China». And this idea, in his of the global management of the United opinion, will serve the rapprochement be- States. In his work Haas, actually says that tween China and India, and thus, will reduce «non-polarity» will inevitably course the the tension between these great countries. «coordinated nonpolarity», which supposes Primakov noted that «the transition the «establishment of a Central group» of to a multipolar system is a process, not a the countries and other actors, inclined to single finite action. Therefore, different the idea of multilateralism [8]. and sometimes contradictory tendencies Yevgeny Primakov expressed disagree- appearing with the process are of great ment with the position of Haas that the influ- importance. Some of them are connected ence of national countries in the international with the unevenness of their development, relations declines. According to Primakov it is success or failures of integration associ- just the national countries that are still dom- ations. Proves to be of great importance inant in the regulation of different conflicts. the unstable ratio between, so to say, the E. Primakov regarded the Russian-Amer- course to reset the relationship and the in- ican journalist Nikolai Zlobin, the author of herited from the cold war line of conduct, the book «The Second New World Order», which countries used to apply during the as the ideologist of a «nonpolar world» [9]. confrontation. These two tendencies ap- Zlobin considers, that the agenda of the pres- pear in political, military and economic ar- ent day world is set not by , but eas. Therefore, the valid conclusion is that by small and medium countries. Y. Primakov a multipolar world order itself in conditions considered such an assessment of the world of globalization does not lead to conflict too superficial. situations and military collisions, but it The idea that the modern world is becom- does not exclude a very complicated envi- ing multipolar, is supported by the leaders of ronment in which the transition to such a many leading countries of the world. system takes place» [7]. In the support of the multipolar world or- However, not all the theorists of inter- der spoke in May 2014 President of China XI national relations agree with the thesis of a Jinping [10]. and in December 2015 Prime multipolar world of Yevgeny Primakov. Pres- Minister of India Narendra Modi [11]. ident of the Council on Foreign Relations Such statements made by the world lead- (USA) Richard Haas is considering the mod- ers confirm that Yevgeny Primakov was right ern world order as «nonpolar». This system in his assessment of the modern world as a assumes that different actors (countries, multipolar world. Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 13 Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov about a Multipolar World of the XXI Century

We recommend the following books of Y. M. Primakov 1. Challenges and alternatives of a multipolar world: the role of Russia. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2014, 320 p. (Library of Political Science Department of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University). 2. Thoughts aloud. Moscow: Russian newspaper, 2011, 207 p. 3. Encounters in the crossings. Moscow: ZAO Publishing house Tsentrpoligraf, 2016, 607 p.

Literature 1. The Manifesto of Russell-Einstein, 1955. The Website of the Russian Pugwash Committee at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Available at: http://www.pugwash. ru/history/documents/333.html (accessed date: 11.06.2016). 2. Primakov E. M. Mir bez Rossii. K chemu privedet politicheskaja utopija? [A World without Russia? What is political myopia bringing to]. Moscow: ZAO izdatel’skij dom Centrpoligraf [Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf], 2016, p. 15. 3. Kingsbury A. Why Neither Reagan Nor the United States Won the Cold War. Jack Matlock discusses Superpower Illusions // U. S. News & World Report L. P. Available at: http://www. won-thecold-war-2 (accessed date: 11.06.2016). 4. An interview with the Russian news Agency ITAR-TASS / Presidential Website Russia. Available at: (accessed date: 11.06.2016). 5. Nikonov Y. I. Sravnitel’nyy analiz podkhodov k finansirovaniyu strategii innovatsionnogo razvitiya natsional’noy ekonomiki za rubezhom [Comparative analysis of approaches to funding the strategies of the innovative development of national economies abroad]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Tomsk State Universi- ty], 2015, no. 392, p. 145. 6. Primakov E. M. Mysli vslukh [Thinking out loud]. Moscow: [Russian newspaper], 2011, p. 157. 7. Primakov E. M. Mysli vslukh [Thinking out loud]. Moscow: Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian newspaper, 2011, p. 159–160. 8. Haas R. The era of the nonpolar world // Russia in global politics, 2008, no. 4. Available at: (accessed date: 12.06.2016). 14 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

9. Zlobin N. V. Vtoroy novyy mirovoy poryadok: geopoliticheskiye golovolomki [The Second new world order: geopolitical puzzles]. Moscow: Eksmo [Exmo], 2009, 316 p. 10. Beginning of Russian-Chinese talks in expanded format // the website of the President of Russia. Available at: (ac- cessed date: 12.06.2016). 11. Press statements following Russian-Indian talks. Available at: events/president/news/51011 (date of access: 12.06.2016). 12. Pugwash is one of the oldest and leading international scientific governmental organiza- tions in the field of security, disarmament and scientific staff cooperatio, the Nobel peace prize 1995 // the website of the Pugwash Committee at the Presidium of the Russian Acad- emy of Sciences. Available at: (accessed date: 11.06.2016) Efanova Elena Vladimirovna 15 The Image of Russia in the System of International Relations: the Content of the Image Strategy

The Image of Russia in the System of International Relations: the Content of the Image Strategy


The analysis of evolution of the image of Russia in the system of international rela- tions has shown that the image of Russia has been dynamically changing throughout its history. On the one hand the image of Russia is determined by peculiarities of the citizens’ attitude to the state and, on the other hand, by the state’s international prestige. The results of the general political research show that for Russian people the image of the national state is associated with the President of the country, strong power, and the greatness of the country. Abroad, the Russian state is per- ceived as a superpower with a rich history, but however, a number of foreign states perceive Russia as a country with high levels of corruption. Key words: international relations, image of state, image strategy, Russian govern- ment, Russia.


Efanova Elena Vladimirovna Ph. D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Volgograd Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies (Volgograd, Russia).

Glazkov Arkadiy Alekseevich Student, Department of Political science, Volgograd Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies (Volgograd, Russia).

OUTIN n contemporary socio-humanitarian space in accordance with the image created by the there is a notable tendency of increasing state, but is mostly figured out of the images Isignificance of symbolic politics, based on that arise with the other participants of the various subjects of a political process, as well international relations» [1]. as on stereotypes and myths, formed around General philosophical approach them. According to I. U. Kiselyov the problem (S. V. Bespalov, E. A. Galumov, L. A. Mike­ of the image of the state proved itself rele- shina) understands the «image» as the re- vant, «when it became obvious that the per- sult and the ideal model of the object re- ception of the state is not always carried out flected in the conscious of an individual, 16 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» arising in the process of historical practice —— the role pattern (the state makes it a pri- and based on a sign system. Image is an ority to carry out its obligations) [3]. impression, perception and consideration. E. A. Galumov distinguishes other com- Therefore, this category is something sub- ponents in the structure of the «image of jective. However, once created, the image state». From his point of view, the «image acquires its independent character, and be- of state» is a combination of the image com- gins to take an active part in the behavior of ponents: political, geographical, natural re- the individuals. source, civilizational, cultural, societal, pro- In the framework of political analysis duction-economic, national. In the structure there is a variety of the researches of the of the image of state A. E. Galumov distin- «image of the state»: political-psychologi- guishes the components: cal, media, cultural, marketing, sociological, 1. «Relatively static», these components and discoursive. I. V. Fomin [2] supposes, never change (natural resources, cultural that when studying the phenomenon of the and historical heritage, geographical po- «image of the state», the researchers choose sition, basic form of political system); one of the two ways. The first group of scien- 2. «Relatively dynamic», are in operation at tists describes the content of this category the present time: through the listing of similar terms (symbol, —— «updatable» sociological factors (the sign, presentation). The second defines the mood in the society, models of social — «image of the state» through the set of ele- political interactions, peculiarities and ments (geography, culture, economy, action, style of the realization of political power); status) reflected in the image. —— «updatable» institutional factors (policy, I. Y. Kiselev offered an interesting con- economy, law — the factors of the basic cept of the «image of the state», believing influence on public opinion); that it can be represented at two levels. The —— «prospects of development» planned and first level is the state at the domestic level, expected in future [4]. the state for «ourselves», when the mem- Different components of state structure bers identify themselves as «We», a single were offered by F. E. Perz: unity, comprised of a number of elements. —— the processes of the statehood’s forma- The state at the external level becomes the tion (the historical memory — the key «I» in the international system. «I am the im- events which influenced the processes of age» includes the following components: political system’s constitutionalization); —— identity (history, general values, peculiar- —— communicative factors (objectivity / the ities of political system); lack of objectivity of Mass Media); —— the status of the country in the interna- —— the type of political culture; tional arena; —— transformation of mass consciousness —— the role of the state in the system of in- (changeable processes bringing psycho- ternational relations. logical tension in the society). According to the author, when one of The image of state in foreign affairs the components becomes dominant, we can proves to be the key element in the process speak of the three types of the image of the of interconnection with other actors of the state «I»: international system. Any articulation starts —— the identificational pattern (the external with a primary arising of the image of the policy of the state is based, on the first opponent. According to a thorough note of place, on the values of its history, culture, K. O. Pertsovskaya «The space of the inter- socio-political system); national relations is not an exception, for the —— the status pattern (the state of this type way the country and its image is perceived, ranks first the relations with other coun- makes the base for the establishing of the in- tries in the international system); ternational and economic relations with the Efanova Elena Vladimirovna, Glazkov Arkadiy Alekseevich 17 The Image of Russia in the System of International Relations: the Content of the Image Strategy external community» [6]. The creation of the Concept of the Foreign Policy (2000); realiza- positive image of the state is the foreground tion of the project of forming and promotion aspiration of any country, for it serves much of the positive image of the state abroad (cul- to the consolidation of its political conquests, tural, scientific, sport events) (2003); founda- strengthens the competitive ability, and sim- tion of the round-the-clock channel «Russia plifies the intercourse with other countries. today»; forming and promotion of the positive Russia possesses a certain image in the image of Russia (2008 — up to now); creation consciousness of the world community. The of the new Concept of the Foreign Policy with evolution of this image had been undertak- a widened image component (2008). The pub- en during each period throughout its history. lic diplomacy becomes the main method of I. V. Lyabukhov [7] supposes that the state forming of the positive «image of the state». image in political history of Russia contin- In 2010 the State Fund of the Public Diploma- gently breaks down into three main periods: cy of A. M. Gorchakov and the uncommercial 1991–1999; 2000–2008; 2008 — until now. partnership «The Russian Council on the For- 1991–1999 — absence of the integrate eign Affaires» were established. policy on forming of the positive image of the R. Tsarukyan [9] notes that at the present state. After the disintegration of the USSR, moment the image of Russia is inseparable Russia was proclaimed the legal successor. with the personality of President V. V. Putin. The control over the image of the state ac- The researcher thinks that all the attacks tivities weakened considerably, compared to towards Putin should be considered as the that of the Soviet Union. The mightiest propa- attacks towards Russia. The same viewpoint ganda machine collapsed, and the new alter- expressed V. volodin at the Congress of the native instruments of the international state Discussion Club «Valday»: «If there is Putin, authority support had not been created. then there is Russia. If there is no Putin, then A short-term positive effect on the image there is no Russia» [10]. of the state produced the following process- A legal regulatory framework at the es: renunciation of the confrontation with present moment is comprised of a com- the West, democratization processes, tran- plex of documents, which contribute to the sition to a market economy. M. F. Chernishov forming of the image of the state. Decree of [8] expressed the opinion that Russia carried the President of 8 November 2011. № 1478 out a weakness image due to the drunk Pres- «About the coordinative role of The Ministry ident B. N. Yeltsin, banditry, the Chechen War of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and oligarchy. in the conducting of the unified foreign pol- 2000–2008 — forming of Russia’s positive icy line of the Russian Federation» [11]. The image abroad becomes the matter of priori- document establishes the leading role of the ty. This period is characterized by favorable Ministry in the sphere of interaction with in- market conditions and GDP growth. Russia ternational countries. According to the doc- succeeded in paying of the greater part of ument the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RF the foreign debts. In the international image carries out the general control of the fulfill- of the state the rewriting of the anthem, the ment of the international obligations of the struggle with the international terrorism (the Russian State, provides political, diplomatic events of the 11 September, 2001), the right and informational support at all the levels of of the presidency in G8, the winning the right power while preparing and implementation to arrange the Olympic Games in 2014 helped of international events. a lot in returning back the status of one of «The Concept of the Foreign policy of The the greatest world powers. Russian Federation» of the 2013 is the reg- Many researchers think that a significant ulation of the first grade importance in the input to the image of the state of the period forming the image of Russia. The Concept were such events as the adoption of the new represents «the system of the viewpoints on 18 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» the basic principles, the prior directions, aims Table 1. Which of the following and perspectives of the foreign activity of statements do you most agree? Russia the Russian Federation» [12]. The document seems to foreigners... justified the priorities of the RF in solvation (use answers from 1 to 5, where 1 is of the regional and global problems, meth- strongly disagree, 5 — completely agree) ods of the international interests’ realization. At the moment, the political elite of the interesting 4.04 RF (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs being the first) is conducting the following meaningful a country with strong power 3.91 procedures with the purpose of creating of responsive 3.81 the positive image of the state: —— implementation of human rights activi- independent 3.79 ties — the struggle with the violation of welcoming 3.74 the human rights all over the world; —— the support of compatriots abroad — for rich 3.71 example the Federal program of working tolerant 3.70 with compatriots, living abroad for 2015– 2017 [13]; striving for spiritual values 3.39 —— the spread of the — ac- cording to the data of the year 2010, more country of people 3.18 than 50 Centres of culture and science in with high self-esteem 3.18 46 countries were teaching the Russian language which attended 16 thousand economic 3.15 people[14]; country of hardworking 3.07 —— popularization of Russian culture — or- people ganization of annual festivals «The Year of Russia abroad», active welcoming of authoritarian 2.96 foreign students to receive higher pro- striving for superiority 2.95 fessional education in Russia [15]. The process of creation of the positive im- stubborn 2.83 age is a durable process. I. A. Vasilenko notes, wasteful 2.78 that the image strategy of the state should be projected for a long-term period (about press and others; 30 years). Such a durable program allows to —— activation of the Public Diplomacy in or- affect the world community through all the der to denounce the results of the state possible channels of mass communication policy in all the areas to all the citizens; and public diplomacy which is necessary for —— the interest of the nation to its history — creation of the stable positive internal and the revival of political myths, praise of external image of the state. The researcher national heroes; concludes that the present day image strate- —— to engage the representatives of science gy comprises the following directions: and culture in image-building projects; —— the forming of the unique concept and —— application of the technology of «a per- popular slogan, inherent to the majority sonal charm» when a charismatic politi- of the population and agreeable with cul- cal leader is placed in the centre of the tural traditions; informational campaign, trying to raise —— complex coverage of all the instruments the prestige of the country; of Mass Communication — the promotion —— celebration of national holidays, visiting of the positive image of the state through of other countries by the political leaders; television, radio, internet resources, —— support of compatriots in other coun- Efanova Elena Vladimirovna, Glazkov Arkadiy Alekseevich 19 The Image of Russia in the System of International Relations: the Content of the Image Strategy

Figure 1. Is Russia independent or respect Russia (68 %). As a matter of fact, dependent on other countries? according to the responders, more than a —— 12 % — cannot say (Grey sector) half of Russians believe that Russia is treat- —— 10 % — Russia is dependent on other ed badly. The citizens associate negative countries (Red sector) attitude to the state with the situation in —— 78 % — Russia is independent (Green Ukraine (9 %), imposing of sanctions (7 %) sector) and joining of the Crimea (5 %), independent foreign policy (6 %). 12 % — cannot say Of course there are those, strongly con- 10 % — Russia is dependent on other vinced that the image of Russia abroad is im- countries proving (36 %). The respondents connect the tendency with the personality of the President Vladimir Putin (7 %), strengthening of military power (3 %), correct foreign policy (4 %).

78 % — Russia is independent In 2014, the Russian center of public opin- (Green sector) ion [18] conducted a poll among Russians tries — spreading of the Russian lan- about what image of the Russian Federation, guage, creation of cultural centers; in the opinion of our citizens, formed among —— tourism development — promotion of do- foreigners (table 1). mestic tourist routes; Obviously, the majority of Russians feel —— sports development — active parti­ that in the eyes of foreigners Russia is in cipation in international compe­titions, the first place, interesting, and sympathetic propaganda of a healthy mode of life [16]. state with a strong power. The last thing the Whether the efforts of the image con- Russians tend to think that the image of our structing policy correspond to the real situ- country, identified with the state, seeking su- ation, can possibly be traced with empirical periority, stubborn and wasteful. measurement of the spirits of Russian citi- A similar study was carried out in 2015 by zens. According to the data of «Public Opin- The Foundation of the public opinion [19]. ion Foundation» in 2014 [17] 68 % of Russians The vast majority of compatriots (89 %) be- thought, that they lived in a developed coun- lieve that Russia is feared in the world.56 % try, while in 2012 this figure was 43 %.73 % of of responded believe, that the attitude of the population considers Russia a free coun- other states to Russia is biased.78 % of Rus- try, the number increased to 19 % in compar- sians believe that Russia is self-sufficient and ison with 2012. does not depend on other countries.10 % say The majority of Russians think that oth- that the country depends on other states er countries are afraid of Russia (86 %) and (figure 1). Out of them, 5 % believe that our

Figure 2. Upon which countries does Russia depend in decisions and actions? USA — 5 %; EU countries — 4 %; China — 1 %; Germany — 1 %; Many countries — 1 %; Something else — 1 %; Cannot say — 2 %

USA EU countries China Germany Many countries Something else Cannot say 20 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Figure 3. Is Russia’s influence in the world in recent years increasing, decreasing or staying constant? Green — increasing. Blue — staying constant. Red — decreasing. Grey — cannot say

24 August, 2008 — 19 October, 2008 — 25 March, 2012 — 9 February, 2014 — 28 December, 2014

Figure 4. Which country do you consider a super power? Total 81 50 39 35 34 Brazil 65 26 10 33 12 China 94 65 45 19 32 France 85 59 24 37 43 Germany 90 69 70 56 81 India 79 33 29 28 5 Japan 70 36 16 19 20 Russia 68 24 58 22 13 Great Britain 92 78 65 60 76 USA 86 56 30 40 26 USA China Russia Japan EU country depends of the USA,4 % — of Eu- rope, 1 % of — China, 1 % — of Germany, Figure 5. Distribution of global press 1 % — of other countries (Figure 2). coverage factors in the global media The majority of respondents believe space that in recent time the influence of Russia is 1 USA. 2 Iraq. 3 Russia. growing (67 %). In 2008, this index was on the 4 Great Britain. 5 China. 6 France. mark 57 % — 62 %, in 2012–48 %, in 2014– 7 Germany. 8 Mexico. 55 % (Figure 3). 9 Italy. 10 Australia 9 Italy Thus, the generalized results of so- 8 Mexico 10 Australia cio-political research showed that the image of Russia in the representation of the most 7 Germany 1. USA Russian citizens is independent, magnificent country with the respectful political leader. 6 France In the opinion of compatriots, the image of the national state often caused fear among 5 China other actors of the international system. A different perception of the image of 2 Iraq 4 Great Britain 3 Russia the Russian Federation is met with overseas Efanova Elena Vladimirovna, Glazkov Arkadiy Alekseevich 21 The Image of Russia in the System of International Relations: the Content of the Image Strategy neighbors. V. Buyanov [20] notes, that the state in the United Kingdom, China and Ger- West actively exploits a few images of Russia: many (figure 4). for yourself, for us, for everyone else. Image This situation was affirmed by the research for domestic consumption is: the Russian peo- «News factors in global media space» [23]. ple are steeped in vice, they are not ready to The results showed, that among the rank- accept Western values, democracy as a form ing of most frequently mentioned countries of power is alien to Russia. Image for Russia along with the USA, China, and EU Russia itself is: a backward country, the government presents (Figure 5). cannot provide the worthy standard of living Despite the fact that Russia is considered for its citizens. Image for all the rest is: Russia a superpower by many foreigners, polls show becomes the same threat as it was in the time that the majority of our neighbors associate of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. the image of Russia with such problems as S. V. Kobzev, D. A. Khalturina, A. V. Kora- poverty and corruption [24] (Table 2). teev, D. M. Kachkov [21] suggested that it is It was also confirmed by the sociological impossible to give a single image of Russia, study conducted by the BBC (2010). It is es- which exists in the world. This image varies tablished that out of 26 countries Russia is greatly, depending on the region, where leading in the problems of poverty and cor- the state is situated. According to the study ruption [25]. «47-Nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey», A. Neimatov noted that these problems the positive image of the Russian Federation are deeply entrenched in the image of the has developed in the third world countries, Russian state, and the Western media will members of CIS. The negative perception of print the headers like «Russia is a mafia the image of the Russian state is typical for state» for a long time ahead [26]. people of the United States, of Canada, and Thus, the creation and promotion of a the UK. An ambiguous assessment of the im- positive image of the state is a complex and age of Russia has been formed in the Eastern durable process. According to I. A. Vasilen- Europe; for example, in Bulgaria a positive ko, a positive image of the country can be image of our country prevails, in Poland it is achieved only with the help of the national very negative. idea, that is «the system of values of the so- A study conducted by the Bertelsmann ciety, expressing the consciousness of the Foundation (2007) [22] have shown that people and setting goals for personal and the residents of nine major countries of the national development in historical perspec- world, appreciate Russia as a great power, tive» [16]. The analysis of the evolution of the rating the third. Russia is regarded the great image of the Russian state in the system of

Table 2. What do you think about Russia in general?

Eastern Europe Western Europe Great country ** Mental people * **** An ordinary country ** * A third world country *** * Corruption, poverty **** * World power *** Beautiful country ** Mysterious country * *** Great people * ** Better not to think * 22 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» international relations has shown that the often Russian state is perceived as a super- image of Russia has dynamically modified power with rich history. throughout the history. At present, the re- However, there are states (USA, China, sults of social and political research demon- UK), which have developed more negative strate that Russian citizens associate the im- than positive image of the Russian Federation. age of the national state, in the first place, They perceive Russia as an impoverished, dan- with the President of the country, strong gerous country with a high level of corruption. power and being great state. A different The work is executed with the financial sup- view of the image of Russia is abroad. Most port of RNF, project № 15–13–34011.


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Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road


The article deals with the question of revival of the Great Silk Road (GSR). In its competitive space, there is an interaction of the Chinese concept of the Great Silk Road, the American concept of the New Silk Road (NSHP), the Russian concept of the Eurasian Economic Union and a multilateral concept of the Shanghai Organization of Cooperation. In these circumstances, the question of finding of optimal foreign policy and foreign economic strategy, allowing to avoid an open confrontation with the main centers of power, as well as efficient use of the potential of cooperation between them becomes the most urgent for Russia. Key words: Silk Road, New Silk Road, Russia, China, USA, European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


Kosorukov Artem Andreevich Ph. D. in Political Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).


n the beginning of the XXI century, the zation, the Association of South-East Asian revival of transport communications in Nations etc. Ithe space of the Great Silk Road (GSR) Historically in Eurasia for more than twen- assigned to Russia a number of geopoliti- ty centuries existed and successfully operat- cal and geo-economical tasks, the solution ed the so-called Great Silk Road, which had of which determines the success of the been of significant impact on the processes Russian integration associations. Thus, in of struggle for power and economic prosper- connection with the internationalization of ity of various States. world economic linkages and the intensifi- During the Empire of Alexander the Great cation of the world trade, there is a signif- they began to lay down or improve transcon- icant growth of the role of transport com- tinental transportation and sea routes be- munications, passing through the Eurasian tween the Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Indian continent and crossing the space of such and Chinese producers, and consumers. integration associations as the Eurasian However, the development of the trade Economic Union, the European Economic ties and the intensity of the flow of goods Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organi- and capitals regularly decreased because of Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 25 Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road

Figure № 1. The International Transport Corridors of the Great Silk Road. North (1a and 1b) Median (2) South (3) Sea (4a and 4b)

North (1a and 1b) Median (2) South (3) Sea (4a and 4b)

military conflicts and political contradictions the Great Silk Road passed through the ter- between the Eurasian powers. One of the first ritory of the North Caucasus. It was caused significant decrease of the through flow ca- by the attempt of Persia to limit Byzantine pacity of the Silk Road was caused by the with- trade through imposing heavy taxes on Greek drawal of the Romans from the Middle East in merchants. That was why, the caravans from the VII century and the beginning of the ac- China and Central Asia went around, skirting tivation of the Arab expansion in the region. the Caspian Sea from the North. During the numerous Byzantine-Iranian wars, The expansion of the Mongol Empire in Persia blocked the caravan routes, in order to the XIII century, which territory included cause economic damage to the Byzantine Em- large areas of Eurasia, led to the revival of pire. In the period of VIII–X centuries instead land commerce in the space of the Great Silk of the Persian piece of the Great Silk way the Way. In the XIV–XV centuries trading empires river routes of the East European Plain were of the Venetians and the Genoese began to used, which was dominated by the Khazars build transport communication in its Euro- and the Vikings. The increase in the number pean part and fortify them with the help of of products and enrichment at the expense of trading fortresses on the shores of the Adri- trade with the East led to a significant lamina- atic, Aegean, Marmara and the Black seas. tion in these lands, and the construction of nu- By the fifteenth century, the Silk Road merous military and trading fortresses, which was in decline due to the renewed military later became states such as volga Bulgaria, conflicts in Central Asia, in particular, the in- Khazar khanate and the Old Russian State. vasion of the Turkmen tribes and conquests In VI–VII centuries as a result of Per- of Tamerlane, which stimulated the develop- sian-Byzantine wars one of the branches of ment of maritime trade subsequently leading 26 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Figure 2. The Chinese concept of the «New Silk Road»

to the Great geographical discoveries. The fundamental work «China» of the German evidence of the presence of definite interest researcher Ferdinand Richthofen in 1877. In of China to the development of the maritime the XX century, the Great Silk Way, already components of the Great Silk Way became out of function, played a crucial role in the the Chinese travels of the Admiral Zheng He history of China during the civil war, when in in the Persian Gulf and to the coast of Africa in 1939, the government of China asked the So- the mid-fifteenth century. A century later, the viet Union to build a new automobile road, Turkish Empire and the Grand Duchy of Mos- partly coincident with the North direction of covy had occupied almost all the space from the silk road which later helped China to sur- the Arctic Ocean through the Middle East and vive in the struggle with Japan. North Africa almost to the Strait of Gibraltar, In the twenty-first century, the Great Silk using the possibilities of overland Asia-Euro- Road begins to gain a radically new content pean trade. European states had to begin to within the framework of the four international seek alternate trade routes. As a result, the transport corridors: 1) North, passing through development of oceanic communications ap- the territory of China, Kazakhstan, Russia, peared the most promising strategic direction Belarus and the European Union (EU); 2) Me- of international trade in the XV century. High dian, passing through the territory of China, speed, the possibility to carry large loads, the Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azer- relatively low price of the maritime movement baijan, , Turkey and European Union; 3) began to cause the decline of the value of the South, passing through the territory of China, Great Silk Way by the end of the XV century. India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, The revival of the Great Silk Road be- Iran, Turkey and the European Union; 4) Two gan with its scientific comprehension in the Sea corridors — envelope the Eurasian conti- Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 27 Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road

Figure 3. The American concept of the «New Silk Road»

nent in the South and in the North and go up Trans-Siberian railroad with the European to the states of the European Union (Fig. № 1). part of Russia and further with the European The greatest interest to Russia present Union. The southern branch of the Eurasian the corridors 4A, 1A, 1 b. As for China, the Land Bridge (corridors 2 and 3), starting in most perspective are the corridors 2, 3, 4b, China, continuing in Kazakhstan and running that does not exclude the increase of China’s through Russia, can also be an internation- interest in the corridors 4A, 1A, 1b in the case al transport corridor to the territory of the of growth of conflict in Central, South and EU. The project and construction of the above South-East Asia. two transport routes concerned Washington. Conflicts associated with the growth of Moreover, the stronger U. S. trafficked trad- terrorist activation in the Middle and South ed in the Affairs of South and Central Asia, Asia together with the effects of the «Arab the more intensive strategic cooperation spring» in the Middle East and North Africa, between Russia and China. The main region- today are threatening not only China’s nation- al integration project of Russia in the space al security, but also the national security of of the Great Silk Road became the Eurasian Russia. They can potentially block the transit Economic Union, created as an economic and route from Asian — Pacific Region to Europe. in perspective a political Union between the The fact is that the territory of Russia can former Soviet republics, including Belarus, be crossed with the Eurasian Land Bridge Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Russia. (corridors 1a and 1b), which will connect the An important step towards the formation of West coast of the Pacific ocean through the the Eurasian Economic Union was the cre- 28 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» ation in 2010 of the Customs Union, signed format for the development of Middle and by three members — Russia, Kazakhstan and South Asia, and vice versa, is interested in the Belarus. Kyrgyzstan and Armenia joined it in development of transport and energy com- 2014. Tajikistan has announced that it is go- munications throughout the GSR, which start ing to consider the question of accession to in China and spread through Middle Asia, the Union, but the process of its accession Iran, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Turkey and depends largely on the membership of Kyr- Russia to the EU countries. The boundaries gyzstan in connection with the lack of a com- can be extended to Western and Southern mon border with Kazakhstan. Asia and to Central and Eastern Europe. On the one hand, the Russian vision of However, Russia in the process of Eur- the regional integration is partly contrary to asian integration in the framework of the the concept of the US revival of the Great Silk EAEU format does not intend to recreate the Road. If the United States consider the Eur- USSR or to displace the US from Eurasia. The asian Economic Union as an attempt of the Eurasian Economic Union for Russia is the former Soviet republics to recreate the So- project aiming at restoring of its geopoliti- viet Union, Russia sees in the American con- cal and geo-economical presence in Eurasia cept of the New Silk Road (NSR) an attempt and particularly in Middle Asia, as well as at to weaken ties within Eurasia. The American maximizing of the mutual benefits from in- concept of the New Silk Road includes the ternational trade. Recent conflicts, the most creation of a regional energy system in South sharp in Ukraine, actualized the issues of a (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India) and Middle flexible format of cooperation in Eurasia, the Asia, further development of trade in these search for reasonable, beneficial to all partic- regions, the diminution and harmonization of ipants, regardless of geopolitical ambitions, customs rules, as well as, in the perspective, economic alternatives, built on a pragmatic the convergence of socio-political systems and real, in terms of financial security, basis. of these states on the principles of democ- The establishment of the Shanghai Co- racy. In this sense, the American concept can operation Organization (SCO) in 2001 was be considered as a method of confrontation an important feature of the strategic con- with Russian and, to some extent, Chinese vergence between Russia and China. Today influence on the countries of Middle Asia, by SCO includes not only the Middle Asian re- its political and ideological orientation to the publics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan countries of the region. and Uzbekistan), but also India, Pakistan, Оn the other hand, it is easy to find mutu- indicating to a certain intersection of the ally beneficial points of contact between the SCO and the approaches of Russia, China Chinese concept of the Great Silk Road (GSR) and India, concerning the development of and the Russian vision of further develop- the Silk Road with the American concept of ment of the EEU, its harmonization with the NSR (Fig. № 3). However, among the priori- GSR. Therefore, China in the face of the Chi- ties of Russia in this organization there is no nese President XI Jinping in 2013 put forward task of competition with the United States in the strategic concept of the development of Eurasia, as well as the activities of the SCO GSR, as well as «The Community of Common are not anti-American. The main Russian pri- Destiny China-ASEAN» and «Maritime Silk orities include the increasing of the role of Road of XXI century» (Fig. № 2). Thus, China SCO as a mechanism for regional security, has offered to form the world’s largest eco- launching of multilateral economic projects, nomic zone covering, more than thirty coun- deepening of cultural ties. Russia is ready to tries of Eurasia with the population of more establish relations of the SCO with the Eur- than three billion people, providing up to a asian Economic Union, to expand coopera- quarter of the world exports. China, unlike tion with other international organizations, the USA, does not seek to create a separate especially the UN, which also is interested in Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 29 Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road the strengthening of cooperation with the territories of advanced development in Sibe- SCO, in ensuring of stability in the region. ria and the far East, promote the revival of The Shanghai cooperation format in the the GSR and the Chinese Eastern Railway, and Eurasian space contributes significantly to to carry out the transition to payment in ru- the revival of the Great Silk Road. Thus, in bles with the countries in the Asia Pacific re- 2014, the SCO countries signed the agree- gion, in particular, with the Northern areas of ment on creation of favorable conditions for China and North Korea. Russia’s chairmanship international road transport, which aimed at in the SCO in 2014 opened new prospects for the formation of international transport net- the development of Siberia and the Far East work of road routes, including the transport region. The conceptual basis of POR should corridor from Europe to Western China. In the be the conditions for the implementation of case of its full-scale launch, the opportunity business that meet all the international stan- of direct land connection of the ports of the dards and competitive relationships with key Yellow Sea with the ports of the Leningrad business centres of Asia Pacific Region. region will appear, and significantly will ex- The geopolitical role of Russia tradition- pand the capabilities of the transit of Chinese ally has been to strengthen the civilization- goods to Europe and Russian goods to South- tional, economic and transport links between East Asia, bypassing such risky transit regions Asia and Europe. At the present stage, Rus- like South Asia and Asia Minor, and the Middle sia defends the idea of the revival of the East. The countries of the SCO in the nearest Chinese Eastern Railway, attracts significant future are planning to adopt the program for funds to the modernization of the Trans-Si- the coordinated development of roads. berian Railway, consolidates the cooperation One of the strategic priorities of Russia with North and South Korea, where one of in the framework of the revival of the Great the segments of the Great Silk Road can be Silk Road is the economic development of Si- launched. The negotiations with North Ko- beria and the Far East, which becomes the rea has already started on the transition to most evident on the background of the rapid payments in rubles, on the long-term visas to growth of the Asia-Pacific region, particu- Russian citizens working in the companies-in- larly of China. Russia has developed a num- vestors, on granting Russian investors full ac- ber of state strategies and programs for the cess to mobile communications and internal integrated development of Siberia and the Internet on the territory of the DPRK. Far East oriented to the export to the coun- Russia is also attracting Chinese investors tries of the APR, and with the extension of to the projects of the development of the the Trans-Siberian Railroad. It is important system BAM — Trans-Siberian Railway, par- to consider, that the Russian Far East is locat- ticularly, to the completion of the BAM with ed in the Northern part of the APR and pos- underwater tunnels, connecting the Sakhalin sesses both land and sea exits to the region. Island with the mainland and, perhaps even The aggregate GDP of Asia Pacific Countries with the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The im- is more than fifty trillion dollars. In case the plementation of this plan would allow to cre- vol. of Russian exports rises to at least two ate the highway Japan — Western Europe, the percent of the GDP of the Asia-Pacific region, development of which would give the impetus the Gross Regional Product of Siberia and the to the economic development of the Far East. Far East will double. The export model of the However, this project has a very uncer- economy of Siberia and the Far East of Rus- tain future because of the territorial claims sia will work in case of creating a number of of Japan. free economic zones on their territory on the Russia through the prism of the Chinese model of Singapore, involving the production vision of the GSR still does not represent of large transnational corporations. In the a strategic market (ranking 15 of the ma- SCO framework there should be created the jor trade partners of China in 2015, behind 30 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Figure 4. Countries by GDP (PPP) in trillion USA $.

EU countries — 18,4 Brazil — 3,2 China — 18 Indonesia — 2,6 USA — 17,4 Mexico — 2,1 India — 7,3 Republic of Korea — Japan — 4,6 1,7 Russia — 3,7

Germany, the UK, Brazil, Thailand and India), perceived by China, dependent of the interna- but proves a strategically important transit tional transport communications. So the ac- territory (the vol. of China’s foreign trade cession of the EU to the US sanctions against exceeds four trillion dollars, and the vol. of Russia, concerning events in Ukraine, showed Russian-Chinese trade will approach 100 to China how the EU can act in the prejudice billion $ only by 2020). However, because of of their economic interests and reduce the the continuing instability in the Middle East space for mutually beneficial cooperation. and in the Caucasus, the transport arteries Moreover, the activities of the United on the territory of Russia are of paramount States in the Asia Pacific Region also bring importance and contribute to the substantial new risks to Russia and China, if the Transat- development of the Russian economy. The lantic Free Trade Area under the leadership domestic economy receives a boost from the of the United States will be implemented construction or modernization of the Russian practically. Along with the Trans-Pacific Free part of the planned Beijing Main Container Trade Zone, it is designed to create a field of Road, which begins on the Eastern coast of global Commerce, free from unwanted for China, passing through Kazakhstan, merges the US economies. with the highways of Russia and Belarus, hav- Restrictions in mutual trade between ing the opportunity of a partial reorientation Russia and the EU contributed much to the to the southern Crimean direction. The role intensification of Russian-Chinese trade, of the understudies will play Trans-Siberian causing the appearance of industrial and Railway, BAM and other railways, modern- subindustriai niches for Chinese goods in the ized with the Chinese participation. Russian market, which appeared after the in- Further development of transit potential troduction of the sanctions by the Western of Russia is experiencing a number of chal- states. It is pushing China to increase the vol. lenges and threats from the border regions, of trade with Russia and invest to major in- connected with the foreign activity of West- frastructure projects, as well as to continue ern countries, which is particularly sensitively military-technical cooperation in the condi- Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 31 Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road

Figure 5. Prospects of the development of the Great Silk Road in the context of the realization of the national interests of Russia

tions of the growing international tension. luctance of China to have Russia as a compet- The relevant agreements between Russia and itor in the Central Asia for after the rejection China increase the number of joint projects in of the Chinese initiative of creating a free high technological branches of science and trade zone between the members of the industry with favorable consequences for mu- Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russia tual development. has continued to develop its project of a free Confrontational dynamics of the rela- trade zone of the Eurasian Economic Union tions between Russia and the West causes that was cautiously received in China. some harm to the development of the Rus- In the beginning of XXI century, the un- sian terrestrial section of the Silk Road, but willingness of some states in the space of allows to strengthen Russian-Chinese co- the Great Silk Road to change the status quo operation, and to redirect the traffic flows can be a major obstacle to its successful im- of the Southern terrestrial section of GSR, plementation. The practical use of certain bypassing Russia and to intensify the devel- initiatives and projects is criticized by the opment of the Northern Sea Road, as well as authorities of the states that are not ready the Chinese strategy of «Strings of Pearls» to trade liberalization, empowerment of the (sea section of the Great Silk Road, passing private sector or opening of their economies. through the South China Sea, the Bay of Ben- However, staying on the sidelines and not gal, the Arabian and the Red seas with access able to use the opportunities introduced in to the Mediterranean sea). At the same time, the framework of the Silk Road, eventually China is closely following the geo-economic they will endanger their status quo. For ex- steps of Russia, particularly the attempts to ample, not all the countries of Central Asia maintain its economic presence in Ukraine have access to the open sea, so without the and in Eastern Europe, as well as to create transregional and interregional cooperation the Eurasian Union based on the Eurasian it is extremely difficult to achieve the rapid Economic Union. It is easy to explain the re- economic development. 32 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Further development of the Eurasian Eco- in the Central Asia. However, there is also the nomic Union in conditions of the realization of possibility of US-Russian cooperation (anoth- the Chinese concept of the Great Silk Road can er strategic «reset»), based on a common un- become a valuable strategy of economic de- derstanding of the need to prevent the over- velopment of Russia and of its integration into grow of the economic expansion of China in the world economy. These initiatives should Eurasia into the geopolitical dominance in focus on the developing of mechanisms to the region to the detriment of the long-term facilitate the continental trade between Asia interests of Russia or the United States. and Europe, facilitate economic development Considering the China-American rivalry in and stabilization in the South and Middle Asia, the Middle Asia, it is important to note that and the integration of Russia with the econo- the China-American relationship is too im- mies of Southeast Asia, and Europe. portant for both countries, so China and the The United States objectively assessing US are trying to refrain from confrontation the prospects of the strengthening of trans- and adhere the policy of cooperation: any port communications between Russia, China problem can be adjusted within the emerging and EU (together about 40.1 % of the world system of mutually beneficial tandem, the GDP), tend to reduce the dependence of its economic «Chimerica» in the global space. European allies in EU and NATO on Russian It should be noted that China would strive energy and Chinese goods. Therefore, they to strengthen its economic and political pres- seek to strengthen political, economic and ence in the Central Asia. On this road, it will military unity of the transatlantic communi- be hard to China to avoid the exacerbation of ty, in particular NATO. For these purposes, economic competition, in particular in the en- The United States are promoting two major ergy sector, with Russia. The attempts of Rus- foreign policy initiatives: one, the concept of sia and the Central Asian countries to nego- NSR, and the other is the intention of Amer- tiate the international trade cooperation can ica to increase its military presence in the also be in conflict with the economic inter- Asia-Pacific Region (Fig. № 4). ests of China, especially concerning the joint The arrows show the directions of the supply of raw materials and the attempts of realization of USA concept t of the New Silk Russia and Central Asian countries to negoti- Way and its intersection with the space of ate international trade cooperation, especial- Chinese concept of the Great Silk Road and ly in terms of joint raw materials delivery to of the EU and SCO. China. Nevertheless, Russia and China main- However, if we consider bilateral contacts tain mutual interests in terms of security and between Russia and China, they are not al- limitations of US influence on regional pro- ways characterized by cooperative interac- cesses. Thus, between the two centers there tions, particularly in the institutionalization are mismatches on the line economy-security, process of the EEU and the Chinese approach ‘which can serve the base for building of the to the development of the SCO and the strategy of Russia in Central Asia. GSR. The creation of the Eurasian Economic It is necessary to evaluate objectively the Union in 2015 affected the interests of China potential of China, USA, EU and other actors in the Central Asia and weakened the eco- in the process of implementing of their vision nomic prospects of SCO development, which of the Silk Road. Despite of the significant could lead to serious political difficulties in achievements of China in Central Asia and the Russian-Chinese relations. However, the those of the United States in the Europe- weakening of Russia by the actions of the an and Asian regions, there remains a large West is not included in geopolitical plans of number of unresolved issues that complicate China, and the success of the Eurasian eco- the relations between China and the United nomic project will strengthen Russia, which is States with the countries of the region. One of more important for China than a tactical loss the most pressing issues for China are serious Kosorukov Artem Andreevich 33 Russia in Competitive Space of the Great Silk Road internal challenges it faces now, particularly, governments (Fig. № 5). Each of the transit unfavorable demographic trends, social strat- states in the implementation of this scenario ification, environmental pollution, the need would seek to achieve benefits for national for political reforms, the crisis of traditional transportation carriers and other market par- values and others. In its turn, the USA have to ticipants and the economy as a whole; reform American leadership in Eurasia, which 2. «Regional» implying close regional, in- intensified after the collapse of the Soviet cluding bilateral cooperation of Russia, Chi- Union, but at the same time, begins to weaken na, etc., including the implementation of the due to the successful economic rise of China. prospective integration projects (harmoniz- Therefore, Russia should increase the ca- ing the EEU and the SCO), in order to bene- pacity of regional integration in the format fit the geographical location and transport of the EAEC, and seek to harmonize relations communications, the harmonization of the with the SCO, and China GSR project and the transportation process and elimination of American NSHP, to look for opportunities of various barriers for carriers and cargoes in mutually beneficial cooperation with Europe- the International trade; an partners. The Position of Russia in the com- 3. «International», providing the devel- petitive space of the Great Silk Road will take opment of the terrestrial transport bridge place within three most probable scenarios: between Europe and Asia involving the US, 1. «State», involving efforts to revive the EU and other countries and various interna- Great Silk Way within the framework of the tional organizations and transnational cor- EAEU and the development of Euro-Asian porations. transport links, with the support of national


1. Latov Yu. V. Velikiy shelkoviy put, prolog mirovoy ekonomiki i globalizatsii [The Great Silk Roa, Prologue of the world economy and globalization (to 2130 anniversary of its «open- ing»)], Istorico-ekonomicheskiye issledovaniea [Historical-economic researches], 2010, no. 1, p. 123–140. 2. Prikhodko N. N., Vashchuk P. S., Romanko. V. and Shalaev. V. O perspektivah rasvitiya ‘Shelkobogo puti’ [Of the prospects of the development of the «Silk Road»], Vestnik AmGu [Bulletin of the AmSU], 2015, no. 70, p. 42. 3. Vozrogdenie velikogo shelkovogo puti v XXI veke: ot teorii k praktike. Mezdunarodniy soiuz avtomobilnogo transpporta. [On the revival of the Great Silk Way in the XXI centu- ry: from theory to practice. The International Road Transport Union], Available at: http:// (date accessed: 20.02.2016). 4. Syroezhkin K. Kontseptsiya formirovaniya «ekonomicheskogo poyasa na shelkovom puti»: problemi i perspektivi. [The Concept of formation of Economic Belt along the Silk Road: problems and prospects], Kasahctan v globalnih protsessah [Kazakhstan in global pro- cesses], 2014, no. 1, p. 54–65. 5. Arabaev A. Sovmestimost’ mezhdu razvitiyem «vneshnikh proyektov» Tsentral’noy Azii i interesy stran regiona? [Are the«external projects» campatible with the development of the Central Asia and the interests of the countries of the region?], Kasahctan v globalnih protsessah [Kazakhstan in global processes], 2014, no. 1, p. 22. Available at: http://iwep. kz/files/attachments/article/2014-04-30/ IMEP12014.PDF (date accessed: 20.02.2016). 6. Kalinowskii I. Novii shelkovii put’ [The New Silk Road], «Expert Online» 28.09.14. Available at: http://expert./2014/09/28/novyij-shelkovyij-put (date accessed: 30.01.2016). 7. Popova Y. V. K voprocu o povishenii tranzitnogo potentsiala zeleznih dorog rossii [To the issue of improving transit capacity of main Railways in Russia], Kollektsia mirovih nauchnih 34 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

rabot [Collection of scientific works of the world], Available at: ua/konfer33/692.PDF (date accessed: 02.02.2016). 8. Disballansi transtihookeaanskogo prostranstva [The imbalances of the Trans-Pacific space], Red: Miheev V. B., Shvidko B. G. ; [Edited by V. V. Mikheev, V. G. SwidKo], IMEMO RAN [IMEMO], Moscow: Magistr [Master], 2014, p. 320. 9. Lukin A. V. Ideya «ekonomicheskogo poyasa Selkovogo puti’i eapaziyskaya inteegratsiya [The Idea of the »Economic Belt of the Silk Road and Eurasian integration], Mezdunarod- naya zizn’[International Affairs], 2014, no. 7. Available at: cl/1406820606.html (date accessed: 28.02.2016). 10. Fedorenko V. New silk road initiatives in Central Asia. Rethink Institute, Washington.2013. Available at: http://www.rethinkinstitute.orq/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Fedorenko- The-New-Silk-Road.pdf (date accessed: 01.02.2016). Perus Marcos Agustin Cuervo 35 Mexico — Russia: the Prospects of Relations

Mexico — Russia: the Prospects of Relations


The United Mexican States and the Russian Federation have a long history of inter- state cooperation. During 125 years of collaboration, the moments of both ups and downs took place. However, almost always, the governments sought not to forget about the existence of each other. The article highlights the status and prospects of relations between the two countries. Keywords: Mexico, Russia, international relations, world politics.


Perus Marcos Agustin Cuervo Professor, Ph. D. in Political Science, Department of Political and Social Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico, United Mexican States).

Dashkina Irina Vladimirovna Postgraduate student, Department of Comparative Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

he relations of the United Mexican USSR (1924). The Mexican government was States and Russia have a long history. the one which first officially condemned the TThe first contacts between the two fascist aggression against the Soviet Union. states occurred in the eighteenth centu- During the war, a powerful movement of sol- ry, trade and economic ties emerged at the idarity with the Soviet Union started in Mex- dawn of the nineteenth century and diplo- ico and during the cold war its government matic relations were established more than unlike the authorities of other regional coun- 125 years ago. tries did not sever the diplomatic relations Relations of Mexico and Russia take a with the Soviet Union. Mexico was one of the special place in the history of the two coun- first countries in Latin America (the first was tries. It is determined by many factors and, Cuba) which adopted the practice of meet- in particular, the coincidence in time of rev- ings and negotiations at the level of Foreign olutions. The United Mexican States was the Ministers and then at the highest state level first country in the region which recognized in relations with the Soviet Union. Since the and established diplomatic relations with the postwar years (especially since the 1970s) 36 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» the understanding between the two coun- the Peruvian government was interested in tries on actual issues of international affairs purchasing Soviet weapons. was growing. Despite the fact that most countries of However, there are many factors due to Latin America gained independence until which the interaction between Mexico and the 70–80s, for the Soviet Union this region Russia, and between Russia and other coun- still remained less important than the coun- tries in the Latin America, were not carried tries of Africa and Asia (mostly because many out so actively and rapidly as it could be. The states implemented defensive policy). main reason is the geographical distance: the Later in 1989, at the meeting with the US Soviet Union was hardly interested in Latin President George Bush in Malta, Mikhail Gor- American cooperation; nevertheless, it tried bachev admitted that Latin America was the to maintain strong ties with many states in «sphere of influence» of the United States the region. During the Cold war Latin Amer- and that the Soviet Union was not going to ica and the Soviet Union had few opportuni- interfere into Latin American affairs2. ties for interaction and this fact was actively It is necessary to admit that until the be- used by the United States of America using ginning of the 21st century, foreign policy of the situation for various interventions in the Russia was not aimed at close cooperation region. Thus, for example, the interference with the countries of Latin America, for it into the politics of Guatemala in 1954 was could be interpreted as a provocation or ag- justified with fight against communism. Sim- gression against the United States of America. ilar actions of the American government in The visits of the President Vladimir Putin Cuba led to guerilla warfare and subsequent- to Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, and most im- ly to the Cuban revolution in 1956, when Fi- portantly to Cuba in 2014 influenced the de- del Castro came to power and the «Island of velopment of bilateral dialogue between the Freedom» was now under communist rule. Russian Federation and the countries of Latin In 1960s, the relations between the So- America. Owing to good relations between viet Union and the United States of America Russia and Venezuela formed under Hugo had the character of a direct confrontation. Chavez, the recent visits of Minister of For- This was connected with two factors: first, eign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey because of the «Caribbean Crisis» in 1962, Lavrov to Latin America helped to resolve the which is now known due to the work of Ser- tension between the two countries. The visit go Anastasovich Mikoyan1 and, secondly, be- of Patriarch Kirill also served to strengthen cause of the Soviet missiles and weapons in diplomatic ties of Russia with Latin Ameri- Nicaragua and El Salvador. can continent. The only roughness between The American government justified de- the states appeared after the Minister of stabilization of political system organization Defence of the Russian Federation Sergei and overthrowing of the government of Sal- Shoigu mentioned the deployment of Rus- vador Allende in Chile in 1973 with struggle sian military bases in Latin America, while, in against communism. However, the Soviet fact, he was talking about «points of support Union supported strong economic and diplo- and food provision»3. matic ties with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and In fact, in both the USA and Mexico the Peru, at least during the period of the mili- tary regime of Juan Velasco Alvarado in the 2 RIA Novosti. The betrayal of Gorbachev in early 70 s. It was connected with the fact that Malta. [Electronic resource]. URL: zinoviev_club/20150101/1040924212.html. 1 Mikoyan S. Anatomija Karibskogo krizi- 3 Before the collapse of the USSR the In- sa [The anatomy of the Carribean crisis]. ed. stitute of Friendship and Cultural interchange S. Savranskaya. — Moscow: Akademija [Aca- «Mexico-USSR» was functioning between the demia]. 2006. two countries. Perus MarcosDashkina Irina Vladimirovna 37 Mexico — Russia: the Prospects of Relations

ruling elite noticed the expanding influence language is taught, there are also schools of Russia in Latin America over the last de- where the Russian language and culture are cade. promoted. Currently, the Mexicans know less about Russia than they knew about the II Soviet Union: in bookstores there was a lot of scientific literature published by «Mir», espite the growing influence of the classical literature from publishing house Russian Federation in Latin America, «Raduga» and political literature by publish- Dintergovernmental relations of Mex- ing house «Progress», as well as the Embassy ico and Russia are still very weak. The main of the Soviet Union published its own jour- reason of the fact is that Russia continues nal. looking for a «supporting point» in Argenti- However, the cultural void is gradually be- na: sound contacts were ascertained when ing filled: artists of the Bolshoi and the Ma- the presidency held Cristina Fernandez (from riinsky theatres began visiting Mexico more December 10, 2007 to December 10, 2015), often, the evenings of Russian culture are during this period a 24-hour broadcast of the held, and student exchanges are being estab- program «Russia Today» began. Moreover, lished. Interstate dialogue between the two Argentina is the only country of this region, countries is also adjusted through the tour- having the tradition of Slavic immigration ism. The Foreign Minister of Mexico Claudia (partially, Paraguay too). The situation was Ruiz Massieu holds talks with the Russian different with Mexico, for the majority of side on the establishment of direct flights immigrants arrived in the country to move from Saint Petersburg to Cancun (a Mexican further to the United States of America and beach resort on the Caribbean coast). Canada. Cultural ties between the United Mexi- III can States and the Russian Federation weak- ened after the collapse of the Soviet Union1 n December 11, 2015, Mexico and Rus- and the formation of NAFTA2. However, the sia celebrated the 125th anniversary activity of Russian emigrants has recently in- since the establishment of diplomatic 3 O creased in Mexico , major importance gained relations. This symbolic event reflected the two restaurants in Mexico city, though the growth in the vol. of trade between the coun- owners initially wanted to emigrate to Cana- tries (it is also connected with the intercom- da, (in Soviet times there were more restau- modity substitution of European products in rants); there are Orthodox churches, a med- the Russian market). ical-diagnostic centre and there is also the Diplomatic relations between Mexi- Center of studying foreign languages on co and Russia were formally established in the territory of the National Autonomous 1890 and considerably strengthened after University of Mexico, where the Russian the Russian-Japanese war in 1905 when Rus- sia, as well as Mexico, was in fear of Japan, 1 North American Treaty on the Free Trade spreading its influence in the Pacific Ocean between Canada, USA and Mexico. NAFTA was (the Mexican government feared the Japa- signed on December 17, 1994. nese occupation of the Peninsula of Baja Cal- 2 «The Russians in Mexico» a documentary ifornia). Also, in 1909, Tsar Nicholay II award- in Youtube, shot at the TV Department of the ed the Mexican President Porfirio Diaz with National Autonomous University of Mexico. the Order of Alexander Nevsky (this order 3 REGNUM. Informational Agency. Naval had not been given to any Latin American base of Russia will be in Cuba, Venezuela, Nic- ruler before). aragua and Argentina. [Electronic resource]. — Mexico and Russia have many similarities, URL: for example, in the 1910–1917 years, there 38 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» was the first «social revolution of the 20th Trotsky is known from archival documents century» in Mexico, which resulted with the of Mexico: primarily due to his statements Constitution of 1917, and in the same year in front of the Commission of John Dewey, the «Great October revolution» — the first and from the works of Grover Ferrat, which mighty socialist revolution, happened in Rus- have recently been translated into Russian sia. American journalist John Reed, who sup- language. ported the policy of Pancho Villa, witnessed It is necessary to mention that, despite the Mexican revolutionary events in his book the estrangement between the two states, «Insurgent Mexico», which was published in in 1930 and 1932, the Soviet filmmaker Ser- 1914. Three years later, John Reed witnessed gei Eisenstein, who directed a number of the «Great October Socialist Revolution». films, visited Mexico. His most famous film After that he wrote the book «Ten days that «Viva Mexico!» tells the story of the country shook the world». Thus, the American jour- throughout its history. nalist combined both of these revolutions It can be mentioned that Valentina Iva- of the early twentieth century, and forty nova (her parents were Russian artists, liv- years later, Russian filmmaker Sergei Bond- ing in Mexico) was the wife of a famous Mex- archuk witnessed both of these historical ican comedian Mario Moreno «CantinFlas», events in his film «The red bells». Referring promoted in the 30s by the Russian Director to the Ambassador of Mexico Héctor Cárde- Jacques Helman, who was born in St. Peters- nas, it may be said that «the history of the burg. establishment of the fraternal relations be- «Despite the resumption of diplomatic re- tween Mexico and Russia is connected with lations in 1942, the contacts between Mexico such names as Heraclio Sepeda1 and Mikhail and Russia were not as close and productive, Borodin»2. as between Russia and Argentina»3. Since the Despite actively developing diplomatic Second World War, the Mexican government ties, intergovernmental relations between was maintaining the political course of the the countries declined, and eventually Mexi- United States of America; however, there can Communism continued its own develop- were two exceptions in the 70s: the presiden- ment, different from the Soviet one. How- cy of Luis Echeverria (1970–1976) and José ever, it is interesting to note that the Soviet Lopez Portillo (1976–1982). political figure Lev Trotsky got a shelter in The relationships aggravated because Mexico by President Lázaro Cardenas, he of the incident with the Soviet diplomats: lived in the family home of the artists Frida they were accused of controlling the inter- Kahlo and Diego Rivera in the South of Mex- nal affairs of Mexico; although it must be ico City, headed the creation of the fourth mentioned that the Mexican Communist international 6 7 8 and was murdered by Party was illegal in the late 1920s and from the NKVD agent Ramon Mercader. Today 1940 to 1977, although such famous artists such as David Alfaro Siqueiros and Diego 1 The Mexican writer of the XX century, the Rivera were the party members. The Com- follower of Pancho Villa policy. In 1958–1959 munist military leaders were educated at years he was the member of Workers and Peas- Patrice Lumumba Peoples Friendship Uni- ants Party, a member of the Communist Party versity (now the Peoples’ Friendship Uni- of Mexico, a reporter of «The voice of Mexico»; versity of Russia) in Moscow, on subjects as had been in Moscow. mathematics, physics and other exact sci- 2 In 1919, he was the first Soviet Council in Mexico, the founder of one of the parallel Com- 3 Cárdenas Héctor. «La historia de las rela- munist parties and attributed much to the foun- ciones entre méxico y rusia», la Secretaría de dation of the Latin American Bureau of the III Relaciones Extranjeras (Relaciones Exteri- International. ores) / fondos Económica de la Cultura de 1993. Perus MarcosDashkina Irina Vladimirovna 39 Mexico — Russia: the Prospects of Relations

ences, because, according to Hector Carde- economic relationship between the countries nas: «In Mexico the level of education was are very weak: the direct investments are al- not so good»1. Mexican intellectuals also most absent (Juan Pablo Gongora Perez has a forged ties with the Lomonosov Moscow lot of reasoning regarding the issue 1). State University. Russia and Mexico share a commitment Did the Soviet Union intervene in Mexican to the practical implementation of dem- Affairs? The answer is «Maybe, it was!», but ocratic principles in dealing with urgent not at the official level, it was from below, international problems, strict compliance reinforcing «revolutionary acceleration», the with international law, primarily the UN same inspired the faith in Cuba into possible Charter, strengthening of the central role changes and led to the revolution in 1959. of the and the UN Security The relations between Mexico and the So- Council as a universal tool for peacekeep- viet Union began to improve after the visits ing and conflict situations regulating, in of the Mexican President Luis Echeverria to particular around Iraq, the Middle East, Af- the Soviet Union in 1973, and the Ambassa- ghanistan and the Balkans. The position of dor Victor Flores Olea, the former Dean of the countries on major human rights issues, the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences many aspects of the disarmament process of the National Autonomous University of are similar. Mexico. These visits contributed to the in- Both countries agree that a serious threat tensification of cultural relations: in Mexico to global security appeared with such phe- such exhibitions as «Treasures of the Krem- nomena as international terrorism, separat- lin», «the Hermitage Masterpieces», «Paint- ism and religious extremism. Moscow and ing from the Russian Museum» and «Icons Mexico City are interested in establishing of the 12th to the 18th century» were held2 effective cooperation in countering to new Shortly thereafter, Soviet filmmaker Niki- threats and modern challenges, including ta Mikhalkov, who speaks Spanish, visited drug trafficking, arms smuggling, transna- Mexico. These examples are a good proof of tional organized crime. establishing cultural dialogue between the After analyzing the interview of the Pres- countries. ident of the Russian Federation Vladimir Pu- However, the tension remains in the rela- tin and the Ambassador of the United Mexi- tionship and, first of all because of the fact can States in Russia Alfredo Perez Bravo, the that many Mexican journalists support the main prospects of cooperation between the anti-Russian line. two countries can be highlighted. So, in his interview for Mexican publisher IV Mario Vazquez Rana, Vladimir Putin said the following: «Economic ties between our two espite the long history of the estab- countries are still the «bottleneck» of our lishing of the interstate relations cooperation. But, it is worth noting that in Dbetween Mexico and Russia, which recent years there is a growing mutual inter- lasted throughout the 20th century, now the est in business circles of both countries in es- tablishing direct ties and activating of a busi- 1 Cárdenas Héctor. «La historia de las rela- ness dialogue. New partnership mechanisms ciones entre méxico y rusia», la Secretaría de are created which help to join state, business Relaciones Extranjeras (Relaciones Exteri- and academic circles. For example, there is ores) / fondos Económica de la Cultura de 1993. the Russian-Mexican intergovernmental 2 Cárdenas Héctor. «La historia de las rela- Commission on trade, economic, scientific ciones entre méxico y rusia», la Secretaría de and technological cooperation and maritime Relaciones Extranjeras (Relaciones Exteriores) / shipping, Business and Academic Forum, the fondos Económica de la Cultura de 1993. Business Council. 40 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

It is necessary to enrich our cooperation sphere of education should be mentioned. with specific business projects. From the Every year the Russian government allo- Russian side such companies and banks as cates 15 educational scholarships for Mex- «Gazprom», «Energomashexport», «Techsnab- ican students. A great contribution to the export», «Rosoboronexport», «Vnesheconom- development of the cooperation in this field bank» are interested in widening the rela- was made by the Mexican Ambassador, who tions with Mexico. I must note that they have «visited more than 20 Russian universities, a successful experience in implementing including all the largest universities in Mos- large-scale projects with multimillion bud- cow and St. Petersburg. He became the first gets in various countries of the world. Good Ambassador of Mexico in history who visited prospects for cooperation are opening in the the universities of Omsk and Vladivostok, field of energy, engineering and aviation. met with the rectors, vice-rectors, deans and The Ambassador of the United Mexican participated in conferences and debates. He States in Russia Alfredo Perez Bravo sticks discussed the inter-university cooperation to the same position. He says: «I would like and the opportunity for Russian students Mexican companies to invest their money to study in Mexico and Mexican students to in Russia. And on this account I have good study in Russia. He found understanding of news — this year we are renewing our invest- the Russian partners in the field of scientific ment projects in Russia. One large Mexican and technical cooperation». He believes that company, which produces spare parts for «humanitarian contacts today are as much trucks, will open its branch in Kaluga. This is important for the understanding of people the first step in the investment cooperation as public diplomacy, regular communication between our countries. We in our turn wel- between heads of states or international come Russian business to Mexico. We have politics in general»4. very favorable conditions»1. Another promising direction, which Conclusion A. P. Bravo distinguishes, is a tourist busi- ness. «A huge number of Russians annually The United Mexican States and the Rus- visit Mexico, the number of Russian tour- sian Federation have a long history of inter- ists has increased from 22 to 77 thousand, state cooperation. During the 125 years of primarily due to the attractiveness of the cooperation the moments of both ups and Riviera Maya2. Russian companies could buy downs took place. However, almost always, or build hotels, restaurants, entertainment governments have sought not to forget centers for tourists in Mexico. Mexico is open about each other. for the construction of airports, roads, ports, Currently, the governments of both coun- railways. I would like to see Russian railways, tries face the challenge of strengthening the power plants, chemical plants in my country. position of interstate interaction, the establish- Mexico needs the presence of Russian capi- ment of trade and intercultural dialogue. This tal, in addition to the development of trade»3. tendency can be beneficial for both parties. Speaking about the economic pros- Diplomatic progress of Russian-Mexican pects for both countries, cooperation in the cooperation will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the international prestige and 1 International affairs. The Ambassador of influence of the Russian Federation, in partic- Mexico in Russia Alfredo Perez Bravo: «Our economic ties should be increased a hundred 4 International affairs. The Ambassador of times...» [Electronic resource]. — URL: http:// Mexico in Russia Alfredo Perez Bravo: «Our economic ties should be increased a hundred 2 Ibid. times...» [Electronic resource]. — URL: http:// 3 Ibid. Perus MarcosDashkina Irina Vladimirovna 41 Mexico — Russia: the Prospects of Relations ular in Latin America. The objective similarity provement of the international climate and of positions and the absence of insurmount- the establishment of more balanced world able contradictions show the prospect of order beneficial to both countries and the consistent performance of the two states in majority of the world community. the solution of major international issues will give an additional positive factor to the im-


1. Juan Pablo Pérez Góngora.«México y Rusia», Cubrió en el comercio Exterior, volumen 63, numero 5, septiembr, oct 2013, México. 2. Cárdenas Héctor «La historia de las relaciones entre méxico y rusia», la Secretaría de 3. Relaciones Extranjeras (Relaciones Exteriores) / fondos Económica de la Cultura de 1993. 4. Mikoyan S. Anatomija Karibskogo krizisa [The anatomy of the Carribean crisis]. ed. S. Savranskaya, Moscow: Akademija [Academia]. 2006. 5. Prezident Rossii [The President of Russia]. Available at: 6. Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn’ [International affears]. Available at: 7. RIA Novosti [Russian news agency]. Available at: 8. REGNUM. Informacionnoe agentstvo [REGNUM. Information agency]. Available at: http:// 42 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Chinese Foreign Policy and Sino-Russian Relations in a Multipolar World


In Chinese and foreign academic communities there are different opinions about whether we already live in a multipolar world, or the world is still at the stage of transition to multipolarity. The author is inclined to believe that the unipolar and multipolar worlds exist in parallel, they interact, establish a system of mutual re- strains and balances. In the current complex and constantly changing international situation, China’s foreign policy switches from the concept of «hide your abilities and wait for the appropriate time» to the concept of «enthusiasm in work is the key to success». Facing American containment policy, the question of transition to allied relations between Russia and China is actively discussed. The Chinese government and most Chinese researchers tend not to join the unions and support the position of «partnership without unions». As important poles of a multipolar world, Russia and China make a wise decision to keep balance and focus in the foreign policy: based on equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect, relations of comprehensive strategic partnership and cooperation should acquire greater development. Keywords: multipolarity, China’s foreign policy, Sino-Russian relations; partnership without unions.


Cui Zheng Ph. D. in Political Science, Research Fellow, Research Centre of Economy and Politics of the States with Transition Economies, Liaoning University (Dalian, China)

OUTIN About the tendency of transition to action of the main actors to the redistribu- multipolarity tion of global political forces. The collapse of the bipolar system has created a unique he tendency of transition to multi­ historical chance for the development of a polarity is a limited-time trend of grad- multipolar system. But after the collapse of Tual formation of a multipolar system the Soviet Union the international policy has influenced by the interaction of authoritative shown that with the withdrawal of the bipo- states, groups of states and other actors in lar system the classical unipolar system was the international arena, caused by the re- formed and lasted for at least 15 years. On Cui Zheng 43 Chinese Foreign Policy and Sino-Russian Relations in a Multipolar World the background of the events of September Due to the rapid development of China’s 11, 2001, the global financial crisis of 2008 economy in recent years and strengthening and the Ukrainian crisis, which began in late of its role in international affairs, Chinese and 2013 and is still ongoing, the researches of foreign researchers, predicting a future mul- multipolarity became more dynamic and tipolar world, began to study the influence numerous. Chinese and foreign researchers of the development of China on the system have different opinions on whether the cur- of international relations more actively and rent system is multipolar or not. unanimously assumed that China will become The General Director of the French Insti- an important pole of the future multipolar tute of the International Relations Thierry de world. Director of the Royal Institute of In- Montbrial considers that a multipolar world ternational Relations (London, the UK) Victor is becoming a reality. From the beginning of Bulmer-Thomas believes that by 2020 a mul- the new century the world is becoming multi- tipolar system will have developed and the polar, but the distribution of poles is still un- main role will be played by the United States, stable. The economic situation in the USA is China, the European Union, Russia and India. still sustained, but some other poles are still In this multipolar world the United States and quite fragile: China needs to solve social and China will have the greatest weight4. environmental problems, Japan is not ready to confront its recent defenders, India, in Chinese foreign policy: from the formula fact, can only be considered a regional pow- «hide your abilities and wait for the right er, the EU still cannot act as a single force, time» to the formula «enthusiasm in work while Russia is still going through the process is the key to success» of reestablishment1. Zheng Yu, the leading researcher of the n October 1987, at the 13th Congress of Center of Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe the Communist party of China, guideline and Central Asia of the Chinese Academy of I«the foundation of economic construc- Social Sciences does not agree that the world tion» was offered, demanding the diplomacy today is already multipolar; in his opinion, it is to support stable international environment. only possible to point to the increasing ten- After the Beijing political crisis of 1989, West- dency of transition to multipolarity2. ern countries have grossly interfered in the The President of the Chinese Forum (the internal politics of China, adopting a series USA) Chen Yuvey believes that considering of sanctions. The overturns in some Eastern the interaction between the major powers, European countries and the collapse of the the current situation is not similar to the Eu- Soviet Union led to a significant shift in the in- ropean balance of power in 18th and 19th ternational strategic balance of forces. China centuries, but at the same time it cannot be was under severe pressure. On April 28, 1994, said that the world is ruled by a single he- Deng Xiaoping with his supporters, discussing gemon; the unipolar and multipolar worlds the question of the development of the coun- exist in parallel, they interact and establish try, said: «We will hide the abilities and wait a system of mutual restraints and balances3. Yu Shi — Jie, Getzuy Banghua. — URL: http:// 1 Thierry de Monbrial. Mnogopoljarnyj mir skladyvaetsja sejchas [A multipolar world is 4 Victor Bulmer-Thomas. Uslovija podjema emerging now]. — URL: http://news.xinhuanet. Kitaja k 2020 godu, kogda slozhitsja mnogop- com/world/2007-03/28/content_5905194.htm. oljarnyj mir, dostatochny [The conditions of 2 Zheng Yu. Shijie, JI Hua Cuixi De Sazan Yu the rise of China by 2020, when a multi-polar Zhong E Guanxi. «Alosi Dong OU Zhong I Yang- world will be developed, are sufficient]. — tzu». — 2015. — № 5. — P. 41. URL: 3 Chen Of Yuvey. Dago hudon the Guanxi txt/2007-01/24/content_7707823.htm. 44 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» for the right time for several years and after- In November 2012 at the 18th Congress wards we will be able to gain enough weight of the CPC a new group of Chinese leaders and then the voice of China in the internation- headed by General Secretary XI Jinping was al arena will sound differently»1. From that introduced. In order to respond adequately point, one of the fundamental principles of to complex changes in the international en- Chinese foreign policy became the principle vironment, to overcome the policy of stra- of «to hide abilities, to wait for the right time, tegic containment of China by the USA and and then succeed». This principle has lasted other countries, starting from 2013, Chi- for 20 years, making a major contribution to nese foreign policy as a key actor assumed the economic development of China and a a «multi-vector with Chinese specificity». peaceful transition to a multipolar world. University Professor Xinhua Yang Suetun Entering the XXI century, the economy of described the transition of Chinese foreign China showed longstanding fast growth — policy from the concept «hide the abilities in 2010 China surpassed Japan and became and wait for the right time» to the formula the second largest economy in the world. In «enthusiasm in work is the key to success» as 2011, the International Monetary Fund ex- its qualitative change3. Associate Professor pressed the opinion that in 2016 the econo- Zhao Kezsin also believes that Chinese diplo- my of China could become the largest in the macy has always «hidden the capacity», but world according to purchasing power parity internal and external pressure required and (PPP) calculation2. Accordingly, the image stimulated «enthusiasm in the work». The and influence of China in the international «enthusiasm» leads to the rising influence arena grew tremendously. In this regard, it of China in the international arena, allowing may be recalled that in December 2009 Chi- foreign policy to «succeed»4. From the inci- na refused to compromise at the UN Con- dent on the island Huangyan5 to the estab- ference on climate change held in Beijing; in lishment of air defense identification zone January 2010, when the USA sold weapons to over the East China sea6, Chinese diploma- Taiwan, the Chinese government suspended cy assumed tactical leadership, looking for the China-USA dialogue on security issues for chances and actively intercepting the initia- the first time, and applied sanctions against tive in the changing environment. American companies for the first time; in July the same year, China announced a strong 3 November 12, 2013, interview with Profes- protest against the military manoeuvres of sor Ian Sueton for the journalist of the weekly the USA and the Republic of Korea in the Yel- «Novosti». low sea — all this was considered by Western 4 Speech of Zhao Cecin December 28, countries as a sign that in China the econom- 2013. — URL: http://www,ihl.cankaoxiaoxi. ic strengthening is followed by the increase com/2014/0114/331003.shtml. of self-confidence. Under the pretext of the 5 On April 10, 2012, two Chinese patrol fact that «growing China challenges the US boats prevented Philippine side from arresting interests and jeopardizes regional stability», the Chinese fishermen, whose boats were near the USA has accelerated the implementation the disputed island of Huangyan. of the policy of «turning to Asia»: using po- 6 On November 23, 2013, the Ministry of litical and economic unions in the region the National Defense of the People’s Republic of USA is trying to restrain the growth of China. China stated about the establishment of the area of air defense recognition in the East Chi- 1 The Yearbook Of Deng Xiaoping (1975– na sea. This area is adjoined to the airspace of 1997). Zhongyang Wensan Chubanshe. — China and designed to provide more effective P. 1346. cover for air borders. The aircraft of all States 2 Chinese portal «News». — URL: http://www. before entering the zone must notify Chinese authorities. Cui Zheng 45 Chinese Foreign Policy and Sino-Russian Relations in a Multipolar World

In response to the US containment strat- Discussions of a possible alliance egy, Russia and China have strengthened mu- between Russia and China tual cooperation. Since 2013, when XI Jinping took over as the Chairman of the PRC, till to- n the process of transition from a unipo- day, the leaders of Russia and China had held lar to a multipolar world the entire hege- 14 meetings and proclaimed a generally coin- Imon pole for protection of the existing cident position on the main «hot» issues. On order begins to compete actively with new the background of diplomatic isolation and centers of power of regional integration is- sanctions against Russia, the Chinese party sues. So, the containment of Russia and Chi- provides the Russian side a proper mental na by the USA is constantly increasing, result- and actual help 2. The two leaders visited each ing in greater interdependence of Russia and other during the celebrations in honor of the China1. In Asia, the USA strengthens alliances 70th anniversary of the victory in the World with Japan, Philippines and the Republic of War II, the two countries held large-scale joint Korea. In April 2014, the USA not only de- military manoeuvres, Russia sold advanced clared the application of the 5th article of weapons to China, the breakthrough was the USA-Japan Security Agreement on the made in the negotiations on energy, etc. — conflict over the disputed island of Diaoyu all these have clearly shown the increasing (in Japanese, Senkaku), but also signed an interdependence of China and Russia. agreement on strengthening cooperation Two years after the beginning of the in the defense sphere with the Philippines, Ukrainian crisis, the scientists of the two which has a territorial dispute with China. countries were actively discussing the ques- By installation of the missile defense sys- tion of the necessity of allied relations be- tem THAAD in the Republic of Korea in Feb- tween Moscow and Beijing. It is necessary to ruary 2015 the USA enforced the pressure notice that among Chinese experts on inter- on China, hoping that China will not prevent national relations the nonalignment policy the adoption of the resolution about the US has always received the strong support of sanctions against North Korea at the UN Se- the majority. According to experts, the costs curity Council. In addition, the USA actively exceed the benefits for China. At the same promotes the project of the Trans-Pacific time, reinforcing the restrained condemna- Partnership (TPP) in response to the Chinese tion, and even hostility from the traditional project of the Free Trade Zone in the APR superpowers, especially the United States, and the Marine Silk Road. In Europe the USA China will have to pay at the expense of de- and the European Union, contributing to the terioration in the external environment for Ukrainian crisis, have imposed several rounds its development3. A number of researchers of sanctions that hit the Russian economy. By remember the policy of «soft nonalignment» distancing the European Union from Russia, offering China to try a third way, such as the United States seeks to ensure the Eu- «quasi-alliance»: a friendly non-confronta- ropean Union to depend more on the Unit- tional cooperation, which does not multiply ed States in defense issues. Also, using the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Part- 2 According to the reports of the company, nership (TTIP) the USA and the EU are boy- «Rosneft» received almost 1 trillion roubles cotting Russian-led initiative for the devel- prepayment under long-term contracts for the opment of the Eurasian Union, violating the supply of oil from the Chinese side. rate of renewing of the country set by Russia. 3 Van Cunigan. LUN Zhongguo, Visao TNW Zheng — Jiyu, Cinstitution Fansi Jagbani De Shi 1 Zheng Yu. Shijie, JI Hua Cuixi De Sazan Yu Jiao. Setsections Yu Jinji. — 2012. — № 11. — Zhong E Guanxi. «Alosi Dong OU Zhong I Yang- P. 131. Lin Shenli. Zhongguo, Vasama Buzzman. tzu». — 2015. — № 5. — P. 45. Visao Pinlong. — 2013. — № 3. — P. 29–30. 46 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» enemies or «weak union» with a focus on the principle of Chinese foreign policy «partner- political and economic cooperation1. A small ship without unions». number of researchers stick to the princi- Professor of Russian Far Eastern Feder- ple of refusing the policy of non-alignment. al University, V. F. Pecheritsa analyzed the Mr. Yang is one of the main representatives nature of allied relations of the USSR in the of the supporters of the alliance relations, 1950s and came to the conclusion that today from his point of view, friendly and allied re- Russia and China do not suit each other to lations are qualitatively different: friendship create a union. She believes that the union is based on emotions, while union is based on of Russia and China of the last century was mutual interests. In the current international built on an unequal basis: the PRC needed situation, Russia and China will not be able to the USSR and its full support more. Until to- enter into the Western camp under any cir- day, China and Russia are strategically depen- cumstances. From any point of view for both dent on each other, and there is no question Russia and China there is no better strategic about whom needs the other more, because choice than to form a mutual alliance2. both parties are self-sufficient and absolute- Basing on the results of using the prin- ly independent 5. A young Chinese scientist ciple of non-alignment in practice and Cheng Jizze concluded that Russia and China unknown risks of a possible alliance, the are not able to form a union because of the official Beijing has repeatedly expressed asymmetric growth of political power, cultur- its commitment not to join any unions and al differences, lack of real common interests, associations. At the 18th Congress of the historic disputes and the geopolitical compe- CPC the non-aligned policy accepted in the tition, multidirectional foreign policy and the 1980s and independent peaceful diploma- nature of network mechanisms of diplomatic cy was once again affirmed, the principle cooperation6. of «non-confrontational and not directed The head of the Department of the Theo- against third countries» foreign policy was ry of International Relations of the Institute also confirmed3. On November 28, 2014, XI of World Economics and Politics of the Chi- Jinping at the meeting of the Commission of nese Academy of Social Sciences Xuy Jin be- the Central Committee for Foreign Affairs lieves that the policy of «partnership without emphasized the need to expand the circle of unions» conducted by Chinese government is friendly relations, continuing to stick to the fully consistent with the current interests of principle of non-alignment, creating a world- China and the international situation. China wide network of partnerships4. The speech is building a partnership step by step and in of XI Jinping demonstrated the theoretical some areas leans toward allied relations, but in the medium term will not reach a union of 1 Sun Dagan. LUN Chung Zhan Inn, lye // full value. China will speak figuratively about Setsections Yu Jinji. — 2011. — № 2. — 55 p.; a policy of «a single document», meaning an Yin, Csiu. Zhongguo, Suyao Sharmeen Dae-Inn, alliance agreement not signed by any of the Visao. Lianhe ZAO Bao. July 29, 2010. parties. The policy of implementing actions 2 Gozzi Sansui Tao Bao. — URL: http://news. that could be envisaged by such an agree- ment without its actual signing gives some 3 Report on Hoschede PDA. Agency «Xin- flexibility and allows to avoid internal and hua». — URL: http://www.xj.xinhuanet. com/2012-11/19/с_113722546.htm. 5 Pecheritsa V. F. Zhong E Guanxi De Xin 4 The speech of XI Jinping at the Commission Tsedang Tunman Hayashi, Janelle, Chobani meeting of the Central Committee of foreign Af- Guanxi?. Eloy Xue. — 2015. — № 4. — P. 73. fairs // the Agency «Xinhua». URL: http://news. 6 Cheng, Jizze. Wang Chuang, Chobani, Visao Ciji: E Hazza Zhong De Xin Tocsin. Eloy, Antsu. — shtml. 2015. — № 3. — P. 130–133. 2. Problems of International Security 47 and Sustainable World Development

external pressure1. Published in February Vladimir Putin. Most attention was attract- 2013 Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian ed by a signed «Joint Statement of the Rus- Federation determines that multilateral flex- sian Federation and the People’s Republic of ible effective network alliances replace the China about cooperation in integration of blocked mentality in the resolution of inter- construction of the Eurasian Economic Union national issues2. In fact, this quietly echoes and the Economic Belt of the Silk Road». This the policy of the Chinese side. document showed the transformation of the views of public authorities and Russian «Together» and «apart» in Russian- scientific community on the Chinese project Chinese relations of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road from the initial suspicion, doubt and hesitation resent day Russian-Chinese relations to the adoption and recognition of mutual compared to those before the global fi- benefits. Professor of Oriental Studies at Pnancial crisis of 2008 demonstrate new the People’s Friendship University of Russia peculiarities due to the accelerating process Yuri Tavrovsky highly estimated the signing of transition to multipolarity and the con- of the document: the result of the negotia- tinuing influence of the crisis in Ukraine. Both tions was the practical content of the official Russia and China are facing common chal- formula of «strategic partnership and coop- lenges in industrial restructuring, cultivation eration», which removed the possible con- of new points of economic growth and pro- tradictions between the two countries on moting the transformation of the model of the issue of Eurasian integration and opened growth. Followed by increasing internal and opportunities for synergies. From our point external pressure, the level of strategic inter- of view, this has created the foundation not dependence is constantly growing, deepen- only for economic, commercial, scientific and ing the cooperation in political, economic, fi- industrial cooperation of Russia and China, nancial, transport and other spheres, a break- but also for building a new world order3. through is achieved in talks on energy and In response to the project «one belt and military-technical cooperation. Despite the one road» creating a «crucial community», maintaining stable development of relations the Eurasian Union announced the creation of comprehensive partnership and coopera- of a «second European Union» at the initial tion, there still exist particular questions in stage. In contrast to, the Eurasian Econom- cooperation between the two countries. The ic Union, which officially came into force on parties put forward different projects for the January 1, 2015, the Chinese project «one overall development, expressed divergent belt and one road» is still at the stage of con- views on the question of the need of restruc- struction and initiation. Deputy Chairman of turing of the current world order, etc. the Center of Russian Studies in East China On May 8–10, 2015, XI Jinping, invited Pedagogical University Yang Cheng in the to Moscow for the celebrations in honor of interview to «First financial daily» said: «In the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great world practice there are no examples of dis- Patriotic War, signed a series of important embodied initiative cooperation with actual- documents on bilateral cooperation with ly existing project, innovative approaches are needed. Further practical implementation 1 Xu Jin. Dandai Zhongguo Ju Chi Tunman requires both sides to move forward step by Single De Yulay // Gozzi Jinji Pin — lun. — step basing on mutual understanding and as- 2015. — № 5. — P. 154. sisance»4. 2 The foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation. The Russian Ministry of foreign 3 A written interview with the author, Yuri affairs. — URL: Tavrovsky, August 8, 2015. nsf/0/6D84DDEDEDBF7DA644257B10051BF7F. 4 How does the «one belt one road» sort to 48 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Facing the tendency of transition to- wards multipolarity, Chinese foreign pol- Conclusion icy often promotes the idea of the new di- plomacy of the key actor and establishing he tendency of transition to multipo- friendly relations with a wide range of coun- larity gave the Sino-Russian coopera- tries. As of April 2015, China maintained the tion new chances and threw new chal- 1 T relations of different level with 71 states . lenges. Now Sino-Russian relations entered Regarding the matter of restructuring the the best period in history; and the USA is the existing world order and countering the most important external factor affecting bi- USA dominance, China’s voice does not lateral relations. In the sphere of politics and sound very active. In December 2014, Dep- security, the level of Sino-Russian relations uty Chairman of the State Council of the has greatly surpassed American-Chinese re- PRC Wang Yang during his visit to the USA lations; in the economic and social sphere said: «China now has no desire and ability the level of development of American-Chi- to challenge US leadership. We only want nese relations is much higher than the Rus- the Chinese-American cooperation to help sian-Chinese. Flexible foreign policy of the the American side to understand better the «partnership without unions» gives China thinking of the Chinese and the situation enough room to maneuver in relations with in China, learn to respect the way chosen key actors; tough from time to time Russian by the Chinese people and not let the dif- foreign policy has led to a desperate con- ferences in the political system to become frontation between Russia and the coalition obstacles to economic cooperation»2. Unlike of Western countries led by the USA in the China, Russia has consistently called for the Ukrainian issue. restructuring of the existing world order. In a period of increasing economic global- For example, in the Concept of the Foreign ization and transition to multipolarity Russia Policy of the Russian Federation published and China take the wise decision to adhere a in 2013 it is clearly stated that «Russia high- foreign policy of «balance and focus»: basing lights the ensuring of sustainable manage- on equality, mutual benefit and respect, rela- ability of global development, which re- tions of comprehensive strategic partnership quires collective leadership of the leading and cooperation should develop even great- states of the world»3. The USA expresses er. Such echoes of the cold war as the block animosity to Russian appeals, and after the mentality are not so important anymore. beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, the con- As Mr. Denisov, Russian Ambassador in China frontation between Russia and the United said in the interview to Global Times: «Russia States is becoming more intense. needs the support of China, not the help. » This support could be called mutual. the Eurasian economic Union. — URL: http:// 1 How many partners does China have around the world? — URL: zetF7929671.shtml. 2 Speech of Vice-Chairman Wang Yang, December 17, 2014. — URL: http://Finance. 3 The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation. The Russian Ministry of foreign af- fairs. — URL: http://archive.mid.rU/brp_4.ns- F/0/6D84DDEDEDBF7DA644257B160051BF7F. 2. Problems of International Security 49 and Sustainable World Development

Islamic Organizations of Central Asia


The article deals with the study of Islamic organizations in Central Asia. The author considers the development of Islamic teachings of different origin on the territory of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Categorical-conceptual analysis of the term «Islamism» and the main transformations of its perception are presented. In the article the case scenarios of Islamist organizations in Central Asia (recruiting base extension, structural changes) are researched. Particular importance is given to the impact of these organizations on foreign and domestic policy, as well as the security and national interests of the regional states. Key words: Islamism, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Islamic Jihad Union1, Al-Qae- da2, Taliban3, Islamic State4.

The paper was written as part of the grant 15–07–00001 «International relations in the con- text of global processes and security and counter-terrorism issues ».


Vasetsova Elena Associate Professor, Department of Political Science of the East, Institute of Asia and Africa, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

1 On June 2, 2006, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined «The union of Islamic Jihad» as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal. 2 On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined «Al-Qaeda» as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal. 3 On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined the «Taliban» movement as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal. 4 On December 29, 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined the «Islamic State» as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal.

slamism is a complex versatile pheno­ Central Asia, the definition of «Islamism» menon with different forms and manifes­ should be justified. The term «Islamism» Itations. Today there is no standard univer­ most often refers to a radical political activ- sal definition of the phenomenon, which of- ity under the auspices of the «true» under- ten provokes the substitution of concepts, standing of Islam. Such an understanding of generates confusion and introduces a lot of Islamism is close to the definitions «Islamic people astray. extremism», «Jihadism», «Salafiyya». At the Before proceeding to study the activities same time the terms «political Islam» and of Islamic movements and organizations in «Islamism» should not be interchanged. In- 50 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» deed, Islamism is directed to a militant polit- strives for an alternative social order and an ical action that gives rise to confusion of the overall system of social organization at the matters. But the concept «political Islam» is global level. Therefore, religious beliefs for much broader than «Islamism». Furthermore, most armed Islamists are basis and defining political Islam is a neutral concept related to factor of their activities [5. — P. 128]. The the whole spectrum of socio-political move- ideas of the Islamists are not shared by all ments in the Islamic world, and therefore the Muslims. Nevertheless, we have to ad- cannot refer to Islamism which is the most mit the fact of the rapid spread of the radical radical political Islam trend. Famous oriental- interpretation of Islam in the Muslim world. ist G. I. Mirsky believes that «Islamism could A serious threat to security presents the ef- be called Islam, converted into a modern ide- ficiency of many Islamists to violent actions, ology that is perceived by its adherents as such as massive terrorist acts. In this regard, a response to the challenge thrown to the particular concerns arise referring to Islamic Muslim world by Western ideologies and so- radicalization of the former Soviet republics cial systems both capitalist, and socialist» of Central Asia, located in the close proximity [4. — P. 25]. to Russian borders. Let us consider the phenomenon of Isla- In Soviet years the population of the mism through the identification of inherent Central Asian republics professed mostly traits and features. First of all, the Islamists moderate wing Islam, and radicalization of advocate the strict compliance with unity the social climate on religious bases never of religious and secular principles, seeking occurred. The center of Islamic learning was to revive some of the original Islamic foun- the madrasa Mir Arab, located in Bukhara, dations of socio-political life. As a rule, Isla- where most of the clerics received the ed- mism supporters require adherence to the ucation. Sharia in the most rigorous interpretation The Islamist movement originated in and deny any possibility of using non-Islam- the underground and in the early 1990-ies ic experience that leads to dissemination of reached the new level of political parties. various phobias and aggravation of hostility The first Muslim political organization, the Is- towards imaginary enemies. Thus, Islamists lamic Party of the Revival of the Soviet Union have set themselves the task of transforma- was established In June 1990. It opened its tion of the governmental system and society offices in all Central Asian republics and num- under religious slogans. The agitation of the bered 10 thousand members at the time of Muslims of moderate wing in the ranks of creation. The party merged both moderate supporters of Islamism aims at their further wing Muslims (for example, the leader of the involvement in the fight against the named organization — Ahmad-Kadi Akhtaev), and enemies. radicals. So, among the organizers of the Islamists interpret the Muslim Holy texts party were Sullana Abdullayev (Abu-Sullana), radically, ignoring the ideas of peace, mercy the associate of terrorist Doku Umarov, who and tolerance. Many researchers call modern later became the first Naib (Deputy) of Amir armed Islamism quasi-religious. For example, of the Caucasian Emirate1 and the Wahhabi, the political scientist E. A. Stepanova states, and one of the ideologists of North-Cauca- that in Islamism, sincere faith and devout- sian militants Bagautdin Kebedov. ness are used in communicational and pro- After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the paganda purposes, and also for moral justifi- republican party structures became indepen- cation and religious-normative legitimization of the violence used to achieve socio-politi- 1 On February 8, 2010, the Supreme Court of cal goals. The author believes that Islamism the Russian Federation determined «Caucasus is quasi-religious in the sense that it sets Emirate» as a terrorist organization, its activity goals far beyond theology, and essentially in Russia is illegal. Vasetsova Elena 51 Islamic Organizations of Central Asia dent, focusing mainly on agitation and propa- coalition forces and during bombardment ganda. At the same time the process of rapid Namanganiy was killed. The death of the radicalization of the Islamist movement start- charismatic leader undermined the IMU. Not ed, and in 1996 former members of banned in all members of the organization believed in Uzbekistan political parties and movements, T. Yuldashev military mastership and consid- such as Adolat uyushmasi« („social justice“), ered that the group needed to expand and „Islam Kay party Revival“, «Islamic Party of that it was time for an armed confrontation. Turkistan, „Islam Lashkarlari“ („Warriors of Is- The controversy reached its peak, led to a lam“) founded the Islamic Renaissance Party split and the formation in March 2002 with of Uzbekistan, fully formed in terms of orga- the support of al-Qaeda of a new Islamist nization by 1998, and that same year renamed organization «Islamic Jihad — Jamaat Muja- the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). hideen»1. The head of the Movement was the native The split, which arose a new organiza- of Uzbekistan Tahir Yuldashev, the military tion, occurred on the ground of the outlined leadership executed the native of Uzbekistan long ago disagreement in the IMU concern- Juma Hodjiev (Namangani), and the head of ing the goals of the movement. So, the IMU the Press Center and the Deputy of T. Yulda- management considered a priority the fight shev was Mahmud Rustamov (Zubair Ibn-Ab- against the Karimov regime in Uzbekistan. As durahman). The goal of the organization was for radical members of the group, they insist- to provide an uncompromising armed strug- ed on expanding of its activities throughout gle against the authorities of the republics of Central Asia and then to the Western coun- Central Asia and, primarily, with the regime tries. For the Taliban and al-Qaeda the cre- of President Karimov in Uzbekistan. The IMU ated structure was a more attractive partner militants did not stay away from the civil war than the IMU, as the Islamic Jihad — Jamaat in Tajikistan, acting on the side of the Unit- of the Mujahideen fought against the forces ed Tajik Opposition (UTO). Subsequently, of the international antiterrorist coalition in the field commanders of the organization Afghanistan and unconditionally support- refused to comply with the terms of the ed the global goal of al-Qaeda. Meanwhile, agreement between the government and the the IMU only occasionally participated in the UTO. In August 1999 so-called Batken events battles the Taliban and their allies waged took place when armed groups of the IMU in- in Afganistan. At the head of the Islamic Ji- vaded from Northern Tajikistan to Southern had — Jamaat of the Mujahideen stood the Kyrgyzstan, and in October of the same year, native of Uzbekistan Jalolov Najmuddin. He the militants were forced out of Kyrgyzstan. was supported by Bekmirzayev Ahmad (Ma- Later IMU took the responsibility for the acts lik, Salohiddin), a native of Uzbekistan, and of terror in Kyrgyzstan, in Bishkek in Decem- Bimurzaev Zhaksybek (Serik-Omar, Akim, Ka- ber 2002 and in the city of Osh in May 2003. zakh-ake), a citizen of Uzbekistan and others A number of the countries, including Russia holding the same views. This organization is and the United States, recognized IMU as a recognized as terroristic in Russia, Kazakh- terrorist organization. stan, the UK and the USA. The activities of Since the Uzbek authorities suppressed the organization on the territory of the men- the activities of the organization and per- tioned above countries is banned. The organi- secuted members of the organization, zation is included in consolidated list of indi- the headquarters of the movement were viduals and entities belonging to the Taliban transferred to Afghanistan (Kandahar) and remained there until the beginning of the 1 On June 2, 2006, the Supreme Court of the international counterterrorist operation in Russian Federation determined «Islamic Jihad — 2001. In the course of the counterterror- Jamia of Mujahideens» as a terrorist organization, ist operation, the IMU fought against the its activity in Russia is illegal. 52 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» and al-Qaeda or related to them, compiled technique of psychological treatment and and updated by the Committee established training of future suicide bombers. pursuant to the Resolution 1267 (1999) UN As a rule, the potential suicide bombers Security Council [3]. were picked from the most suggestible mem- In fact, the organization became a Central bers of the group, giving priority to the rel- Asian branch of al-Qaeda and had to create atives of the dead militants, mostly to their a clandestine network in Uzbekistan and in widows, to whom regional leaders of the or- the border areas of the neighboring coun- ganization often remarried to accelerate psy- tries and at the appointed hour to carry out chological treatment. In the spring of 2004 a terrorist attack. The analyses of financial the organization implemented a number of sources of the group showed that militants terrorist attacks using suicide bombers in Uz- had built an effective scheme of material bekistan. Then the group changed its name support. The funds received from al-Qaeda, to the Union of Islamic Jihad (IJU). However, came to A. Bekmirzaev, who determined their the change of the name is not essential for further distribution, mostly buying weapons, understanding of the actions of the Islamist ammunition and components to explosives, organization. and conducting the transfer of members of The most important goal of the Taliban the organization to different countries of and al-Qaeda was the withdrawal of the the former Soviet Union. The leaders of the troops of the allies in the international an- regional offices of terrorist organizations re- titerrorist coalition from Afghanistan. Both ceived money from A. Bekmirzaev and used the Taliban and al-Qaeda supposed Germany them for the needs of the group. the weakest link of the coalition, and a se- The scheme of transfer of funds was un- ries of terrorist attacks on its territory would remarkable: the fractional time bank trans- force the government to abandon the place- fers were used, often through the Western ment of a military contingent in Afghanistan. Union or money was transferred in cash, as a The vote in the Bundestag on the question of rule, carried by several people and handed at staying the troops in Afghanistan was to be a personal meeting. This scheme was chosen held in the fall of 2007, and the IJU planned because it is extremely difficult to keep track the terroristic attack on the eve of the vote in of small cash transfers. In addition, the funds order to disrupt the authorizing of the man- were forwarded to people causing no suspi- date. Fortunately, the terrorist attack was cions at law enforcement agencies. prevented. The peak of activity of Islamic Ji- A trial was held in 2010, in the result of had-Gaumata of the Mujahideen in Uzbeki- which The Court of Dusseldorf sentenced stan was the turn of 2003–2004. The mem- four IJU members to the deprivation of lib- bers of the organization created a network erty for terms from 5 to 12 years, finding of underground cells on the territory of them guilty of terrorist activities. Two Ger- Uzbekistan and in Southern Kazakhstan. mans, Fritz Gelowicz and Daniel Schneider, They’ve been recruiting population, espe- were sentenced to12 years of imprisonment; cially religious young people, spread ideas to two Turks raised in Germany, Adem Ulmas overthrow the existing state system, made and Attila Selek, received 11 and 5 years re- improvised explosive devices and planned to spectively. conduct terrorist acts. In their testimony they confessed that in Beginners first took basic training at a 2006 they came to IJU training camp in Paki- safe house or houses, and then promising re- stan based by immigrants from Uzbekistan, cruits were sent to the camps of al-Qaeda in where they studied terrorist activities [2]. South Waziristan (Pakistan) for the improve- IJU took the responsibility for the bomb- ment of various skills of organization and car- ings in Andijan region on the border between rying out of terrorist acts, and mastering the Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in May 2009[2]. Vasetsova Elena 53 Islamic Organizations of Central Asia

After the split of the IMU the organization tral Asian countries, Afghanistan and Iran, continued its activities, and in the spring of one of its regions and the establishment of 2001, the movement changed its name to the Khilafah in these lands determined one «Islamic Party of Turkestan»1 («Hezb and — of the goals of the organization. The IPT Islami Turkestan», IPT). Armed groups led head Usman Ghazi has announced that the by T. Yuldashev withdrew from Afghanistan organization will now exist in the format of to Pashtun Pakistan provinces of North and the state formation. U. Gazi also accused the South Waziristan, which became a stronghold leadership of the Taliban of lying, coopera- of the Taliban, joined the Taliban in its fight tion with intelligence services of Pakistan with the regular forces of Pakistan and the in- and of going the wrong way. Obviously, this ternational antiterrorist coalition troops. statement demonstrates the struggle be- Attempts to eliminate T. Yuldashev oc- tween ISIS and the Taliban for a leading role curred repeatedly, and the information about in the region. U. Ghazi urged the Taliban to his destruction appeared in the media reg- join the ranks of ISIS, and mitting the refusal ularly. The most probable date of his death began to fight with them. In December 2015 is August 2009 due to injuries from a missile the information was distributed, the authen- strike of American drone apparatus. Then a ticity of which is still in doubt. The Taliban series of changes of the organization leaders spread photos, supposedly of Zabul U. Ghazi followed, and, according to the latest data killed in Afghan province, close-cropped and from 2012, it was led by Usman Ghazi. IPT shaved, to escape easier from his pursuers. claimed responsibility for organizing a se- What are the reasons for joining the IPT ries of terrorist attacks in Kyrgyzstan, com- to the ISIS? First of all, the ISIS patronage mitted in Bishkek in December 2002 and in means large cash flows, the IPT needs. The Osh in May 2003. In the middle to the end of result of it can be an outbreak in terror- 2000-ies the terrorist activity of the IPT be- ist activity in the region since the militants gan to decline until it drew attention with an will have to «work out» the money they re- attempt to organize a major terrorist attack ceived. Second, the ISIS membership opens in Moscow. In the spring of 2013 the Federal new perspectives for the consolidation of Security Service of Russia destroyed in Orek- groups in the region. At the time of the oath hovo-Zuyevo a group of terrorists preparing taking by the IPT it was a conglomerate of a major terrorist attack in the Russian capital, heterogeneous, often decentralized national and on June 6, 2013 arrested their leader. The units. During its existence the organization members of the group were Russian citizens, has not approached its goal — to overthrow residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the regime of President Karimov, to damage who received terrorist training on the border substantially the secular authorities or seri- of Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2010–2013, ously destabilize the situation in the region. which pointed to activation of the IPT and to Therefore, the transition of the IPT under the internationalization of its activities. auspices of the ISIS brings much opportuni- In the summer of 2015 the information ty to reach a new level, to get a number of occurred that IPT sworn to the Islam State advantages over other groups, and become (ISIS) [1] recognized as a terrorist organiza- much more serious threat to Central Asian tion in a number of countries (banned in Rus- countries. Third, ISIS is popular in certain cir- sia). The ISIS claimed «the Khorasan provinc» cles of the population of the Central Asian including parts of the territories of the Cen- republics, and, obviously, the recruiting base of the organization will significantly increase. 1 On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of Thus, in the near future we can presuppose the Russian Federation determined «The Islamic the spurt of activity of Islamist groups in Cen- pariah of Turkestan» as a terrorist organization, tral Asia. its activity in Russia is illegal. 54 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence


The author examines the concept of a polycentric world order and the main factors, which ensure its relative stability. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the diffusion of power, the crisis of international law, the impact of international allianc- es and blocs on international relations and world politics. Key words: world order, polycentric world, diffusion of power.


Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Department of Comparative Political science, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

OUTIN n 1990–2000s, the discussions on the these questions refer to the problem of the polycentric system of the world (in dif- nature of violence, its role in international Iferent terms: «postbipolarity», «multipo- relations, and to be more exact, to the prob- larity», «multilateralism», etc. ) took place. In lem of the formatting of the regulators of vi- this regard, the questions about the diffusion olence and compatibility of different formats of power (might) of the states, the crisis of of regulation. In recent years, the question is international law and replacing it with glob- getting more urgent: how can these formats al law, the deficit of impact of new interna- ensure a relatively stable polycentric world tional alliances and blocs, were raised. All of order?

Formats of regulation of violence in the world community

o society, organization, state and cilitate the formatting of the regulators of inter­national community can do with- violence. Nout the potential for violence. F. Ber- Let us point out the formats of the regu- enskoetter firmly states that world politics lation of violence. Collective (international) «is put together by the relations of power» alignment of the regulators of violence is [1]. The assertion that the policy is based on carried out by the institutionalization of: a) a «deferred violence» is justified [13]. The world order; b) international law; C) interna- creation of institutions and norms should fa- tional politics. In this «triangle» is lined up the Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 55 Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence interaction of all the regulators needed for The most important function of the interac- normal existence of mankind. These formats tive formats of the «triangle» is to prevent should complement each other. They suggest excessive growth of the opportunities of a duality of the principles «regulation — de- any state (block of states) in implementing regulation» and «hierarchy — anarchy». Let violence or dangerous dominance during us examine the basic formats in detail: formatting of violence to the detriment of —— the format of the world order in which peace and national interests of states. A the balance of forces opposes the dom- remarkable example of the dysfunction of inant military power of states and alli- these formats is the actions of the Turkish ances, affecting the configuration of the President in Syria in 2015, when the status of unions; the NATO member led to unpunished aggres- —— the format of the world politics in which sive actions. Afterwards, this dysfunction the optimums of the interactions and the caused military actions in Nagorny Karabakh reconciliation of the national interests in April 2016. of states, private interests of TNCs and In this «triangle», the connection be- USOs, shadow actors constrain particular tween the formats and corresponding in- discretions as expression of the priority of stitutional recourses is rather changeable, particular national and regional interests; however, it must be maintained to avoid linking unilateral measures with integra- significant «gaps» like the situations before tion projects, peacemaking and concilia- the First and Second World Wars. This con- tion means; nection has always been movable, but the —— the format of the international law is degree of their liability varied in different especially important in providing of the periods of time. Since the Peace of West- policentricity as far as it provides the phalia, the attempts to build the format of UN principle «one country — one voice» the world order based on the recognition of while discussing the problems of the in- state sovereignty began. In 1815 The Con- ternational range. But the format itself gress of Vienna set the format of the world cannot provide a relatively sustainable order («The Concert of Europe ») by format- regulation of violence. The existence of ting the co-ordination of foreign policies of the UN Security Council, with its institu- the most powerful states, and trying legal in- tions of permanent and non-permanent ternational formatting of violence. But there members, reflects both the opportunity were no conditions for strong connection of and limitation of the principle of the Unit- the three formats. Preventing of the bleed- ed Nations. The potential of direct and ing wars of the great powers failed. One of indirect violence of the individual states the reasons was the desire of Great Britain continues to play an important role. But and France to weaken Russia and then the the world still holds on constant collec- Soviet Union, despite of the fact that this tive formatting of violence on several state was historically unremovable element fronts. For example, the formatting in re- in the balance of forces in Europe and the gard to the processes of sovereignization world. Another reason is the situation with (desovereignization) of states, control of Germany, when its sovereignty was largely terrorism, solution of global challenges. devalued by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, All the formats of the «triangle» in case of and documents of the Paris conference of ensured compatibility of their functions (reg- 1919–1920, which hindered the intercourse ulation and deregulation) are in a constant in- of formats, despite the fact that the Charter teraction and complementarity, which gives of the League of Nations was an integral part the opportunity to international organs and of the Treaty of Versailles [17]. states to make the best decisions and to in- However, after the Second World War, the cline the states to peace and cooperation. world order established in the new quality. 56 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

This fact was reflected in the fundamental which reduced the acuity of confrontation document of the international law — the UN between the USA and the USSR, Israel and Charter. The principle of respect of the state the Arab States. sovereignty and integrity was assigned. At In 1970, the UN «Declaration on princi- the same time, the formats of the coordi- ples of the international law, concerning nation of foreign policies of states with the friendly relations and cooperation between international law were strengthened. In the the states in accordance with the Charter of relative stability of the Yalta-Potsdam world the United Nations» was accepted. In 1972, order an important role was played by balanc- two agreements were signed by the USA es and dominants of the international order and the USSR: on limitation of strategic arms (including nuclear parity of the superpowers) and on anti-ballistic missile defense. In 1975, as well as the optimization (harmonization) the Helsinki final act was accepted. In 1982, of national and global interests in world pol- the UN General Assembly adopted the reso- itics by means of legal acts of the UN, the in- lution that included the Manila Declaration teraction of international military-political on the Peaceful Regulation of International blocs of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, bilateral Disputes and a number of other political and and multilateral agreements of states. Being juristic acts [8]. The formation and develop- one of the essential features of the Cold War, ment of sub-sectors of the international law it helped to prevent breaking ties of regula- was being formed: international humanitar- tors of the «triangle», although national lib- ian law, international human rights, law of eration movements took place at that time, disarmament, and the rights to resolution local conflicts of international and non-inter- of international conflicts, the right to inter- national character occurred (the Berlin cri- national security. The prerequisites for the ses of 1948–1949, 1953, 1961, the Arab-Israeli formation of such sub-sector as the right of war, the war in Korea 1950–1953, the Cuban the world appeared [20]. Such sub-sectors Missile Crisis of 1962, the uprising in Hungary of international law could have become the in 1956, the Vietnam War, the Prague Spring perfect basis for more efficient and sustain- 1968 and some others). able connection of formats of regulation of However, during this period the estab- violence in the world. The format of the in- lished balance of power created an accept- ternational law made a significant contribu- able «frame» of the development of interna- tion into the world order and world politics, tional law, which led to positive implementa- strengthening their normative character. tion and improvement of all formats of reg- After the Second World War, the balance ulation. In the 1960s, the theory of peaceful of power in its classic version allowed to pre- coexistence of two world systems with dif- vent the most dangerous encroachments of ferent social structure was developed, which some states. At the same time, the configu- was justified by the agreement of the wills of rations (balances) of forces of some certain the states [19]. The format of public interna- powers (blocks) were preserved due to the tional law reached its peak in the 1960–1980s formats of accordance of the foreign policy and strengthened the normative character of of states (world politics) to the international the formats of the world order and the world law. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rus- politics. This period was «golden» for inter- sia S. V. Lavrov characterized this period in action and complementarity of the formats Europe the following way: «Forty years after of the world order, international law and the Second World War were a surprisingly fa- world politics (foreign policy coordination). vorable period for the development of West- Significant progress was made in the for- ern Europe, which was free from the necessi- mation of peacemaking and peacebuilding, ty of making its own big decisions, and „un- in the development of policy of «detente» der the dome“ of the US — Soviet confron- and «shuttle diplomacy» of Henry Kissinger, tation had the unique opportunity for quiet Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 57 Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence

development» [12]. In such a connection of the top of this wave the Helsinki process oc- formats, the states were looking for the op- curred, the Act of 1975 was accepted, OSCE timal conditions of using of violence in their was created. All these filled the maintenance foreign policies, restraining to employ their of the world order and making of the world maximum of available power potentials. On politics with normative content.

The order and formatting of the regulators of violence at the end of XX — first quarter of XXI century

n the last quarter of the20th century, the wall, the «velvet» revolutions in Eastern Eu- regulation of violence in the so-called «tri- rope and the collapse of the Soviet Union. In Iangle» of formats went through serious the early 1990s, the widespread belief that testing. The globalization of world markets there would not be any problems with the of goods, labor and capital contributed to «transition» of post-Soviet states to democ- increasing of global problems, and the in- racy was popular: first of all, it was necessary teraction of these formats of regulation did to shed light on the past, because the future not happen fast. Marking of imperatives of was already known. After all, Western coun- formatting of the world order was required, tries, supporting anti-Soviet and anti-social- as well as building an interaction of formats. ist mood among people by blocking the mili- In these conditions, the alignment of the for- tary actions of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw eign policies of the superpowers and other Pact and the authorities in the countries of states was violated. In 1979, the Soviet Union Eastern Europe, create democratic formats sent troops to Afghanistan. In 1986, the USA of control of violence [5]. bombed Libyan cities without sanctions of the Some political scientists wrote about the UN Security Council [10]. «global law», on behalf of which, in partic- In 1980–1990 the illusion prevailed that ular, in the Persian Gulf War, the emerging the world is close to an idealized Kantian Empire performed [3. — P. 180]. At that time, «democratic world order» (democratic peace the euphoria eclipsed the need for a thor- theory), based on universal human values, ough theoretical analysis of international where democracies do not conflict with each processes. The first signals about threats to other [2]. There were some reasons to be- the normal interaction of the formats of the lieve in it. In addition, the establishment of regulation of violence in the «triangle» were the OSCE gave hope that in those conditions underestimated: during the Persian Gulf War the confrontation of military-political blocs in 1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union. would be replaced by mechanisms of coor- The Soviet Union made considerable conces- dination. In 1985, the «perestroika» began in sions, but at the crucial moment (July 1991), the USSR, which seriously affected the bal- under the pressure of the USA, the leaders ance of forces and potentials in the global of the great «seven» refused to help (con- order. The Soviet leadership put universal cessions of the USSR helped the USA to save human values essentially above national in- $ 1.3 trillion. dollars, only by reducing weap- terests in their policy, agreeing to a series of ons) [25]. After the dissolution of the Warsaw unprecedented concessions. Pact of the DIA and CMEA, regardless of the Most of the principles of the Helsinki principles of «indivisible and equal security», process prevailed, but the exception was the «broad cooperation without dividing lines», principle of inviolability of postwar borders. the USA and its allies preserved NATO and The new order correlated with the universal even began to expand its membership and human values and movement towards cos- influence. The role of the OSCE (CSCE),which mopolitanism and the«global law», which was supposed to be capable to build a mech- symbols seemed to be the fall of the Berlin anism of avoiding power confrontation of 58 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» military-political blocs, was reduced to a A world order under the powerful pres- secondary function of fixing violations and sure of the global dominance of the United peacekeeping, and later to anti-Russian pro- States and NATO allies lined up, calling for paganda. revision of the formats of the international The collapse of the Soviet Union and the law and world politics, especially in relation transition of the former Soviet republics and to the sovereignty of states. The imper- socialist countries to the «West side» meant atives of the «triangle» were replaced by an overturn of Westphalia world order in its others: the dominance of the United States Yalta-Potsdam modification and the forma- and the imbalances in the world order, tion of a different «obscure» world order, the priority of the national law of the USA which was remote from idealized represen- above the international law, the discretion tations of the 1980 s. The intonation of for- of the US government and NATO in world eign policy doctrines of the USA and NATO politics. The UN Charter concerning the was dangerous. All these led to the destruc- sovereignty of the states was revised. The tion of the connection of the formats of the United States launched the confirmation of regulators of the world order, international freedom from the decisions of the United law and world politics. The formats of the Nations. «triangle» were mostly replaced by foreign The concentration of changes of the policy discretionary acts of the USA and world order formed in the Middle East and NATO, to justify which the hegemonic doc- Europe. The war in Iraq in 1991 became pos- trine were used. sible due to the imbalance of powers, the The secret document of 1992 «Recom- severe crisis of the USSR and its allies. The mendations for the defense planning» char- self-liquidation of the DIA and CMEA led to acterized the position of the United States the elimination of bipolar (bicentric) world «as a recognized hegemon» which was able order. This led to new idealizations that justi- to strengthen the new world order «not to fied imbalances. A. Negri and M. Hardt wrote allow any state in Western Europe, East Asia, about the new world order and empire: the former Soviet Union or in South-East Asia «Along with the global market and the global to rise to the position of a regional leader relocation of production a global order, new capable to control the region, where Amer- logic and structure of the governing, i. e. a ica and its allies have interests, either to ap- new form of sovereignty emerged. Empire proach the status of a regional power and is the political subject that regulates these become a geopolitical opponent of the USA» global exchanges; it is the sovereign power [24]. Relations between the USA and Russia that rules the world» [3, p. XI]. Imperial for- were determined by the Camp David agree- mats of the USA were stated as key regula- ment on February 1, 1992 as the relations of tors of violence. The NATO leaders declared «friendship and partnership». But Bzhezins- that this organization has acquired the global ki, holding a classification of the European character. states (1992–1993) on the basis of loyalty Dangerous shifts appeared in the nature to the United States, included Russia in the of the participation of the USA and NATO in third group out of four, as a country able to the resolution of non-international conflicts. go both against and towards the USA. In 1993 The collapse of Yugoslavia occurred not only the concept of foreign policy of Clinton’s due to the internal conflicts, but also due to administration was developed; its regula- the position of Western countries [14]. Then tions were reflected in the document of the there was the participation of NATO peace- National Security Council «National security keeping forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, strategy of engagement and enlargement» when the peacekeepers did not prevented (1994), and further in «A National security mass loss of life in a number of situations; strategy for a new century » (1997). the military strength of NATO was used Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 59 Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence

against the Serb forces. Military pressure on their advantage, when the procedural-legal Yugoslavia continued in 1999, when almost regulators of the UN were not sufficiently all NATO States participated in the bombing mobile and, more usually, when the interna- of Balkan state, weakened from the embar- tional law contradicted the interests of the go on the supply of arms. The international USA and NATO. Consequently, world politics Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was es- followed by the world order and the inter- tablished, which condemned, as a rule, only action of the regulation formats of violence Serb defendants. Then the actual separation lost the normative nature, acquired during of Kosovo from Serbia (without a referen- 1945–1991. dum) took place and NATO countries were The expansion of NATO to the East and the first to recognize its independence in representing it as a globally oriented orga- the first place. A precedent of the desover- nization was introduced as justified with the eignization of the state and new version of interests of the world community and was formatting of the international violence tak- accompanied by globally oriented state- en against a sovereign state occurred. This ments: «NATO’s Partnership focuses not format of world politics led to the fact that only on the countries of the Euro-Atlantic separatism in a number of countries had an area, the Mediterranean and the Persian additional legal justification that led to the Gulf, but also on countries in the global instability of the world order and the crisis of scale, including Australia, Japan, the Repub- the international law. lic of Korea, New Zealand, Iraq, Afghanistan Such attitude of the USA to the sover- and Mongolia» [7]. NATO positioned itself eignty of the states was transferred to other not only as a regional military-political bloc, regions. The war in Iraq in 2003, presented but also as the global regulator of the inter- as a response to the terrorist act of Septem- national relations, not yielding to the UN in ber 11, 2001, also confirmed the US desire its importance. to bring the format of the regulators of vi- In a situation of undermining the foun- olence to the global international level. The dations of the old and the deformedness of frequency of the discretionary US actions the new world order the balanced regula- testified a desire to change quickly the for- tion of formats of violence were destroying. mats of the world order, world politics, and The only superpower used the «maximum» international law, based on its own discre- of potential of violence in its foreign policy, tion in order to consolidate its hegemony. trying to put on the «toga» of the empire. Fukuyama wrote that «after the end of the The strategy of «soft hegemony» was used Cold War, the USA made an alternate attempt towards allies, and of «hard hegemony» was to build a state once in two years on average used towards the rivals. All these led to the » [21]. In some situations, it helped the USA degradation of the normative world politics to resolve international disputes quickly to and the international law.

Degradation of the format of normative world politics

n maintaining formats of the world order —— treating the shared responsibility as a co- and international law, the special role is operative value; Iplayed by the normative world politics. —— certain predictability of the actions of the The typical features of the last one are: leading states; —— the coordination of foreign policies of —— putting information warfare of the great many states and, above all, of great pow- powers in the framework of certain rules. ers; Regulatory global politics that emerged —— providing both ad hoc solutions and long- after the Second World War used the lega- term goals and commitments; cy of the shared responsibility in the fight 60 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» against fascism. But in the early 1990s it the overthrow of the regime and the pun- was deformed primarily because of discre- ishment of Gaddafi. tions (unilateral decisions and actions in The preservation of the normative world circumvention of the international law) of politics was also straitened by the increasing the United States and NATO in a number of number of actors in the world politics (the regions: Iraq, Libya, the Balkans, Syria, and breakup of states, the «dissolution» of the Eastern Europe. dividing line of external and internal policy, In Libya, long before the «Arab spring» promotion of non-state actors). It was not ac- of 2011 the ways of the devaluation of the companied with building balances of powers international law had been rehearsed. On and potentials and their confirmation by the April 15, 1986 the USA bombed five targets international law. Contrary to the promises in Tripoli and Benghazi. The State Secretary of the leaders of the USA, NATO expand- John Schultz proclaimed the doctrine of «an- ed nearly 2 times. Official position on the ticipatory self defence» that was confirmed preparation for the inclusion of Georgia and by the President of the USA [4]. But neither Ukraine in NATO was fixed. In the short time the doctrine of «anticipatory self defence», the regime in Georgia with the support of the nor the fight against terrorism justified such USA increased its military spending 30 times, actions. The UN Security Council condemned which contributed to the outbreak of armed the bombing as a violation of the UN Charter. conflict in South Ossetia (2008). Nine states supported this decision, five were Following NATO, the number of mem- against (the USA, the UK, France, Australia bers of the EU expanded, being a «second and Denmark), and 1 withhold (Venezuela). As rate» after NATO and supporting the results a result, the USA took a step to the deprecia- of the Euro-Atlantic integration. However, tion of the powers of the UN Security Coun- in 2002–2004 the leaders of the countries cil and changing the format of regulation of dominating in the EU, expressed concerns violence [10]. about the actions of the United States. These events continued in 2011. In France and Germany opposed the war in Iraq global politics, the status of Gaddafi, who and expressed solidarity with the position of went on a number of concessions, includ- Russia. Then even the NATO leadership dis- ing the renunciation of nuclear programs, tanced from the beginning of the war in Iraq. had already been legitimized. However, the In that period the EU sought to participate Gaddafi regime had been condemned as separately in the formatting of the regula- dictatorial. In 2011, the UN Security Coun- tors of violence. But with the change of gov- cil referred the issue about Gaddafi to the ernment in France and Germany (N. Sarkozy, discretion of the Prosecutor of the World A. Merkel), differences between the EU and Court [6]. where a quick investigation was the USA were muted and the EU countries made for two months. The purpose of these lined up in the fairway of the Euro-Atlantic actions was a combination of discretionary strategy of the USA. political decisions with the procedures of The EU took an unprecedented expansion international justice in order to persuade in 2004, joining 10 members, including the the world community and the population countries of Eastern Europe (and later in two of Libya in the approval of the actions of steps another three members joined the EU). NATO. On March 17, 2011, the UN Security The formats of associated relations for the EU Council adopted the resolution on impos- neighbors also started to work: the projects ing an air-exclusion zone over Libya. On of the Mediterranean Union, the Northern March 19, 2011, the Paris NATO Summit, de- dimension and the Eastern partnership. The spite some disagreements, announced the EU actively collaborated in projects funds of beginning of a military operation against the USA in supporting the opposition in the M. Kaddafi’s armies, which contributed to post-Soviet states. This contributed to the Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 61 Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence fluctuations that escalated into the «colour erlands on April 9, 2016 are especially indic- revolutions» successful for the organizers in ative) and in the relations between the EU Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004); in more latent and Russia. There was a «defrost» of dan- demonstration — in Moldova (2009). After the gerous non-international conflicts, includ- «colour» revolutions that led to the regime ing in the CIS (2015 Transnistria, 2016 — Na- change, the new government intensified co- gorno Karabakh). A number of countries in operation with the USA, NATO and the EU. The the Middle East were shaken by the bloody preparation of the «colour revolutions» was conflict. External forces stimulated the con- conducted in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Russia, flict in Hong Kong in 2014 («The Umbrella where the authorities were able to resist the Revolution»). The contradictions of inte- efforts of the opposition and Western funds. grative structures of the EU and the EAEU Since 2011, the series of revolutions and (Eurasian Economic Union) were artificially overturns, took place in the Arab East. The intensified. The events in Ukraine in 2013– USA and NATO countries provided support 2016 to a large extent were the result of the to these processes in a number of questions. Eastern partnership policy, opposing the The opposition elite with the armed support Association of Ukraine in EU to the cooper- and generous promises called for political ation in the EAEU. modernization in the directions, not always The USA opposed the energy projects of supporting national interests and t proper Russia («Nord stream», and «South stream functioning of the world order, international and Nord stream — 2»), policy on strength- law and normative world politics. ening the SCO and BRICS, Eurasian Economic It is obvious that in condition of im- Union, strengthening ties with the countries balance of forces and potentials the USA of Latin America. The USA and the EU initi- tried (unsuccessfully) to make the discre- ated economic sanctions against Russia, in- tionary format of world politics under its volving a number of other countries around dominance the main regulator of violence, the world. The actions of Turkey (a member to recognize NATO as the global control- state of NATO) in Syria in 2015, including ler, to consolidate the formats of the new those against the Russian NASP, and then world order and international law on this the influence of Turkey on the aggravation basis.2011–2012 was the most favorable of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh are the period for such consolidation. Particularly consequences of deformation of normative significant was the decision of the UN Se- international politics. curity Council in the spring of 2011 on Lib- The world has faced a global shortage ya [23]. Then there was the precedent, ca- of normative world policy focused on long- pable to legitimize previously undertaken term goals [13]. Its degradation also contrib- interventional actions of the USA and its uted to the global financial and economic allies without a UN mandate (Yugoslavia crisis, strengthening of informational con- 1999, Iraq 2003). In political discourse such frontation between Russia and the United actions were identified by the term «ille- States, ignoring of the factor of civilization gal-legitimate acts» (U. Beck named the war identity. in Iraq «hybrid, illegitimate-legitimate war» World politics and international relations [9]) that actually undermined the format is the field where legal regulation does not of international law, but strengthened the often solve problems, and non-law regula- US-centered world order. tors are desperately needed not in form of a As a result, domestic and internation- balance of power, optima, discretion of high al instability in some regions increased. officials, confidential contacts, non-public The internal contradictions in Moldova and arrangements, trust. Legal basis, especially Ukraine aggravated, as well as within the EU in the field of the international security, has (theу results of the referendum in the Neth- become rather vague. The international law 62 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

was supplemented by «a new customary law defines what is important and what is not im- of forcible countermeasures», opinions of portant in international law. That is how the affiliates and lawyers, political force in re- customs are created, based on which emerg- sponse to humanitarian disaster or a mass ing norms of the international security, inter- and gross violation of human rights [10]. It national economic law and legal regulation explains the interpretation of the resolu- of media are formed. tions of the UN Security Council on humani- To the detriment of legal formats, the tarian interventions [18]. which led to discre- pressure of the shadow regulators is add- tionary decisions in the interests of a dom- ed, actively penetrating into international inant power not consistent with the other environment (exchange collusions, insider members of the UN. So, the violence, applied groups, illegal transportation of immigrants, to a sertain state legal regimes includes un- the influence of the drug cartels, human lawful («illegal but legitimate») regulators, trafficking, and cross-border business in and the international legal regulators. transplantation). Such shadow actors are the In world politics there are also global cor- Taliban, al-Qaeda, the Islamic state (DAISH). porations, the economic power of which is The uncertainty in the decision of the World comparable to the major powers. Legitimate Court on the question of the independence and semi-legitimate institutions and actors of Kosovo (the leadership of Kosovo was sus- (IMF, World Bank, Bilderberg group, Trilater- pected of a number of military crimes and al Commission) and national-state elites in- crimes against humanity [15]) shows the defi- teract and join them. They join former Prime cit of legitimacy and trust in world politics Ministers, former Presidents, Ministers of and generates precedents of fragmentation Finance and Defence, bankers, owners of and hybridization of law [16]. This number media companies, analysts, politicians, PR was increased by the actions of a NATO mem- professionals, and members of the intelli- ber-Turkey, which was encouraging illegal oil gence services, creating a global managing and antiquities trade supplied by the ISIS and class. Such forces, especially those funded Jabhat al-Nusra from Syria and Iraq, as NATO by NGOs, form the rules of conduct of the overlooked. governing class, a kind of global agenda that

The reestablishment of formats of regulation of violence

espite the hegemonic ambitions of groups in Syria, the resumption of negotia- the United States, the 2000s indicat- tions on Syria in Geneva, the agreement be- Ded trends to the preservation of a tween Iran and the «six» countries on the Ira- polycentric world order [11]. A return to nor- nian nuclear program, the expansion of the mative world politics, normative world order, SCO. The reunification of the Crimea with and protection of the international law be- Russia after the overturn in Ukraine should comes an axial direction in the security of the be considered as strengthening of the inter- world community. Leveling of the actions, national security in a polycentric world or- destabilizing the formats of the internation- der with the balancing forces of the United al law, the normative world politics and the States, the EU and Russia. world order were successful. In particular, A wider field that requires a format of the prevention of US military intervention in normative world and regional politics in the Syria, the withdrawal of chemical weapons framework of integration processes opens. from the country, a successful military and Integration law occurs, which is different humanitarian aid of Russia in the repulsing from the international and national law and of the expansion of ISIS and other terrorist presents the fusion of national and region- Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich 63 Polycentric World Order and Formatting of the Regulators of Violence al regulation, the connection of formats of The normative world policy ensures the law and politics (normative politics), able to coexistence of Western and Eastern com- assume some of the functions performed ponents of the world order, a symbiosis of by international law. Both «competitive in- formats of regulators of violence, includ- tegration» (the EU and the EAEU in the case ing the construction of the world order as of the Eastern partnership) and «integration «pacifying environment» with legal and of integrations» are possible. Normative compulsory administrative regulators. It is world politics is a supervisor of measures of important not to allow the «pacifying en- sovereignization and de-sovereignization of vironment» and its legitimation to arise on states, mechanisms to transfer their author- the way of symbiosis of international law ity to integration level under a cooperative and shadow regulators, as it usually hap- responsibility. pened in the formation and recognition of Regulatory world politics combine legal independence of Kosovo. regulators of law and non-law (prescriptions Further movement towards a polycen- of religion, maxims of morality, and princi- tric (multipolar) world contributes to the ples of trust, traditions, non-legal traditions, revival of the interaction of the regulators powerful discretions, balance of power, and of the «triangle» based on Geneva format confidential agreements) in the West and in for Syria and the Minsk agreements for the East differently. F. von Halem fairly notes Ukraine, for example. Despite the crisis of that in the areas where law cannot influence world politics 2014–2015, there is a dia- significantly (especially in non-Western coun- logue between Russia and the USA, Russia tries), the power is more effective regulator and France, Russia and Germany in the for- [22]. Especially in conditions of unbalanced mat of regulation of the situation in Syria, world order promoting not resolution, but the Ukraine and Iraq (in the future, apparently, delay of asymmetric armed conflicts (Egypt, in Libya too). The dialogue in a format of a Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan). The im- council Russia — NATO is being resumed. plementation of Russian military force in Syria The steps are made by the Ministers of for- led to a revival of the formats of international eign Affairs of France and Germany to re- law and polycentric world order. Russia com- sume the dialogue between Russia and the bined the implementation of violence with di- EU. The SCO, BRICS and CSTO continue to plomacy and reanimation of the format of in- operate. A common enemy has been clearly ternational law (the Geneva talks). However, identified: international terrorism formed similar actions may be seen in Ukraine: Russia, into real organizations. The cooperation demonstrating the power, built a barrier to within the antiterrorist coalitions in Russia, the spread of radical nationalist movements Iran, Iraq, and Syria has shown its effective- and thus contributed to the establishment ness. All this gives the ground to keep the of the format of the Minsk agreements to re- polycentric world order for the future per- solve the conflict in the Donbas. spective [11].

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The period of the late 1980s-early 1990s international law, overcoming resistance to was favorable to make productive adjust- unilateral US foreign policy, aspiring to the ments of the formatting of regulators of mono-centric world order. violence, but the world did not use this op- The constant struggle is going to take portunity. The 1990s did not lead to desirable place between states, integration associa- adjustments. tions and international NGOs for restoring of Now making the way to new formats is the formats of regulation of violence: a bal- necessary, offsetting the gaps of fragmented anced world order, global regulatory policy 64 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» and updated and consolidated internation- itics becomes decisive force that can move al law. The world is now in a situation when the process in that direction. striving for normatively weighted world pol-


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Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations (using the Example of the «Islamic State», al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the «Muslim Brotherhood»1)


The article is dedicated to the comparative political analysis of models of the «soft power» of networking terrorist organizations using the example of terrorist organi- zations and groups prohibited in the Russian Federation: «Islamic state», al-Qaeda, the Taliban,and the «Muslim Brotherhood». The object of study is the soft power. The subjects of the research are the forms, methods, models and technologies of the soft power of terrorist organizations (for example, «Islamic state» (IS), al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the «Muslim Brotherhood»). The author draws attention to the fact that terrorists of various transnational organizations and groups in their ideological and propaganda activities use the soft power in order to unite extremists, to involve new members into terrorist activities and to conduct information war with their ideological enemies (with the governments of various countries fighting against international terrorism and their direct competitors among the extremists, terror- ists and Islamists). Thus, the soft power of terrorists does not repeat the forms and methods of soft power of the USA, known from the works of the American neolib- erals (John. Nye, R. Kohan etc. ),and which has its own model, existing in the form of a specific set of versions adapted to the ideology of each particular international terrorist group. So, the ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, the «Muslim brotherhood», each has its own model of soft power and these models are quite different from each other even in their underlying basis. Key words: soft power, terrorism, Islamic State, control of terrorism, politics, security.


Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

1 On December 29, 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined «Islamic State» as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal; On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined «Al-Qaeda» as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal; On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined the «Taliban» movement as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal;On February 14, 2003, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation determined the «Muslim Brotherhood» organization as a terrorist organization, its activity in Russia is illegal. Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo 67 Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations

n modern hybrid wars (in Syria, Ukraine, militias in Iraq) or religious (Alawite part of Yemen, and other regions) a non-state fac- the army of Assad, the Kurds — Yazidis, the Itor presents: global and regional leaders Druze, the Christian militia in Syria and Iraq, prefer to sort out the relationships not in a etc. ) factors. Terrorist organizations like the direct frontal collision, but through the colli- ISIS and al Qaeda, which have, in addition to sion of paramilitary intermediaries, allies and their own military and political agenda, the satellites, including non-state actors and an- super goal of building a global Islamic state, ti-actors of global politics and political forces also have a rather complicated relationship that are on the stage of formation of their with their sponsors and with other groups of international political identity. This means terrorists and extremists. They build the re- that in hybrid wars, the world leaders prefer lationships in accordance with medieval rules to act not directly, but through their agents, existed in the first century of Islam. These which can be characterized as classical (na- groups could be referred to anti-actors of tion-states, their alliances and coalitions and world politics, defined as the target and the international organizations) or non-classical object that must be destroyed, if only a num- (private military companies (PMC), armed ber of modern states, such as Turkey, «Gulf groups of political parties and national libera- States», and the United States, did not try to tion movements, home guard formed on eth- use them for their own purposes as a tool for nic or confessional principle, armed forces of implementing their foreign policy. From all the unrecognized state formations, volunteer mentioned above it follows that today there corps, part of which can claim for the status is a rapid process of hybridization of world of «actors beyond the sovereignty», and the politics, the centers of which are the con- other part cannot). flicts in Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, etc. The study Furthermore, this struggle may involve of these processes is not only military-polit- organizations and groupings, leading crim- ical, but also social, that is why the methods inal activity, including that of extremist, of sociology of international relations should terrorist, radical character, with which the be implemented for the analysis of these leaders can communicate hoping to use processes. them for their own purposes secretly or by One of the major factors that, along with mutual agreement. This is evident in the war smuggling of oil and cultural values, contrib- in Syria and in Donbass region. The situation ute to the sustainability of the existence of with classic actors in world politics, acting such terrorist groups as the Islamic State, as agents of the conflicting world leaders al-Qaedaoperating from Syria called Jabhat is in general clear — their military and dip- al-Nusra), the «Muslim Brotherhood» and lomatic engagement in a hybrid conflict is the Taliban have their own system of ideol- traditional in nature, but a wide range of ogy and propaganda, which recently have non-classical and non-state actors is a quite more often been called the «soft power» of a colourful palette that includes sociological Islamists. Due to the wel-established ideo- formations of different degrees of structur- logical, agitation and propaganda work, the ing, forming and maturity. PMCs are charac- recruiters of the ISIS, the Taliban and al-Qae- terized as typical TNCs and behave the same da involve young people (not only Muslim, way (according to their specialization). Dif- but also converts from Christians) in their ferent kinds of militia in terms of organiza- activities to compensate combat losses in tion are often characterized as archaic clan, manpower, hire professionals in the area tribal, communal. Their cohesion, political of information warfare and cyber intelli- and military activity,is often influenced by gence service, economy, oil and mineral ex- narrowly understood ethnic (for example, ploration, public administration and local the Kurdish militia in Syria and Iraq, militia self-government. Owing to their own model of Assyrian Christians in Syria or the Shiite and format of «soft power», Islamists from 68 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» the ISIS, al-Qaeda and other groups can lead of the ISIS — along with the canons of Islam armed open or sabotage and guerrilla wars of Salafi persuasion, are one of the main reg- against the entire Western world for years, ulators of social relations. Young people, re- refilling their resources daily with the help cruited by ISIS campaigners, are taught that of political parties, movements, public asso- they will live in tough but fair world where ciations, diaspora, legally operating world- justice is the same for the rich and the poor, wide, which share their views and political for field commanders and ordinary Mujahed- position. The «Muslim brotherhood» is re- dins, and this is a sufficient reason for many markable for this, they actively recruit highly of them to leave home and to go to war on educated intellectuals, University profes- the side of ISIS in Libya, Syria or Iraq. sors, leading scientists, analysts, represen- A long-term practice of the struggle tatives of national political elites, using against the ideological work of the extrem- them as agents and distribution channels ists has shown that the call for absolute of soft power, as well as in order to develop justice, equality and fraternity has not lost new models of ideological, value and propa- its appeal: not only young people from the ganda influence on individual and mass con- lowest, poorest strata of society, where they sciousness of citizens in various countries have not ever had and will never have any around the world prospects in life, join the ISIS, but children of The ideological influence of the Isla- wealthy parents, who follow the emotional mists can be called the soft power because impulse, supported at the appropriate level a significant part of the younger members by the soft power of the Islamists, give up all of these groups were led to the jihadists by their possessions (money, real estate, expen- their world outlook, values and views on the sive cars, valuable papers, etc. ) in the proper- world and its most acute problems (among ty of the ISIS and become as poor as the Mu- which the most serious are the problems of jaheddens, who came to the ISIS from distant social and political inequality, poverty, lack villages. None of the scientists can explain of social mobility), as well as the confidence this phenomenon, because its nature lies in a of these groups in their own power and abil- special kind of appeal of the soft power. The ity to solve these problems. The ideology of Islamists, of course, have this power. all groups — the Taliban, al — Qaeda, the Each terrorist organization: the ISIS, ISIS and the «Muslim Brotherhood», which al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the «Muslim Brother- is closely connected to Islamism and Islamic hood», has its model of soft power. The basis modernism, such concepts as social justice, for all of these models is radical Islamism, as equality, absence of class and, tribal differ- a rule, the Salafitism. However, apart from ences, fraternity, mutual help and mutual Islam, in these models there are absolutely support in any situation (i. e., collectivism) different principles and mechanisms of influ- are actively used. If al-Qaedaand the Tali- ence on individual and mass consciousness: ban are tolerant to social inequality, the ISIS each model has its own individual character- strongly votes for the elimination of social istics and differences defined with specific inequality and ensures each adherent equal goals and objectives of each of the terrorist opportunities, on the condition that he/she organizations on the one hand and with staff, will fully follow the way of life, norms and the responsible for ideology and propaganda, on canons established in the ISIS. the other hand. A significant role in the attraction of The ISIS builds its ideology on promot- soft power of the ISIS is played by a special ing the advantages of «a new, free and fair social community, which is built on the Isla- society» — a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, mists seized from Syria and Iraq territories, which they build in the occupied territories in which the principles of social justice — in of Syria and Iraq. The core concept of their the form they are understood in the ideology ideology and soft power is the principle Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo 69 Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations of justice, in defense of which they speak clusions of the leaders of the ISIS are con- (in their own opinion, of course). The ISIS nected with the image of the Soviet Union. stands for a society of equal opportunities, This is not a coincidence: many officials of elimination of all class barriers and for the the administration of Saddam Hussein, as primacy of the principle of justice in any well as militaries, received the education in sphere of public relations. Their ideologi- the Soviet Union. cal appeals, after removal of Islam context, A rather complicated mosaic pattern oc- seems to be quite secular and carry the curs when trying to deal with the ideology messages clear to even the illiterate peas- and soft power of the Taliban. The ideology ant or herdsman: «land — to peasants!», of the Taliban today is not homogenous — it «factories — to workers!», «water — to sail- resembles a «layer cake» consisting of three ors!», «capitalists — to pitchfork» etc. These layers or levels. Each of these levels corre- slogans in general are the same as the slo- sponds to its ideological base and its ideo- gans of the Bolsheviks and the Trotskyites. logical concept. It is connected not even with There is no coincidence in the fact that the the fact that the Pakistani Taliban is different ISIS is referred to as «neo-Bolsheviks», it is from Afghan Taliban, and not with the fact necessary to note the revolutionary nature that the core of the combat forces of the Tal- of the ideology and the organization and iban (non-national movements, for example, there are attempts (especially in Turkey and Pashtun) are the Pakistani and Afghan Pash- the Gulf countries) to extradite the terror- tuns, introduced by hundreds of different ist activities of the ISIS for the «Great Sunni tribes. It is connected with the fact that the revolution», « The Sunni liberation upris- Taliban is now experiencing a generational ing». Such a character of the ideology of the crisis, there clearly are three different gen- ISIS is probably connected with the fact that erations of leaders, and these generations it has not been elaborated by jihadists and have different values and views of the world. radical Sunni preachers, during the forma- This creates a crisis that affects all spheres of tion of the ISIS in 2006 (based on the Iraqi activities of the Taliban, including ideology. cell of al-Qaeda, involving coordination of Therefore, the ideology and soft power of the CIA), it joined twelve Sunni groups fight- the Taliban is «multilayer». ing against the occupied country from US The first and the oldest generation of the troops and NATO, which consisted of former Taliban is represented by the field command- soldiers and officers from Saddam Hussein’s ers of the Mujaheddin who fought with the army and former officials of the Baath par- Soviet Union and then with the Northern Al- ty. Most likely, they developed pseudo-rev- liance. These are such figures as Mullah Omar olutionary ideology for the ISIS, which took reported to be likely dead two or three years quite a lot of ideology of the Baath, Arab ago. When they were young, these leaders Renaissance and pan-Arabism. In fact, the did not put up struggling with their enemies, Soviet ideology can be seen: the ISIS propa- both «foreign invaders», and opponents gandists often say that in the fight for fair within the country, today they are the elder- world they just replaced the collapsed Sovi- ly and they realize that they has spent their et Union, which firmly struggled for justice, entire life in the battles and campaigns, and equality, fraternity until the end. However, they did not have an opportunity to enjoy the in 1991 the Soviet Union split and the Rus- wealth and position they have. For these rea- sian Federation was busy with its own prob- sons (the desire to age in peace and comfort), lems — it stopped struggling for a fair world they now are quite peaceful and conciliatory order, and then followed the path of capi- and hinder the enthusiasm of the younger talism. As a result, according to the ISIS, the generation of field commanders, eager to successor of the Soviet Union had to appear, continue the war against «crusaders» and and the ISIS has become the one. These con- their collaborators. These figures still have 70 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» the power, but cause sharp discontent of the These generational characteristics of younger generation of Mujaheddin, among the modern cadre of the Taliban outline the which the popularity of jihadism, similar to general character of their ideology and soft the one being preached by the ISIS agitators, power: the ideology of the Taliban clearly is rapidly growing. expresses points of view of all three genera- The second generation of the Taliban con- tions, which cannot interfere with each other sists of the field commanders who joined the even within a single movement. Taliban during the fight against the Northern For practical implementation of its Alliance, but long before the invasion of the model of soft power and ideological influ- USA and NATO in Afghanistan. The main ide- ence, the Taliban, as well as the ISIS, has an ology of this generation of field commanders excellent staff of agitators and propagan- and fighters is patriotism: they see the pur- dists: the Taliban holds very complex in- pose and meaning of life in the struggle with formation and psychological operations in foreign invaders and believe that the war will the public and in virtual online space — the end, if the last foreign soldier is destroyed or blogosphere and social networks. At the leaves the land of Afghanistan. For them the same time, their ideological campaigns are most important thing in the war is the pro- aimed generally at people of their «home tection of national interests of Afghanistan. regions» — Afghanistan and Pakistan. The They are nationally oriented figures, who are external influence on the population of the in irreconcilable enmity with jihadists from countries where the Taliban does not have the ISIS and other groups, for whom nation- its interests and especially international al interests, sovereignty and borders of any public opinion are not interesting for the Tal- state is nothing, and global Jihad is the only iban. But at the level of the local press — TV, purpose of existence. The ideology and soft printed and electronic editions, radio — the power in this category of the Taliban has a propaganda work of the Taliban is very well pronounced national-state character. established: the programs are aired in most The third generation of the Taliban con- local and several foreign languages and di- sists of young fighters who were born and alects. Newspapers, brochures, and other brought up in the conditions of permanent promotional materials are regularly deliv- war of all against all in Afghanistan and ered to remote settlements. This provides a joined the Taliban after the start of the fight constant flow of new generations of young with KFOR (Kosovo Force). They are mostly people to the Taliban. convinced jihadists sympathetic to the ISIS The case with the ideology and soft pow- and considering the ISIS is an example of the er of al-Qaeda is different. Unlike the Tali- true Islamist State. Their ideology and values ban and the ISIS (although the ISIS consists are not different from the ideology of the of velayets, but the core is still in Syria and ISIS. They are willing to accept the leadership Iraq), al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization of the ISIS, but this is prevented by the com- built on the network principle and consist- manders of the older generation — those ing of separate, independently functioning who insist on the national-state and nation- terrorist cells with a high degree of free- al-patriotic positions and for whom the war dom of choice of strategy, tactics, goals, has always been and remains the internal targets, and forms of carrying out terrorist matter of Afghanistan. For young people of attacks. In the Arabian Peninsula AQAP op- the Taliban infected with the virus of jihad- erates (al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula), ism the older generation of Taliban com- its military wing controls quite a large lot of manders is a clear and unfortunate hindrance the territory (with several major cities and which should be eliminated in the interests towns) in Yemen. Fighters of this al Qaeda of the «Great Sunni Revolution» conducted unit, ousted by the Saudis to Yemen be- by the Arab «brotherhood» from the ISIS. cause of threats to organize an overturn in Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo 71 Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations

Saudi Arabia, are fighting with Shia-Zaidi 1) fight against the infidels and foreign in- (the«Huthis») and, in fact, contribute to Sau- vaders, whom they call «crusaders», 2) disre- di Arabia in achieving its military objectives gard of state borders and other formal divi- in Yemen. So, during a visit to the city of Taiz sions that define the modern world, in which the BBC correspondent saw the armed forc- the main actors in international relations es of the Saudis [the Saudis — AM] fighting are national states. Al-Qaeda in its nature with the Houthis, together with the mili- and form of organization is a transnational tants of «al-Qaeda». subversive — reconnaissance and terrorist In the Maghreb and the majority of the network; it is a kind of multinational corpo- so-called French Africa the unit «al-Qaeda ration which purpose is not obtaining and in the Maghreb» operates — on its account maximizing profits, but political transforma- there are attacks in the capital of Mali, in tion of the world. That is why the basis of the Libya, in Algeria and planning of terrorist ideology of al-Qaeda are corporate values, attacks in Europe. Some politicians associ- ensuring corporate unity of all participants ate the organization of the terrorist attack of the network regardless of geographic in Paris on the night of 13 to 14 November distance of the units and the control center; 2015 with the activities of al Qaeda in the and then on the second place come the ide- Maghreb: in particular, such statement was ologies of pan-Islamism, jihadism, fighting declared by the US President B. Obama sev- against the Christian world — with the same eral hours after the tragedy. The official ver- «crusaders»: Russia, the USA and the EU. All sion of the events, which French authorities this forms the common frame, the general stick to, places the responsibility for the ter- construction of a model of soft power of rorist attacks in Paris on the ISIS, which was al-Qaeda, based on the denial of the mod- confirmed by the official statements of the ern world order with national states and na- leaders of the ISIS. Meanwhile, immediately tional borders and on the recognition of the after the terrorist attacks in Paris the version supremacy of the new forms of quasi-state arises that the attack was the revenge of the entities — global political (extremist, Isla- Tuareg for French mercilessly bombing their mist, terrorist) networks. This framework of cities during the conflict in Mali. regional al — Qaida units are filled with their In Syria, al-Qaeda operates under the own meanings and their own content, includ- name of Jabhat al-Nusra — this is its mili- ing those messages which are best perceived tary wing. In 2006 in Iraq, the local branch of by the population of each individual region. al-Qaeda after a merger with another twelve That is why the soft power of al-Qaeda, on radical groups changed its name to «Islamic the one hand, has mosaic character and has State of Iraq» (now ISIS). Strong units of al — strongly pronounced regional specificity and, Qaida operate in Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the other hand, it is always exactly tuned as well as in Jordan, where after the death to the hopes and aspirations of the popula- of Osama bin Laden all the top leadership of tion of their region and therefore has a high al-Qaeda appeared to be (by nationality they penetrating, convincing and stimulating ef- are mostly Jordanians). There are the units fect. of Al-Qaeda in European countries: the UK, The most subtle in terms of formation of France, Germany, Belgium, etc. All of them the information and propaganda is the terror- are autonomous, have a high degree of au- ist group the «Muslim brotherhood», which tonomy, including development of their own many politicians and experts for some reason models and concepts of ideology and soft like to call «soft Islamists» — without much power. reason,just basing only on the fact that in the The ideology of al-Qaeda, emerged and situations when the terrorists of the ISIS and formed during the war with the Soviet Union al-Qaeda prefer to go ahead, the «Muslim in Afghanistan, is based on two main theses: brotherhood» prefer to bribe local elites and 72 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» do the same thing, but by proxy. Perhaps, this concept, which includes both existing na- is partially due to the residual stress, which tional states and international organiza- many European (and not only European) poli- tions. According to this concept, the main ticians experienced, when in Egypt, as a result role of the «Muslim brotherhood» is in of legitimate elections that meet all demo- forming of theglobal agenda and in solv- cratic demands, the leader of the Egyptian ing international challenges, which the cell of the «Muslim brotherhood» Mohamed «Muslim brotherhood» plans to fight with, Morsi was elected to the post of President. creating under its egis private «voluntary As a result, within three years many politi- coalitions». So, the middle East initiative of cal figures were in a state of cognitive disso- M. Morsi (while being Egyptian President) on nance: they were forced to shake hands with the creation of so-called «Islamic Quartet» the terrorist, who unexpectedly became the to resolve the Syrian crisis is well-known; legitimate President of Egypt. Although, in M. Morsi called on the most influential coun- theory, he should have been immediately ar- tries in the region — Saudi Arabia, Turkey rested or eliminated during the capture. and Iran to form a military-political bloc for In its model of soft power the «Muslim the suppression of the civil war in Syria. This brotherhood», being the same geographical- kind of concepts (in scale and quality of de- ly distributed network terrorist organization velopment) exists neither in the ISIS nor in as al-Qaeda, rely on its own corporate val- al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The main ideologi- ues, the most important of which, after the cal goal of the ISIS is a quasi-state formation imperative of the «unity of all true Muslim «World Islamic Caliphate» that copies the believers», is the reliance on a high level of in- Muslim autocracies of the middle ages and telligence and education in the surroundings living accordingly to the medieval canons; of its leadership, on the development of man- the idea is effective, but utterly outdated, agerial decisions by using the resources of not leading to the creation of a new mod- their own «think tanks», in which they attract ern state that can compete with the existing intellectuals all around the Muslim world. national states, and therefore is — short- The «Muslim brotherhood» acts through lived. National state doctrine of the Taliban their sympathizers’ representatives of polit- comes to a simple formula «country with- ical, scientific, and financial elites; their ide- out crusaders» and does not provide any ology forms the motivational needs of the change of state borders of Afghanistan, but elites and the middle class: those segments only changing the form of government and of the population whose members hold in the political regime currently existing in the their hands the control over these or those country. Al-Qaeda denies the importance of countries. Therefore, among the heads of borders and sovereignty of national — coun- cells of the «Muslim brotherhood» there are tries, claiming that its terrorist network by a lot of college professors and sophisticated definition is extraterritorial and does not intelectuals. The «Muslim brotherhood» iso- recognize the demarcation and dividing lines late the most promising and talented young set by the «crusaders» to define the territo- politicians from the political environment rial boundaries of national countries. in different countries and make them their These are the models of soft power of agents. Mohamed Morsi may be an example various terrorist organizations that the Rus- of such a promotion, a former University Pro- sian Federation has to fight with on various fessor, or the current President of Turkey, fronts, both virtual and real, such as the war Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the member in Syria. At the same time, in the ideological of the radical group «Grey wolves» when he fight against Islamist groups such as the ISIS was young. and al-Qaeda, Russia uses its own model of Unlike other similar organizations, the soft power, based on the firm determination «Muslim brotherhood» has its own foreign to defend the legitimate rights of people to Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo 73 Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations choose their own destiny and the leaders ic state», banned in Russia, and «Jabhat who will govern the state; in this respect, al-Nusra». It is well known fact, and the Russian soft power is also based on the con- talks about «moderate opposition» are just cept of justice, but which is fundamentally a political move. The main goal of this move different from what people understand it in is to save from destruction at least part of the Islamists, «privatizing» the common her- the essentially terrorist structures, in which itage of —justice —and making it available in the past a lot of money was invested. The only for a limited circle of «friends». Syrian USA and its allies — Turkey and some Arab citizens in grateful for the peace and free- monarchies of the Persian Gulf — formed dom that Russian military brought them give and brought up this so-called «opposition» their children Russian names or give them for a long time. They spent money on pur- names such as «Russia», «Army», Syrian sol- chase of weapons, training on the latest diers walking around with shirts with the methods of warfare. That is a very serious image of our pilot, who heroically died de- and expensive project. And then suddenly fending the Syrian people — these are the Russia makes a«knight’s move» and begins examples of Russian soft power. to strike on this business project. Current- Unfortunately, it is necessary to admit ly it is impossible to distinguish «moder- that the armed conflict in Syria will contin- ate» opposition from «immoderate» one in ue for a very long time. The resolution of the project. For example, the USA consider the UN Security Council 2015. — № 2254 () Jabhat al-Nusra as «moderate», meanwhile, on the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic it is an organization which considers itself contains a detailed, incremental plan of set- the successor to the Syrian cell of al-Qae- tling the armed conflict between the Assad da. They cut heads exactly as the «Islamic regime and the opposition (the guarantors state» and maybe even more intensively. of the execution of this plan are the USA Many videos posted online that non-ex- and Russia, who introduced the resolution perts relate to the activities of the ISIS, ac- to a vote in the Security Council), there is no tually record the executions carried out by firm assurance that it will be executed by all the militants of «Jabhat al-Nusra». They are parties of the conflict, including the United dangerous, they are not «moderate», and States and its allies, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, they are just not as well-known as the ad- Qatar, having the influence on the armed op- vertised «Islamic state». position. Criticizing Russia’s actions in Syria, Accusing Russia of attacks on «moder- the USA and its allies are trying to prevent ate» groups, the USA and its allies began a the creation of the coalition in the region long-term combination, the aim of which under Moscow leadership. This is carried is to preserve American control over the out because such coalition is able to create region. While the Americans imitated the a new network architecture throughout the fight against the ISIS, Russia attempted to Arab world. organize a real and effective international In October 2015, Saudi Arabia and Tur- anti-terrorist coalition. And many Arab coun- key joined to the US calls for Russia to stop tries went to the rapprochement with Russia air strikes of the positions of the «moder- on this issue. After that, the USA and its allies ate opposition» in Syria. Meanwhile, nei- feared that Russia will form an international ther the USA nor its allies in the region front under its control, which will first deal were able to explain exactly where this with the puppet Islamist groups that were «moderate opposition» is and how it dis- armed and trained by Americans and the Gulf tinguished from terrorist organizations. countries, and then the front will build a new Funded by the USA and its allies antiauthor- architecture of international relations in the ity formation in Syria have already mixed Arab world. Speaking in defense of seeming- with such terrorist structure — as «Islam- ly useful terrorist organizations today, the 74 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» countries in the region make a mistake. After ple, to Yemen. There fighters can rest,-mo- all, unlike the USA, they are in a direct reach bilise the force and get ready to wage a war of the militants. against Assad or any of his legitimate suc- The whole complexity of the Syrian situ- cessor again. ation lies in the fact that the Syrian conflict After the adoption of the resolution on turned out to involve influential world pow- Syria by the UN Security Council, the fate ers (the USA, Russia, the EU and regional of the combat units of the Islamic state leaders), the vital interests of which in this and Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria is solved: they region diverge significantly. So, for Russia are doomed to extermination. If the Syri- the main thing is a speedy victory over inter- an and the Russian army destroy a group national terrorism, the destruction of Daish of terrorists in Aleppo, and the United (ISIS), Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist States and its allies deploy the attack groups and restoring peace for the Syrian on al-Raqqa and conquer it, Syria will be people, the opportunity to live peacefully, cleared from terrorists. In case of agreed raise a family, to vote freely for the future actions of Russia and the USA, this can hap- of the country. For the USA the destruction pen in the coming months. Then, perhaps, of Daish is not a priority; more important peace will be established in Syria for some thing for them is to remove Bashar al-Assad time. According to the peace plan, all Syr- with the help of Daish and other «opposi- ian opposition groups consisting of Syri- tion» and then force its European allies to an citizens (not foreign mercenaries, not deal with terrorists. The strategic goal of jihadists) and not closely connected with the USA is to guide Syria to the Libyan way, the Islamic state, «shave the beards» and to make Assad repeat the Gaddafi’s fate. become «moderate opposition» which may Russia with its successful military opera- be negotiated with. These people — for- tions in Syria (implemented jointly with the mer militants — will go to elections of the Syrian government army), obviously, pre- President of Syria, according to the plan of vents this. Turkey, earning a lot of money on peaceful settlement contained in UN Secu- the resale of oil produced on the territory rity Council Resolution № 2254. However, controlled by the Islamic state and Jabhat their essence will not change only because al-Nusra (the Syrian branch of al — Qaida) they call themselves «the moderate op- for a long time, is not interested in business position». As a result, Syria may face the partnerships, blocked today in Aleppo and threat of a full color revolution, which will cut off by the Syrian army and the Kurds unfold according to the classical scenario: from supply lines (of weapons and fighters if in the election Assad will get the most being moved from the territory of Turkey), votes (and it will happen, as the population to be destroyed. Qatar, which supplied and freed from Islamic state territories will financed Jabhat al-Nusra for a long time, vote for Assad), «moderate opposition» has the same motives, and Saudi Arabia, on will contest the election results, declare the balance of which there is Jaish al-Islam: their non-recognition, dug up the weap- all these extremist groups are their business ons and color revolution will turn into an projects, in which a lot of money is invested armed rebellion very quickly. Then the civ- and will be lost, if the Russian and the Syrian il war will take place, the front line will be continue destroying terrorists, despite the held by the Syrian army against the inter- pressure from the West. That is why both national terrorism of jihadists from around the USA and the Gulf monarchies will try not the world,just —what is happening in Syria to destroy the terrorists, but to preserve now. However, there is a hope that these their combat core (cadre), displacing them plans of the enemies of Syrian people will to Jordan or opening them a «corridor» to be shattered by Russia again, in its favorite exit from the territory of Syria — for exam- incomprehensible way. Andrey Viktorovich Manoylo 75 Models of the «Soft Power» of Networking Terrorist Organizations


1. BBC: Coalition headed by Saudi Arabia fought in Yemen war on the side of «al-Qaeda». [Electronic document] / Politics, 23.02.2016. Available at: sti-dnya/politika/43730-vvs-koaliciya-voqlave-ssaudovskoy-araviey-voyuet-vyemene-nas- torone-al-kaidy-politika.html (date accessed: 04.03.2016). 2. Morsi proposed the creation of a «Muslim Quartet». The Islamic world. Available at: http:// (date accessed: 04.03.2016). 3. RIA Novosti [RIA News]. Available at: html#ixz-z3o4rBw9ZF (date accessed: 10.05.2016). 76 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Political Aspects of Formation of Polycentric World in Conditions of «Hybrid Wars»


The article researches the political aspects of the formation of a polycentric world today. The idea of a new polycentric system of international political discourse of Russia, the USA and the European Union is examined. The intensification of the global geopolitical, geo-economic and informational competition between interna- tional political actors is analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that compe- tition policy of the key actors of world politics, which is realized in the strategies of «hybrid wars» and counter-strategies, becomes a long-term factor in world political dynamics which can have a significant impact on the transformation of world order, reinforcing its polycentricism. Key words: polycentric world, «hybrid war» strategy, discourse.


Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich Ph. D. in Political Science, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

OUTIN he formation of a polycentric world authority [4]. others highlight the objective occurs on the background of the impossibility of «sole» domination in the Tunfolding debate about the specif- conditions of aggravation of global prob- ic execution of the future world order. A lems and the arising of qualitatively new growing number of researchers in Russia challenges [10]. and abroad discuss the trend of hegemony In the article, it proves necessary to con- erosion as a way of organizing internation- sider the political problems of the formation al relations. Some researchers consider the of a new polycentricity in the context of cur- extinction of hegemony mainly as a result rent world political trends, as well as to ana- of the development and interaction of two lyze any notions regarding the formation of a processes — the reduction of the relative polycentric world at the level of internation- power of the USA and the increase of devel- al political discourses of the key internation- oping countries in economic and political al political actors. Carrying out this kind of Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich 77 Political Aspects of Formationof Polycentric World in Conditions of «Hybrid Wars» research will bring to a better understanding multidimensional and involve military, eco- of the conditions under which a new polycen- nomic, scientific, technological and humani- tricity is being formed and will allow to iden- tarian cooperation areas. tify its specific features. A significant trend affecting the dynam- The formation of a polycentric system at ics of formation of a polycentric world is a the present stage is realized in terms of qual- considerable political delimitation between itative changes of the global geopolitical and Russia and the USA as well as their allies in of the geo-economic situation. The multifold NATO and the European Union. The most viv- influence of globalization and regionalization id form of this delimitation appeared after promotes the formation of integration and the political overturn in Ukraine in winter of quasi-integration systems, characterized by 2014. The new National Security Strategy of a specific institutional and diplomatic design, the US, approved in February 2015, is indi- presented by the new economic international catory in this case [28]. Russian researcher organizations and agreements (the Eurasian Rogov S. notes that Russia is mentioned 15 Economic Union, the Trans-Pacific partner- times in the Strategy, which is more than any ship, «Economic zone of the Silk Road»), as other country. In the document the phrase well as informal intergovernmental organiza- «Russian aggression» is used 9 times, the tions (BRICS, Friends of Syria Group). need «to restrain Russia» is mentioned more A number of Russian researchers, while than three times. The possibility of Ameri- describing the specifics of establishing world can-Russian cooperation is mentioned only polycentricity, note, that nowadays the once, which, however, will be possible only if centers of power are far from being equal. Russia changes its political course [12]. How- Asymmetry and the multidimensionality of ever, it is necessary to mention, that another the new polycentricity are caused by the significant on a global scale line of delimita- fact that, firstly, along with leading centers tion, which today is more latent in nature, but of influence, new claimants to leadership, as in the long term could be developed more well as minor, and marginal centers of pow- explicitly, refers to the relations between the er appear [5]. Secondly, they have different USA and China [30]. social structures, which are still not well es- It is important to point out that the two tablished in many aspects [1]. Thirdly, in the powers, which most actively and consistently modern world the range of tools by which support the formation of a polycentric world, centers of power are able to influence each are Russia and China. The challenge of pro- other are expanding dramatically. The signif- moting the formation of a polycentric world icant role in the intensification of this process at the international political level was first is played by the development of science and formulated in the Declaration on a multipo- technology. lar world and the formation of a new inter- Illustrating the mentioned above the- national order, signed by Russia and China on sis, the American researcher A. Acharya April 23, 1997 [15]. Subsequently, the commit- compares the modern world with a multi- ment of the two countries to the formation plex cinema, where different movies with of a multipolar world and new international different plots and actors are screened in order was confirmed in the Joint Declaration several rooms at the same time [20]. In the of the Russian Federation and the People’s framework of this process the number of in- Republic of China, signed on July 1, 2005 [17]. fluential international political actors, char- A set on active work in favor of building up of acterized by the asymmetry of possibilities, a democratic polycentric system of interna- increases. In these conditions, there are two tional relations is contained in the Strategy main components of international relations for development of the Shanghai Coopera- and world politics: cooperation and compe- tion Organization until 2025, which was ap- tition prove themselves as more diverse and proved in 2015 [18] 78 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Polycentricity in international political discourse

et us examine the idea of new poly- operation of the centers of power is formed centricity at the level of international [16]. In addition, in the official documents, Lpolitical discourses of Russia, the USA Russia is gradually evading from the term and the European Union. The choice of these «multipolarity», replacing it with the con- international actors is determined by the fact cept of «polycentricity». In the fundamental that Russia on the one hand, and the United monograph «Russia in a polycentric world», States and its Western allies, joined NATO published under the editorship of A. Dynkin and the EU on the other hand, are currently and N. Ivanov, it is stated that the term «mul- at the forefront of the political debate about tipolarity» is incorrect, since polarity itself the present and future world order. involves not only the opposition of the poles, Russia considers the formation of a poly- but also their binary opposition [14]. centric world as a movement towards democ- For better understanding what consti- ratization of international political decisions tutes the formation of a polycentric world at a global level. The establishment of a dem- from the Russian point of view, it is necessary ocratic world order is associated with more to understand what it replaces. It is import- equitable access for developing and respon- ant, in particular, to note that authoritative sible states to the advantages of globaliza- Russian researcher on international affairs tion and the development of mechanisms E. Primakov admitted that the purpose of the that can protect members of the internation- artificial construction of a unipolar world or- al community from its negative effects [3]. der was the basis of a number of ideological The foreign policy concept of the Russian constructions, political and military actions; Federation 2000 claims that «Russia will ac- however, he rejected the existence of unipo- complish the creation of a multipolar system lar world as a historical reality [11]. Another of international relations that really reflects prominent researcher A. Bogaturov in order the diversity of the modern world and the di- to characterize the world order of the 1990s versity of its interests» [8]. In the foreign pol- introduced the scientific term «one and a half icy concept of the Russian Federation 2008, polarity» [2]. In this case, the military-stra- the «emerging multi-polarity» is regarded as tegic parity between the USA and Russia one of the «fundamental tendencies of con- despite of fundamental mismatch of possi- temporary development» [9]. In the foreign bilities on other issues of the total potential policy concept 2013, as well as in the national was emphasized. In his speech at the plenary security strategy 2015 it is shown that poly- session of the International discussion club centric world is in its establishing stage. It «Valdai» in 2015, Vladimir Putin proclaimed follows from the documents that in the pro- that the modern world should be considered cess of formation of a new polycentric model as ambipolar as the power is extremely scat- of the world there is an intensification of the tered. This thesis suggests a reference to the contradictions associated with the irregular- concept of R. Haas, according to which the ity of global development, widening the gap main feature of the twenty-first century will between the welfare levels of the countries, be ambipolarity — a world political situation struggle for resources, access to markets and when dozens of actors render different, but control over traffic arteries. The analysis of significant impact on the affairs in the world. Russian strategic documents shows that the The examples above suggest that within current stage of world development is under- Russian international political discourse the stood as a transition period [6]. when previ- problem of deconstruction of an artificial ously unknown conflicts and risks encounter, hard opposition of unipolarity and multipo- but at the same time the new basis for co- larity as alternatives to global development Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich 79 Political Aspects of Formationof Polycentric World in Conditions of «Hybrid Wars» is solved. It seems that in the speech of Pres- ful resolution of crises and conflicts in the ident Vladimir Putin the discussion about the global zone of instability stretching from the form of the polarity of the contemporary and «greater Middle East» to Pakistan. Other sce- the future world is closed. We believe that narios are positioned from the side of nega- the formation of a new polycentricity, which tive consequences for the United States and is referred to in both official Russian strategy its Western allies. The first negative scenar- documents and international documents of io involves the formation of a systemic con- key for Russia international organizations, frontation between China, Russia and their may be associated with the ambipolar world allies on the one side, and the United States, situation. as well as their European and Asian allies, on Russian researchers examining the per- the other side. In this case, the United States spectives of a polycentric world formation will have to be extremely overstrained. The dynamics, emphasize that the scenario of second scenario involves the further partial confrontation between the alliances of the restraining and isolation of Russia, as well as so-called «authoritarian» and «democrat- the strengthening of confrontation between ic» power centers, the probability of which Russia and the USA. In terms of this scenario, is described by some foreign researchers the extension of the influence of a third par- [26]. objectively cannot be the basis of a ty will take place: in particular, China, India new system of confrontation, similar to the and other regional powers who will benefit ideological confrontation which took place from this confrontation and strengthen their during the Cold War. The growing inter-civi- position in Eurasia and in the world to the lizational contradictions taking the form of detriment of the United States [21]. intercultural, interreligious and interethnic For American international political conflicts, including military ones, could un- discourse, the use of the concept of «poly- dermine the stability of particular power cen- centric world», as well as the term «multi- ters, however there is a small probability of polar world» is not typical. It is significant it becoming the basis for a full-scale global that these concepts do not come up either confrontation, as the internal structures of in American national security strategy civilizational identities are too complex and 2015, or in the Epistle of B. Obama to the contradictory [7]. Russian researchers asso- U. S. Congress 2016 [32]. According to the ciate the confrontation rise in world politics US concept, the emerging world is defined not with the «rise» of new centers of power, as the world of changes, associated with but with an aggressive unwillingness of the the strengthening of «rising powers» that US and its allies to accept the process as an threaten the USA and its allies. New world, objective and inevitable one. from the American point of view, primarily The growth of global turbulence allows correspond to the world of turbulence and Russian experts to claim that the possibility conflicts. Unpredictability and threatening of a military conflict between the great pow- capacity of the emerging new world is con- ers today ceases to be hypothetical and be- stantly emphasized in the reports of the comes real. However, the next Russian thesis leading «think tanks» of the United States is that the growth of confrontation creates [22]. In general, the USA is focused not on objective demand to produce effective in- the emerging polycentric world, but on its ternational mechanisms in order to resolve special role as a world leader in new condi- potential crises. It is assumed that a narrow tions. corridor of cooperation will gradually ex- Recently, European researchers have pand. There are authoritative studies, which begun to consider the European Union as a state that in the years to come Russia, the center of global influence. They noted that USA, the EU and China will have to take joint the centers of power of the future world will efforts aiming the stabilization and peace- not be represented by separate states, but 80 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

by the interstate associations; noting that the EU are associated with the positive con- the European Union is the most successful clusion of the American-European negotia- example of regionalism. Today, when an tions on forming a Transatlantic Trade and aggravation of international tension takes Investment Partnership with further joining place, European analysts confess that the EU of China. At the level of practical politics and is not well prepared to deal effectively with political discourse the European Union, be- the turbulence. This, in particular, may be ing an ally of the USA, also demonstrates the shown by the inability of the European Union desire to develop a long-term relationship to solve internal socio-economic problems with China. In May 2015, during the strategic and settle the conflicts on its borders [29]. dialogue between China and the EU, held in This situation is objectively constraining the Beijing, the EU high representative for for- freedom of the EU moves. eign affairs and security policy F. Mogherini European experts in the predictive report stated that the parties of the negotiations of the inter-institutional group of the Europe- are «true strategic partners». Because of the an Union European Strategy and Policy Anal- 17th EU-China summit, held in June 2015, a ysis System (ESPAS), «Global Trends to 2030: joint statement, according to which the par- Can the EU meet the challenges ahead?» ties have supported the cooperation of the named the USA, the EU and China the «big Chinese project «Economic belt of the Silk three» of the future leading economies of Road» and the European Fund for strategic the world [24]. According to the authors of investments, was accepted. the report, the prospects for the future of

Polycentric world and the «hybrid wars»

any leading Russian and foreign po- nomic and diplomatic sanctions, information litical analysts comprehend modern sabotage and other destructive components. Mworld political space as the space The ability to withstand in contemporary con- of global geopolitical, geo-economic, and flicts in physical, informational, cybernetic, informational competition between leading cultural, cognitive spaces has also contribut- international political actors getting a sharp- ed to the emergence of the term, adequately er form. The most confrontational form of reflecting the spatial multidimensionality of the demonstration of this competition today a modern war. is the so-called «hybrid war». A number of objective factors contribute In contemporary international political to hybridization of a modern war, including science, the concept of «hybrid war» is very the international legal prohibition of aggres- disputable. Some researchers consider that, sive war, the possession of nuclear weapons in the framework of the given concept a qual- by the great powers, the erosion of state sov- itatively new phenomenon in world politics ereignty, the expansion of the illegal market has been found. Others suggest that hybrid of weapons, growing number of terrorist nature has more or less characterized wars extremist organizations, as well as the crisis throughout the history of international po- of the traditional model of world leadership litical conflicts. and its characteristic forms of world order. According to the research of American As a rule, «hybrid wars» are led by a spe- military theorists, «hybrid war» is a modern cific symbiotic entity. Along with non-state version of the war as an armed warfare. The actors, it involves the states, acting either combined nature of «hybrid wars» is caused directly (through some pressure), or as open by the fact that classical military violence is or secret contributors [23]. Non-state actors combined with irregular forms of confronta- and conductors of «hybrid wars» may involve tion: terrorist activities, cyber attacks, eco- the media, terrorist organizations, armed Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich 81 Political Aspects of Formationof Polycentric World in Conditions of «Hybrid Wars» extremist groups, radical political opposi- which long-standing territorial disputes with tion, and rebellious paramilitary structures. a number of border states of South-East Asia In a «hybrid war» financial-economic orga- are actualized. Russia is accused of conduct- nizations involved in the policy of economic ing a «hybrid war» in Ukraine, experiencing sanctions, special services, oligarchic groups, a political crisis, and in the countries of Cen- nationalist and pseudo-religious structures tral and Eastern Europe, depending on Rus- may be used. The formation of the complex sian energy resources. Thus, the concept of configuration of actors and participants of a «hybrid wars» allows the USA to character- «hybrid war» allows us to consider this phe- ize certain disadvantageous actions of the nomenon as an indirect and undeclared war strengthening states as aggression and to without an explicit subject (a sole control define these actions, including official politi- center). Conducting a «hybrid war» allows cal statements, as a new form of war. the states to avoid responsibility, because American military theorists formulate this form of confrontation takes place be- the idea of the necessity of a global strat- yond existing norms and rules developed by egy of restraining the actors, conducting states and for the states. Combining these «hybrid wars». A response to the wars of a components makes it possible to effective- new kind must be the expanding of coop- ly undermine the stability within a state, to eration of military and civilian agencies and resist the attempts of the state to pursue an institutions forming the national power of independent foreign policy. In some cases, the USA. NATO, dynamically developing its a «hybrid war» may provoke armed conflicts internal networks, is positioned as a major within the states, in their border zones, or resource of counteraction to «hybrid wars». to create preconditions for their explosion It is important to note that the efforts of the in the future. North Atlantic Alliance possessing the «hard Nowadays, the geopolitical and geo-eco- power» are not sufficient to oppose «hybrid nomic importance of key regions of the threats». Cooperation with the European world such as Eurasia and North Africa, con- Union owing the «soft power» should help tributes much to their transformation into NATO to compensate the lack of non-mil- the space where world political confronta- itary tools to counter the new challenges. tion reaches the scale of a «hybrid war». In Thus, the issue of confrontation with «hybrid these conditions in modern world politics a threats» concerns not only the United States, counter-strategy is implemented, which not but the entire community of Western coun- only opposes the wars of a new type, but also tries, according to the US military theorists promotes a constructive form of joint devel- [27]. Generally, this strategy meets the for- opment [19]. mal approval in ensuring of a favorable bal- American politicians and military men ance of power for American leadership in the blame Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, rad- critically important regions of the world [25]. ical Islamic organizations operating in the «Think tanks» of the European Union are middle East and Africa («Taliban», «al-Qae- now actively analyzing the phenomenon of da», «Islamic state»), as well as transnational «hybrid threats». Experts and politicians of criminal organizations fueled by migrants the European Union are more cautious in from less-developed regions, particularly blaming Russia and other non-Western states from Central America, for waging a «hybrid in conducting «hybrid wars». There are publi- war» [34]. The USA find the demonstrations cations which indicate that a «hybrid» tactic of a «hybrid war» in the strategy of Iran in its was previously used by the United States. This support of the military actions of Hezbollah specifically refers to the period of confronta- in Lebanon and Syria. The policy of the PRC tion between the Soviet Union and the USA in to promote its interest in the South China Afghanistan in the 1980s [31]. Officially, the Sea is also positioned as a «hybrid war», in EU politicians do not tend to accuse Russia of 82 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» conducting a «hybrid war»; however, at the At the same time, the permanent growth level of the leading mass media of the largest of threats from radical Islamist groups, pri- European countries, particularly in Germany, marily the «Islamic state», «Jabhat an-Nusra» this kind of accusations regularly come up [35]. and «al-Qaeda» spreading their influence not According to the national security strat- only in the Middle East, but also in Eurasia and egy of the Russian Federation 2015, the USA North Africa, has pushed Russia in September and its allies seek to keep their dominance 2015 to begin the antiterrorist operation in in world affairs and therefore oppose Rus- Syria. Owing to the efforts of Russian diplo- sia conducting an independent domestic and macy, Russia and the USA managed to reach foreign policy. The document states that the the agreement on the armistice in Syria, es- United States policy of restraint involves tablishing ceasefire condition since February the application of political, economic, mil- 27, 2016. This agreement was supported by itary and informational pressure on Russia the resolution of the UN Security Council [33]. [13]. The thesis is explained with a number of Thus, political competition between circumstances facing contemporary Russia. international actors, often realizing them- First and foremost, a significant reduction of selves in the strategies of «hybrid wars» and safety of Russia occurred as a result of the counter-strategies, becomes a long-term fac- political crisis in Ukraine and the following tor of the world political dynamics and has consequences. The unsettled political situa- a significant impact on the transformation tion in Ukraine on the background of the ag- of the world order, reinforcing its polycen- gravation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict tricity. The actualization of these strategies was the occasion to strengthen political and objectively promotes the growth of pragma- economic pressure of the USA and its allies tism in world politics; but also significantly in- on Russia and to enforce military activities of creases international political risks. In these NATO near the Russian borders. Continuing circumstances, the need for the formation of in fact, though with less intensity, the fight- a new quality of global leadership objectively ing on the territory of Donbass creates con- increases. This leadership, in these circum- ditions for destabilization of the situation on stances, must be capable to develop collec- the Russian-Ukrainian border. In order to pre- tive approaches and implement activities, vent full-scale escalation of the conflict Rus- giving forehanded and effective responses sia supports the Minsk negotiation process. to the most significant dangers and threats.


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Available at: http://www.iss. 32. Remarks of President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address As Delivered. Available at: obama-%E2%80 %93-prepared-delivery-state-union-address. 33. Security Council Endorses Syria Cessation of Hostilities Accord, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2268. Available at: 34. Win in a Complex World 2020–2040. Available at: US-Army-WinComplexWorld.pdf. 35. The Hybrid War: Russia’s Propaganda Campaign against Germany. Available at: west-a-1075483. Telin Kirill Olegovich 85 Islamism and Political Institutions of the Middle East

Islamism and Political Institutions of the Middle East


The article discusses the prospects of development of political regimes in the Middle East under conditions of growing instability and trend of a political Islamization. The author estimates the institutional dimension of the existing regimes and tries to consider the transformation experience of the Middle East and the Maghreb coun- tries through the prism of contemporary theories of democratization and political stability. Key words: Islam, political regime, the Middle East, political stability, democratization.


Telin Kirill Olegovich Ph.D. in Political Science, Research Fellow, Department of State Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

OUTIN onflicts, intermittently occurring with Iraq from the political map of the world, the the states in the Middle East through Lebanese crisis, ISIS, accumulated tension Cmore than half a century of their in- and threats which sooner or later will lead dependent existence, prove that the region to a complete reconfiguration of the region still faces a significant number of large- (with an unknown level of control and, con- scale, though not always obvious challenges. sequently, an equally uncertain outcome), or One of these problems is remaining of the to the awareness that only the sustainable archaic systems of social fault lines — eth- and stable institutions can guarantee the ex- nic, religious, confessional within the states. isting boundaries. The Syrian events, actual disappearance of

Manual mode of management

he retrospective analysis of the de- democratic transformation — all the rest, in velopment of political regimes in the the best case, realized the scenario of limit- TMiddle East during the last decades ed transformation (or ‘anocracy’, in terms of shows that the key features of almost all of the Polity IV index). Almost all key countries them are their undemocratic character and in the region showed the same low levels of evident weakness of state institutes in com- democratization, political participation and parison with the potential of clan or any oth- «stateship», understood as the institutional er informal power. According to estimates dimension of the quality of political and ad- of the Bertelsmann Foundation for 2014 in ministrative management. the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey was Seven countries of the region are mon- the only country successfully implemented archies (mostly, absolute). Syrian President 86 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Bashar al-Assad came to power in fact, by etration of new political standards into the inheritance, as the head of the Alawite elite Middle East had increased, yet even partial in predominantly Sunni country; Lebanon modernization was used by traditional elites has been under the political control of Syria to build informal (shadow) transactions and for a long time; the overthrown Iraqi dicta- maintain current patron-client relations. Par- tor Saddam Hussein, in fact, came to power liamentarism in the regional countries was during the military coup, — and we still have (and remains, for the most part) symbolic not mentioned contemporary Iraq or Yemen. and quite conventional: the Baath party until In Saudi Arabia, living under the Sharia law, 2002 controlled the Syrian succession, Jor- Riyadh dinasty has granted women suffrage dan multiparty system not older than the heir only this year (and only at the municipal level). of the king Abdullah, in Bahrain and Kuwait Researchers noted the low level of political which still remain the only members of the participation in the region, the weakness of GCC with elected parliaments, any political the electoral system and a considerable lurch parties are banned. Thus, the languages of to authoritarian (or, as already mentioned, the various authors who call the regional anocratic) governing. Yes, in the 1990s, on parliamentary structures «facade» or «incom- the wave of global democratization, the pen- plete» are more than appropriate.

Stability of democratic institutions (according to BTI)

2006 2010 2014 Jordan (blue) 2,0 2,0 2,0 UAE (red) 2,0 2,5 2,0 Syria (green) 1,0 2,0 1,0 Saudi Arabia (purple) 1,0 1,0 1,0 Turkey (for comparison): 8,0 8,0 8,0

Voting rights and accountability (according to WGI)

2006 2010 2014 Jordan 28,8 27,5 26,6 UAE 20,7 22,7 19,2 Syria 5,8 4,7 3 Saudi Arabia 5,3 3,8 3,4 Turkey (for comparison): 44,7 44,5 37,9 3. Contemporary Problems 87 of World Politics and Informational Technologies

However, the «Arab spring» and the end global crisis the Middle East countries sharp- of 1980s, and other events have repeated- ly reduced GDP growth, increased unemploy- ly shown that the effectiveness of manual ment, and the mechanisms of state expen- control can be observed only in the situation diture in countries of the region amounting of extremely favorable external environ- one third of GDP, ceased to be effective. ment, the formation of which in the region Thus, manual control, in some situations of the Middle East is an absolute rarity. The allowing to minimize potential conflicts with- shortage of public socialization, the growth in the political system and form very peculiar of property stratification, the expansion of in the current environment mode of «Person- the informal (shadow) sector in the econo- al Union», shows a striking inefficiency and my, washing out from the formal economy inability to form stable environment for na- much-needed resources for development — tional development in long-term measure- all this only exacerbated the negative conse- ment. The only basis for the stability of such quences of discrimination against different systems can be, as Dowding & Kimber noted, groups of the population and outright tyran- external support — and mainly this feature, ny in political life. Inefficient (in terms of the as the example of the Bahraini dynasty of actual lack of stable institutions) state regu- al-Kalifa shows, can re-legitimize the regime lation could not cope with the external and even in a situation of social disorder. accidental shocks: in the conditions of the

Short term promises and long-term misconceptions

or a long time it was believed that the social crisis — remarkable example of that traditional Middle East threat of rad- could be fully observed in Egypt. Fical Islamism can be resisted only by Undoubtedly, the popularity of religious local authoritarianism, strong enough to nip movements (Muslim brotherhood, Tradition- in the bud a potential «ISIS». However, this alist Salafi, etc. ) in the regional countries’ view was subjected to a serious revision due forces to accept Islamization as a serious to at least two circumstances: first, after risk. However, the example of countries such several decades, the benefit from the sup- as Turkey, Morocco, Lebanon or Jordan (with port of the authoritarian regimes of Gadd- all the differences in their historical path), afi or Mubarak started to be unassured, suggests that it is impossible to exaggerate and, secondly, the autocracies were able to Islamist threat, describing of it as some kind smooth the manifestations of the internal of a «general rule». Meanwhile, exactly this conflicts of governed societies, but did not circumstance was most solid basis for consol- ensure their full surpass. However, the log- idation of autocracies in the region — most ic, according to which the democratization of them have only increased the ranks of the of the region will ensure the transition of informal supporters and sympathizers of unstable states to Islamist regimes, is still religious forces, who were emphasized its quite popular, and disadvantages of the au- «democratic» nature by populist slogans and thoritarian suppression of such a trend are opposition to severe repressive policy of the sometimes settled throughout discussion state regimes of Syria or Egypt. Non-institu- of a «national leader». It still hides the third tionalized (due to authoritarization) regimes factor that continues to influence the Mid- began to collapse under the influence of so- dle East political process: the authoritarian cio-economic factors; the crisis of legitimacy regimes based on suppression and the sys- of the incumbents handed carte blanche to tem of sanctions shaped the present explo- scattered non-system challengers, among sive situation. A short-term «stabilization» whom the Islamists constituted a significant turned into a large-scale escalation of the share. In other words, in some states of the 88 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Middle East rigid and repressive autocracies mation of political systems from authoritari- were created sufficiently, but this success an to democratic sample seems quite attain- had meant extremely vulnerable regimes able, especially if the political elite express which were truly «weak» from the point of willingness to such a script (perhaps under view of state building. We can suggest that the influence of external factors). similar systems confirm the hypothesis of Even before the events of the «Arab Robert Kaplan implies that within system spring», the government of Jordan, for ex- without strong institutions democratization ample, doubled women’s quota in Parliament may well lead to a surge of social discord and (to 12 seats), and another dozen seats were violence. Without necessary regulatory or- distributed among the representatives of der, rule of law and legal guarantees dem- ethnic and religious minorities (Christians, ocratic transition only worsens economic Circassians). After unrest in the region, king reality and badly affects political dynamics. Abdullah II made additional changes in 2013 From this point of view, the proposal to when the Parliament received the right to divide «fragile», or «soft» states of the Mid- appoint the Prime Minister. According to the dle East on ethnic and religious fragments, World Bank estimates (WGI methodology), each of which must be provided with inde- Jordan demonstrates a relatively high level pendence or at least wide autonomy within of governmental effectiveness and mainte- the Federal structure, seems rather strange nance of law and order, despite all the prob- (despite possible popularity among people lems with the Palestinian community and the and even researchers). First, it is enough just Islamic Action Front. to look at the ethnic and religious map of Despite all the problems of modern Leba- the region, to see how difficult it is to hold non, it also tested ideas opposing the rhetoric a coherent demarcation and to set any new of the «iron law of Islamization»: the current boundaries. Kurds, Druze, Yazidis, Alaw- Constitution was adopted in 1926, the main ites — how could claims of all these parties ideas of consociational «confessionalism» (the be satisfied within only one part of a complex National Pact) was developed in 1943, while and promiscuous region? Second, any trans- the political struggle in the country is exer- formation of the existing territorial lines and, cised not only in the latent sector but in the especially, separation of the several groups public space between the influential «March» (like Kurds or Iraqi Shia) will lead to a dramat- coalition (Pro-Syrian «March 8 coalition» and ic surge of separatism and irredentism even the anti-Syrian «March 14 coalition»). Syrian in a relatively stable countries (e. g., Jordan crisis and the events of the «Arab spring» had or Turkey). Therefore, the region will become an indisputable negative effect on the politi- less (not more) stable; it is necessary to re- cal system of Lebanon, increasing traditional member what kind of political regimes can regional contradictions, but the Lebanon in- take root in the alleged states: Islamism rare- stitutes passed through a series of civil wars ly feels reverence to national boundaries or and still continue to support the government any rights of nations to self-determination. in the conditions of extremely unfavorable Can democratic regime exist without be- foreign environment: the situation extremely ing accompanied by Islamization — and can atypical for the Middle East. it stabilize multi-component societies of Despite the fact that the Turkish example the Middle East? In virtue of the subjunctive may seem too remote to the realities of the mood it is difficult to give a definite positive modern Middle East because of the reduced answer to the question, however, the Moroc- role of Islam in political life of the country, can multi-party system, religious consocia- it should not deceive; in the period of Hosni tionalism of Lebanon and the stability of the Mubarak presidency in Egypt Islamic funda- Turkish institutions at least do not lead us to mentalism was suppressed not as intensely the opposite conclusion. Controlled transfor- as in the Republic of Turkey with Mustafa Ke- Telin Kirill Olegovich 89 Islamism and Political Institutions of the Middle East

mal, but still significantly, and nevertheless, nation» the result of which were widespread raised its head a few decades later. In other practices of coalition, non-party appoint- respects Turkish parliamentarism and other ments in the government and quite a flexible institutions (including the Constitution of system of interaction with the civil society. 1982), despite a series of revolutions, showed In other words, democratization does not significant sustainability: the party structure necessarily exacerbates the escalation of restored even after the official ban, and the the social crisis phenomena: the parliamen- army, did not transform into the junta, acting tary-republican pattern of Turkey and the as the guarantor of the secular character of Alawite and Hashemite constitutional-mon- the Turkish state. Today 98 % of the popu- archist scenario show that new institutional lation are Muslims and the Party of Justice solutions are possible in the region. Probably, and Development, which is the reincarnation the agreement on Syria reached at the end of the banned Refah (Welfare Party), has to of October by the working meeting partici- appeal to centrist rhetoric and face a rather pants in Vienna, can also be the argument in high (10 %) selective barrier; the oppositional favor of managed transformation: we are not Republican People’s Party shows quite seri- talking about a full-fledged military inter- ous results in the elections (25 % in the elec- vention and the complete dismantling of the tions in June 2015) as well as the Peoples’ existing system, but about the external man- Democratic Party (13,1 %). date to resolve the present crisis. Of course, The Moroccan experience is also quite de- any political reforms (reforms, not revolution monstrative: in contrast to the revolutionary or breaking the status quo) in the region are ferment of Egypt and Tunisia, local Islamists, impossible without external support and ex- gradually gaining political weight (13 % of the ternal legitimation. However, this condition votes in the elections 2002 and 23 % in the should be complemented by internal factors elections of 2011), took a reformist rather such as prepared bureaucratic stratum, army than a radical position. As it was pointed by structures, parliamentarism, and of course, Mohammed Masbah, the slogan of the Moroc- cultural mechanisms allowing not oppressing can Party of Justice and Development actually the followers of Islam, to prevent the domi- became the phrase: «Participation, not domi- nation of the religious factor in politics. Institutional trap: networks against structures here is a subtle point in the question nomenon, which it, apparently, could be at of institutional support of relatively the dawn of its formation within clan and Tnew statehood in the Middle East and tribal relations of the medieval Middle East. Maghreb: according to some researchers, Is- «Ennahda» («revival»), as some of its adher- lamic network structures can and should play ents name current Renaissance of Islam, is the role of binding institutions. In fact, the based essentially on large-scale social depri- ideology of such movements as the «Muslim vation, the shocks of the new information brotherhood», «Hezbollah» or Jamat-e-Is- environment, demographic issues and the lami, not to mention ISIS1[1] is based on this economic crisis; no wonder the events of the point; and that is why the desire to give the «Arab spring», caused mostly by these factors green light to «political Islam» is no less dan- are described by supporters of «Ennahda» as gerous than the belief that only an authori- the emergence of a new type of social iden- tarian leader can oppose it. tity. Undoubtedly, the Islamic associations, In its contemporary version «political Is- groups and networks are quite capable and lam» is no longer a socially progressive phe- powerful institutions; however, their objec- tives seem conservative, archaic, fundamen- 1 Most of these organizations are declared talist and promoting large-scale regression of terrorist and banned in Russia. the Middle Eastern societies. Alas, «political 90 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Islam» fighting for democratic regime is an strictions (although they should be), but to a oxymoron today, because the only democracy greater degree, through significant freedom existing for it is the «democracy» of Islamism. in worship. However, this does not mean that Islam Summarizing, we can state that after and Muslim groups should somehow be implementation of contemporary Islamic prosecuted and suppressed. In fact the task structures into the political space, they may is, in accordance with the settings of laicism represent well-functioning institution, but and Kemalism to create a situation in which the target of these structures will lead to Muslims will not need to have separate po- unreserved obsolescence and archaization litical representation, based on bizarre reli- of political participation. Consolidation of gious separation. Holding to such a repub- traditional identity in the electoral space will lican ideal (with the concept of «division of prevent progress and modernisation and will spheres of identity») seems to be quite an leave region in conditions of permanent cri- acceptable output: the Islamic tradition in sis. Probably, such a «freezing» will forever the sphere of a family, private life, etc. will transform the Middle East and the Maghreb surely be saved, but the exit of such a tradi- into a «gunpowder keg», tending to loud and tional identity to the electoral plane will be dramatic explosion. blocked: and not only through regulatory re- Bibliography 1. Teilor C. Demokraticheskoe iskluchenie (I lekarstvo ot nego?) [Taylor H. Democratic exclu- sion (and «the cure» for it?)], Mulyikulturalizm I transformatsiya postsovetskih obshestv [Multiculturalism and transformation of post-Soviet societies],Pod red. Malakhov C. B. Tis- hkov V. A. [ed. by V. S. Malakhov, V. A. Tishkov], Moscow, 2002, p. 11–37. 2. Masbah M. A. Kak Marokko udalos priruchit islamistov [How Morocco managed to tame the Islamists], Tsentr Karnegy [Carnegie Center], Available at: tions/?fa=59750.Masbah (date accessed 12.04.2015). 3. Dowding K., Kimber R. The Meaning and Use of «Political Stability». European Journal of Political Research, 1983, vol. 11, issue 3 4. Kaplan R. D. The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold Wa, New York: Random House, 2000. 5. Polterovich B. M., Popov B. B. Demokratiya, kachestvo institutov I ekonomicheskii rost [Polterovich V. M., Popov V. V. Democracy, quality of institutions and economic growth], Prognosis [Prognosis], 2006, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 115–132. 3. Contemporary Problems 91 of World Politics and Informational Technologies

The Ideologization of Culture as the Ideological Background of its Militarization in the XX–XXI Centuries


The article analyzes the concept of «culture», describes the main stages of the compre- hension of culture in the history of philosophy and socio-political thought. It is argued that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the ideological confrontation between two political systems ended, but the ideologization of culture has not lost its relevance. The authors state that ideologization of culture inevitably leads to militarization of culture and, as a consequence, to the information war. As far as ideologized culture tends to destruction of cultural and ideological alternatives, the information war is the most convenient tool to achieve political goals by non-military means. The results of the study can be applied for development of state programs aimed at protection of cultural values of the humanity and traditions of certain nations. Keywords: ideology, culture, values, militarism, information war.


Ubiriya Isabella Feliksovna Postgraduate Student, Department of History of Social and Political Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich Ph. D. in Political science, Head of the Scientific Division, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

Theoretical comprehension of the concept «culture»

n modern society, both in everyday life raised. It is necessary to point out that and in scientific discussions, an amount science still has not developed a unified Iof questions concerning culture is often concept of culture. More than that, a strong 92 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» trend of growing number of definitions culture. Instead, the focus was laid on oth- is noted [1. — P. 54]. Thus, in period from er social phenomena, important from the 1871 to 1919 seven definitions of culture point of view of the purposes of the study» were recorded, in 1952, the anthropologists [7. — P. 16]. However, this methodological ap- A. L. Kroeber and C. Kluckhon spotted 164 proach leads to the fact that culture is learned definitions of culture only in English works. not as a whole but as a complex of separate In 2003 the members of staff of the State elements. Therefore, it is necessary to consid- Institute of Art K. Sokolov and V. Zhidkov er that separate elements may not reflect the counted 500 definitions [2. — P. 7]. In properties of the entire system. Moreover, «Culture and Cultural Studies» dictionary, according to Y. Chernyavskaya, culture has edited by A. I. Kravchenko it was noted that two sides, «It operates as an explicit norm, «more than 500 definitions of culture exist a rule, a law, and as a subtle hint, sometimes at the moment» [3. — P. 450]. Moreover, incomprehensible even by its bearers» [8. — the researcher of the Institute of Russian P. 5]. Thus, dividing the culture into separate History of RAS I. I. Popov in the beginning «elements», we can learn only the things evi- of XXI century, said: «By the end of the XX dent and actual for culture at a certain period, century, as suggested by some experts, it but everything that was earlier and that can [the number of definitions of culture] has manifest itself in other historical conditions approached a thousand» [4. — P. 73]. Despite is slipping away, and we do not embrace in the divergence in counting, it can be stated our knowledge the whole culture in general. that throughout the twentieth century and A slightly different approach was offered the first fifteen years of the XXI century the by Professor N. Lebedeva, who believes that number of definitions of culture increased culture is «an abstract notion, a theoretical significantly. entity that helps us to understand why we These facts make the modern science to do that we do, and to explain the differences create the approach positing that it is impossi- in behavior of representatives of different ble to give a single and comprehensive defini- cultures» [9. — P. 20–21]. Thus, we can assert tion of such a concept as «culture». For exam- that the proliferation of definitions of cul- ple, at one of the scientific conferences it was ture is caused not by basical impossibility to noted that «it is impossible to work out the define it but by the characteristics of the ob- only one absolutely true definition of culture, ject of the research. as far as culture is a characteristic or a part of In our opinion, culture as a scientific cat- infinitely complex phenomenon of society in egory passed several stages of its compre- its interaction between a man and nature» hension. For the first time the word «culture» [5. — P. 30]. A similar opinion was expressed was mentioned in the works of the founder of by the American anthropologist R. Linton: Roman prose literature, a writer and states- «The Culture itself is elusive and cannot be man of Ancient Rome Grade Portion Cato the adequately perceived even by those individ- Elder (234–149 BC) in his treatise «De agri uals who participate in it directly» [Quot.: cultura» — «On agriculture». Translated from 6. — P. 19]. However, this approach proves the Latin «cultura» means «cultivation, grow- not to be productive from the point of view ing». On this stage, culture is something that of investigating the essence of culture, as it concerns the cultivation of the soil, agricul- persuades the researcher to a negative result. ture. The second stage of development of the The American psychologists M. Cole and concept «culture» is associated with the Ro- S. Scribner studying the psychological de- man politician, orator, philosopher and writer velopment and learning in different cultures Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BC). Cicero was argue that the lack of a single definition of the first who used the word «culture» in rela- culture has made «many scientists to aban- tion to human entity. Cicero wrote: «Cultiva- don the search of a universal definition of tion of the soul is culture: it weeds out vices Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 93 The Ideologization of Cultureas the Ideological Background of its Militarization in the XX–XXI Centuries in the soul, prepares the soul for the adoption philosophical comprehension. On this stage of sowing and entrusts to it — like it sows. a great contribution to the development of Only the seeds which grow ripe can bring a the concept was made by the German philos- generous harvest» [10. — P. 252]. In the sec- opher Immanuel Kant, who argued that «the ond phase, culture is already something that acquisition of the ability to set targets of any belongs to consciousness, to the internal kind by a sentient being (hence his freedom) human activity, that can directly influence is culture» [13. — 464 p. ]. But the target-set- changing and forming of a man in a spiritual ting depends on the values of the subject, i. sense. In the Middle Ages it was believed that e. vector of the development of culture and the concept of «cult» was more widespread, changes of its content are formed depending more often used and analyzed. The word was on what we mean by values. Thus, I. Kant laid etymologically related and similar (to some the philosophical basis for the forming of the extent) to the definition of «culture» [11. — axiological approach to culture, where cul- P. 158]. This is due to the dominance of reli- ture is only what represents a certain value gion in culture during the Middle Ages. for a man. The third stage is the process of using the Philosophical understanding of Kant’s word «culture» as a scientific concept. Many culture as a system of values led to a sharp researchers believe that the German lawyer debate among his followers. The head of the of the XVII century, Samuel Pufendorf (1632– Baden school of Neokantianism V. Windel- 1694) was the first to use the word «culture» band (1848–1915) in particular, argued that as a scientific concept. Pufendorf related to in the age of Enlightenment a cultural issue culture everything that exists due to human based on the needs of self-comprehension activity. Some researchers argue that «Eu- arises. The process of self-comprehension rope’s first initiator of the word „culture“ was marks the beginning of the movement, the the German enlightener Cititel I. K. Adelung slogan of which is the «revaluation of all with his book „The experience of the cultural values» [14. — P. 475]. The slogan has arisen history of human race“, published in 1782» due to the current situation where «nothing [4. — P. 73]. English anthropologist E. B. Ty- is true — everything is permitted» [ib. — lor made a great contribution to the devel- P. 487]. It is important to note that religion opment of the concept of «culture». In 1871 in the age of Enlightenment was losing its in his work «Primitive culture» he defined dominant influence in determining the val- culture in the following way: «Culture or ues of human activities, including cultural civilization, in a wide ethnographic sense, is development, which lead to the process of composed of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, secularization of culture. laws, customs and some other capabilities On the next stage of the development of and habits acquired by a man as a member of ideas concerning culture, the state ideology society» [12. — P. 18]. Therefore, on the third defines values and development of culture stage the definition of «culture» was formed instead of religion. In this regard, the fifth as a scientific concept, which became associ- stage of understanding of the concept of ated with the result of human activity — cul- «culture» by the society can be called politi- ture as a result of creative human activity. cal and ideological. Culture becomes the ob- On the fourth stage of formation of the ject of political control. concept, culture becomes the category of

The ideologization of culture

In fact, in the twentieth century the formation of nature is subjected not only to comprehension of the fact comes that the the harmonious development of a man and development of culture similar to the trans- society as a whole, but also to certain polit- 94 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» ical goals expressed in a certain ideology. atic issues and therefore actualizes that part In 1947, the representatives of the Frank- of the cultural heritage that can meet the furt School M. Horkheimer and T. W. Ador- challenges and solve the problems, including no noted the key value of ideology in the those of political nature. development of culture. In their work «Dia- Thirdly, the process of secularization had lectic of Enlightenment», it is said that «Ide- a great influence on the development of the ology, however, does not become any less European culture. As a result of seculariza- transparent or more relaxed. Its uncertain- tion of culture, religious values, especially ty, almost scientific aversion to deal with Christian, gave way to political values. anything that cannot be verified, functions Fourth, the ideologization of culture be- as a tool of asserting dominance. It turns came possible in connection with relativism into persistent and systematic announce- of values. K. Mannheim wrote about rela- ment of the existing order of things» [15. — tivism: «Only in our world, with its inherent P. 184–185]. rapid and radical transformation in social and The following socio-cultural factors that spiritual spheres ideas and values, previously influence the subordination of culture to ide- considered as absolute, now are able to gain ology can be marked. First, culture since the the transparency that allows to see every- moment of its scientific comprehension has thing in the aspect of ideology. Until now been regarded as a tool to achieve a certain only some particular ideas were exposed to goal. This approach was already embodied in criticism, while own ones being absolutized; the work of Tylor «Primitive culture», where now, there exist a great deal of positions of he introduced the scientific circulation of equal importance and spiritual value relativ- the concept of «culture». In addition to the istic to each other» [17. — P. 76]. In terms of above-mentioned «descriptive» definition value relativism, the impact of political ac- of culture, Taylor defined culture as follows: tors into culture through ideology, propagan- «From the ideal point of view, culture can be da, mass media can both strengthen the val- treated as a general improvement of the hu- ue of culture, and reduce it to the minimum. man race by a higher organization of a certain In fact, the ideologization of culture individual and the whole society with the in- caused its development due to the influ- tent of facilitating of development of moral- ence of political ideals or political goals. In ity, strength and happiness of a man» [12. — other words, if to accept the political goal of P. 36]. Thus, according to Tylor, culture is the culture as a dominant, then, basing on the sphere, which properly used can develop cer- definition of culture formulated by I. Kant, tain qualities both in individuals and in the so- the ideologized culture can be defined as the ciety as a whole. Culture is considered a tool ability of a man to choose only those goals for the solution of certain political problems. that are generated within the framework of Secondly, culture was comprehended in a particular ideology. While assuming the connection with an instrumental perception axiological approach, culture becomes a set of the value of conscious. Instrumentalism of values contributing to the achievement of is inherent in consideration of the values of political goals or ideals. conscious, primarily in «implementation of In our opinion, ideologized culture can de- tactics of achieving success and recognition, velop in different ways. First, on the basis of the rejection of comprehension of the basics different ideologies and even to some extent of being in favor of testing methods for the within their struggle. For example, the polit- resolution of problematic situations, allow- ical confrontation between two ideological ing most effectively adapt to changing social systems of the twentieth century was inter- conditions» [16. — P. 24]. Thus, Instrumental- preted as a struggle between two cultures. ism considers culture from the point of view «The main contradiction of the spiritual life of possibility of solving the existing problem- of the modern age is the struggle between Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 95 The Ideologization of Cultureas the Ideological Background of its Militarization in the XX–XXI Centuries two ideologies, two cultures — the socialist consumption does not involve the creation of and the bourgeois» [18. — P. 8] wrote Soviet cultural values. It is obvious that Fokuyama ideologists in 1979. comes to conclusions similar to the thesis of Secondly, with the dominance of one ide- Soviet ideologists about the possibility of ology, which leads to the substitution of the replacement of a diverse culture with one variety of different and diverse cultural val- common ideology. ues with a certain set of values embodied in a In turn, the American analyst Zbigniew particular ideology. In this case, the result of Bzezinski introduces the concept of «cultur- the development becomes a culture based on al superiority» which, in his opinion, is one of a single ideology. P. A. Nikolayev and M. S. Ka- the main factors of «American global power» gan wrote about it in their works. Nikolayev [22. — P. 38]. Bzezinski considers the exis- believed that «the genuine culture is Socialism tence of different cultures in Asia the factor itself, as material, spiritual, domestic and mor- hindering the spread of American influence, al life» [19. — P. 252]. Kagan in 1963 claimed emphasizing that the Eurasian continent is that «the Communist culture will be as unified «culturally diverse» [ib. — P. 48–49]. Compar- in its ideological content as unified will be the ing the «dominance of American culture» and social being of a free man» [20. — P. 22]. «presence of diverse cultures», Brzezinski It should be noted that in the foreign so- considers culture as a tool to achieve politi- cio-political thought a similar belief has de- cal objectives of a particular state. However, veloped, constructing hard alternativeless he admits that American culture is generally future. This belief is that only Western liberal primitive and «more inclined to mass enter- ideology can be the platform for the develop- tainment, dominated by hedonistic motives ment of human culture. In our view, this per- and themes avoiding social problems» [ib. — ception of culture is the result of creativity of P. 250] which in turn, can cause «a sharp drop the American scholar and political philosopher of the central role of values based on reli- of the XX century L. Strauss. Thanks to him, gious feelings in the society» [ib. — P. 251]. American neo-conservatives found the abso- The crisis in American culture, he believes, lute truth in political liberalism. № wonder undermines the foundations for sustainable that the American philosopher F. Fukuyama in economic development, because the con- his famous essay «The end of history?» argues sumer-oriented culture leads to the fact that that by the end of the XX century, the world «economic growth can no longer meet the has come «to the incontrovertible victory growing material needs» [ib. — P. 251]. of economic and political liberalism» [21. — Realizing all the weaknesses of American P. 134]. Such a victory, according to the philos- culture, Bzezinski still believes that: «no mat- opher, leads to the domination of «universal ter what people think about their aesthet- culture of consumption» [ib. — P. 141]. ic values, American popular culture exudes In fact, the «universal culture» is based magnetic attraction, especially for young solely on economic consumption, while the people all over the world» [ib. — P. 38]. The values of national culture loses its meaning. conductor of American mass culture serve The dominance of such a culture according television programs and movies, popular to Fukuyama, can possibly be provided un- music, food, clothes, the Internet, American der the condition of «forgotten ideological education and «the democratic ideals asso- claims for other higher forms of community» ciated with the American political tradition» [ib. — P. 144]. This is quite natural, since the [ib. — P. 38].

Militarization of culture

In the XX century with the collapse of the between the two political systems ended, Soviet Union the ideological confrontation and the ideologization of culture should have 96 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» lost its relevance. Considering the changes in University education, not military suppliers, the global political arena, Samuel Huntington as in other countries» [26. — P. 307]. wrote: «With the collapse of Communism, In our opinion, the North American culture dislodged ideology» [23. — P. 208]. It neo-conservatism cannot be considered as was expected that culture now became free a kind of conservative ideology [See: 27, 28, from ideological influence, and would gain 29]. American analyst K. Prestowitz says in his its own value. Yet, it can be stated that in the works: «The imperial project of the so-called XXI century the militaristic approach accord- neo-conservatives is not conservatism, but ing to which culture can develop with the radicalism, egotism and adventurism... true support of the military power of a state, be- conservatism has never been Messianic or doc- gins to dominate. Huntington had the same trinary» [30. — P. 277]. Moreover, Fukuyama in opinion and wrote: «Strengthening of hard 2007 determined American neo-conservatism economic and military power leads to growth as «Leninism» because of «the idea of Lenin- of self-confidence, arrogance and belief in ism to use force to accelerate the processes of superiority of own culture and powerfulness development and modernization» [31]. in relation with other nations, attracting oth- It can be argued that militaristic approach er societies to this power » [ib. — P. 133]. Ac- is the ideological justification for the use of cording to this approach, the development military force in those problematic situations of culture depends on the effectiveness of that must be asserted through the removal the armed forces and the economy. For that of cultural contradictions. The danger of mil- reason society allows to keep a strong army, itaristic approach is the belief that cultural because «the weakening of economic and conflicts cannot be solved without the use of military power leads to uncertainty in own military forces: «cultural issues put us before strength, crisis of identity and attempts to the choice: „Yes or no, all or nothing“ [23. — find in other cultures the keys to economic, P. 193]. The result of this approach formed military and political success» [ib. — P. 133]. the belief that the world community consist- Modern militaristic approach to the de- ing of different cultures cannot exist without velopment of culture ideologically formed military conflicts, and national culture can in the end of XX — beginning of XXI centu- maintain its values only under the condition ries within the North American neo-conser- of ensuring military superiority over the po- vatism. As far as neo-conservatism in the tential enemy. In other words, this approach United States turned to be the ideology of provides the legitimacy of the use of military a «unipolar» world confirming the hege- force as far as militaristic approach does not mony of the United States, the representa- presuppose that different cultures can exist tives of this political trend «has focused on peacefully and resolve contradictions in con- the „unipolar“ power of the United States. flict situations without losing their cultural They consider the employing of force as the identity and without using military force. The main instrument of foreign policy... insisting war in the framework of militarism is per- on the propriety and necessity of advanced ceived as the norm of international and cul- military actions» [24. — P. 59]. In this regard, tural interaction. It should also be noted that A. Gromyko notes that «the modern cult of the conclusion of Huntington that the clash militarism in the United States and the glo- of civilizations is inevitable, leads to theoret- rification of military power, was developed ical justification of permanent and inevitable not so much by military ideologues and strat- military conflicts. In this regard, it is relevant egists but by civilians, that is, by neo-conser- to note the conclusion formulated by E. Pri- vatives» [25. — P. 64]. Weber also wrote on makov: »Huntington argues, on the one hand, this problem in 1918: «... in America, the in- the inevitability of such clashes and on the stigators of war proved to be American uni- other, considers them the basic contradiction versities and the society strata, received a defining the world order. We cannot agree Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 97 The Ideologization of Cultureas the Ideological Background of its Militarization in the XX–XXI Centuries with that. It grists to the mill of those who the information war proves to be the most claims to unite the West forces to fight the convenient tool of achieving political goals «aggressive Muslim world» [32. — P. 89]. The by non-military means. As the response to inevitability of conflict coexistence of rep- informational aggression we can consider resentatives of different religious and eth- the analysis of political and historical back- nic groups has been refuted by centuries of ground of ideologization of culture, advert- intercultural and interethnic interactions in ing of «consumers of mass culture» to cultur- Russia and in Eurasia in general. al values of humanity, respect of society to All the above-mentioned allows to state cultural heritage, spiritual values and histor- that ideologization of culture will inevita- ical traditions of the country, as well as the bly lead to militarization of culture and, as implementation of a consistent state policy a consequence, to the information war. As aimed at forwarding culture to the rank of far as ideologized culture tends to destruc- national priorities. tion of cultural and ideological alternatives,


1. See: Vasich, V. N., Shirinyants A. A. Politika. Kultura. Vremia. Mifi. [Policy. Culture. Time. Myths], Moscow: Dialog-MGU [Dialog-MSU], 1999, 129 p. 2. Sokolov K., Zhidkov V. Teoria kulturnoi politiki: poniatiiniy apparat I osnovniie opredelenia [The theory of cultural policy: conceptual framework and basic definitions], Kulturnaya politika. Problemi teorii i praktiki. Sbornil statei [Cultural policy. Problems of theory and practice. A collection of articles], Gos. In-t iskusstvoznaniya. Pod red. O. Khlopina [State Institute of Art Studies. Under the editorship of O. Khlopin], St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bul- anin, 2003, p. 5–13. 3. Kultura i kulturologia: slovar [Culture and cultural studies: dictionary], Pod red. A. I. Kravchenko [Under the editorship of A. I. Kravchenko], Moscow: Acad. Proiekt [Acad. Projec], 2003, p. 926. 4. Popov I. I. Kultura i kulturologia [Culture and cultural studies], Nauka v Rossii. [Science in Russia], 2004, no. 4, p. 72–75. 5. Bondarenko S. V., Goncharova N. V. O termine «kultura» v raslichnih kulturologicheskih schkolah [The term «culture» in various cultural schools], Materiali II Megdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii «Kontsept i kultura» ((Kemerovo, Mart 30–31, 2006) [Bulletin of the II International scientific conference «Concept and Culture» (Kemerovo, March 30–31, 2006)], Otvetstvennie redaktori: G. I. Lushnikova [Responsible editor: G. I. Lushnikova], Prokopevsk: Poligraf-Tsenter [Poligraf-Center. ], 2006, p. 26–30. 6. Quot. in: White L. A. Poniatie kulturi // Antologia issledovanii kulturi. Interpretatsii kulturi [The concept of culture], Antologia issledovanii kulturi. Interpretatsii kulturi [The anthol- ogy of researches in culture. Interpretation of culture], St. Petersburg: Universitetskaya kniga [University book], 2006, p. 17–49. 7. Cole M., Scribner S. Kultura i mishleniye [Culture and thinking], Moscow: «Progress», [«Progress»], 1977, 262 p. 8. Cherniavsky Y. V. Kultura iavnaya i skritaya [Explicit and implicit culture], Chelovek [Man], 2005, no. 4, p. 5–12. 9. Lebedeva N. M. Tsennoisti kulturi I razvitie obschestva [Value of culture and development of society], Moscow: Vysshaja shkola jekonomikai [HSE], 2007, 527 p. 10. Cicero M. T. Izbranniye sochineniya [Selected works], Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya Liter- atura, 1975, 320 p. 11. Orlova Z. N. Poniatie «kultura»: axiologitcheskiy aspekt [The concept of «culture»: axio- 98 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

logical aspect], Vestnik Nizhnegorodskogo Universiteta. Seria Socialnie nauki [Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod University. A series of Social science], 2007, no. 2 (7), p. 158–163. 12. Tylor E. B. Pervobitnaya kultura [Primitive culture], Moscow: Politizdat [Politizdat], 1989, 573 p. 13. Kant I. Critique sposobnosti sugdeniya [Critique of judgment], Kant I. Sochineniya v shesti tomah. [Works in six volumes], Moscow: Misl [Mysl], 1966, vol. 5, p. 161–529. 14. Windelband V. Istoriya novoi filosofii v eie sviazi s obschei kulturoi I otdelnimi naukami. V 2 tomah [History of the new philosophy in its connection with general culture and different ciences. In 2 books], Moscow: Terra-Kanon-Press-TS [Terra-Kanon-Press-TS], 2000, 512 p. 15. Adorno T. V., Horkheimer M. Dialektika prosvetsheniya [Dialectic of enlightenment],Mosco, Saint-Petersburg: Medium, Juventa [Medium, Juventa], 1997, 312 p. 16. Kostina A. V. Massovaya kultura kak fenomen postindustrialnogo obschestva [Mass culture as a phenomenon of postindustrial society], Moscow: URSS: Komkniga [URSS: Komkniga], 2005, 350 p. 17. Mannheim K. Ideologiya i utopia [Ideology and utopia], Mannheim K. Diagnoz nachego vremeni [Mannheim K. Diagnosis of our time], Moscow: Jurist [Jurist], 1994, p. 7–260. 18. Kultura i ideologitcheskaya borba [Culture and ideological struggle], Pod obschei re- daktsiei A. I. Arnoldova, N. V. Novikova [Under the General editorship of A. I. Arnoldov, N. V. Novikov], Moscow: Misl [Mysl], 1979, 192 p 19. Nikolaev P. A. Kultura kak faktor nationalnoi bezopasnosti. [Culture as a factor of national security], Moscow: Russkii impuls [Russian impulse], 2007, 320 p. 20. Kagan M. S. Communism i isskustvo [Communism and art], Moscow: Izdatelstvo «Znanie»[- Publishing House «Knowledge»], 1963, 48 p. 21. Fukuyama F. Konets istoriy? [The end of history?], Voprosi filosofii [Questions of philoso- phy], 1990, no. 3, p. 134–155. 22. Bzezinski Z. Velikaya schahmatnaya doska (Gospodstvo Ameriki i ego geostrategitcheskie imperativi). [The grand chessboard (the Domination of America and its geostrategic im- peratives)], Moscow: Magdunarodnie otnosheniya [International relations], 1998, 254 p. 23. Huntington S. Stolknoveniye tsivilizatsiy [The Clash of civilizations], Moscow: «Izdatelstvo AST«[„Publisher AST“], 2003, 603 p. 24. Clark D., Halper S. Neokonservatori: novaya polititcheskaya gruppa interesov [The neo-conservatives: a new political group of interests], Prognosis [Prognosis], 2006, no. 2, p. 57–86. 25. Gromyko A. Metamorfosi amerikanskogo neokonservatisma: ideologiya na izlete [The metamorphosis of American neo-conservatism: an ideology on the decline], Obozrevatel [Observer], 2007, no. 8, p. 56–67. 26. Weber M. Polititcheskie raboti works (1895–1919). [Political works (1895–1919)], Moscow: Praksis [Praxis], 2003, 424 p. 27. See in: Shirinyants A. A. Nigilism ili konservatizm? (Russkaya intelligentsia v istorii polotiki i misli). [Nihilism or conservatism? (The Russian intelligentsia in the history of politics and thought)], Moscow: Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta [Publishing house of Moscow University], 2011, 568 p 28. See: Gorokhov A. A. Metodologicheskiye aspekti analiza konservatizma: ideologiya, miro- vozztreniye, politicheskaya kultura [Methodological aspects of the analysis of conser- vatism: ideology, worldview, political culture], Problemniy analiz i gosudarstvennoye upravletcheskoye proektirovaniye. [Problem analysis and state government planning], 2012, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 72–78. 29. See: Ubiriya I. F. Changing of ideas about the concept of ideology in political conceptions of XIX–XX centuries. «Ştiinţa politică şi societatea în schimbare», conferinţa ştiinţifică Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich 99 The Ideologization of Cultureas the Ideological Background of its Militarization in the XX–XXI Centuries

internaţio-nală (2015; Chişinău). Ştiinţa politică şi societatea în schimbare: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale. CEP USM, Chişinău, 2015, p. 235–244. 30. Prestowitz C. Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions. New York: BasicBooks, 2003, 328 p. 31. Interviu s Frensisom Fukuyama. SCHA umudrilis protivopostavit sebia vsemu miru [The interview with Francis Fukuyama. USA managed to oppose the world], Izdatelskiy dom Kommersant [the Publishing house Kommersant], Available at: http://www.kommersant. ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=774357 (accessed data: 01.02.2016). 32. Primakov E. M. Mir bez Rossii? K chemu vedet politicheskaya blizorukost. [The world with- out Russia? Where leads political myopia], Moscow: IIK «Rossiyskaya Gazeta»[Russian Newspaper], 2009, 239 p. 100 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The Informational Empire: a Myth or a New Network World?


The paper analyzes the risks of the sovereignty of states on the background of the expanding network communications. The author studies the specifics of the «digital sovereignty» of countries and comes to the conclusion about the gradual growth of a global «informational empire», becoming an active player in the international relations. Key words: informational empire, network technologies, informational war, interna- tional relations, colonies, metropolis.


Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich Ph. D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Law, Moscow Regional State University (Moscow, Russia).

Rapid development of the Internet influ- but also the growing discourse on the most ences greatly the international relations for urgent political problems. But what is the many reasons. The emergence of network role of network technologies in the system communications opens up new opportunities of international politics: the Horn of Plenty for different states. It is not only the Internet or Pandora’s Box? Let us try to figure this out. diplomacy and cross-border Internet trade,

The shadow of the empire

It is considered that the classic Imperial P. 35–47]. later the terminology was used in formations no longer exist. Indeed, the Brit- relation to monarchies with a single political ish, Spanish, French and other empires are center and with colonial territories and lead- long gone from the scene. Nevertheless, ing relevant imperialist policy — wars of con- there are some reasons to apply the categor- quest, economic and political expansion. At ical apparatus of empire, metropolis, colony, first sight it may seem that the terminology imperialism while analyzing modern infor- of the empire is quite archaic, exotic, and not mation policy. Empires (the power, from lat. applicable to modern international politics, imperare — to command) previously meant where there is a factor of democratic coun- the highest authority of magistrates in An- tries, parliamentary system and party com- cient Roman military and civil areas [10. — petition, preventing the absolute political Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich 101 The Informational Empire: a Myth or a New Network World? domination. However, it is necessary to keep world with its networks, values and infra- in mind that these signs belong to bright, structure [5. — P. 148–160]. Kaspe considers but relatively recent Western model of dem- the degree of conflict between the Ameri- ocratic political system, while the history of can and the European part of the Western imperial formations counts many centuries. Empire too exaggerated — they will always Imperial forms over time have acquired be able to reach an agreement on common different political camouflage. Even the issues, despite the latent contradiction. memorable ancient Athens shortly after the The question remains about the compat- victory over the Persians established hege- ibility of the features of such empire (usual- mony over their former allies in the Delian ly referring to high concentration of power) Union and turned into the power, managed with the seeming freedom of network com- to preserve the democratic structure in the munication. It is naive to believe that the metropolis. It is also obvious that the Unit- Internet is a completely independent forum ed States, being a democratic polity with a for democratic discourse. Graph theory claims well-developed electoral formula, retain a the opposite [9. — P. 7] — Internet-commu- military-political block of NATO to enrich and nications scientists figure out phenomenon expand its own political domination, protec- of network centralization. In this case, the tion and control of their geopolitical codes. It power reveals in the so-called central nodes may sound paradoxical, but democracy some- of the communications network, controlling times casts a subtle shadow of the empire. the flow of information. Central nodes (news M. Mann, professor of sociology at the agencies, Internet portals, bloggers and relat- University of California in Los Angeles, open- ed media magnates, oligarchs and politicians ly calls the USA as the first global empire, produce, filter and process information con- pointing out its messianic eschatological fea- tent, which its customers — peripheral nodes ture: the Romans used to justify their politi- (citizens and organizations), are entirely de- cal expansion with the statement that they pendent on. It is often forgotten that the role bring the order and justice, the Spaniards — of the Central node may be taken by a state the word of God, British — free trade, or group of countries that put the rest of the French — civilization, now the Americans members of the international community in justify their interference with the spread of the position of dependent peripheral consum- democracy [7. — P. 39–40]. Mann concludes ers. The notorious «principle of Minot» works this understanding based on his theory of here: the information holder deliberately con- the four sources of power (ideological, eco- ceals or misrepresents information to benefit nomic, military and political), simultaneously and with detriment of the interests, security, analyzing the globalization of capitalism and rights and freedoms of citizens. the changing status of national state. Researchers, who pay attention to the The Russian professor S. Kaspe offers designated problem, refer to the so-called wider format for this phenomenon, labeling information imperialism [4. — P. 31] as a form it as «the Empire of the West». In his opinion, of cultural imperialism characterized with the the imperial discourse and corresponding sa- total use of political, economic and techno- cred values did not disappear after the col- logical power to spread values and traditions, lapse of the Western Roman Empire. Indeed, as well as leading to assimilation or displace- the medieval polities overcame the deficien- ment of the national culture. There is nothing cy of their legitimacy, leaning on their his- new — there may be recalled historical prec- torical past. The Phoenix of the Empire was edents of large-scale Hellenization and Ro- literally reborn from the ashes under Charle- manization dependent on Greek and Roman magne and Napoleon. The current Empire of culture of the oecumene. The supporters of the West (the USA and the European Union) the evolutionary approach define this as a has reached certain universality, winding valid and logical process of a strong culture 102 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» winning over less adapted to new conditions and conjunctional nodes of the information cultures [15. — P. 38–53]. Opponents accuse empire, marketable stereotypes of its Amer- this model of social Darwinism, not counting icanized and Westernized cultural indus- the replacement of fragile cultural values by tries. Peripheral nodes on the network com- cultural values of more aggressive group as munications are drowning in information the progress [16. — P. 47–64]. noise from unnecessary, false and wrong Informational empire derives its power information. By the way, the American prin- from cultural industries that are important ciple of security classification of information content providers in the development of is based on the intentional addition not only communication technologies. Cultural in- believable, but also fake messages. dustries (Hollywood, showbiz, animation, If we proceed from the understanding of comics, computer games, modern music, policy not only as a process of struggle for literature, fashion, art, etc. ) prevailing in the conquest and retention of power, but the Western countries, have actually turned also as all the activities (including informa- into the standards which determine the ax- tion) for formation, discussion and imple- iology of cultural goods and services in con- mentation of the power resolutions with a sumer society [12. — P. 190. ]. You can call variety of actors [11. — P. 9–10] (in addition it globalization or Westernization, meaning to the state, including network — bloggers, is the same: social and political stereotypes Internet users), then the information can imposed by the new media and means of be considered as the most intense power propaganda lead to long-term growth in de- resource, not only a passive concomitant mand for these cultural goods and services. phenomenon. This approach allows look- The heyday of Web 2.0 technologies ing at the phenomenon of empire as a high provides new opportunities not only for concentration of power in the network in a democratic transition, but also for the emer- slightly different format. It is necessary to gence of disguised by information environ- emphasize that the terminology of the em- ment neoauthoritarian hybrid practices pire in the information field, of course, is through the development of the necessary mainly relative and involves a very rough to power elite’s network algorithms [13. — categorical apparatus. It is possible to P. 985–1002]. However, the vast majority roughly analyze informational empire as a of the world population is not able to take global networking mechanism, including an advantage of new knowledge about the informational metropolis, dominions and network technologies, because they just do colonies. Metropolis (mainly the USA) is the not understand the terminology of the En- core of this information system and builds glish language in which this knowledge is its relations with dependent informational represented and which is practiced by about colonies (most of the countries-consumers 80 % of the Web sites. The UNESCO research of content) with the help of its closest al- may be recalled; it indicates that the United lies — the informational dominions. If the States now accounts for up to 65 % of the states for some reasons do not want to inte- information flow circulating in the network grate into this structure, as a rule, the infor- and other global communications [4. — mation warfare is conducted. In fact, this is P. 278, 329]. These resources are the central information imperialism.

Network versus sovereignty

Logically, the cornerstone of the exist- all countries are equal and each state is sov- ing system of international relations is the ereign within its own territory. The United sovereignty of states, which is enshrined in States, as the metropolis of the emerging the UN Charter. According to this principle, global information empire, can not com- Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich 103 The Informational Empire: a Myth or a New Network World? pletely ignore this international norm, so net — ICANN (Internet Corporation For As- they practice soft power to achieve politi- signed Names and Numbers) based in Cali- cal domination through the latest network fornia and accountable to the U. S. Depart- technologies, which do in fact overcome the ment of Commerce [1. — P. 307–314]. The classical boundaries of the states. Today’s Corporation makes a decision on creating global communications market is subdued to new national domains, deleting existing and disproportionally big control by ten vertical- delegating of rights of their administration. ly integrated media conglomerates, most of This situation is an evidence of the factor which are located in the USA [6. — P. 88–89]. of the information metropolis, therefore The soft power of information metrop- there is nothing surprising in the fact that olis is clearly seen in the fact that some re- Russia sought to obtain a cyrillic domain. searchers call it the «digital sovereignty», РФ and the international community insist- defining it as the ability of the state to de- ed on the overall accountability of ICANN. termine their internal and external political Traditional sovereignty is facing new and geopolitical interests in the informa- trends — if the emergence of mass printing tion sphere, independently select a course facilitated the transition of the medieval of internal and external information policy, polity to the model of national states, the manage their own information resources currently active spread of the Internet under- and also ensure the digital security of the mines the primacy of nation-states, complet- citizens, society and the country as a whole ing its territory with the network that is not [3. — P. 123]. Well-established stereotype bound to a particular space. The actualization that the Internet universe has no boundaries of the value of information security and dig- is ruined by the recent studies of the proce- ital sovereignty by modern governments is dures for the distribution of the so-called not a coincidence — those states that do not domain names. think about a coherent state information poli- Apparently, the Internet has no political cy are transformed into information colonies. boundaries in the conventional sense, but In case people and businesses for some it is quite a heterogeneous space that is reasons do not want to associate themselves divided into different zones. It distorts the with the state where they physically exist and international system of sovereignty — all are registered at the domain name of other power over domain names is concentrated states, the information sovereignty of the in the USA, other countries are only ten- country weakens. In other words, the size of ants of their cyber territories (domains). virtual doubles of states may not coincide The latter play the role of unique identifi- with their real prototypes [2. — P. 17]. It is ers of the state in the network (for exam- easy to define — virtual countries — giants ple,. RU for Russia,. AU for Australia), the have got over a million registrations on their quality of information communications de- domain names, while virtual micro-states have pends on the domains, sites download and a very modest number of registered users. e-mail work (it is not a coincidence that the Apart from the metropolis, creating the word «domain» is a synonym to «posses- «game rules» in the network field, and colo- sion», «territory»). nies, dependent on its content, information- National domains are also a symbolic al dominions can be distinguished among resource that is associated with the image the countries. In the conventional sense, the characteristics of each country, its political historical dominion is a de facto indepen- and economic power, cultural influence. dent state in the structure of the British Em- Thus, it is notable that the overall coordi- pire recognizing the power of the metropo- nation over the system of domain names is lis, but retaining certain autonomy. Similar conducted by the non-profit corporation on elements may be detected in the structure assigning names and numbers in the Inter- of the information empire — the USA needs 104 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» allies to rely on in the cyber warfare. the metropolis, as is shown by the joint pro- It is reasonable to call the Five Eyes pro- paganda promotions, as well as in conduct- gram, joining five states into the elite alli- ing joint information warfare. Despite their ance, as a proof of activity of the imperial well-developed information infrastructure, dominions [14. — S.51–57]. In this alliance the digital sovereignty of this group of states have the opportunity to exchange the countries faces risk and is dependent on latest technologies and information more the loyalty/opposition to the USA. This sit- freely than with other players in the inter- uation resembles the relationship of Rome national politics. An elite cohort of countries with the «friends and allies of the Roman represented by National Security Agency of people». the USA (NSA), Governmental Communica- Summing up, it is important to note tions Head-Quarters of the United Kingdom that, despite the conventional terminolo- (GCHQ), Communications Security Establish- gy of the «information empire», there will ment of Canada (CSEC), Australian Signals always be international actors, dissatisfied Directorate (ASD) and the Government Com- with this situation. Some governments are munications Security Bureau (GCSB) of New seriously concerned about new kinds of in- Zealand. Through TEMPORA, XKEYSCORE formation warfare, when the «color revolu- and other programs, the countries in this tions» and other coups occur. For example, group, in fact, violate the privacy of some- China is trying to counter the information one else’s information by getting a wide ac- imperialism of the USA; this policy has got cess to it. the name «the Great Firewall of China». The In fairness it should be emphasized that principles of this strategy mean creating there are the states, where the level of de- response technology of content control, velopment of Internet communications is redirecting users to other sites, slowing very close to that of the dominions of Five Internet connections, recruiting of loyal Eyes. These states are the Netherlands, users, defending the official Beijing in the Sweden, Denmark, Japan, and South Korea. network and performance of the system This is especially clear while comparing the «neykan», filtering confidential news [6, level of network progress by the four indi- 249–267]. ces (Rank of the countries by the level of The authorities of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the development of e-government, Index of the UAE, Cuba, Yemen, Eritrea, Burma, and other development of information and communi- countries are trying to apply active censor- cation technologies in the countries, Index ship of the network, but this does not solve of the development of the Internet in the the problem of risks to the sovereignty of the countries around the world, network read- modern state, the most important element iness Index) [8]. These countries are gradu- of which is the management of information ally integrating into the format of the infor- flows. mation empire, but are not just the allies of


1. Barinova D. S. Nacional’nye domeny: simvoly gosudarstvennyh granic i bezgranichnyh vozmozhnostej [National domains: symbols of state borders and endless possibilities], Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta [Bulletin of Moscow State Institute of International Rela- tions], 2010, no. 5, p. 307–314. 2. Barinova D. S. Asimmetrija politicheskogo prostranstva Interneta [Asymmetry of the political space of the Internet], Mezhdunarodnye process [Global trends], 2011, vol.9, no. 1 (25), p. 17–19. 3. Dubov D. V. Kibermogushhestvo kak bazis obespechenija «cifrovogo» suvereniteta v sovre- Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich 105 The Informational Empire: a Myth or a New Network World?

mennom mire: kljuchevye podhody [Cyberpower as the basis for ensuring «digital» sover- eignty in the modern world: key approaches], Problemy nacional’noj strategii [Problems of the national strategy], 2014, no. 4 (25), p. 123. 4. Informacionnaja jepoha: vyzovy cheloveku [The information age: challenges to the man], ed. I. Yu. Alexeyeva and A. Yu. Sidorova, Moscow: ROSSPEN [Russian Political Encyclope- dia], 2010, 335 p. 5. Kaspae S. I. Politicheskaja teologija i nation-building: obshhie polozhenija, rossijskij sluchaj [Political theology and nation-building: general statements, Russian case], Moscow: ROSSPEN [Russian Political Encyclopedia], 2012, 191 p. 6. Keane J. Demokratija i dekadans media [Democracy and media decadence], Moscow: izda- tel’stvo Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki [Publishing House HSE], 2015, 312 p. 7. Mann M. Vlast’ v XXI stoletii: besedy s Dzhonom A. Hollom [The power in the 21st century: conversations with John A. Hall], Moscow: izdatel’stvo Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki [Publish- ing House HSE], 2014, 208 p. 8. Ratings of countries and regions. Available at: tries-ranking (date accessed: 30.03.2016). 9. Savin L. V., Fedorchenko S. N., Schwartz O. K. Setecentricheskie metody v gosudarstvennom upravlenii [Network-centric methods in public administration], Moscow: «Sam poligrafist» [Self polygraph], 2015, 146 p. 10. Smorchkov A. M. Religija i vlast’ v Rimskoj respublike: magistraty, zhrecy, hramy [Religion and power in the Roman Republic: the magistrates, the priests, the temples], Moscow: RGGU [Russian State University for the Humanities], 2012, 602 p. 11. Sungurov A. Yu. Kak voznikajut politicheskie innovacii: «fabriki mysli» i drugie instituty-me- diatory [How does political innovation occur: «think tanks» and other institutions-media- tors], Moscow: Politicheskaja enciklopedija [Political Encyclopedia], 2015, 383 p. 12. Throsby D. Еkonomika i kul’tura [Economics and culture], Moscow: izdatel’stvo Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki [Publishing House HSE], 2013, 256 p. 13. Beer D. Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological unconscious. New Media & Society, 2009, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 985–1002. 14. Nyst C., Crowe A. Unmasking the Five Eyes’ global surveillance practices. Global Informa- tion Society Watch 2014: Communications surveillance in the digital age / Ed. by A. Finlay, August 18, 2014, p. 51–57. 15. Rothkopf D. In Praise of Cultural Imperialism? Foreign Policy, 1996, no. 107, p. 38–53. 16. Weckert J. What is New or Unique about Internet Activities? Internet Ethics, ed. by D. Lang- ford, L.: Macmillan Press, 2000, p. 47–64. 106 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Information and Communication Technologies in the Implementation of Foreign Policy Strategy of the United States


The article discusses innovative information and communication tools of influence used in foreign policy of the United States of America. The author examines the practice of modern technologies application in achieving of «global leadership» as the main strategic priority of the United States. The widespread use of software, high-tech computer equipment, and electronic payment systems of American man- ufacturing has formed in developing countries a kind of «digital dependency» from a geopolitical hegemon. Control over social resources of the Internet, indirectly carried out by the US authorities through a network of non-profit organizations, allows to generate the global information agenda and control the political behavior of citizens throughout the world. In these conditions, Russia should not only defend its digital sovereignty, but also develop its own information and communication capacities. Key words: «soft power», foreign policy, US politics, the manipulative political tech- nologies.


Feldman Pavel Yakovlevich Ph. D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Academy of Labour and Social Relations (Moscow, Russia).

OUTIN In modern post-industrial society the ma- that there is a blurring of the boundaries be- jor factor of strategic superiority in the mil- tween military and information technology itary-political sphere is the so-called «smart capabilities of the countries. National securi- power», combining diplomatic, scientific and ty of modern Russia requires the evaluation technological, cultural and informational as- of the corresponding potential of the leading pects of the impact. Identifiable by the ex- global powers. At the same time, due to the pert community the transformation of the objective circumstances, the most attention cold war into the «hybrid» war forces to re- should be focused on the United States. consider the approaches of geopolitical dom- During the last 25 years, the United States ination factors detecting. Under these condi- has accumulated a considerable potential in tions, with high probability it can be stated the information technology, which is used to Feldman Pavel Yakovlevich 107 Information and Communication Technologies in the Implementation of Foreign Policy Strategyof the United States ensure global leadership. Most of American American IT products at the expense of the IT products and social innovations have not state funds. only commercial, but also political and mili- Innovative development of the infrastruc- tary purpose. Due to the fact that a signifi- ture of the American economy has given the cant share of the global market of computer US the ability to track and coordinate glob- hardware, software, Internet technologies al financial flows. The servers of the largest owned by American companies, the govern- payment systems Visa, MasterCard, Ameri- ment and special services of the USA get am- can Express, located on the American territo- ple opportunities in the sphere of control of ry, accumulate data about transactional op- global communication processes. Moreover, erations around the world. Since 2001, the US America is the world’s largest manufacturer government under the pretext of combating and supplier of information. The leadership terrorism got the access to the information in the field of science, technology and inno- database of the payment system SWIFT. USA vation was identified as one of the strategic occupies the leading position in the field of goals in The National Security Doctrine of virtual commerce: the American services of the USA 2015. This program document notes PayPal, eBay, Google Wallet, Apple Pay carry that « the scientific discoveries and techno- out a significant proportion of the interna- logical innovations are major drivers of glob- tional trade transactions online. This allows al leadership, which ensures the US suprema- the US to exert political pressure on other cy in the military sphere, promotes economic countries, threatening them with the dis- development, improves the quality of life of abling of payment systems and services. Sim- the citizens» [8]. ilar pressure was felt by Russia in 2014–2015. At the end of XX — beginning of XXI Digital power of the United States is century computer equipment and software largely stipulated by the rapid development (including antivirus) of American production of the Internet, which was originally created has received the extremely wide spread. by American specialists for military purpos- These products are equally in demand by es and only in early 1990-s became available private users, companies and governmen- to ordinary users. Dominating in the global tal agencies that provide the technological network, according to the Doctrine of the presence of the USA in almost every office National Security of the United States, is no of the world. This opens up the opportuni- less a priority than the control of cosmic, wa- ties for American corporations and other ter and air spaces. At the same time, America structures of potential access to person- considers the preservation of its global Inter- al data of the users and to information of net leader status, providing access to cyber- political-military values. Thus, the United space for all inhabitants of the Earth as its States get the opportunity not only of col- geopolitical mission. Of course, such a goal lecting and processing of secret informa- setting is not so much a humanistic reason, tion, but also of forming the «digital addic- but a desire to involve the largest possible tion» from their products in other countries. number of people in the field of information The awareness of this fact has already come influence of the United States, which today to the Chinese authorities and they, for se- the «global web» is. Extremely popular Amer- curity reasons, had banned state procure- ican Internet services indirectly contribute ment of Microsoft, Apple, Symantec devices to the improvement of the external image of and software. Faced with sanctions policy, in the country, and, consequently, the growth 2014 Russia decreased state procurement of of political influence of the United States on Windows system 4.4 times. It is highly possi- the world stage. ble, that in order to ensure the information Military-political interests of the sovereignty of Russia, there will be prohibit- U. S. government are closely intertwined with ed by law to purchase some certain types of the commercial interests of the corporations 108 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» and numerous NCOs. International nonprof- it organization ICANN, established with the active participation of the US government and based in Los Angeles, serves as the main regulator of the Internet, monitoring issues related to assignment of domain names and the allocation of IP addresses worldwide. The enormous potential of «soft» cultural and information influence embodies socially oriented products of such companies as Goo- gle, Yahoo, Facebook etc. Search sites, mail services and social networks do not come un- der national media laws, although provide its users with news content. Thanks to the pop- ularity of these resources, USA makes shape of the global information agenda and broad- cast their political values around the world. Moreover, such services collect information about user search queries, often violating the principle of confidentiality of personal data. Spy scandals of recent years suggest «Wiki technologies» are widely used for that personal information from the Internet the purpose. The largest net encyclopedia often falls into the hands of US intelligence Wikipedia is owned by California’s «charity service. In particular, some Apple gadgets organization», today claims to be the main and services has been repeatedly criticized source of knowledge for ordinary Internet by experts and human rights defenders, for users around the world. Such communica- accumulating in virtual storage data on their tion innovations open wide possibilities for users and if necessary, providing them to the application of technologies of «color revolu- US authorities. tions» and «controlled chaos». America outpaced other countries and Innovative manipulative techniques started to apply Web 2.0 technology to are actively developed by The Defence Ad- manage the informal communities’ net- vanced Research Agency of the Department work around the world that became a true of Defence (DARPA). Nowadays, the Agency revolution in the field of virtual political implements control mechanisms for the per- communication. Such resources as Twitter, ception and interpretation of political infor- Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, involved mil- mation of the individuals. This method, com- lions of people in the process of online so- bining the latest achievements of neurobiol- cialization. The impact of social networks on ogy and communication studies, is based on political processes was clearly demonstrat- the generation of specific narratives (news ed during the so-called «Arab spring», when reports, videos, statements), which are able they succeeded in dismantling the legitima- to guide human thought on a programmed cy of regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, etc. path. By using this technology in the Internet Moreover, the use of Web 2.0 technologies and mass media, an artificial virtual political contribute much to the cultural expansion reality is created, claiming for objectivity and of the United States, because social net- truth. Thus, the pseudo history, answering works provide a «fertile environment» for American geopolitical interests, is created the propagation of pseudo-values and cul- with Ukrainian neo-Nazis as fighters for dem- tivation of a surrogate of Western individ- ocratic values, and Russia as the aggressor ualism in the societies of a traditional type. and the threat to the Western civilization. Feldman Pavel Yakovlevich 109 Information and Communication Technologies in the Implementation of Foreign Policy Strategyof the United States

The application of Web 2.0 technologies in information space into the area of its mil- combination with mechanisms of narrative itary-political influence. In these condi- manipulation gradually transforms the social tions, Russia needs to develop a system of services in the Internet into the «narrative adequate countermeasures aimed at pro- network» exercising ideological control over viding technological, political, cultural and their users. It is obvious that information and informational sovereignty. The thing of the technological capability of the United States absolute necessity is the comprehensive is easily converted into political capability import substitution of American IT-prod- and the informational leadership endows the ucts and software (especially in the public US government with a «monopoly on truth». sector), as well as the dynamic develop- In the beginning of XXI century, the ment of national online services, payment United States with a wide arsenal of inno- systems and means of mass communica- vative technologies try to turn the global tion.


1. Manoylo A. V. Geopoliticheskaya kartina sovremennogo mira i upravlyayemyy khaos [Geo- political picture of the modern world and the controlled chaos], Mirovaya politika [World Politics], 2015, no. 1, p. 66–80. 2. Manoylo A. V. Geopoliticheskiye protsessy v usloviyakh «upravlyayemogo khaosa»[Geo- political processes in conditions of the «controlled chaos»], Geopoliticheskiy zhurnal [Geopolitical journal], 2013, no. 2, p. 2–8. 3. Nai John. Soft power and U, European relations. Available at: http://www.Artsituation. ruapp/j1165.htm (accessed date: 10.05.2016). 4. Neymatov A. Y. Sovremennyye tsvetnyye revolyutsii v kontekste nauchno-tekhnologich- eskogo podkhoda [Modern color revolutions in the context of scientific-technological ap- proach], Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya [International relations], 2016, no. 1, p. 106–110. 5. Filimonov G. Y., Karpovich O. G., Manoylo A. V. Tehnologija «mjagkoj sily», prinjatoj v SShA: otvet Rossii [Technology of «soft power» adopted by the USA: Russia’s response], Mos- cow: RUDN [PFUR, 2015], p. 528. 6. Filimonov G. Y. Vneshnjaja politika SShA: tehnologii formirovanija parallel’noj real’nosti [US Foreign policy: technologies of formation of a parallel reality], Geopoliticheskiy zhurnal [Geopolitical journal], 2014, no. 7, p. 2–10. 7. Sharp D. Ot diktatury k demokratii: Strategiya i taktika osvobozhdeniya. [From dictator- ship to democracy: Strategy and tactics of liberation], Moscow: Novoye izdatel’stvo [New publishing house], 2005. 8. National Security Strategy of the USA. Available at: fault/ Files/docs/2015_national_security_strategy.pdf. 110 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The European Union as a Political Myth


The European Union is one of the greatest political myths of our time. The myth of the «European Union» is designed by the elite for the achievement of specific polit- ical purposes through the creation of a separate discourse of the EU, the narrative matrix that supports this communicational legend and the technologies of staging the myth (the symbolic policy, image policy and other tools). The article attempts to analyze the fundamental elements of the EU media-political discourse, making up the essence of the myth of the European Union, to identify key narratives of this discourse and formulate the foundations of the symbolic EU policies implemented with the aim of introducing the myth of the European Union. Key words: European Union, political myth, symbolic politics, image politics, image discourse, media and political discourse, soft power, image roles of the EU.


Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

OUTIN There are social and political phenomena that can be legitimized only by myth... Myth «rationalizes» even that what by itself is absurd... Potseluev S. P. [3. — P. 41].

he universum of a man is the world of creation, modification, reconstruction turns symbols through the prism of which to be the element of power. Tthe formation of individual and col- In other words, the actor creating sym- lective picture of the world takes place. bols and using it in communications, has the Symbols1 [1] perform a reductional function, power to do so, producing a certain effect on suggesting recipients a ready-for-perception the recipient. part of reality, processed according to the Myths are one of the most ancient sym- principles of cognitive saving. bols used in different cultures. Modern Manipulating the symbols, including their strategists often turn to the instrument of mythologization for the production of mean- 1 By «symbol» in the article is understood all ings, legends, and images — in other words, the variety of semiotic elements having some for the production of necessary discourses. meaning: linguistic signs, extra linguistic phe- The purpose of the political myth-making nomena, visual symbols (pictographs, pictures, is the obtaining of power and legitimation etс.). of this power for its further retention. But, Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 111 The European Union as a Political Myth according to domestic researcher S. P. Pot- spite the fact that the EU is trying to repli- seluev, legitimation through the myth is pos- cate the habitus of a «natural» state, creating sible only if it is the result of the «true myth, similar bodies and management structures, and not a PR legend» [3. — P. 41]. as well as seeking to formalize their legal The European Union is one of the greatest foundations according to the pattern of the political myths of our time. It’s a real myth that state (the Constitution), the EU continues to has existed over the centuries as the myth of be an abstractness, some organization with the «United Europe», restored after the Sec- headquarters in Brussels. To simplify the per- ond World War by the European elite to unite ception of the Union as well as to make the the European states in order to prevent the audience believe in the idea of the «United subsequent resource wars on the continent Europe», a myth was created, a myth of EU in- and seeking at present to turn into the myth tended to enhance the clarity of perception of a European supranational power, ready to of the EU and even to change the abstract deal with the global problems of the present. idea into a concrete and tangible one. Political mythology of the European So, there is a real myth, «the European Union is based on the discourses of the cul- Union», designed by the elite to achieve spe- tured elite and loyal European media. This cific political realities through the creation of mythology replaces the need of the exis- a separate discourse EU and narrative matrix, tence of the EU itself, which does not exist which support this communicative legend, as a naturally-formed geopolitical construct. and technologies of staging the myth (a sym- There is the continent of Europe, the Euro- bolic policy, image policy and other tools). pean cultural and civilizational space, but The article attempts to analyze the fun- not the European Union which is the organi- damental elements of media-political dis- zation, not a super state. However, it is much course EU that makes up the essence of the more difficult to believe in the unity of the myth of the European Union, to identify key artificial organization and to think about ab- narratives of this discourse and to formulate stract European civil society than to think the symbolic foundations of the EU policies about a single «European house, the EU. » implemented with the aim of introducing the The difficulty in the perception of the EU is myth of the European Union. that it is ephemeral, vague and abstract. De-

Media and political discourse of the EU

Discourse is what we fight for, what we fight with, the power, which is fought for... M. Foucault [6]

The concept of «discourse» is vague; In the heart of modern scientific interpre- its conceptual boundaries are often deter- tations of the discourse lies the notion of a mined specifically by the scientific disci- communicative action unfolding in social en- pline in which the term is used. The origins vironment by using linguistic (text) and para- of the concept «discourse» is associated linguistic (facial expressions, gestures, other with the works of linguists, working in the ways of visualization) instruments. The goal early twentieth century. In linguistics the of such a communicative action is to affect the term discourse is treated as a linguistic con- mental attitudes of the recipient for the in- struct, consisting of a text (written or oral) stallation of new attitudes or modification of implemented in the communicative envi- old attitudes, in order to cultivate the certain ronment. images that shape the perception of reality. 112 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The original meaning of the word dis- in every society the production of discourse course (from the Latin. discursus — running is simultaneously controlled, subjected to se- in different directions, to disperse, to disinte- lection, organized and redistributed through grate, to dissipate) is a dynamic action, which a certain number of procedures, the function implies mobility and dispersion. It is a living of which consists of neutralizing of its power process and not the final result. «Discourse as and the danger, associated with it, to curb its a language activity [...] is able to convey knowl- unpredictability, to avoid such a sound and edge, affect the emotional state, to encour- threatening materiality» [6]. age to action. The main purpose of discourse The discourse making is possible due to is to coordinate activities of people in society the will to power, on the part of the produc- by means of changing of the mental state of er of the discourse and the will to truth on the recipient: of his knowledge, assessments, the part of the recipients. The making takes values, and volitional impulses» [1. — P. 111]. place according to the certain rules and tech- An interesting interpretation of «dis- niques (for example, the technique of silence course» was expressed in the philosoph- or tabooing), and discourse makers act, ac- ical tradition of French structuralists and cording to Foucault, like discourse-police, ex- post-modernists (M. Foucault, J. Derrida, ercising control over discipline: «Discipline is J.-P. Sartre, Gilles Deleuze, M. Peshet). For a principle of control over the production of Michel Foucault discourse is a kind of educa- discourse. Playing with identity, the form of tion, produced by some members of the soci- which is the constant reactualization of the ety to exercise control over others. Thus, dis- rules», it sets its bounds. [6. — P. 69]. course is an instrument of power: discourse The EU and its institutions establish the is not simply that through what battles and rules. The «author» of the discipline is a com- systems of submission manifest themselves plex system that implements the communi- to the world, but the instruments of fighting cation policy of the EU. Its structure looks and the power, which is to be taken over [...] like according to the Scheme 1.

Legitimation function Scheme 1. The system of communications of the EU

Executive level High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy President of the European Council President of the European Commission Authorized Ministers of specific directorates

Operational level Forming the strategy, coordination of the communicative activities of all the actors, exercising the communications at the European level European Commission (DG for Communication), / The Chairman of the Commission — The key Speaker European Parliament (General Directorate for Communication — DG for Communication) Inter-Institutional group on information European Mass Media European NGOs, cultural centers, etc. EU representatives in the third countries Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 113 The European Union as a Political Myth

Further it is proposed to consider the Control implies not only the formation functions of the media-political discourse in of discourse and its elements, but also the EU: the control over the access of different The function of accumulation of power individuals and institutions to opportunities The central concept in discoursology for shaping this discourse. The main is the phenomenon of power of an institution performing this function in the individual, a group or an institution as EU is named above competent authorities a way of implementing of control. The at European and national level, as well as researchers note, that the access to some loyal EU media. There is also the camp of forms and genres of discourse is by itself the «opponents», for example, the media a manifestation of power. In other words, of other countries which are not loyal from the EU, having the prerogative in shaping the point of view of the absolute support of political messages, has a data power of the cultured discourse. Such media can resource, aimed at establishing facilities (in form counter-discourse, which eliminate the this particular case establishing of a positive capital of the original discourse construction perception of the myth of the «European and represents a threat to the existence of a Union»). political myth. The only question is what kind The discourse of the EU, thanks to which of discourse is more resistant. The resistance the new meanings are formed, creates a of the discourse is determined by such new political and social reality. The father factors as honesty, realism, authenticity, founder of the theory of symbolic political compliance with the realities of everyday life, acts M. Edelman said: «while compulsion verification by the «action». and intimidation help to check the degree The regulatory function of resistance in all political systems, a key The discourse that underlies the myth strategy is always the evocation of meanings, and thus is the symbol allowing to perceive which legitimizes the preferred images or reality in a simplified form, regulates the scare people or discourage them from their habit of the target audience. This is due to activity, and inspire them to support or just the effect on the cognitive matrix of the to idle» [10]. recipient, perceiving the proposed symbol. Control function Informational function Through a discourse it is possible Reputational function (strengthening of to control the permissible limits of the reputational capital of the myth, its au- interpretation of the cultivated myth, thenticity, truthfulness, naturalness) creating certain rules of perception and Manipulative (propaganda) retranslation of the myth. The media-political discourse structure of the EU The EU discourse is generated in two over discourse. In this article we are talking modes: about the regulated modus of discourse EU, Regulated modus: we mean the cultiva- meaning that the construct is the product of tion of the discourse at the official level by the the conscious activity of the European pol- EU and the institutions under the EU control; iticians. Spontaneous modus: the EU discourse, Collective body of texts, creating the dis- created by the media of other states, the third cursive formation of EU (in regulated mode), parties, actors, organizations. The EU has no can be classified: direct influence on this discourse, generated 1) By genre spontaneously, i. e., without the control of EU. —— Official speeches and presentations of It was noted earlier that a key element of European officials and EU representatives discourse is the power, including the power —— Press releases 114 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

—— Messages in media, initiated by communi- image, different from the image of others. For cational institutions of EU example, the academic discourse of the West —— Interviews with officials of the EU was formed first by the political elite, then —— Official documents by the media in order to strengthen the par- 2) By type adigm of thinking of the target audiences and —— Mass media discourse forming the «right» perception patterns. The —— Public discourse basis of this approach is the theory of binary —— Political discourse opposition of «we» vs. «they», the essence of —— Economic, cultural, legal, military, etc. «political» by Schmitt and described in philo- discourse sophical writings of other authors, discussing —— Image discourse the problems of «the other» (J. — P. Sartre, The structure of the EU discourse that Husserl, J. Derrida, Sh. Muff, etc1). supports the myth of the European Union, The principle of a binary opposition makes can be presented as follows: discursive paradigm easy to understand, The EU media-image discourse available for interpretation, monosyllabic 1. Discursive narratives (notional groups and does not require additional speculation. with core and periphery) In binary opposition, the principle of «Terti- a. Sub-narratives umnon datur» works, which makes it a popu- 2. Oppositional discursive image para- lar tool for creating manipulative messages. digm (ODIP) The author proposes to use the concept of 1 The philosophical Study of the phe- «oppositional discursive image paradigm», the nomenon of «the other» is produced, for essence of which is the intended use by the example, in the Ph. D of Culturology Thesis: communicator of binary opposed paradigms, O. A. Smolyak. European discourse: cultural based on the cultural and civilizational factor, models of orientation of a man in the modern to enhance the contrast of perception of its life world].24.00.01. — Perm, 2004. The content of the EU discourse and defining of the image roles of the Europe- an Union

To define basic semantic elements of —— Narrative of tolerance the EU discourse it is proposed to conduct a —— Narrative of value content analysis of two major declarations These narratives are discourse-making; issued by the political elite and supporters of they are widely used in all kinds of official the project of the United Europe in order to communications of the EU (speeches, decla- broadcast to general public. Content analy- rations, treaties, key documents, information sis is conducted to identify the main semiotic texts presented in the official sources of the fields and the semantic chains that are the EU). It is important to emphasize that we are basis of the official narrative of the matrix of talking about communication, implemented the EU. Those semantic chains are based on directly by the EU and authorities responsi- the principle of a «family resemblance», the ble for communication. In other words, those author of which is an Austrian philosopher messages which the EU actively supports and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Before conducting of broadcasts with the purpose of formation of the content analysis, it is necessary to identi- the desired vector of EU discourse. fy the key narrative elements that are typical The first source for the analysis is of the discourse of EU at the present stage: Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 [9]. —— Narrative «Mission of Europe» French Foreign Minister Robert Schumann, —— Narrative unity (or unification) impressed by the ideas of Jean Monnet, pre- —— Economic narrative sented in 1950 the ideas that formed the —— Legal narrative basis of a united Europe. The day Robert Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 115 The European Union as a Political Myth

2. Content Analysis of R. Schuman Declaration

Narrative «Mission Economical Legal Narrative of the unity Narrative of tolerance Value narrative of Europe» narrative narrative

Europe input is the joining of peoples creation of peace in the entire maintenance of dissevered by a bloody common economic world peaceful relations struggle integration bases

economic organization — the first step towards economic improving living to serve peace European Federation, development standards existing for the preservation of peace

reconstruction of creation of an Europe (after the industrial Union, war) open to all countries

to remove the discord between construction of France and Germany the bases of the (pledge of European economic union unity)

establishing of a single organization where other economic union European countries will be able to join later

development of the African continent

the creation of the administrative structures of the economic community

Schuman made the Declaration is considered shows little aspiration to develop the theme the Birthday of the European Union. of global European unity. He chooses the Analysis (table 2) showed the priority of «salami tactics», that is he concentrates on the following narratives: a particular step of creation of an econom- Narrative «Mission of Europe» was at that ic union between France and Germany. The stage the key as it was directly about the second important narrative is economic. The formation of a single economic community. economy was destined to become a bridge, a Schuman acted as an «ambassador» of the locomotive of the European Union. idea of a united Europe and articulated the Narrative of unity was not so pronounced. necessity of creating a single economic com- For now we can talk about economic unity, munity, which will form the basis of a future which can become the basis for political as- European Federation. The goal is integration sociation. Other narratives are not presented of resources and economies to prevent wars. in this speech and in the documents of this In his speech Schuman focuses on elimination period. The discourse of a united Europe was of contradictions between France and Ger- formed on the narratives of economic uni- many as here is the main potential of threats ty, the maintenance of peace and stability to peace in Europe. in Europe and integration of the European This narrative fully reflects the essence of countries against the Communist threat. the realities of post-war Europe. Schumann Politicians created the construct of a Unit- 116 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Scheme 3 The content analysis of the Declaration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the signing of the Rome agreements. Created by Hauer- Tyukarkina O.

Narrative Narrative of the Economical Legal Narrative of «Mission of Value narrative unity narrative narrative tolerance Europe»

overcoming of the sense of supremacy strengthening of economic success mutual respect difficulties community of law democracy

answers to global European unity human rights solidarity personality is the challenges main element

unnatural equal rights social separation of justice dignity of of men and responsibility Europe is in the past personality women now

fighting with terrorism, European balance between multiculturalism organized crime integration the members and illegal migration

fighting with we live together development of equality racism and that was impossible the countries xenophobia before

peaceful saving of Unity for the openness resolution of countries’ citizens’ benefit conflicts identities

protection of the a unique way to live stability environment and work together

goals achieved only peace together

European understanding community

United Europe peace and is the dream of prosperity the previous generations

United Europe is our common future ed Europe meant to distinguish Europe from Discursive Paradigms of the time were the everything, connected with the war, and also following: to distinguish the Capitalist Europe from the Peace vs. war. The United Europe was Communist Europe. The main Oppositional designed to become a stronghold of peace, Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 117 The European Union as a Political Myth resisting violent actions. For several decades talism was a system of knowledge about Europe has gone through two bloody wars, the East, which served a «recognized filter which made people think about the need to through which the East penetrated into West- prevent similar events in the future. Postwar ern consciousness» [4. — S.15]. At the core Europe became the epitome of a peaceful of Orientalism stands a strategy of flexible life with a growing level of social security of positional superiority, enjoyed by the West citizens. All the world outside of Europe (and in defining its relationship with the East. later of EU) — the Communist camp, Africa The continuation of the binary opposition- and other non-European states represent al paradigm «the West — the East, or even a potential source of military and power its derivatives are the paradigms „progress threats. vs. backwardness“ and prosperity vs. pover- West vs. East. This fault line is one of the ty». A prosperous Europe, which managed to key identity narratives of Europe. Backward achieve a high quality of life for citizens, and East — Enlightened West, so thought the Eu- which is constantly working to equalize living ropeans for many centuries. standards in some European countries, is a The discourse of the «other» is one of the symbol of economic progress and social sta- key European philosophical thoughts. The bility. The controversy of «rich North — poor father of phenomenology E. Husserl writes South» formed by the Marxists, best of all ex- about the «granted» of the other, postulat- presses the essence of the paradigm of think- ing the fact that the «other» is given to us di- ing that is associated with the perception of rectly, and «ego» (I, the subject of cognition) the EU as a successful economic player, and creates the existence of the other according other countries as economically flawed. to the content of his experience. The «other» The European economic model for a long sets the boundaries of «me» and allows to time served an example of the successful man- separate «I» from «not me. » The procedure agement of economy of several countries. The to create the «other» contains two steps: success of this model was put to doubt only in supposing the other pure ego, not endowed the XXI century, when the Eurozone crisis has with the world-creating sense and percep- shaken faith in the mightiness of the Euro, and tion on the basis of external experience of the permanence of European financial institu- the body of the other by analogy with his own tions. However, despite the current economic perception [5]. The second step exactly as the challenges the EU continues to support the clarification of the experience is a key ele- image of progressive association, in which cit- ment, on forming of which are working the izens can feel themselves safe. institutions that form the medial discourses, The discourse of progress, prosperity, sta- serving «the pattern» for the formation of bility and security of citizens is at the present the image of perceived. In this context, the stage one of the key. This is due to declining work of a famous scientist E. Said «Oriental- trust of citizens to the EU and also due to the ism. Western concepts of the Orient», should necessity to return the reputational capital be mentioned, in which the author argues wasted because of economic and general in- that the East is not «an inert fact of nature» tegration crisis of the EU. but a man-made construct, «the idea having Liberalism vs. Communism to some extent the history and tradition of thought, imag- is a continuation of the theme «peace vs. war» ery and own vocabulary, determining their and «prosperity vs. poverty». The consolida- reality and presence in the West and for the tion of liberal Europe took place, as it was West». [4. — P. 13–14]. claimed by many Western politicians, in the The East was orientalization of the West face of a common threat — communism. This in order to emphasize the relations of pow- opposition chain developed actively in the Eu- er and dominance, separating the powerful ropean and American debates, with the aim West from the weak and dark East. Orien- of shaping of the image of a common enemy. 118 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The second source for the content anal- It is interesting to note that the eco- ysis is the Declaration on the occasion of nomic narrative, underlying the European the 50th anniversary since the signing of discourse, in fact, gave way to the narrative the Roman Agreements [9]. The Declaration of value until the signing of the Maastricht is a landmark document that laid the bases agreements. The EU is not positioned as a for the foundation of the European Union. purely economic organization, on the con- The choice is determined both by the impor- trary, the EU is a unified cultural historical tance of the document, and the fact that the and even civilizational space, elements of source refers to modernity, which allows to which (countries the members of EU) share trace the dynamics of development of the EU common values. discourse (Table 3). Narrative values are a kind of symbolic The main narrative is the narrative of uni- capital of the EU, making the basis of the idea ty. It is determined by the urgent necessity to of unity. For the economic component alone strengthen the integration of member coun- is not sufficient for the proving of the unity. tries, to motivate the states to maintain the It is important to seek new grounds in cul- unity at the European level, to build a unified ture, history, traditions. These grounds were European community. These problems are formed by the law narrative (EU as a legal especially relevant in the context of the oc- space), the narrative of tolerance (the policy curred disintegration trends caused by the of «multiculturalism and the concept of Unity Eurozone crisis. in diversity», expressing the essence of the In all official texts (written and oral), EU approach to different cultures, integrat- the EU actively uses the narrative unity to ed in the common European cultural matrix), strengthen the idea of unity. Speaking about the narrative of democracy and other values, «unity», EU «unites» the citizens of the Eu- declared as originally European. ropean countries in a unified European civil Imperial discourse, or the discourse of society and European states into a common a superpower, is not so actively supported economic, political and cultural Union, and by the EU. The EU has positioned itself as the European countries into a single geopo- a unified political actor, and the status of litical space. a «superpower» is not a key in communi- Today we are witnessing a deepening of cation. The EU realistically appreciates its political integration of the EU. The EU actively status, in many aspects still defined as an copies the habitus of the nation state not only «economic giant and a political dwarf». The from the point of view of the internal struc- EU does not aspire to superpowerness, im- ture, but also from the point of view of devel- posed by foreign media aimed at the medi- opment of the key areas of political activity (e. al pressing and creating of the opposition- g., a common foreign policy, defense policy). al paradigm of «superpower vs. the states The second important narrative is the vassal of the EU». «mission of Europe». The EU is positioned as The EU counts on the discourse of «nor- an active political actor, solving the problems mative power», which is supported by the le- at the global level: the fight against terrorism, gal narrative. The European Union Conceptu- illegal migration, crime. Furthermore, the EU alizes itself as an actor with normative pow- acts as a responsible political actor, concerned er, i. e. the ability to form rules on the base with the environmental and other challenges, of which the political community operates facing the globalizing world. This positioning [2. — P. 5]. It is important to note that the helps the EU to justify its importance, makes phenomenon of a «normative powerfulness» the contribution significant. The stated mis- is reflected not only in political strategy and sion of the EU makes it clear, that the EU’s ac- political «habitus» of the EU, but also in the tions are effective and aimed at solving prob- way of self-perception, and the subsequent lems that no state can cope alone. self-positioning as a normative power. Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 119 The European Union as a Political Myth

Technologies of discourse construction tion of the myth of EU. and cultivation of the myth of EU. S. P. Potseluev studied the phenomenon The following technologies can be re- of symbolic «politics», gives the following ferred to the basic tools: definition of the concept: «the symbolic —— The symbolic politics of the EU; politics is a special kind of political commu- —— Communication politics of the EU; nication that aims not at rational comprehen- —— Image politics of the EU; sion, but at the inspiring of stable meaning —— Political marketing and political PR; through staging the visual effects» [12. — —— Regional marketing and marketing of P. 9]. The EU discourse is one of such stable places; meanings, inspiring through political com- —— (New) public diplomacy, cultural munication technologies on the basis of an diplomacy. established strategy. The last five tools were considered the Symbolic politics is used by the political author in detail in the monograph «The mod- elite, producing the desired meanings and ern image policy of the European Union» [7]. discourses for the legitimization of power. It This article is aimed to consider in more de- is possible to allocate the following elements tail the symbolic politics as a tool of cultiva- of symbolic politics in the EU [8]:

The Symbolic level

The EU flag is the main communication cies, and the space in the Eurozone is one of element. In addition to the flag itself its el- the largest currency areas. ements can be used in communication sep- The motto «Unity in diversity» was de- arately. For example, the stars arranged in a signed to show that European cultures are circle, are a recognizable symbol of the EU. unique and different, but unified in the basis Scheme 4. The example of using of the flag (belief in a common destiny, a common Eu- as the main visual marker of the EU ropean spirit the Greek and Roman cultural heritage, faith in democracy, education and humanism). «Made in EU» is the marker of the prod- ucts made in the EU. May 9 is The Europe Day (the Day of the Declaration by Robert Schumann of the holi- day of peace and unity in the EU on the eve of The anthem («Ode to joy»). May 9 1950, when the founders of the Union Euro is the single European currency. It is had proposed the creation of the European the apex of effective economic integration Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which that knows no precedents. originated the history of the European inte- The Euro is one of the most stable curren- gration.

Eventive level

to review the role of the United Europe, capital, increasing its tourist attractiveness, its values and the main political issues. in order to preserve the European cultural Cultural events, exhibitions, perfor- diversity. mances, days of remembrance, days of Euro- Another example is «European Heritage pean culture and other symbolic activities. Label», established in 2010 with the aim of For example, the program «Cultural capitals increasing the value of cultural objects that of Europe», aiming to attract the attention have played a key role in the construction of of the world society to a particular cultural a United Europe. 120 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Political and legal level

Key documents, declarations, agree- The European Parliament, elected by the ments (e. g. Roman Agreements). The Euro- European people, is the voxpopuli — the pean Constitution would be an important voice of European people and the most im- symbol of unity of the EU, but it was not ac- portant symbol of democracy. European citi- cepted. Currently, the Constitution was re- zenship, guaranteeing the right of free move- placed by the Lisbon Treaty, which aims to ment within the EU, the right of residence, amend the existing Treaty on the European employment, the right to be elected to the Union. European Parliament and so on.

Personal level

(The EU ambassadors) post of the Chairman of the European Coun- The introduction of the post of the Repre- cil allows to personalize policies with certain sentative of the European Union for Foreign individuals, who are the official brand mes- Affairs and Security Policy, and also of the sengers of the EU.

Linguistic (semantic) level

The symbolic language of the European etc. All these words create a separate lan- Union, ad hoc abbreviations, neologisms and guage layer, forming the sense of commu- figures of speech, introduced for the pur- nity (or of belonging to a common social re- pose of fixation of the new social realities ality, of involvement in a common political on a linguistic level. For example, «Euro», process). «Coreper», «ECOFIN», «Erasmus Mundus»

Information and communication level

Euronews channel can be considered one toring of public opinion about the EU policy, of the most successful communication proj- etc. ects not only in European but also in a global The TV web channel, Europarl TV (Euro- scale: informational and cognitive orienta- pean Parliament’s Web-television). The aim tion of headings and programs makes mes- of the channel is to inform EU citizens of the sages relevant to different EU countries and activities of the Parliament, developments in to the world. the EU, and also of the new laws that affect Inter-institutional television information the lives of the citizens. service EU Europe by Satellite (EbS) provides The European radio network EURANET local, regional and international media as the is an association of international, national raw materials and ready-made programs, re- and regional broadcasting companies into a ports and chronicles, discussing relevant EU single Pan-European consortium to highlight matters. The main idea of the service is «We the key events of the EU, not from national give you a picture and a sound, and you (the but from European positions. media) make a history». The pages of the EU authorities in social The official web site of the European networks. Union «Europa» (www. europa. eu) in a brief All of the tools named above serve the and accessible form describes the principles shaping and control of the social reality, due of the EU. to the existence of the myth «The European Eurobarometer is the main tool of moni- Union». Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga Mikhajlovna 121 The European Union as a Political Myth

* * *

The postulate that «The European Union is sity of narratives and skillfully manage them. a myth» allows to review the role of this orga- However, despite the fact that the myth nization in the global political process, which of the EU is successful and effective, and is particularly important in terms of perceived the EU optimists are working hard to make economic and integration crisis of the EU, one the discourse consistent with the social of the possible outcomes of which, according and political realities, so it was not declar- to some researchers can be the self-liquida- ative, for many European countries the EU tion of the Union. The myth of the United Eu- has ceased to be a condition sine qua non rope, and later the myth of the EU is one of of the welfare and peace of Europe. Amer- the most successful political myths built by ican writer, Eduard Daldergue said that the European elite to accumulate the power myths are collective dreams. Perhaps, the resources and to act legitimately at the Euro- EU should awaken from a mythical sleep, to pean level. The created myth is successfully offer EU citizens a new vision of the mission maintained with the help of different tools, of the Union, meet the views of Europeans technologies, and staging, that help the polit- and be able to respond quickly to changing ical elites of the EU and loyal European media of the realities. to produce discourse of the EU in all its diver-


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on-the-occasion-of-the-50th-anniversary-of-the-signature-of-the-treaties-of-rome- pbOA7707268 (date accessed: 22.04.2016). 10. Edelman M. Political Language and Political Reality // PS, 1985, Winter, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 10– 19. Available at: (date of application: 01.05.2016). 11. Dorozhkin A., Shibarshina S. Filosofskiy diskurs kak forma kommunikatsii. Chelovek v sisteme kommunikatsii: cb. nauchhih trudov [Philosophical discourse as a form of com- munication in the communicational system: collection of scientific works], pod red. E. P. Savrutskoy [Edited by E. P. Savrutskaya], Moscow, 2014. 12. Simvolicheskaya politika: cbornik nauchnih trudov [Symbolic policy: collection of scientific works], pod red. Malinova O. Y. [edited by Malinova O. Y], Moscow, 2012, p. 9. Hordecki Bartosz 123 On Problems with the Ambiguous Concept of the Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the United Nations Documents

On Problems with the Ambiguous Concept of the Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the United Nations Documents


The number and heterogeneity of the UN documents concerning freedom of con- science and religion is impressive. This multiplicity accounts for the creation of new terms, which do not clear define religious phenomena, particularly, concerning the rights and freedoms as well as threats and violations of these rights and freedoms. Moreover, many terms have strong emotional connotation and create a tangled network preventing their coherent interpretation. This leads to the situations when international institutions are not used. Key words: freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of conscience and religion in UN documents, the opacity of the concept of «freedom of conscience and reli- gion», defamation of religion.


Hordecki Bartosz Ph. D. in Political science, PhD in Law, Adjunct Professor of the Department of Media Systems and the Rights of the Media, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poznan, Poland).

OUTIN Introduction The abundance of standards and decla- rations is also troublesome. It can be noted he number and variety of documents in that the concept of conscience and religion which the United Nations refer to the adopted in the UN documents has been clear- Tconcept of freedom of conscience is ly ambiguated. This stirs up concerns that the impressive. The wealth of those acts reflects unclarity of the provisions provokes misun- a special focus of the United Nations, often derstandings and conflicts over their inter- acting in cooperation with specialised pretation. organisations, on the protection of individuals Establishment of the UN system for the and communities with respect to religion1. protection of the freedom of conscience and religion in 1945–1981 1 Please, see this source: Scalabrino M. In- ternational Code on Religious Freedom. Leu- consistently adopted rule of the UN ven-Paris-Dudley, MA: Peeters Publishers, has always been that religion may not 2003, passim. A be a reason for discrimination. One 124 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century» of the purposes of the Charter of the United tled to all the rights and freedoms set forth Nations is «encouraging respect for human in this Declaration, without distinction of any rights and for fundamental freedoms for all kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, re- without distinction as to race, sex, language, ligion, political or other opinion, national or or religion»1. social origin, property, birth or other status»4. Still, sentiments towards religion of the In addition, its Article 18 confers the right to UN founders are rather conservative, as point- convert to a different religion. It should be ed out e. g. by Robert F. Drinan. He also noted however underscored that the solution, if we that although the Charter refers to human venture to evaluate its persuasive appropri- rights on five occasions, it never mentions ateness, had some strengths and weaknesses. freedom of conscience-based religion2. In his By introducing Article 18, the UN has declared view, what pushed the UN’s decision was the that the freedom of thought, conscience and trauma of not only World War Two, but also re- religion is not a vague concept, but covers ligious wars that ravaged Europe for centuries. clearly defined rights. On the other hand, the This position seems to be expressly confirmed impression could be that the list of specific by the UN foundation documents3. Further- rights formulated in UDHR was finite, espe- more, as argued by R. F. Drinan, only a flimsy cially that the text lacks the expression «in reference to religious matters in the Charter particular»5. of the UN was indicative of disagreement as The process of a cautious specification of to the essence and the actual substance of re- the UN understanding of the freedom of con- ligious freedoms. Islamic countries in partic- science and religion continued in the 1960s, ular did not agree to include the freedom of also following the adoption of legally binding conversion into religious freedoms. Covenants. This consolidated the provisions This cautious approach continued in the of UDHR, which was not an international following years as participants of the UN sys- agreement in its own right (much as it is wide- tem seemed to realise that too specific dis- ly argued now that, over time, it has grown cussions on the freedom of conscience and re- to be an international common law instru- ligion would be antagonising. It could actually ment). The International Covenant on Eco- turn out, after plunging deep into religious nomic, Social and Cultural Rights stipulated discussions, that the attempt to work out a that the states-parties should guarantee that uniform UN approach to religious freedoms the rights enunciated in the Covenant would would disintegrate their universal protection be exercised without discrimination of any system. The Universal Declaration of Human kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, pro- political or other opinion, national or social vided more specificity about individual reli- origin, property, birth or other status6. The gious rights. Article 2, first sentence, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Declaration provides that «Everyone is enti- Rights in turn dwelt much more extensively on religious matters, significantly contribut- 1 Charter of the United Nations, Article 1. ing to the specification of and elaboration on See also Article 55 c. Those provisions demon- the meaning of the «freedom of conscience strate that religion is nevertheless perceived as and religion». Article 2 (1) of the document a dangerous phenomenon that may generate threats, as it often does. 4 The Universal Declaration of Human 2 Drinan R. F. Can God and Caesar Coexist? Rights. Balancing Religious Freedom and International 5 In addition, religious freedom-related as- Law. New Haven-London: Yale University Press, pects are touched upon in Article 19 and 26 of 2004, p.13 and subs. UDHR. 3 Notably the Charter of the United Nations 6 ICESCR, Article 2(2). See also Article 13(3) and UDHR. of the Covenant. Hordecki Bartosz 125 On Problems with the Ambiguous Conceptof the Freedom of Conscience and Religionin the United Nations Documents corresponds to Article 2 (2) of ICESCR. Its Ar- freedoms of an individual and those of com- ticle 4 brings an important novelty, however, munities. Clearly, that sustainable interpre- because it guarantees that obligations of Ar- tation is the only option allowed by the Cov- ticle 18 of the Covenant cannot be derogat- enant. However, it is users of the document ed. Article 18 provides that «Everyone shall (international communities, Parties States have the right to freedom of thought, con- and their residents), who decide whether it science and religion. This right shall include can actually be applied in specific situations2. freedom to have or to adopt a religion or be- lief of his choice, and freedom, either individ- Bringing equivocality to the UN system ually or in community with others and in pub- for the protection of the freedom of lic or private, to manifest his religion or belief conscience and religion in 1981–1999 in worship, observance, practice and teach- ing». — Moreover: «№ one shall be subject A good example of the growing emotion- to coercion which would impair his freedom al charge in UN documents is Declaration on to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance choice»1. The Covenant therefore emphasises and of Discrimination Based on Religion that an individual may not only keep his or her or Belief, dated on November, 25, 1981. It present religion, but also opt out and convert should be noted here that the adoption of to another one or not. Section 3 covers limita- the document by the UN was preceded by a tions that apply to manifestations of religion heated debate over whether the act should or belief. If the limitations are to be imposed, only be declarative, or constitute an inter- two conditions must be met: first, they need national agreement. The declaratory format to be «prescribed by law», and second, they was finally agreed upon, which meant it had must be necessary to protect public safety, no binding force and imposed moral and po- order, health, or morals or the fundamental litical, rather than strictly legal obligations. rights and freedoms of others. Importantly, Nevertheless, the solution enabled authors this clause follows from a conviction that the of the document to use sharper tones. freedom of conscience and religion is com- The preamble refers to the Charter of plex in nature, and covers the so-called fo- the UN and UDHR, in the light of which the rum internum (the freedom of having beliefs freedom of conscience, religion and belief is and using them in one’s own mind) and forum an important element of the human rights externum (the freedom of expressing beliefs system. It further notes that «the disre- and applying them in social life). In conse- gard and infringement of human rights and quence, the Covenant adopts as binding a fundamental freedoms, in particular of the concept where some rights within the free- right to freedom of thought, conscience, dom of conscience and religion are absolute, religion or whatever belief, have brought, inalienable, and other rights are not at all. A directly or indirectly, wars and great suffer- reasonable application of this division could ing to mankind, especially where they serve definitely bridle social conflicts over religion. as a means of foreign interference in the It should therefore be concluded that the internal affairs of other States and amount Covenant performs an important intellectual to kindling hatred between peoples and role in that it creates a field for argumenta- nations». The fundamental significance of tion, within which it is easy to justify a mod- religion and beliefs in human life was also erate interpretation of regulations on the acknowledged3. «freedom of conscience and religion». The in- terpretation results in the balance between 2 Significant are also art.19, 20, 24, 26, 27. Ibidem. 1 ICESCR, Article 2(2). See also Article 13(3) 3 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of the Covenant. of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on 126 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The text comprises 8 articles using pomp- use emotionally-charged language, which ous and lofty language. Its choice of vocabu- only multiplies ambiguities, rather than re- lary intends to provoke extreme feelings. A duces them. typically legal jargon is mixed here with mor- Another document that specifies the al, or even sacral discourse. There are also ex- rights within the realm of the «freedom of pressions calling for action, that render the conscience and religion» is Declaration on declaration a peculiar world view manifesto the Rights of Persons Belonging to National at the same time. or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, Article 3 constitutes the most rhetori- dated 18 December 1992. The document was cally charged part of the declaration, rich created with reference e. g. to Article 27 of in expressions that show similarities to the ICCPR2. zeal of religious institutions created to safe- It should be noted that the Declaration guard the purity of their faith. This section does more than just specify the rights of provides that «Discrimination between hu- minorities, including religious minorities. man beings on grounds of religion or belief The document also argues that diversity is a constitutes an affront to human dignity and value and that the human being realises him a disavowal of the principles of the Char- or herself not as an individual only, but as a ter of the United Nations, and shall be con- member of the group. This act reveals the de- demned as a violation of the human rights velopment of identity discourses. It employs and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in new rhetoric, which discerns and cherishes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights otherness, peculiarity, and differences. The and enunciated in detail in the International trend becomes stronger along with the de- Covenants on Human Rights, and as an ob- velopment of new methodologies in human- stacle to friendly and peaceful relations be- ities (e. g. post-structuralism, postmodern- tween nations»1. ism) and movements advocating new ideas Overall, however, it should be argued that (e. g. feminism, communitarianism). the Declaration is saturated with idealistic or Importantly, the UN understand well even ideological thinking. This manifests it- their inherent problems with a consistent self in the proportions of the act (nearly half interpretation of documents created and of which is the preamble). In addition, the used within that system. In effect, different Declaration relies on a claim that although coalitions of countries in the UN forum try to counteracting intolerance and discrimination counteract various interpretations, notably against religion or belief has not been too ef- those motivated by the need to narrow down fective thus far, it can become effective if the freedoms and rights inuring to individuals. In international community develops legal in- an attempt to eliminate, or at least limit such struments to protect individuals and groups inroads into the freedom of thought, con- in this respect. This assumption underlies a science and religion, the UN Human Rights text which, from the rhetorical perspective, Committee issued in 1993 General Comment shows a certain duality or even a praxeologi- № 22 to Article 18 of ICCPR3. cal fallacy. On the one hand, specific expres- sions used in the Declaration demonstrate 2 Declaration on the Rights of Persons Be- that its authors were committed to accuracy longing to National or Ethnic, Religious and that would facilitate a uniform interpretation Linguistic Minorities, dated 18 December 1992. of the document and afford fuller protection 3 General Comment No 22 to Article 18 of to individuals and groups. On the other, how- ICCPR; Gołda-Sobczak M., Sobczak W., Zakres ever, a temptation could not be resisted to przedmiotowy swobody sumienia i religii w sys- temie prawnym ONZ. Dylematy praw człowieka, Religion or Belief, dated 25 November 1981. eds. Gardocka T., Sobczak J., Toruń: Wydawn- 1 Ibidem. ictwo Adam Marszałek, 2008, pp.312-320; Mi- Hordecki Bartosz 127 On Problems with the Ambiguous Conceptof the Freedom of Conscience and Religionin the United Nations Documents

Authors of the General Comment ad- The document also reminded that, ac- vocated a broad construction of «right to cording to Article 20 of ICCPR, the freedom freedom of thought, conscience and reli- to manifest one’s religion or beliefs does not gion (which includes the freedom to hold authorise the holder of the right to engage beliefs)». They underscored that «encom- in warmongering, or support ethnic, racial or passes freedom of thought on all matters, religious hatred that constitutes incitement personal conviction and the commitment to discrimination, hatred or violence. Fur- to religion or belief, whether manifested thermore, States Parties re obliged to adopt individually or in community with others». laws that prohibit such actions4. Importantly, they argued that the freedom The text also comments on limitations to of thought and the freedom of conscience the freedom of religion or belief, as indicated are subject to the same protection that is in Article 18 (3) of ICCPR. Importantly, they afforded to the freedom of religion and be- cannot be applied with respect to the free- lief. They are fundamental, as they cannot dom from coercion into having or adopting a be suspended in any case, as provided for in religion or belief, and with respect to the liber- Article 4 (2) of ICCPR1. ty of parents or legal guardians to ensure re- In the light of the Committee’s comments, ligious or moral education for their children5. the freedom of thought, conscience, religion According to the Human Rights Commit- or belief is not equivalent to the freedom to tee, it should not be forgotten that there are manifest one’s religion or belief. Manifesta- many moral systems embedded in different tion, unlike the freedom of thought or reli- religious or world-view traditions. For that gion and the freedom of being or becoming a reason, protection of morals may not based follower of a given religion or a proponent of on rules derived from one tradition only, e. g. certain beliefs, is not absolute in nature and Christian, Islamic or Jewish. is not covered by unconditional protection. Considering a given religion national, of- It can nevertheless be manifested «either in- ficial or traditional, and the fact that follow- dividually or in community with others and in ers of a given religion or a system of beliefs public or private» and covers a broad range represent the majority of the society, may of activities, including worship, observance, not result in the breach of any of the rights practice and teaching2. referred to in ICCPR, or in discrimination The Human Rights Committee also un- against anyone6. derscored that the freedom of following The Comment is quite consistent in using or adopting a religion/belief comprises the the linking word «or» between «religion» and freedom of choice, including resignation «belief». This avoids ambiguities as to wheth- from the previous religion, adoption of a new er the «freedom of religion» and the «free- one, acceptance of atheistic views, as well as dom of beliefs» are to be construed jointly or the right to keep the current religion/beliefs. separately. Based on the logical significance Authors of the text also tried to provide mul- of the linking «or», it should be argued that tiple examples of actions in breach of section the freedoms are separate, but may coexist. 2 of the article concerned3. Occasionally only did the authors of the doc- ument use traditional, although logically un- chałowska G. Ochrona praw człowieka w Radzie ambiguous expression «the right to freedom Europy i w Unii Europejskiej. Warszawa: WAiP, 2007, pp.62-63. 4 General Comment No 11: Prohibition of 1 General Comment No 22 to Article 18 of propaganda for war and inciting national, racial ICCPR. or religious hatred (Article 20). 2 Ibidem. 5 General Comment No 22 to Article 18 of 3 General Comment No 22 to Article 18 of ICCPR. ICCPR. 6 Ibidem. 128 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

(sic!) of thought, conscience and religion»1. has increasingly been religion as such. Hence While reading the document, it is diffi- the UN acts on religion or beliefs have be- cult to resist an impression that the Human come more emotive. Rights Committee encroached on the realm On 18 December 1994, at the conference of case law by multiplying cases of exercis- «Contribution by religions to the culture of ing the freedom to manifest one’s religion peace» held at the Catalan UNESCO Centre or beliefs, cases of breach, as well as cases in Barcelona on 12–18 December, its partic- of compliance with Article 18 of ICCPR. The ipants adopted the Declaration on the role guiding idea of the Comment is the need to of religion in the promotion of a culture of clarify what, relying on the Covenant itself, peace. The contribution by religions to the appeared or could have appeared not specific culture of peace3. enough. The document demonstrates that In terms of style, the Declaration is par- its authors, owing to their wealth of experi- ticularly ornamented, to the point that orna- ence, realised that ICCPR, due to its brevity, mentation in itself seems to have been for could be and is abused for rhetorical pur- the authors a textual layer they focused on poses. Therefore, the document discussed in particular. The number of rhetorical struc- demonstrates that the development of the tures, in particular metaphors, draws heavily UN system, similarly to many other, but not on religious language. The penetration of all legal systems, is governed by the logic of such expressions into the realm of politics or responding to misinterpretations and coun- law is nothing new. Still, rarely do documents teracting them2. of universal nature prepared under the aus- Nevertheless, the case of the Human pices of governmental organisations borrow Rights Committee should be considered them in such an explicit manner. It is typically special because the Covenant, concise in ensured that the texts are autonomous and its wording, is accompanied by an extensive exist in their own right, which is primarily Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms manifested by the use of their own terminol- of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based ogy and specific language. The declaration is on Religion or Belief. The text, as already therefore a concession granted by the world shown, is much more embellished, and thus of politics and law to the realm of religion ambiguous, than ICCPR. It means that the and beliefs. There may be however concerns Human Rights Committee is forced into the that it may go too far, since respect for reli- role of interpreter that provides meaning to gious life does not require transposition of emotive but incomprehensible expressions. religiousness into UNESCO’s field of activi- ties. It can therefore be surmised, based on Discussion over the question of the text alone, that the borrowings serve the defamation of religion purpose of supporting the claim that religion is benevolent as long as it does not go politi- The last three decades have brought with cal. In doing so, however, religious language them a significant number of new documents was actually used to reinforce the meaning of that no longer speak about collective or in- the document of a political nature. This flaws dividual rights derived from the freedom of the Declaration with an inherent inconsisten- conscience and religion. The object of inter- cy, thus rendering it autophagic, and addi- est for the UN and specialised organisations tionally blurs the discussion on the approach of this specialised UN agency to the various 1 General Comment No 22 to Article 18 of religions of the world. In other words, due ICCPR. 2 Winczorek J. Zniknięcie dwunastego wiel- 3 Declaration on the role of religion in the błąda. O socjologicznej teorii prawa Niklasa promotion of a culture of peace. The contribu- Luhmanna. Warszawa: LIBER, 2009, passim. tion by religions to the culture of peace. Hordecki Bartosz 129 On Problems with the Ambiguous Conceptof the Freedom of Conscience and Religionin the United Nations Documents to its linguistic layer, the text provokes an terms excessively restricts the freedom of argument that religions should not only be conscience and religion. The reply was that the object of UNESCO’s focus, but also inspi- religious freedoms do not grant the right to ration for its actions. It can even be argued defame someone’s faith or belief. This made based on the document that the organisation the debate on religion at the UN much tenser, not only accepts, but supports and promotes often provoking extreme reactions. This has religious activity. led to a sharp, long-lasting quasi-philosoph- On 30 April 1999 at the 62nd session of ical dispute geared towards achieving polit- the UN Commission on Human Rights Reso- ical goals. It covers the essence of religion, lution 1999/82 Defamation of religions was similarities and differences, and whether adopted. The act paved the way for a series they exert a positive/negative impact on the of documents covering similar topics1. society, whether they conflict democracy or The resolution welcomed the fact that the not, and whether they encourage/discourage General Assembly proclaimed 2001 the Year the observance of human rights. The dispute of Dialogue Among Civilisations. The authors has become dogmatic for the most part and of the document pointed out that intolerance, thus irksome. Importantly, however, numer- discrimination and hatred based in religion or ous doubts have emerged in effect over the beliefs were commonplace in the world, and point of having such fundamental freedoms often motivated by religious extremism2. as the freedom of thought, conscience, reli- Most importantly, it was concluded in gion and beliefs4. the text that it expresses «deep concern Resolution 13/16 of the UN Human at negative stereotyping of religions». The Rights Council on combating defamation authors protested against Islam being «fre- of religions, adopted on 25 March 2010 quently and wrongly associated with human recognised the contribution of all religions rights violations and with terrorism». They into modern civilisation5. It also argues that, also expressed their concern at each situa- thanks to religions «dialogue among civili- tion where mass media were used to incite zations can make towards improved aware- hatred, xenophobia, intolerance or discrim- ness and understanding of the common val- ination towards Islam or any other religion3. ues shared by all humankind». Still, the au- The picture presented in the resolution thors expressed their «deep concern» with and its recommendations reveal that reli- reference to «the instances of intolerance, gious conflicts in the contemporary world discrimination and acts of violence against have become more acute. The phrasing of followers of certain faiths occurring in many the text could be referred to as «rhetoric of parts of the world, including cases moti- the offended». The document is definitely vated by Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and highly persuasive, because it is a response to Christianophobia»6. media reports carrying a strong emotional charge. Its adoption resulted in the polari- 4 Gliszczyńska-Grabias A. Znieważanie re- sation of positions within the UN. Some ligii – dyskusja na forum ONZ. Prawne granice states criticised it severely, while others wel- wolności sumienia i wyznania, eds. Wierusze- comed. The main point brought by its con- wski R., Wyrzykowski M., Kondratiewa-Bryzik testants was the defending religion, Islam in J. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2012, p.197 and particular, against «defamation» in practical subs. 5 Resolution 13/16 of the UN Human Rights 1 The UN Commission on Human Rights Res- Council on combating defamation of religions, olution 1999/82 Defamation of religions. adopted on 25 March 2010. 2 Ibidem. 6 Resolution 13/16 of the UN Human Rights 3 The UN Commission on Human Rights Res- Council on combating defamation of religions, olution 1999/82 Defamation of religions. adopted on 25 March 2010. 130 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The discussion on «defamation of reli- requirements of article 19, paragraph 3, as gions» took an important twist in 2011, when well as such articles as 2, 5, 17, 18 and 26». This the idea of voting on further resolutions on means, for example, that it would be inadmis- the defamation of religions was abandoned. sible if any such rights discriminated against The shift was primarily due to strong oppo- or favoured any religion or religious system, sition from European and American states, its proponents, followers or non-followers. which never endorsed such endeavours, ar- Similarly, it would be inadmissible if such pro- guing that they supported the maintenance hibitions were used to prevent criticism or pe- or adoption of non-humanitarian regulations nalise for criticism against religious leaders, in the legal systems of member states. Islam- religious doctrine or religious principles3. ic states, the main proponents of combating defamation of religion, finally agreed to Conclusions withdraw from campaigning in the UN fo- rum, reserving however, they might put the There are numerous UN regulations on matter back on the agenda if they think it the freedom of conscience and religion. The necessary. sheer number of documents creates new A UN act coming to the fore among those terms that describe religion-related phenom- adopted recently is Resolution 16/13 of the ena, and in particular freedoms and rights, as UN Human Rights Council on the freedom of well as hazards to and breaches of such free- religion or belief, dated 24 March 20111. The doms and rights. Disappointingly, the wealth document provides that no part of the world of terminology does not translate into the is exempt from religious intolerance, discrim- clarity of the documents. The many terms ination and violence. carrying strong emotional overtones create The authors provided a long list of an entangled mesh that in most cases defies breaches of that freedom. It was however consistent interpretation. The effect is that stated that «no religion should be equated international institutions are not effectively with terrorism, as this may have adverse con- used to solve conflicts over religious matters sequences for the enjoyment of the right to or beliefs. Instead, they become excessively freedom of religion or belief of all members political, and often serve as platforms where of the religious community concerned»2. particular states or groups of state advance In addition, at the 102nd session of the their particular agendas. UN Human Rights Committee on 11–29 June A conclusion from the analysis of the 2011, General Comment № 34 to Article 19 of selected texts is that the UN forum avoids ICCPR was adopted: Freedom of opinion and putting emphasis on negative aspects of the expression. In paragraph 48 of the document religious diversity of humankind. Religions its authors argue that: «Prohibitions of dis- are considered important extrapolations of plays of lack of respect for a religion or oth- er belief system, including blasphemy laws, 3 General Comment No 34: Freedom of opin- are incompatible with the Covenant, except ion and expression (Article 19). See also: Reso- in the specific circumstances envisaged in ar- lution 67/178 adopted by the General Assembly ticle 20, paragraph 2, of the Covenant. Such on 20 December 2012. Combating intolerance, prohibitions must also comply with the strict negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrim- ination, incitement to violence and violence 1 Resolution 16/13 of the UN Human Rights against persons, based on religion or belief; Council on the freedom of religion or belief, Resolution 22/31adopted by the Human Rights dated 24 March 2011. Council. Combating intolerance, negative ste- 2 Resolution 16/13 of the UN Human Rights reotyping and stigmatization of, and discrim- Council on the freedom of religion or belief, ination, incitement to violence and violence dated 24 March 2011. against, persons based on religion or belief. Hordecki Bartosz 131 On Problems with the Ambiguous Conceptof the Freedom of Conscience and Religionin the United Nations Documents human activity, even though it is difficult to of time obliterates memories of totalitarian judge whether they are treated as part of regimes that showed no respect for human culture, or as a non-cultural phenomenon. It dignity and its inherent rights and freedoms. is often pointed out that the development The advance of technology also plays an im- of religious life positively influences the portant role here, as it revises judgements standing of individuals and societies. Some about the man, and in consequence about authors of the documents discussed here ac- what is important and vital for mankind. centuate that religious hatred has often led These and other reasons fuelled the heat- to massive conflicts and atrocities. They how- ed UN debate on defamation of religion in ever often water down that argument noting the first decade of the 21st century. The di- that no religion incites hatred. viding lines between states in that dispute Older UN documents on religion reflect are extremely worrying, because they are upon trauma being the aftermath of World mostly formed based on cultural and civili- War Two. Those texts are therefore largely sational criteria. The situation is only slightly driven by worries of repeated emergence of improved by a conditional withdrawal of Is- religious strife. For this reason, they abound lamic states from advocating «anti-defama- in standardised, highly general expressions, tion resolutions». so that not to insult anyone. Those texts also These phenomena constitute obstacles cover individual freedoms and do not com- to policies on the freedom of conscience and pare or characterise religious communities religion also domestically. Member states of or their beliefs. the various organisations become increasingly It is nevertheless evident that the UN more confused and unsure as to the direction system of documents on the protection of of evolution of international protection of hu- the freedom of conscience and religion has man rights, including the freedom of religion evolved over the few dozen or so years. The or beliefs. We know that international law focus has shifted from individual rights to mi- provides only very vague standards for the es- nority rights, and then religion as a phenom- tablishment and application of domestic reg- enon and statements about religion. This ulations. The role of the latter in the process radicalised the debate and thus the language of solving religious and belief-driven conflicts used to draw up international documents. is therefore growing in importance. If they Clearly, the most spectacular driver be- are precise and balanced in line with the local hind the strong emotional charging of the UN political culture, they may help alleviate the discussion on religious freedoms is the grow- tensions. Otherwise, they are more likely to ing presence of terrorism. In addition, in par- upset relations in the transcendental domain. ticular in the Euro-Atlantic area, the passing


1. Charter of the United Nations. 2. Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, dated 25 November 1981. 3. Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Lin- guistic Minorities, dated 18 December 1992. 4. Declaration on the role of religion in the promotion of a culture of peace. The contribution by religions to the culture of peace. 5. Drinan R. F. Can God and Caesar Coexist? Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law, New Haven-London: Yale University Press, 2004. 6. General Comment № 11: Prohibition of propaganda for war and inciting national, racial or religious hatred. 132 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

7. General Comment № 22 to Article 18 of ICCPR. 8. General Comment № 34: Freedom of opinion and expression (Article 19). 9. Gliszczyńska-Grabias A. Znieważanie religi, dyskusja na forum ONZ. Prawne granice wol- ności sumienia i wyznania, eds. Wieruszewski R., Wyrzykowski M., Kondratiewa-Bryzik J, Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2012. 10. Gołda-Sobczak M., Sobczak W., Zakres przedmiotowy swobody sumienia i religii w systemie prawnym ONZ. Dylematy praw człowieka, eds. Gardocka T., Sobczak J, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2008. 11. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 12. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 13. Michałowska G. Ochrona praw człowieka w Radzie Europy i w Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa: WAiP, 2007. 14. Resolution 13/16 of the UN Human Rights Council on combating defamation of religions, adopted on 25 March 2010. 15. Resolution 16/13 of the UN Human Rights Council on the freedom of religion or belief, dated 24 March 2011. 16. Resolution 22/31adopted by the Human Rights Council. Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and vio- lence against, persons, based on religion or belief. 17. Resolution 67/178 adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2012. Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief. 18. Scalabrino M. International Code on Religious Freedom. Leuven-Paris-Dudley, MA: Peeters Publishers, 2003. 19. The UN Commission on Human Rights Resolution 1999/82 Defamation of religions. 20. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 21. Winczorek J. Zniknięcie dwunastego wielbłąda. O socjologicznej teorii prawa Niklasa Luh- manna, Warszawa: LIBER, 2009. Political science in Russian universities 133 Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Political science in Russian universities Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dean — Professor Shutov Andrey Yurievich

The tradition of teaching political science Department of Political Science of the Fac- at the Moscow University arose in 1755 when ulty of Philosophy. In 2008, by the order of among the first ten faculties proposed by the rector of Moscow University on the basis M. V. Lomonosov the Faculty of Policy was of the decision of the Academic Council, the founded. In the first half of the nineteenth Faculty of Political Science was established century, there was a Faculty of Ethical and with the mission of fundamental training of Political Science, where students were specialists based on the classic university tra- trained in different specializations: Politics, dition and modern international experience Diplomacy, Political Economy etc. Modern in combination with innovative research and political science has been taught in MSU practical politics. The Faculty of Political Sci- since 1989 after the inscription of the dis- ence prepares highly-qualified specialists in cipline in the Register of University Profes- «Political Science» area giving the opportuni- sions of the country. Nearly two decades, the ty to be profiled on seven departments. training of scientists was carried out by the

The Department of History and Theory of Politics (Head — Doctor of History, Professor A. Y. Shutov)

The Department of History and Theory of of the Theory of Political science opened in Politics is the successor of the Department MSU in 1990. The extension of the scientific

Photo: Presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Political science, 2014. Chairman of the Federal Council of the Russian Federal Assembly V. I. Matvienko and Rector of MSU, academician V. A. Sadovnichiy 134 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Photo: Meeting of the representatives of the Faculty with the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V. I. Skvortsova, 2016: V. I. Skvortsova (left), Dean of the Faculty, Professor A. Y. Shutov (right) specialization of the Department and intro- special political concepts, methodological duction of a historical component into po- equipment of the empirical studies aimed to litical knowledge have become the natural identifying of new tendencies and consistent response to the demands of the time: the patterns of the political dynamics and polit- historical premises of the modern political ical process. The Department trains for the process often prove to be defining. The ori- following profiles: History of Politics, Theory entation of the Department to theoretical of Politics, Political Analysis and Forecasting, aspect in scientific research involves not Sectoral Policies. only general theoretical and methodological tools of political science, but also develops

The Department of History of Social and Political Studies (Head — Doctor of Political Science, Professor A. A. Shirinyants)

The modern tradition of teaching the His- History of Social and Political Studies follows tory of Socialist, and later, of Social and Po- this tradition. The Department designed and litical Doctrines at Moscow State University offered to its future specialists a unique gen- lasts almost forty years. The Department of eral course of history of social and political Political science in Russian universities 135 Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Photo: International scientific conference «Political Textual Criticism as a Science and Academic Discipline: Problems of Formation». — Moscow, 2016. Professor of the Department of History of Socio-Political Doctrines S. V. Perevezentsev (left) and the Head of the Department, Professor A. A. Shirinyants (right) studies, which has no analogues in the world techniques of searching and processing of by its volume, fundamental and innovative information, rules for creating of original nature. In this course, for the first time in his- socio-political texts, techniques and meth- tory of domestic education, along with the ods of text analysis of already created social history of foreign social and political stud- and political works (theoretical and analyti- ies, students during four semesters study cal, publicistic, software). The international the history of Russian social and political conference «Politics in texts and texts in pol- doctrines of the X–XX centuries. Along with itics. The science of the history of ideas and the general course, the students are taught doctrines» organized by the Department and a variety of special courses. Recently, the De- the Faculty once in two years, has become partment began the new course — Political traditional and expected by many experts. Textual Criticism. The discipline is studying

The Department of Russian Politics (Head — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V. I. Kovalenko)

The Department of Russian Politics dates cializations of the Department are Political back to 1991. The Department is the only History of Russia; Political Relations and structural unit in Russian universities, where Political Process in Modern Russia; Political the subject development of Russian govern- Regionalism and the Ethnopolitology; Sec- mental political history and modern Russian toral Guidelines Policy. The courses delivered political process is carried out. The main spe- at the Department allow to train specialists 136 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Photo: Head of the Department of Russian Politics, Professor V. I. Kovalenko (left), Deputy Dean, A. L. Demchuk (right) able to work in the authorities and manage- unions of Russia. Undergraduate and gradu- ment, analytical, expert and consulting cen- ate students of the Department became the ters of the country dealing with the problems winners of various prestigious professional of Russian policy in federal, regional and eth- competitions. Many graduates of the De- nopolitical dimensions. The Department has partment became the State Duma deputies, an extensive professional connection with a members of the Council of Federation of the large teaching and research centers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, country and the world, its professors and prominent politicians, and influential ana- teachers are presented to guide the most lysts. reputable political science associations and

The Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics (Head — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor E. B. Shestopal)

The Department of Political Psychol- achieved the name of the Department of So- ogy was formed in 2000 at the Division of ciology and Psychology of Politics. The stu- Political Science of the Faculty of Philoso- dents of the Department are encouraged to phy of Moscow State University. In 2008, participate in the researching projects of the the Department became the part of the Department. The works of the students and new formed Faculty of Political Science and graduate students are published in scientific Political science in Russian universities 137 Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Photo: In November 2015, the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics presented the new book «Putin 3.0. Society and government in the modern history of Russia» journals, monographs and collections of the sian Foundation for Basic Research, ANСO Department. The future development of the «INOcenter» and others. The staff of the Department is associated with such research Department take part in Russian and inter- areas and the subject as «The Image of Russia national conferences, including the annual in the country and in the world», «Human cap- assembly of the International community of ital of political elites in Russia», «New forms political psychologists (ISPP) and the annual of political communication», « The problem conferences of the British Association of Sla- of forming of national and social identity of vonic and East European Studies (BASEES). modern Russian youth», «Political mentality Since 2000, the Department has trained in modern Russia». The Department conducts more than 35 candidates in political science. the research projects supported by grants of Russian Foundation for the Humanities, Rus-

The Department of Comparative Political Science (Head — Doctor of Political Science, Academician Y. S. Pivovarov)

The comparative study of political insti- cow University for many years. During the tutions and processes in different countries, Soviet period (mid-1970s), the department problems of the world politics and interna- conducting the study of global and region- tional relations, has been conducted at Mos- al political processes was established in the 138 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Photo: The Open Lecture at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov MSU, member of the Valdai Club, Professor of Carleton University (Canada) Piotr Dutkiewicz MSU. In the late 1980s, the department ap- search and teaching experience of compara- peared free from the ideological constraints tive politics and political global studies. The working with the world political process. In original courses of political globalistics in do- early 2010, the faculty established the De- mestic practice of political education were partment of Comparative Political Science, developed by the politologists of the Faculty. which united scientists with significant re-

The Department of State Policy (Head — Doctor of Political Science V. I. Yakunin)

For more than a decade, the specialization State University, and later as a part of the of Public Policy and Management had devel- faculty of Political Science. The majority of oped first within the Department of Political students readily choose the training in this Science of Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow specialization, forming the scientific school

Photo: Meeting of the Department of State Policy, 2015: Deputy Head of the Department, Associate Professor M. G. Abramova (left) Head of the Department, Doctor of Political Sciences Vladimir Yakunin (right) Political science in Russian universities 139 Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University studying the state policy. The Department Civilizations, Political Conflictology; Econom- plans the subject study of an entire system of ic Policy; Political Management; Election Sys- the state policy of Russia and its sectoral pol- tems and Electoral Process. icies. The training offers such specializations as Political Axiology; Comparative Study of

The Department of International Relations and Integration Processes (Head — Doctor of Economics L. E. Slutsky)

The study and teaching of world politics practical activities in various fields of mod- and international relations at the Faculty of ern society. Master’s Degree Programs were Political Science since the beginning of its implemented in the educational program independent development has become a pri- «Political Science»: General Political Science;

Photo: The Department of International Relations and Integration Processes ority of educational and scientific work. The Russian politics; International Relations and Department has developed unique courses Foreign Policy of Modern Russia; Leadership on the Theory of International Relations and in Social and Political Areas; The State Health World Politics. Special attention in the frame- Policy; Electoral systems and Electoral Pro- work of the special courses of the Depart- cess; Political Economy; Political Design of ment is paid to integration processes in vari- the Future: Theory and Practice. The Depart- ous regions of the world. Along with training ment implemented the training of research- of scientists, the faculty provides training of ers at the graduate school in the enlarged bachelors in specialization Conflictology. Stu- group of the specialization «Political Science dents in this area acquire unique skills and and Regional Studies». competencies that allow them to engage in

Contact: • 119991, Moscow, ГСП1, Moscow State University, Lomonosovskiy prospect, 27, h.4. Fac- ulty of Political Science. • URL: • URL: • Email: info@polit. 140 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The Departments of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

The Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law of the Faculty of Philosophy (Head — Doctor of Political Science, Professor E. N. Moshelkov)

The Department was established at the «Political Science in the XXI Century: Insti- Faculty of Philosophy by the decision of the tutions, Schools, Directions; Philosophy and Academic Council of Moscow State Universi- Methodology of Political Planning»; «Law, ty in November 2008. The Department offers Government, Religion; Intellectuals and Pol- the courses of Political Science, Philosophy itics»; «The power and people in the Mirror of Politics and Law to the students of Philos- of Political Philosophy»; «Philosophy of War; ophy, Cultural Study, Religious Study, Adver- Modern Philosophy of Power» and others. tising and Public Relations Departments. A The Department trains graduate students in number of courses offered by the lectures of different specialties in the field of political the Department within the educational pro- science. The Department organizes the an- gram Strategic Management and Economic nual All-Russian Scientific Conference with Policy. The educational module consists of international participation «Panarin’s read- 15 courses: «University Education in Russia: ings» and also the release of Yearbook of Philosophy, Policy, Law (XVIII — early XX scientific works «Philosophy of Politics and centuries)»; «The Constitutionalism in Russia: Law». Historical, Philosophical and Legal Aspects»;

The Department of History of Social Movements and Political Parties of the Faculty of History (Head — Doctor of History, Professor L. S. Leonova)

Much attention at the Faculty of History History a wide range of problems is studied re- of Moscow State University has always been lated to the history of social movements and given to the history of social movements political parties of Russia and other countries and political parties. Hundreds of graduates in the context of the global political process. of the Department are successfully working The interests of teachers and students of the now in Universities, scientific institutes, public Department are focused on the studies of administration, in political parties and public the teachings of the parties and political sys- associations, consulting and PR structures, tems, ideologies, political thoughts, political as well as in the media. At the Department of and ideological struggle and political theory.

Photo: The Department of History of Social Movements and Political Parties of the Faculty of History Political science in Russian universities 141 The Departments of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Photo: The Department of Political Science of the East of the Institute of Asia and Africa The profile of the Department is largely of an and executive authorities, political parties, interdisciplinary character, combining histo- and archives. In recent years the experts from ry and political science. Most of the staff are the USA, France, Germany, China, Finland, CIS the holders of scientific degrees in the field countries has been trained at the Department. of both historical and political science. Well- The knowledge of the graduates of the known scientists from Russian and foreign Department receiving fundamental historical educational centers are invited to deliver lec- education and professionally oriented in po- tures to students. Students undergo intern- litical history, theory and practice, is widely ship in various structures of the legislative demanded in modern labour market.

The Department of Theory of State and Law and Political Science of the Faculty of Law (Head — Doctor of Law, Professor M. N. Marchenko)

The Department was established in 1943 framework of the Department different sci- after the reconstruction of the Law Facul- entific conferences, sessions of scientific so- ty. From 1942 to 1984 the Department was cieties, meetings with prominent politicians, headed by professor Andrei Ivanivich Den- government officials and academicians are isov. From 1985 to present time — by pro- organized. Broad discussions of textbooks fessor Mikhail Nikolaevich Marchenko, the among teachers, students, graduate stu- Honored Scientist. The main directions of the dents and applicants of the Department are scientific work of the Department are: The initiated regularly. Within the Department, Methodological Problems of Theory of State the scientific laboratory of political science and Law; the Actual Problems of Theory of operates which is engaged in the develop- State and Law, including the problems of ment of actual researches and conducting Understanding of Law and Law-making; The direct scientific activity. The Department Sources of Law; Legal Liability; Rights and collaborated with M. Baimahanov and many Freedoms of a Man; Comparative Law (the other distinguished professionals. The share general part). The academic disciplines: The of application of the obtained knowledge in Theory of State and Law; The History of Po- the space of theory of state and law is large litical and Legal Doctrines. The special cours- and multifaceted. The graduates of the De- es of the Department: Law and Economics: partment of the Theory of State and Law and theoretical aspects; Comparative Jurispru- Politology are in great demand in both public dence; Theoretical Aspects of the Origin, structures and international organizations. Content and Solution of the Problem of the A huge sphere of application of their knowl- Human Rights. Annually the Department at- edge lays in the civilian sector. tracts applicants for a degree from various universities of Russia. Systematically in the 142 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

The Department of Political Analysis of the Faculty of Public Administration The Department of Political Analysis of the Faculty of Public Administration (Head — Doctor of Political Science, Professor A. I. Solovyov)

Institutionally, the Department of Politi- tration, a lot of unique disciplines, which are cal Analysis, established in 2000, succeeded delivered only by the members of the staff: the creation of the Department of Political «Government Decision-Making», «Political Sociology in September 1988, which was the Analysis», «Global Management», «Political first one of this profile in the USSR. The De- Communications», «Political and Adminis- partment of Political Analysis supports the trative Networks in Public Administration», political profile of training of specialists in «Political-Administrative Markets», «Public the field of public administration in three Management Planning», «State Management main areas: Political and Administrative Pro- of International Projects», etc. At the same cesses and Technologies, Political Communi- time, the Department are developing the cation Studies and International Processes new courses: «Management of Mega Cities», and Organizations in State Management. «Political Risk Management», etc. Among the courses presented in the educa- tional plan of the Faculty of Public Adminis-

The Department of Political Science of the East of the Institute of Asia and Africa (Head — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor I. I. Abylgaziev)

The Department of Political Science of of Asia and Africa that had existed in the In- the East was formed in 1991 due to the re- stitute since 1972. For many years, the De- organization of the Department of Social partment was headed by Doctor of history, and Political Development of the Countries Professor, Deputy-Minister of foreign Affairs Political science in Russian universities 143 The Departments of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University of the USSR (1982–1987), Director of the In- Psychology, Political Analysis and Forecast- stitute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Acad- ing. Along with studying special disciplines, emy of Sciences (1987–1994) Michail Ste- students of the Department are trained in panovich Kapitza, whose scientific potential the area of Economy, Sociology, Law, and For- and personality are of great importance for eign Languages. The countries of Asia and the development of the Department nowa- Africa have endured great social and politi- days. From 1991 to 2015, the Department was cal changes in the period of existence of the headed by doctor of history, Professor Maria Department. The scale of transformations Feodorovna Vidyasova the leading expert on and their interpretation make the high de- the countries of North Africa and the Arab mands for the political science and for the East. Currently, Doctor of History, Professor training of political scientists — orientalists. Abylgaziev Igor Asenalievich, heads the De- The Department researches such topical is- partment. The staff of the Department of Po- sues: the Political Aspects of Contemporary litical Science of the East preserves and con- Migrations, Syrian Crisis, Terrorism, Energy tinues the scientific traditions of domestic Security as a Factor of Regional Stability, Po- Orientalism. Bachelors, undergraduates and litical Development of China, and many other graduate students of the Department gain topics, designating the features of modern knowledge in the field of Political Theory development of the countries of Africa and and History, Modern Politics and Internation- Asia. al Relations, Comparative Politics, Political

The Department of Strategic Planning and Economic Policy of the Faculty of Public Administration (Head — Ph. D. in Economics, Professor — E. N. Veduta)

The Department of Strategic Planning in modernization of the Russian economy and Economic Policy was opened in 2003 at based on strategic planning, the Academic the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State Council of Moscow State University in 2011 University. In connection with the new chal- has made a decision to transfer the Depart- lenges posed by the country’s top leaders ment of Economic Policy to the Faculty of

Photo: The Department of Strategic Planning and Economic Policy of the Faculty of Public administration 144 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Public Administration. The curriculum of the cialization «Political Science» to the develop- educational program «Economic Politics» de- ment and implementation of strategic plan- veloped under the guidance of cybernetics ning of economic and political processes. The and economists — academician N. Y. Petra- scientific activity of the Department aims kov and doctor of economic sciences, Pro- at solving tasks of modernization of Russia fessor E. N. Veduta with the participation of through the introduction of dynamic mod- leading scientists of Russia and experts of els of inter-sectorial balance, developed by public authorities is unique. Its specificity domestic cyberneticist scientist N. I. Veduta. lies in the orientation of teaching of all the disciplines of the state standard on the spe-

The Department of Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes of the Faculty of Sociology (Head — Doctor of philosophy, Professor N. Sergei Fedorkin)

The Department of Political Science Canadian Universities, McMaster and Guelph. and Sociology of Political Process of the The Department, for example, organized the Faculty of Sociology De was established in «Summer school» (Head Professor N. S. Fe- accordance with the decision of MSU Aca- dorkin, Associate Professor A. A. Degtyarev) demic Council on 19 February 1990. Profes- for the exchange of experience in education- sor N. S. Fedorkin was appointed the head al and scientific processes in the disciplines of the Department. Initially, the Department of political cycle. Teachers and groups of stu- provided the educational process in three dents (80 to 120 persons) of several universi- disciplines: History of Social and Political ties in Canada, undergraduate and graduate Doctrines; Political Science; Political Sociol- students of the Faculty of Sociology for three ogy, and more than ten special other courses years participated in the work of the school. for students, specializing in Political Sociolo- Close cooperation with the classic of modern gy. During the formation of the Department political science David Easton was the most a number of teachers had internships in for- interesting and productive at the stage of eign universities (USA, Germany), studied the formation of the Department. Currently, the experience of the departments of political Department provides an educational process science in universities of Canada and Japan. on the disciplines of Political Science and Po- During this period, the Department main- litical Sociology and special courses of choice tained relatively long business relationship for bachelors. The Department carries out with the Departments of Political Science of scientific supervision of the master program

Photo: The Department of Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes Political science in Russian universities 145 The Departments of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Sociology of Electoral Management (Head, Federation. Currently, in accordance with the Professor N. S. Fedorkin). Most of the cours- priority of scientific research at MSU, the De- es of the curriculum of the master’s program partment has adjusted the subject of scien- the Department provides on its own. Those tific research. Now it is defined as Sociolo- are the courses: Political Management; So- gy of Political Processes in Russian Society: ciology of Electoral Management; Sociology Power, Democracy, Personality. About thirty of Political Parties; Sociology of Lobbying students are constantly specialized at the (taught in English); Sociology of the Process Department. Senior students have the op- of Political Decision-Making; Sociology of portunity to prepare and to publish the first Political Culture; Sociology of Political Reso- scientific articles on the base of their course lution of Conflicts. Initially, the Department and diploma projects in materials of scientific identified two research topics: History, The- student conferences and two scientific jour- ory and Methodology of Political Science nals published by the Faculty of Sociology. and Formation of Parliamentarism in Russian 146 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Editorial Council

Abramova Marianna Grigoryevna — Ph. D. (History), Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department of State Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Boitsova Olga Yurevna — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Philosophy of Politics and Law Department, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State Uni- versity, Scientific Supervisor of the Educational Program «Strategic management and economic policy» Vasilenko Irina Alekseevna — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Depart- ment of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Vatyl Victor Nikolaevich — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science, Grodno State University of Janka Kupala (Belarus) Vilkov Alexander Alekseevich — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky Gutorov Vladimir Aleksandrovich — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Politics, Faculty of Political Science, St. Petersburg State University Conci Arcaro Luís Guilherme — D. Sc. (Law), Professor, School of Law, Episco- pal Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil) Kuleshova Natalya Sergeyevna — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Political Science of the East, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Mihailovic Dejan — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Technology Institute of Monterrey (Mexico) Mchedlova Maria Miranovna — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of Comparative Political Science, Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Mukharyamov Nail Midkhatovich — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Law, Institute of Econo- my and Information Technologies, Kazan State Power Engineering University Perevezentsev Sergey Vyacheslavovich — D. Sc. (History), Professor, De- partment of History of Social and Political Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Lo- monosov Moscow State University Русская политология — Russian Political Science 147 № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Sidorov Alexander Valentinovich — D. Sc. (History), Professor, Head of the Department of History of Public and Municipal Administration, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Solovyov Alexander Ivanovich — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Fedorkin Nikolay Semyonovich — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of Politics, Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University Tsygankov Andrei Pavlovich — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, San Francisco State University (USA) Tsygankov Pavel Afanasyevich — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Department of International Relations and Integration Processes, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Shirinyants Aleksandr Andreevich — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Department of History of Social and Political Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Shomova Svetlana Andreevna — D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, National Research University «Higher School of Economics» Yamamoto Kenso — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Research Fellow, Institute for North East Asian Research, University of Shimane (Japan) 148 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Editorial Board

Baryshnikov Evgeny Nikolaevich — Ph. D. (Law), Head of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration, Altai branch of the Russian Presidential Acade- my of National Economy and Public Administration Berezkina Oksana Stepanovna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Associate Pro- fessor, Department of History of Social Movements and Political Parties, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University Vasetsova Elena Sergeyevna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science of the East, Assistant Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Voloshin Andrey Igorevich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Head of the Scientific Portal of the Social and Political Studies «SCHOLA.SU», Expert of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization «Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects» Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Head of the Scientific Division, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Dubowy Alexander — Coordinator of the Research Center for Eurasian Stud- ies, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Senior Fellow at the Research Cluster for Polemology and Legal Ethics, Austrian National Defense Academy, member of the Science Commission of the Austrian Ministry of Defense (Austria) Efanova Elena Vladimirovna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Political Science and Area Studies, Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies, Volgograd State Univer- sity Zaslavskaya Nadezhda Mikhaylovna — Ph. D. (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Land Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University Zvyagina Darya Aleksandrovna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Political Philosophy, Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Urgent Interna- tional Problems Zelenin Yury Aleksandrovich — Ph. D. (History), Associate Professor, Depart- ment of Legal Studies and Teaching of Social and Economic Disciplines, Altai State Pedagogical University Karavaev Alexey Aleksandrovich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Expert of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization «Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects» Русская политология — Russian Political Science 149 № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Kirsanova Ekaterina Gennadyevna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Lecturer, Department of Russian politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Kosorukov Artem Andreevich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Mos- cow State University Kurbanov Artemy Rustyamovich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University Puchnina Olga Evgenyevna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Research Fel- low, Department of History of Social and Political Studies, Faculty of Political Sci- ence, Lomonosov Moscow State University Sazhina Varvara Andreevna — Ph. D. (Sociology), Associate Professor, De- partment of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations Management, Head of the Student Extracurricular Activities Office, Deputy chief of Public Relations Centre, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Selezneva Antonina Vladimirovna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Sidorova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna — Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of theory and methodology of public and municipal adminis- tration, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Smirnova Larisa Nikolaevna — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Research Fellow, Central Economic and Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Expert of the Russian Council on International Affairs (People’s Republic of China) Stoletov Oleg Vladimirovich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Senior Lecturer, De- partment of Comparative Political Science, Head of the Division for Educational and Methodical Work, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University Hordecki Bartosz Markovich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Ph. D. (Law), De- partment of Media Systems and Law of Mass Media, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) Sharapov Igor Rodionovich — Ph. D. (Political Science), Expert of the Auton- omous Nonprofit Organization «Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects 150 Русская политология — Russian Political Science № 1, 2016 Topic of the issue: «Multipolar World of the XXI Century»

Editorial office

Gorokhov Andrey — editor-in-chief Karavaev Alexey — deputy chief editor Stoletov Oleg — deputy chief editor Voloshin Andrey — publishing editor Karavaeva Maiia — proofreader Penkina Anfisa — executive editor of the English-language version of the journal Smirnov Nikolay — adviser for promotion and information technologies Boldin Vladimir — adviser for interaction with Russian and international sys- tems of scientific quotation Mamedov Intigam — adviser for international cooperation Androsova Natalya — graphic designer

Журнал «Русская политология — Russian political science» зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) 15.08.2016, номер свидетельства ПИ № ФС 77 - 66809 Номер свидетельства ПИ № ФС 77 - 66809 Статус свидетельства действующее Наименование СМИ Русская политология - Russian political science Дата регистрации 15.08.2016 Форма распространения печатное СМИ, журнал Территория распространения Российская Федерация, зарубежные страны Учредитель, главный редактор Горохов А. А. Адрес редакции 141102, Московская обл., Щелковский р-н, г. Щелково, ул. Центральная, д.71, к. 2, кв. 226 Типография «Новые печатные технологии». Адрес: г. Москва, 2-й Котляковский переулок, вл. 18 Языки русский, английский, китайский, немецкий, испанский, арабский Тираж 500 экземляров Номер №1, 2016 год Подписано в печать 20.12.2016 Цена Бесплатно

Электронный журнал «Русская политология — Russian political science» зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) 18.10.2016, номер свидетельства ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 67389 Номер свидетельства ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 67389 Статус свидетельства действующее Наименование СМИ Русская политология - Russian political science Дата регистрации 18.10.2016 Форма распространения сетевое издание Территория распространения Российская Федерация, зарубежные страны Учредитель, главный редактор Горохов А. А. Адрес редакции 141102, Московская обл., Щелковский р-н, г. Щелково, ул. Центральная, д.71, к. 2, кв. 226 Языки русский, английский, китайский, немецкий, испанский, арабский Тираж 500 экземляров Номер №1, 2016 год Подписано в печать 20.12.2016 Цена Бесплатно

© 2016 «Русская политология — Russian political science». Англоязычная версия / English Edition При цитированиии обазательна ссылка на журнал «Русская политология — Russian political science»