Reading Capital Politically
Bibliography We have attempted to update the bibliography to reflect the fact that since this book was first published in 1979 some books have been translated and published in English for the first time, others have simply been republished and some articles, which originally appeared in now hard-to-find journals, have been republished in new collections. This bibliography also includes material referred to in the new preface. Besides appearing in conventional printed books, journals or pamphlets, many texts have been scanned and uploaded onto computer archives, and more are continually being added. References marked [M] below are available electronically at the Marxists Internet Archive (see Internet Resources section on page 172). Adelman, Irma Theories of Economic Growth and Development, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961. Adler, Jerry ‘Employee Thievery: A $6 Billion Hand in the Till’, Sunday News Magazine of the New York Daily News (September 11), 1977: 13. Agbon, Ezielen Class and Economic Development in Nigeria 1900–1980, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1985. Aiquati, Romano Sulla Fiat e Altri Scritti, Milan: Feltrinelli Editore, 1975. Althusser, Louis Elements d’autocritique, Paris: Hachette, 1974. [Trans. Grahame Lock, Essays in Self-Criticism, London: New Left Books, 1976.] ———— For Marx, New York: Vintage Books, 1970. [Blackwell: Verso, 1996.] ———— and Etienne Balibar Reading Capital, London: New Left Books, 1970. [Blackwell: Verso, 1998.] Amin, Samir The Accumulation of Capital on a World Scale, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974. Anderson, Perry Considerations on Western Marxism, London: New Left Books, 1976. 163 Bibliography Baldi, Guido ‘Theses on Mass Worker and Social Capital’, Radical America 6:1 (May–June) 1972: 3–21.
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