A Report on Pilot Social Audit of Mid Day Meal Programme May, 2015
A Report on Pilot Social Audit of Mid Day Meal Programme May, 2015 Submitted to: Secretary, School and Mass Education Department, Odisha Prepared by: Lokadrusti, At- Gadramunda, Po- Chindaguda, Via- Khariar, Dist.- Nuapada (Odisha) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Lokadrusti has been assigned the project of “Pilot Social Audit of Mid Day Meal Programme in Nuapada district” by State Project Management Unit (MDM), School and Mass Education Department, Government of Odisha. I am thankful to Secretary, School and Mass Education Department, Government of Odisha, for providing an opportunity to undertake this activity of social audit of MDM. I acknowledge the support extended by the Director and state project management unit of MDM, Odisha from time to time. I am thankful to the District Education Officer, District Project Coordinator of Sarva Sikhya Abhiyan, Nuapada and Block Education Officer of Boden and Khariar block for their support and cooperation. My heartfelt thanks to all the social audit resource persons, village volunteers, School Management Committee members, parents, students, cooks, Panchayatiraj representatives and Women Self Help Group members those helped in conducting the field visit, data collection, focused group discussions and village level meetings. I express all the headmasters and teachers in the visited schools for providing us with relevant information. I am extremely thankful to the Lokadrusti team members to carry this project of social relevance and document the facts for public vigilance and to highlight the grass root level problems of MDM scheme to plan further necessary interventions. Abanimohan Panigrahi Member Secretary, Lokadrusti [i] Preface Primary school children (6-14 years) form about 20 per cent of the total population in India.
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