Financial Results for Quarter Ended June 30, 2021 August 14, 2021

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Financial Results for Quarter Ended June 30, 2021 August 14, 2021 August 14, 2021 The Secretary, Listing Department The Manager, Listing Department BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, Dalal Street, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra, Mumbai – 400 001. Mumbai – 400 051. Maharashtra, India. Maharashtra, India. Scrip Code: 500470/890144* Symbol: TATASTEEL/TATASTLPP* Dear Madam, Sirs, Newspaper Advertisement – Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 Please find enclosed herewith the newspaper advertisement for the financial results of Tata Steel Limited for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 published in the following newspapers: 1. The Indian Express 2. Financial Express 3. The Free Press Journal 4. Navshakti 5. Loksatta This is for your information and records. Yours faithfully, Tata Steel Limited Parvatheesam Kanchinadham Company Secretary & Chief Legal Officer (Corporate & Compliance) *Securities in scrip code 890144 and symbol TATASTLPP stand suspended from trading effective February 17, 2021 Encl: As above Registered Office Bombay House 24 Homi Mody Street Fort Mumbai 400 001 India Tel 91 22 6665 8282 Fax 91 22 6665 7724 Website w Corporate Identity Number L27100MH1907PLC000260 ]]]Ĭ%5%5^DFJJĬ :4 O$%5%5^DFJJ F%_S!SJOěŢūƓūě Ş 3 3= 4 ùĎƃàĀÑàĀĺàÑÝŚàĺ ŚàĎĀĎŚÝ ĺàƃàyĎà Ł &¤o ©Ðo CÐÐoÕß ŁÝĎŭë¸ĎëëĎƄŁŭàŚ$ ĎĀÝĎù ƃfàĀfŚàĎĀ ¤ Cfèß |Õ ]CÕo ^DFJJ5]JJF\% __µÜi® ëµ ër 2f D 4S4 %S!SJOěū ò¼ĀrDܵ¢i þµ¨D® Dà ëµ®Ê =rrĀÄr_ë ër _µÜĵÜDëµ® µÜÿDÜiriëµàëDër µþi¼°ëDà¡ :4-F!:-$/ ëµ _µþrÜ ¨µÜr àô_ ®iþiôD¢à µÜ_r µÜ ëà _µ®àirÜDëµ® D®i 5 #7# 0µ¢_r ܨr D¢¢rri ëDë àr þDà 4S4 %S!SJOěū ® ër iDāà ëµ _µ¨rf× ër Ur®_ ÅˬÄz ? 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