2010 Welcome to Creighton . . .

As you begin your first semester here at Creighton, you are also about to embark on a new chapter of your life. As a new college student, Creighton will help you along your journey and will help you in taking steps to Reflect In, Shine Forth. As Welcome Week Coordinators, we are excited to introduce you to Creighton and help you achieve these dreams.

While you are at Creighton, many people will guide you through this exciting phase of your life. These people include staff members, professors, your Faculty Preceptor, Jesuits, and fellow students. The first people who will have the opportunity to help you with your journey are your Welcome Week Leaders. These students, wearing bright yellow shirts, will be your guides throughout Welcome Week. They are here to help you and have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with you, so please do not hesitate to approach them with any questions or concerns.

Filled with a detailed schedule and helpful hints, this booklet is your guide for a great Welcome Week. Like the rest of the University, our program is guided by Creighton’s Mission Statement and the Jesuit Values, and we hope that Welcome Week reflects the very best of Creighton. This week has been designed for you, so that you may discover what Creighton has to offer, meet new people, and realize what it means to be a student at Creighton. Make the most of this week so you can begin to incorporate these ideas and people into your own, unique journey through Creighton!

Corrie Caler and Alexa Lewandowski

Welcome Week 2010 Coordinators

Thank You . . . Welcome Week would not be possible without the help of many University departments, students, and local sponsors. We would like to thank Student Services, Residence Life, Creighton Students Union, Program Board, Public Safety, Sodexo, Pepsi-Cola, Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils, the individual colleges and schools, the many businesses who have generously donated prizes, and all of the other departments who contributed to the program. We would especially like to thank our advisors, Joe Ecklund and Kate Linden, our executives, our Welcome Week Leaders, and the entire Office of Student Success. We would like to extend a special thanks to Kathleen Warner, who advised our program last fall and spring. Welcome Week Executive Staff Get to know these amazing individuals in the blue polos. They are here to help answer any of your questions and concerns! Without their help, there wouldn’t be a Welcome Week!

Sarah Furjanic Erin Cahill Allen Cox Ministry and Mission CU Survival Executive Move-In/Transportation Executive Executive

Eric Wilkerson Julie Thomson Lauren Klute Training Executive Training Executive Entertainment Executive

Katie Little Community Orientation & Diversity Executive Creighton Students Union Serving you since 1922

Pleased to Sponsor Welcome Week 2010

What is CSU? Come Join CSU!

• Comprehensive student government serving • Visit our booth at the Involvement Fair on the interests and needs of students September 8th

• Dedicated to enhancing the educational, social • Attend an Elections Info Session on: Tuesday, and cultural environment on campus Sept. 28th or Wednesday, Sept. 29th from 7:00 - 8:00pm in Skutt Student Center Rm. 104 • Funds all student organizations • Voting on Tuesday, November 2nd • Programs, concerts, comedians and other entertainment

Check out our web site at www.creighton.edu/CSU [email protected] • 402-280-1715 A Presidential Welcome Welcome to ! You are among a select group of academically successful and engaged students who we judge are prepared and poised for success in this next phase of your education. Since becoming President of Creighton, I am convinced of the value of a Creighton education. On a daily basis I experience the supportive and nurturing environment that enhances our sense of campus community, and I also observe the multiple opportunities for student involvement on and off campus in co-curricular programs and service opportunities. Rooted in a 462-year tradition of excel- lence in Jesuit education, Creighton, as one of the leading comprehensive Jesuit universities in the , will provide you the opportunity to attain a first-rate education. I am personally committed to Creighton’s quality in the multiple aspects that will make up your college life. Your time at Creighton will be challenging. You will learn to think for yourself, to judge issues in light of the facts, and to come to the most appropriate professional, moral and ethical conclusions. I hope you take up this challenge – to think, to judge and to act rightly – during your years among us and in your life beyond the University. Creighton is a special place – enriching and enriched by its students. Creighton students have learned over the years not only to study hard, but also how to have fun, and in the process make lifelong friendships. It is this balance that can make your college experi- ence most profitable for you, intellectually and socially. Underpinning all of this will be your moral and spiritual growth, your sense of community and your desire for service. These will become the foundation stones of your personal development. Creighton begins its 132nd year this September. There is a palpable momentum on campus, and the Omaha community senses that Creighton is “on the move.” And it is! You are joining the Creighton community at a most opportune and exciting time. Life on and off campus will not be dull! The recently added facilities and campus expansion will provide many opportunities for student activities. Over the generations, Creighton graduates have become leaders in their careers and professions; they have made a difference to society. It is my hope that you will join this partnership with us and that you develop into the person you want to be as you pursue the possibilities of Creighton and of Omaha. Again, welcome to Creighton. Be prepared to “Reflect In, Shine Forth” as you begin this journey. Be prepared to be surprised!


John P. Schlegel, S.J. President, Creighton University

Newest Members of the Bluejay Family: It is my pleasure to personally welcome you to the student body. After an exciting summer of graduation parties, fun in the sun, and time with your friends and family, you have finally made it here to start the next chapter of your life. What lies ahead is entirely up to you, but your experiences at Creighton will undoubtedly be full of new adventures, tough challenges, and meaningful relationships. Creighton truly is the perfect place for you to develop as an individual. Throughout your time here, you will grow as a scholar through faculty challenging you to explore a deeper meaning in one of our 50 majors, as a servant challenged by a Jesuit, Catholic mission to make a difference, and as a leader ready to face tomorrow’s challenges. Creighton has a niche for developing agents of change and by the time you leave, you will have a unique set of skills and values to use for the rest of your life. Creighton Students Union, your comprehensive student government on campus, serves to better your academic, social, and cultural experiences as a Bluejay. After all, an education from Creighton isn’t just about textbooks, exams, and PowerPoint slides. The opportunities to get involved in something that will define your passions and showcase your leadership are virtually endless. There are over 200 student organizations, the Center for Service and Justice, campus ministry, a phenomenal set of faculty and staff and plenty of Jays games to watch. I guarantee that this is enough to keep you busy. This is truly a time to reflect on your past and shine forth into your future. During your years as a Bluejay, take the time to ask yourself who you are now and who you want to become. Your time here at Creighton will not only help you answer these questions but will also help get you there. Welcome to Creighton. Make yourself at home. I look forward to meeting you over the course of the week and serving you as your student body president. Best of luck on your first semester,

Dillon Miskimins President, Creighton Students Union The Office of Student Success Mission Statement The Office of Student Success (OSS) provides services and opportunities that enhance the personal development, academic success, and retention of Creighton University students. Two key elements of student learning and development that define student success and frame our efforts are: new student transitioning and academic support. Throughout all of our work, we underscore the Jesuit tradition in striving for excellence, caring for the whole student, and unifying the heart and mind.

The Welcome Week program is housed within the Office of Student Success and is a vital component to assisting new students as they transition into college life and begin a successful career at Creighton! Creighton Jesuit Values Creighton is a Jesuit university, rooted in the Catholic tradition. At Creighton we live this mission and are guided by our identity. Because we are Catholic, we approach education with a passion for learning and a zeal for making a difference in our world. As a Jesuit university we are continually bringing the richness of a 450 year old educational tradition to bear on the most contemporary issues of our world. Our Jesuit vision commits us to form women and men of competence, conscience and compassion who have learned from reflection upon their experiences of being of and with others.We do this in service of a faith that does justice. We hold the following values dear:

Magis - Literally translated “more”. This is the challenge to strive for excellence. Women & Men For and With Others - Sharing gifts, pursuing justice, and having concern for the poor and marginalized. Cura Personalis - “Care for the individual person.” Respecting each person as a child of God and all of God’s creations. Unity of Heart, Mind, and Soul - Developing the whole person. Integrating all aspects of our lives. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG) - “For the Greater Glory of God.” Forming & Educating Agents of Change - Teaching behaviors that reflect critical thought and responsible action on moral and ethical issues.

In the spirit of the Jesuit tradition, Welcome Week and the Ratio Studiorum program have identified each of the RSP/Welcome Week groups - outlined in the back of the booklet - with a name from Jesuit history. This may be a person, location, event, or term and is intended to highlight and recognize the tradition from which your education is rooted. During the course of the Fall semester, you will be asked to learn about this term and reflect on it’s significance to your Creighton experience. Join us in celebrating our 25th year!

Lead Inspire Make a Difference

Inter Residence Hall Government is: -Government for all on-campus students -An opportunity to hone your leadership skills -The most effective way to make changes on Creighton’s campus -A chance to meet new friends that last a lifetime Proud to be a part of Welcome Week 2010

Run for election as a Residence Hall Executive. Positions available include President, Vice President, Senator, and Service, Faith & Justice Ambassador

For more info: Talk to you RA, visit www.creighton.edu/irhg and check us out at the Involvement Fair on Sept. 8 The 2010-2011 Executive Team

IRHG ad_Specs: Image area 6”w x 7.5”h_black + PMS280_Substituted fonts with ITC Eras Bold + ITC Eras Medium Saturday, August 21 8:00 AM- Move-In Noon Location: Creighton Residence Halls Welcome to Creighton! Welcome Week Leaders move your belongings into your room so you can begin your transition to college with ease. Have a great Welcome Week!

9:00 AM- One Stop Shopping 3:00 PM Location: Harper Center Cox Communications, Creighton Federal Credit Union, Public Safety, Student Employ- ment, Campus Recreation, and the Center for Health and Counseling will be available so you can take care of campus life logistics such as filling out paperwork for work-study or get a parking permit. Card Services and U.S. Bank will be available in Harper Center first floor to help you make your ID card. A DoIT representative will be available in your residence hall.

11:00 AM Lunch Location: Brandeis Dining Hall open until 2:00 PM, Billy Blues (Harper Center, First Floor) open until 3:00 PM, and Wareham Court (Skutt Student Center, First Floor) open until 3:00 PM Come and enjoy lunch with the family! Cash and credit cards accepted.

1:30 PM- Off-Campus Student Check-In 2:30 PM Location: Harper Center, Second Floor Lobby Check in and receive your detailed Welcome Week schedule!

2:30 PM- University Welcome to Families 3:45 PM Location: (Last names A-K) Harper Center Ahmanson Ballroom (Last names L-Z) Harper Center Hixson-Lied Auditorium While new students meet with their Ratio Studiorum groups, families are invited to the University Welcome where Reverend John P. Schlegel, S.J., President of Creighton University, officially welcomes new students’ families to the Creighton Community. Dr. John C. Cernech, Vice President for Student Services, will also address families about the relationship that they will have with Creighton University, and Mr. Dillon Miskimins, President of the Creighton Students Union, will offer remarks on behalf of current Creighton students. This informational session will give you a glimpse of student life at Creighton and offers a candid discussion about the expectations the University has for its students.

2:30 PM- First RSP Class for Students 4:45 PM Locations: See pages 18 & 19 in this Welcome Week Booklet Meet your fellow classmates, Welcome Week Leaders, Faculty Preceptor, and Decurion for the first time! Saturday, August 21 continued . . . 4:00 PM- Deans’ Addresses to Families 4:30 PM Locations: Arts and Sciences - Harper Center Ahmanson Ballroom Business - Harper Center Hixson-Lied Auditorium Nursing - Harper Center Room 3023 The Deans of each individual college will welcome new families to Creighton and speak about academic and student life within the colleges.

5:00 PM- RSP Sessions for Families 5:45 PM Locations: See room assignments on Family Schedule Card Meet with your student’s faculty preceptor along with other student families to learn how the Ratio Studiorum Class will help your new student adjust to college life their first semester.

5:00 PM Native American Welcome and Cedar Ceremony Location: Jesuit Gardens All are welcome to join the Native American Center as we celebrate our new incoming freshman class and the Native community here at Creighton with a traditional Welcome and Cedar Ceremony.

6:00 PM- President’s Picnic 7:15 PM Location: Creighton Mall Rain Location: Kiewit Fitness Center This outdoor meal is available to all new students, parents, and families at no charge.

7:30 PM- Religious Services 8:30 PM Locations: Catholic Mass...... St. John’s Church Ecumenical Christian Worship Service...... Lower St. John’s Church Muslim Prayer Service...... Kiewit Hall Prayer Room Jewish Prayer Service...... Skutt Student Center Room 104 You are welcome to attend the religious service of your choice. The Ecumenical Christian Worship Service is a non-denominational, Christian prayer service.

8:45PM- Sundaes on Saturday 9:30 PM Location: Creighton Mall Rain Location: Kiewit Fitness Center Build your favorite sundae (on Saturday!) and enjoy an ice cream treat with your family and new classmates. This will help make saying goodbye a little sweeter! Saturday, August 21 continued . . . 9:30 PM Jays in the City Reception Location: Skutt Student Center, Room 105 All off-campus students are welcome to relax and meet other students!

9:30 PM- Meet Your Floor and Residence Hall Rallies 10:30 PM Location: Your Residence Hall Floor Come meet who you’ll be living with during your inaugural Creighton year! Then, turn up the energy and show your residence hall pride.

10:45 PM Know Thy Neighbor Location: Your Residence Hall Floor After the Hall Rally, head back to your floor where you will get to know your neighbors! Your Resident Advisor will be leading a floor program that you are sure to enjoy, and you won’t want to miss! Sunday, August 22 * Your meal plan begins today! Feel free to try it out at one of Creighton University’s Dining Halls. 11:30 AM- Chemistry Placement Exam 12:30 PM Location: Hixson-Lied Science Building 246 If you believe that you are ready for CHM 203 but do not meet the pre-requisites (and did not take the exam at Summer Preview), then this is your chance. Although registration is not required, we would encourage you to do so through the following link. https://people.creighton.edu/~bjk79676/Scheduler/ExamScheduler.php?testType=chemistry”

1:00PM- CU Survival Program 4:00 PM Location: Harper Center Ahmanson Ballroom & Hixson-Lied Auditorium Come with your Welcome Week group to learn about lots of issues relevant to college life. Enjoy a “must-see” skit by Welcome Week leaders you won’t want to miss!

4:15 PM- CU Survival Discussion 5:15 PM Location: Ask your Beadle and Guide A key component in Jesuit education is reflection. Spend some time and reflect with your group about some of the situations you have just seen.

5:30 PM- Floor & Jays in the City Student Dinners 7:00 PM Location: Brandeis or Becker Dining Hall All students (on and off-campus) are invited to share a meal in one of Creighton’s fine dining halls! Sunday, August 22 continued . . . 6:30 PM March to Morrison Location: Deglman Circle Learn how Creighton does spirit as the Bird Cage and Blue Crew lead us to Morrison!

7:00 PM- The Event: Bright Lights in a Big City 9:00 PM Location: Morrison Stadium Get ready to meet and compete at this flamin’ Welcome Week tradition. Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. You will also receive your FREE GAME DAY SHIRT!

9:00 PM- Sunday Night Lights: Keeping the Torch Burning Midnight Location: Kiewit Fitness Center Get your torch burning rockin’ or jockin’ at the KFC. Meet other students over games of dodge ball, basketball, volleyball or soccer! Relax with fun games and get competitive with sweet competitions and prizes! The best Olympic outfit will win a GRAND PRIZE!!!

Monday, August 23 10:00 AM- Creighton Difference: A Call to Community 11:00 AM Location: St. John’s Church Be inspired before your first day of classes and come learn about the Creighton Difference. Hear from Creighton students and other members of the Jesuit Community about the Jesuit values and what to expect in your life as a Creighton Student.

12:00 PM- Creighton For and With Others 4:00 PM Location: Harper Center Lied Auditorium Students will visit a variety of community partner agencies to learn about local community assets, social concerns, and service opportunities in the Omaha area. The purpose of “Creighton For and With Others” is to introduce students to the importance of community engagement, service, and justice as part of their Jesuit education.

10:00 AM or Foreign Language Competency Exam 2:00 PM Location: Humanities Center 215 Do you think you can test out of the foreign language requirement? If you did not take this exam at Summer Preview, choose one of these times to try! Register for the exam through the following link https//people. creighton.edu/~bjk79676/Scheduler/ExamScheduler.php”

3:00 PM- Student Support Services Orientation 5:00 PM Location: Harper Center 4008 This is a required program for new Student Support Services Stu- dents; invitations were sent previously. Monday, August 23 Continued . . . 4:30 PM- Jesuit Dinner 7:00 PM Location: Jesuit Gardens Rain Location: Brandeis Dining Hall Join your group as the Creighton Jesuit Community welomes you to the University with a special dinner planned for students only.

8:00 PM- The Annual Welcome Week Dance: Shining Forth into Darkness Midnight Location: KFC Patio Rain Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom “Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo.” Lady Gaga was obviously talking about our sweet Welcome Week Dance. Wear your best neon outfit and come dance the night away! Tuesday, August 24

10:00 AM- President’s Academic Convocation 11:30 AM Location: Ryan Center Be motivated before your first day of classes and learn about the Creighton academic experience. Hear from Father Schlegel, S.J. and Dr. Richard Super as they offer advice concerning the various academic challenges students may encounter at Creighton.

1:00 PM- Dean’s Addresses and Welcome for Freshmen 2:00 PM Meet the Dean and many of the College faculty. Locations: College of Arts and Sciences – Skutt Student Center Ballroom – Ice Cream Social following College of Business Administration – Criss 252 – Ice Cream Social following School of Nursing – Criss L57

1:00 PM- Nursing Transfer Student Orientation 4:00 PM Location: Criss II Room 217

1:00 PM- New Student Athletic Orientation 4:00 PM Location: Old Gym 306

In the Know… ZipCar – Car Rental Program • The Creighton Students Union is proud to sponsor a rental car program for students to make life easier on the transition to college. Starting this Fall, there will be two four-passenger cars available for students to rent to make trips around Omaha for shopping, entertainment, and other purposes. The purpose of this program is to lower our carbon footprint and work together to achieve sustainable actions. We strongly encourage you to take part in this low-cost program. For more information, please ask a CSU member or email Douglas McAcy, Chief of Staff for CSU, at [email protected]. Tuesday, August 24 Continued . . . 2:00 PM- Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-OT and Pre-PT Welcome Reception 3:00 PM Location: Hixson-Lied 188 If you are pre-pharmacy, pre-occupational therapy or pre-physical therapy student, join the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Admissions Office for a welcome reception.

2:00 PM- Off-Campus Shopping 5:00 PM Location: Deglman Circle Grab your roommate and friends and come to Deglman Circle to catch a ride to a number of local stores including grocery, retail and electronic stores. Vans will depart every 20 minutes.

3:00 PM- Campus Ministry Welcome Reception 5:00 PM Location: Swanson Lower Level Come relax before classes start with refreshments courtesy of Campus Ministry. Meet our staff, get to know some new classmates, tour our new office, and of course, celebrate the beginning of your journey here at Creighton!

5:00 PM- RSP Decurion Dinners 6:30 PM Location: Brandeis and Becker Dining Halls Join your Decurion on the eve of the first day of classes for dinner. Hear their insight and advice as you prepare to begin your own academic journey at Creighton. Groups will be assigned a time and location.

8:30 PM- CU First 10:30 PM Location: Ask your Resident Advisor The Department of Residence Life will “CU First” at your first official floor meeting. Get to know your neighbors, ask your RA about policies, and start experiencing Creighton’s community.

In the Know… • Remember to stop by the Creighton Bookstore in the Harper Center sometime this week to buy your books. You can locate your books according to course numbers listed on the bookstore shelves. Also, you can save quite a bit of money if you buy used books, which are marked accordingly.

• Your Student ID card is used for access to residence halls, dining halls, fitness centers and athletic events. It is also used to obtain transcripts, pay tuition, check out library materials and receive student discounts through- out the Omaha Metro area. Wednesday, August 25

4:00 PM- If I Only Knew...The Keys to Academic Success 5:00 PM Location: Skutt Student Center Room 104 A sophomore’s famous last words... “If I only knew this sooner, last year would have been a lot easier.” Learn the most essential academic tips and tricks from the Office of Student Suc- cess in order to avoid the academic struggle many freshman encounter. You never know, this could be the most beneficial hour of your entire first semester! Topics covered will include: managing your new free time, college study skills, learning how you learn, conquering college reading, and note taking to name a few. Come for the chance to win great prizes!

7:00 PM- Lip Sync Contest: Fire Burning on the Dance Floor 10:00 PM Location: Kiewit Fitness Center From Lady Gaga to Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and Chris Brown. There are plenty of 21st century favorites to choose from for this years annual lip sync contest. Perform a popular song with your group and watch other groups and the Greek chapters show their style in the theme of “Fire Burning on the Dance Floor.” Come have some fun at this event sponsored by the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils. Awesome prizes will be up for grabs! Thursday, August 26 4:00 PM- If I Only Knew...The Keys to Academic Success 5:00 PM (Repeat offering of Wednesday’s program.) Location: Skutt Student Center Room 104 A sophomore’s famous last words... “If I only knew this sooner, last year would have been a lot easier.” Learn the most essential academic tips and tricks from the Office of Student Success in order to avoid the academic struggle many freshman encounter. You never know, this could be the most beneficial hour of your entire first semester! Topics covered will include: managing your new free time, college study skills, learning how you learn, conquering college reading, and note taking to name a few. Come for the chance to win great prizes!

4:00 PM- 3rd Annual Multicultural Enrichment Institute 8:00 PM Location: Harper Center 3023 This fun, interactive program is designed to help students of color make a smooth transition to college. These sessions will empower you to become an informed, successful student here at Creighton University. Invitations were sent previously. In the Know... • Take some time to find your classes before they begin on Wednesday to make sure your first day of classes runs as smoothly as possible. Your Welcome Week Leaders can help you! Thursday, August 26 Continued . . .

7:00 PM- O! The Possibilities -- Exploring the Old Market 9:00 PM Location: Meet in Deglman Circle Experience the heart of Omaha by visiting the various shops, restaurants and cafes that line the old cobblestone streets of the famous Old Market. We only have room for a limited number of students, so please visit our website www.creighton.edu/welcomeweek to register and get more information. Friday, August 27

1:00 PM- O! The Possibilities Tour - Westroads Mall 4:00 PM Location: Meet in Deglman Circle Enjoy a day with friends at one of Omaha’s premier shopping centers. Come get clothes, sporting goods, electronics, crazy knick-knacks and posters for your room, and hang out with your new friends all at once! We only have room for a limited number of students, so please visit our website www.creigh- ton.edu/welcomeweek to register and get more information.

4:30 PM- IRHG’s Getting Blue Barbeque 7:00 PM Location: Morrison Stadium Lawn Come and enjoy a long-standing Creighton tradition before Friday games. There will be food, fun and a DJ for music in addition to fabulous events put together by the IRHG’s Programming committee. Meal Exchange is accepted!

6:30 PM Women’s Volleyball Game vs. San Francisco Location: D.J. Sokol Arena, Ryan Center Cheer on the Bluejays as they face fellow Jesuit school San Francisco in the annual Bluejay Invitational.

7:30 PM Men’s Soccer Game vs. Hastings College Location: Morrison Stadium

8:00 PM IRHG’s First-Ever Movie at Morrison Location: Morrison Stadium Rain Location: Kiewit Fitness Center Inter Residence Hall Government and Residence Life invite you to join them for a night filled with wonders beyond your imagination! There are more than five golden tickets this time, so all are welcome to join in this night full of games, prizes, and fun. Best of all, experience Wonka vision first-hand as you watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Morrison Stadium after the game. It promises to be a night you won’t forget! Saturday, August 28

9:00 AM- The President’s Fun Run 10:00 AM Location: Deglman Circle Wake up for a morning jog with Creighton University President Fr. John P. Schlegel S.J. and CSU President Dillon Miskimins. Bagels and bananas will be available afterwards. Co-sponsored by PEAC and Student Health.

9:00 AM- O! The Possibilities ‑ Greenstreet Bike Tours 4:00 PM Location: Meet in front of the Harper Center Enjoy a one hour bike tour of provided by Greenstreet Cycles. Pedal by the Qwest Center, Old Market, pedestrian bridge, and more! To rent a bike, the fee will be $10, or use your own bike for free. We only have room for a limited number of students, so please visit our web site www.creighton.edu/welcomeweek to register and get more information.

10:30 AM- Creighton’s First Annual Water Fight 12:00 PM Location: Anderson Plaza Omaha’s heat and humidity getting you down? Time to get a little wet and wild! Meet on the lawn to soak your friends and fight that August heat.

11:00 AM- Off-Campus Shopping 2:00 PM Location: Deglman Circle Grab your roommate and friends and come to Deglman Circle to catch a ride to a number of local stores including grocery, retail and electronic stores. Vans will depart every 20 minutes.

2:30 PM- O! The Possibilities - Community Service Opportunities 4:30 PM Location: Meet in Deglman Circle Get involved in the Omaha community by joining fellow students in hands on projects at local service sites. Make a difference by volunteering at a community garden, building a house for Habitat for Humanity, serving the homeless, or participating in other activities at other organizations. We only have room for a limited number of students, so please visit our website www.creighton.edu/welcomeweek to register and get more information.

5:00 PM- Jay Jam Carnival 9:00 PM Location: Creighton Mall Rain Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom Come enjoy CSU Program Board’s first event of the year! Jay Jam provides a full evening of festivities including a live DJ, Aqua Massages, airbrush tattoos, spin art, wax hands, fooseball, air hockey, electronic darts, Dance Dance Revolution, sumo wrestling, inflatables, and more! Funnel cakes, cotton candy, sno cones, and popcorn will also be provided – all for free! Saturday, August 28 Continued . . .

9:00 PM- Jay Jam Foam Party Midnight Location: Kiewit Fitness Center Patio Rain Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom Also sponsored by CSU Program Board, the Foam Party proves to be a memorable experience each year as students are invited to partake in a dance unlike any other. At this event, you’ll enjoy the latest music and great dancing all while submerged in a sea of foam. To ensure that you can share in this experi- ence, you MUST wear shoes as well as clothes that you don’t mind getting wet! Sunday, August 29 11:00 AM- O! The Possibilities - Henry Doorly Zoo 2:00 PM Location: Meet in Deglman Circle After spending some time enjoying the “wild life” at college, come see some real wildlife at one of our nation’s premier zoos. Take in the Desert Dome, the Jungle and ride the Skyfari! All this and so much more for only less than regular admission. Please contact a WW Exec in a blue polo to pay in advance. There can only be a limited number of students, so please visit our website www.creighton.edu/welcomeweek to register and get more information.

3:00 PM- Show Me the Money! 4:00 PM Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom You’ve heard the horror stories of college students maxing out credit cards and accumulating debt. Come and hear the facts of money management and learn some tips from current college students on how to make your dollar last longer.

4:30 PM- Whose Line is it Anyway? 5:30 PM Location: Lied Center for the Performing Arts Main Stage Come join Alpha Psi Omega – Creighton’s theater fraternity – as they put on a comedy sketch for all to see. You’ll even have the chance to participate and win prizes!!

8:00 PM- Cultural Explosion 9:00 PM Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom Come join us in the explosion of fun and entertainment which will consist of a variety of perfor- mances from Creighton’s cultural organizations. After, you’ll have the chance to meet with the leaders of these groups and learn how to get involved. Also, you won’t want to miss the fun prizes!

9:00 PM- Coming Together: Closing Ceremony 10:00 PM Location: Skutt Student Center Ballroom Come join us in this spectacular Welcome Week Grand Finale! Look for yourself and new friends in the Welcome Week slide show, follow the luminaries, and take part in a special candle ceremony as current Creighton students officially welcome you into the Nest! RSP Group Information

ARTS AND SCIENCES - RSP 101 Section Welcome Week Leaders Jesuit Name Faculty Preceptor Meeting Location AA Ward / Luth Juan de Polanco Breland, Barron LAWC 121 AB Lam / Kalb Eusebio Kino Bucko, S.J., Raymond / Wilson, Aaron CRHL 335 AC Buss / Verhoye Jacques Marquette Burk, Ted HARP 3047 AD Morton / Lahrs Jogues Carlson, S.J., Gregory LAWC 122 AE Tella / Kaufman John de Brébeuf Coelho, S.J., Paul HARP 4053 AF Covington / Partington 1540 Conway, Mary LAWC 123 AG Lampkin / Schilling Dilly, Barbara CRHL 336 AH Corey, Hillary / Campbell Pierre Jean DeSmet Durow, Patrick COBA 107 AI Moehr / Savary John Markoe Eastman, Scott CRHL 337 AJ Hanson / Ham Jesuit Reductions Eller, Gary DHHC 314 AK Corey, Sam / Cunningham Graham, Kevin DHHC 315 AL Bettin / Breyer Gross, Erin HARP 3053 AM Haroon, Maha / Ball Matteo Ricci Habash, Martha HARP 3028BC AN Griffin / Fostey Hamm, S.J., Dennis LAWC124 AO Nakamoto / Habbab Andrew Bobola Hough, Bruce HARP 3042 AP Lypaczewski / Beningo Georgetown College Irlbeck, Dawn CRHL 432 AQ Hobbs / Higbie John Ogilvie Keen, Taylor HARP 3026 AR McNamara / Banago Ignacio Ellacuría Keimig. Laura HARP 3040 AS Novotny / Bryant Montmartre Kokensparger, Brian LAWC 283 AT Hauger / Bragdon Peter Favre Longo, Mary HARP 3029 AU Pearson / Porter Pamplona Mallenby, Micki COBA 316 AV Haroon, Zoha / Cai Paul III Martinelli, Jay HARP 3029A AW Holmes / Cain Diego Laínez Mattson, Bruce HARP 3048 AX Ovaitt / Kieffer Alfonso Salmerón McCandless, Michael HARP 3033 AY Fuxa / Olson Simón Rodrigues Miller, Mike CRHL 324 AZ Milovich / Jackson “Bobadilla” Origanti, Francis CRHL 436 CA Barak / Wong GC 32 Parsons, Bradley CRHL 326 CB Ewing / Moore Rettig, Kathleen CRHL 435 CC Pavnica / Riehl Francis Borgia Roddy, Nicolae DHHC 302 CD Braaten / Schircliff Robert Drinan Rodlach, Alexander CRHL 331 CE Erbs / McCarville Cura personalis Schuler, Jeanne DHHC 301 CF Blume- / Youtz AMDG Soukup, Juliane DHHC 306 CG Smith / Slachetka Spencer, Brent CRHL 431 CH Vowels / Maher Super, Richard HARP 4052 CI Schmidt, Matthew / Bettis Montserrat Van Deest, Bill HARP 3028 CJ George / Welsh Manresa Vinton, Mary Ann HARP 3027 CK Heuszel / Ezell Iñigo Yee, Jennifer HARP 3027A CL Richter / Kozlowski Messina Zuegner, Carol DHHC 308 RSP Group Information Continued . . .

Honors - RSP 104 Section Welcome Week Leaders Jesuit Name Faculty Preceptor Meeting Location HA Blosser / Coenraad Bucher, Gregory LAWC 104 HB Otto / Shemanski Anthony de Mello Harris, HollyAnn LAWC 105 HC Hafner / Carpenter Kirby, Erika LAWC 120

Transfer - RSP 105 Section Welcome Week Leaders Jesuit Name Faculty Preceptor Meeting Location TA Schmidt, Michael / Eichman Cardoner Kuhlman, Gerry CRHL 332

SCHOOL OF NURSING - RSP 102 Section Welcome Week Leaders Jesuit Name Faculty Preceptor Meeting Location NC Klocke / Douville Cosimano, Amy CHSC 252 ND Pavlic / Vosbeek Mary Lucretia Creighton Furlong, Beth CHSC 252 NF Bax / Galvan Mary Lucretia Creighton Tow, Joyce CHSC 252 NB Melsha / Rall Mary Lucretia Creighton Wydeven, MarySue CHSC 252 NE Lau / Jordan Mary Lucretia Creighton Shirley, Nancy CHSC 252 NA Funk / McCall Mary Lucretia Creighton Nilsson, Pat CHSC 252

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - RSP 103 Section Welcome Week Leaders Jesuit Name Faculty Preceptor Meeting Location BA Skain / Thelen Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Wells, Debbie COBA 216 BB Yoon / Hatala Seevers, Matt COBA 218 BC Morales / Anderson Daniel Berrigan Knudsen, Jim / Williams, Charisse COBA 309 BD Roberts / Tuohy Corritore, Cindy COBA 310 BE Zuroske / Jantz John Cortina Briggs, Kristie COBA 312 BF Welch / Huebner Gerard Manley Hopkins Chen, Leida COBA 314 BG Coburn / Cervantes Darnold, Todd COBA 315 BH Schreck / Buring Gustafson, Andy COBA 217 BI Chen / Thompson La Storta Washer, Ken COBA 109

Building Appreviation KEY CHSC Criss Health Sciences Building COBA Eppley College of Business Administration CRHL Creighton Hall DHHC Humanities Center-Dowling Hall HARP Mike and Josie Harper Center for Student Life & Learning HLSB Hixson-Lied Science Building KRCR Kiewit Fitness Center Room LECA Lied Education Center for the Arts LAWC School of Law