Archbishop with an Attitude : Oscar Romero's Sentir Con La Iglesia
Archbishop with an Attitude Oscar Romerds Sentir con la Iglesia Douglas Marcouiller, S.J. BX3701 S88x Studies in the spirituality of Jesuits. Issue: v.35:no.3(2003:May) Arrival Date: 05/22/2003 O'Neill Periodicals 35/3 • MAY 2003 THE SEMINAR ON JESUIT SPIRITUALITY The Seminar is composed of a number of Jesuits appointed from their provinces in the United States. It concerns itself with topics pertaining to the spiritual doctrine and practice of Jesuits, especially United States Jesuits, and communicates the results to the members of the provinces through its publication, STUDIES IN THE SPIRITUALITY OF JESUITS. This is done in the spirit of Vatican Li's recommendation that religious institutes recapture the original inspiration of their founders and adapt it to the circumstances of modern times. The Seminar welcomes reactions or comments in regard to the material that it publishes. The Seminar focuses its direct attention on the life and work of the Jesuits of the United States. The issues treated may be common also to Jesuits of other regions, to other priests, religious, and laity, to both men and women. Hence, the journal, while meant especially for American Jesuits, is not exclusively for them. Others who may find it helpful are cordially welcome to make use of it. CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE SEMINAR Robert L. Bireley, S.J., teaches history at Loyola University, Chicago, IL (2001). Richard A. Blake, S.J., is chairman of the Seminar and editor of STUDIES; he teaches film studies at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA (2002). Claudio M. Burgaleta, S.J., is executive director of Estudios Pastorales para la Nueva Evangelizacion, in Oceanside, NY (2002).
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