St Maurice at Resurrection 441 NE 2nd St, Dania Beach, FL 33004 954-961-7777 FAX 954-961-4358 October 7, 2018 We Have A Seat Saved For You

PARISH OFFICE DISASTROUS Monday–Friday: 9:00am–5:00pm

CONFESSION "He Who has brought Saturday: 3:00pm (Chapel) disaster upon you will, in saving you, bring you BAPTISM back enduring joy." — The baptism of children of registered Baruch 4:29 parishioners is celebrated on the last Sunday of each month. Most people have suffered

disasters in their lives. Some ANOINTING OF THE SICK of these have been caused This sacrament is celebrated once a by our own sins. If we would year during weekend Masses and is seek the Lord ten times more zealously than we strayed from Him, He available at other times on request. would save us from disaster and bring us back a joy that this time will last PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK (Bar 4:28). Our Parish Care Givers bring the The Lord turns all things, even disasters, to the good for those who love Eucharist to those who are sick in Him (Rm 8:28). If we repent and seek the Lord, we will understand that the hospitals, nursing homes or in their sufferings of the present are "nothing compared with the glory to be own residences. revealed in us" (Rm 8:18). We may go forth weeping, but we'll come back rejoicing (Ps 126:6). The Lord will change our mourning into dancing, our MARRIAGE sackcloth into robes of gladness (Ps 30:12), and our darkness into dawn (Ps Couples contemplating this 30:6). The Lord turned 's many disasters into double blessings. "The sacrament must contact the Lord even gave to Job twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10). God Parish office at least 6 months prior the Father turned the ultimate disaster of His Son's death on the cross to to their desired wedding date. the ultimate joy of His resurrection from the dead.

Disaster, sin, and death do not have to be the final words. Joy, salvation, MASS SCHEDULE and life will reign supreme for those who have given their lives to Jesus. Saturday Vigil 4:00pm (Eng) Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am (Eng) Prayer: Father, I trust You even in the worst circumstances of my Domingo 1:00pm (Español) life. Mon.-Fri. 8:30am (followed by daily

rosary) Promise: "Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said: 'I offer You praise, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because what You have hidden PARISH DIRECTORY from the learned and the clever You have revealed to the merest children.' " Monsignor Jean Pierre—Pastor —Lk 10:21 Father Dennis Rausch, Assistance Vicki McCutchan Office Manager Praise: Andy's parents did not practice their faith nor attend Mass. Sheryl Dillon-Jones—Music But Andy's friend invited him to a Catholic Youth rally. Andy's father was Ashley Ronnan—CCD stunned the next week to walk into Andy's bedroom and "catch" his son

praying a rosary. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. [email protected] ~Parish Mission Statement~

Find us on We are the Family of St. Maurice at Resurrection Parish joined together Look for: sacramentally in Jesus Christ, sharing our skills and abilities across the St Maurice At Resurrection world to nourish all human hungers. We continually renew our energies by Catholic Church celebrating around the Table of the Lord and grow to be more effective ministers. in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sat Oct 6 4:00pm † Eddie Archbold by Mom & Kali Sun Oct 7 8:30am † Eddie Archbold by Joan & Kali 10:30am † Eddie Archbold by Grandma & Beth Offertory for September 30 1:00pm † Raymond Archbold by Family Offertory $3,255.67 Attendance 360 We appreciate your generosity! Mon Oct 8 8:30am † Rev Carl Morrison Tue Oct 9 8:30am Spl Intent Linda Forte by Maureen Ackley Attention All Music Lovers…. Wed Oct 10 8:30am † Most Rev DePaoli Thur Oct 11 8:30am † Rev Manuel Martin Fri Oct 12 8:30am † Rev Maximo Ortiz Share your gift singing Sat Oct 13 4:00pm † John Magazzu by Family Praises to the Lord † James Schatzel by Angela Bigham Become a member of our Choir Family Sun Oct 14 8:30am † Calvin Mcleod Registration and Rehearsal begins 10:30am † Barbara Lombardi by Lenny & Annie Jaglarski September 5, 2018 at 6:30 PM 1:00pm † Aaron Archbold by Family in the Church † Higino, Teresa & Nestor Lopez Millar For more information contact: Sheryl Dillon-Jones – Music Director 954-253-0567 Email: [email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME!!!!!

Men's Club Fall Harvest Dance

Saturday, October 20th “RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION 7:00pm FOR ADULTS” Dinner will include: Chicken Francese, Potatoes, BEGINS OCTOBER 4th Vegetable and Desert. If you are interested in All for$20.00 learning more, please contact:

Call Ken Majeski for Tickets Sheryl Dillon-Jones at 954-253-0567 E-mail: [email protected] 954-448-1183 Bob Stein at 954-986-6831

Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez Born August Window Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez Nacido el 15 de 15, 1917, served as the fourth Archbishop of San Stories agosto de 1917, fue el cuarto arzobispo de . He spoke out against poverty, social Salvador. Él habló en contra de la pobreza, la injustice, assassinations, and torture. On March injusticia social, los asesinatos y la tortura. El 24 de 24, 1980, Romero was assassinated while marzo de 1980, Romero fue asesinado mientras offering Mass. ofreciendo misa. Hailed as a hero by supporters of liberation Aclamado como un héroe por los partidarios de la topologists inspired by his work, Romero, liberación topólogos inspirados por su trabajo, was not interested in liberation theology, rather Romero, no estaba interesado en la teología de la liberación, sino que fielmente se adhirió a las he faithfully adhered to Catholic teachings on enseñanzas católicas sobre la liberación y una liberation and a privileged option for the poor, opción privilegiada para los pobres, deseando una desiring a social revolution based on interior revolución social basada en el interior reforma. reform. While seen as a social conservative at his Aunque fue visto como un conservador social en su appointment as archbishop in 1977, he was nombramiento como arzobispo en 1977, fue deeply affected by the murder of his friend and profundamente afectado por el asesinato de su fellow RutilioGrande a few weeks after his amigo y compañero sacerdote Rutilio Grande unas own appointment and subsequently developed semanas después de su propio nombramiento y into an outspoken social activist. posteriormente se convirtió en un activista social In 2010, the United Nations General abierto. Assembly proclaimed March 24, as the En 2010, el General de las Naciones Unidas "International Day for the Right to the Truth La Asamblea proclamó el 24 de marzo como el "Día Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and Internacional por el Derecho a la Verdad" for the Dignity of Victims" in recognition of the Con respecto a las violaciones graves de los role of Archbishop Romero. derechos humanos y por la dignidad de las víctimas "en In 1997, John Paul II bestowed upon reconocimiento del papel del Arzobispo Romero. En Romero the title of , and a cause 1997, el Papa Juan Pablo II otorgó a Romero el título de for and was opened Siervo de Dios, y se le abrió una causa de beatificación for him. The cause stalled, but was reopened by y canonización. La causa se estancó, pero fue reabierta por el Papa Benedicto XVI en 2012. Fue declarado Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. He was declared a mártir por el Papa Francisco el 3 de febrero de 2015, by on 3 February 2015, allanando el camino para su beatificación que tuvo paving the way for his beatification which took lugar el 23 de mayo de 2015. El Papa Francisco afirmó place on 23 May 2015. Pope Francis stated durante el embellecimiento de Romero "Su ministerio during Romero's beautification "His ministry was se distinguió por su particular atención a los más distinguished by his particular attention to the pobres y marginados". poorest and marginalized." beatificación: "Su ministerio se distinguió por su particular atención a los más pobres y marginados".

Light has no shadow! The Bible says… Please join us in “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” John 1:5 Congratulating

Joan Archbold and Belisario Mena Family

As the recipients of the Diocesan Honors for the Diamond Jubilee of the Archdiocese of Miami

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK?? Mon 8 Tue 9 Wed 10 Thur 11 Fri 12 Sat 13 Sun 14 7pm Bible 9:30am Bible 9am Adoration 9:30am Legion of Mary 10am SVDP 9:00am 10:30am CCD Study Study 10:00am BINGO Social Hall 7:00pm Coro Garden 7pm Prayer 6:30pm Choir Practice (Church) 11:30am Rosary Latino Chapel Club Group Chapel 6:30apm Fire in The Lord Making & Crafts Social Hall Meeting (Rectory) 1:00pm Forever Seniors 7:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm RCIA Tapestry

Forever Young Seniors

Thursday October 11, 1:00—3:00pm Social Hall Guest Speaker Event Cathy Whitt from Holy Cross Health Come and find out what “Melt Method” is all about

Bring a snack or dessert to share Visit the Serenity Garden and spend time in Prayer with our Questions? Contact Sandra Stein 954-673-2737 Blessed Mother of Fatima

October Month Of the Rosary Mes de octubre del Rosario

Pope Francis has invited “all the El Papa Francisco ha invitado a "todos faithful, of all the world, to pray the los fieles, de todo el mundo, a rezar el Holy Rosary every day, during the Santo Rosario todos los días, durante entire Marian month of October, todo el mes mariano de octubre, y así and thus to join in unirse a comunión y en la penitencia, communion and in penitence, as como pueblo de Dios, al preguntar a the people of God, in asking the la Santa Madre de Dios y San Miguel Holy Mother of God and Saint Arcángel para proteger a la Iglesia del to protect the diablo, que siempre busca separarnos Church from the devil, who always de Dios y de los demás ". El Papa pidió seeks to separate us from God and a los fieles que concluyeran el from each other.” The Pope asked Rosario con la antigua invocación the faithful to conclude the "Sub tuum praesidium "(" Volamos a tu Rosary with the ancient invocation mecenazgo ") y con la oración a “Sub tuum San Miguel Arcángel praesidium” (“We fly to thy patronage”) and with the (proporcionado la semana pasada). prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Readings for the Week of October 7, 2018

Oct 7 SUN: 27th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Gn 2: 18-24/ Ps 128: 1-2. 3. 4-5. 6/ Heb 2: 9-11/ Mk 10: 2-16 Oct 8 Mon: Ordinary Weekday Gal 1: 6-12/ Ps 111: 1b-2. 7-8. 9 and 10c/ Lk 10: 25-37 Oct 9 Tue: Ordinary Weekday/ Denis, bp, mt, & co., mts/ John Leonardi, p Gal 1: 13-24/ Ps 139: 1b-3. 13-14ab. 14c-15/ Lk 10: 38-42 Oct 10 Wed: Ordinary Weekday Gal 2: 1-2. 7-14/ Ps 117: 1bc. 2/ Lk 11: 1-4 Oct 11 Thu: Ordinary Weekday Gal 3: 1-5/ Lk 1: 69-70. 71-72. 73-75/ Lk 11: 5-13 Oct 12 Fri: Ordinary Weekday Gal 3: 7-14/ Ps 111: 1b-2. 3-4. 5-6/ Lk 11: 15-26 Oct 13 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM Gal 3: 22-29/ Ps 105: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/ Lk 11: 27-28


As we conclude the 54 Day Novena, Nativity Church invites you on October 7th the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary at 3pm to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by Benediction. At 4:00pm the rosary will be recited simultaneously with others throughout the country. Our intentions include the Universal Church, Clergy, Priestly & Religious Vocations, Sanctity of Life, Married Couples, our Country and Leaders, and World Peace. Nativity Church is located at 5220 Johnson St, Hollywood FL 33021

“I am at the The St Maurice at Resurrection Door and I call” Evangelization Ministry

We go door to door weekly in bi-lingual teams letting people know that we are here, and would love them to stop in for mass. Many are not aware that there is a Catholic Church near by, so this has been very key in bringing in new parishioners. We are looking for more members to join us in this Ministry.

Please contact the office to join one of the teams—954-961-7777 Roman Catholic Church St Maurice at Resurrection Help our Parish Family Grow! 441 NE 2nd Ave Dania Beach, Fl 33004

Hold the date

November 10th for Pasta BINGO night

Another Women’s Club Event!

Parish Registration -Come Join the Family….. Experience meaningful love and worship by being a part of a dynamic community , joined together sacramentally in Jesus Christ, supporting life-changing ministries. To join our family, call the Parish Office 954 -961-7777. Or register Online at

Experimente amor y adoración significativos al ser parte de una comunidad dinámica, unida conjuntamente en Jesucristo, apoyando ministerios que cambian la vida. Para unirse a nuestra Familia llame a la Oficina Parroquial 954 961 7777.