Read newslett er online [email protected] 2016 Issue III

Father Walter Ciszek Day 2016 October 16, 2016 St Casimir Church 229 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976 Annual Celebration Homilist Most Reverend Kurt Burnette Fifth of the Byzantine of Passaic, NJ Homilist for Father Walter Ciszek Day 2016

Father Walter Ciszek Most Reverend Kurt Burnette was or- Prayer League Center dained a in April 1989 for the Byz- antine Catholic Eparchy of Van Nuys. He 218 West Cherry Street served as a priest in Fontana, California; Shenandoah, PA 17976 Portland, Oregon; Las Vegas, Nevada; Gil- Open from 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. bert, Arizona and Albuquerque, New before being named the Fifth Bishop of Passaic by Francis in October 2013. : He was Rector of the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of 2:00 P.M. Cyril and Saint Methodius from 2012-2013. He also served as St Casimir Church a chaplain for the Fontana, California Police Department and visited jails and prisons in California, Oregon, Washington, and Social: New Mexico during his years as a pastor. 3:30 P.M. Bishop Burnette has also taught mathematics, engineering, St Casimir Hall physics and computer science at the University of Utah, Califor- With God in America nia State University, University of California and University of Portland between 1978 and 2004. He was a Synod Father at the will be available to purchase 2015 Synod on the Family. COME JOIN US!!! The Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League deeply mourns the passing of Walter A. Baran, who served New Email: as President of the Prayer League Board and gave [email protected] so much help in its early years. See page 3 By Rev. Thomas J. Sable, S.J.

St. was one of the early founding HEALTH: James Buyarski, Eugene Chavanes, Jesuits and led an extensive mission into Asia, Greg Querio, Timothy Fuerst, Sherri Conti, mainly in the Portuguese Empire of the time and was infl uential in evangelization work, most notably Santiago, Colluia, Cure of glaucoma, in . He also was the fi rst Christian For the to deal with cancer treatment to venture into , Borneo, the Maluku Islands, and other areas. In the midst of great physical labors DECEASED: Walter A. “Wally” Baran and sufferings, he was nevertheless gifted with many spiritual consolations. So great were the graces, that he SPECIAL INTENTIONS: Dutch Harbor Mission, cried out: “Enough, O Lord, enough.” Jose and family, Acquire the residence we are We as ordinary Christians don’t see the tremendous seeking, For peace, love and joy in our home and graces that we are given. God, however, does not leave family, Brian, Kaleb and Sheila Clarke us at peace, but pours forth those graces until we notice them, until we are converted into being members of REMEMBRANCE: Walter A. Baran, His Kingdom. Father Ciszek writes in He Leadeth Me James R. Verdehal, Sr. (p. 168): “Whether we are married and taking care of For all members of the Prayer League living home and family, or studying in school, or working in an offi ce or a factory or on a farm, whether we are and deceased. dedicated to the priestly and religious life, matters For all whose names were previously on our list, but who are still little – in whatever we do, we must always seek fi rst in need of our prayers; for all those who have requested prayers the kingdom of God.” Once we have renounced the of the League; for all prayer league members, for all those who world as the source of meaning and happiness, we can are praying through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek; cry out: “Enough, O world, enough; no more riches and for all who need our prayers. and honors, no more tinsel and veneer, no more false promises and illusive pleasures.” God alone can give us true happiness. God gives us graces that are close at hand, graces We are now on Facebook! that lead us ever deeper into the kingdom of God. The celebration of the Eucharist goes on every day and at every hour throughout the world. All we have to do is walk a short distance to hear the word of God, to “For/From the Friends of Walter Ciszek, S.J.” partake of the precious Body and Blood of Christ. This A Publication of the Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League great gift leads us to ponder in prayer the graciousness Offi cial Organization for the Promotion of the Cause of of Father Walter Ciszek, S.J. and generosity of God. Prayer, whether aloud or in 18 Oak Street the heart, converts our tongues into speaking words of Shenandoah, PA 17976 consolation and friendship. We cannot cry “enough, O tongue, enough” of these words spoken to aching Editor: Daniel L. Flaherty, S.J. hearts and thirsty souls. Executive Editor : Elaine Cusat Co-Postulators: Msgr. Anthony D. Muntone, Father Ciszek writes in He Leadeth Me (p. 170): Rev. Thomas F. Sable, S.J., “One thing we could do and do daily: we could seek Circulation Manager Sister Doris Burkot, O.S.F. fi rst the kingdom of God and his justice – First of all, Business Manager Elaine Cusat in our own lives, and then in the lives of those around us. From the time of the apostles – twelve simple men, “Friends of Walter Ciszek, S.J.” is published four times a year for alone and afraid, who had received the commission friends and contributors to the Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League. Copies mailed from Pottsville, PA. For a subscription, write: The to go forth into the whole world to preach the good Prayer League, 18 Oak Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976. Current cost is news of the kingdom – there has been no other way of $10 a year. Manuscripts should be sent to: Editor, Prayer League, 18 spreading the kingdom than by the acts and the lives Oak Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976; please include a stamped, self- of individual Christians, striving each day to fulfi ll the addressed return envelope. For changes of address or problems with your subscription write: Circulation Manager, The Prayer League, 18 Oak will of God.” Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976. Postmaster, please return undeliverable copies to The Prayer League, 18 Oak Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976.

2 Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League Walter A. Baran (Mr. Baran) By Mother Marija Holy Annunciation Monastery

It is always sad, even distressing to hear of the passing of a wonderful person of whom I have beautiful memories and huge indebtedness. Such a person is Walter Baran who went to his eternal reward this year. Having said that I am pressed to recall details because our friendship covered more than a decade- to be followed by silence of about that same length of time. Walter Baran was Catholic- by which I mean he had faith with Faith’s boundaries, not human limitations. All were accepted as children of God. There was one Church- although he was Roman Catholic. He was proudly Polish- and that left him limitless in generosity in matters of nationality. Can being totally identified with one’s own nationality make a person limitless to love for others? Mr. Baran had no prejudices - . My first acquaintance with Mr. Baran (always such a gentleman that always he was “Mr. Baran” to me - although I am less than 5 years his junior) was when I heard he and Irene were planning a trip to and I hoped for more information about the just begun Father Walter Ciszek Cause. Mr. Baran took my request and flew with it. From that day forward his generosity and involvement were unlimited. I do not recall just what he had by information upon his return but it was more than I hoped for. He made contacts and brought to USA, and to Sugarloaf (where the League was located) men who were prisoners with Father Walter in the Arctic slave-labor camps. Mr. Malshefski Mr. Jaroslav Bolash stand out in my memory- each deserving of an “article”! Mr. Bolash, himself a saintly man, inspired our reverence and his reverence for Father Walter spurred us on in dedication to the Cause. Later circumstances removed the Cause from the Eparchy of Passaic to Allentown , thus aborting my further active participation but Mr. Baran and Irene became very active benefactors of our Monastery providing food for years! Really wonderful treats. Quantities of lemons are what we most remember because of our jelly making. There was never an occasion at which Mr. Baran and Irene were not with us. So devoted a couple that I used to muse: now they look like each other! Then old age and mental debilitation ended a wonderful exchange of friendship. Our earth is poorer for the passing of Walter Baran. I am sure he was welcomed as “a good and faithful servant” and has entered into the joy of his Lord. And Irene is waiting.

Lapel Cross Walter Baran made this cross Irene Baran (left) and Walter Baran (right) opening their home to Loretta that came from the dining room Balczuk Father Ciszek’s Sister (second from left) and a woman (third from floor of Father Walter’s left) from Poland the Baran’s brought to to give testimony boyhood home. about Father Ciszek.

Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League 3 Walter A. “Wally” Baran He was a member of the Board of Governors and past president of the former Obituary Fountain Springs Country Club and a member of the former Pottsville Club. He Walter A. “Wally” Baran, 92, was a member and former grand knight of a resident of Providence Place, Council 2580 of the , Pottsville, died Saturday at Frackville. Schuylkill Medical Center-East Norwegian Street. He was a member of the Antique Auto- mobile Club of America, was an avid collec- He was born in Frackville, a tor of antique automobiles for more than 50 son of the late Walter and Antoi- years and was the author of several articles nette Gibowicz Baranowsky. on the subject. He was married to the former Wally will be remembered for his great Irene Saukaitis for 67 years. sense of humor, and for being an “all- He attended local Frackville schools and later received around nice guy.” honorary degrees from Alliance College in 1982 and from In addition to his parents, he was pre- Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science in 1987. ceded in death by his son, W. Ba- He was the founder of Model Garment Co., Frackville, ran, in 2011; siblings, Verna Matusick, Peter Penn-Spruce Inc., Sunbury and Penn-Allen Inc., Hazleton. Niel, Charles Niel, Frances Antalosky and He was also the co-founder of Walnick Manor real estate Leonard Baran. development in Frackville, and the former president of He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Broad Mountain Manor Nursing Home, Frackville. the former Irene Saukaitis; a son, Anthony In 1979, he was appointed to the position of Secretary Baran (Sandy); daughter-in-law, Marie Ba- of General Services of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- ran; grandchildren, Amy Band, Stacy Cur- nia by former Gov. Dick Thornburgh. While serving in this ran, Bridget Baran, Joshua Baran, Matthew position, he received the National Governors Association Baran and John Baran. He is also survived Award for Distinguished Service to State Government in by nine great-grandchildren and his sister, 1982, which was presented to him by President Ronald Helen Kiefer. Reagan. A Mass of Christian was held at He was very active in community, civic and cultural af- St. Ann Church, Frackville, PA. A visitation fairs, and was a former director of the Schuylkill Economic was held until the start of the service and Development Corp., Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus Council 2580 held a Philadelphia District Advisory Council of the Small Busi- memorial service. ness Administration and the former Ashland State General Hospital. Proud of his Polish heritage, he was the former presi- The Father Walter Ciszek dent of Group 111 of the Polish Beneficial Association, a Prayer League extends its member of the Polish-American Affairs Council of Philadel- phia, and the Kosciuszko Foundation of , N.Y. sincere sympathy to Irene and He was a member of St. Ann Roman , the entire Baran Family. Frackville, and was the first person baptized in the current church building in 1924.

4 Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League continued on page 6

Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League 5 continued from page 5

Remember to return your Raffle tickets! This year’s fundraiser is very important because of the expense to open new Prayer League Center

6 Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League Hernan Cano St. Paul’s School Essay Hernan wrote after reading He Leadeth Me

The book He Leadeth Me is about the story of an American priest who was part of the Jesuit Order – who area members of the . They are a Roman Catholic Order founded by Saint Igna- tius Loyola, Saint Francis Xavier and others in 1534 to do missionary work. His name was Fr. Ciszek, Walter J. and he was a priest who suffered greatly during World War ll. Just like Saint who also suffered in the same war. The story of this Saint (Father Ciszek) is just very hurtful for me to like, even imagine, all the suffering. I’ve read many books about famous people that all have to do with their experiences in World War ll and the holocaust, such as St. Maximilian Kolbe, Anne Frank, her father, Otto Frank, and many more. They all made me feel sympathy, but Father Ciszek’s book gave me a very clear image of where he was working and the place where he was staying. It made me realize that there are other Catholics in the world who suffer greatly in the world – more than we think. I know that there are Catholics who suffer greatly, like persecuted Christians in the Middle East: Christians who want to spread the Word of God, Jesus’ teachings, and the Sacraments, as well. How- ever, there are always people who will want to stop them. That is what happened to Father when the Russians took over the college and destroyed everything and left nothing but the Chapel. Father Cis- zek went to Lvov to continue their work as . As an undercover worker. Father Ciszek had to say Mass in the woods so none of the Russians would find out. However, in the end, the Russians found the bottled white wine and paper with Mass guide which he memorized and now teaching kids to read and write. The Russians took him because they thought that he was a German spy. Then they figured out that his name wasn’t Vladimir Lypinski but Walter J. Ciszek. Now they accused him of being a Vatican spy and for his punishment he would have to work 15 years of hard labor. This is very sad to see as well: all that hard work doing good deeds and in the end bad things happen. Sometimes God does this to us to test us - if we really believe in Him, if we are strong in our faith and really love Him. I think that is why God let that happen to him. To see if he really wants to serve Him and continue his work. To see if he is strong both physically and spiritually - that he won’t give up – which most of us do when it comes to these situations. We don’t pray that the Holy Spirit guides us in life to help us be prepared for future tasks or missions the Lord may ask of us. Father Ciszek was strong and he was able to pass the Lord’s test. I like to call it on mission. Even though Father had to deal with so many painful and harsh situations he prayed and prayed asking God to help him to keep on continuing and to give him strength. In the end, when he came out as a free man, he came back to the United States and continued his daily priesthood life. Also, he wrote two books, and He Leadeth Me. This was such an amazing book, literally. I have never read a book written by a Father himself. I feel teens all over the world should read this book. It could teach them how Father Ciszek was a very strong Father. How he suffered greatly in his life, especially during World War II.

Let us live by the example of Father Walter Ciszek in his strong faith, his great love for God, and his kindness to all people.

Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League 7 With God in America is available at the Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League