Written by

Meliá Grasska

+1-310-756-5492 [email protected] meliagrasska.com EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. MID MORNING. CHAMONIX (30s) sends a snowmobile down a slope caked in fresh powder. In the sea of white, she stands out in her red bib. But it’s not just the color, she always stands out. As she clips in to her skis, she looks over to RICK (30s) who’s following her lead... like always. No matter how fast he moves, he’s always trying to catch her – and he never can. They slowly inch their skis up the remainder of the slope. It’s an absolutely epic blue bird. There’s not a single track for miles, except for the four lines being left behind as they climb to the summit. Finally, they reach the top of a rather scraggily chute. It’s still early in the season, and honestly, it’s a “little” sketchy. Chamonix unclips and peels off the skins from the bottom of her skis, something about it is sensual, almost ritualistic – Ahh, that’s it: it’s a metamorphosis. She’s no longer one with the mountain. Now, she’s ready to kill it. CHAMONIX First tracks? Rick hesitates – rookie mistake. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) YEW! She sends it. Pillows of powder whip off her tails, it’s waist-deep freshies... and it’s all hers. CUT TO:

INT. TOWN CAR. LOS ANGELES. CONTINUOUS. As the traffic slowly beeps along, TRAVIS (30s) stares off at the snowy peaks that only pop out from behind LA after a heavy rain. They shine above city. He always wants to be somewhere else, and clearly he’d rather be there, especially since when he’s currently here, bumper to bumper. Beside him, KASI (late 20s) dreams as she neurotically refreshes her feed of wedding dresses and cakes – she’s clearly hunting for something. A proposal pic pops up. Her head falls from the clouds and her shoulders sink deep into the inferno of the red leather interior. 2.

KASI Oh, uh, Sandra got engaged! They’re booking the Beverly Hills hotel in July, that’s so great! Could that hint have been any louder when she dropped it? KASI (CONT’D) I mean July in LA kind of sucks, I would’ve gone for September... Yes, yes it could’ve... KASI (CONT’D) What do you think about that? September, The Beverly Hills Hotel...? Travis!? Hello! TRAVIS September? Why wait? The words every wedding crazed woman longs to hear... TRAVIS (CONT’D) Book a room right now for the first week of January. He squeezes her knee. He did good. Right? KASI You want to book a room? Fudgeee. He’s smart enough to know he’s missed something, but not in tune enough to know what it is. He covers his tracks. TRAVIS Ya? I mean I think we’ll deserve a little one-on-one staycation after spending Christmas weekend with my entire family. Don’t you? Is he bailing himself out? Or digging his hole deeper? TRAVIS (CONT’D) And like who knows where I’ll be, or where you’ll be in September. And just like that... GAME OVER. KASI Are you saying we won’t be together? He hesitates – rookie mistake. 3.

From inside her carry on, Kasi begins chucking travel-sized items straight at his head. Mascara, mouthwash: direct hit. KASI (CONT’D) You never commit to anything! The shampoo splatters against the window. He covers his head. KASI (CONT’D) (to the driver) Stop the car!

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix bombs the bottom of her run. She slides in just beside the snowmobiles and plops, like she’s jumping on a freshly fluffed comforter – only this blanket is made from pure mountain bliss. Rick skis over to her, but he’s got more than pillow talk on his mind... CHAMONIX Epic epicness!!!! RICK Look Nini... we need to talk. This, this isn’t working for me. She stretches wide, completely at peace. CHAMONIX Alright, alright you can send it first on the next run. RICK I don’t want a “next run”. CHAMONIX What are you talking about? It’s the first powder day of the season. For December? This is all time!! RICK No. It’s not. Not for us. I don’t want a girl that I’m always running after. I’m exhausted Nini. CHAMONIX Ok, so chill... She’s still not getting it. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Are you breaking up with me?! 4.

There we go. She pulls herself up, like always. RICK Nini, look I’m sorry but if I wait until after Christmas then it’s New Years and Valentine’s... I just– CHAMONIX Just don’t want me anymore? RICK Let’s just get back to town and – CHAMONIX Ya, I think I’ll do another run. She starts pasting on her skins. RICK Chamonix. I’m not going to leave you out here... CHAMONIX But didn’t you just?

INT. TOWN CAR. LOS ANGELES. CONTINUOUS. The town car pulls up along a palm studded sidewalk. The tree trunks are wrapped in garland and red ribbons, but it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. On the curb, Kasi taps her Steve Madden boots beside her Louis Vuitton wheelie bag. Her giant, poofy coat is draped over the handle bar. Travis rolls his window down causing a candy cane antler to slip towards the cement. He saves it, mid-fall. TRAVIS Babe just get back in the car. As if. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Comeeee onnnn... My mom’s going to be devastated if you don’t show for Christmas. KASI Ya well I’m pretty devastated that you don’t see us having a future together. TRAVIS Get back in the car. 5.

KASI Do you see us having a future together? TRAVIS It’s been three months! You really want to be alone on Christmas? Even sleigh-bells couldn’t cut through this silence. FINE. He rolls up the window, closing her out. The antler wedges crookedly in the seal of the car – a battle scar. TRAVIS (CONT’D) (to driver) Get me out of here. They pull back onto the bumper to bumper boulevard. SPLAT! A jar of moisturizer shatters against the back windshield. TRAVIS (CONT’D) I’ll pay for that. WHACK! A furry boot bounces off the bumper. TRAVIS (CONT’D) And that. THUNK! The whole suitcase is hucked at the car. Sweaters spill out onto the street. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Just go. AWKSAUCE. His DRIVER can’t help but stare into his rearview. He’s gotta say something, right? DRIVER Got a long flight ahead of ya? TRAVIS It’ll be shorter now.

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. CONTINUOUS. Rick is slowly snowmobiling beside Chamonix. She cross- countries her way on back through the serene landscape. This looks familiar, somehow... RICK Chamonix just get on. Did you hear something? 6.

RICK (CONT’D) Chamonix, I’m not playing. I’m not going to chase you the whole way back. You can’t seriously walk all the way to town. Look will you just get on please? You’re being ridiculous. CHAMONIX No, Rick, what’s ridiculous is that you’d dump me in the middle of the Pines and then just expect me to climb on the back of your snowmobile and ride on home into the sunset. RICK Chamonix... I’m not gonna do this. I’m gonna leave. CHAMONIX ... You already have. Be that way. He speeds off, she hesitates – rookie mistake. Now he’s really gone and she’s left in his cloud of powder dust. She pulls off her helmet, wipes the runny mascara from her eye bags and rubs a runny nose on the back of her mitten. She’s utterly and completely alone in this white wasteland. There’s no second run, just a long, lonely walk ahead of her. One ski after the other. CUT TO:

INT. SUV TAXI. LONE SKY. EVENING. Travis stares out the window at picturesque ski town. It sparkles under the glow of golden Christmas lights. Snow cakes the rooftops like icing on a gingerbread house. Shooting star Christmas signs hang from lamp posts. Finally it feels right. Like Christmas. The town’s only yellow cab slows to a stop at a red traffic signal. Travis thunks his head against the window. As he waits for the colors to change, a poorly lit neon sign flickers to read “Badwater Basin”. In the window, beside their faux-snow-sprayed glass, a light- up mug flashes: “We’ve Got Beer”. And he could use a drink. 7.

INT. BADWATER BASIN. JUST AFTER. Travis walks through the dive bar with his duffle bag draped over his shoulder. Locals turn their heads. He’s certainly no regular and even without the suitcase it’s no secret that he’s not from anywhere around here. He walks beneath a ceiling that’s covered in cringingly bright LED, rainbow Christmas lights. They’re strung in every direction with no rhyme and less reason. He pulls out a stool. JENNY (30s) smiles at him over a scotch glass that she’s shining dry. She’d never let a friend drink alone, or a stranger. It’s an awful, yet powerful curse for the owner of a bar. JENNY What can I get ya? TRAVIS Tequila. Anything silver. How LA... TRAVIS (CONT’D) Make it a double. With like, a shit ton of limes. The customer is always right, and she’s heard weirder. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Isn’t this the part where you say “rough day?” Cute, but Jenny’s got bigger fish to fry, like the grizzly- bear of a LUMBERJACK who just kicked his snow boots up on her two-top. JENNY Dam it Joe! Get your boots the hell back on the ground. This ain’t Pop’s shop no more. It’s a new era. Then to Travis – JENNY (CONT’D) We do catering now. She slides a business card across the bar: “For a Good Time, Call Jenny’s Catering”. JENNY (CONT’D) In case you like to party. 8.

He smirks at the card. She slams a cocktail glass down in front of him. It’s completely rimmed in lime wedges. Slowly he starts plucking, squeezing and dropping them into the drink. JENNY (CONT’D) I have limeade ya know. TRAVIS Taste’s better when you do it yourself. WHOOSH! The door swings open and in storms Chamonix, skis strapped to her pack, boots shedding snow with each stomp. JENNY Rough day? Hey! That was his, “rough day”. CHAMONIX Rick dumped me, in the middle of the backcountry. I walked all the way back to town. My legs are so pickled... JENNY Ooof... I guess this is a bad time to tell you. You and Rick booked a snow shoe expedition tomorrow. CHAMONIX Cancel. Say a storm’s coming I don’t care. I’m not going. JENNY You have to. McKlintov’s booked it. The who? JENNY (CONT’D) The family that bought the whole mountain. You know the ones who own like half of the Rockies... CHAMONIX I’m not going. Chamonix shimmies out of her pack. She peels off her jacket. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) What are we drinking? 9.

JENNY Tequila. CHAMONIX Tequila? What is this? Spring Break? Jenny eyes Travis. Chamonix eyes him back. She mouths: “WHO IS THAT”? – He’s what tequila and bad decisions are made of. She sits on the stool beside him. Jenny slides a something silver, rimmed to death in lime wedges, in front of her. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) What the hell am I supposed to do with this? Chamonix plucks the limes off her drink and flicks them on the bar. She downs the double. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Another. Jenny holds her spout hostage. JENNY Only if you agree to take the McKlintov’s tomorrow. Come on. It’s their first day in town. CHAMONIX Who buys a mountain without even seeing it? And that’s extortion. JENNY You think you drink for free because you’re my best friend? CHAMONIX That is how your Pops always made our arrangement seem. JENNY It ain’t Pop’s shop no more! I got a plan... CHAMONIX What’s that? Ensure I don’t get scurvy? JENNY They sold the mountain Chams. My lease’s already been bought, and I was barely making it before... 10.

Jenny drops a stack of her new business cards in front of her. If she’s going down, she’s going down swinging. The weight of the wanna-be card-stock’s not lost on Chamonix. She reads the Times New Roman lettering. CHAMONIX This makes you sound like – JENNY Tell them I’m expensive. She splashes her shot and begins to communicate with Chamonix “telepathically”, the way best friends sometimes do. “TALK TO HIM.” “You talk to him.” “No you.” Only they’re not the only ones that speak body language. TRAVIS So snowshoeing? Mission accomplished. Jenny pushes through her saloon doors into the kitchen. CHAMONIX I’m a backcountry guide. TRAVIS That’s a cool job. CHAMONIX When you’re not kissing ass. TRAVIS I take it you don’t like them, these: McKlintovs? CHAMONIX Never met em. What? You think I’m being too judgmental? TRAVIS I didn’t say that. CHAMONIX You didn’t not say it. What? TRAVIS I don’t know, sometimes change is good. 11.

CHAMONIX Ya. And sometimes change tears out everything your friends have built, and turns the place you love into a “resort” where you can’t even afford to buy a cup of coffee. TRAVIS Look I’ve had a long day, I’m not trying to get into something, into this, with a, stranger... CHAMONIX Alright, “Stranger”, let me ask you this: you drink whisky? Chamonix helps herself to a handle of Jack behind the bar. TRAVIS Not after tequila. CHAMONIX Well, tonight you do. She douses the two glasses. He holds his up, still full of lime rinds. EW. TRAVIS Here’s to... getting dumped. CHAMONIX I’m not drinking to that. To him. TRAVIS Who said I was talking about you? Rightt... the world does not revolve around Chamonix. CHAMONIX Was it bad? Did she set your stuff on fire? Throw things? She nurses her whisky, and her wounds. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) I only ask cause I’m currently researching my own revenge. TRAVIS Throwing things seemed to be very therapeutic, at least to her. Cathartic, even. 12.

CHAMONIX Alright. Here’s to: dodging bullets. TRAVIS And snow boots... He’s got something up his sleeve, a big ole bruise. CHAMONIX Ouch. Forget that. We’re not drinking to her either. Here’s to: the two strangers that walk into a bar. They sip whisky under sparkling lights... TRAVIS As they wait for their well- deserved Christmas miracle. CHAMONIX Who says they’re still waiting? SMASH TO:

INT. BADWATER BASIN. LATER. Several sips, and a few shots later... CHAMONIX I thought he was different. I thought he wanted to be with someone that he could have fun with... like real fun... but, he’s just like every other guy, too scared and too slow. Maybe I should stop rocking the ho straps... TRAVIS What the hell are ho straps? CHAMONIX You know... you don’t know? Chamonix grabs her helmet. She shoves it on. She pulls out to strands of hair from the sides of her face. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Ho straps. TRAVIS You definitely gotta lose the ho straps. 13.

Chamonix pulls it off. Her hair frizzes in the aftermath. CHAMONIX You think? TRAVIS Ya. You look way too cute in them. He runs his finger through the wisp of hair. They’re leaning closer... CHAMONIX Ya. And they make me go way too fast. Aerodynamics and all. He pulls himself back, and stands up, off his stool. TRAVIS I should get going. CHAMONIX Don’t leave. She shoots out her unbuckled ski boot, blocking him in. TRAVIS Is that gonna stop me? She stands up into the stand off, into their stare down. CHAMONIX No. But I will. There’s the beat of a lifetime, until they lunge toward each other, sharing the kiss of a lifetime. WHOM-WHAP. Jenny pushes through the saloon doors carrying a trey of green rice Kripsie blobs. JENNY Chams I tried making Grinch Krispie treats but – Oh my God. Sorry! They’re caught, red-cheeked. TRAVIS I uh, I should really get going. He grabs his duffle off the ground and steps towards the door – is he making an escape or extending the invite? They hesitate. ROOKIE MISTAKE. 14.

TRAVIS (CONT’D) Maybe I’ll see you around? CHAMONIX It’s a small town, I’m hard to miss. TRAVIS I don’t know about that. I kinda miss you already. Not what she meant, but she’ll take it. He stumbles slightly before walking out, back into the real world. CHAMONIX EEEE!! Yes!! Yes! YESSS!!!! JENNY Ok now that I’m officially the worst friend in the world, try one of my Grinch Kripsies. They’re pretty authentic. They stole your Christmas kiss. She bites into the blob – SPITS it straight to the floor. JENNY (CONT’D) Ehh, that’s what I thought.

EXT. SNOWY STREET. JUST AFTER. Travis practically skips down the snowy street. He stops to stare into a storefront. A small train choos around a Christmas present display. For a moment it’s as if this train’s taking him away, some place else. Until a black SUV rolls up and rolls it’s window down. Travis’s little brother, PETE (late 20s) drives. He’s always looking for some fun, and tonight’s no exception. PETE Bro? Bro! The SUV stops dead beneath the Main street Christmas lights. TRAVIS Pete! Dude, I just had the most amazing night... PETE I wanna hear all about it, but in the car. It’s fricken freezing out. 15.

Travis opens the back driver’s side door, and climbs in.

INT. BLACK SUV. JUST AFTER. TRAVIS So I met this – KASI Hi Travis. An entire dream, an alternate reality shattered in two words. TRAVIS Kasi... what... a surprise! KASI Your mom called my dad. Or my dad called your dad? Anyway, they explained how it was all just a misunderstanding. I flew up on the evening flight with Pete and Margot. TRAVIS How what was a misunderstanding? Wait Margot’s here? I thought she was in Sweden. PETE It’s Christmas bro. TRAVIS Well where is she? PETE She peeled back early with Cara and the baby. Kas here saw on Insta that there’s this place that makes these candy cane kettle corn wreaths so I sent Margs home in a cab. You believe there’s only one in this whole ice bucket of a town? Pete offers back the wreath treat, Travis socks his arm. TRAVIS Oh great, that’s real nice bro. Way to treat your sister and your infant nephew. Kasi crunches a kernel. She stares back, smiley as ever. 16.

KASI I’m so happy we’re back together! THEY’RE WHAT?

INT. MCKLINTOV MANSION. AFTER 20 MIN OF CONFUSION. Travis storms in and slams the thick wood door behind him, leaving Kasi and Pete to open it for themselves. Honestly, it’s refreshing to see them do one thing for themselves. TRAVIS DAD! DAD? Some house... He stares up, and stumbles awkwardly through the mansion maze. It may be the tequila, or the whisky, or the fact that he’s never been here, but he can’t seem to find his way... He opens doors into closets stuffed with Northface fleeces and mudrooms filled with L.L. Bean boots until –

INT. MARGOT’S BEDROOM. He trips into his older sister’s room. MARGOT (late 30s), is the only one who can ever get through to him. It’s dead silent and audibly Zen, except for the cackling of a fire. She sticks her finger up against her lips: SHH! As she tries to preserve a peace that she already knows will be broken. She’s never afraid to try. And that’s when he realizes it. OH MY GOD. His beautiful nephew is lying on her chest, in the plaid comforter cloud. He crouches by the bedside and kisses Margot’s cheek. He strokes the back of the baby’s head. TRAVIS I don’t know how you made such a beautiful baby, you’re so weird looking. MARGOT Shut up. You’re gonna wake him. Margot’s wife, CARA (30s) walks out of the bathroom. She rubs hand cream between her knuckles. She’s a bit rough around the edges, but wants to soften the places she’s hard. TRAVIS Hey Cara. 17.

CARA Hey yourself. She climbs in, pulls her iPad off the reclaimed wood, Pottery Barn nightstand, and starts reading CNN. Travis is in awe of the calmness Margot’s created. TRAVIS It’s good to see you. MARGOT Come see me tomorrow, I’m old now. She plays dead. TRAVIS You seen dad? MARGOT Since I’ve been half-asleep in my bed? No, no I haven’t. Did you try the kitchen? TRAVIS Christmas Crunch, you genius. He smooches her forehead. It really is good to see her. MARGOT Get out. You smell like a distillery. He kisses the baby, but awakens a screeching monster. MARGOT (CONT’D) OUT TRAVIS!

INT. MCKLINTOV KITCHEN. Travis marches into the kitchen, where GREG (60s) sits crunching a bowl of, they called it, Christmas Crunch. Seeing his dad chew the cereal on the marble island fizzles away the few frustrations still hanging on. Despite everything, this family really loves each other. He walks up behind him and gives him a squeeze. GREG Trav! You made it. Bring any whisky back for your old man or you just wash yourself in it? Travis grabs the spoon and steals a bite of cereal. 18.

GREG (CONT’D) Take it. I’m done. He speaks with his mouth half-full – TRAVIS House is nice. GREG They always are. Team flipped it round pretty fast. Closed escrow Monday, by Thursday they had my cereal in the cupboard and mom’s holy water in the freezer. Suppose they even had time to decorate in between all that. TRAVIS Between Tito and Bam Bam? GREG Poke fun. But they didn’t just furnish it, they decorated. Travis glances around at all the homey touches, the Christmas décor. There’s a candy-cane garland above the farmhouse sink and snowmen dish towels hanging off the white oven. He pulls the lid off a Santa cookie jar. TRAVIS New family heirloom? GREG Depends, are there any cookies in there? There are. He hands him a ginger snap. Cheers. He dunks it in the cereal milk. TRAVIS Dad, why is Kasi here? And when did we get back together? GREG If your mother and I split every time there was a shampoo bottle thrown at my head, you kids wouldn’t be here. I like Kasi. She’s a good girl. More importantly, your mom likes Kasi. And more importantly, more importantly, she wants to talk to you. 19.

TRAVIS Who? Kasi? GREG No. The expert shampoo slinger. Travis gulps down a rather dry and unsoggy bite before standing. Greg picks it up after him. He offers it – GREG (CONT’D) I suggest you take the bowl with you. CUT TO:

EXT. GROCERY STORE. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix walks out of the fluorescent sliding super shopper doors carrying her ski pack and a fully-loaded tote. But before she can leave, she’s drawn into a stack of mini Christmas trees, netted and bundled. It’s not the most romantic way to pick a tree, but it certainly is practical. She walks down the row and grabs one without giving it much thought. She carries it back inside.

INT. MCKLINTOV OFFICE. JUST AFTER. VIOLA (60s) sits at a hand-carved desk. She doesn’t mess with Christmas Crunch, she eats bankers for breakfast and takes everything on the rocks. As Travis munches his way in, he sees her, reviewing financial statements in her Prada readers. VIOLA Trav! TRAVIS Hey ma’. They hug across the desk’s scratch-less stain. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Office looks nice. It’s got all the essentials. VIOLA I’ll assume you’re talking about the décor and not my highly suspect “water” glass. 20.

TRAVIS How are the numbers looking? VIOLA I’ve seen worse. I’ve also seen better. Beat. He sets the bowl down on the mahogany. He really should use a coaster. VIOLA (CONT’D) You gonna ask me about the wether too? Viola antes up. A red ring box slides into the center of the desk, it’s not his grandmother’s, but it is Cartier. VIOLA (CONT’D) Kasi’s back because I told her father that you were planning to propose over Christmas. I had Melissa pick up the ring before we took off. TRAVIS Don’t you see anything wrong with having your assistant pick out an engagement ring for me to propose with? I was single an hour ago. VIOLA No. TRAVIS I’m not going to marry her mom. VIOLA Yes you will. You know how I know? Because you’re a good man. TRAVIS It’s been three months! VIOLA We have a simple business Travis, it can only be run two ways. The way we like to do it, where we find these towns, these diamonds in the rough, and we meet the locals who show us just how much their little slice of heaven can really sparkle, and we work with them. We invest and build infrastructure to support tourism. (MORE) 21. VIOLA (CONT'D) We brand for them and create opportunity. That’s the first way. Then there’s the way we have to do it, when the first way doesn’t work. It’s simple, raise rents and ticket prices so revenue increases. But that drives out local businesses and families and makes way for gentrification and Applebees, only instead of Applebees we’ll call it Teton Farms because we’re a bougie mountain town. Now I didn’t tell you to go after our principle investor’s daughter. You and some silver tequila at the Sky Ranch fundraiser did that all on your own. So, either you can get engaged and we can get the twenty million dollar investment we need to help the locals right this sinking ship, or we call Applebees. He picks up the box. Cracks it, peeks inside. TRAVIS I thought you said it was Teton Farms? She shoves her readers back on, to be sure she’s seeing clearly. VIOLA Put a bow on it. It’s the least you can do.

INT. CHAMONIX'S APARTMENT. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix fumbles through her dark apartment. She flicks on the lights, sets down her tote and shimmies out of her pack. Then, she walks her tree over to the corner. On her iPhone she clicks on some Christmas music as she cuts the meshing. She admires the tree and moseys to the kitchen, contemplating it. From her tote, she folds opens a carton of eggnog and takes a swig, hmm, not bad. She takes another swig and unbuckles her boots. Sporting a nog stash, she’s still starring at that tree. In fact, she can’t take her eyes off it. LIGHTBULB. She pulls a shoebox out from under her couch. Inside are years worth of lift tickets and season passes. She hangs them on the branches, but it looks pretty sad and barely held together. Kinda like her right now... 22.

She takes a tattered and hole-y pair of Hestra mittens and sticks them on two side branches. Next she stretches a pair of goggles across the top. Finally she drapes a red scarf round the tree. Much better. Everything’s, much better. She swigs and admires her work. The song shuffles. “All I Want for Christmas” cracks through her shattered screen. She takes a second, swigs and starts humming. As the tempo picks up, she shoots an arm out to the left, then to the sky, then she pulls it down in front of her face. She doesn’t know all the words, but she knows all the moves. She spins and screams along to the chorus until – NEIGHBOR (O.S.) Shut up Chamonix! CHAMONIX Sorry Bob! She plops down onto her couch and takes a final swig and a last high note. She smiles at her sad, little tree.

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. JUST AFTER. Their polar opposite, impeccably decorated, twelve-foot tree sparkles beside a glowing fire. Kasi lies on the couch, scrolling, looking for something, anything. Travis interrupts her trance. KASI Hey babe. TRAVIS Hey. KASI I’m sorry about today. I’m sorry that I... I guess it’s a good thing that I have terrible aim. TRAVIS Not that terrible. He rolls up his sleeve. Ouch, but it hurts her worse to see it. To see what she’s done. That she hurt him. KASI I am, so, so, sorry. TRAVIS Do you believe in fate? 23.

KASI Do I believe in fate? Depends what kind of mood I’m in. He sits on a winged cowhide chair across from her. He reties his shoes, the un-bowed ring box bulges in his front pocket. He couldn’t even do that for her, put a bow on it. TRAVIS Well, I believe that things happen for a reason. That there’s things that we’re meant to do and see. That we’re put in the right places at the right times... and the wrongs one. I think you were meant to get out of that car today, and I think I was meant to come here without you. Because it showed me how much I need you. How much all of us need you... you’re a part of the team. Forever. I guess what I’m saying is, Kasimira Foster, will you marry me? He gets down on one knee, beside the Christmas tree. He pops the ring box. Kasi springs up, and throws herself at him. KASI YES! YES! YES!!! DISSOLVE TO:

INT. MCKLINTOV KITCHEN. MORNING. POP! Champagne is splashed into coups with candy-cane charms. VIOLA To Kasi and Travis! May your life always be filled with as much merriment as Christmas. PETE And as many drinks too. Travis grimaces at the coup. He sets it down without taking a sip. Margot catches him and pokes, playfully. MARGOT You know, it’s bad luck to not drink to your own toast. No matter how awful the hangover. He can’t look at her, she’ll see right through him. 24.

TRAVIS Can’t have afford any more luck. He downs the drink.

INT. CHAMONIX’S APARTMENT. CONTINUOUS. EHHH. EHH. EHHH. A garbled iPhone alarm awfully awakes Chamonix, who is sprawled on her couch, still in her bib, beside an empty eggnog. She smacks aimlessly at the phone. See’s the time. She panic tornados through a spiral of a morning routine. She brushes her teeth. Pounds two Aspirin and pours herself a cup of yesterday’s coffee, barely having a second to BREATHE. CUT TO:

INT. PICK UP TRUCK. AFTER. As she hits every red light possible, she begins redoing her braids. They are just not cooperating. She dials back one of Jenny’s 4 missed calls, on speaker. CHAMONIX I know, I know. I overslept and the eggnog was a total mistake. JENNY (V.O.) Eggnog? What? Listen, shut up. You’re never going to believe it. I did it. Christmas Eve catering gig. CHAMONIX Jenny do you even know how to cook? She drives with her knee as she pulls up to the mountain still messing with her hair, until finally – forget it. She shakes it free. JENNY (V.O.) Ok the Grinch Krispies were easier said than done, but hear me out, I think we should dress like elves... She pulls into a parking spot and see’s Rick’s car. CHAMONIX Oh my God. I forgot. Rick’s here. 25.

JENNY (V.O.) You got this. He’s trash and you’re awesome. Call me after, ok? Ok? You know how people always fantasize about what they’ll look like the first time they run into their ex? Ya, well this is the nightmare version. She flips down her visor, scrounges for the crumbs of a mascara tube and the last droplets of a lip gloss squeezer that currently resides on her floor mat. She flips her hair, one, two, three times... Ow. Her head. But actually... not bad. She can work with this.

EXT. SNOWSHOE TRAILHEAD. JUST AFTER. She walks up to Rick standing at the base of the trail. He’s got pairs of snow shoes lined up, one after the other. CHAMONIX I’m sorry I’m late... RICK Don’t worry. Look about yesterday... CHAMONIX Let’s not talk about it. RICK I brought you a coffee. Peppermint latte peace offering? Come on. Don’t make this a thing. Right, broken hearts rarely are, “a thing”. She eyes the red and white swirled sleeve on the cup. CHAMONIX I’m only accepting this because I could really, really use it. RICK Rough night? CHAMONIX Great night. Rough morning. RICK It’s always the morning’s fault. CHAMONIX At least it never has to worry about going first. 26.

The black SUV pulls up. They’re here and that burn will have to simmer. RICK Go time. CHAMONIX Hey. Thanks for setting up. RICK I got a business on the line too. CHAMONIX Spin it however you want. I’ll still know you did something nice for me. RICK Ya, that’s what the peppermint latte’s for. The McKlintov’s pile out of the car. GREG Black ice! Black ice! Watch for ice! Margot leans into the driver’s window – Cara’s at the wheel. MARGOT You sure you’re ok to sit this one out? CARA You kidding? A chance to Netflix and actually chill? Can’t wait. MARGOT Love you. CARA Have fun. Or at least, push Pete down the mountain for me. The McKlintov’s look like they could walk their ski clothes straight from the cat track to the cat walk. But contrary to what their OOTD may imply, they’re giggling and shrieking as they wobble across the slick street. But Chamonix’s a bit too hungover and under-caffeniated for this amount of “fun”. 27.

VIOLA Good morning! Sorry we’re a little late – CHAMONIX You’re right on time. VIOLA Don’t flatter me. My son got engaged last night, Travis! Travis! Chamonix takes a chug of her latte. Anything to ease this pain. As she looks up from the lid, her eyes hit Travis’s. It’s the first time she’s seen him since last night. It hits: her stranger is a McKlintov. SPIT! SPRAY. She shoots coffee out from her lips all over Rick. He rubs his peppermint eyes. RICK Owwww! It’s so minty. CHAMONIX I am so – RICK No. I deserved that, I’m just currently regretting getting you peppermint over gingerbread. GREG So what’d you do? To deserve that? CHAMONIX He dumped me yesterday. It’s been a bit of an awkward morning. GREG If there’s anyone who understands awkward mornings, it’s this bunch. Take all the time you need to “freshen up”. CHAMONIX (to Rick) I can start without you. Can she? Cause right now, she can’t stop starring at Travis. But, she has to stop. Staring. She has to stop staring... GREG Should we strap in? 28.

CHAMONIX Sorry! Uhhmm... She snaps into Tour Guide mode. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Good morning McKlintovs! As you can see we’re off to a real interesting start, never a dull moment with Lucky Backcountry Guides... where, you always get lucky. Like Jenny, her new business slogan needs some work. PETE We always get lucky when we’re two bottles of champagne deep, right fam? Me especially though... CHAMONIX Well, what a perfectly safe way to begin an adventure into avalanche country. My name is Chamonix and I’ll be your guide for today. MARGOT Chamonix, Parlez-Frances? CHAMONIX Parlez- my parents hooked up in a French ski town, mom named me after it. Sorry to disappoint, uhh, anyways welcome to Lone Sky, we’re going to take a hike up to Crystal Lake, situated just over two miles into in the Pine Mountain Range, people have been known to see bald eagles up there, so keep your eyes peeled. Now you all know him as my ex-boyfriend currently soaked in latte but your other guide for the day is Rick, say hey Rick! RICK Howdy. As you might know, snowshoes really should be called snow baskets, they clip right on top of your boots. Your poles are – VIOLA We may have done this once or twice before. Skip ahead. 29.

PETE We own three resorts in the Rockies. RICK Of course. My mistake. Rick bites his tongue, winces. Chamonix swoops in for the rescue. She can’t help but save him, again. CHAMONIX Well, ever heard of Sierra Cement? Here we Pine for powder. It’s what’s so special about our little pocket of snowshine. I mean you ever seen cushion this deep at your other resorts? It’s December 22nd. We’re not blanketed, we’re not dusted, we’re Yeti hunting. And unlike the Rockies, we don’t have three resorts. We’ve got miles and miles of untouched backcountry. This is the wild west, make no mistake. GREG You gotta lot of nerve... I like it. Stick close to me, I’d love to hear about the rest of the place. TRAVIS I thought that was my job. She’s noticed him again. This time she definitely might not be able to stop, noticing. But now she’s not alone. Rick also can’t help but notice her, notice him. GREG Oh pipe down. That’s the middle one, our “liaison to the locals”. CHAMONIX How does that work? Liaison-ing? TRAVIS Very well thank you... Not even her freshly sharpened skis could cut this tension. VIOLA As much as we’re all mused by your sharp shooting Chamonix, some of us have work to attend to after this. Can we move things along... 30.

CHAMONIX Absolutely. So with Pine Powder comes a real risk for avis. All of you will get an avalanche beacon that you’ll be required to keep in your pants for the duration of the excursion. No it cannot go in your backpack. No it cannot go in your jacket. It goes in your pants because your pants should not come off at any point while we’re on the mountain. Is that clear? Nods. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) If you do see snow starting to slide we have a simple way of remembering what to do: M-GABS. Move to the side, Grab on to something sturdy like a rock or tree. Arm up so if you do get buried we can find you. Breathe and create room to breathe and finally, if you’re in it, Swim. M-GABS. TRAVIS That’s not the catchiest acronym I’ve ever heard. MARGOT I’ve read physics equations that are easier to memorize. CHAMONIX Ya well, remember it. It could save your life. PETE Is there gonna be a quiz? CHAMONIX Definitely. Now, who’s ready to start shoeing!? Chamonix and Rick move around and help the family step into their baskets. Firstly, Chamonix buckles in Kasi. KASI Be careful to not scuff them. CHAMONIX Can’t have scratched ammunition. 31.

What? She adjusts the buckle. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) How’s that? She moves on to Travis. TRAVIS I can do it myself. CHAMONIX Mr. McKlintov, I insist. We’re a full service operation, or you seem to already know that. TRAVIS I - CHAMONIX How’s that? She clamps down. TRAVIS OW. A little painful. CHAMONIX For me too. Then to the group. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Alright everyone, follow me! Rick will take up the rear. Chamonix hits the trail. Pete approaches his brother. PETE Bro you think I gotta chance with our hot guide? KASI Pete, you’re not serious... Her? PETE What? She’s a babe. Bro, back me up on this? Rick herds in the stragglers. 32.

RICK Come on. There’s miles for talkin’. Time to start trekking.

EXT. SNOWSHOE TRAIL. AFTER. GREG (yells back) Up here Trav. TRAVIS (to Kasi) Be right back Babe. He cuts to the middle of the line, beside his dad. GREG I want you to get to know Chamonix, pick her brain about The Pines. Travis trudges ahead to the front, chasing after Chamonix. TRAVIS Look I’m sorry that I – CHAMONIX That you lied to me? TRAVIS I didn’t lie. CHAMONIX Really? Not about getting dumped or being a McKlintov? Because I seem to remember us, not celebrating your engagement last night. TRAVIS Things happened. She showed up – CHAMONIX So you put a ring on it? TRAVIS It’s none of your business. CHAMONIX Then why are you apologizing? TRAVIS Because even though I didn’t lie, there are things I should’ve told you. 33.

CHAMONIX A distinction only a liar would make. TRAVIS Not all change is bad. You can be a part of the evolution or get left behind... like fish with legs. Silent treatment. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Come on. I have to get to know these peaks one way or the other. I need you. Alright, I’ll go see if Rick’s interested. CHAMONIX Haven’t you been paying attention? I’m never left behind. Go ahead and ask Rick. But you should know, I’m irreplaceable. TRAVIS For now. CHAMONIX I wish you never walked into that bar. TRAVIS Ya well, I wish I never walked out. That hits, but what’s the game? CHAMONIX What is you want Travis? TRAVIS I want you – I want you to be cool with me. I need help learning these mountains, and I can either pay you to do it and help you build the backcountry business of your dreams, or I can find someone else. CHAMONIX Aww, you still haven’t gotten it. There is no one else. TRAVIS Then help me and I’ll get you to summits you’ve only dreamed of reaching. 34.

CHAMONIX How are you going to do that? He jostles to get beside her, on her level. TRAVIS We can create a Heli division. CHAMONIX Tempting but I’m done with men who can’t handle being behind me. He lags and lets her pull away. TRAVIS That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t mind being behind you. I like the view. Behind both of them, Margot and Viola compare notes on “the view”, which isn’t the dramatic peaks painting their horizon. VIOLA First impressions? MARGOT Cute. VIOLA Quintessential, eternally Christmas, what more do you want in a ski village? Oh right, we’re talking about the town. Quick – MARGOT I don’t know. Art? VIOLA Please. There’s only one Sundance for a reason. MARGOT What do you see for it? VIOLA I’m not sure, yet. First step is to find out if there’s more of her. We gotta find our way into the backcountry. That’s what makes this place special. 35.

MARGOT Well, looks like one of us is already finding their way into her. They eye Travis and Chamonix, they’re electric. VIOLA That can’t happen. Pete! In the back of the line, Kasi and Pete can’t stop giggling... PETE You’re kidding me! KASI No! He was so desperate to be TikTok famous that he shaved his eyebrows off. VIOLA (O.S.) Pete! PETE I thought people were faking that trend! KASI Not him! PETE Shut up! VIOLA (O.S.) PETER! Pete runs up beside his mom. PETE What’s up? VIOLA Make it your mission to get our guide to fall in love with you. PETE I’m already on it. Course he is, have you seen her? VIOLA Good. Go. Pete races to get in front of his brother. 36.

MARGOT Sometimes I’m glad I’m not your son. VIOLA Just sometimes? Being a man is vastly overrated. Ya, it is. VIOLA (CONT’D) But I wouldn’t count your chickens just yet, I may be sending you in after her next. MARGOT I’m married, with a baby. VIOLA She doesn’t know that. MARGOT Mom! Pete shoves his way in front of Travis. PETE So, Chamonix, you gonna take us to some secret chutes while we’re back here, you know shred some gnar. CHAMONIX That’s a different trip. PETE How do I sign up for that? Travis pushes ahead, competing for position. TRAVIS You hate hiking... PETE No. Not since that time, in the Dolomites. They settle side by side. TRAVIS You spent the whole day complaining about your feet being cold. PETE Not the whole day... 37.

CHAMONIX Look boys, to be honest, I’m not sure you could handle it. PETE Oh I could handle it. Just like that, Crystal Lake appears, sparkling in the snow. TRAVIS It’s beautiful. For the first time since last night, Chamonix sees her Travis. PETE Ya, you are. He’s grating that cheese on thick. Way to ruin the moment. CHAMONIX You free tomorrow? TRAVIS Oh, I can’t tomorrow I have – PETE Bro she was talking to me. Was she? CHAMONIX I was. But, I’m curious, what can you possibly have to do that’s more important than skiing with me? PETE Forget him. I’d prefer a more intimate backcountry experience. TRAVIS Since when is backcountry even your thing? Bro, really? PETE Since I met Chamonix. CHAMONIX I’ll save some snow for you. RICK No she won’t. 38.

When did he get in on this? And who asked him anyways? CHAMONIX He’s right. And, I won’t say sorry either. She descends down the hill.

EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE. A BIT LATER. Rick lays a plaid blanket over a tree stump and unpacks a platter of Christmas cookies. Chamonix passes out mugs and offers a pour from a thermos. CHAMONIX Hot coco? She fills Margot’s mug, then splashes some in Greg’s. GREG Got any whisky? MARGOT Dad it’s eleven AM. GREG Blame your mother, champagne gives me a headache. Chamonix sets the thermos in the snow. From her inside jacket flap she pulls out a flask. CHAMONIX Fireball? Taste’s like heaven... GREG Burns like hell. He takes it, and pours some in with his hot coco. GREG (CONT’D) I may have had one or two rough nights with this back in the day. CHAMONIX I don’t buy it sir. GREG Viola and I were ski bums once. VIOLA Speak for yourself. I was never a bum. 39.

Margot moseys off. Chamonix starts to follow... VIOLA (CONT’D) Where are you going? CHAMONIX Oh, I... I just thought you’d like some privacy. VIOLA We’ve been together nearly everyday for the last 40 years. We don’t need any more privacy. Besides I’m sure you have questions for us... about the future of your mountain. CHAMONIX I don’t ask questions that I don’t want to know the answers too. VIOLA You already know my answers? A psychic and a snowshoer... CHAMONIX Your reputation proceeds you. VIOLA You always believe everything you hear? You know why we do what we do? Because we care. Because we set out on a mission to give everyone a chance to fall in the love with mountains. CHAMONIX And rip em off after you hike up the local rents. VIOLA Why would I want to raise rents? So I have a bunch of empty storefronts bringing in no business? I want to keep all the locals in town. It’s in my best interest to have them buying coffee at the corner shops. Besides, we don’t know this place like y’all do. CHAMONIX With all do respect, “y’all” don’t know this place at all, m’am. 40.

VIOLA Exactly why we need you. GREG You know the first place we invested in? It was our local spot. A small town way up in the Sierra’s. Mountain was dying. No money came in because it wasn’t anything, “special”. They were gonna shut ‘er down. So you know what we did? We went down to Viola’s dad’s country club what was it, the Mesa? VIOLA No. It was the, the Lodge... GREG The Riviera... VIOLA Something pretentious that vaguely resembled rivers or mountains. GREG Anyway, we drank every banker, lawyer, and stock broker under the table. Told em all about winter the Sierras. About hiking to new peaks. Skiing uncharted territories, expanding the map... VIOLA We told em we had a dream to make it to the top of the mountain. GREG And for some stupid reason they gave us the money for a new lift. The Summit Express. We couldn’t believe it. But we did it. It was the first of it’s kind, on the West Coast. It put everything in reach. Hell, Viola was the first one up and the first one down the run. CHAMONIX Oh ya? 41.

VIOLA Oh ya. In my eighties neon jumpsuit with my Ferra Faucet curls bouncing in the wind. Skis so long, so stiff, you couldn’t even turn them. CHAMONIX That’s quite the image. GREG People came from all over the world after that. “The mountain where steeps were in reach.” Turned the whole town around. Saved businesses, livelihoods. Locals loved us, investors asked if we could do it again. CHAMONIX And you did. VIOLA Yes, but it was different. We found this gorgeous mountain in the Rockies, town was completely suffering. People wanted to come and ski, but in the time it took them to schlep back and forth, with chains, and no chains, forget it. It was too much hassle. It was a ghost town. You know what we did? GREG We built a hotel. Town exploded with more jobs, more business, more money, for everyone. VIOLA The solution’s not one size fits all. That’s why we need your help. We need to know what to fix. Now THAT’s a sales pitch. CHAMONIX I’m not sure anything’s broken. VIOLA Think about it. Chamonix walks away, when she remembers – 42.

CHAMONIX You know my friend Jenny, she runs a bar in town, but uh, she just started a catering business – GREG The “For a good time call Jenny”, Jenny. CHAMONIX Ya. GREG Trav gave me her card last night. She’s catering our investor Christmas Eve party. It’s short notice, but we wanted to give the opportunity to a local. Just needed to find the right one. CHAMONIX Thank you. VIOLA Please tell me her food’s good... Across the meadow, Margot grabs a bell shaped Christmas cookie off the platter. She bites into it. KASI Ew. Processed grains. MARGOT Calories don’t count during Christmas. KASI Please, you don’t expect me to believe you got that body not even a year after having a baby by believing that there’s any season when calories don’t count. RICK So, ladies... KASI No. By the lake, Travis approaches Chamonix who sits now, rubbing her temples. He tosses a bottle of Excedrin towards her. TRAVIS I’ve already taken 3. 43.

She holds it. Last night did happen. And he feels the same. TRAVIS (CONT’D) For what it’s worth, I really am sorry. CHAMONIX Ya well, for what it’s worth, you really don’t owe me anything. I’m just a stranger, right? From across the meadow, Greg scoffs. GREG You’re really going to stop this? VIOLA He’s the one who went after our principle investor’s daughter. GREG Well have you ever seen him look at her, like that? VIOLA No. PETE! Pete’s got a mouth full of Christmas cookies. PETE What? Viola cocks her head in their direction. Pete rolls his eyes. He strides over to them, but Kasi’s already half way there. She tries very, very hard to make it look like she fits into to this mountain world. But, she falls into a powder bank, and gets a face full of fluff. Chamonix runs to her rescue. Travis stands by, shocked. CHAMONIX You alright? KASI Fine. Just a little embarrassed. CHAMONIX Don’t be. Happens all the time. Just be grateful it wasn’t ice, that’s when it hurts. As she helps her up, Pete rushes over, eager to be a hero. 44.

PETE I’ll give you and 8 out of 10. Landing was a bit rough, but you’ve got style. She giggles. Blushing, Travis helps brush off the snow. PETE (CONT’D) So Chamonix I was thinking, tomorrow – KASI What’s tomorrow? PETE We’re going backcountry. He wraps his arm around her. She shrugs it off. KASI But Babe, I thought we were going to look at venues tomorrow? CHAMONIX Venues? In Lone Sky? You know there aren’t any – TRAVIS I’m not going. But Pete I really think someone else should go too, you know for research... PETE I can get Marg– Suddenly he yells across the lakeside clearing. His echo forces doves to flutter out of their trees. PETE (CONT’D) Hey Margot! Back country tomorrow? MARGOT Did hell freeze over? PETE Pops? GREG With my knee? PETE Ma? 45.

VIOLA Oh sure, you gonna do the financials? Back to Chamonix – PETE I guess it’s just you and me. CHAMONIX I can get with that. He steps closer, Rick instinctively swoops in. RICK Nini, it’s time. She slips back into tour guide mode. CHAMONIX Alright McKlintovs! Y’all about ready to head back? Before we do, which of you brave volunteers will take us all through our M-GABS? PETE Piece of cake. CHAMONIX Well just to keep it interesting, when you miss... She packs a fluffy snowball between her Hestra mittens. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) You get a snowball to the face. PETE And what if I knock em all out? CHAMONIX I get a snowball to the face. PETE Fair enough. M, move. G, go fast. CHAMONIX EHHH! She pegs his head. 46.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Who’s next? Come on, I didn’t take the McKlintov’s to be a bunch of chickens. Bak-bak! Bak-bak! MARGOT M, move to the side, G, grab on to something, A... avalanche... AHHH! PLOUSH! Pelted to the face. CHAMONIX Who’s next? VIOLA Me. Game on. VIOLA (CONT’D) Move to the side, grab on to something, arm up, breathe and, shit. PETE Breathe and shit sounds like exactly what I’ll be doing if I get caught in an avalanche. CHAMONIX You know the rules Ms. McKlintov. VIOLA Make it quick. Her full face of make up practically imprints on the snowball. She spits snow out from her Botoxed lips. VIOLA (CONT’D) This is all fun, but Chamonix, what you don’t understand is that in this family – we fight back. It’s a direct hit that launches a full on snowball war. Chamonix’s ambushed from every angle. CHAMONIX I surrender! I surrender! She stands up and brushes herself off. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Y’all are not who I thought you were going to be. 47.

VIOLA People rarely are. TRAVIS M-GABS: Move to the side, grab on to something, arm up, make room to breathe, and swim. I listen. Chamonix is oddly moved. She takes off her beanie and scrunches up her eyes, assuming a pelting position. CHAMONIX Do your worst. He packs a snowball and... drops it. TRAVIS Consider it a Christmas gift. CHAMONIX You don’t have to go easy on me. TRAVIS I’d never. CHAMONIX Alright, you can owe me one. Buckle back up y’all, let’s hit it. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. SNOWSHOE TRAIL. LATER. As the trail winds back towards the start the group trudges on, finally calm, finally taking in the scenery. TRAVIS It’s beautiful up here, isn’t it? But Kasi’s not listening, she’s staring up at Pete flirting his way back with Chamonix. KASI What? Oh ya. It is. You know, I did have my heart pretty set on a September wedding, at The Beverly Hills Hotel. If you’re ok to get married in LA, I guess tomorrow you could go backcountry, and I could, I dunno, go shopping, or something. TRAVIS I don’t want to disappoint you... 48.

KASI I don’t want to disappoint you. TRAVIS You can be pretty cool, you know that? KASI Can be? Like sometimes I’m not? He’s saved by the bell as they arrive back to the trailhead. RICK If everyone would just unclip your baskets and leave your poles on the side, we’ll take care of the rest. Chamonix unclips then helps Margot do the same. GREG You run a hell of tour, snowball battle was a nice touch. He slips her two hundreds. CHAMONIX Thank you sir but – GREG Merry Christmas. She sticks both bills in her pocket. CHAMONIX You know, there’s the Santa Ski tonight, and a party, at the Lodge. You wanna get to know the locals, it’s a good way to do it. GREG We’ll see you there. She turns and sees Travis standing right beside her. TRAVIS We on for tomorrow? Hmm, what changed? CHAMONIX Why don’t you feel out your legs for the rest of the afternoon. Let me know tonight. 49.

TRAVIS I don’t want someone to take my place. Rick walks up to them, but his sight’s set on her. CHAMONIX Don’t worry, you’re spot’s reserved. She takes a hundy out of her pocket and hands it over. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Your share of the tip. RICK You wanna go grab a, gingerbread latte, talk about things. Us? Rick steps in and Travis steps back. He should leave, but he can’t quite walk away and leave her, especially not with him. CHAMONIX Can’t. Gotta go, make a snowman. That’s the best she can come up with? Who cares. She’s not going. CUT TO:

INT. BADWATER BASIN. LATER. Chamonix missions through the scattered day drinkers. CHAMONIX Jenny in the back? She doesn’t wait for the man behind the bar to answer. She pushes her way into the kitchen...

INT. BADWATER BASIN. KITCHEN. JUST AFTER. Where Jenny dumps a whole tub of paprika into a pot. CHAMONIX He’s engaged! He’s engaged!!! JENNY Who? Rick? CHAMONIX Rick? No. Travis McKlintov. 50.

JENNY Why do you care about Travis McKlintov? CHAMONIX Because I made out with Travis McKlintov in your bar last night and this morning I found out he’s engaged to the most... perfect, plastic, sweetheart of a snow bunny. JENNY Well it was just one night. Get over it. CHAMONIX That’s the thing, I don’t know if I can. She paces around the kitchen. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) He wants me to take him backcountry tomorrow. There’s no way. There’s no way! JENNY You have to go. You need the money. CHAMONIX Can we just – JENNY Try this. She takes a silver tasting spoon and dips it in the pot. CHAMONIX Ew. Is that supposed to be Ma’s Christmas chili? Why are there peas in it? Jenny there’s a reason why you and Pops used this kitchen to store boards. You can’t cook! JENNY I know! That’s why I need you to keep the McKlintov’s on your good side so they don’t run my business out of town when I royally botch their Christmas Eve Party. 51.

CHAMONIX Oh my God. I’m not going to that. I’m sorry Jenny but I can’t help you. No one can help that thing you’re trying to pass off as food. JENNY I need you! Between us, Tamara, Courtney and Lerica I’m still going to be understaffed. Please dude. CHAMONIX I can’t... I can’t be around him. I can’t even think. I’m wrecked. Jenny rips off her apron. JENNY Alright. We’re getting out of here. CHAMONIX Don’t you have like, I don’t know, three years of culinary technique to master in the next two days. JENNY Ya, but right now you need me. She pushes her way back into the bar.

INT. BADWATER BASIN. JUST AFTER. JENNY She’s all yours today Trent. He’s still shining what must be the shiniest glass ever.

EXT. BADWATER BASIN. BACK ALLEY. JUST AFTER. Jenny’s got an ATV parked out back, there’s a wreath hanging off the handlebars. CHAMONIX Where are we going? JENNY To blow off some steam. She hands Chamonix a gold glitter helmet which she stuffs on. CHAMONIX You still got that sled? 52.

Jenny smirks. CUT TO:

EXT. MAIN STREET. JUST AFTER. Travis paces outside a boutique. Shopping bags are piled up to his elbows. From the glass display behind him, Kasi taps on the window. It’s like she’s in a Christmas fish tank, muffled and in a whole other world. She holds a pair of itty, bitty, baby slippers, styled to look like ski boots. KASI (through the glass) For Tommy? Travis holds his heart, melting at the cuteness. She plops them in her basket and continues perusing. He stares down a garland wrapped Main Street. It’s calm and chaotic in the way that last minute gift grabbing is at artisanal boutiques. A thin layer of ice coats the street. In the center of a traffic circle, there’s an igloo, it has a cute sign that says, “Home for the Holidays”. Beside it, the LUMBERJACK chainsaws an ice sculpture. All is calm, all is right, until Jenny comes ripping down the drag. Chamonix is “surfing” on a flexi-flyer, as she’s towed behind the quad. It’s absolute chaos. They’re turning every head, including Travis’s. Ya, she’s definitely hard to miss. Somehow, he manages a wave from beneath his gift bags... And it sends Chamonix spiraling. She’s late on the turn that Jenny’s whipping round the circle. She’s thrown from the sled and crashes through the igloo. CHAMONIX Owwwww! JENNY And that’s why we wear helmets boys and girls. Travis drops all the gift bags and runs over to her. TRAVIS You alright?! Hmm... he had no problem running to her embarrassing rescue. 53.

LUMBERJACK Dam it Chamonix! CHAMONIX I’m sorry Joe, please don’t ice pick me to death. LUMBERJACK The Christmas market opens tomorrow! CHAMONIX I know. I know. LUMBERJACK How am I going to fix this? JENNY Would a few cold beers on the house do the trick? He grunts away. We’ll take that as a “yes”. Chamonix crawls out of the igloo. Travis offers out his hand. TRAVIS You alright? CHAMONIX It’s my ego that’s really bruised. She pulls off her helmet and he can’t help but stare. She blushes. Jenny looks away. The chemistry of the moment feels private... that is until Kasi comes running down the street. KASI Trav! Trav! Chamonix holds the sled under her arm and hops on the back of Jenny’s quad. They peel off. KASI (CONT’D) What happened out here? TRAVIS Chamonix. Come on, I want to go ask that shopkeeper if she’d consider selling those baby boots at the lodge, I think they’d be a hit. CUT TO: 54.

EXT. SNOWY OVERLOOK. LATER. A creek babbles beside the girls. They lean back against some tree trunks and stare up into the big, lone sky above them. They suck on a couple of candy canes, like two kids who just ripped some popsicles off an ice cream truck. JENNY You know what I think? I think you wanted to fall for him. CHAMONIX There was no part of me that wanted to eat it off that sled today. JENNY Who said I was talking about the sled? CHAMONIX I just got dumped. JENNY Ya, well, no one liked Rick. CHAMONIX That’s not true. JENNY Why would you ever want to be with someone who wants to slow you down? CHAMONIX Good things happen when you slow down... you smell the flowers... JENNY Ya the flowers that grow on your grave. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. MAIN LODGE. THAT EVENING. The McKlintovs step out of the Gondola onto the base of the mountain. The lodge is bumping Christmas music and Merry Mule cocktails are clanked in copper mugs. The skiers and snowboarders wear snowman bibs, and Santa overcoats. There’s even herds of shredders in reindeer and penguin onesies. MARGOT I brought my baby to a rave. 55.

PETE Loosen up sis. It’s not a rave. It’s a rager! MARGOT Oh like that’s so much better. To the left, there’s a Christmas tree wrapped in sparkling lights. Beside it there are a few picnic tables. CARA Come on, I found our people. They hold mittens and make their move over. Chamonix slides up spraying sluff all over Travis... and residually all over Kasi. Only they don’t quite know it’s her, because she’s bearded, in a full Santa suit. CHAMONIX McKlintovs! GREG You know I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel like there’s something different about you Santa... She grabs her pillow-stuffed belly. CHAMONIX I may have snuck a few cookies since breakfast. TRAVIS I think you look great. KASI Thanks. In her pigtails and pink furry earmuffs, Kasi can’t hear a lot, and it’s filtered down to only what she wants to. PETE Ya, very... debonair. CHAMONIX It’s the beard. Makes me seem, distinguished. VIOLA Well it’s... this is... 56.

CHAMONIX Fun? The ultimate ice breaker, Santa Jenny sprays the family with her snowboard trail. She’s chattering. JENNY Mr. McKlintov, Mrs... I’m Jenny. GREG For a good time Jenny, we’ve heard a lot about you. Mainly that you’re a good time. The conversation dies, a slow, painful awkward death. CHAMONIX Well what are we still doing down here? You got your gear, lets go hit a few runs. GREG With my knee? I think I’ll go join Margot and the baby. VIOLA I’ll come with you – Chamonix sticks her red-coat wearing arm out. CHAMONIX Viola, sorry Mrs. McKlintov – VIOLA Viola’s fine. CHAMONIX Well, Viola, you can’t tell someone you can shred in Ferra Faucet curls and not show that off. Come do a run with us. VIOLA I... I really shouldn’t – JENNY For the girls. CHAMONIX You already bought the cow. Might as well have a milkshake. VIOLA Oh, what the hell. 57.

EXT. CHAIR LIFT. JUST AFTER. As they cruise up the chair lift, Viola is sandwiched between the two Santas. She looks around... and, she looks down. VIOLA Mind if I lower the safety bar? She’s the boss. CHAMONIX Been awhile? VIOLA I’ve never skied at night. JENNY Never? You stoking right now? VIOLA That’s one way to phrase it.

EXT. SLOPE. JUST AFTER. As Jenny, Travis, Pete and Kasi strap in to their snowboards, Viola stares down at the run. VIOLA After you. Chamonix nods, and takes off down the mountain, carving hard against the corduroy groomer. She makes it half way and stops off to the side. Jenny bombs straight passed her. Pete flies down next, boarding like he surfs, banking turns and whipping his tail round like a cutback. Kasi falling leaf follows. Travis waits to carve his own line. Chamonix sends it after.

EXT. LIFT LINE. JUST AFTER. At the bottom, she looks around, but doesn’t see anyone. She shakes it off and hops in the singles line for one more run.

EXT. MAIN LODGE. JUST AFTER. Viola, Jenny and Kasi are all racking up their gear. VIOLA Well, that felt good. 58.

TRAVIS Another? VIOLA Not tonight. TRAVIS I’m gonna sneak one more. He pecks Kasi on the cheek and pushes off to the lift line. JENNY You rip Ms. McKlintov. VIOLA Please, Viola. What’d ya say good time Jenny, should we get a drink? JENNY Umm, ya, sure... I think your husband has some wine... VIOLA I’m not drinking house Cab at a ski lodge in Lone Sky. Let’s get ourselves a Merry Mule. She turns and heads towards the lodge. Jenny looks at Kasi. JENNY Wow your mother-in-law is the shit. Way to bet on the competition Jen.

EXT. LIFT LINE. JUST AFTER. LIFT OPERATOR Two, two singles. He directs Chamonix out from the left of the line and Travis out from the right. They push up, both in their own world dreaming about, and yet completely oblivious, to the other.

EXT. CHAIR LIFT. JUST AFTER. As they’re hoisted into the sky, Chamonix finally looks over. Even beneath her wind burn and Santa beard you can tell she’s blushing. Then he notices her, noticing him. TRAVIS Are you following me Santa? 59.

CHAMONIX Heard you’re getting coal for Christmas. Had to confirm. He pulls down her beard, so he can see her smile. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) It’s getting cold. The chemistry’s steaming in the snow, she needs some ice. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) It wasn’t y’all that bought the Adamson house down on Twin Lakes Road, was it? TRAVIS Might’ve been... CHAMONIX Well, I don’t know if you know this, but the Adamson’s happen to have like 100 acres of pristine backcountry trails on their property, on your property, supposedly, it’s epic... TRAVIS If you wanna ask me, just ask me. Red handed... and red coated. CHAMONIX Can we hit the trails on your property tomorrow? I’ve just, I’ve dreamed about those chutes since I was a kid and, Ol’ Man Adamson wasn’t exactly keen on teenagers sneaking on to his property. What’d you say? I’ll guide ya’ for free. TRAVIS No. She looks down at her skis, almost considers jumping to avoid this awkwardness. Not really, but really. TRAVIS (CONT’D) I’ll double your rate. It’s our property, as far as I’m concerned now it’s a development scout. CHAMONIX You can’t buy me Travis. 60.

TRAVIS I’d never try. You’re priceless. The chairlift reaches the peak of the mountain. Chamonix lifts her poles out from under her leg. CHAMONIX Don’t stay up too late, I’ll be over bright and early. TRAVIS You don’t want to do a run? Chamonix pulls up her beard. CHAMONIX Nah, if we start, I won’t stop. She skates off into the crowd of other skiing Santas. CUT TO:

INT. MCKLINTOV MANSION. LATER. The McKlintov’s trickle in, smiling, yawning, good-nighting. GREG It’s a nice town. It really is. TRAVIS Don’t forget, bright and early tomorrow Pete. PETE I’ve already set an alarm. TRAVIS Set three. VIOLA Goodnight everybody. But as opposed to heading upstairs like the rest, Travis sneaks off to the office.

INT. MCKLINTOV OFFICE. He cracks open a folder of financials. He rubs his eyes and flips through spread sheet after spread sheet. DISSOLVE TO: 61.

INT. MCKLINTOV KITCHEN. THE NEXT MORNING. A pot of coffee percolates. Viola has her fuzzy robe tied round her waist. She stares at Travis as he stares at the coffee drip, drip, drip... VIOLA A watched pot doesn’t brew faster. She grabs it, mid-drip and pours herself a cup. TRAVIS I knew I was missing something. VIOLA Let me know when you find out what.

INT. PETE’S ROOM. MORNING. Pete’s alarm beeps and beeps and beeps. Ughhhh... He rolls over and out the door.

INT. MCKLINTOV HALLWAY. MORNING. Kasi tiptoes back to the room in her silk short set. She passes Pete who rubs sleep from the corner of his eyes. PETE Morning. He’s shirtless and his PJ pants have snowboarding mammoths. KASI Cute jammies. PETE Cute jammies yourself. Ooooo... he noticed. PETE (CONT’D) Hey Kas... you got any toothpaste? She digs into her pink plastic toiletry bag. KASI Don’t lose the lid, like you did at Thanksgiving. PETE You’re my life saver. 62.

She blushes, skips away and he skips a beat watching her go.

EXT. MCKLINTOV MANSION. CONTINUOUS. As Greg returns from his morning walk, he sees Chamonix unloading her truck. GREG Santa, you’re revealing your secret identity! CHAMONIX Morning Mr. McKlintov. GREG Please, call me Greg. CHAMONIX G’morning Greg. GREG You know it just dawned on me that I never asked you, why aren’t you with your family? Christmas is in two days... I can’t imagine your mom’s very happy you’re out here giving us all your attention. CHAMONIX Hanukah came early this year. GREG Mazel, Claus. Rick pulls up, towing a trailer with two snowmobiles. GREG (CONT’D) I’ll let you two unload. Chamonix helps Rick undo it all. CHAMONIX What no peppermint latte today? Silent treatment. Ok. RICK Look Chamonix I get it. I get that I dumped you and somehow I’m the one that’s screwed up over it because you’ve got the McKlintov brothers both tripping over themselves to get to you – 63.

CHAMONIX What are you talking about? Rick, it’s not like that. RICK I don’t care what you say it’s like. I’m hurt and I need some time, so when Scott’s back after Christmas, he’s going to be running backcountry with you while I’m running the shop. It is called Rick’s Snowmobiles after all. I feel like I should be there somedays. CHAMONIX If that’s what you want. RICK I just can’t do this anymore. CHAMONIX You said that bit already. RICK I just hate being around you. Chamonix smiles in her tears, she turns to wipe her eyes – TRAVIS Now those look like fun. Seeing her wipe tears wipes the snowmobile induced smile from his face. She mouth’s “Don’t”. But, he can’t help himself. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Hey, hey – He locks on to Rick. His fingers curl to a fist. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Everything alright here? RICK Peachy. Luckily for the Lucky Backcountry Guides, Pete walks out diffusing. PETE Sick! Now this is what I’m talking about. How fast do these things go? 64.

RICK A buck ten. PETE One ten!?! Chamonix wipes her cheeks and gets to work handing out the avi beacons. When Travis takes his, he holds her hand for just a beat. Just long enough to dry her tears. CHAMONIX Keep it in your pants, the beacon. PETE I can try. CHAMONIX Let’s go over these backcountry packs, shall we? Inside there’s some basic survival gear: lighter, knife, metal bottle. You also have a shovel, a probe and built in to this pocket is an airbag. Should you get into a heavy slide, you pull the tabs here on your pack and WOOSH. A balloon will blow up behind your head, keeping your neck and shoulders up. It’ll also make you more visible. RICK Now when we’re out on the snowmobiles, it’s critical that we pay attention to our surroundings. If a slide happens, turn down, aim to the side, and gas it like hell. CHAMONIX We’ll each hop on the back and let you boys drive us out into the flats, once we get into the more technical terrain, we’ll swap. PETE Get on Chamonix, Ima take you for a ride. She climbs on and takes off. DISSOLVE TO: 65.

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. MID MORNING. As Chamonix holds on to Pete, Rick can’t keep his eyes off them. The only thing that interrupts his starring is seeing Travis stare similarly. RICK Stings, doesn’t it? TRAVIS What? RICK Ya, ok. Eyes on the snow. After crossing through the backcountry they come to a river crossing. They slow. CHAMONIX What’d you reckon Rick? RICK Let’s follow the creek up the mountain, see if it’s snowed over in higher elevations. CHAMONIX (to Pete) Scoot. PETE Alright, alright. Unlike these fools I don’t mind having a woman in control. Chamonix takes charge, as does Rick. They head up the mountain and find a bit where the creek’s covered. CHAMONIX Well Rick? He looks down at a GPS. RICK I think this is a safe enough crossing. Worst case town is about two miles down to the left of us. CHAMONIX I don’t entertain “worst case” in the backcountry. I say we turn back. 66.

RICK You just can’t ever trust me. CHAMONIX Not when there’s an ego and lives at stake. RICK Well I say it’s plenty safe. Chamonix takes it in. She’s hesitant. RICK (CONT’D) You’re just saying this because it’s me. You always do this. If it were either of these two saying it was a safe crossing you’d already be half way to the other side of the mountain. CHAMONIX That’s not – RICK Save it. Rick guns it across. Makes it. PETE Well... Chamonix doesn’t hesitate another second, she cruises straight over and doesn’t stop to wait for the “I told you so” on the other side. They cruise a bit further, then they park their snowmobiles and begin trekking up a slope. Once they make it to the top, Chamonix takes a deep breath and inhales everything around her. CHAMONIX Go on Rick. RICK How kind of you. CHAMONIX Well, if the mountain gives way, I’d rather it be you down there. Rick shoves himself over the edge, and shreds down. 67.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Alright, which one of you boys wants the next go. PETE It’s all me bro. Pete carves across the entire slope, selfishly. TRAVIS After you. CHAMONIX As your guide, I insist. Travis bombs down next. It’s clear that he’s spent a lifetime snowboarding. They all look up at her, and she absolutely slays it. PETE That has to be the coolest girl in the world. From the looks on their faces, both Travis and Rick agree. Chamonix slides up besides them. CHAMONIX Who wants to go again? DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. TOP OF RUN. EARLY AFTERNOON. The sun’s higher in the sky and the once pristine powder is now covered in tracks. It’s all smiles here. CHAMONIX Aight crew. Last run. PETE Already? CHAMONIX Sun’s coming up, we don’t want that river crossing to get soft. PETE Watch this. 68.

Pete charges down the run, straight towards a rock. He airs off it, like it’s a jump, only he doesn’t make it. His gear flies everywhere as he tumbles down. RICK YARD SALE! CHAMONIX Shit. She takes off after him. What took him 5 turns takes her 1. She unclips and rushes to his rescue. PETE Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. CHAMONIX Nice air. PETE Flying’s easy, it’s comin’ down that trips me up. CHAMONIX Gimme your hand. PETE Ow, ow, oww. I can’t lift my arm. I can’t lift my arm. Chamonix! Chamonix crouches up beside him. Travis skids up, flustered. TRAVIS Is he alright? Bro, you ok? Chamonix is he alright? CHAMONIX He’s fine. You’re fine. I think you’ve just dislocated your shoulder. RICK! Rick’s on it. He drives a snowmobile up towards them. PETE OWWWWW. RICK Ok, easy does it. He and Chamonix lift him up, she takes a roll of duct tape out from her pack and starts taping his arm onto his body. A mountain sling, of sorts. 69.

CHAMONIX We’ve got to get you back to town. RICK Get on. Chamonix gets him up on to the snowmobile and squeezes on behind him to help hold him in place. CHAMONIX Follow us. It’s easy cruising, until they reach the river crossing. They stop to eyeball it. RICK What’d ya think? CHAMONIX It looks soft. RICK I think you should get off. She does. RICK (CONT’D) 1, 2, 3 – He pins the throttle and as they cross the snow falls away exposing a rushing river. RICK (CONT’D) Just cross further uphill. CHAMONIX It’s too soft. Avi danger’s up. RICK I don’t need to hear “I told you so”. CHAMONIX I didn’t say it! RICK Head back to town and mark where you leave the sled. I’ll have Tim come grab it on his way home. He throws his GPS across the river. She catches it. She walks to Travis’s snowmobile and climbs on the back. 70.

CHAMONIX You ready. TRAVIS Which way? As she wraps her arms around him so he can see the GPS. Her head rests on his back. He likes it, so he goes slow. CHAMONIX You can go faster you know. He doesn’t want to rush the moment. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) (re: GPS) Stay between the lines. Didn’t you learn to color as a kid? TRAVIS It was alway tricky for me. CHAMONIX He’ll be ok you know. TRAVIS I know. I just hate leaving him. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. LATER. She taps his back. And points left. They pull out of the mountains and abandon the snowmobile. TRAVIS Now what? CHAMONIX We start walking. She picks up her pack and starts moseying down the road. TRAVIS It’s a long walk. CHAMONIX Then we better start. Travis tries dialing a number. TRAVIS There’s no service out here. 71.

CHAMONIX Didn’t think there was. Hence the walking. Right... TRAVIS So... what are you doing for Christmas? CHAMONIX Skiing. I always buy myself a new pair of skis for Christmas. TRAVIS Sounds expensive. CHAMONIX Ya, well, I buy em in the summer when they go on sale. Christmas day is the first time I take em for a spin. TRAVIS Oh ya? Your family doesn’t mind? CHAMONIX Mom’s Jewish. So, Christmas is my day, my one day off where I get to do whatever the hell I want, no obligations. This year, Ima wake up early, and hike out to Loveland Pass, ski until I can’t feel my legs. Go down to Bill’s Burgers get myself a holiday pie, watch Home Alone– TRAVIS Home alone? CHAMONIX It’s fitting. What about you huh? What do the McKlintov’s do for Christmas? TRAVIS Uhmm, we’re going to open presents and my dad’s gonna make us all something super sugary for breakfast, and then we all pretend that Margot can cook dinner, until she burns it all to a crisp, and Cara’ll talk her off the ledge so my mom can make her speciality. 72.

CHAMONIX Oh ya? What’s that? TRAVIS A phone call to the nearest Chinese restaurant. CHAMONIX Well, China Palace is two towns over. As they walk closer to town they see that the Christmas market is in full swing, she stares out at the igloo – CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Oh my God. He didn’t – Her smash mark has now been sculpted to look like a snowman silhouette. The “Home for the Holidays” sign now has a warning: “Beware of Charging Snowmen”. TRAVIS Go stand next that, I gotta get a picture. CHAMONIX No... TRAVIS Yes. She poses and he snaps it, before walking towards the market. CHAMONIX Where are you going? It’s faster if we go around. Your brother – TRAVIS He’s fine. He’s got a house full of concerned McKlintovs. Tending to his every need. They cruise through the Christmas booths. TRAVIS (CONT’D) So you dress up as the Easter Bunny for Passover too or just Santa for Hanukah? CHAMONIX Christmas spirit is contagious. 73.

TRAVIS It’s not the spirt. You just do it for the red coat right? I bet you don’t even do any other Christmassy things. CHAMONIX I have a Christmas tree. TRAVIS Oh ya? How’d you decorate it? What was the theme? CHAMONIX Lift tickets? I don’t know I just kinda used whatever I had. I got a lot of old season passes. What? It’s not like I have ornaments, it’s my first one. TRAVIS What made you get one? Rick? CHAMONIX No. Rick’s not in to, all that. TRAVIS What? Being jolly? She shrugs off the jab. TRAVIS (CONT’D) So what was it? She looks at a craft stand and keeps walking. TRAVIS (CONT’D) You’re really not going to tell me? I gotta know! Come on. Why’d you get a tree? Why this year of all years? CHAMONIX Fine ok... I bought it after I met you. I thought maybe all those movies were right. TRAVIS Are you saying that I made you believe in miracles? CHAMONIX I’m saying that you, for a second, made me believe in Christmas. 74.

He turns and faces a vendor. They’ve got hundreds of ornaments hung up on wooden pegs. TRAVIS Pick one. CHAMONIX What? TRAVIS I made you buy a tree, I gotta at least get you an ornament. CHAMONIX You don’t have to do that. I’m not even gonna have one next year. He looks up at the wall, he points to one. TRAVIS (to the vendor) I’ll take that one. The margarita. Then to Chamonix – TRAVIS (CONT’D) I know how much you love tequila. She punches him in the arm as he accepts the brown paper bag. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Ouch! Is that how you treat people who buy you gifts? CHAMONIX That’s how I treat people who buy gifts immortalizing the night I want to forget. TRAVIS Ya, well, now you have a reason to get a tree next year. He stares down at his phone, to break the chemistry. TRAVIS (CONT’D) No one’s responding to my texts. Can you call Jenny or someone? CHAMONIX Nope. Jenny’ll leave work for me and she needs every second of culinary prep that she can get. (MORE) 75. CHAMONIX (CONT'D) Besides, she drives a quad, remember? TRAVIS Ok, I’m just gonna get an Uber or something. CHAMONIX Does it look like we have Uber? At the end of the Christmas market is a sleigh, hooked up to a tractor. It’s quite romantic, and the tractor is even sporting clip on, Christmas-style stuffed reindeer antlers. TRAVIS You’ve got one of those. CHAMONIX No. TRAVIS I mean, I don’t think we’ve got a choice. CHAMONIX I’m not getting in that with you. TRAVIS Ok, see you later. He walks up to the driver. TRAVIS (CONT’D) (to the driver) Can you take me up to Twin Lakes Road? TRACTOR DRIVER I can get ya close. TRAVIS Good enough for me. He climbs into the sleigh... TRAVIS (CONT’D) You sure? CHAMONIX You’re engaged. TRAVIS It’s just a sleigh ride. Think of it like a Lone Sky Lyft. 76.

It is a long walk, and she’s gotta go there anyway... FINE.

INT. SLEIGH. JUST AFTER. TRAVIS All that’s missing is the bells, you know, ring-ting-tingaling. The TRACTOR DRIVER blasts sleigh-sounds through a bull-horn style speaker. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Nice touch... CHAMONIX How could you not tell me you were engaged? TRAVIS I’m sorry? CHAMONIX How could you not tell me? That night at the bar... TRAVIS Because that night at the bar, I had just been dumped after I told my fiancé that I had no intention of ever marrying her. CHAMONIX So what changed? Am I just like the worst kisser on the planet? How did you get from having that night with me, to marrying someone else? Am I just as awful as he says I am? TRAVIS Is that what you think? The tractor pulls down the road. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Chamonix you’re, you’re wonderful. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I, haven’t stopped thinking about you for more than five seconds since that night. CHAMONIX What do you expect me to say that? Why would tell me that? 77.

TRAVIS I just couldn’t let you think that it was any other way. CHAMONIX You’re engaged! TRAVIS I’ve only known her for three months. CHAMONIX You’ve only known me for three seconds. TRAVIS It’s different with you. I, I know. CHAMONIX You’ll forget all about me after Christmas, when you’re back home, in the real world. The tractor pulls up in front of the driveway. TRACTOR DRIVER This is as far as I can make it. The two get out. He pays and the sleigh jingles off. CHAMONIX I don’t think I should be alone around you any more. He follows her up the driveway.

EXT. MCKLINTOV MANSION. JUST AFTER. CHAMONIX Tell Pete I hope he’s ok. Suddenly the front door swings open. Pete and Kasi hangout of the wooden frame. PETE Jesus! Took you two long enough to get back. TRAVIS We didn’t exactly have a ride. CHAMONIX How’s your shoulder? 78.

PETE Hanging in there. Literally. Kasi cackles. It wasn’t that funny. CHAMONIX Well I should get going. KASI Are you kidding? You must be freezing! Come join us for a little Aprés Ski. There’s fondue on the patio. CHAMONIX Thanks for the offer, but I really shouldn’t. PETE You have to, bro tell her she’s got to. Swallows, a forced smile that’s somehow also sincere. TRAVIS You should stay. She responds with equal force, a sincere “I shouldn’t” smile. CHAMONIX Nah, thank you. I’m tired. KASI It’s four in the afternoon! CHAMONIX That’s mountain time for ya. KASI Get in here grandma!

EXT. MCKLINTOV BACK TERRACE. JUST AFTER. As they walk out onto the back terrace, the view of the surrounding acres are stunning. There’s mountains in every direction and the whole family is seated beneath heat lamps as they dip skewers into bubbling cheese. VIOLA There you two are. You know I was beginning to worry. 79.

CHAMONIX I’m so sorry. It’s my fault, I knew the river crossing wouldn’t hold I should’ve been more adamant... TRAVIS You were. Thanks. GREG As far as I’m concerned, everyone’s home safe and Pete here needs to work on his landings. VIOLA Please sit. She sits beside Pete, he smiles at her. PETE Can you skewer me one of those shrimps? Come on, like you mean it! CHAMONIX I’m trying. I’m trying! PETE It’s not alive Chams... CHAMONIX It’s slippery! As they flirt Travis stares from across the table. He can’t take it... but neither can Kasi. KASI Why don’t we switch seats? It’s just, I’ve already eaten, so I can help Pete, and you can warm up. CHAMONIX Ya, ok, sure. I have to admit my aprés ski ritual is usually a piece of pizza and a canned beer. They musical chairs across the table. GREG Think of this like a slice of pepperoni only the cheese is liquid. She dunks a pepperoni in. All eyes stare. She sucks in air. 80.

CHAMONIX Hot. But so good. All giggles. Charmed, cheesy giggles. VIOLA So how was everyone else’s day? MARGOT We stumbled into the cutest Christmas market in town today. CARA It was incredible. Impeccably decorated candy apples, hand carved nutcrackers... TRAVIS Did you see the ornament stand? MARGOT Yes! Cara actually had this amazing idea – CARA It was all yours... MARGOT Well, we were thinking it’d be so great to commission a new ornament from her every year. We can sell it at the lodge, make it a collectable. GREG You two are on to something with that. I like it. KASI Trav, when were you at the Christmas market? TRAVIS With you, yesterday babe. Remember? They were setting it up. All of a sudden Chamonix feels dirty, she wipes her mouth. KASI I must’ve missed it. TRAVIS Well you were distracted. 81.

KASI By a crash landing, no less. Chamonix blushes as if they’ve been caught. But it’s just her. CHAMONIX Ya, not my finest hour. GREG Is this the hookie bobbing incident? CHAMONIX The what now? GREG Oh when the boys were little they loved to hookie bob. TRAVIS Dad would fire up the mule and Pete and I would throw on our old snowshoes, the ones with no traction left... PETE We’d just yank on to the rails and dad’d rip us around the icy street. GREG Sshh! Boys, mom doesn’t know. VIOLA I’m right here you idiot. And Margot snitched on you years ago. PETE Marg! Snitches get stitches. CARA Threaten her again and I’ll rip out your other shoulder. He’s quaking in his snow boots, but actually. Change topics. PETE So bro, Kas and I weeded through like a hundred wedding photographer’s Instas. We totally narrowed it in for ya. 82.

TRAVIS You picked the photographer? We didn’t even set a date. KASI Well we have to do engagement photos, so I can announce the proposal. It’s so awkward... she can’t take it. She word vomits. CHAMONIX You should do those here. You’ve got acres and acres of land behind you and in the Spring it’s all wild flowers. That clearing there, it’s a flat grassy meadow, little creak runs through it. Total dreamland. VIOLA I love how town’s change in the seasons. Bet Summer’s beautiful. CHAMONIX It is. I actually think we get more tourists then too. There’s swimming in the lakes, and fishing. And great mountain biking, hiking, the hot springs are slammed. MARGOT There’s hot springs? CHAMONIX Epic ones. MARGOT Is it a far hike? CHAMONIX About 3 miles round trip. Doesn’t take more than an hour each way. MARGOT We should go. We should all go. CARA With the baby? MARGOT Why not? It’s not that far. Chamonix can you take us tomorrow? 83.

CHAMONIX Oh ummm, I have to help Jenny, get everything together. She’s catering y’alls Christmas Eve party. VIOLA Oh nonsense. I’m sure she and her catering staff have that all taken care of. Right? Of course. Why wouldn’t they... PETE Hot springs sound steamy, clothing optional? TRAVIS Gross bro. PETE What? It’s a valid question. MARGOT We’ll go first thing in the morning, in our suits. TRAVIS You guys have fun. MARGOT You’re not coming? What else do you have to do? TRAVIS Work and avoid seeing Pete’s gentiles. MARGOT He’ll wear board shorts! And isn’t your job to “liaise with the locals”? Shouldn’t you know about these mysterious hot springs? VIOLA I think it sounds like fun. What time Chamonix? CHAMONIX Meet at the trailhead at 7:45? Nods. 84.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) In that case, I better call it a night. Thank you for the after ski, aprés ski... you know what, thank you for everything. VIOLA You’re very welcome. She gets up to walk out. CHAMONIX You ever try fondu-ing tortilla chips? GREG I believe those are called nachos. CHAMONIX Right. Y’all should think about eating nachos sometime. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. CHAMONIX'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. She walks into her empty apartment. Her tree droops sadly in the corner. She pulls the brown crinkled bag from her pack, unfolds it and delicately dangles her ornament. She hangs the margarita on a branch beside a mitten. She smiles, and so does the tree.

INT. TRAVIS’S ROOM. 7:15AM. Travis is brutally awaken by his alarm. He rolls over. He walks out to the hallway.

INT. MCKLINTOV HALLWAY. No one’s awake. He bangs on Pete’s door. TRAVIS Pete! Pete! We gotta go to the hot springs. Pete pops his head into the door frame. 85.

PETE Bro, I can’t my shoulder is so tweaked. Kasi pops her head out from her room across the hall. KASI I’ll stay with Pete. We were going to do some Insta-investigation and try to pick a florist. TRAVIS You guys kidding me right now? I didn’t even want to go. PETE Sorry bro, I’m hurting. He knocks on Margot’s door. TRAVIS Margot! Margot! MARGOT Trav, Tommy was sick all night, Cara and I didn’t sleep at all. TRAVIS You’re kidding me. Cara, get out here. CARA Do you understand what it’s like to have a wife with a gag reflex as sensitive as your baby’s? I’ve been cleaning barf since 3 am. I’m out. TRAVIS Fine, I’ll cancel. MARGOT No, no, no. You can’t cancel. TRAVIS Well I’m not going alone. MARGOT Of course not. Mom’ll go. Travis knocks on his mom’s door, he opens it a crack. 86.

INT. VIOLA’S ROOM. Viola is in full go mode. She’s in bed. Her phone’s pinched between her cheek and her shoulder and she’s typing 900 words a minute. As Travis peeks through the door she slides the phone to the side. VIOLA Honey it’s the Japanese resort... Right. He shuts himself out, ever so slightly.

EXT. MCKLINTOV HALLWAY. As he turns to leave, Greg cracks the door. GREG I got a feeling about this. Take pictures. I love a good hot spring.

INT. SUV. TRAILHEAD. 7:40. Travis sits in his car staring at the trailhead. He watches the minutes tick. He blows into his cold hands and stares out the windshield. Finally he turns the ignition back over. TRAVIS I can’t do this. I can’t do this. He shifts the car into reverse when he see’s Chamonix pull into the lot. It’s clear that she hasn’t seen him. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Shit. Bu he’s seen her. He backs up three feet... then re-parks. He climbs out of his car.

EXT. TRAILHEAD. CHAMONIX Hey! Where’s everyone else? She nods. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Plans sound better at night. She picks up her pack. 87.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) We don’t have to do this. TRAVIS I’ll still pay you. CHAMONIX Don’t worry about it. TRAVIS It’s really only an hour? He looks back towards the trail. TRAVIS (CONT’D) I might just check it out, since I’m here. CHAMONIX Then, I may as well go with you.

EXT. TRAIL. AFTER. The trail winds along a stream. CHAMONIX So what’s next, after you liaise? TRAVIS I work with the business owners, help establish a more concrete plan, invest in certain areas, work to increase revenue. Basically become a more involved lease- holder. If the town’s cash flow is up, rents don’t need to change. CHAMONIX Jenny’ll thank you for that. She’s been struggling to keep the Badwater hers ever since her dad died. Hence the catering business. TRAVIS Can she even cook? CHAMONIX We’re certainly going to find out. Suddenly Chamonix freezes in her tracks. A big brown bear is ahead of them on the trail. 88.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) (whispers) Do not make any sudden moves. She stretches her arm out, as if to push Travis behind her, but he instinctively steps in front. She hold his arm. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) (calm, collected) Hey bear. Heyyyy bearrr... She slowly starts moving sideways. Travis follows. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Hey bear. Heyyyy bear. The bear moves across the trail and back off towards the creek. Now they can finally exhale. But it’s not until after they take a breath that they both realize that they’re still holding on to each other. They leap apart. TRAVIS I thought bears hibernated in the winter? CHAMONIX Well, not her. TRAVIS How do you know it’s a she? CHAMONIX Because she looked tough. Chamonix treks off down the trail. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Come on, we’re almost there.

EXT. HOT SPRINGS. AFTER. The pools steam in the snow and clouds reflect off them. TRAVIS Wow. It’s gorgeous. He takes in the view and snaps a pic, as Chamonix takes off her jacket. 89.

TRAVIS (CONT’D) What are you doing? CHAMONIX Going in. Didn’t you bring a suit? She pulls off her long-sleeve to reveal a brightly colored bikini. Before we know it she’s sliding into the pool. TRAVIS I uh – I forgot. I’ll just... I’m gonna head back. CHAMONIX Ok, watch out for that bear. TRAVIS On second thought. Don’t look. She turns her head to the side as he gets down to his reign- deer boxer shorts. He slips in to the spring at the opposite end. There’s a whole pool between them, steaming. CHAMONIX So, have you found a date for the wedding? TRAVIS You mean like my bride? CHAMONIX No I mean, like March 7th. TRAVIS Oh, ah no. Hasn’t been on the forefront of my mind. CHAMONIX Apparently, you’re looking for a date to bring to your own wedding. Beat. TRAVIS So what’s next for you? CHAMONIX Who says there has to be anything next? TRAVIS No I just – I don’t know. 90.

CHAMONIX There’s a lot wilderness left. TRAVIS If you could do anything... CHAMONIX I want go to Japan... TRAVIS You’d love Japan. CHAMONIX Ya, I dunno, if I could ever bring myself to leave this town. Maybe I’ll find myself in Argentina, chasing the endless winter. TRAVIS Mmm. Everyone usually wants an endless Summer. CHAMONIX I’m not everyone. And I’m not afraid of weather. TRAVIS Not even lightening? CHAMONIX Oh come on. It’s just a spark. We still talking about the weather? CHAMONIX (CONT’D) What about you huh? If you could do anything, what’s next? TRAVIS If I could anything? Anything? Chase the spark? TRAVIS (CONT’D) I’d kiss you. Beat. CHAMONIX I uhh, I think we better go. She climbs out of the spring. He follows. 91.

CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Turn around ok? TRAVIS Why? CHAMONIX I’m not going to wear my wet suit under my clothes. I’ll get hypothermia. Now turn around. They both turn around, strip and pull on their clothes. TRAVIS Can I tell you a secret? CHAMONIX I think you’ve already reached your secret quota for the day. TRAVIS I’ve been all over, but out of everyplace I’ve ever been, I think I’m falling in love with Lone Sky. And I think I know why... Beat. A heart beat. CHAMONIX You can turn around now. She turns too. They stand across from each other, beating. She runs towards him and throws her arms around him. He kisses her, it’s everything it was the first time and more. And then, she pulls back... CHAMONIX (CONT’D) You should be with me. You should be with me. He kisses her forehead. TRAVIS I can’t. CHAMONIX Why not? Give me one reason Travis. One reason why you shouldn’t be with me. TRAVIS I’m leaving after Christmas. 92.

CHAMONIX Aren’t I enough to make you stay? TRAVIS It’s been three days. CHAMONIX Crazier things happen. TRAVIS I can’t. CHAMONIX WHY? What aren’t you telling me? TRAVIS Her dad’s investing twenty million dollars into this town. Without him, I lose you anyways. There it is. The unadulterated, slimy truth. CHAMONIX You’re a gold digger. You’ve got more money than anyone I’ve ever met and you’re gold digger. That’s all that matters to you. Money. He brushes her cheek. TRAVIS Chamonix... it’s for the town. CHAMONIX Don’t give me that. It’s not the only way, it’s just the easiest. TRAVIS Just try to see it from my perspective... CHAMONIX See it from mine. You’re not the person I thought you were. We can’t be alone anymore. I mean it this time.

EXT. TRAILHEAD. LATER. They walk to their cars without even cheating a look back. 93.

INT. BADWATER BASIN. KITCHEN. JUST AFTER. Chamonix pushes through the swinging doors. CHAMONIX Jenny! I’m sorry but – Jenny’s on the floor, back against a stove, piled with pans. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) What’s going on? She’s crying, hard. JENNY I’m going to lose it. I’m gonna lose the only thing he left me. I can’t afford the rent, and I can’t do anything about it. Who was I kidding? I can’t cook. Chamonix holds her arm out. CHAMONIX Get up. Jenny shakes. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Get. Up. JENNY There’s no point. I have to make hors d’oeuvres for fifty people. I can barely make toast. CHAMONIX Well, we’re going to learn. Get up. She grabs her hand and Chamonix pulls her up. JENNY What are you talking about? CHAMONIX Ever heard of a Christmas miracle? Well, today’s the day we learn how to not burn toast. Download Pinterest. They read through recipes, they glue glitter onto champagne flutes, they poof powdered sugar into the air. They plate up parfaits with cut strawberries and whipped cream and dust it all with candy cane crumbs. 94.

And as they “cook”, their friends doubling as other servers trickle in, already dressed in their elf costumes. They get straight to work. They poke tomatoes on toothpicks and layer in basil and mozzarella. They cut pita bread into Christmas trees and paste on pesto. They fold canned crescent rolls into a wreath shapes and fill pitchers with peppermint hot chocolate. Until... JENNY Holy shit. I think we did it. The elf army nods. Sergeant Chamonix checks her watch. CHAMONIX We gotta get everything in the car. JENNY We gotta get changed.


EXT. MCKLINTOV BACK TERRACE. JUST AFTER. As the platters are set out and the hot chocolates are poured into the martini glasses, it undeniably starts looking legit. Treys of hors d’oueveres are served to guests that trickle on to the heater-lined back terrace. A “Sweet Treats” table is set up beside a hot chocolate bar. It’s filled with parfaits and rice crispy snowflakes. There’s even a gingerbread house on it. Basically, they Pinterest hacked the shit out of this. JENNY Get out there head elf. Chamonix hesitates, stage fright? Maybe. But as she looks into the crowd, she spies Travis trotting over. She grabs her trey and heads off into the party. TRAVIS Wow Jenny. It looks amazing. 95.

JENNY Mean it? TRAVIS You had us sweating when you didn’t show up until ten minutes before the party was supposed to start, but it’s true what they say... JENNY What’s that? TRAVIS For a good time, call Jenny. JENNY Ya well, don’t eat the gingerbread house. It’s made out of cardboard and caulk. Kasi wide eyes the catering station. JENNY (CONT’D) Caprese salad skewer? KASI Oooo. Love the costume by the way. Do you guys do weddings? Not as elves obviously. Trav wouldn’t these be perfect at our wedding? JENNY We only do local events. TRAVIS Maybe we’ll get married in town. If she was drinking something, she’d spit it out. JENNY What? Where at? Badwater Basin? You know what you could be on to something. Badwater Weddings. We could be the only venue up here. Let me give you my card. She fishes into a pocket that jingles. TRAVIS I already got one. Right. 96.

KASI Plus if we are gonna get married in town, we’re gonna get married here, in the meadow. In the Dreamland. An older couple walks up. JENNY Caprese salad skewer? Across the party Chamonix serves Pete. CHAMONIX Christmas pita tree with pesto? PETE Don’t mind if I do. Mmm. By the way, I’m sorry I missed you, at the hot springs. I was looking forward to it. CHAMONIX I never counted on you. PETE Ouch. That hurts almost as bad as my shoulder. Travis and Kasi make their way over to them. CHAMONIX I should go, more pita to pass. PETE Come back and hang, when you can. Or, what are you doing after this? We should get a drink. CHAMONIX We don’t need to pretend we’re both available, when we’re not. Before he can ask what the hell she means, she’s gone. KASI Ooo, what was that? PETE Something spicy. TRAVIS Do y’all get the feeling Chamonix’s avoiding me? 97.

KASI Since when do you say “y’all”? PETE Why would she be avoiding you? Did something happen at the hot springs? Wow. Is he really putting two and two together? PETE (CONT’D) Oh my God. Something happened at the hot springs! We’re just as shocked as Trav. TRAVIS No. No. Nothing “happened”... KASI Why do you make it so hard for me to believe you? Kasi storms off, rightfully. PETE She’s got a point bro. On the other side, Margot noshes on a crescent roll wreath. CARA We’ve been together for eight years and I still don’t get it. MARGOT What? CARA How does your mom convince her investors to follow her to every hole in the mountain town across the country? How does she even convince them to come to these Christmas Eve parties? MARGOT By throwing these Christmas Eve parties. Rich people are lonely, most of the time. They like to come and rub elbows before jetting off to whatever island town it is that they spend Christmas at. 98.

CARA I just think it’s weird. Mixing Christmas with business. Travis runs by them, knocking Cara’s elbow. Oops. TRAVIS Have you seen Kasi? She’ll hit him right back. CARA You sure you’re not looking for Chamonix? TRAVIS What’s that supposed to mean? MARGOT Trav... come on. We can all tell. What are you still doing with Kas? TRAVIS It’s not like I have a choice. MARGOT Oh poor Travis. Always the victim. TRAVIS Get bent. CARA Watch it. MARGOT It’s your life, do what you want. For once. Do what you want. Travis walks through house digesting what she’s just said.

INT. MCKLINTOV KITCHEN. He sees Chamonix standing beside a platter of parfaits. She’s binge eating one and doing exactly what she wants. TRAVIS Hi. CHAMONIX (mouth half full) Sorry I can’t really talk right now. (MORE) 99. CHAMONIX (CONT'D) Parfaits are a time sensitive dessert. I don’t know if you know that. TRAVIS Chamonix I – Swallows. CHAMONIX I gotta go. They’re melting. She pushes her way past him, to the door. He stops her. TRAVIS I’m gonna call off the wedding. She sets the teetering tray of parfaits down. CHAMONIX So? TRAVIS For you. I’m going to call off the wedding for you. I know we just met, but I like you, a lot. And in the three-ish days that I’ve known you, I don’t think that I’ve spent three seconds not thinking about you. I never believed in love at first sight, but you made me. I’m never going to forget seeing you stomp through that bar. And I never want to. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met... CHAMONIX Are you hearing yourself? May I remind you that in those three days you got dumped and engaged and neither of those things happened with me? TRAVIS You said you believed in Christmas Miracles. I was supposed to find you, I was supposed to walk into that bar that night. The only mistake I made was leaving. I don’t want to leave you again. Not tonight, not tomorrow, not after Christmas. We can – 100.

CHAMONIX Do nothing. After Christmas life goes back to normal and I’ll just be some chick you met at the mountain that blew up your engagement. TRAVIS That’s not what this is, and you know it. What else do you need to convince you? There’s even mistletoe. She looks up, snatches the garland and throws it in his face. CHAMONIX Save your miracles for someone who believes in them. She jingles out, parfaits, elf costume and all.

EXT. MCKLINTOV BACK TERRACE. CATERING STATION. JUST AFTER. Chamonix runs up to Jenny, tears streaming down her face. CHAMONIX I have to get out of here. Jenny tosses her the keys. JENNY I have to stay. CHAMONIX I know. She starts to run, turns back – CHAMONIX (CONT’D) Jenny, look at what you did. You did all of this. You should be so proud. He would be so proud... Chamonix grabs her, and squeezes her tight. JENNY Get outta here before you make cry too. CHAMONIX You got your miracle. Merry Christmas Jen. 101.

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. CONTINUOUS. Travis meanders into the living room. Kasi fiddles with a Christmas village figurine set. Like she’s playing dolls. TRAVIS Hey. KASI It always looks so perfect from up here. The Christmas village with hot chocolate stands, the big tree in the square, ice skaters... TRAVIS That’s because it is. KASI Ya, cause there aren’t any backcountry guides blowing up Christmas engagements. Everyone’s talking Trav. I’m not a fool. TRAVIS We’ve only been dating for three months. KASI Ya, how long have you known her? Touché. TRAVIS It’s not about her. KASI Don’t lie to me. The least you can do is not lie to me. TRAVIS Kasi, when you got out of that car, I felt relieved. And I know a bit of you did too. That’s not how you should feel when the person you’re supposed to marry walks out. When they slam the door on you. KASI I thought I loved you, and then – TRAVIS You started spending time with Pete? I’m no fool either Kas. 102.

She breaks down, he wraps his arms around her. KASI I’m so sorry. He’s your brother – TRAVIS Ya, well I’m one to talk. KASI This place makes it hard to not fall in love. To bad it was with the wrong people. She pulls the ring off and hands it to him. TRAVIS Who says? I don’t think you’ll be saying bye to this ring for long. KASI Mm, I prefer a Princess cut. TRAVIS Pete’s a lucky guy. I mean that. The first real moment they’ve had, and Pete interrupts them. PETE I know that, you know that, whole world knows that. He sees Kasi crying, he runs to her rescue. PETE (CONT’D) Kasi. Bro what did you do? TRAVIS You wanna tell him? She shakes her head. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Bro, Kasi and I called off the engagement. There’s no hard feelings, she’s just in love with someone else. And so am I. PETE Bro, I swear – TRAVIS And, she wants to know if he feels the same. 103.

Beat, as our dense bro puts it all together. PETE Wait, for real Kas? She nods. PETE (CONT’D) Holy shit. That’s awesome. They kiss. PETE (CONT’D) Sorry bro. Is it weird? TRAVIS A little. PETE You’ll get used to it. They kiss again. Travis turns to walk out. TRAVIS Hey, Kasi, I hope this doesn’t change your dad’s mind about investing in the town. KASI Trav, didn’t you hear? My dad pulled out this afternoon. Viola and I spent like forty minutes trying to convince him but he kept saying he prefers sand to snow... that’s why she hasn’t shown her face at the party– TRAVIS Both of you with me. Now.

INT. MCKLINTOV OFFICE. JUST AFTER. They barge into Viola’s office. Greg’s rubbing his eyes. GREG What’s going on here? Pete and Kasi jerk their hands away from each other. 104.

TRAVIS Kasi and I are better as friends, she loves Pete, Pete loves her, we’ll all get used to it. Now, what the hell’s going on here?

EXT. RICK'S SNOWMOBILE SHOP. CONTINOUS. Chamonix bangs on the door of Rick’s shop. CHAMONIX Rick! Rick! He flicks on a light and marches out. RICK What the hell do you want? CHAMONIX At what point did you get tired of chasing after me? When should I have turned back? RICK When you realized I was worth waiting for. But let me guess, that’s still not why you’re here. I’m not the one you want to wait for. CHAMONIX I’m sorry. RICK Right. So what are you doing? Why are you running, to me, of all people? CHAMONIX I guess I’m scared. RICK Chamonix, scared? I don’t buy it. But, you know, if you are scared, that’s all the more reason to turn back.

INT. MCKLINTOV OFFICE. CONTINUOUS. The whole family’s in on this. Cara’s bouncing the baby, Margot’s leaning over the desk, Pete paces. Kasi scrolls. 105.

MARGOT Have we thought about festivals: film, music, wine? VIOLA The insurance will drown us. PETE A zip line? TRAVIS Development costs are too high. PETE I know everyone always shoots this down, but have we thought about upping our Instagram – ALL NO! GREG It’s just not enough. Travis feels in his pocket. The ring swims loosely. He fishes it out and pops it down on the desk. TRAVIS Kasi, what did you say to me, about our wedding? KASI Oh my God! TRAVIS You’re a genius! KASI Oh my God! They scream and hug and now it’s really, really confusing. VIOLA Can someone clue me in as to what the hell is going on now? Did she switch brothers again? TRAVIS Kasi, how many people attend an average sized wedding? KASI 131. 106.

TRAVIS And what are the staples needed for a boho-chic outdoor ceremony? KASI An alter, chairs, a tent, a few tables, maybe a dance floor. TRAVIS And how much does the average couple pay for a wedding? KASI In a range, 30-100k, easy. TRAVIS Throw in a few heaters to make it multi-seasonal... We’ve got the property, the set up costs are all passed through to the couple. Lodging for 130 people, plus travel, shopping, site seeing... MARGOT Each weekend we can net between 10- 20 grand. And the surplus flows straight into the town. PETE Slay bae! She high-fives him. He’s proud. Everyone else is shook. GREG This could work. VIOLA Ok everyone, we need to – CARA Stop. Stop. Everyone stop. It’s Christmas Eve. It’s Tommy’s first Christmas Eve and we just spent the whole night schmoozing investors and guess what, the party ended and none of us even knew because we’re cooped up in this office. Now, I know that there’s a lot riding on this, and if any team can make it happen, it’s this one. But for tonight, for the next 33ish hours, can we just be a family, not a business? 107.

VIOLA Ladies and gentleman, my daughter- in-law has finally arrived. CUT TO:

INT. CHAMONIX'S APARTMENT. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix sits beside her small Christmas tree. She clicks on the TV. Home Alone, $5.99. She hesitates, flicks the TV off.

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. CONTINUOUS. A karaoke machine pumps tunes. Greg and Viola sing a duet, ”Baby it’s Cold Outside”, but it is certainly hot in here. It’s enough to make even adult children cringe. MARGOT Will these two get a room already? CARA I don’t know what you’re talking about? That’s couple goals right there. MARGOT Did you just refer to my parents as couple goals? CARA Dam right. I hope I can’t keep my hands off you when we’re that age. TRAVIS Ah shut up. You’re gonna be just like them, and I’m going to be sitting here, cringing as you sing the same cliché duet. CARA Don’t be jealous. You’ll find your person, and when you do you’ll just know. TRAVIS Ya? And what if they got away? MARGOT Then get them back. DISSOLVE TO: 108.

EXT. LOVELAND TRAILHEAD. CHRISTMAS MORNING. Chamonix unloads her truck and pastes the skins on her skis. An older couple walks off the trail and waves to her. CHAMONIX Merry Christmas. She clips in and begins her trek.

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. CONTINUOUS. Greg carries a casserole dish with snowmen oven mitts over to the reclaimed wood coffee table. GREG Without further ado, my world famous eggnog bread pudding. As they scoop some onto their plates, Pete hands Kasi a small badly wrapped box. He did it himself. She rips it open. Beams. KASI My toothpaste lid, from Thanksgiving. You shouldn’t have. PETE Good because I actually stole it off of the new tube. Kasi swats him. KASI PETE! GREG (to Travis) I’m happy for them. And for you. TRAVIS Ya, if only she didn’t hate me. GREG Kasi doesn’t hate you. Ahh, she doesn’t either. She may be mad at you. You may not be the kind of man she thought you were. (MORE) 109. GREG (CONT'D) Agreeing to marry someone so that twenty million dollars gets pumped into a town and people get to keep their businesses doesn’t necessarily make you a gold digger... but it doesn’t necessarily not. TRAVIS Doesn’t matter. It’s over. GREG If your mother and I split up every time she threw mistletoe in my face, well I don’t think we would’ve made it passed our first Christmas. TRAVIS Are you going to say that every time something happens? GREG Are you going to keep letting things happen? Beat. TRAVIS Maybe I’ll give her a call. GREG A call? A CALL? What is she an insurance agent? Get out of here and go get her. Suddenly their private conversation isn’t so private anymore. VIOLA Well what are you waiting for? GO!

EXT. RICK’S SNOWMOBILE SHOP. LATER. Travis bangs on the door. Rick, half asleep walks to the front door. RICK What! What! TRAVIS Rick man, I need to rent a snowmobile. 110.

RICK We’re closed. TRAVIS It’s an emergency. RICK We’re closed. TRAVIS Were you sleeping in there? RICK A grand. TRAVIS What? RICK A grand and I’ll hook you up with your avi gear and a snowmobile. TRAVIS That seems steep. RICK Consider it a Christmas bonus. TRAVIS How do I get to Loveland Pass?

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. MID MORNING. Travis races on his snowmobile through the mountains. He sees Chamonix across the pass, her red bib beaming between some rocky crags. He guns it towards her. CUT TO:

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix stares at Travis mobbing up the mountain. CHAMONIX What is this idiot doing here? No. No. No, don’t cross that pass. She starts waving her arms in the air, pointing him off. CHAMONIX (CONT’D) HEY! NO! NOOOO!! 111.

But Travis isn’t getting it he starts waving back... CHAMONIX (CONT’D) DON’T COME OVER HERE. He’s standing and waving as he traverses across and suddenly the whole mountain starts to slide. There’s a RUMBLE and then, AVALANCHE. He turns the snowmobile downhill and pins it. He’s charging towards the side, but it’s no use. He’s swallowed by the snow. CHAMONIX (CONT'D) Shit, shit shit!!!

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. CONTINUOUS. Viola opens a present, it’s a toilet bowl mug. PETE You know, now no one will have the courage to smell your “water” glass. VIOLA How thoughtful Pete. Greg walks in, for the first time, he’s not smiling. GREG That was Rick. Travis’s beacon just went off. There’s been an avalanche. Viola drops the toilet mug, it shatters.

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. CONTINUOUS. Chamonix clips in. She looks long and hard at the trail. She sees a glove, an “arm up.” She charges down the mountain towards it. She pulls out her shovel and starts digging. CHAMONIX I’m here Travis. I’m here. She claws at the snow with her mittens until she sees his head poking up in a red pillow, his Avi Airbag. 112.

With a hand half pinned in snow, he throws a snowball at her. DIRECT HIT. TRAVIS You know I was beginning to think I’d never be able to do that, and you really deserved a snowball to the face. She doesn’t hesitate. She kisses him, over and over. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Wow, all it takes is a snowball to the face to get you to forgive me? I’ll have to remember that. CHAMONIX Shut up.

INT. MCKLINTOV KITCHEN. CONTINUOUS. The family stands around the phone clenching their cups of coco. Suddenly it rings. Greg snatches it. GREG (into phone) Tell me some good news Rick. Ya, you did. And... thank you. Thank you for telling me. Margot’s eyes well, the whole family stares up at him. GREG (CONT’D) He’s ok. He’s on his way back with Chamonix. Cheers, tears, relief.

EXT. BACKCOUNTRY MOUNTAINS. CONTINUOUS. The two now slowly mosey their way across the mountain. CHAMONIX So what now? You survived an avi. Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? TRAVIS Ya. I think maybe I’ll have to do a backcountry safety course. The M- GABS don’t seem like they’re enough. 113.

CHAMONIX It will have to be after Christmas. TRAVIS I can do after Christmas. But I was thinking, maybe I’d do it in Japan, or wait until this summer. I heard there’s a mountain in Argentina with a cash flow problem. What do ya say? You down to chase Winter with me? They reach the top of an absolutely epic chute. CHAMONIX Can I go first? TRAVIS Always. She sends it down the mountain.

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. LATER. Christmas music sounds as the McKlintov’s settle in around a fire. Margot barges in with black runny mascara and a black, burnt bird. MARGOT Well turkey’s burnt. Christmas is ruined. VIOLA I’ve got this... TRAVIS China Palace is two towns over. VIOLA I don’t got this... CHAMONIX Can I give it a go? DISSOLVE TO:

INT. MCKLINTOV LIVING ROOM. LATER. TRAVIS Can you believe they’re charging us $5.99 To rent Home Alone? 114.

PETE Capitalism bro. They got what everyone wants. He doesn’t hesitate. Rents it. TRAVIS Chamonix! It’s starting! Chamonix walks into the room with a new casserole dish, only this one is loaded high with piles and piles of nachos. CHAMONIX Nachos anyone? Viola helps herself. VIOLA Sure as hell beats two-town over Chinese. CHAMONIX (to Travis) How’s this for a little Aprés Christmas? 115.