The student ‘news’paper of Imperial College London Issue 1,410 Friday 10 October 2008 felix Inside Arts is back, and in style Pages 16 - 22 Science interviews Sir Pendry FRS Page 10 - 11 Games on a budget Page 26 - 27 Tours, tours and more tours Palestinian student trapped Back Page Felix reports on the Imperial student who is unable to attend this year. See page 4 2 felix Friday 10 October 2008 News News Editor – Kadhim Shubber
[email protected] NUS call for nationwide ban New library on initiations opens, officially Jovan Nedić PICTURE: BBC NEWS Daniel Wan joinery’, a ‘glass stairway’ and a ‘semi- Editor in chief News Correspondent transparent think-tank area.’ So, wooden floor skirting, a perspex ban- Late last week, the BBC revealed a vid- Despite being open and readily avail- nister and further segregation. eo showing first year undergraduate able to students for weeks now, the felix went along to cover the official students at the University of Glouces- ‘new’ Central Library was officially opening ceremony on the 2nd of Octo- tershire taking part in an initiation opened last Thursday afternoon. After ber, but were told to “stay out the way’” ceremony, which lead to the National a noisy two years and £11 million of of official photography. felix were fur- Union of Students (NUS) calling for a renovation, the Library sees an entirely ther encouraged to use official photog- nationwide ban of initiations. refurbished ground floor, whilst the re- raphy in our coverage of the Library In the video, the students are seen maining floors have been freshened up opening, as to avoid our seemingly lined up against a wall with plastic bag with a little more than a paint job.