Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/19 of 14 December 2018 Adopting the Twelfth Update of the List of Sites of Community

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Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/19 of 14 December 2018 Adopting the Twelfth Update of the List of Sites of Community 9.1.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 7/287 COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2019/19 of 14 December 2018 adopting the twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region (notified under document C(2018) 8529) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of Article 4(2) thereof, Whereas: (1) The Atlantic biogeographical region referred to in Article 1(c)(iii) of Directive 92/43/EEC comprises the Union territories of Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and parts of the Union territories of Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Portugal as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 April 2005 by the committee set up by Article 20 of that Directive (the ‘Habitats Committee’). (2) The initial list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region, within the meaning of Directive 92/43/EEC, was adopted by Commission Decision 2004/813/EC (2). That list was last updated by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/40 (3). (3) The sites included in the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region form part of the Natura 2000 network which is an essential element of the protection of biodiversity in the Union. In order to make further progress in the actual establishment of the Natura 2000 network and in the context of a dynamic adaptation of that network, the lists of sites of Community importance are reviewed regularly. (4) Between 19 June 2017 and 2 March 2018 Member States have proposed additional sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 92/43/EEC. Member States have also submitted changes in the site-related information contained in the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region. (5) On the basis of the draft list drawn up by the Commission in agreement with each of the Member States concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, an updated list of sites selected as sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region should be adopted. Articles 4(4) and 6 of Directive 92/43/EEC apply to the newly included sites. (6) Knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving as a result of the surveillance undertaken in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 92/43/EEC. Therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at Union level was carried out using the best available information at the time. (7) Certain Member States have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC for certain habitat types and species. Furthermore, knowledge of the existence and distribution of some of the natural habitat types listed in Annex I and some of the species listed in Annex II to Directive 92/43/EEC remains incomplete. For those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the Natura 2000 network is complete. (1) OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (2) Commission Decision 2004/813/EC of 7 December 2004 adopting, pursuant to Council Directive 92/43/EEC, the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region (OJ L 387, 29.12.2004, p. 1). (3) Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/40 of 12 December 2017 adopting an eleventh update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region (OJ L 15, 19.1.2018, p. 125). L 7/288 EN Official Journal of the European Union 9.1.2019 (8) In the interests of clarity and transparency, Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/40 should be repealed. (9) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Habitats Committee, HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Article 1 The twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region as set out in the Annex is adopted. Article 2 Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/40 is repealed. Article 3 This Decision is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 14 December 2018. For the Commission Karmenu VELLA Member of the Commission 9.1.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 7/289 ANNEX Twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Atlantic biogeographical region Each site of Community importance (SCI) is identified by the information supplied in the Natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. This information has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 92/43/EEC. The table below gives the following information: A: SCI code comprising nine characters, the first two being the ISO code for the Member State; B: name of SCI; C: * = presence on the SCI of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 92/43/EEC; D: area of SCI in hectares or length of SCI in km; E: geographical coordinates of SCI (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees. All the information given in the Union list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom. A B C D E SCI code Name of SCI * Area of SCI (ha) Length of SCI (km) Geographical coordinates of SCI Longitude Latitude BE1000001 La Forêt de Soignes avec lisières et domaines * 2066 0 4,4306 50,7833 boisés avoisinants et la Vallée de la Woluwe — complexe Forêt de Soignes — Vallée de la Woluwe BE1000002 Zones boisées et ouvertes au Sud de la Région * 134 0 4,3549 50,7879 bruxelloise — complexe Verrewinkel — Kinsen- dael BE1000003 Zones boisées et zones humides de la Vallée du * 116 0 4,3055 50,8825 Molenbeek dans le Nord-Ouest de la Région bruxelloise BE2100015 Kalmthoutse Heide 2064 0 4,4167 51,4 BE2100016 Klein en Groot Schietveld * 2288 0 4,5833 51,3667 BE2100017 Bos- en heidegebieden ten oosten van Antwerpen * 5240 0 4,7444 51,2667 BE2100019 Het Blak, Kievitsheide, Ekstergoor en nabijgele- * 697 0 4,8 51,3333 gen Kamsalamanderhabitats BE2100020 Heesbossen, Vallei van Marke en Merkske en * 678 0 4,7444 51,3694 Ringven met valleigronden langs de Heerlese Loop BE2100024 Vennen, heiden en moerassen rond Turnhout * 3627 0 4,9667 51,3667 BE2100026 Valleigebied van de Kleine Nete met brongebie- * 4884 0 5,0833 51,25 den, moerassen en heiden BE2100040 Bovenloop van de Grote Nete met Zammels- * 4307 0 5,1833 51,1611 broek, Langdonken en Goor. L 7/290 EN Official Journal of the European Union 9.1.2019 A B C D E BE2100045 Historische fortengordels van Antwerpen als * 359 0 4,4833 51,2167 vleermuizenhabitat. BE2200028 De Maten * 536 0 5,45 50,95 BE2200029 Vallei- en brongebied van de Zwarte Beek, * 8306 0 5,3333 51,1167 Bolisserbeek en Dommel met heide en venge- bieden. BE2200030 Mangelbeek en heide- en vengebieden tussen * 3768 0 5,4333 51,05 Houthalen en Gruitrode BE2200031 Valleien van de Laambeek, Zonderikbeek, Slan- * 3627 0 5,3 50,9833 gebeek en Roosterbeek met vijvergebieden. BE2200032 Hageven met Dommelvallei, Beverbeekse Heide, * 1980 0 5,5 51,2833 Warmbeek en Wateringen BE2200033 Abeek met aangrenzende moerasgebieden * 2523 0 5,7 51,175 BE2200034 Itterbeek met Brand, Jagersborg en Schootsheide * 1869 0 5,7306 51,1 en Bergerven BE2200035 Mechelse Heide en vallei van de Ziepbeek * 3741 0 5,6333 50,95 BE2200036 Plateau van Caestert met hellingbossen en * 132 0 5,6833 50,8139 mergelgrotten. BE2200037 Uiterwaarden langs de Limburgse Maas met * 778 0 5,7667 51,0333 Vijverbroek BE2200038 Bossen en kalkgraslanden van Haspengouw * 2604 0 5,2667 50,8167 BE2200041 Jekervallei en bovenloop van de Demervallei * 633 0 5,5167 50,85 BE2200042 Overgang Kempen-Haspengouw * 689 0 5,5667 50,9097 BE2200043 Bosbeekvallei en aangrenzende bos- en heidege- * 573 0 5,6167 51,0583 bieden te As-Opglabbeek-Maaseik BE2300005 Bossen en heiden van zandig Vlaanderen: * 3377 0 3,45 51,15 oostelijk deel BE2300006 Schelde- en Durmeëstuarium van de Nederlandse * 8957 0 4,1919 51,1531 grens tot Gent BE2300007 Bossen van de Vlaamse Ardennen en andere * 5548 0 3,75 50,7917 Zuidvlaamse bossen. BE2300044 Bossen van het zuidoosten van de Zandleem- * 1793 0 4,25 50,9583 streek BE2400008 Zoniënwoud * 2761 0 4,4167 50,75 BE2400009 Hallerbos en nabije boscomplexen met bronge- * 1832 0 4,2833 50,7083 bieden en heiden BE2400010 Valleigebied tussen Melsbroek, Kampenhout, * 1445 0 4,5833 50,9167 Kortemberg en Veltem. BE2400011 Valleien van de Dijle, Laan en IJse met aangren- * 4068 0 4,6833 50,8083 zende bos- en moerasgebieden BE2400012 Valleien van de Winge en de Motte met * 2244 0 4,8667 50,9333 valleihellingen. BE2400014 Demervallei * 4910 0 4,9833 51,0028 BE2500001 Duingebieden inclusief Ijzermonding en Zwin. * 3782 0 2,8681 51,195 BE2500002 Polders * 1866 0 3,1003 51,2417 BE2500003 Westvlaams Heuvelland * 1878 0 2,7667 50,775 BE2500004 Bossen, heiden en valleigebieden van zandig * 3064 0 3,32 51,1 Vlaanderen: westelijk deel BE31001C0 Affluents brabançons de la Senne * 709,5762 0 4,2526 50,6657 BE31002C0 Vallées de l'Argentine et de la Lasne * 821,522 0 4,4379 50,7335 BE31003C0 Vallée de la Lasne * 431,0107 0 4,5508 50,7201 9.1.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 7/291 A B C D E BE31004C0 Vallée de la Dyle en aval d'Archennes * 141,244
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