Paradox Philosophy Course at Akita International University Philipp Blum, University of Lucerne,
[email protected] Summary of the course, version of February 17, 2020 Contents 1 Administrative info 2 2 What is a paradox? 3 3 Mathematical Paradoxes 4 3.1 Things and their groupings .............................. 4 3.2 Cantor and modern set theory ............................ 4 3.3 Frege’s definition of number and Russell’s paradox ................. 6 4 Physical Paradoxes 7 4.1 Zeno’s paradoxes .................................... 7 4.2 Not easily solved by the modern calculus ....................... 9 4.3 Whitehead’s lesson: becoming is not continuous ................... 9 4.4 Russell’s lesson: the at-at theory of motion ..................... 10 4.5 Black’s lesson: the problem of hypertasks ...................... 11 4.6 Background 1: the line and the points ........................ 11 4.7 Background 2: the metaphysics of persistence and the problem of change . 12 5 Semantic Paradoxes 13 5.1 Truth and Falsity .................................... 13 5.2 The Liar ......................................... 14 5.3 The Strengthened Liar ................................. 15 5.4 A Spicy Curry ..................................... 15 5.5 Having fun with liars and curries ........................... 16 5.6 The Sorites paradox .................................. 17 6 Paradoxes of Rationality 18 6.1 Surprise Exam ..................................... 18 6.2 Prisoners’ Dilemma ..................................