A Yale Book of Numbers, 1976 – 2000
A Yale Book of Numbers, 1976 – 2000 Update of George Pierson’s original book A Yale Book of Numbers, Historical Statistics of the College and University 1701 – 1976 Prepared by Beverly Waters Office of Institutional Research For the Tercentennial’s Yale Reference Series August, 2001 Table of Contents A Yale Book of Numbers - 1976-2000 Update Section A: Student Enrollments/Degrees Conferred -- Total University 1. Student Enrollment, 1976-1999 2. (figure) Student Enrollment, 1875-1999 3. (figure) Student Enrollment (Headcounts), Fall 1999 4. Student Enrollments in the Ivy League and MIT, 1986-1999 5. Degrees Conferred, 1977-1999 6. Honorary Degree Honorands, 1977-2000 7. Number of Women Enrolled, University-Wide, 1871-1999 8. (figure) Number of Women Enrolled University-Wide, 1871-1999 9. Milestones in the Education of Women at Yale 10. Minority and International Student Enrollment by School, 1984-1999 Section B: International Students at Yale University 1. International Students by Country and World Region of Citizenship, Fall 1999 2. (figure) International Graduate and Professional Students and Yale College Students by World Region, Fall 1999 3. (figure) International Student Enrollment, 1899-1999 4. (figure) International Students by Yale School, Fall 1999 5. International Student Enrollment, 1987-1999 6. Admissions Statistics for International Students, 1981-1999 Section C: Students Residing in Yale University Housing 1. Number of Students in University Housing, 1982-1999 2. Yale College Students Housed in Undergraduate Dormitories, 1950-1999 3. (figure) Percentage of Yale College Students Housed in the Residential Colleges, 1950-1999 Section D: Yale Undergraduate Admissions and Information on Yale College Freshmen 1.
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