THE FIREBRAND1 and THE NOTORIOUS RBG2 How the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, Esq. the first African American female priest in the Episcopal Church, who was also a brilliant legal theorist and lawyer, influenced the Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her ground-breaking work of challenging legal discrimination on the basis of sex 3– to the benefit of all women. Once in a century, two women who have shaken the foundations of our view of society, cross paths in a manner that significantly advances the movement for equity and justice. The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, Esq. and the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg are those two. Born 23 years apart, and facing many challenges and rejections by a society not ready for their gifts and abilities, one woman (Murray) ended up setting a course that would clear a path and open space for the other (Ginsburg) to break new ground and create opportunity for all of us. Pauli Murray (1910-1985), full of ambition, drive and determination, experienced the sting of race discrimination and sex discrimination as she was rejected by several institutions of higher learning – Columbia University, University of North Carolina, Harvard Law School and Cornell Univeersity (faculty positioin). In each case, she fought back and she spoke out, but did not wallow in defeat. Instead, she went on to build an impressive record of firsts and onlies. In each case she chose a different path, excelled in her pursuits, and continued to advance, always breaking new ground. By the end of her life, she had a BA from Hunter College, a JD from 1 Pauli Murray was given the nickname “firebrand” by her friend, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
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