Dr. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee
Social Education 83(6), p. 356–360 ©2019 National Council for the Social Studies Teaching with Documents Suffrage, Activism, and Education in the Era of Chinese Exclusion: Dr. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee Sara Lyons Davis The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, a year after being passed by ment, Mabel Lee settled with her fam- Congress. It extended the right to vote to many women, but not all. Excluded from ily in New York City. Her father, Lee this landmark constitutional victory were women like Mabel Ping-Hua Lee, who Too, founded the First Chinese Baptist was born in Guangzhou (then Canton), China, in 1896, but who immigrated to New Church and worked as an educator and York as a child. leader of the Chinese Christian Center on Pell Street, run by the New York City New York State had long been a restrictions on their ability to enter Baptist Mission Society.3 Lee Too’s pro- site of activism in support of women’s and exit the country, and were prohib- ficiency in English and connections with rights, dating from the 1848 Seneca ited from naturalizing. The Chinese the religious community, both acquired Falls Convention. In November 1917, Exclusion Act initially mandated a through his missionary school educa- New York extended the right to vote ten-year moratorium on Chinese immi- tion, advanced his family’s standing into to women. Lee, however, was excluded gration by laborers, but was ultimately what was considered the merchant class. from becoming a U.S. citizen under the extended by the Geary Act, and was later This offered additional opportunities restrictive Chinese Exclusion Act, and, made permanent, in 1902.1 By the 1920s, and somewhat fewer restrictions under as such, was not allowed to vote at either Congress adopted more comprehensive the Chinese Exclusion Act.4 the state or federal level, even when the immigration restrictions, including As a child, Mabel Lee attended public 19th Amendment was ratified.
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