MEDICINE ··HAT Quick Possession Dates

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MEDICINE ··HAT Quick Possession Dates Thursday, December 12, 1963 THB .JBWISH POST THB .JEWISH, POS,T Page Fifty-five Page Fifty-four ALBERTA-. , . MEDICINE HAT t- LETH'BRIDGE ALBERTA contrasts. Round the fashionable cil's President. In any case, there have to await next year's delibera­ 13,000 Jews: are divided into haves Many eke lout a precarious* Iiveli- of providing fresh* places of worship. proud of its 2,ooo-year-old history. have Socialist or Communist sym­ cream * * Via Vittoria Veneto* swirl the * is no certainty that the Catholic tiODS. Or the whoe issue may ~ and have-nots. According to Pro- hood as pedlars and require relief Somehow this is done. Now the And a permanent record of its past pathies (although they represent - and dregs - 'of Italian society, Best WiShes for a Happy Chanukah to hierarchy, confronted by many mg- reconsidered by the new ~tariat fessor pitigljanj, eminent university from the community. But only about energetic professors aim is to im- will arise next month in the form most groups in Parlian;ent), since the film colony and the hangers-on, . Western Canada Jewry ent problems, will tackle the "Jew- to be estab~ to d~ .specifically lecturer and economist and 4ead of 200 still live in the old ghetto area, prove the living and educational of a new Jewish. museum, which these are the parties most active swarms of gullible foreign tourists, ish question" before it adjourns in with non-Christian rehgJOns. the Jewish community, nearly 10,000 close to the Tiber. Many have gone standards of the poorer Jews. should prove popular with foreign against the fascists. The latter en- mostly American, largely Jewish, in December. A -final decision may Rome is a city of tremendous Roman Jews subsist on a low level, to new suburbs, presenting the com- Understandably, the community .is tourists. ,joy the support of 5 per cent of the search of elusive "dolce vita." economically and 'educationally. munity leadership with the problem Italian Jews are active in the field population; particularly-disturbing Their permanent occupation of (Lanta.llnl 111 o~~ls l of politics, the majority seeming to is their progress in Rome, where Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy Chanukah , the city centre has made Rome , Medic::ine to the Jewish Community of . probably the most expensive capital " "FRIENDLY HOSTS" Heartiest Chanukah Greetings to' Jewry Everywhere Medicine Hat -and Lethbridge in Western Europe. ~et close by, off the tourist beat, away from the • Assiniboia • Cosmopoli,tan • Corona glitter and glass and the enticing National Salvage Co. Ltd. 'Hat- CALGARY El AI and Zim advertisements, are ALBERTA Bonanza Capri slum dwellings, poverty, misery. MEDICINE HAT However, the authorities are alive Hearty Chanukah GreetingS to Steel and Metals Demolition Experts the Jewish Community of to the problems and are tackljng .Lanes Lanes Medicine Hat and Distri~ the housing situation with almost Phone FA 8-1721 / A Joyous Chanukah 437 - 3rd Street S.E. 1664 Mayor Magrath Dr. the same energy that is giving Italy Joyous Chanukah Greetings .to Medicine Bat and District Jewry Phone JA 6-3366 Phone FA 8-4086 some of the best motorways in Eur- 12th ST. and 2nd AYE. N. LETHBRIDGE TAMURA I OPALU· , Letbridge. Alta. ope. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Medicine Hat, Alta. Like the wider community,Rome's ti~~W~~U·§ ... ~ •.••..........• ~ ... Phone 527·4441 • Open Bowling every day of the week Joyous Chanukah Greetings to the HOUSE' OF FLOWERS AT THIS HAPPY SEASON WE FELICITATE THE JEWlSB PEOPLE ONTEffiaR ~OBSERVANCE 14 • 6th Ave.S.E. • Fully Automatic Pin' Setters , Jewish Community of Medicine Mr. aDd Mrs. Ed ward, Proprietors Bat and ~ct • Air Conditioned for your comfort PBONFS:JA 6-ZZ33 - .JA 8-2130, .The .Purify . Bottling Ltd. Medicine Hat Alta. w. K. PRICE, Manlger .Burk's 531 'IBIRD STREET MEDICINE BAT, ALTA. Wishes a Bright' and Happy to t¥4i1i111' Sincere Chanukah Greet­ the \Jewish Community of Medicine Hat . Draperies Best Wishes for a Happy Chanukah to·. all oll1' Jewish Patrons . from 'and Friends in Medicine' Ba1 andDistrict- J~wish ~ . , ' PIIOne 1-2501 ings to all our • Largest Selection in the " .... 11 '.: ... , . rAlt& hH • Custom Made Drapes liii '1D'G8 -., .- ." Friends and Patrons BEST WISHES FROM • Slin CoVers and Qedspreads CRAVEN HA",. " CO. • CiJpeting Sales and Service INSURANCE REAL ESTATE !Free Installation with Order A BRIaHT AND HAPPY CHANUKAH TO ALL OUR - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FmENDS AND CUSTOMERS . Phone JA 7-2515 Once a Customer .,... .Richardson's The Scott· and -National :Agents for -- Always a Customer "We Appr~te Your Kind Patronage" P. LAWSON TRAVEL LTD. 'JAckson 6·3500 WORLD WIDE TRlA.lVEL SER'WCE 327 • 6t~ Avnue ,S.E. ~kery Fruit 'Companies Phone JA 7-1330 Ringland, Mer~d;fh" Co. Ltd. - , Phone JA 6·3233 659 _ 3rd STREET, S.E. MEDICINE BAT, ALTA. (BRANCHES OF CONSOLIDATED FRUIT C-OMPANY LIMITED) C~~f Greetings .to the Stocks - Bonds - Insurance. Community of "YOW 'GLASS IIRADQUABTBBS" I 3 Delivery Trueb 'Medicine Hat and District 1139 • 7th Ave. S.E. Phone JA 7-1515 1 Best Wishes for a Happy chanukah to the' Jewish Community 4Z2 :- 7th ST. -Phone FA, '1-4255 LEtBBBJDGE Medicine Hat • -Alberta QUALITY FRESH & _F~OZEN , of Medicine Bat·· ' .' SEE US FOR Cameras - Projectors - FilmS FA '1-3009 FRUIT & VEGETABLES Accessories and Supplies IDEAL AGENCY.' PHOTO FlNlSBlNG , INSUBANCE '. - REAL' ESTATE .', -" . - ~,', - ' ;:- J We carry Medicine Ba~.tnacle Mayor of' "edi~ine Hat Sincere Chanukah Greetings to and imported Souveuirs B. O. ~Y FRANK WERRE Joyous crumukah Greetings to Western .CanadaJewr:y . the Jewish Community of Best Wishes for a Happy Chanukah to all our Friends and Patrons : Rei. 528';3752 Res: "526-4817 and Gifts EXtends .,Greetings -Medicine !Hat and District Phone 527·2433 !14 S. Railw~y St. Central Camera WESTERN U-DRIVE_ NEW HOMES t Beny Chevrolet Oldsmobile " Gift Shop On the' occasion of the . HERTZRENT-A-CAR and BILllS ESSO SERVICE !BY silles - Service· -.EDvoy,Corvair, CheVrolet, Oldsmobile; CadUlac Joyous Chanukah to all. QUI' fe:~~ in Medicine and District STEVE WINTONYK, ,Prop. observance -of Chanukah, Phone F AJrfs: 7·4038 Washing and Greasing - General Repairs - 24-Hour Towing Service PhoneJA7~1632 BatteryService - Body and Fender Repair Dept.- Welding I am pleased on be- Built-Rite Gardner-"otorsJI962J Ltd. 639 Third _Street S.E. 410 • 3rd Ave. S., . Lethbridge. AlIa. BENY AUTOMOTIVE ENTERPRISES LTD. ;. DODGE, CHRYSLER, VALIANT, IMPERIAL, PLYMOUTH, SIMCA Medicine Hat . Alberta / half of the city of Medi· , ,DODGE & FARGO TRUCKS .' . - ~ ~ - Homes . AUTO INSURANCE -, AUTO LEASING .--JOYOUS............... CHANUKAH GREE'I'INGS· TO ALL OUR ... PATRON.S . lesale Distributor Ch1'ycoAn';'M'8ke Parts and Accessories cine,Hat and the Councll 'PhoDes:Who ' ' .' . Seciond' Street AND FRIENDS , (Medici,.e Hat] W!BEN IN MEDICINE HAT CALL ON BENY MOTORS LTD. Best for a Very Happy YOUR GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Office.& SaIeIi - 526·3804 at Fifth Avenue ChaDukah to the Jewish Members to extend to LTD. Shop ContrQl' ''; 5~ .. 2,'J'19· . MEDICINE BAT , . ,Community of ' the community of Medi-, SPEEDY STORAGE I CARTAGE LTD. Parts '- 526-4510 ALBEBTA~5~ Medicine Hat and District We can offer you the , cine Hat' and World' Pilone FA 7·5734 . ~- . best buy in a modern > Best Wishes for a Happy Chanukah to the Jewish Community- ) ,(:ITY Jewry best wishes for 327 • 3rd St. S. ~thbrldp, Alia. horne. New low down Greetings and every Good Wish at this Chanukah SeasQn payments. Numerous of Lethbrid,ge and district . , . to all our Jewish Friends and Customers B-AKERY' A Bright and Joyous first-class features. , . - . home 'of Chanukah. f: WHITE, . RYE, BROWN AND Leonard . Tire. Mart Ltd. , PUMPERNICKEL, BREAD'" MEDICINE ··HAT Quick Possession Dates . ' \ PASTRIES" AND. CAKES . " • _Cakes for All ~Occasions DISTlUBUTORS FOR B.F. GOODRICH CANADA LTD. ;~ MICDOIILDSCOISOLIDITED LTD. Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy Chanukah to Medicine Hat Jewry Phone JA 7·2800 SPECIAiI·WED SERVICE ilIl VULCANIZING & RETREADING , . HARRY "VElNER We invite your enquiries. Sixth Ave. S.E. Mayor of Medicil:J.e -Hat, Alta., Hooper's Radio ". TV ALBERTA 'Across from Eaton's" . AND, CITY COUNCIL • • No obligations. MEDICINE HAT ',. ' GUARANTEED SERVICE AT THE -SIGN OF Phone- JA 7·2480 SMILING TIRE I , . - ;. \ . / . ~- ',. ., . ,':." .:. -.' - ,,, - PHONE RON CRAVEN Most Cordial Chanukah Greetings to Yo~ :All. Best W'Jshes' for a Bright and 'Happy Chanukah to all our Jewish Friends 666 • 2nd St. S.E. Medicine Hat, Alta.. i:' , . in Medicine Hat and Ditsrict· . , Business JA 6-2889 CRAIIE'S CARTAG~ANII STORAGE LTD. Our Best Wishes for a Bright and Happy ~ukah Residence JA 7-2162 ' ... ," ",'" -' " . to the Medicine Hat Jewish ~mmunity , KEN RATCuFFE SAM KLAUDT F. SCHERER Alberta .Western Beef Co. FROM ALVINA AND STAFF OF THE JA 7-2752 • MoriDr - RALPH, BOB and ROY LEONARD ~ad Loa. Dt.1IIDce Futultme QUALITY BRAND FROM TOP .LAND . Packing .~ CratfDr " - . ".SblppIDg \, BEEF , ,- 661 Third .Street ~i~ ~ An ParfII,of, Oi.. d.~ 1J.8A. TOWNE .'HOUSE FA 7·3580 :- Phones -..:.,. FA 7·4314 Phone 527·3311 , .Telex 038·4831 SALON OF BEAUTY , . Agents: Norlh ~ Van Lines (Canada) Limited, ' Medicine Hat Alta. Phone JA 8-336'1 402 • 1st Ave. South' Lethbridge, Alta. IIBDICINB BAT PheDeJA8·.. · - JA 6-4559, Alb TA P.O. BOX 370 MEDICINE HAT ALBERTA, CANADA 835- Znd STREET - Central Bldg. MEDICINE BAT, ALTA. .
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