Lorne Was Form;Erly Two Distinct Villages - Bismarck and Lorne

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Lorne Was Form;Erly Two Distinct Villages - Bismarck and Lorne sponsors 4th Annual Garden PartY Thursday July 28th 1949 I 1 1 •' .' . BEAUTY CONTEST Choosing Miss Elgin County for 1949 Rain or Shine the Show Goes On SOUVENIR PROGRAM 10c ,___ _______..,_ _ --- W est Lorne was form;erly two distinct villages - Bismarck and Lorne. Bismarck was in honour of the then chancellor of Germany and ------ - Lorne was in honour of the Marquis of Lorne, son-in-law of Queen Vic­ toria. The site of Lorne was to a certain extent low and swampy and the name Lorne was no misnomer for the meaning of the celtic word is "low land." You,ll Enjoy Shopping At • The Canada Southern railway was being put through in 1871 and I 1872. On the ,·illage site proper at this time there were only two l ! homes - owned by Char~es Bainard and John Armstrong. About three-quarters of a mile south of the railroad was a small settlement at McKillop's Mill known as Poemsville. Afterwards this was called McKillop's Corners and part of that hamlet is now included in vVest Lorne. KERR MOTOR SALES CO:\£PLD1EXTS Plymouth Chrysler Fargo Trucks ROD:~'JEY O~TARJO jJ'I j CORN CHOP J. A. MacDONAlD I PURINA CHOWS Lay Chow Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley I $4.50 Per Cwt. $3.00 per cwt. SIMPSON'S ORDER SERVICE J. A. Mclandress .~ Lowe's Paints and Wallpapers - Electrical Appliances WEST LORNE, ONT. PHONE NO.6 Hobbs Min-ora Gifts, Etc. We are Proud to have been Given the Opportunity to Print this Souvenir Program for the West Lornc Athletic Association WEST LORNE PHONE 78 - -BUY- Only 1500 Hr. Bulbs Braddon & McCallum Electrical Appliances Longer Life and Repairs In 1804, James Fleming, an Irishman, was located .by Governor Simcoe, on lot 6, Con. 1, Aldborough, near Clachan. Unt1l 1816 he was -Sold By - the on·ly res ident in this township. The first white child born yvas a Stoves Washing Machines Fleming. · Radios Aldborough and Dunwich were the especial interest of .Colonel.Tal­ "Sec Us First" bot. He invited Scottish H ighlanders and in 1816 Captam Arch1baid West lorne P.U.C. Gillies located on lot 1, on Talbot Road, then a blazed trail. In the Phone I 75 Dutton spring of 1817, fifteen families, all H ighlanders, arrive~ among t~em being, J ohn 1\I en~i~ , Thos. Ford, Donald McEwin and Fmlay McD1ar- A. T. Lashbrook Emil GJeat By Co-operative Effort a - Produce Dealer - BODY and FE,NDER Blatchford Feeds SHOP People Can Do Anythingl Egg Grading Station No. 0-511 RODNEY, ONT. B umping and Refinishing We Congratulate You - Phone 37w Rodney Ont. WEST_ LORNE Complim ents of Compliments of On Your Effort To Build Better Citizens Louis Vince Harvey M. Miller DepartmE·ntal Store :.\ Ieats - - Grocer ies Dry Goods Insurance Service Revell Hearing SerVice Rodney Phone 102 Write Us for the Name of Your Local Dea·ler LONOON ONT. Scott Motors E. L. Fordham Ford Monarch CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC BUICK ANGLIA PREFECT THAMES CHEVROLET AND G. M. C. TRUCKS Ford Tractors and Dearborn Farm Equipment - Sales' And Service - PHONE 23W or IIJ RODNEY, ONT. RODNEY, ONT. PHONE rt " - -BUY- Braddon &McCallum Only 1500 Hr. Bulbs Electrical Appliances In 1804, James Fleming, an Irishman, ·was located by Governor Longer Life and Repairs Simcoe, on lot 6, Con. 1, Aldborough, near Clachan. Until 1816 he was the only resident in this township. The first white child born y.ras a -Sold By- Stoves Washing Machines Fleming. Radios Aldborou.gh and Dunwich were the especial interest of Colonel Tal-· bot. He invited Scottish Highlanders and in 1816 Captain Archibald "See Us First" Gillies located on lot 1, on Talbot Road, then a blazed trail In t he West lorne P.U.C. Phone 175 Dutton spring of 1817, fifteen families, all Highlanders, arrived among them being, J olm Menzie, 'fohos. Ford, Donald McEwin and Finlay McDiar­ I I mid. In autumn 1817, McNab'bs, McDnugalds and McKellars came ---------------------- from Argyleshire Scotland. In 1818 the McKinop5, Fergusons and WEST LOR,NE, 1949 Complimen ts Kerrs came out. Until 1846 the only settlers of Aldborough were Scottish Highland­ COUNCIL ers. Between 1846 and 1855 Germany contributed settlers who became Reeve: W. 1. Merrett a good class of citizens of which were Mr. Lindenman, Mr. ]. C. Schlei­ W. N. · Reyer aft hauf and Mr. Smeltz. Councillors : D. Carmichael, N. Walker, Tom Dymock, J r., Real Eatate and Henry M iller Insurance Service Clerk: A. S. Craig GLENCOE. ONT. The Filter Oueen Treasurer and Tax Collector : QUEEN OF T HE VACUUM CLEANERS Mrs. Tena McGn::gor Phone 13lw Bo'x 195 San:tary Bag-le'ss Vacuum · - Canadian P roduct Elgin Co ~ op ~ServiCe.. :-l Gla ~~o~~"~:dney 602r1n Compliments of SOME WEST LORNE FACTS Complete Line - Co-Op. M:xed Feeds J. E. Schmid On January 6th, 1898, the West Wilfred Kriter side of the business block on Gra­ F eed Oats, Wheat and Barley RODNEY, ONT. J . I. CASE CO. ham St. was wiped out by fire. Conl!pare Our Prices Tractors and Machinery Jeweler and Gift Shop ~ . Sales and Service West Lorne Phone 60 Power Machinery 0~ the. last day of 1900 fire Est~blished in 1875 · Custom Work cleaned out the east side of busi­ Imperial Products ness section on Gr.ah.am St. F AI.RLES' GROCERY Rodney, Ont.- Phone 117j • • • GRAIN & COAL Ltd. Orval Gibson In 1900 M. C. R. began t heir re­ servoir south of town and finish­ H. MILLER Phone 125 - Glencoe - Quality Feeds ed it in 1901. Lumber Co. ltd. A. D. Berdan, Mgr. New: Bowling 'Alleys Opening • • • 1 in the Fall In.1900 the- P. M. railway start ­ C. E. DAVIDSON Jeweler - Optometrist ed .their line th rough West Lorne -PHONE 127- and h~d . tr.ains ··running. by J uly, Watch Repairing West Lorne- Ont.' Glencoe, Ont. A FRIE,..D - Wut Lome 1901. - A. H. liebner Compliment5 of Western Ontario's largest Rodeo Rodney - Ont. Furniture- ,Floor Coverings WEST LORNE AUGUST 24th Campbell & Craig Sponsored by the Community Athletic Association, ·west Lorne, Ont . Radios - Vacuum Cleaners General and Life Draw in the Arer-a the night of August 24, at 10 p.m. · "You are invited to come 1st prize - Baby beef 600 lbs. 3rd prize - 1 ton of coal INSURANCE in and look around" 2nd prize - boy's or girl's bicycle 4th prize - $12 box of groceries Phone Rodney 13R Phone 148w TICKETS: 25c each or S for $1.00 -- Compliments Wiring_ Plumbing Heating Compliments Bragg & Bird McKELLAR HOUSE Plumbing and Heating Rooms and Meals Experienced Workmanship Sheet Metal Work Glencoe - Ont. Reid & Moore Eavestroughing I , Plumbing and Heating Capitol Oil Burners and Stokers BIG GAME HUNTER C. H: Dawdy and Wild Animal Trainer Tinsmithing Fawcett Space Heaters Estimates Freely Given Phone 122j - West Lorne WM. H. Bell (Spare Ribs) PHONE 22] - WEST LORNE West Lome- Phone S7M \\!ork Guaranteed Fox Specialist Phone· 14lw - West Lorne Compliments Elgin Co-op Service F. B. Brown SOME WEST LORNE FACTS -GARAGE- lj Complete Line - General Repairs - Machinery li Co-Op. M:xed Feeds On January 6th, 1898, the West Otaco, Full Line ot B. F . bvery FOX ~,,~ J Feed Oats, Wheat and Barley side of the business block on Gra- I Letz Feed Grinders THEATRE ham St. was wiped out by fire. Compare Our Prices Electric Wiring and Repairs • • • West Lorne - Phone 60 Phone 42w - Dutton On the. last d·ay of 1900. fire GLENCOE' cleaned out the east s·ide of busi­ ~section . Of!_Grah>lrn St. F AIRLES' GROCERY THEODORE HOLITIUK Electric Welding Compliments of -Quality Meats­ F resh Fruit s and Vegeta:bles Gcneral Blacksmithing WEST lORNE Wallis Meat Market Phone 15 Rodney Second Hand Equipment Fresh and Cured lumber Co. ltd. When It Comes To Portraits- Come To Wholesale and Ret ail Butcher Hardwood Lumber MEY.ERS "West Lorne's Oldest Industry'' "From the Farm to You" PHONE 533 ST. THOMAS Phone 1 Rodney Phone 4 MEYERS STUDIO 559 T albot St. - Ripley, s Furniture Royal IF You are Looking for a Friendly Town, an Enterprising Town, A ~adian Town: Restaurant "EVERfYTITI:.\fG FOR FOR GOOD FOOD West Lorne THE HO~'fE" Is the Town for which You are Looking Bill Marr, Prop. 11 Phone 62-w WEST LORNE, ONT. The Town of Tomorrow" I Many Sp'lcndid Industrial Sites are Still Available WEST LORNE, ONT. Phone 48 l I Compliments Wiring Plumbing Heating Compliments of Ward Elevators McKELLAR HOUSE Rooms and Meals Experienced Workmanship Ross Johnston Glencoe - Ont. Farm Equipment Dealer ALL KINDS• OF GRAIN BIG GAME HUNTER C. H: Dawdy COCKSHUTT SALES and Wild Animal Trainer • Estimates Freely Given And Service Rodney - Phone 2 WM. H. Bell (Spare Ribs) Rodney Phone 89 Nights 49 or 78:\'I F ox Specialist PHO:i\E 22J - WEST LORNE Phone·l4lw - West Lorne Compl1moents of DETROIT Compliments of C,) mplim.cnts of Auto Wreckers WALKER Kennedy Hardware FUNERAL and AMBULANCE ' Beaver NEW AND USED PARTS SERVICE '•The Store with the Stock" - Phone 3394 - Lumber 566 Talbot St. D. N. Walker Co., Ltd. Rodney - Phone 68w ST. THOMAS Rodney - Phone 85j EVERYTHING SIGNS COMPLIMENTS OF IN Keep Your Business, in Colour, BUILDERS SUPPLIES Before the Public E. 0. WIGHT H. D. SCHNEIDER - PRODUCE DEALER­ West Lorne - Ont. MEAT LOCKER - COLD STORAGE WE DELIVER Pioneer and F edwell Feeds WEST LORNE EXPRESS "Service with Satisfaction" - Job Printing - RODNEY, ONT. - PHONE 94W RODNEY PHONE 90 H. E. HILL ENTRY BLANK FOR MISS ELGIN BEAUTY CONTEST AD Acts and Attractions Appearing on Our Garden Party Program were Booked Name ------ ----------------------------- -By - Address ------ - - - - ------- -- H.
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