" • 1 4th March 1994

Defendant denies series of sexual assaults on students Leeds Crown Court hears of Rape victim's horrific ordea1

eeds Crown Court heard this were making their way home after The man put his arm round her shouting at him to get off me." week how a hooded rapist nights out with friends at pubs or By Richard Fletcher Ihroat and pushed her to the She said the man ran off when I4 attacked live female students clubs. ground. He put a big black padded two boys approached with a dog. during a reign of terror in the There could be little more Lane at about midnight when a man glove on his hand and put over Mr Paul Worsley, QC. Woodhouse area of Leeds. terrifying experience for young grabbed her from behind, put his her throat and mouth. She led to prosecuting. - who believes that David Martin Jackson. 28, of women walking home alone than to hands over her mouth and pulled bite his fingers but only r the Jackson carried out the attacks - Neville View, Osmontithorpe, Leeds, be attacked and sexually assaulted her to the ground. The man who material. He then turned E on to claims that Jackson was trapped by a denies one charge of rape, three by a hooded stranger. he told the wore gloves and a balaclava forced her stomach and kept his hand over letter he sent to the police in January, charges of indecent assault, two of court. her on to her hack and knelt astride her mouth. last year, signed "Jack the Stripper". attempted indecent assault, and four A former Leeds University her The woman told the court: "If Mr Worsley told the court that of assault occasioning actual bodily student wept as she described to the The woman told the court: "I thought 1 was going to die. f could on January 4th last year a 16 year harm. jury how she was attacked in June struggled with him for quite a while. not really breathe. He told me to old girl reported that she had been Mr Paul Worsley QC, 1991 after celebrating with friends 1 couldn't breathe. I thought I. was stop struggling or he would kill raped on the evening of January. prosecuting, told the jury of seven the end of her final exams and her going to pass out. Fie said 'you do me." She said that the num punched 2nd whilst walking across men and five women that the last night in Leeds. what I want or I'll hurt you or kill her two or three times. Woodhouse Moor. attacks took place when the students She was walking along Woodhouse you'." He dragged her towards trees The report of the alleged attack The man then pulled out a and committed indecent acts against received much publicity but there penknife with the blade opened and her. The man then walked off and were marked differences between ran it across the woman's arm and she ran towards the main road this and the earlier attacks. The girl blouse. The woman then told how where a couple helped her. later confessed that there had never the man forced her to perform a sex The jury also heard how another been such an attack. act with him. victim pictured her own funeral as a Mr Worsley claims that it In her desperation to escape the hooded attacker prepared to rape prompted a swift response from woman sprained her ankle: "I felt I her. She told the jury that she did David Martin Jackson in the form had been kicked from head to toe." not struggle because she thought the of a letter to the police. she said. She had cuts on her hands man was going to kill her. She said: He claimed that Jackson did not and bruises on her legs, hips and "1 just pictured mum and dad going like the idea of someone else carrying forehead. to my funeral. Since the attack out attacks in this area, or being Throughout her evidence David have developed a nervous disorder, blamed for a rape for which he was Martin Jackson listened showing no I can't walk in the streets any more not responsible. and in reponse to the emotion. someone has to come with me," she publicity wrote to the Detective Another Leeds University student said. leading the investigation. told the court that she had had to The court also heard evidence The letter contained details of the take a year off her studies after from another woman who fought attacks which had not been made being attacked on the night of back. She told the jury: "I thought public by the police. They sent the March 19th 1992. The woman had I'm not having any of this," and she letter for detailed forensic examination been walking along Woodhouse grabbed the man's testicles. and David Martin Jackson was Lane towards Hyde Park when she "I had long nails then. He just arrested shortly afterwards. Scene of tne horrific attack Plc: Sam Greenhill became aware of a man behind her. froze and didn't say anything. I was • The case continues

4-1 Woodhouse Moor rapist mocked police with letter. See page 51,


Designer Amnesty Action success • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • An Auton Campaign' is being Rag parade flop A former student planned for next week by the Amnesty of Leeds International Student group at Leeds deterred many from turning ast weeke.id's Rag University has Metropolitan University Students Union, By Paul Greenough Carnival has been up. won a Times- writes. Paul Greenough slammed for failing to Green said that he was very Higher L happy with the outcome of the There will be a stand in the Students Union live up to expectations. Radio Aire Roadshow. Educational :it LMU's City Site campus on Monday 7th Flit organiser of the However the parade was carnival, believing it to be a Supplement prize DIGEST greater success than last year's March. followed by a meeting al the Beckett I carnival was last year's Rag described as "a hit small" by for the most Park site on Wednesday 9th. one unimpressed local shopper. event which had raised £2.000 Sabbatical Officer, Simon effectively The aim of the campaign is to encourage "They even had a milk float as and involved even fewer floats. 2,3,4,5 Green. who has been working expressed entry students to write letters to the embassies and NEWS one of their cars." he Plans are being made to on the parade for the last two to the Design governments of the countries involved in COMMENT ..... 6,7 complained. make the carnival bigger next months at a cost of around Council human rights outrages. £1,000 to the Union. The carnival managed to year. Buchanan said: ARTS 8,9 "Although enthusiasm has Engineering Esther Moore. Chair of the group at The carnival comprised only raise about £3.0(HI on the day, writes dwindled recently, we are Awards, LMUSU. says that the campaign is aimed MUSIC 10,11 about ten floats from various with another f.500 expected by Megan Curtis. this weekend. working on increasing the especially at those students who cannot local and student organisations. Leeds' CLASS/JAZZ .... 12 But this may have been attention that the Rag carnival make it to the regular meetings of Amnesty. LUU's Action had two floats in Roundhay Park BOOKS 13 higher had the turn-out of is given." "All it takes is about 15 minutes a month to the carnival. and others from inspired graduate collectors been better. Graham Simon Green will have to do something that could save a life," she FOCUS 14,15 the Imperial Cancer Research Mark Little to Fund, Wheatfields Hospice and Buchanan of Rag admitted that present a report discussing the said. design a leisure CULTURE 16 St Anne's Shelter were present. more collectors were needed problems experienced by the The speaker at Wednesday's meeting will be complex with 1Iso there on the day was the but the had weather had carnival this sear. Linda Waterwonh. the Leeds co-ordinator of THE GUIDE .. 17-23 arena and Amnesty's 'Urgent Action Scheme'. The CLASSIFIEDS 24 swimming pool meeting will he held at 7pm in the Grey Tibetan troubles highlighted facilities. Room at Beckett Park. TRAVEL 25 The judges For more information contact Niyi Akeju, SPORT ... 26, 27, 28 praised Little. Room 45, Bronze Hall. Beckett Park on describing him as By Alm) Watkins 1 eeds 756844. having "mastered POLICY the complexities The story continues... T eeds Tibet Week starts on of designing a L./Monday with events taking • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • building while Elliot Reuben, Leeds University Union Lea.. .Ntuderit is an independent p lace in Leeds University using Union and across the city. Financial Affairs Secretary, has decided newspaper serving students at considerable nut to resign from his Exec position after Leeds University, Leeds The cvents, which will run imagination." tom Thursday 10th to receiving several letters of support from Metropolitan University and students, writes Helen Crossley. other colleges in and around Wednesday 16th March. are Last week's Leeds Student reported Leeds. AU our journalists abide h eing organised by the LUU Gender Reuben's doubts over continuing in his by a code of conduct, but if you Tibet Support Group to raise Bender? have any complaints please awareness of the atrocities post. following the OGM decision to ban contact the Editor. carried out in the country since The Sun from the Union. and although he the Chinese occupation in Union Council is still "generally pissed off with the whole Leeds Student Newspaper 1959. voted by a large system", he said: "In staying on at least I Leeds University Union The current events in Tibet majority this have the chance to redress the balance." PO Bus 157 are one of only four cases of week to make Reuben is hoping to organise a Special Leeds LS1 !VII mass genocide recognised by Leeds University General Meeting on 16th March to the United Nations in the last Union General overturn the ban on The Sun. Editor lftfl years Estimates place the Secretary John Students in the Revolutionary Communist Richard Fletcher number of Tibetans killed at Rose wear a dress Party also joined calls for an SGM and Deputy Editor more than 1.2 million for a day. writes were this week collecting signatures in Sam Greenhill The agenda it the week Torn Miles. LUU on petitions stating •Question everything, ban nothing.' Assistant Editor includes vid, and slide But a move to shoes. a flute vital and a inflict a similar Ellie Chadwick. a spokesperson for the John McLeod RCP at UT. said the petition was part of Tibet Fair in GI...diary Whart motion on Elliot Chief News Editor at getting the issue of 'Mere will also he speeches. Reuben died a a project aimed Roca Prince censorship discussed at an SGM. minding one rum BBC death when the Chadwick was pleased at the response 10 Assistant News Editors employee Robert Ford, who Financial Affairs Tibetan.% protest at ainoes ar human rights the petitions. saying: "It is clear that Helen Crossley • a prisoner of the Chinese Secretary many students feel patronised by the Tim Gallagher in Tibet for five years.. International. Africa and in the same way this declared: "I make Union and believe that they should he Gareth Hughes The 7 ibet Support Group Founder niernber Rupert concern can halt the eenocide a fool of myself able to make their own minds up about Matt Roper was only formed this year but Hillier summed up the group's in Tibet. It is of utmost on a regular basis what they read." See letters. page 6 David Smith has already gained many aims: "This type of awareness importance that this issue and I don't need Focus Editor members and the hacking of was instrumental in the receives the support it cannot a mandate." Union Council Results Helen Sage groups such as Amnesty improvements seen in South Ilse without." thereby side- stepping the issue • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Arts Editors and getting away Election fever once again failed to grip Liz Ekstein without dressing Leeds University Union this week with the Emma Hartley End of the road for protesters up. voting for the Union's governing council - \tusk:Editors Rose declined to body of ordinary students which holds Exec j eeds University students to deal with 300 protesters. Alex Sanders comment on his accountable for its decisions - drawing a less 11 were in Wanstead last By Toby W'akely Tiernan was shocked at the Johnny Davis 'transvestite' than enthusiastic crowd. writes Nicholas week, protesting vehemently "aggressive" behaviour of the Class/Jazz activities. Vy.sny. against the planned extension the roof by sticking their feet authorities: "Their actions Mark Funnel] However the turn-out of 397 was descnbed of the M11. in concrete," she said. were totally unnecessary. 1 was by LUU Administration Secretary Chris Books Editors The planned route would Other protesters filled pulled away by my hair. When Farewell Westwood as "really good". The number of John McLeod involve the destruction of not washing machines with the houses were bulldozed candidates was also higher than usual. Stuart Davies Hawaii only houses but also 350 trees concrete and lodged their arms they didn't even bother to leaving only the representatives for The Guide and areas of natural beauty inside. Some had stuck check whether the gas was on. Engineering and Medicine unfilled. Stephen Hill such as Hackney Marshes. themselves in barrels on the The police don't act like this Leeds Metropolitan The Arts Representatives are to be Rachel Sports Editor Catherine Tiernan, a Leeds porches. Tiernan described the anywhere else in the country." Faulkner and David Stanley. while the University student, described University Roger Domeneghetti resistance: "There were There were only eight arrests. Science faculty will be represented by the atmosphere in an area residents from all over the Students Union Photo Editor Tiernan was impressed by Valerie Millington and David Woods. where squatters had shut community. One woman Exec this week Ed Crispin the mass TV coverage of the The open places have been filled by Peter themselves in the houses in voted against rushed out of church to sit on event. She added: "There were Harrison, Stuart Tarbuck. Clare Mason. defiance of the police. "The the road until she was dragged sending two camera crews lodged in the Tushar Singh, David Nathan. Lonny Jacobs. NEWSDESK houses were hoarded tip and off." delegates to trees and the police brought in Helen Russel. Paula Sandham. Stephen their windows bricked in. The Outside (here were 200 student 0860-136570 cherry pickers to bring them Hoey. Natasha Kaye. Claire Sharrock. staircases were pretty brittle. policemen. 300 security guards, conference in down. It was scary to see Victoria Teppin. Lee Rester and Richard (24 Hour) People had fixed themselves to two horseboxes and 200 bailiffs Ilawaii. ambulances waiting." Wiltshire.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

News 3 Executive plunged into AGM chaos l eeds University Union minutes before the AGM was timetable at a future date was The same meeting also Exec has been heavily due to start that the meeting By Al Gardner in doubt, though the final passed a motion aiming to I criticised as the Union's would be unconstitutional. decision would be left to the increase AGM attendance by Annual General Meeting, since certain items were contentious OGM, union University Senate. "Classes forcing Union societies and originally scheduled to take missing from the agenda due to elections and a student demo. have been cancelled once, and sports clubs to send place last week, was postponed administrative mistakes. Dr Andrew Brooks, there would be some difficulty representatives to the meeting. at the last minute due to Chris Westwood, LUU Registrar at Leeds in doing it again," he said. Any which failed to do so administrative errors. Administration Secretary, put University's Taught Courses The meeting is now could face fines or having their All lectures on Thursday the postponement down to Office, has made it clear that expected to take place on 17th accounts frozen indefinitely. afternoon were cancelled "failures to type up things no students will be penalised March. Members of LUU Exec because of the AGM, although done in previous meetings". for failing to attend classes last At this week's Union were unanimous in expressing less than 150 students turned General Secretary John Rose Thursday due to the Council meeting the publicity the view that if socities are up at the Riley Smith Hall. saw the failure as the result of postponement of the AGM. effort for the re-scheduled willing to spend Union funds, The Constitutional Ruling the "chaotic week" preceding But he said that another AGM, was planned in some they have an obligation to Committee at LUU decided ten the AGM. which had seen a cancellation of the afternoon detail. attend the AGM. WeStWINNi Pic: S111111 V% AIN High Street banks cashing in on Third World? Of course it's better Ctudents from the universities rtoursev.ork is topping the of Leeds and staged 1.....,grades charts, with students By Alison Wragg a protest on Monday condemning doing better at continuous the major banks' treatment of the .issessmeni than in exams. exams were marked less strictly Third World Debt Crisis, writes research at Oxford Brookes to account for the obvious time Nicola Woolcock. The l ■niversity confirmed this week. difference. demonstration was carried out at The nation-wide study First year Philosophy and lunchtime in the Park Lane asserts that in 199213 only a History student Andrew Raine branch of the Midland Bank. third of students taking said: "Obviously. the conditions The attack on the Midland, coursework failed compared to under which you write a Lloyds. Barclays and NatWest those taking the traditional cousework and exam essay are Banks was in protest againtst the exams, and around 55 per cent completely different. The suffering being caused to the more 2:1 grades were awarded. marking should be adjusted so people of the Third World, as The survey claims that that it takes into account the they attempt to repay debts that students have a better chance of amount of time you have in were run up by their countries in presenting a more coherent which to complete each piece." the 1970s. argument in coursework than Others agreed. Joel Veitch, About thirty-five when taking exams. Leeds second year Philosophy student demonstrators chanted "Tell the University History of Art at Leeds University, of said: "1 Listening Hank to cancel third student Fiona Darling agreed prefer to be assessed on my World Debt" while handing out with the survey's findings: "The coursework as I have more leaflets explaining the facts of mixture of exams and chance to arrange and prepare their cause. The rally focused coursework is much fairer since my thoughts and arguments. I around a display of a 'corpse' it allows tneryone to develop deliberately chose my courses covered with a shroud, reading Sign of disapproval Pic: Ed Crispin their strengths." so that I had the minimum exam '3rd World Debt Over My Dead having on ordinary people from in deforestation." disagreement between us." Andrew Russell, a tutor assessment." Body'. many African and South The demonstrators had two The public's reaction to the from the Politics department at The survey concludes that Involved in the protest were American countries. demands: that a private meeting protest was mixed. One Leeds University. said: for most careers, coursework is members of societies which aim The protesters claimed: "Last would be arranged, and that customer shouted "bloody "Students have more time in a more relevant method than to fight Third World Debt, such year Midland made £87 million Midland would provide them students". while another said: which to do their work, and it is other forms of assessment, as LAMB (Lloyds and Midland from repayments of the loan with their social and "Pm all for it. It's a good idea less stressful than having an Russell said: "Coursework Boycott). Third World First and principle from the Third World. environmental lending criteria. and I have full sympathy for the exam looming. There is more gives the student more Earth First. The demonstration In order to repay the banks, less A spokesperson for Midland Third World cause. It's just a time to develop work and to opportunity to specialise. In the also included other individuals, developed countries have had to Bank said: "While accepting the pity that this is staged during attack the problem." job market, you are far more concerned by the effect that plunder their natural resources. sincerity and passionate beliefs, the dinner-hour, when The study was carried out by likely to write reports than do attempting to repay loans is which has led to a huge increase there are some areas of everyone's in such a rush." Graham Gibbs, who said that exams." Elliot's poptastic It's official - halls are the place to be eeds students are still top emand for University University accomodation even compared to 56% overall. full-time students showed that Lof the pops - well almost. By Phineas Wells Daccomodation at Leeds though it costs on average Students are keen to live in nearly 60% were living in Last weekend five of them, led Metropolitan University more than private rented University accommodation private rented accomodation by controversial Leeds place. including running out of dramatically increased this housing. because they value the social 15% in their own property or University Union Financial beer during the competition year, despite the higher cost of Private rented life, facilities, comfort and with their parents - and a Affairs Secretary Elliot and facing the ineptitude of halls of residence, writes accomodation costs on average warmth provided. They favour further 15% in University Reuben, came within touching quizmaster and NME writer Juliette Garside. £39.91 a week including hills: sharing flats with between four accommodation. One in live of distance of winning the Terry Stoolton, slammed as a A Communications and University accommodation and five people, prefer mixed the students not living in prestigious 'NME Pop Quiz "joker" by Chaz Jenkins. External Relations costs £42. However, 60% of kitchens and sitting rooms, but University accomodation had Finals'. A group from "Everyone ripped the shit out Department survey revealed students in University draw the line at single-sex wanted to, but did not apply Cambridge University of him," he claimed. that 52% of students were accommodation felt that it bathrooms. for a place because they didn't eventually carried off the title. This is the first time that the interested in living in represented value for money, A random sample of 1,500 think they'd get one. The LUU team, calling NME has run the quiz and it themselves The Nosegoblins, seems to have been a great were just two answers short of success, with all the members glory and the glittering prize of of the team intending to enter Travel scheme freewheels to success again next year. an all expenses paid trip to tomrom this week students will scheme is the reduced prices at a Friday. the British Isles. they have been However despite losing out New York. F from cheaper travel which students can travel. To get Linsay Gill. a spokesperson known to match up people on the New York trip, the However the team were not rates as Britain's two largest lift- from Leeds to Edinburgh by train for the company. said that Leeds heading for more exotic Nosegoblins, who also included downhearted with their share agencies join forces. writes costs £39.50, but with the lift- was in a good position as far as destinations such as Gibraltar or Lewis Jameson and Piers narrow defeat: "At least we Lucie Spurr. The company. now share scheme users have to pay lift-sharing is concerned. "With Crete. Fitzgerald, did not leave the beat Crash." said Reuben, known as 'Freewheelers -The only a share of the petrol money Leeds being situated so centrally A year's membership costs NME's offices empty referring to the Leeds record National Lift-Share Agency', - just £7,10. Similarly. travelling in there are usually five pounds. but drivers join handed. "We noticed that store. "And there was free already boasts I I .(X)0 registered from Leeds to London costs only plenty of lifts going both North free of charge. The money ior Terry Stoolton had stashed beer," added team member users and looks set to expand £6.85 by lift-sharing compared to and South." the trips is paid directly to the some beer," smiled Piers, "so Joel Blai berg. indefinitely. by rail. And unlike British Although Freewheelers driver. A security system on his way out Chez relieved The Nosegoblins overcame The biggest lure of the Rail there's no extra expense on normally manages lifts within operates within the scheme. huge odds in achieving second him of it."

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 News

OFF CAMPUS We're not listening any more idea. although some had their own adverts instead." j eeds University poor. Ben Edwards. President By Sam Mountford reservations. "II depends on Edwards defended the 'A falling Post Union's radio station what they play. If they play station against the Network FM has of Network, maintained that charge I failed to reveal one person eclectic, possibly Leeds- that it was 'lowest 1611157.ieS: returned to the airwaves steps were being taken to common who could receive Network based music and have real denominator radio'. "We this week, amid complaints improve the quality of the FM's broadcasts. "I live at discussions, then I'm all in play all different CIF that most students are still signal, and that listeners types of Bod, and I'd listen to it if I favour of it. But if it's just unable to receive it. would notice the difference. music, particularly in the could get it on my radio, but another pop station, then mornings The station, which "We're basically just raising and in the I can't," commented Deri there's not much point," broadcasts to north-west the height of the aerial evenings." he said "We tend Thomas, a first year Politics said Michael Veazey. a first Leeds on 100.6 FM, transmitter, which should to play generally popular Down and out student at Leeds University. year French student. attracted widespread mean that we can broadcast records during the day - Another student living in that Union criticism during its last to a wider area," be said. Another felt that's because if you just transmission period, with "We've learned our lessons Leeds 6 said "I've tried to funding for the station was take one specific type of A horrified crowd watched as an claims that it was a waste of from last time." tune my radio in, but I can not justified. "It's a huge music, you alienate a lot of Australian bungee jumper leapt off a 25 Union money as most Students in Leeds only seem to get a classical waste of student money," people. Basically we're storey building in America only to students could not pick it up University Union on station." said Justin Michaelson. imitating a formula that has discover that the rope was too long. After and that, for those who Tuesday, however, did not Most seemed to agree studying Law at Leeds been tried elsewhere and an investigation it was revealed that a could, reception was very seem so sure. A straw poll that the station was a good University. "they should get has worked." mistake had been made in his calculations_ He'd been unaware of the American superstition of not having a 13th floor! Tune-in Sweet dreams are made at Leeds cash out Choc turn off eels University Union Exec 1..ehas this week defended the purchase of a walkie-talkie Chocolate comes before seX for no less system for Union Door Security than 34 per cent of women quizzed in a at a cost of more than £5.000. recent Gallup poll. When asked what writes Bridget Knight. they'd most hate to give up. chocolate Elliot Reuben. Financial came top of their list Affairs Secretary, said: "It's a case of the Union moving with the times. The expense is Cordon zoo because of the need for a licence from the DTI and the Gemian zoos have be-come popular not for specific sort of radio suited to the animals but for the dishes in their the venue, They need to be restaurants. Hard-up keepers have been durable and match the capacity forced to sell animals to butchers. With of the building - in this case government approval. delicacies such as 8.500 people." Roast Lion or Tiger Steaks are finding He continued: "Because of their was on to the menu. A restauranteiir the sheer numbers of people from Munich said: "People like to try present in the Union. especially something different." Morrisons was not on a Friday night. it's no longer available for comment. practical not to be in constant contact. We need the co- ordination and the Knock and run communication that the radios will allow us." Postmen are hitting the street armed with No, It's true. Someone - or something - managed to defy several tons of concrete and a height of 20 However Andrew Lee, a Dreaming? the latest dog deterrent_ Post office chiefs feet in order to modernise 'The Dreamer' statue near Leeds University's Edward Boyle Library. The scarf and Combined Studies student. said have issued more than fifty of the spliff appeared earlier this week on the lazy figure even though she seems completely impossible to reach. that "the expense seems electronic 'Dog Dazers'. The devices send Fourth year student Paul Wright said: "She represents us as students much better now - still lazy but freezing excessive and unnecessary." out an ultrasonic. high-pitched sound cold and stoned." Words and plc: Sam Greenhill which makes any threatening animal retreat. Chris Mercer, 22, who's been bitten along with other colleagues in the Tax loophole found Buckets, spades and students line of duty. referred to it as "the rriie annual National Union of discussed at the conference, but University Students Union is to rr he discovery of a legal these benefits," she said. postman's revenge". Students conference is to will have to vote in line with any send a delegation of ten. loophole has meant that In 1984 students were take place in Blackpool next policies their unions hold, such Manifestos for those who thousands of students all over eligible for housing benefit month, from the 11th to the 14th as those concerning abortion wish to represent LUU will be the country could claim for a throughout the year. as well Toilet Trouble of April. writes Amelia Hill. The and the 'Bitter Pill' campaigns. displayed in the Union foyer number of DSS allowances, as income support and election of delegates who wish One delegate is sent for today. There are 30 candidates writes Clare Robertson. travelling allowance. A woman in Twickenham needed the to represent both universities in every thousand full-time standing for the 16 places Three years ago a Bar Richard Metters, a first emergency services after getting stuck Leeds at the conference will be students. and one for every four available, at least four of whom school student in London year at Leeds University, said under a toilet door. She panicked after not held in both union buildings thousand part-time students. are members of Exec. At discovered a clause in the that he needed some financial being able to open it. and then tried to next Monday and Tuesday. Leeds University Union is to LMUSU there are II social security system which help as accommodation for squeeze herself through the gap at the Delegates will possess the send 15 delegates and one candidates, five of whom are meant that students who the year had proved costly. bottom. A fire man called to the site said power to vote on all of the issues observer: Leeds Metropolitan Exec members. "It's nut the strangest thing we've dealt were classed as part-time "I'm living in Sentinel woks' could claim both Income Towers so any housing Support and Housing benefits would be useful! I Benefit. DSS rules say that think that most people need Battle fights for safety measures Blue Peter students are entitled to extra income to survive life e recent deaths of five "Students are in a very lucky that no one in Leeds has benefits if they are studying as a student," he said. students from carbon vulnemble position and it is an died from CO poisoning." said s-1-1Iue for no more than 21 hours a Gayle Coghill, a second monoxide poisoning have outrage that the Government LUU Welfare Secretary Ceri Peter presenter Peter Duncan has week and are available for year at !seeds University, prompted calls from NUS, does absolutely nothing to Nursaw. She urges students to now tamed his hand to exploring in an work. could he described as a part- politicians and the Gas ensure basic standards in their come up to Exec for advice attempt to cross Siberia. Unfortunately LUI. Welfare Secretary time student as her English Consumers Association fur housing, even when the before they start house hunting. while going to the toilet he managed to get 4 touch of frostbite. However he said Ceri Nursaw had mixed course is only five hours a tighter regulations of gas appalling conditions in which "By the time you know you too optimistically: "1 won't let it get me feelings about the issue: "I week and she has a part-time appliances in rented student some students live can be life have a problem. it may be think it's great that some job: "Although I have only a homes, writes Sam Rose. threatening." he said. late." she warned. down." students are actually able to few hours a week sometimes Speaking at Leeds NUS want the Government A series of leaflets have also get this money, although I I still have to miss going to University Union to introduce the licensing of been produced to raise last week. Compiled by Chloe Edwards think that all students should my job because of all the Labour MP John Battle landlords by local authorities. awareness among students of be automatically entitled to work I am set on my course." criticised the Government. "Up until now, we've just been the dangers of CO.

1 Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 News 5 LEEDS CROWN COURT HEARS FORENSIC EVIDENCE Rape letter led police to suspect I j eels Crown Court publicity, but there were what they had given out to the part of an address. This led heard last week how a marked differences between Richard Fletcher Press and had kept certain police to arrest Jackson and man - dubbed the this and the earlier attacks. details to themselves. seize documents and Woodhouse Moor Rapist - Indeed the girl was later to Because of the information notepaper from his house. responsible for the attacks her coat. mocked police by sending confess that there had never contained in the letter. the Mr Stockton examined a sent a letter to Itet Supt them a letter signed Jack the been such an attack but at the "1 took her keys off her the police took it seriously and the notepad and found the same Taylor at Millgarth police Stripper. time the police treated it girl I got in October 1992 bad letter was sent, together with impressions on the back Station. In the letter the man seriously and the Press gave brown permed hair behind the envelope, to the forensic page as those on the 'Jack admitted being responsible details of it. It had a Leeds postmark - her shoulders. She wore a science laboratory at the Stripper' letter. January 12th 1993 - a first for three sex assaults, but "The Crown says it woolen cardigan and casual Wetherhy. "That letter was once denied a rape attack, prompted a swift response class stamp and was received trousers. I made hoth of them Mr Anthony Stockton of done in this pad," he said. claiming it was "someone from the man who had truly on the following day. The do oral. the Forensic Science "For David Martin letter was written in block jumping on the attacked women on "The October girl was lying Laboratory said his tests made Jackson they were to prove bandwagon". Woodhouse Moor and had capitals. when she said I raped her. As the possibility that anyone else fatal," said Nit. Worsley, Mr Paul Worslcy QC. been responsible for earlier Mr Worsley then read the yet I haven't raped anybody had written the letter so prosecuting. prosecuting, told the court attacks." said Mr Worsley. letter to the jury. It ran: "Det which brings me to my next remote it could not be ignored. David Martin ,Jackson, how on January 4th last "He did not apparently like Supt Taylor. I am the one you point. The joker who raped Mr Stockton said he had 28. of Neville View. year a 16 year old girl in the idea of someone else are looking for regarding most the girl on January 2nd 1993 carried out tests which Osniondthorpe, Leeds, rare in Gilley reported that carrying out attacks in this of the incidents on Woodhouse was not me. He was jumping involved putting a thin film denies one charge of rape. she had been raped on the area, nor apparently did he Moor. If you don't believe me on the bandwagon. He was a over the letter and covering it three charges of indecent evening of January 2nd like the idea of being check these facts. The girl I fool. He showed his face. with ink to find any assault, two of attempted while walking across associated or blamed for a got in March 1992 had "Yours sincerely Jack the impressions on the paper. indecent assault, and four of Woodhouse Moor. rape for which he was not shoulder length blonde hair Stripper." He said he found assault occasioning actual The report of the alleged responsible." he added. and was wearing a dark The court heard how the impressions which included bodily harm. attack received much The man police believe was dungaree-style outfit under police had been very careful in the name DM Jackson and • The case continues Trial told of DNA tests on accused\

he jury at Leeds other roan not related to blood sample taken from conclusion that the results He said the odds altered tine charge of rape, three Crown Court heard hint. Jackson after his arrest were approximately 100 when it came to those closely charges of indecent assault. T on Wednesday that The trial of David Martin offered the same profile as million times more likely to related to Jackson. two of attempted indecent David Martin Jackson was Jackson was told by a forensic semen found on the clothing have occurred if the semen A brother would give a assault, and four of assault a hundred million times expert how DNA profiling of the third victim. who was was deposited by David one-in-400 chance of a match. occasioning actual bodily more likely to have left the linked him to the crimes. indecently assaulted, and the Martin Jackson rather than David Martin Jackson, 28, harm. semen found in two of the Mr Michael Barber said at final victim, who was raped. another man who was of Neville View, alleged cases than any Leeds Crown Court that a He said: "1 came to the unrelated to him. Osmondthorpe. Leeds, denies • The case continues Leeds kiddos will shop they drop Vietnam Venture A Leeds University graduate is to undertake a By Permit! Calor conservationist's challenge in June this year. when he travels month trip, which will involve with 14 other specially selected an intensive study of the native British volunteers to North flora and fauna. Ed plans to Vietnam with 'Frontier', part strum his guitar at several of the Society for venues in the Headingley area. Environmental Exploration. Sandoz Holdings, a local The aim of the expedition. company. has given financial which will take 22 year old Ed support to the excursion, while Anderson to what he describes Kuwait Oil has donated a as "one of the least biologically Raleigh coat as a prize in a explored areas of the world", is raffle. to repair some of the extensive The proceeds of the raffle damage caused by the Vietnam will also go towards the £3,000 war. One fifth of the rain forest needed by Ed in order In fund habitat was destroyed by lethal the trip. chemicals and bombs during He underlined why he felt the war years and that the project was worthy of subsequently by expansion in support. "The rain forests of industry. agriculture and North Vietnam have been tourism. totally unprotected and yet are In order to fund the three of world importance," he said.

HEAR ANYTHING Anne Catherall. Sally Baynes. Sarah Buckley and Karen Johnson of UM) carrying out Leeds City Council's city centre surrey of shoppers in Kirkgate Markel eeds City.. Council has been investigated with questionnaires their findings," NEWSWORTHY? WHO YA Lfinding out what students By Cie Sangster distributed by Leeds hotels to Leo Seaton said: "We need to really think of Leeds city centre their guests. be aware of what people think GONNA CALL? shopping facilities with the help questioned shoppers in Kirkgate Counsellor Eamon McKee, about what is being done The of a survey carried out by Market. the Bond Street Centre Chair of the City Centre City Centre is facing stiff LEEDS STUDENT NEWSTEAM students from Leeds and the Victoria Quarter. and Committee, said: "The work by competition from out-of-town Metropolitan University. will present their findings to the these students should help us shopping complexes such as 0860 - 136570 (24 HOURS) The five Consumer Service City Council in June. Tourists' make further improvements. and Meadowhall, so we need to raise Management finalists have opinions have also been I look forward with interest to its profile."

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 6 Comment & Analysis `Forget God the prude the devil can't be all bad' bad behaviour. believe it doesn't exist. person to hit upon this idea I never ceases to amaze And so sin was invented Evil upsets people and me how upset people was the Devil. Stuck up in heaven with the great Prude and everyone fell a lot this is why the Devil can't become at the idea of be all bad. / himself be got fed up with happier. Especially Eve who hatred. To say you hate had been wondering for about And yet how do we something or someone everyone bouncing about Rupert Hamer five years when Adam was thank Lucifer for all these always seems to be an saying what a lovely time they finally going to make his benevolent gifts? We make enormous faux pas in were having, constantly on Friday move, scary films like The Omen, 'civilised' society. inviting each other around to This absurd fear people we rejoice in the repression And yet without this their clouds for tea and cakes have of anger and hatred is emotion how on earth would and having the same boring which are family values and not only unhealthy but also we know what we like or conversations about how great into his own hands and tried try anything on. we tolerate the appaling And so Satan got booted destructive. It leads to a love. life was in all its wonder and to get off with a particularly prices in the university out and God told the ubiquitous form of censorship With nothing to compare beauty etc etc. busty young angel. refectory. anything with how can Instead, Satan started Unfortunately, the big offending angel that although by emphasising the good to It's time to strike out, anyone possibly make a asking awkward questions Prude had also had his eye on it would cause him great pain such a ludicrous extent that renounce all goodness and value judgement? and when answers were not her for a couple of millennia and misery he would have to there is no room for discussion start being thoroughly To my mind the first forthcoming he took matters but just hadn't had the guts to whip her personally for her of the bad, or people begin to unpleasant. Hopefully the last word on the great Sun debate

Dear Editor. challenged by censorship the blame for the position of political climate that some students can read what they forms of censorship in represents a serious blacks, gays and women in view censorship as a please and formulate their LUU and suggest that the The decision of Leeds misunderstanding of both the society away from the state. progressive step. own opinion is replaced by the starting point for Union University Union to ban causes of those problems, and So while the Government Far from encouraging belief that we need to be campaigns should be the The Sun newspaper is not the effects of censorship. spreads crime panics about equality, however, the only protected from "offensive" slogan "Question only absurd (as most As Richard Fletcher Jamaican immigrants, the thing which censorship material. everything, ban nothing". students recognise) but correctly pointed out - in problems of racism in Britain promotes is passivity. The The Revolutionary also carries dangerous Leeds Student - such decisions are explained as a result of idea that students can actively Communist Party is Yours Sincerely consequences. clearly equate the problems of tabloid sensationalism. The fight for equality is replaced campaigning for a reversal of The idea that racism, society to the backwardness legitimacy of the authorities is by the apathetic belief that all the banning of The Sun and Robert Clough, anti-gay prejudice and and stupidity of the working- now rarely challenged. we can do is restrict the sale for "the right to be Revolutionary Communist women's oppression can be class - "Sun readers"- shifting It is a sign of the current of newspapers. The idea that offensive". We oppose all Students ...or will this one run and run until doomsday?

Dear Editor, not to sell The Sun newspaper accusation made by Elliot Dear Editor, censorship. What about when trying to stop people reading in the Union was put to vote Reuben is indeed typical of goods from South African The Sun within the confines of I write with dismay about in a fair and properly `Third World dictatiors' who Firstly I was shocked to mad the companies were banned because the Union, which would be the accusation made by conducted democratic scrap democratically-made allegations in last week's Leeds the Union thought apartheid was censorship. Elliot Reuben against the process. decision just because they Student about a 'shady deal' not acceptable? What about Nestle I am simply suggesting that Islamic Society in his Members of the Islamic cannot accept defeat. between Liz Rouse and the Islamic products being banned for three we should not support the Letter To The Editor, Society who voted on the issue It is very unfortunate that Society at last Tuesday's OGM. years because we did not want to newspaper by selling it because February 25th 1994. did so with full understanding Elliot should share this was with Liz throughout the support a company which is of the blatant sexism of page First of all may I say of the issues based on characteristic with the likes of meeting. A representative of the allegedly responsible for the three. The vote on Tuesday that the Islamic Society did individual judgement. Bukassa of central Africa and Islamic Society did approach us deaths of hundreds of thousands of was not only supported by the not have part, neither did For Elliot to question their Ide Amin Dada of Uganda. and ask if we would vote for their children? Are these examples of Women's Affairs Committee it collaborate with anyone, understanding of the issues Elliot Reuben shuld motion if they voted for ours. We censorship? and the Islamic Society, but in any form of illicit they have voted on is an insult apologise to the members of both answered very clearly that we Students at LUU have a right also by members of Labour tactical voting against the to the intelligence of all the the Islamic Society. would not do this. not to have The Sun sold in their Students, the !Sec and Socialist motion to sell The Sun members of the Islamic Secondly, 1 have heard people shop if they believe that having a Workers. newspaper in the Union. Society. Yours sincerely, saying that the banning of The Sun naked woman on page three is Yours sincerely. The motion whether or Not surprisingly, the Ousman M'hai newspaper from the Union is derogatory to women. I am not Tim Goodall A really, really, grovelly letter Does the pope smoke dope? Dear Editor, all the motions which had attend the meeting in week Dear Editor. double-blind scientific studies cannabis is still uncertain. Far been submitted to it; an nine. I was disappointed to read Dr are needed on large numbers of more disease results from the Last Thursday lectures were administrative halls-up for LUU is more,than Just the Ryan's unscientific and individuals. As far as I am tobacco taken with the drug cancelled, or should have want of a better phrase.. Old Bar. Are you a member reactionary letter concerning aware, the only consistently is smoked. Dr Ryan been, for ever student in the There was no option but to when it of a sports club or a society? the use of cannabis i Leeds reported ill-effects of cannabis fails to cite evidence which University; the Leeds postpone it. On behalf of the Have von taken out a short- Student. February 18 I- arc slight. There seems to he a refutes the hypothesis that University Union Annual Executive Committee, I can term loan? Have you had the Dr Ryan's anecdotal small risk of male infertility. cannabis is harmless. General Meeting CAGM1 was only offer you a simple benefit of expert Welfare experiences are of interest, but and a slight excess of scheduled to take place. apology. advice? of little scientific value. People This is the single most This meeting must take schizophrenia in cannabis users. Yours sincerely, Leeds University Union is often first begin to suffer front important meeting of the year place in the Easter term; an Whether this is really due to the Simon Wilson active working illnesses such as anxiety and - the place where you can Union Council has re- organisation. Play a part in its depression when they are in change the way the Union scheduled it for fpm on future, be at the AGM in The Editor runs, where you can make Thursday 17th March in the their twenties and at University. week nine. This is also a time of Growth Executive members justify Riley Smith Hall. Leeds Student and experimentation. their terms of office. In the light of Government Yours faithfully The association between Leeds University Union Yet last week, it didn't proposed reforms of student John Rose cannabis use and disease noted happen. A rapidly convened unions currently going back General Secretary PO Box 157 by the good doctor may well be meeting of the Constitutional through parliament it is On behalf of LUU spurious. More than his Leeds LS1 1UH Rulings Committee ruled it to essential that we demonstrate Executive Committee. personal observations arc be unconstitutional. Why? the democratic processes of Letters should be addressed to the Editor and clearly marked required to support a causal To he blunt, the agenda the Union are both necessary See for publication. The Editor reserves the right to edit letters, Leader Page 7 relationship, which had been printed, yet it was and effective. See Story Page 3 should be no longer than 300 words. The deadline for letters is the Randomised, controlled. incomplete, it did not contain That is yy tiy tuu should Tuesday proceeding publication. ••■■•11. Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

Comment & Analysis 7 AGM cock-up is a disgrace - heads must roll at LUU

he failure of Leeds for. obviously don't give a damn. University Union Exec supposed to believe that a job as Surely individuals stand for Agreed John Rose, you may an Exec officer is anything Tto organise the Annual election to the Executive because have had a hectic week - full scale more than a cushdy little earner General Meeting proves that they believe firmly in the war between Elliot Reuben and before having to go out into the even they themselves no longer importance of the Union to Lis Rouse can't he much fun to real world. And an Exec office take the Union or the posts they student life. The fact that this STV DE NT deal with. But don't we all have which is barren before 11.011am hold senously. The flippancy year's Exec do not care whether riot only have Exec disgraced publicise the most crucial event of bad weeks? Students who don't does little to dispel this view. with which officials, and ordinary students are involved in themselves. they have damaged the political calendar at the make an essay deadline fail. Can A Union official without the particularly Admin Secretary the running of the Union turns the image of student politics at Union. and an Administration you imagine the postponement of commitment or efficiency to Chris Westwood - responsible them into authoritarian despots. Leeds University for a long time Secretary cannot rouse himself a General Election because John stage an AGM has failed the for the organisation of the If this is the case. perhaps the to come. In a newly modularised from his slumbers early enough Major couldn't he bothered? most basic test of whether they meeting - and General Government are right to protest at system. how eager will lecturers on the day to get the agendas for Enough with the Exec infighting - deserve the job they hold. Secretary John Rose - with the existence of 'the last closed he to again give up valuable the Meeting prepared m time? what happened to the students Perhaps Chris Westwood overall responsibility for Union shop in Britain'. Undemocratic teaching time to a meeting no one OGMs will continue to be you were elected to serve'' and John Rose should seriously matters - seem to hold the and therefore unaccountable. cares about' inquonne. and elections sparsely if Exec show no commitment examine their ability to cope AGM is a disgrace to Leeds University Union is not How can Exec whine about attended. as long as the people to an event as politically important with the demands of being a everything they claim to stand currently a place to be proud of. student apathy as they are fail to who arc supposed to care most so as the AGM. how are students member of Exec.


With National No Smoking Day approaching, Rosa Prince set three hardcore nicotine addicts the terrible challenge of a day without their cancer sticks

Gemma Hayes Dennis Bowie Richard Fletcher Psychology student at Leeds Porter at Leeds University Editor of Leeds Student University Union Newspaper Has smoked for six years Has smoked for twenty years Has smoked for nine years Rolls her own Rolls his own Smokes Benson and Hedges Smokes 40 to 50 a day Smokes 20 cigarettes a day Smokes 20 to 30 a day

4 4 / gave up on Tuesday Easy Way to Stop Smoking' istopped smoking and I coughed less too. I 4 4 gave up for the day sneaked a few drags of because I decided that and it really helped. This time `6 just for the day chewed gum for the day because since the age someone else's cigarette. I went it was time to stop I saw stopping smoking not as because it was which is something I never of 1 ► I've never gone a to the pub for lunch, and altogether. I'd smoked for too depriving myself of good practice. 1 did it to see do. and I munched my day without a cigarette. My although it wasn't too bad there. long. it's a disgusting habit something. but as becoming a if I could, and it wasn't usual Polos as well. girfriend hates It. I have tried at about Spin I crept off, bought and it was costing too much non-smoker. really a problem. The worst part of trying before, but I've never managed a pack of ten and that was the money. [ just didn't want to be During one of my had I stopped once for six to stop is not having to give up. I'm sure I could stop start of a slippery slope. a smoker anymore. patches I went for a long bike months about ten years something to do with your if I could just get past the first I was so desperate I even I've given up loads of ride, which really helped, but ago, and I'm thinking of hands. I found that really day - but that day is always too smoked a Silk Cut during the times, but this time I'm really the book does say that you giving it up for real again. I hard. It's also difficult not difficult. day which are a complete w ass• determined about it. I set a shouldn't use substitutes for think you've got to feel that smoking during times you I woke up in the morning to of time. I mean if you're going date in advance, and I planned cigarettes. you really want to. associate with a cigarette, find both my phones ringing. to kill yourself smoking you towards it. In the past I've associated I gave up from II.30pm like when you're having a As the first thing I do when I might as well he able to taste My first day didn't go too smoking with drinking, so I on Monday night to 9.30am cup of tea. wake up or talk on the phone is the cigarette. badly. I only really twice found it hard not to have a on the following think that the reason light up. I automatically started In the end I smoked about strongly craved a cigarette. cigarette when drinking. But Wednesday morning, and that I found giving up for a cigarette. About halfway twenty cigarettes throughout the The first was at lunchtime went in two pubs during the the day wasn't too bad. the day so easy was partly through I thought "Fuck, I've whole day which is pretty good when I was really bored. The day, and people were The morning was easy; it because I knew I would be supposed to have given up," for me - I cut down by about second was about 3pm when a smoking all around me. and I was after dinner that was able to smoke again the and put it out. half'. People don't know how friend waved a cigarette in my was OK. the worst - I really fancied next day. It was an There were no easy or hard difficult it is. face and said 'share this with So that's it, I'm a nor a ciggie. enjoyable experiment times - at almost every single I don't think I'll be a smoker me'. smoker now. You smoke and I wasn't nasty to people though - I think I could moment of the day. T was dying all my life. definitely give it I read a book called 'The I choke." like I thought I would he, give up now.- for a fag. At about 1 pm I up in the next few years."

The Leeds Student self-help guide to stubbing out your craving

Question your addiction. Ask Throw away all ashtrays and Avoid 'cutting down'. It never Choose the time you are going Once you've given up don't cigs or nicotine patches. the youself why you are smoking lighters. works and you'll he back to full to quit carefully. Often a time expect to feel the benefits They'll just prolong and whether you really need to. strength in no time. Don't even when you are on a break from straight away. But with time you pain of withdraw!. Try to avoid aggravations and take a drag of someone else's. your normal routine proves should notice that it's easier to Rather than lamenting the Think positively Consider stressful situations for the first easier. run up the stairs or work out in end of your life as a smoker carefully the negative things few days. People who put on weight after the gym. You'll even be able to enjoy the benefits. cigarettes have brought you - giving up smoking only do so Talk to other ex-smokers who run fur a bus. poor health, less money, and Save up the money you've because they transfer their have made the transition. It'll Avoid substitutes for Good Luck! the inability to cope with saved from giving up, and blow nicotine craving into one for give you a boost and remind smoking such as gum, herbal stress unaided. it on something luxurious. food. Don't fall into the trap. you why you stopped.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 Arts OSCAR'S L. ST

Schindler's List MGM Cinema

(even Spielberg is blessed with the knees of the proverbial bee. He has been responsible for five out of ten of the highestI, grossing box office hits in the history of cinema, which not inconsiderable achievement has been managed by sticking to themes which have mainstream appeal (childhood, scary monsters, escapism) and making them well enough to dodge accusations of cliche. The challenge then, of making a film about the holocaust, has been to uncouple his skills as a film maker from the material that he usually uses and to deal with this most sensitive of subjects in a manner which neither avoids the truth nor upsets those whom it touches personally. The heavy weight of expectation, however, does not prepare you for the power of SchindIer's List. What has been created is unprecedented in recent cinema history. A monument to the truth and a film about total war which overpowers any previous attempt to understand what the genocide of the Nazis means about humanity, and yet a film which is tilted full-square at the mainstream. Oscar Schindler (played by Liam Schindler watched a little girl in a red coat Central Europe in the knowledge that they are characterisation of Amon Coeth (Ralph Neeson), for those of you who have missed the stumble through the deadly chaos of the ghetto still hated by the populations who advocated Fiennes of the RSC), commandant of Plaszow, deluge of publicity, was a businessman, a bon untouched by the random violence their "elimination" in the first place, whilst whose love for his Jewish maid unleashes all viveur and a member of the Nazi Party. The surrounding her, is never made absolutely Schindler himself has to flee the advancing the ambiguities of treating any race as outbreak of war was merely an opportunity for clear. Allies as a war-criminal. genetically inferior, as well as showing why profit as far as he was concerned, and the Jews But as the war continues he begins to With the subliminal appeal of British actors are employed to portray all the he employed to run his enamelware factory protect "his Jews" from the excesses of Nazi capitalism as saviour and a close look at the complex and interesting characters in merely the cheapest form of labour he could inhumanity, extending his protection further mechanics of power in its rawest form, this Hollywood. But for its terrible black and white find. However, somewhere along the line his and further whilst still sheltering behind the film has already made appropriately serious visual beauty, its perfectly balanced thematic motivation changed. Whether it was the rhetorical facade of "good business". Until money in the States. The central theme, power and the razor-sharp timing which horrific evacuation of the ghetto at Krakow, finally he bankrupts himself buying their unavoidably, is the nature of good and evil, slashes eery humour where it is least expected, his relationship with ltzak Stern, his labour, and their lives, from his military with Schindler as an initially equivocal hero Schist(Iter's List is horrifying, compassionate, accountant and friend (played with masters. Fortunately for these "Schindler Jews" whose stature is entirely relative to the casual brilliant, and in the final analysis, an absolute understated brilliance by Ben Kingsley), or, as the war ends in time to save them from inhumanity around him. The monochrome masterpiece. the film suggests, the moment in which slaughter and they straggle away into war-torn visuals obscure the implications of the Emma Hartley

woman whose pig supposedly committed allegory to incorporate notions of nature and The Hour of the Pig murder. Unpredictably, however, all purity, nurture and decay. Human figures seem Stepping Out characters behave and talk in a casual, to be both trapped and released by nature; Bradford Pictureville plausible way, miles apart from the intertwined with snakes and heavily symbolic Riley Smith Hall stereotyped bleatings so common of Ivanhoe images such as rye grass and frogs. What stood rrhe production of this Richard Harris play he Hour of the Pig is one of the most original type films. The film is further enhanced by out was the almost frightening way humans both which graced the Riley Smith Hall last week T and captivating films I have ever seen. Set good script structure: there is art ironic twist seemed to impose themselves on the wild setting, was a fund-raising exercise on the part of the in rural medieval France, it uses as its starting right at the end which will have everyone yet seem, by curling up in an abandoned way, to Jewish Students' Chaplaincy Committee. To say point the custom of those days of putting leaving the cinema with a wry smile on their be threatened by their foreign surroundings. it was not of the usual standard of Theatre Group through trial, and even hanging, animals face. Furthermore, the acting is excellent, The striking feature of Israeli-born productions would be a rather too tactful supposedly guilty of various offenses. A making the characters believable and not just Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger's exhibition Matrix statement. Yet if the sole object was to raise the young, intelligent Parisian lawyer (Cohn Firth) faces in period costume. The Hour of the Pig is Borderlines is that evidence of her work as a readies does it really matter? is transferred to one such village, and is given unusual, entertaining and, despite heaving psychoanalyst combines with her art in an Stepping Out tells the tale of a tap- the task of defending a pig accused of killing a breasts-aplenty in parts, a clever whodunnit unsettling way. The disturbing confusion I felt dancing evening class and their preparation for a Jewish boy. which makes very rewarding viewing. looking at her work was, hopefully, intentional. show. Superb opportunities for characterisation At first everything is jolly and She indicates in her art the way memory works, through the customary bunch of neurotics and innocent enough, from the country wenches Rea Podas shifting so that faces are featureless, vaguely battlers found in social comedy were seized with (whose insatiable sexual appetite probably moving into the conscious mind's eye from the varying degrees of aplomb by the cast: Julia gave rise to the Gamy On comparisons) to the Green Earth / Matrix unconscious. The pieces themselves consist of Libman as the nervous Andy and Judith Caplan randy priest. However, as the plot thickens, it combined and superimposed family-album as the traumatised nurse Lynne were among the more convincing and moving performers. Others becomes evident that something much more photographs, faded text and journal illustrations, LMU Gallery were less confident, and as a result some of sinister is going on: someone has been maps and dictionaries, showing her break up of Harris's biting one-liners were left hanging in the systematically killing young Jewish boys, and racy Holland, an emerging Sheffield-based language and clear meaning. If you're a the creepy inhabitants of the nearby castle are Tartist, exhibits Green Earth's End, a new connoisseur of contemporary art with a thesis in Yet the mixture of genuine enthusiasm acting very suspiciously indeed. Racial departure in art. Her style experiments with the the theories of psychoanalysis, its well worth a and sound choice of material by cast and crew politics are also enmeshed, with a small band effects of light, double exposure and try. If you're just an normal person, it will give deserved warm applause and they certainly of Egyptians being cast as scapegoats by the transparency overlays and her use of you a headache and an identity crisis. received that from their predominantly partisan ignorant peasants. photography, which she calls a "very liberating audience. The final tap-dancing routine, by the Predictably, the lawyer becomes medium-, allows for moments to be frozen before way, was fabulous. involved with the voluptuous Egyptian the disintegration of time sets in. She uses Maya Socolovsky Hannah Jones

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 Arts 9

Cool Runnings Mary Unfaithful Showcase Cinema Harvey Milk Bar Cogito 1 f P.G. stands for " Patronising Gits" n summing up ary Unfaithful at the end of the Jamie then Walt Disney's latest production and support, Spot Bulger murder trial the judge made a, I the Poet, have previously been Cool Runnings, excells itself. This little M 15omewhat wistful, comment that the jewel tells the story of three Jamaican seen doing their stuff down at the effect of 'Video Nasti', especially Child's sprinters who fail to get into the Duchess, and the new Cafe Mex. Last Play 3 had played a great part in influencing Sunday they tried out the infamous Olympics and are, therefore, bruised the young murderers. attractions of the Harvey Milk bar as a Immediately video shops across just enough to venture upon the venue. the land withdrew said video from their smashing idea of constructing the first Spot the Poet, despite his play- shelves, and Rupert Murdoch's BSkyB ever Jamaican bob-sled team: the school style stage name is a network, which was due to show it several 'oeuvre' of John 'coach' Candy. depressingly sincere poet. He started times in the next few weeks, tactfully took it Off air. Handed on a truly Disneyesque the evening promisingly with a poem plate, are the essential accoutrements of Unfortunately, society's need to entitled 'Why people live in Leeds in find a scape goat was amazingly kitsch - the members of the team all Winter' or 'Piss Off, I Wanna be have their token emotional hang ups. inconsistent. Neither Child's Play 1 nor its Miserable' but this turned out to be the second sequel were withdrawn at the same The 'Mean Mothers' nevertheless best line of his entire set. After a mildly time, although both have a similar amount survive the cruel treatment they receive An Eye for an Eye amusing start he degenerated rapidly of 'violence' as the third installment. The at the hands of the German bob- LMU Studio into cringeworthy sincerity, even film itself was an '18' certificate, ergo it can sledders , and continue to believe with coming perilously dose to committing be no more violent than any other '18' film blind loyalty in their coach, despite his the cardinal sin of 'having a message'. on general release, yet surprise, surprise no ambiguous and shady past. Meanwhile However the evening was other film was taken of the shelves. the audience are invited to languidly fter AIDS came TAG. The redeemed by the appearance of Mary The whole debate as to whether revel in the acute irony that powerfully authorities were slow to act, then Films and television can affect our attitude 'A Unfaithful, resplendent in leopard skin toward other human beings has been going pervades the whole film: Jamaica is hot , too fast, too careless ...' catsuit and coat, plus knee-high white Sex outside marriage has been on since time immemorial (perhaps even ice sports are not. patent boots. An outfit designed for her, longer when one takes into account Mary It's only redemption lies in the made a criminal act and, locked in a metal as she explained, by Vivienne Whitehouse's involvement). There are two fact that it is directed at children, but cell, five people try to work out who is Westwood, from her "Urban Prossie" clear sides to the story. Those who believe the Jamaican portraiture, of both really guilty of breaking the law. An Eye collection. Mary's act consists of tongue- that films do not influence us are backed up country and inhabitants, is for an Eye is supposedly based on in-cheek confessional standup by statistics which show that in countries embarrasingly innacurate and Shakespeare's Measure For Measure and punctuated by her short songs. Her such as Holland and Japan, where there is misleading. It has its "Madam the cast fits accordingly: adulterer, little if any censorship, violence and sex subject is the 70s, as in the touching crime figures are very low. Conversely those Giocconda" smile moments, but on the prostitute (who incidentally gets her song 'The 70s; Crap Decade or What?' knickers off), two policemen and . . countries or areas where censorship is rife, whole, there's nothing particularly which ends with the consoling take for example the Southern 'Bible Belt' funny to be found in either plot or feminist militant lesbian. reflection that at least it wasn't the states in the US, see a high amount of script. While the concept of persons Angst and frustration fill the air decade to spawn Bros and the varying violence. displaced may be potential food for a as characters scream accusations at each pretensions of the pop music world. Those that do believe there is some comical film, it's not enough to carry other and beat their fists against the iron And from which Mary feels at liberty to kind of connection are backed up by rare through a cinematic cliche that has little walls. Its back to basics in the most take inspiration for her songs and cases such as the one in question. However substance. Our moral of the day is that fundamental way as they simulate imagine collaborations that might have when one takes into account the fact that out it doesn't matter if we don't finish the intercourse and masturbation. The been - George Formby and the Sex of all the people who must have seen Child's Play 3 only two have become publicly race, just as long as we make it to the atmosphere is intensified by harsh neon Pistols, Morrisey and Herman's Hermits finishing line. It is a paradox that lacks lighting and loud pulsating music, known as murderers. Again, the weight of - and generally take the piss. statistics seems to point to the two boys profundity largely because the means echoing the police chief's incessant Deceptively innocuous Mary is in fact a being the exception not the rule. through which it is conveyed are so questioning which, perversely, instead of debunker par excellence and well worth It would seem therefore that it is vacant. I give it a definite thumbs down, clearing matters up only makes the plot seeing, especially by anyone who views not films that influence people to such an and employ nothing Iess than a large thicker. The play's main message seems the 70s with anything like rosy-tinted extent they become murderers, but the way lump of irony when I say : oh yeah, and to be that nothing can be certain in today's nostalgia. that people handle the information that the it has a really smashing reggae world and that no-one is to be trusted, but films give. soundtrack too. unfortunately this uncertainty is carried How many of us have seen Sara Buys on right the way through. Loose ends - Eleanor Rose Reservoir Dogs and not cut a policeman's ear and there are many - are never properly off? How many of us have seen Silence of the tied and the end is only really signalled by Lambs and not eaten the liver of the next censor taker we met? I've seen Misery: I like the police chief taking all his clothes off. Stephen King, but I don't want to break his However what the play lacks in legs. clarity it makes up for in slick production. Thepoint is that 1, Like the At times An Eye for an Eye moves closer to overwhelming majority of the human race, dance than drama with action carefully am a (fairly) sane and balanced individual. I interwoven with the striking musical can watch a film that shows murder and accompaniment. know that it is wrong. Society has educated The cast never moves outside of me well in that respect. I am lucky. the restrictive metal box which provokes The two lads that murdered Jamie Bulger weren't. They are members of that extreme claustrophobia. part of society that a lot of us like to forget. Contemporary social issues are The undereducated, the unemployed, the skirted around and - unfortunately - none uncared for. This lack of attention would are tackled fully. The lesbian voices surely lead most of us to the point of not opinions on sexual politics, but in the end caring about, or not recognising, the is guilty of sex with a man. Similarly no difference between right and wrong. real parallel is drawn between AIDS and Jamie's murderers gained TAG, except the extreme paranoia which information from the film Child's Play 3 tdA42/4147 provoked the sex law in the first place. and processed it the wrong way. This is not It's all very modern and visually the fault of anyone to do with the film. It is JOIN rst the fault of a society that didn't care enough stunning but at the end of the day you to take the time to teach those boys AMAIrAN can't help but wonder what the play was properly. bOt:i i- really about. TIAM Chris Williams

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 10 Music Where The Streets Are Insane MTV. "Yeah, we made a video. I think vide. en Pavement front person Steve should be cheap, you know? If you kno alkmus admits that his recent someone with enough talent to do something WMMelody Maker revelations for a interesting I think they should be done." predilection for dance music are "Not true", So who would the band see as a that he hated what he wrote and that "I just do ideal director? "Let's see, Torn Svegal's lathe whatever anyone asks me to do" it's clear that (bemused looks all 'round)...oh, he directed he's not joking. We're eighth on the list of movie called 'Mickey 1', a cult thing...or Mik, interviewers tonight with even more ardent D". reporters arriving by the moment. Pavement Do the band share the philosoph meanwhile are unfazed, they remain relaxed, behind Mike D's recent statement that song- . ffable and extremely friendly. Slightly odd, should sound "like fucked up demos"? "No 1 f course, but extremely friendly. Such hospitality might have really, their aesthetic's better achieved by tha. ..mething to do with the fact that once again they're using big beats that sound belle he band have Hit The North. "We love this distorted. Then again, all of our records a . .lace. We played The Duchess last time...loved essentially what people would do for a demo.. hat place...class pub" enthuses new drummer when we play live it hopefully become- . teven West, seemingly without irony. "We've something more". :ot good fans for it here, the underground Just what does go on inside the heads of Pavement? Johnny Davis investigates. Whatever aesthetic lurks behind th; Pavement sound, its something that's won th • ircuit is really good...the first people who who saw the band as merely a Fall pastiche. understand" reasons Stephen "If you think that praise from music press and musicians alike ere writing to us for interviews were from "I'd rather they said that than The Lemonheads your own perfect vision of what you can Sonic Youth's Thurston Moor for example i - is area which is cool, they didn't wait to hear or The Gin Blossoms" replies Stephen, "If you contribute to music is to do it this way, then rarely spotted not sporting his Pavement T-shirt. bout it from the NME." One aspect any want to get specific enough you could say good... our stuff is still pretty traditional by "He was trying to help us out" explains Bob, "H 'avement interview seems to promote is their Slanted and Enchanted was broad in its own my terms, still verse/chorus/verse". It might be cottoned onto our lack of merchandise sales .h nherent lunacy, something encouraged by worth mentioning that during this staunch way...although there were four songs directed understood our need to get rid of those tan lo heir wayward tunes and awkward music (not to a certain part of northern England. With this denial of affected eccentricity Bob Nastanovich sleeves". And that's Pavement_ Charming, down o mention their drummer who used to record there's more that people could say about (guitars) is offering everyone in the room a to earth and perhaps just a little strange; they istribute toast throughout gigs). The band, small polystyrene container holding olives. 1 it...The Byrds, Credence Clearwater, Love, owever, curtly defend any suggestion that really do seem to do whatever people ask them pass. whatever." to. As we politely make our excuses and leave, is image is contrived. Since the new album seems to With a broadening of influences, "It's also contrived to do something we extend our hearty thanks. "No, thank you encompass a far broader range of influences, I Pavement look certain to now reach a far wider man" they reply. hat's perfectly straight and easy to wonder if this is partly a move to silence critics audience and even seem content to embrace

until they announced themselves as the band - Standing under hail of glittering spotlights, screwed up weirdo; "this next song is called Snowboy they clearly long to be seen as a tad whacky, as blonde locks shimmering, she leaves us in no 'James Joyce fucked my sister— he says was evident form their impressive selection of doubt exactly who is the pop star here (the old cheerfully with a hugely insane grin on his Irish Centre covers, which included Night in Tunisia, the stage costume of Y-fronts and bra has, wisely face. Therapy? deal with the darker sides of Flintstones Theme and, of course, Anarchy in been ditched). The naked adoration in the life, with growling menacing tiffs contrasting A fter nearly thirty minutes of shifting the UK. But the material here remained crowd is palpable; thank Christ no scumbag those uplifting choruses that have ..uncomfortably around his congas, Mark predominantly thier own - and it's red hot. The shouts "get your tits out." The excitement of differentiated them from their inferiors ever 'Snowboy' Cotsgrove stopped the show. next day I went out and bought the CD: what two 14 year-olds when she speaks to them since "Shortsharpshock" ep came out last year. "Look," he snarled, "I'm sick of standing up more can I say? afterwards is heart-warming. It's just a shame It's the more industrial stuff from their 'Nurse" here while you're poncin' around down there. Martyn Beauchamp that only 30 people or so were witness to a album that really rocks tonight though, like We want fleet-footed people." And that's sparkling night out. Time for a cold shower, I "Nausea" and "Teethgrinder". exactly what he eventually got, to the extent think. Tonight's bill is probably the most that one band member was able to say after the Intastella Chris Mooney exciting set on the gig circuit at the moment gig that the Leeds crowd, once it had let itself "check it out" as they say, if you can. go Latin, had been the best audience Snowboy Duchess of York had played to on their British tour, which Therapy? Sara McDonnell he Manchester baggy scene was the best ended here tonight. Town c Country Club The venue didn't help: despite its Tfor the last ten years, but it is dying an agonising death. The Happy Mondays have superior acoustics, the Irish Centre looked eing the not-very-secret special guests awkward offering Snowboy's intricately- split up, The Stone Roses can't even be bothered, and Northside were crap anyway. Bsupporting Therapy? tonight, Credit To woven and rhythmically-laiden calypso jazz. The Nation get first prize for being the most Indeed, promoters Crash! lost a fair whack on Thank God, then, for those that are keeping the loose fit lifestyle alive: Inspiral Carpets, Politically Correct band on stage. Consisting Best Selling Albums the gig, but while sparsely attended Snowboy of rapper Matty, two identically dressed was wildly acclaimed. This bizarrely- The Charlatans and, hopefully, lntastella. Cobbled together by Matty At Crash! dancers and a backing tape of industrial-style compositioned eight piece ensemble is Yes, they're back, but on first hip hop, MN come across as being a Socialist absolutely electric: quite how a Uraguayan impression things don't look to good. The Worker type of band. They seem to have a 1 Gang Starr Hard to Earn bassist and a South Bronx trombonist got bouncer won't let half the band in because slogan for every type of bigot; fascists, racists 2 St.Etienne Tiger Bay together with a bongo basher from Southend is "they're not on the guest list" (he let me in no and homophobes all get a special slagging off 3Banco De Gain Maya far more of a mystery than Snowboy's self- problem), the sparse crowd wouldn't even fill from the tumultuous Matty Everybody else.... styled 'dirty, heathen, pitbaIl Latin-jazz' image the Leeds Student office, and, worst of all, the 4The Cranberries "Shabba...Wanker!" he shouts at us at one which, on this performance, he certainly drummer's still got that ridiculous afro. 5 17w Blue Aeroplanes Life Model point, proving that sometimes there really is deserves. However, once those joyous 1989 beats kick in, 6 Counting Crows August and Everything no substitute for offensive language when it The effect of white-socked all is forgotten. The band have expanded and After come to expressing contempt. "Call It What Cotsgrove's occasionally breathtaking congas tightened up, and their brand of space funk Browrtswood Workshop You Want" gets the crowds of indie kids going 7 Various jostling with Joe de Jesus' pugnacious bone now has the backing it always needed. Elastica however, with its Nirvana sampled riff; overall 8 Tahshan For The Sake Of Love was to fire an outlandish eighty minutes of a don't sound like Blondie, but this lot do. There they proved to be pretty exhilarating stuff. 9 Sasha The Quiet Collection music on the threshold of completing its trip are also similarities to Saint Etienne, but D.I. go pop from tack to cool An uninhibited crowd Intastella are louder, sassier, and swap London As are the headlining act, of course. 10 Disco Inferno appeared to cherish every moment, allowing pretence for Manchester cheek. And, most Therapy? played the Duchess of York about a Records bought at Crash! last even for Cotsgrove's occasional over- importantly of all, they have the blonde singer year ago and even then it was obvious they longer. It's a fact. indulgence. with the impossibly glamour-free name of were destined for better things. In fact, they As a live act Snowboy and the Latin Stella Grundy. look far more comfortable in this larger venue; Section is a hybrid: low-key in-stage presence - Just as Saint Etienne rely on Sarah they are finally playing in places big enough no one knew who the men were on the stage Cracknell, there is no doubt that this band and brave enough to encapsulate their sound. would be nowhere without our Stella. Andy Cairns plays your typical

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

Music 11 eline Groovy

Let's face the music and dance. This week: Alex Sanders.

DOOP Doop (City Beat)

Resounding applause for City Beat for finally hat difficult third album and this always liked them. picking up the daftest, least cool record yet time, to the usual Saint Etienne Saint Etienne Unfortunately, this is not the this year. It was perfect at Christmas, ideal for Trecord-making formula of absolute classic that Saint Etienne should New Year and it will become the ultimate cure 'dance+pop+kitsch+cheesy old photos' has Tiger Bay (Heavenly) have made by now. Like its predecessors, all for those damp Spring ailments. With its been added a little extra bit: '+I like folk Tiger Bay has been marred somewhere ridiculous charleston sample, sugarey scat music+Why not do a few soundtrack feeling (and without any of the odd along the way by a lack of direction and vocals and an absurd whistle pop thing you numbers for a 1940s film romance where samples of old to divert your attention from their collective inability to realise that a will adore it for a week and then cringe while people embrace passionately a lot?' And this fact), Tiger Bay infuriates solely new thing has gone seriously wrong (see it goes to number one for several weeks. why not. There are actually more than 84 because of its non-direction. the folky laments of "Former Lover" and Sublimely ridiculous reasons why not. Saint Etienne have shown It's not that the songs are bad, as "The Boy Scouts Of America"). They've had that they have got the gall to 'experiment' most of the album is great in the way that more than their fair share of timeless M PEOPLE with almost any style they like, although Saint Etienne have always been great. "Pale singles, but that's no excuse for not Renaissance this misguided bravery is ultimately their Movie" and the next single "Like A producing an album of similar quality. To (DeConstruction) downfall. From the garish pomposity of the Motorway" are the tales of love, loss and put things into perspective, Tiger Bay holds album's strings-meet-techno instrumental clothes that only they could write. They do together about as well as their last (You Here at last is an M People track that lacks opener to the dub-u-like "Western what they do best, and with "Cool Kids Of Need A Mess Of Help...) and that was a some of that elegance they are so precious Wind/Tankerville", the style chops and Death" bearing more than a passing compilation of singles and B-sides. But about. "Renaissance" has the startling strong changes, from one end to the other like a resemblance to the looped-out bass bliss of then again pop bands are about singles. vocal we've become accustomed to and quite yo-yo in the hands of an obsessive child. Foxbase Alpha's "Stoned To Say The Least" Apparently. enough pure house ingredients for the you remember that this is why you've discerning handbag afficiondo. Without the chance to establish any style of Stephen Dick Sepultra Cool Runnings Chaos A.D. (Roadrunner) Original Soundtrack (Arista) Town & Country Club rrihrash Metal is a truly bizarre genre. In eve Hogarth and Marillion once seemed ool Runnings is a soundtrack to a 1 the space of one short burst of this high Qo be joined by a marriage of convenience . energy music you can count b.p.m.'s which CDisney film set in Jamaica, consisting Hogarth gained a tight musical outfit across would put the sweatiest hardcore buffs to mostly of cod-calypso sunshine anthems. which he draped his rather embarrassing .shame, fiendish tempo changes which have It's all excessively happy good-time music: and effete lyrics; Marillion gained a decent 'been the bane of the tightest funk outfits, and the sort of stuff that could bring a smile to singer who could hit the high notes in 'Warm 'fretboard business which sends everyone the face of the most depressive down-and- Wet Circles.' Their first forays into THE CHARLATANS scuttling for their tennis racket guitars. out whose entire family had just been concertland betrayed a nervous Hogarth, I Never Want An Easy Life If Me And He Unfortunately, the actual sounds that bands wiped out by a huge natural disaster, and diminutive in both size and stage presence. But, I am delighted to report, things have Were Ever To Get There with this apparent wealth of talent produce who had just been dumped by his long- I definitely grown. (Beggars Banquet) really are awful, and this latest offering from standing girlfriend, who also happened to Brazil's finest proves my point. It also proves If 'Holidays in Eden' marked the be his boss and therefore fired him. Yes, it's Always at home to lads working with that Thrash is stuck in an early 80's timewarp bald patch that all middle-aged prog rockers that cheery. The main culprits are Wailing renewed vigour and increasingly fine and really has had nothing to say since suffer, 'Brave' reveals that Marillion have haircuts. This is a taster for the new album but Metallica became AOR stadium rockers and Souls, who may well be authentic West combed out their centre-parting. This get it while it's hot because it's only out for a everyone else got funky. Indians brought up listening to Bob Marley translated itself perfectly to the stage of the week. This follow up to the superb "Can't get A.D." begins, with records in Trenchtown, but I doubt it. From Town & Country, where Marillion treated a And so "Chaos out of bed" bears a passing resemblance to the single "Refuse/Resist". Vaguely their contributions to this album I'd say capacity crowd to a stunning live everything they've done before while moving entertaining on 'The Word" after ten pints, they're more likely to be white men from performance. 'Brave' was played in its on up to new peaks. but let's face it, the last thing a sober, sane Hollywood who once heard an Eddy Grant entirety from start to finish - nearly fifty minutes of solid music with only one .person wants to listen to are vocals from a record. But of course, the idea was never to substantial break. Hogarth dashed from flatulent warthog on heat whilst some make a roots reggae record, but to make the MORRISSEY neanderthals vomit on their guitars piano to microphone, changed costumes, sure the people who see the film go home adopted personae, with an energy l scarcely The More You Ignore Me. The Closer I underneath. A couple of other numbers happy, and I should think Wailing Souls Get (Parlaphone) which should be singled out and shot are thought he possessed. manage that quite ably, so can be forgiven. At last, Marillion looked as if they "Biotech is Godzilla" for its banal stab at However, there should be no were enjoying themselves again. Mark Kelly, If you like him you'll love this, if you don't it's green politics (whatever happened to good still quite a pleasant experience and the album old fashioned Satan worshipping, for God's forgiveness for whoever decided to include sporting his new skinhead, had a crack at backing vocals; Ian Mosely slouched is by all accounts marvellous so I guess we've sake?) and the even naffer "We who are not a dreadful rem \ of the Jimmy Cliff classic purposefully behind his drum kits, grinning; finally reached revaluation time for the solo as others" in which the words if the title are 'I Can See Clearly'. I can't think of any and Steven Rothery pulled of his guitar solos warrior. repeated seven times, comprising the song's reason why they didn't use the original with an almost masturbatory ease. And entire lyrics. Vomit and warthogs abound instead of this horrible travesty. As well as much of this is down to Hogarth. He was CHARLOTTE throughout the album, except on "Kaiowas"- all this there are a couple of instrumental confident leading proceedings, and Queen of Hearts (Big Life) ;the token mellow song and redeeming tracks by Hans Zimmer, which are much approached the older songs with both feature. Unfortunately, even this song's like any other soundtrack pieces, ie not respect and enthusiasm. He looked great, he Bland soul pop, overproduced by Janie B. resemblance to something from Led Zep's really very interesting. So there we have it, sounded great, and was weird enough to be Too smooth, horribly bland and it just slips 'Three" does nothing to dig this album out of an album which does its job but which isn't both entertaining and unnerving. For the right by. The only fair inclusion is a Masters at its blackhole.So there you have it; Chaos worth buying unless you have to keep a first time since the departure of Fish, Work Dub mix which deconstructs it and A.D. is a bizarre fusion of tempo wizardry Marillion have a frontman. doesn't bother to put it dick together again. and utter, utter, utter shite. bunch of kids happy for a while. Nick Moffat Joe Williams John McLeod

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 12 Advert ° Looking for accomodation for next year? Application forms for returning students of Leeds University for places in University self catering flats and small houses for the 1994/95 session are now available from the: Student Accomodation Office The Refectory Building (next to the Students' union) The Closing date for the return of these forms is the 8th march 1994 Please note that the contracts for next year for Sentinel Towers will be the same as for other flats.

Books 13

Grave Concer Resurrection Man Eoin AfcNamee (Picador £14.99)

his is a novel which is very much the product of its location. Set in Belfast, Resurrection Man seethes and cascades with raw energy and malevolence. But whilst being context bound within a city whose history is T"devised as a study of death," McNamee's book seeks to explore the poignancy and emotion which exists beneath the vicious sectarian violence. The plot of Resurrection Man centres around the activities of an ultra violent unit of the UVF, lead by the twisted figure of Victor Kelly. Kelly, fiercely proud of his Protestant upbringing, launches an unrelenting campaign of random attacks upon Catholic victims. These assaults are different to the usual sectarian killings because of their emphasis on ritualistic and elaborate mutilations. McNamee conveys the sense of sheer hatred and futility which underlies these attacks both within the terrorists themselves and the community in general. It is McNamee's magnificent control over the tone and balance of the narrative which makes this novel so powerful. He seeks not to simply condemn the outbursts of terrorism but to trace the forces which construct them.He makes it clear that these shaping elements are not only religious but relate to the carefully constructed scenes of childhood and adolescence which prefigure the later atrocities. Whilst never condoning terrorist activity, McNamee offers a highly detailed insight into the surrounding psychology. He illustrates the extent to which the paramilitaries are mythologised within their own community, elevated to almost heroic status within a city where any dream - no matter how sordid - is clung to. Even more disturbingly he hints at the ways in which terrorist activities are manipulated and even determined by politicians and the media. Resurrection Mini is an absolute triumph. Not for the faint hearted it is often horrific in its intensity, but it is McNamee's blending of beauty and brutality which makes it so impressive. Offering a highly accomplished first novel, Eoin McNamee will perhaps transcend the mortality to which his more violent characters are inevitably consigned. Ian Darby

seven more children but her horror at this is so Muscovites on the bread-line. However noble through a different route. Unfortunately, the Wayward Girls and heartfelt that he is forced, in quite undignified the intention, he cannot help but turn what is other route proves to be a fair facsimile of circumstances, to take the benediction back. for most an everyday necessity into a romantic death-dealing hell, not to mention previously Wicked Women Carter's extensive collection reflects experiment. I found myself increasingly un- unexplored. Edric has dredged." the sidelong, angular visions of women and girls moved by his painful pleas for sympathy, in considerable records and journals frozon solid ed. Angela carter (Virago £5.99) unafraid to try playing by a different set of his descriptions of bad food and awful in the wastes and narrates the 'adeorlture. rules. All of them escape the role of victim cigarettes. Indeed, Wylie seems to miss the with a minimum of invention. So hat in the world, do you imagine, makes with their exuberance and all are forgiven point: most Muscovites grab whatever Gripping? Frightening? Similar to the Wa wayward girl or a wicked woman? If a rather than judged. Women writers are, on the Western luxuries their meagre wages allow film Alive but flush with an atmosphere that woman is to be judged in terms of morality, whole, kind to women. An invigorating and them. outweighs the possibilities of a cinematic the only principle by which the judgements insightful collection. Many of Wylie's pictures seem ninety minutes? Valiant male bonding? Dated operate is one of sex. A man can be guilty of a Liz Ekstein distinctly posed, although some do manage to habits and opinions, both scientific and multitude of crimes and receive a variety of capture the essence of Moscow and its people. ethical, which are gallant and naive, yet punishments, but if a woman is guilty she's There are a few startling and fascinating somehow feel more vital and and real then sexually guilty. Which is what, exactly, please? images, but Wylie's photographic skill is too than our own up to the minute cynicism? An This is a wonderfully diverse Notes From Moscow untamed, and as a- result, he produces what icebound panorama of Eskimo anecdotes and collection of short stories by women from are often no more than mediocre snap-shots. stories of Scandinavian whalers unlikely around the world with a large proportion of Donovan Wylie (Picador £12.99) He is often prone to insensitive intrusion; one attempts to survive the Arctic? Full of sexually active heroines. What is unique to all picture shows a woman in the midst of a unquestioning faith in the wisdom of the the stories is the lack of judgement passed on rlonovan Wylie's ambition is not quite stroke, another a heap of blood-stained bodies Admiralty? Yes, all of these, of course. their heroines for their activities - there is no 1..../matched by his ability. In Notes from in a morgue. Wylie's book is of interest as an This is a Boy's Own tale with an confusion, as elsewhere, of activity with Moscow, his third book, he attempts through a account of a changing city, but his images are adult twist: the boys mostly die of starvation profligacy. series of black-and-white photographs, little more than photographic notes; and he and scurvy before they freeze solid. What Carter's own story is the The Loves of interspersed with diary entries and press- fails, to use a cliche, to make his pictures speak threw me the furthest of all the potential Lady Purple': a puppeteer - a favourite clippings, to capture the mood of Moscow and a thousand words. propellants, moral and stomach churning, was Carterian figure - devises a show of which its people. But while his canvas is magnificent the sheer scale of the operation. Two huge Lady Purple, the 'Shameless Oriental Venus' is and inviting, Wylie seems unable to live up to Peter Rees ships, carrying, amongst other things, over the wicked star. The story that accompanies it. eighty thousand books. The crew, destined to her appearance is one of lifelong voraciousness Moscow, perhaps the most enigmatic be well read, and dead, took supplies to last to a point where her lovers are annihilated by and contradictory of European cities, is now The Broken Lands three Arctic winters. It is such facts that grab her sexual inventiveness. Lady Purple is suffering from the isolation forced upon it by and shove us between ominous moments reduced to scavenging on the beach amongst an anti-Western regime. Its people have been Robert Edric (Picador £5.99) early on, and downright disgust later on. the driftwood and slowly becomes a wooden cheated into poverty and sacrifice by an ethic You must construct your own image of herself - a puppet. The puppeteer that promotes belief in a greater good. But, as on't cha' hate it when noble enterprises go rationale of what drove these men into the chats to her until one day she is re-animated, one witness testifies, people have allowed Ddisastrously wrong? The cover of this wilderness. Mother's who said 'Wrap up and heads into town, the story concludes, out themselves to be deluded, placing a passionate book beckons with its olde worlde 'mapper' warm' once to often, perhaps. Edric rightly of logical necessity, to the single brothel it faith in a series of political heroes. What and 'ye compasses; but inside lurks a far less eschews such preamble for the bare knuckle contained." Wylie's best photographs reveal is that this enticing tale of glacier formations crunching punch of events. I salute such men as these, My personal favourite is Andre faith still continues, at mass rallies where ships and rations become perverted and without whom the words 'choc' and 'ice' Chedid's The Long Trial'. A respected holy images of Stalin or of Yeltsin are still held up diseased. Whole stores of flour are revealed to would never have been used in unity, and man visits a village and rests outside Amina's as icons. consist entirely of chalk. Ugh. Edric himself, for his masterful depiction of an hut: Amina furnishes him with her best bread Deliberate in his rejection of Everyone dies on this expedition. exploding whale stomach early in the novel and water, despite having a family of nine McDonald's and foreign-currency shops, Wylie Everyone. The is the true account of Franklin's Phi! Weinberg children. He blesses her in gratitude with adopts an Orwellian approach, living like most I845 expedition to the Arctic and out again

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994


.■■••' •■=1 ■ The buck stops here Cater r

The Leeds University catering service is now two months into privatisation and it has undergone several much-vaunted changes to improve the service. Next summer £2-million will be spent on revamping the The buck stops with Carl Potter, Director of Residential and Commercial Services at the University of Leeds. He Leeds University Union Refectory. But what do the brought in Sutcliffe to improve the catering service and customers think? Sam Greenhill canvassed opinions, insists prices haven't gone up and portions haven't gone talked to staff and interviewed the managers behind down. the changes, and discovered discrepancies that point to rising prices and smaller portions in the future. All What changes have been made to catering services? photographs by Sam Greenhill_ We did a very detailed survey last year and it was clear that people didn't think they were getting good value for money, despite the fact that prices compared with other universities were very cheap and the portions were very generous. Following this the university decided to bring in Sutcliffe to improve the quality of the service. ost people who eat in the But the staff know otherwise. They have the prices gone up as a result' Refectory think the food is say that in real terms the portions have Not at all. It is very clearly written into the contract that they can only increase the Moverpriced and that the portions been cut because Sutcliffe is insisting that prices if they ask the university first. It is very clear that the university has absolute are small and getting smaller. Al the the exact portions are dished out whereas. authority when it comes to prices and portion control. The staff are under very beginning of this year the university asked in the past. the staff always gave students strict instructions that the portion sizes should not diminish in any way The a private firm, Sutcliffe Catering. to take a generous bit extra. "They are very strict university did not approach the appointment of Sutcliffe as a financial exercise. over managing the service and improve now, We have been shown exactly how the quality, for which the university pays much to serve and it's much less than we Does profit from the catering service eet used as funding for the expansion of the them i140,1100 a year. used to give out We are constantly told to wily( rsity as a whole? lf, instead, the university spent the stick to 'proper portions'," said a member N.). not in any way. The aim of any service is to break even and that is what we money on directly subsidising the food in of catering staff. do All the costs are covered and I think we made a surplus of Mitsui 16.000 last the Refectors it could, for example, pas "Everything is weighed or counted !ear for jacket potatoes with tuna filling for vers. precisely StaclIffe have changed the every student that currently eats there, on suppliers and everything is much cheaper Will the r•farbishmen: of the Refectory mean the prices e.o. up re p iy flu' every day during term time throughout the for theta Chickens, for example, were Leeds University Retecto It we are VOing ter rette-hish the Refec then the service has to pay lot that but it will a year, So how exactly should we cheer quite big before Sutcliffe but now they get princitiall:7' be through growth. It is very clear that it cannot he financed either by Suteliffe's.appointment? scraggy little things_ The chicken portions contract_ But Sutcliffe has biro increasing prices or reducing portions. The contract we have with Sutcliffe slates At the moment the catering service are titchy and sold for the same price. Its variety of new products. in lin this explicitly. is archaic," says Karen Betawell, Sutcliffe's all wrong They're trying to run the Refec attempts to improve the quality Business Manager at the university 'The like a restaurant far customers, not a of services, and the price of now do LrnO Urespond to suggestions that the pricey are too high now' reason we've been brought on site is to canteen fur student'," The staff are on the greater. Douglinut-freak Cecilia If you compare the prices amass the university system you wouldn't think that. I bring the catering service up to the receiving end of all the complaints. a third year at Leeds University' think the quality of fond will increase over the coming months and people will twentieth L.ennity." In the summer the "Before Sutcliffe. the only thing we used old doughnuts, priced 38p, h start believing they are getting a value for money product_ Refectory will undergo a £1.9 million to get complaints about was chips. the replaced by smaller. less gut facelift as part Of this strategy. portion sizes of chips. Now they complain doughnuts that cost 45p This Rut most people aren't complaining about the quality, nor the fancy French names All very nice but ask any customer about everything and we're on the that will gather pace, leading of new dishes that no one ran even pronounce, they are bothered about the prices. eating there at the moment and most will receiving end." launch of the new-look Refects Why isn't the catering service subsidised? 1 know that Sutcliffe run the catering at complain about inflated prices and cut- On the prices front, the cost of old end of the summer. "We are al the Yorkshire Post newspaper and the pricey there are about a third cheaper. If down portion sizes. 1 used to frequent the items has not risen. They can't under the range so that people have a salaried workers can receive subsidised food, why •an't impovenshed students? salad bar at LUU a lot last term," said a Haw long is a piece of string? If the university put E500,000 a year into catering third year politics student at Leeds then you could reduce prices significantly, But the university's hands are tied by University, the guidelines set down nationally by the Higher Education Funding Council. Its "One day they gave out a much `No more queues' the same for everyone. smaller portion than usual sci I complained. The woman told me it was Sc' catering can't be Yitbsidised because the funding council says so? the new rules. they had to cut down on the early two million pounds is to be spent on making the d am There is only one place where the money could come from and that's another portion sizes. But did the priers go down'' NRefectory a hi-tech, modern 'food court' over next I abo budget within the university, which would effectively impact on the funding for Nat chance.' summer. The Refec is to he re-modelled in the style of a popular academic departments. The reason we're here is teaching and research: any This, say the managers, could not motorway cafe, with small islands of food counters dotted peripheral services like catering should not be a drain on the university's resources have happened. "There has been no dictate round a large court area, serving a wide variety of food on that matter to any member of stall and and drink. The builders will knock through into the Quality Hating talked to members of the catering staff T get the impression that they are if staff have been told to cut portions then kitchen area and fill in part of the balcony area to make Quality very despondent They feel they take all the flak from students complaining elbow I would take real issue with that, because was for up to 10 different food areas, ranging from pizza Types a the service- Do you think there is low morale among the steep that isn't the case," said Karen Boswell. and grills to sandwiches and salads, including a I don't think so, the majority of staff have responded very positively although there According to Carl Potter. the head of- delicatessen, The ovi are pockets of people who are still unhappy. Change is always very difficult and '....atering at the university, prices and • 10 food areas dissatisl moving from one system to another is very unsettling. Sutcliffe are new We need portions cannot be altered under the • 1.100 seating capacity to give them the opportunity to prove themselves. The alternative was the contract with Sutcliffe. • 13 till points The lea continuing decline of the service rather than trying to do something quite exciting • Open all day and the that will hopefully work. "The staff are tinder very strict instructions that no way should the portion • Refec discos will not be affected offered sizes diminish in any way." he said.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 I !Ils 15

111,•■••■ Viewpoints

I ate in here last term but it's just trio expensive, Since this term began I've been ceding at home I don't like the food. it isn't good. I am on a year out from Bordeaux University and the food there is the same quality but much, much cheaper. I only come to the Refer to meet my friends !Evan Lucas Mechanical Engineering, Leeds University

mss- I think catering here is outrageous. especially the portions_ They've started giving half fillings with jacket potatoes and then charging for a full filling without telling anyone. What eke? The chips are too dry, they large discounts from food suppliers and need more tasty recipes and the prices should he arA bring the prices down for its customers? subsidised. "Yes, there is that element and I can Ben Millet. 3rd year understand how you jump to that Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Leeds University conclusion." said Karen Boswell. But I think you have to understand the reason that we've been brought on site is to improve the service and make it more user I've noticed that they're sneakily putting all the prices up. friendly." For example, they've put the price of doughnuts up from To achieve this the university and 38p to 45p by introducing a new brand. But the new one Sutcliffe want to set up 'user groups' to is smaller, has less sugar on it and is altogether worse gauge feedback from students but so far quality They think people are stupid but I certainly only three people have volunteered to be won't be buying my doughnuts here any more. The part of the scheme. Sutcliffe wants to base bakery near me on Brudenell Road does them for only next year's food menus on discussions 20p. with the user groups and are appealing for Cecilia Maguire. 3rd year English. Leeds University more people to offer their time. Anyone interested should contact Karen Boswell on 336079. The portions went downhill melody after Sutcliffe took Unlike many commercial firms and over. It has always been expensive - 83p for chips and public sector organisations, like the NHS, chilli - but I could cope with that. But before Christmas catering services at LUU are not you used to get a good two scoops of chilli. now you get subsidised by the university or the union_ only a small scoop. You can buy about three or four cans The university says its hands are tied by of beans in the supermarket for the same Neer I know the national funding council but what is the Refec provides seating and so on but a joke's a joke. the union's excuse? Alec McCann. 2nd year Geography & Management, The union couldn't put money into Leeds University' the Bricc because we have no control over the running of n. It would he wrong." said John Rose, LUU General Secretary. prefer the Retec here to the one at LMC because there 11, lik•ally, I suppose. the university should is more selection here and you get heifer value for subsidiee it " Perhaps the union should money. Also. the emphasis at LMI.[ is definitely on fast lobby the university to subsidise catering fond and l thins you get a bcttei proper meat at the indirectly, by paying bills and providme Refer 'There is also mote room - they arc ixicked in at drab and microscopic portions... but delicious and a great social atmosphere free rent of the building' "I've got to adult? LMU and there is not much distine lion between smoking its not something I'd actually thought al " and non-smoking areas, twee. We are committed to adding to the Cans of Coke, for example, are said Rose. 'But I do think the university Jo Aston loice," said Karen Boswell "The range bought by catering for £2 50 for -24 (top should be putting money in " st year Consumer Services Management, LMU food will be incredibly wide next year, each) and sold for 44p in the Refectory. is catering at Leeds University a con? )u will basically be able to buy Cans cost 37p at the Leeds Metropolitan The prices arc high - they're higher than tything." University Students Union and 25p in the certain Sutcliffe canteens in commercial It is worth comparing prices in detail. LUU supermarket. A half pint of milk. offices for starters - and the average seems Compared to last term I've noticed .1 difference in prices. en against the supermarket, which is of bought by catering for 10p. is on sale for to be creeping up as new, more expensive, Everything seems to be more expensive and the quality, arse a completely different service that 32p. A full pint costs only 30p in the products are introduced, And the portions seems to have gone down. I don t care that the portions iesn't offer seating, environment or supermarket. A small orange juice in the have diminished in real terms because arc small because 1 don't eat much anyway. I buy my tering staff. The comparison is unfair. MI coffee bar will set you back 50p: for staff have been told to serve only canned drink from the machine outside and bring it in y catering manugers, but on that basis 9p more you can buy a whole litre in the 'precision measured' amounts. because of the price difference. ices could never be checked, even if supermarket. Sutcliffe is a big company But I'll still eat there. I think the food Marva Small iy differed significantly_ with a turnover of £400 million (the is delicious and the Brice has a good 1st year Broadcasting Studies, Leeds University university catering service is £2 million) social atmosphere I just need to convince Surely such a large enterprise can demand my bank manager. stionnaire

niversity put out a questionnaire Price comparison (pence vices. Ten per rent of the student ng as follows: Pies Beefburger Chips Jacket potato Milk Orange juice Canned drinks good/good not good enough (tuna filled) 53% 47% 80 46 110 32 50 44 65% 35% Leeds University 86 d 49% 51% 40 15 35 25 the survey showed a high level of LUU supermarket services provided. LMUSU coffee bar 90 50 100 37 anong students was the Refectory that it was not comfortable and nuney. LMUSU refec 45 120

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 16 Culture BARK to the future

I y We re not a dub, we're the best gig on earth". Bob Dug has a very clear vision of the Megadog Claire Rowland and James Muir philosophy that is at odds with popular scooped a lengthy chat with the anarchic perception Megadog has its roots in Club Dog which was set up as a club for everybody, not just the more fashion dream weavers behind Megadog and conscious London clubbers. Promoters Bob and Michael Dog were fed up with being snubbed at clubs for not looking New then went along for the full ride. Mantra Romantic like everyone else did in the early eighties; thus in for the night: never trust a hippy. 1985 Club Dog was born. Monkey Pilot, now DJ at Whirlygig, was the original DJ and over the years the club built up a healthy reputation playing an eclectic mix of dub, hiphop and result, the Drum Club's plans for this year are to retreat back cbince. The turning point was when Orbital became the first into the underground and to alter their performance from the dance act to play a live set at the club and Bob and Michael Megadog set-up. "Techno as a form of music should be not saw a niche in the scene. faceless, but more mysterious, The music should be the focus, From this grew Megadog, a once monthly event at not who's on stage. At our first gig at Ministry of Sound, we North London's Rocket which promoted live dance music played behind the DJ booth, and no-one was sure whether it with acts such as Orbital, Spooky and the Aphex Twin. After was the band or the DJ playing. 1 like that - and we want to changes in the law all but killed off the free festival scene (the return to it in the future." You get the feeling that the Drum result of travellers and travelling sound systems linking up Club are reacting against the showier aspects of Megadog - the with ravers), Megadog provided a focus for the alternative relentless babbling of MC Teabag (a sort of Julian Sands on have made a great impact on Karl - ''you can be a lot more dance culture, and its mushrooming (l) success has brought it speed in a purple dress) and the clear cut boundary between creative on your own and become independent of the to the attention of a much wider audience. Go to a Megadog mainstream corporate structures''. After his and you'll find DIY traveller types rubbing clashes with the hardcore sound systems at shoulders with more typical clubbers, indie Glastonbury '92 and the negative sound of kids and even goths. In fact, it's thanks to jungle, Karl finds it strange that with trance the Dog crew that many people who these days ''we're using the same bpm's as wouldn't otherwise have gone to clubs have hardcore did a couple of years ago", but been introduced to dance music, and the Underworld remain one of the most •nock-on effect has been to create a new idiosyncratic and innovative acts on the dance network of alternative clubs outside the scene. established dance scene (such as On the night, true to form the Megadog crew Birmingham's Oscillate, London's have totally transformed the venue, turning a MegatripopoIis, Bath's Club 303 and even bland dining hall into a psychedelic visual Genome in Leeds). feast of oil wheels and painted wallhangings. Charlie Hall, respected trance DJ With the aid of Bradford based underground and half of the Drum Club says,"The lovely party organisers Project X who decked out the thing about Megadog is that you're back part of the hail, the atmosphere is more surrounded by visual entertainment unlike like that of a festival than a rave, and strange your typical rock gig where you've got the insect figures on stilts add to the impression. same knackered old wails; it's like this The music begins ambient and spaced with college refectory - the Dogs will really tracks like Zuvuya's shuddering "Grabbing transform it; youII forget you were eating Nandi by the Horn" but picks up quickly into your chips there 12 hours ago." The Drum mid tempo organic trance that sets the dance Club hitched up with the Megadog crew floor heaving. Underworld make a big when plans. for their own tour last year impression racing through the warped country were blown out by the promoter. Megadog and western techno of "Cowgirl" and had already decided to go on the road with delivering a powerful hard trance set that Orbital and the Aphex Twin as a travelling bypasses some of the more ambitious moments sound system, and the Drum Club climbed of "Dubnobasswithmyheadman" but sends the aboard to create the Midi Circus which crowd wild. launched Club Dog onto the nationwide circuit. the performers and the audience. DJs Charlie Hall and Darren Emerson keep the vibe Following it's success, as Charlie puts it, all the The Drum Club are part of the growing movement of dance acts who have abandoned DATs in favour of a 'live' flowing and the diverse crowd pack the dancefloor between dodgy rave promoters who fucked up house back in '89 are acts. At midnight the Drum Club come on stage to the coming out of the woodwork again trying to cash in". As a approach, effectively remixing tracks live on the mixer with human input from their own improvisations and their guests relentless four to the floor bass drum that dominates their set. such as Emma Anderson from Lush on guitar and Jessica their Their sound is chunky, built out of large blocks of nagging didgerido player . Charlie and partner Lol Hammond are percussion that never really build into anything different, on sceptical of the traditional PA set up of miming to backing tapes the didgeridoo led "Alchemy" this works in their favour - a with the minimum of live performance . They even go as far as static and powerful mantra; but on tracks like "Follow the to lambaste their friends and colleagues (such as APL) for not Sun" more dynamism and progression is needed. This leaves taking it out live. Bob Dog to take control for the final hour, dropping Jam and Like the Drum Club, Underworld's lyricist/guitarist Karl Spoon's ecstatic "Stella" as the last record, as fitting a close as Hyde maintains that his band's roots "are in the clubs" - not anyone could imagine. surprising really given that Darren Emerson is at 22 one of the After a London alI nighter at the end of January hottest Ming talents in the country. Karl Hyde as a person Megadog go back on the road for another short tour featuring definitely seems to take a sidelong glance at life from his own little the multi-cultural sounds of Transglobal Underground and world, drawing influence from Dadaism, deserted city streets and Banco de Gaia (from Club Dog's Planet Dog label) even phone adverts for prostitutes to create a mixed-up collage of showcasing a much less upfront techno sound than the sounds and words. Musically inspired by the electronic present tour but their are plans to gradually wind down experiments of the 70's such as Kratt•erk and Can, Karl atvpicalty Megadog in Britain this year in preparation for an expedition in the dance scene seems to draw influence from all of his into Europe. So if you want to experience it you'd better environment, as he says Underworld "take bits of the meaningless hurry up, it may not be around in it's present form for much shit and try to make something meaningful out of it". longer. The advances in computer technology and the Internet

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 The Guide 17 Previews Crossed Out In Brief stop - Andrew Lloyd Webber's hit musical damn exciting. 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. It's groovin', movin', The focus throughout is on Judas Glenn Tilbroak, City Varieties, Weds 9th It/ and will lift you higher. This is 'Rock Opera' Iscariot - in this production a particularly be- March, 8.00pm. with an ostentatious drum-roll of an tassled betrayer - who arrives at his infamous The 'Squeeze' front-person obviously forgot Jesus Christ Superstar emphasis on 'rock'. No warbling fat ladies in decision only after much deliberation. Along to pay his last electricity bill, but has been Riley Smith Hall LUU white nighties here. Hell, no, we're talking with Mary Magdelene's famous song "I Don't saved by the recently rise in popularity of music that's orgasmic to the ear, and Know How To Love Him", this promises to the 'unplugged' event. This is billed as "an funktastic seventy's garb to the most yield much weeping and wailing - in the acoustic evening", which means lots of las! In the beginning, the Riley Smith pleasant plucking. Hall was without form, a void. But flamboyant degree. Forget tinsel haloes, see nicest possible way. But much gnashing of A angels as they've never been seen before. teeth should be offset by the radically rockin' Music Theatre said "Let there be light", and Kaos Theatre present 'Hamlet', Studio This is the show with the most happenin', and swingin' tones of Herod - portrayed in there was light. And they saw that it was Theatre LMU, Thursday 10th & Friday 11th psychedelic, And they said "Let the air bring hip-huggin' hot-pants in creation and the this age-of-equality-gender-bending March, 7.30pm. trendiest, sexiest robes in town. forth much harmony", and lo! appeared a production by a woman - and the funky feet 'Bonkers Dane in Patricide Shocker' screams twenty-five-piece orchestra and the funkiest Following the outrageous success of of the groovy dancing disciples. The Sun, as another version of Shakespeare's last term's 'The Wiz', 'Jesus Christ Superstar' score known to humankind. And forty The show explodes into the Riley masterpiece hits town. This production, promises to go even further, The all singing, chosen people, the most talented that walked Smith Hall on Tuesday 8th March, and runs however, promises to be a little different, all dancing extravaganza depicts the events in that land, were thenceforth transformed until Saturday 12th, every evening at 7.30pm. with the emphasis not so much on the 'ham', of Holy Week, from the triumphant entry into a cast. Behold, the creators saw that Tickets are on sale in the Union Extension at as on the 'let's add a powerful physical (dude) into Jerusalem, to the eventual there work was good. And they called it... lunchtimes and all day in CATS, priced at £3 dimension to this tilting'. Beautifully crucifixion at Calvary. Whatever your the hippest, hottest, most humungous for students and £4 for non-students. Get choreographed, Kaos Theatre manage to beliefs, this is a plot a myriad more times spectacle ever. yours quick before they sell out. But be express the complexity of the text whilst more fast-moving than your average boater- warned. This could be a life-changing Yes, it's huge! It's cool! It's coming communicating the narrative with clarity, clad "I feel a song corning on" musical. In experience. to LUU next week... the one that no one can and make a refreshing change from ol' Ken fact, may I be struck down if it isn't pretty Natalie Highwood 'N' Em to boot. Tickets are just £4.50 / 0.00.

The Mikado, Civic Theatre, Weds 9th to Sat ' 19th March, 7.30pm. All across the galaxy, every collection of sentient beings living in communal harmony has produced something known as a "G&S Society". There are, in the entire known universe, an estimated 10 billion Fitting The Bill simultaneous performances of 'The Mikado' but as this one's the only one within walking distance, you'll have to have your Nanky- Poo down at the Civic Theatre.

'Three Steps To Heaven', Harrogate Theatre, 10th to 26th March, 7.45pm. Me & My Girl Another chance to hear loads of songs from the fifties churned out one after the other Grand Theatre unto eternity. And in this case, that's quite an apt phrase. Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper have all met up in a Feeling buffeted and blue by the remnants of celestial Milk Bar for one last gig and a chat Winter? Are you getting that mid-term (sorry, about aeroplane maintenance. mid-semester) depression? Yes? In that case, you definitely need a dose of the medicine Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, being served up down at the Grand Theatre Leeds Town Hall, Sat 5th March, 7.30pm. this week. This could be just the tonic you're And then some... The orchestra are joined looking for, as the self-proclaimed "happiest for this gig by two choral societies, and one show in town" comes to ... es. town. Leon McCawley, who was a nmner up in the Yep, brace yourselves for the arrival Leeds Piano Competition. And guess what? of 'Me & My Girl', the West End Smash to He comes from my own little village. What cheer up all West End smashes, It's touring a sad, miserable claim to fame that was On the provinces just now, in an attempt to the bill : music by Weber, Beethoven and brighten our miserable rain-soaked Northern Vaughan Williams'A Sea Symphony' lives, so unless the sound of chirpy cockney accents sends you into psychotic fits of rage, BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, St George's pop along and join the communal smile. Hall, Sat 5th March, 7.30pm. 'Me & My Girl' is the charming story Including Borodin's Polovtsian Dances, of one London barrow boy, Bill. Bill doesn't which make my heart go boom-der-der, boom-der-der, daaaaahh-da-da-da-da-da-da- have much money, but he does have love in da-da, his heart, that love being for Sally Smith, another down-to-earth-all-right-Arfur-my-luv Leeds Tibet Week cockney. However, all that changes when he Hall together now... Starting Thursday 10th and running to discovers he is the long lost heir to Hareford Wednesday loth, there'll be a series of events Hall (try saying that in the bar during the silly grin on their faces. ticket, then catch one of the matinees at / meetings, plus an exhibition in the Riley interval), and so begins his rags to riches tale. Fans may wish to know that this is 2.30pm. Ticket prices are naturally enormous, Smith Hall on the current political situation Will his love for Sally survive? Can that love not the Gary Wilmot production which was with front stalls and the dress circle coming in and problems in Tibet. unite the Cockneys and the Aristocrats? Can touring a couple of years ago. but the lead at 2450, but places are available in vertigo- This Thursday sees Lord Ennals & Mrs anything be more heartwarming, with the roles are nonetheless amply filled by Andrew inducing positions for just E7.50. There's also a Kesang Takla speaking on 'Tibet's right to possible exception of eating a chilli-pizza in 30 O'Connor and Patsy Rowlands, The hook student discount for certain tickets and nights, s, If-determination- in the Clothworker's Hall seconds flat? from which the musical stems has recently but it's far too complicated to go into here. at <1.311pm, So there you have it. Forget the All is resolved in the end, leaving you been revived by the one and only Stephen Frv, Friday 11th includes a Tibetan flute recital at so there should he a good few laughs along the with a warm glow inside as you stride out into therapist and the.pills - go and see the musical ipm, Robert Ford and Yangchen Yeshe on Way. equivalent of a bottle of amphetamines. The the night. Those of us with unchecked 'Prisoner of Chinese Communists' at 6,00pm Me & My Girt' runs from Tuesday Yorkshire Evening Post said "this tour in LGI5, Rupert Beckett. and Elaine Brook's rampant cynic iarn should put it on hold for an 8th to Saturday 19th March, so you've got combines plushness huge intricate sets. glide show and talk On 'Lost 'treasures of evening packed with romance, laughter, plenty of time to get yourself down to see it lilac lolls frocks - with all the freshness and Tibet' in the Congreve Room, West music, song and dance- Otherwise you'll look Evening performances start at 7.30pm, but it eagerness of a first night". So be there, and iset Yorkshire Playhouse, 8.30pm. Further dreadfully out of place in Leeds for the next you've got a Thursday or Saturday afternoon happy! listings next week two weeks, what with everyone else wearing a free. and fancy paying a little bit less tor your

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper Ath March 18 The Guide FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Clubs Clubs Stage Clubs THE COOKER at ARCADIA - Jazz / soul / funk. fratunag CITY VARIETIES PHUX at Nils 1 EX CRAIG'S - Student night, £2 50 wiry UP TER RONSON at THE MUSIC FACTORY Dance & EZ The New Crazy Gang - 7 30pra. £6 50 THE WORLD at RITZY'S - Student night, £1 a putt game. £6 NUS. 9 30prn to Sam. UP THE JUNCTION at THE GALLERY f RICKY'S DOWNBEAT at THE MUSIC FACTORY - [ho•os:, and acid TOP BANANA at THE TOWN & COUNTRY CLUB • 80's mato ARCADIA - Student night, £1,50 before 10.30pm, £2.50 after, jam L3,50 NUS. 930prn in .lam, £1 3 putt itflp pint (El in Arcadia), Einp double, £1.50 'Mad Dog' - music Funk & Dance. MAINSTREAM at MISTER CRAIG'S TRIBE at RICKY'S Acid razz- Musi c ow house. garage. Rorie, & funky groove. LOVE TRAIN at TOWN & COUNTRY CLUB - 70's Fright, BACK TO BASICS at TILE MUSIC FACTORY - Dance. £3 1 £2. 51.). STUDENT NIGHT art - £1 a pint. El spirits 1.4 5U THE LIZARD CLUB at RICKY'S • Best of Rock, THE GROVE INN ANYTHING GOES at TILE WAREHOUSE Dance . Itipm tr, 2am. ID :am. In The Patrice Gypsies threchtimei Student night. LI with flyer, cheap drinks. THE POWER HOUSE at ITIE GALLERY - 9pm SEX CASINO at ARCADIA / £7. casual chess CAFE MEX 7;)1(.,-, Stage DENIM & DANCE at MISTER CRAIG'S ALTERNATIVE MIME at SCRUMPIES - 12-6pm„ all Descarga Allstars DUCK & DRAKE STOMP at EMU lathe, gnmgc afternoon YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE INCARCERATED at SCRUMPS ALternative / hardcore VAGUE at THE WAREHOUSE - £5, cross-dressing Too Much WETS QUARRY THEATRE - nu show night. £2.30 £3 SATURDAY BOP at LMU • L? / £4 guest. TIME TUNNEL at RIFFS - 60's night, £2_50 f 3 COURTYARD THEATRE as Friday ALHAMBRA g Film Cats' • 7.30prn. Stage SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as 'Friday Stage SHOWCASE ClIk(F.MA PLAYHOUSE 27 Gelikrcl Road. Bastall. Tel 0924 420071 Tickets IA 25 / £3.00 NUS WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE tel 4421 11 QUARRY THEATRE Remains of the Day Tombstone Music QUARRY THE.ATRE 'Death Of A Salesman' - 8.00pm Aladdin Schindler's List 'Wading For Lefty' - 5.00prn COURTYARD THEATRE 'Death Of A Salesman' - 7.30pm. from £4. 'Postcards From Rome' 3.0 pm & 7.4*01 Cool Runnings Wayne's World II THE DUCHESS GRAND THEATRE 06 Friday Addams Family Values Malice COURTYARD THEATRE A Bronx Tale Philadelphia 'Postcards Front Rome' - 7.45prn. horn £4. CIVIC THEATRE THE IRISH CENTRE The Boyfriend' - 200pm & 7. 15pm Free Willy The Pelican Brief GRA NI) THEATRE tel. 459351 /440971 Rohben Ford's Blue Line - Jazz night / Northern Ballet Theatre present `Romeo & Juliet' - 2,30prn A RAVEN THEATRE LUU as Friday Age of Innocence In the Name of the Father BELUSHI'S 7.30pm. trorn £6 HARROGATE THEATRE as Friday The Throe Musketeers Mrs. Doubtfire We Martini mac TILF.A ERE THEATRE IN THE MILL as Friday THE DRUM Leeds 'Thespians present The Boyfriend' - 7.15prn, £5 50 / ALHAMBRA COTTAGE ROAD CINEMA He Fell Over £3.50. Cats - 2 30pm & 7.30pm. Cottage Road. Far Headingley. Tel. 751606 STUDIO THEATRE LAW tel. 1133134 SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday Mrs Doubtfire - 5.30,8.15. & Sat 2.00. Sun 230, 5.00, 8 15 Women & "Theatre week - 'Very Worthy Cabaret' - 8.00pin 'SHEFFIELD LYCEUM Resevoir Dogs - Fri & Sat lIpm RAVEN THEATRE LUU Ste & My Girl' - 2.00pm & 7 45pin Film LUU Theatre Group present The Cherry Orchard' by Anion LOUNGE CINEMA. Chekhov - 6.10prn, £150 1 £200 North Lane. Headingley. Tel. 751061 ODEON CINEMA ILARROGATE THEATRE tel. 0423 502116 Musi The Pelican Brief - 5.30. 8.10, Sun 5.00, 7.40 The fie.34:1MW - Tel. 430031 'Almanac 7.45pm, from f5.50. c Addams Family Values - Sat 2pin. Sun 230prn Philadelphia 1.20, 5.00. 8.011. & Sal 10.40 THEATRE IN THE MILL tel. 02 74 383185 Cool Rittinmea - 1 .20,1.50, 6.05. 8.30 BU TG present 'Another Man In The Dark - 7 30pm, £3 / £2 CTTY VARIETIES HYDE I'ARK PICTURE HOUSE Mrs Donhtfire - 140, 5.00. 8.00 ALHAMBRA te1.1.1274 752000 Brian Lee &Tbe Leaders - A Tribute To Titans • - 30pin Brudenell Road. Leeds 6. TeL 752045 The Age of Innocence - 1.25 (except Sat & Sun), 4.30. 7.45. 'Cars' - 7.30pm. from £10. LEM.; TOWN HALL. The Wedding Banquet - 6.30pm except Thursday ALHAMBRA STUDIO Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. & Leeds Phitharntonic Churns Let Visiteurs - 8A5pm. Dave • 2.05, 5. M. 8 15 (Thursday only) Alan Parker 8.0Upm, £15I £3 perform works by Weber, Beethoven, & Vaughan Williams - Aladdin - 1.25 (Sat & Sun only) SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE 7.30pm. from £5. MGM MOVIE HOUSE The Three Musketeers - 1.50, 5.10 'Grapes 01 Wrath' - 7.30pm ST GEORGE'S CONCERT HALL Vicar Lane. IS I. Tel. 451031 A Bronx Tale - 8 05, & 10. 35 on Sal only SHEFFIELD LYCEUM BBC Phi lharmonic Urehesira play Beethoven. Maxwell Schindler's List - 2 15, 3 15, 7 30 Resevoir Dugs - 10.45 (Sat only) 'Mc & My . 7 45pni Unvies. Mendelssohn & Borodin • 7..30pin. from 0.50. Free Willy - 100 Tate Romanis - 10.50 (Sat only) BRADFORD CATHEDRAL The Pelican Brief - 1.30. 5.20. 8.15 Demolition Men - 10.40 (Stu only) Rradford Cm Choral Society & Cht_ilestra perform worts by Wayne's World 11- 1.05, 5.50 Marcella & Howard Blake • 7 311Inn. 14 £2. In the Name of the Patter - 240. 3, IS. 7.00. 8.10 HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE A4-utsit. THE DUCHESS The Woidging Banquet - 45.10pm The Bag Rand ODEON - See Monday Les Visiteurs - 8.45pm. CITY VARIETIES THE DRUM Mary Coughlan • k.Wipm Sugar Ray PIC'TUREVILLE CINEMA PICTUREVILLE CINEMA YORK UNIVERSITY THE GROVE INN Les Visiteurs - 6.081 A Perfect World - 5.45 Nev.. Music Group - The Ynungcr Generation - 110ptn Bandanna A Perfect World - 8.15 Les Visiteurs • 8.15 8 ORpto ROYAL PARK BFTI THE DUCHESS Throat, Znoirsia. MaNI. BET I Century - 6.00 Fischer Z and Glass Fish Pmvidence - 6.00 & 8.15 In The Name Of The Father - 8 15 g Film g Film A Hear In Winter 5.45 & 8.00 Telly HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE The Wedding Banquet - 6 30pm. 1:3 Telly 'The Memoir. Of Sherlock Holmes' (TTV, 51-00pm) - Are The Wedding Banquet - 6.30pm Les Visiteurs 8.45pm very limited 'cot he took far too much cocaine. Les V Luieurs - 8.45pm Matador - 11.18rpm 'Northern Exposure' (C4, 10.00pml - Chris runs over a dog_ High Heels - 11.00pm PICTUREVELLE CINEMA BRADFORD 'The House Of Him' (BRO. 7.30pm) - Must have a (•king and falls in love with its owner Tinurtm. Find me a cat in Ins Visiteurs - 6.00 huge wardrobe in it somewhere_ squash .. SC1-E1 FANTASY & HORROR SOC A Perfext World 8.15 Sunday Night Clive' (BBCI. 10.20pm) • Find yourself a 'Talking Telephone Numbers' 1 ITV, 11,011pin) - 0898 Phil Star Wars (Wide Screen] - 7.00pm doors, £21 El in the Rupert HETI Partner. put on sonic slow music, and have a long, loving Clive. Schofield rwooe no wonder he's going grey. Becken Lecture Theatre Ruby In Paradise -6.00 Providence - 8.15 'Encounters' tC4, 7.00pm) • Close ones. Of the third kind 'Horizon' MEC!, 8.00pml lane thing under the sky .



Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 ,EN E


Friday 4th March :- 'Junior Bonner (BBC2, 12.15am) - Sam Clubs ist41A.;.„ Clubs Peckinpah tones down the tomato ketchup BEAT SURRENDER ut THE MUSIC FACTOR Y. • till's in MCI in THE GALLERY ARCADIA - 10pm to :lam. Lic e IL JADED at ME MUSIC FACTORY - Indic dame ' in this tale of a rodeo rider who realises he Ws, £2.30 on door, I. I a pint. / Latin funk soul hip-hop . psychedei is 12 / 12,50 can't go back on the range again. Steve THE ROOST at ARCADIA - List jut. C2 udnuaston. £1 a CIRCUS CIRCUS at THE MUSIC FACTORY 3 (locos ROCK NIGHT at THE WAREHOUSE - heron. I fpm. McQueen is the fish out of his depth, to mix pint of pop. 60's to 00's. II a Ma THE MILE HIGH CLUB Al RICKY'S / THE GALLERY / DECADENCE at SCRUMPIES - Goink I Alternative metaphors. 70'S NIGHT at YET ARCADLA • 70's disco. HELL RAISER al THE OBSERVATORY - Rock night, I .1. 'The Prisoner 01Shark Island' (C4, 2,00pm) - BLACK LODGE at SCRUMPIES - Hardeore alternative. PARTY NIGHT at MISTER CRAIG'S - f I before 12pm MELT at ASHFIELDS 4Merrion Cermet - 111pm to Inn. f.2 BANANAS m RITZY'S - a pint . If you're bunking the afternoon off, flop in lOpm to 2arn, / I 50. emry. £1.20 bitter lager, f 130 cider STUDENT NIGHT at STOOGY'S - Free before 11pm. f t A CLUB CALLED COLIN at LEEDS METROPOI ITAN front of Warner Baxter as a doctor who GORGEOUS at LEEDS UNI HMB after, I 0pni to 2ant UNIVERSITY - £4 on the door, Opm to 2arn tends the wounds of Abraham Lincoln's NORTHERN EXPOSURE at RICKY'S assassin, and gets sent to .. guess where? Saturday 5th Stage S ta ge The Fly' (ITV, 10.30pm) - Two hour pup Stage promo video for U2's song about sitting on WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE COURTYARD THE ATRE as Friday COURTYARD THEATRE as Friday walls. Or summat like that. Stars Jeff GRAND THEATRE WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE GRAND THEATRE Goldblum and Geena Davis anyway. What Me & My Girl' - 7 30pm, from OM. COURTYARD THEATRE 'Me St My Girl' - 230pin & 7 30pm. do you mean, what have I been watching for RILEY SMITH HALL LUU 'Postcards From Rome' - 2 LlIkun & 7.45pm. CIVIC THEATRE as Wednesday the last ten years? Is this a famous film? LIR) Mum Theatre present 'Jesus Christ Superstar' - 7.30prn. GRAND THEATRE as Tuesday CITY VARIETIES 'Seven Days To Noon' (C4, 1.00pm) - / 1150. CIVIC THEATRE Helen Lederer Still Crary After All These 'Years' TOUT - ALHAMI3RA as Friday Leeds GAS Society present The Mikado' . 1.3fipm. Perin F.OUpm. Mentally unstable government scientist SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday El 50. STUDIO THEATRE LMU threatens to explode a portable atomic SHEFFIELD LYCEUM STUDIO THEATRE LMU Kass Theatre present Hamlet' - 730pm, C-4 5O/ f3.00 bomb. Okay. I can sympathise with that.,. NBT present 'Romeo & - 7 45pm. Ariusu /newel 'The klaml Of Peru' - 7 341prii, Le 50 /VOL RILEY SMYTH HALL LUU as Tuesday HARROGATE THEATRE Sunday 6th :- RILEY SMITH HALL LULI as Tuesday Three Steps To Heaven' - 7 45pm. from r.:5_50 Twins (BBCI, 8.20pm) - Small fat bald man THEATRE IN THE MILL THEATRE IN THE MILL as Wednesday and tail, lean, mean machine turn out to be lAatiF,e Iteruu.son presents 'Bob Marley's Gardener Sold My Music ALHAMBRA as Inlay brothers. And that's about it really. Friend' - 7.30pm, f-3 SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday LEEDS TOWN HALL ,U IL-AMARA SHEFFIELD LYCEUM as Tuesday Schwarzenegger makes a literal stab at -ityprit Lunchtime Organ Music • I EiSpm. free ''CaO • 2 00pm & 7. comedy and ends up tearing its guts out. THE DUCHESS SHEFFIELD CRUCIBLE as Friday 'The Deer Hunter' (C4, 9.30pm) - Three The Posies. Magnapop, Hop SHEFFIELD LYCEUM as Tuesday 410: Music friends have their lives altered irrevocably BELUSHTS by the. Vietnam draft. Starring Robert De A Tate Of Honey THE GROVE INN 4 Music Si' GEORGE'S coricturr HALL Niro (the first in a season of his films) and Jam .Session 11: The Commotknes & fits Supremos - 7 30pin rrom i'J MI Christopher Walken, this is a classic. And THE DRUM CLOTITWORKERS CONCERT HALL great musk too. But no deer. Odd .that. The Fit Fantilv CITY VARIETIES lane Nosseck & Alan Hut-s perform works by Beethoven said 'Frenzy' iBBC2, 10.40pm) - Hitchcock makies DUCK & DRAKE An Acoustic Evening With Glenn Tilbrunk of &pee!, • Szyruanowvki - I 10piii, tree Feta) Park g wpm THE DUCHESS another very Hitchcockian film, CLCM Recital. ST HILDA'S CHURCH, LEEDS 9 The Birthdays. Bithyglide, Chest surprisingly. CLCM Chamber Orchestra & Chamber Choir perform work by THE DRUM 'Robin Hood' (ITV, 6.30pm) - With no Bryan Fiilm Bach & Outer - 7 lOpm, E.3 / £1.50. Kim Kava Adams soundtrack, no Kevin Costner, YORK UNIVERSITY DUCK & DRAKE Loose andhistorical accuracy all over the place, University Chamber Choir preform work by Mantevefdi - 1pm HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE this might sound like a really rivetting ALHMABRA STUDIO Time Wedding Banquet - 6.?Oprn Bradford Uni Choir & Oikhestra perform Vivaldi's 'Gloria' watch. But it's crap. Les Visneuts • 8 4.5pm Tuesday 8th :- PICTUREVILLE CINEMA .05pm, free. Film A Perfect World - 5,45 LEEDS TOWN HALL 'Caravaggio' (C4, 10.00pm) - Shown as a Lefi‘isiteurs • 8.15 Lunchtime Piano music - 1.05pm. tree HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE tribute to Derek Jarman. Watch it so you THE DUCHESS The Wedding Banquet - 6.30pm can say you did. Century • 6.00 Sideshow Les Visite= - 8.45pm. 'Duel' (BBCI, 11.45pm) - Steven Spielberg's In The Name Dl The Father - R 15 RELUSHES The Price Of Ivory PICTUREVILLE CINEMA second film is a suspense-filled affair, with a THE GALLERY Tony Harrison Special Event - 8,00pin normal average Mr. Suburbs transformed Telly DIG' BETI into nervous swamp psycho from hell. It's rtng GROVE INN In The Name Of The Father - 5.45 strange you know, the same thing happens Century - 11 15 hm Comm to me every time 1 get into a car. 'The Brief 11.30pm • New series about ball a pair of THE DRUM underpants Legs Bisto Wednesday 9th :- 'How 1)13 They Do 'that? (BBCI, 8.00pm) - And more [21 Telly 'Green Card' (ITV, 8.00pm) - Oh Joy! If you impor.andy. why' haven't experienced the sheer pleasure of 'Pherson. (C4, 6.30pin) - US sitcom (shock horrort about a teenage tennis player Bet she grunts and squeaks a tot Film The Great Outdoors' (C4, 1130pmt - very, very big. watching Gerard Depardieu and Andie 'It's A Vet's Life' (ITV, 2.20pmt when I go driving. Illr 'Jonathan Ross Presents' (HBO, 11.30pn0 • cost tun MacDowell legging it in slow motion across 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' (C.4. 5.00peri - You're not going fottunr every Christmas . HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE Central Park to the strains of Enya's 'Storms to believe this, but Oontpah has dragged up some sad, sad 'Not In Front Of The Parents' (BB•/. 650pm) • Not even The Westing Banquet - 6.30pm In Africa', then I'm afraid you just haven't bastard who claims to he able in predict the colour of when they're in the house- Too risky someone's car from their age & occupation I wonder what Les Visiteurs - 8 45pm IS/04W On One' IBBC1, 8.30pm) - A special programme lived. Watch this or be forever unfulfilled. metallic green means? Actually, msne's covered in crap My PICTUREVII.LE CINEMA dedicated to J certain much loved eat called *Tiger. Not. And keep the Kleenex handy, car, that is, not my occupation Come to think of Dr. Strangelove - 7.30 'Ben Elton' (BBCI, 10pm) - Scrotum. Oops, too refined


Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 19941 20 The Guide Crackers! It's The End Of The World As We Know It ?Mis c Sta ge Green Earth's End Helen Lederer Tracey Holland City Varieties Matrix - Borderlines Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger If you're feeling a little mentally warped this LMU Gallery Exhibitions week, and are in need of a soul mate, then the Between now and the end of term, why not get best thing you can do with your frazzled brain is to get it down to the City Varieties on yourselves in out of the rain, and view the Thursday 10th. Coming to town is 'busy as marvels currently on display in the Gallery at pants' lady (press release quote, not mine) Leeds Metropolitan University, There are two new exhibitions for your visual delightment; Helen Lederer in her 'Still Crazy After All 'Green Earth's End' by Tracey Holland, and These Years' Tour. I'm sure Paul Simon 'Matrix-Borderlines' by Bracha Lichtenberg doesn't mind really. Helen is presenting her hilarious Ettinger. Tracey Holland is a highly talented one woman show for one night only, having Sheffield-based artist, and this new exhibition sold out at the 1993 Edinburgh Festival. This (which includes the piece shown here) is an "blonde bombshell", "the Madonna of South artist's installation composed of x-ray boxes London" is on a brilliantly successfully isn't totally mad! and large scale photographic imagery. This is nationwide tour for neurotics everywhere. Naturally enough, tickets for this a new, experimental style of work for her, in Her hectic comedy style will take us through phenomenon aren't going to be cheap. It'll which she uses allegory to incorporate notions her experiences of dating agencies, group set you back £7.50 to park yourselves in the of nature and human nature, of purity, therapy, marriage, divorce, and motherhood. upper circle or rear stalls, but if you're degeneracy, and cycles of life and decay. But not necessarily in that order. feeling flush, there are boxes for two Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger on the She's been around for over 10 years available for £20. Book early. The show other hand, is both an artist and now, and has an impressive comic CV to her starts at 8.00pm, and vatium is available in psychoanalyst, and she uses the latter to credit. You might remember her face from the bar during the interval. Honest. influence her exhibition work. She explores 'Absolutely Fabulous', 'Naked Video', 'The Also worth mentioning is the visit to through her art how images are perceived, Young Ones', 'One Foot In The Grave' and Bradford this week by Alan Parker, Urban understood and remembered, and whilst 'Happy Families', but she also writes her own Warrior. We've previewed him before, and drawing on the psychoanalytical theories of radio show 'Life With Lederer', as well as I'm sure he's not suddenly become Freud and Lacan, she has also proposed her words, symbols and colour to present a highly doing stuff for Woman's Hour, 'In One Ear' dreadfully crap, so if you want to see him own new symbolic structure - the matrix of the personal view of cultural identity and its and 'Just A Minute'. The Observer has perform, he's at the Alhambra Studio tonight. exhibition title. meaning. described her as 'cleverly insane', and with a The show starts at 8pm, and will cost you just The images she uses combine Both exhibitions run until March workload like that above, it's a wonder she O. Ring the box office for details. photographs from family albums with signs, 26th, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm.

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Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

Travel 21 Stateside Summer camping

merican summer camps Unfortunately most of the By Toby Wakely are ideal places for day was taken up by hot. Aconsuming a large chunk sweaty, mind-hendingly dull of American culture. For those camp work is a superb way to work. contemplating travelling abroad find out about the USA. For Whoever said that slavery had this summer. Camp America nine weeks you will he in a been abolished at the end of the offers the opportunity for totally alien environment of civil war was a lying git. It still bridging the 4000 mile Atlantic screaming kids who arc exists in the southern states. The blatantly different from the UK gap to the USA_ camps certainly have their good Camp America provide you brand. They can surprise you by and had sides. with the return flight to New their spoilt behaviour; but can Our day typically started at York: and additionaly will also surprise you by their open 6.30am. I worked as a kitchen provide hotel accomodation on friendliness. In any case they're assistant. Breakfasts were your first night in the USA plus made in a different way. always a silent period for us food and accomodation at camp Most of the camps are set in workers who ate in a backroom. and also a little pocket money very remote isolated parts of the The menu was absoloutely (varies depending on the nature States. I ended up on a camp in appalling consisting of of your work). North Carolina. The nearest extremely sickly choclate glared Money should not be a place was Arapahoe (probably doughnuts. spicy sausages and central factor. however, in one of the dullest places I have an assortment of other junk food determining whether you go to ever been to) and the nearest which all tasted particularly the States or not. Instead you town was New Bern which was gross at 7 oclock in the should go for the rich and 25 miles from the camp. morning. rewarding cultural experience. The natural beauty of the The kids, however, loved it. A wank, but Isolated stateside summer comp America is one of the most camps was enough to counter They rushed into the refectory at say that I have never seen such every day in their sleek 24 hours (very frightening for outstanding countries in the the need to go to town. Basic every meal like a herd of buffalo hyperbole at mealtimes. sportscars. I don't wish to me) I also got deported from world. Everyday we are wooden cabins littered the site. and the atmosphere would The Americans provoked a stereotype Americans as they Canada before even entering the inundated with baseball caps, Inside these there were very few change radically as they yelled very mixed reaction from us and came in all sorts. Some were bloody country for not having Hamburgers. crappy Hollywood items of furniture other than the and screamed and scoffed. All the other Europeans on the very friendly and would greet us certain immigration papers. films fill dominate our cinemas bunks but the thing most needed sorts of silly things would go on camp. Firstly there were the warmly with words like: " Hi! Nevertheless it was all good fun and Bill Clinton's never off the was the overhead fans to keep during meals. There was a aggressive rappers who every That's an awesome accent. Are though and allows one to take in box. It's no wonder so many us cool. singing laundryman who, in a single day would bombard our you Australian?" American culture in a more Brits jump over the Big Pond to Sporting facilities at our comic way would remind the eardrums with the noise of Travelling after camp is an leisurely style. this gigantic nation of looming disposal ranged from tennis, kids that it would be laundry "whoop! There it is" so they experience not to be missed. skyscrapers. Disneyworld and of archery and football to sailing day soon. Sometimes the girls could listen to music as they went off to Washington D.C.. For more information write course the very inviting sun and and water-skiing where the kids would visit and amongst their worked. Then there were the New York. Boston. Niagra Falls to: CAMP AMERICA, 37A, would be involved in for most tropical beaches. giggiling would sing a little super rich teenagers, reeking of and Toronto(Canada) In that QUEENS GATE, LONDON of the day. American summer song on the dais. I can safely money, who arrived to work time I lost all my belongings for SW7 5HR.

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Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 0 as 22 The Guide v- BBC 1 --1 BBC 2 ITV CH 4 6.00Blossom 5.10Grange Hill I am the walrus 6.00 Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Make up 5.40 News and weather Ubiquitous uide is 6.30 Happy Days were in the golden age of guide again your own conunent about football ...... 6.30 Cryer's Crackers This week the TV g 535 Neighbours Yes. its the TV warm beer, old maids cycling along peaceful country, 6.25 The man from noilE neB serious and informative: for example, Barry Cryer is 6.00 News and weatherTotally irreverent roads• the green fields of England and children going. 7.15 The Living Soap Pearl on Vitamin C a Leads comedian. How much more before you start 7.0(1 Home Truths acerbic ❑p chimneys 7.30 Tomorrow's World incisive 7.45 What the Papers Say Buy me and be crying out for the good old days of Man U? 7.00 News and weather 8.00 Only Fools and Horses cynical indoctrinated you stupid consumer. Unless gagged 630 The Best of Riverside - More Golden Greats first by the LAIC Moral Guardian Squad 7.00 Celebrity Squares 7.50 You don't know me but 8.50 Drive all-seeing 8.00 Faces of the Family 9.00 News and weatherall-knowing 8.04) Public Eye Worthy and extraordinarily dull 730 Coronation Street Lancashire la-la-la 8.311 Gardeners' World Not even worthy 8.00 The Bill 8.30 Brookside 9.30 Love Hurts all-powerful 9.00 Nature Perfected 10.20 Telefon and telling you 9.011 Red Dwarf That Socialist Worker student 8.30 Surgical Spirit 930 Home Improvement 12.05am World Bowls coo-coo-coo-chop 9.30 Laurel .tvenue Laurel & Hardy are better 9.00 The Chief Excellent drama with The 10.30 Newsnight Professional's Bodie 10.00 Roseanne A family of fat, loud Americans 11.15 Fantasy Football league What a load of 10.00 News and weather 1031) The Jack Dee Show if you're in. watch it pansies. gi% e Inc any day... 10.40 Street Legal 11.05 The Word Watch Terry and his biting 11.45 Lief 11:The Rea and Stimpy show 11.35 Where dots It hurt? on the irritation scale interviewing technique 12.15-2.00am Junior Bonner 1.10 Whale On sweet chariot 12.05-2.00am Over the Brooklyn Bridge

BBC 1 --1 ITV 1-- S BBC 2 5.50Song for Europe Preview 6.45 Late Again because the damn essay was stolen 5.20llaywa ch 5.05Brookside _A story of everday Liverpool fo 6.00 The New Adventures of Superman 6.45 by an international network of coursework smokers 6.15 You Bet! on this column to has e more frxitball 6.30 Right to Reply A story of everyday middle Noel's House Party the roost subtle propoganda yet honest comments soon class mediaattention-seekingen folk devised by the capitalist class to turn the entire nation 7.30Scrutiny I find that hard to believe 7.15 Barrymore slightly less inane than Edmonds or 7.00 A Week in Politics lasts seven days into completely mindless and unquestioning dupes. 8.00 News and weather 5 per cent of my mark Davidson Slightly. 8.00 Kingdoms In Conflict 7.45 Rig Break -See how many Jim can sink in half deducted. so me; 8.15 Inspector Morse will be repeated every year for 9.00 NYPD Blue an hour 8.15 Crofts 1994:World of Dogs I'm in thr the next millenium 10.00 Don't Forget Your Toothbrush 8.15Do the Right Thing doghouse 10.15 News and weatherAlso likely to be common 11.05 United States of Television Americans 9.00 Birds of a Feather 8.50 Unplugged Such failure has dislocated me front 10.30 The Fly A fairly good remake their strange habits 9341 That's Life well at least you've got one society 12.15 Big Fight Special Elliot Reuben versus Liz 11.50 Broadway Stories 10.10 News and weather 9.15 Laurel Avenue so 1 end up here Rouse - this time it's senous 12.20 Late Licence 10.30 Match of the Day Elliot Reuben versus Ltz 10.10 Between the Lines in the dole queue 1.00 Coach Terry Vertables is not to be known by the 12.341 Viva Cabaret A Rouse 11.00 Arenaa a pretty had one politically incorrect title manager 1.20 Roger Mellie 1130 She was Marked for Murder 12.00 Arid like Caliban 130 Tour of Duly - it's back to 'Nam again' 1.45 Herman's Head -1( 1.05 World Bowls 1.10 Later with but hells Holland RPM 2.15 The Word Lov.lights from last night was later so punish him more. Hoorah! The Secret Policeman's Third Ball BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV CH 4

S 5.25Antiques Roadshow Trooping the colour 6.10The Natural World Is there 6.30 Robin Hood-Better than the Kevin Costner 6.00Moviewatch as opposed to Moviesmell 6.10 News/weather 7.00 The Money Programme anybody out version as he's not in it Soon to be eclipsed by a new 630 The Cosby Show American. so not funnny at all 6.25 Songs of Praise Glory. glory Ma... 7.40 MovingPictures there who will hero called Robin Johns 7.00 Encounters 7.00 As Time Goes By Watch Casablanca for the 830 Broken Lives hear my story. 8.20 Anna Lee Could a woman play Doctor Who' 8.00 The Goldring Audit - Important Channel 4 thousandth tune instead 9.30 Notes and Queries with Cllve Anderson the 10.20 News and weather Programme INT 7.30 'The House of Eliot - gorgeous dresses! one about 1035 The South Bank Show man with sinus 9.00 Cinefile -watch this programme on Robert 8.20 Twins 9.50 Laurel Avenue the girl who trouble inter\ sews some artists. though probably not DeNtro then.. 1[3 10.05 News/weather 111.40 Frenzy came Kathy Lette 930 The Deer Hunter-watch this film 10.20 Sunday Night Clive - funny man, but you 12.35 World Bowls to stay? 11.35 Urban Angel - Satan lives see page 6 12.55 The Legend of Suram Fortress -you can now should he watching The Deer Hunter 12.30 Quiz Night go to bed A 11.05 Heart of the Matter 1.00 The Beat This page has been accused of 11.40 Channel Hopping Good advice revelling in its own textuality What do you think? 12.10 The Sky at Night Send your theses to the man who writes all of them under ingeniously constructed psudonyms, Mr J Previewed by David Joyce. Smith and Phineas Wells

ii 4 5 II i ■ill Across :- Down :- 25. Blow around new tip. (4) 2. Lost ones charm and ability to ( 12i 1. Healthy burst of anger? (3.2.71 Last Week's Answers :- IN 9. NEW act performs car manoeuvre. (5.5.4) 3. Desire, but lose second note, maybe, on Across :- kt. II. Worry about things for making notes. 14) March 15th. (4) I. Sympathetic 8. Liar 10. River Seine I I. II a 12. Concentration becomes true. 151 4. Given OK for awakening memories. (7) FTSE 14. Blinker 16. Candle 17. Dodeca Z • 13. Pennsylvania Company creates llama. (4) 5. Check scientific experiment. (7) 18.t&I3D &I4D) Between the Devil and /5 16. Moving horse, like, is incoherently 6, Blokes raised voice abouta tot. 41 the deep blue sea 19. Deeper 21. Cannon ■ talking its head off. 17) 7. Ignore someone like Beethoven? 22. Aurally 23. View 26. Songwriter 27. 16 't is 17. Walk in London. (7: 14.1,4.3.2) Nape 23. Stretch Limo S 18. Necessary requisite. i7) 8. Burnt toast' That's only part of it! (5,91 Down .- 20. To the extent of rains all over. (7) 10. Sounds like mum gets on boat and nuns a 2. Yarn 3. Pave 4. Turtle S. Eternal tnangli. ■ 111 ■ 21. Cause to drink. (4) few circuits. 1121 6. In need 7.Free falling 9. In the event 12. 11 Zo S 22. Dream about having guns. (5) 14. Instant bag. 15) Scuba diving 13. see 18A 14. see 18A 15 23. Not a change of alliance. (4) 15, Entertain a Goddess1 Si Roadway 20. Rub out 2 . Cleric 24. It'll w 26. Record hook notes range of singing 19.Rolling dog.' (7) 25. Cram minister? (6.8) 20. Beg Eric for a lettuce. 17) 4c) 27. Orders, and also suggests to 24. Separate, and lose an hour from working Last week's winner :- ill II Tr. Conservatives. (4.2.6) time. (4) Sharon Miller le 25 The first correct answer drawn from the hat will win a £5 Waterstones book voucher. Send your Z.4 answers to Crossword Competition, Leeds Student Newspaper, Leeds University Union, P.O Box 157, Leeds LS1 1UH. Answers must arrive by Wednesday the 17th of November. • For full answers to all your questions check out the biggest and best bookshop in the North. El Waterstone's Booksellers 93-97 Albion Street (Just off the Headrow) 0532 - 444588









Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

24 Classifieds

ook. ;shirt is so Non) nhout ' ' Purim ITi !reds, taus meek I fannab -sorts allow the & Curl"? Mt: slit:ay.-I ....molt: -hop cci per mooning. Bullet Bowe - Cm keeping Classifieds Personals 1;14111 SV•11d.ti NO 1)1'1 I 11.tie3 smut deism for next week: and some goes LMUSU IN CONJUNCTION Trotimov thf Inn' Ins 1111 top 01 ■ the wedding t 1-11.30_ AL1IN .16, I lie Coma: Shop tor yOU Mathew. PS Go see Classifieds cost I Up per word Eluvul 't on re (Lyme Don`r 444 or in Valid nm 'ter. littiVerstly, List on Frolay or your brain will *WI-VC! rins, iite• I +ire II:tun:lit Happy Birthday durthe WITH CABARET HA! LEEDS :Mil must be submitted to hehnul Vicen Cih. One. open until 6.00 Gory Mabbutt you star? To Graham, the man with the M-1:4:-. 1. ,I.11 .1-14 rot talk , •x Ireas1 either oat 1 NI SIJ err Leeds l can't *Tat until hem it codpiece. Love from the woman you ti ■IC P.1,1 L.Isa Rog.a, you wanted a personal so PRESENTS University I 'mon crfilice by on MinOr hied !Pt! - hope married in thy fourteenth century. die who Caine in thy pan'rs •71.1•:11 is you like it. Set Li Csar‘e Meal For 1:5,50 unmet & 5.1i0 the Wednesday precedmil apparently Pass telt hunger, hir darlhe Deo. You rea fashion 'yes.' • Love Cindy Leggir options IStrawlserry Fields Happy Birthday publication. Two more nights of sweet & succulent Clook.ui Oc Laken Bad Luck Trainmen. AN EVENING OF TOP Hannah you will always be lovely cherries. Raven Theatre. o._ittpm. 'ITeflovogred'- 1.4tting off soon, Friday & Saturday Happy Birthday &din' B.M.-Thanks for coming 1on-erii sat COMEDY WITH Happy Birthday &flirt' Jenny- maybe we -belong' looethei, sTRAWBS BAR tallow the Rtstro l Mtkey, scut 'champion - fOif3r1 rnayhe we just 'belong'. Rollin or ibis Lager 11.00 all evening. Yo Dickey Retch! Keep chilIM' Services Nick Bauer- You're sex on one leg I .arge selection of bottled beers from You're talotisi The Poly Bop is oil Barguho ProBusinesa PC. $0 MB at, oitti the world. Thanks to all the mates & darlin's who worthy'. Hard disk. mouse 14" VGA Monitor. has helped out thu weds, you've been Happy Birthday &dire Want someone to chat to call Rhino- Good hick In the Chem Windows II loaded. IRIS great. Only two more ic.crtes to go But Orchard. Your determination and ia loaded. Nilerosoft T-;lone steak to Lasagne. Cashew Nut most importantly a big 'cheers mate' to TIM DALLING Nightline on 4-12602. For Information ,trerigth will get you rue mordprortmoridatatraseispreadsheetig Roast to Veggie Burger_ Eat out at my former Deputy-Dawg and partner in or just someone to talk to. raphics package inc. Price new:11,599 Strawberry Fickis crime Thanks for all the help, laughs and Metne Liehhng.Dtt Fchlhst Mir, Sparks - 6 months old £550,110 Tel:11532 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. Riley Smith stisaaten ova the last two years Yinfre Gay? Lesbian'.' Bise.stiaL' Do you Happy Birthday &oho' 486821 ask for Nik_ I fall, Totiolay to Saturday 7 30pni 11.00 pulled me out of some holes - and feel isolated or confused'' dropped us in some. Cheers JON ROLPH 13 B- Still leering groovy - .Arne1444 mate I'm 'Jesus Chem superstar.' Riley Smith Well done Snowy. Clare, Camille, ICEBREAKERS is here Ic heir - Have you washed your pillow yet ?! Tiwsdas to Nat iiriLis , 7 illpm £.3.013 looking forward to doing the Deputy and Bomber & Perry! Lore from Wards aY Bass bit Again to !co years tune. Ate you we're friendly and informal. lust cull floppy Birthday dartin" Nightline tin 442602 And ask for 'A long time ago in 4 galaky fax, far Arts writers. Thanks for some great :miff aloght ..... away' Tonight 7 WILT ICEBREAKERS CHRIS WRIGHT MARKET RESEARCH THAT PAYS NIONFY FOR YOUR OPINION WORD PROCESSING Excellent grant supplement for term or vocations. For your free colour CURL UP WITH A GOOD BOOK JAMIE SEFTON Essays & I lisscrlat toms brochure a-ninon! obligation. Tel: 1 01..N.'r • I rusid on QM-640765 :24118.7 Day LL oil's. L..7 irk service.. FROM AND YOUR COMPERE !rt. s Star Wars tonight 7,00 RBLT Nt.oh Please God lei rt go right this time_ . '1'. 1'. Star Wan 7.110 RBLT DANNY BROWN Rd-1,11E1}; in, -- I 0;:•r 'Jesus Christ Sum•tat'. Riley Smith Hal]. Tooralay to Salurday, '7 3Opm, t11'1111 1.L I 7,1 .f•1 Jesus Christ LNUSU BECKETTS BAR 141Sh)+ k • t. Air:101_1rd. Jesus Christ Telephone N World. THURS 10TH MARCH Who are you' no 053 -1A6n2 I DOORS 8.30PM What hate you .11crilicect.' AUSTICKS CITY BOOKSHOP Jesus Christ 91 THE HEADROW ADV £2,50 DOOR Leeds Rugby League Superstar LEEDS LS1 6LJ ADVANCE TICKETS FROM CITY INFO, B,P Do you think more what they say you Season ticket for sale are" Tel:(0532) 439607 ADMIN, LUU CARD AND TICKET SHOP. Five matches for only £25 Happy Birthday. darlite ENTHUSIASTICALLY SUPPORTED BY Wine Society. next event Thursday I Oth SPECIALIST BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE CITY Contact Richard: 434727 March. Tickets on sale next week PROPLUS



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Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 Waterstone's-University of Leeds Lecture

The West Yorkshire Playhouse

Sir Stephen Spender will talk about his new collection of poetry, Dolphins, and on Five Decades of Poetry

Saturday 5 March 1994 at 5.30 pm

Admission by ticket available from: The West Yorkshire Playhouse Box Office Quarry Hill Mount, Leeds LS9 8AW Telephone 0532 442111 Tickets: £2 £1 (those over 60 and in retirement, under 16s, other students, registered unemployed, registered disabled) University of Leeds students admitted free at the door on production of their Union card I N ROW 31,K7 '94

Leeds University Union INTROWE'EK '94 needs dedicated people to help organise next year's freshers week for over 4500 new students.

If you have experience in organising/running events, and have knowledge of how the Union works, then we need you on our team.

The following posts are available: 2 x 6 week Organisers 4 x 4 week Organisers 5 x 9 day Organisers.

The jobs start in the Summer Holidays and are paid.

Application forms and further information are available from Tess Walton in Exec, 1st floor L.U.0 building.

Closing date for applications 4pm Friday 18th March.

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994 Sport 27 Students hitting the big time

imon Mason is currently enjoying the unusual If dragging yourself off to the Sports Centre once a week to work off the Cath Tomlin is honour of juggling an experiencing similar S difficulties in combining final economics degree at Leeds excess beer seems nigh impossible try to imagine the task which faces University with a highly year geology with a place in successful hockey career. the national squad of the the handful of hopefuls who are combining student life at Leeds with Universities' Women's which has already brought Football team. Her hopes of international recognition for high-profile sport. appearing at the World England and Great Britain at Jonathan Brodkin takes a look... Student Games in Japan have both youth and senior levels. been (lashed, however, by the Hours of gruelling is quietly confident of making motivation and self-control. organisers' refusal to include training, long-distance the trip. "I should be on After all. what sounds more Women's football on the travelling and a less than course for selection for the inviting on a freezing itinerary, carefree approach to the squad," he said, "although February evening - a few The decision appears to Newky Brown leave a I'm one of three goalkeepers drinks and a night out a speak volumes for the concoction which hardly in the running, and they can Ricky's or a tough training prejudice and sexism which is resembles the 'good life'. only take two". session? still rife in the game today. Indeed, ask Simon what he Shaun Constable. Duncan Southgate, and midfielder Cath gave up for lent this y ear. meanwhile, was a member of University Cross Country explained: "There's the odd and he'll tell you plainly - the Great Britain football captain and ranked number person who really believes "sleep" squad which reached the five for the 800m at under-23 that women can't play But now consider that semi-finals of the World level, is the first to admit that football. The most annoying these stars are awaiting Student Games in Buffallo even the most committed thing is that, more often than glamorous sporting escapades last year and is currently sports people find it difficult not, they've never even seen around the globe. while you playing for Halifax Town of not to succumb to the you play." and I are desperately trying to the GM Vauxhall Conference. pleasures most of us take fur She is joined in the squad cobble together enough cash Skipper of the Ploytechnic granted. by Sharon Swales for a fixture for a wey weekend in Wales. first eleven last year, Shaun DUNCAN SOUTHGATE "The beers have slowed me against a national league club Mason fur instance, can has no doubt, however, that down a little bit." he side in London on March look forward to a tour of combining sport with student confessed, "and you don't 12th. In the mean time. both Pakistan next month, and has life has hampered his playing full-time football. to give up certain things, and realise how had your diet is as will be concentrating their set his sights on December's progress and provided Instead I've got another year nhen my mates call me to go a student until you go home. efforts on reaching the World Cup competition in considerable difficulties. to go at Leeds." out. I often have to say no, I so I have to watch shat I eat National Plate Competition in Sydney. where he'll be hoping "Obviously there is a great Academic commitments certainly can't et pissed and drink." This inspite of a which Leeds reached the to go one better than the conflict of intrests." he mean that Shaun is only able because playing at this level is 50 mile a week training quater-finals last week. European Cup silver medal explained. "I've good support to train three or four times a physically demanding and I schedule which he hopes will Pakistan, Sydney. Buffalo. which he won last month. He from certain lectureers, but week with Halifax in term need to be extremely fit." reward him with a UAU 800m Japan,Halifax. At last, I've was second choice goal keeper others are not at all happy. Its time, and he confessed: This level of sporting victory and a place in the discovered the secret to that behind Olympic star David frustrating, because Lm 25 "Unfortunately I can't lead a success not only requires Great Britain team this year. cheap, glamorous summer Luckes on that occasion, but now and I know I could be normal student life. I've had talent. but a great deal of holiday. At”one for tennis..? Semi-Final heartbreak Ping-Pong success Inter-Medical Rugby succumbed and conceeded a boasting better facilities than eeds Unixersity NIves finals. In the sixteen singles from earlier successes. penalty. Barrie iltestable duly our entire university. Current and Womens table- games. the 4 players performed well to reach the by converted and gave the Medics form hints that LMDRUFC Ltennis teams made performed well to claim 2 final where they faced a Damian ToIan and Dentists an encouraging 3- are on course for success, as history last weekend by both victories each: hyul the strong Loughborough side. A 0 lead after 8 minutes. hosts, in the Northern Inter qualifying fur the UAL elusive extra game needed was close encounter of the second However, St !tarts came Medical School's 15-a-side National Championships not forthcoming, despite kind that day ensued with y eeds medics and dentists back hard from the re-start. tournament in two weeks time. finals in Birmingham. everyones salient attempts to Caroline Watt, Anjia Vaight 1.1were defeated in the semi- scoring two tries before half With a growing intake of The men's team consisting secure it. Hence it was down and Jing Zhang all playing final of the inaugural Inter time, one of which was highly rugby players in preclinical of John Crouch, Andy Page, to the doubles match to decide exceptionally well against a medical School Rugby controversial, and gaining years it is not out of the Graham Mendick and Mike the outcome. Alas. it was not learn that included the Championship against St considerable momentum over question that Leeds Medics Furness, with Steve Moses to be Leeds' afternoon, with England ranked. S. Marling. Bartholomews Hospital in the travelling Leeds team. and Dentists will go a step siutting out on this occasion. John and And Cosing out in Like the men they narrowly London on Sunday. The team (In the turn around the St better and be winning finalists faced tough opponents , an exciting finale. failed to secure victory, losing travelled south with high hopes Baits team forced home their in next year's Intermedical Sussex University in the semi, The women, following on 5-4. of reaching the final in superior size advantage in the Championship. Nottingham this Saturday. forwards. winning substantial They had captured the possession in the set pieces and Northern Division title with denying the talented Leed THE ARMCHAIR fine wins against Manchester backs an opportunity to run. (24-15). Liverpool (37-7) and Following a further pair of Saturday 5th March; BBC!: 12.15pm Grandstand: 10.30pm Match of the Day. BBC2: 4.4Opm World Bowls; 8.15pm Crufts. with a depleted team gained a tries by St Harts, one ITV: 12.15am The Big Fight Special. C4: 8.00am Transworld Sport; 10.00am Tony Jacklin's Pro-celebrity Golf; 11.00am draw against Sheffield, the converted, Leeds had a late Gazzetta Football Italia; 12.00pm World Tennis; 2.50pm Channel4 Racing. group runners-up. In the burst of energy and put the ) Previe 994. B World Bowls45.30pin Rugby S . C4 quarter final Aberdeen, the home side under tremendous a. opponents (Scottish runners- pressure for the last ten ; Sky ~port.'.: I .311tIrm One-day Cricket. up) withdrew from the fixture minutes, winning four m A Question of Sport. due to failure to make a team. penalties in this period. In an II Italia - lezzattote. giving Leeds a by into the effort to snatch a win, Leeds 10.20pm spurtsaight. semi-final. ran the ball but were halted After a spirited start, where feet from the line each time. the St }tarts line was put under On the final whistle Leeds pressure several times by were defeated 22-3 but took THE TERRACES surging runs in the forwards heart from the team's Saturday 5th; 3.00pm Leeds Utd. Vs Southampton (H); 3.00pm Bradford City Vs Blackpool (A): performance against a St and centres and intimidating 3.00pm Hudersfield Town Vs Exter (A); 3.00pin Burnley Vs Fulham (A). Sunday 6th: 3.00pm Leeds high kicks from set pieces. the Bents side with a selection RLFC Vs Oldham (H 3.(N pm Trinity Vs St. Helens (H): base of four XV's and ► opposition eventually 3.00pm Bradford Northern Vs Warrington (A).

Leeds Student Independent Newspaper 4th March 1994

%In Malt!" 1 UVii TVDEN LUOC hit form


espite the rather shakey runs. both finishing in the top THE start Leeds University ten. Also storming in to the top FINAL WHISTLE DOrienteering Club still ten were captain Anna Pike managed to gel to the event on and Bob Last.Good runs were e all know the scene. time. Writes R.Rick. also had by Tom Stanley and It's Boxing Day, Gary Slater. who were caught you've eaten a little too PHYSICAL out by the intricate contour much turkey. consumed a little The area where the detail. too much alcohol and you're competition was to take place - But the best run of the day, slumped infront of the telly Blawith and Torver Commons- despite the nearly head high dozing off. is one of the most technically braken, was had by fresher. Then as you flick through the and phisically demanding in Jenny Keeling who finished channels you bump into 'Escape the country,. second. to Victory's umpteenth screening. LUOC rose to the challenge of LUOC attribute these You've seen it 100 times before. the National Event - excellent results to their you know for several 1000 incorporating the Northern intensive training regime reasons it's the worst film you've Championships - with which is now paying off. These ever seen but you've got to watch panache and style. excellent runs bode well for the it just one more time. Freshers. Steve Hall and BUSF championship in a Its worth dissecting this cross between Match of thd.Day and Nick Cooper had excellent months time. Leeds University in action Colditz just for a bloody good laugh. The acting is dire. Bobby Moore might have been able to deal with Pele but he certainly LEEDS EFFORTS FAIL TO PAY OFF couldn't control the line "This ain't bad a bit like the Savoy" on viewing his new POW barrack'.. Twenty-six universities Karate There's Michael Caine. attended this two day event, and supposedly England's pre-war by the standard of competition was captain who's Sunday morning very high. with Cambridge Andrew Whitmarsh centre half's gut is bigger than the conclusively winning the team rest of the team. he weekend of the 19th- events. ta. Pete plays the overused racial T20th of February saw Leeds did not fare so well, stereotype who allegedly learnt Leeds University Karate despite good efforts in both the his footballing skills. "juggling Club take part in the 1994 team and individual oranges on the streets of British Universities Sport competitions. Jason Fong is to Trinidad_Man". Federation Karate be congratulated for gaining 4th Oh yes to top it all off there's Championships at the place in the Junior Men's Kata Sylvester Stallone. playing a University of Glamorgan. with an innovative performance muscular, brash, misunderstood near Cardiff. of'Hcian Yondalf yank ter...no change there then). Several thing make this a [oust for all football fans. There's the scene where, at half-time. Russell Osman utters the immortal line "Hang on a minute lads. we can win this" and the Please drop all sports lads duly forego freedom and against all odds gain a draw. reports in by 5pm There's is the fighting spirit Overseas Secretary with which the allied team on Monday. overcome the bias refacing and strong arm tactics of the Germans There's Pele's bicycle kick to score the equaliser_ There's Julianne Johnsen Anyone intrested in Stallone who overcomes his innate inability to play in goal to becoming a sports writer save the German's last minute Can be contacted through Exec. penalty. pleases contact Richard or Maybe I'm just a sad, lonely Available Wednesday 1-2pm individual trying to find some purpose to my life by placing Roger on 434727 or 314251, football above all else, but hey. for more information. who cares..? Adolf Hitler your YOUR STUDENT UNION SERVING YOU boys took one hell of a beating ' R-Dorneneghetti

Typeset in house. Output by Onent Script, 35 Cromer Terrace, Headingley, Leeds LS2 9W. Printed by Yorkshire Communications Group. 17A Monckton Rd. Wakefield , WF2 7AL.