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AND LEEDS Generaii 4Ld^ER TISER ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ " ' ' : " ' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ - ' " ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ " ¦ " ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' " - " ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - • . - - " - ¦ " ¦ - • - ¦ - - ¦ - ; - ¦ ; ;V; ¦ ^ - ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ; "\ . ¦ ¦ ¦ - - - - ¦ -- : - : -'; . - - . -:- . .¦ : ¦ • • • ¦ : ¦ . : : .: - . - : : ; , . : . ; . %. ' ,, . ; j rT^f I . ¦ ¦ ¦ X^ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ' ¦ • " ¦ . ¦ ;¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ .. : . ' ' . - £/ ¦ ' / ^^ < j/? 4 f F' AND LEED S GENER AIi 4lD^ER TISER . ' ,, ^' 1 SATURDAY, AUGI ^,l# •' J -^^ g r ^ ^ S S ^ . WORKS PUBLISHED BY G. BERGER, AKEN UP 1 .>¦ le-t, , rp X oa Stocks Moor, on the 13th TH& Creditor/ o* "tdWAltf* fiARKEB has no firmer Defender. Tbe People have neither SOUTH LANCASHIRE I>EMONSTRATlO|f; W HOLYWELL STREET, STRAND. , . A _ of AogTOt4a8t, A LARGE QUANTITY OF O Representative or Leader like Oastler- at once HOUSE hi a S ULBY, formerly of 4, John-Street, Spa Monday last, a meeting was held at tWPtrfBt 1 GOOD Ajjenstaned BEEB , STOCKIN GS. Any person laying claim to the Fields, then of 16, Frederick's Place -competent to the mighty task, and equal to tbe emer- ON and at a low Talnation above , Goswell Road ; deal. Union Rooms, R«HaTr»Biwlding^ Market- -&¦¦&*'rite otnaooa , (proving them by, their Description,) may then of 3, Upper £shley Street, Northampton gency of the times. street, Manebester, at which < delegates from thir. apply at Mr. Hopkik6on's, brazier, GOIfSFMPTiON CUR1ELE , have them, on application to I« partrculsrs Mr. Jacob Hudson, Square; ana of 13, Ossulston Street , Soinefs Town, The questioa now is-—whether Constitutional following districts attended. ; r ' • . fjsefc^treet, Shambles, Leeds. Twentieth Edition, Price Two Pence, Constable of Kexbro', after paying all reason- all in Middlesex, clerk to Messrs. liberty on the one hand, and individual security, as able expenceg. , Hicks and Dean, No. I. STGCKPpRT DISTRICT. , Also two other* will be to LET shortly. - By H. Conorsvs. of 5, Gray 's Inn Square, Middlesex, Attorneys at its consequence, on the otherT-^are much longer to Law and Solicitors ; then of exist. The one has been aimed at, and if struck Heatoa Norns, Bnonfegtoo, r\BSEBTATIONS on Asthma Consumption , Yann in the county , of York, Clerk to Mr. Garbn tt, of Tarm aforesaid down, the other will shortly share its fall. The right Stock port, ; Laiiesome, . RETURN OP THE \J and other Disorders of the Lungs ; Cough, . ':¦ ' ¦?¦ ¦ Attorney at Law and Solicitor ; then of 5, George's to property cannot possibly survive the denial of Cheadle, . Wimahw* . p0BCB£S7SS LABOUBEES! Sbortnans of Breath, &c. This Pamphlet, addressed Court Briggatt> ljbertyj has MINERA , , Leeds, in the West Riding of tbe and of support, and of independence, to tie 2. HYDE DISTRICT. exclusively to the above class of sufferers , For L TERRA METALLIC, said County; of York and industrious labourer. » reached the unprecedented circulation of Twenty f illing Decayed Teeth, without hea t, p ain, or , durirg the tiine last afore- Hydev Werreth, said of No. 4, Templar Street, then of 21, Den ton Gorton. Thousand Copies ! thereby proving it to be wor- pressure ; and Incorrodibl e Mineral Teeth Bedford If the People perish, the Princes of the People , 2?ow Publishing, Price Foubpence, Place, afterwards of 14, Bedford Place, then of 7, perish with them. To Mr. Oastler the country is Gee Cross, thy of the patronage bestowed—its low price render- fixed without giving the least pain m shewing Place , Camp , then of 1, .Blenheim Square, and then indebted , for the bold and fearless declaration of „ . 3. ASHTON DISTRICT. VICTIMS OF WHIGGERY , ing it accessible to the poor. any fast ening of 36 Albion Street, THE whatever. , all in Leeds aforesaid, and wholesome truths on this subject, which, if embraced Droylsden, Mottram, . ¦ ¦ BE1XG A STATEKEST O? THB ' - - - - i late of Bdrwick-in-Elmet, in the West; Riding of and acted upon, may yet Save the nation. Follpw- Audenshaw, Glossop, - ¦ ¦y£j£r ?sbskcutios experienced by the dorchester the said Counfy( oF York, Attorney at Law and ihg in the steps of his friend aud coadjutor , the Hoofey Hill, Mdseley, / Labourers, THE MOTHER'S MANUAL, 1EB2>S AND Solicitor,' late. CJerk to the Trustees of the Xeeds talented zealous and patriotic Sadler that Dukenfield , Newtouwood . Or every mother her own Physician. HUDDERSFIELD. , , , Mar^ , ah account of vak dismay's land, Corn Exchange Buildings, and late Agent to the tyr to benevolent exertions, he has sought to bring Anhtonj Hartshead,' ~ WITH THE By H. Coxgrby-e. i Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company, an the Agricultural and Manuf»cturing interests to a Stalybndge, Kn«tlane3» HORRORS OF TRANSPORTATION, Insolvent Debtor, are requested to meet at tbe office A Treatise on the disorders occurring in the early 1 right knowledge of the common principles of political 4. OLDHAM DISTRICT. "DBTELOPED MR. ESKELL , of Mr. Thomas Robinson, S6lic|tbr No. 8, wisdom and justice which oug TTTLLY j .«tajies of infan cy, particularly ar tbe period of cutting ! > , ht to regulate ah men, Oldham Hirst's Yard, Briggafe , Leeds, oh. Tu esdaY, the everywhere alike. He has toiled long and bard to , Cbadderton, GEOBGE LOVELESS their teeth, with the means of preventing convulsions, Surgeon Dentist, of No. 12J, Park Roie CroHipton, Saddleworth, BY , , Leeds, Eleventh day of September next, at twelve re-uhke the Labourer and tbe Landlord, the Work- OKI OF THE VICTIMS. fi tu, &c., consequent on that painful operation . Roy tun, Dobcross, TVESPECTFULLY announces that he'js b'Clock at Noon of the same day precisely, for the man and the Master, the Peers and..'' the- People: Lee8, Hollinwood ** Suggestions and advice, well worthy the atten- . on a an Assignee or , XV Professional vi4t to Huddersfield, and , for the purpose of choosing . Assignees, of shewing each that, unless all are friends, they must, Austerland, Rtiaradenj tion of every mother." —Nottingham Review. ' . ¦ better accommodation of his friend? hag made the said Iniolyent'si Estate *nd Effects. .;, and will, eventually destroy one another. ' .. ., ; .Failsworth, \ Mm J **tPttitutotd , Pnce One Penny, Price SixPBUca, witii an Engraving. , ar- ; tbe c&tecbjsm: »s»»grro«rt» to attend that place j ana may be coo- The crisis baa arrived, afld his country noW talia 5. ROCHDALE DISTRICT. Sold wholesale«nd retail by J. Bobson , Northeru -ulted io »ll th«braBcbe«{rfI)EN.TALSUfiGERY voon him to come forward, and either in the 3 ate - - OF THB Star Office , Leeds, and by aU the Vendors of that as follows, until furthej notice:— 1 fraroSAL SlJBStJKlPfION, or out of it, as Providence shall determine, to be the Middleton , Butterworth, Journal ; also, by all Vendors of cheap periodical* instrument of giritig National exprettsion, and Spi/tlana*, Rochdale, HEW MOML WOULD. hout the couptry Agents may be supplied FOR THE PURCHASE OF A National authority to tbe views he has so zealousl Casdeton, Wardlf month, throug EVERY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, y, BY ROBERT OWEN. with Show or Posting Bills on application to the and unceasingl whilst in a private station im- Whitworth, Todniorden. , AT MRS. BENNET'S y, , This daj is published, Price One Penny, publisher, or to Mr. Hohson. , YORK PLACE ; FREEHOLD ESTATE ANNUITY, pressed upon his fel)ow-eountrymei«. THE LABOURER'S REWARD ; or, THE And every Monday , Tuesday , Friday and OR SUCH OTHER INVESTMENT AS A COM MITTEE To enable him to do this effectually, it is resolved 6. BURY DISTRICT. FOOD DIET-TABLE, a» promd- , COARSER INFANTILE DISEASES REMOVED. Saturday , at his Residence, 12£, Park Row, to promote a subscription , in which ALL—Nobles, Prestwich, Tottiiigtbn, pied by the POOR-LAW COMMISSION ERS. AP POINTED BY AND FROM THE SUBSCRIBERS , Clergy, and all of every rank connected .with the Pilkiugton, Elum, has been well and truly observed that he who ..eeds. IT " SHALL DEEM MOST ADVISABLE Landed' Interest and Merchan Manufacturers Ratcliffe, Waliuersley, • • This Table published on a broad sheet, males two blades of grass to grow where but ; , ts, , , i* XNCORROSIBX^ MINERAL ": TEETH, and Operatives dependant upon Commerce will Bury, Heywood. Bd contains an "Appeal to the Labouring Men ¦one grew before, is a real benefactor to his country." , TO BE PRESENTED TO oin with equal ardour as the pledge of thei r 7. BOLTON DISTRICT. ef England," that should be read in every Cottajje Can any eulogy, therefore bs too high for that From one to a comp lete Set, which are not only j , , patriotic zeal for the common good an d to purchase Bid Workshop in the Kingdom. man,- .who with the blessing of God ii» enabled , Indestructible, but also incap able of , Clifton, Turton, , , RICHARD OiLSTLER a Freehold Estate Annaity, or other eligible nouree Halshaw Moor, Horwich every year of his life, to rescue many thousands of Discolouration. , , , Just published, Pnce Threepence, of Income, to be presented to Mr. Oastler, as tbe Ring.eybridge, Little Bolton. " his felloK--crearure» from an early grave? To Enable that Gentleman to Devote Himself TRACTS on REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT Amongst the advantages of Mr. ESKELL'S Constitutional Defender, not merely of tbe lawful 8. LEIG H DISTRICT. By D, USE ATKINSON'S INFANT'S PRESER- System one of the Entirely to Publie Life , as the Equal Fri end of Oft NATIONAL EDUCATION R. , principal is, that it confers the rights of the rich, but also of the prior, and more Lei sjlscis Wbjgbt. VATIVE 3 J! gh, . Tildsley, Qwts and f powers of the mast distinct articulation , arid submits the Rich a?id Poor, on the Principles of saored rights ol the poor to the comforts of life, Pennington, Bedford, this as really an advantage of" the utmost Price Twopence each, Might be chalked upon every wall in town or importance ; CHRIS TIANIT Y, JUST ICE AND And the independent possession of all the blessings Atherton, W orsley, country ; but as this Medicine has not attained it ' s but when , to it in added the capability of biting the , of Constitutional Freedom. Let the people now do Chowbent, Sminton. ¦ HOPES and DESTINIES of the HUMAN celebrity (a celebrity of Fifty Years standing,) from hardest substance, without pain ; though' la>£, not HU MANITY.
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